FRtDAT, NOVEMBER 9, IWBT .1- fiilltirm it Manchester Evening Herald Averago Daily Cireolatlon The Weather For the Month of October^ IM S Foreeeet of I'.- S. Weather Bnreec ------/ , Cloady, oceealonal rata tonight: 8,995 poaetUy mixed with a UtUe anew Member of the Audit end eontinning Sunday; ranch polder -tonight end Snndey. HALE'S SELF SERVE B n re u of Otrenlatloas The Original In New England! Chesterfield Manchester— ’/4 City of Village Charm SATURDAY SPECIALS! VOL. LXV„NO. 3« (OleeaWled Advertlstat on Pega Id ) M ANCHESTER, CO N N „ S A T U R D A Y , NO VE M B ER 10,1945 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE I'HKKE CKN'm] Stamps Given With Cash Sales! Flaming Death in Army Plane Crash O o M B M a l COATS British Units Open Heavy Battle Along Flour _ _ _ _ 25>lb. bag $1.29 «,4l'U! ■Trr-Tsr •■’A A brand new a.ssortment qf fine coats V' 'vV')- ,iV'V ■ . ■■ I >4 Pouii4 Box Plll»bory’» in 100%. Virgin Wool in Black and F ,. 'V. - it- 1. 2 boxes 25c Brown. Some with stitched lapels. Soerabaj a Attack; Pancake Flour All sizes.* ' V , Preato or gnooheen ■«/ Great Chinese Wall; Cake Flour Ige. box 25c Full Scale Conflict Mazola Oil gal. $1.98 to $ 4 0 . 9 8 Yanks Will Not Ai Pea Beans 5 lb. bag|55c donesian National- ! To Stir Revolt Wedemeyer Predicts All Jap Premier Artillery and Heavy Moi Red Kidney Beans lb.(12c isti; Natives Evacuat-j United States Forces tors in Action Fii California ing Families; Planes j Just W orking W ill Be Out of China Views Allied Time in Gvil W* Baby Lima Beans 2 lbs. 29c Bomb City’s Buildings By Early Spring; As­ New Gashes Alot Counttrj- Club - Clki|Oot Club - Olamonrt - Thorpe Says Natives serts Flatly Americans Moves Fair Main C3iinwangtao«P« Llcht Rock or Canton (ccupation aa the reault White Corn ^ail to Agrep on Meth- And, he added, "w e won’t be o f dlaaatroua defeat, we can’t help troops, landed from Amer Foreign - Minister Soebardjo of Allies, by arousing native popula­ forged by employes of the able to move Chinese troops to the United States today amid In­ aome feeling of bitterneaa,’’ he transports here,, have been deploj the iinrecogntzed "Indonesian re­ tions to revolt against colonial od by Which Plant Manchuria by air. ' The Chinese dications he -.will be asked for hls automotiveindustry’s “big, told me. “ But we can alao hope it ed for daya before Shanhailn Pumpkin for Pie No.‘2^ can 19c public" said the telephone manager rule, on the theory they would in­ themselves can do that” a t Soerabaja had reported that the spire the pity o f some Allied na­ views In the . increasingly bitter three"— General Motor s ,!’ Personnel to Enter w ill prove a hleaaing In dtaguiae. where Communists of the E li Want To Buy Mora Planes Valvita AD Oreen nattvea there apparently had de­ tions for the underdog. controversy over consolidation on Fohl and Chrysler—in ^p- "There la a terribly dark time Route Arm y are in control the armed forces.. Stamford Factory. The Chinese, he explained, have ahead, but fa r In the future per- cided to carry out a "scorched Results Came After War port of their demand for a strongly entrenched. Asparagus No. 2 can 19c V m earth” policy In their fight. This Annoimcement from Elsenhow­ already obtained 20 American hapa we can aee the light and The general said the program 30 per cent wage rate in­ transport planes and want to buy hope for better daya. I'm trying to The new clashes along the < Mcount would Indicate that the er’s Frankfurt headquarters that Stamford, Nov. 10— Nego­ wangtao-Pelplng roll line waa far more successful than the he will “appear before committees crease. CIO United Auto 50 more. Asked how many surplus inatigate In iny people courage to Bed MIU Homogeiilxed natives had little hope of stand­ tiation of the isauss in the labor south o f Pettaiho junction, whe Japanese realised but the results of Congress” came only a few Workers leaders have emphasized American planes were' available In face the future and now I believe ing and fighting in the city. the Nationalists have estsbU came after thd war. hours before he secretary of the that despite the big majorities in controversy between the Interna­ the theater for purchase by the there la aome revival o f our aplrita Peanut Butter 10 oz. glass 19c Native Reelstanoe Growing on aid station to handle A British spokesman said the The propaganda did not have a Navy protested to the secretary of strike votes favoring a work stop­ tional Association of Machinists Chinese, Wedemeyer said he. did from utter deapair. Thia defeat MOvar Laae X- natives were putting up a grow­ chance to become effective in the war utterancea by Ueur. Gen. page if necessary to gain the (A F L ) and the Yale & Towne Mfg. not know, that an Army-Navy li­ waa a terrible calamity, but that'a wounded being brought in. I t quidation board Is disposing o f sur­ wrar. W e can only hope it will prove reported that the 0>mmimlato ' ing resistance. The Nationalists re­ Philippines, Thorpe said. James H. Doolittle during testi­ union's wage demands, e very . ef­ Co. stood balked today by the fail­ plus goods In China, saVe for med­ a leaaon that w ill lead ua to a bet­ ambushed a NaUonallat plal Dill Pickles or Pepper Relish ported that many Indonesians were Some propagandists had already mony In support of the merger fort will be made to settle the dis­ ure of representatives of each to ical supplies bought by the United ter future." and annihilated it, but there killed or wounded. been arrested and returned to proposal. pute peaceably. agree on the method by which cer­ Nations Relief and Rehabilitations Shidehara waa ambaaaador to no definite confirmation by Aa ^ pint jar 23c A t atsk,e In the developing fight­ their varloiw Asiatic governments, Secretary Forreatal told Secre­ Favor Strike 11 to I tain members o f the plant person­ commission. Waahington in the early 1920a and can aources. \ ing. is control of the rich Nether­ but hundreds o f others had not yet tary Patterson In a letter "If we Ford W'orkers were the last In nel were to cross the picket lines. Other sources had estimated the then gained fame aa foreign min- Three Chinese Found Bangod MhaaMviv l « x ar Oamay< / lands Blast Indies with a popula­ been apprehended, because "they allow an honest difference over the “big three” to record their The company insists that a .supply of surplus planes in the iater In a aerlea o f liberal cablneta. Three Chinese were found I tion o f 41,000,000 Ihdoneelana. The won't get three Square m eals^ a principal to degenerate Into an ex­ sentimenta in a government-con­ group of workers It has designat­ native KatlonaUsts are seeking theater as low as 1,000.. Ho went Into eclipae In December, ed in the Peitaibo railroad ya Soap ______i 3 bars 19c day from us,” as some collabora­ change of personalities, we shall ducted 'election. They sanctioned ed as "management personnel” be 1931, after the mllitartata, having freedom from Dutch colonial con­ do Irreparable harm to the end a strike by an 11-1 margin, com­ To Assist In Repatriation which are 15 miles south o f trol. . tionists in the Philippines did permitted to cross the lines on reg­ begun the conqueat o f Manchuria, r ar Dixie while loyal Filipinos went hungry. which we all seek In the name of pared With the 8 to 1 approval uf ulation company passes or badges. The American commander em­ toppled the iM t guch governmenta A sizable force of Kuomli Ueut. Oen. Sir Philip Chrlstison, national security: The comrade­ phasized. however, that the Unit­ troops are encamped at the ju . . V. - V a walkout given * by General Mo­ The union, however,' insists that from power. He inalata he and hla Aille^ commandcf* in the Islands, Espionage Efforts Poor tlon at a guard and a amall Ojeomarggrine lb. 35c il. ' / ship o f all branches of the armed tors employes and 6 to 1 by certain workers . be permitted ed States would continue to assist coUeaguea were powerleaa to atand He continued that , American services.” in the repatriation ^of Japanese tachment of American Marinaa : Intelligence authorities were flat­ Chrysler unionists. Not all of the across the lines only on passes is­ against the Army’a determination (Oonttaned oa Pag* nght) Admirals Fall To Agree from the Chinese theater, but that to seize power. That was the be­ the First division are blllei tered during the war Ity their abil­ employes in the motor plants bal­ sued by the union. American forces would remain ginning of the end which led to there. ity to keep a check on Japanese While Doolittle was before the loted. ^ Because of this stalemate, the Mince Meat 2 lb. jar 35c Senate Military committee yester­ ‘‘non-partisan” as far ms the strife utter catastrophe 14 years later. There have been no new in Espionage efforts, which he added, The National Labor Relations conference in Mayor Charles R day Senator Hill (D-Aia.) re­ Moore's office Friday ended with between the Ontral government Shidehara made it obvious that dents involving Marines in oeldcd’a / V "wasn't very good.” Boai-d announced that of 150,000 Wants to See marked’ that Admiral Chester W. “ no accomplishments,” in the and the Communists Is concerned. he BtlU thinks largely In terms of past few days and no Ms The Nipponese espionage wasn’t Ford Motor Company employes White Blouses, Rnyon Crepe, Jersettes with short sleeves Nim itz had said sea power brought words of the mayor. Wedemeyer expressed regret the Uberaliam of the 1920s when have been wounded. snd taggoU trim. ' Jewelry neckline with stitched pleating. organized soon enough and appar­ the vote in favor o f a strike was Mustard reg. size jar 11c surrender of the Japanese, and Refuse To Cross Pleket IJnee about Isolated clashes between facing the task of carrying out The presence of the Amerie High neckline with ruffling. Square neckline with embroideiy 42,235 to 3,951 against. I Stimson Diary ently had no long-range plan. Admiral Mark Mitscher had cred­ Approximately 2.700 workers "m y men and dissident groups,” the revolutionary changes Mao- however, prevented the Cornmndl Oro-Pup' trim. Plain tailored classic shirt, short sleeves. Long sleeve of Not Optimistic On Results / It. was r e p o r t^ he said, that ited Navy carrier-based airplanes struck Wednesday, seeking a clos­ but asserted that In no Instance Arthur dictated when Shidehara ists from carrying out an intend| T white yi'ith colored coin dots. Plain tailored cotton, short to sheer $3-98 Japanese espionage parties had with winning the Pacific air war. W age negotiations between the ed shop, check-off. 30 per cent In­ had the Americans taken the Ini­ assumed office. On O ct 11 the ed attack on the village o f Dog Food 1 lb., 9 oz. pkg. 23c eves. /Long sleeve with embroidery, trim. Stripe chambray, sleev Fergusbn Desires to Ex­ been started for Australia, but Said the formeif Eighth Air CIO -U AW and General Motors ad­ crease in pay and top seniorltv for. tiative. Allied commander handed him a blue,le, ros4, tan. Long sleeve Dotted Swiss, short sleeves. Sizes list of sweeping changes In the they never got there. Force commander: ' journed yesterday In Detroit and union renresentatlves. In addition! The general said that U .‘S. Ma­ (Continued on Page EighS) . Nabieco 32 to 38/ Dric of Japanese life and de- amine Record Before Thorpe concluded with a state­ "Admiral Nimitz I and Admiral will be resumed Nov. 15. Neither about 600 office^ workers, , them­ rines would not land at other areas managemant nor union was opti­ uided that the premier effectu­ ment that a new list of Japanese Mitscher are great commanders, selves not on strike, have refused in China nor move to any other Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 23c M V i Public Hearing Quiz mistic as to the possible result. ate them. These included emanci- war criminals la being prepared. but this war was won by team­ to cross the picket Ilnta since points within the country from Stockholders of Higgins Indus­ pjation o f wbmen, encouragement Freeh He declined to amplify the state­ work. Thursday morning. !' \ •//-^ t f % Washington^ Noy. 10— (fP)— Sen­ tries, Inc., backed up Andrew H ig­ of labor unionization, liberaliza­ ment. "Each of the three agencies qid Jerome Sturm, a union attorney, ' (Continued on Page Right) , Sr., In ordering out of jsourt tion of education, abolition of rule Spinach 3 lb. peck 25c ator Ferguson (A-M lcb) disclosed its best. N o single agency alone told the conference that the strik­ Flashes! today he has asked counsel for the liquidation o f the big New Or'- by the secret police and disaolu- was responsible. ers would return to their jobs "at il.ate BuMrtimi ol the >Pi Wire 1 1 Senate-House Pearl Harbor In­ leans shipbuilding concern. Pres­ tion o f the old > economic monopo­ Freeh "I do feel very strongly It was once,” provided the comnany wou'd quiry committee to obtain the of- ident Higgins and Morris Gottes- lies and great concentrations of Tight Housilig not seapower that compiled Ja­ agree to arbitrate the issues. F. V- mann, secretary-treasurer, . were Expect Attlee wealth. In addition, Shidehara was Tempera Flore In Debate neial diary of Former Secretary pan to sue fo r peace. And that it Carroll Taylor, a comnany attor­ Sweet Potatoes £ jb s . 25c ^lesignated liquidators to carry out required to take over the tasks Brussels, Nov. 10—/g'J—T o f W ar Stimson. ~ was not carrier strength that won ney, said, however, the company Ferguson told a reporter he the air war. existing contracts if possible,. which MacArthur already had Im­ neni flared and the corridora Freeh Supply Ahead would not negotiate until the man­ In Washington posed on hls predecessor. Prince % ■ wants to read the day-by-day ac­ Gottesmann said completion of an with arcuNiitlons today when CaS “ Our B-29 boys are resting un­ agement bersonnel was permitted count o f SUmaon's official acta be­ estimated $5,000,000 worth of con­ Naruhlko Higashi-Kunl. These In­ ollc Party members In nnrila Cauliflower ea. 19c easily in their graves as a result through the nlcket lines. fore he cross-examines the former tracts would provide jobs for about cluded a revision of the constitu­ tary debate attacked the Bel* of these two comments.” The major’s conference was at­ cabinet member on testimony 3|000,000 Families Will 1.000 person^. Due Today for Historic tion to give democratic forces full government for onnesine tho . Freeh, Lona, Green Forrestal said in his letter to tended by officials and attorne'/s Stimson is expeeted to give ip ­ Patterson L play and to effectuate full free­ turn of Klnrr i'eo-''!d to hls th Be Forced to ^Double Future Plans In D.oubt of the untop and by officials of . Conference on Atomic dom o f the press and all other lic hearings. "Hypocrisy" Stand Hit fldmond Ronre. first snoke Cucumbers 2 J b s . 25c Future plans o f industrialist both the Stamford and the struck means o f public information and “ I didn't know how 1 could cross Up’ During Next Year Higgins were in doubt. He shut Bomb With Truman for f- e r-athMI" rart--. ecct*w»4 I "General Doolittle also referred Philadelphia plqnts atul their at- discussion. . Freeh examine him Intelligently without 0*8191 Premier A r’-IPe Van %cke Hats $2.98 and $3.98 to arguments advanced by Wit­ down hls three strlkcTbound plants tornevs'. Interoatlonal^Vlce Presi­ Whether Shidehara is capable having a chance to see such rec­ - Washington. Nov.' 10—(/P)—At nesses before the committee as Nov. 1 and the stockholders, ap­ of nreparln" a SocMlst revob ords in advance,” the Michigan dent Samuel L. Newm jn of lA M Bulletin! Btinnrrs-'nr freedom of s''~'ch^ Mushrooms lb. 65c Sequin Trimmed and Some Veiling. least 8,000,000 American families proving the action, extended hls also was present. (Continued on Page Tw o) senator said. (Continued on Page Two) liquidation order to the firm’s sub­ Washington, Nov. 10—(/lb— evading hls ronsM'r'tlnnal dtitle General Manager William Hoyt Freeh Yelloiv Globe He asked WUllam D. Mitchell, — Including those o f 1,000,000 war sidiaries'as well. The firm had Prime hUnIster Attlee arriv­ • • * assorted the company "docsn t the.. counsel, to request the W ar veterans—must "double up” with advertised ^ program for assem­ ed In Washington today for Hoidu-* Suseect Held want to smash the picket line," Turnips___ 6 lbs. 25c department for the diary. two other families In order to have liv­ bly-line production of pcacertime atom bomb ta lk » with - Presl- Brld-report. Nov. 10— (/IV— We but said it was essential for man­ dfnt Truman and Prime Min­ French Regain weeks a^o, but has not yet re­ ing accomrhodatiohs In 1946. Urges Control pleasure boat*,' boasting a back-log tifled bv an intended hnidnp Freeh New Jeweled Hats $6.98 ceived It, Ferguson said. of $40,000,000 worto o f contracts. , agement personnel. and payroll de­ ister Mai^enzle King that tim as one o f four men who a* That's the outlook John B. Hearliyv To Begin Thursday The plants were Closed as about partment workers to enter the may shape the world’s future. Cambodia Link tempted to rob him early to Radilshes . bch. 5c Senator Lucas ■ pause to pull all ‘loose ends" o f Its mayors of aU cities of more than nefrotiate a new contract)< the National airport. Ho left a technical brea-h of the investigation together after it has Urges Strike Action ’ . Sturm said the union was will­ EngUnd at 1:80 p. m.. (e.s.t.) Qccupy Tay Ninh 16 chanro and hla"ed under the 25,007 po'pulatlon along with a Wants Stations to An­ ing to have certain workers cross Mixed Nuts lb. 55c had about a month'of public hear­ CIO United Steel Workers rep­ yrqtenlay, flying by the way of $3,000 prodlng eltv court warning of "a continued tight the. picket line but insisted they Opien Overland Way ings. Heiarings begin next Thurs­ housing supply” next’ year. nounce Whether Nevfs resentatives from 80 plants Iti of Newfoundland. ralgnment The nrres* toHowel day. western New York snd northern use passes Issued for that purpose cgninlalnt bv Jrhn tVrI.-ht. of 476,000 Units IM 8 Goal by th.$ union as a m'eans of keep­ To Food - Rich Area Committee ChalrmUi Barkley He said about 1,000,000 families Or Opinions Given Pennsylvania last night heard the Waahington, Nov. 10 — (/P) — nea~'n' stre-t. B-eo’-T'-n. N. Fg ing a check on plant personnel. - (D -K y.) concurred, saying the are living doubled up now and that union's district director, Joseph P. Prime Minister Attlee is due in r.’bo cnrr«-r’ ‘ es to'’ r-ork In. HEALTH MARKET HEAUTIFUL QUILTED minority then could bring up any Sturm charged that the com­ Saigon, Indo-Cbina. Nov. 9— (de-' SHEER "preliminary estimates show that Washington, Nov. 10— (JP)— Leg­ Molqpy,_ urge strike action because Washington today for st historic ^i-d^eeort r ’ '’ nt pany was attempting to use the layed) — UP) — An overpowering m atter it thinks baa not received another 2,000,000 families must islation providing for stricter su­ ‘labor was getting nowhere In Its • • • Freeh NativeS'ative mayor and ’ the Stamford Police conference with President Truman French force equipped with lend- sufficient attention. double up by Dec. 31. 1946, unless pervision of radio broadcasters efforts to obtain wage increases.” .tlbonian Reglmo Recognized ROBES of PRINTED S ATIN The suggestion was offered aft­ department as “ strike breakers"" and Prime Minister Mackenzie leascd tanks of American manu­ • g thler light can be i^eved by a took shape and encountered oppo­ A strike vote in the steel Industry London, Nov. 10—/AV—Tho B* in attempting to get the manage­ King on the atomic bomb. facture yesterday ,, occupied Tay er Ferguson and Senator Brewster far greater volume o f new hous­ sition simultaneously today. . has been called for Nov. 28. The l»h government njinonncrf ^ ‘ Roasting Chickens lb. 45c An appreciated gift for school or home wear,-for the coming cold ment personnel through the lines. The Ulks wUl begin Sunday Ninh, 58 miles northwest ,of Sai­ HOSIERY (R., Me.), protested against ing than anyone considers possi­ Ernest Adamson, counsel of the union Is seeking a $2 wage in­ ita recognition of the ,, GIFT weather o r Christmas gifts. Assorted colors and sizes. terms of a new executive order The mayor said that the city of aboard the yacht Sequoia on the gon, opening the first overland link ble.” Ihls would be beyond a goal House committee Investigating un- crease: with food-rich Cambodia. government o f Premier Col. signed by President Truman to o f 475,000 Units hoped to be com­ The N avy relinquished control Stamford w’aa "ready, able and Potomac river. Enver Hoxho, an action token Amencan actiyltlea, told a report­ Despite speculation in Britain Although the French were make evidence available to the In­ pleted in 1946. s e ii^ ‘ willing to see that anybody who spite -Greek objections. Tk* er he' Is preparing for committee of three Ohio oil refineries that Generalissimo Stalin might knowm to be utilizing U. S.-made Plump Fowl lb. 39c APRONS vestigating group. Saying at least a million families — ;— I wants to get into the factory will nouncement sold recognition \...... consideration a bill specifying take part in the meeting, both the equipment, French authorities de­ First quality, 45 The preiatdent previously had of veterans ."wlU have accommoda­ (Continued on Pnge Eight) I get in.” granted with the underst that: White House and Attlee’s office clined to furnish details or esti­ We were amazed ourselves when we inventoried our $10.98 to $16-98 requested agency heads to permit tions In the preMntly occupied that Hoaka Inteadod to hoM W A IS T B A N D APRONS 1. Radio stations must clearly said they knew nothing o f such a gauge sheer hosiery housing suj^ly,” Blandford de­ mate the amount of American electioaa at aa eOriy data.,.' Frosted Foods Case and realized how many different government employes to Volim- identify commentators, ' including plan. arms used by 'th e 9th and Ilth of stripe or floral print aheers and teer Information to the commit­ clared they "wnn’t find enough an announcement Whether they resentativea of the Brttlsk items of fruits and vegetables we had tb offer for your in new Fall shades. Mr. Truman said some time ago French Colonial regiments or ele­ tary mlsalon la Albopta were p erci^ a tee or its counsel. He eupplement- homes unless cities establish some sin reporting news o r opinions. he w'ould discusa atomic problems convenience. W'e suggest you keep Frosted, Foods in system .of organtatng their housing Veterans May Take Wives ments of the. veteran French 2nd deratood to have jg f M wttk ’ ed that yesterday with a request 2. Radio stations must have a first with the leaders of Britain , Sizes 8Vj to 10* 2 . supply and of giving veterans pref­ Armored division. nsler Hoxha *n''tenaa. mind while planning the family’s meals. that thfy authoriu the employes legal agent in each state, so they and Canada, which shared In war erence in turnover. Bitter Fighting Rages ' to give oral Information to indi­ qaa^'be p w aeoutod-BMrmigh the ■time development of the bomb, w d «edemt''BMrfto«s "Noedeff Bitter fighting n ic^ late Into New Poatioal JPortica Bwuirt $1.49to$2.98 NEW JEWELRY vidual ' edinffUtUb ; hMffiberii, hut courts of the state by any person Wo Gollege Without Charge latenr with other couhtrie*.^..... Fraah Ground "The fltat Immediate task, then, the night aJter the French ran In­ w m w . N ot. fi. — (Dehr* Metal Necklaces, Mcfal Brace­ added: damaged by their broadcasts. Will Last Several Days is probably the establishment of ■ ■Hw Nat'onal Cooerll of Files N et Inolnddfi — ' ' ' ' S' Diplomatic officiala said the aim to the focal point of Ammmese lets, l^pel Pina, Earrings and adequate housing referral service* Seen Unconstitutional Homeinnd. Poland's 'ee Hamburg ...... ' .00 to *8-98 "This does not include any files Marietta, O., Nov. 10— UP) '— fthe academic life ifiore easily by of the conference, which wiU last sistance in a bamboo forest lb. 27c New Pearl Chokers and Brace­ for veterans, linked closely with Rep. Enila E. Pattersop (P-Calif) body, refused today to or written msttor." ' Married veterans who return from enabling his mate to share several days, is to consider ways miles from Tay Ninh. Thi NECKBAND STYLES Plus Tax. any established ve'termns' Informa­ promptly issued a statement term­ the creation pf new poUti lets. Brewster and Ferguson assert­ combat to-classroom may take problems. of handling the-atomic bomb and said they had seised a^l’tu g e num­ Sklaleaa tion center so that a veteran can ing the. proposal "an unconstitu­ ber of importantjh$0 iw>*ats.” an ties, tiras Hmiting efBetal In a wide Maprtment of colors and ed'this must moan that govern­ tional attempt to control the air­ their wive* along to school—free To bolster war-strained mar­ policy questions on the peaceful de­ get a*-much necessary Informa­ —at Marietta college here, i velopment of atomic energy. indication thaM *»y “ hy tion to the alx new to prints. O ain^ aheers andv per­ ment employes may not talk to tion as possible a one central ways." , riages by giving the couple com­ The Institution is offering free A variety of other subjecto could covered thn^lmg-BOugbt headquar­ Slmnltoaeonaly It wan Frankfurts . Pair cales. individual committee members point” Adamson denied this. He said in mon ideas ajql experiences. that five • ( the ntyna nmn lb. 37c tuition up to six predits a semester cojne up—the whole field of Brit- ters c4^Vi*t Mlnh, Annameae na- about aitything which might be In Blandford suggested in his letter an Interview “we do not want to The ooUegt also hopes Oie plan movement. tinned Freddeat the fliee or might be written. control or gag. anyone. We just for wives of returned servicemen ish-American relations and the GREEN STAMPS that as a step to (Auro mflstlon In will help wives keep up with their troublesome questions df how* Re-opening of the land rout* .to to reoogaiae the "Na FRESH NORTHERN OYSTERS The JW.tlALfcoRii Barkley repUiMl: - prices of new and existing homes desire to prowde for eloeer regu­ studying there 'under the G. I. bill. serious-minded husbands cultural­ get on better with Russia and Cambodia will permit extra food had beea aetned hg tl G IV E N W ITH 'T h e preeldent hse done exactly that eltlies establish spprslasi bu­ lation of wild, irresponsible anal- The ides, according .to Dean W. $1.15 to $2.98 M ANCNISTM COHH* ly and provide a place for them in Ree and noegsod •< CASH SALES; reaus to give estimates .of fair Bay'wjT Irvine, SI v ss iV f is: ssi • I *' AN D CLAM S . . . . .Jvm (CimttaiNd oa Page Q fM ) (Usattaoed oa Paga l^ o ) elBta” * I ea Fags Two) ^vslusa to all prospectlya buven. (Ooattaaed »n Pago Sevoa) 1.—Tb help the veteran fit into L campiu life.

