Oa/ladle/1 g az/lad/an gag&

INDICATEUR DU 29 OCTOBRE1967AU 27AVRIL1968 TIME TABLE OCTOBER 290,1967 TO APRIL 270,1968 Go Caribbean raites une croisiere aux the White Empress way. Antilles en paquebot Empress

Make your Caribbean cruise the most perfect holiday ever. Go Votre croisiere dans les mers du sud sera alors une reussite com- "Empress of " and have a swinging time. The shipboard plete. A bord de l' "Empress of Canada", la vie est extremement fun includes parties, dancing, bridge, entertainment, swimming agreable: fetes nombreuses, divertissements varies, danse, bridge, or just plain relaxing. The meals are great, the service perfect. natation ou sieste sur les ponts. Cuisine excellente. Et l'Empress And your White Empress stops at all the most colourful Caribbean fait escale dans les plus beaux ports des Antilles. Tarifs a compter Islands. Fares start as low as $275 for the 9-day cruise. de $275 pour une croisiere de 9 jours.

There are 7 cruises from New York. Choose your date: II y a 7 croisieres avec departs de New York. Faites votre choix: Dec. 9-12 days / Dec. 22-11 days / Jan. 18-15 days / 9 dec.-12 jours / 22 dec.-11 jours / 18 janv.-15 jours / Feb. 3-13 days / Feb. 17-19 days / Mar. 9-13 days! Mar. 23-9 days. 3 fev.-13 jours /17 fev.-19 jours / 9 mars-13 jours / 23 mars-9 jours


SAFETY INFORMATION: S.S. Empress of Canada, registered in RENSEIGNEMENTS DE SECURITE: V "Empress of Canada" est Great Britain, meets international safety standards for new ships immatricule en Grande-Bretagne et satisfait aux exigences inter- developed in 1960. nationales de securite etablies en 1960 pour les nouveaux bateaux. TABLE 'The Canadian TABLEAU I SCENIC DOME • DOME PANORAMIQUE STAINLESS STEEL STREAMLINER VOITURES MODERNES EN ACIER INOXYDABLE EXPLANATION OF SIGNS ITINERAIRE -TRANSCONTINENTAL - SCHEDULE a Does not carry local passengers between , Westmount, Montreal West and Dorval, nor between and West Toronto. ALL SPACE RESERVED NO EXTRA FARE • Arrives and leaves from Pier A3 in Vancouver. TOUS SIEGES RESERVES SANS FRAIS ADDITIONNELS a! Stops on signal to entrain or detrain revenue passengers. Note-Additional stops of "The Canadian" are shown on Tables 3,4, For your added convenience, seats may be reserved for dinner in the deluxe Dining Room car. 5 and 6. Pour pius de commodite, vous pouvez reserver vos si,:•ges pour le diner dans la voiture-restaurant. • Inquire from Agents retarding connecting services at Nanaimo via E. 4 N. Ry. and Vancouver Island Coach Line to and from Victoria Montreal to/6 Vancouver 72 hrs. 40 min. Vancouver to/6 Montreal 71 hrs. 35 min. and other points on Vancouver island. Toronto to/6 Vancouver 68 hrs. 55 min. Vancouver to/6 Toronto 67 hrs. 45 min. • No baggage checking facilities at Vancouver Wharf. All checked baggage is handled through Vancouver Station Baggage Room. Wassward.-Vors youost Eastward-Vero Past EL-Eastern Time. CT-Central Time. The Exam- The Exam- Canadian KT.-Mountain Time. PT-Pacific Time. ple Miles 1 Canadian ple Daily Exem- Mlles Millet Altitude Millag Daily Exem- Quotidian pla Quotidian pie No. I No. 2 EQUIPMENT 200 Pm 0.0 110 OP Montreal ET, HE. . k 2870.5 9.35 pa Mo.„11..u. a 2,06 PM 20 152 OP Westmount k 2876.5 a 9 28 an Trains 1-11 and 2-12 "THE CANADIAN" a 2.12 pen 4.7 157 DP Montreal Weft at 2873.8 a 9 20 PM a 2.18 am 9.5 89 Op Dorval Ar 2868.9 a 9.10 Pm Scenic-Dome Lounge Sleeper with Drawing Room and Bedrooms. 4 05 Pm 109.0 214 At Ottawa k 2769.5 7.11) rm 5 05 Pm 140.2 450 k Carleton Mao. Ar 2738.3 x 6 26 Pill Scenic-Dome Coffee Shop. z 5 28 Pm 163.6 300 Az Arnprier k 2714.9 x 5 58 Pri z 6.03 Pm u 181.9 416 Ar Renfrew At 2696. z 5.31 r" Stainless Steel Streamlined Sleepers with Drawing Rooms. Compart- z 6.48 PM 216.6 381 kr Penvbroke k 266i. X 4 54 PM ments, Bedrooms, Roomettes, Duplex Roomettes, Standard Berths. 7,28 Pm 238.4 a 523 Ar Chalk River k 2640. 4.20 Prm Stainless Steel Streamlined Coaches with reserved seats. 10.08 PM 355.7 662 k North Bay k 2522. 1.20 Pm Sa.Sa. 12.01 am 434.7 857 At Sudbury DP 2443. 11.45 an id Dining R00,11 Car. No. II No. 12 545 rn Fr. Vs. 0.0 254 0P Toren.° k 2703.6 5 45 an a 6 00 PM 4.5 393 VP West Toronto Ar 2699.1 a 5 25 PM 8.43 Pm 131.4 790 k MacTier 2.45 Pm a 9.19 Pm 154.5 686 Ar Parry Sound k 2549. 2 08 Pm EXPLICATION DES SYMBOLES 11.40 Pm 259:8 857 k Sudbury OPk 2572.12443. 11.50 aM I' ele. 1 No.2 a NG transeorte pas de voyageurs locaux entre Montreal, Westmount, 12.53 an 434.7 857 DO Sudbury Jr 2443.8 11.05 Ng Montreal-Ouest et Dorval ni entre Toronto et Toronto-Duest. 1.40 am 468.7 1378 k Cnrtior k 2409.8 10.15 an e Arrivee et depart du miai A3 A Vancouver. 4.5) mi 605.1 1412 Ar CnIapleau k x 6.37 WI 663.0 1247 k Nlissanabie k 2215.5 x -20 ell z Arret our signal pour prendre nu laisser descendre les voyageurs 8.25 ere 735.0 1225 At White River k eayants. 9.(11 am 756.2 1200 k Region k 2273.4 150,:i6 an 9 55 am 798.0 703 Ar Marathon k 2080. x 1.49 an Note-Arrets additionnels de "The Canadian" sont indigoes dens Its z11.17 am 845.2 896 Ar Terrace Bay Ar 2033.3 x12.37 an tableaux 3, 4, 5 of 6. 11.35 am 853.3 996 Ar Schreiber k 2025.2 12.10 311 z 1.07 Pm 916.6 682 k Nipigon k • Se renseigner adores des agents au sujet des services E. et. N. By 961.9 x10.40 Pm et Vancouver Island Coach Line reliant Nanaimo A Victoria et z 1.16 Pm 921.6 642 Ar Red Rock k 956.9 210 32 rn autres endroits dans l'ile de Vancouver. 2,42 PM 981.8 614 Ar Port Arthur k 89 9 15 Pm 3.05 Prn 986.2 617 Ar Fort William ET/HE.. Op 89 9,00 PrIl • Pas reenregistrement des bagages au (teal de Vancouver. La 5.12 PM 133.4 1486 Ar Ignace .CT/NC.. 74 . 4.45 Om manipulation des bagages enregistris se fait a la consigns de la 6.26 Pm 196.7 1224 Ar Dryden 3,29 Pn gare de Vancouver. 8.13 Pm 279.6 1091 Ar Kenore 'Af V) • 1.40 Prn 10,40 Pm 405.3 772 At Winnipeg Ar 47 :2 10.40 an HE-Heure de rest. HC-Heure Gentrale 12.15 an Su. Di. 460.9 858 k Portage la Prairie k Z 1.35 an 527.1 225 k Douglas (Sell° Camp) Ar 351.4li .6 x9.27 8.20 an HR-Heure des Rocheuses. HP-Heure du Pacifique. 1.57 am 538.4 204 k Brandon k .1 7 7 am z 2.53 am 585.6 451 k Virden k i19.9 x )an 4.40 am 669.3 968 Al Broadview k 209.2 5.27 an 6.27 am 761.7 896 k Regina k 116.8 310am MATERIEL 7.37 am 803.3 779 k Moose Jaw k 075.2 2.11 am 9.5? am 913.7 2432 k Swift Current cruacc.. Do 964.8 12.18 ara Trains I-11 et 2-12 "THE CANADIAN" 11.35 am 2061.1 2181 k Medicine Hat MT/HA.. k 817.4 0.10 rn Voiture-dome avec salon-tits et chambres. 3 05 Pm 2236.9 3439 k Calgary k 641.6 4.30 Pm 5.45 per 2318.8 4534 Ar Banff k 559.7 2.15 pm Volture-dOme-restaurant. 6 45 Pm 2353 5 5044 Ar Lake Louis° Ar 525.0 1.28 Pm 7 40 PM 2373.5 4072 Ar Field MT/HR.. Dp 505.0 12.33 per di Voitures-lits madonnas en acier inoxydable, avec salon-lits comparti- 8 09 Pm 2408.5 2583 Ar Golden PT/UP . . Pp 470.0 10.01 am meets, chambres, chambrettes, chambrettes duplex, lits ordinaires. 11.15 Pm 2499:2 Revelstoke k 379.3 6.35 an 1.36 am Mo. Lu. 2562.6 157 Ar Salmon Arm k 315.9 4.48 an Voitures-coaches en acier inoxydable avec sieges reserves. 3.25 Ng 2628.0 1494159 Ark Kamloops k 250.5 3.00 an Sa. Sa. Voiture-restaurant. 7.45 am u 2749.5 496 k North Bond k 129.0 10 45 Pm Fr. Va. x 9.46 no u 2808.4 59 k Agarsic OP 70 z 8 50 Pm 10.24 are u 836.8 26 Ar Mission City It 11.00 862.0 39 k Coquitlam Op 41416. 78 3210 Pm (New Westnensterl 11.43 878.5 18 k Vancouver PT/HP Op 0.0 7.00 pm Fr. Vs.

B.C. Coast Steamship Service-Vanceuver-Nanaima (Daily Sartice)---Service Oki de la C.-B.-Vancouver-Napalm° (toys les jours)

Pacific Time-Houre du Pacific's.. • 6M) •10e00 • 2e00 Vancouver• t 8.45 e 4.45 r12.45 845 12 45 4 45 Ar Nan•irno DP • 6.00 • 2.00 P.M. AM.

Printed in Canada 1 SEE an L'ETE ALASKAN SUMMER en ALASKA

Discover a new vacation experience. Cruise to the majestic beauty Decouvrez une region pleine de beaute. Decouvrez l'ete en Alaska. of an Alaskan summer in the Canadian Pacific cruise ship, Faites une croisiere a bord du "Princess Patricia" entre Vancouver "Princess Patricia". Twelve 7Y2 day cruises from Vancouver to et l'Alaska. Le Canadien Pacifique vous of Ire 12 croisieres de 7Y2 jours, de mai a aoilt. Alaska between May and August. Sous le chaud soleil d'ete, vous naviguerez dans des fjords mcr- Bask in the warmth of a summer sun while snow-capped peaks veilleux. Vous admirerez le paysage le plus enchanteur 00 les pics and icy glaciers tower far above you. Sail through glistening enneigos semblent percer le firmament. Vous ferez escale dans les waters to legendary towns of the Gold Rush era. Explore ancient vines logendaires de la rue vers l'or. Vous explorerez d'anciens Indian villages. And wander through the most spectacular, sky- villages indiens. touching scenery you've ever come across. En plus de cette splendeur, vous gotlterez le luxe d'une croisiare du Canadien Pacifique. Les divertissements sont nombreux— All this. Plus the luxury of a Canadian Pacific cruise. Deck sports, sports, dense, receptions—et la cuisine est excellente. dancing, entertainment and magnificent Canadian Pacific cuisine. Ailez en Alaska at faites un voyage qui a lc piquant de l'aventure. Cruise north to Alaska. The vacation with a dash of adventure. REN3EIGNEMENTS DE SECURITE SAFETY INFORMATION Le "Princess Patricia", immatriculd au Canada, satisfait aux The TEAL "Princess Patricia" registered in Canada, meets Inter- nornes internationales de securite etablies pour les nouveaux national Safety Standat-ds for new ships developed in 1360. paquebots en 1960. 2 EQUIPMENT—MATERIEL Regularly assigned cars are all AIR-CONDITIONED Les voltures r6gulieres sont entierement CLIMAT1SEES -7ie ee4t4de4ot

Stainless Steel Streamlined Scenic-Dome Train Train a Dames Panaramiques en Azier Inoxydable Scenic-Dome lounge Sleeper with Drawing Room and Bedrooms. Vaiture-deme avec salon-life et chainbt es. Scenic-Dome Coffee Shop. Voiture-deme restaurant, Standard Sleeping Cars with Drawing kooms, Compartments, Bedrooms, Voi:ures-lits avec saloo-Ills, Compartlinents, chombres, chambrelfes, Roomettes, Duplex Roomettes, Berths. chambrettes duplex, its ardinaires. Coaches with reserved seats. Voitu: es-coaches avec sieges reserves. Dining Room Car. Voitut e-restaurant.

EXPLANATION OF SIGNS—TABLES 3 to 6 INCLUSIVE CONNECTIONS AT FRANZ CORRESPONDANCES A FRANZ ® Meal Station where food and news supplies can be obtained at city prices. Algoma Central Hallway V Air-conditioned R.D.C. (Rail Diesel Car). C.P.4. Air Lines Service to and from Yukon District; Prince Rupert via Charlotte Islands; Kamloops, Williams Lane, Quesnal, Prince George, also to Calgary via Penticton, Castelgar and Cranbrook. Tue., Fri., Mon., Wed., Sat. Eastern Time Sat. • C.P. Air Lines Service to and from Vancouver, Williams Lake, Quesnal, Prince George. and Yukon Districts. Mar. Von. Heure de rest Lun. Mel. Sam. Sans. a Revenue passengers handled to and from main line trains by taxi service on application to Ticket Agents at New Westminster or Coquitlam. Approximate transfer time 30 minutes. 7.30 are Op. .Sault Ste. Marie. At • Taxi transfer for revenue passengers travelling to or from Brandon, Man., or beyond, may be 1.00 Pa k Hawk Jet Op 111 arranged through Agent at Agassiz. 1..15 Pm Op HawkJetAt 11.10 are • For particulars of bus service between Salmon Arm and Kelowna. see Table 24 2.13 Pm At Franc 10.15 am ImperiLl Taxi, Brandon, Man.—Passengers from or to points Sudbury and east or south; also Agassiz and west furnished free taxi transfer between Brandon and Wheatland. 2.13 pin Dp Frans Ar 10.15 am 3.37 on Ar Oba 3,45 am g Stops on signal to entrain and detrain revenue passengers to or from Calgary and beyond and 5.20 P71 Ac Hearst to or from Winnipeg and beyond. 7.00 am t Stops to entrain or detrain revenue passengers to or from Calgary and beyond and to or from Vancouver and beyond. x Stops on signal to entrain or detrain revenue passengers. s Does cot carry local passengers between Montreal, Westmount, Montreal West and Dorval. E.T.—Eastern Time. C.T.-Central Time. M.T.—Mountain Time. RT.-Pacific Time. smoking„ Canadian Pacific makes every effort to ensure EXPLICATION DES SYMBOLES—TABLEAUX 3 a INCLUSIVEMENT passenger comfort—even to non-smoking gi Buffet A la gare: nourriture et journaux aux viz de la vine. areas. But such comfort cannot be assured • Autos-all climatise without the co-operation of those who enjoy Service aorien du Canadian Pacifique desservant le Yukon, Prince Rupert via lea Iles Charlotte, a smoke, whose consideration will be much Kamloops, Williams Lake, Duane!, Prince George; Cgalement Calgary via Penticton, Castlegar et Cranbrook. appreciated. 41). Service aerien du Canadien Pacifique desservant Vancouver, Williams Lake, Quesnel, Prince George et Is Yukon. a Les voyageurs payants soot transportes par taxi du train ou jusiqu'au train, earls lien° principale, Wile en font Is demands aux agents de billets a New Westminster ou A Coguitlam. Temps approx, du tralet par taxi:30 minutes. Ca Lea voyageurs payants allant a ou venant de Brandcn, Man., ou au-dela, peuvent tire trans- portes par taxi en faisant a demand° A regent d'Agassiz. • Voir tableau 24 pour details ear le service d'autobus entre Salmon Arm et Kelowna. fumeur- gs Taxi Imperial, Brandon, Man. Les voyageurs allant A ou vgnant do Sudbury ou plus A lest ou au sod, us Agassiz ou plus a l'ouest obtiendront le transport gratuit par taxi entre Brandon Cl Wheatland. g Arra sup signal pour prendre ou laisser dOSCendre voyageurs payants allant a ou venant de Calgary et au-deli et anent A ou venant de Winnipeg et au-dela. Le Canadien Pacifique s'ingenie i procurer t Arra pour prendre ou laisser descendre voyageurs payants allant A ou venant de Calgary et aux voyageurs tout le confort possible— au-dela et allant A ou venant Ce Vancouver et au-dela. merne la ot) il est interdit de fumer et. a cet a Arra ear Signal pour prendre ou laisser descendre voyageurs payants. egard, il salt apprecier la collaboration des a Ne transport° pas de voyageurs locaux entre Montreal, Westrnpunt, Montreal-Duest et Dorval. fumeurs. HE—Heure de l'Est HC—Heure Centrale HR—Houra fee Rosneuses HP—Heure du PaCifIQUET


THE THE rtis THE CANADIAN CANADIAN CANADIAN C ANADIAN Miles Miles 3 2 I 4 I Milles 2 Daily Mules Daily Daily Daily Oust. ()wt. Quot. Quot. Eastern Time 4-tease de rest Central Time-Heure Centrals 2.00 0.9 Dp.. Montreal 4 Gars Wind.Stn. Al 9.35 2.20 986.2 0 p Foci WILLIAM 4 k 7.45 • z 2.06 2.0 Westftount z 9.28 i .. 988.2 West Fort William .. .. z 2.12 4.7 Montreal West z 9.20 ' e . 999.0 Murillo .. 4 2.18 9.6 Dorval z 9.10 - - 009.6 Kaministiquia • • X 3.17 57.0 Vanelees NM 4 8.11 - 018.7 Finmark o' Buda .. 4.05 09.0 k OTTANA, ONT. 4 On 7•25 , - 026.1 Pith .. 4.25 09.0 Dp OTTAWA, OHT k r ID 0 cc - 039.2 A x 5.05 40.2 CARLEToN PLACE X 6.26 t 8 2 - 057.5 Savanna 47.0 Air-non, ...• 069.8 00.31. .. • x 5 28 ),, 63.6 Arnprior z x 5.58g fi. Niblock .. 81.9 Renfrew c x 2 l' c - 097.1 English River •it 4 - 6.03 Martin .. a 4 6.48 . 216.6 FSMAROKE 0. 4 4.54 ; 3 .. 105.7 .. 2 x 7.06 t 226.7 Potawawat f x 4 42 in g 115.7 Bonheur 5.12 133.4 At 4.53 . 7289 238.4 At C4LaLa_ kisEu 40 _ De t 428 • t v lanacc Op --.-.-"- : -7-36' 238.4 De CHALK RIVEN k • 4.20 4 7 - ' .. .. _ i 243.7 Wylia Z 5.20 133.4 Dp Ignacio At 445 .. 253.4 Moor Lake •o 136.5 Osaquan •,. i • . 2 Deco Riviares 41 IL •3. 288.8 i 147.6 RaNtigh .. 3 'i Tacks .. .. 310.2 Mattawa : x 2.36: , a 161.3 m 29.04 1 .. .. : - z 322.1 Eau Claire t t e m 168.6 Dyrnent • 178.3 Dinorwic .. .. • • o 329.1 Ruthergien f, o es . • a 336.3 Bonfield E : 183.9 Wabigoon • 10 08 i 355.7 k NORTli BAY 4 De : 1.35 ! t t 6,26 196.7 Dryden 3_29 .. 203.3 Oxdrift .. v 10 18 . 355.7 Dp...... BJRY14 BAY Ar ; 1.20 g ; .. t : 365.7 Beaucage - 208.7 Minnitaki ...... -. • • f g M•adowside .7( t v.- 213.4 Eagle River .. 218.7 Dunne -. . 410 44 • 79.1 Sturgeon Falls 412.51 ; m - i870.22.1 Cache Bay ••• 223.4 Vermilion Bay ..• Edison 389.6 VOrnor . g ! ii-'• - _ 2234421 Pine v. - .. 398.7 Warren • • t W418 E 410.8 Markstay .. .- 255.0 Hawk Lake A ;Wed• scool ,417 •• 422.8 Wanapitei 9 Fri. . 266.3 - 426.9 Coniston . 273.3 M•rgach Tue.-Thu. 4&• Sun. i, 279.6 Ar a Sat. .. 428.1 Rornford a ivier. : 8.13 Kenora OP 1.48 Mar. Jeu 12.01 _434_7 Ar SUDBURY 19 40 Dp 11.45 7: vet. IM -II R oar York Hotel. rommio 12 tet Dim. x 8.21 279.6 W Kenora 4 At 1.40 As.. Keewatin 5.45 0.0 Dp TORONTO 19 k 5.45 2 .4 282.7 .. : V 289.5 Laclu 11.40 259.0 k DUS r2DUDYiS : Op 11'5/ .., c .. 2 . .. 299.1 Sherwood Lees. .. A .N. -----1 ,, P.N. v !..•• .. = 299.8 Lowther .. 10.00 12.50 434.7 OP SUDaultV 19 At 11.05 c 6 50 24 • .. Aslida • . '67 6• 35 e, : „ 310.9 Ingolf. Onto .. f10.13 442.0 324.0 Telford. Man. 10.21 .. 447.0 Chelmsford . ' 6_253 : .. I .. .. • .. g 331.7 R, nnie .. 10.30 .. 451.8 Larchwood 1..... 6•I7 • .. 3.5.2 Darwin 10.40 ... 458.2 Lavaca ; 6.04 t : : 351.7 Whiternouth 412.071 f10.48 .. 461.7 Windy Lake • • gf 5.D1 &, z 9.39 i 10.20 u 5.43 . • ... z 357.6 Shelley .. 11.05 1.40 468.7 k CARTIER g PP • Julius .. --M15 1.45 468.7 Dp canTlee k 10.15- 1 ' 5.35 t ••. a 36 363.17.4 Moleon f11.34 .. 472.2 Stralak -:f 5.1it •: • I 374.5 Lydiatt /11_47 .. 488.6 POgarnasing .. of 4.55 . :: f 379.3 Cloverleaf i .. E f12.10 .. 55.3 Motaganla •• Zel 4.29 V, et. • 4-0322 386.1 Haceiridg• 12.39 . 543.1 Bi,cotasing • .. 1 392.0 Oakbank t .. I 1.02 z i24 539.5 Ramsey 4 8.29 .,; c North Transcona .. 0/ 3.t7E .. ; 395.4 2 . 3 f 1.25 554.9 Wornan Rivor 4L5.3 k OP t il.10 • Sultan I 10 40 ; 1.42 z 3.56 564.8 X 7.57 4 .93 W • WINNIPEG o • 4 Kornnak a Id 1.59 .. 576.2 - 2 - I 3 II .15 5' 405.3 De Royal Alexandra Hotel At -2 10.40 f 2.04 .. 578.6 Kin, game •.12-14 - / '.,' 420.5 R osser t"• 4 f 2. 20 Nornegoa . ... 2 20 ... .. 427.7 Meadow* 4.50 605.1 7..05 E 1.40 c ' .: t Ar . CHAPLEAU 40 - 434.2 Marquette 3 • 2 - 3.10 -5.05- 605.1 pp-- CHAPLEAU 6.50 t. 1.00 t 445.8 Poplar Point *. .: 5 [3 42 .. 627.4 Nicholson :. 112 20-. 454.1 High Bluff : . k f 4.12 .. 641.3 Bolkow .. /12.01 .: 12.15 460.9 Portage la Prairie E 927 4.30 11)10 649.0 Dalton x 5.43 a: 11.46 . 468.9 Burmid• X 5.01 4 6.37 663.0 Mis..an•.•A . 476.4 BAgot .. t f 5.18 • 673.2 Lochaish 5:20 7 ,11:67 ,1 .. 483.1 MiscGragor • a .. 4. 5.50 x 7.146'686.5 Fr•ne x 4.45 10.45 : . 490.1 Austin .; .. .. 714.9 Amyot .. . 498.2 Sidney fT( ____2.05 8.25 735.0 At WHITS RIVER® Do 3.34 c 9.10 : 505.6 M •lbourne P.N. 8.32 735.0 Dr WHITS RIVEN at 3.27 (7, A.N. . 21.16 511.1 Carberry x 8.37 1• .. x 2.50 519.8 Hughes .. x 9.01 756.2 Pagan v.. .. E •• .. 757.3 Mobert is " , 4 1.35 527.1 Douglas (seue Camp) x 8.20 .. .. 768.3 Struthers 532.9 Chats, ...... Hernia t At 774.7 ° 1-57 538.4 g BRANDON® DP 8115 .. a 9_45 790.2 Heron Bey x 1.59 - 9.55 798.0 Marathon x 1.49 4 .. .' 2.05 538.4 W tiE BRANDON g) At 7.57 - .. 801.8 Angler c • . a 546.6 Kenmay .. .. 809.4 Coldwell .. 554.1 Alexander .. -• .. 813.0 Nejs • .. 563.2 Griswold .. .. 834.6 Jack Fish 570.4 Oak Lake .. 845.2 412.37 411.17 Terrace Bay :: v 578.4 Routiedge .. 11.35 853.3 k SCHREH1ER An Dp 12.17 22.53 585.6 Virden x 6.59 - 11.42 853.3 Pp scentum. At 12.10 ..9 593.8 Hargr•ve . • • • • 867.6 Pc...port .. 602.5 Elkhorn . .. X 1.07 916.6 Nipigon 410.40 608.7 Kirkella, Man. . .. 2 1.16 921.6 Red Rock 410.32 616.1 Fleming, Sask. Moosomin .. 933.8 Hurkett o z 3.40 624.7 4 6.20 .. .. 938.5 Dorion . 631.9 Red Jacket .. 949.6 Pearl 640.8 Wapelia .. .. 955.3 Loon .. . .. 648.5 Burrows .. .. 967.4 M•ckenxie .. 654.9 Whkewood .. 2.42 981.8 k Port Arthur OP 9.15 .. 661.7 Percival .. 3 05 986.2 k FORT WILLIAMCI.3) DP 9 00 4.40 669.3 k BROADVIEW RI OP 5-35 P.N. Eastern Time Heure de rest Central Time-Heure Centrals A.D. 4 EXPLANATION OF SIGNS-EXPLICATION DES SYMBOLES PAGE 3 TABLES 5 and 6 - TABLEAUX 5 et 6 BROADVIEW-REGINA-MOOSE JAW-SWIFT CURRENT- FIELD-REVELSTOKE-SICAMOUS-KAMLOOPS-NORTH CALGARY-BANFF-LAKE LOUISE-FIELD BEND-MISSION-VANCOUVER


THE THE THE THE CANADIAN CANADIAN CANADAN CANADIAN Miles miles 1 5 2 1 m 6 2 Daily Wiles Daily Daily Mules Daily Oust. Qua QUO. Oust.

