The Europe Region


News from the Committee

June 2014

. The Steering Committee: Corinna, Amanda and Catherine, who together form the Steering Committee of Europe Region WAGGGS met in Brussels on 5th and 6th April. This meeting was also attended by Maria João de Araújo Proenca who will liaise directly with Corinna and Amanda in Catherine’s absence.

This meeting was an important opportunity to prepare for the forthcoming meetings in June of the Europe Committee WAGGGS and the June meeting of the two Regional Committees of WAGGGS and WOSM, and the November meeting of the Europe Committee WAGGGS. The Steering Committee reviewed the draft Memorandum of Understanding ahead of the meeting with our WOSM counterparts and ensured it responded to feedback received from MOs both through the WAGGGS only and the Joint Evaluations. Discussions also included an update on preparations for the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting and cover for Catherine’s 15 week maternity leave.

. The meeting of the Co-ordinating Group (the two regional Steering Committees of WAGGGS and WOSM) allowed for more thorough review of the Memorandum of Understanding, the accompanying events planning framework and to share the ways of working of each Region so that both Regions will ultimately better understand the parameters and opportunities that each partner needs to work within. The Co-ordinating Group also reviewed the progress of current joint events, projects and initiatives and planning for future events and activities.

. The Europe Region Committee meeting: Held in the new offices of the Europe Region in Brussels from 7 to 9 June. The Whitsun weekend for many Guiding and Associations is the start of the camping season. As it happened, the Europe Committee met over that weekend from 6 to 8 June in Brussels – not for a camp, sadly, but for meetings over what must have been one of the warmest weekends ever at the beginning of June in Belgium...

The Committee discussed the following items:  updates on all the different MOs  update on targets of the strategy  the very successful event on Working on Gender with Men and Boys and how to follow up  the volunteers meeting and the work of the three volunteer core groups and resource pools

The Europe Region - World Association of and Girls Scouts, Avenue de la Port de Hal 39 – Box 1, 1060 Brussels, Belgium News from the Committee - cont’d

The committee also took some time to review their performance as a team. This evaluation clearly showed that the new ways of working with clearer roles, a clearer divide between a strategic board and an operational office supported by volunteer core groups and resource pools, is starting to kick in. Whilst there is still room for improvement and for making the systems clearer, it is clearly visible that things are changing for the better. Working with a strategy with clear targets helps the committee to set priorities as well as to measure easily where we stand.

The Committee also prepared the Regional Gathering due to take place during the World Conference and is looking forward to presenting the work of the Region. The Committee is also looking forward to many informal discussions with as many members of European MOs as possible and encourages all participants at the World Conference not be shy but come and talk to them! Also it is important to remember that before the Regional Gathering, there will be a short Extraordinary Meeting (EGM) of the European MOs to vote on the financial report for the year 2013.

During the weekend, the Committee enjoyed a pleasant dinner with staff from the Europe Office and used the opportunity to thank Mary Vanevanopoulou for all her great work for the Region. We will miss you, your knowledge, experiences and your energy, Mary!

. The Joint Committtees’ meeting: Following the meeting of the Europe Committee, there was also a meeting with the European Committee. The main outcome was the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between both Committees. A historical moment in Europe Region WAGGGS and WOSM, highly appreciated and celebrated by both Committees and Staff. This memorandum will also support us in improving our ways of working with WOSM and focus on the most important aspect of this partnership: ensuring that joint activities are effectively and efficiently delivered and responding to the real needs of MOs and NSOs.

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News from the office

The last 6 months have been even busier than usual in the Europe Office! On the staffing side, Gail Stewardson ended her service with the Region in April, having supported research into new donors, preparation of several exploratory concepts to new donors, contributed to the preparation of a new Friends Strategy and the Donor Advocacy project in partnership with WOSM.

Following the unanimous approval of the Europe Region Membership Development Strategy at Europe Conference in August last year, the Region has also embarked on a staff change process to ensure that the structure reflects the needs and job profiles required for the delivery of this strategy. Following a period of consultation, a new structure has been decided upon. In future, instead of the Development Executive role, Member Organisations will be supported by strategic Committee contacts in partnership with a team of staff with different profiles and skills sets:  Membership Development Manager – strategic role in co-ordinating and operationalizing plans with specific Member Organisations, in line with MO priorities, Europe Region targets and competencies available and the resources available  Membership Information and Communications Officer – this role will co-ordinate day-to-day communications with Member Organisations and take a lead on knowledge management which ensures that Member Organisations have a relationship with WAGGGS, and not only individuals within the team  Two technical advisors and project co-ordinators on Gender and Diversity and Learning and Development. These two roles will provide direct ‘consultancy services’ to Member Organisations and co-ordinate specific projects in line with the strategy. These two posts will also work in partnership with regional volunteers in the Regional Core Groups  Funding and Projects Co-ordinator – this position will take a lead on fundraising and supporting effective contract management for the Region as well as leading on specific projects in line with the strategy

Maria João de Araújo Proenca was recruited to the position of Membership Development Manager and started with Europe Region at the beginning of April. Maria João has strong programme and project cycle management experience working with partner organisations in a range of diverse contexts, including working with a wide range of donor organisations. She was previously a leader in Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting in Portugal and has a strong commitment to WAGGGS vision and mission. We are delighted to welcome her to the team and that Member Organisations will have the opportunity to meet her at World Conference.