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, '*>**:y¥.,, \:::i \


T PickH Ripened Tomatoes WaiTts to See reminded of their gifts for the IP YOU BOUGHT A VICTTORY BOND IN THE PHONE- Jap Premier Croanore School in North Caro­ Center Church lAtalanohe of Bond Saleis Rockville ■ Off Vine on November 9 lina. Lest W e Forget... HOW ABOUT THAT NEW HOME A-BOND CAMPAIGN LAST NIGHT . . Stimson Diarv sf ‘Tuesday, 3:15 p. «n., Brownie Dead Honored Marks Close of Campaign PLEASE BE PATIENT ABOUT DELIVERY- Views A llied. Local home gardeners have Chtirclie& Scouts. Mrs. Herbert McKinney YOU HAVE BEEN PLANNING? Groups Meet been boasting for years about (OanMniied from Pago One) leader. early harvesting of vegetables. 6:30 p. m.. Girl Scouts, Troop 7. SEE JARVIS AT ONCE FOR EVERY DETAILI Church '*> St. James’a Roman CathoUo Moves Fail* But It remains for Charles 6ovenoat Oongreigregattonal Mrs. Hugh Bracken, leader. . and for the subscribers■i^TB was self- An unexpected and unanticipated volume of sales has what we asked him to do and that race Street Rev. WiUiam i . Dunn, Faator Special Services Tomor­ We Invite you to Inspect the materials and werkmanahlp tneor- tAMt niflit jnArked the close of This Evening Reymander, *■ of 94 School 48 Spruce 8 p. m., a Military Whist, spon-' porated Into the several new homes we now have under ooastm ^ “ f%on«-A-B(ma campaign and evident. / is to permit people In the govern­ Rev. Raynold O. Johnson, PMtor Rev. ICdmund Barrett, Aasistant slowed everything down to the point where deliveries '^Continued from Bags One) street, to furnish a late har­ Rev. Frederick McLean, Asalatant sored by Group C, Mrs', James I-es- row Evening for Boys tion. a selling ]ob those Victory 1 Just VW IIU ng vest date that is destined to- ment to volunteer any Informa­ I lie, leader. Mrs. Ernest Bengston '"This last d m c for bonds,” said cannot be completed before next Wednesday, Nov. 14. Killed in Service Pi v^luntMra do! Chairman Har- remain a record for years. tion they have." ^ Saturday—Today, 3:80 p.m.— Is chairman of the committee in Mrs. C heney/’found our orgnnlwt- Vernon 4-H CIiilis to Monday, Nov. 12, is also a holiday, which has further of holding together a cabinet com­ Second Diatrlct Sundiy School Sunday masoes: Alvord said this moming-that As Charley explains it, he For adulta: 7, 8:30, 9:45 (two charge of arrangements, with Mrs. JARVIS REALTY tion just as Willing and ready as posed largely of revived liberals He told reporters that any Re- Conference at CollinaWlle. Conn. Harry Straw serving as co-chair­ Members and friends o f Center Kthay piled up such a volume of Gather Tonight at Ver­ complicated matters. had picked what he thought masses in the upper and lower Office: 6 Dover Road ResMeneet 26 Alexander St. during war-time, which surely Is like himself and civil servants with publiceTi member could obtain 'any Rev. Raynold Johriaon,/speaker. man. ‘The prizes are in charge of church will assemble to honor and aalea that the total will not be little political background through were all of his tomatoes ^ information from any govern­ church) and at 11 o’clock. Phones 4112 or 7275 — Week Days and Sundays. loiown until Tuesday and dellver- a test of'any organisation. I have non Grange Hall Sunday, 9:60 a.m.—Church Bible Mrs. Efimer Weden, and refresh­ remember the sona they have never/Worked with such a loyal such Changes and fact post-sur­ fore the killing frost this mu. ment employe and then come-back (Children’s mass at 8:30 in low­ (< cries cannot be made before School. Laat Sunday / of Banner er. church. ments. in charge of Mrs. Rollin given to the service of their coun­ group'of women. It made no dif­ render ferments is a wide^ debat­ But three had escaped / his to the committee arid have it ask Campaign. Let every member be Hitt. ‘Ihere will be door' prizes try, Sunday night at 7:30. p.m. in naaday. The hold up in deliveries Rockville, Nov. 10— (Special)— scrutiny. They I'emalnea on ference what job they were asked ed question. He made clear, how­ for pertinent filea. present. ■ ; and one special pnze will be a per­ the sanctuary of the church. ‘They comes about because of the fact Achievement certificates will be ever, that he hopes to retain the the vine and were located in a that Monday, Arnalstlce day, is a to do, the work was done with a' 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship; St. Bridget’a R. O. manent wave, ‘This la open to the are: William Theodore Anderson, [will. 1 am grateful to every p«r- awarded by County CHub Leader Merger Views About Town office at least until elections for a sheltered portion of his gar­ jr l^fcl holiday. Sermon: “Applying youth’s Guide Rev. Jaihes E. ’rinunlns, Pastor public and reservations should be Donald Eugene Chapman, Herbert ! son who worked with us, the vol­ James T. Laidlaw at the Achieve­ new Parliament, probably early in den. Book.” Distribution • of Confirma­ i Rev. Bronislaw Oadrowokl and made )^1th Mrs. Straw. Ratenburg Gilman, Robert William | t pressca AppreHatton 1046. The consensus of Ameri­ unteers, the drivers, the typisU, Ward Cheney Camp, United A week ago, Charley walked tion Bibles. Rev. Robert J. Carroll, AsslstMts Wednesday, 10:30 a. m. to 4:30 H. Hamilton, Alton Randolph Mr. Alvord expressed his deep ment Program of the Vernon 4-H Of Eisenhower cans and Japanese Is that he is , appreciation o f the great amolint cashiers, and while I shall express Spanish War Vetertms, have been through the garden and spied 7:30 p.m.—Evenlrig service. Ser­ p. m. Red Cross sewing. Mrs. Hare, David Roy Jack, Robert ■ ! my appi'eclation to each one per­ clubs to be held this evening in not likely to eurvlve the elections NOTICE [m work that wap put int^ the invited to meet at the Center Con­ the three tomatoes begirining mon: “Personal Work.” Masses on Sunda; at 7:30, 8, 10 Eldna Case Parker, leader. All Wentworth Lucey, Frank James sonally If It is a possible thing, I the Vernon Grange hail starting at gregational church Sunday morn­ if he lasts that long. ’Th4 Jap­ to ripen. He allowed , them to and 11 a.m. women, of the church are Invited ' campaign by the Women’s Divi- Will Be Sought anese say he has been too long out Mansfield, Harvey Charles Oliver, / do want each and every one of eight o’clock. ing at 10:30 to attend the Armis­ ripen; hoping that the frost The Week to come and sew. Douglas Jacob ‘Turklngton and Ar- ; The Board of Education needs transportation for ridh of Manchester’s War Fl- them to know how much their loy­ of public life and lacks any Im­ SLN. • MON. . TUBS. ' hahea commltte under the leader- ’The group will be welcomed by tice Day service. Commander would hold off. It did and yes­ Pall Preaching Miasion, Dr. L. 2 p. m.. Shut-in committee In the thur Hammond Keeney, Jr., re­ 12 children from Birch Mountain to Highland alty and hard work has meant to (Oontlaoed from Pag* Om ) Frank Fenton also reminds the portant political support.. The terday morning Mr. Reyman- North Methodist Church pastor’s office. ! ship of Mra John C., Cheney, Jr. Norman Strong and there will be J. Person, speaker. ported missing in action. Park and Nathan Hale Schools; and for 11 me. ’Their cheerfulness In the face members of the meeting Monday Americans day that the demands dcr displayed at his restaurant James M. Gage, Minister 6:45 p. m.. Cub Scouts. Norman Said Mr. Alvord, "Since the Wom- several demonstrations including of the occupation program are Tueaday, 8:00 p.m.— "The Mes­ Mrs. D. M. Mnnett, Organist A«special brochure has been pre­ children from north end of Gardner Street to of any job. whether large or small, ‘hypocrisy.’ As civilian head of the evening In the State Armory. three large, perfectly sound sage the Church Needs to Hear.” A. Wilson, Cub Master. pared by the minister,. the Rev. en’a Division first took an active has been a tribute to the patriotic the budgeteers CJlub "How to keep naval service I should • not let likely to prove too much fo r , hie and Director 7:15 p. m., Senior Choir. Highland Park School. A station wagon .IkJMrt in War Loans their spirit has a Personal Expense Account,” by Hereafter the camp arid auxiliary and ripe tomatoes, picked off Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.—“The CUffoid O. Simpson, for use in the spirit of Anffjrican woman." charges agsinst high ranking will meet at the Armory on the physical and political strength. a vine on November 9. 8 p. m.. Social Action committee would be suitable for this transportation. . 'boon ona to maivel at, their en- Adelside StryJe.skI, Marie Atmada; if great revolutionary changes Story of the Lost Jesus-” Parents 9:30 a. m. Church School Hour. service. This has l>een made up es­ While this marks the close of Naval officers of hypocrisy or same evening. at the home of the chairman, Ev­ pecially for the families of these thtUlaam ifnbotfnded and not once an Intensive drive to sell .Bonds "How to. Lay a Pattern on Mate­ are imminent,, as most believe, it night All children and young people partisanship to the point of cal-- Sparkltnt wltn Itlrl and ’Thursday, 8:00 p.m.—-’The New erett Cross. eleven men and will be a part of Anyone interested in providing this transportation have they let down their drive to by the War Finance Committee, Il­ rial" by Marion Thrall and Norlne iousness go unnoticed-. seems likely that Shldebara is through the High school age will Mlantonomoh Tribe No. 68, f. tirit . . . tmbbneg with Birth* and What It Means." Thursday, 10:30 a. m., MancheiB- the Church’s memorial to their is invited to submit proposals to the Board if aab every Bond possible. 1 feel, as ls to bo hoped that the people of St. Louis; and "How to Cull Chick­ "But to avoid adding to the un­ alated to be the Kerensky of the find classes. ter Ministerial Asoociatlon. (to tha members of my committee, ens’’ by Vernon Agricultural club. O. R. M., at Its regular meeting He still loves to quote Shakes­ taught and mu^Cl Friday, 7:30 p.m.— "Confess to dead. Manchester will not fail in their desirable heat which it seems to new era, not its Lehin. Typical peare and other English classics to 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. 1 to 3 p. m., Pastor’s office of Education office, 1146 Main Street, Man­ that these women deserve the duty to their country. Bonds are ‘W ho’s Who in Vernon 4-H for me has already entered these de­ Monday night will initiate a "Class be as Good as you are.” Sunday Prelude— DUworth-Cornell Post No. 102, of Shldehara’B attitude toward make a point. hours. American Legion, will advance thc^ chester, Conn., before noon on Tuesday, No­ ■ (raatest credit, they have worked a splendid Investment, Bonds to 1946” will also he featured on the liberations, 1 refrain from making of candidates. ‘The local degree change la hla stand on constitu­ School night "In Heavenly Love Abiding” team baa been rehearsing for the Saturday, 6:00 p.m.—"The Story 4 p. rii., through the afternoon colors at the beginning of thaaerv-; vember 13, 194i). in all weather, under all condl- Have and to Hold that each and program with musical selections any direct reply. Moreover, the tional revision. Chorale by J. S. Bach and evening, examination and In­ timiS, tirelessly, and cheerfully. To eve'i-y one of us may have a finan­ including a saxophone solo by Navy air-sea rescue record speaks past few weeks and will put on of False Pride." Father and Son Arranged by Holler ice and retire them at thi close. "We hnd a democratic govern­ Buses to Puscoag Banquet. Make your reservations stallation service for the Rev. Allen The (Tenter (Thurch (Tholr will sing More detailed information may be secured from th m I wish to offer my heartfelt cial back-log, come what may. Roger Burke and a piano .solo by for Itself or our concern for the the degree. Members on the team ment In Jaoan under this consti­ Anthem— are requested to meet at seven before Tuesday, Nov. 13. S. Lehman of the Congregational "Battle Hymn of The Republic”’ thanks for a fine job—a job that The schools of Manchester hax’O Dorothy Saypalia. There will be B-29 crews. tution In the 1920s," he told me “Earth Does Not Hold” church in Glastonbury. Our peo­ the same, office. could never have been done suc- long.been a great source of Invest­ games and dancing. A large num­ “I question whether we should p. m. sharp Monday in Tinker To Leave Earlier Saturday, 8:30 a.m.—Ctonfirma Eric Thiman arranged by Lucas, and Mrs. Doris “We can have It again now that tion Class. ple are all welcome to attend. Mr. Roy Bull will render ’"The Lord's caasfully without their help.” ment in Bonds and War Stamps ber of Vernon young people are allow the discussion of a proposal hall. After the meeting refresti- the sinister elomente which ended Offertory— Simpson is participating in the on which our departmenta are dl-, ments Including sandwiches, Prayer’’ by Malotte. , Mrs. Cheney also expressed .<«it- and It has been announced by Su­ expected to attend the program. the democratic government have Officials of New England Trans­ A Portion of “In Memoriam' service in the evening. i^ictlon over the suecess of the perintendent of Schools, Arthur A. FonniU Aeceptanee vlded to lead ua Into impugming home-made cake and coffee will South Methodist Church . Henry Dunham The pastor has prepared a spe- been removed. I don’t eay the portation Company announced last Friday, 3:45 p. m., Children’s cfal message of memory, honor Sione-A-Bond Campaign, which Illing, that the Manchester Pub­ The following is the formal ac­ the good faith of people who dis­ bo served. constitution should not be amend­ Main Street and Hartford Road 'Postlude— Choir. , agree with us, and 1 question espe­ night that because of the advance­ and faith to these families, which Mie pointed out was new In Con- lic schools will ronfinuc the snie ceptance of Rev. Forrest Mus.scr ed. hilt -1 do believe democracy la "Komm, Susser Tod” cially whether death in any par­ ment of post time at Pascoag Race W. Ralph Ward, Jr., Minister 8 p. m., a Military Whist will be has been printed as a part o f the naeticut. its efflclency and con- of Stamps up to June 1, of Pandora. Oklo. to become pa.stor The son born to Mr. and Mrs. no.ssib1e without amendment. But Track to 12:45 o'clock, effective George O. Ashton, Organist . Chorale by J. S. Bach held in the banquet hall, sponsored vinlance, both for the Volunteers 1P4«. of the Union Congregational ticular line of duty—and the re­ The minister will speak on “The program. Following the presenta­ Martin Byrne In New York C5ty, you should understand that the Immediately, the apecial round by the Co-Weds. All church peo­ tion of this reading, there will be church to succeed Dr. George B. sultant grief at home—should be Nov. 3, has been named Bruce Day. of Destiny.” appealed to in order to advance American form of democracy Is trip busea being operated between Morning worship 10:45 |a. m. ple are invited, but Co-Wed mem­ a peripd of silence for the depart­ To The Merchants Brookes, who has been pastor of Sterling. It is the first grand­ not the onlv one. We shouldn’t Hartford, Manchester and Wllll- Prelude, “Ave Marla”—M. En­ 6:00 p. m. ‘The Yoiith Fellow­ bers are especially urged to be the church for nearly twenty any individual point of view.” child of Mrs. Mary Sterling, 103 ship will meet at the church. Hie ed, after which the congregation Haiiseti^8 Milk he reoulred to adopt the American mantlc and the track will be ad­ rico Bossl. present. Special prizes will be will join In a hymn of affirmation, Peiwnal Notices years and who resigned last Hamlin street, this town. form.” vanced 15 minutes. Buses will Processional Hymn, "God the devotions will be conducted by awarded and refreshments served. spring. Geo. Ewing and the Legend will ” 0 Love That Wilt Not Let Me Of Manchester Britain’s limited monarchy sys­ leave: Hartford, (266 Asylum Omnipotent”—A- F. Lvov. ^ Reservations must be made by Go.” Chaiigecl Hands ‘‘After due and prayerful con- Street) 9:66 a.m.; Manchester be read by Louis Warren. In Meffloriam Children of Mary Sodality of St. tem is a mote suitable nattem for Anthem, "O.Lord Most Holy"— calling 5304, 3537.* or 6635. The The choir will be under the di­ .slderatlon of the call extended to Colli tiibia James's, church will receive com­ (Center ^ a v e l Agency) 10:20 Cesar Franck. ‘The Week committee is Mr. and Mrs. John me to become your Pastor, and: Japan, he Indicated. ‘Phis would a.m., Wnilmantto (Lucky Strike rection of Frederic E. Werner, and la loving metnary of William 3. munion in a body at the seven permit retention of the emneror as Hymn, "These ‘Things Shall Monday. 7:30 p. m. ‘The reg­ Mortimer, chairmen; Mr., and Mrs. Mrs. Everett Miner will preside at Taylor, who died November 11, 1943. Hansen’s Milk Bar, located at realizing the significance of the' ‘The farmers from the towns of o’clock mass tomorrow morning Terminal) 10:55 a.m.; to arrvle at Be” —Psalmodia. Merrill Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Allen opportunity for Christian service a constitutional monarch. A claus* 12:15 p.m. ular Council meeting. ‘This will the organ. P errett & G leim ey> c. the comer of Main and Haynes Mansfield, Coventry, Bolton, An­ The monthly meeting will be held Offertory Anthem, "A Song In be an jm p q ^ n t meeting so every­ Belcher, Mr. and Mrs. George "In our hearts he llreth sflll.” In your church and. community. I ir> the present eonstltutton- saying On Monday, November ig, only, ence and Health with Key to,..the' will be omitted and a service will streets, has been sold to Richard at 3:30 in the afternoon, when a the emneror Is "Sacred and invio­ €h'e'NigKt'*^-^.Huhli«ft6n-W0®d. one Is reqiieated to Se on {ime. Helm.' -Mr; amd "Mrs." Robert Mc- have decided to accept the res^n- dover, Hebron and Columbia met races will start at 12:30 p.m.. and JOAN DAVIS Comb, Jr. Scriptures,’.’ by Mary Baker Ecldy, be held at eight o’clock, at which Wife and Sons. A. Ducharme of Wllilmantic by drawing for the WaY Bund will late” really Is nothing more. Rhlde- Sermon, "Disciplines of the 7:00 p. m. ‘The Youth Fellow­ Clayton V. Hansen, the present slblllty. I am In full accord with at Yeomans Hall Thursday g e ­ take place. All members are New England Transportation Peace"—Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the include the following (p. 522): Chaplain Dudley Burr will speak Has Resumed the agreement set forth in the call hara argued, than the British Buses will operate' 16 minutes ship will have an evening at the on his experiences overseas. MANCHESTER AND In Memoiiam owner, who first opened the bar. ning, Walter Thorpe, head of the asked to make their returns be*^ Recessional Hymn, “O Master Y. M. C. A. bowling. Lots of patriotic organizations of Man­ "Existence, separate from divin­ of the church on October 21. 1945. principle that “the king egn do earlier than shown above. JACK HALEY chester will be the guests o f Gen ity, Science explains as impossi­ This meeting will be preceded EAST HARTFORD ’The deeds transferring the prop­ Production Marketing program of ' tore the meeting. no wrong.” o f the Waking World”—J. B. fun ahead. . In loving memory of Mrs. Jennie C. erty were passed yesterday and It is with happy anticipation of .mmuk MAinu mmm umum Dykes. ter church. Special mualc will be ble.’’ by a pot luck supper at 6:15. Waters, Who died Nov. 10. l$is. fellowship and cooperation with all the U. S. Department of Agricul­ .Ntiidv Would Reqdtrw Mentha Wednesday—Methodist Night at the new owner takes over tomor­ ture in Tolland county, presiding. Mrs. Walter Howland of Nor­ TEMY-HOLUMY-mON-ilECR 'Postlude, • “Grand Jeu”—Du provided by the Senior Choir and the members of the church that I Shidehara sa'd a study of the the South .Methodist church. ‘Tur­ the pastor, the Rev.- Clifford O. Ken's Driving Daily Express Service row. t The object was to chose commu­ wich, Vermont, Is visiting Mr. and Mage (1650). -Sftt will be waiting some bright morn­ will assume this obligation on Jan- i revision, now assigned to Jojl Mnt- key dinner with a fine program of Simpson, will preach. St. Mary’s Eplwlpal ( ’him-h Salvation Army ing, nity committeemen to carry out Mrs. Robert A. Culver of 1031 4 8ENE KRUPA 9:30 a. m.—(Thurch school. uary 1. 1946. I realize that what­ sumoto, minister without port­ folk singing led by Rev. Ralph (In collaboration with the other The Rev. Alfred L. WilliamH, 661 Main Street School Masting by the waters fair, Ellery Queen, the detective nov­ the v/ork In the various towms. Tolland 'Turnpike. Mrs. Culver T T m 10:45 a. m.—Nursery in charg;e ■Ms will be waiting, tor our coming, ever my be accomplished by my folio, would require manv monthe ETHEL SMITH Seaver o f ’Thompsonville. Ward Churches o f America, he will be Rector ('apt. and Mis. B. D, Atwell Learn To Drive the elist, has the largest collection of For this area, Joseph Barrasao of entertained with a party for her and would not be completed before i a t Miss Ethyle Lyttle. Xa that land so bright and fair. ministry will be by our united ef­ guest last night. Krause will play several selec- preaching about world order. With The 24th Sunday After Trinity UommandinK Officeis Between books devoted to detective short Hebron was chosen chairman and the elections early next year. PwGuwd OEOtOf WHin 6:30 p. m.—Methodist Youth tlons on the soxaphone. ‘The Easy W ay! stories in the world. fort under the wise guidance of TODAY AND SUNDAY Fellowship. United Nations Night. the coming of the second war Ar Wank Waters and Family. God." Wlnthrop Porter, also of Hebron, Whether thia nace would aatlafy speaker of the evening will be Dr. 8:00 a. ra. Holy Communion. C!or-. Sunday: For Appointment Call: ‘The Manchester Garden club ■ Mm hf N*«A VNMmA aud MbwM Special reports from Young Peo­ miatice Day lost some of its mean­ . To Nominate Offleers vice-chairman. Delegates chosen MacArthur and the Allied govern­ TWO GREAT HITSl _ MieWto»tawdilaauid»*sa George A. Fallon ' o f Wesley ing to our generation, and the porate Communion of the Every 9:30 a, m. Sunday school. Manchester 8.115 or for the county meeting were Clair will hold its annual meeting with ple on San Francisco conference. Manchester and Hartford Membcra of Local 68. Textile ments remains to be seen. But * Church. Worcester. Mass. He Is C hu tes have suggested that No- Member Canvass committee. 11:00 a. m. HoIineRs meeting. Hartford S-IT-ig L. Robinson of Columbia and Jo­ election of officers Monday eve­ It 1* typical of ghidetiara's atti­ 6:30 p. m.—Epworth League. This an outstanding after-dinner speak-1 vember 11 9:30 a. m. Office of Instruction Workers Ufiion of America, will ning In the Robbins Room (if Cen­ group will attend the evening be World Order Sun- 7:00 p. m. Open-air meeting. Between seph Szegda, Orlumbla, alternate. tude toward his tasks; apparently er and will bring a great message. I day. Mr. Simpson will emphasize ((Children’s service), followed by 7:45 p, pi. Salvation meeting. Oi! Omp'MV hold a meeting in tlie K. of C. hall, ter church house. It will be an oarvica of worship. 8 a.m. and p.m. . 14 Park street, on Sunday, Nov. Joseph Szcgnfirmatlon ’ this To Be Candidate so high, income so uncertain and # “ GEO. WHITE’S ' W . C. T. U. wfil meet all day. Eva M. Johnson, Organist hall for the benefit of relatives ~ Business meetlngi' and roll-call at ice. J. O. Bird will officiate at/the year. Branrh of the 7th Day / For Men, Women Ages 18 to 60; , Mayor Ra>Tnond E. Hunt an­ hours long tliat the younger and friends. Members wfio have SCANDALS” AND .Twenty-Fourth Sunday after 8:30 p. m. organ The Week Adventist Hartford Churrh Children to A ge 17 Inclusive. nounced on Friday to party load­ men coming' home from service not already made reservatlbns for 1 Trinity Older -Age Group 60-80 aiie not re-entering the buslhess. St. Mary’s Hall nvE.S'B OF 'THE PECOS’* Wedneaday— The Week 12 noon Wednesday.- Weekly ser­ Maobnio Temple ers that he ivould be a candidate the supper should call worthy No\'ember 11,1945 . vice of Intercession, This week our . Small laidge Riiom Pays for: for renomlnatlon at the city Cau­ A; motion picture on the rembili- Hustlers will meet all day. Monday At 7:30 p.m.—The Sew­ MIstrerti Mrs. Ellen Wllsofe, dial Main Street WILL END ON 6:30—Methodist Rally dinner prayers are offered for all alcohol­ ^ Elder O. M. Pike Sickness or accident expenses 9 5 e 9 5 e cus to be held next Tuesday, In Oklnawa. was s h d ^ the 8097 by tomorrow at the latest. MONDAY Mid TUESDAY 9:15 a. m. West Side Sunday ing Circle will meet. followed by a program. Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. — The ics, especially for the group known when confined In any hospital spite rtf rumors to the contrary. The social comtrilttce wdll serve Eaat Hartford, Conti; In Beautiful Romantic TUES. MATINEE School—Silver Lane Community 'as Alcoholics Anonymous. 2:30 p. m., today, Sabbath Mayor Hunt Is completing his Farm Bureau mem] ership ‘Thursday— Cfiiurch Board will meet with the anj-where In the U. S. A. or refreshments after' the Installs- Parking in the Rear. Technicolor House. .Seriilar Events Of Importance school. Canada. Room and board ex­ Edward C. fourth year as mayor, or his sec­ i* Robinstm. Jo- T^esiiay evening, TO MAKE WAY 2:30—Study group will meet at 9:15 a. m. Sunday School Sunday School teachers. the church. Friday. 7:30 p. m. Public variety 3:30-3:40 p. m., ‘Missionary talk penses up to $0.00 per day for ond term ss the city officials sre seph Szegda and Morris Kaplan, ‘A THOUSAND AND Emanuel.' Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.— Sup­ show in the house. Purpose, Your Child’ s Photograph canvassing for FOR THE GREAT Red Crosa sewing at the per sponsored by the Young Peo­ by Mrs. Olivia M. Cooke. first .'Ml days’ confinement— 83.00 elected biennially. Previous, to Columbia: Any­ ‘The Gleaners group of the 10:30 a. m. Nursery class. the financing of Christmas greet­ The Week * serving as mayor he served 'for ONE NIGHTS’ Armory. ple’s Society. per day for next 90 days’ con­ one who has not been c<^tacted South Methodist WSCfl will meet [ Art Webster’s 10:30—Morning worship. ings to servicemen. 7:45 p. m. .Tuesday ,— Prayer more than 20 years as city clerk. VICTORY BOND Saturday, 8:46 p. m.—(jholr Prelude "A Mighty Fortress” Friday at 7:30 p.m.