Saturday, November 18, 2017

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Yang Xiukui prepares indigo fabric in the village of Dali, in China’s Guizhou province. It takes Dong women about two weeks to colour a single bolt of cloth into the desired rich shade of indigo. Yang Zhengxian and her daughter collect indigo in the village of Dali. D/CH342')CH3'3*4*/$**H04 ,**+(C4H34H32*@('C340HLC4H(

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AMY QIN a bolt of gleaming indigo-coloured cloth NYT SYNDICATE with her wrinkled, navy-stained hands. Here in Dali, an ancient village HE young woman sat at the nestled in verdant hills, making indigo foot of the wooden loom and cloth has long been a part of life, no less began to weave. As her fingers important to the Dong than farming rice passed the orange shuttle back or fermenting fish. and forth through the delicate Even in this era of fast fashion, many cotton threads, the creaky contraption Dong women still devote countless hours sprang to life. to making the dark, glossy cloth. The Yang Xiuying — a plucky woman no fabric must be woven, wrung, scrubbed taller than the loom — peered over her and pounded before it can be used to granddaughter’s shoulder, inspecting create traditional Dong cotton garments the newly emerging fabric for flaws. Ever — dark navy costumes with colourful since she was a young girl, Yang, 74, has flower trim for the women and plain been weaving and dyeing indigo textiles indigo for the men. using techniques that the ethnic Dong “For a Dong family, having a loom in the southern Chinese province of is just as important as having a cow,” Guizhou have passed down from mother said Lai Lei, the founder of a weaving to daughter over generations. and dyeing co-op in a nearby village. “You can’t buy this type of handmade “As children, we grow up listening to the cloth at the market,” Yang said, patting sound of the loom.” The village of Dali. *%0)('*)" C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y  

Dyeing is so woven into Dali’s culture that the practice even survived the Cul- tural Revolution, when many other Dong traditions, such as shamanism, were stamped out by communists trying to destroy what they saw as a feudal past. But the traditions have come under a different threat since China’s mar- ket economy has accelerated in recent decades. As the lure of work and educa- tion has drawn youth to China’s growing cities, few young Dong women are left in villages like this one. Of those who remain, even fewer show interest in learning the labour- intensive techniques of indigo dyeing. “I want to teach my daughters, but they don’t want to learn,” said Zhang Yuyuan, 75, as she stepped back from plunging fabric into a navy-blue bath. “They say, ‘We’ll just mess it up, so you should just do it.’” Hoping to save Dali’s folk traditions, provincial officials in 2011 invited in the Global Heritage Fund, a preservation organisation based in California. The Global Heritage Fund has begun working with Atlas Studio, a Beijing- based design studio, to set up a weaving and dyeing co-op in Dali. The aim is twofold: to create opportunities to work closer to home and to persuade young Rice is dried on the roof of a home in the village of Dali. The accelerating flight of young villagers to find work or educationin cities has imperilled a folk Dong women to learn their traditions. tradition the Dong people have kept alive for centuries: the weaving and dying of indigo textiles by hand. “For a long time, Guizhou has known that one of its strongest cultural re- Almost every Dong woman over 40 sources is the ethnic minority villages,” has a plastic tub to hold indigo dye bath. said Kuanghan Li, the China programme By tradition, the placement of the tub director of the Global Heritage Fund. within the house is crucial, and must “Now rural villages are a hot topic in be made according to principles of feng China.” shui, the ancient practice of arranging Tourism has yet to take off in Dali, objects to improve one’s luck. though it may only be a matter of time. Yang plunged the fabric into the dye Unlike many villages in China where bath, making sure to soak each section preservation has been undertaken with a thoroughly. Several rounds of soak- heavy hand, the village has the feel of an ing and drip-drying later, she hung the untouched oasis, in part because of its heavy cloth on a wooden pole to dry. remote location. After a quick meal of chili fermented Even today, it is accessible only by fish, sautéed vegetables and rice, she a narrow mountain road that winds hopped onto the back of her husband’s through lush bamboo forests before motorbike and headed out for a full day descending into a valley where sloping of harvesting rice in the fields. It was gray-tiled rooftops huddle closely to- only 9 am. gether. The next morning, Yang repeated the A recent visit to the village found entire process. In total, it takes Dong the few hundred or so residents hard at women about two weeks to colour a work. Nearly every family grows its own single bolt of cloth into the desired rich rice and indigo, and both were ready for shade of indigo. harvest. “They say whoever has the dark- In the busy autumn mornings, it is est stains on her hands makes the best the Dong women who wake first. The cloth,” Yang said proudly, as she held roosters were still asleep and the sky out her purple-streaked hands. dark when Yang Xiukui stepped outside to start her day’s work. She folded a long length of indigo cloth and lay it onto a A woman dries indigo cloth in the village of Dali. flat stone surface. Using a heavy wooden mallet, Yang, for holidays and festivals, the women older people chatted on doorsteps of 55, began to pound the fabric. With each will inspect the sheen of one another’s traditional wooden homes. thump, the cloth grew brighter, acquir- handiwork in the spirit of friendly com- Yang brought the now-gleaming ing a shiny gloss. That lustre — achieved petition. indigo cloth to a covered plastic tub in through the application of cowhide As Yang worked, a chorus of roosters the corner of her still dark kitchen. She extract and, at times, egg whites — is joined the plinking of mallets to awaken removed the lid, releasing a pungent, prized by Dong women. When they the village. Sleepy children stumbled to fermented odour. Inside was a dark blue, wear their handmade indigo clothes school along stone-paved paths while frothy liquid.  C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y  3'"13)1&3' LC%C4k(L*,H(1304'3C 