Central Time-Heure Centrale P.M. Pacific Time-Heure Au Pacifique AAL 4.48 669.3 DP BROADVIEW It At 5.27 648 2373.5 DP FIELD At'11.25 677.4 Osk•hela 2389.5 ...... LeanchoU .. 684.9 Grenfoll 8 09 2408: 5 Golden 10.01 692.4 Sum rnerberry 2415 0 Moberly 700.1 Wolseley .. 2421.0 Fordo ...... 709.0 Sintaluta 2425 0 Donald z 5.43 719.6 IndianHead Z 20 2436-5 Beavermouth 728.7 Gu.Appol. • 2441.3 Rogers 737.6 McLean 2450.4 Stoney Creek 746 5 Balgonie .. 2459.0 GLACIER .- 753.1 Pilot Butte 2478.3 .. Albert Canyon . 627 761.7 Ar REGINA 21 Dp 3 30 2488.6 Twin Butte 6.47 761.7 Dp . REGOIA Aloud Navkalchemen 2493.0 Greely • 771.1 .... Grand Coulee 11.15 2499-2 k REVELSTOKE OP 6.55 778.5 Pence 4 .. 786.2 Belle Plaine .. • 796.4 Pasqua i k : 7.371 803 3 Ar MOOSE JAW Op ,s..1 11 40 2499.2 OP REVELSTOKE 6.35 4 41 2..261 Three Valley 803-3 OP MOOSE JAW Ar • 2.11 • 2513.8 i 811.5 Boharm • v . 2523.4 Taft 6 . • E 819.5 Caron t - 2577.5 Craitiellachie i 828.9 Mortiach a .. • 2531.8 Malakvea 171 Is 1 - 838.0 Parkbeg • : • 2536.7 Cambie .. T i 848.3 Secretan I 2510.3 Soisqua i 2 857.1 Chaplin : 112.57 a 2543.9 SNamous 61 5.221 z 862.2 Liren • .. : 2556.5 Canoe o .. . a 0 Ernfold ill. 1.363 2562.6 Salmon Arm • z 4.48 • • 869.8 1 A : Morse 1 7 ri. 9 14 885.3 Herbert z12451! II Is 893.48i.0 Rush Lake 8 si 12 i , 1 902.6 Waldeck 1 a • 2 3 9.52? 913 7 .SVillirt CURRENT C.T./H.C... Dp • IZ•18; • Notch Hill , .. 2 3 9.00 911' Op :SWIFT CURRENT M.T./H.R... Ar • i CarlinENon rI.'reopen 8 922.5 Beverley 29.8I I? Webb . .. : 2586.7 Squilax • • . i 934.6 W Chase 941.0 Antelope 2592-9 3 Z• Pritchard 4 • e §:39 948.6 Gull Lake 410.24 2603-8 3 Carmichael 2610-8 Monte Creek 95i.0 Tompkins r. 3.25 2628.0 k KaraLeitirs • DP 3.051- 2)90.; Side wood 98011.8 Pismot 985.7 Cross 990.1 C•rdell 3.35 2628.0 Op.... KARILOOI'S • Ar 3-00 zIo:29 998.2 Maple Creek z 0.33 2636.6 Tranquille Kincorth 2653-2 Savona 2011.0 .. Hatton, Sask. 2660.0 VValhachin 2017.0 .. 2028.9 Walsh, Alta. 2665-3 Semlin .. 2039.4 Irvine x 5-08 2675-3 Ashcroft x 1.29 2 Paahley .. 2683.9 Basque 2054.0 Dunmore .. 2695.3 Toketic .. 11.35 206E:1 8.20 .. 2700.7 SpenceN Bridge Ar MEDICINE HAT 21 DP .. 2707.3 Drynoch --11750- 2061.1 DP -- MEDICINE HAT* Ar 8.10 .. Redoliff 2713.6 Thorn pson 2067.0 .. 2718.1 Gladwin .. 2075.6 Sowell ... 2722.9 Lvttor, 2086.9 Suffield Alderson .. 2727.6 cis.. • 2096.0 .. 2731.9 Kariaka 2114.5 Tilley .. Keefers .. 2127.9 Brook. zi:01 2738.8 z 1:03 .. 2744.5 Chaurnos .. 2134.6 Cessna 7.45 2150.7 Lathorn 2749.5 Ar NORTH BEND Dp 10.50 2158.7 BASSAND 2166.9 Crowfoot 2177.4 Cluny Gleichen 7.50 274(1 5 DP NORTH BEND k 10 45 2185.9 .. 2755.7 China Bar Strangtnuir . 2765.0 Spussurn Carseland 2776.6 Yale 29.121 Dalerread 2783.5 Choate Indus 2789.0 Haig Iliox) . 2225.7. Shepard 2791.2 Odium 2217 9 Ogden 223 .0 2794.2 Kate i:os 2236.9 Ar CALGARY DP i:os 2797.5 Ruby Creek 20. 22 2802.9 VValeach -3710 2236.9 DE CALGARY //Wel PC///iNCT 4.30 Z 9.46 2808.4 AGASSIZ ,i) (CIIIIhwaCE) Z 8.50 2250.9 Bearspaw 2817.6 Harrison Mills 2255.1 Glen bow 2824.9 Deroche 2259.7 Cochrane 2826.2 Nicomen 22 Radnor 2831.0 Dewdney 2278-5 Morley 2833.9 Hatsic Osada 2284.6 10-24 2836.8 MISSION CITY 8.10 2289.0 See be 2841.5 Silverdale 2291.2 Kanana•kla 2843.3 Ruskin 2294.2 Eoshaw 2845.8 Whonock 2304.0 , .... Cantnore .. 2849.2 Albion .. 5.45 2318.8 2.25 .. Haney 5.55 2318.8 Ar BAlkIFF Ban HOW g NpringS opAr 2.15 .. 2 4.6 PortHammond 234.9 Castle Mountain 111:32856.8 Pat Meadows 6.45 23 3.5 -ILAKE LOUISE, ALTA.1.... Dp 1.28 11-00 2862.0 Coquitlarn A 7.32 6.45 2353.5 Dp I Chafolli Lake Lour.ve 1.28 Mew Westminster) 2359.1 Stephen, 8.0 2865.6 Port Moody 2361.9 Hector 2869.4 Barnet 12.33 7.40 2373.5 Ar FIELD OP 11,40 2878.5 k VANCOUVER + St DP 7.00 Mountain Time-Heure des Roctieusesus AN. 1 Pacific Time-Hoot. du Pacifinue


TABLEAUX 7, 8 ei


Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. E3 Oen. •8 406 • 4102 • mitts 7 • 1 •7 • ! Sun. Sun. Sun. Sat. Sun. Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Fri. ,s. Sun.. Dim. Dim. Atlantic Time Dim. Dim. mines Atlantic Time exc. Sam. Dim. Dim. exc. Hours Adantique Dim. exc.yen. 4. Dim. exc. exc. Houre Attantique A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Dom. Atlantic tay. P.M. A.m. P.M. A.M. 9.55 8.45 OP Fredericton Jet Ar 5 25 930 5.20 4 45 12.15 0.0 DP YARMOUTH STATiON... k 5.I5 12.35 t .40 8 45 15.54 I 5 24 112•53 20.8 Meteghrm 1 4.33 111.53 .. 10.40 9.30 Ar Fredericton DP P.M. A.M. (York Street Station) A.M. P.M.. 16.14 1547 11.16 44.7 Weymouth -.DP f 4.10 ill .30 6.43 6.19 1.46 65.9 DIGBY STATION 3.40 11•00 Buses will also operate on Sunday from Nov. 26 to March 31 inn. Canadian Pacific S.S. 'Princess of Acadia" Canadian Pacific issue of tickets reading to and from Fredericton will be honored on S.M.T. • . t10.45 OP... BeiNTJONN 13,11 - • k t 7•41 • . (Eastern Ltd.) bus. t 1.45 Ar • • . Duerr I i - • Op 'i 4.45 I .. .. Hand baggage only is carried in buses. Checked baggage belonging to passengers ticketed Dom. Atlantic Fly. to or from Fredericton is transported by truck between McAdam and Fredericton in con- ., .. 3,25 2.01 Dp• .. DIGBY WHARF ... At junction with Trains 41 and 42. 1 6.59 .. 12 20 75.7 Deep Brook 1 3.02 ...... f 6_42 i 2 24 77.1 Cornwallie i 2.59 .110 34 Orernotte (Camp Gagetown) 7• 1 6.56 238 86.1 k .. AmotaroLis Royal. . .07 2_45 1020 fI 7.371 r 7.19 r a 59 99.8 ... Bridgetown 1222 .f• 9 59 Rail tickets will be honored on SMT buses between Fredericton and 1 7.49 I 7, 19 3.19 113.7 Ar... MioDLET014 2.03 I 9 40 Oromocto (Camp Gagetown), a distance of approximately twelve miles. I 8.06 17.50 330 21.3 ... Kingston (Lireenwochif 1.52 / 9 30 18.15 1 8 05 .1 3 45 13i 2 Berwick 1 1.37 I 9•13 .. Checked baggage is not handled on buses. 8,25 4.05 144.5 I 20 8.55 .. 8.35 At... KENTWILLa 4 ... Dp Baggage should be checked to Fredericton •nly. •4 Ex. Su. Daily t!ily. Vit. Les autobue circuleront aussi It dimanche du 26 nov. au 31 mars inc. Di. exc. cheat. Quot. 1 Dim. Les billets du Canadien Pacilique pour ou de Fredericton seront acceptas our les autobus A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. S.M.T. (Eastern Ltd.). 8.4rJ 8.35 4.15 144.5 De •. keesvieLs 4 ...k 11.0 8,50 1 12.40 8.51 8 45 4,27 151.5 Wollsille 12, 57 8_38 112.29 Les voyageurs peuvent apporter avec eux leers baoages personnels; uno quantite limitee de . i 8.49 . 154.4 Grand•Pre i 8 32 'f12•25 baoages enregsitres sera transportee A bord (lea autobuc Les bagages enregistres plus Hantsport 12.41 821 9.69 903 4.45 162.6 112.15 lourds seront transportes par train ou camion. 9.25 9 20 5 00 169.6 ir. ,. wimoso. .,. Op 12.27 0 06 12.02 Oremeete (Camp G•getown)

9.25 9.20 5 • OQ 169.6 DT WINDSOR ... k 12,2 6.06 12.12 Lou billets de chemin de fer seront acceptes tar leo autobus SMI entre Frede- 10.10 10,05 543 231.1 Ar Windsor Jos. .. • On 11.4 7.20 11_20 ricton at Oromocto (Camp Gagetown), one distance d'environ douze milles. 10.40 IQ 35 6,15 216.9 Ar HALIFAX g ... Dp 111 1 630 10.50 A.M. I P.M. P.M. Les nagages enregistris ne sent pas transportis a bard des aut.:ones.

Lee nagages ne doerai•nt etre enregietres quo )usqu•a Fredericton.

EXPLANATION OF SIGNS - TABLE 7 McADAM-ST. STEPHEN-ST. ANDREWS t Daily except Sunday. (BUS SCHEDULE-HORAIRE DES AUTOBOS) g Meal Station where food and news supplies can be obtained at city prices. Ex. Sun. Mitts Ex, Sun. 411 Ai...conditioned R.D.C. (Rail Diesel Car). No meals or news service. Checked baggage 9 Dim. exc. not carried in this equipment. Dim. exc. Milles / Stops on signal. Atlantic Time-Heure Atlantique P.M. 7.50 DP McAdam 930 • When Statutory Holidays are observed on Mondays, Trains Nos. 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 will be 8.32 DP Lawrence Stn. DP 9.51 annulled on Sundays, and Trains Nos. 6 and 7 will operate on Mondays, and Train No. 5 8.35 DP Watt Jet. OP 9 48 8.44 DP Honesdale (Cop.) DP 9 39 will operate on Tuesday. When operating on Mondays, Train No. 6 will leave Yarmouth 1,.5 miles from Highway No. 3) 6.10 p.m., arrive Halifax 11.55 p.m. and Train No. 5 will leave Halifax 12.10 a.m., arrive (5 milles de la Route No 3) Kentville 2.10 a.m. Tuesday. 0.56 48.7 DP Moores Mills Op 9 27 9.08 Ar St. Stephen Stn. OP 9 15 9.16 DP St. Stephen Stn. Ar 9 13 10.02 4.1ir .3 Az St. Andrew Stn. DP 8 20 P.M. EXPLICATION DES SWADDLES T AAAAA U 7

t Tous les (ours sauf It dimanclie. NOTE g Bullet a la gare-nourriture, journaux, magazines aux prix de la title. Canadian Pacific issue of tickets reading to and from the aforementioned points will be • Autorall elimatisa. Pas de repas ni journaux. Pas de transport de bagages enregistres honored on S.M.T. (Eastern Ltd.) bus. Hand baggage and a limited amount of checked tans cos vultures. baggage will be carried; heavy checked baggage will DO handled in waylreight service. Arret sur signal. AVIS • Oland un nonce statuaire et observe le lundi, Its trains Nos 2, 3, 5, 0 et 7 sont supprimes les dimanche et Its trains NOS 6 et 7 circulent It lunch at It train No 5 circutera It wardi. Les billets notables sur Its trains du Canadian Pacifique. entre log endroits mentionnes (Juand it circulera to tundi, It train No 6 quittera Yarmouth a 6h.1() p.m. pour arriner ei-dessus, seiont acceotes our let autobos S.M.T. (Eastern Lto.). Leo bagages transPortes Halifax a Ilh.55 p.m. et le No 5 quitters Halifax A 126.10 an, pour arriver A Kentville A par lee voyageurs et une quantite limitee de !moues entegistres seront acceptes; les 2h.10 a.m. mardi. bagageS boards enregistres seront transportes par train. TABLES 10 and MONTREAL- FARNHAM - SHERBROOKE -SAINT JOHN TABLEAUX 10 et 11

READ DOWN- DE HAUT EN OAS READ UP - DC OAS EN MAUS EQUIPMENT Coaches on all trains 42 V214 1'206 1,204 g2113 41 1'201 il205 No. 41 and No. 42 Drawing Room, Compartments, Bedrooms, Day- Day.. DAY- DAY. DAY. DAY. Miles Daily LINER LINER LINER Limait Daily LISP LINER Roome(tmteeeaS1 staenrcvlaicerd)Berths Ex. Sat. I 0 un. Mules Ex. Rat. it Sun. Daily & Sue' Daily Sun. Oust. Ouot. EXPLANATION Cf SIGNS THIS PAGE Sam. d. (Mt. Dim. Sam. & Dim. dim, exc. Oust. Meal Station where food and news supplies dim. etc. can be obtained at city prices. Air-conditioned Rail Diesel Car.

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Dare Windsor Station A.M. A.M. P.M. pat • Bus. Will also operate Sundays from Nov. 26 7.30 5 40 4 50 r Dp 64otrr0fAL PP .... it 7.55 8.50 1 05 9 45 to March 31 inc. 7.37 ETll'a ' E p 5 45 P 4 55 1.451.40 .8 Westrnount 7.47 8.42 12 58 9 38 t Daily except Sunday. 7.45 al 5.50 P 5 00 1.50 4.7 Montreal Wean 7.4Q 8.34 12 52 9.32 .. 5,56 504 .. a 7.1 LaSaile 7. a Stops on signal Saturday Only. .. 6,00 a 5.07 0 8 AdirondackJune • I 7. 4 .. 2 - ... c Stops on signal Sat. and Sun. from Mon. to Fri. 16.10 15.11 )01 2.02: 13 St.Constant 1 7.16 112 38 Ill .. I inc. stops on signal for revenue passengers .. 6_14 15 13 g r 2•04g 14. Delson 7.14 111.37 Only. i 6 20 a 5.17 c -- . 9 St. Philippic I 7.08 1 .. F . • 626 a 5 25 Lacadie .. •. a d Stops on signal Saturday and Sunday only. 18.16 6.33 5.30 2 .. a25 St. John. 6.59 ; .. g 220 6.53 17.56 12 22 • 9.02g e Stops on signal for revenue passengers only. .. 635 a 5 32 a .. 6 lberville 6.49 .. Stops on signal. .. I 6 41 a 535 St. Gregoire 1 6.44 - g • g .. .t. b 46 a 5.30 :6 ... 36.i , Versailles I 6.41 2 .. . g Stops to detrain revenue passengers from .. I 6,50 a 5.41 St. Brigide .. Montreal and entrain revenue passenger, ltl• 1. 1 c MegantiC and east. 8,34 7 00 5.45 ; 2 35. 4 Fornh•rn IH? 7.40 1206 4 0 462 .. P.M. - 2z .:- 2a 411 . Brookport A.R. • • - h Stops on signal to detrain revenue passengers a• a 1o 1 from east of Megantic and entrain revenue Ia Passengers for Montreal and beyond. • • .• Brigham • • .. i •• p Stops to entrain only. Does not carry local 53.4 Mapledale passengers between Windsor Station, West- • • .4 Cewansville mount and Montreal West. .. 61.3 West Brenta • . 65.7 Enlaugra .. u Stops to detrain revenue passengers from . • • . 68.9 Sutton • • • . points beyond McAdam.

• . 1 5.58 12 47 53.5 Adamsville .. 111.53 /A 29 MATERIEL r• y• 1 6.07 West Shafford - 111.44 j 8 19 . .. a 6.13 1 3 01 66. Fultoed ° ' al1.37 Veitures-coaches aeon sous lea train, 3 W 4 6.19 / 2..53.06 69.60.i Foster 2't 3 11.33 807 No 41 at No 42 w 2 i ,. 74.2 SouthStukely • .. I 6 30 r 2i Compart iment-salon, compartiments, 13.16 77.8 (astray • • .; f 1 1 • 2? c .800 chambres, chambrettes, lits-ordinaires 4634 Orford Lake . 1 3.20 01•2 C11-18 ..f 7.57 (service de repas) 46.37 I 3.22 82.4 Mount Ortord .. a 9 35 6 46 3.31 88.3 411.10 .. Magog h 6.40 11.08 7.46 d 6,57 1 3,42 97.6 Deauville • • .. 410.56 EXPLICATION DES SYMBOLES- 1000 7.10 3.55 106.0 k Op • • 6.15 10.45 7.25 CETTE PAGE P.M. P.M. .•Ja• Buffet a la gare-repas, journaux, magazines aux prix de la elite. 7.15 Autorail climatisi. 10.10 06•6 DP.... Sherbrooke ....k 6.00 10.35 , 1 7 20 09.7 Lennoxville 10.29 •• ,f 5 I 7.33 Johneille • a Autobus. Circulera aussi Is dimanche du 26 .. -- -: nov. au 31 roars inc. 6 = I 7.37 18:3 Bolwer 11 .12 - ; z 1 7.40 q,f * 23.0 eircnton .; i II .08 t Tous lee Ours sauf le dimanche. 2 5 . 5 0 E E 27.7 .... Cookshire a 4 /11.1810.00 i•T o • ( , a Arret ear signal le gamed, seulement. 1 8,02 c_ 7,' N 5 36.8 Bury • - 1 9-48 ; '2, • 41.4 Long Swamp '17 • c Arrat sur signal sarnedi of dimanche seule- t : 0'S, ki. c • • • v ; r 813 ' IT a 0 44.9 Gould e 9. mend Ds lundi so vendredi inc., arret so, sig- 8.23 Stotstown vi . nal pour voyageurs payanta seulement• : g • ; i 6 C . . • 9.30 , c 18.37 5 „ 1 0. Milan a . .. t 0. 7 t.11 d Arrat sur signai saniedi ot dimanclie seulernent . • F, f r 8 45 '10 :, t 66.501 Nantes .. t 9. 0 „.. 11.59 7 . 9,00 At Megn :.i e Arret stir signal seulement pour voyageurs Kl• E.. o . -i5.1 atic, Qua. - OP 8. payants. 12.10 P.M. 75.1 Op. Megantic Quo. .... Ar %2' 4.12 O. tt • 2 S. E r 4.0) A.M. 4 a._ 1•29 6',, 9 0 ? 4,8.6 Jackman, Me. -, t 2.45 .. Aunt sum signal. 2.25 • 0 • • ,•-,,,, ? - 258.8 Dc.... Grconoile ....At ui - 1 .. •AK ' t Arret pour laisser descendre voyageurs payants 3.30 ? is, • • fr..7. aro 292.2 k.... Brownville Jct. ....go '' J 12156 3.40 ,s!-0 • 6 i . de MontriAl et prendre voyageurs payants your p o. 7, 5292.2 Op.... Brownville Jot. ... Ar - : a 12.35 ge; zi Mogantic ou plus a rest. 4.35 % t- • • m : • Ar ... Mattswarnkeag Op.. 0, 11.40 •• • ''..n e 5,14 • • s,N•.•-•...• ii.36 3 Danforth , c .,..., h Arrot sur signal pour laisser descendre voya- %.: • '''' '11.90 .. ' c E . geurs payants de lest de blegantic et prendre 5.50 2 • AP__ Vantoboro, Me. ... Op ET/HE g i !o.25 .. 2 7•00 • - 7% • : 391.4 ,2 ...- ; voyageurs payants pour Montreal et au-dela. Op Vincebere, Me. .... k AT.11-1A 2 3 II . 18 • . 7.15 t : ,: ,. I, _11.4 3 7•3 . . • • p Arret seulement pour prendre voyageurs. Ne 7.40 k McAdam N.B.,* .... Dp . * II 05 I p • • ; i'• r r 397.3 Dp ., . McAdam N.B. 4 .... k 10 45 .. transporte pas ,je voyageurs locaux entre la a si • ? P 406.5 Magaguad•vic •'. i a 'i a , 3a yarn Windsor, Westrnount et Montreal-Ouest. .. 7. . 0 t • • ...._i, 410.8 .. •• Prince William a : • . u Arret pour laisser deicendre voyageurs payants 8.05 i.,7,. 1 - 416.6 Harvey °2 ... d'au-dela de McAdam. . 10 13 • t 2 -,4 11. • • is ,!,' 422.1 Cork a ! c 7, , i .. . c . 5 7 .. 426.5 Rooth - Z ' .. ., g • .7..., .. 434.0 Tracy = 5 • • 8.40 • ' S la 431.3 k••••• Fredericton Jot... • • OP i i 9.50 .. BAY OF FUNDY SERVICE to 9.30 • '101 iS, ret Won l Dp ta 0.45 .. to 7.40 .. opi• er 8 . 1 k 0 te10.40 .. SERVICE DE LA BAIE DE FUNDY S.S. "Princess al Acadia" 8•40 Op.. Fredericton Jot. .. At .. 9,50 .. .. Atlantic Time - Hears de 'At antique • • 13940. Dail,y • • - Hoyt • • • • • • • • • • .. 444.g Enniskillen •• • • Ex. Sun Es. Sun. • • 4 .0 Wirral I I .. • • Dim.exc, • • .. 453.5 Clarendon . .. .. Dim.exc. ... • • Welsford • • .. .. • 14f f:; Blagdon • • CIL .. • • • • • • a 0.22 .. .. 457.7 Westfield Bsacl, • • • • 10.45 Dim... Saint John Or 7 45 ...... • . 9.40 .. Grand Bay 1 45 . Disby Dii 4 45 a-Ducal/to? •• 8.51 •. P.M. 9.50 .. • . li1):g401.7 k•• SAINT JOHN g .. • • A.B. 8 45 .. P.M. Meal Service Avallable-Service de restaurant

7 TABLES 12 and 13 TABLEAUX 12 et 13 MONTRiAL • TROIS RIVIiRES • 41..1i13EC

156 154 152 V151 153 V149 155

DAYLMCA 12 DAYLINER DAVLiNta Miles Daily Daily Daily M illes Eastern Time-Heure de l'Est Ex. Sun. Daily Sun. only Daily Qua. Qua. Cruet. Dim. exc. Duet. Dim. seta. Quo. P.M. P.M. A.M. Gars Windsor Stn. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. • . 7.25 6 00 10.00 0.0 DP Montreal (;11) Ar 11.59 5 00 7 00 9 40 .. 7.30 6.06 10.06 2.0 DP Westmount k 11.53 4 52 6,52 9_32 .. 7.35 6.12 10.12 4.7 On M i West Ar 11.47 445 6,45 9_25 ... 7.45 6.27 10.27 11.8 OP Montreal Park Ave. Stn k 11.35 428 6.30 906

.. v 7.51 : 15.5 Borok•aux k11.27 6.23 .. ... 4 15.9 Laval des Rapid. .1) • • • • 2 • 17.7 St. Martin . • a q .t... • • 4 a 18.5 Sr. Martin Juno. a • • a .. P 8,02 ',1 23.4 st. Vincent dr Pool . . I 6.12 'to rt Terrebonne • • 18.07 8 28.9 -/11.11i ".{). - 6.07 i ..' .. .. 5 a 32.7 Maacouche i Ill• i • • a a tx a ,Z:. • • • . m 3. 35.8 Cabano Ronde 4 • • 18.19 41.3 1. •Epiphanie - •.,:: b Vaucluse 1,. • • • • 45.3 if10.59.! 1,40 ; 5.4..A. • • • • 48.9 Lavaltrie • .. a l':.• Lrt • • • • 54.2 Lanorale cv f 5.42 o ss * • • .. 62.5 Berthier tn it 5.35 ,,..7 .. • • .. .. - 65.9 St. Cuthbert g tsi .. 13 r•r .. J 8.53 .. .. 70.7 St. 3arthelerny i i • • if 5 28,- • • • • I 8,57 • . • . 76.2 Maskinonge 0f10.23 g .. of 5 23t .. 9,01 . • ... 80.2 Louiseville 2 10.18- .. E 5 18 3 .. .. f 9,07 .. .. 65.8 Yamachiche 3/10.13 • .. v 5 13: - • • , . 92.8 Point du Lae a I • % : • .. 9.25 7.55 11.55 100.8 Ar Troia Rivieres A (.,* DP i•00 7.30 I 10.00 2 1 5 00: (Cap-de-ta-Macteleint ) • 0 o •• .5 11. .. 9 26 8.00 12.01 00.8 Op Troll Riviorot A At 2 9.551! 2.55 2 4.552 7.25 • • .1. 9 48 20.5 Batiscan - f 9.356 .. 71lf 4.35 g .. • • .r 9 53 • • .. 25.7 La Perade = f 9.29 • • . = 4 29 ' .. • • 10 Cl •• - 36.0 Lachevrotiero ./' 9•20E .. i 4 200 .. • • 10 09 • • •• 43.5 Portnrof 19.12 .. 4 12 . • • • /10.14 • • - 48.1 st. Basile f 1.07 .. A 07 .. .. 10.19 .,. .. 52.8 Pont Rouge f 9,02 .. 4,02 ...... !. 65.0 Belair • • • . • •• 10.40 w 9.13 to 1.13 70.9 Loretto 8.45 71.45 3.45 z 6.15 ... 10,55 9.30 1.30 78.3 k Paiais stn. g DP 8.30 1.30 330 600 Cedteau Fronienee Hotel A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

MONTREAL-- NEW YORK EQUIPMENT-MATERIEL ROULANT DELAWARE Is HUDSON aft --NEW YORK CENTRAL Montreal-Quebec 12 10 34 9 35 Miles 13 Nos. 149. 151. 156 R.D.C. (Rail Diesel Car)-Autorail• Sat. Ex. Sat. Daily Milles Eastern Time-Heure de l'Est Daily Daily Sam. Sam.exc Duet. Cruet (Not. Nos. 152, 153, 154. 155 Coaches, Meal Service, Parlor Car-Voitures-coaches, service de restaurant, voiture-salon. P.M. A.M. (dare Windsor Station A.M. P.M 11,00 930 10.30 0 DP Montreal .g k 8 41 5 50 *11.07 s 9.37 *10.37 Westrnount 8 3? t 5 42 *11.15 8 9.45 *10.45 MontrealWest 8.25 t 5.35 5.10 3.35 440 234 Ar Albany ...... Op 2 3! 11.41 5.40 4 15 505 234 OP Albany . Ar 1.47 11 05 8.45 7.5 8 25 376 It New York DP 11 00 8.15 A.M. A.M. Grand Central Term. P.M. e•ta. Montreal-Ottawa

EQUIPMENT-MATERIEL ROULANT Psi. 131, 132, 133. 134, 137, 138 R.O.C. (Rail Diesel Car)-Autorail, Nos. 34-35 -Coach, Parlor Lounge Car-Voltures-coaches, voiture-salon, Nos. 232, 233, 234, 235 Coaches, Parlor Cars (Meal Service)-Voitures coaches, voitures-salons Nea• 9-10-12-Bedrooms, Roomettes. Reclining Seat Coach. Sleeping Cars and Parlor Cars are (service de restaurant), Railroad Operated -Chambres, chainbrettes, voiture-coach A fauteuils trans- formable& Les voitures-lits et voitures-salons sont exploitees par le chemin deter.

