SPORTS OPINIONImus’ fi ring begs new ONLINEExclusively online: Students Defense stars in questions, page 2 march in name of Katrina victims spring game, page 4

Volume 128, Issue 41 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Monday, April 16, 2007 SPARTANSan Jose State University 150th Anniversary D AILY Memorial week begins with Holocaust day

JOSH WEAVER It is a week that serves as a memorial thing to commemorate the Holocaust be- Maltiel said the award provided the op- ing tonight with a showing of “Shindler’s for the lives lost during the Holocaust, but cause it is a very defi ning moment for the portunity to produce an extensive program List” in the Royce Hall lounge at 6 p.m. STAFF WRITER is also a week dedicated to exploring the Jewish people,” Hillel Executive Director above and beyond the Holocaust Remem- Tomorrow through Thursday from word genocide, what it means and why it Sue Maltiel said. brance Day memorial. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., luncheons will The Holocaust claimed the lives of an es- still exists in the world. A memorial is set up along Paseo de Ce- “We saw that we could do something be held in The University Room of the timated 5.1 million to 6 million Jews, tearing The week’s events are organized by Hillel sar Chavez across from the Event Center that was much broader and really talks Student Union, which will include panel apart families and devastating a culture. of Silicon Valley — which helps support Jew- and is open today from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. about genocide,” Maltiel said. “What leads discussions that will explore three topics Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, ish campus life at SJSU — MOSAIC Cross This year Hillel received the Jewish Fam- to a genocide and what one person can do that emphasize “acknowledgement, un- or Yom Hashoah, and it marks the begin- Cultural Center, SJSU faculty, staff and stu- ily and Children’s Services Zisovich Award to make a difference.” derstanding and prevention.” ning of Genocide Holocaust Week at San dents and other community volunteers. for Holocaust Education, which is funded Events this year include movie screen- Jose State University. “Every year on campus we do some- by an anonymous Holocaust survivor. ings and pizza in the residence halls start- see DAY, page 5 Disability Nobel winner center hosts speaks to students workshops Discussed economic leaders

KYLE HANSEN world to his media center. He said that when he was in college he had a stereo Fair held series of STAFF WRITER system that was one piece, all in one box. Then, as technology changed interactive events A large crowd of students packed and he got more equipment, the sys- the Engineering building audito- tem got bigger and bigger. ADAM BROWNE rium last Thursday for a speech by Recently, he had a professional Nobel Memorial Prize winner My- come make him a new entertainment SENIOR STAFF WRITER ron Scholes. system, and he ended up with every- Scholes received the 1997 Sverig- thing in one box again, but this time At the San Jose State University Student Union on Thurs- es Riksbank Prize in Economic Sci- it was one customized box exactly day, the Disability Resource Center hosted a series of workshops ences in Memory of Alfred Nobel how he wanted it. called “A Retrospective on Disability.” At one of the events, stu- and came to San Jose State Univer- “Finance is always the media cen- dents could fi nd out what it was like to have a learning disability. sity to discuss the roles of leaders in ter,” Scholes said. “That’s what it is The Interactive Disability Awareness Simulations work- today’s speculative economic world. — it is the box that defragments and shop had stations where students could experience what The lecture was part of the on- comes apart and into pieces because learning disabilities are like to better understand them. going Silicon Valley Leaders Sym- it’s not effi cient to have the box. … “The purpose of the workshop is to give people a greater posium sponsored by the College of So it’s destruction, reconstruction, awareness and understanding about disabilities in a hands-on Engineering. destruction, reconstruction. interactive way.” said Shauna Moriarty, retention coordinator “He was very knowledgeable,” “Now we are seeing all these at the Disabled Resource Center. said Andrew Horton, a senior ma- pieces — like all the derivatives and joring in economics. “A lot of that all the components that you had for see FAIR, page 3 stuff was defi nitely over my head. It your stereo system — and you’re was geared at a more professional starting to see people put it back audience than an SJSU one.” Scholes compared the fi nance see NOBEL, page 3

PHOTOS BY JAKE HUMBERT/ SPECIAL TO THE DAILY Interactive lecture looks ABOVE: Sandra Ammons, an associate professor at Ohlone College in Fremont, asks the audience about American deaf culture during the Deaf Culture 101 workshop. RIGHT: Ammons signs to the audience during the workshop in the Ohlone room of the Student Union on Thursday. at global warming

