Particle inertial focusing and its mechanism in a serpentine microchannel

Jun Zhang, Weihua Li, Ming Li, Gursel Alici & Nam-Trung Nguyen

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics

ISSN 1613-4982

Microfluid Nanofluid DOI 10.1007/s10404-013-1306-6

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Microfluid Nanofluid DOI 10.1007/s10404-013-1306-6


Particle inertial focusing and its mechanism in a serpentine microchannel

Jun Zhang • Weihua Li • Ming Li • Gursel Alici • Nam-Trung Nguyen

Received: 30 July 2013 / Accepted: 5 December 2013 Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Particle inertial focusing in a curved channel simple serpentine microchannel can easily be implemented promises a big potential for lab-on-a-chip applications. in a single-layer microfluidic device. No sheath flow or This focusing concept is usually based on the balance of external force field is needed allowing a simple operation inertial lift force and the drag of secondary flow. This paper in a more complex lab-on-a-chip system. proposes a new focusing concept independent of inertial lift force, relying solely on secondary flow drag and par- ticle centrifugal force. Firstly, a focusing mechanism in a 1 Introduction serpentine channel is introduced, and some design con- siderations are described in order to make the proposed Microfluidic technology has been a hot research topic since focusing concept valid. Then, numerical modelling based its emergence in the early 1980 s. This technology provides on the proposed focusing mechanism is conducted, and the significant advantages over conventional technologies, numerical results agree well with the experimental ones, including (1) reduced sample and reagent volumes, (2) fast which verify the rationality of proposed mechanism. sample processing, (3) high sensitivity, (4) low cost, (5) Thirdly, the effects of flow condition and particle size on improved portability, and (6) the potential to be highly the focusing performance are studied. The effect of particle integrated and automated to reduce human intervention centrifugal force on particle focusing in a serpentine mi- (Bhagat et al. 2010a). A variety of techniques have been crochannel is carefully evaluated. Finally, the speed of developed to process biological samples in the microfluidic focussed particles at the outlet is measured by a micro-PIV, format. According to the source of the manipulating force, which further certifies the focusing positions of particles they can be categorised as active and passive techniques. within the cross section. Our study provides insights into Active techniques such as dielectrophoresis (DEP) (C¸ etin the role of centrifugal force on inertial focusing. This paper and Li 2011), magnetophoresis (MP) (Forbes and Forry demonstrates for the first time that a single focusing streak 2012), and acoustophoresis (AP) (Wang and Zhe 2011) rely can be achieved in a symmetric serpentine channel. The on an external force field, whereas passive techniques depend entirely on the channel geometry or intrinsic hydrodynamic forces, such as the mechanical filter (Ji et al. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10404-013-1306-6) contains supplementary 2008), pinched flow fractionation (PFF) (Yamada et al. material, which is available to authorized users. 2004), deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) (Huang et al. 2004), and inertial microfluidics (Di Carlo 2009). & J. Zhang W. Li ( ) M. Li G. Alici Generally, active techniques can provide a more precise School of Mechanical, Materials and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia control of target particles. However, they have drawbacks e-mail: [email protected] such as low throughput and the need for an external force field. In contrast, a microfluidic device based on a passive & N.-T. Nguyen ( ) method is very simple and has a considerably higher Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre, Griffith University, Brisbane, QLD 4111, Australia throughput. High throughput is especially necessary for the e-mail: applications of rare target particles, such as the diagnostics 123 Author's personal copy