— Parent finement. Macauley , who wishes to join might get In Monday evening at 7:45 at the | With CORNEL WILDE All organizations meet at their meeting at the home o f Mr. and Von owe It to your family to The four aldermcn-af-!arge Avho touch with any of these men. OLD TIMERS rehearsal. Luther 1 Teachers’ night. All members of church. • ‘The hostesses will bo i Plus: “ Caribbean Mystery” SHOW regular hours. Mrs. Fred Miner, 62 Bigelow provide this security and pro­ have Indicated thev will not seek Mrs. Cfialr L. Robinson, wife of Mrs. Annie Filbig and Mrs. Ethel Emanuel C2)Olr "The Silent Sea” the parish are cordially Invited to ORCHESTRA ------STARTING ------Neidllnger [ attend. Refreshments. street.. tection In an emergency and re-election, are William Bchmalz, the first selectman, Is a patient Tomm. BUY BONDS HERB FOB A Church of the Nazarene Owner and operator of Wllliajn Rosa. Henry Hoermann ■ 2:30 Wednesday— The Dorcas time of need. at Hartford hospital, where she HANK POST, ProiRpter 'nCKET TO PREMIER OF 466 Main Street, Manchester Sermon "A Life In God ' I Talcottville Congregational Chureh Society will meet with Mrs. B. A Family Hospitalization and Max T(othe. TUESDAY NIGHT . ,V ...... Pastor Palmer the truck, will devote underwent an operation Tuesday. “WEEKEND AT THE WAL- Rev. Jamea A. Young, Pastor Second Congregational Church Rev. C, O. McCallister, Pastor Wright, 05 Center street. Group Policy as low as 8.07 a Teen Age Dance Officers of Columbia Grange, FOX-TROTH SQUdJlBB a a s t v ” STATE — NOV. IS. AT 7:30 P.M. Offertory "Andante (X>n Moto” Ferris E. ^ynolds. Minister Day for a Family of Three; ‘The Board of Recreation will Beethoven 9:40 a., m.—CSiurch school. his full time to this op* elected at the regular meeting Police Court Sunday services: Samuel O. Ramette, Organist latrger Families Slightly lllgh- sponsor a Teen-Age dance this eve­ held at Yeomana Hall this past ------FEATURING — Postlude "Star Spangled Banner' 10:45 a. m. — Morning worship. Bolton Methodist Chureh 9:30 a. m.—Church school Gaul Miss Helen f>9 ning at the Town hall. Ini addition week are as follows: Harry C!ho- 1 diurch School Director I Sermon subject; “ One World or Bolton, Conn. eratjon and will en­ 1,000 ROMANTIC classes for all ageai The Bible our 11:45 a. m. Swedish service. Come in and Investigate this to the dancing there will be a pro­ wanec, master; Lticene Henne: No World.” Meredith F. F-Iler, Minister policy which Is designed for fam­ gram of entertainment given by Bruce V. Ketcham, of 6 M For­ THRILLS! chief text book. Tennyson McFaU, 5:00 p. m. Vesper service—FUm deavor to give you the qiiln, overseer; Alice Chowanec, rest street, waa found guilty of superintendent. Church School at 9:30. 7:00 p. m. -- TTie youhg people-;--fa-Bigelow street. East Haztlord ily protection as a unit. teen-agers under the direction of a lecturer, Gordon Llewellyn, stew­ *» entitled "Who Is My Neighbor?” will meet at the church passlng a stop sign last Wednesday 10:46 a. m.—Morning worship. Nursery at 10:45. Service Is Traditional With Us! best in service and. committee of which Alyce Worm- ard; Donald Robinson, assistant 7t*g the Talk of the Totch The Week Morning worship at 10:45. In The Week Sunday, Nov. 11, World Peace stedt la chairman. Priscilla John­ evening at the comer of Forrest Sermon by the pastor:' "Whpre steward; Mrs. Marion Hiirlbutt, and Main streets and was fined 16 There la N o Vlelon.” Monday 6:30 p. m. Boy Scouta. observance of World Order Sun­ 7:30 p. m.—Tuesday. The Golden Sunday. efficiency. , ston is chairman of the dgnee com­ chaplain: Mrs. Marion German, THE NEW 8:00 p. m. Beetho'ven Glee Club. day the minister will speak on the Rule CJlub will meet at the church-. 9:30-a. m. — Holy Ctommunlon. The Allen mittee.- Mualc , for the dancing by Judge Raymond R. Bowers this 6:30 p. m.—N. Y. P. S. service treasurer; Horace S. Holt, aecre^ morning. ‘ITie arrest was made omitted due to rally In Hartford. Tuesday. 7:30 p. m. Emanuel I subject: “ World Order and the In­ lb;30 to 3:00—Thursday. Wom­ Rev. Eller will preach on the sub­ will be furnished by Bud Heyritt's tary: Adolph German, gatekeep­ t IttUTWINER Brotherhood, dividual.” Special music by the en's Missionary Society will sew ject. "Fight with Heaven’s Wea­ Realty Company orchestra. . ' by Oltlcer William Scully. 7:30 p. m.—Evangelistic serv­ er; Charlotte ClMke, Ceres; Dor­ Ivan F. Flnkle, 32, of 16 Mil­ ice; Pastor’s subject: "The Spirit Wednesday. 7:30 p. m Emanuel | choir. for the Red Cross. pons.” and For Prompt, Depenilable, Daily Service Uolpn Church .Seryloe othy Squier, Pomona; Janet Col­ Choir. Prelude, Melodic ...... Sheppard 7:30 p. m.. ^ d a y —CTholr prac­ 10:30 a. ra.—Church school. Dr. Qertrgc S. Brookes, pastor of ford s'treet, Hartford, was found O A K GRILL * WALTER PID6E0N Strivipg." lins, Flora; Helenj Hennequin, lady guilty of speeding and was fined V The Week Thursday. • 7-9 p. m. Luther I Anthem, The Lord Is Exalted tice. Scheduled to Meet Your Requirements il the Union church, will have fqr his assistant steward; Donald Wood­ League Biuy Night. ...I..'...... West The Allen Insurance subject; nn Sunday, "Our Sense of ♦16. ’ll)* accused was arrested by A Wednesday at 7:30 —^Meet­ St. John’s PoHsh National ward, executive Committee. Mrs; Officer Scully last Wednesday eve­ For Your, Eatlni Pleasure Today! 7:30 p. m. G Clef dub. Offertoiy Anthem, Spirit Of God CALL Helplessness.” ing under the direction at' the ...... Harris Buckingham Congregational Golway, Near North School Street Agency, Inc. Chowanec named Miss Lucy De- ning. Women’s Foreign Missionary So­ Mrs. Emily Swindells will have rosla as her assistant lecturer. Postlude, A Mighty Fortress Church ' Rev. Paul Kozlowskl, Pastor 9SS Main St., Manchester Manchester 306.3 Hartford 8-2835 charge of the church decorations Walter Rogowaki, 23, of 362 ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF ciety, Mrs. Florence E. Fish pre- You Are Cordially Invited To Brintf Your Child The reportage the committee as­ Center Congregational Church ...... Luther Rev. Phillip M. Rose, Pastor Tel. 5105 during the month of November. Adams street, was arrested last aldtng. Rev. Cllffq^ OUror Simpson, 8:30 a.m.—Mass signed to the duties of investigat­ night by Officer Walter Cassells Young Peoples Mu Sigma C3ii To the , - The Girt Scouts of the Union SOUTHERN PRIED CHICKEN Fridya at 7:46 p. m,—Oiurch Minister. Society at 6:00. 10:00 a.m.—Cfiiurch School, i0:30 , a.m.—High Mass. Choir church have received the gift of ing the possibilities of printing a when he was fotmd intoxicated at school board and . cabinet will The moDlng worship service rehearsal after each moss. book of Columbla’q activities dur­ the Circle theater after a complaint BROILED LOBSTER STEAKS Frederic E. Werner, a Vlctrola with cabinet from-Mrs. meet. Place to be announced. Director of Moslc The Week MASONIC. TEM KE Jennie Butler. ing World War It was accepted had been received by the depart­ VEAL 8CALLOPINE WITH MUSHROOMS Notes Monday at 7:00—Boy Scouts. and the committee instructed to ment. A fine of |10 was assessed. Mrs. Everett Miner, Organist To Be Photographed Bj- k Noted Photographer Tpimg People’s Meeting Missionary Rally at the Hart­ Tuesday at 7:00—Girl Scouts. The Young People o f the Bap- proceed. ‘The plans announced in­ liie case of John Wasklewicx, ford Church at the Nazarene, - ^-Children Tuesday at 7:00—Choir re­ Ust church will me** at the Bap­ cluded first as a preface, a short charged with reckless driving, has DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT C ^ t q l end Newton avenuhs, Sun­ Morning Service, 11 a. m. hearsal. been continued until Nov. 21. • November 11, Armistice Day. The World’s MONDAY AND TUESDAY, 'n OV. 12 AND 13 tist, parsonage at 3 p. m. Sunday history of the town, then dccoUnt* day afternooq at 3. Dr. ^velyn Wednesday, at 8:00 — Teacher’s of the achiei’emente -o f each or­ FoUowa Fence Line Home To the TUnoa of Prelude—"Largo” ...... Handel BETWEEN 10 A.'M. AND 5 P; M. aftertioon for study, fellowship Wittboff, missionary to China, re­ Training Institute. Rev. Carl Han­ and refrc.<6imenta. ganization, the duties of the war turned ^cently from Manila pris­ Anthem—"Onward Christian Sol­ son, IMrector o f Rellgloiu Educa- City Cab Taxi council departmenta and finally a Paul, Idaho—(d>)— After hiring ART McKAY AND HIS ORCHES'IHA diers” , j ...... Sullivan ■ -You Will Receive a x 7 Silver Toned Society Now Church on camp, will be the speaker. toln for the Connecticut Confer­ 'Announcement is rnade o f the personal history of each man or a construction firm to level off a Fall Evangelistic-campaign be­ Offertory—-’’Consolation” ...... ence o f Congregational Christian large section of his farm, Farmer ...... Mendelssohn Greatest GUmbler Photograph With Folder change of title of Chrinlan Science woman from Colntnbia In eervlcc. nN E AND gins November 18. Dr. Samuel Churches, wlU be the leader. Announces Increased Society . of Rockville to First 'The book will include pictures. R. G. DeLong went to work with Young and others of Eastern Anthem—“Battle Hymn of the Re­ Note—The Annual Thanksgiv­ Buy Coupon From Salesman. Church of Christ Scientist. Rock- The help of the heads of all a tractor, preparing the lan'd for Nazarene .(k>Uege will be the public” ...... Arr. by Laicas ing service will be held next Sun­ The Most Precious' Gift Ever Given To Man cultivation. A high wind came TELEPHONE 3894 mnii AINfill • nnui TIAXTEI Sermon: "Should Not I Itove Re­ Telephone Facilities vllle. Conn., this church having groups win be invited to aasiat In 30OAK8TKRKT workers. day morning at J0:45. Is Often Squandered Or Carelessly'Thrown .Aside, been accepted sa an authorized compiling the information needisj, up, stirred up a duat storm and nnua WYNN • nioT lENMirr gard l^or That Great C ity?" branch of. 'The Mother Church, the In the meantime any person hav­ DeLong became lost, unable to tiMMn-IHUmUT* UimtBEIt Ptx^ude—“Marche Solenelle",,... For Faster Service Bea co n STUDIO First Chureh of Christ SetenUst in ing any suggeetlona or materiala recognise hie own farm. He oa* XAVIEI CBfiATaiHt NtWTM Zkm Evangelical Lutheran Church ...... Rockwell Cbriatloa Science Servlcea ■/ 175 Stale Street — Springfield, Maas. Boston, Mass. which they wish to contribute finally drove the tractor Into a Cooper nnd High Streets Center church will welcome the D IAL 5141 HEAR FoottMR may tend them to the committee wire fence and followed the fence BUY A BOND NOW Rev. Paul Q. Prokopy, Pastor veterans* organizations of Man­ Hartford, First C!faurch. Sunday The AU-Rockvltle football team members, Mrs. Donald Tuttle, line home. chester to Its worship service tOr 11; Sunday School 11-; Wedneaday 9 5 e . ‘ 95c wrill play the Meriden A.A. on Sun­ Mrs. Howard Rice and Rev. Ralph AT THE STATE 24th Sunday after .Trinity morrow morning, 8. 537 Farmington avenue. day at 2:30 a .% , at Mt, Nebo field, 9:30 a.-m.. Church sch(x>]. Second Church. Sunday 11 W. Rowland. ■ ....^ OR CIRCLE THEATERS 8:00 a. m.—Sunday School and Mancheiter. The Meriden team The next regular meeting of Co­ Bible Class. 11 a. m., Church-time Nursery. an4 5; Sunday School 11; Wednes­ Evangelist C. M. Pike comes Undefeated to Manchester. lumbia Grange, due to fall on Listen and Dance AND RECEIVE 10:00 a. m.—Divine worship. In­ 6 p. m., CYP Club (hlgn school day 8. Lafayette and Russ Sunday’s oflBclals Include Joe Fla­ ‘Thanksgiving eve, will b f omIttM, cluding observance of Armistice group). Robert Wright, presi­ atreeta. TAKE CARE OF YOUR FURNACE herty, referee: Raymond Rams- and Installation of officera will oe A FREE TICKET Day. Text; Col. 1:9-14. ’13>eme dent. A Roman Catholic Priest Rockville Society. Sunday 11; dell, umpire, and Ed Koelsch. lines­ on December 5. Christian. Prayer—Also for the flrom one o f the local parishes will Sunday School 11; Wednesday, 8. Sunday, November 11 man. To Your Favorifo Tiinet TO SEE THE Mr. Woodward announced that Nation. speak on Ms faith. This is the 94 Union, atreeti WONT TAKEt^'cARE OF YOU! -fourth, in a series o f 'meetings on Victopy • Bopd “ 'H'iOfi 'a, m.-^Divine worship In- Airtyites' Hot Air- Funiaces doaiied and reset. different religions. The' worship "Adam and Fallen Man” will be jj^bilheat ^ et Oil, f 7-10c gal. Enfield Grange December 1 and C-' ‘ TAR TUESDAY NIGHT the (lerman language. Celebra­ troughs and conductors replaced. Copper or galvanized. French Rep;ain that the fifth degree will be con­ tion of Holy CXimmunion. service will be in 'Charge of Nancy the subject of the Lesson-Sermon ferred. Any from here desiring to PATRICIA CONTINENTAL TRIO Burnham. WiUiam Norris will for Sunday,- OUR SPECIALTY— EVANGELIST C. M. PIKE •*WEEKEND AT THE play a cornst solo. The Golden Text la from Hosea ^ • Cambodia Link I Gospel Hall 7:30 p. m., Memorial service in Semi Air Conditioned Heating Units Installed. Mobil Kerosene' gallon 9c - S /• (ouch with hint WALDOar* WILL BE t 14:1. “O lorael, return unto the 418 Oeater Street the sanctuary. Lord thy God; for thou has fallen . (In tots of W gallaae or mere). s ■■ I,.,' ------MORISON SHOWN AT REGULAR • -- (Oonttnned from Bag* One) Osideet Winter iW W o e k by thine iniquity.’’ MANCHESTER MANCHESTER BIBLE FOEl CTTTiA (IHIIMHIA - ytx.Ar- h ’ ADMISSION 10:30 a. m.—Breaking of Bread Monday, 7 p. m., Girl Scouta, Selections from the Bible In­ 12:15 p. m.—Sunday sebooL supplies to be brought to Saigon During the severe winter of WED., TmrB8„ FBL. SAT. Troop 1. Mias. Emily Smith, lead­ clude the fi^owlng: "So God cre­ SHEET METAL WORKS DEPOT SQUARE GRILL 7 p. m.-r43papel meeting. MORIARTY BROTHERS and make It possible for tw o Japa­ 1779-1780, which was eastern er. ated man in bla own image, |n the 21 Years Experience Is Your Guarantee! 14 DBPOT ranABZ TBLZPBONB 1M5 OP NEXT WERK Week fM LnveT At Oeoter oad Brood Street* nese dlvltton to raoye from Phnom- North America’a coldest winter, 7:15 p. m., Boy'Scouts, Troop 25, imagftjof God created he him; Harold Scoville — Harris Gibson ' Mason ic Temple Manchestei penh to a Saigon concentration Chesapeake Bay was frozen solid PEARL BAILEY 7:45 p. m„ Tuesday — Prayer CThsrlea Lyon^ leader. male and female created he them.’ O pw AS D*y nod All Night.. Call 8500 - i A V- 11!!I P “ I li-IM W 7 l . area. In the past the only contact from its head to the mouth of the Try Our Deliciojus PixM TODAY: “Johnny Anger meeting. 7:45 p. m.. Loyal Circle, the (Generis 1:27). 228 CENTER STREET 46 TURNBULL ROAD MAIN AUDITORIUM with Cambodia waa maintained by Potomac, and' Heavy wagons trav­ iNANMEcMMWmFAU PlMi “Seuorits r n m tlw Woof* 7:45 p. m., Friday— Bible rpad-. KMk'*' Daughters. Mis. Rachel Correlative paosagea from the PHONE 5413 PHONE 6414 river convoy^ eled acrou the lea. ins* . iTUden. leader. The members are Chrfatlhi) Science textixwk,' “ Sci- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. HANCHE8TBB. UUNN.. BA’l-UKUAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1940 PAGE AGE FOOn MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., S A^^D AT, NOVEMBER 10, 194» ------... - fr . . ----- ■ ' ------— > ...... * . us. This was all .the information we could get from this source. olton P-T A Mrs. Kreysig gave information secured from other sources re­ garding whst had. been done by Is Organized the selectmen. The biUl passed in the legislature specifically MANCHESTER DIRECTORY states that the town desiring to Ijoins National Congress build, remodel, or enlarge aachool may adopt a resolution at a reg­ O f Organization and ular Or special town meeting, di­ Elects Its Officers recting a building committee, th^ Board of Education, or the sele^- OF BUSINESS SERVICES ^ - • j men, to apply for state aid for meeting held Wedneeday such purpose. This, of course, evening at 8:00 o'clock in the was done at the special town ^ QuarryvUle church basement, the meeting held In September. HAVE YOUR HAIR CUT ' newly formed parents organization The selectmen have made appli­ ■U voted to become a Parent Teacher Quality Dry Cleaning Is Done in This Modem Plant I cation and received an application Nassiff Arms THE CURLI-CUT WAY Aseodation and to join the Nationr form and necessary instructions if ml congress of the PTA. It was regarding the same, copy o f the As the Basis (^^haping voted to assess dues of $1.00 for act and explanation of how it Gift Display •»5ri c W the coming year, and the amount operates. For a Really Successful J of dues for each year will be acted The first step Is to secure s site 3 . upon at eadtF annual meeting for approved by the State Board of. Christmas Atmosphere PERMANENT j the election of officers. Health. Already on Hand at * The Committees Must Submit Plans (CPS f Standing committees were elect- wmr im The $2,000,000 bill provides that This Popular Store j ed for a term of one year, with the four commissioners appointed by I, 4 exception of the By-law commit- the Governor have the power to With Thanksgiving coming thta I * 4 K tee. which will serve only until the approve plans and specifications ! r by-laws are completed. , Electlbn month, it is hard to believe that W 39 East’Center Street submitted to them with the com­ f to thece committees was as fol- Christmas shopping is just around pleted application for the grant. the corner, but the fact is, before nmtm ? 1 lows: Membership* Orra Strick- The grant will amount tp one-' j land, Bertha Haiivw, Juanita you know it you will be searching third of the cost of the project, the stores for something special. Whatever May Be Yoqr Spencer. Ida Bosio. not including the site, providing ‘j Hospitality committee. Laura For the foreslghted shopper, a sug­ /Manchester the total Investment doesn't exceed gestion is in order—just stop In at '■'> L m ., ROOFING I, Program committee, tSella Jab- $450 per pupil. Nassiff Arms Company located at /D ry Cleaners . T Ion, Evelyn Halloran. Ethel Lee. Mrs. Kreysig further stated: 995 Main street and look at those Probbin, E. V. Cnaghlin, * Publicity committee, Doris “ This means we could apply stunning wallets that Mr. Nassiff ts'iwViA 4 ; lyiUlia, Agneg Kreyslg, L«is Mc- for a grant of $150 per pupil. No was fortunate enough to obtain. 93 Wells Street Your laical Roofer, Kinney. grant may exceed $50,000. It is‘ ob-^ They are made up in imported 1 Ways and Means committee, vious from this that the bill as English leather, Morrocan leather, Telephone 7254 Can Help You With A Agatha Erickson. Gertrude Noren. passed was completely revised. English long grain and Russian ■ Roberta Tuttle, Roaine Hoar. "It la expected that 80 towns hide leathers. If you know your Ruberoid Roof By-laws committee. Sophea will apply for help. One town grant leathers, and even If you don't is already complete, one or two Expert Dry eiTl^SOattFOR M6PKM. SWPUeS I Johnson, Doris D'ltalia, Agnes know too much about them, « 390 Woodland Street Kreysig, Anhabelle Broil. towns nearly coni^ilete. Bolton is as glance or two will tell yefu that 10 OPEN A JOOO eEPARMydWEMlIIOSProU. I The next meeting will be held In far along as the majority of towns here is something really special in Cleaning Service Phono 7707 the Quarryville church basement applying. Priority is being given to the g ift line. O f course, you may at 8:00 o'clock Wednesday, Dec­ towns affecting a consolidation buy more than one, for it is a ember 7th. A regular meeting date where health measures are affect­ strong minded person that Can k - ed. We ahould have a high priority. and the desirability of meeting at Larsen Feeds Better and Faster Service alst ^vlng himself or herself one THE CAR YOU OWN Furnace and the community hall w’as discussed. "To bring this Information down of these for a gift. They are priced to our own problem, we vnll have buCjio decision was arrived at due very reasonably and there is no . . . It In nuuling order, la a to conflicting dates of other organ­ 120 pupils In Bolton schMis two Plumbing Supplies Are Top Feeds ^At Manchester Dry Cleaners question about their wearing qual­ real seaet. We are etlD a long isation iheetlngs in town. This will years from now, according to this ity. be taken up again. year's enumeration flgums. I f we Line O f Models wa}'* from new oora Let oa Of All Kinds The Program committee report­ were to try to build a /School for Another suggestion for the help keep ynnr preaeot ear In North End Store Has Edwin D'Agostino is happy to? can depend upon work done here. ed that because o f the many ques­ the ^ 5 0 per pupil. It would youngsters—and some of them not the beet poaelble meehuieai amount to $54,000 and we would Also Many Lines of announce that now Manchester' Now. they have added three more tions at the last meeting as to so young, for many an adult is k ooaditina. Be enoaiatent abnol what had to be done regarding the be able to. secure $18,000. It is pos- Dry Cleaners can give even better j employes to this fam ily and this model addict"— is to, look over the Manchester be able to secure $18,000 from Household Goods means that your work can be done having It ebeched and aervloed % new school, they decided to act as service than they have before. It line of models carried in this store. ^ a fact finding committee and try the state. The town would just that much quicker. It takes You w’lll find airplane models, P T hero. It win pay* Hordware Co. r^® ^5, TO OUPPiy to bring the organization up to have to raise $36,000. It Is pos­ Just about now we are com­ has been the hope of Mr. D'Agos­ only a few days td have your gar- boats, weasels (amphibious tanks Peter 0»lhiae» Prop. sible that the state wUl allow us a tino to serve his patrons better menta taken care of. O f couree, date on all information available. mencing to get a taste of nippy to many of us) made o f balsa 248 North Mam Street Offer of Plot margin o f 30 pupils, which would each, year and he is fast making good work, such as is turned out woods. These models come in aiO K ’S SERVICE ST A. A 750-BED CVACUATION H0$PITAL seem to be reasonable, putting the winter weather and if you are un­ this hope a reality. The Manches­ by this establishment takes a rea­ MuchMter Ureew Fhoaie 8898 TeL 6265 Mrs. Jablon gave information solids and flying models and make Im aacured from Mr. Dimock regard­ ceiling at 150 pupils, or a school fortunate enough to have a crack­ ter Dry Cleaners located at 93 sonable length of time, for the a wonderful gift, beside proving ing his offer o f a plot on which to costing $67,500. We would then be ed glass for the wintry winds to Wells street now have two uni- ■ cleaning process, thoroughly done educational. entitled to $22,SOO>as a grant, the formed drivers, Donald Gowdy and build the new school. Mr. Dim­ blow through,'just take the whole and pressed correctly, naturally Boxing is also taking its-place town raising $45,000. John Tedford tp pick up your gar­ ock stated he had made the offer sa«fe over to Larsen's Feed Serv­ wil always take a certain length in the limelight as a most approv­ SHEE'r METAL ments and return them to you in Johnson Bros. with a stipulation that the plot "Funds when received, are han­ ice, 88 Depot Square and they will o f time, and Mr. D'Agostino has ed method of training a youngster short order. This is a particular - be fenced properly to keep the dled by whatever committee is dig out the old glass and cut new no intention o f sacrificing his good to become agile, to make bis re­ WORK Electrical Contractora diildren from roaming the nearby designated by the town meeting. help right now with winter weath- ' reputation by sliding work through flexes as quick as the proverbial to fit and putty it in for you! Of er and poor driving conditions carelessly. 5.33 Main Street woods, and that he had not re- “The taxpayers of Bolton have course, if this is not ’ possible, wink, and a good all around OF ALL TYPES coming along. Just telephone If you haven't had your winter oalved a reply as yet from the at least two-thirds of the cost of measure your glass and telephone healthy sport It teachers self pro­ t e l 6227 - 7606 7254 and in a very little while one coat cleaned as yet. better hurry, selectmen. , the building to pay for excluding 5406 Jind tell them the dimensions tection and good sportsmanship. If We Specializa in the site. This being the case we of these smartly uniformed drivers and don't forget that Manchester ■ Mrs. Halloran had been dele­ and they will deliver the giass your boy is interested In this type Eavestrongh and •hould atart deciding what we will ring your doorbell and take Dry Cleaners will clean and glaze We WiU Gladf Give You gated by the committee to try. to •' right over to your. house. They of sport, encourage it and take want in the building! wbst it any articles that you desire to the the fur collar at a slight addition­ Conductor Repairing get the chairman o f the consolidat­ also carry putty, which you will, him down to Nassiff Arms Com­ Estimates. should cost, and who is going to plant at 93 Wells street. It Is al cost. It .is surprising what this S e SUREOUR AMERICAN boys ANOGIRLS ed school committee to call a of course, need and glazier's points pany to pick out his own boxtng Call meeting to secure any informa­ handle the funds." planned by Mr. D'Agostino to have cleaning and glazing can do to equipment. You will find the box­ which will stop annoying rattles. three trucks a little later so that tion they could get from the first An open discussion followed at peVk up your coat. T ry it and s e t ing equipment priced to all purses. NORMAN BENTZ oetihe best care inthe world— No longer is it necessary to run no one will have to wait for this Eleetrie selectmen, who being a member of which time both facta and rumora Raincoats Cleaned Basketball shoes and bowling .592 East Center Street that committee, we presumed down town to replace your electric speedy service. You know, of course that rain­ Bugee — Betrlgemtere were brought ouL From the na­ light bulbs, Larsen's Feed Service shoes are now to be obtained at- . Telephone 8966 would attend. Mrs. Halloran re­ ture o f the rumore it waa quite Better Equipment coats can be safely cleaned and Nassiff Arms Company and o f carry all sizes of them in their This dry' cleaning plant estab­ peated that Mr. McKinney called obvioue that there is considerable waterproofed at a alight extra course they are famous for their Electrical Department and you a meeting for Tuesday, November lished right here in Manchester charge, making them juet as water archery sets— in fact there is no J. misinformation regarding the pro­ can also buy most o f your ordinary 9th. but cancelled It because Mr. visions o f the bill, what kind o f a has just installed a new. larger repellant as they ever were, but store that carries - so complete a electrical needs at this same de­ boiler of the latest type. This may Wilson'refused to attend. Me in­ building will be allowed, the atti­ have you sent your children's wa­ stock as does Nassiff Arms Com­ BILL'S TIRE partment. TTiey have bulbs for not mean much to the public, but J. R. Braithwaite formed Mr. McKinney that we tude o f the selectmen regarding ter-repellent snow suits in and had pany, for Mr. Nassiff buys his it does mean that the work turned and would have a town meeting In a the cost of* fencing the plot, and fluorescent lights, cords for your them done? You know young­ Stock direct which eliminates the out here'Is just a little finer than Keys Made. Locks Repaired couple o f weeks at which time he the probable effect upon the se­ electric irCfi and some of them sters just will spot their snowsuita middle man and means a great would otherwise be possible for REPAIR SHOP would “have some good news" for lectmen o f a preaaure group. The have switches, BX cable. laihp and many a mother has hesitated savibg in price passed on\to his this boiler furnishes steam to the Tools Ground Publicity Committee will try to cords, awritches, plugs and too over sending them to' the dry custamers. \ Wm. H. Green. Prop. four preasing machines. These“ get accui^te information and keep many other things to list, but you cleaners, fearing that they would I Toys And NoVeltlcs Lawn Mowers Sharpened the public Informed. will be sure to find Uiem when you machines require, a particularly lose that finish thkt makes them Another item ,>of interests to Columbia and Elk Bicycica. dry steam to put the very finest The meeting then adjourned for are over at 38 Depict Square. shed water. You heed hot worry, Christas shoppers is the nuiqfier Electrical UtlHtiea Household Cleaners razor like creases in clothing and for Manchester Dry Cleaners will U . rirc s . refreshmenU and informal discus­ %f to y i and novelties and games at Re-Conditioned sion. Help for the busy housewife is when garments are pressed with clean thejn slick as a whistle and this store. More are coming in Repairs. Service. this dry steam it makes the press­ waterproof them for a small sum Dues were paid to the Treasurer to be found at Larsen's Feed Serv­ dally and they bill ,make ideal Guns Repaired by some of the thirty-six new ice in the form of different house­ ing stay in just that much longer and they w ill look just like new. birthday and Christmas presents. _ Accessories. members. hold cleaners and waxes. You will —‘SO you can see/ how important It For ail kinds of cleaning, depend Are you a ski enthusiast ? In an­ find Soilax, a powder which dis- Isj to the customer- and- to the upon a reliable concern, a concern other month or so that popular 52 Pearl SL Phone 4200 180 Spruce St. Phone 2-0659 soivts in water and is fine for cl^anin% estabpsbrhent. For good that does all of its work right here outdoor sport w ill be in full swing cleaning woodwork and floors; also pressing, expertly done, as it is at in Manchester, the Manchester and Mr. Nassiff now has on hand Manchester D/-y Cleaners means a Different Faiths Barcolene, a splendid cleaner for Dry Cleaners. Call them now, for skis of all kinds, laminated hick­ practically everything, and some fine reputation and satisfied cus­ speedy, careful service. N o fear of ory. some with all steel edges, We Have Been io the tomers. KRAUSE'S people have found it works beauti­ belts being misplaced, they are ex­ waxes, lacquers,' bindings, poles, in To Be Explained Experieni'ed Help fully in washing clotliing. Old tra careful about them, no snots fact all that you need for your Plumbing and Heal­ By Bavifig It Serviced At ,1.