HAVAN’S Public School organised the annual science exhibi- tion Scientia recently on the school’s Matar Qadeem Campus. Principal MP Philip urged the students to maintain a scien- tific and creative outlook in the quest for knowledge. EduBrisk Knowledge Solutions Pvt Ltd founder and CEO Saiju Aravind motivated students to focus on problem-solving and decision- making skills and enjoy learning commendation and set the crea- na Menon, General Secretary KM experiences. He and a panel of tive ambience. Anil, Board Director Hameed, judges applauded the ideas of the The preliminary round of the Headmistresses Shailaja Krishna- students. exhibition was carried out on all Kumar and Asha Shiju, and the The guests enjoyed the mime the three campuses. The event academic and activity coordina- and robotic dance in which the saw young scientists putting up tors attended the event. They ap- students portrayed the journey exhibits comprising innovative preciated the efforts the students. of science through the ages. The work and still models related to The programme was compered simulation of artificial intel- Science, Mathematics and Com- by Remya Nandakumar while ligence, in which the robot was puter Science. Science Department Head Gisha brought alive, earned everybody’s Administration Director Anja- Anil proposed the vote of thanks. D)*&4H'*$4 C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y   L*,H(+*'3%C'3*4C,K)*2)C++0 '*I0C'0#C+34C'3*4I,&0( TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK DOHA

ES Indian School conduct- ed a motivational session for the Classes X and XII students on ‘Defeating the Fear of Exam’. The session aimed to help the students manage exam-related fears and prepare them for the board examinations with confi- dence. Qatar Foundation Head of Business Planning Dr Rajeev Thomas was the resource person. The session covered the topics ‘The Power of Focus’, ‘From Fear to Confidence’, ‘Achieving a Peak Performance-Mindset’ and ‘Ex- ams – a Stepping Stone to Your Success’. The programme was coordi- nated by the Department of Guid- ance and Counselling. N('&H04'(C''04H,01'&)0*4/&423 TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK and PISQ staff were also present at the a degree in Veterinary Medicine and a morphological and molecular identifi- DOHA programme. PhD in Veterinary Pathology. He has cation, exploration of toxigenic genes The programme started with a been engaged in teaching Veterinary and mycotoxins-producing potential AKISTAN International School recitation of a few verses from the Pathology, Histopathology, Oncology, of fungi. He also discussed the residual Qatar (PISQ) students attended a Holy Quran by Ilyas Haider. Event Clinical Pathology and related subjects transmission of mycotoxins in animal session on ‘Mycotoxins and Food host Wasim Rana introduced the guest in the field of animal sciences. products – milk, meat, eggs and other Chain – a tip of iceberg’ lecture recently. speaker, Dr Zahoor Ul Hassan. Hassan Through a PowerPoint presentation, dairy products and discussed strategies The lecture was deliverd by Dr Zahoor works as a postdoctoral researcher in Hassan discussed food mycology, my- that protect society from the harmful Ul Hassan from Qatar University. the Department of Biological and Envi- cotoxins and their effects in avian and effects of mycotoxins. Principal Nargis Raza Otho, Boys’ Wing ronmental Sciences, College of Arts and mammalian species. He also focused on The lecture was followed by a ques- vice-principal, Girls’ Wing vice-principal Sciences in Qatar University. He holds the occurrence of toxigenic fungi, their tion and answer session. CITY CIRCUIT  C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y  C)00+K)*+*'0(L0C,'LY(C/0'"*4C4H*//)*CH(

TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK said, “In order to provide flexible, safe, DOHA and convenient services to our clients, it is important for us to ensure a fleet of happy, AREEM recently provided its healthy captains. This is why we at Careem captains in Qatar free medical had our new medical check-up initia- check-ups. The consultations tive, which has already benefited a large were provided in cooperation number of captains.” with Aster Medical Center. This campaign is one of Careem’s many Focusing on major health issues and initiatives in Qatar that help provide the using early detection techniques, the medi- company’s local captains with support and cal check-ups included consultation and motivation. These initiatives are made tests for the captains’ BMI, blood pressure possible because of Careem’s leading posi- reading, lipid profile and blood sugar level. tion in the industry, giving it the means to In cases where additional testing or inves- provide more ways to enhance its captains’ tigation was required, the captains received quality of life. Careem also provides its a discount on their future visits. captains with telecommunication benefits Careem Business Development Manag- in the form of free data and credit and dis- er of Emerging Markets Husain Alshehabi counts on various grocery and retail items.