Microfluid Nanofluid of circulating tumour cells (CTCs) (Cristofanilli et al. curved channel has some advantages, including (1) 2004). A large volume of sample needs to be processed to improvement of collection purity due to an adjustment of deliver consistent diagnostic results. As a passive technique, equilibrium position of particles; (2) a reduction in channel inertial microfluidics meets this requirement. Its working footprint for the lateral migration of particles due to the principle relies on particle inertial migration and the inertial assistance of secondary flow to accelerate lateral migration; effects of particle (centrifugal force) and fluid (secondary and (3) the equilibrium separation of particles based on flow) (Di Carlo 2009). These forces are dominant at a high different equilibrium positions of particles with various flow rate, suitable for a high throughput process. sizes (Di Carlo 2009). The reported curving geometry for Inertial migration is a phenomenon where randomly inertial microfluidics includes spirals (Seo et al. 2007a, b; dispersed particles in the entrance of a straight channel Kuntaegowdanahalli et al. 2009; Vermes et al. 2012; Bhagat migrate laterally to several cross-sectional equilibrium et al. 2008; Wu et al. 2012), single arc (Yoon et al. 2008; positions after a long enough distance (Segre 1961; Segre Gossett and Carlo 2009; Oozeki et al. 2009), and a and Silberberg 1962). Two dominant forces are widely symmetric and asymmetric serpentines (Di Carlo et al. recognised as being responsible for this phenomenon: the 2007, 2008; Gossett and Carlo 2009; Oakey et al. 2010). shear gradient lift force FLS acting down the velocity Meanwhile, expansion–contraction array channel which can gradient towards the channel walls, and a wall-induced lift generate Dean-like vortex in the cross section was also force FLW directed towards the centreline of the channel. proposed to focus and sort particles (Lee et al. 2009b, 2011a; The balance of these two forces creates several equilibrium Park et al. 2009; Moon et al. 2011; Zhang et al. 2013). Lee positions in the cross section. The net inertial lift force was et al. (2009b) proposed an expansion–contraction array derived by Asmolov based on the method of matched microchannel to focus particles three-dimensionally with asymptotic expansions (Asmolov 1999) and then simplified the assistance of a sheath flow. However, introduce of the as follows (Di Carlo 2009). sheath flow brings potential of dilution and contamination 2 4 on bio-particle sample. And it also complicates the fLqf Uma FL ¼ ð1Þ operation of the whole microfluidic system. So a sheath- D2 h less microfluidic system is more preferred. Bhagat et al. qfUmDh (2010b) presented a sheath-less microfluidic focuser using a ReC ¼ ð2Þ l spiral microchannel. Based on this focuser, a low cost on- chip flow cytometer was developed. This on-chip flow where q , U , and l are the fluid density, maximum f m cytometer was demonstrated to have a throughput of velocity, and dynamic viscosity, respectively. The 2,100 particles/s, which is far less than the throughput spherical particles have a diameter a. The hydraulic of a conventional flow cytometer (*7 9 104 particles/s) diameter D of the channel is defined as D = D for a h h (Eisenstein 2006). In order to increase the throughput of this circular channel (D is the diameter of the circular cross on-chip flow cytometer to the order of conventional flow section) or D = 2wh/(w ? h) for a rectangular channel (w h cytometer, a parallelisation technology is usually needed, and h correspond to width and height of the rectangular such as reported parallel channels (Hansson et al. 2012; Hur cross section). The lift coefficient f of the net inertial lift L et al. 2010). However, it is not easy to design parallel spiral force is a function of the position of the particles within the channels in microfluidics. For parallelisation, microchannel cross section of channel x , channel Reynolds number Re , C C with linear structure (such as straight or serpentine) is more and particle size a (Di Carlo 2009; Zhou and Papautsky suitable. Di Carlo et al. (2007) introduced an asymmetric 2013). In a straight channel, the lateral migration velocity serpentine channel to focus particles into one streak in 2D U of the particle and the minimum channel length L , L min (top view), and later, this asymmetric serpentine channel which is required for particles to migrate to their was combined with a straight section to successfully focus equilibrium positions, can be derived by balancing the particles in 3D. The focusing performance was evaluated by net inertial lift force and Stokes drag (Bhagat et al. 2009). standard flow cytometry method. The results showed that 2 3 qfUma this device can operate with increasing effectiveness at UL ¼ 2 ð3Þ 6plDh higher flow rates and concentration of particles, which is 3 ideal for high throughput analysis (Oakey et al. 2010). 3plDh Lmin ¼ ð4Þ Although significant achievements have been obtained q U a3 f m using curved channels (Hou et al. 2013;Wuetal.2012;Lee In order to modify and assist the inertial migration to et al. 2011b), a complete and understandable particle focusing reduce the length of the channel, curvature was introduced mechanism is still lacking (Gossett and Carlo 2009). In the into the channel to provide a secondary flow (or Dean reported previous works, focusing is normally regarded as the vortex). Compared with a straight channel, generally a balance of secondary flow (Dean vortex) and inertial lift force 123 Author's personal copy

