Don’t Let the name

“Fool” you. is

a beautiful card

significant of new


That lovely brand new

feeling of fearlessness

and stepping into

the great unknown.

0 Don’t fear, life can be

what you make it.

The Magician is

symbolic of self

empowerment and

will power.

Take the first

steps for a new

phase of you,

Remember that

all the magic you I require is

already within you. calls on us

to look within.

Our Intuition is

our greatest friend.

Trust yourself

and your choices.

Look inside for the answers

in order to awaken.


The Empress is pure

love and creation.

She is overflowing

with passion for life.

There is an understanding

to be gained through

listening to your III emotion, and is here to remind you

of that. is a

pillar of security and

rational thought.

He is a protector and

urges us to

step back a moment

from emotion to clearly

understand logic. IV

The Hierophant

Tarot encourages

us to seek wisdom

and growth.

Seek knowledge that

fills your heart with

passion. V The Universe is

our greatest teacher. gently

commands us to

choose love.

Love always wins.

The Lovers is

a card representative

of great joy

VI desire and


The Chariot represents

your warrior self.

Victory and power.

Remember, you play

the largest part

in your life’s


VII You are your own hero in this journey

called life. Strength is

a reminder that we can

handle even the

most difficult of situations

with grace.

Strength is showing

us our ability to

understand our emotions, VIII coupled with strength of the heart. A perfect

balance of passion

and peace.

The Hermit

calls on us to take

time to cherish solitude,

meditate, and participate

in a calm withdrawal from

around us.

When we truly look

within we experience

tremendous self

IX awareness and realize

we are never alone. When we experience

change we can either hide

from it…. or accept it

and embrace it.

The Wheel of Fortune

reminds us

what matters most.

This being that we gain X greater self knowledge from our destiny, and from

life’s unexpected changes.


right action and

right decision

All of our

choices sculpt our

outcomes in life.

XI urges us to

decide our future

through our present. The Hanged Man

Tarot reminds

us to let go of

anything that

does not keep us

true to

who we are.

Be who you

XII want to be, not

what others hope

to see.

A new beginning

for mind and spirit.

The card

is a blessing in change.

What ends begins

again in new form,

and love & light break

all the rules of finality.

XIII reminds us

to take a step back and

observe both sides of a


before we react.

A call for our actions to

match our desires.

XIV All the peace

you need, is already

within you, act accordingly.

Often we feel trapped,

but we must

remember we have


This feeling of helplessness

is because we are

attached to a situation

or individual that

does not serve our hearts.

XV Remember you have a choice,

The Devil calls on us

to make the choice

to let go. Life is not

about what we are

dealt... life is

about how we deal.

The Tower reminds us

to take good

and grow from

our experiences. XVI

This choice to grow

will lead to

wonderful new beginnings.

The Star reminds

us that there

is always hope.

Keep your thoughts

positive and positive


will follow.

Inner peace is XVII the ultimate goal. encourages us

to turn to a

deep subconscious level.

A call for introspection.

We must embrace our

shadow side, give

it a hug, and

XVIII forgive it in order

to become

our truest most

sacred self.

We can create

a new world

simply by having

new eyes.

The Sun reminds us

to seek our highest truth

and always call

on our highest self

for guidance. XIX The Beautiful serpent

Goddess, Kundalini.

is the guardian of

the Chakras. She lays coiled

around your root

chakra. When you’re

ready, she makes her

way to the

crown and you

are awakened.

XX Judgment reminds you

your old selfhood is shed,

and only your truest self

remains. Accept this.

The World indicates

a feeling and actualization

of fulfillment.

The unconscious

and conscious as one.

This card

represents the higher self

being in balance with the XXI Infinite spirit. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @ THE SYMBOLIC LIFE 2020


1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) -

This is our connection to the physical world, the things outside of self. The Root Chakra is our feeling of safety, security and grounding. The card pulled in this position is relating to our worldly affairs. For example, if I were to pull the

The Fool in Root position, it would indicate a new beginning.

A new career, a new found sense of security, even the ending

(new beginning) of something that was making you feel unsafe.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) -

Sacral holds our connection to creativity, passion, sensuality and relationships. The card placed in this position is relating to our creativity or relations with others. For Example, if you were to place

The High Priestess card in the Sacral position, this as a suggestion to listen strongly to your intuition, not what others tell you.

3. Solar Plexus (Manipura) -

The Manipura Chakra is the position of our self worth and self love.

A card placed in the Solar position points towards our self esteem and confidence. For example, if The Moon card is placed in the solar position, this is letting you know that in order to gain a stronger sense of self, self love, and confidence - you should spend time gently looking into your shadow side. What parts of self, and what from your past do you better need to understand and embrace? 4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) -

The Heart Chakras name is in essence it’s definition. Our love, soul’s purpose and our truest self lives here. Our hearts, void of ego and fear. As an example, if you were to pull The Hanged Man in the Heart position, it would be a gentle reminder to listen to your heart first above all else. It would be the Universe’s advice to not care what others think, to just let go and be true to your own heart’s desire.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishudha) -

The Throat urges us to our truest purpose, to “Speak Your Truth.”

If The Empress card was placed in the throat position, by example this would indicate that we need to speak up, find our voice, and be honest about our emotions. And of course, if it were The

Emperor in this position, then we need to step back from emotion and rationally speak our truth. Our voice is our heart’s communication source.

6. 3rd Eye Chakra (Anja) -

I tell my clients that the 3rd Eye, our intuition, is our little conversation with Spirit. The 3rd eye, our gut instinct is one of the most beautiful tools we possess.

Imagine if we could learn to listen to it and trust it entirely?

So many of life’s little hiccups, time wasters, and bloopers could be avoided. And yes I’m talking about that shitty relationship we’ve all had at one point in our lives that went on WAY too long.

We knew, we always do. So, whatever card pulled here is your little message from Spirit. Listen. If the card placed is this is your intuition telling you to let go of an unhealthy attachment. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @ THE SYMBOLIC LIFE 2020 This deck can be used for self readings or readings for others. We have taken a master approach in using only the . This deck is intended, as the original Tarot, for Divination and in present moment. Simply ask the Universal Spirit to be with you and guide you in awareness for each aspect of self during your reading.

The opening of your 7 Chakras through this deck’s advice & guidance, will assist in living your life’s true purpose. In the reverse position, this is considered a message of guidance, something we can work on right now in our lives. In reverse it is a strong suggestion for change. Let the upright cards bring you closer to knowing yourself. Listen to the direct message from The Universe/Infinite Spirit, through your cards, in the layout below. OR SIMPLY PULL 1 CARD PER DAY for a simple message.