Clemence Joris, Administration and Membership Officer has also now been appointed to the position of Membership Information and Communications Officer, and will start this new and exciting role over the Summer months once transition plans from old to new structure are finalized.

Catherine Hine, Regional Director, will be on maternity leave between 14th May and the start of September 2014. During this time, Sally Elkes, Membership Development Director and Maria João will cover some of Catherine’s ongoing responsibilities.

As you can see, whilst we are very excited about this dynamic new structure, there will be a period of transition. We ask that Member Organisations and partners bear with us and are sensitive during this time. If you have any questions about the change process, please direct these to Catherine (when available) or Sally Elkes (in Catherine’s absence). Please keep in mind that since this is a process governed by labour law and good practice on HR change management, Committee and staff will not be at liberty to discuss the detail of this change process with you.

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News from the office – Cont’d

Also in line with our commitments at Conference last year, Europe Region has reviewed its cost base and made the decision to move out of its office at Avenue de Porte de Hal to a new serviced office in Rue de l’Industrie. We would like to take this opportunity to thank SGP our former landlords. The new office, Mundo-J, will allow Europe Region to make significant savings in budget and staff time expenditure and is a hub principally for youth organisations. It is managed by Ethical Property Company (who also run the successful Mundo-B building for social change organisations in Brussels) who will provide a range of services to WAGGGS including cleaning, IT, telephones, security, reception, meeting room access etc., which previously have been the responsibility of WAGGGS staff to manage. Shortly after WAGGGS, the Brussels Office of the European Scout Region decided to move to the Mundo-J building. So we will continue to have the European Scout Region as our neighbours on the sixth floor!

We very much look forward to welcoming our Members and partners if they are visiting Brussels. Please keep in mind that it may be possible for you to access meeting facilities in the Mundo-J building if needed.

World Association of Girl We moved Guides and Girl Scouts

Rue de l’industrie 10, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel +32(0)2 893 2420

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Update on Regional Volunteers and the Regional Volunteering event “Growing girls growing members”

At the start of April, volunteers selected for the new Core Groups and for the mentoring and Gender Equality, Men and Boys project teams gathered in Brussels for a lively training and briefing and to begin work on some challenging but exciting assignments.

Briefing and training on the Region and its diversity, the Regional Membership Developmen t Strategy and its implications for the work of the Region, representing the Region, WAGGGS policies, approaches and specific training for mentors, all got creative juices flowing. Participants also contributed to initial discussions on the development of a Volunteering Policy, which will be developed over the coming months. In the second half of the meeting, volunteers worked on specific projects and assignments in the areas of mentoring, training and advocacy/communication.

At the end of the meeting volunteers described their feelings of: inclusion, engagement, enlightenment, inspiration and many more!

Now the Core Groups have begun their work with the Region and volunteers have already been assigned to the following assignments:

 Gender Equality and Men planning team Core Group volunteers are:  Education Working Group membership, European Youth Forum  Participation in European Youth event External Relations and Communications:  Annie Beckman  Panel speaker on gender in European Youth event  Academy planning team  Lilit Chilingaryan- Representative to the Advisory Council, Council of Europe In future mentors will be selected and trained before being matched to specific assignments.  Monica Lyby Assignments will be documented in clear terms of reference agreed between Member  Eline Marie Groholt Organisations and the Region and the new Core Group will both be responsible for fair and effective matching of trained volunteers and for ongoing supervision and support to practicing Mentoring: mentors.  Jess Bond

 Paula Vikari Some updates from these volunteers are included in this newsletter…  Stine Nielsen

Trainers and Events:  Alenka Oblak This event, together with “Working with men and boys on gender equality”, is part of the Growing girls and young women to lead  Fiona Lejosne the future Europe that is funded by the European Youth  Niklas Eustrom Foundation of the Council of Europe.

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The Overtures Meeting 2014

Jambville, the national training centre of the Scouts et Guides de France, was the setting for the latest meeting of the Overtures Network, which took place between 4-6 April. Guide and Scout leaders working with diversity issues at national and local level from 17 different associations across Europe met together for an intensive few days of discussion and practical activities on the theme of Scouting and Guiding in urban areas where there is high social deprivation. Leaders from Scouts et Guides de France shared their experiences of providing Guiding and Scouting activities in these contexts and some of the challenges they faced.