Microfluid Nanofluid in the cross section, but the importance of particle inertia analysis, numerical simulation, and experiments. The (centrifugal force) is rarely considered (Kuntaegowdanahalli focusing mechanism is first proposed, with some design et al. 2009;Vermesetal.2012;Russometal.2009;Gossett considerations presented. Then, numerical modelling based and Carlo 2009). The dimension of channel cross section is on the proposed mechanism is conducted, and the numerical restricted (a/D [ 0.07) in order to provide an effective iner- results are verified by the experiments. Thirdly, the effects of tial lift force, which increases the flow resistance, and more the Reynolds number and particle size on the focusing per- power is needed to pump the particle suspension. So a formance are studied. The weightiness of particle centrifugal microfluidic focuser independent of inertial lift force can force on particle focusing is investigated and carefully release this restriction. The counter-rotating Dean vortex is evaluated. Finally, the position and velocity of focussed prone to mix particles. It needs to be suppressed in the particles at the outlet are measured by microparticle image application of particle focusing. Moreover, there are no velocimetry (PIV), which further verify the equilibrium suitable criteria to evaluate the focusing efficiency and a positions of particles in the channel cross section. proper design consideration for a curved channel. For example, a suitable expression such as Eq. 4 for a straight channel to determine the channel length for focusing particles 2 Focusing mechanism and design considerations in a curved channel is essential in the design process. In this paper, we propose a new concept of inertial 2.1 Focusing mechanism focusing in a serpentine channel, which is independent of the inertial lift force. The focusing process of particles in a ser- Figure 1a is a schematic view of particles focusing in a pentine channel is investigated in details through analytical serpentine channel. Briefly speaking, particles are deflected

Fig. 1 Focusing mechanism of particles in a serpentine channel. a Schematic view of particles focusing in a serpentine channel. b The trajectory and speed of particles in a serpentine channel. The coloured curves are the dynamic trajectory of microparticles, and the colour legend is the speed of particles. Particle trajectory is obtained by the numerical simulation. c The viscous drag FD in the cross section of the channel. d Schematic illustration of centrifugal movement of single particle within one turn (colour figure online)

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. into the channel centre after each period, due to the cen- 2 2 vpr ¼ vfr þ q q a v 18rl ð7Þ trifugal force and secondary flow drag with alternating p f pt directions. And a final consequence is that particles are Two components contribute to the particle radial focused at the centre of channel after enough periods (top velocity: secondary flow vfr and particle centrifugal force view). More detailed mechanism is discussed in the 2 2 (qp - qf)a vpt/18rl. Here, we define a new parameter: following. particle relative radial velocity vprr, which is the relative It is well known that when fluid is flowing in a channel velocity of particle and fluid elements along the radial with curvature (e.g. a serpentine channel), two counter- direction. This is actually the migration velocity of the rotating vortices are generated due to the non-uniform particles across the fluid streamline, and is the only inertia of fluid elements within the channel cross section contribution made by the particle centrifugal force for (Di Carlo et al. 2008). Particles suspended in a fluid follow particle focusing: the streamlines due to viscous drag. The viscous drag FD . 2 2 can be calculated by Stokes law as vprr ¼ vpr vfr ¼ qp qf a vpt 18rl ð8Þ FD ¼ 3plavfr vpr ð5Þ Since the sign of vprr is positive as discussed above, particles migrate across the streamlines from the inner where v and v are radial velocity of fluid and particles, fr pr corner to the outer corner with a relative migration velocity respectively, as shown in Fig. 1c. of v at each turn. Furthermore, the speed of particles in Additionally, the inertia of particles at the turns causes a prr the inner corner is much higher than the outer corner: centrifugal force F (Lim et al. 2003; Mach et al. 2011). Cent v [ v , and the radius of particle orbit in the inner pt1 pt2 3 2 corner is normally smaller than the outer corner: rp1 \ rp2, FCent ¼ qp qf pa v =6r ð6Þ pt Fig. 1b. According to Eq. 8, the relative migration velocity where qp and vpt are the density and tangential velocity of vprr is always faster at the inner corner than at the outer particles, respectively, and r is the radius of particle orbit. corner: vprr1 [ vprr2. Moreover, the inner and outer corners When the viscous drag FD acts as a centripetal force to switch after each U-turn, with an alternate direction of balance the particle centrifugal force FCent within a turn, relative migration velocity vprr. The overall effect is that the trajectory of the particles will be a perfect circular particles are deflected towards the centre of the channel curve. Unfortunately, the viscous drag FD in a real situation after each period, and the final result will be a focused cannot always balance the centrifugal force FCent because streak in the centre of the channel at the outlet. That means, in the entrance of the turn (vpr & 0), FD directs from the the centrifugal force of the particles alone can successfully inner corner to the outer corner, and the direction of FCent focus the particles into the centre of the channel, even is determined by the sign of (qp - qf). In our later exper- without the assistance of secondary flow. The weightiness iments, particles are normally suspended in deionised (DI) of the centrifugal force of the particles on particle focusing water (unless otherwise specifically indicated) and qp [ qf will be discussed in the following. It should be noted that (qp = 1.05 g/ml, qf = 1 g/ml). Therefore, FD and FCent are the orbit of the particles in each corner is not a perfect pointing to the same direction, from the inner corner to the circular curve, so rp1 and rp2 are actually the average radius outer corner. Thus, the movement of particle within each of the particles’ orbit within each curve section. turn is actually a centrifugal movement. The centrifugal The efficiency of focusing can be evaluated by the ratio movement of particles within one turn is illustrated sche- of the distance that particles move perpendicular to the matically in Fig. 1d. Particles accelerate along the radial streamline to the distance along the streamline, and this direction towards the outer corner until they finally exceed ratio is equivalent to the ratio of particle velocity perpen- the fluid radial velocity. At this moment, the viscous drag dicular and parallel to the streamline (Zhu et al. 2009). For FD changes to the opposite direction to compete with the focusing efficiency, the larger is this ratio d, the better. centrifugal force. The particles continue to accelerate until 2 L v v ðq q Þa vpt two forces reach the final balance. Reaching this point of d ¼ r ¼ pr ¼ fr þ p f ð9Þ L v v 18rl balance may take some time, and the particles could pos- t pt pt sibly have arrived at a new tangential position. This The weightiness of the centrifugal force of the particles timescale should be very small because particle accelera- on particle focusing can be evaluated by the ratio of vprr to -2 12 2 tion is proportional to a (10 m/s scale for micro-sized vpr. The larger is this ratio gCent, the more significant is the particle). For simplicity, the acceleration process of parti- centrifugal force on particle focusing. cles is neglected. The particle radial velocity vr can be vprr . 1 obtained by the balance of viscous drag FD and centrifugal gCent ¼ ¼ ð10Þ vpr 18v rl q q a2v2 þ 1 force FCent: fr p f pt

