10/31/2017 Campaign Overview | MailChimp

Hunting News 7

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Hello Fellow Hunters and Friends! Welcome to our 7th Hunting Report of 2017...

We are very busy in and Summer is approaching! We have had a wonderful Winter and have another great many hunts to report on. We shot a few more buffalos, did a couple of springbuck slams and even had the honor of bearing witness to a very special engagement (love seems to be in the air!)!

We were happy to celebrate PH PD's 27th birthday on August 16th! Happy Birthday PD! You are a real asset to Somerby Safaris!

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We would also like to send our sincerest condolences to all of our friends affected by the hurricane. We know that there is nothing that we can say during a time of such senseless destruction, but we want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Holum Engagement Safari

The story of this safari was born in the halls of the Dallas Safari Club Convention in January 2016. Before they had to leave to catch their ight, Erik Holum (of Parkston, South Dakota) was still busy greeting friends. Erik's dad, Doug, was waiting by the entrance and a rafe lady convinced him to throw a few tickets in the drawings before they left. They never thought he would get a call the next day saying he had won a 7 day safari for two hunters and 4 per hunter with us!

Doug was already booked up for the next few years, so he decided to give the hunt to Erik and his girlfriend Jess as a gift. Jess hasn't been a hunter her whole life, but started hunting with Erik and the trip to Africa was a great opportunity to induct her properly into the world of hunting! What Jess didn't know, was that Erik and Somerby had been planning a very special surprize for her...

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Jess' great turkey shot on the last day of the 2017 hunting season - great practice for the Africa trip!

After spending the night at the Elephant Lodge, Erik and Jess and PD headed for the lion sanctuary the next morning:

"When we arrived there, I slipped the diamond ring into PD’s hand and he knew where to go from there. For a guy who has been in a few pressure situations in his life, I was a nervous wreck on the inside and couldn’t really care about the rst part of the tour where they explain to you the facility’s big cat goals. At the end of the tour they let visitors play with some young lion cubs. Before we had even left the States, I had arranged for the ring to be tied around the neck of one of the cubs. They sat us on a log and one of the lion keepers handed me THE cub and I got down on my knee and asked Jess to marry me! She was completely caught of guard and said YES! I am one happy guy!"

The newly engaged couple and PD headed to Limpopo the following day, where they got to know the lay of the land, readied their ries and settled in at the lodge. The next day, Jess was successful in taking her rst African , a magnicent blue bull. She made a “perfect perfect perfect” 168 yard shot with her Camilla.

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The following day, Erik was able to harvest an old blue wildebeest bull in the afternoon. While looking at baboons, they got a call that there was a boar bush that had been sighted and sure enough Jess was able to connect with this outstanding trophy. Erik says "I still don’t think she appreciates that rarity of shooting a bush pig in daylight on your rst trip to Africa." After pictures, they saw a jackal and Erik used Jess’ .308 to take him down.

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"After supper we went back to the Crocodile River to look for a bushbuck that we had spotted the previous night. Sure enough, he was back in the same area but 100 yards from where we saw him the previous night. This time he showed himself too long and the .308 did another one shot kill. I couldn’t have gotten luckier with this awesome trophy! Denitely have the spiral horn fever again!"

The other unique specie Erik had not had the opportunity to hunt on previous trips was a tsessebe... "Dad harvested one on his rst safari in in 1998 and I always wanted to hunt one for myself. Today was the day! We went to a neighboring farm where they we more plentiful and right away we were seeing them. PD was able to pick out a giant bull and my .300 RUM Montana Rie barked. A perfect shot at 130 yards."

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The hunters said their goodbyes in Limpopo and headed to the Free State, where they stayed at a lodge and concession bordering the province of Natal. After getting unpacked, they went out hunting. They found a small group of and Jess made a great 234 yard shot on a superb stallion. That little .308 did a great job. Jess had her zebra! Jess also connected with a good ram and made a great shot off the sticks. They didn’t know how well she had hit it at rst, but it turned out he only ran a little ways.

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"The following day we drove deep into the Free State and found a large herd of blesbuck; Jess and PD chased them for several hours trying to get a shot. Jess missed her rst shot attempt, then hit him high but not lethally on the second shot and was able to make a perfect shot on her third shot. I was able to shoot a fantastic white blesbuck as well!"

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"With the blesbuck in the truck we hightailed it to Drom’s farm and were welcomed by his wife, Suné, and young son Jacobus. We had a wonderful supper before it was out to do some spotlighting to look for and porcupine. Jess shot two great !

They next moved on to the Mpumalanga province...

"What we found was completely unexpected and couldn’t have been a more perfect way to end the hunt. A serval showed himself hunting in the tall grass. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity and made the most of it. What a treat! Never ever did I think a serval would be something I would get."