KIMBERLY LIEN April 11 about global warming. Most in attendance were meteo- San Jose native tells Study abroad students to STAFF WRITER rology students — they were offered extra credit for their attendance Eugene C. Cordero, a professor at — and most were concerned about San Jose State University’s Depart- give information at fair global warming. story of volunteer ment of Meteorology, gave a lecture The lecture was interactive. Each in front of a packed audience in Boc- MARK POWELL in Bath, England in 2005 as an SJSU cardo Business Center room four on see CLIMATE, page 5 study abroad program participant. work in Liberia STAFF WRITER “I feel very fortunate,” Laws said. If Paseo de Cesar Chavez on the “Studying abroad is also something SAMIE HARTLEY San Jose State University campus seems good that students can put on a resume. After all, this is a global society.” STAFF WRITER foreign to some students this afternoon, few should be concerned — there’s a The date for the study abroad fair was originally set for Wednesday, April As slides of malnourished children fl ashed on study abroad fair taking place. 18, but was moved to today because of a screen behind him, San Jose native Dr. Andrew From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today, rep- a potential confl ict with an Earth Day Schechtman told the story of his experiences in Af- resentatives from SJSU’s study abroad event, Baum said. rica as a volunteer for Doctors Without Borders, a hu- program will line seventh street plaza to “We didn’t want to compete with manitarian organization that sends doctors around the talk with students about opportunities anyone,” Baum said. world to provide emergency care and aid. to take classes in one of 40 different na- Despite the event’s change of date, Schechtman’s discussion held on Wednesday in tions, study abroad advisor Lisa Baum Baum said most of the fair’s features Duncan Hall, focused on the year he spent in Libe- said. will be “walk-by anyways,” and that stu- ria, a country that he said only had a few dozen doc- “Studying abroad is an affordable, dents will see the fair as they are passing tors to support the population of nearly three million valuable investment,” said Jade Laws, by. Baum said that there will be signs people. a student assistant for the study abroad around campus showing students where “I came back from Liberia feeling like it was the program. “For me, it was life-changing.” PHOTO BY STEPHANIA BEDNAR/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Laws, who is seeking a master’s de- to fi nd the fair. Mike Voss, a lecturer in meteorology, introduces Eugene Cordero, a professor of meteo- gree in counseling education, studied see ABROAD, page 3 see DOCTOR, page 6 rology, before his talk on global warming Wednesday in the Bocardo Business Center. SPARTAN DAILY QUOTE OF THE DAY: 2 Mistakes are the portals of discovery. MONDAY — James Joyce APRIL 16, 2007 OPINION

EDITORIAL: Imus’ fi ring is a lighting rod for the double standard in censorship For those needing a branch to grab hold of in the But the shock jock clearly crossed a line with his ger simulcast Imus’ show. In 2004, the Oprah Winfrey and guest Michelle middle of the Don Imus-incurred fl ash fl ood of big- comments. He singled out an innocent party that will The next day, CBS fi red him and cancelled the Burford graphically discussed sexual activities among otry and corporate downsizing, a chronological review forever be associated with the incident. show “Imus in the Morning.” teenagers. of the past week is in order. The Rutgers women’s basketball team won’t be Whether Imus’ fi ring was a direct result of roaring The terms Winfrey and Burford used, “tossed sal- On April 4, Imus, on his nationally syndicated ra- known for making it to the national championship hatred; or, as published in some reports, a direct result ad” as a phrase to describe a type of oral sex, incurred dio show, referred to the Rutgers University women’s game, they will be known as the target group of un- of major business puling ads; or, employees expressing massive fi nes. basketball team as “nappy-headed hos.” concern over having to work with Imus in the ; Except the FCC didn’t fi ne Oprah, they fi ned shock Amidst the media fi restorm in the two days follow- or all the above; the fact that Imus can no longer make jock Howard Stern. ing the openly racist epithet, Imus issued an apology. a living on terrestrial radio opens a fl oodgate of inde- The lack of a fi ne upset Stern to the point where Then, after appearing on Al Sharpton’s syndicated “If Imusʼ remarks resulted in his fi ring cency questions. he attempted to play the Oprah clip, verbatim, on his morning talk show, it was announced that Imus would If Imus’ remarks resulted in his fi ring and national radio show. be suspended for two weeks. and national uproar, what is there to say uproar, what is there to say for comedians like Carlos Stern’s producers were forced to bleep out the ex- Quickly, media personalities began to take sides. for comedians like Carlos Mencia who rely Mencia who rely on racially driven humor to make a act same terms, from someone else’s show, in order to MSNBC’s Pat Buchanan said Imus was a good guy on racially driven humor to make a living?” living? avoid more fi nes. who made a mistake. What about rappers like 50 Cent who rely on ra- To dismiss the appearance of a double standard is Comedian Bill Maher said that when those in en- cially driven lyrics to sell records? nonsensical. tertainment apologize, it should be enough. To fi ght Imus — to fi re Imus — without at least Although Imus meaninglessly heaved verbal trash Barack Obama, who announced his candidacy for giving pause to those whose language is much more over the national airwaves, when does the witch-hunt the 2008 presidential election, called for Imus’ ouster. adulterated hate, who in turn, accepted Imus’ personal destructive is severely hypocritical. against Young begin? Rosie O’Donnell, a regular on ABC’s “The View,” apology — and to the team’s moral credit, they never The next time Mencia says the “N” word, ask why a morning talk show hosted by female media person- once asked for Imus to be canned. sponsors continue to subsidize the dumbing-down of alities, cited the fi rst amendment in support of not fi r- April 4 was a Wednesday — by the following America; ask whether a free-speech double standard Editorials are written by the Spartan Daily editorial board. ing Imus. Wednesday, MSNBC announced they would no lon- exists in mainstream culture. Editorials appear every Monday.