RIDE OF CHAMPIONS Venue: Grand Hyatt Doha Design’ features numerous design objects loaned When: November 24 Admission: Free from some of Germanyís most significant cultural Time: 6:30 am Qatar Dragon Boat holds its first com- institutions such as the Vitra Design Museum, Venue: Qatar Foundation petition of the season. Sponsored by Neue Sammlung, Porsche Museum and Museum Admission: Free the Saracen Community Initiative. f¸r Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt. The exhibition Ì   Qatar Cyclists, under the patronage of the Ministry The competition is open to all recreational/ traces the development of German design over of Culture and Sport, have announced the return of corporate teams and premier dragon boat more than six decades, from the 1950s to the the Ride of Champions. The 2017 event includes teams. Spectators are encourage to come present day and provides a glimpse into the future. three events starting at 6:30 am (48km, 78km and watch the races during the day. 137.5km) for experienced adult cyclists departing IMPERIAL THREADS: MOTIFS AND ARTISANS from Qatar Foundation and heading towards Al Sha- 28TH DOHA INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR FROM TURKEY, IRAN AND INDIA haniya and back. A further festival of cycling starts When: November 29 to December 9 When: Till January 27, 2018 at 9am for families, beginners and riders new to the Venue: Doha Exhibition and Convention Center Venue: Museum of Islamic Art sport at Qatar Foundation. All events are based out Admission: Free Admission: Free of Qatar Foundationís spectacular ceremonial court, Organised by the Ministry of Culture and Sport, This exhibition highlights the exchange of artistic with a live music, farmerís market, food stands, the 28th edition of Doha International Book and material cultures in the early modern era bike shops with mechanics, sponsors and more. Fair will comprise a variety of books from (16th– 19th century). Focusing on carpets as Those who wish to participate can register at www. a great number of publishers and will host the prominent medium, manuscripts, metalwork, KATARA 7TH TRADITIONAL DHOW FESTIVAL Registration fee after November 12 is seminars, art shows and book signing events. ceramics, and other objects are also featured When: Till November 19 QR200 and open until November 20. The registra- to further illustrate the historical and artistic Time: 9 am to 12 pm tion fee includes event participation, a limited DRIVEN BY GERMAN DESIGN context of this time. Beginning with the Timurid Venue: Katar Beach 15 edition #rocdoha2017 Santini cycling jersey, a water When: Till January 14, 2018 period in Iran and Central Asia (1370–1507), Admission: Free bottle, event and bike numbers and finisher medal. Time: 9 am to 7 pm (Sat - Thur) | 1:30 pm to 7pm (Fri) this exhibition shows the continuation of artistic Witness exciting activities and events throughout Venue: Al Riwaq Gallery practices shared amongst succeeding and neigh- Katara 7th Traditional Dhow Festival. Experience a QATAR WINTER DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL 2017 Admission: Free bouring dynasties, namely the Safavids in Iran distinctive ambience that will showcase the authentic When: November 24 Curated by renowned museum director Dr Mar- (1501–1736), the Ottomans in Turkey (1299– maritime traditions inspired by Qatar’s ancestors. Time: 8 am to 5 pm tin Roth before his passingw ‘Driven by German 1923) and the Mughals in India (1526–1857). 0,,@I0342 C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y   02&,C)0#0)13(0+C"L0,K1&)I H0K)0((3*4[('&H" IANS to help them become more physically active. UFFERING from depres- The results showed over 80 percent sion and anxiety disorders? of the patients believed that the exer- More physical activities and cises recommended by the researchers workouts may help uplift helped them in improving their moods the mood and improve your and anxiety in less time. mental health problems, suggests a The study, published in the journal new study. General Hospital Psychiatry, noted The study by Michigan State Uni- the statements of more than half of the versity found that exercises can quick- participants who claimed that their ly elevate a depressed person, and depressed mood limited their ability to patients should create a comprehen- exercise. sive exercise plan and work regularly “Offering physical activity pro- to achieve the specific goal. grammes inside mental health clinics “Physical activity has been shown may be one of many patient-centred to be effective in alleviating mild to approaches that can improve the men- moderate depression and anxiety,” tal and physical health of patients,” Carol Janney, Assistant Professor at Janney said. Michigan State University in the US, Mental health experts such as psy- said. chiatrists and therapists may not have “Current physical activity guide- the necessary training to prescribe lines advise at least 30 minutes of physical activity as part of their men- exercise five days a week to promote tal health practice, but by teaming up mental and physical health,” Janney with the certified personal trainers or added. other exercise programmes may help The researchers studied over 295 in prescribing more physical activity mental health patients and asked if in the clinic setting, the researchers the patients wanted their therapists added. 3%34240C)$**H(+C"1&' (')0((Y+C-0I)C34L0C,'L" IANS “Research on brain plasticity supports the assumption that the environment EOPLE who build their houses in can shape brain structure and function. the lap of Mother Nature may have “That is why we are interested in the a healthier brain and may be at a environmental conditions that may have lower risk of developing stress-related positive effects on brain development,” depression and anxiety disorders than said lead author Simone Kuhn, psycholo- those living near the urban green or gist at the University Medical Center wasteland, a research says. Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) Hospital in The findings showed that city dwellers Germany. are at a higher risk of psychiatric illnesses “Studies of people in the countryside such as depression, anxiety disorders and have already shown that living close to schizophrenia than countryside dwellers. nature is good for their mental health This is because life in a city is full of and well-being. We therefore decided to noise and pollution, and many people examine city dwellers,” Kuhn added. scramble in a confined space, increasing central nucleus in the brain that plays an ologically healthy amygdala structure and By 2050, almost 70 percent of the the risk for chronic stress. important role in stress processing and were therefore presumably better able to world population is expected to be liv- In the study, appearing in the journal reactions to danger. cope with stress compared to those living ing in cities, the researchers said, adding Scientific Reports, city dwellers showed On the other hand, people living close the urban green, water or wasteland, the that these results could therefore be very higher activity levels of amygdala – a to a forest showed indications of a physi- researchers observed. important for urban planning.  C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y  C"('*I&3,H CI*)H0)$C,, 3#1*4')C1'*)(LC%0+CH0I3H(*4'L0$C,,YC4H'L0(K013¡1H0'C3,(*/'L03) K,C4(C)04*'K&I,31G&'I*)H0)(01&)3'"0#K0)'(C4H0423400)((LC)0H$LC' A border wall panel, with a prototype cost of 'L0"(C$340C1LH0(324C4H$LC'1LC,,0420(0C1L$C,,+C"/C10G $320,000.

A border wall panel, with a prototype cost of A border wall panel, with a prototype cost of $344,000. A border wall panel, with a prototype cost of $486,411. $470,000.