EXPLANATION OF SIGNS EXPLICATION DES SYMBOLES f Stops on signal. I Arret sur signal. j Stops to detrain revenue passengers from Montreal. I Arad pour laisser descendre voyageurs payants de Montreal. k Stops to detrain only. Arret seulement pour laisser descendre voyageurs. p Stops Friday only to entrain revenue passengers. p Arret vendredi seulement pour prendre voyageurs payants. a Stops to ontrain only. Does not carry local passengers from Windsor station to Westmont or Arret seulement pour prendre voyageurs. Ne transport° pas de voyaoeurs locaux data gore Montreal West. Windsor ago sores de Westmnunt et de Montreal-Guest. r Stops to detrain only. Does not carry local passengers from Montreal West or Westmount to t Arret seulement pour laisser descendre voyageurs. No transports pas do voyageurs loran* Windsor station. de Montreal-Orient ou Westmount Ala gare Windsor. r Stops to entrain only. Arret pour prendre voyaoeurs seulemont. tri Stops to detrain revenue passengers from Trois Rivieres and West. yr Arret pour laisser descendre voyageurs l'ayants venant to Trois Rivieres ou plus A l'ouest. or Stops to entra'n revenue passengers for Troia Rivieres and West. o Arrrt pour prendre voyageurs payants se rendant a Trois Rivierea ou plus A l'ouest• Air-conditioned ROC (Rail Diesel Carl. Autorail climatise. 1.1 Meal station where food and news supplies can he obtained at city prices. 6e Buffet a la gare-repas, journaux, magazines aux prix de la ville• Regular bus service between Trois Rivieras and Cap-dada-Madeleine. Service d'autobua entre Trois Rivieres et Cap-de-la-Madeleine. TABLE 14 MONTREAL • OTTAWA TABLEAU 14 For fell particulars of suburban train schedules botwoon Mantr6al, Vaudreuil and Rigaucl so* Local Time Tani. 8. Poor deisols camplots du service do bonlioust entre Montrial, Vaudreall at Rigoud, volt Phoroire lasso B.

1,133 235 1 V137 V131 233 232 V132 V138 V134 2 Miles 1 234 I 4 DAVIArEll °AYLMER DAYLINEM DAYLIMM4 D414.141E4 (34V1.1444 Mines Daily Daily Daily Sat. only Daily Daily Eastern Time Daily Daily Sat. only Daily Daily Daily Duet. Qua Qua Sam. omit. Qua. Du )t. Heure de lent Ouot. Quot• Sam. seta. Omit. Owl (Not.

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 6 15 h 5 00 b 2 00 1.05 9.45 8.00 0.0 (*.Montreal Ogre Windsor Stn. g. at 10.05 10.20 4.50 7.20 8.55 9 35 6 20 b 5.06 b 2.06 I .10 9.51 tr 8.06 2.0 Westmount 9.58 10.13 4.43 7.13 848 h 928 r 6.26 65.12 52.12 1.15 9.56 c 8.12 4.7 MontrealWest 9.51 10.06 4.37 7.05 8.41 b 920 .. .. 7.6 Lachine ... • . • • .. • • 8.0 Grovehill .. .. 2 Dovalr 4 z a 5.18 5218 0 a 8.18 9.6 u 9.43 t r 6.54 59.10 . .. .. 0.7 Pine Beach t ' 0 i (31 7 1 .5 Strathmore .L, 7 • • ' Veto. . t. • • . t't • • • • 2.0 1; -1:e. • • 2 ir Lakeside • E . 5. • • • • 2•6 . E • • Cedar Park . 9 a ;I - stsn 1 c,' .. 3.6 2 .•8 • • '...- a 8.23 4.0 Pointe Claire Z . z Z g .. : ' . -0 a .. .. 5.0 Beaconsfield 2 - • - • - . • IL .. a . • .. 6.9 Et.,.a.rp.ire 2 . • • -Lc . t . "0 i. 4 . Baie d'Urfe 2 a -,T, .2,,•,,e Z . •• • • 8.6 t .1"; . • • !Ta,ota3. - . .. 8.29 20.4 Ste. Annes c 6.37 .13 --'- • • I a' fu9.29: 3 03 • v, r) . • • (Sainte Anne do Bellevue) la • • • ' .. 7, : - . b Bracy et § 3 , • • , 0 n • • 21.3 • • i% IT! a -ft • • ; • • 22.9 ilsPerrot, Terrace) .. 4 I ot si a I .. (-) . r . . 5 - Q . 1 I 8.38 23.7 VaudroullDOtiOn)• . .. 7 t f 6.30 i F.' i.-• .. Como I-.• •E o1 • . 1 20.0 Ts 4 S i :ra:811ei" a.3 y• 18.51 32.0 Hudson • c i. 16.15 _1, .. . . t ,1 .. 2 t : • • .. 32.7 HudsonHeights E . • 4 2 • .. - • • • 2-• • . •• Alstonvale 0 - o z .. c a • • 1 oc 34.3 o o . .. .. 36.0 Choisy •2 - ' • • ,s,• i Dragon 0 cst Ts , ... r •• 37.9 . • • • Rigaud,Que. . Y i. 14; g 19.12 40.2 a 0 6.03 g ,7 .. 48.2 St.Eugene,Ont. 41 :: A 1 6.23 a 2 g .. 53.3 Stardale • . 2, • • . 6.345 z 3.17 9.29 57.6 ..1VankleekHill I 8.46 5. 46 .. 2 8.11 3 . . . . ••1iiiiwkesbury 1 3 ...... Alfred z i • • 69.8 u 2 - .. .. a 9.00 ...... 74 5 Plantagenet o o .• • • • • .. 85.3 Buorget Z o .. .• •i .. 88.8 Hammond Z • • Leonard 3., .. col 94.3 • is; • • • • 98.6 Haven 13 E • • • • 104.9 Blackburn .o r,3 - - - inc 3 4 6.40 1.27 10.07 11.8 Menty4siParkAve.Stn. -o 9.52 422 o' 8.28 6.46 1.31 10.11 g z 15.5 Bordeaux c 9.44 4.14 18.22 . is t Z3 S. ti • • • • 3 4 18.5 St. telartin Jct. . • • I 1657 5 6 > • • 110.22 * ..„. 22.9 Ste. Rose a I 9.34 f 6 59 .. f10.24 7.1 - 23.6 Rosernere '' '; f 9.B ...... 7 03 10 Ste. Therese .i =,..., i 1.45 10.20 25.6 o o 9.30 4.03 * k I 7 f3 fa'110.35 635.... . 33.2 o C 4 19.22 . • P ; 231 7 17 w si ill .c1 1:3! t , -i .. 10.41 1 2 38.1 Ste.St.ScholastiquisAugu•tinZ 9.17 • fir 88788.• 56011) ..-c "1-; 1 7 22 : - : .. 110.47 7.1 E 43.0 St. Herin•• S i I 9.11 • . ...1,i 4 /7.51 . ! 0 7 34 3 ° a 4 2.12 10.57 . : 49.8 Lacnute 9.03 3.40 a ..: 7.34 '13 Z 17 39 3 n .. fli .02 3. 54.4 Stayner"le ",i 2 f 8 56 17.29 i i n. b ,-* 17 47 -. .2. • .. .111.10 Is 60.9 M•relan-Urenville 0 5 I 8•49 2 c 17.23 Fo• ''''. I 7 52 228 /11.15 * 65.2 18.44 3.25 0 . 3 Cabinet - = t 7.19 (...) e 17 59 '7 fa. .. 111.22 70.5 PointeauChen* -r, 18.38 to 17.42 . 11? :!, • . P 1806 06 •:, ii- /11.30 76.5 Fassett a i I 8.31 .. 17.05 •.c s 8 12 . !••••, 2,.. 2.45 11.36 - 80.2 Montebello - it 8.26 3.00 .. 7.00 6 . 2 . • • • • • • 01 il ' SehintoryClub.p.41m 6, • • • • 8 18 2.51 11.42 • • 84.9 Papineauville M - 8.20 303 6.54 . Fir :,I f 8 24 c f11.49 .. Plaisance - ' f 8.14 .. I 6.48 -. 8 34 a ? 309 11.58 .. 891 Thuon 6 f 8.06 2.49 6.40 .774 8 44 3.19 12.08 .. .'4 6 7.56 2.39 .. 6.29 f 8 55 ix .. .. . • Masson-Buckingham Jet . 6 i 112 19 15.4 Templeton ti 4 I 7.46 .. I 6.20 .. I 8 59 13 32 12 23 .. 17.6 Gatineau 7.43 f 2.27 6.18 .. 9 09 3 39 12.34 24.0 Hull West 7.35 2 20 6.10 9.13 343 12.36 .. 25.6 Ottawa West 7.30 2.15 .. 6.05 9.30 7.25 4.05 4.00 12.55 10.15 09.0 k oTTAwA cg, OP 8•00 7.15 2.00 5.00 5.50 7 25 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. AM. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 1 1 A.M.


• Air-conditioned R•Cl•C. Jtail Diesel Carl. • Autorail climatise. 8 Meal Station where food and news supplies can be obtained at city prices. ,X Bullet a la gare --repas, journaux, magazines aux prix de la vitt.). • Regular taxi service available between Vankleek Hill and Hawkesbury (distance miles). • Service regulter de taxi disponible mitre Vankteek Hill et Hawkesbury (distance, six milieu). o Stops on signal to entrain revenue passengers for Vankleek Hill or beyond. a Arret our signal pour prendre voyaleurs payants poor Vankleek Hill ou au-deli. Does not carry local passengers between Montreal, Westmount, Montreal West and Dorval. • No transporte pas de voyageurs locaux untie Montreal, Westmont, Montreal-Duest et Dorval. it Stops Saturday and Sunday only for revenue passengers. a Arret saniedi et dimanche seulernent pour voyageurs payants. Stops on signal. Arret our signal. 06 Stops on signal Sunday only for revenue passengers. Also Mon. Dec. 25. Mon. Jan. 1 and m Arret our signal dirnanches seulement pour voyageurs payants• Aussi Ion., 25 dec., Ion., ler Fri. Apr. 12. Jan. et ven., 12 avril. n Stops Friday only for revenue passengers. n Arad vendredi seulement pour voyageurs payants• r Stops to detrain revenue passengers. r Arret poor laisser descendre voyaoeurs payants• • Stops to detrain revenue passengers from Ottawa or points west. ix Arret pour laisser descendre voyageurs payants d'Ottawa ou de l'ouest. v Stops to entrain only. v Arret pour prendre voyageurs seulement. x Stops on signal to entrain or detrain revenue passengers. • Arret our signal pour eremite ou laisser descentire voyageurs payants• v Stops on signal daily to qntrain, and on Sat. and Sun. to detrain. y Arret our signal pour prendre voyageurs et le samedi et dimanche arrA pour laisser voyageurs. 9 TABLES 15 and 16 TABLLAUX )5 et 16 TORONTO • LONDON • WINDSOR ARAD DOWN-DE NADI AN SAS READ 111.--DE NM EN NAOS V337 1,339 1,33B ,340

DAY- DO 1. DAYLINER Miles 15 DAVI.INEN Magi LINER Mules Daily Daily Eastern Time Daily Daily Oust. Qua. Heure de l'est Oust. Quot.

P.N. CI- L welea ort lintel A.M. 6 03 8.30 19•0 Op Tomato,* Ar 11.20 915 2.3 Parkdale 6.10 8:40 MeatToronto 11:07 8.58 • • 84..? Islington. 12. Dixie 14. Ossoksville 17. Brindale STNEEtsVILLE 17. Hamby I A37 Milton /16:39 12:61 Campb•liville 39.8.9 ...... Ginsigh Jet. 44.9 Pusiinolt. 52.Q Kili•an. 7.05 57.2 AGALT 10.14 60.3 Ore'sLake 8 ; 2 • • 67.6 Aye • • t 74.3 Brume° 7 • • I 81.6 Innerkip 87.8 WoO•SrOcit 94.9 Zorra 01.0 Thsim 1 9..43.Z 09.1 Crumiln 13.1 London,in,nezs. 14.6 At Lootoom (t.3.P. Stn.) 7-05 e. 14.6 DP Lotsoon (OP. Stn.) 6.55 ?5.1 Kornoka 29.7 Caradec i I 44.8 Gluncoe 63.9 Tharnesville 69.3 HuntBridge i:12 li:47 78.8 CHAINAW e:06 5:56 90.6 Jeannette I i:35 I 94.5 Tilbury. 7:44 534 204.7 St.Jo•chim 20.8 BelleRiver 215.6 Elonstead 222.7 ANalkervilleJune. 12.40 226.1 Ar witioson :15 5 05 /LW


C.P.A. 321 322 C.P.R. EXPLANATION OF SIGNS 376 Miles 371 T.H.AB. Stops on sional. N.Y.C. 376 1 6 371 N.Y.C. a Saturday only. N.Y.C. Mules Eastern Time 17 N.Y.C. r Stops on signal for revenue passengers to Heure de rest. points beyond Hamilton. tri Stops On signal for revenue passengers P.N. from beyond Hamilton and to or beyond C.P.R. • 8.05 0.0 OP TosiONTO it • 9.00 Sudbury. Peterboro or Belleville. • Railway tickets may be exchanged at r 8 28 12.8 Pert Credit • Daily. r 8 43 21.4 Oakville rwa 8 t Daily except Sunday. Hamilton Ticket Office Daily for Canada r 8 50 Burlington T Daily except Saturday. Coach Lines bus tickets between Hamil- • 9 10 Hamilten Op Sunday only. ton and Brantford. Frequent Bus Service. • 9.20 39.3 OP Hamilton eli At • 7.40 Meal Station where food and news sup- No checked baggage handled to or from 9.47 59.5 SMititville plies can be obtained at city prices. 19.58 /0.4 Fenwiek 6. W Air-conditioned ROC (Rail Diesel Car) Brantford. *10.15 76.8 Ar Welland Wort Colborne) Op *171 6 .4 A Convenient bus service via Canada Coach Lines between Galt and Kitchener. N.Y.C. *10.25 76.8 OP Welland Ar • 6.35 - -- 94.1 FortErie,Ont. 11.00 • EXPLICATION DES SYMBOLES .11 50 102.0 it BUFFALO Cent. Term DP g. 19 I Arret stir signal. N.Y.C. •12.52 102.1 LIP Buffalo Ar t 2.50 i 4.35 Samedi seulement. 4. Des billets d'autobus de la compagnie • • 168.1 Rochester 3.25 r Arret sur signal pour voyageurs payants a Canada Coach Lines, entre Hamilton et 248.4 Syracuse 1.55 destination de gares au-dela de Hamilton. Brantford, peuvent etreobtenusen echange 301.2 Utica 12.55 It' Arret our signal pour voyageurs payants 3 Albany 10.55 venant de stations au-dela tie Hamilton des billets do chemin defer au bureau des • 9:60 8.0 At._ Ntw Yuma Gr. Cent. Ter. DP 6.35 A 7.45 et anent a Sudbury, Peterboro, Belleville billets do Haniilton boos le jours. Pas de ou au-dela. bagages enregistres pour ou de Brantford. EQUIPMENT-MATERIEL • Tous les jours. t Tous lea (oars sauf le dimanche. Air-conditioned Coaches on all Trains Toronto and Buffalo. : Toter Ins tours sauf le samedi. Regularly assigned Sleeping Cars are all Air-Conditioned. • Dimanche• Tout les trains a destination do Toronto et Buffalo comportent des vultures-coaches R. Buffet I Is ()are: nourriture, journaux, re- climatisees. Les voitures-lits regulieres qui composent les trains sont entierement vues aux pm de la vitt°. Auserail olirnatise. Nee. 321. 322 Roomettes, Bedrooms (Toronto-Newslork) A Service d'autobus Canada Coach Lilies HOC 321. 322 Chambrettes. chambres (Toronto-New York). entre Galt et Kitchener.

1 0 TABLES 17 and 18 TABLEAUX 17 at 18

TORONTO - ORANGEVILLE - OWEN SOUND RIDE THE TALL TRAIN READ DOWN MEAD HP DE HAUT EN AAA De BAD RA HAUT Ride The Canadian the famous Canadian Paci- fic train with the only Scenic Domes to travel clear V307 1I307 1I306 1'302 across Canada. Relaxing music, Famed Canadian Pacific cuisine. Choice accommodations. Room- DAVLINCR DAYLINEN CATLINER I 7 DAYLMER ettes, bedrooms, drawing rooms, compartments, Son NOTE Mon. Wed. Miles Tue. Sun. Thur. & Fri. Eastern Time only upper and lower berths. Coach passengers can voir NOTE Lu. . Men. Millet Mar. Dim. relax in reclining seats with comfortable full-length 6. Ven. Hours de Pest Jeu. soul i leg-rests. Completely air-conditioned. Take The ; P.M. P.M A.M. Canadian ride and See how great a train can be. 9 30 6.30 0.0 Dp TORONTO la) k 11.30 900 ' z 9 35 z o z 6 35 * 2.3 Parkdale ill•22 I 8.52 3 9_40 3 = . 4.5 West Toronto 11.17 847 11,11: 6_40 Islington !' .. 5 s' I .. ' 4 Iro Dixie . :: g - Cookaville 'ii e 14.12. o o :: E 0e 17.3 Erindale • • -41 9:59 i Ae ; 659- 11 21.2 k Streeteville 15 Op 10. • • 8.28 -6., 10.00,a .P.1 7 00 ; • 21.2 Op Stroetsville 15 - k 10. ,-;T. 8 25 6 Meadowvale 'A 1'10_03 .,T • f 7 03 ; g 23.3 /10.52 ki g I 8 22 2 17 06 -.1c 25.5 Chxrvhnili, /10.49 a0 -, f 8 19 ':Ii1006 10 14 .FcE'a 3 7 14 ,.. .7 11,onnoton . 8 '14 17' i - D. 16• 44 C ? 334 Sneigrove 3C t. * /10 25 '. --N i 7 25 ; 12 38.3 Cheltenham 110.31 46, f 8 01 6 t 41.0 110.27 •rra f 7 57 •a :'- 7 110.29 3 1 u.I 7 29 )03 .. ingiewood ' •/10.34 0- f 7 34 9, • 45.2 Forks of Credit ilc.20 '..*! • 17 50 ' t, VOYAGEZ DANS LE TRAIN DES TRAINS Cataract .4 . /10.38 I-, 7 A' 17 38 • 11e, 47.8 .. flu• 15 t 43 I 7 45 ? 110 42 a f 7 42 Z.-- 50.9 Alton /10.09 0 ., ./ 7 39 47.11, • PO 45 L i I 7.45 • :' 53.0 Melville :. P, f 7.36 .0 '0 Voyagez dims le "Canadien" le celebre train c 10 48 - - 748 ? 55.8 Ar ORANGEVILLE Dp 10.02 a o 732 2 ,/,' du Canadian Pacifique, le seul a voitures-dome a 5' 10 50 ; 3 7 50 - 55.8 Op ORANGEVILLE tir 10.00 1 c 7.30 3 10 58 - • 7.58 • 59.8 Fray. 9.54 7.24 t l' traverser le Canada en entier. Douce musique. ' •:' 63.0 Laurel ,2i ;3 t 3 :1, 1 Cuisine de grande classe. Facilites de choix: . • • .,,. 673 Crornbies a :, . - chambrettes, chambres, salons-lits, comparti- III. 13 3 r il• 13 ;I 71.8 Shelburne .r 9.38 .4, 2 .r 7.08 al m 4 .. • 8't/ 22 • • 79.1 Corbetton a a / 7-00 ments, its du haut et du bas. Confortables fau- 111.28 c7,., I 8.28 > 83.1 Dundak 19.26 4 . •( 6.56 t • '3 2 teuils a appui-jambes pleine longueur dans les f11.37 a f 8 37 '4• 90. Saugeen 19.16 ... g / 6 46 voitures-coaches. Entierement climatise. Prenez /11.431 f 8.43 93. Flesherton I 9.11 21 r 6.41 /11.50 F 18.50 F.; 99.9 Markdole 19.03 - - I 6.33 .4 le "Canadien" et constatez comblen it eat agreable o .1.- 111.56 f 8 56 105.2 Berkeley / 8 5( a. ,r: I 6.27 24, 112.10 19.10 Chatsworth is 44 v, > i 6.14 de voyager par train. .. I 1.4 Rockford • 12.30 9.30 T.I 1,1.8 2 AT OWENSOUND Op 8.30 6•00 A_IIL P.M A.M.


IP3139 V3137 V385 V383 V381 V3130 ,386 V382 V3134 V3813

DAYLINEN DAYLINER I:Isom/tea DAYLINER ',AYLMER 18 DAYLINEN DAYLINER DATLINEN °AYLMER la/MINER Sat Sun. Ex. Sat. Ex. Ex. Ex. Sun. Ex. Sat. Ex. Sat. Sun. &Sun. Sat. only only & Sun. Sun. Sun. Eastern Time only only Sam. Dim. Sans. et Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Sam. et Sam. Sem seul. soul. Dim. exc. exc. eon. Heure de rest Ave. soul. Dim. exc. exc. soul.

P.M. P.M. P.M. 700 OP Havolock At 1 05 • 7.10 2 Norwood > > f 7,20 : ? IndianHirer 11 )1 8 25 .; g 30 3. 745 i 5 40 1.15 r OP Peterboro it ;I:t11243 3 24503 •It., 525 t 3 • g c g c Mondry i 1110 3 ' r 8 04 1550 f :18 3 Cavan z /12.0: f 5 09 Dra marl 1 .- A /II .55 ga f 5 03 f 7 45 • f 7 45 fra • a:f8 riatinvers 0 /10.52 : /11.51 • - r 459 5 s. ,ift 77888 453: 20451 51 i i 7; 5, 20 1° • a 0 r 8 15 0. n 0 /11_46 r 1 '6.51 g : 8 222: f 6 01 I 36 r• 7.32 1r Pontypool /10.48 f 4 55 g I If; t • f 9 00 4 A (833 . f 6 10 I I 45 < Hurketon 6.18 1 53 a Myrtle ffil3 f,( 777 231667 .3. I fl 77 2167 3 (9 08 • 3 8 45 I. • 19.12 ; • f 8 50 • 6 22 1.57 •i Dogma, 22 14 r:( 44.3371 la 2 19.17 7 0 f 8 57 f 6 27 2 02 2 Claremont ] 5.t11.1 .1 al fr 771 0 51 30 1r. . ( 71 05 i1 6 33 2 08 LOcustHill i 9 23 3 F;1 9.07 3 ft• 7 t ; I 6 57 3 1 f 697 6 41 2.17 Agincourt • t 4 08 3 648 . t; 3 A 1 6 50 2 25 LeasIde 18:88 • 6 40 at • 935. Don : 10 1 z 950 9.45 7.00 2.35 Ar Toronto OP 9.50 10 40 3 50 6 30 •f 666 303440 K P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

8 05 Op Toronto 9. 9 10 at Hamilton OP 7. A.M.

Note A-Tssins 380 End 383-Carryor from checked intermediate baggaoe stations, between Toronto and Peterboronon only not toI Nate A-Trains 380 et 383-Service entre de leabagages area enregistresintermediaires. entre Toronto et Peterbereseulement of EXPLANATION OF SIGNS EXPLICATION DES SYMBOLES Air-Condetionsa R.D.C. (Pail Masai Car). Autorall climathob. g Meal Station where food and news supplies can be obtained at city prices. g, Buffet A la ore: nourriture, journaux, revues aux prix do la villa. f Stops on signal. Arret our signal. 6 Stops Friday only. 6 Arret vendredi settlement TABLE 19 TABLEAU 19 MONTREAL- TORONTO -SUOMI)/ -SAULT STE- MARIE GOT THE MESSAGE?