WHAT’S THE DEAL: Write letters to the editor and submit Sparta Guide information online. Visit our Web site at You may also Image is everything when you’re a SPARTA GUIDE submit information in writing to DBH 209. professional athlete or celebrity Sparta Guide is provided free of charge to students, faculty and staff members. The deadline for entries is noon, three working days before the desired publication date. Space restrictions may require editing of When I was a kid I remember seeing former NBA This is a new policy that will help star athletes stay submissions. Entries are printed in the order in which they are received. player Charles Barkley say that he isn’t a role model out of trouble. and that parents should be role models. I thought half Henry was just recently suspended for half the sea- Today The Listening Hour Concert Series of what he said was right but knew the other half son while Jones was suspended for a full season. Both Join the School of Music and Dance for shouldn’t have been said. players will not get paid for the games they are miss- SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry “Brass Studio Recital” from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. in As a kid I looked up to professional athletes like ing next season. The SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry will be the Music Building Concert Hall. For more Barkley because they were the ones everyone tried Henry will lose out on $217,500 while Jones will holding a Daily Mass at 12:10 p.m. in the SJSU information, contact Joan Stubbe at to mimic on the basketball court. I forfeit his salary of $1,292,500. Catholic Campus Ministry Center. For more (408) 924-4673. bought their shoes and tried to play I’m sure a lot of players are now thinking twice information, contact Jose Rubio at (408) 938-1610. like them. before doing stupid things like these two players did. Celebrate Earth Day Athletes are role models because The good thing about the new policy is that some of Weekly Meditation Workshop Hear great music by Resistant Me in a free they are what people see on TV— the NFL players are supporting it. Join Counseling Services for its Weekly Medita- concert and learn what you can do to prevent they are celebrities. People watch tion Workshop from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the global warming and contribute to environmental their every move and are infl uenced Administration building, room 201. For more sustainability. Tabling is taking place from 11 a.m. by them. information, contact Mark Forman at to 3 p.m. in front of the Student Union. For more The reason is because of the “Image isnʼt the only thing Goodell thinks (408) 924-5910. information, contact Gina Vittori at MICHAEL GESLANI long journey they went through to about but he knows the players are role mod- [email protected]. get where they are. els to kids who are trying to be like them.” Study Abroad Fair I couldn’t believe what he said, but I knew that The SJSU Study Abroad Offi ce will be holding Wednesday any type of superstar athlete is a role model because its Study Abroad Fair followed by a information people think highly of them. They are role models meeting at 3 p.m. in the Student Union, Pacheco Women’s Weekly Discussion because people look up to them. They feel that the ones doing all the bad things are room. For more information, e-mail Join Counseling Services for the Women’s Unfortunately a lot of professional athletes don’t hurting the image and want it to stop now. [email protected]. Weekly Discussion from 1 to 2:20 p.m. in the think much of this because of their lifestyles. They I’d like to commend Roger Goodell for the new Administration building, room 201. For more are highly paid individuals who think they are on top policy and think commissioners of other professional Disabled Students’ Weekly Discussion information, contact Beverly Floresca at of the world. sports follow in his direction. Image isn’t the only Join Counseling Services for the Disabled (408) 924-5910. I know not all professional athletes have that mind- thing Goodell thinks about, but he knows the play- Students’ Weekly Discussion from 3 to 4:20 p.m. in set but there are a few that have been quite the prob- ers are role models to kids who are trying to be like the Administration building, room 201. For more Men’s Weekly Discussion lem. I’m talking about the ones who are on the news them. information, contact Kell Fujimoto at Join Counseling Services for the Men’s Weekly for off-fi eld problems and not sports highlights. I believe that they need to hold themselves in a (408) 924-5910. Discussion from 3 to 4:20 p.m. in the The commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell, high regard because of the infl uence they have on a Administration building, room 201. For more just recently came out with a new policy on conduct young generation who watches them. The kids don’t Are You Hitting The Goal Mark information, contact Kell Fujimoto at for players — a tougher policy than the one in place see what they do as bad because to the star athletes, Join Counseling Services and learn how to achieve (408) 924-5910. to help the image of the NFL, mainly because of it’s nothing. your academic goals by creating an effective plan. The players who are having trouble with the law. It’s just a small little predicament they got into and workshop will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. in Campus QTIP Two pro players, Chris Henry of the Cincinnati know that with the money they have they can fi ght the Village Building B in the Living Learning Center. For The Queers Thoughtfully Interrupting Bengals and Adam “Pacman” Jones of the Tennessee case or pay the fi ne. more information, contact Deanna Peck at Prejudice will be holding its general meeting from Titans, have been in trouble with the law numerous Hopefully all the other commissioners will follow (408) 924-5910. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union Almaden times in the past year. in the NFL’s footsteps and bring on harsher policies room. For more information, e-mail Henry was arrested four times in a 14-month span to take care of its athletes. Tuesday [email protected]. while Jones has been interviewed by the police on 10 instances, prompting Goodell to implement the new Michael Geslani is the Spartan Daily opinion editor. SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry APIs and the Bamboo Ceiling policy. “What’s The Deal” appears every Monday. The SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry will be Join the Asian Pacifi c Islanders Caucus (APIC) in holding a “Hour of Power – Rosary Prayer Night,” a panel discussion exploring the state of the Asian Questions? Comments? at 8 p.m. in the SJSU Catholic Campus American & Pacifi c Islander Community at SJSU. The Ministry Center. For more information, contact discussion will take place from 12 to 1:30 p.m. in the Interested in writing a guest column? Kay Polintan at (408) 938-1610. Martin Luther King Jr. Library. For more information, Contact the Spartan Daily at contact Ellen Lin at (408) 924-5940. [email protected]