NYT SYNDICATE each design and what challenges each wall similar hand-held tools,” according to the peared on one of the prototypes, less than a may face. instructions for the prototypes. month after construction. HEY all stand neatly in a row: Every expert agreed on one thing: Find- Some “other than concrete” proto- But some envision the mixed-material eight large panels on a barren dirt ing a design that would work for the entire types incorporate steel, which can be walls as having more technological capa- patch just a few hundred yards length of the border would be extremely relatively easy to cut with a torch, while bilities. They might be called smart walls: from the San Diego border with hard, if not impossible. And many caution pure concrete is not. A hollow steel pipe walls that incorporate radar, acoustics Mexico. Unveiled in late October, that such a wall may never happen. whose walls are half an inch thick could and other types of surveillance embedded these are the prototypes for the border The prototypes present the government easily be cut in less than an hour, accord- in the infrastructure. One of the contrac- wall President Donald Trump has vowed with a number of choices: ing to Michael D Engelhardt, professor of tors bidding on the wall is ELTA North to erect on the southern border. Later this structural engineering at the University of America, an Israeli defence contractor that year, the federal government will test the Concrete or no concrete? Texas at Austin. specialises in radar and communication panels for strength and effectiveness. The prototypes include plain concrete Steel is also malleable. Engelhardt said equipment. These prototypes make clear that a walls and ones made of a combination of that a small hydraulic arm (similar to the “My sense is they will select multiple border wall is not simple: It can vary con- materials, what the government described ‘Jaws of Life’ used to pry open a crumpled awards for these types of infrastructure,” siderably in material, shape and cost. And as “other than concrete.” The term is car) could easily be used to make an open- said Jayson Ahern, a former acting com- while it is far from clear that Congress will intentionally vague, a signal to contractors ing in such a wall: “The equipment is small missioner of Customs and Border Protec- pay for a wall or that any of these designs to be creative and bring a design that US (could likely fit in a backpack), inexpen- tion who was involved in the construction will be built at wider scale, they are real-life Customs and Border Protection had not sive, widely available and can generate of a border fence during the George W renderings of a promise that fuelled much considered. many tons of force.” Bush administration. “Some will be for of Trump’s campaign. Any barrier must be able to withstand “Steel can rust really quickly,” said Cur- technology, some for when they just need Six contractors have made bids on the at least 30 minutes of force from a “sledge- tis Patterson, a structural engineer based in a wall.” wall, and the specific details of their plans hammer, car jack, pick axe, chisel, battery- San Diego who visited the prototypes with are not public. But border security experts operated impact tools, battery-operated a team of Times journalists. He pointed to Opaque or transparent? and engineers shared what they saw in cutting tools, oxy/acetylene torch or other several rust spots that had already ap- David Aguilar, a former deputy com-

 C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y  4')0K)040&)(L3K C4"*&H)C$'L0'C)I&1-(,*2* $3'L*&'1L0C'342| )*ICI,"4*' NYT SYNDICATE the Bélo, in a video that noted that the design was easy for customers to draw. HE Apple logo was green. The Paul Stafford, co-founder of Design- symbol for Foot Locker was a Studio, the agency that led the rebrand- sneaker. And Starbucks? The ing effort, said that Airbnb envisioned famous siren on every frappuc- people renting out their homes and cino and chai latte was not ex- putting their own spin on the Bélo — on actly the friendliest-looking sea dweller. everything from magazines to bathrobes When 156 people were recently and shampoo bottles, like a hotel. asked if they could draw some of the “We had to create something that world’s most iconic brand logos from was so simple that everybody could draw memory, some of their recreations were it and interpret it themselves,” Stafford laughably off the mark. But something said. “They also wanted people to be was not so funny for the companies that sharing it. Right down to the people tat- have tried to sear their brands into the tooing the mark on their arms.” minds of consumers everywhere: For Stafford, however, said that he did 10 iconic brands including Walmart, not think that being able to draw a Burger King, and Ikea, the overall per- logo necessarily indicates how well it centage of near-perfect drawings was resonates. just 16 percent. People often see logos so much that That means fewer than one-fifth of they feel like they know it. But they the participants could remember the rarely critique it or study it enough to correct positioning of the familiar blue- reproduce fine details — a phenomenon and-red rectangle of Domino’s, or the that psychologists like Castel call “inat- three black stripes of Adidas. Even Tar- tentional amnesia.” When something is get — whose emblem involves a simple seen frequently, the information ends up red bull’s-eye above the brand name — Patrons at a Starbucks in New York. Many participants in a recent study failed to recreate famous being more easily ignored or forgotten. confused people: 41 percent forgot the logos from brands like Apple and Starbucks. Perhaps the most surprising result number of circles. of the study was the com- “People spend so much on marketing A sculpture of pany that fared best: Ikea. The Swedish to get people to recognise and remember the Airbnb logo furniture maker with the distinctive their brand,” said Nelson James, co- in the company’s blue-and-yellow logo plastered across founder and chief operating officer of the headquarters in its giant retail stores was redrawn near- e-commerce site, which led San Francisco. perfectly by 30 percent of the partici- the study. “We just wanted to know — pants. does it work?” Asa Nordin, who is a senior coordi- The answer is that being able to nator of Ikea trademarks at Inter Ikea recognise a logo and being able to recre- Systems, said the unique shape, colours, ate it appear to be vastly different things. and longevity of the logo — it has been Although participants thought they had around since 1983 — most likely contrib- a good grasp on the designs, expressing uted to its memorability. confidence that they could redraw them “The logo is merely the symbol for without seeing them, their actual repro- what the Ikea brand promises and ductions proved otherwise. delivers,” Nordin said in an email. “The Logos are what companies use to logo shall mirror that ‘promise’ as near help customers identify the brand, and as possible, as well as stand out from choices like design, colour and font are its surroundings. To be consistent and “critical,” James said. “Having these unique is clearly a strength of a logo.” logos where you can’t correctly recall The hardest logo to draw was Star- details means something.” bucks, which was redesigned in 2011. It In an age of digital saturation, per- is also arguably the most complex. haps many of these carefully constructed essarily. Dr Alan Castel, a psychology of a penny. Most struggled. “Simplicity is key,” James said. logos are not as memorable as we think. professor who was one of the authors “It’s rare that you really need to recall “That’s not necessarily a new concept. A study conducted in 2014 by psycholo- of the study, said that the inability to something from memory,” Castel said. But this definitely corroborates that gists at the University of California, Los accurately recall such daily ephemera as “You simply recognise it, you see it on idea.” Angeles, similarly asked 85 participants a brand logo really might be a beneficial an item or a computer. You like it, you But is any logo overwhelmingly if they could draw the familiar Apple quirk of our memory system. buy it.” memorable? James is now curious. logo from memory. More than half the “We don’t burden our memory with Still, in recent years, brands like Initially, he resisted putting an overly subjects even identified themselves as things we don’t need to know,” Castel Uber, YouTube, and Dropbox have rede- straightforward and ubiquitous sym- strictly Apple users. Yet only one could said. He referred to a famous study in signed their logos, trying to make them bol in his study, like those of McDon- draw the icon perfectly, as scored by a 1979 by psychologists Raymond Nicker- more simple, more intuitive or more ald’s or Nike. 14-point rubric. son and Marilyn Jager Adams, in which easily recognisable. In 2014, Airbnb “We thought it was too simple,” Should Apple be worried? Not nec- participants were asked to draw the face announced its new logo, which it calls James said. “But, I wonder.” 0*K,0 C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y   C''L0$0340)k( /*)C"34'*¡1'3*4