For the participants of the Overtures Network meeting, it continues to be an opportunity to share good practice, improve knowledge on the topics discussed and be inspired to continue to reach out to young people who might otherwise not have an opportunity to experience Guiding and Scouting. The meeting was the third event in the project “Embracing Change | European Guides and Scouts Actively Integrating Diversity” – the project of the Europe Region WAGGGS in collaboration with the Overture Network and supported by the Youth in Action Programme of the European Union – to support the development of the Overture network. Regardless if your association is already working on diversity or thinking about how you can reach out to young people from marginalized or disadvantaged backgrounds, the Overtures network meeting is a good place to be to share your experiences and learn from others. If your association would like to participate, the next meeting will take place in Rotterdam in October – visit the Overture network’s website for more information.

The Europe Region WAGGGS is currently looking for 5 Member Organisations to work with on diversity. One of the objectives of the Europe Region Membership Development Strategy is that 5 MOs achieve an increase in membership by targeting diverse groups in their local population by 2016. The Europe Region could support the MOs by putting them in touch with associations outside G/S, helping them develop a realistic plan to increase membership from target groups, sharing the knowledge and experience of the Overture Network, providing information on European trends in diversity and tools, training and projects, and much more...

If your Organisation is interested in working with the Region on diversity, please contact Rosemary at [email protected]

For information: The next meeting will be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 18-19 October 2014.

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“Working with Men and Boys on Gender Equality” event – 9-12 May 2014, Finland

The Europe Region WAGGGS has championed a gender aware approach in the new Membership Development Strategy and at World level. The Europe Membership Development Strategy, approved at the 14th European Guide Conference by Member Organisations (MOs), identifies Gender as one of the four thematic strategies, priority areas for the Europe Region. The Europe Region WAGGGS started working on this thematic strategy with a project to explore how to most effectively work with boys and men in achieving WAGGGS Vision’s that all girls and women are valued and take action to change the world. The Working with Men and Boys on Gender Equality event took place in Helsinki, Finland, from 9 to 12 May 2014 with 29 participants from 17 countries in Europe and from the Arab and Asia-Pacific WAGGGS’ Regions. The event was funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the Guides and Scouts of Finland. It aimed at promoting boys and men’s engagement as champions of a world that works for girls, boys, women and men, in youth organisations and in European societies.

During the event, participants shared experiences and tools developed to engage associations, men and women, boys and girls in gender work. Some associations have specific commissions dedicated to gender equality work; others have conducted analysis to understand how membership growth and the relevance of educational programmes are influenced by gender dynamics; others are implementing measures to promote women’s leadership and participation in decision-making in the association.

Participants came to the conclusion that a lot has still to be done to raise awareness within the associations and in the society around gender issues and how the gender imbalance affects us all, girls and boys, women and men. Gender mainstreaming - meaning the adoption of gender perspectives and attention to the goal of gender equality in all activities (constitution, educational programme, training, finances, decision-making and leadership, etc.) - has been identified as a very effective strategy to achieve gender equality. Mainstreaming gender will help associations providing best possible circumstances for the individual members to grow to their fullest potential without being limited by their gender, and social expectations and roles connected, in line with WAGGGS’ mission “To enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world”.

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“Working with Men and Boys on Gender Equality” event – 9-12 May 2014, Finland – Cont’d

As a result of the event, the Europe Region WAGGGS will be able to share by the World Check out Europe Region WAGGGS’ Conference a report with learning and latest resources to promote Gender recommendations to all leaders and Equality in Guiding and Scouting associations that want to engage boys and men Associations! in promoting and creating equal opportunities for These resources, the Be a gender hero all and at all levels of society. website ( and During the event a young artist interpreted hot the booklet Your chance to balance discussions and key messages into cartoons. the gender imbalance are addressed to leaders of all ages and can be download here in French and English.

The Europe Region WAGGGS, together with the new Gender and Diversity coordinator that will be recruited, will follow-up from the discussions, learning and recommendations of the event to identify how we can add value to MOs willing to work on gender. This will contribute to the achievement of the following targets of the European Membership Development Strategy:

. At least 100 young men from MOs championing gender in local or regional contexts; . 10 MOs achieving at least 5 milestones against their plans to improve young women's participation in decision making in their structures

If you or your association are working or want to work on gender equality, please get in touch with us [email protected]. We will be happy to hear your ideas and discuss how to bring them forward!

Thank you to the Planning Team volunteers: George Arvalis, Paula Viikari and Tania Mandez, and to the wonderful Host team of the Guides and Scouts of Finland, who all contributed to the success of the event.

The event was funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the Guides and Scouts of Finland.