^* / / ■ The Manchester f>ry Cleaners GREENHOUSES English and Johnson's W ax is sold overlooked and a pressing job that winter skiing enjoyment. %/AkJ'C SERVICE / / ^ . have retained all o f their old and ing Business fur Many 631 Hartford Road Manrhaatar here, as is Johnson's Caf-Nu. If simply cannot be touched any­ : Manchester is well acquainted V A I w . J STATItIN In j ftn attempt to underitand experienced help through the war you want -to protect your ’ car where else. Remember the phone with the Smoke Shop maintained Years. SpeclAl Anmittiia 137 Hartford Road TeL 8886 otheij faiths better, the C Y P club years, something to be proud of number,. 7254 and see just how against winter weather, now is at Nassiff Arms Company and if GIvan ro Phona and is one of the reasons that you good their work Is. 0^ ^ n le r church has been spon­ the time to get right at it. Lar­ you are looking to please the Rely on our experience and Ordarx ret 87av soring la series of meetings on dif­ sen's Feed Service sell Simonize smoker, drop in and see some o f ser^ce for best results. Spaistnilate in ew- Landscaping ferent religions. Rev. Karl Rich­ cleaner and Slmonlce poliah.^ and will find a full line of these paints water freeze up with one o f these the fine offerings displayed here. nerai end Wad- ter spoke shout the Lutheran everyone knows what a fine pro­ on hand. for you to choose from. and the cost is more than taken All kinds u d priced pipea trays, ding Arm ngw Church, Rabbi Leon Wind gave an lighters, tobacco, cigarettes—in and tective coat thjs will give cars. Kem-Tone is also sold Here and is care of by the convenience and Johnson & Little manta, explanation of the Jewish Tem­ Planning on fixing up the house continually in-owing In popularity results obtained. fact everything that goes into ple and its faith, and Sunday before ' fhe holidays? Martin- for it is so easy to apply and so making up a smoker’s dream of 145 MAIN STREET Out Flitwara. night the group.will hear about So many people are raising I’'* ^ 'Jt' Senour Paints and enamels are satisfactory once it in done. Yes, Heaven Is to be found here. Phone 5876 Piittad PhMita Tree Surgery the Roman Catholic church. pigs,. that they will' want to know just the answer to this, and you they also have turpentine. They about Morton's Sugar Curing Salt I f you wish, 0*11 2-1847 u d u k Other meetings In this series Mr. Nassiff personally about what also have a visuailzer — which sold at Larsen’s— this la used for Conn. State License. will follow on succeeding Sundays. you want in the sporting goods SEE THAT THBY 00 W BACkm AMBRICAS shows you just what colors blend curing haras and bacon. Then too, The worship will be conducted by line u d if it is to be obtained he so that there will be no guesawork they sell Morton’s Tender Quick- GIBSON'S For Fall and Winter Nancy Burnham and the president. Prescriptions Expertly will have it in his store or will get in your painting job. , whlch Is a home method way of GREAT VICTORY LOAN TO THE VBRY UMIT! Robert Wright, will preside at the It for you.'Much of the increased GARAGE JOHN S. WOLCOTT Filled — Accuracy — Larsen's Feed Seriice tenderizing hams, and it ia utter­ Improvements meeting. William Norris will popularity o f this store Is due to Ail poultry and cattle raisers B. H. Qlhana. Fmp & SON^ ' play a comet qplo. > . ly reliable too. This Tender Quick the courtesy Mr. Nassiff extends to Window Glasa. Stove and Efficiency — Quality! in Slid around Mancheeter have is injected with a pump, which you all of his customers u d you may Spartaliaing m Furnace Pipe and (!emenl, 180 Main St. T«l. 8597 , A hospital bed with built-in some to depend upon Larsen's also can buy here and presto, you be sure o f utter satMTactlon in the HKAN Rnofing and Konfinq Om - -i • plumbing , haa been designed. The Edw. J. Murphy Feed Service for their feed and to have your own tenderized'hams! m erchudise purchased here. ~ i know that the feed sold at this Mr. Larsen Is expecting a ship­ Whaai alignment enl. Small Tools for the Drug Store store is the finest available at any handy mechanic. ■ f ment of Pennsylvania Lawnr M ow­ Braha and No. 4 Depot Square price. Poultry men will be inter­ ers, the first to be shipped in sim­ DESOTO, PLYMOUTH ested to know that Lar8en’a,-havq ply ages, and if you want one bet­ CAFITOL Uarharolnr Complete-^ouniain Service in stock Trumbull Electric Water ter list your name with him right Srrvtoel Heaters to Insure plenty of drink- now, for o f course there won’t be GRINDING GO. I LARSEN'S SERVICE AND GENUINE PARTS “ Always On The Square” FEED SERVICE inging water for the poultry no enough to satisfy everyone who 38 Main St. T et 7958 185 Main St. Phone 5012 matter how low the temperature needs a good lawn mower. 88 Daput Squure Pliiipr 54U8 Bernard J. Hart, Prop. EXPERT AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK drops. No danger of having the Depend upon Larsen’s Feed “ When ThinR8 Are Dull . - • > Service, and if it is not convenient Our BuaineM I* Good” to drop over there, don't heeilate SPENCER SUPPORTS Painting. PapcrhanfflnK. ' to call, them, 5408, you will find SAWSOF'ALL KINDS T. P. Holloran Art Individnalljr Buy Yuur Hanlware ERNEST ROY'S the'service , excellent and the .SET AND FILED A KUNEKAI HOME Designed Floors and Cfilinn* courtesy supreme, a store to deal to aid the doctor’s with year after year for utter eat- and Housewares J l o l Depot Square Garage treatment of ptosis' W IN-POWER Installed and Refinished. isfectlon. Idaplly loratad— aaihvaniont and iTcoSTS ^4,S00,000.RR FOR A HOSPITAL SHIP 241 NO. M AIN STREET TEL. 5113 (santag organs); Frozen Food Cabinets / •way trnm tha onay Ihori'iigb back pain and In­ Needs at General Carpenter Work. and Eleetrie Lightinir hire. Utatinrtivr HarvMse -Mud M£DIOU.SUPnJBS AWNB FOR A ZM -m SH tP COST*40j600.9£ in rlos; Inoperable i Feel Peace Has Come Plants eo lienilas movable Ud-/ We Repair Everything ai« Fnalimad c o s t * jooo,o o o *o o o , neyI maternity, Minneapolis—)— Scandinavians 2 Around the Property. GRAVELY TRACTORS caeee. in Minnesota at last could feel JACK ROAN'S Rales and Servlea. AMHIII.ANCE SERVICE — FO R — V MARY F. peace had come. Tw o express car­ Hardware Stored" MePARTLAND R. S. PORTERFIELD loads o f genuine N orw e^an lute- DAY AND NIGHI LET^ TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN — INVEST IN AMERICA'S GREAT WCTORV LOAN Apartment 84 G BRIGGS AND STRATTON fisk arrivad this week, the first Cor. Main and Middle. I'pk. Dupont Paint Products, Garden Drive 178 Oak Grove Street aihee vmr stopped eblpments five ENGINES 175 Centet SL Phone 3060 PHONi; 7884 Tel. 4752,4894,8746,2-0967 years ago. Salea and Sarvles. 3 ARB ^ ' q U A L IT Y ' SERVING'YOUR NEEDS Oil Burners Serviced YOUR PRINTING 1 H IG H G R A D E In All Griswold's PICTURE FRAMING l i R ^ rhe printing SPORTS EQUIPMENT and Hot Air Furnaces M> we do ter step Aroond t o Bag Dal Service Stotipn Tkk t$ m 0§ickt U,S^ Thmtfry amnft mipicot o f T^ommy Drpsrtmomi vmf Wkr Adptrilshg Council WEARING TO D will PRINtiNG J OUTt prove «nne- We have N, it N*e to lie had 311 Main street f- . . 8 B B JOB AND COMMEKLTAI. We can get If, It IFs to he gni rsrtory, be- TEi.EPHONE 8459 Repaired and WE CAN MAKE THE.M LASt cause It will PRINTING l|Ve can du It, II It e u he donn. It le o«r aim to aervo jrea so L O N ^ r a i ht. pmdoesd an Pteaipt aai BNeteat Frtatiac treO that foWV "mtk te* mera.* oioder^eM^lMt Get • t AO KhMa. Speciolixing In Replaced “Qulok OniMt m EoTlLiiIHat oar eefi||sats.[ Oependsiile > Riirieei COMMUNITY PRESS NASSIFF ARMS CO- Uki < tity At BtoMlI 188 BpiM s BtobSt MMI •iteete — laiefiM aeW n TeL Meacheete* f.l841 Repoir Work t 10 Newmaa SL TaL 5244

'-'i. .X ! > MANCHESTER EVENING HERALU. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1945 PAGE SEl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SA l UKlM l. NOVEMBER in, I94i »AGE ;SIX ent'Friday at the annual meeting end and Armistice Day at their' councils, both of which are con­ genlii?. And Truman la not a Manchester in the War* sidering the formation of clrcle.s stiument of national policy, but a.a always proudly relates that, a la of the organization at -(Thrist Tolland home. Miss* Alice Hall 111 Rehearsal genius. God knows where we arc Armistice Day Students to Be' came to Stores Saturday mornNjg of Columbia Squire.s, Manchester the law and peace .enforcement Jlmpiy Durante, "my boy" did it. Church Cathedral, Hartford. Comments VhT R iver R oad to find one. Miss Hannah Fuller, sister of with a class of girls from the East Officers of these -council.H have tveapon of all peaceful nations. or "my wife massaged my back" indicated that they nlay call upoii M. M; Mrs. Sherwood Miner, leAves Mon­ Parents’Aides Haven high school. The class came For Ceremonial NOTICE Evening Herald Whether we like it or not, we with the mlradc. Or if it is a girl By Malcolm Mollan High School Sports. Program Given day for Eustis, Fla., where she in thtir school bus. the Brown-X,aC5ace circle to furn­ PUB1.I3HED BY THE Niantic River Hoad, must have woHd government to who is suddenly pul Into condition A former editor of The Herald, now retired, writes weekly hla will spend the winter with her sis­ Fred Webster of Crescent ish the investiture team when their, HERALD PRINTING CO. INC. circles are organized. . 13 Bliiell Street handle the atomic bomb. Nothing for her wonderful date, it was convictions on matters, major or minor, from his home on the W aterford. Corjn. ter, Mrs.' Annie Gates. Members of Coiineil to Beach was a, recent guest of His Collimitiaii 8(|iiir(‘.s OfTi- Maocbeite>. Conn. banks of the Nlantic River. Schedules Continues Pupils of St. James's Pa­ Henry Pomprowlcz, CM 2-c, has The candidates for the investi­ THOMAS FERGUSON le.aa can. handle It safely. "mother" who came to the rescue, cousin, Mrs. Mabel Waldo Spicer Miss Jeanne’s Studio written his parents that he is safe and othenof his Tolland relatives. c«*r« Prpjmre for lii- ture are to meet at the K. of C, General Uanacer miracle in hand. It is this kind rochial School Hold a and sound, having survived the big Act as Guides at H. 8. Founded October 1. 1881 By Archie Kilpatrick Robert/ Usher, son of Mr. and home tomorrow at 1:30 o'clock. of "you rub my back and I'll rub 'J'lic smelt aea.soh is suppoped to the pit. By the time Mrs. Joe re­ blow in the Okinawas. He describ­ On Tuesday Night vrstiliire Rituals From there they will he taken in Publlabed Eeery Evening Except Standing: By Helpless South (!oveiitry | (12th 'In a Scries) Special Assembly ed the storm very graphically, tell­ Mrs. Roland Usher, has been hon­ yours" society, this congenial hc on down here and there are, ported that the gun wasn't to oe orably discharged from the. Navy autos to Tinker hall for the core- Of Dance l^undaya and Holldaya. Entered at the ing of the terrific rain, and saying Officers of Brown-LaGace circle monies, Poaf Office at Manchcater. Conn., aa Manchuria wa.v, we mippoae. the fraternity of the rub, which ap- indeed, smelts In the river and found, the skunk had eaten the An asesmbly to commemorate Members of the Student Coun­ after six years In submarine serv­ Mailman Third Class George W. One of the liardest things for lions of the book to a minimum. that all tents were blown down. He of Columbian Squires will meet a t! Both Squires and candidates , Second Claaa Mall Matter. great territorial prize, of the warl ^y^at a happy group even up this cove when they tomatoes and a handful of lettuce cil under the direction oj!. Miss ice. ' Hinkey, Jr., arrived at the home the students of Manchester High The paper was- poorer in quality Armistice Day was held at St. was at work in the endeavor to , u , , will meet at 8:45 tomorrow morn- SUBSCRIPTION RATES in A.sia. It was the first thing j them, or will, take the notion to show up. That leaves and had curled up in the school to bear during the war and reduced in amount. Printing' James's school yesterday after­ stake down the mess tent, when a Catherine Putnam and the senior Wllliani French has been honor­ the Knights of ( olumbus club-, Bridget's hall to go to One Tear by Mall ...... * *•* of his parents on .“Houth street last WILL REOPEN Japan, took. It was the thing those television, bending happil.v"- is not at every high tide by a jug- corner of the pit., waa the loss of majiy of the .star costs were also advanced. noon at the school hall. The pupils tent in the rear blew dqwn and and junior clas.s presidents will' ably discharged from the service house tonight at 7 o'clock for their , ninss and communion in s body. Per month by Mall ...... J week. He seived fourteen months Despite the many obstructions wont over his head, sticks, two by and Is with hia parents, Rev. and last rehearsal in the ceremonials; ______prognosticators who expect the over back after back, until oiio fnl And when they do come th«w’ "Anyhow." sai.d ,:^de- later, "I players from Rt,d and \Vh,itc teams marched to their seat.s which were take an active part In the Par­ Delivered One Tear ...... •» in the Pacific theater of opera­ a.s the boys entered the armed and restrictions the 1945 year-book fours, beds, everything, so that he Mrs. Hollis French. to be used in the Investiture of; Biriiiuda has about 30,000 in- worst of Russia in all circum­ positively wishes for a good back- don't very often bile. 'Yet there asked-my self ‘Why should I kill ■ Weatern SUtea and ...... **._ , tions...... covering„ . Admiralty...... Islands. service.s. pilfeiings of the waa printed and was comparable placed In the form of a V to the was forced to flee for safety, which ents' Night observance at the Mrs. Paul Meyer ' called on more than 30 new members of the ‘ habit,ants. stances were certain Russia would music of “The Connecticut March" Manchester High School on Tues­ circle at Tinker hall tomorrow, af-‘ TUESDAY, Nov. 13 ’ MEMBER o r ache to buy some rub stril get a appear to be tinies, brief and in- anything aa confiding and friend-1 New Guinea. Philippine Isinnd.s first team players, especially dur- in many waya with other year­ he sought by clinging to a-tree be­ friends recently, previous to her THE ASSOCIATED PRESS grab. When .Russia renounced it, rub. I frequent, when these little fish |y as that little skunk?’ After all. ^and■ ~ Pearl ' Harbor, hitving entered Ing 1943 and 1944. found openings book.*!. over an amplifier system lent for hind which he crouched. day. November 13 a t 7:30 p, m. leaving for CJhina, where she ternoon at 2:.30 o’clock. A rehear-: — — — ———— ——— —— The Aaaoclated Preaa la excluaivciy and awarded it to China, that was the service on June 1st. 1944. At for players who in ordinary years rhe school choir and orchestra th^occasion by William P. Quish. He said the wind was so strong The “Assembly" which A111 hopes to go with her son, John. sal was held following the meeting! f!AIIAUC With ReKttlar Schedule of Aii/iointinents entitled to the uae of I take bait and hook as they are what real harm was he doing or Berkery Johnson, president of that it actually blew off the soil start the evening’s program will of the circle Wednesday night and •"* w w w ria all newa diapatchea credited to If or not regarded as the most just of all the end of a thirty day furlough wou[d''hWe ' ha"d"iltur'/haVc^^ affected by the loss of mem- Nov. 16. to meet Mr. Meyer who I supposed to. One of htiy neigh- had he done? And he certainly George will report to Boston. display their wares on basketball inti fb« services and the eighth grade class welcomed from the potato patch, and the open with the .same flag ceremony another last night. DUK TO COLDS otherwiae credited in thia paper and possible settlements of the fate went a few weeks ago. also the local neiva published here. bora told me aome days ago Uiat had no aggrc.ssive intentions to- Newly elected officers of Cov­ court, track, diamond, tank, soc­ t.-iking war lobs. These organiza­ the assemblage arid introduced men were relieved from the task which opens nearly all high school Communion Breakfast of this territory. And in all thia, tions, reduced in numbers, parti­ Rev. Frederick A. McLean, prin­ of digging .'the potatoes assembly programs. While the Mias Bertha Clark of Boston, Following tonight's meeting the Tok* Connecticut he and another smelting addict ward ‘ me. 'Damned if I don't let entry Grange, No. 7.5 are: Master cer field or gridiron. and Miss Emily Clark, missionary All rlghla ol i-epubllcatlon of special the people of Manchuria itself Kniorly Hill; Overseer, Kenneth Transportation reatriclion-s af­ cipated in w;ar assemblies and cipal of the school. "The Star When he wrote he was in charge band plays the "Star Spangled officers and the conimlttcc In ' dispatches herein, are also caught 250 on an incoming tide him live,’ I aaid to myself." played morale building patriotic Spangled Banner" waa sung and of men, part of them natives, who Banner.” the American and Con­ to Nigeria, West Africa, were re­ charge of the communion break­ Full service client of N. E. A. Service have been so many helpless Sims; .Lecturer, Elmer Clark; fected out of town games and par­ only a few dozen rods from where •\ Way Out Stewani. A rthur Hightcr;.. A.sslst- music at all times. In spite nf the Father McLean led the gathering were repairing the roof of the necticut State flags are advanced cent guests of Mrs. Emily Prasons fast tomorrow morning at St. Inc. ______. pawns, apparently beyond any ents and fans, who usually accom­ of Dobsonville. jjonn.. and Mrs. he lives. The skunk, obviously, was real- ant .Steward, Walter Cargo; CHap- panied the teams on their games war the leaders contributed this in the "Ave Marla” for the de- ikrgcst jail in Okinawa, in the frpm the rear of the as.sembly Bridget's hall will go to the' hall HELP WANTED Publishers Representatives; Tha Yankee cca.sed servicemen. hall to the stage with the presi­ Anna Meacham Risley of Leon­ to make preliminary preparations will of their own. Iain. Ruth Loomis; Treasurer. Irv­ vital uplift to school'^llfe. town of Itoman, for use a.*! living , Julius Mathews Special Agency—New By A H. 0. PeVsonally I have had no such ly trapped and if he were to liv^ away from home, were forced to Officers Introduced ard's Corner. York. Chicago. Detroit and Boston. Now that difficulty over the ing Loomis; Secretary. Emma wait at home. Equipment for Some of the best members of the quarters dent of the Student Council. Rob­ for thei* breakfast, which will be luck as that. In fact most of my it wouldn't do to let him- stafve school band left for service and a Other officers of the Eighth ert Genovesi, carrying the Ameri­ The next Tolland Grange card cooked by Frank and James MALE OR FEMALE Chungking Government’s occupa­ Snow; Gatekeeper, Russell Storrs: the High school teams was hard He told of going fishing in an MEMBER a u d it BUREAU OF When, a week ago today, we I smelt fishing nowadays" consists in an^ empty garbage pit. So the Ceres. Virginia Butler: Pomona, shortage of instruificnts and uni­ grade. Jane McCarthy, vice pres­ odd way. Instead of the usual lines can 'flag and Robert McKinney, party will be Friday, Nov. 16, at F. Tierney, members of Campbell circulations. ' tion of Manchuria develops. It to obtain aa the majority of sports ident; Paul Grady, secretary, and Council. Knights of Colpmbus. surveyed the pre-election scene in m gazing out of the long window doctor found a plank and placed .lo.sephino Pesec; Flora, Octavln equipment was being sent t^ the forms kept the band at Its lowest and bait, hand grenades were president of the lunlor class, car- the Grange hall. ebb in years. The band, however, Laura Martin, treasurer, were in­ rylng the state flag. The Flag Mrs. Howard West of the Snip- Members of the staff of coun.seI- FOR PRODUCE COUNTER The Herald Printing Company. Inc., does not develop from the native Connecticut, we filed two some- i„ our kitchen, watching the wa- it so that the skunk, if he so Peace; Lady Assistant Steward. teams in the armed forces. thrown into the river, and children aaaumea no flnanclal reaponaibillty for Elva Pe.sce; one member of the responded to the call for attend­ troduced and- made brief remarks. went in and brought out fish for Salute will be led by Burton Carl­ tic section of Tolland, is undergo­ lors and the K. ofrC’r Advisory typographical errors appearing 'n ad- population of. Manchuria, hut what timorous di.s.sehts from the ter in the cove and speculating as electetl, could walk up the extem­ Made Special Record Adcle Fallot, accompanied on the board have been invited t(l be GOOD SALARY TO START — 5-DAY WEEK executive rpmmittee to serve for Despite all these hiniieranccs, ance at outdoor assemblies, benefit th^m, literally bags of them. son. president of the senior class. ing operations at the New England vertlacinenta In Tha Manchcater Eve- from an outside force disputing pcrtormances and participation in piano for group-singing of "Am-, Members of the Student Coun­ Baptist hospital, 91 Park Hill guests of the Squires at the break­ _blng. H e r a l d . ______views Of the pi-ofesalpnal experts. i„ whether the small fish break- porized ramp and be free. three years. Carl Snow."The next a full sports program was' offered His brother Edward, also with the Chungking Government's We hazarded a weak guess that a regular meeting will he held on holiday parades. erica, the Beautiful." Margaret the U. S. Navy, is well and locat­ cil will be stationed on all 'floors avenue, Roxbury, Boston, Mass., fast. Chief Squire John Don­ Soothos Throat Irritmion Apply Manager, 717 Main St. ing part way out are smelts or This he didn't arouse- himself and the following titles were,-won Falkowskl played a piano selec­ ovan will be toastma.ster for the. Saturday, November 10 right to thia prize. No one rec­ surprise punch might land in ...... ___ November fs. Pnst Master and by High teams during the war Junior Bed Cross ed at Guam. of the Main, Franklin, Barnard Room 207. New Haven. Ami we clung, with »°'"=‘‘’ing else not so flavorsome, enough to do at the time biit tion, "Fairy Wedding \Valtz.” and Recreation buildings at stra­ event. ognized the Chinese Communists Past Lecturer night will be ob­ years: The Junior Red Cross had a 100 A joint meeting and supper of The Tolland Library meeting forloi-n hope, to the idea that Re- 1 used to be a real smelt fanatic slept serenely on. Next morning, pereeqt membership during the A program of dances follow-'ed. the boards of education of those tegic points to assist parents in held Monday afternoon, Nov. 5, (■rand Knights Invested in the settlement of the Pacific served. Track; Won C. C. I. L. title in Jeanette Joubert and Joyce Man­ Grand knights from councils In The ScientistB And Stasaen publican Cornelius Moylan still and didn't mind the cold at all if however, little Mr. Polecat waa William H. Kenyon received hi.s 1942-43-44. Won S tale title in war and members sewed and knit­ towns under the jurisdiction of locating their Tardy was well attended. Mrs. Emery FENDER AND , , I peace No one made a treaty with ; had a "fighting chance" in Hart-g, job long enoiign ner performed In a tap dance with Supervisor Martin B. Robertson parents are assured that they will Clough ■ and Mrs.-Everett Smith Hartford. Middlesex and Windham Reiteration of the basic facta . gone. honorable discharge aa .sergeant j 1944. ted for the, made I.