P.M. P.R. 5.45 0.0 Op TOPONTO Ar 5.45 2.3 Parkdale a :00 4.5 West Toronto a 525 8.3 Weston VOUS AVEZ SAISI LE MESSAGE? 6.3 Woodbridge 21.2 Klein burg 26.1 Bolton • • VOUS LE SAISIREZ AU MOVEN DU TgLEX DU CANADIEN 30.5 Humber 35 8 Palgrave PACTFIQUE. CE SERVICE DE COMMUNICATION INSTAN- 31.9 Tottenham 43.4 Beeton TANEE, PAR COMPOSITION DIRECTE, COMpTE PLUS DE 49.6 Alliston (Base Borden) z 422 *c' 13,000 ABONNES,CANADIENS - 200,000 A TRAVERS LE 56,3 Baxter ..... 57.3 y pro. MONDE. LES TELECOMMUNICATIONS DU CANADIEN 63.4 Esse 1 71.7 hlidhurst (Barrie) Not. I. iz 3.58 2' PACIFIQUE FOURNISSENT EGALEMENT DES TELESCRIP- 78.4 Craighurst TEURS, TELEIMPRIMEURS POUR LA BOURSE ET DES 86 2 Carley 94.9 Medonte SERVICES DE TRANSMISSION DES PROGRAMMES. TgLE7 tarttl(a and Coldwater) a. GRAMMES ET CABLOGRAMMES. RENSEIGNEZ-VOUS AUPRES 99.7 Lovering 08.3 Severn Falls ...... • D'UN BUREAU DU CANADIEN PACIFIQUE. 19.4 Baia .... 1 23.7 Roderick 31.4 MACTIERNe 2 50 850 P 31.4 DP NIACTIER .. Ar 2 45 • 35 5 Lake Joseph 3 • 41.8 ...... Brignall • 1 49.0 Dockrnure ••••• 8.19 54.5 Parry Sound 2.08 61.2 Nobel 72.3 Shavvanaga 79.9 •...... _ Pte. au Bathl 86.8 Nalscoot 96.4 Britt 1.10 EXPLANATION OF SIGNS-THIS PAGE 206.1 Pa kesley 210.8 Pickerel It Air-Conditioned Rail Diesel Car. 214.8 French River Meal Station where food and news supplies can be obtained at 216 3 Bin wood city prices. x 10:44 221.9 Rutter x 12.39 a Does not carry local passengers between Toronto 810 West 238.7 Burwash Toronto. 244.8 Wan up f Stops on signal. 253.2 Rem ford z Stops on signal to entrain or detrain revenue passengers. 140 259.8 Ar Sunauev 3.:•70 OP 11 50 AA. Note B-When notified in advance, taxis meet trains at Midhurst to and from Barrie. 111427 "428 Daily Daily Ouot• Qua TORONTO Royal York Hotel A.R. 4.114. 12.30 0.0 DP Soosony 11 15 Largest Hotel in the Commonwealth and one of the most palatial f 12.37 4.5 Cooper Cliff 111.03 in the world. Owned and operated by Canadian Pacific. 11.2 Naughton Subway connection with Union Station. / 12.53 18.3 White Fish f 10.44 21.3 Victoria Mine 25.2 Worthington 28.4 Turbine f 1.10 32.7 Nairn f 10.25 1.19 41.9 McKerrow 10.15 130 48.2 Ar Webbwood Op 10.05 1.47 59 5 Massey 9.48 f 1.55 66.4 Walferd f 9.39 EXPLICATION DES SYMBOLES SUP CETTE PAGE 2.01 71.7 Spanish 9.34 f 2.07 77 5 Cutler f 9.26 Autorail climatise. f 2.21 87 5 Spragge 9.13 r.N.r, Bullet A la gate: nourriture, journaux, revues aux prix de la villa. f 2.31 °5 2 Algoma f 9.03 0 No transport° pas de voyageurs locaux entre Toronto et Toronto- 2.39 02.5 Blind River 8.55 Uuest• 063 Mississauga I Arret Sur signal. f 2.56 12.9 Dean Lake f 8.43 z Arret ear signal pour prendre ou laisser descendre voyageurs 16.8 Eley payants. 21.8 Dayton 26.8 Livingstone 3.14 30.9 Thessalon 8.25 Note B-S'ils sont avises d'avance, ten taxis se rendent Ala gate 35.0 Nestorville do Midhurst pour prendre voyageurs allant A ou venant 36.9 Glen Otter de Barrio. 3:27 43.3 Bruce 8.10 41.4 Portlock TORONTO 3:37 51.4 E,barate 1 8.01 Hotel Royal York 3.48 60.4 Oar River 7.52 3 53 64.4 Echo Bay 7.47' Le plus grand hotel du Commonwealth et an des plus luxueux 70.6 Garden River du monde. Proptiete et administration du Canadian Pacifique. 4115 79.3 Ar S S MARIE, ONT DP 7.30 Un tunnel retie l'hotel A la Gate Union. AAA. 12 NOBODY'S MORE LES CANADIENS SONT WELCOME ABROAD "MUMS [ES THAN A CANADIAN BIENVENUS PARTOUT VANS LE MONDE


YOU'RE CANADIAN Canadaz .:.•7171g.f.tre.14V,P2A1/7 QUE VOUS ETES FASTER THAN CANADIENS? A VOS CANADIAN PACIFIC CHEQUES DE VOYAGES TRAVELLERS CHEQUES. DU CANADIEN PACIFIQUE Backed by the world's most complete transportation system. Les Canadiens sont Canadian travellers get a Available at banks, trust companies, travel agencies and chaleureusement warm welcome wherever Canadian Pacific offices. in Canadian and U.S. dollars and sterling. accueillis partout. they go. Et la meilleure maniere And one of the easiest Is sont authentifies par la cam pagnie de transport la plus de s'identifier comme complete du monde. On pout se les procurer dans les ban- ways to show that you're clues, les agences de voyage, les bureaux du CP. en dollars Canadien, n'est-ce a Canadian is to carry canadiens, americains et CO livres sterling. pas d'utiliser des Canadian Pacific cheques de voyage du Canadien Pacifique? Travellers Cheques. Voyagez toujours Why travel without them? avec eux. 13 TABLES 20 and 2 1 TABLEAUX 20 et 21

CALGARY - EDMONTON International Security READ DOWN READ UP DE HAUT EN GAS DM RAS EN ANDY 1,305 1'303 30 I 20 qt304 9,302 V306 Your Canadian Pacific Credit Card is instantly- Daily Daily Daily Miles Daily Daily Daily acceptable the world over-at all Canadian Pacific ()wt. Quot. Duel Milies Mountam Time Oust. Quat. Qwt. DAY. DAY. DAY. Heute des Rocheuses DAY- DAY- DAY- Offices, appointed Travel Agencies; and Avis, Hertz LINER LINER LINER LINER LINER LINER and Tilden car-rental agencies. You'll find it an P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. indispensable travelling companion wherever you go, 6.30 3.30 8.30 0.0 CALOARY5 12.20 4.30 11.05 10.2 Beddington • because you can charge rail, steamship and plane ESKI- 14.9 Balear STAM- • • MO 20.3 Airdrie FEDER tickets, Canadian Pacific hotel and restaurant bills; 1 7.06 1 4.4 30.2 Crossfield 111.44 1 10 29 1 7.16 1 d 24 19.6 40.7 Carstairs 111.33 13 43 1 10 18 and telegrams. For details, contact Manager, Credit 1 7 .23 1431 19.23 4/, Didsbory / 11 26 I 3 36 110 11 Card Bureau, Windsor Station, Montreal. 7 34 4.41 9.34 57. Olds 11.15 325 110 00 17 .45 19.44 68. Bowden 111.03 13.13 7.54 4.59 9.52 76. Inn isfail 10.54 3.04 9.39 85.0 Pen hold 8 14 5.7 10.10 94.8 RED DEER 1035 245 9.20

8.17 5.19 10.12 94.8 RED DEER At 10.32 2.42 9.17 .6 Black faith e.G1 5.39 ? .1 LACOMBE 10.11 2..22 8.57 Morningside 8..59 .5 55 1.0.51 29.7 Ponoka 9.55 2.04 8140 35 3 Mennik 41.4 Hohbema 9.18 11.13 51.9 WETASKIWIN 9.36 1.45 8.21 d 11.21 61.6 Millet e 1.35 67.8 Kavanagh 6133 1133 73.9 Leduc 19.15 e 1800 79.0 Nisku 85.4 Eilerslie 9.57 6.52 11.52 91.7 So. Edmonton 8 58 1 08 7 43 10 05 7.00 12.00 93.9 EDMONTON+3. Dp 8.53 1 00 7 ..3) P.M. NOON A.M. MIDI

MEDICINE HAT - LETHBRIDGE 5432 698'76 READ DOWN READ UP DE HAUT EN GAS DE GAS Lii NAUT INAlk •C11.1\1 DOE , V307 •1-11 1,308 •2-12 B3 tit P60 ST'REZT , Barlow Valiant Miles OUVTOCA , 2 I Alt- Daily Daily M;,,,."'", tude Daily Daily CNI,IP.DN • Duet. Quot. Quot. Quot.

P.M. .. 2 00 Dp Montreal ET/HE k 110 - 9.35 .. 5 45 DP Toronto ET/HE k 254 - 5.45 .. 11.15 Dp Winnipeg Cl/He k 772 - 13.4) .. 6.47 DP Regina CT HC itt 1896 .. 3.10 .. 11.35 - k... Medicine Het MT/HR - De 2181 .. 8.20

P.M. P.M. 12 1,0 - 0.0 Op MEDICINE HAT 5 3 MT, HR. De 2181 7.35 - . • • 12.6 Btill'3Head 2410 . .. 112 26 . • 20.7 seven Persons 2479 1 7.05 .. /12.34 - 28.4 Whitla 2746 1 6.51 /12.41 .. 35.6 Winnifred 2724 1 6.49 .. 12 49 .. 14.2 Bow Island 2621 6.40 .. /12.36 .. 51.1 Burdett 2576 S6curit6 internationale 16.33 ... f 1.04 59.2 Grassy Lake 2652 1 6.23 .. 1 1.13 68.0 Purple Springs 2625 1 6.16 ...... 73.5 Fineastie 2633 . .. 1.25 . • 79.7 Taker 2670 6.05 - / 1.31 . • 85.2 Barnwell 2733 15.58 .. Votre carte de credit du Canadien Pacifique est .. .. 89.8 Cranford 2735 . .. 1.39 - 93.5 Chin 2784 1549 .. acceptee instantanement partout dans le monde, a 1.48 .. 101.7 Coald•le 2830 5 41 .. tous les bureaux du Canadien Pacifique, dans les 2.00 .• 111.6 k LETHBRIDGE 22 Dp 2982 530 - P.M. P.M. agences de voyages et chez les agents de location de voitures Avis, Hertz et Tilden. Votre carte de credit EXPLANATION or SIGNS THIS PAGE g Meal Station where food and news supplies can be obtained at city prices. sera pour vous une compagne de voyage indispen- ir Air-Conditioned R.D.C. (Rail Diesel Car') sable car grace a elle, vous pourrez porter a votre • "The Canadian" all space reserved. No extra + C.P. Air Lines service to and from Yukon District. compte les billets de train, bateau et avion, les a Stops to detrain revenue passengers from Calgary and beyond. c Stops to entrain reventie passengers for Calgary and beyond. I Stops on signal. factures d'hotels et restaurants du Canadien Pacifique et les telegrammes• Pour obtenir des EXPLICATION DES SYMBOLES SUP CETTE PAGE g Buffet a la pare: nourriture, journaux, revues aux prix de la ville. renseignements detailles, communiquez avec le Autorail climatise • "The Canadian-. Toss sieges reserves. Pas de supplement. directeur du Bureau des cartes de credit, gare + Service de Canadian Pacific Air Lines a destination et de la region du Yukon. Windsor, Montreal. d Arret pour laisser descendre voyageurs payants venant de Calgary et au-dela. e Arret pour prendre voyageurs payants allant a Calgary et au-dela. I Arret sur signal. 14 TABLES 22 and 23 TABLEAUX 22 et 23 CALCARY-FORT MACLEOD-LETHBRIDGE


,310 ,312 V309 iP3 I DAY. DAY. DAY- SAT. LINLR LINER LINER LINER Tue., Mon., Tue., Mon., Thu.& Wed., Thu. & Wed., Sat, Fri. & 22 Sat. Fri. rA. Su.i. miles Sun. Lun., Lun., Mar., flier., Mines Mar., mar., van. at LE CHATEAU Jeu. et yen. et jOIL at Sam. dim sem. din,. Mountain Time P.M P.M. Ileum des Rocheuses A.M. 6 15 6.15 110 Pp • CALGARY 5 Ar 11.40 11.40 6.01 Turner CHAM PLAI N f 6.40 f 6.40 18.5 Dewinton /11J3 13 6-50 6 50 27.6 Okotoks 11.02 11.02 f 6.56 f 6.56 33.2 OlderApie /10.55 10.55 Welcome to an adventure. f 7.08 40.4 Mazeppa /10.44 17.14 46.2 Blackie /10.38 Welcome to f 7.23 55.1 Brant /101.28 f 7-31 59.6 Ensign /10.23 Le Chateau Champlain 7.42 69.2 Vulcan 10.11 in the heart of The f 7.49 74.4 Kirkcaldy The /10.04 7.51 02.1 Champion fort 954 downtown Montreal. Macleod 8.10 .6 Cartnangay Macleod 9.43 .5 Peacock Its distinguished 8.21 100.0 Barons 9.32 8.31 19.22 appearance merely points 18.37 11.2 NchlefordWhitney 9.16 Ar Coalhurst Dp at the luxury- 8.45 1201 9.08 beauty to be found 16.56 33.2 Dv. Aieersyee _ Or /10.55 with each of the 600 7.03 39.9 High Riker 10.47 17.13 49-2 ... Cayley /1137 -exquisitely appointed 7.22 57.3 ... Nanton 10.29' 17.31 65.9 Parkland /10.20 mc guest rooms. f 7.37 liet“e 72.1 Staveiy 10.14 Bultam 78.1 Pulteney A fascinating world 7.48 10.04 of entertainment Ri.9.3 WoodhouseClaresholrn f 7.59 93.4 Granurn 9.51 and gourmet cuisine 105.1 Me.,,atose. 8.15 9 31 awaits you in seven 108.6 Ar. FORT MACLEOD exciting restaurants 8 15 9.30 172 PP:: FORZALLEOD1 Or 19.22 and lounges. I 4•7 • Monarch 19.15 133.9 Ar Coalhurst . 19.06 Le Château Champlain. 18.47 Montreal's most 8.55 8.55 126.5 Ar.. LETHBRIDGE . 9.00 9.00 P.M. P.M. intimate adventure.

C'est tout le charm° EQUIPMENT - MATERIEL de Montreal cosmopolite. Trains 309-310-311-312 L'hotel dire un Y Air Condition•d R.D.C. (Rail Diesel Car,-Autorail Climatise decor et une ambiance 1 Stops on Signal - Arrilt Bur Signal hors pair. Vous les retrouverez dans la luxueuse beaute de chacune de ses 600 chambres. Dans l'elegance unique de ses sept restaurants et bars differents, ou distractions et grande cuisine se marient VICTORIA - NANAIMO-COURTENAY pour rendre votre sejour inoubliable. ESQUINIALT AND NANANVIO RV.

Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Dim. 23 Dim. exc. exc.

P.M. 9.00 Op Victoria Or 5.30 10.14 Dp...... Duncan De 4.14 11.30 Op Nanaimo DP 3 20 1 10 Or Courtenay DP 1 30 4112111111111111111111111111111 P. M. P.N.P. si1;16'‘ ',1;c 11110iii Pacific Time Heure du Pacifique is Callada7/1

-•••••,]:!, EDMONTON ce \

o-G ,1 ''11410 NANAIMO A,

...-1.ZAI-- VICTORIA, • ....A.... . 'n."."•••• ... k --- LETHBRIDGE BRANDON SEATTLE

d••••••••• d• Modomid di VP

IIf*. •••,...... •


g azaw&eP 117 07.)cardiffolicit/4/zle

OU, •\‘'' "4 1.RO/s 'aec scN" •R\' HALIFAX

DIGBY \)ct% 4f0,vt NoR11-1 BAY Y AR MO UT

IS. 0.9't GO P,•\ 3'1 51 • TO BOSTON, NEW YORK



1 7 TA8LES 24 and 25 TABLEAUX 24 et 25

Kelowna via Salmon Arm


The rit ri The Canadian 24 Canadian I i 2-12 Liaily V. Daily isa La Quot. TRAIN Oust. Fr Ve DP Montrost k 9.35PM Mo Lu 2 OQ trl Lu 5 45 PT OP ToRoNTO. at 5.45 Prn Mo 1.36 an Mo Lu k SALMON ARM DP 4.48 ant Sa Sa

The rn The Canadian T Canadian 2 a Daily Daily isa 113 cleat (Mt. 7.00 pm Fr Ve DP VANCOuVER Ar 11.40 an Mo Lu 4.48 an Sa Sa A• SALMON ARM OP 1.36 am Mo Lu Daily-Oust. ALITOBUS Daily-Quot. Daily-Oust.

A.M. 1 45 5.00 DI SALMON ARM ar 5.00 1.00 1 OP Enderby OP 4.30 12.40 Dp Arrnktrong OP 4.15 12.25 2.45 6.00 DP Vernon DP 3.50 12 00 3.35 6.50 k KELOWNA DP 3.00 11 10 4.61. CM.

Stops to Discharge or Pickup Passengers Holding Through Tickets Only. I Arret pour laisser descendre ou prendre voyageurs ayant on billet direct.

BAGGAGE SERVICE Hand baggage only carried in charter buses. Station agents will check or deliver heavy baggage only during hours railway agent is normally on duty, for travel via Sicamous in freight trains 90 and 91, subject to delay in reaching destination. Passengers desiring to claim checked baggage at Salmon Arm should see it is checked to Salmon Arm only.

SERVICE DE BAGAGES Transport des bagoges B main a bard des autobus valises sculement. Its bagages tourds seront enregistres ou livres par les agents de la gate durant Isun s hours. de travail seulement, via Sicamous a bord des trains de marchandises 90 et 91, et wont exposes a arriver a destination an retard. Les voyageurs cl;tsireux de reciamv let bagages antegistres S ,,,almon Arm devront S'OS;Uret que cos bagoges ont CIA enregistres pour cette dcAination.

74 eetaaceeeta• Scenic Dome Train - Train a Dome Panoramique All space reserved, no extra cost - Taus sieges reserves sans frais additionnels.

BUS .SERVICE - SERVICE D'AUTOBUS KELOWNA - PENTICTON SERVICE DE BAGAGES BAGGAGE SERVICE READ DOWN READ UP Les bagages seront enregistres, d'apres DE HAUT EN RAS DE OAS EN HAUT Baggage will be checked according to 25 la destination du billet. vers at de Pen- route of ticket to and from Penticton, Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ticton, Summorland at Kelowna at seront Summerland and Kelowna and handled Quot. ()wt. Oust. Quot. Oust. 'Not. Oust. Oust. Oust. ()tot. transportes en camion at exposés a ar- in truck service subject to delay. Pas- P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. (SubJecl to change) A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. river a destination en retard. Les voya- seneers are required to arrange their (Sags Theme de moilifitalion) geurs devront s'occuper de leur transport 7.15 9.45 own personal transfer and transfer of 10 20 10.20 1.00 8.00 5.30 DP KELOWNA 7.55 8.00 4.40 personnel at du transport des bagages a Non 10.34 1 15 8.15 5d West bank 7.40 Non 4 25 Non 9.33 hand baggage between rail and bus stop tO • 48 1. 30 8.30 5 55 Peachl•nd ..... 7.25 StOP 4.10 stop 9.20 main entre fa gare du chemin do for et depots at Penticton. Sans I 0.57 1.50 8.50 6.13 Sumrneriand 7.05 Sans 3.50 Sars 9.02 les terminus d'autobus a Penticton. arret arrot arrAt 11.20 11.25 2.10 9.10 6.30 PENTICTON • • DP 6.45 7.00 3.30 6.15 8.45 P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.R. P.M. Pacific Time-Heure do Paclfiga• 18 Sil(t•/'4

/ mlak Swing across to Europe Allez gogo en "Empress" on a great White Empress vers l'Europe Party your way to Europe on a great White Empress. Swim and Mais une traversee "Empress" est tout aussi agreable pour le sun or relax and laze the time away. Let the tang of art ocean pantouflard que pour l'amateur de discotheques. L'un dansera, breeze sharpen your appetite for magnificent White Empress assistera aux receptions et fera du sport tandis que l'autre meals. See the latest movies. The tops in entertainment. And flanera sur les ponts, lira ou verra de bons films. Mais tous deux dance the night away to the beat of a rocking-good bard. It's seront d'accord sur la cuisine qui est excellente. Et il pout en a non-stop floating party all the way to Europe. And all the way etre ainsi au retour aussi. Nest-ce pas merveilleux ? back. MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL Billet simple a compter de $260 (saison intermediaire 1968). One way tourist fare from $260. (Intermediate season-1968). Consultez votre agent de voyages ou le Canadien Pacifique. Contact your travel agent or arty Canadian Pacific Office. RENSEIGNEMENTS DE SECURITE SAFETY INFORMATION: L'"Empress of Canada" et I'"Empress of England", immatri- SS Empress of Canada and the SS Empress of England cules en Grande-Bretagne, satisfont aux exigneces inter- registered in Great Britain meet international safety standards nationates de securite etablies en 1960 pour les nouveaux for new ships developed in 1960. paquebots. VOYAGEZ • •


19 TABLES 26, 27, 28 and 29 29 TABLEAUX 26, 21, 28 of 29 THROUGH BUS FERRY SERVICE SERVICE AUTOBUS-TRAVERSIER VANCOUVER •- NANAIM 0 - VICTORIA Canadian acifec Via Vancouver Island Coach Lines Pacific Stage Lines Through Motor Coaches via B.C. Government Ferry Service B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES Service d'autobus direct par le service ile traversier du gouvernement de la c.-8. YANcouYER -VICTORIA 6,4 Hours-Heuresi SERVICES DE NAVIRES COTIERS DE LA C.-B. (Service direct "Royal Victorian" Direct Service Service conjoint PSL-V1CL Joint Service) 26 Daily-Quot. A.M. A.11. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. DP *Vancouver 6.05 8.05 10.05 12.05 2 05 4.05 6.05 8.05 VICTORIA-SEATTLE DO Victoria 6.10 8.10 10.10 12.10 2 10 4.10 6.10 8.10 PRINCESS "MARGUERITE" Victoria - Seattle 81 mitcs-miiies VANCOUVER - NANAIMO (2% Hours-Heures) Service conjoint PSL-VICL Joint Service

Service Service Daily-Oust. Suspended DP Victoria Interrotnpu for Winter DP *Vancouver 6.10 8.10 10.10 12.10 2.10 4.10 6.10 8.10 Ar Seattle pour Season L'hiver DD N•nairno 6.40 8.40 10.40 12.40 2,40 4,40 6.40 8.40 27 VANCOUVER - VICTORIA (via Nanalrno) ("Royal Islander"-Service conjoint PSL-V1CL Joint Service Vancouver. Nanaimo, VANCOUVER-NANAIMO V1CL Nanaimo - Victoria) P.M. 'PRINCESS OF VANCOUVER.. DP *Vanc ***** 8 10 12 10 2 10 4.10 Vancouver. Nanairno 41 miles-milles kr Victoria I 25 5 00 7 20 9 10 P.M. P.M. Pacific Standard Time Daily Daily Daily Heure normaie du Pacifique (Not (Not. Oust. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Dp Victoria 8.20 11.15 12.45 2 10 4 05 6 30 Ar *Vancouver 1.25 525 5.25 7 25 9 25 II 25 (Quid A3) A.M. A.M. P.M. Dp Vancouver (Pier A3) A 2.00 10.00 6.00 P.M. P.M. P.M. Ar Renoir'. 4.45 12.45 8 45 A.M. P.M. P.M. Departures and Arrivals are on Pacific Standard Time Les departs et arrivees Soot a l'houre normale du Pacifigue. Pacific Standard Time Daily Daily Daily • PSL-VICL motor coaches operate to and from bus terminal in Vancouver. Through fares cover Heure normale du Pacifique (Wt. Clint. Oust. transfer of passenger and baggage between rail station and bus terminal in Vancouver. * Les arnvies et departs des autobus PSL-V1CL se font au terminus de l'autobus A Vancouver. A.M. P.M. P.M. Les tarifs directs couvrent la trajet du voyageur et des bagages entre la sure du chemin defer et Op Remains° 6.00 2.00 10.00 le terminus d'autobus a Vancouver. At Vancouver (Pier A3) A 8,45 4• 45 12•45 (Ousi A3j

No baggage checking facilities at Vancouver Wharf. All chocked baggage is handled through Vancouver Station Baggage Room. Meal Service Available. Connections at Nanaimo with E. N. Ry. See Table 23. A Pas d'enregistrement de bagages au qua, de Vancouver. Tous le 3 bagages enregistres sont manutentionnes a la consigne de la tare de Vancouver. Service de repas. Correspondances a Nanaimo avec le chemin deter E. et N. Consulter Tableau 23. There are some great

28 industrial sites in Canada ALASKA Canadian Pacific knows where to find them. VANCOUVER-SKAGWAY And our report to you will include population figures, labour pool composition, growth trends, taxes, utilities, services and many Vioncouver-Sk•tirtay 1043 mile. rnillee other pertinent factors. Well also provide details about markets, "PRINCESS PATRICIA" sources of materials and transportation facilities. Let a Canadian Pacific Industrial and Agricultural Development Scow-fee t I 5te /96 ir Specialist find the right site for you. It's a free, confidential service.