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Particles need to migrate transversely half of the channel Based on the above analytical analysis, one can easily width w to focus into the centre of the channel, so the determine the length of the serpentine channel (Eq. 16)to minimum arc length of the channel (focusing length) Lcminis focus particles with certain size a in the design process. It wv should be noted that the above analytical analysis only L pt . c min ¼ ð11Þ considers the effects of particle centrifugal force and 2e v þ q q a2v2 18rl fr p f pt secondary flow on the particle focusing process, while the where e is the correcting coefficient that takes into account effects of particle inertial migration phenomenon and the opposite effects of particle centrifugal force and sec- mixing effects of secondary flow were neglected. In fact, ondary flow in the alternating turns where the inner and inertial migration plays an important role for particle outer corners switch their positions. When particles are focusing, which was claimed as one of the dominant effects moving through the turn where the inner and outer corners in a curved channel (Di Carlo et al. 2007). Inertial switch, previous lateral (radial) displacement towards the migration will become obvious when a/Dh [ 0.07 and centre of the channel (especially for particles in the pre- even dominates particle behaviour when the particle 2 2 vious inner corner) will be partially counteracted by the Reynolds number Rp (RP = ReC 9 a /Dh) is on the order opposite centrifugal force and secondary flow in the new of 1 (Di Carlo et al. 2007; Bhagat et al. 2008, 2010b). Also turn. Correction coefficient e is between 0 and 1, and it for the secondary flow, counter-rotating streamlines are should be a function of channel Reynolds number, particle prone to mixing particles by entraining them. Mixing size, and channel dimension. When e = 1, the opposite effects must be inhibited to prevent particles from centrifugal force and secondary flow in the alternating defocusing. In order to make our assumption valid, some turns have no negative effects on particle focusing. When design considerations for the channel structure are e = 0, focusing effects of centrifugal force and secondary carefully addressed as follows. flow have been completely counteracted by their alternat- ing counterparts, and no focusing can be achieved. 2.2 Suppression of mixing effects of secondary flow In a curved channel, the magnitude of secondary flow is quantified by the Dean number De. With the secondary flow, a counter-rotating vortex has the rffiffiffiffiffiffi role of agitation and perturbation, which is beneficial for D De ¼ Re h ð12Þ mixing (Stroock et al. 2002; Sudarsan and Ugaz 2006; Lee 2R et al. 2009a) and heat transfer (Zheng et al. 2013), but not where R is the radius of channel curvature and Re is the desirable for particle focusing because it tends to defocus flow Reynolds number, which is defined based on average and pull particles along its circulating streamlines. In order to suppress the mixing effect, a microchannel with a low fluid velocity Uf (Bhagat et al. 2008). aspect ratio (AP) was suggested (Yoon et al. 2008), which The velocity of secondary flow UD can be calculated as (Bhagat et al. 2010b; Vermes et al. 2012): was also verified by our numerical results (Fig. S1a * b). For an extremely low AP channel (Fig. S1a(i)), the fluid 4 1:63 UD ¼ 1:8 10 De ð13Þ velocity along z (vertical) direction is too small to drag Substitute Eqs. 12 and 13 to Eqs. 9–11 and assuming particles vertically, so outward and inward streams are impossible to circulate particles in the cross section. In our vfr = UD, vpt = Uf and r = R, result in: ! rffiffiffiffiffiffi : present work, the AP of the channel was set as 1/5 (channel 1 63 2 q Dh Dh ðqp qfÞa Uf height = 40 lm and channel width = 200 lm), which is d ¼ 1:8 104U0:63 f þ f l 2R 18Rl small enough to provide a wide available working area while inhibiting the mixing effects of secondary flow ð14Þ effectively (Fig. S1b(ii)). Additionally, the ratio of particle v g ¼ prr to channel size was critical for the exhibition of mixing Cent v pr effects. Yoon et al. (2008) demonstrated that particles 1 ¼  smaller than 27 % of the channel height will obtain an 18:42 104q1:63D2:445R0:185 q q a2U0:37l0:63 1 f h p f f þ inward velocity due to the mixing effects in a curved ð15Þ channel. However, due to the strong suppression on the circulating streamlines in an extremely low AP channel Lc min w here, the ratio of particle diameter to channel height can ¼ qffiffiffiffi 1:63  actually be a little smaller than the theoretical value of 2e 1:8 104 U0:63 qf Dh Dh þ q q a2U 18Rl f l 2R p f f 27 %. In our experiments, we found that this ratio can be as ð16Þ small as 20 %.