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Did you know.....? that WAGGGS Europe offers a mentoring service to our members?

Mentoring is about supporting individuals or groups within MOs so that they develop more effectively – this could be individuals such as the Chief Commissioner or International Commissioner, or groups such as the National Board or an Event Team. Any MO can request a mentor – it is not just for MOs with specific characteristics or at certain stages of development.

That’s why, within ERW, mentoring relationships are developed in a flexible way; meeting the needs of the MO and personal development /of the mentee(s), as well as contributing to the Region’s Membership Development Strategy. Through the Mentoring Group, we offer Member Organisations the opportunity to receive advice, support and encouragement from an enthusiastic and committed Mentor.

This individual will not do everything for you, they will not solve all your or your MOs problems in one go – rather they will act as a facilitator and trusted friend to help ease the process of learning. They will offer help and guidance, they will provide support, they will question and challenge, they will give honest feedback, they will help you to evaluate and learn from your experiences. Above all, they will work hard in partnership with you to build up trust and ensure an effective mentoring relationship.

In order to make sure that the roles and responsibilities are clear, this triennium each mentoring relationship will have a Terms of Reference written for it. This is a new process which we hope will mean that it is clear from the outset what is expected of everyone involved, what the aims and objectives are and timescales to work towards. This will give a clear structure to help the Mentor to begin to develop links with their Mentee(s). Also our new volunteer structure enables the Mentoring Core Group to provide the right support and guidance to our wider group of mentors, to promote mentoring as a learning approach across ERW and to ensure that all Mentoring relationships are constructive and operating effectively.

If you are interested in finding out more, speak to your Country Contact.

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Deutschsprachige Konferenz (DSK)

From 14 to 16 February the German speaking Guide and Scout associations met for their yearly informal meeting German Speaking Conference (DSK, Deutschsprachige Konferenz). This year’s edition of the event was organized by the Dutch Guides and Scouts. Around 70 participants gathered in Soest (NL), the Europe Committee was represented by Nina Fleck and Corinna Hauri. The topic of the meeting was „Developing Local Groups“. The Dutch Association presented their successful and innovative way of supporting local groups and working with them on Growth. This was followed by different workshops where best practices around supporting local groups. Nina Fleck facilitated to a workshop the connection between gender and growth. There was also a moment when MOs exchanged on their experiences on working with “Free being me”. Half a day was dedicated to information from all the associations present as well updates from WAGGGS and WOSM. An excursion to the famous Soest inland sand dunes and a dinner in an old wind mill did not only give the opportunity to get a Dutch experience but also to discuss informally with other participants.

Pictures here:

Lisboa Group

From 28 to 20 March, the Guide and Scout Associations from Latin Speaking Countries met for their yearly informal meeting “Lisboa Group”. The meeting was organized by the Italian Federation (FIS, Federazione Italina dello Scautismo) in Milan. It was the first time that this event included WAGGGS only MOs and that WAGGGS was officially invited as well. Corinna Hauri, Chair of the Europe Committee, attended on behalf of the Europe Region and witnessed how a meeting is held in many different languages – and still everybody understands each other. The official language being French, it is ok for people to speak Italian, Spanish, Catalan, and Portuguese as well. Around 40 participants listened to the Chairs of the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region explain their respective leadership initiatives and give updates from the Regions, discussed together the upcoming world conferences, had great Italian food and visited an NGO fair. All those moments gave opportunities for the most important objective of the Lisboa Group: to network among people with a similar language.

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Czech Republic

More than 450 delegates representing 50.000 Guides and Scouts from local groups of the

Czech Republic were present at JUNAK’s General Assembly that took place in Litomyšl in March 2014. The Europe Region WAGGGS was also present, accepting the kind invitation of our Member Organization and took the opportunity to meet with leaders of JUNAK and members of their National Board. Pascale Vandersmissen, Member of Europe Committee WAGGGS and Country Contact for Czech Republic together with Nicola Grinstead, Deputy Chair of the World Board WAGGGS, were present as the delegates discussed and approved many decisions concerning the future framework of their Association and JUNAK’s new Strategy 2022. Recognizing JUNAK’s valuable work in the area of non- formal education for the benefit of young people across Czech Republic, representatives of the civil society present at the GA, followed the decisions made throughout the weekend. During the General Assembly, Pascale and Nicola had the chance to present JUNAK with numerous ideas for further collaboration with WAGGGS, as well as projects where JUNAK’s participation will be highly appreciated. We are looking forward to an exciting future together!

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Member of the Europe Committee WAGGGS, Nina Fleck visited Bandalag íslenskra skáta (BIS) between 4-6 April. As well as addressing their General Assembly, providing general information about WAGGGS, our current focus and how the guides and scouts of Iceland can benefit from WAGGGS and our services, Nina also had the opportunity to meet the new WAGGGS International Commissioner for the association, Jón Þór Gunnarsson. Nina also delivered a workshop on the topic of gender, one of the strategic priorities in the Europe Region Membership Development Strategy.