*aura M artin as accompanist. Ed­ Manchuria. Russia. ford. Now we wish, of course,; overseas bags, utility bags, slip­ was held Thursday evening at C3ol- not be sent to the office for served refreshments. Miss Har­ county have been invited by Grand BODY WORK about the atomic bomb 1. getting i there seemed to be a chance of from the anti-aircraft camp in Cro.sB Country: Won C C. I. L ward McGo«-an gave a m Io Scare­ Knight Coimelius F. Foley to view ID I that we had been very strong "I'm not sorry," said Dr. Joe title in 1942-43-44. Won State pers for patients in service hospi­ chester Grange Hall, attended by pa-sses. riett Plummer of Rock­ getting three or four dozen of the Greensboro, North Carolina. He crow dance and Maureen Sullivan Student Council members will the Investure Of the Squires to­ SOI.IMKNB & FLAGG almost wearisome. Yet it seems But still Ihel*"”'*^ dissents. when he told me of the incident. entered the armed service in Eeh- title in 1943-44. tals and stuffed toys for children local school board members. Town.*! ville spoke interestingly of Manchuria to them. offered the Sailor’s Hornpipe as a represented were; Ctolcheater, aliio asalst parents In locating the morrow afternoon. An especially Roy and The Gat likely to continue necessary until for those who are concerned ! little golden fish into my creel, "He was so darned trusting and ruary 1941 and served twenty- Ba.sketball: Won C. C. T. L. In in the occupied lands abroad. tap dance specialty. her experience "Overseas." 7 She INC. Communists are. intent upon ; Many articles made by the J. R. C. Marlborough, Hebron, Blast Had- school library, cafeteria, gymnas­ also had many souvenirs t<> show. large attendance is expected from 834 Center St, te l. SIOI such time sa these facts begin to with the processes of democra- | Now, however, the day has to be, friendly. You can grin if , yoir eight months In the Pacific thea­ 1942; placed .second in 1943: tied A trio consisting of Shirley the Glastonbury, and Middletown Formerly At llolton i.ake House grabbing it for themselves. for title in 1945. Qualified for were sent to the Bradley Field dam, Lebanon, Salem and Sprague. ium, and the high school offices Mrs. W. Hoyt rfaydeti was/appint- penetrate the thinking and policy cy in this fair state of ours, the exactly balmy at least not ter of operations. Henry, Helen McLaughlin and should parents desire to visit them So far as international arrange-1 result In Hartford is Ihe most ' u’ . i, want to, but- that skunk did smile One of our aiilte recent new­ S late Tournament in 1942 and* hospital. A discussion, witii speakers, was ed Literary committee ai)^ Mi.*is With Joan Gavello sang "Don’t Fence held on school building matters. during the regtilar study hall of our political leadership. ments. and diplomacy cover the 1 heartening thing that has hap- . W«er, the smelts have to behave a t me.”' ' comers. Mrs. Burton Moore, is 194.V Membership of the Hi-Y (Man­ Ms In.” with' the assembly Joining Elizabeth kicks, Mrs. ti. Ernest ROY. ALICE MAY, HARPO, ZEKE, DICK AND TEX The deafness of the politicians, pened in a long time. ; more or less according to program chester High Y. M. C. A.) waa cut .Mrs. 'Victoria Strong and daugh­ periods. situation, then, it is the Cornmu- “Must have had your bedside i teaching art and marionettes to all Baseball: Tied for second place In on the chorus. Father McLean Hall, Miss Lucile Agard. Mrs. for instance, seems to be driving The process bv which former‘and the wind must be somewhere ___.... - , , eradea in the Bolton sclgiol on in C.C.I.L. in 1942; third place in by the war and the regular club performed aolo on the drums and ter, Miss Jean, have returned from Samuel Simpson and Mrs. (Tharles )Vill Entertain At / manner with >ou, I remarked. i and Ahdover school on visitations w-ere ruled out by the a stay of a few days in Providence, the men who made the atomic nists who, whatever their merits ^ Mayor Thomas J. Spellacy draft- besides out of the northwest, in 1943 and 1944. in concert W-lth Michael McDon­ CTurrler appointed Book commit­ and claims to recognition in oth- ed himself for the nomination and . ,, i, n k- ; Most folks do manage to muster , Thursdays. Footbgll: Won C.C.I.L. title in w-ar. Fewer inter-club games were nell. The recitation of the "Salve and are at their Hebron home on tee. bomb closer snd closer together, er respects, are the lawless factor ‘hen waged a campaign in which ‘his old guy shall be I some sort of smile when Joe ap-' Mrs. Mabel G. Hall calls to vour 1943; third in 1944. held yet a high morale w-as evi­ ReglnA” closed the assembly. the Willimantic Boulevard. ' Tolland U oitY D rin k ,... denced In the HI-Y assemblies. Mrs. Stuart Brinkman Is spend­ The Tolland branch of Ameri­ obviously In the hope that their . » I. iti he boldly claimed all the civic vir- among the seekera after the : pears and asks what sort of sick- ! attention the notice of the Motor Sw-immlng: Won second place In It is planned to have these as­ can Red Cross will meet at the n e preaen s u on. lines resided in none other but miniature salmon that smell\not Current events activities were at ing the week with her sister iji WILLIE^S unanimity will some day find a Vehicles Department of Hartford C.C.I.L. in 1942. , semblies twice monthly. Abe Winer of Rockville called on peak of interest due to the rapidly Schenectady, N. Y. The Brinkman Town hall. Tolland. Conn., Tues­ But If Yoo Do . Drink the Best! real bearing. The other day, when They are not making any re-j iumself was one of the most colos^ like fish'but like freshly sliced cu-' "°''-which statgs that according to the Tolland friends Wednesday after­ day. Nov. 13 at 8 p. m. The meet­ Connecticut state law the automo­ Due to the new-aprlnt shortage, changing conditions resulting from family live oh the former John N. noon. a group of atomic m.lenUs'ts diplomacy or to i J X " t H W ‘".cumbers an.l taste like ambro-' But that isn’t all there is to the the w-ar. Discussiohs and debates Hewitt place on the green. ing is called to elect officers and We Have Those Brands of Fine They are not asking that Russia | Connecticut political history. | | tg]p Next time Joe stopped by, bile tax which first became due the High School World, new-sweek Miss Elizabeth Hicks has closed to transact any other business. spoke to a group of Congressmen \ 'I Yet, to speak the truth, t was were held and the club heard Mrs. Nathan Cohen has been the GRILL last April 1st. if not paid in full edition of High school news, was her Tolland summer home and re­ or the United States or any\onel„„j Spellacv himself who was so' t*,teh of "Greenings” !» couple of days later. I asked him prominent speakers from outside Hebron guest for a few days of her par- All citizens of the Town of Tol­ In Washington, they were repre­ in November the tax collector cut from Its 3-column space to 6 turned to her New York City land who have contributed one Whiskeys. 446 CENTER STREET else acknowledge their claim to; much to blame. He has played * ! if the skunk had been around to Manchester on Red Ooss and ents-ih-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max senting an association ^pf more must notifv the Commissioner of columns. The High School World, Pfc. William James Johnson, lo­ apartment. Nov. 8. dollar or more to Red Cross during Manchuria. They are merely! th* same game all his life. It was Rtit I have a NewJ^ndon friend gjggi g„y gf hen's eggs. The Motor Vehicles of such , delin­ similar interests. Cohen of the Amston Road. Her Starting Saturday, November 10, 9 P. M. to 1 A .M. than 1,300, or mege than 90 per though limited In amount of space, cally known aa “Jimmy,” hero of small daughter was with her., The The final clo.sing of "CTubby the year are members and are Don't Forfiet! fT'e have a Bottle of marching in, and doing their best I natural for him to try to play it who can "take it.” The other day question rang a bell. quents and no new registratipn gave publicity to all war activities Summing up, the general pic­ the Anzio beachhead, and one of House" the Tolland Summer home urged at attend the meeting. And Every Saturday Thereafter cent, of all the scientists who “ • . O j r\nr«Aonce mj*\xAmore...... ran be issued until such tax has ture of the schools of Manchester younger Cohens live In Groton. to keep Chinese Nationalist troops | he came out here late in the da^ of the school. the nation’s 165 winners of Con­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sellers of Zoe Beckley, was completed Mr. and Mrs, W. Hoyt Hayden Scotch for you too. worked on the creation and pro­ The blame, and the post-elec­ The Skunk Returns been paid. Mrs. Hall Isccoraply- The Sock and Biuskin Dram a during the war was one of limita­ Nov. 2. . from marching in. All this is en- j and dropped down the cove a little gressional Medals of Honor in motored to Marlborough', Mass., attended church services at Storrs, duction of the atomic bomb. What tion chagrin and soul-searrhing, "No, by golly,” he .replied — ing with this law and will send a Club w-as limited- in the selection tions on every^hand, scarcity of World War 2, has been invited, The Junior Girls 4-H Club meet­ Sunday morning, Nov. 4. lirely different from the,, matter | should really be centered In way to a spot where the best teachers, due to inroads made on Wednesday, spending the night this new massing of ■ scientific I "but he came back." of delinquent automobile tax- of plays during the war due to the along with the other winners, to with Dr. and Mrs. Greenwood, and ing was held Friday,’Nov. 2. at the of the Chinese Communists re-' those so-called "better ele­ catches of this fall have been nayers to the Commissioner of lack of boys. The cost of play the Maffs by the services, lack of attend the American Legion's na­ home' oT theff leadeF,"" Tdfe."' U7 brains said was just what lndl-» ments" In Hartford life, so- Not only that, but he returned. returning Thursday night. taining authority and armies in' made. When he returned he had Motor Vehicles In Hartford. Em,- production had also increased and transportation to carry on the tional convention In (Thlcago from Max Garbich is reported as in a Ernest Hall, assisted by Mrs. Hol­ Alleged Evader Cleared Let F. & S. Sell Your Property vidual scientists and lesser groups ,called civic leaders, business It seems, to the gfirbage pit. The ■ barrassment can be avoided by outside work restricted the time usual extra-curricular activities, November 18 to the 21st, as spe­ lis French! Cooking was the order the territories they occupied dur­ leaders, leaders of the press, nine Mttle fish, all small—very critical condition-and is a patient of scientists have already said. doctor heard a commotion in "that I cooperation. members could devote to. rehears­ employment of many of the stu­ cial guests of the organization. at the New Haven hospital. of the afternoon program. .Denver—(/P)—The Federal Bu­ ing the war. In regard to auch ter­ who gave their bland support to small. "Put these In your freezer, ’ dent body after school hours in Corner Spruce and Bissell Streets We have many clients waiting for property of every According to them, the an­ he said to me- "thev’re too few I v*c>nity and went for a look-see. Fairtanka who entered als. Transportation restrictions There are four Connecticut men Chief Petty Officer Frank Kuly- The regular meeting of Tolland reau of Investigation hunted a ritory, their attitude is one of de­ the proposition thnt the most he said to me, tney re too hi. h..,i Windham Community hosnital also affected this department of industry- and business, and Civilian' who hold the great honor of being Grange wa-<» held at the Commun­ "tommy Ryan." alleged draft description in Manchester and sulnirbs. If yon hare nounced policy of our administra­ perversely liileiited pnlilicinn In nych is home on leave from the fense. In regard to Manchuria, and too small to be \.orth while ; e e \as Jack, barking his head November 1st due to an Infect- the school's extra-curricular ac­ Defense jobs, and a general lack CTongreiSipnal , Medal of Honor U. S. Navy. Kenneth Griffin of the ity House. Tuesday evening, Nov. evader, for five years. They final­ property for sale, list it with us for quick results plus tion to try to keep the bomb se­ f'oniiecticut represented a cooking. You'll be getting .some i Bud-Joe s several small grand ed knee is still confined. How- of all departments of the usual ad­ winners. Besides the above men­ 6, with the election of officers as ly found him. then doffed their their attitude and policy is one of choice for clean, 'good and elll- - 1 tivities, preventing the members U. S. Army, also has a 10-day cret has already pushed the world more tomorrow or next day” pe' across the road, ever, hla mother states that he Is of the club from seeing plays at herence to schedules of peace-time tioned Johnston they aips Captain leave. ^ follows: Ma.*s as Littleton. Colo. In 1942, Weekdays, Evenings and Sundays must sooner or mUr; boomer« the really monstrous thing either hook or bait—had lost more I **** forefeet and trying his fit performance for the Red Cross, the zeal of the students to fit NOTICE living In Hebron on the Burrows 'Bgiilnst us, and them we. no matter ' how !<>f)en we try to next spring. Plans are, being for­ contributed a program show for themselves for better positions in is under treatment for sciatica. Gatekeeper, Arthur LaBonte; Spencer registered again and was XtiLv about the -Hartford campaign. I overboard than he ,had basketed. ■ Pest to make targets of dog and mulated for the insulating of the Hill road. Johnaton was one of the Ceres, Faith Rounds; Pomona, called to service. When the FBI with our great Cities'and- plants| deny It, Is one'< k^ support for Their motives were varied and the Bradley Field hospital and service branches as evidenced by four Johnston brothers of Amston. •Bit like mad things. ” he ex-! children, but unable to get them building for all year round activi­ gave- programs for local churches the devotion to the ideals of edu­ Daisy Caldwell: Lady Assistant caught up with "Ryan," the sup­ On and After November First will be the most vulnerably of alt Chiang Kai-shek. That again can complex, but their coihmon/ as­ in Jiis line of fire because of thp ties. sons of John Johnston of that Steward, Claire Crandall; Execu­ posed draft- dodger, he wore a sumption wa.s that Hartford could claimed, and clubs. Proceeds (rom a three- cational training offered them dur­ place, who enlisted or were Induct­ Urges (Control great nations. Th^ey said that If do little or nothing to atop Chi­ Sergeant Michael D. Shirshac. act play was given towards the ing the War years. tive committee. Robert West. purple heart ami three battle forget two years of clean govern­ When I came to look at the lit-' ‘^e pit walla. HowVver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. ed into the service from Hebron. stars earned in European action. we are going to continue our pres­ nese fratricide. Neither Russia ment under Mayor W’illism 'H. I no sooner did Dr. Joe appear purchase of a car for the Manches­ Miss Bemife Hall and Miss Alice Shirshac la now stationied w-ith the Tolland countj^ On Air Talks Hall of, the East Haven High Charges against him. were dis­ THE SEAMAN FUEL ent policy, that policy would even­ nor the United States is doing; Mortensen and head biithery back indoors I discovered ‘Pat .jjpj skunk's ranee .of vision Army of Occupation In Berlin, ter Canteen Corps. (The 3fanchester In tha War Johnston for several missed in U. S. District court...... to an era in which the real^^ndi- there were just two smelts in the, Girl activities were decreased serins will be continued next school faculty will spend the week­ tually involve our having to start anything to stop it. than the animal’s wrath disap­ Germany. yegrs In <3olcheater. after his It seems fairly obvious, .-> how­ lions, had been conditions of'^penilot. All the rest were caplin, that during the war due to the large Saturday with another In­ mother’s death .when he was a (Contlnued from Page One) AND SUPPLY CO,, INC. destructiva offensive war against peared utterly. No more of the Private Peter Shirshac w-ho ha.s number of girls working part-time stallment on a new phase of small boy, and married a Colches­ ever. that together they could and gross theft from the welfare verv similar appearing fish that been hospitalized somew-here in Wanted! any nation we even suspected of threaUnlng ‘'treading.” No morg in business or Industry. The State the local war activity)* ter girl. Thus he gave his resi­ ysts and to make a clear distinc­ producing bombs, that being the stop it, if they fished, that if , S' the Philippines is now- stationed conferences were discontinued due dence as Colchester! but his name tion between news and prejudiced of the futile bombardment. Mr. | with his uiilt fn Japan. ------—4 /:------WILL■» BE LOCATED AT only way to be sure that these' both together would exercise I Ri^Bt, extortion and favoriti im In larger spqgles and which are to transportation/restrictions and and those of his brothers are on viewpoints.” EAT THE BEST AT REYMANDER’S gg^inst ' cmnecflon with the c|ity'g loningw holly lacking in the golden col- Skunk obviously recognized his i Margaret Champlain is now em- in lieu 'of other Work, the female ,th« Hebron honor roll, and his Adamson added that in reply to Roast Prime Ribs of Beef other bombs would not be used! simiiltaneoua pressure frlend of the tomato and lettiice i Sonoco Gas staUon /members of the studci^t body, es- name was not plated on the Col- letters he had written, the law­ ! at low-er Main street. Willimantic. FENDER AND Genuine Native CalvJs' Liver against us'. _ ~ ^ both Chinese factions, that if they I fTl^rpi^-^mrcZ' I"' feast and calmed down at once. 'peciallv the Girl Reserves, (High cheater roll until after he. had won yers of "all but one” national ’ra­ * and Bacon / 62 HAWTHORNE ST. They said that. If we continue stopped their tacit encourage-1 of the late Tony"z." stead, of a metallic silt.cry color j There w-ill be no more danceS/ School'Y. W. C. A.) rolled bandag­ the CJongressional Medal. dio network had agreed "there is He even treated Joe to another of at the Community Center until thV es, volunteered for hospital work, BODY WORK Delicious Steaks Native Broilers our present policy, we should be- ment of war and demanded - Because Mr. Spellacy cotuld now ®"d are marked by a di.stinct sil- Word has received by Mr. room 'for improvement in the (Off West Middle Turnpike) his Ingratiating smiles. new- floor is down. At the execu­ assisted in the work ^f the Ration and Mrs. Robert F. Porter from broadcasting of news analysis." ^ immediately transferring peace. that If both constituted 11“"* budgeU and bal- ver stripe from gills to tail. Oth^ tive committee meeting MonMy 80L1MBNE a FLAGG LOADS OF FUN — DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT! 16 years or^ over, to do inside Joe called the kids, reassuring Board and Civilian Defense. their son. Cpl. Milton Porter, that Self-Regulation Favored ' , Phone S()i87 American life underground. themselves noliremen Instead nf now Supposed to erwise they resemble smelts close- evening It w-as voted to take care ^ Boys In Uniform / INC. h« Is now In Austria with the Adamson-said the lawyers urged themselves policemen instead ^ f , have been, an era of sound gov-!,.. ____ u . .v,. them as to any jmssible danger, 6S4 OenteF SL Tel. 0101 ^ Fine Wines. Liquors and Beer They aaid that the only alterna­ just bj'standers— then the leJTO , ernment for (lartford. of this and glso to finish the SMge. The annual prepak-atlon of the 'H3rd A.A.B. Bat. His brother, that stations he allowed to work In moving from our present location, 256 Center agricultural work. Fiill fime size,, though this lot Vere -’smaller and the skunk, clearly accepting June Loomis ■ of • North Somanhls, (High school year­ Gibson is also In the- Europeaip tive to such a future lie.s in estab­ would be fairly certain to be However morally diseased out Improvement-through self-reg­ Street, to our new quarters we will be in a position to than any smelts I ever encoun­ them as allies of- its human Coventry will act as hostess at the book). struck a snag for various area and his return to this country ulation, but remarked he doubt^ work . . . sorting and grading lishing control of atomic energy peace. It also seems cU-ar that If Hartford may have been at the Reymander's / Restaui^atit render better service to the general public. top, the average voters refused friend ^ d therefore of itself, re­ next meeting of the Coventnr Red reasons. For the flnst time during fs expected soon. this would work satisfactorily at a world,, instead nf,a national they do not come together for tered in the Niantic. Cross Motor Corps on Monday the war. the pictures of graduates j Another soldier recently heard without Federal supervision. .15-37 OAK STREET ^ TELEPHONE 3922 shrubs and plants. Good pay. to swallow this monatroalty. newed neither Its suapiclqns nor ----- FEATURING ----- level. peace, the circumstances they re­ They kept their thinking clear As a food fish the caplin is no evening, November, 19. showed many of the boys In uni­ SICKNESS /from In the best way, Is Staff Sgt. Adamsoti said the legal agent Its threats. After, a lltUe the Plans for the next three meet­ form. The actuM work on the year­ /Walter C. Leary, son of Mr. and idea Is needed “to put radio sta­ Thus the scientists. fuse to cure will develop Increas­ in spite of the fact that, from substitute for. a smelt. The bony / AND LEHIGH VALLEY COAL BEEHIVE COKE Good working conditions. clever political atahdarda. It creature turned In for anoth­ ings of the Pilgrim Fellowship In­ book was hanapered by lack of /Mrs. Cornelius J. Leary of the tions in the same position as news­ While they were saying these ing possibilities of Involyement structure Is heavier and*the meat clude Novimber 11 meeting at the student help, due to war jobs, and / Hebron-Amston road. He has re- papers when they make mistakes." waa Spellacy who waged • the has no particular flavor. Here­ er nap. ACCIDENT RECLAIMED OR VICTORY COKE , -AMBRICOAL things in Wa.shington, former i them hotli. brilliant and masterful cam^ home of Malcolm Rose: November the cost of engraving and lack of / eeived bis discharge after 18 He said that at present when radio Phone or See Mr. Reeks. Governor Harold E. Stassen, a 1 'It is a commonly accepted prln- paign, and .Moylan^ who seemed abouts they are called "greeninga" I am interested to learn by and 18 State Program Fellowshln engraving metAla held the tUustra- INSURANCE months of service In the South- broadcasts damage a person the BITUMINOUS COAL FIREPLACE COAL his helpless sTi-Hteglca] victim. or “green smelt." We throw by whether the skunk has joined Rallv In Hartford: Noveniber 25 west Pasific, as a gunner and in-L^ggrleved has to seek legal re- politician, but perhaps a politi-1^'P'Ia. tPAU the' fiituV'e presen'alion meeting at the Burton Moore’s. Alexaatler Jarvis, agent assures structor with the 13th and . far' dress In the state where the sta- Rarely ha\e the \-oters of any them overboard and say abusive the menagerie with which Dr. Joe REAL ESTATE KOPPERS COKE — HEAT REGULATORS clan who has already heard and j peace depends upon snuffing US^ yon freedom from worry about cit.v had to I'ut through so mueh- Eastem Air Forces. While over-f tion is.located, understood what the scientists ! little wars before they spread j things about them as we are do­ is usually more or less surround­ Hospital MUs whan offering seas he flew 40 missions, partici­ smonlh deception. Rarely have moderately priced sickness and pating in six campaigns. He was BURR ing so. T think the joke in thia' ed. He would, I am sur^ ,have have been .saying, was discussing i involve, everybody. Here Is 1 Ihe.v done It so concliisivelv. accident inanmnee with liberal .4rcumulaled Gas Fumes Blamed made a w-onderful animal se At 12 Oakland Street—6-Room Cottage, new roof, good her home with the mifmps. ' Sev- in the garbage pit of a skunk i Ormand J.We« Large Stock United Nations ,create an Atomic Offering patient. Presumably, j eral cases have 'been reported In which, because of the precipitous- j whose selfish littleness he often condition. Price $4,500 With $1,000 cash.. Now vacant. Special Parties Up To 200 Accommodated. Commission of scientists to see miraculous rub D ir t c io r The W* G. Glenney Company is about to ness of the pit's w-alls, . couldn 1 so scathingly rebuked. Mr. Tru­ that none shall be manufactured. 1 Fair Prices Parlf to Several other Singles ami 2-Family Houses in all come to his rescue. But how are get out again. Joe ordered the dog j man' Is no crusader. He is. an Perhaps there could be all kinds sections of town. . ' , patient and. miracle going to be ’ Confused By Soap away and called* out to Mrs. Joe amiable ‘ man wwaipd lR.’ H a stin g s ^ bombs than he advocates, or a. warn) glow. For, in what seems' Shrine circus here. Someone previ Company was not a furtive eye, either. In In ordinary times it is my te- ^ Builder Real Estate P o t t e i ^ IL Real Estate Spccialiat •Iroager police air force. But hU to us'a much greater miracle and ously had given him a box of soap, llef that Mr. Truman would have each cake shaped like a miniature fact It w M ^n unafraid, fairly 71m Sign of • 5S0-041 ■ ^ifle Jtropoeal illustratea the 1» much greater blessing than the wen the ae'elalm of th# country Johnson-RulH Ramea The Dewey-RitJunan G). 101 PHELPS^ ROAD elephant. When real elephants pa­ confident'Took. .The look i gradual­ WORTHY SERVICE' MAIN fweral principle to which .we and nib Itself, there is alwap some as a fair, square and more than PHONES: lS12and 2-1107 ' raded Into the arena. Vincent’s ly, so the''-doctor asserts, turned ^’Jewelers Stationers 'Opticians the world must cpme, if w.e are to ‘one on hand to give the rub that grandmother. Mrs, W. E. * Urqu- into a .smile after Joe ’ 1-aU found oi-dinarily counj^eous statesman. KKOAi) SIRKK1 Open I'humdair 7j,a I'lltil 9 H M. INSliRANCE / MORTGAGES G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. aurvlve. The ^atomic bqifib nnwt jjjoes with the rub. As the patient 142 Center Street ths'^t ?’"“ v tn c ^ t°’t'oJk'^one 7^1m c 2 | on]y slightly i-otlcd lAt this highly disturbed ’’period TKI.EIMIONI:; 7426 Manchester Closed Salurilay At S:3tl « 0 t be regarded as a potential In-1 tells of his sudden recover*-, be and anawar,^ aerioiislv: "Solipv" 'Itomatoes and ^row-n them Into! what we need in. a President. is T * - r { • jaANCHESTEK EVEisiNG fiERALU, nAxwncfTi'EK, nAiuitwAi, isuyr^^MtjftK in, 1D49 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONNm SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1948 PAGE e ^ I I IIP—ii« .