ICC-01/09-02/11-60-Anx1 15-04-2011 1/7 FB PT

ANNEX 1 ICC-01/09-02/11-60-Anx1 15-04-2011 2/7 FB PT

Annex 1

Examples of statements made that the six are the “most responsible” for the 2007 post election violence

1. ICC-CPI-20101214-PR614: Statement by ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno- Ocampo on , 14.12.2010

“As you know, tomorrow I will file two applications for summonses to appear for six individuals we believe are the most responsible for the post-election violence.”

http://www.icc- cpi.int/menus/icc/press%20and%20media/press%20releases /news%20and%20highlights/pr614?lan=en-GB

2. Crested Journal: “Kenya “dirty 6” named by ICC Prosecutor”, 15.12.2010.

“UHURU MUIGAI KENYATTA, JOSHUA ARAP SANG, FRANCIS KIRIMI MUTHAURA, MAJOR GENERAL , WILLIAM KIPCHICHIR SOMEI ARAP RUTO, HENRY KPROMO KOSGEY have been named as the individual most responsible for the violence that engulfed Kenya soon after the elections of 2007 were announced”

http://www.crestedjournal.com/news/36-in-the-news/468-kenya- dirt...d-by-icc- prosecutor?tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page=

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3. Radio Netherlands Worldwide: “ICC names Kenyan post-election violence suspects”, 15.12.2010

“These are not the only people involved in the crimes, but these are the people most responsible,” said Ocampo, who has been investigating the crimes in Kenya since May this year.”

http://www.rnw.nl/africa/article/icc-names-kenyan-post-election- violence-suspects

4. Mail Online: “Kenya's deputy prime minister 'incited election violence that left more than 1,000 people dead'”, 15.12.2010.

'These six are the persons most responsible according to our evidence,' Mr Moreno Ocampo said.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1338873/Kenyas- deputy-prim...ed-election-violence-left-1-000-people- dead.html?printingPage=true

5. The Standard: “Ruto, Muthaura, Kenyatta among the big Six for the Hague”, 15.12.2010.

He [Ocampo] maintained those against whom he will be seeking summonses "are the most responsible for post-election violence."

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http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/InsidePage.php?id=2000024716&cati d=4 6. Star and All Africa: “Ocampo want’s Muthaura out”, 15.03.2011.

“Asked to explain why he chose Uhuru when he could have as well gone for the top Mungiki leaders, Ocampo said he chose the minister because he was the most senior figure of those who allegedly plotted the retaliatory attacks using the Mungiki. "There are others but we are not responsible for these ones. Our focus is on the most responsible and in this case it was Mr Kenyatta," Ocampo said”

http://www.nairobistar.com/national/national/17278-ocampo-wants- muthaura-sacked and http://allafrica.com/stories/201103160219.html

7. Mail and Guardian online: “ICC names suspects in Kenya's election violence”, 15.12.2010

"Today [Wednesday] the office of the prosecutor filed its document presenting the results of its investigation in the last eight months for the crimes committed in Kenya," the ICC's chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, told a press conference …

He said the six, including Kenyatta and Ruto, "are the most responsible, but of course there are many others ...We concentrate on the most responsible... of course, Kenya can decide to prosecute more"

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http://mg.co.za/article/2010-12-15-icc-names-suspects-in-kenyas- postelection-violence

8. BBC: “Kenya election violence: ICC names suspects”, 15.12.2010

“He [Ocampo] said the six were the "most responsible" but there were "many others" that Kenya could decide to prosecute.”

Link to section of the press conference “these six are the people most responsible”


9. Mail and Guardian online: “Kenya ICC suspects proclaim innocence”, 15.12.2010.

“President reacted defensively after ICC chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo Moreno- Ocampo said in the Hague that the six suspects were "the most responsible" for the violence that claimed 1 500 lives ...

Moreno-Ocampo said in the Hague that, in addition to the six main suspects, "There are many others ...We concentrate on the most responsible... of course, Kenya can decide to prosecute more."

http://mg.co.za/article/2010-12-15-kenya-icc-suspects-proclaim- innocence

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10. The Brunel Times: “Senior Kenyans due before war crimes judges this week”, 06.04.2011

“The six, senior allies of President Mwai Kibaki and of his rival , face charges of crimes against humanity after ICC prosecutors labelled them the "most responsible" for violence that killed about 1,200 people, left 3,500 injured and up to 300,000 forcibly displaced.”

http://www.bt.com.bn/news-world/2011/04/06/senior-kenyans-due- war-crimes-judges-week

11. All Voices: “International Criminal Court prosecutor Ocampo names six top Kenyans for post-election violence trial”, 15.12.2010

“Kenya’s finance minister, its former police commissioner, its former higher education minister, and a prominent radio talk-show host are considered to be among the six “most responsible” for the post-election violence following Kenya’s disputed Dec. 27, 2007, elections, according to the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court at The Hague, Netherlands...

Announcing the names of the “most responsible” – , , Henry Kosgey, Hussein

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Ali, Joshua Arap Sang, and – the ICC’s prosecutor, , said that he expected the accused to cooperate fully with the ICC court.”

http://www.allvoices.com/s/event- 7626997/aHR0cDovL3Jzcy5jc21vbml0b3IuY29tL35yL2ZlZWRzL3dvcmx kL34zL2YtNERONTNUQ05ZL0ludGVybmF0aW9uYWwtQ3JpbWluYW wtQ291cnQtcHJvc2VjdXRvci1PY2FtcG8tbmFtZXMtc2l4LXRvcC1LZW55 YW5zLWZvci1wb3N0LWVsZWN0aW9uLXZpb2xlbmNlLXRyaWFs

12. Southern Africa Litigation Centre: “SALC Supports Call on African Members on the Security Council not to Support Deferral of ICC Kenya Investigation”, 02.03.2011.

“SALC as a member of the African Network of International Criminal Justice supported the call on African members of the Security Council (South Africa, Nigeria and Gabon) not to accede to the African Union's call to defer ICC proceedings against those most responsible for the post-election violence in Kenya.”

http://www.southernafricalitigationcentre.org/international_criminal_j ustice