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2.3 Neglect of inertial lift force weight ratio of particles in the suspension was 0.025–0.1 %. As we know, inertial migration becomes apparent when a/D [ 0.07 and R * 1. The number and position of the h p 3.3 Experimental set-up and method inertial equilibrium position depend mainly on the geom- etry of the channel. In a straight channel with AP = 1as The microfluidic device was placed on an inverted micro- shown in Fig. S1c(i), there are four equilibrium positions, scope (CKX41, Olympus, Japan), illuminated by a mercury facing the centre of each channel surface (Di Carlo 2009). arc lamp. Particle suspension was pumped by a syringe When AP is between 1/3 and 1/2 as shown in Fig. S1c(ii), pump (Legato 100, Kd Scientific), as shown in Figure S2b. the equilibrium positions are reduced to two, due to the The fluorescence images were observed and captured by a blunted velocity profile along the long face of the channel CCD camera (Rolera Bolt, Q-imaging, Australia), and then and corresponding reduction in shear gradient lift force post-processed and analysed using the software Q-Capture (Chung et al. 2013). However, by lowering the AP of the Pro 7 (Q-imaging, Australia). The exposure time for each channel to 1/5, as the inertial lift force is very weak along frame was set at 100 ms. The streak width was determined the long face, it was hard to observe very distinct equi- by measuring the distance between points where the librium positions. The weak equilibrium positions of the intensity profile crossed the 50 % threshold. The streak particles varied under different flow conditions, as shown position was taken as the middle of the 50 % threshold in Fig. S1c(iii * v). In our experiments, the maximum intensity. Focusing was achieved when the streak width ratio of particle diameter to channel width was 0.065, became \ 2 times the diameter of the particles (Martel and which is still \ 0.07. Therefore, inertial migration along Toner 2012). A micro-PIV (TSI, USA) system was also the long face can be neglected, which is not expected to used to capture snapshots of fluorescent particles at the cause significant errors, and the particles along the short outlet and to evaluate the focusing performance more face will focus at the top and bottom of the channel due to specifically. The space and speed of the particles at the the sharp parabolic velocity profile. Also, in the following outlet were obtained by analysing the snapshot pairs. section, numerical simulation without the consideration of inertial lift force was conducted. The numerical results were then verified by experimental ones, which further 3.4 Numerical simulation indicated that the neglect of inertial lift force was reasonable. In order to understand and predict the focusing behaviour of the particles, numerical modelling was used to calculate the flow field and trajectory of the particles in the serpen- 3 Materials and methods tine channel. A laminar steady incompressible flow model was used to calculate the flow field. A non-slip boundary 3.1 Design and fabrication of the microchannel condition was applied onto the surfaces of the channel, and then, the calculated flow field was used to trace the parti- Figure S2(a) shows the structure of the serpentine channel cles with the mass model in COMSOL (Burlington, MA) to used in our experiments. The channel consists of a 15.2- predict particle trajectory in the serpentine channel. mm serpentine section with 15 periods. The depth of the Equations governing steady incompressible flow are as channel is uniform at 40 lm. The length and width of each follows: U-turn are both 700 lm. The device was fabricated by standard photolithography and soft lithography techniques. N–S equation: 2 The detailed fabricating procedure was given elsewhere qf~vf r~vf ¼rP þ lr ~vf ð17Þ (Duffy et al. 1998). Continuity equation:

3.2 Particle suspension r~vf ¼ 0 ð18Þ Non-slip boundary condition: Internally, dyed fluorescent polystyrene particles were purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific. Particles with a ~vw ¼ 0 ð19Þ diameter a = 8 lm (Product No. 36-3, CV18 %), 9.9 lm where~vf and P are the velocity vector and pressure of fluid, (Product No. G1000, CV5 %), and 13 lm (Product No. respectively; ~vw is fluid velocity vector at the channel 36-4, CV16 %) were suspended, respectively, in DI water walls. r is Nabla operator: r¼~i o þ~j o þ~k o ; and r2 is with 0.1 % w/v Tween 20 (Sigma-Aldrich Product No. ox oy oz 2 o2 o2 o2 P9416), preventing the particles from aggregation. The Laplace operator: r ¼rr¼ox2 þ oy2 þ oz2 : 123 Author's personal copy

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The governing equation for particles’ movement is in solution with different densities. Finally, the speed of focussed particles at the outlet was measured by a micro- ~€ ~ mpX ¼ Fdrag ð20Þ PIV system, and the results further verified the particles p : : 3:45 positions in the cross section. F ¼ a2q v2 1:84Re00 31 þ 0:293Re00 06 ð21Þ drag 4 f t 0 Re ¼ vtqfa=l ð22Þ 4.1 Validation of focusing concept and determination of correction coefficient e vt ¼ vf vp ð23Þ Instead of stokes drag equation, here Khan and Figures 2a, b illustrated trajectory of particles in a ser- Richardson equation is used for the calculation of viscous pentine microchannel obtained from numerical simulation, drag Fdrag; as it has a wider agreement with the experimental and its corresponding streak images from experiments were data compared to stokes drag (Richardson et al. 2002). plotted in Fig. 2c. Focusing process between first and fifth periods can be found in Fig. S3. Note that the simulation results agreed very well with the experimental ones, as the 4 Results and discussion randomly dispersed particles at the inlet shifted into the centre of the channel after each turn and the width of their In order to verify the feasibility of neglecting the inertial streak decreased continuously, and finally, they focused at lift force for particle focusing in a serpentine channel, we the centre of channel at the outlet. It indicates that the conducted a numerical modelling, which only took account proposed focusing concept which only takes account of of particle inertia and fluid viscous drag on particle particle inertia and secondary flow drag is reasonable. focusing. The predicted trajectory of particles agreed well Although inertial lift force is still present in the actual with particle streak in the experiments, which validated the situation, its effect is negligible compared to other two proposed focusing concept. Then, the effects of flow con- effects. dition and particle size on focusing performance were The width of the particle streak under different numbers investigated. The effect of particle centrifugal force on of zigzag periods was plotted in Fig. 2d. The width was particle focusing was investigated by suspending particles determined by measuring the distance between two points

Fig. 2 a The overview of particles focusing in a serpentine channel. b The numerical results of particles’ trajectory at the inlet, typical zigzag periods, and outlet of a serpentine channel. c The experimental streak images of fluorescent particles in the corresponding positions of the serpentine channel. d Particle streak width and position. (i) Determination of particle streak width and streak position from fluorescence intensity profile. (ii) Particle streak width under different numbers of zigzag turns. The input fluid average velocity is 1.1 m/s, corresponding to the channel Reynolds number of 110. Particle diameter is 9.9 lm