Pacific Standard Time June-Juin Heure normale du Pacifigue July-Juillet August-AoOt Sept, May Le Canada possede des emplacements Mat Dp Vancouver.- 8.00 PM 31 8 IS 24 2 10 18 26 3 11 19 27 4 industriels extraordinaires

Af Skmertior 8.30 4 12 20 28 6 14 22 30 7 15 23 31 8 Le Canadien Pacifique sait oh us se trouvent. rip Skaewcy 10.30 Pm 4 12 20 28 6 14 22 30 7 15 23 31 8 Le rapport que nous vous soumettrons traitera la population, la 1:112 rtou8i Sept. composition de la main-d'ceuvre, le developpement, les taxes, At viincouir.r . 8.00511 8 16 24 2 10 18 26 3 11 19 27 4 12 les entreprises de service public et les nombreux autres facteurs importants. NOUS vous renseignerons aussi sur les marches, les SAFETY INFORMATION debouches et facilites de transport. The T.E.V. "Princess Patricia" registered in Canada, meets International Safety Standards for Confiez a un specialiste du service de rexpansion industrielle et new ships developed in 1960. agricole du Canadien Pacifique le soin de trouver 'emplacement RENSEIGNEMENTS OE SECURITE qui VOUS convient. C'est un scrvice gratuit et confidentiel. Le "Princess Patricia", immatricule au Canada, satisfait aux normes internationales de securito etablies pour les nouveaux paquebots en 1960. 20 THE ROYAL YORK 111,1

Toronto, Ontario. ' Quick, quiet and friendly. Room service is a real treat at a Canadian Pacific Hotel Banff, Alberta.


\ Calgary. Alberta.


1144q :

N.14 "tr Victoria, British Columbia.


•••,„: • Le service aux chambres est -"114.1(•e'r

a. I, ;PPM% , rapide, discret et souriant dans I - St. Aorbassis•by-the-Sea. New Brunswick. •

les hotels du Canadien Pacifique


I _ Cr

adanommetis da• ::::::::: •

4//ira''• - • • ,-.413"0 • / Niagara Falls, Ontario Edmonton, Alberta. Quebec City. Quebec. Sherbrooke. Quebec. operated by Canadian Pacific Hotels Montreal, Quebec. Lake Louise, Alberta.


MONTREAL J. M. ROBERTS, Vice-President Railway Freight C. S. DOUPE, General Freight Sales Manager vice-president gorant general des yentas, trafic-marchandises Windsor Station Service-marchandises Gare Windsor B. CAPLAN, Asst. to Vice-President J. R. CROSSLEY, Asst. General Freight Sales Manager ad joint au vice-president System---Reseau UDrarit general adjoint, des yentas, trafic-marchandises R. C. GILMoRE, Manager, Planning and Training MONTREAL G. S. Mr KEOGII, Asst. to General Freight Sales Manager gorant—planificaton et formation adjoint au gerant general des ventes, trafic-marchandises C. C. WATSON, System Manager, Freight Sales Development Windsor Station J. M. LIVINGSTONE, Potash Traffic Manager gerant du reseal), expansion des yentas du trafic-march. Oars Windsor gerant trafic potasse W. MILLER, General Freight Traffic Manager—Rates Passenger Services IAN WARREN, General Passenger Traffic Manager geraitt general, trafic-marchandises—tarifs (Arent general du trafic-voyageure A. FERCUSON, Ma. to General Freight Traffic Manager—Rates Service-voyageors R. D. MATTHEWS, Passenger Traffic Manager adjoint au (Want general, trafic-marchandises•tarils MONTREAL gerant du trafic-voyageurs E. M. ScuLLy, Freight Traffic Manager—Rates Windsor Station W. G. WRIGHT, Manager, Mail and Baggage Traffic gerant, trafic-marchandises—tards Gare Windsor gexant, trafic-courrier et bagages D. J. CHERRY, Asst. Freight Traffic Manager—Rates J. CAOUETTE, Passenger Traff io Commissioner gerant adjeint, trafic-marrhandiaes—tarifs commissaire du trafir-voyageurs J. A. MACDONELL, Manager—International Freight Rates G. P. BRAND, Manager, Passenger Tariff Bureau gerant—tarifs-marchandises internationaux gerant, bureau du tarif-voyageurs R. W. WALKER, Manager—Canadian Freight Rates G. W. FOOTE, General Tourist Agent gorant—tards-merchandises Canadians agent general du tourisme G. E. WHITE, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates gerant adjoint—tarifs-marchandiSeS W..OREEN, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates Atlantic and Eastern Regions gerant adjoint—tarifs-marchandiees A. J. Jamieson, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates Regions de l'Atlantique et de l'Est gerant adjoint—tarifs-marchandises CEO. WALSH, General Passenger Agent J. L. DiFnusela, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates MONTREAL gerant ad joint—tarifs-marchandisea Windsor Station agent general, voyageur() E. C. PUDDINGTON. Asst. General Passenger Agent Gare Windsor agent general adjoint, voyageurs D. W. Git.Lis, Freight Traffic Manager Atlantic Region gerant, trafic-marchandises TORONTO E. C. JOHNSON, General Passenger Agent Region de G. ROUSSEAU, Manager-freight Sales agent general, voyageurs (*.rant des ventes--trafic-marchandises King & Yonge C. A. SARSTIELD, Asst. General Passenger Agent L'Atlantique J. A. MORENCY, Manager—Freight Development agent general ad joint, voyageurs MONTREAL uerant—espansion du trafic-marchandises G. G. FLF.MING, District Passenger Agent Windsor Station K. D. CAPINICHAEL, Manager—Frelot Rates Agent regional, voyageurs gerant—tards-marchandises Gare Windsor A. S. FLEET, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates gerant adjoint—tarifs-marchandises D. E. DONNELLY, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates Prairie and Pacific Regions (*ant adjoint—tarifs-marchandises Regions des Prairies et du Pacifique A. M. SHIELDS, Freight Traffic Manager Eastern Region g'!rant, trafic-marchandises WINNIPEG G. R. JENKYNS, District Passenger Agent D. H. POTTS, Asst. to Freight Traffic Manager agent regional, voyageurs Region de Lest Can. Par. Stn. TORONTO adjeint au tenant, trafic-marchandises G. WATSON, Asst. to Mgr., Mail and Baggage Traffic T. S. CUTTELL, Manager—Freight Sales Oars du Can. Par. adjoint as Omit, trafic-courrier et bagages King & YOKO° his. gorant des ventes—trattc-marchaedises W. J. Casey, General Agent D. R. W. GAWLEY, Manager—Freight Development agent general (Want—expansion du trafic-marchandises CALGARY E. O. RIDDELL, Manager.-.Freight Rates Can. Par. Stn. D. V. ELLIOTT, District Passenger Agent gerant—tarifs-inarchanoises agent regional, voyageurs R. M. FOLLETT, MM. Manager—Freight Rates Dare du Can. Par. gerant adjoint—tarifs-marchandises D. L. B. McCoLL, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates VANCOUVER H. NEWTON, General Passenger Agent gerant art joint—tards-marchandises Can. Par. Stn. agent general, voyageurs R. S. HENRY, Asst, General Passenger Agent Dare du Can. Par. E. E. BARTLAM, Freight Traffic Manager agent general ad joint, voyageurs Prairie Region (*ant, trafic-marchandises W. L. WeeLay, District Mail and Baggage Agent agent regional, courrier et bagages Region des Prairies H. C. PHILLirs. Manager—Freight Sales E. H. Timaerts, District Passenger Agent wiNtrIPEG gerant des ventes—trafic-marchandises agent regional, voyageurs H. WHITELY, Manager—Freight Rates 151 Henry Ave. cerant—tarifs-marchandises F. J. HAMOPI, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates Forel:a Freight gerant adjoint—tarifs-marchandises S. A. KERR, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates Fret etranger gerant adjoint—tarifs-marchandises System --Reseau J. N. MePHERSON, General Manager, Foreign Freight MONTREAL gerant general, fret etranger W. D. MUSS. Freight Traffic Manager Windsor Station Pacific Region aerant, trafic-marchandises Gare Windsor Region du Pacifique I. S. RAMSAY. Manager—Freight Sales gerent des ventes—trafic-marchandises MONTREAL G. H. Cntienvon, Foreign Freight Traffic Manager—Atlantic VANCOUVER J. H. Monnism, Manager—Freight Development Imicauble Board gerant du trafic, fret etranoer, Atiantigue Can. Poe. Stn. gerant—expansion Is trafic-marchandises D. T. SWEENEY, Manager, Foreign Freight—Rail Rates Oars du Can. Pee. C. BARON, Manager—Freight Rates of Trade BUINIDO garent, fret etranger—tarifs ferroviaires gerant—tarifs-marchandises J. BROOKS, Assistant Manager, Foreign Freight W. T. CARSTENS, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates garant adjoint, fret etranger gerant adjoint—tarifs-marchandises S. C. BRAGGER, Assistant Manager, Foreign Freight—Grain P. E. GARNETT, Asst. Manager—Freight Rates (Arent ad joint, fret etranger, cereales Want adjoint—terifs-marrhandises

VANCOUVER S. H. Cannes, Foreign Freight Traffic Manager—Pacific Can. Par. Stn. gerant, du trafic, fret etranger, Pacifique K. R. w000roca, Assistant Manager, Foreign Freight—Rail Rates Gare du Can. Par. &ant adjoint, fret etranger--tarifs forroviaires

Eastern Region MONTREAL W. G. SCOTT, Manager, Traffic Research Windsor Station gerant. rechemhes sur to trafic Region de l'Est R. L. SMALL, General Manager, Industrial and Agricultural Development Gare Windsor gerant general developtiament industrial at apricot() TORONTO P. E. CAOGNAN, Regional Manager, Foreign Freight A. E. JENNER, Manager, Pigeyback Services King & Yonge Want regional, fret etranper gerant, services rail-route (piggyback)

22 CANADA—PASSENGER AND FREIGHT TRAFFIC REPRZSENFATIVES Oshawa. One Can. Pas. Ste H G. Davidson,.. City Pass'r Ant. Agt. de ville, voyageurs REPRESENTANTS DES SERVICES—VOYAGEURS ET MARCHANDISES Ottawa, Ont. 83 Sparks St F H. Fox Gen. Apt. Pass', Sort. Brandon. Man Can. Pao. Stn. C L Henderson . Acting Ticket Agent Apt, general, voyageurs Agent suppleent C.P. Merchandise Bldg C. H. Labreque.. .Dist. Mgr. Frt, Trf. des billets Dir. reg., trafic-march. Can. Pic. Ste H C Peterson Dist. Mgr, Frt. Tit Pembroke, Ont Can. Pac. Stn R R. Tardiff City Pass', Apt. Ger. reg., trafic-march. Agt. de ville, voyageurs Calgary. Alta. Can. Pac. Stn. L. M. Johnson City Pass', and rkL. Aut. Penticton, B.0 330 Martin St G F L Robertson. .City Ticket Apt. Agt. de ville, voyaguors * Aut. do ville. billets et apt. des billets Peterboro, Ont Can. Pas. Stn W. G. D. MacMillan City Pass'r Agt. 9th Ave. and let St., S.E J W. Waldhouser Dist. Mgr. Frt. Tit. Apt, de ville voyageurs, Ger. reg., trafic-march. Port Arthur, Ont. Can. Pas, Stn H I Little Ticket Agent 9th Ave. and at St., S.L T. B. Jones Asst. Dist. Mgr. Frt. Trf. Apt. dos billets Ger. reg. adj., tn.-march. Preston, Ora 105 King St. W R. Barty Dist, Mgr. Frt. Trf. Chatham, Oct Can. Par. Stn. W. F. Shaw City Pass', Agt. Ger. reg., trafic-march Agt. de stile, voyageurs Prince George, B.C..15.,5 Fifth Ave R. F. Ware Frt. Trf. Hop. Edmonton, Alta Can. Pao. Bldg F S Davidson City Pass', Apt. Apt. itinZyant, march Apt. de villa, voyageurs Quebec, Qui Palais Stn J R Patenaude .Gen. Agl. Paser Serv. Can. Pas, Stn, C E Johnson Dist. Mgr. Frt. Trf Apt. general, voyageurs Ger. reg., trafic-march. M. R. Lavallee Dist. Mgr. Frt. Trt. Port William, Ont...Can. Pao. Stn C A Grant City Pass', and Ikt. AO. Ger. reg., trafic-march. Agt. de ville, voyageurs Chateau Frontenac Hotel....L. P. Tech° Ticket Agent at apt. des billets Apt. des billets Can. Pao. Stn. W. H. Johnson Diet. Mgr. Frt. Trf. Regina, Sack Can. Pac. Stn. G S Harrup City Pass', Apt. Ger. reg., trafic-march. Apt, de villa, voyageurs Fredericton, N.B. Can. Pao. Ste W. L. Macromara..Dist. Mgrfrt.&Psur.Trt. Can. Par. Ste R K. Foote Dist. Mgr. Frt..Trf. Ger. reg. trafic- Ger. reg., trails-march. march. at trafic-voy. St Boniface, Man...I36 Provencher Henri D'Escham- bault Ltd. City Ticket Apt. Galt, Oct. 145 Main St G. S. Aitkin City Pass'r Agt. Apt, de title, billets Apt, de nulls, voyageurs Saint John, N.B. i5 Germain St E E. Barge City Pass'r Apt. Halifax, PCS 1547 Barrington St K. H. Ott Gen. Apt. Pass', Sem Apt. de vine, voyageurs Agt. general, voyageurs 77 Germain St H E. Richards Dist. Mgr. Frt. Trf. 1541 Barrington St. L P. Butt Dist Mgr. Frt. Tn. Ger. rep., trafic-inarch. Ger. reg., trafic-march. G. G. Bourgeois.. „Dist. Mgr. Fen. Fit. Ger. reg., fret etrar jar Hamilton, Ont 14 King St. West R F. Shepherd City Pass'r Apt. Agt. de villa, voyaueurs Sarnia, Oct 118 Front St. North W. R. Clement City Pass'r Agt. 32 James St. South K. C. Walker Out Mgr. Frt. Tn. Apt. de ville, voyageurs Ger. reg., trafic-march. Saskatoon. Sask..— 115 2nd Ave. North D T. Bruce Dist. Pass', Rep. Kelowna. B.0 1354 Water St V. W. M. Rose Dist. Mgr. Frt. Trio Repri..s. reg., voyarscurs Ger. reg., tratic-march. Can. Pap, Bldg. W. Todd Dist. Mgr. Frt. Trf. (Per. reg., trafic-reareh. Kingston, Ont 6 Montreal St I J McCoy ...... City Ticket Apt. Sault Ste. Marie, Apt. de vine, billets Ont Can. Pap. Stn A L Thompson.. .City Pass'r Apt. Kitchener. Ont 36 Ontario St. N A D. Calvert City Pass'r. Apt. Agt. de ville, voyseeurs Apt. de ville, voyageurs Sherbrooke, Que Can. Pac. Stn J R. Timmins Ticket Agent Lethbridge. Alta– ..Can. Pug, Stn J J Morrissey Supervisor of Customer. Apt. des billets Service Centre Surveillant—Bureau de Sudbury, Ont Can. Pac Sin E Huntington. .. Ticket Agent service voyageurs Apt. des billets 8th St. & let Ave. So G. T. Bates Dist. Mgr. Frt. TO. Toronto. Oct. King and Yonge S A. Lodge City Pass', Apt. Ger. reg., trafic-rearch. Apt, de vill% voyaueurs London. Oct Can. Pao. Stn. E J Kendall City Pass', Apt. O. V. Werner Dust Mgr. Frt. Trf. Apt, de villa, voyageurs Ger. reg., trails-march. 664A Richmond St A M. Wilson Dist Mgr. Frt. Tn. C. R. McClure Dist.Mgr.Frt.Trf. (east) Ger. reg., trafic-march. Ger. reg. trafic- march.lest) Medicine Hat, Aits–Can. Pas. Stn. W. A. Stacey Rall Terminal Supervisor B. H. Russell Dist.Mur.Frt.Trf. (west) Surveillant du gars Gero r Montreal, Que...... Windsor Sin H Seguin Gen. Apt. Pass'''. Sort. marcegh.,.(toruaefic-st, . Apt. general, voyageurs D. Walker Dist. Misr. Fon. Frt. • Windsor Ste. C Keane Gen. Asit, Att. Ports Ger. de dint., fret eh% S.S. Pass'r. Apt. general, voyageurs, Trenton, Ont 25 Dundas St. E D. J. McDonald. City Pass'r Apt. ports de l'atlantique Apt. de ville, voyageurs 215 St. James St. West M. Filiatrault City Ticket Agt. Trots Rivieres, Qui 1375 rue Ste. Julie R E Emberu Dist, Mgr. Frt, Tit. Apt. de title, billets Ger, reg., trafic-march. Beard of Trade Bldg L Otenier Dust. Mgr., Fon.Frt. Sales Ger. rig. des vent•s, Vancouver, B.C... .Can. Pap. Ste. R R Reid City Pass', Apt. fret etreneer Apt. de vine. voyageurs G. A. O'Connor .. Asst. Mgr. Ern. Fit.— Can. Pao. Ste F C Hoskins Dist. Mgr. Frt. Trl. Ocean Rates Ger. reg., trafic-march. Ger. adj., fret stranger Can. Pas, Ste J. B. Anderson Dist. Mgr. Frt. Tn. lards oceaniques Ger. reg. traf-march. B A. Lancey Dist. Mgr. Frt. Trf. W. J. Ryan Dist. Mgr. Fun. Frt. Ger. reg., trafic-march. Ger. dentist., fret etr. R. G. Metivier Dist.Mgr.Frt.Tri. (east) Ger.rootrtmarch.(est) Victoria. B.0 1102 Government St. C N. Holt Gen, Apt, Pane', Serv. P. O. Tobiasson .Dist.Murfrt.Trf. (west) Apt. geni,ral, voyaleurs 1102 Government St. W. R. McCusker. Dist. Mor. Frt. Trf. Ger.regtrf.march(auest) Ger. reg., trafic-march. Moose Jaw, Sack... Can. Pac. Stn. W. H. Duncan City Passenger Agent Apt, de ville, voyageurs Windsor. Ont 196 Ouellette Ave G. A. Keen City Pass', Agt. H. C. Maybank Dist. Mgr. Frt. Trf. Apt. de villa. voyageurs Ger. reg., trafic-march. Crawford A Tecumseh Sts W. J. Manion Dust. Mir. Frt. Trf. Nanainno. B.0 Can. Pas, Nanaimo Term'l .E. Robinson Ticket Agent Ger. rep., trafic-march. Agt, des billets Winniueg. Man..... Main and Portage F E. Cook City Ticket Agent Nelson, B.0 Foot of Baker Street 8 W. Chapman.. Dist. Mgr. FYI Trf. Apt. do ville ,billets Ger. reg., trafic-marce. 150 Henry Ave J. R. Dickson Dust. Mgr. Frt. TO. Ger. reg., trafic-march. New Westminster, B.0 Can. Pao. Stn, W. F. Haley Ticket Agent 156 Henry Ave R J Jgnes.. Dist. Mgr Frt. Trt. Apt, des billets Ger. reg., traf-march. North Bay, Ont. ... . 196 Ferguson St E H. McInerney. Dist. Mgr. Frt. Trf. Woodstock, Ont.....Can. Pap. Stn. W. J. Barnard Ger. reg., trafic-march. Aegitty.dPee?'illreA, voptyageurs 23 UNITED STATES-ETATS UNIS Washington. D.C. 20005 1504 K Street N.W J A. C. Blair Gen. Agt. Pass', Sony. Boston. Mass. 02116.500 Little Bldg., 80 Boylston .G. L. Wanamakor. .Gen. Agt. Pass', Serv. Agt. general, voyageurs Agt. gen., voyageurs Boston, Ma.a. 02114.150 Causeway St P G. Watts Mar.Frt.Sales EL, ROPE F. E. WOLFF, European General Manager Ger. des ventes, trf.-march. Gerant general, Europe Buffalo, N.V. 14202. 510 Bank of Buffalo Bldg., Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Tn. London, W.C. 2 T. G. HusiisS, European Passenger Manager 17 Court St. }P. Coleman 'Ger.reg.,trafic-march. Gerant, serv.-voyageurs Europe Chicago, III. 60603_29 South La Salle St J G. Guiton Gen. Aut. Passe Serv. Trafalgar Square J. A. M. WATSON. Sales Manager for United Kingdom and Agt. gen.. voyageurs Republic of Ireland Chicago.lii. 60604-141 West Jackson Bled..... A. A. Hasenstab Regional Frt. Sales Mgr. Grant des ventes, royaume-uni et Ger. reg. dos ventes, Republique de l'Irlande trafic-march. J. CALLAGHAN, Continental Sales Manager Gerant des ventes, continent C. A. Mackenzie Mgr. Frt. Sales Ger. des ventes, W.-march. S. BYARS, European Freight Manager A. R. Miller Dist. Mgr., Fon. Frt. Gerant, serv.-march., Europe O. R. NSweERY. Regional Freight Manager Ger. reg., fret etranger Gerant regional, sore-march. W. L. Epperson Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Trt. Ger. reg., Odic-march. F. L. ROGERS. Regional Passenger Traffic Manager Cincinnati. Ohio Amsterdam.m Holland 45202 818 Dixie Terminal Bldg. F. A. Dykstra Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Trt. Antwerp, Belgium lac e meir,G42erant-regional ,C serv.-voyageurs G. Bunker, G. Heirbaut Ger. reg., trafic-march. Athens, Greece 2P4Sepucl4 Karageorgi ServiasH. Haroadon Cleveland, 0.44115. .1838 Union Comm. Bldg, M. T. Jackson.. Gen. Agt. Pass' r Serv. Syntagma A Gasparinatos Agt. gen., voyageurs Azores Avenida Infante d'Henrique, Cleveland, 0.44113 1527 Rockefeller Bldg D. R. Habetier. .Dist Mgr-Frt. Trf. Ponta Delgada, San M iguel. F. J. B. Simoes Ger. reg., traric-march. Belfast, Northern Ireland 43 Arthur Street J 1 Topping Della', "resell 7520i 1509 Main St A E. Gorman Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Tn. Birmingham, England 4 Victoria Square F L. Burton, B. G. Curzon Ger. reg., trafic-march. Bristol, England ...... I I Marsh St N. E. Spencer Detroit, Mich. 48226. 1249 Washington Blvd A Stetter Gen. Agt. Pass', Serv. Brussels, Belgium Rms. 500-501 Cantersteen 47.R. Devleschoudere Aut. gen., voyajeurs Copenhagen V, Denmark Vosterbrogade 6-0 M. M. Holmgren, I. L. Jones I. M. Brown 660 Woodward Ave W. W. Schader. Mgr.-freight Sales Dusseldorf, Germany HuetlenStraSSO I 5 Ger. des ventes, tri Frankfurt, Germany Taunusstrasse 52-60 C. P. Germs L. J. Nieckarz Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Trl. Glasgow, Scotland 15'4-161 St. Vincent Street ...E. MacDonald Ger. reg., trafic-march Hamburg, Germany R. L. Purdy Dist. Mgr., Fen. Frt. Liverpool,Lisbon, Portugal England Avenida GlockengiesserwallRoyal Liver da LiberdadeBldg JMscKerrow 19v 261 ...H. ir,ws JH.Chilvers, R. R. Hood Ger. reg., fret etranger F. R. E. Fish P. L. Petsanis Asst. Dist. Mgr., Fun. Frt. London, W.C. 2, England.- .Trafalgar Square H E. W. Chapman (London Ger. reg. adj., fret etranger Pass'r Sales Manager) Hartford. Conn. J A. Sullivan Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Tn. London. E.C. 3, England.. -30-34 Mincing Lane 06103 410 Asylum St (Freight Traffic only) K W. Muir, W. Thornton, Ger. reg., trafic-march. G K. Buckle I ndi•nnapolis. Ind Madrid, Spain Edificio Espana (Arcade).. G. V. L. Andrade 46204 115 No. Pennsylvania St.. L. F. McMahon. Dist. Mar.-Frt. Trf. Manchester, England 43 Cross Street C A L Mansbridge, Ger. reg., trafic-march. W. Richardson Paris, France 24 Boulevard des Capucines..R. A. Leleu, W. F. L. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. J. W. Jubert 64106 6 East 1 1th St J Schmitt Dist. Mgr.--Frt. Trf. Rome, Italy 47 Via Barberini a Inserra Ger. reg., trafic-inarch. Rotterdam, 2. Holland Westblaak 10 (P.O. Box 233).H. Hargadon. L. N. J. Smet Los Angeles, Calif. Zurich, Switzerland Schweizergasse 8 G. Arquint 90014 610 South Main St J H. Aylwin Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Trf. Ger. reg., trafic-march. REPRESENTING CANADIAN PACIFIC Athens, Greece Stadium St 59B A Bedrossian Memphis, Tenn. 38109 P0 Box 16166 ...... T. D. Russell. Freight Traffic Rep. Basle, Switzerland Centralbahnplatz 3 Wm. Muller & Co. A. G. Repres., trafic-march. Beirut, Lebanon Parliament Square Hitti Freres Berlin, Germany Rheinstr. 11, Milnanaao. %VW Berlin-Friedenau Haoag-LloydReiseburo 53203 23) West Wisconsin Ave....C. Johnson Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Trf. Berne, Switzerland Bubenbergplatz 9 Kehrli& Oeler Ger. reg., trafic-march. Bonn, Germany Martinstrasse 22 Hapag-LloydReiseburo Minneapolis, Minn Bordeaux. France 25 Coors du Marechal Foch. S. C. M. Franco-Britannique 55402 1412 Soo Line Building .0. C. Ulmer ..... Oust .Mgr.-Frt. Trf. Bremen, Germany Gustav-Deetjen-Allee 4-6. Hapag-Lloyd Reiseburo Ger. reg., trafic-march. Cologne, Germany Hohenzollemring 5 Hapag-Lloyd Reiseburo Copenhagen, Denmark 47 Raadhuspladsen Bennett's Travel Bureau Ltd. Mobile. Ala. 36606.. .211 I.B.M. Bldg. 0 A Clark Dist, Mgr.-Frt. Trf. Geneva, Switzerland I Rue du Mont Blanc Fed & Co. Ger. reg., trafic-march, Genoa, Italy I, Via Cairoli (P.O.B. 6)8)-Gastaldi d. CO. New York. N.Y. Gothenburg, Sweden N. Hamngatan 18 Nyman & Schultz-Nordisk 10017 581 Fifth Ave J Trainor Gen. Aut. Pass'r Sore. Resobureau Agt. gen., voyageurs Haifa, Israel Haatzmauth Road No. 104, Aaron Rosenfeld W. G. Wiley Mgr.-Freight Sales (P.O. Box 741 Ger. des yentas. trf kisitel no berg. Soodan Jarnvagsgatan 25 S J Resebyra A. A. Hertle Asst. Mgr.-'-Frt. Sales Helsinki, Finland Etela Ranta 8. Sodra Kajen. Finland Steamship Co. Ltd. Gor. adj. des ventes, Lausanne, Switxerland 15 Rue de Bourg Lavanchy Ltd., International trafic-march. Forwarding & Travel Agents J. P. Yafcak Dist. Mgr., Fun Frt. Leghorn, Italy 34, Via E. Rossi Gastaldi ti Co. Ger. reg., fret etranger Le Havre, Franco IOC) Boulevard de Strasbourg J. M. Currie & Cie. Omaha. Neb. 68102..1319 Farnam St O'KeefeDist.Mgr.-Frt.Trf. Lugano I, Switzerland Piazza Manzoni 8 Danzas & Co. S.A. Ger. reg., trafic-march. Luxembourg. Luxembourg .57 Boulevard Royal Philadelphia. Pa. Room 237,1819 John F. Malmo, Sweden Stodoget 17 DerulleNyman &Schultz-NordiskWigreux & Fits 19103 Kennedy Blvd W. J. Holman Dist. Pass', Rep. Resebureau Repres. reg., voyageurs Marseilles, France 21 rue de la Republique Gellatly, Hankey & Co. C. G. Seise Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Trt. (France) S.A. Ger. reg., trafic-march. Milan, Italy I, Via U. Foscolo Gastaldi & Co. Munich, Germany Theatinerstr. 11 Hapa -Lloyd Reiseburo Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219436 Seventh Ave A. Nemenz Dist. Mgr.-Frt. TO. Naples, Italy Piazza Municipio 84 Gastakli & Co. Ger. reg., trafic-march. Nicosia, Cyprus 3 Evagoras Ave. Portland. Me. 04104 232 Saint John St G. A. Roy Dist. Mgr.- -Frt. Trf. (P.O. Box 533) Loizides Brothers Ger. reg., trafic-march. Oslo, V. Norway 35 Karl Johans Ot Bennett's Travel Bureau Ltd. Por-tiand. Ore. 97205.621 S.W. Morrison St...... T. P. Maloney. Manager Freight Sales Palermo. Sicily Via Cavour 117 Gastaldi & Co. Ger. des ventes, trl mar. Piraeus, Greece 68 Kolokotronis St. A. Bedrossian (P.O. Box 44) St. Louis, Mo. 63101.611 Olive St J C. Waddell Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Trt. Prague 3. Czechoslovaki• Na Prikope 18 Cedok Ger. reg., trafic-march. Stockholm 7, Sweden 6 Stureplan Nordisk Resebureau A.B. San Francisco, Calif The Hague, Holland Groenmarkt 22 Reisbureau Lissone-Lindeman N.V. 94105 681 Market St M. G. Anderson Dist. Mgr.-Frt. Trt. Vienna. Austria Fried richstrasse 7 Osterreichisches Verkehrsburo Ger. reg., trafic-march. Zurich, Switzerland Bahnotplatz 7 A Kuoni, S.A. SeOttle. Wash. 98101.616 White-Henry-Stuart NEW ZEALAND-NOLIVELLE-ZELANDE Bldg A G. Bower Dist Nor.--Frt. Trf. Wellingtoa, N.Z New Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd. (Head Office) Ger. reg., tralic-march. 2-10 Customhouse Quay. Spokane, Wash. Auckland, N.Z New Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd. 99201 731 Old National Bank Bidg.W. D. Reeves .Freight Traffic Rep. Christchurch, N.Z New Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd. Repres., trafic-march. Dunedin, N.2 New Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd. 24 NEw ZEALAND—NOUVELLE ZELANDE Osaka, Japan Canadian Pacific Air Lines Invercargill, N.Z New Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd. Singapore. . Guthne, Buustead Shipping Agencies Ltd. Napier, N.Z. New Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd. Taipeh, Taiwan. Jardine. Matheson & Co. Ltd New Plymouth, N.Z New Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan Canadan Pacific Air Lines, Timer°, N.Z New Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd. Co., Y. Kawakita, Representative Japan (Freight) AUSTRALIA—AUSTRALIE Room 911, Nikkatsu Bldg., I-I, Yuraku-Cho. Melbourne P 0 Box 128, Mt. Waverley A. V. Sablin, Foreign Freight Rep. BERMUDA -BERMLIDES Hamilton, Bermuda Harnett & Richardson Agents THE ORIENT—EXTREME-ORIENT JAMAICA--JAMA(OLIE Hong Kong R. H. WOODMAN, Manager—South East Asia, Union House (corner of Canadian Pacific Airlines Ltd. Kingston, Jamaica, & Branday Ltd., (P.O. Box 63), Chater Road and Pedder St.) 58 Port Royal St Agents Bangkok, Thailand The Anglo-Thai Corporation Ltd. SOUTH AFRICA AFRIOUE-DU-SUD Bombay, India Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Ltd. Cape Town, South Africa ....Cayzer, Irvine South Africa (Ply) Ltd., 54-56 Adderley St. Calcutta, I ndi• Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Ltd. Durban, South Africa Cayzer, Irvine South Africa (t.ty) Ltd., 376 West St. Colornbo, Ceylon Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Ltd. East London. South Africa Cayzer, Irvine South Africa (Pty) Ltd., 47 Oxford St. Keelung, Taiwan Jardine, Matheson & Ltd. Johannesburg, South Africa Cayzer. Irvine South Africa (Pty) Ltd., 93 Commissioner St. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Guthrie.Boustead Shipping Agencies Ltd. Port Elizabeth, South Africa Cayzer. Irvine South Africa (Ply) Ltd., 6 Main St. Manila, P.I Smith, Bell & Co. (Phil) Inc. Salisbury, Rhodesia Cayzer, Irvine Central Africa (Pty) Ltd., 3rd St. Stanley Ave. We'll always be Nous vous looking out for you. attendons! Just call Appelez le service reserle a room and de reservations et let us know when dites-nous quand vous arriverez you're coming. --.rota-130111 Check your telephone directory Consultez l'annuaire du telephone— under Canadian Pacific Hotels Reserve-a-Roorn. colonne Canadien Pacifique Reservations Offices located in 39 cities in Canada d'hOtel. Ce service a des bureaux dans and 24 in the U.S. 39 villes canadiennes et 24 vales americaines.