SPARTAN DAILY STAFF AADVISERSDVISERS AADVERTISINGDVERTISING SSTAFFTAFF OOPINIONPINION PPAGEAGE PPOLICYOLIC Y Richard Craig and Jan Shaw, News ; Michael Cheers, Photojournalism; Tim Hendrick, Advertising; Cris Aquino, Gilbert Fletcher, Kyle Fogarty, Shelby Jones, Ryan Readers are encouraged to express Executive Editor KRIS ANDERSON Tim Burke, Production Chief Mendoza, Alfredo Moreno, David Nguyen, Tuan Nguyen, Tomoyo themselves on the Opinion page with a letter to the editor. Managing Editor SARA SPIVEY Ohashi, Christina Rozul, Randal Sibley SSTAFFTAFF WWRITERSRITERS A letter to the editor is a response to an Opinion Editor MICHAEL GESLANI issue or a point of view that has appeared in Andy Chu, Quang Do, Rossa Dono, Kyle Hansen, Samie Hartley, Kimberly Lien, Carla Mancebo, Carlos the Spartan Daily. Sports Editor LINDSAY BRYANT Militante, Mitchell Alan Parker, Mark Powell, Rainier Ramirez, Kevin Rand, Luke Stangel, Nick Veronin, NNEWSEWS RROOM:OOM: Only letters between 200 to 400 words will be considered for publication. A&E Editor HEATHER DRISCOLL Yael Reed Wachspress, Josh Weaver, Megan Wood, Eric Zimmerling, David Zugnoni Submissions become property of the Spartan Daily and may be edited for clarity, Photo Editor ZACH BEECHER 408.924.3281 grammar, libel and length. Submissions must SSENIORENIOR SSTAFFTAFF WWRITERSRITERS contain the author’s name, address, phone Production Editor FELICIA AGUINALDO Adam Browne, Teresa Hou, Lalee Sadigi, Matthew Zane number, signature and major. FFAX:AX: Submissions may be placed in the Letters to Copy Editors YVONNE PINGUE, the Editor box at the Spartan Daily office in GREG LYDON & SSTAFFTAFF PHOTOGRAPHERSPHOTOGRAPHERS Dwight Bentel Hall, Room 209, sent by fax to 408.924.3282 (408) 924-3282, e-mail at spartandaily@ Stephania Bednar, Lauren Sagar, Hanna Thrasher or mailed to the Spartan Daily FELICIA AGUINALDO Opinion Editor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, San Jose State Gold Fold SHANNON BARRY TTHEHE SSPARTANPARTAN DDAILYAILY | OONENE WWASHINGTONASHINGTON SSQUAREQUARE ADDVERTISINGVER TISING: University, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0149. Online Editor ANDY TORREZ SSANAN JJOSEOSE, CCAA 9519295192 Editorials are written by and are the con- sensus of the Spartan Daily editors, not the Advertising Director CHRIS KAAPCKE 408.924.3270 ((408)408) 924-3281924-3281 | [email protected] staff. Assistant Advertising Diretor JAMIE JURY Published opinions and advertisements do [email protected] The Spartan Daily is a Public Forum not necessarily reflect the views of the Spartan Creative Director DONNELL DELEON Daily, the School of Journalism and Mass Communications or SJSU. Assistant Creative Director JHONA LATAQUIN SPARTAN DAILY

