Sunday Times Combined Metros 18 - 30/11/2014 07:56:13 PM - Plate: 18 The Times Monday December 1 | 20 14 S P O RT More to success Classified: 011 280 3147
[email protected] Legals: 011 280 5553 than adaptation
[email protected] WHEN Charles Darwin walked off performance is born of competition the HMS Beagle and set foot on the within their own borders — win the 2290 11090 Galapagos Islands in 1835, he would battle in the US, and you’ll be Legal Services Court Orders have had little idea that the islands leading the world. would provide one of the key lines of What both avoid, is isolation — www. IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT ORDER COURT FOR THE evidence for his eventual scientific they facilitate exponential growth. IN THE NORTH GAUTENG DISTRICT OF DURBAN treatise on evolution and natural Good people, added to good people, 2275 HIGH COURT, PRETORIA HELD AT DURBAN selection. create great people and, when they Loans & Finance (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH Case No. 20775/2013 Specifically, it was a group of are empowered to communicate AFRICA) In the matter between: finches that became emblematic of openly with one another, each CASE NUMBER: ANTONY LOUIS MOSTERT Darwin’s theory, because he would learns from the success and failure $ WE BUY $ 69383/2014 N.O. Execution Creditor discover 12 new species of finch, of another. So progress goes into $$ GOLD $$ In the application of: and which differed most importantly in hy p e r - d r ive . 9 ct - R135 per gram THE BODY CORPORATE BLUFF NATIONAL PARK the shape and size of their beaks.