In February, Amanda Medler, member, Europe Committe and Sally Elkes (Director of Membership Development and World Centres, WAGGGS) had three days of meetings and visits with The Israel Boy and Girl Scouts Federation. They had the opportunity to visit a tribe in Tel Aviv, a women’s project in Jaffa, and to meet with ICs past and present as well as Yehuda Fisher, the Chief Commissioner.

They were excited to learn and to exchange lots of ideas for future collaboration and sharing. They have already put some actions into place, and the Federation is looking to appoint a WAGGGS IC at the earliest opportunity. We are grateful to everyone who made this a successful trip and are looking forward to working together going forward.

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Funding -Finance

Donor Advocacy project - Partnership with WOSM Reminder:

One of the biggest challenges facing MOs and NSOs in Europe is access to sufficient funding with the right terms and conditions to deliver and cover the The Europe Region Finance Report to the EGM in Hong Kong was costs of planned Guiding and Scouting activities. Although national circulated in Euromail 2014/10 on 27 May 2014. The Finance Report governments and international institutions are concerned about the situation will be voted on at the EGM that will take place on Tuesday 8 July of young people in their countries and, particularly their skills development 2014 at the World Conference in Hong Kong. For those MOs who and employability at this time of high unemployment for young people in have not replied to the invitation may we ask you to confirm Europe, MOs and NSOs across the two Regions in Europe continue to face attendance by emailing the name, title and MO represented to challenges in attracting the quantity and quality of funding they need to [email protected] deliver life-changing, non-formal education and volunteering opportunities for This document is available here on the members’ area young people. Whilst the WAGGGS response to the Conference Motion is not an item For this reason, we invite you to take part in a Europe-wide survey by for the EGM, we thought it would be helpful to circulate these two completing this questionnaire ( documents together as they both relate to the financial position of the which has been designed by the Europe Region WAGGGS and the Region. European Scout Region of WOSM, working in partnership. The data which we shall collect from your answers will be analysed and translated into an You can find this document here evidence-based policy paper to inform clear recommendations to donors and governments on their role in contributing to the sustainability of associations and their work with young people across Europe.

Please complete the survey before 29 June 2014.

Moreover, we are collecting studies on the impact of NSOs and MOs, Scouting and Guiding, in Society and on the Economy. Have you done an impact study? Do you have a report on the hours of volunteering done by your NSO/MO? Please send it to us at [email protected]! Help us to show the impact of Scouting and Guiding across Europe!

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The Europe Region WAGGGS wishes to share their seminar and events calendar with you all, to help your planning, budgeting and selection process.

Event 2014 Venue Date Type of event 35th WAGGGS World Conference Hong Kong 5-9 July 2014 WAGGGS World Event

th Europe Region WAGGGS EGM Hong Kong 8 July 2014 WAGGGS only event and Gathering Overture Network Meeting Rotterdam, The Netherlands 18-19 October 2014 External event supported by WAGGGS & WOSM  Part funding available from WAGGGS

Communicating to grow young women’s Slovak Republic, TBC October 2014 WAGGGS only event leadership

Academy 2014 Belgrade, Serbia 4-9 November 2014 Joint event – Organised in partnership with WOSM

Chief Executives’ Meeting Scheduled for 2nd half November - TBC Joint event – Organised in partnership with WOSM

Events 2015 Venue Date Type of event Academy 2015 TBA Scheduled in the last quarter of Joint event – Organised in partnership with WOSM 2015

Chief Executives’ meeting TBA Scheduled in November of 2015 Joint event – Organised in partnership with WOSM

Chief Volunteers Consultation will take place with Chief Volunteers on the most useful Joint event – Organised in partnership with WOSM time to meet.

IC Forum TBA Scheduled for the latter part of 2015 Joint event – Organised in partnership with WOSM

Event 2016 Venue Date Type of event

European Conferences Oslofjord Convention Centre, June 2016 TBC Hosted by Speidernes Fellesorganisasjon and Norway organised in partnership with WAGGGS & WOSM Roverway 2016 France August 2016 TBC Hosted by Scoutisme Français and organised in partnership with WAGGGS & WOSM

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20 July 2014- 27 July 2014 - Landsmót skáta 2014 - International in Iceland 2014

The Icelandic Guides and Scouts will host a InterNational Jamboree at Hamrar Akureyri. Hamrar is a Scout centre owned by the city of Akureyri but operated by Icelandic Guides and Scouts.