APRIL 16, 2007 NEWS MONDAY 3 Abroad- 220 universities available worldwide CORRECTION In a Spartan Daily article on Thursday, April 12, entitled “New K-12 center may be built in Continued from page 1 “In this particular format, the who have frequented the fair in Duncan Hall,” several errors were reported. The amount of money donated by the House study abroad fair is considered years past, but said that there Family Foundation was $500,000, not $250,000, as was reported originally. The name of Baum said that she expressed fairly new,” Baum said. “But I has always been “constant traf- the center is the Math and Science Education Resource Center, as opposed to a research interest in playing music dur- think that there has almost al- fi c . ” center as appeared in the article. The headline on page seven incorrectly gave $5.1 mil. ing the fair but was told that it ways been a fair — certainly fairs SJSU senior Justine Geiszler, as the number needed to break ground on the project. It should have read $3.1 mil. wouldn’t be allowed because of go back long before my time.” who is currently studying in Bath, the close proximity of the fair to Baum has served as the study England, said that she was never classrooms. abroad advisor for two years, she aware that there was a study “It gets complicated,” she said. said. abroad fair. Geiszler said she According to Baum, there are Representatives from SJSU’s doesn’t regret traveling to Eng- Fair- Stations simulated various disabilities two study abroad fairs at SJSU global studies and foreign lan- land, despite being faced with during the school year — one guage departments will also be some challenges. during the Fall semester and one on hand, Baum said, along with “This experience helped me Continued from page 1 said. “It helps give people an under- the screen what they couldn’t hear. during the spring, but both differ information regarding the Peace appreciate being an American standing of the diffi culties that dis- Jennifer Tompkins, a senior ma- from one another. Corps, a guest of SJSU for this and made me realize how much Michael Agnoletti, a junior ma- abled students have in every life.” joring in nursing, uses some of the During the Fall fair, interna- semester’s fair. I love California,” Geiszler said joring in liberal studies, said he Katrina Koob, a senior majoring facilities open to learning disabled tional study programs that are “Hopefully people will stop in an e-mail. “Living with a host thought that the workshop makes in child development and deaf edu- students, and she liked the work- not affi liated with SJSU have the by and take a look at what we’re family can be a bit uncomfortable people more aware of disabilities. cation, was working at a simulation shop. opportunity to set up tables along offering,” Baum said. “The real or diffi cult, especially if you’re “I thought it was good,” he said. booth on deafness including sign “I really enjoyed it because it SJSU regulars, Baum said. bonus is that the students will be used to living on your own like I “It made people more aware of language illustrations and stamps to gave me a sense of what it was like However, only SJSU study there.” am. But overall it’s a nice experi- disabilities.” stamp your name in sign language, to be mobility impaired,” Tompkins abroad groups may set up booths Though students will have the ence.” Moriarty said that stations in- and hearing assistant devices to try. said. “Normally I can easily pick up or tables during the spring edi- chance to chat with people who Geiszler added, “I had to be- cluded sign language and hearing “I want to let people know that the phone book, but in the chair, it tion, according to Baum. are currently studying abroad in come accustomed to public trans- devices for the hearing impaired, there are sign language classes here took me almost fi ve minutes. Now I “We will be highlighting only San Jose from other nations, Laws portation, which I’ve never used explaining perceptual writing dis- at SJSU and even deaf professors,” know what that is like.” our programs which San Jose said that some students don’t show in my life. I don’t like answering abilities, sight impaired simulations Koob said. “Learning from a deaf Richard Lee, a senior majoring State students can get credit for,” their interest in studying abroad to a bus schedule, but it’s nice that including Braille books and papers professor can be very good because in marketing said he went to some Baum said. “And the spring one at events like today’s fair. I don’t have to worry about drink- and a simulation where a wheel- you learn through experience what of the stations. is better because we will have stu- “There is a defi nite interest to ing and driving.” chair was used to illustrate for stu- it’s like in a world without sound.” “It’s really interesting,” Lee said. dents who are actually studying study abroad,” Laws said. “But Baum said that students can dents what it’s like to be in one and Also there was a TV display show- “I learned that it’s hard to com- abroad from other countries there often times, students make ex- study at one of 220 universities have to do offi ce tasks. ing closed captioning for the deaf, so municate or to write with certain to talk to students.” cuses. We want to make ourselves across the globe through SJSU’s The simulations also included a that they would be able to read on learning disabilities.” Baum said that there will be available to give them the neces- program, making it the “second computer that magnifi ed print on tables representing fi ve differ- sary information.” or third largest” study abroad paper so that sight impaired people ent geographic regions at which Laws said that she couldn’t program in the CSU system in could see it better. students can choose to study. estimate the number of students terms of variety. Amberly Rumrill, a senior major- ing in English, was working at one of the simulation stations, which in- cluded drawing a shape from look- ing into a mirror and looking at a Nobel- Winner discussed modern economics sentence on a piece of paper that was garbled, and another paper Continued from page 1 Whether that company has mon- speculation about how the market where it was stretched out. ey to hire you or not depends on is going to perform. “At this station we are trying to together again, but its more effi - the overall fi nancial health on the “The whole world is changing give people an idea of what it is like cient every time you put it back market … . as a result of the development of to be a person with a perceptual PHOTO BY JAKE HUMBERT/ SPECIAL TO THE DAILY together.” “The third reason is that if derivative pricing, and the abil- learning disability, such as diffi culty Sandra Ammons, associate professor at Ohlone College in Fremont, signs to the Scholes said that the changes you do have a job with one of the ity to price and manage risk,” reading or tracing lines,” Rumrill audience during the workshop in the Ohlone room of the Student Union on Thursday. in the fi nance world are similar Silicon Valley companies, you will Scholes said. “Because now, ev- as companies transfer risks and be given stock options. The com- ery corporation … is deciding on speculate on fi nances. pany has to compute the values what risks to take and what risks College of Engineering Dean of the stock options that will be to transfer. Your skills or expertise Belle Wei said that Scholes’ work given you, and guess what? How to make money requires that you GRADUATE TO is signifi cant to all students. will they compute the value? They take risk or concentrate. “There are many university will use the Black-Scholes options “You can’t make money with- REAL COOL WHEELS students here who may wonder pricing model.” out concentrating in a business why Dr. Scholes’ work is of inter- The Black-Scholes model is activity, but there are lots of risks • affordable est or importance to you, I think what Scholes is most famous for, that you take in undertaking a there are three reasons,” Wei and what led to his Nobel award. business that are not germane to • fuel efficient with 70+ mpg* said. According to the Nobel Prize Web the actual business at hand.” “First, many of you study site, the model is used to calculate Scholes talked about how busi- • freeway legal probability and statistics, … he the value of stock options. nesses transfer risks to others who • 500 cc = awesome performance will show you how probabil- “Thousands of traders and in- try to make money by speculating ity and statistics are very impor- vestors now use this formula ev- on the market. • triple disc brakes tant tools for you to understand ery day to value stock options in “Risk is not really risk minimi- the uncertainty of this complex markets throughout the world,” zation, it optimization,” Scholes • lockable storage compartment world. according to the Web site. said. “You take the best you can, “Second, upon graduation you Scholes spent about 45 min- in terms of return, for the risks want to get a job with one of the utes talking about the way that his you are taking. There is always a many companies in the valley. company invests money based on trade off.”