NYT SYNDICATE Writing fiction has long been a goal being done and noticed one of the of his, but it always felt intimidating. workers staring at her with what looked FTER he finished working “I was always hoping I would do like a mixture of lust and menace. on the final season of his it,” he said during an interview this fall Weiner jotted down his observations in critically acclaimed drama over lunch at the Carlyle Hotel on the a notebook where he collects ideas and ‘Mad Men’, Matthew Wein- Upper East Side, not far from where stray bits of dialogue, and was not sure er found himself suddenly, the novel takes place. “I just didn’t if anything would come of it. alarmingly,D unable to write. know if I could.” While he was at Yaddo, he kept A few months passed. Then a year. thinking about the girl and the con- Nothing came to him. Even his children struction worker, puzzling over what he started teasing him, badgering him had seen, and began writing a fictional- about what his next project would be. ised story about the years leading up to “I didn’t know what I was going to the encounter. He wrote 5,000 words do next, and I was getting asked all the H3H4k'-4*$$LC'$C( during the next 16 days and finished a time,” he said. “I was worried I was not 2*342'*H*40#'YC4H draft in nine months. going to be able to write again.” $C(20''342C(-0HC,,'L0 Weiner is now back to writ- Finally, in the summer of 2015, '3+0G$C($*))30H$C( ing and producing TV — he’s Weiner called his friend, novelist AM currently working on his new Homes, for advice. She suggested he 4*'2*342'*I0CI,0'* show, ‘The Romanoffs’, an seclude himself at Yaddo, the artists’ $)3'0C2C34G anthology series for Amazon colony in upstate New York. A few that follows people who believe months later — “with some terror,” he themselves to be descendants said — he followed her advice. While Weiner’s foray into fiction surprised of the Russian imperial Ro- there, he began writing an unsettling a lot of Hollywood observers. “Every- manov family. psychological thriller about a wealthy one was breaking down his door to do He still seems surprised New York family whose lives inter- another show, and he goes off and does that he is adding novelist to sect with a sociopathic construction something that no one was expecting,” his resume. He never expected worker. said Semi Chellas, a writer who worked to finish the book, much less The resulting book, Heather, the on ‘Mad Men’. “The contrariness of publish it. Totality, is slim, at just 138 pages. But going off and writing fiction after ‘Mad “It’s like someone who goes it’s become one of the most anticipated Men’ was very Matt.” to the casino for the first time literary debuts of the fall, with a pa- Heather unfolds in present-day and wins,” he said. rade of endorsements from prominent Manhattan, and like so many gripping novelists, including Zadie Smith, James New York stories, the plot hinges on Ellroy, Claire Messud, Philip Pullman real estate. The couple at the centre and Michael Chabon, who described of the story, Mark and Karen Break- the novel in a blurb as a mashup of stone, lead sheltered, privileged lives, “Flaubert and Richard Yates, with a and fawn over their perfect daughter, deeply twisted twist of Muriel Spark at Heather. Mark, who works in finance, her darkest.” Other writers compared frets about his annual bonus and his Heather to works by Patricia High- status, while Karen stays home to tend smith, Evelyn Waugh and John Cheev- to Heather, then becomes resentful er, one of Weiner’s literary heroes. when Heather grows up and no longer It’s unusual for a debut author to be needs her. showered in such over-the-top acco- The Breakstones’ quiet, simmer- lades and compared to literary masters. ing dissatisfaction is interwoven with But then again, Weiner, 52, has hardly a darker, parallel story about a man been labouring in obscurity. named Bobby Klasky, who grew up ne- In a screen-writing career that glected by his heroin-addicted mother spans more than 20 years, he’s been a and developed a violent streak. The two creative force behind some of our era’s narratives collide when Bobby finds most revered cable dramas, shows work on a construction crew that is that were credited with reinventing renovating the penthouse in the Break- the narrative possibilities of televi- stones’ building and becomes obsessed sion. He received two Emmys for ‘The with Heather. Sopranos’, which he worked on as a The idea for Heather came from a writer and producer, and was the crea- scene Weiner witnessed when he was tor, showrunner, head writer, director walking around the Upper East Side in Matthew Weiner on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, and executive producer for ‘Mad Men’, the fall of 2015. He saw an attractive the setting of his new novel. After his popular television which aired for seven seasons and won teenage girl walking into an apartment series, ‘Mad Men’, ended, everyone was waiting for four Golden Globes and 15 Emmys. building where construction work was his next TV show. Instead, he wrote a novel.  C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y  *,,"$**H 0LC%0(&2C)@1*C'0H/C3)" 'C,0([3+C,-0) IANS

