Loop Products and Closed Geodesics
LOOP PRODUCTS AND CLOSED GEODESICS MARK GORESKY1 AND NANCY HINGSTON2 Abstract. The critical points of the length function on the free loop space Λ(M) of a compact Riemannian manifold M are the closed geodesics on M. The length function gives a filtration of the homology of Λ(M) and we show that the Chas-Sullivan product - Hi(Λ) Hj (Λ) ∗ Hi j−n(Λ) × + is compatible with this filtration. We obtain a very simple expression for the associated graded homology ring GrH∗(Λ(M)) when all geodesics are closed, or when all geodesics are nondegenerate. We also interpret Sullivan’s coproduct [Su1, Su2] on C∗(Λ) as a product in cohomology ∨ ⊛ Hi(Λ, Λ ) Hj(Λ, Λ ) - Hi+j+n−1(Λ, Λ ) 0 × 0 0 (where Λ0 = M is the constant loops). We show that ⊛ is also compatible with the length ∗ filtration, and we obtain a similar expression for the ring GrH (Λ, Λ0). The non-vanishing of products σ∗n and τ ⊛n is shown to be determined by the rate at which the Morse index grows when a geodesic is iterated. Key words and phrases. Chas-Sullivan product, loop product, free loop space, Morse theory, energy. 1. School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton N.J. Research partially supported by DARPA grant # HR0011-04-1-0031. 2. Dept. of Mathematics, College of New Jersey, Ewing N.J.. 1 Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. The free loop space 7 3. The finite dimensional approximation of Morse 10 4. Support, Critical values, and level homology 11 5.
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