■■M III'* . — ■ V } |Noted Speaker Gets Discharge Vets to Mark ‘Devil Dogs’ Add New Chapters to Proud Tradition of ‘The First to Fight’ on 170lh Anniversary W D B O — 1880 f f i l f l i f k W T H T — 1230 tfoitiate Oass ------■ ■ - ...... — ------I------;...... — ------^ ^ ------• VVTlO-1080 Jt y O W H T D — 1410 Armistice Dav For Banquet Standard Tlrno Irish^ An me Toda^ Of Candidates •r ^ 1 1:00 — WDRC — News; WHTD*- 7:00 — W D R C — Helen Hayes; e Paratle anil Mi'inorial Father Cassidy to Be at -^-Musle for Millions/ W T IC — ‘ WHTD—Jobs After Victory; f Tall C^arB to Exempli- News. WTIC—Our Foreign Policy. Services at the Gonter Armistice Day Gather­ I! 15— WDRC—Treasury Salute; 7:15— W H T D — Labor, U. S. A. All Rockvillje Eleven jt t f Degrees Tonight at WHTD—-News; W IW —Greek 7:30— W D R C — First Nlghters; Navy Plays Michigan ing at Legion Home Program; WTIC Agriculture . Sport Slants Church "anil Hospital -4 WHTD—Dick Tracy: WTHT— Masonic Temple ' news. / ' ' Arthur Hale; WTIC—Music of i:30— WDRC —Gjand Central By Earl W . Yost , Mancheater's veteran.s (organiza­ Rev. Henry F. Cassidy, of Nor­ Manhattan. Host to Meriden AA folk, a Past Department Comman­ Station; WHTD— victory Train; ! 1' ■ A d a * of candidates will be tions will observe the 2Jth anni­ 7:46— W T H T — Sports with Tortf Sports Editor \ In Other Top Contest! der of the American Legion, will WTHT—Mualel ^Ilsh Program; ; ? iBlUatcd into Nutl^ef? Forest. Tall versary of the signing of the Arm­ Harmon. Cedars of Lebanon, this evening In be the principal speaker at the W TIC—Veterans/ Advisor. 8:00 — W D R C — Dick Haymes istice of World W ar I / tomorrow Grid Rivals Clash at Mt. The Best .Approach Robbins ia at preseht enjoying ‘ Masonic Temple, large enough Armistice day dinner and dance 1:45 _ WHTD Jive Bomber; ' Show; WHTD—Woody Herman the with a parade, nervicej of prayer ^Honie on Leave Resumption of the .annual a leave at the home of his wife's Unbeaten Temple Team ‘ < to make the local Forest one of the to be held Monday night at the WTHT— Football Games — Yale Show; WTHT—To be announc­ Nebo Sunday ATtcr- Defends National Title I and a service of remembrance. The Thanksgiving Day marathon race parents In Manchest^^r. When in­ ^ ^ M n e s t In the country. The inlti.'i- Legion Home. Father Cassidy is vs. Brown; W T IC — Football ed: W T IC — Life O f Riley. parade is scheduled to/ leave the this year after a lengthy lapse is formed of the race Charlie report­ Faces Once Beateml ■thm ceremonies will follow a tiir- noted as a speaker and Is beloved Game— Arm y ys. Notre Dame. 8:15—WTHT—The Constant In­ iioonY' Majewskis Rich Charlie 'Robbins, the Nation­ Arm y and Navy club,/Main and another good sign that Manchester ed that he would be glad to run In ■ Jiey dinner to be served to the Tall by every Legionnaire who has 2:00— W D R C / — Strictly Swing; vader. al Marathon champion, will Penn Slate; Oklahoma Forest streeUi, at 10:1.1 a. m. In Rockville WlU soon again regain Its peak his- home town. ' ' 'Cedars at 6 o’clock, come in contact with him. EMson WHTD— Football Games—Navy 8:30—W D R C M ayor of the Town; put hla titleXon the line to- prewar stardlng and pos.albly Charlie la a Pharmacist Mate Aggies Tackle Tulsa t ^ There will be a business meet- Mareh to Chtirch M. Bailey, principal of the l^m- vs. Michigan/ News; WHTD— Musical Round­ rnorrow' afternoon in Yonkers, I x m fi 2:30— W D R (y -F o o tball G a m e - Two of the state’s leading se move. and la in charge of the X-ray de­ i Ing at 4:30 this afternoon at whh h The veterans will i^iarch to the chester High school, wlU b e ^ h e up: W T H T — To be armounced; N. Y,, \yhen' he\ corhpetes in • Center churrh where the service toastmaster. N avy vs. Michigan. < pro' football teams will be In The Arm y and Navy Club and partment at the Brunswick Air the National Marhthon cham­ New York. Nov. —^Thal time all applications for member- l U ancient tradition of “First to Fight” Is the Marines won fame when LieuL Civil W ar saw Marines serving on land and sea. WTIC-r-Truth or Consequences. of prayer will be conducted by A turkey dinner wlU be served 2:45— W D R C — News; Game Con­ the Recreation Centers with the Station. pionship meet. \ . ship must be filed. The two Tall , At Harper’s Ferry. Marines used ladder to batter 9:00 — W D R C — Hit Parade;. tion tomorrow afternoon at Mt. football world centered its inter-1 Rev. Clifford O. .Simpson. Follow­ U. 8. Marine Corps’ pride. EsUbllshed Nov. 10. Stepheh Decatur: raided Tripoli beginning promptly at 6:30. Wil- tinued. assistance of several other indi­ Yale Seeks 500lh Win ' Coters degrees will b& exemplified | WHTD -Gangbusters; WTHT— Nebo when the All Rockvllles en­ Charlie stated thal\hc is in eat today on New York where the ing the church service the veter­ 1775, the Corpe’ first major asstgument was de­ Harbor to sink the .V. S. S. way into firehouse, capture John Brown In 1859. fred Clarke, who is chairman of 4:00— W T H T — To be announced. viduals have started the ball roll­ I v: at 7:30 and there wUl be profes- Leave It to the Girls; W T IC — tertain the undefeated Meriden There waa a goden anniversary the best shape he nks ever struction or capture of British base at Fort Mon- PhUadelphla. LL-CoL Frank­ Col. John Harris, Inset, was Corps’ commandant the committee, promises a fine 4:30— W D R C — Elliott Lawrence ing in reviving this annual turkey all-conquering Army legions 1 alonel entertainment and a social ans will rea-sscmble at the rear of National Barn Dance. A. A. The kickoff has been act for on the cleat-torn turf of the big been due . to the fln*\ treat­ tagne, Bahamas. Maiinea served under MaJ. lin Wharton, inset, was com­ Through War of 1813, Corps numbered 1000, dinner and a fine time for all who -Orehesfra; WTIC — World of day feature. . ; hour following the degree work. the Municipal building, and then 9:30— W H T D — Boston Symphony 2:30. Yale bowl today, the 50th football ment accorded him at the N a­ march against the KighUng Irish I Samuel Nicholas. Inset. In the Revolution, snf- mandant Corps numbered 500, lost 111; Mexican war, 2509 with 58 casualties; attend. Selectman David Chambers Melody. Some of the greatest runners In T-Sgt. George A, Osella march to the Manchester Me­ Orchestra: WTHT-.The Whis­ The Meriden club comes to town game between Yale and Brown, of Notre Dame in a momentous fered 119 casualties of total strength of 750. with three casualties. civil W ar, 3500 with 250 casualties. and Town Treasurer George H. N ew England have competed In val Air Station In Brunswick, I morial hospital on Haynes street 5:00 — W D R C —Philadelphia O r­ Ivy League rivals from away back. Waddell will represefit the town per Man; WTIC--Can You Top with a perfect grid slate In four the Manchester event of other Me., whci-p he - is stationed match between the first tw o rank-1 Technical Sergeant Georgs A. where the memorial to World War chestra; WHTD— Date, with the ThW? games. In their opener they romp­ For the Bulldogs, the event had at the, gathering. Charles Robbins, years. Manchester’s own Joe Me- with' the Navy. \ ing teams of the nation. - About Tmvii Osella, youngest son of Mr. and I dead is located. There the piincU Duke; W T IC — Music of the Mo-, ed over the Briar A nna also of local distance runner, who has won 9:45— W D R C — Ham Session. Cluskey. for many years the N a ­ even greater moment for victory Beat of luck and may yoii pal address will be delivered by ment Meriden by a big score. Rockville A crowd of 76,000 lucky ticket-1 Mrs. Angelo Osella of 14 Village five national championships, and 10:00— W D R C — Let’s Look at the tional steeplechase champion, now would mean exactly 500 gridiron come home the wlnnah! Past Department Commander 5: i.S— W T IC — World Fellowship trounced this same Briar Arms street, received an honorable dis­ is now serving In the Navy, is home "Facta; WTHT—Chicago Theater In the Navy overseas, was among triumphs for the sons of EH In a r.s—the game was sold out ml 1 ■ Sergeant Stanley S. Wrobel, Week. club by a similar S9ore. Arthur Connell of Middletown. on leave ahd will he present. of the Air; W T IC — Judy Canova the name entrants. football htstorj’ that dates back ' will cram Yankee Stadium ' { ' age 28, of 24 North street, ilan- charge from the Arm y under the 5:,30— W T IC — John W. Vander- In three games played to date I In Case of Rain G. Albert Pearson will lead In Show. 73 years. ' Chester, has beeti relca.sed ffom point system, _ Th\irsday at the sep- cook. has racked up two wins against Other famed stars who appeared e the Cadets. No. 1 team of I Marshal James Dtirkee stated group singing and there will be 10:15— W D R C — Report to the N a ­ the Arm y A ir Force today at the 1 aration center at Fort Devens, and 6:45— W T IC — Tin Pan Alley of Coach Ralph Gilroy’s Rockville included Tarzan Brown. Clarence Yale was strongly favored, its me e(«int)-y, strive to become the I this morning that If rain Inter­ dancing following the dinner. tion. Drew Field Separation Station, \ has returned to hie home. the Air eleven has racked up two wlnji DeMar, the veteran and powerful line held more than *a I Sfirst - t\det Corps in tlistory top 10:30 — W H T D — Marine Corps' Tampa, Florida. Sergeant Wrohel T-Sgt. Osella served 27 months fered with the proceedings, veter­ many other marathon runners who match for the Bruin forward line Fish—Game Evening 'Show: W n C —Grand Old Opry. against the A ll Torringtona and .score two straight triumphs over [ la the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. | in New Caledonia. N ew Hebrides, ans should meet at the Center gained national recognition. and an array of not-too-potent ..ews on all stations. 10:45— WDRC—Herbert Hoover. the. Briar Arms. In a return ganie I Notre p ^ e . Coach Earl Blaik’s l Wrobel of 24 North street, Man- Guadalcanal, the Admiralty Is- church no later than 10:30 tomor­ It Is hopeful by the committee H i!'. o;li>-W DRC—People’s Platform; 11:00— New s on all stations. with the Torrington squad die lat­ backs. i men also Odll be after their sev­ chester. Prior to hl.s entering the lands and the Philippines. He was row morning. In case of rain the in charge to have Charlie Robbins, Notes % VVHTD-Digeat of the Air; Or­ 11:16— W D R C — Night Owl Show; ter team scored a 7 to 6 win. The University of Connecticut enth succes^ve triumph of the I f ’ service he was employed by Han-1 with the Medical Corps and super- memorial services will be held, he-j-' a local boy and a former Manches­ chestral Interlude: WTHT — WHTD — Rhythm Jockeys; Joe Rich- plunging fullback and huskies, winners in five out of six I season and thrir sixteenth over a | aon and Whitney, Hartford. Conn | vised the making of medical re- -said. In the lower floor of Center Charlie Robbina ter High school and University of rail* Sports with Jim Campbell; WTHT — Dance Orchestra; Prutty M ajewskl left halfback will- ! two-year periocK H « waa aent overseas In October porta, and was In charge of scrub church immediately following the be In the starting Rockville back- Connecticut runner compete. If season, were expect- W T IC — Don’t You Believe It. W T IC — CTlfton Utley. Rated right liahind Army with I regular church service,_ COLUMN Manchester’s own Charlie Rob­ arrangements can be made to have "P " " " ’ '’cr six In a t u s - i- 1942. typhus and malelrla control. He 6:30 — W H T D — Answer Man; 11:30 — WHTD — Dance Music; fleld along with Frenchy-Richards ' five victories and'one tie to their I has received the American Theater and Pat Murdock. Rich in addition i Robbins spared from his dutiekati*'' the University of Malhe WTHT-'-Ozlmek Polith Pro­ WTIC— Sweetheart Time. bins. the National Marathon cham­ I credit, the Irish i^ll be seeking I ribbon, the Philippine Liberation to carrying the ball does all the the Naval A ir Station In Bruns- ] Orono. Troop 12. Scouts, will omit By Fred Hantpmm gram ; W n C — Bob Steele. 12:00 — WHTD — News; Music; pion continued his dizzy pace by j to avenge the 59-O^asting they I ribbon, the Asiatic-Pacific cam­ British Units Open teams kicking. I wick, Me,, he wlU compete. The Huskies, who already have Its meeting 'Tuesday evening at six (Sabatitiitlng for Hal Boyle) 6:45 — W D R C — N ew s; W H T D — WTIC—News; Dance Orchestra. winning the N ew England cross j suffered at the Cadets*^ hands last | paign ribbon, silver star and other Bill Panaronl is the star of the country championship fast Sunday ! during the past two licked the Mainemen once this sea- o’clock at the Second Congrega­ Shanghai— —Foreigners re­ Jim Britt’s Sports Roundup; 12:30— W n C —Three Suns. I !year. decorations. (/P) Invading Silver City team. Big Bill over the Franklin Park course in ' y**™ many honors In m ar-, son. were expected to dig in deep tional church and Instead will go Soerabaja Attack; turning to China since the war WTIC—Brlen McMahon. 12:45— W T IC — Lee Sims, pianist. Along with the big NPw has spearheaded the teams offen­ Boston athon races throughout N ew Eng­ for this contest to help W alt Tro- roller skating at the Sports Cen­ ended have found a new vehicle— tilt, the East has a flock other I sive tactics In their winning starts Robbins stated that "it was the land. Today he is at the top, th e, janowski. the nation’s top scorer, ter on Wells street the pedicab. The pedicab is a Thosc interested in watching the contests of • championship iealibre I Full Scale Conflict and will bear a lot of watching to­ w’flrst race that I ever ran In as It National Marathon champion, i add a few more touchdowns to three-wheeler—half ricksha and release of -ock pheasants are which will draw taiuge throngs. In World War I. Marines won Wake Island added to braveTtradi­ morrow afternoon. snowed most of the way.” In­ Manchester, fans haven’t seen Rob­ his prize-winning list. Mrs. William G. Crawford of Turning point of the Pacific war came when Marines Isnded on ■half bicycle. Anniversary Celebration The Rockville lineup will remain In Baltimore, some 60,000 flu Battle of Bellesu Woods, forced tion of tlfariries when, in Decem­ clement weather failed to hamper bins in action locally since his The hapless Coast Guard Aca­ asked to be at Lee’s Esso Station Academy street will speak before (Continued from Page One)' I Guadslcsnal Aug, 7, 1942, snd, after securing beachhead; held Chinese say It was introduced by are expected to see the N i * bridgehead across Meuse River, ber; 1941, 378 of them, under Maj. the same' as in the Meriden gain^ the progress of the local lad who scholastic days at Manchester High tomorrow morning at 9:30. The the Woman’s Club of Torrington, vital Island during six months of Incessant Jap counter-attacks. demy team from New London dash with the fast-improvinit'J won nickname “Devil Docs” from James P. 8 . Devereux, held out the Japanese as the Greater East two weeks ago. Last weeks game defeated Tony Medirlos of North The town is anxious to get a look ■ Monday on "Interesting Facts announced the opening of the Brit- | Gen. Alexander A. Vandegrtft, Inset, became commandant Jan. seemed destined for sabbath grief birds will be stocked In the shoot­ Michigan Wolvertnes. About 65,-1 Germans, MsJ.-Gen. George Bar­ 14 days against overwhelming Jap Asia’s co-prosperity sphere’s con­ O f Networks Nearing End with N ew Britain as rained out Bedford. St the boy who has again placed About Scotland.” Mrs. Crawford Ish attack.- The British troops j 1, 1944, after actively leading Pacific campaigns. World War II but has been rescheduled and *111 on Worcester’s Fltton Field where ing areas around the town. Bring 0000 more of the football faithful [ Johnson-Chadwick nett, Inset, was commandant. attacks. Lt.-Gen. Thomas Hol­ tribution to the ricksha pullers, a The famed runner is now enjoy­ this little town of ours on the map was formerly international rela­ jumped off from positions whjch ] Corps numbered 472,682. with 79,226 casualties. Marines be played next Sunday. The, Meri­ Holy Cross, anxious to avenge last a hatchet or a hammer with you will make their way to Philadel-I Miss Virginia Chadwick, daugh­ Corps totaled 72,963, lost. 11,349. comb, inset, was commandant. sort of "get-the-boys-out-from-be- ing a leave at the home of his through his many victories and tions chairman of the State Fed- they held around the city In the ‘ throughout history have won 142 CongressioiUd Medals of Honor. New York, Nov. 10 — UP)— A '^ A second program is listed for den A A ’s were scheduled to ftce year's beating at the hands of the aa feeding stations will be built In phia’s Franklin Field where the I ter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. face of light sniping and machine- ______■ tween-the-shafts” movement. wife’s parents In Manchester and accomplishments in the sporting aration of Women’s Clubs.’ with week of more or less quiet observ- M6nday night. the Hartford Pros last Sunday but world. Cadets, appeared certain to do so the areas for the coming winter. offensive-minded Columbia Ltona| Chadwick of Andover, and George gun fire. Bids Fair to laist is ■ scheduled to report back on which the club In Torrington Is af- CBS— 10:15 Report to nation their game too was cancelled. There Isn’t any doubt that a by as much as they wished. Warden Ted W ralght will be on tangle „ with the heavy - . Pennsylva-. ____ Johnson, son of Mrs. Hannah Soebardjo said the telephone ex- V « » » » L - e IN Irx* this week from Haiphong, Indo­ It Is one of the few Items "ance of the twenty-fifth anni­ Monday, Nov, ■ 19. Robbins Is fUiated, and In that capacity made dramatizing radio highlights of 25 large crowd will be on hand for Last year the Cadets were a hand to OK the site of the feeding {nia Quakers In an Ivy League ti- Johnson of Clinton street, and the change had been abandoned. i s l I l K B W i l l i v O i china, said two Chinese Armie.s| brought by the Japanese which versary of broadcasting closes to­ stationed at the Brunswick. Me.. an Intensive study of the people years. the rnnning of the event but the New England gridiron power and atatlon. Uc-decldlng fray. j late John A. Johnson, were m ar­ British authorities explained i had been moved from there r e -' Lotl«re Seats bids fair to last although the old- night with additional celebratory Naval A ir Station. and customs in different countries. appearance of Robbins, the na­ Holy Cross had no Stan Koslowskl. ried this morning at 10 o'clock In that disrupted communications had ! cently In a score of American Most Stores line ricksha coolies still look down programs. It Is hoped by the committee In In the comparative quietness of I the parsonage of the South Metho- Give Chian" Aid Also Coming Up Tonight—NBC tion’s best marathon runner would j This year, the Cadets haven’t won T ry to attend the meeting of State College, Pa., undefeated and The Dorcas Society of the resulted- in the delay In announc- j ship.s, and thfit It w-as understood their* noses at It. They also view One of them. CBS at 10:45, Is to Local Sport ! charge of the Thanskgiving Day I church by Rev. W . Ralph Its Officers 7;30 Added progn’ahi, memorial to go a long way in making the af- a game and the Crusaders have the Manchester division, of the untied Temple will put its bowl Emanuel Lutheran church has Ing the attack. , one Arm y went to north China, it with considerable hostility be­ have Herbert Hoover In a fiiscus- i marathon race In Manchester to I Ward, Jr. They were attended by Gus E ^ w ^ d a by Joan Edwarejs. I fair a grand success. ' Koslowskl. Conn. Sportsmen’s Association. hopes on the line against a Penn charge of the Vesper .service at An official announcement said , (Continued from Page One) )the other to Formosa. W ill Be Open cause It is a much better two-place sion of 'radio developments over have Charlie on hand to compete. I Miss Alba Quaglia of Birch street/ that Maj. Gen. E. C. Mansergh or- Eddie Cantor, George Jessel and Tuesday. Nov. 13, at the American State team that has bebn beaten | the church tomorrow evening at Job than the ricksha. And a two- the years. A s secrets^ of com- Chatter Final notification from his station as maid of honor and Raymond others. only by Navy. 6 o’clock. A moving picture "W ho dered the shelling and air assault their present stations att Peiping.Peiping, c ; • C l Daupjliters of Scotia seater is a must with the sailors meVee in 1922 he had an import­ is now being awaited. Legion Home. Some very Import­ Johnson of Starkweather street as : after mounting Indonesian resist Sunday— M BS 10:50 a. chancel. resisted the British advance. He line Company and the Sun Oil Com­ marks. , self-conscious and embarassed at Gleason ...... 11 1305 ll8.7 ■’Fine, I got two native pheasants sle. Bo McMillin’s warriors have I Chlang Kai-Shek last night on his with the word "Congratulations,” harriers have a well-balanced | ffom the police force and expects pany, Toledo—had asked return of Presentations made during the being pulled about by . another, StnitT 111 91 .93 295 W. Hillnskl ...... 9 1066 118.4 this morning at the Flats,” Lee won three times and tied once in The bridal attendants w-ill be said that up to 10 a. m.. Indo­ returri-from a trip to the United bride and groom Live wire Is just the wiord .for team and as was the case last 1 I I to return to that organization. nesian force.s had not returned the refineries on the ground there evening included a silver plgte to human being, prefer the pedicab Minnlch ., . 93 82 101 276 -H. Barton ...... 5 589 117.4 asked how he knew they were na­ league combat and need only a I Lorraine Delaney, sister of States and discussed with Chlang The bride-to-be. daughter of Mr. TONIGHT Ellington Henry.' Last year his coopera­ year it was here that it payed off. British fire. was no labor dispute at present. the Grand Secretary, presented by because the operator doesn’t seem Murphy . 132 93 100 325 Keye ------12 1402 116.10 tives, whereupon the hunter re­ triumph over hllnnesota and win the briilegroom, as maid of honor, the redistribution of Chinese forces. and Mrs. Louis Fraechia of 122 tion was splendid and he has tak­ Last year’s captain. Herb I I Sergeant Erwin W. Rother of 24 CIO oil workers officials said the' retiring chief daughter, Mrs. to be working himself to death Dwyer . . . . .90 121 108. 319 Phillips ----- V------8 871 108.7 plied, "Oh. they haven’t got any o v e r. Purdue Nov. 24 to come | and Mrs. George Clarke, sister-in- From all indications the Indo­ “I am concerned about the School street, ia to ’ be married en _ up again this season just Stevenson has graduated and Is Knox street waa honorably dis- the dispute at the Canton refin­ Margaret Preston. The new chief every minute. , The EHlington Parent ’^eacher Schubert , 83 126 114 323 Kostek ...... 7 722 103.1 bands on them see,” and pulled law of the bride. Kenneth Bleu nesians had failed to comply with situation,” Wedemeyer told news­ Wednesday. Nov. 21 to Ray W. where he left off a year ago. now the mainstay of the Univer­ home first/ 1 charged November 5 at Camp Ed- ery had been settled by a new daughter, Mrs. Janet Teasdale, in As one Yank remarked*-”the Aasociation will meet in this town N. Barton ...... 5 516 103.1 forth two hen pheasants. will be best man and the u.shers any part of the British ultima­ men. "but It would be premature Johnson, son of Mrs. Huldur John­ ORANGE HALL Thariks, and keep it coming. sity of Conneptlcut cross-country With invincible Alabama idle I j wards. He is the son of Mrs. contract giving workers a 25 per behalf of the lodge, presented to hall Monday,. November lil at 8 p. Totals ... .509 513 516 1538 serving are Richard Hedy and tum, which directed that British for me to discuss it as I've Just son of 125 School street. pedicabs are all right, but when I team. Jake Donovan another regu­ Bryant and Chapman the Southeastern Conference’s Ahaanda and the l^te William H. cent raise bringing their average the grand deputy a silk negligee. m. T< 1 No. Our rabbit hunting Doc Wylie J Arthur Batc.s of Hartford.' hostages be freed, that all arm.s come back.” j ride in a ricksha I feel as though Tommy Morrissey, organizer of 1 Y l ) lar point-getter last year has been Fish 12 1369 114.1 standout setto pits Missisrippi | ' i . Rother pnd husbanil of Mrs. Flor- hourly rate up to 51.39. Past Chief Daughter Mrs. Preston Franklin M. EHenback^.D. M. D. Low* Man . 83 82 03 258 wa.s very much down In the dumps The bride, who will be given In be surrendered at a prescribed As he spoke a ICommunlA dis­ somebody ought to report me to the Knights of Columbus bowling out w-ith a leg Injury. Wilson ...... 12 1317 109.9 State against Louisiana State. presented to her successor,. Mrs. BIG PRIZES! Chief of the Division of Dental Hy­ Fox . . . . . 96 279 last week-end. He had purchased ence E. Rother. He sprwd 23; carriage by her brother. George place and that leaders of jhe In­ patch reported th^t National gov­ Breadless Week-End Looms the SPC A .” league has found it necessary to 100 83 Burr ...... 12 1313 109.5 The Southera Conference's main I Shower Is Given Teasdale,' a bouqubt of roses, and giene for the State of Connectlcui Captain Don Hall, Gob McKin­ a 19 months old setter from Sam months in the European ,Ihe»t<^f G. clarke, will wear a princess donesian youth movemei the ernment authorities last Monday A breadless week-end was in Pedicab Faster bowl all future matches at Mur­ Adamy .. , 98 93 94 285’ Skoog ...... 12 1293 107.9 events sends Duke against Nortn to Mrs. Rachel Muhsie, first chief will discuss the possibilities of ney. Andy Hool*r, Bob Bray, Felice. The dog got away from Of Operations. ____ j ^vhjte brocaded satin Soerabaja Chief of police knd the sealed Communist Army offices In prospect for San Francisco aa the Naturally, the pedicab la faster. Dietz,. Sr. . 134 123 110 367 Farrand .. 9 962 106.8 Caru'ina State and North Caro-1 daughter and ’’mother'’ of the forming a dental clinic for the phy’s, alleys due to the shortage Charley W aite and Joe ijunnlng- director of the clande.qtin Sian, Shensi province. A' Chinese For Bride-to-Be result of a wage dispute between It takes a pretty good ricksha boy Kroll . .. 127 99 121 347 VIttner ...... him last Saturday morning and Una against William & Mary. —v' A. J AT train. Her flnffer-tip veil Soera- lodge, a similar bouquet Admission 25c school children. He will show mo­ of pin boys at the West Side Rec. ham are all polished performers . . 3 326 106.2 The Army and Navy Club w ill! illusion will be draped from a haja Natianalist radio station press report from Moscow q^joted the A F L Bakery W agon Drivers to stay up with a bicycle Indeflnlt*- Doc spent Saturday and Sunday The Big Six comes up with a I A social time ■with refreahmente vies on dental clinics. The school who are counted upon to bring Manchester Motor Sales In search of him. By Monday keep open house Monday evenin^; 'U'ith seed pearls. She w’ill i must give themselves up. the Chinese emlttassy as saying and the Lagendorf bakeries, which ly. Even so— once’ tfte novelty Times have changed. A few Totals . .. 