IM Walker has re-imagined C,-0)LC((L*'L0 the world of Alice in Won- derland with stars like Lu- 3)0,,3 C,04HC)GL0 pita Nyong’o, Naomi Camp- bell and Whoopi Goldberg 1C,04HC)LC( (L*'( for a calendar. And the British fashion 1*4(3('342*/ H3//0)04' photographer says culturally, people have “sugar-coated fairy tales in the C4H0#')C*)H34C)"(0'( last 50 years.” “I think culturally we’ve sugar- /*)C40$&43J&0 coated fairy tales in the last 50 years. Children can really see and feel the *4H0),C4HG darkness in things just as much as the lightness. And that’s something that Lewis Carroll completely got, and maybe that’s why it resonates so like the way you’d look at it and you much,” Walker said in a statement. could see that the photographers were Walker has shot The Pirelli 2018 given freedom to voice their visual Calendar, which was presented at the imagination,” Walker said. Manhattan Center in New York. The He feels there is beauty in many calendar has 28 shots consisting of 20 different things. different and extraordinary sets for a “Something dying and decompos- new unique Wonderland. ing is sometimes just as beautiful as The 2018 Pirelli calendar takes on an Alice in Wonderland theme with an all-black cast of renowned “I always wanted to do it. I mean something that’s just been born. I artists from around the world. it’s an interesting thing that you look think there’s a misconception to only at a picture from a Pirelli Calendar focus on the lighter side,” he added. including Adut Akech, Adwoa Aboah, Sasha Lane, Sean ‘Puff Daddy’ Combs, and you know when it was taken; it’s This year’s calendar features a Alpha Dia, Djimon Hounsou, Duckie Slick Woods, Thando Hopa, Wilson very much of the time. And I always list of black models and celebrities, Thot, King Owusu, Lil Yachty, RuPaul, Oryema, and Zoe Bedeaux. C)3CLC)0"1C410,((L*$( $C"40*L4(*4k(HC&2L'0)4C+0H H&0'*'L)*C'34/01'3*4 *,H04,*I0C+IC((CH*) IANS IANS WAYNE ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s ARIAH Carey has cancelled 16-year-old daughter Simone the first few shows of her up-  Garcia Johnson has been named coming ‘All I Want for Christ- the Golden Globe Ambassador for the mas Is You’ tour due to upper respira- upcoming 75th annual Golden Globe tory tract infection. Awards. Hollywood Foreign Press As- The 47-year-old took to Twitter on sociation (HFPA) President Meher Tatna to announce the cancellation, stating announced Simone’s name. that the illness came after she suffered “As we look forward to the 75th an- from flu. niversary of the Golden Globe Awards, “Lambs! Just in time for the holiday the Hollywood Foreign Press Association gift-giving season. It seems I’ve received Mariah Carey members decided to expand this role to Dwayne Johnson and daughter Simone a present of my own; a lovely upper res- embody the HFPA’s philanthropic efforts piratory (tract) infection after last week’s Carey concluded her post by saying year round,” Tatna said. to grow up in a household with strong flu. Bleak,” Carey wrote. that she would try her best to recover so “The honouree will now be referred to role models and feel so honoured to “You know there is nothing I love that she could return to the stage again. as the Golden Globe Ambassador and we represent the HFPA for its 75th Anniver- more than celebrating the holidays with The When you believe singer could not think of a better representative sary. As the newly minted Golden Globe my festive Christmas show, but I have to was supposed to kick off her annual than Simone to carry on this tradition, as Ambassador, I hope to serve as a role take my doctor’s orders and rest until he Christmas tour on November 17, in her values closely reflect everything the to young people everywhere and says I can sing on stage,” she added. Windsor, Canada. HFPA stands for,” she added. empower them to speak out on issues Simone said: “I’ve been lucky enough they are passionate about.” *,,"$**H C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y   L)&'3LC(+C4C0#13'0H '*I0KC)'*/)C++"04')"