Canadian Pacific Hotels Rexdale (Toronto). On! Ascot Inn Hotels du Canadien Pacifique Rexdale (Toronto). Ont.... [Ascot Inn (Neat lotelnatonal Altport) (Nes de I aeroport loternationdi Banff. Alta Banff Springs Hotel Gantt, Alb . [hotel Banff Springs Bellewile, Ont. Hotel Quinte Calgary, Alb Le Palliser Belleville, Oat. Hotel Ouinte Calgary, Alta The Palliser Fort William, Ont. Royal Edward Hotel Fort William, Ont.. Le Royal Edward Edmonton, Afta Chateau Lacombe Edmonton, Alb Château Lacombe Guelph,Ont.. Fischer's Royal Hotel Lake Louise,Alb. Château Lac Louise Guelph, Ont. Le Fischers Royal lake Louise, Aita.Chateau Lake Louise Kitchener,Ont Walper Hotel Kitchener, Oat Le Walper London, Ont Hotel London Montreal, Oue..Le Chateau Champlain London, Ont Hotel London Montreal,Oue... Le Chateau Champlain Ouebec, Que. Le Ouebec,Oue.... Le Chateau Frontenac Niagara falls, Ont. Park Motor Hotel Niagara Falls, Ont. Park Motor Hotel Oshawa, Ont. Genosha Hotel Regina. Sask Le Saskatchewan Oshawa, Ont Le Genosha Regina, Sask. The Saskatchewan Sherbrooke, aro. Sherbrooke,Oue. Le Baron Motor Hotel Ottawa, On! El Mirador Motor Inn Ottawa, On! Motel El Mirador St. Catharines, Oat. ....Hotel Leonard L'Hostellene Le Baton Saint-Catharines, Ont. Le Leonard St. Andrews, 111.8.. The Algonquin St.Catharines,Ont... Queensway Hotel St. Andrews, N.-8 [Algonquin Saint Catharines, Ont, In Oueensway Toronto, Ont...... The Royal York Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, Windsor Hotel Toronto, ant Le Royal York Sauft-Sainte-Marie, Ont.. Le Windsor Victoria. B.0 Banf I, Alta. Timberline Hotel Victoria, C.-B L'Empress Banff, Alb Le Timberline Vancouver, 8.0 Vancouver, C.-8 Hotel Vancouver New Westminter. C.-8. Associated Hotels New Westminster, B.C. Hotels associes Royal Towers Motor Hotel Royal Towers Motor Hotel Halifax, N.-E Le lord Nelson Halifax, N.S Harrison Hot Springs, B.C. Harrison Hot Springs, C.•8. Amherst, N S Fort Cumberland Harrison Hotel Amherst, N.E. ...Le Fort Cumberland Le Harrison Kentville,N.S. Cornwallis Inn Chicago,111 Bismarck Hotel Kentville, N.-F, ..... Le COrnWi'.11IS Inn Chicago, Le Bismarck , Saint John, N S._ Admiral Beatty Hotel Los Angeles, Calif. The Biltmore Hotel Saint-Jean, N.-8. [Admiral Beatty Los Angeles. Calif .. Le Billmore Ca4aeleaa Oa/um/ie./2 6;'acillitiae reserie a room service Service de reservations d' hotel

25 CAUTION-Thorn,. and arrangements heroin art 'FARESAVER' PLAN for information snip and subject to change. When fires and arrangements differ from those quoted - SAMPLE FARES in filed tariffs, THE TARIFFS WILL GOVERN.

In effect October 29 to December 7, 1967 and January 8 to April 27, 968. Consult your local agent for •Faresaver• fares available December 8, 1957 to January 7, 1968.

*ONE-WAY ALL-INCLUSIVE FARES COVERING PASSAGE, MEALS ENROUTE AND SLEEPING CAR ACCOMMODATION SPECIFtED ALSO PASSAGE AND PARLOR CAP ACCOMMODATION (NO MEALS)-EXCLUSIVE OF GRATUITIES TARIFS DE BILLETS SIMPLES TOUS-FRAIS-COMPRIS. TRAJET, REPAS EN COURS DE ROUTE ET [SPACE DE VOITURE-LITS, COMME INDIQUE AUSSI TAFit FS COMPRENANT LE TRAJET ET LE SIEGE DE V011 URE-SALON (StEPAs EXCLUS) POURBOIRES EXCLUS BETWEEN STANDARD SLEEPING CARS-VOITURES-LITS •ent-wee Parlor P.-sage ENTRE Car Fares Lest Lower Upper Roomette BEDROOM COMPARTMENT DRAWING ROOM (No Meals) alf P,ix du Berth I Berth Cl,.,,,- CHAMEIRE COMPARTMENT COMP.-SALON Lit billet ifs bas Lit du haat brotte Siege do One Two simple volture ( • On, (.One ( • One On. Two One Two Three Passenger salon Passenger) Passenger) Passenger) Passengers Passenger Passengers Passenger Passengers Passengers (sans ( •une (suns I • une Une deux un• deux sine deux tre4 personnel personne) personnel ✓epas) personae personas* personae personae. personae PrieSennall person net

e Montreal, Que., and/et t $ e $ e $ $ o e a e $ t 0 t 40 10 Banff, Alta. 74,10 60.10 82.60 111.10 165 20 36 00 Calgary, Alta 124.10 78 20 141 10 95 20 249 30 67 50 55.00 76.00 101.50 150 00 113.50 62 00 130 50 79 00 227 50 39 00 Edmonton, Alta 70,50 58 00 79 00 104 SO 2450 Fort William, Ott 156.00 116.50 6000 133 50 85 00 236 50 45.50 16.00 sn CO 66.50 99 50 77.50 10 50 93 00 26 00 159 00 35 00 Medicine Hat, Alta. 67.50 55 00 76.00 33.60 Moose Jaw, Sask 101 50 150 00 113.50 62.00 130 50 79 GO 227 50 62,60 50.60 70.10 93.10 139 20 105.10 51.20 c 3.05 Ottawa, Ont c 5.05 122.10 68 20 214 30 o 3 50 Ottawa, Ont o 5 60 t 4.10 Ottawa, Ont t 6 10 31 50 r Prince Albert, Sank 60.50• ii:So i,i'oo 91.60 135.130 103.00 c 4 20 Ouebec, Que c 6 20 147.00 IX)loo 268.60 a 5 20 i.tabec, Otte o 7.20 E 6+10 uebec, Cue a 8.10 31 50 Regina, Seek 60 50 48.50 68 00 91.00 3500 103.00 147.00 120.00 164 00 208 00 31 50 r Saskatoon, Sask 60.50 48 50 68 00 91 00 45.50 Vancouver, B.0 135 00 103 00 147 00 120 00 164 00 208 00 84 50 60.50 94.50 127 00 188 00 4200 203 00 159.50 24.50 Winnipeg, Man 45.50 220 50 281.50 36 00 50 00 66.50 99 50 77.50 110.50 93 00 126 00 159 00 Ottawa, Ont., and 39.10 Band, Alta 73 10 59,10 81,60 110 10 35 00 Calgary, Alta 63.20 123.10 76 20 40 10 93 20 246 30 66 50 54.00 75.00 100 50 48 00 112.50 60 00 38 GO Edmonton, Alta. 69.50 29 50 77 00 224 50 57.00 78.00 103.50 54 00 115.50 66 00 32.50 83 00 233 50 22 50 Fort William, Ont 43 50 34.00 64 50 35.00 Medicine Hat, Alta 48.0(1 95 5Q 75.50 06 50 91 00 22 00 153 00 66.50 54 00 75 00 100 50 48 00 112 50 60 00 29 50 31 60 Moose Jaw, Sank 60 60 77 00 224 SO 48 60 68.10 91 10 35 20 103.10 47 20 20 10 64 20 208 30 29.50 r Prince Albert, Sask 56 00 44 50 62.00 83 00 29.50 Regina, Sask 23.50 94.53 35.00 12 00 52.50 193 00 56 00 44 50 62 00 81 00 23 50 94 50 35.00 1200 52 50 29.50 r Saskatoon, Seek 56 00 44 50 62.00 193 00 44.50 Vancouver, B.C. 83 00 23 50 94.50 35 00 12 00 52 50 193 00 83 50 67.50 93 50 126 00 8500 141 00 201.00 58 50 22.50 Winnipeg, Man 43 50 218 50 278 50 34.00 48 00 64.50 95.50 75,50 106 50 91.00 122 00 153 00 Toronto, Ont., and/et 39 00 Banff, Alta 73,00 59 00 81 50 110.00 24.50 Brandon, Man 163 00 123.00 76 00 140 00 93 00 246 00 45 50 36 00 50 00 66 50 99 50 77 50 35.00 Calgary, Alta 66 50 10 50 93 00 26 00 159 00 54 00 75.00 100.50 148 GO 112.50 60 00 129 50 77.0 224 SO 38 00 Edmonton, Alta 69 50 57 00 78 00 103,50 22 50 Fort William, Ont 154 00 115.50 66 00 132 50 83 00 233 50 43.50 34 00 48.00 64 50 95 50 75.50 22.50 Kenora, Ont 43 50 91 00 22 00 153 00 34 OD 48.00 61 50 95 50 75.50 ;(0) 91 00 22 00 153.00 15 00 Medicine Hat, Alta 66.50 54 00 75.00 100 50 30.60 Moose Jaw, Sank 148 00 112 50 60 00 129 50 77 00 224 50 57 10 45 60 63 10 84 10 125 70 95.60 3720 113.10 54 70 22 50 Port Arthur, Ont 43 50 34.00 48.00 64 50 196 30 29 50 r Prince Aibert, Sauk 95 50 75 50 06 50 91 00 22.00 151 00 56 00 44 50 62 00 83 00 123 50 94.50 112 00 28 50 Regina, Sask 55 00 43 SO 52 50 193 00 28,50 6100 82.00 121 50 93 50 88 111 00 50 50 19000 r Saskatoon, Sack 55 00 43.50 61 00 82 00 44.50 Vancouver, B.0 53 00 III 00 50 50 190 00 83 50 67 SO 93.50 126 00 186 0 158 50 2 22.50 Winnipeg, Man 43.50 34 00 8 50 2 8.50 48 00 64 50 12195 5i5 111.1175. f8i. ;8 91.00 122 00 153 00

a-Anol)es for journeys commencing on any day of the week except Friday or Sunday. ---During the period Feb. 13 to Feb. 27, 1968, fares referenced "a" will apply for journeys e-Applies for Journeys Commencing Friday or Sunday. commencing any day of the week between Montreal and Quebec. c-Applies for journeys commerteno on any day of the week except Friday or Sunday, Oct. 30 •-Passne fare, anp'y for Journeys c5mmenoing on any day of the week except where other- to Dec. 14, 1957; 4-Jan. 6 to Apr. 10, 1968; Apr. 13, 19.A and Apr. 16 to Apr. 27,1968. wise indicated. Higher fares apply for stopover en route. o--Applies for journeys commencing Friday or Sunday Oct. 29 to Dec. 10, 1967; 4-Jan. 5 to Apr. 7, 1968; Apr. 12, 1968 and Apr. 19 to Apr, ,i6, 1968. tk-Except where otherwise indicated, All-inclusive fares apply for journeys cOmmeneng on any day of the week except Friday or Sunday and are not good for stopover. Consult c-Applies for Journeys commencing between Dec. IS, 1967 and Jan. 4, 1908 and on Apr. 11, your local agent for fares applying for journeys commencing on Friday or Sunday, also 14 and 15, 1968. for farce good for stopover, r-Passage fares apply via rail to or from Regina, bus beyond. All-Inclusive features (meals and berth) apply Only to or from Regina. 4--Charge for each additional passenger for Occupancy of lower or upper berth or roomette space will be quoted by your Iotal agent on application.

26 titre de renseigneninnts seutom,mt at sous reserve azczoaelz o;) • • PLAN •TARIFS-EPARGNE- do NOTER:modification. Le tableau SI co ci-dessous ti.bteau differeroar lour& du tarifqua I - EXEMPLES DE TARIFS offici•l. CE DERNIIR PBeVAUDRA.

En vigueur du 29 Octobre au 7 decerri bre 1967 et du 8 janvier au 27 avri 1968. Consultez votre agent local au sujet des Tarits-Epargne du 8 decombre 1967 au 7 janvier 1968.


BETWEEN STANDARD SLEEPING CARS-VOITURES-LITS •One-wav Pa“age ENT RE Parlor BEDROOM COMPARTMENT DRAWING ROOM tares Car Lower Upper Roomette Seat Berth Berth Chant. CRAM BRE COMPARTIMENT CO iV1P.-SALON •Prix du (Na Meals) Lit du bag Lit du heat ',recto billet One Two One 1 Two One Siege do e One ( n Ono ( One Two Three simple voiture Passenger) Passenger) Passenger Passenger. PASionDur Passengers Passenger Passon.ers Passengers salon Passenger) ( 5 unit (sane (a une une deux one does une deux trois (sans personne) personno personne) gersonne porsonnos personne personnes personne oc,sonnes parson nos rapes)

Fort William. Ont., and/et $ t $ 0 $ t $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ t 33 60 Banff, Alta 62 60 50 60 7310 93.10 139 20 185 10 151.20 22.10 168 20 214.30 29 50 Calgary, Alta, 56 00 44 50 62110 83.00 123.50 94 50 135 00 112.00 15? 50 193 00 32 50 Edmonton, Alta 59 00 47 50 65.00 86.00 129.50 97 50 14100 11500 15850 202 LO 25 50 Regina, Sask. 49 00 39 00 55 50 73 50 109.00 8400 119.50 101 50 137 00 172 50 39 00 Vancouver, B.0 73 00 59 00 81 50 110 00 163 00 123 00 176 CO 140 00 191 03 246 GO 17.50 Winnipeg, Man 21.30 33 50 26 00 37.00 48 50 72.50 58 00 82 00 74 00 98 00 122.00 Winnipeg, Man., and/et 20,10 Banff, Alta. 3260 30 60 44 10 57.60 86 20 67.10 95 70 83.10 III 70 140.30 16,00 Calgary, Alta 32 00 24 50 35 50 47.00 69 SO 56 50 7900 72 50 95 00 117 50 19 00 Edmonton, Alta 35 00 27 50 38.50 50 00 75.50 59 50 85.60 75 50 101.C.0 126.50 16 00 Moose Jaw, Sask. 32 00 24.50 35 50 4783 69 50 56 50 79.0 72 50 95 CO 117.50 A 22,90 r Prince Albert, Soak A 35 90 A 29.90 A 38 40 A 48.90 A 77 30 A 57 90 A 86 30 A 69 AD A 97.80 Al26 i0 a 23,60 r Prince Albert, Sask s 40 10 B 34 10 • 42 60 .531 a 85 70 a 62 i0 a 94.70 • 73.60 a106 20 .138 eo A 14 75 Regina, Sack A 27 75 A 21 75 A 30.25 A 40 75 A 51 00 A 49 75 A 70 00 A 61.25 A 81 50 A101 75 a 15.45 Regina, Sank a 31 95 a 25 95 8 34 45 111 44.95 a 69.40 A 53.95 578 40 a 65.45 a 89 90 61114.35 A 20.25 r Saskatoon, Sask A 33 25 A 27,25 A 35 75 A 46 25 A 72.00 A 55,25 A 81.00 A 66 75 A 52 50 A118 25 A 20,95 r Saskatoon, Sank • 37 45 a 31 45 a 39.95 • 50.45 a 80.40 8 59 45 Is 89.40 a 70 95 8100.50 m130 85 25.50 Vancouver, B.0 49 00 3980 55 50 73.50 109 00 84 00 119.50 101.50 137.00 172.50 Regina, Sask., and/et 16.50 Banff, Alta 32 50 25 00 36 00 47.50 70.50 57.00 80 00 73 00 96 00 119 00 1600 Calgary, Alta 24 50 35 50 47 00 69.50 56 50 79 00 72 50 95 00 117 50 21.00 Vancouver, 13.0 31 50 45 00 58.50 88 00 68 00 97 50 84 00 113 50 143.00 Calgary, Alta.. and/et Revelstoke, B.C. A 14 00 : Revelstoke, B.C. a 15.65 15 00 Vancouver, 11.0 28.00 22:ao 61.50 Edmonton, Alta., and/et A 16 50 Kelowna, 13.0 A 27 00 A 22 50 A 29 50 A 36 00 A 57.50 A 45 50 A 67•00 a 59 00 A 80 50 A102 00 a 18 50 Kelowna, B.0 a 29 00 it 24 50 8 31 50 • 38 00 8 61 50 o 47 50 a 71 00 5 61.00 B 84 50 el08.00 39 00 Montreal, Que. 70 50 58 00 79 00 104 50 156.00 116.50 168 00 133.50 185 CO 236.50 38 00 Toronto, Ont 69.50 57 LO 78 00 103 50 154.00 115 50 lee 00 132 50 183 00 233,50 18 00 Vancouver, B.0 31.00 25 00 33.50 44 OU 67.50 53 00 76.50 64.50 88 CO 111.50 19 00 Winnipeg, Man 35.00 27.50 38.50 5000 75.50 59 50 85 CO 75.50 101 CO 126 50 Vancouver, B.C., and 15 00 Banff, Alta. 28 00 22 00 30.50 41.03 61.50 50 00 70.50 61.50 82 00 102 50 15.00 Field, B C 29.00 22 00 30.90 41.00 61.50 50 00 70.50 61.50 82 00 102 5Q A 8 85 Kelowna, B.C. A 18 85 A 14.85 A 21 35 a 28 35 A 42.20 A 37 35 A 51 20 A 45 85 A 59 70 A 73 55 a 1065 Kelowna, B.C. a 20 65 a 16 65 a 23 15 a 30.15 • 45 80 8 39.15 g 54 80 g 47 65 a 9.30 8 78 95 A 11.20 Revelstoke, B.C. A 21 70 A 17 20 IA 24 20 A 30 70 A 4i,.00 A 40 20 A 56 40 A 53.70 A 69 90 A 05.10 a 12 80 Revelstoke, 13.0 a 23 30 8 10 00 • 25 80 8 32 30 B 50.10 g 41 BO g 59 60 • 55 10 B 73.10 8 00 90 21.00 r Saskatoon, Sank 39.50 31.50 4600 58 50 88,00 68 00 97.50 84.00 113.50 43.00

A--S'appliquo aux voyages commencant n'importe quel Our de la semaine saut ie vendredi +-Entre Its 3 et 27 fevrier 1968. lea lards marques dun "e" seront en vigueur toss les joura ou le dimanche. de la semaine entre Montreal et Quebec. a--S'applique adx voyages commengant le vendredi ou le dimanche. at --Lea tarifs s'appliquent aux voyages commenr;ant n'importe quel jour de la somaine sauf c-S'apelique aux voyages commencant n'importe quell jour de la semaine sauf le vendredi indication contrairn. Les tants plus eloves s'appliquent sax voyagos comportant des ou le dimanche, du 30 octobre au 14 decembre 1967; du +6 janvier au 10 avril 1968; la arrets en cours de route. 13 avrli at du 16 avril au 27 avril 1968. D-S'applique sun voyages commencant a vendredi ou le dimanche, du 29 octobre au 10 de-. *--Sauf indication contralre, lea tarifs tous-rrais-compris s'appliquent aux voyages commencant cembre 1967; du + 5 janvier au 7 avril 1968, le 12 avril at du 19 avril au 26 avril 1968. n'importe quel jour do la soniaine saul les vendredi no dimanche et no s'appliquent las r---S'appliqua aux voyages entre to 15 decembre 1967 at le 4 janvier 1968 at to 11, 14 et IS any voyages comportant des arrets en coura de route. Gensultez noire agent local eu aujet des tarits pour voyages commencant le vendredi ou to dimanche ou pour voyages avril 1968. comportant des arrets en gouts de route, r-Lea tarifa s'appliquent aux voyages par train a destination ou en provenance de Regina, at par autobus au-dela. Les tarifa tous-frals-compris (rens et lit) ne s'appliquent qu'aux m-Consultez votre agent local au sujet des lards de cheque voyageur additionnel occupant un voyages a destination au en provenance de Regina. it du ban ou Cu haul ou use chambrette.