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Fig. 3 a The particle streak width under different flow conditions (channel Reynolds number). b Particle streak images observed from fluorescence microscope (left) and particles snapshot image obtained from micro-PIV system (right) under different flow conditions where the intensity profile crossed the 50 % threshold. The correction coefficient e increases with an increasing chan- streak position was taken as the middle of the 50 % nel Reynolds number because of the fast lateral migration threshold intensity [Fig. 2d(i)]. The width of the particle velocity of particles at high Reynolds numbers, and there is streak decreased rapidly, and particle focusing was less chance for opposite centrifugal force and secondary achieved after the fifth zigzag period [Fig. 2d(ii)], with an flow drag to deflect particles into two side walls in the arc length (focusing length) of about 11 mm when the alternating turns. channel Reynolds number was 110. In our experiments, best focusing happened when the channel Reynolds num- 4.2 Effects of the channel Reynolds number ber was 160 and focusing length was only 3.75 mm. This focusing length is shorter than most of the focusing lengths From Eq. 14, the focusing efficiency is proportional to the reported in the literature, and it even reached the level of input fluid velocity (or channel Reynolds number). In the state-of-the-art asymmetric curving channels (Di Carlo experimental validation, the width of the particle streak et al. 2007). The mean and standard deviation of the lateral was measured at the outlet under each flow condition and positions of particle streak were determined by fitting the the results were shown in Fig. 3a. The width of the streak counts to a Gaussian distribution, and the particle streak decreases sharply with increasing Reynolds number, and lateral position was 99.0 ± 0.97 lm, perfectly within the after a critical value (defined as critical channel Reynolds centre of the channel. Furthermore, compared with the number for particle focusing ReCC), focusing was achieved. asymmetric curving channel reported previously, our ser- The available working area on the Rec-a space for particle pentine channel is much simpler because the radii of a focusing can be obtained. It is noted that this critical value larger curvature and a smaller curvature are different in an was different for various particle sizes. This difference can asymmetric curving channel and must be determined, be used to characterise the effects of particle size on respectively, whereas only one parameter needs to be focusing performance, which will be discussed in the fol- selected in a symmetric serpentine channel. Furthermore, lowing section in more detail. particles are focused at the centre of the channel, which To evaluate particle focusing more specifically, a micro- eliminates the difficulty of aligning the detection unit if our PIV system was used to capture snapshot images of fluo- serpentine channel acts as a focusing unit for on-chip flow rescent particles at the end of the last zigzag period, and the cytometry. results were compared with the images of particle streaks The correction coefficient e in Eqs. 11 or 16 was cal- observed from the fluorescence microscope (Fig. 3b). culated under several typical Reynolds numbers in the Particles are distributed within the streak and migrate into experiments, where the Reynolds numbers 110, 120, 140, the centre when the Reynolds number has increased. This and 160 correspond to a focusing length of about 10.8, agrees well with the results from the streak images. How- 6.75, 4.75, and 3.75 mm, respectively. According to ever, when the channel Reynolds number exceeds the Eq. 16, e = 0.258, 0.388, 0.504, and 0.578, respectively critical value for particle focusing, it is hard to evaluate the (More detailed information is shown in Eq. S4). The particle focusing more specifically by fluorescence streak

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Microfluid Nanofluid image, such as particle position, particle speed, or the In addition, 8, 10, and 13 lm particles were also, defection of certain particles within the particle chain. respectively, prepared in a saturated salt solution Perhaps a high-speed camera [such as Photron SA-3, (q = 1.20 g/ml) and then used to study the effects of solu- United Kingdom (Vermes et al. 2012), and Phantom ver- tion density on particle focusing. As known from Eq. (6), the sion 7.3, Vision Research, Inc (Gossett and Carlo 2009)] centrifugal force of the particles will change to the opposite could be effective to analyse particle focusing in a more direction when particles are not as dense as the solution. If detailed manner. the centrifugal force of the particles is stronger than the secondary flow drag, particle focusing will disappear, but 4.3 Effects of particle size and particle inertia particle focusing still can be observed in our experiments. This observation indicates that secondary flow is more Equations 11 and 16 indicate that particles with a larger important than particle centrifugal force in the particle diameter can achieve focusing within a shorter arc length focusing process. However, unlike the previous description (focusing length) when the input flow condition (Reynolds that particle focusing is independent of solution density number ReC) is constant, but determining the critical arc (particle centrifugal force) (Di Carlo et al. 2007; Russom length for focusing under each flow condition is not easy. et al. 2009), particle centrifugal force actually has a signifi- Also, it is more important to know the available working cant impact on particle focusing, although it is not a domi- area for particle focusing in a specific microfluidic device nant effect. The critical channel Reynolds number for these rather than the position where focusing occurs. Therefore, particles in a saturated salt water solution is much higher than instead of a critical arc length for focusing, the critical its corresponding value in a solution of DI water, meaning