j'3(C2)0C'K)3H0C4H L*4*&)/*)+0'*I0 CKC)'*/(&1LCL&20 K)*.01''LC'3(2*342 /*)'L0$*),Hk(+*(' Amitosh Nagpal K)0('323*&(C$C)H34 *,,"$**H +&(31k )*+C4103( IANS HRUTI Dhasmana is 1&443424*$[ ‘thrilled’ to be part of the music album ‘Ananta Volume 1 - Maestros of India’, which D+3'*(L C2KC, is an official submission for nomination in the 60th edition of Grammy Awards. IANS The Grammys are scheduled to take place in January next year. MITOSH Nagpal says Bol- Dhasmana lent her voice to the song Shruti Dhasmana lywood romance has become Guru Govinda Govinda performed by D“cunning and clever.” He is tabla player Pandit Anindo Chatterjee, nation, I was speechless and excited many more veterans of the industry excited for the release of his film his son Anubrata Chatterjee and Sid- at the same time. It is a great pride that include Sangeet Martand Pandit Panchlait which, after the late Raj dhant Bhatia. and honour for me to be a part of such Jasraj. It has been a great learning Kapoor’s Teesri Kasam (1966), is The track is a part of the music a huge project that is going for the experience for me and I thank Siddhant based Phanishwar Nath Renu’s album produced by Bhatia and has world’s most prestigious award in mu- Bhatia to have bestowed his trust on story. reached the first ballot in the World sic,” Dhasmana said. me for this song,” she added. The film is set in 1954 with a Music Album category. It is a diverse “I am really blessed to have shared The album has six tracks and in- rural backdrop and tells the story mix of artistes from around the country. the space with the likes of legendary cludes voices of 30 internationally re- of a village that has no electricity. “When I was informed about the Pandit Anindo Chatterjee and Anubra- nowned Indian artistes, some of whom “The story is from one of the most acceptance for consideration for nomi- ta Chatterjee on the song; along with are Grammy winners and nominees. celebrated writers, Phanishwar Nath Renu so it is an opportunity for me. The kind of romance the film has, it has been missing from movies now- adays. It is an opportunity to present a sweet and cute kind of romance, Arjun D).&4MC4&42*'*K0)/*)+ which is difficult to do in a film. Kanungo “Today, Bollywood romance is cunning and clever, but this one has sweetness of that time so I was eager C'34H+3,,0('3%C, to do the film,” said Amitosh. Director Prem Prakash Modi also IANS professionally as Rob, Bhavya Pandit emphasised the value of Indian lit- and Vipin Heero. erature. “Why are we running after RJUN Kanungo, Darshan Raval It will also include a day care cen- William Shakespeare and foreign and Akasa Singh will be per- tre, play areas, a petting zoo, centre stories? Our nation has abundant D forming at the second edition for robotics, a section for art, crafts, stories in literature and if we take of Windmill Festival, which is being science, sport and music workshops, a them into consideration, then we touted as India’s first international concert arena, and sports arena. The will be able to make powerful cine- children’s festival. activities are curated to suit the 0-3, ma,” he said. “This film will show the The festival, an initiative of Event 4-7 and 8-14 age group. roots, culture and reflect the values Capital and Tribe Asia, is scheduled Event Capital CEO Swaroop Ban- of our country. It showcases the on December 16-17 at Jio Garden, erjee said: “We have prepared over 50 strengths of our Indian literature,” Bandra Kurla Complex. workshops for children. We want them added the director. The fest will also see special per- to discover their innermost passion formances by Harun Robert, known and work towards developing it.”  C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y  ,C"L*&(0




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You have a penetrating, perceptive, investigative /"*& mind. You are courageous and dedicated to your K3H0)+C4 work. This is a busy year and a year of choice. You $0)0I*)4 have a great zest for life and want to nurture the happiness and beauty around you. Be grateful for '*HC"X what you have; do not focus on what you don’t have.

You are sharing your Birthday with: Margaret Atwood, author; Megyn Kelly, TV journalist; Alan Shepard, astronaut.

E3'( ,C"L*&(0 C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y     

'C)C,- By King Features Syndicate, Inc.

ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO VIRGO Today’s New Moon makes this a The New Moon today is the only What can you do to improve your job Everyone is creative - not just What can you do to make improve- Are you clear in your communica- good day to examine your spending New Moon opposite your sign all and your health? (After all, there’s rock stars. Do you value your ments to your home and to your tions with others? Do you really habits. Do you abuse your budget year. That means this is the perfect always room for improvement.) creative talents? Do you take family relationships? These are listen, or are you just waiting for by going into debt? Do you honour day to ask yourself how you can Think of a few things you can do. enough time to play as well as areas that are important to you, your chance to speak? your responsibilities to others? improve your closest relationships. work? Think about this today. and today’s New Moon is the time to make resolutions.

LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN AQUARIUS PISCES What is your attitude about money? Today the only New Moon in your Think about your spiritual values This is the perfect day to think This New Moon day is the time What further education or If you think money is the root of sign all year occurs. Take a realistic and your inner world. What goes about friendships. Your friends to think about your relationship training can you get to enhance all evil, then you won’t hold on look in the mirror to see what you on inside you has an effect influence how you think, and with authority. You can be rebel- your job? What travel might to it for very long, will you? Your can do to improve your appearance. on what happens outside. how you think creates your lious, but everyone on the planet you do to enrich your life? attitude to something affects decisions for your future. has authority figures to face. how it manifests in your life.

 C'&)HC"Y *%0+I0)Y  *%30(4NC'C)