538 497 501 1536 natural in the Iowa State-Oklaho-.1 at the in nhsrrvntinn nf ! _____ ■ . — * ' Miss Norma Buscaglia of 763 followed the open meeting. children will participate In the en­ home the. bacon this afternoon. Howard ...... 10 1154 115.4 Doc had almost given up hope of (j at the in observation ot i carrv a rasca.le bouquet of white Broadcasts from the Nationalist Stalin had sent Chlang^ letter produce 20 per cept of the city’s wears off both ricksha and pedi­ years back youngsters w’ould fight ma pairing. The Sooners are tied 1 Center street was the honor guest New Olfioers tertainment hour following the MSfichester High is .rioted down T ann er, ...... 12 1355 112.11 seeing his p.up again. While at­ : Armistice day. The A. amt N. a u x -; carnations “ radio station throughout the night "connected with a certain IImpot- bread supply. The drivers struck cab are dlscouragingly Mow. for the right to set up the little Kacey League with Missouri for the circuit’s at a miscellaneous shower Thurs­ The new officers follow; talk. The public is invited. , through the years for their stand­ McCurry ...... I I 1224 111.3 tending the fire on South Main , Illary which is sponsoring a series, ^onor will Whar urged Indone.alans not to mve up tant situation.” after a U. S. lAbor department' Quoting another American — pins. Now they don’t have to lead each having 3-0 records, day evening at-the Italian-Amerl- Chief Daughter, Mrs. Janet Teas­ Ellington Grange will meet In out track and cross-country teams. McIntosh ...... 3 333 111. street, last Monday night .Ed Oliver ; of card parties will not begin the, light' blue brocaded satin, cut on their arms but Instructed them New Charge Of Intervention conciliator failed to bring agree­ ■■They’re all right If you’re not go­ set up, they have plenty of spend­ Santa Marla (4) while State has won t-.vo, lost one, | can Club on Eldridge street. The dale; Sub Cffiief Daughter, Miss the Town Hall Wednesday, N ov­ This year is no exception. Coach Hair ...... II 1173 106.7 noticed another Interested specta­ ^ m u Monday evening,. No-j j,pjf,cpgj; Upps and will carry an not to attack the British ' unless Chinese Communists made a ment on the union’s demand for a ing money. Janck ...... 9 5 106 ‘ 91 292 and tied one. party waa given by Mrs. IneS Catherine Malcolm; Chaplain, Mrs. ing any place.” ember 14 at 8 p. m. The officers Wigren’s boys have the ability and Bohadik ...... 8 826 103.2 tor watching. Yep, It was Doc’s i ''**” ber 19. ..arm bouquet of pink carnations. attacked first. new chargO tod ^ of American Ih- 17 per cent pay raise. O’Leary . . .J O l 98 78 280 The Southwest Conference has I Schrelndorfer of Bolton and Miss Margaret Brown; Recording Sec­ for the coming year will be elected they have the well wishes of all MSzzoIi ... 5 516 103.1 dog. Recognizing it as Sam1 Fe^ r e% 1* c. . - I The bridesmaid w-i11 wear a gown ■Reports of the outbreak at _terventlon . ____ . , even as .. the N avy de- Breaking off -negotiations, the The American Legion will hold Donovan . ... 101 84 95 280 a full slate of circuit ..Clashes on | Vanda Rejeski of Woodbrldge retary, Mrs. Esther Wolcott; Fi­ at this meeting. Mrs, Donald Pease fans In Manchester as they seek Chambers Movers lice’s dog, Ed took It home Sunset Rcbekah U slge nieni- ■ hrncade in Identical style Soerabaja followed a last-minute " “ hington wrfs em­ bakery operators arid the union Heavy Fight Along tw*o basketball sessions next week Gaudet" ... 93 84 ' 94 271 . . i " o “' 'iiii’L t a p with Texas, tied for the lead phasizing the Marines are not in street, this town. Upw ards of sixty nancial Secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth is chalr,m>ri of the the refreshment their third, straight state champ­ Witjtowskl ...... 12 1396 116.4 him and returned it to Sam. The',;.,,,, 4 jg, xj r >v . ^ r s are urged to make leliirns on| that of the maid of honor and breakdown of peace negotiations announced no bread would be de­ at the state armory. Drills are Fogarty . .. 106 94 88 288 ' , „ ‘ ‘■"'■'with Texas A. & M.. playing Bay- China "fo r any purpose connected guests were present and showered Cone; Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth committee. ionship this afternoon. K'eish ...... 5 583 116.3 Hekets for the Hope Chest b y : will carry vellow CBmaUon.“. with the British. , livered in San .Francisco today scheduled Monday„an(LWednesdav next m orning ® * "’. ", ' lor and the Aggies' opposing with the conflict” between Reds the bride-elect with a grreat va­ Brown; Conductor, Mrs. Maud Great China Wall Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson Chambers ...... 12 1392 116. November 16 to Mrs. Jaiqes. -The moth'er of the bride will Foreign Minister Soebardjo an­ About 750 drivers and 550 other evening at''S^To^cIock. The Vets totals ... . . 400 466 446 1411 turned it to Doc,, who Is a happy Mcthoilist. Arkansas. and Nationalists. riety of choice gifts. Torrance; Assistant Conductor, have moved to their new home in Smith . . . ------u .- 12 1365 U3.9 man again. Wethet^ll, Ucket chailpian, or wear -colored /ccrepe with nounced that he sent a letter to bakefy employes are affected. will .f^ce the High school In a N ina ( 0 )- meets Rice in the other loop en- I A Gommuniat spokesman al­ The hostesses used a color Miss I}elen Scott; Ihside O^uard, South Coventry. S. Hllinski ____. . . 12 1364 113.8 N^ble Grand ■ Mrs. Maybel - Dowd, hlack accessoi-ie.s ami the hride- General Christlson yesterday urg­ A dispute at Louisville which (Continued from Page One) proctlcS Wednesday. 'Mather .. . . . 90 87 S3 260 counter w,hile Texas Christian leged, without confirmation, that scheme of red, white and blue. M u­ Mrs. Catherine Martin; Outside Mrs. Milo E. Hayes, local sal­ tut West Side Rec i Griswold ...... 4 101,100.1 The drawing wil „take place No-j grrvmi's mother, black with fuchsia ing that the British ultimatum not sic, dancing and other social past­ management had said threatened ’-i.;. ■ - vage charlman, announeea the Jarvla ...... 9 9 105 90 294 Strong Gets Scroll joiusts with an outsider, Texas | an American ultimatum was serv­ Guard. Mrs. Rebecca Chambersf Don tVHIis Garage vember,19 in Odd. bellows . hall acppgg„rios. The ceremony will be enforced. Later in the day be imes were enjoyed and refresh­ to tie up the city’s costly recon­ lung, which Is also bn the railroad. newspaper salvage depot in rthe The West Bide Rec bowling al­ White ...... 85 — 85 •Tech. ed, last Monday on Red troops to Past Chief Daughter, Mrs. Mar­ Bowling League Kompanik 10 1252 125.2 I ^ fo '-O he followed hv a reception i t the conferred .with the ' AlUed com­ ments were served buffet style. version building program appar­ garet Preston; Pianist, Mrs. Helen The Communists had advised rear of the church was cleaned out leys-will be'open Monday night Sapienza ... 98 ' 81 86, -265 New York— A t the N ew York In the Rocky Mountains, Colo- the public, will be presented. -jA^nie of th e'bride’s mother, for withdraw 100 kilometers from Abrattis ...... 12 1365' 113.0 mander. Miss Buscaglia aglH t>e married ently \waa settled,, A F L team­ Fla veil; First Trustee, Miss Norma the Marines of the Intended at­ Wednesday and closed as there for the Rec Lieague. However, A. Shea ...... 74 81 94 249 Universlty-Lehigh ' game In New rado. the Big Seven front-ruimar. either aide of the Peiptng-Mukden W L Pet. Twaronite ...... 12 1361 113.5 Immediate: families, ' Chrya- Later, when he came to the sta­ on November 17 at nine o’clock to sters uijlon spokesmen said 250 tack and asked them to pull back will be no more collections of pa­ other sections of the building will Murphy .. , . . 95' 74 169' York, Ken Strong. All-America 1 engages Utah State, while D en -- All ------~ ...... ^ railroad. The spokesman said the Sanford; Second Trustee,. Mrs. 16 0 — 1.000 Cargo ...... •1 o J' ^’°"®''‘'P''^® ’ db*bemum:s ani carnations will tion to bid Soerkarno farewell. building supply truck drivers pers there. Save fats and take be closed Monday as will the East Darlings ...... 10 1084 108.4 backi of 1928, drew • a scroll for j ver. the Contender, plays Colora- Red commancler at Shanhaikwan, Pfc.,John Willard of 158 South Rachel Munsie; Third Triistce, Mrs. out of danger during the fight. Let us check your II 5— .688 ir reoiLr/a f 'H r Veterans are | decorate the Clarke home. Soebardjo told ' gorre.apondents would return to work. Tuesday and Side building. . ’ Totals ... ..; 448 449 427 1322 Pioneer Parachute .. Lailey ...... 5 540 108. having done the most to further 1 da A. & M. |i i requested to meet--at the Arm y coastal terminus of tfie great wail, Main street who returned a few Mary Thompson. The Marines, assigned to guaro them to your meat market or store 10 — .625 For an vinannounced , wedding that the British had refused to front end. W e may Lee's Esso ...... 6 Kuhney ...... 6 506 00.2 and Navy Club Sunday morning at turnea It down— and nothing In the weeka^ago after 18 months’ serv.- would receive a 10 cOnts an hour duties at a double-trestle bridge as fata are atill a vital necessity. 0 7— .563 the name of the Violet institution |______^______modify the ultimatum and that Illinois Iron Man San Salvador (4) Hartford Rd. GriU • ■ McQuirc. 5 486 07.1 9:30 to W part T/ihe‘ “ ^old way of lighting has been reported tce. H e Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. w age Increase, 'Which previously at the vUlage, refused to leave OriswoId’B Oarage ... 9/ 7— '.563 In sports. Indonesians at Soerabaja were since. save you plenty of Upton ...... 1 1 4 Sloriartv Brothers rial C h u rch 'S ^-iee and also the coat and brown George H. Willard. had been approvied by an arbitra­ their posts. The Communists fail­ 88 82-279 Watren and Jarvis .. 8 8— .500 acce.ssories. She was graduated not complying with It. Haiti Hobby Show Hoping WVT F rM Night Champaign — End Bill Heiss Juros .... ___ 74 91- 104— 268 4 455 113.3 YOUR OWN! ! senricea at the hospital fdlowm g In Washington, the N avy de­ tor. ed to carry out the attack, which money. Do it now. Brown’s G arag8 ----- 8 8— .500 ? r from Manchester High school played 815 of a possible 360 min­ ...106 99 Atamian ... XMAS GREETING CARDS the church senice. partment statement noted that At Baltimore, an AFL carpen­ was aimed at a garrison of stUl Schlllinger 117— 322 Paganis West Sides .. 7 11 1203 109.4 with the c!, of 1940, and 'was East Chicago, Ind.— (4>)—Signs utes in six games for IlUnpls. Marines under Ueut. Gen. Albert Public Records' ters union official announced the At Center Church armed Japanese. . Plcaut ... ____90 116 118—324 Pochette All Sters .. 5 Waichowski . 0 061 106.5’ From Your Snapshots Phone 5191 - reading, "N o Fires Nov. 13!” were .----- '- '-"I-' ♦ ,------Francis A. Wutsch tt. M. 2-c Is formerly a timekeeper, at the Expert Attlee Wedemeyer’a operational con­ end of a near month long strike ’Brown . . . ----97 95 106— 298 Cooper St. Tavern .. 5 11— .313 Newcomb ..., 12 1257 104.0 bung up throughout East Chicago. Typewriters Order Now — Sapply Limited! home on a 30 days leave. He is the Pratt A- Whitney'aircraft. The trol are stationed along the Pel of more than 2,000 carpenters in­ World Small Place Open Till 7 A t the beginning ^ f the present Rohan ... 99 106— 205 Knights of Columbus 4 12— .250 La Chapelle 10 1036 103.6 son of Mr. and Mrs.; Herman briilegroom -waa recently dis­ ping-Chinwangtao line of commu­ Warrantee Deeds volved in a wage dispute with The men who posted tbs signs, century, the output of the pulp Kroll ...... 5 500 100. 111 Washington Fully 75 persons attended the Fairfield-Grocers .... 4 12— .250 Wutsch, 271 Oak street and grand­ charged fnjm the Army after, nication and at Tslngtao. Stanley G. and Alice M. Kase- contractors. The union had de- Spencer, la— (/PI—Melbourne is a firemen, tre hoping for a free and paper industry in Canada wras 481 593 633 1707 Zaches ,...... 0 899 99.8 Cleaned Repaired ELITE STUDIO vlch lo William F. Johnson prop­ Hobby-Lobby Show • by Center SEAL-BEAM night next Tuesday. That is the son of Wilfred Jolly, 86 Glenwood three years' of service ' - in the Tbe statement added the Ma­ n^nded w age hikes of 34 cents big city but the world is a small valued at about $8,000,000. In Pintes (0) ”B lg Ten" erty located on Goodwin street. ' For Old Headlishts Cars date for their annual firemen’s street. He has served 21 months E. T. O, , - (Continued from Page One) rines were there "for the purpose, an hour. Church Co-Weds last nlghL The place, two Australian girls learned. 1943, the value had reached-*<'345.- Morlconl . ____90 88 98-276 Kompanik . 125.2 Manchester Development Cor­ ball. 50O.OOO. ■ Overhauled overseas. A ll of which were in the and the purpose only, of assisting exhiblta. more than 15, were varied Mrs. Clarence Kroeger and Mrs. C O M P L E T E — 111.95 Volz ...... 88 84 90— 282 Gleason .'.. 118.7 Pacific: He was stationed on a PT to do about the Palestine Jewish poration to Howard R. Hastings, , 80— 186 Bowling League the Chinese N atim al government and Intoreitlng, as a glance at the Herbert Jorganson lived within a DuBois ...... 85 W. Hllinski 118.4 boat Squadron 17, Boat No. 227. problem. property located on Brookfield State Police Called 90 78— 263 Prompt Pick-Up Service ’ to obtain the surrender of Japa- following would indicate; few blocks af_.each other in Mel­ STEEL RINGS Shea • ...... 95 H. Barton . 117.4 On completion of his leave, he Is But President Truman has said street. 93 — 186 SIMONIZING Lend A Hand peoe. forces there and'to carry out Photography, Carl Hendrikson; bourne and wbnt to the same Martello . . . . . 93 . Y Itidneiday Night Keye ...... 116.10 Telephone 2-1306 or 8275 to report to Boston, receiving sta­ his purpose la to talk about atoifUC Howard R. Hastings to H. Leon To Disperse Pickets Chevrolet, ’34-*36, Set $4.95 76 93— 169 the surrender terms in accord­ Dolls, Alice MaHepeace; Stamps schoola But they never met until u Phillips ...... » Witkowskl . 116.4 The Body Shop Method tion for further assignments. problems and Attlee Indicated aa and Marlon B. Sheppamd, prop­ sterling, Nov; 10— (/P)—State Ford, Model A .. .Set $3.95 u 90 84— 174 Miss Jessie. Reynolds, local so­ ance with International agree- and Coins, Donald Makepeace and they came to Iowa as brides. Kwash ...... Keish . . 116.3 Manchester. much in a speech,delivered-before erty located on Brookfield street. police were called last night to It's A Matter Of Good Taste Standings cial service aide. Is anxious to, con­ 'mewt.'' .... Paul and Bafbarn Carlson; Oil Ford V-8, ’32-’42. Set $4.95 L Pet. Chambers . 116. S O L IM E N E & Ix A G G . Ine. he left England yesterday. Harry L. Briehmann to Walter disperse a group of plcketers and 523 1565 ! 't. tact the woman who offered to do­ Painting, George Helm; Auto­ Likes to Travel Plymouth, ’34-’40. Set .$5.75 To Dine At The Tea Room 451 591 Center Service ...... •2—.833 Howard . . . 115.4 Typewriter Exchange 834 Oeatar SL TaL fMl At a lord mayor’s luncheon A tt­ J. Dyler, et al., property locatec^ employes o f the struck U . S. Fin­ Child Hit by Car nate two pairs of women’s shoes, graphs. Charles Crockett; 'Train We Have Complete Sets (?hambcr’B Movsra — 3— .750 Fish ...... 114.1 size'6 aiid size 7, to some worthy lee- said he hoped to achieve a I/. S, Ship» Continue to on Frederick road. ishing company' plant here after HAVE DINNER WITH US TOMORROW Australian Horses world "safe for the common man” Model, George Walker, Ship Model, Camp. Graht, HI.— (/Pt — John Bryant and CSiapman 6— .500 person., Miss Reynolds has Infor­ Robert J. Smith, to Uailio Agos- .the employes had been prevented For AO Cars. ahd to banish fear of the atomic Fly and Rod, Gilmoure Cota; Mapdeville, who enlisted In the Don Willis Garage ... 6— .500 Is SemkCouscioiis mation concerning shoe exchange Carry Chinete Troops tinelli, property located on Bridge from entering a hired ball to take Sydney— Six of Austrelia’s lead­ bomb. , .Merrill Adamq; Needle­ Arm y In 1940 as a private, and Man. Motor Sales ----- 7— .417 and ahe requests that the woman Hong Kong, Nov. 10.—(iP)— street. t-.- a baCk-to-work vote by a group of Sunday Specials ing thoroughbreds.' Including Bt. The days of-the two prime min­ point.' Barbara Sutllffe; Toby, advanced to major recently waa JUST ARRIVED Moriarty Brothers ... 12— 000 who has these shoes get In touch While Chinese Communists pro­ Charles Ws ^Isney et iix., to plcketers. . There w as no actual Fairy, the Caiilfled winner, will bq , , Vlour-y«ar-old Kathryn Brown, isters will be crowded. \ Tonight Alice Makepeace r .d Barbara discharged with 103 points after with her at 1)360 or at her home. tested the role of the ' U n lt ^ Patrick McCanp, property located violence. 100 N E W TIRES ROAST TURKEY ROAST CHICKEN Raugbtar of Mr. and Mrs. H. U both A'ttlee a n d , Mackenzie King Sutliffe; Antique Guns and Paper 34 months pyefaeas. Now the 33- shipped to the Santg Anita meet­ Unbeaten Temple ^ Order In response to a Lend-a-Hand States in central government mil 'W h e n the employes, who have Brown of 12 (te s t e r drive, who will be ente'rtalned at a state dln- on Wellman road. Money, Abbott Chasq^ Knitting, year-old Rockford, 111, soldier has ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF ‘ ing, Dec. 29-March 16, If transpor­ item carried the other day con­ Itery affairs, American ahipa pon- been out on strike for six weeks, 6 .0 0 i|1 6 6.50x16 was struck by an automobile driv- iter at the W hite House. Patrick Early to John Mun- Helen Blaufuafif Fans, Gladys joined the Army again this time tation is possible. State College, Pa. — Temple' cerning the McKerwiev children tlnued today to- carry Chinese FRESH PORK SHOULDER STEAKS m . by John Waskiewlcz of Canter Tomorrowr, b^ore embarking on sie, property located on Campfleld reached the hall, they found their Boyd; Minerals, Byron Boyd; Old brought an unbeaten football rec­ FUELOKL victims of a fire at their home as a roaster sergeant. His— ex 7.00x16 7.00x15 bofy, Oonn.,'yesterday ia in a aemi- the yacht, they will pay an Arm is­ government troops to-the north Toad. . way barred by the massed plck­ Sulphur Matches, Charles. Crock­ NATIVE CALVES* LIVER AND BACON Illinois Fimtbles ord to Penn State In November Miss Reynolds received 20 offers planation: "1 like to travel.” tice day vlalt to the tomb of the China trouble zone, a U . S. Arm y eters who refused to permit the 6.50x15 for the first time in m any years. From One nf Manchester’s Old­ ' asaaoleua condition at the local to Uke care of them. They were ett. CHOPS— Including Pork Chops* FRESH SUA FClOD iM ^U l today. Unknowrn Soldier and the nearby spokesman said. Swiss Aid Norway hall to be opened. Champaign — In three games est OoaJera for RoUablo Service. provided with quarters almost as Three transports Jammed with N o Scarrltv of Offev A s girl wa# playing with otbqc grave of Sir John Dili, former A spokesman for the employes’ fumbles by hacks' cost IllinoU Teogh Flalik soon as The Herald reached the well-equipped , troope of the Chi Bern, Switzerland— l/P) — Swiss group said thq plcketers were not Desert Record ahlMrtn on the.,lawxi at the cor- street. British military representative Woodward, Okla.— (ff)— Farmer scoring opportunities. • R ANG E O IL here, at Arlington National ceme- nese Eighth Army sailed yester­ charity organizations recently sent employes of the local plant and ; M r o f O m ter and Chester drive Gene Boyd Is finding no scarcity of THE TEA ROOM ttofayette, Ind— Purdue finishes Motarod SorvlM! tery. day from tbe Kowloon docks, four trucks. loaded with 4% tons Identified many of them as having More than 6,000 names of ax- BRUNNER'S 1. irtwn alie w as struck by the Wask- Penicllhp, piTvIousIy . admin­ offers to buy his hay crop. The Comepolitan Team '- ^ the current football season on the ' inirtcs Car. The girl w as rushed to No terminal date for the confer­ bound, a U. S. officer said, for _ of medicants, 3 tons of diapers, come from Bradford. R. I. plorcrs, trappers, emtgrahts and 80 Oakland Street ‘‘No Wines — No Liquors —^ Just Good Food” road against Michigan and Indi­ istered by direct injection Into Tslngtao. Previously the Chin- others are. iarved on Independ­ nlling point? While raking It he The W. G. Glennev Co, hospital and remained In an ence has been announced but some j 20,000 pairs of gloves, 100,000 ear-; Telephone 5191 Detroit • Eight st^ates and a ana. the only two teams that hand­ the veins or muscles, U n o * avail­ lost his billfold containing |22 883 MAIN STREET _(tfPP. ST. JAMES’S CHURCH P H O N E 4I4t diplomats fsmillar with the prepa­ 13th Army was transported from' muffs,. 1,000 blankets and 6,500 , The aloe Is a perennial plant, ence Rock. This ’’great record of province are repres'ented on Uni­ ed the Boilermakers conference de­ aonditlon for several able to the public, as tibleta, olnt- which he has nevef been ablo to Opdn *Til 7 P. M. . rations said it might last about here to north China. I shoes to Norway as relief gifts— and grows- to a“ height'of about the desert” rises out iit Sweet­ versity of- m tro lt’s football sauiid. feats lost fall. . is^nt and ttFedrops, ' * [five dava. U. R. Maw .naraonaal retumlnsr I trucks ' aed slL one foo5,|^ i water valley In Wyoming. find.. ft / ' ./> ■ .. ' ■ __,...1 r :\ » i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCifESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 194t PAGE THIRTEen MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER/IO, 194® TOONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX Help W’anted— Male 3 6 1 Household" Goods SI Wanted— To Buy 58 Wanted Autos-y Business SeiTSices Offered 13 R wifln|f--^epairin8; f l n g ^ 17-A K iG H B R o w H e n d e r s o n Motorcycles 12 Ra n g e b u r n e r s and power EXHEhi REPAIRS ,ot shingles, 'ENTION! DISCHARGED WANTED To Buy — Good-sized HZ Sand Sense and Nonsense ;RANS AND MEMBERS OF trunk, fair condition. Telephone Classified WANi'EU—WE NEED uj«d Can burners of all makaa and klnda dlate, composition and jin roofs. MAN WA.NTED At 37 Oak atreet. F ir s t t im e I bin a b l e to w e a r . Gassified cleaned and adjuatee, 10 years' Rebuilding and repairing of THEIR FAMILIES 2-0280. and paj top prlcea Caah talka chimneys and flashings. E. V. If You Are Interested MY HAT TO IA and we have It Stop and jet our experience Tel 2-1731. 44 Main Q—What does the term “high The members of a local lodge Man—Marriage la' like a ' rail­ street. ■ j ^ughlln. 390 Woodland street DO YOU want to go Into the bot­ In an Exceptional BUY Advertiser, .dts were much interested one evening road sign. Advertisements otffr Oole Motora—4164. Phone 7707. WANTED To Buy- Any type old- seas” signify? PARADE tled gas business? We have at­ In a Complete 3-Room'- «- last Week in k distinguished-look­ Friend—How's that?. tractive dealer propositions for fashioned desk. Call 5467, - A—Ocean area beyond jurisdic­ WANTED--A iispd enr inSo-jle In AIR COXniTlONEI? 'UNITS HOME OF MODFJIN For Rent Fo^ Sale lean Women's Voluntary Services' tional limits "of any nation. ing visitor who had but one arm. Man—When yoU see a pretty For Sale Ro o _ .sPEtriAi.lZING in t persona wishing to- establish A New U fe For Rent fnod conilition. ('all 19<>2 after 5 INSTAU;,ED FURNITURE Motor Transport Corps—the group They discueMd him In curious girl, you atop. Then you look. / repairing roofs of all kinds, also 'themselves in the bottled gas Pleaae Consider This One! To Buy To/Sell ■ ' ■ / new roofa No job too small or Rooms Without Board 59 XXXII of volunteer women who give Q— With What common (and groups and St last one member, After you’re married, you listen. T o Buy To SeU Hot Air Fumncea Installed buMness. Write Manchester A.T $497 large. Good work, fair price. Free 1 Among my old Russian ac their time and cars to the serv­ maligned) medicinal do people acting as spokesman, approached and Reset. Evening Herald, Box R. It Includes Living-Room in red and FURNISHED heated room, twin estimates Call Howley Manches­ 1 quaintances in Paris had been I ices of the Armed Forces. “dose” automobiles? him, and said by way of beginning A hanker sold out and started a WANTED To Bii.v Station w"agoti Envcstroiigha and Conductors. ter .5.361. blue with all necessary accessories. beds, suitable for 2. Also single ‘ Uie Ourasoff princesses and a very The financial details of our A—Castor oil. It is an sntl- the oonversatloh; filling station. The iflrst customer l!M0-lPn, Telephone 32 All Types Sheet Metal Work. Doirs— Pets— Birds 7-Pc. Waterfall Bedroom, 5-Pc. room. 5 minutes from Main Lots for ^ i c 73 Intelligent, charming woman, | project were left entirely in the corrosion component of anti­ Spokesman—Been in the army, who drove in asked for 10 gallons Lost and Found I A BACK to pre-iVar rooflng, sid­ Dinette outfit, new 1945 Model street. Call 5290. I;! Madame Loury. They were trtak- 1 hands of my husband, whose freeze fluids. I Uks it? Of gasoline, to which the banker MANCHESTER ing, insulation, new. ceilings, COMBINATION Oil and Ga., FOR SALE—2 building lots . on Ing quite a good thing out of the ’ business sense developed with Visitor (calmly) T- No, never replied: FOR SALE—Small male pups, LOST—Grey angora cat I Business Services Otfered 13 SHEET METAL WORKS paperhanging, painting, etc.' Stove. This furniture is brand Kensington street. Cheap. Call Manioulleff perfume formulas, surprising rapidity and whose Q—Where are the known urani­ been In the arifiy. Banker—Can’t you get along white epo't on noae. Kemale, 26 Linden street. NEW—not used. Actual value Business Locations 3282. Which they had come by through 1 personality has done much to Spokesman (curiously) — Ma- with five? 21 Years' Experience Large savings, time payments, um deposits necessary for produc­ anawen to * iiiaty. Telephone ASHE.S a n d r u b b is h removed free estimates. Tel. 72.56. The' $695. ______For Rent 5 4 3______his. widow. Manioulleff-had been j build our clientele. As our little tion af atomic bombs? ohtnery, maybe? BUT HOW I GOT A PORTABLE CONTRAPTION TO REMOVE 2-1920. Rewaf-d. Attic.a. cellara and yards cleaned PHONE 5413 OR 6414 Why thu, has become available will one of the greatest perfumers the ' venture grew, we gradually built Apex Home Remodeling Corp. FOR .SALE -V-Singing A-v-Oanada, Belgium, Czecho­ Visitor—No, The trafllc. ofilcer called a fair MY HAT WHEN .... K. Cainposoo. tt'Iephone. 