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SPORTS DOES A BODY GOOD: 4 Look at tomorrowʼs sports page for coverage of water polo, gymnastics and cross-country competitions. MONDAY SPORTS And check out for baseball and softball APRIL 16, 2007 scores from this weekend. Defense reigned Annual Spring Football Game highlights defensive line

GREG LYDON holding the offense to a three-and- in the fi rst half making all three of out series. his fi eld goal attempts. COPY WRITER The defense had three inter- The score was 28-9, with the The pitter-patter of weekend ceptions on the day including one Blue Team (defense) leading after showers didn’t dampen the mood from walk-on safety Andrew Ryan. 15 minutes of action, leaving some at Spartan Stadium, as the San Tomey said after that SJSU defenders who didn’t suit up Jose State University football team Ryan and sophomore Dominique itching to get out on the fi eld. concluded spring practice with its Hunsucker would most likely start, “It’s hard to be on the sidelines annual Spring Football Game. if they had a game tomorrow, at the when you see the offense start The Spartan defense controlled two safety spots, but knows that a lot driving down the fi eld after the de- the game defeating the offense 36- can change during summer camp. fense came out strong like we did,” 22 on a gloomy Saturday afternoon “We’re building our chemistry middle linebacker Matt Castelo. in front of about 200 fans. together out there right now, it’s a “It’s exciting to see guys making “What’s refl ective in the score growing process,” said cornerback plays out there on defense, it was a is the offense turning the ball over Christopher Owens, who is one of great game forcing turnovers,” Cas- too much and not taking advantage two returning starters coming back telo said. “ Now we’re one step closer of opportunities inside the scoring this fall in the SJSU secondary. towards the 2007 season starting.” zone,” said SJSU head coach Dick “It’s time for this team to make it’s Castelo, running back Yonus Da- Tomey. own history,” Owens said. “Last year vis and cornerback Dwight Lowery The spring game pitted the Blue is over, right now it’s all about feeling — all key members of last seasons’ Team (defense) versus the White comfortable with each other.” New Mexico Bowl champion team PHOTO BY LAUREN SAGAR/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Team (offense) using different scor- Quarterbacks Adam Tafralis — didn’t suit up for Saturday’s game Tailback Cameron Island is tackled by linebackers John Smith and Chris Reese in Saturday’s Spring Football Game. ing rules than a regular season col- and Sean Flynn both saw action in for precautionary reasons. lege football contest. the fi rst half, but the defense never Lowery suffered a jaw injury af- The rules included the defense let them get comfortable. ter taking a hit in practice Friday. found senior wide receiver Michael Hooper is a fi fth-year senior scoring seven points for an inter- Place-kicker Jared Strubeck ac- After convincing his quarterback Hooper on a in the back of the end who’s had to wait his turn behind Score big or ception or gaining one point for counted for all the offense’s points coach Marcus Arroyo to let him zone — the touchdown made the a log jam of wide receivers, includ- go home back in the game, Tafralis drove score 28-17 Blue Team (defense). ing last years’ starters James Jones the Spartan offense deep into the “I don’t like sitting on the side- and John Broussard. Spring football scoring rules redzone. line. It’s the kid in me, I always “I had been dealing with some On a third-and-goal play from want to be out there and play,” nagging injuries over the spring, 7 pts. Defense stops the off ense the 4-yard line Tafralis rolled out Tafralis said after the game. but today’s game was huge for me,” on a 4th-down play Hooper said. “It was a big opportunity for me to 7 pts. Defense recovers a show the coaching staff I can help us fumble win games this year,” Hooper said. One fi nal practice was held 7 pts. Defense intercepts a pass Sunday evening for the squad. Coach Tomey said after the 4 pts. Defense stops the off ense game that he is happy to make it and forces a fi eld goal try through the spring without losing any players during practice to sea- 1 pt. Off ense successfully kicks son-ending injuries. an extra point “A little inclement weather was good for us,” Tomey said. “The 1 pt. Defense stops the off ense game wasn’t over until the last play.” in a “3-and-out” situation SPARTAN DAILY