CITY CENTRE CINEMA VILLAGGIO CINEMA ASIAN TOWN CINEMA MALL CINEMA MONSTER ISLAND (ANIMATION): 2.30 PM, 4 PM MONSTER ISLAND (ANIMATION): 12.30 PM, 4.30 PM, 8.30 PM JUSTICE LEAGUE (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 11.15 AM, 12.30 PM, 1 AM, 2 PM, 3.15 THARANGAM (MALAYALAM): 12.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 3.45 PM, 6.30 PM, JUSTICE LEAGUE (ACTION): 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 12 PM, 1 PM, 2.45 PM, 3.45 PM, 5.30 PM, PM, 3.45 AM, 4.45 PM, 6 PM, 6.30 AM, 7.30 PM, 8.45 PM, 9.15 AM, 10.15 PM, 9.15 PM, 9.30 PM, 12.15 AM, 12.30 AM JUSTICE LEAGUE 11.30 PM, 12 AM, 1 AM (3D) 12 PM, 2.45 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.15 PM, 11 PM 6.30 PM, 8.15 PM, 9.15 PM, 11 PM, 12 AM, 12.30 AM, 12.45 AM, 1 AM THEERAN ADHIGAARAM ONDRU (TAMIL): 12.30 PM, 1.30 PM, 3.30 PM, WONDER (DRAMA): 7.15 PM (VIP) 12.15 PM, 3 PM, 5.45 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.15 PM (3D) 12.30 PM, 3.15 PM, FEMALE FIGHT SQUAD (ACTION): 2.15 PM, 7 PM, 11.45 PM KHAIR WA BARAKA (ARABIC): 11.30 PM 6 PM, 8.45 PM, 11.30 PM WONDER (DRAMA): 12 PM, 2.15 PM, 4.30 PM, 6.45 PM, 9 PM, 11.15 PM 4.30 PM, 6.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM, 10.30 PM, 12.30 AM, 1.30 AM FEMALE FIGHT SQUAD (ACTION): 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM, 12 AM KHAIR WA BARAKA (ARABIC): 12.30 PM, 2.45 PM, 5 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.30 PM, TUMHARI SULU (HINDI): 6.45 PM THARANGAM (MALAYALAM): 2.30 PM, 11 PM 11.45 PM WONDER (DRAMA): 11 AM, 1.15 PM, 3.30 PM, 5.45 PM, 8 PM, 10.15 PM SHERLOCK TOMS (MALAYALAM): 1 PM THEERAN ADHIGAARAM ONDRU (TAMIL): 2.15 PM, 5.30 PM EARTH:ONE AMAZING (DOCUMENTARY): 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM, 6:30 PM, 10:30 PM TUMHARI SULU (HINDI): 11.30 AM, 4.15 PM, 9 PM TUMHARI SULU (HINDI): 8.30 PM THEERAN ADHIGAARAM ONDRU (TAMIL): 11.45 AM, 2.45 PM, 5.45 PM, KHAIR WA BARAKA (ARABIC): 11.15 AM, 1.30 PM, 3.45 PM, 6 PM, 8.15 PM, GHOST BRIDE (TAGALOG): 5.15 PM 10.30 PM 8.45 PM, 11.45 PM TUMHARI SULU (HINDI): 12.15 PM, 3 PM, 5.45 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.15 PM GHOST BRIDE (TAGALOG): 12.15 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.45 PM, 7 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM SEVEN SUNDAYS (TAGALOG): 9.15 PM THEERAN ADHIGAARAM ONDRU (TAMIL): 11.30 AM, 2.30 PM, 5.30 PM, MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (CRIME): 11.15 AM, 1.45 PM, 4.15 PM, GULF MALL CINEMA 8.30 PM, 11.30 PM, 12.30 AM 6.45 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.45 PM GHOST BRIDE (TAGALOG): 11.30 AM, 1.45 PM, 4 PM, 6.15 PM, 8.30 PM, 10.45 PM MONSTER ISLAND (ANIMATION): 1.15 PM, 5.30 PM, 9.45 PM THOR: RAGNAROK (ACTION): 11 AM, 12.45 PM, 1.45 PM, 3.30 PM, 4.30 PM, MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (CRIME): 10.45 AM, 1.15 PM, 3.45 PM, ROYAL PLAZA 6.15 PM, 7.15 PM, 9 PM, 10 PM, 12.45 AM JUSTICE LEAGUE (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 11.15 AM, 1 PM, 2 PM, 3.45 PM, 4.45 PM, 6.15 PM, 8.45 PM, 11.15 PM 6.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.15 PM, 10.15 PM, 1 AM, 12 AM (VIP) 11.45 AM, 12.45 PM, MONSTER ISLAND (ANIMATION): 3 PM, 5 PM GEOSTORM (ACTION): 12.45 PM, 5.15 PM, 9.45 PM 2.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 5.15 PM, 6.15 PM, 8 PM, 9 PM, 10.45 PM, 11.45 PM THOR: RAGNAROK (ACTION): 12.45 PM, 3.30 PM, 6.15 PM, 9 PM, 11.45 PM JUSTICE LEAGUE (ACTION): 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM THE FOREIGNER (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 3 PM, 7.30 PM, 12 AM (3D) 1.45 AM, 12.30 PM, 1.30 PM, 3.15 PM, 4.45 PM, 6 PM, 7 PM, 8.45 PM, 9.45 PM, 11.30 PM, 12.30 AM FEMALE FIGHT SQUAD (ACTION): 11.30 PM FEMALE FIGHT SQUAD (ACTION): 2.30 PM, 7.15 PM, 12 AM WONDER (DRAMA): 9.30 PM WONDER (DRAMA): 12.15 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.45 PM, 7 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM THARANGAM (MALAYALAM): 5.15 PM KHAIR WA BARAKA (ARABIC): 11 AM, 1.15 PM, 3.30 PM, 5.45 PM, 8 PM, TUMHARI SULU (HINDI): 2.30 PM, 8 PM 10.15 PM, 12.30 AM THEERAN ADHIGAARAM ONDRU (TAMIL): 2.30 PM, 11 PM TUMHARI SULU (HINDI): 11.45 AM, 4.30 PM, 9.15 PM GHOST BRIDE (TAGALOG): 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM THEERAN ADHIGAARAM ONDRU (TAMIL): 11.15 AM, 2.15 PM, 5.15 PM, 8.15 PM, 11.15 PM GHOST BRIDE (TAGALOG): 11 AM, 3.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 11.45 PM MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (CRIME): 10.30 AM, 12.45 PM, 3 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.45 PM, 12 AM THOR: RAGNAROK (ACTION): 12.15 PM, 3 PM, 5.45 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.15 PM LANDMARK CINEMA MONSTER ISLAND (ANIMATION): 3.30 PM, 5.30 PM JUSTICE LEAGUE (ACTION): 5 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM FEMALE FIGHT SQUAD (ACTION): 11 PM AL KHOR CINEMA KHAIR WA BARAKA (ARABIC): 9 PM THARANGAM (MALAYALAM): 2.30 PM, 11 PM JUSTICE LEAGUE (ACTION): 11.15 AM, 1.45 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.45 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.45 PM (3D) 12.45 PM, 3.15 PM, 5.45 PM, 8.15 PM, 10.45 PM THEERAN ADHIGAARAM ONDRU (TAMIL): 5.15 PM, 8 PM, 11 PM THEERAN ADHIGAARAM ONDRU (TAMIL): 11.15 AM, 2.15 PM, 5.15 PM, GHOST BRIDE (TAGALOG): 7 PM 8.15 PM, 11.15 PM THE GIANT KING (ANIMATION): 3 PM

NOTICE: Timings are subject to change without prior notice.

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