5848 6 canjirie.,. be explained In person. FOR RENT- offices on the third Wanted— Real Estate 77 last century had know in Europe, an office in the penthouse we lady motorist over to the curb: REPAIRS ON .washers, .vacuums, guaranteed. Call .5467. slovakia, Russia. Spokesman (persistently) — yDUND Sum of money. Owner 7487. May be seen at your convenience floor of the Rubinow building, Neither of the partners In the found on a hotel rooftop, then a Wreck? Officer—I'm afraid I'll have to may have by proving property heaters. Irons or what have you. suitable for any business desiring WANTED to rent or buy, 6 room Plrk-ijp and deliver. The Friendly Moving— Truckini;— at ; buslneaa had any idea of putting showroom, and then we rented Visitor (complacently) No, give you a ticket, much as I dla- and paying for adv. Phone 6270. WOOD CUTTING, plowing, re- central location. William Rubi­ house with about 2 acres of land. Q—Can a heart be transplanted ,Fix-It Shop, 718 North Main. Storage 20 A-L-B-E-R-T-S the perfumes on the market In a a plant and warehovise downtown, from, one living organism to an never been In a wreck. llke to. tnovrng of troc.s. alao grading Poultry and Suppli 43 now, 843 Main street. Within 5 to 7 miles of Manches­ commercial way, but when I met LOST—White bird (tog with black Telephone 4777, W. Burnett. 43 Allyn Stree.t Hartford. ter. A. L. Dandurand. Folding with salesman and employes. We other? After five mlnutea Mlence the Woman M otorist-If that's the done AI me Latulippe, 7.58 Vernon them began studying their meth- also bought five dogs—three Bos­ way you feel about It you needn't markinga, Southington licen.-e. AU.STIN A. CHA.\1BLRS Com­ FOR SALE—Fat turkey (, live or Conn. Largest Furniture Store Boxes, Inc. 1 A —Russian scientists have question began again: street. Tel 6077. BUARANTF.ED RADIO Service. pany. 'Trailer van service. Local Phone or write for Free Courtesy ! ods and formula, spending hours tons and two toy puddles. Spokesman — Blood-poisoning bother giving me any. See, an­ 149 Union afreet. dressed. Telephone M incheater Houses for Rent 65 transplanted hearta of rabbits, Complete cleaning and check-up moving, packing anc storage. 7733 after 6 p. m. Auto .Service. We will call for you 11 watching Madame Loury blend cats, and dogs. The hearts are at­ made It necessary to amputate, other policeman gave me one half ■ her fragrances. I mentally reg- LOST—Brown and white Hhepheid | r a NGE BURNEP..S SERVICED, of your radio $.3.00. All makes Dial 5187. and bring you home. No obligation FOR RENT, with option of buy- When our real good fortune tached to the neck, and the nat- maybe? an hour ago. terrier dog; 3 monthf old. Finder I Telephone 6940 radios repaired. Expert service. EGGS—Strictly fresh/ delivered on your part. Phone 6-0358. . Ing, 3-room house, all furnished I latered an Intention to take It Up began to establish itself firm­ l heart Is left in the animal. Visitor—No. Military training. Phone 4.553. Work Is Held Up seriously on a commercial basis at ly (although It had cost - much pleaae call 2-09S7. direct from farm to consumer. and garage. Inquire Mrs. Caselli, ! two hearts do not beat as one, Spokesman —^ Ever fought a . The motorist, making a trip In Pltn’lIRK FP_'.MTNG. Have that Painting— Papering 21 Phone 2-1430. / WE HAVE the finest assortments 37 Clinton street. ! Some future date. hard ■ work afid sacrifice). It fever. duel? a rather wild section, suffered from SHEET MITTAL WORK, hot air of kitchen linoleums; Also . tile Now - after a summer of fair sometimes frightened me. S special’ picture framed. Special On Water Main 1 Visitor—Never. toothache. He was surprised to furnace repairing. New hot air CONTRACTORS. Interior and ex­ BROILERS and Fr/era Ready to ' dates In 1039, 1 was quite 111 for had become so accustomed to Annmincemenl.s 2 for n-liitary subiect.s. Work and wall cpverings. Manchester Q—Are there any mines be­ Spokesman—Shot off, maybe? see a sign “ Pi 'nless Dentrlsty’’ on 'I rat I and air conditioning furnaces In­ terior painting, paper hanging. cook 43c Ib. A la o /lii lb. squab Wanted to Rent 68 I ^ Some weeks and had ' to undergo earning my living by Intense I- calledlied for and delivered. Call Floor Covering Center, 638 neath the sea? Visitor—No. a ramshackle nouae, but hla tooth ICE CREAM to carry out. Pints ol stalled. Eavea trough anij con­ Specializing in spray painting, broilers $1 each. Place order now Hartford road. Call 5688. I' an operation for complications re- physical effort and the domina­ A —A Nova Scotia coal mine Another five minutes of uncom­ •Mat Chester 7671. WANTED — By ex-serviceman, The plan to extend the new was hurting so bad he decided to e f l a g p a s s e s b y ! Treat’s "extra rich Ice rieam. ductor repairing. Norman Bentz. equipped to handle large spray­ Wed. and Sat. deliveries. Phone! |;i suiting from my last fall. While tion of all self-pity or fear that mtends more than three miles un­ fortable silence, then the one- have it out. '8966 wife and child, four or five-room water main from Main street to recuperating began” thinking Without sherbet. Also- aiirdae.s, ing coptracts. McKinney Sk Fenn. 2-0617. / Aiitunm-street through Oak atreet, 1 the comparative ease with which der the sea, and a Newfoundland armed man spoke: He went into the place, which aodas and sandwiches. Bidwell .h OIL BUR.NERS serviced and re- FOR SALE-- Spacp gas heater, rent. Gordon O. Tuttle. Dial 5020. again of perfumes and the possl- our business grew did not seem p'.jced " Warm alt furnaces re­ Telephone 2-0106, Mancho.'rter. has been held up for the present. iron mine extends three miles. Visitor—I see you are naturally had little appearance of being a Soda Shop, 527 .Vain street. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION FOR SALE—B/oilers and fryers, used 3 months. $35. Call 2-1224. ' billty of putting into practice In real at times. I would wonder If curious to know how 1 lost my paired and replaced , For full in­ SERVICE WANTED —2 furnished rooms It has been laid as far as Spruce dentist's office: PROPERTY Owners Attention. 3 months old/ 40c a pound. 83 street. , the United States my plans about it were only a dream and would Q— How do the Arabs of East arm. Well, I will tell you on one VALDURA Asgum either liquid formation call Van ‘-lamp Bros. Servicing All .Makes of Commercial with light housekeeping or apart­ Motorist—Do you really pull Paperhanging and painting. In­ Congress atr/et. or phone 4523. The matter of widening Oak ithem. Curiously, the same week I suddenly end one morning when Africa whet their courage? condition and that Is that If I do 1.5 years’ e.vperlence.' Tel. 5244 ROLL TOP desk, good condition, ment. Preferably near Hollister teeth without pain? or plastic, provide., the world'., and nomcsfic Refrigeration side or outside. Large savings. street from Spruce street to Au­ ' was giving serious study to the once more I would arise to take A—By anointing themselves tell you, you will ank no further Backwoods Practitioner — Sure supreme roof protection. Restore., j Eree In.spectlon.,! Franklin P. Lipp Telephone 5867 New block ceilings. Estimates FOR SALE-/3 to 4 lb. broilers. medium size. $20. Call 3651. Street school. Best references. ; Idea, a letter arrived from my my rigging on the roof garden. with lion's fat. V' Call 8848. tumn street is the reason for sus­ questiona. life to felt and composition roofs ; Telephone evenings 4762 furnished free. Phone Apex 7256. 35c lb., live/weight. Alao pigs and II Russian friends, saying they were Hheatre and look my old friend Spokesman — That'a all right WATER.MAN'S Personal errand rabbits. T^. 5346. FOR SALE—Philco radio, cabinet pension of the work. If the street Motorist—Pull this one then. —resists rust Ion metal roofs 115 Keeney St. / Manchester. Ct. is widened it will mean that the • leaving for Switzerland and had Death in the face again for eight Q— What famous mountain lies with me. The dentist went to the door, makes built-up ■ roof., .soft and ■ .service. Loeal package delivery. PAINTING AND Paperhanging, model, shown by appointment. an opportunity to send me the in Kars, Turkish Armenian dis­ FOR SAL^—40 roaaters, average Farms and Land for Sale 71 mains will be located differently long minutes. The spokesman waited with called, and a large Individual came pliable and wa.tcrproof., eoncrete Light trucking. We cater to any EXPERT and tuaranteed service Good work. Reasonable rates. Address. Box X. Care of Herald. ' formulas through friends coming trict on which both Turkey and 5 pounds. $1.45 each. 310 Wood­ than now planned. Until an agree­ I still practice nearly every day, bated breath for the visitor to give shamberlng In. The dentist pointed roofs. It has! many other uses i l.oeal errand. Telephone Manches­ oh all types or radio., and record Raymond Fiske.' Phone 3384. |> to New York. Inere was. Msd"(ne for the feeling of the free air Russia have claims? land st/eet. Phone 2-0565. FOR SALE—Gas range with 5 SOUTH COVENTRY farm, 4 ment is reached on the widening him all the details. to the motorist: and is a guaranteed product. Get • ter 2-07.52 player.,. Ratrios for sale. Carinl of the atreet from Spruce street [ Loury wrote, a marvelous oppor- rushing against osy body and the A—3Iount Ararat, traditional Visitor (continuing)—Well, sir, burners. Inquire 28 Russell street rooms, electricity and water, 4 resting place of Nosh's Ark. Backwoods ToothpuUer — Stun It at Manchester - Plumbing & Brothers. 32/ Oak street. Phone ORDER.S Taken for Thanksgiv­ acres of, tillable land. Price $2.- east, further extension of the new jtunity to make money in America thrill of a high swing, would be my arm was bit off! Private Instructions 28 after 5 p. m.' — Inow that the European perfumes him. Supply Co.', 877 Main street. Tel. refrigeration SERVICE 4607. ing Mirkeys. Edwin J. Aberle. 800.' Also 4 room all-year home main Is to be held up. too hard to give up. So I keep I Were rapidly becoming a tblng of my riglgng on the roof garden, Q—Under what circumstances 4425. Gntnoiv. Crosley, p r i v a t e LES.SONS for children Phone Rockville 267-14. GLENWOOD range, 6 plate. 3 $2,500. For appointment phone Maude— You don't seem very A curved line is the loveliest McNiaflit Byndlftl#. Ine. OLD FLOORS SANDED j the past. an(l„,often on summer evenings I may vessels of any nation stop Westinghouse. and all other makes. ^ Laving and finishing. In reading and arithmetic. plate ogas stove attached. Also 31. J. Cusick,. Willimantie 1021J2. ^ Popular With Family vessels of any othen nation on the upset because I refused you. distance between two points. living.-room set and cedar chest. I promptly took advice on the steal out and climb high above Young. Man—Why should I be Automobiles for Sale 1 Commercial and Domestic, J. E. Jensen, ELOCUTION—Speech problems ; subject of such a venture from high seas? . * 'Articles for Sale .4 5 148 W. Center street. Tel. 2-0280. Stevenson, Wash.-^(A^—Justice the lights of the city to dream a when I’m $10 to the good. My Tel. Wlllimantic 9928 evenings. corrected—clear diction—articu­ , erfume experts and essential oil while. A—When the halted vessel - Is Tragic BY EDGAR MARTIN 1940 OLDSMOBILE 6 sedan, new SCIENTIFIC lation. White Studio (Johnson Houses for Sale 72 of Peac;e Cleo Brown has decided engaged In smuggling or slave roommate bet me $10 you wouldn't BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES "rn'O USED storage tanks, 5500 itouses and found the information High above the city It Is very l>uco'paint, jdark green; 1940 - REFRIGERATION CO. MODERNIZE your home at low ] Block), 709 Main street, Phone there must be something special trade. refuse anybody. /gal. capacity, 6 ft. diam. by 30 FOR SALE—Four room pre-war [o f Monsleure de la yigne, o f Mal- quiet, and- the roar of traffic Is \ COOVO 5VJS1 YiNrtVl \ CfsWX OOOKlVVA K ^V.OP HN’O to ttuM Dodge sedan.j new Duco paint 37 Oak St. Phone; 2-1226 co.,t, build that extra room now. 2-1392. Machinery and Tools 52 about his marriage service. __A /f t . long, 'i-inch plate, riveted single! Large unfinished room up­ laon Roure-Dupont et Cle of almost inaudible. Here it is easier JuHt /Take a I,ook . black. Terms and trades. Cole Alteration., and repairs. Work of stairs. Hot water heat, garage Portland couple whose names I France, of the greatest assl.stance Q—Who la Sir (!3iarlca ..YyRgr, RAfMO REPAmiNG. Pick-up all kind.,. Real estate work construction. Call H. Dragat &. to think and reminisce for the Brooke ? Girls who go to work in slacks, \ VV30V3 Motors. Phone 4164. and well landscaped lot. Call seenied familiar were married In decl«jVng the first steps neces­ throbbing life of the streets seems l - i I , service KaAlos checked at the .,oIlcited. Rates rea.,onable. credit Musical— Dramatic 29/ Sons. Inc. Hartford 6-9381. A-rThe All-British Rajah of May help our fronts, but not their euviAVie)- FOR SALE—Ford'son tractor on 2-1692. yesterday. After the ceremony sary to the formation of my proj- very far away. 1938 FORD coupe for sale, but home. Store open all day Man- terms arranged. Tel. 2-0400. steel. Call 6121. the bridegroom said his relatives Sarawak, Borneo. ' ' ,1,----- .backs,-. chestei Radio'Service, 73 Birch LET, US recondition your piaho FOR SALE—Loam $6.00 per load. etc. Through his practical gi^ld- TTiere are fat gray pigeons must have trade-in. Parker Weld­ FOR SALE — 5-rOom pre-war insisted Justice Brown perform street. Telephone 2-0840. WANTED—ALL KINDS -f elec- like new and start it on a n^^w Call 8570, 7 to 9 a. m. or after 7 ance and kind interest, I was able that come from Central 'Park, iS ing Co.. 166 Middle Turnpike, GARDEN tractors, cement mix­ house and 1 car garage. Good lo­ the nuptials—nobody else. Brown trie wiring and repairing Any career of, usefulness. The Piano p. m. . to obtain a reserve of necesSary looking for the rice they know I West. ers, stationary and portable trac­ week married a dat)ghter, her lolls and fixatives required for the FUNNY BUSINESS LIGHT TRUnCING, ashes and size lob given prompt attention Shop. 6 Pearl street. Open/^tin cation. Brass plumbing.- forced will give them—to the great an­ WKJKER carriage $7, play perl tor sawrigs, Fordson parts. Dub^ mother and a grandmother from formulas when they arrjved. riibblsh removed reasonable. Tel. Call 3975 before 7 p. m. 9 p, m. hot water oil burning heat. Im­ noyance of my dogs. They strut 3661. and pad $5. 2 table lamps both lin Tractof Company, Wlllimantic mediate occupancy. For appoint­ Bridegroom Robert / C. Jacob's I nhemlsts and expert blenders and .preen themselves, perching on 1933 CHRYSLER sedan. Call family. 2-1795 after 6 p. m. ARTS RADIO sales-and guaran­ PIANO Tuning the retirin g for $5. Gall 4313, Friday and Sat­ ment to Inspect call Brae-Burn went through long tests an^ re­ the rigging of my trapeze, which teed repair service. Come in and Player pianos specialtyy John urday. ■ Estates, Inc. 'Tel. 7728 or 5329. search. growing, more enthusiastic hangs between tw o slender white FOR'SAL£— 1935 Master 6 Chev­ CARPENTEI^Jwork of all kinds Musical Instruments 53 daily after translating some tt the ( see the new Meek radios now! Cockerham, ■ 28 Bigelow/ street. (V rolet chassis, built as light trac­ Telephone 8B08. Prompt pick-up and delivery Dial 4219 SAVAGE A uto-Ioading shotgun, FOR s a l e — 6-room single MODERN old formulas with solidified In- the sky. Amt that reminds me of — >, 12 gauge i^ith Poly-choke, $55. Igredlents Into tke more modem tor with truck wheels and over­ service. 698 .North Main street. SMALL sjudio upright. Sacrifice vacant. Located I5 Autumn street a ship and a voyage through sum­ ALL MAKE.'j: of washing ma­ Phone 4761.^ section. Kitchen, dining-room, RADIO SERVICE liquid preparations. sized tires. Can be seen at Her­ Telephone 2-1403. for quickisale. Also upright, good mer seas. For there is a feeling n, m it Petersen’s, Route 44, Bolton chines repaired. 10 years’ exper­ Help Wanted— F^mal^ 35 condition $75. 6 Pearl street. livlngvroom and large reception o f expectancy about this place, r.mme. ience. Call A. Brewer, 2-0549. WARDS Rotary scoop. Heavy Specializing in Auto Radios N ^ h . —-7W ...... roova on first floor. 3 bedrooms With these we chose some of and perhaps a promise, just WANTED—Wbman j^ver 25 for* duty 4 ft. cut. Attaches to ail FOR SALE—Pre-war Conn braas the more exquisite fragrances O' BOOKKEEPING and. ACCQunUng Household Services With exceptionally large closet H. GONDER enough to set gypsy wits a-wan- FOR SALE-1930 Marquette, Good work in our bran™ store, 836 popular tractors. Will scoop, trombone and case. Excellent the timidly lauched them on the derlng. that when the waiting Is at ALLY OOP He Forgot Something BY V. T. HAMLIN records '".ept weekly. Balanced Offered 13-A space, bath on second floor. 53 Broad St. Tel. 2-1486 •running condition. $60. Call Main street, U. S / Cleaners and spread and dump,- controlled by condition. Priced reasonable. Steam.heat, coal. Interior in good New York market. Their success an end, there will once more he 2-1904. monthly for Income tax purposes, Dyers. driver. See at Montgomery Telephone 3410 evenings. was astonishing, especially since ^WE'RE SO f A'.V, FES HECfc: S/tkE, OSC4C.' WELL, ALL RK3HT THEN, condition. Large two-car gar­ ships and travelers and the old Sl'SV. OOP. 1 IT WOULD.VT IMTEBRUFT IF YOU INSIST.... . confidential notary public Phone WILL DO your family weekly Wards Farm Store. Purnell |i at that time, 1940, French scents familiar places that beckon like a 3627 days or evenings. WANTED — Experienced steno­ age, 22x24, with chimney. Lot )4aTE TO STOP \ SOl-'R r e s e a r c h M U C H " ' AC(TIVATE THB . FOR SALE—'39 Graham Custom laundry in my home. Reasonable Place. THE PIANO Shop 6 Pearl atreet. were still procurable, many of shrine. EVEM UOM& AM IT'p SURE BE A • Super-charger, new paint, new grapher. Ap'ply Mis.s Johnson, 75x150 with garden plot. Price, YRAMSMITTee. price.,. Experienced, Tel. 5216. Fine pianos at fair prices. Always $7,500. McKinney Brothers, Real them being manufactured in THE END E^OU&H TO RDM Bie FAVOR T ’ ME/ WILL YOU, motor, new tires. Call 4607 of in­ Manchester Memorial hospital. ‘ WINCHESTER 30-30 long 8 shots REAL ESTATE LISTINGS a fine selection. Pianos tuned. Estate and Insurance, 505 Main America. Of course we made the NOD BSC< TO T O M / quire at 32 Oak .street. •\PHES and Rubbish removed and magazine and 2 boxes shells, Factory reconditioned. Bought, Of All Pypes Waatedi usual mistake having no idea SOMEWnE’RE light hauling. Telephone 8927. good condition. Inquire at Barber street, Manchester, Conn. Tel. Oaab Available. how to start a business, plunging -7, IM TIME,' Florists— Nurseries 15 sold and. appraised, 3328. Open 6060-7432-5230. TODA'Y’S SPECIALS. 194fi;phry- W ANTED-y 2 girls. New Model Shop. 426 Hartford road. 'till 9 p. m. Into too many perfumes and too Social Situations sler 4-door sedan; 1941 bodge OIL BURNERS cleaned, serviced Laundry, Summit street. JARVIS REALTY CO. and Installed. Tel. 2-0461 George FOR SALE — Asparagus. Mary I ; man expensive packages at the sedan; 1937/Buick sedan; 1937 FOR SALE —"O” Gauge electric Ollloe 4112 ResMeom 72VS same time— but we learned, and a McMullin, 704 Parker street. Washington. .3.5-$1 00. 100-$2 75 Y’OUNG jVoman or high school h Ford sedan: 1937 Ford 2-door; Thousands o f perennials. 4-85c train,’ excellent condition, all ac- Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 Wcekdajrs and Sundays year later were bn oqh way to­ The .'iituntinn: You drop' in on « 1936 Ford coupe; 1930 Dodge student/to play piano part-time ce.isories; . Inquire 280 Middle ward making n g n of a delightful neighbors and find they have com­ PLIIMHER. steamtitter. pump oC and up. Daphne, large plants,' for discing school. Box J-O, -4 sedan; 1939 DeSota coupe. All Turnpike, East. Phone 3776. 100% WOOL sweaters foi; children, MALE HELP and abaorbing business. I never pany and the host urges you to chantc. Carl Nvgren. 15 SouM 85c. Evergreens. Chrysanthe­ Hera cars In fine cpnditlon. Have street Tel. 6497 ladies and men at. factory store attempted handling miythlng but stay and have a drink. \ mums. Chater’s double holly- FOR SALE—6 ft. glass show-casg. ■ others. Cash or terms Open ’till hockfl. 3-50C. 12-$1 50. Free— Mrs prices. Children’s 3 to 8 all-wool the artistic side of the affair (In Wrong Way: Say, "I ' (Ildn't WANTED — Experienced sales Parlor stove with oil burner, alao 9 p. m. Krol Motors, 653 Center Fl^OK MACHINES Lord Lothian Bell Shasta Daisy coat sweaters, $2.25. Ladies' slip- Its way just another branch of know you had cbmpany," and eWk, full time. “ Apply W. T. portable Perfection oil heater. WANTED street.* with every $1 00 order of per'en- ons' all-wooI, $2.95 luid up. Men's Wa n t e% d Jshow business), such as the cre- leave Immediately. FOft RENT C^ant Co., 815 Main street. Inquire 34 Oak stret. [atlng of titles, packaging for the \ i i i L nlal.s John Zapatka. 168 Wood­ all-wool slii>-ons, $2.88 and up. Right Way: Stay for a few min­ Apply advertising, -promotion, > Sanders and Polishers. land street. Telephone 8474. WANTED — Woman for hquse- Reindeer all-woql sweaters. $5.81. A t Once! Iperfumea utes and then say you must be m land all the mlse en scene Indis- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Brace Up, Brother BY MERRILL BLOSSBK work in small family. Full or Fuel and Feed 49-A Children's ski pants, snow suits, going. HIGH DOLLAR McGILL-CONVERSE, INC.. part-time. Ex(;eUent salary. Ipensahle to presenting them. I overalls, and sweaters at lowest Colonial Board Perhaps some af my happiest LIST COME ^ S u e s A SHARP OlSM. PAD.' ,B e F l ^ M/.s w o o n v .' 1 J ust I sn Y this a cute 5 Cash Wailing for Business 645 Main St. , Tel 6887 Heating— ^^Plumhing 17 Write Box BC, Herald. prices. Retail Salesroom, Man-i WANTED TO SHOW RUMPUS RAG. MR FOR SALE—Seasoned slab wood. 25 Good ■ perfume titles of recent months Albemarle Sound In North Caro­ R.1OHT o u r AMD TELL SHES A READY-HED'K VVhO (WITH HER..' Properties — City or Coun­ Chester Knitting 31111s, Manches­ 'T couldn’t get u bird dog, so 1 trained niy rabbit-Kound!” VOOHOO WAT MEVER TAKES *MO' fiOC AM .YOU THE RARE R/K5- MCGOOSEY X VVAl-TER .SCHULTZ, 8i C,ongress WANTED-^Girls and young w om ­ Telephone 4223 or 8642. Company I have been thought up during long lina Is Said to be the largest cewst- V eu RE TAKlMCr BA& I'M OOINS- TO try Homes — Building Lots FUR.'iACES, ALL slkes in stork. ter Green. Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. hours'Spent driving for the Amer- al fresh water sound in the world. AMSiMER./ street, Asnes ar.c rubbish remov­ LoA ai $99, Devine Company en in' all department.'). Steady Automobiles I UUME Us that WEAR, WHEN we- , — Farms — Rummer Cot­ ed. Loca. (rucking Tel. 2-1588. job, good pay. pleasant surround­ SEASONED Hard wood. Slab and 613 Parker Street DAKICE MERS-E TO A DlRSe/ Post Office Box 1007. or Water- kindling. Immediate delivery. tages — Woodlots. bur> 3-3856 ings. Tober Baseball Manufac­ Wanted— To Buy 58 I ELEITTRU' and Acetylene weld- turing, Elm street. Manchester. Hauling and trucking. Ashes re­ CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH Whatever You Have To Sell ' ing. No job too large or too moved. Cellars cleaned. Phone Barlow Motors smar. All work guaranteed. 2-0374. CALL OR write and get paid for Roofing— Repairing 17-A WANTED—^Woman or girl for your bundled pai^rs, house rags, 5 9 5 Main St. Manchester ( 7 'P l : CALL 82.'>4 . Parkef Welduit Co’., 166 West general housework, to live in or scrap metals. Wm. Ostrinsky, 1 Middle run.pike. Tel. .3926. for 2-3 days a week. Phone 6514. Personal JvlOJf0 ROOFING, ASBESTOS sidewalla. Household Goods 61 182 Bissell street. Phone 5879. - JONES REALTY j .MASO.N WORK, chimney? cleaned eavestroigh cqnductora, ‘ Nu- •vood' ceilings and Interior walls; GOOD USED furniture bought 115 Main Street and rebuilt, outside fireplaces. Help Wanted— Malt 36 Services Agency Two-To’Eight ' Telephone ’J-0418. Wood shlnsung, general repair­ and sold. We handle stoves, heat- ing. Free estinibte. 'Time pay­ era stove parts an() pipes. Open Flower Petal Doily Johnny Jay, Mgr. ments. Louis Lavigne, Manches­ SHOE salesman. G., R. Kinney evenings. Jones Furaiture Store, ter '-toofing. Call 2-142a. — Company, Inc., 903 Main street. 36 Oak atreet. Tel. 2-1041. PHONE 4974 ,COH».I. tM> IT MCA ecaVicc. «. «tc. u. a p«T. Off. We Cater To Ail Kinds of FOR SALE—A Bosch radio. In­ RED RIDER A Missing Heir BY FRED HARMAN TO BE SOLD Odd Jobs. Let Us Serve quire 43 Wadsworth street. ►w cousin, AniA NOONEk'OWS fU-lW VIE WGrtT BUT TOu PniST W:Y TO Find On Lust (enter Street— Reaiitifiit Home— Siv nice rooms and The. sunroom. . Tile bath on seeond floor and tile lavatory on first floor. You With Quality Work At QAt.iVASKEn WHERE 'VC GET M.EQAU HER and satisfy FOR SALE—Studio couch In ex­ H1S5U56 15 TEARS DAUGHTER iPRsSWAPTOf^Cr tOLm Tt>u PA\' .EO 't5 Kitelien eabinets, tireplae^-, hot water, oil liiirner, many other up- cellent condition. Also dinette Reasonable Prices. St'EMUSTWl^' ^iTHER' OAUGHIttR'S OeCDVER AMY pointinelits, and a 'J-ear garage. table and chairs, eilcellent condi­ DliC OUT w r " DEATHf TRACE OF HER I'our-ltoom Single— nrarl.\ neu—

-ROBERT .1. SMITH, I.N’C. - « Will You Be Sorry Real Estate ami ItiMiraiU'c WANTED 963 M.YIN STREET rELEPIIONE 31.50 When You Are Carpenters - Quoted A Masons T O BE SOLD Bricklayers Low Allowance Eor !47,000 we offer a Two-I aiiiily House of 3 rooms each Laborers side—living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry on first floor— On Your Car OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE M.YJOR HOOPLE J eliarntiers and luith on S4-eomt floor. Large opetj attic, open porches, Jnrnaee heal, eopper water piping, ’J-ear garage.' Plumbers Sooner Than WHAT IS iTf DON'T 'YOU KNOW EG AD. BOVS.'I NAVE A That'S Moth- euR&UARS NtOVi .\notiier Iwo-l-amily Dwelling ttf si\ rooms each see-tion_ Painters^ WHY, IT'S OERtCY.' WHAT JERKV IS I MAR.RDVJ1NG CePORTTD iNS, MfVSOR/' 6 S R.1D 1MG living rooms, dining rooms. I.ilelieos ami pantries on first floor_ WE'RE MOT IT'S MEAT CUT INTO MAkte —— Twe EisiTiee SOME l a r g e 1 a r o o n j d OM IhIO WASTIN' AMY S T R IP S , s a l t e d a n d T R A ^ e u iN S S ehamhers ami haihrooni on seemid floor for each family. 2-ear Apply You Realize / f - t o CLUB t r e a s u r y , » 4 7 OPERATOR. garage. Shown hy appointm.'oi. MEAT AROUND DRIED,IN T H E S U N " IM "DunE. (AOMEV, STOLE THPer C R A hiE ? — i^amssTatAiesyiee.sw. r w ma. a a wrr. aw, T H IG H O M E . THE GUIDE SHOWED ME)tT THIMG; < Now h the Tim e^' PA HOW WE COULP, vlAMlSNEO ONlERMlGvAT N1C6 Mewl ROBERT .I. .SMITH, INC. Jarvis l^alty Co* *1 lust got the grandest Idea— I’ll write about inflation, FROM rWY SOFA \NE 1 BET THEV'LL t**And, Edmund, I do wish you*d watch the HAVE ELK MEAT Real Estate amt Insuranee 6 Dover Road atate of the ana say teachers arc the ones who really deserve more ALL V R A R i AND WITHOUT A CLOe , 6 0 T TO 6E CLEAMIM3 T o Ctuth In ' laun

  • t<> Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve­ S ounds TH E CASH ning Herald, 1150 Sixth aveAue, like an New York 19, N. V. ANTl-OTJL Im m ediate‘Service //-/o l The F*ll »nd .Winter 1046 Issue WHY MOTHERS G€r-