APRIL 16, 2007 NEWS MONDAY 5 Climate- Majority of attendees said they were concerned Day- Week of events include

Continued from page 1 a massive heat wave that has been crippling addressed. the Midwest for almost a week. The reporter “I believe it’s true,” Kessomkiant said, “be- panel speakers, fi lm screenings attendee was issued an electronic keypad as states that this event is clearly a result of glob- cause of evidence from the news and scien- they entered the room, and throughout the al warming. Your friend says no way.” tifi c organizations.” Continued from page 1 where, according to www.savedarfur. lecture Cordero asked the audience to re- After setting up the situation, Cordero asked The conclusion of the lecture included org, over 400,000 people have been spond to questions he posed by entering their the audience: Who do you believe: the reporter ways in which we — as individuals and as a On Tuesday, Jonathan Roth, de- killed and roughly two million have responses on the keypad. who claims global warming is to blame for the society — could help to reduce the effects of partment chair of the SJSU history been removed from their homes. The fi rst question Cordero asked was: weather or your friend who says no way? global warming on our environment. department will lead a discussion What best describes how you feel about glob- While 66 percent of the audience believed “If you contribute a little bit from your centered on understanding the Ho- al warming? the reporter was telling the truth, it was the activities to reduce (carbon dioxide) or locaust and other genocides. The majority of the audience — 55 per- friend who was correct. greenhouse gases,” Kessomkiant said, “in “One of the things that comes up “We can do something. Each cent — responded that they were concerned, the future it will add up to help all of us.” historically is the term genocide is person can take a role.” 20 percent were curious and 10 percent were Most people do not realize that their dai- used loosely,” Roth said. “The term -Sue Maltiel, motivated for action. ly activity is in some way connected to the genocide comes out of the Holo- Vi Nguyen, a senior majoring in biology, “... In your food choices you can increase in greenhouse gas production that caust, but the practice of genocide Hillel Executive Director attended the lecture in order to receive extra actually make a difference.” is responsible for global warming. has continued today. Part of the is- credit, and he said he probably wouldn’t have “If you go from a 30 percent meat diet to sue is to understand what genocide gone if it were not for that fact. -Eugene C. Cordero, a 10 percent animal product diet,” Cordero is and what it isn’t.” However, he also said that he thought it was Meteorology professor said, “you could save about over a ton of car- Victoria Sullivan, the coordinator Each day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. a worthwhile and educational experience. bon dioxide.” for Jewish Studies at SJSU, will be a different documentary will play “Yeah,” Nguyen said, “because I didn’t The average American lives on a 30 per- the panel moderator on Wednesday continuously in the Mosaic Cross realize that (people were) trying to do some- cent meat diet. The process that brings the for a discussion titled “Why Deny?” Cultural Center, located in the Stu- thing about it, like that incandescent light meat from the farm to the grocery store to the Thursday’s discussion will feature dent Union. The documentaries fo- bulb thing.” As Cordero explained, one event cannot kitchen involves mechanic and agricultural two guest speakers, John K. Roth cus on genocide throughout history, The “incandescent light bulb thing” Nguy- be linked to a long-term change in climate, means that require large amounts of energy and Lani Silver, who will close out from the Armenian genocide during en referred to is an effort being put forth by even if it’s Hurricane Katrina. and fossil fuel use, he said. the three-part series with lectures World War I to the issues that sur- the Australian government to reduce energy The purpose of this exercise was to expose “We are eating three times a day,” Cor- suggesting steps toward a solution round Darfur today. use by banning incandescent light bulbs the danger behind false information being dero said, “sometimes more. So, in your food to genocide and how individuals can “I hope everybody recognizes the throughout the country. disseminated in the media and its effect on choices you can actually make a difference.” become involved. connections between the Holocaust The misinformation of the public on the popular belief. At the end of the lecture, Cordero informed “The important thing for everyone and genocides that are happening issue of climate, weather and global warming Wittaya Kessomkiant, a meteorology grad- those in attendance of one small way they can is to say we have learned from (the today,” Maltiel said. “Many people was a concern Cordero addressed by involving uate student, attended the lecture as part of a help in the fi ght against global warming by Holocaust) and contribute towards say never again, but in reality it the audience in a quick interactive activity. requirement for one of his classes. He did not asking SJSU President Don Kassing to sign helping the people that are actually seems to keep happening. We can do Cordero presented this scenario to the au- need to be convinced by Cordero that global the American College and University Presi- still being hurt now,” Sullivan said. something. Each person can take a dience: “You are watching a CNN report of warming is occurring and that it needs to be dent’s Climate Commitment. Sullivan referred to Darfur, Sudan role. We need to take a stand.”

