Revised Train Service Times (20121029 125417.Pdf)
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Changes to train times 27 October – 4 November 2012 Customer helpline For comments, enquiries and complaints telephone 0845 00 00 125 email [email protected] Access, disabled information or cycle assistance freephone 08081 56 16 06 Manchester Victoria email [email protected] to Leeds textphone 08456 045 608 via Dewsbury and Bradford Interchange Lost property telephone 0845 00 00 125 email [email protected] Leeds Fares and service information National Rail Enquiries Bramley Cottingley telephone 08457 48 49 50 Morley textphone 0845 60 50 600 New Pudsey website Batley Bradford Interchange Dewsbury Mirfield Halifax Brighouse Northern working in partnership Sowerby Bridge with the charity Crimestoppers Huddersfield Mytholmroyd British Transport Police telephone 0800 40 50 40 Hebden Bridge Correspondence Todmorden Customer Relations Department Walsden Northern Rail Littleborough Freepost (RLSL-ABEC-BGUU) Smithy Bridge Leeds LS1 4DY Rochdale Staff in attendance Castleton Mills Hill Northern Rail Limited: a joint venture of Serco and Abellio Moston Registered No: 04619954 Registered Office: Serco House, 16 Bartley Wood Business Park, Manchester Victoria Bartley Way, Hook, Hampshire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Leeds - Manchester Victoria Leeds - Manchester Victoria Leeds - Manchester Victoria Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP AA B L B B LB MO MX MO MX Leeds - 0825 0808 0813 0855 0837 - 0925 0851 0907 Leeds 1053 - 1125 1107 1113 1155 1137 1153 - 1225 Leeds 0205 0220 0315 0335 0450 0508 0551 0625 0603 0613 Bramley --0815 --0844 ---0914 Bramley ---1114 --1144 -- - Bramley -----0515 0558 -- - New Pudsey --0820 --0849 --0900 0919 New Pudsey 1102 --1119 --1149 1202 -- New Pudsey -----0520 0602 - 0613 - Bradford Interchange --0832 --0900 --0913 0932 Bradford Interchange 1112 --1131 --1200 1214 -- Bradford Interchange -----0532 0614 - 0625 - Halifax --0844 --0915 --0925 0944 Halifax 1125 --1144 --1215 1226 -- Halifax -----0544 0626 - 0640 - Cottingley ---0818 -- - - - - Cottingley --------- - Cottingley --------- - Morley ---0822 -- - - - - Morley ----1121 ---- - Morley ---------0621 Batley ---0827 -- - - - - Batley ----1126 ---- - Batley ---------0626 Dewsbury - 0836 - 0831 -- -0936 -- Dewsbury --1136 - 1129 ----1236 Dewsbury -------0636 - 0629 Mirfield ---0838 -- - - - - Mirfield ----1135 ---- - Mirfield ---------0635 Huddersfield --------- - Huddersfield --------- - Huddersfield 0245 - 0359 ------- Brighouse ---0849 -- - - - - Brighouse ----1149 ---- - Brighouse - 0242 - 0355 0535 ----0649 Sowerby Bridge ---0903 - 0924 --- - Sowerby Bridge ----1203 - 1224 -- - Sowerby Bridge -----0551 --0655 0703 Mytholmroyd ---0909 - 0930 --- - Mytholmroyd ----1209 - 1231 -- - Mytholmroyd -----0557 --0701 0709 Hebden Bridge - 0855 0902 0912 - 0934 - 0955 0939 1002 Hebden Bridge 1139 - 1155 1202 1212 - 1234 1240 - 1255 Hebden Bridge -----0600 0637 0654 0704 0712 Todmorden - 0901 0910 --0941 - 1002 - 1010 Todmorden --1202 1210 --1242 --1302 Todmorden -----0608 - 0701 0711 - Walsden --0913 --0944 ---1013 Walsden ---1213 --1245 -- - Walsden -----0611 --0714 - Littleborough --0919 --0950 ---1019 Littleborough ---1219 --1251 -- - Littleborough -----0617 --0721 - Smithy Bridge --0922 --0953 ---1022 Smithy Bridge ---1222 --1254 -- - Smithy Bridge -----0620 --0723 - Rochdale 0904 0910 0926 --0957 1005 1011 - 1026 Rochdale - 1204 1211 1226 --1258 - 1304 1311 Rochdale -----0624 - 0710 0728 - Castleton 0907 - 0929 ---1008 --1029 Castleton - 1207 - 1229 -- - -1307 - Castleton -----0627 --0731 - Mills Hill 0912 - 0934 ---1013