Guides and Scouts aged 10 and older from all over the world are welcome to join the Jamboree. For more information please visit our webpage

26 July 2014- 2 August 2014 - atlantis14 - regional camp of the Swedish- speaking Guides and Scouts of Finland 22 July 2014- 30 July 2014 - Piiru14 regional camp for all the scouts and guides from Southwest Finland The atlantis14 will be held in Hanko, close to Helsinki surrounded by sandy beaches, clear waters and old pine forests. Like the name, the theme of the Piiru 14 is a camp, held in Evo’s, in Hämeenlinna, for the camp is build around the mysterious sunken city of Atlantis and the key Guides and Scouts from Southwest Finland where all words will be explore-adventure-together. The nature’s elements are going to foreign Guides and Scouts of 12-years of age or older are be part of the activities. warmly welcome to join them. They expect about 4000 participants. For more information, please see our webage All participants must be members of national Guiding and/or Scouting associations and meet the requirements of their own Association concerning travelling abroad. Piiru 14’s themes are global citizenship, protection of the environment and finding one’s true potential. 1 August 2014- 10 August 2014 - Route Nazionale 2014 -“Paths of Courage”

For more information please see our webpage Organized by AGESCI, "Route Nazionale", is a typical activity for Italian Rovers and Rangers, with some 500 foreign participants from European and Arabic Associations. Foreign participants will form International Communities together with Italian groups; each one of them will be made up of about 50 people. The event is open to young people between the ages of 18 to 21 years.

30th July – Wed 6th August 2014 – XPLORE14 is Ulster’s international camp, For more information see our webpage for Senior Section, Guides & from all over the world!

The camp will be held, at Castle Saunderson Scout Centre, Belturbet, Co Cavan. Located on the border between the Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland, a 90 minute drive from both Dublin and Belfast airports.

A brand new site, set in 30 acres of water and forest, XPLORE14 will be a fun filled week of adventure, exploring the outdoors and having lots of fun!

Want for find out more? Take a look on the website or follow them on twitter and facebook

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Did you know.....? that Bandalag Islenskra Skata (BIS or the Icelandic Boy & Girl Scout Association) has successfully developed a social enterprise that is tackling an important environmental problem in Iceland and also providing sustainable financial support for the association and its activities.

The Green Scouts of Iceland.

Social enterprises are businesses that trade to tackle social problems, improve communities, people’s life chances, or the environment. They make their money from selling goods and services in the open market, and reinvest their profits back into the business or local community.

Bandalag Islenskra Skata (BIS or the Icelandic Boy & Girl Scout Association) is one association belonging to the Europe Region WAGGGS which has successfully developed such a social enterprise. It’s not only tackling an important environmental problem in Iceland but also providing sustainable financial support for the association and its activities.

The Europe Region thought other MOs in the region would be interested in this initiative and asked Hermann Sigurðsson, Chief Executive of BIS to tell us more:

Could you tell us about the business BIS is running? What does the business do and how did it start?

Grænir Skátar (Green Scouts) is the company which BIS set up in 1989 following a change in the law in Iceland, which meant that consumers could get a refund on their used cans if they took them to be recycled. Grænir Skátar set up 50 recycling bins around Reykjavik so the Icelandic public could donate the cans to our association, who were then able to reclaim the refund and use the money raised to support our activities. Today, there are now 130 stations around Reykjavik where the public can donate aluminium cans, plastic bottles, etc and the number of recycling stations continues to grow. The proceeds raised equal a third of the income of our association, providing significant support for our activities, and having the logo of the enterprise in so many places around Reykjavik has increased the public’s awareness about Guiding and Scouting and the opportunities we provide for young people.

Our business is giving back to the community in other ways, now employing eight people with learning or physical disabilities to collect and sort the cans. And BIS is also the leading youth organization in Iceland being seen to take action to protect the environment - an important value of Guiding and Scouting.

What kind of challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?

In the beginning it was a risk to invest in the opportunity from the change in Icelandic law – it was costly to collect the cans and the containers were difficult to empty. However, we redesigned the containers and developed partnerships with other non-profit organizations in Iceland such as search and rescue teams and sports clubs so that they could also share the proceeds, and which meant that we were able to put the containers to collect the cans in even more locations. New ways of work also made the collection process more efficient, and now the recycling business in Iceland is collecting 90% of the cans and bottles in circulation.

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The Green Scouts of Iceland – Cont’d

What has been your major achievement through the social enterprise you’ve set up?

As well as raising substantial funds for the association, we are pleased to be able to give something back to the community by providing an important service. And the greater recognition we have as a result of the business has been an added bonus. We can only see the company continue to grow.

We’ve also diversified and have established another business.

Tjaldaleiga Scouts rents out tents and marquees and related equipment, for camps, festivals and other outdoor activities using the decades of experience we’ve developed in erecting and maintaining tents and camping equipment. The income from this company is also used to support the association’s activities.