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A big thank you to Erik and Jess for joining us in South Africa for this great trip! We had a blast hunting with you and feel privileged to have shared this special time with you. Congratulations on your engagement! You make a wonderful couple. Wishing that this be just the start of a long and wonderful journey together!

Mike Pence Father and Daughter Safari

We were very happy to meet Mike Pence in Las Vegas at the beginning of the year. After some quick and efcient planning, Mike, his daughter Haley and their friend Fares Haddad were booked and ready to join us in Africa on a great hunt! We had a really good time hunting with them and they also went to the for a photo safari. Mike sent us a great account of their hunt... Please enjoy!

"My daughter Haley, who had never hunted before, decided to join me on this safari. Our PH, Andre, spent time with her on the sticks and in coaching her on how to conduct herself during the stalk, steadying herself for and placement of the shot, pointing out the characteristics of the trophy and embracing the excitement of the hunt as well as the deep respect for the animal. She returned with four trophies - zebra, gemsbuck, impala and a . Her shot on the impala was over 185 yards https://us11.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/show?id=1257197 9/31 10/31/2017 Campaign Overview | MailChimp

zebra, gemsbuck, impala and a warthog. Her shot on the impala was over 185 yards after a 40 minute stalk. Each of her trophies were obtained using a Weatherby 30-06 with 180 grain Federal Premium ammunition... which delivered clean one shot kills."

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"My trophies included a black wildebeest, bushbuck, , , sable and Cape buffalo. The Cape buffalo hunt included a 2 hour stalk before we were pinned down by too many searching eyes. That's when the property manger employed his secret weapon: a pet monkey that not only entertained Haley and I while we were hiding behind brush but the monkey then proceeded to play in the trees which allowed the buffalo to calm down long enough to allow us to move in for the shot. The buffalo was a tremendous trophy with wide horns and huge bosses. The buffalo succumbed to a .375 bolt action rie with a 300 grain soft red from 55 yards away."

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"The sable which happens to be, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful African trophies, turned out to be my best trophy ever. A trophy that required no evaluation. It's beauty, maturity and size were instantly recognized..."

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"The nyala we were able to locate was both a mature and beautiful trophy. Having never hunted this species, I was absolutely taken by the beauty of this trophy and will forever cherish it on the wall of our trophy room."

We were very happy to celebrate Fares' birthday with him while they were over and he took down some great trophies, including a magnicent !

Fares also took a really nice kudu, impala and red ...

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Fares also hunted an impressive eland, a zebra and a gemsbuck!

Mike, Haley and Fares: Thank you so much for choosing us to host you on this awesome safari! We sincerely enjoyed hunting with you and inducting Haley into the world of hunting! We really hope to see you all again soon!

George Tidona's Buffalo Hunt

We were very pleased when our very good friend John Friscia put is into contact with George Tidona, from Staten Island, New York. George came to see us in Las Vegas and we were very happy when he booked a safari with us! George let us know that he would also be bringing his wife Kim along and we were very excited to show her some of Africa as well!

George sent us a really great hunting report Please enjoy his account of hunting his https://us11.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/show?id=1257197 15/31 10/31/2017 Campaign Overview | MailChimp

George sent us a really great hunting report... Please enjoy his account of hunting his buffalo and some really great plains .

"After decades of dreaming about taking a Cape buffalo, I nally had my chance this year. Certainly I would have been happy with any reasonable size bull but Drom and PD had seen a giant bull out there... The rst day he managed to avoid us. The second day we found the herd and the stalk was on. Each time we approached the herd it moved off and the stalk began again and again until a clear shot could be had. The rst 90 yard shot from my 375 H&H hit the bull hard in the shoulder. He ran about 100 yards and went down briey in some thick brush. As we approached to within 40-50 yards, he got up and started to slowly walk toward us. At PD's instructions, I put another round in him and he went down. Moments later he was up again and a third round put him down again. Finally got the chance to use the 375 that I bought 20 years ago!"

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"Although the Cape buffalo was the highlight of the trip, I took 10 other great trophies using a 300 Winchester Magnum. Those included a beautiful zebra, waterbuck, gemsbuck, civet cat, ostrich, a magnicent sable, kudu, impala, warthog, and . All of the shots were within 200 yards. Night hunting with PD for the civet cat with a suppressed 30.06 was a rst for me. Although we were looking for bush , they probably didn't show because of the lurking nearby..."

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"Last but not least, Kim had a wonderful time with Lindie at the elephant, cheetah, and lion sanctuaries as well as the at the spa they went to. In addition, Rascal, the fearless hunting dog who tracked down my waterbuck, made the whole trip even more memorable for us. Kim loved him and hasn't stopped talking about him since. Thank you, Andre, for loaning him to us!"

