CERGU’S WORKING PAPER SERIES 2018:1 Domesticating St Adalbert Episcopal Power and Holy Husbandry on the Euro- pean Peripheries during the High Middle Ages Wojtek Jezierski ___________________________________ Centre for European Research (CERGU) University of Gothenburg Box 711, SE 405 30 GÖTEBORG November 2018 © 2018 by Wojtek Jezierski. All rights reserved. 1 Domesticating St Adalbert. Episcopal Power and Holy Husbandry on the European Pe- ripheries during the High Middle Ages. Wojtek Jezierski Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT This article explores the ways episcopal milieus on the northeastern peripheries of Europe cre- ated and renewed their identities and symbols of episcopal authority by domesticating their immigrant saints during the high Middle Ages. By comparing the examples of holy bishops arriving to Poland and Sweden (St Adalbert, St Sigfrid, St Henry) it studies the episcopal mythopoesis, that is, creation of foundational myths and mythologies as well as their adapta- tion to specific local needs and changing historical circumstances. The article further probes to what extent these mythopoetic efforts were original or imitative in respect of the Western European episcopal centers and other peripheries. How similarly or differently did the bishops in the “old” and “young” Europe respond to the question: what beginnings do we need today? And what role did the appropriation, commodification, and domestication of holy bishops’ images and body parts play in providing answers to this vital question? Keywords: bishops, hagiography, episcopal attributes, relics, mythopoesis, secondary mythol- ogization, domestication, taming, holy husbandry, St Adalbert of Prague, St Sigfrid, St Henry of Finland, Gniezno This version: September 2018.