If an association in the Europe region was thinking of setting up a social enterprise, would you have any advice?

Be ready to think out of the box, and to take advantage of such opportunities such as we did when the law was changed in Iceland in 1989. However, it was also important that we set up a business which had a strong connection to our values and which the public could identify with. Thank you to Hermann for interrupting his busy day to talk about Grænir Skátar – you can find more information here and watch the latest video promoting Grænir Skátar here The European Youth Forum has also been looking at how youth organizations can diversify to develop financial independence and build their capacity – you can find their toolkit on setting up a co-operative here. Download Money Grows on Trees, which also features how Associazione Guide e Scouts Cattolici Italiani (AGESCI) are also working to diversify their income.

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Volunteering in WAGGGS – Over the next two pages read about WAGGGS’ volunteer experiences

Guiding and Scouting are great movements providing us with so many incredible opportunities.

I was convinced of it one more time when at the end of February 2014 I was appointed to represent WAGGGS at the Advisory Council on Youth for 2014-2015.

The Advisory Council o n Youth (AC) is a Council of Europe body made up of 30 representatives from youth NGOs and networks that provide opinions and input on all youth-sector activities. It also ensures that young people are involved in other activities of the Council of Europe. In its turn, the Council of Europe is the continent's leading human rights organisation promoting co-operation between European countries for protecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The AC is the non-governmental partner in the co-managed bodies of the Council of Europe’s Youth Department.

At the end of March during our first AC meeting, based on the priorities which had already been adopted by the Council of Europe, we decided on the topics we would like to work during our mandate. I have chosen to work on the following areas: Recognition of Youth Work and Non-formal Education; Transition to autonomy (work life) - youth employment and youth employability - fighting discrimination; Integration of young people with disabilities; Enter! 2.

Currently we are finalizing our action plan for our mandate to decide on the actions we need to take for achieving our goals. So far, I have been involved in the “Consultative meeting on quality standards and tools in non-formal education with young people in preparation of a generic training of trainers in non-formal education” to prepare a training of trainers in non-formal education planned for 2015 . By informal mapping of offers and approaches, we developed ideas about the format of the course, the profile of trainers and area of competences, the profile of participants, quality standards and evaluation

The Advisory Council also issued a joint statement with the European Youth Forum on the situation in Ukraine and a statement of solidarity with youth in the Balkans.

The start of my journey in the AC has been very exciting and I look forward working with so many great individuals of our AC team: seeing so many young people protecting youth rights and doing their best to change to world for the better for all youth is priceless.

I hope that being an AC member I can support both the implementation of the Europe Region strategy as well as the needs of WAGGGS MOs. I truly believe that working on such issues as the recognition of youth work and non-formal education will support the region’s plans to grow, become more diverse and become a Movement which recognizes the needs of both male and female leaders and provides them with more opportunities to participate fully in their community, as well as trying to meet some of the challenges facing young people today. I would love to hear from MOs how I can support your work through my participation in the Advisory Council;, please let me know about any projects you are working on so I can raise awareness about what you are doing and help you be part of relevant activities on these issues being organized by the Council of Europe.

I am very honoured to have been selected for this incredible opportunity and feel the huge responsibility of representing WAGGGS in such a big international organization – however, I feel optimistic that I can make a great contribution in this role to support the work of the Europe Region WAGGGS and our Members. Lilit Chilingaryan, WAGGGS External Relations and Communications, Representative to the Advisory Council, Council of Europe

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My name is Ilaria Esposito and I am from Italy (CNGEI) and I have been part of the WAGGGS external representatives' Working Group for the Europe Region from 2010 to 2013. My story talks about empowerment, participation and ADVOCATES FOR GENDER EQUALITY.

The story starts in the 1993 when I joined CNGEI member association. At that time, I was 12 years old and living in problematic neighbourhood. AT 19 years old I became a youth leader myself for a local group and I brought other children in from my neighbourhood. At 25, I was involved in the international team of my organization and I realized that I wanted to communicate with as many people as possible coming from different backgrounds. Participating in international projects stimulated me to keep studying English, and the same thing happened when working on environmental issues with my local group, pushing me to think creatively and continue studying environmental chemistry and energy management. Of course, the more you feel empowered, the more you feel this pioneering spirit, which leads you to take up other commitments. Hence, thanks to Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting, I have learnt the fascinating fields of Non-formal education and youth policies. I am sure I have met some of you at COP14 and COP 15 respectively in Poland and in Denmark as I was part of the European Youth Forum delegation! Encouraged by and presented as a WAGGGS candidate, I was elected as member of the Advisory Council on youth of the Council of Europe in 2011. When I started my mandate, the Council of Europe was calling upon the 50 member states to make gender equality a reality and move from legal equality to real equality. Working for the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe, was an opportunity to empower myself, but also an opportunity to help change the lives of young people.