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Well done on your amazing buffalo, George! We were so honoured to be part of such an exciting hunt! Thank you for coming to hunt with us and we hope to hunt some more great game with you in the future! Thank you to Kim for coming along and experiencing Africa with us!

David Hartman Buffalo and Plains Game Safari

We met David in Harrisburg at the show in 2014 and we were extremely excited to nally have him over for a hunt. David took down some great trophies and sent us a really nice account of his hunt... Dave's main objective on this hunt was a buffalo, but he went on to take down a whole host of other animals as well! Dave had such a great time hunting with us that he will be returning to hunt with us already next month!

"While we were driving to the rst hunting concession, Charles, the PH who hunted with me, and I had a good discussion about my expectations for the hunt. I told him that I did not believe that shooting animals at long range was ethical hunting and that if an animal was not good enough to take on the rst day of the hunt, it was not good enough to take on the last day. He understood exactly what I was talking about and we hunted accordingly..."

"I hunted for common springbuck, copper springbuck, Kalahari springbuck, common , Cape eland, Cape bushbuck, white blesbuck, Vaal rhebuck, zebra, Cape buffalo, roan, gemsbuck, and giraffe...

The Cape buffalo and the giraffe were each taken with effectively one shot at approximately 50 yards with a .450/.400 double rie ring 400 grain soft points (buffalo) and 400 grain solids (giraffe), both Hornady factory loads."

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"One very interesting thing was the instructions from Charlie to me concerning the giraffe. I had no idea just how difcult a giraffe is to kill. We shot that critter with the larger rie using solids. We shot the buffalo with soft points so I was surprised when Charlie said I couldn't use the Weatherby and had to use solids on the giraffe. We shot the animal square in the chest with the .450/.400 and he was effectively dead on his feet (we shot a few more times, but the bull was nished with the rst shot)."

The springbuck trio...

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Dave is also now the proud owner of beautiful roan and eland trophies.

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Dave took down two types of reedbuck - common and Vaal...

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And last, but not least, Dave took down a beautiful white blesbuck, Cape bushbuck, zebra and gemsbuck. The Cape bushbuck is different the more commonly hunted Limpopo bushbuck in that it is darker in colour.

"In addition to a great hunt, Somerby Safaris arranged for me to visit three of the famous Zulu battleelds. The experience was well worth the extra time required and I am extremely grateful for the work they put into that excursion."

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Dave visited the historically signicant battleelds of Blood River, Rorke's Drift and Isandlwana - a fascinating look into South African history: the Anglo-Zulu war of 1879 and the "Voortrekkers".

Thank you so much for coming over to hunt with us Dave! We look forward to having you here again next month for another amazing hunt...

Mark Parsons Buffalo and Springbuck Slam Safari

We met Mark and Sharon Parsons a few years back in Dallas and we were really happy to welcome them back onto African soil after they had hunted with us in 2015. Mark was here on a mission to get a nice buffalo and ended up also taking down some really grand plains game, including a springbuck grand slam!

Mark's wife Sharon enjoyed going out on the hunt with the guys and saw a few local sights! The Parsons also enjoyed a short sight-seeing trip to the Kruger National Park.

"The Cape buffalo hunt as ama ing We tracked the herd for a couple of hours When https://us11.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/show?id=1257197 25/31 10/31/2017 Campaign Overview | MailChimp

"The Cape buffalo hunt was amazing. We tracked the herd for a couple of hours. When we nally spotted them, other animals in the area were the biggest problem. Finally got to do a stalk as we knew what thicket they were in... Finally got a shot at about 100 yards with Andre's .375. A couple of follow ups and he was down!"

"Hunting the Springbuck Slam near required periods of patience, followed by minutes of adrenaline. It also required some long shots with the landowner's 22-250. It tested my shooting abilities with shots as long as 450 yards."

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They also did a night hunt for steenbuck and had a lot of fun. They saw a lot of animals and Mark also shot a porcupine!

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Mark additionally shot a blue wildebeest, white blesbuck, zebra and lechwe!

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Well done on these great trophies, Mark!

The couple also did a tour of the Kruger National Park, where they relaxed and saw some amazing animals and bird life!

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Mark and Sharon, thank you very much for joining us on this memorable safari! Your trophies are outstanding Mark and we hope that Sharon enjoyed experiencing the hunt with you! We really hope to see you again in the future and look forward to hunting with you again...

Thank you for reading our 7th hunting report of the year. We have been truly blessed to have had so many great hunts so far and we look forward to completing the hunting season with a bang!

Please visit our website at www.somerbysafaris.com


Our mailing address is: Somerby Safaris Po Box 141 Kestell, FS 9860 South Africa

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