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6 MONDAY NEWS APRIL 16, 2007 Doctor- ‘Threat of violence’ always a possibility during six-month stay, Schechtman said

Continued from page 1 Anabel Ortiz, a junior in the the country in August 2002. At the Schechtman showed a picture for treating burns in Liberia. me saying ‘Doctor Andrew! Doc- pre-med program, said after at- time, Liberia was in the middle of of a Caesarean section he per- “I never would have thought of tor Andrew!’” Schechtman said. best work I’d ever done,” Schecht- tending Schechtman’s talk, she a civil war, and Schechtman said formed and pointed out the sweat that until I saw it for the fi rst time,” “I don’t think I’d ever worked be- man said. “I said at the time that would consider participating in a the threat of violence was always on his brow, but he said he enjoyed Schechtman said. “There were a fore in some kind of place where I felt if I got hit by a bus, it would program such as Doctors Without a possibility during his six-month the challenge. lot of things like that – things that people had needed my help that be okay because I had done some- Borders. stay at a hospital in the town of Schechtman said he was faced I couldn’t have conceived of before much.” thing that had made a difference.” “I thought the presentation was Harper. with many interesting cases during I experienced them in Liberia. You He showed a picture of an During his lecture, an event really inspiring,” Ortiz said. “It is While in Harper, Schechtman his time in Harper. In one instance, could say that it broadened my eight-month-old boy who weighed sponsored by San Jose State Uni- so sad to see the conditions those served as the supervisor for the a boy was brought in for treatment perspective.” only fi ve pounds due to a bout with versity’s American Medical Stu- people have to live in.” pediatric ward and the surgery for a burn. When Schechtman Many of the stories Schecht- cholera. The child’s body looked dent Association chapter, an audi- Schechtman, who claimed he unit. looked at the wound, he saw what man shared were about children. like a shriveled corpse. Schecht- ence of approximately 50 people couldn’t fi nd Liberia on a map pri- Even though he is not a sur- appeared to be a fungus growing He said after a few weeks in Harp- man said the average child should occasionally gasped as Schechtman or to his assignment with Doctors geon, Schechtman had to perform on the boy’s leg, but the mother er, kids would follow him wherever weigh 15 pounds at that age. displayed his self-described “dis- Without Borders, gave the audi- surgery when the resident Liberian informed him that the fuzzy sub- he went. He said the boy couldn’t open turbing” photos in a PowerPoint ence a brief history about the sta- surgeon would leave for weeks at a stance was not fungus but strips of “I would walk down the streets, his eyes and was cold to the touch, presentation. tus of Liberia when he arrived in time. animal fur, a traditional method and the little kids would chase after but after treating the child with a series of nutritious fl uids, the child looked “normal” two weeks later. Members of the audience gasped as Schechtman showed the before and after pictures of the child. “Cases like this are what make this experience so rewarding,” Schechtman said. After six months in Harper, Schechtman was forced to evacu-

“It is so sad to see the conditions those people have to live in.” -Anabel Ortiz, pre-med, junior

ate the hospital after it became oc- cupied by rebel forces. Schechtman and his team traveled to the town Monrovia where he found himself in the middle of a warzone and the sound of gunfi re was part of the daily routine. He told the story of a girl who had been struck in the head by a stray bullet that came through a window. He said even though the bullet was lodged under her chin, he was able to save the girl because her mother brought her to the hos- pital in time. He said cases like this seemed to upset his staff, but he would tell them the people who made it to the hospital were the lucky ones despite their gruesome injuries. “As a result of providing medi- cal care in these very desperate circumstances, we sometimes see things that need to be spoken about or the world needs to hear,” Schechtman said. “Sometimes by speaking about these things, we are able to affect more change than ac- tually treating the patient. “For instance, during the civil war in Liberia, when I was in Monrovia when the fi ghting was very rough,” Schechtman said. “I sometimes wondered if it was treating the individual patient that helped more or the satellite phone call I did with NPR … .” Schechtman said he took a few months off from “regular work” af- ter he returned to the United States in July 2003 to deal with his culture shock. Of all the volunteer efforts he’s done with Doctors Without Borders in the past, Schechtman said his time in Liberia left the greatest impact, and he recom- mended the experience to those with a sense of adventure. Diana Lopez, a senior major- ing in microbiology, said based on this presentation, she is interested in working with Doctors Without Borders in the future. “I really enjoyed the lecture,” Lopez said. “It takes a lot of cour- age and heart to go to underde- veloped countries and give people medical attention despite the dan- gers that can occur.” Dan Kuo, a post-baccalaureate student in the pre-med program, said he enjoyed the informative presentation. “It is such a different experience to hear about,” Kuo said. “It is a pretty big commitment, but you get to help people around the world, so it would be something that I would maybe consider.”