(A) Also Served by C.P. Air Line,. (B) Served by co-ordinated rail and bac service,. (A) 0..i.e,,aa egalement pur Canadian Pacific Airline,. (d) Services co,rdonnes informatiaa as to bus conn...ctions available, litrouon rotas, baggage chocking tie 'rain et °utopias. Des renseignernents templets retold, aux correspondances arrangements, etc., may be °attained from your local Canaaian radoc Agent. par autabus, twits directs, enregistrarnents des banages, etc. pea ,ent etre °Diana% (c) Costarns entry port for examination of baggage in bond. (0) Screed by C.P. tie rogent local do Canadian Pacillque. (c) Bureau de douane pour le contrele des Air Linas. (E) For service to these 'Whoa, consult Quebec local folder 'el", or begoges. (0) Desservie par Canadian Pacific Airlines, It) Pour service a cos your local Canadian Pacific octant. 5j Meal Station,. (M) Mixed train service gores, consulter l'indicateur local "B" du Quebec ou l'agent local du Canadian (carryiag passengers). Full particulars may be obtained from your local Canadian yacifibue. Buffet a 10 gore. (M) Train mixte (transport des voya,aurs). Be, Patin, agant. renseignements peuvent etre obtenu, dc l'agant local du Canadian Paciniora. P'OPJLATION,—The population of all places in Canada may be found in the POPULATION—La population de Mutes let villas du Canada figure ,tans Is Guide Gazetteer of the Canadian Official itailway Guido, carried in Observation Sleeping official du chamin de for conadien qua le voyageur trouvera cans Is voiture-lits- Cars on Principal Canadian Pacific Trains, also at Ticket °dices. 1 dome dos principaux trains do Canadian Pacinque ainsi quests moreaux des Wilds-

Taaaa TAMA TABLE TA ME TA BLA Abernethy, Sash (1) Belle River. Out 15 Catania°. Alto.(e' Cornwallia, N.S 7 Edmonton, Alto. g (A) (c) (11). 211 Adm., villa, Qiti 10 Bellevue, Alta.. (B) (amid Flats. B.C. (B) Coronation, Alta (B) Edmunuston, 11.13.(c) Adanae Jet., Soak (B) Bettalto Cur.. Alta (S) Can more. Alta 5 Courtenity. B.C. (c) 23 Eley. Oat 10 Adirondack Jet., Que 10 Benson. Me (M) Cattoe. B.0 6 Cowley, Alt • ,S) Earns, Sask. (B) A•tassts. B.C. 1. 0 Berkeley, Oat 17 Canasta. Sask. ( M) Craigdhu, Alta. (al) Elkhorn, Man 4 A !Inman, Oat.. 18 Bert bier, Que. 12 Cap tie la Madeleine, Que... 12 Cralgellachle. B.C. 6 Elk Island Cur., Alta...... till Airdrie. Alta 20 Berwick. N.S. 7 Carmine, ...... 15 Craighurst, Out 19 Elko. WC (9) Alameda, Sisal Beverley, Sank A Carberry, Man 4 Crunbrook, B.0 (6). (B). (C) Ellard, Que.. (E) Albany, N Y 13, 16 Blenfult, Soak (B) Curdoll, Sask 5 Cranford, Alta 21 Ellerslie. Alta 2,1 Alma Canyon. B.0 6 Biggar, Sank (B) Carleton Place. OM. t 1. 3 Craven, Soak Elm Creek. Man...... (11) Albion, B.C. Bigwood. Out 19 Carley. (lust. 19 Creel man, Sask (B) Elmatead. Ont.. 15 Aldenion, Alta. 5 Itinaran h, Man. (B) Carlin, li.t 6 (,'reston, B.C. ill) Elson, B.C. 6 Aidersyde, Alta 22 laircti Lake, Sank 11W, Carlyle ,sk Cromblea. Oat 17 Elstow. Soak (S) 4 Alexander. Man. Birchton, Que 1U Caralitil, Mari. (e) Cross. Sask 5 Enderby, B.C. .. 24, (II) Alfred, Oat. 14 Mille. Man. (B) Carmatigay, Alta 22 Crosstield. Alta 20 English River. Ont. 4 Algoma. Oat it) Biscotasitig. Out 3 Carmichael, Swat A Crowfoot, Alta 5 Enniskillen, NB. 10 Alhambra Cot., Alta (B) lilt tern Lake, Alto (St Cartaluff, Sask. (11) Crumlin, Ont, 15 Ensign, Alto 22 Ails, Alto (B) Blackburn, Ont 14 Caron, Mask 5 Crystal City, Matt (B) Erick/tun, 11.C. ail) Aillston, Ont 19 Itlackfalds, Alta, 20 Carroll Jei Man, ... (B) Cuiross, Mau. (8) Erindule. Out 15, 17 Almonte, Ont. 3 111.tekle. Alta. 22 Casein Alto. 5 Cutler, Out 19 Ernfold, Sank .i Alstonvale, Que 14, (E) Biagdon, N.H. 10 Carstairs, Alta 20 Cymric Jet.. Sark (13) Enrkine, Alta (18) Alton, Oat 17 il)airmare. All a. (11) Cartier. magi 1, 3 Cypress River. Man (B) Elea. onto . 19 Altona, Man Oki Blind River, Out 19 Cartwright. Man (B) Czar, Alto (B) Esterhazy, Soak. till AIWA. Also (8) Blucher Jet., Sask (B) Cascade. B.C. (e) Estevan, Sask.(c) (B) A myot. Ont. 3 Borlibth, Me. (M) Camila. Alta 5 Exshaw. Alta. A .Sndrew, Alta Boharm, Soak 5 Cost legal'. B.C.(A) (B) Aneroid, Susk (B) Bolasevain, Man. (e) (B) Castle Mountain. Alta 5 Deo*. Sash (B) Analer, Out 3 Bol Oat 3 Castor. Alto.. (B) Daginar.Ont 18 Annapolis Royal. N.S. (t) • 7 Bohan, Ont. 19 Cataract, 17 Dalemead. Alta 5 Annonclat ion, SI te.. (E) Bonfield, ont 3 Cater Sank (M) Dalton, Ont, 3 Fairmont Hot Springs. B.C. (8) Antelope, Sask. Bonheur, Ont. 4 Cavan, Ont 18 hand Jet., Man (8) Fannystelle. Man... .. (II) Arborg. Man (B) Bordeaux, Que.. 12. 14, (E) Cayley. Alta 22 Danforth, Me 10 Farnham, Que.(c) 10 Arcola, Sask. (8) Boston Ranch, Me. (M) Cedar Park, Quo 14. (E) Daphne Jct., Sank (B) Farrellton. Quo (E) Arden Ridge Jet.. Man (B) Botha, Alta (a) Darlingford. Man. Chalk River, °nag 1. 3 (B) Fasset a Que. Is Armley,Sask (B) Bouchard, Que.. (E) Champion, Alta 22 Dawson City, Yukon (0) Federal ('or., Alta (18) Armstrong. 13.C... (B).21 Boundary. QUe (Ml Cluipleatt, 1, 3 Dawson Creek. B.C. ID) Fenwick. Oat 26 Arnes, Man (B) Bourget. Ont. 14 Chaplin. Mask 5 Daysland, Alta. (8) Fertile, WC (I) krnprior, Oat 1. 3 Bowden, Alta. 20 Chase, 13.0 6 Dayton, Out 19 Fernmount, N.B (M) Ashcroft. B.0 6 Howell, Alta 5 Chater. Man 4 Dean Lake. Ont. .. 19 Field, B.C. 1, 5, 6 Asquith. Mask (B) Bow Island, Alta. 21 Chatham, Ont.(c) 15 Deauville, Que. 10 Fillmore. Bask (B) Attean. Me (M) Brampton. Ont. (c) 17 Chatsworth. Oat 17 Deep Brook, N S. 7 Fineast le, Alto 21 Austin. Man 4 Brandon, Man... g) (A) (c) 1.4 Clututnox, B.0 Deloraine, Man. (B) Finmark, Out 4 Ayr, Om 15 Brant, Alta.. 22 Chelmsford, Ont Liaison, Que. 10 Finns. Man (B) Azilda, Out 3 Brantford, Ont.(c) 16 Cheltenham, Oat 17 Deroehe, B.0 . 6 Fleet Col.., Alta. (B) Brassua. Me (M) Dement, Alit,, Chilliwack, 13.C.(e) 6 (1) Fleming, Sank 4 Bridaetown. Nat Chin, Alta 21 Desbari la, Out 19 Fiesherton, Ont 17 Brightmore, Sank (B) China Bar, BC Deux Rivieres, two 3 Foam latke, Mask (11) Brignall. Ont. 19 Chipman. N.B. (M) Dewberry. Alia. (B) Forde. B.0 6 Begot, Man 4 Britt, Oat. 19 Chitek sa k ( M) Dowdney, B.C. 6 Forget, Sask. (111) little d• rte. Quo 14.(E) Broadview, Sask.gi 1 4 5 Chitek late, SEAL (Mt Dewinton, Alta 22 Forks of Credit, out 17 Malley AT 11 10 Brocket. Alto. (41) Choate. B C 6 Didsbury, Alt 20 Forrest, Sian. (1) Bala, Ont. 19 Brookport. Quo 10 Cholsy, Quo 14. (E) Digby. N.S. (c). 7„11 Fort Erie, Ont.(e) 16 Biticarres, Stunt Brooks, Alta 5 Church vine. Out 17 Dinorwic. Ont. 4 Fort Macleod, Alta 22. (6) Italgnnte.Sg sic 5 Brownville Jct., Me 10, (M) Cisco, B.0 6 Ditchneld, Quo (m) FOR Nelson, H.0 (D) Balmoral. Man (B) Bruce, Ont.. 19 Clandeboye, Man (81) Dixie. Ont 15, 17 Fort St. John, B.0 ( Ell Balzac. Alta 20 Bruey, Que 14, (E) Clandonald Con., Alta (n) Doekmure, Oat 19 Fort William, Oat .. tg 1. 3, 4 Banff, Alta. 1, 5 Bruderhelm, Alta (B) Claremont, Ont. 18 DOD, out, 18 Foster, Que. 10 Barker. N.B. (M) Buckingham Jet. Que. 14 Clarendon, N.H. 10 Donald. B.0 6 Foxwarren, Stan (8) Barnard, Me (M) Buda, Ont 4 Claresholm, Alta. 22 Dorton, Oat 3 Francis. Sank (B) Harriet, B.C. 8 Buffalo, N.Y. 16 Clearwater ( 'or., Man (8) Dorton, Quo 14,(E) Franklin. Man (S) Barnwell, 41ta. 21 Hull's Head. Alta 21 Clemens, Soak ... (B) Dorval. Que 1 3. 14, (E) Franz, lint, 2,3 Barons, Alta 22 Buiwer, Que 10 Cloverleaf, Man 4 Douglas, Man 4 F roserwood. Sian. (8) Barret te, Quo (E) Bulyett. Mask (11) Cluny, Alta 5 Dragon, Que. 14. (E) Fraxa. ont, 17 Ilarrie. Ont. (c) 19 Burdett, Alta 21 Coaidale, Alta 21 Dram/el.lint 18 Fredericton N 11 (Cl a. 10. (B). (M) Bar River. OM 19 Burketon, Oat 18 Coalhurst, Alta 22 1 /rumbo, Ont... 15 Fredericton Jet., NB. ... .8 10, (B) Base Borden. Oat 19 Burlington, Oat. 18 C•ochrane, Alta 5 Dryden, Ont, 1,4 French River, lint 19 Basque. B.0 6 Burnable, Man.., 4 Cadet te. Stalk (81) Drynoch. B.0 6 Frobisher. Sask. (ID Bassani). Alta. 5 Burrows, Bask 4 Coldwater. (Int 19 Dubuc, Sask. (B) Fuliord, Quo 10 lias.,wood Jet.. Man (B) Iturwash. Oat 19 Cold well. Oat 3 Duncan, B.0 23 Bat iscan, Quo 12 Bury. Que 10 COICElaa, Alta (a) Dundalk. Ont. 17 Bawl?, Alta (B) Colonsay, Mask (R) Dunmore, Alta. 5 Baxter, lint 19 Como, Que. 14. (E) Duval. Sank (B) Beaconsfield. Quo_ ...... 14. (E) Conception. Quo (E) Dyment. 4 ilearspaw. Alta Cabana Ronde, Que. 12 Condor Con., Alta (11) , Gadsby, Alt.. - (I) 3 Beaucage. Ont. Cache Bay, lint 3 Coniston, Out 3 Gagetown Camp, N.B. 8 OM Beaurepaire, Que 14. (E) Cadozan Cor,. Alta Consort. Alta. (B) Galt. Ont. (e) 16 Beausejour, Man (a) Calgary. Alta (A) (e) ( B) 1, 5 Cookshire, Que .. 10 Emil* Rigor, Ont 4 Garden River, Ont. 19 Beau valion. Alto (a) 20, 21, (M) Cooksville, 15, IT Eastray, Quo 10 Garson. Man. (S) Beavermouth. B.0 6 Calumet, Quo 14 Copper ChM Ont.. Eau Claire, Ont. 3 Gatineau, Quo 14 Hada I natain. Alta ramble. BC Coquitlam, B 1, 6 Echo Bay, Out 19 Geneva, Ont 3 Beaton, Oat. 19 Cam pbellville, Ont 15 Corbetton, Out 17 Eakner, Soak (Mn Geoffroy, Q tie l al) Belie Plaint', Ralik 5 Camp Gagatown, N.B.. 8, (B) Corinne Jet.. Sask Fekville Cor., Alta. (131 Gibbs. Sack (B) Bellerive. Quo (E) Camp !Morton, Man (8) Cork. N.B. 10 Edition. Out 4 Glinli. Man (11) 28 TABLE TABLE TABLE T.taut Tanks Glacier. B.0 ti huh %% est, Que. 14, (E) Laurel, Oaf 17 Ntichel, (8) 0 , Man...... 4 (Aide, B.C. (S) Humber. Ont 19 Laval-des-IMPides. Qua- • 12, (E) Slidale. Sank (S) Oak Lake, Man 4 Gladstone. Man "St Burkett, Ont. 3 lavaltrie, Qua 12 ' Slattileton. N•11.(s) 7 Oaksbela. Sank Gladwin, B.C. Husavick. Man (S) Lawrence Sul., N.B 9. MI Midnurst, Out, 19 Oak vine. Out 16 Gleichen, Alta Leanchoil, B.0 6 Midland. N.1.1 (M) Obit, urn 2 Glenboro. Man (2) Leaside, Ont.. 18 Nlitiway B.0 (B) Odium, B.C. 0 Glenbow, Alta 51 Leduc. Alta. 20 Milan. Que 10 Ogden, AIM Glenbush, Sack (N) I !bandits • Quo 10 Lemberg. Bask (8) Milestone, Bank (S) ()baton. Alta (S) Glencoe, Ord 15 1 Ignace, Oat 1.4 Lentioxville, Quo 10 Millen. Alta 20 Okotoks, Alta Glen Ewen, Sank (8) Ile Perrot, Quo 14. (El Leonard. Oat 14 Milton, Out. 15 Olds. Alta 20 Glen Otter. Ont 19 Indian Head. Sank 5 l.v,i lie, Sank ( Mitinedosa. Man (a) Ottawa, Ste (PA) (loderIch. Ont (e) 1 Indian River, Ont. 18 L'Epiphanie, Quo 12 Slitinitaki, (int 4 Orangeville, Ont.(c) 17 Golden. B.0 1.6 Indus. Alta. 5 Leslie, Sank (0) Minton. Sank (M) Orford Lake, Que. 10 Gould, Quo 10 Inglewood, Ont, 17 Lethbridge, Alta. (e)- -21. 22. (18) Miananable. Oat 1.3 Ortilla, Ont.(c) 19 Govan, Sask. IS) Ingot:. Ont. 4 Levack. Oat 3 Mission City. B.C. 1. 6 Oromocto, N.11 8. (S) Grand Bay N 11 10 Innerkip, Out 15 Levi.. Que.(c) 12 Mississauga, Oat 19 Orr's Lake, Oat 15 Grand Coulee. Sank 5 Innistail. Alta. Li v ingst one. Ont 19 Moberly, B.0 6 Osage, Sask. (S) Grande Prairie, Alta. (D) Insinger.Sask (11) A 1•Ita duthister. Sank (11) Mobert, Out 3 ()damns% Out 4 Grand Fails, N.B. (c) Iron Bound Cove, N.B (M) Lochaish, lint 3 Sank (M ) Ottawa. ont.g(c)..1. 3, 14. 19, (E) Grand Forks. B.0 (I) Irvine, Alta Locust Hill, Out 18 Molson. Man. 4 Ottawa West, (bit . 14 (E) Grand Pre, N 8 7 Islington. Ont. 15, 17 London, Ont.(c) i5 Monarch, Alta...... 22 Owen Souud, Ont.(c) 17 Granta, Alta. (M) Long Pond. Me (M) Montebello. Quo 14 Oxbow. Sank (II) Gramm). Alta. 22 Long Swamp, Quo 10 (St ignlory Club) ()mirth. Out 4 Grassy Lake, Alta. 21 Loon, Ont 3 Monte Creek, B.0 6 (Lyman, 1Lt.: (11) GraveIle, Que. (E) Jack Fish, Out Loretto, Qin) 12 Mont-Gabriel, Que. (E) Okada. Alta. 5 Grayson, Sang (8) Jackman. Me. . 10.1 M) Lougheed. Alta (111) Mont-I•aurier, Que. (E) Great Palls, Man . (8) &limn Jct.. &task (S) Que.(C) 12 Montreal, Qum. (A)10(C) • • • • 1.3, Greely,11.(.) Jeannette. Ont 15 lAivering, Ont 19 10. 12, 13,14 Pakestay, Ont 19 Greenville. Me 10.(1W) Johnville. Quo 10 Lowelitown, Me (M) 19, 21, 24, (E) Palgrave. Ont Greenwood. B.C... (•) Julius, Man 4 Lowther, Out 4 Montreal Weat, Que. 1 3 10, Pitman. Sask. Oreeuwood,N.S 11 Lundbrcek. All i (11/ 12,, 13, 14. (E) Papineauville. Que. Is Grenfell. Sank Lydian, Man. 4 Mont Rolland, Quo (E) Parkbeg. Sank 5 Gretna, Masi. (c) (S) Lytton, B•C 6 Mont Tremblant. Que. (E) Parkdale, Ont 17. 19 Griawold, Man 4 Kalaland Cor., Alta (8) Sloore's Camp, Me (01) Parkland, Alta 2:1 (1rovehill, Que. 14. (E) Kaministiquia, Out 4 Moore's Mills, N.B 9, (11) Parry Sound, Ont •(c) J. 19 Guelph, Ont.. (C) Kamloops. 11.(2.. ..(A). (c). 1,6 McAdam, N.8.64(c). .9, 10, (B) Mbor Lake, Ont. 3 Pascal. Sank (Mt Guelph Jct., Ont. 15 Kanaka, tiC. 6 Mcherrow. Om 19 Sloosahead. Me. OW) Pashley, Alta 5 Guenette,Que (E) itananalkis. Alta 5 McLean, Sank 5 Moose Jaw. Sask.g(c) • (11), 1.5 Pasqua. Stalk 5 Guernsey, Sal* (a) Kandahar, Sank. (8) Mcraggart. Soak (a) Moosomln, Sank 4 Petichland. B.C. (11). 25 Gull Lake, Sask 8 Katz. B.0 6 !Macdonald Jet.. Mau (11) Morden. Man (St Peacock. Alta 22 0111. 4 Kavanagh, Alta 20 Macgregor, Man 4 Slorecanthe, Alta (It) Pearce. Alta Gunton. Man. (•) Keefffs, 1.1.0 6 Mackamp. Me (M) Morkill. Ste (M) Pearl, Oat 3 Gwynne. MIS. (I) Keewatin, Got 4 Mackenzie, Oat 3 Morley, Alta Pembroke, Ont.(c) 1,3 Kato% au. B.C... (A), (a). (8). 21,25 Macklin, Sask. (8) Morningside, Alta 20 Penhold. Alta 2.1 Kenutay, Man. 4 Macoun, Mask (11) Siorris, Man 11111 Penn, Stott_ (M) Kendry., Out IS MacTier, nit.tg 1. 19 Morrison, Quo (E) Pennlyn. N.B (M) Haig. 11.C. 6 Kettora. Ont. 641 (c) 1,4 Magagnatiavic, N.H 10 Morse, Sask. 5 Penne. Sitsk 11.11r, 11111. Alt• .. (11) Kent Bridge. Out IS Magog. Que.(c) 10 hhirilarit. Sank 5 Penticton. 11.C.(A)(c).. (81). 25 Halbrite. Sask (11) Kenton, Man (10) Malakwa. BA' Mount Orford, Quo 10 Percival. Sask. 4 Halifax, N.B. 61) (c)... • ..... 7 Kentville. N.B. c ) 7 NI :Minton Mali (8) Mo., 1, 0.1 21 Perdue. Sank (S) Halkirk, Alta (I) Keppel Jct., Sask. (a) Manitou, Man (11) Murillo. Out 4 Petawa wit. Out 3 II lifft 101 a. Mall (11) Ktilaly Jet Sask. (8) !Manor lvi., Sunk (8) usitiora, Alta (S) Peterboro, Ont. (c)...... 18 Hamilton, Ont.0 (c) 10, IS Killam. Alta (S) Manvers, Ont 18 Myrnatn. Alta.. (8) Peterslield. Man Hammond, Ont 14 Killaruey. Man (II) Maple Creek. Sask.. 5 Myrtle, Out 18 Phippen Jct., Sask...... (Si Haney, B•C 8 Killean. Out IS Marathon, Out 1.3 Plapot, Sank Hantsport, N 8 7 Kimberely. B.0 (8) St arelan. (lice 14 Pickerel. Ont. 19 liardisty, Alta. (II) Kincaid. Sank (a) 71o ma cit. Ont 4 Piedmont. Quo (E) Hargrave. Man 4 Kincortb Sank 5 Marktiale. Out 17 Plerard. Sank (M) Harrison Mills. B.0 6 Kingston, 1,143 7 Markstay, Oat 3 Halcam, Sash (11) Pilot Butte. Sank Hannay, Man. (S) Kinley Jet. 9aalt (8) Mani uet le. Man 4 Nairn, ont 19 Pilot Mound. Man (S) Harvey. N.B 10 Kinogama, Oat 3 Martin, (int 4 Nalscoot. Out 19 Pincher. Alta (Si Hatfield Jet.. Sank (0) Kirkcaldy. Alta. 22 Marwayne, Alta Nanalmo, B.C. (i9 (c) ..1, 23. 27, 29 Pine, Ont 4 Hatton, Bask. 5 Kirkelia. Man 4 'Marysville Jet., N.B (M) Nantes, Quo 10 Pine Beach. Que...... (E) Hattie, B.0 8 KisbeY, Sank (I) Mascouche. Quo 12 Nanton. Alta 22 Pipent one. Man (11) Havelock. Out IS Kitchener. Ont.(c) 15 Staskinonge. Que 12 Napittka Jet., Man (11) Pitt Meadows, B.C. 6 Hawkesbury, Ont 14 Kleinburg. Out. 19 Massey, Out 19 Natal. 11.0 (S) Plalsance, Que. . 14 Hawk Jct., Out 2 Komarno, Man (18) Munson. Que 14 Naughton. Ont, 19 Plantagenet. (brit. 14 Hawk Lake. Out 4 Komoka, Out 15 Matchee. Sask (M) Naval', Ont. 14 Pleasantdale, Sank (11) ilayter Cot... Alta (11) Kormak, Ont.. 8 Mather (inf., Man (8) Neel). Bask (M) Plum Coulee, Man (S) Haywood. Man (11) Kronau, Sank (111) M at lock. Man. Neepawa. Man (11) Plunket t. Sank (8) I lazeitline Cor., Alt (0) Mat tawa. Out 3 Nelson, B.C.(c) (S) Pogamasing, Ont, 3 Hazeiridge. Man 4 Niattawamkeag, Me.. . 10 Nemegos. Oat 3 Pointe au Baril. Ont. 19 liatentnore, Bask (S) Mayo. Yukon (D) Nesbit t Man (11) Pointe an Chene, Quo 14 Hearst. Out 2 Labelle, Quo Stateppa. Alta 22 Nestorville, Out 19 Pointe Claire, Que...... 14. (E) !teat herielith, Sank (M) Lacadle. Q le 10 Meadow Lake. Sank OW, tp Netley, Man (11) Pointe du Lac, Quo 12 Hector, B.C. 6 Lac Carr& Quo (110 Meadows. Man 4 Neudorf sash (B) Ponernah. Man. (8) Hendon, Sank (S) Lac du Bonnet, Man. (S) Meadowside. Out 3 Newcastle Bridge, N.B.... (M) 1 Ponoka, Alta Herbert, Sank 5 Lachevrotiere. Quo 12 Meadowvale. Out. 17 Nowtiale. Man (I1) Pontelx, Sank !Willa. Out 3 Lachine. Qua 14 Medicine Hat. Alta.41)(c) .1, 5. 21 New Lismore. Quo (E) Pontrilas. Sask...... (6) heron Bay. Ont. 3 Lachute. QUe.(C) 14 Niedonte. ont 19 New/dead. Man (81) Pont Rouge. Qua 12 Hants.', t 'or.. Alta OE Laclu. Ont. 4 Mcdora. Man (11) New Weslmlustor, B.C. (c). 1.6 Pontypool. Ont, IS Howard, Sank (11) Lacombe. Alts . 20, (0) Medsteati. Sack (M) New York. N.Y 13 16 Poplar Point Man 4 High Bluff, Man 4 Lacoste. Quo (E) Slectoos, Sask. (M) Nays. Out 3 , Portage la Prairie. Man.... (I1), 1,4 Iligh River, Alta. OP Lac Saguay. Que (E) Magmatic. Que.(c) 10,(M) Niblock, Out 4 Port Arthur, Ont.(c) 1,3 Hirsch Jct., Sank (II) Lac Vert. Bask (a) Mekastoe, Alta. 22 Nicholson, Oat 3 1 Port Colborne, °nue) 16 Hitchcock Jet.. Sask (I) La }ladle, Sat* (a) Melbourne. Man. 4 Nicomen, B.0 6 : Port Credit, Out 16 Hnauna, Man (2) Latorti Jct.. Sash (111) Mete)), Man Ninga ('or.. Man (11) Port Hammond. B.0 6 Hobberna, Alta 20 Lake Joseph, Om 19 Sank (8) Nipawin. Sask. (8) Portiock. Ont 19 Hotel), Me (M) Lake Lottlae, Alta Manta. Man (8) Nipigon, ow. 1, 3 Port Ste:Nicoll. Oat IS Holland. Man (I) Lakeside. Que 14, (E I Melville, (Mt 17 Nisku, Alta. 20 Port Sloody. B.0 8 Holnineld Cor.. Man (S) Lancaster. N.B. 10 I Menalk, Alta 20 Nobel. Ont 19 Portnetif, Que 12 lioneydate Con, N.B...... 9, (S) Lang. Sank (8) Nietagama. Out 3 Nobleford, Alta Prefontalne. Quo (E) Hope, B.0 Lanigan, Sask. (8) I Meteghan. N.8 7 Nokomis, Bask (11) Prendergast. Sask. (M) Hornby, Out 15 Lanorale. Que 12 ! Matiskow Cor., Alta .. (B) Nominingue. Quo (E) Prince titian. Sask. lc) (M), (11) Horndean. Man (11) La Parade. Que 12 Meyronne. Sank (11) North Batt leford. Sask. (e) M ) , Prince George, B.0 (c) (Di Hoyt. N.B 10 Larchwood. Out 3 North Bay, Ont.61 (c) 1. 3. 19 Prince Rupert. B.C. (c) 29, (D) North Bend, &CAR. 1, 6 Princeton. ILO (S) Hudson. QUO 14. (E) La Riviera. Man. A ('.P. Station and P 4) in Sas- North Tranarona, Man. 4 Prince William, N.B. 10 Hudson Heights. Que 14. (E) LaSalle. Quo katchewan. Part of howl) also in Norwood, (Jul 18 Pritchard, B.C. 6 Hughenden, Alta. (8) Lathom, Alta 5 Alberta. Hughes. Man. 4 Lauder Jct., Man. (8) Notch Hill, B.C. 6 Provost, Alta. 29 TAMA TAMA TABLE TABLE TABLE Puiteney, Alta. St. Brigide, Qer. 10 Skinner. Me (M) Thessaion. Oat 19 Watson, Bask (61) Purple Springs, Alta 21 St. Claude, Man Blown, Alia (I) Thompson, B.0 6 Watson Lake, Yukon Paslinch, Ont. 15 St. Constant, Quo. 10 Smithers, B.0 (0) Mondial Cur., Man (E) Watt Jet., N 11 9, (11) St. Cuthbert. Que 12 Ont 16 Three Valley, B.0 6 N% auchope, bask St. Eugene, Oat 14 Snelgrove, Out. 17 Thurso. Que 14 Webb. Sash Qu'Appello. Bask 5 St. Faustin, Que. (E) SoiNcirth Jct., Mun. (8) Tilbury, Ont. (c) 15 Webbwood. Ont. 19 Quebec. Qt10.0(e) 12 St. (Iregoire, Quo 10 80i8q11;1. B.0 6 Tilley, Alta 5 Welland, Out. (e) 16 Quesnel. 13.0 (D) St. Bermes, Quo 14 Souris. Mau (I) Tisdale. Stott (B) Weisferd. KB 10 St. Janvier, Quo (E) South Devon. N.B. (SI) Toney. Sank. (M) Westbault. 11.0 (0). 21 St. Jerome, Que. to) (E) SQUIB Edmonton. Alta 20 oketle. B.0 8 Westerham, Soak (M) Radium Hot Springs, B.C. (B) St. Joachim, Oat 15 Southey. Sask (11) Tompkins, Mask 5 ottield Beach, (10) Radnor, Alta 5 Saint John. N.B. tH) (e) 10, 11 South Slocum B.0 (8) Toronto. Ont. (c) (A) 1,3,15,16, West Fort Rilliamtc. Org..... 4 Rattle. Ont. 4 St. Johns. Que. (e) (St. Jean) 10 South Stukely, Quo IC 17, 18, 10, 21. 24 Wesunount, Quo . 1.3, 10, 12. Raleigh, Ont 4 St. lovite, Que. (El Spalding, Sank (8) Tottenham, Oat 19 13, 14 Ramsey, Ont. 3 St. Leonard, N.B. (e) Spanish. Oat 19 Tracy, NB 10 Weston, Oat 19 Ranger, Sask. (M) Ste. Marguerite. Quo. (E) Spence's Bridge. B.C. 8 Trail. B.C. (A) (e) (11) West Sheffert], Quo. 10 Rapid City. Man (II) St. Martin Que. 12 (E) Spragge. Ont 19 Tranquille, B.0 6 West Toronto, Ont. (e) Bream°11. Man (s) St. Martin June., Quo 12. (E) Springfield, Moss 16 Treherne, Man (B) • 1. 15, 17, 19 Bedeliff, Alta. 5 St. Michael Car.. Alto (11) Sprineside, Sash (I) Trois-Rivieres. Que. g (c). 12 Wetaskiwin, Alta (114), Red Deer, Alta. (4) 20. (8) St. Philippe, Que 10 Spustum, B.0 6 Turbine. Oat 19 Vieyburn, Bask. (e) ...... (0) Red Jacket. Sank 4 Ste. Rose, Quo 14. (E) Willaw (crook. Me (M) Turner, Alta 2 ' Weymouth. N.B. tal Red Rock, Out 1,3 St. Sauveur, Otte (E) Squeak. B.C. 6 Twin Butte, B.0 6 White Fish. Oat.. • 19 Redvers. Bask (B. Ste. Scholastique, Que 14 Stamp. Sask. (PA) Two Bills, Alta (11) Whitehorse, Yukon (e) (1)) Retord Jet. Steak (B) St. Stephen, KB. (e). 9. (B) Star. Alta_ (E) Tyndall. Mau tB) Whitemouth. Man, 4 Regan. Oat 1. 3 Ste. Therese, Que. 14. (E) Starbuek, Man (E) Tyvan, Soak (B) White River, Ont. 916 3 Regina. Sask. (g (c) .. (D). 1, 5, 21 St. Vincent de Paul. Quo.... 12 Stardale. Ont 14 Whitewood. Bask 4 Rembrandt, Man (8) Salmon Arm, B.0 (D), 1, 6. 24 Btavely, Alta 22 %\ hit ford Cur., Alta (S) Renfrew, Out. to). 1,3 Sandsplt. B C. )D) Staynerville, Que 14 Unity, task (8) Whale, Alta 2 l Rennie. Man 4 Sandwith Sash (M) Stephen, B.0 5 Venetia, Omit. 4 Whitney. Alta 22 Resource Jct., Bask ...... (B) Sandy Rook, Man (B) Stettler, Alta (B) Urea. Bask Whoeuck, 11.0 6 Reston. Man (B) Saskatchewan Beach, Soak (B) Stockholm, Sark (B) Utica. N.Y. 16 Whytewold, Man Revelstoke, B.C. 1, 6 Saskatoon, Sank (41) Stockton Jet., Man (8) VC lade. sash. (1/ Richardson. Sank (B) Saugeen, Oat 17 Stonewall. Man. (8) Williams Lake. (D) Ridout. Oat 3 Sault Ste. Marie. Ont.(e) 9, 19 Stottey Creek, B C 6 Vol David. Qui (E) Willingdon. Alta. (I) Itigaud. Que. 14. (E) Savanne. Ont 4 Stoney Mountain, Man (8) Valeport, Sank (B) %.N inderniere, B.C. Ripples. KB (M) Savona. B.0 6 Stoughton. Bask (8) Val Morin. Que. (E) Windsor, N.M. (I) 7 Riverton, Mau (B) Schreiber. Ont.8 1,3 Stralak, Ont. 3 Valois. Quo 14. (E) Windsor. Out. (c) 15 Rochester. N.Y. 16 Schuler. Alta (M) Stranginteir, Alta 5 Vamp Jct., Sash (B) Windsor Jet.. Nil. 7 Rock Creek, 11.0 (B) Sec"P"wn. Que. 10 Strasbourg, Sask, (0) Vanceboro, Me. 10 Windy take, Out a Rockford, Out 17 Scovii, Om 4 Strathelair. Men. (B) Vancouver. B.C. g (A) (c) Winfield. B.C. (11) Rock Forest, Que. 10 Seattle, 'Wash 1,26 Strathmore. Que. 14. (6) I. 6. 21, 27, 28. 29 Winkler, Man (a) Rocky Mountain Rouse. Alta. on Secret an, Sash 5 Streetsville, Ont 15, 17 Vankieek Bill. Om 3. 14 Winkler Cm Stan (8) Roderick, Ont. 19 Sedgewick, Alta Strome, Alta (B) Vaucluse, Otte 12 Winnifred. Alta 21 Rogers, B.C. 6 Sedley„ Bask (B) Struthers. Ont, 3 Vaudreull, Quo 14. (E) Winnipeg, Mau. g (c) (A) (8) Romanee Jet.. Sank (B) Beebe. Alta 5 Sturgeon Falls, Ont 3 %%weenie, Alia...... (14) 1. 4, 21 Itoneford. Ont. 3, 19 Seigniory Club. Que 14 Sudbury. Ont. (IP (c) 1.3. 19 Vermilion Bay, Oet... 4 Winnipeg Beach, Man. (B) Rooth. KB 10 (see Montebello) SuMeld, Alta. 5 Verner. Oat. 3 Wirral. N.B 10 Itonemere, Quo 14. (E) Semlin. B.0 6 Sultan, Oat 3 Vernon. B.C. (e) (B), 24 Woltville, NB. (e) 7 Rosenfeld, Man (B) Sergent, Sash (M) Summerberry. Sank 5 Versailles. Que 10 Woiseley, Bask 5 Rosser, Man 4 Seven Persons. Alta 21 Sommerland. B.0 (8). 25 Veteran, Alta (B) Woman River, Oat 3 Iteration. Oat 3 Severn Falls. Ont 19 Swift Current. Sask. (c) 1.5 Victoria, B.C. tel (A)... I. 23, 26,29 'Wood Bay Coe, Man ( B Ronytie, Alta (B) Shawanaga, Ont 19 Sylvan Lake, Alta (B) Vietoria Mine, Ont 19 Woodbridge. Out 19 Routledge. Man 4 Showbridge, Quo. (E) Syracuse. N.Y. 10 Virden. Man 1.4 Woodhouse, Alta. 22 Ruby Creek. B.0 6 Sheho Jet., Sask. (11) Viscount, Steak (8) Woodrow, Bask (8) Bush Lake. Sask. 5 Shelburne. Oat 17 Vulcan, Alta 22 Woodstock, Ont. (e) 25 Ruskin, B.0 6 Shelley, Mall 4 Woodstock, N.B.(e) Russet'. Man (B) Shepard. Alto. 5 Taber Alta 21 Worcester, Mites. 16 Rtatylvia Cr.. Alta (B) Sherbrooke. Que. (e) 10 Taehe, Oat 4 Wabigoon• Ont 4 Worthington, Oat 19 Buthergien, Oat 3 Sherwood Lake, Ont. 4 Taft, WC 6 Wadena, Sank (8) Wrmok ('or., Alia (it) Rutter. Oat. 19 Steno Caner, Man 1.4 Tappen. B.0 0 Waldeck. Sask.. 5 Wylie, Out 3 Shoal Lake, Man (B) Tarratine. Me. (M) Waleach, B.0 Wynyard. Seek (11) Shoreacres, Telford, Man. 4 Waiford, Out. 19 Sta. Adele, Quo (E) Simmons, 11.0 6 Templeton. Quo 14 Walbachin, B.C. Vale, 6 Ste. Ago' he, Que. (E) Sidewood. Sash 5 Terrace, B.0 (D) Walkerville Jet., Out 15 Yamaehiche, Que 12 St. Andrews. N.B. (c) 9. (B) Sidney, Man. 4 Terrace Ilay, Ont. 1,3 Walsh, Alta 5 Yarmouth, KS. (e) 7 Ste. Altars (Ste-Anne-de- Silverdale, 11.0 6 Terrebenne. Quo 12 Wanapitei. Yellow Grass. Bask (11) . Bellevue). Que.. 14. (Cl Silver Coe, Man (8) Toulon, Man. (8) Wanup, Oat 19 Yorkton, Sask. (e) at. Augustin. Que. 14 Silver Park. Bask (I) Thamenford. Ont. 15 Wapelia. Sask 4 Ypres, Ont 19 St. Barthelenw. Quo 12 Sint Mute. Sank Thanteaville. Ont. 15 Wirditcr. B.0 (8) St. Basile. One 12 Shag Way, Alaska 28 Theodore Jet., Sask. a) Warren. Oat 3 Zerra, Oft 15 1 NOW HEAR THIS! 1 ATTENTION!