In WAGGGS, I was already active in the Stop Violence Campaign and was in the middle of organizing a European seminar on the topic. Hence, when the opportunity to become Gender equality rapporteur of the youth sector of the Council of Europe came up I did not hesitate a second in proposing myself. I knew that WAGGGS could contribute greatly in this regard.

During my mandate as GER I represented member states and youth organizations being part of my committee, watched over the programming process of my committee (i.e. the process of identifying priorities, preparing activity proposals, setting-up and implementing the activities, and evaluating the results) in order to ensure that a gender perspective is properly integrated. Furthermore, I was requested to liaise with the Gender Equality Commission and be in contact with gender equality rapporteurs from other committees to make ensure mobilisation of all Council of Europe bodies (including the intergovernmental structures) and its external partners on the topic of gender equality.

Results during my mandate included the setting up and strengthening of the structures of the Transversal Programme, (in particular the establishment of the network of national focal points and the appointment and training of gender equality rapporteurs). The integration and implementation of a gender perspective in all areas of work of the Council, the support to the implementation of gender equality standards by the member states, as well as further developing co-operation with other international organisations. In respect to the latter, joint efforts to promote, signature and ratification of the Istanbul Convention were highlighted as particularly successful. The adoption of the Gender Equality Strategy (2014-2017) by the Committee of Ministers on 6 November 2013 marked an important turning point in the Organisation’s commitment to gender equality, mobilising all Council of Europe actors around a limited but important number of clear objectives and mobilising all Council. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr Thorbjørn Jagland, pointed out that the expertise and leadership of the Gender Equality Commission and the Gender Equality Rapporteurs will be key to the implementation of the strategy and reiterated his commitment and support for its work and activities.

In conclusion, I want to thank WAGGGS and my national association, because through my experiences of volunteering for the organization, using programmes and opportunities for advocacy and community action, sharing challenges and adventures, I can contribute within the society in which I live. On a personal and fundamental level I understood through Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting that I would have always been entitled to make up my mind and choose what for me was good and without fear share my ideas with others. I can rationally say that this has positively influenced my personal relationships based on respect, dialogue and my values as a human being.

Ilaria Esposito, WAGGGS External Representatives 2010 -2013 - Gender Equality rapporteur for the Joint Council on Youth of the Council of Europe World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts – The Europe Region Page ~ - 19 - ~

Did you know that ...?

i-lead (i-learn, i-achieve, i-inspire) The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and Dove have free on-line leadership course joined together to work towards this incredible vision. Together, we want to empower girls and boys to reach their full potential and strengthen their body confidence and self-esteem in the process.

Join us and let’s make it happen What kind of leader are you? What are the traits of a great leader? Discover yours At the World Conference, the Free Being Me team will be running a Do you want to join a global community of leaders across 6 continents? Do roundtable session to consult Member Organisations on advocacy you want to become a leader in your community, country and more? i-Lead activities they could do as part of the programme. As a precursor to these gives you the opportunity to work with thousands of women around the world discussions, WAGGGS would like to invite women of all ages – with a to develop leadership. Register today, it’s free, it’s online, it’s available to all, particular focus on young women – to complete a short survey, which can and it’s easy to access! be found here:

The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts conducts over 300 The survey will explore how body confidence issues affect different training events across 80 countries every year, so it is no surprise that we people, who girls and young women are influenced by in their countries consider ourselves to be experts in leadership. 9 out of 10 young women and communities and how WAGGGS should target those who hold the involved in the movement consider themselves to be leaders and with i-Lead ‘body confidence’ power. we want to reach even more. The course covers leadership theory, emotional intelligence, assertiveness, cross-cultural communication and teamwork and each session can be completed in only 20 minutes – when Free being me and where you want. Imagine a world where no-one is worried about the way they look “Because leadership is a never-ending journey, there is always something . new to learn and experience” Ale Salas, Costa Rica A world where people are free to be themselves…

Read more about this fantastic opportunity here. If you register and complete module 1 before 30 June 2014 you will be in with a chance of winning one of five tablet computers.

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Did you know.....? …. that WAGGGS is interested in hearing your Guiding and Girl Scouting stories

“Scoutrailing”, What’s that? Emelie Blondin, a Guide from Sweden says “You should try it!” “Two trips, 10 countries and so many new exciting meetings and experiences. I have found my way of travelling, I do it as member of the Guiding and Scouting movement.!”

You can read all about Emelie’s exciting and her advice on how to plan and make contact with Guides/Scouts around the Globe here.

Do you have a story to tell about your Guiding and Girl Scouting experiences, about how Guiding and Girl Scouting has helped you become who you are, about what it is you enjoy in Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting? Don’t be shy, send it to [email protected] and it may get published on our website.

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