Reynolds number ReCC (Fig. 3a) was used to evaluate the that the opposing centrifugal force can actually hinder par- effects of particle size on focusing efficiency. Larger parti- ticle focusing and decreases its available working area. cles are expected to achieve focusing at a lower Reynolds More specifically, the contribution of particle centrifu- number within the same arc length. This hypothesis was gal force on particle focusing can be evaluated by gCent verified by the experimental results in Fig. 4. Figure 4 also (Eq. 15), as discussed above. For 10 lm polystyrene par- shows that larger particles can achieve focusing in a much ticles in DI water, when ReCC = 110–200, gCent = wider available working area than smaller particles. The 3.4–4.2 %, but for particles with a higher density (such as data are limited within the channel Reynolds number of 200, silica or metal), the weight of particle centrifugal force will which corresponds to a flow rate of 1 ml/min (fluid average be much higher. Taking a silica (SiO2) particle for exam- velocity 2 m/s). The reasons why the experiments stop at ple, qsilica = 2.65 g/ml, with other parameters the same as this flow rate are (1) sealing failure and liquid leakage could the polystyrene particle suspension, the weight of particle happen when the flow rate is too large, and because the centrifugal force on particle focusing can be as high as pressure within the microfluidic chip is too high, and (2) the gCent = 53.7–59.1 %. So the effect of solution density and counter-rotating secondary flow is becoming strong enough particle centrifugal force needs to be considered carefully to begin to mix and defocus particles (Fig. S5). in any practical application. In addition, the fluid viscosity is expected to influence the focusing behaviour too. According to Eqs. 14 and 16, fluid with high viscosity will hinder the focusing theoretically. However, the flow field varies when fluid viscosity changes, which will certainly cause disturbance on inertial focusing process, at present we are not sure whether it is a positive or negative effect. So a better way is through experiments, there are two difficulties when conducting such an experiment: (1) choose or prepare a set of fluid solutions, which have dif- ferent viscosities, but with same (or very close) density; (2) For fluid with very high viscosity, it needs more power to pump the particle suspension into the microfluidic device, so a proper pumping system needs to be considered. After all, it will be the future work.

4.4 Position and velocity of particles at the outlet

Fig. 4 The effects of particle size and solution density on the critical A micro-PIV system was used to evaluate particle focusing channel Reynolds number for particle focusing more specifically because particle position and particle 123 Author's personal copy

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Fig. 5 a Particle longitudinal space under different flow conditions. after Dt.(ii) Particle average velocity with respectP to input fluid red circle b n Particles are highlighted with . The particle velocity at the velocity. Particle average velocity is calculated as i ¼ 1 Dxi=Dt =n: outlet. (i) Particle velocity is calculated as particle displacement Two blue dots are schematic position of particles within channel cross divided by residence time Dt (100 ls). Particle positions at two section at the outlet. Fluid maximum velocity is calculated as moments are superposed with two different colours. Green symbol is Um = 1.5Uf (Di Carlo et al. 2007) (colour figure online) particles at the initial moment, and red symbol is particle position velocity are additional important information that can be Although our proposed serpentine channel can only focus used to characterise the quality of particle focusing. The particles in 2D manner (a single focusing streak from top results were plotted in Fig. 5a. Particles were focused at the view), focusing particles in 3D can easily be implemented centre of the channel at the outlet, and the longitudinal after careful adjustment, such as (1) reducing channel position of the particles was not uniform, as expected in the height to \ 2 times of particle diameter so that only one real situations, with some particles deflecting from the particles can occupy short face or (2) placing several particle chain. This was mainly due to the large deviation grooves on the bottom of serpentine channel at the outlet to of particle size (CV16 %). Also, the particles were not induce rotating flows to focus particles in 3D (Chung et al. uniform in the suspension in practice because their density 2013). was slightly more than the solution density (DI water), and they were gradually settling down in the container and the microchannel. It was also found that particle space is 5 Conclusions generally independent of the flow conditions. Besides, the velocity of the particles was calculated as The present work presented a new concept of inertial their displacement divided by their residence time focusing, which only takes account of secondary flow drag [Fig. 5b(i)], and its average value was plotted against the and particle centrifugal force. The focusing mechanism and input fluid velocity [Fig. 5b(ii)]. Particle velocity increased design considerations were proposed, which provide useful almost linearly with the average input fluid velocity. Its guidelines for the design of curved channel for particle value was greater than the average fluid velocity (blue focusing. Numerical modelling based on the proposed dashed line), but less than the maximum velocity of the focusing concept was conducted, and the numerical results fluid (red dashed line). This is because the particles were agreed well with experimental ones. An extremely low AP focused at the centre of the channel along the long face (1/5) channel was used to suppress the mixing effects of where the fluid velocity was maximum, while along the counter-rotating secondary flows, as well as keeping its short face, due to strong shear gradient-induced lift force, positive effects for particles focusing in a serpentine the particles were actually focused half way between the channel. Effective particle focusing at the centre of a axis of the channel and the top/bottom surface [two blue symmetric serpentine channel was available at a wide dots in Fig. 5b(ii)], which agrees well with our prediction. range of flow conditions. Compared with an asymmetric 123 Author's personal copy

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