Large swift flea of Canadian Pacific Steamship vessels sailing Le Canadien Pacifique offre des departs nornbreux et un grand through Great Lakes between Canadian and American Ports across choix de navires rapides a cales frigorifiques et ordinaires entre the Atlantic to Liverpool, London, and Continental Ports; and Montreal et les ports des Grands-Lacs, entre he Royaume-Uni et lf,s Canadian Atlantic and St. Lawrence River ports. Frequent sailings ports du Continent, de l'Atlantique et du Saint-Laurent. Consultez and wide choice of vessels equipped with both regular and refri- votre agent des services-marchandises du Canadien Pacifique tors gerated cargo space. Consult your Canadian Pacific Freight Agent de votre prochaine expedition. for your next shipment.


Page Page Agencies 22, 23, 24, 25 Agences 22, 23, 24, 25 Alaska—Princess Cruises 2 Bagages 32 Baggage 32 Buffets aux gares 28 - 30 Canadian Pacific Air Lines Inside Back Cover Canadian Pacific Air Lines Intetieur de la couverture arriere Cartes de credit 14 Conditions, Tickets, Equipment, Etc, 32 Chemin de fer-autobus, services coordonnes 28 - 30 Co-Ordinated Rail and Bus Services 28 to 30 Chiens et chats 32 Credit Card 14 Croisieres Princess en Alaska 2 Customs Douane 32 Customs Entry Ports, List of 28 to 30 Douane, liste des ports d'entree 28 - 30 Dogs and Cats 32 En voyage avec le Canadien Pacifique 32 •Faresaver Plan Fares 26 and 27 Cheques de voyage 13 Freight Services 30 Heure normale (les trains circulent Hotels 15, 21 and 25 l'heure normale) 31 Index to Stations 28 to 30 Hotels 15, 21 et 25 Industrial Development 20 Index des gares. 28 - 30 Lost Articles 32 Objets perdus 32 Meal Stations 28 to 30 Reglements, billets, materiel 32 Mixed Trains 28 to 30 Standard Time Governing Train Movements 31 Services-marchandisesService de developpement industriel ... 0. 230 Steamship Services 19 and Inside Front Cover Service maritime ..19 et interieur de la couverture avant Telecommunications 12 Tarifs- Epargne 26 et 27 Travelling with Canadian Pacific 32 Telecommunications 12 Travellers Cheques 13 Trains mixtes 28 30


ATLANTIC TIME HEURE DE L'ATLANTIGUE NEW BRUNSWICK. NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK NOVA scoTIA. NOUVE1LE-ECOSSE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. ILE-DU-PRINCE-EDOUARD EASTERN TIME HEURE DE LEST QUEBEC. ONTARIO. Fort William QUEBEC, ONTARIO, Fort William et plus and East. l'est. CENTRAL TIME HEURE CENTRALE ONTARIO. Fort William and West. ONTARlO, a rosiest de Fort William MANITOBA. MANITOBA. SASKATCHEWAN. Llominster, SASKATCHEWAN, a 1'00 de tloydminster, Nlacklin, Kerrobert, Swift Current. Macklin, Kerrobert, Swift Current at Altawan and East. Alta wan. ALBERTA. Hardisty. Manyberries ALBERTA, a rest .de Hardisty of Many. and East. berries. MOUNTAIN TIME HEURE DES ROCHEUSES SASKATCHEWAN, Kerrobert. SASKATCHEWAN, a roues? de Kerrobert Swift Current and West. et Swift Current. ALBERTA. Hardisty. Manyberries ALBERTA, a rouest de Hardiqy et Many- and West. berries. BRITISH COLUMBIA.Field, COLOMBIE-BRITANNIOUE, a rest de Field Crowsnest and East. et Crawsnest.


When it is 1.00 p.m. in the Maritimes it is Quand il as? 1h. PM dons let Maritimes, 9.00 a.m. in British Columbia, il Ott Ch. AM en Colamble-Britannique. 31 TRAVELLING WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC EN VOYAGE AVEC LE CANADIEN PACIFIGUE Timetable and what they mean: L'indicateur Canadian Pacific timetables are printed for your information. Les inoicateurs du Canadien Pacifique soot imprimes pour vous renseigner. Fast of all, how do you read them ? Tout d'abord, comment les lit-on ? Its really yeti( simple. All times from 12.01 a.m. (midnight) to 12.00 noon are in light C'est vraiment simple. Les departs et arrivees entre 12h.01 AM (minuit) et 12h.00 face type. Times from 12.01 p.m. (noon) to 12.00 midn,ght are in heavy faced type. PM (midi) tont en caracteres *ter& Tout les autres--entre 12h.01 PM (midi) et All times shown are in Standard Time. 12h.00 (minuit)—sont en caracteres gras. Dans cette brochure, let arrivees et Just as any public service, we strive for the utmost efficiency, however, we can- depart sont a l'heure normal.). not accept responsibility for any delays which may occur, and we would ask that Comme bus les services publics, flout nous efforcons de donner satisfaction. Nous you be patient. ne pouvons toutefois assumer la responsabilito des delais qui peuvent survenir et For your information, we have included arrival and departure times of other con- flout vous demandons d'être patient. necting lines. We cannot, however, accept responsibility for failure to connect with Pour faciliter vos deplacements, nous avons ajoute les horaires des lignes copes- these services. pondantes. Nous ne pouvons toutelois assumer la responsabilite d'un ratage de correspondence avec ces services. What about the trains? Les trains Presque tout let trains mentionnes dans cot indicateur possedent tout as services Nearly all the trains listed in this timetable provide full services and facilities such et facilites comme la climatisation et let fauteuils inclinable& as air-conditioning and adjustable seats. Dans let trains designes, vous trouverez des voitures-restaurants, voitures-buffets You'll find Dining, Cafe or Buffet cars on designated trains; and for your further convenience, restaurants are provided in some Canadian Pacific stations. All re- et voitures-cafés ; pour votre commoditO, certaines gares du Canadien Pacifique renferment des restaurants. Nous nous appliquons a fournir ces facilites, mais des sponsible efforts will be made to provide these facilities, but changes without notice modifications, sans preavis, peuvent etre imposees par le volume et les exigences may be necessitated by volume and requirements of traffic or emergencies. du trafic ou des cas d'urgence. Les billets Ticket talk. Vous pouvez acheter vos billets a tous let bureaux des billets de la compagnie. Les You can buy your tickets at the Company's ticket offices anywhere. Children five enfants ages de cing ant et de moms de 12 ant paient demi-tard. years of age and under twelve travel for half fare. Children under five travel free Les enfants de moms de cing ant, accompagnes dun parent ou gardien, voyagent when accompanied by a parent or guardian. gratuitement. Your ticket will always be issued via the shortest and most direct line to your La destination mentionnee sur votre billet sera atteinte par la route la plus courte destination, unless otherwise stated. Stopovers are possible too on certain classes et la plus directe a moms d'indication contraire. Les arrets en court de route sont of tickets. Check with your Canadian Pacific office. possibles aussi pour certaines classes de billets. Verifiez aupres dun bureau du Suppose you lose your ticket ? Buy another and get a receipt for it. Then send the Canadien Pacifique. details of your loss to the nearest Canadian Pacific Passenger office. We cannot Supposons quo vout perdiez votre billet. Achetez-en un autre et demandez-en accept responsibility for lost tickets, however, if your ticket is found and not used, Faites ensuite parvenir les details concernant votre perte au bureau des voyageurs you will receive a refund. du Canadien Pacifique le plus rapproche. NoLs n'assumons pas le responsabilite In case of any disagreement regarding tickets, privileges or accommodations, des billets perdus maw si votre billet a ete trouve et n'a pas ete utilise, vous serez please pay the amount asked and get a receipt. The Conductor doesn't have the rembourse. authority to change the rules or make exceptions. Then write to the nearest Canadian En cat de mesentente quant a des billets, privileges ou reservations, veuillez payer Pacific Passenger office and any necessary adjustment will be gladly made. le montant exige et demander un rec... Le conducteur nest pas autonse a modifier les reglements Du a faire des exceptions. Ecrivez ensuite au bureau des voyageurs Baggage du Canadien Pacifique le plus rapproche oCi flout serons heureux de faire toute rectification qui s'imposera. You can take two kinds of baggage on your Canadian Pacific train trip: hand bag- gage and checked baggage. Hand baggage--in reasonable quantity--is the kind Les bagages you keep with you in your car. En voyage par train du Canadien Pacifique, vous pouvez apporter des bagages ChackeJ baggage —your heavier pieces, suitcases, trunks, etc.—is shipped sep- to main, en quanta.) raisonnable, quo vous gardez avec vous dans le train, et ccn- arately in baggage cars. signer les bagages plus lourds—malles, vakses, etc.—qui soot transportes separe- By baggage, we mean clothing, personal effects, toilet articles, except Ilquids, ment, dans let voitures a bagages. which you need for your comfort on tke trip. His against the law to carry combustible, Par bagages, flout entendons vetements, effets personnels, articles de toilette, explosive, inflammable articles or raoio active material in your baggage. sauf let liquides, nocessaires a votre contort durant le voyage. II est contraire a la All articles must be packed in suitable trunks, suitcases, dress or suit packs, etc. loi de transporter des combustibles, explosifs, articles inflammables ou materiel Adults are allowed to check up to 150 lbs. of baggage without charge while chil- radioactif dans vos bagages. dren travelling for half-fare are allowed 75 lbs. each. The Company's liability for bus les articles doivent etre mis dons des mallet, valises, sacs. etc. baggege is limited to $100.00 for 150 lbs. and $50.00 for 75 lbs. Les adultes peuvent consigner jusqu'a 150 lb. de baqages sans trais tandis quo les If your baggage is over these weights it will of course be acceptable, at an addi- enfants qui parent le demi-tarif ont droit a 75 lb. La responsabilite de la compagnie tional charge. If its over these values you can easily arrange for insurance protec- concernant les bagages est limitee a S100.00 pour 150 lb. et $50.00 pour 75 lb. tion at reasonable rates at any Canadian Pacific office. Si vos bagages excedent ces poids, Is seront evidemment acceptes moyennant We make every effort to send your checked baggage with you on the same train: des frais de transport additionnels. Si leur valeur depasse let montants ci-desses, where this is not possible, it will be handled on the next most convenient schedule. vous pouvez facilement les faire assurer a des taux raisonnables, a tout bureau du Sorry, but we can't check any single piece of baggage over 250 lbs. This is where Canadien Pacifique. baggage becomes freight. Ask our Agent about convenient Canadian Pacific Freight Nous flout efforeons de transporter vos bagages consignes dons le memo train quo services. vous prenez; quand ce nest pas possible, its sont transport& dens le prochain train to plus pratique. Lost something ? Nous n'acceptons pas a la consigne tout article dont le poids excede 250 lb. Le transport de telles pieces releve alors du service-marchandises. Demandez a noire Left your umbrella or briefcase on the train or at the station ? Just ask your neatest agent de vomit renseigner sur les services-marchandises du Canadien Pacifique. uniformed Canadian Pacific employee or Passenger office, and every effort will be made to assist you. Les pertes Si vous laissez votre parapluie ou votre serviette dans le train ou a la gare, informez- Dogs, cats and other pets. en un employe du Canachen Pacifique ou le bureau des voyageurs le plus rapproche et flout ferons en torte de vous venir en aide. You can't bear to leave them home. Fine, then bring them along. While they are not Chiens, chats at autres animaux domestiques allowed to stay with you on the train, they will be comfortable and well taken care Si vous no pouvez supporter de laisser vos animaux favoris a la maison, emmenoz- of in baggage cars at moderate rates. les alors avec vous. Bien quit no soil pas permis de let garder avec vout dons le Again, please ask our Passenger office. train, ils voyageront en tout confort, dans one voiture a bagages, a un prix mare. The only exception to allowing pets on trains is in the case of a passenger travelling Renseignez-vous a ce suiet aupres du bureau des voyageurs. with a Seeing Eye dog, who may take his dog into his coach or private room accom- modation. II y a exception dans le cas dun aveugle voyageant avec son chien; ce dernier pout prendre place aupres de son maitre dons un coach ou dons toute autre voiture. Les douanes Going through customs. Les bagages quo vous transportez doivent etre inspectes aux frontieres qui separent Your hand baggage has to be examined at border points between the United States let Etats-Unis du Canada. Les douaniers canadiens soot postes aux endroits mar- and Canada. Canada Customs Inspectors are located at all points in Canada indicated ques do la lettre "C" a 'index des gores de cot indicateur. Si vous concignez vos by the letter (C) in the station index of this timetable. If you are checking baggage bagages out Etats-Unis pour expedition a ces endroits, Is seront gardes en entre- from the United States to these points, it will be forwarded in bond for examination pot pour examen au moment de la livraison. Important : Si vous consignez des baga- at time of delivery. Important : If you check your bavgage from one United States get a un endroit des Etats-Unit pour expedition dans un autre endroit des Etats- point to another or from a station in Canada to another point in Canada via the United Unit ou a mine gam du Canada pour expedition a une autre du Canada, par voie des States it need not be examined by Customs Officials. Etats- Unis, ces bagages ne seront pas inspectes par les douaniers. 32 Get more Revenez P(us riche de souvenirs: for pour memories: Evadez-vous vers l'Europe en 1/o/escapade des I ignes Jet Canadian Pacific Airlines' aeriennes Canadien Pacifique. Funbird to Europe. The night C'est le vol a l'image de vos that matches your holiday vacances dorees. mood. Ask your Travel Agent Commencez aujourd'hui a for the free 'Memories' cueillir des souvenirs brochure. demandez notre brochure Be choosy. Insist on gratuite chez votre agent de voyages. CPA's lunbird Flight Sow: Oficile. Exigez to Europe de filer vers l'EuroPe en Volescapade xpr CPA (


It's tall, it's sleek, it's fast—it's The Canadian. Uniquely Canadian Pacific. With Scenic Domes that stay with you right across Canada. What a view! What a train! With relaxing music, superb meals, lounges, coffee shop. And for coach passengers the comfort of reclining seats and full-length leg-rests. Ride The Canadian between Montreal/Toronto, and Vancouver. There's no better way to see this vast, unspoiled land. TRAVEL • -ad"' NE MANIMEZ PAS VOIRE TRAIN

Un train moderne, rapide, unique, le "Cana- dien". Un train du Canadien Pacifique, naturel- lement. Des voitures-dome sur tout le trajet transcontinental. Panoramas merveilleux. Train formidable. Musique reposante, bon repas, fau- teuils accueillants. Coaches avec banquettes a dossiers inclinables et appui-jambes. Prenez le "Canadien" de Montreal, ou de Toronto, a Vancouver. II n'y a pas de meilleur moyen de voir notre beau et vaste pays. VOYAGEZ


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