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Winona State University OpenRiver The inonW an - 1940s The inonW an – Student Newspaper 4-29-1949 The inonW an Winona State Teachers' College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winona State Teachers' College, "The inonW an" (1949). The Winonan - 1940s. 83. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The inonW an – Student Newspaper at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in The inonW an - 1940s by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Wenonah Players Present Comedy "Years Ago," the annual spring 358 ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER, WINONA, MINN. The UNDER THE ACT OF MARCH 3, 1879 production of the Wenonah Play- ers, a three-act comedy which Vol. XXX Winona State Teachers College, Winona, Minn., April 29, 1949 No. 7 deals with the launching of the career of the well-known actress, Ruth Gordon, will be presented Crib Notes FOWLKES TO GIVE BULLETIN tonight at 8:15 p.m. in Somsen auditorium. • By Jim Lanky • COMMENCEMENT Included in the cast are Joe Appropriation Bill Fennie, Clinton Jones (Papa); The recent bequest made to Addlyn Rygmyr, Annie Jones TALK (Mama); Rosalie Critchfield, the college by an alumnus Ruth Gordon Jones; Violet Jen- makes W. S. T. C. the most Dr. John Guy Fowlkes,dean Passed by Solons sen, Katherine Follett; Shirley heavily endowed Teachers of the University of Wisconsin Contrary to current rumor, Worner, Anna Witham; Donald College in the state. Yes, we College of Education and di- $790,000 was voted to Winona Redlich, Fred Whitmarsh; Rich- are a rather wealthy school as rector of the summer session, ard Petty, Mr. Sparrow; John State Teachers College by the Kirby, Mr. Bagley; Alice Mae teachers c of leg es go but 1 will speak on the topic " Our state legislature in the longest Four Citizenships " at the Wi- Schulz, Miss Glavin; and Punk, wonder how many of us were overtime session in the history of the cat. aware of our wealth previous nona State Teachers College the state. The play takes place in the to this bequest. Winona State commencement exercises to be Of the total sum, $750,000 is held June 8. small industrial town of Wollas- Teachers College is much much to be used for the construction of ton, Massachusetts in 1913. Set- richer in potentialities than it A nationally recognized ed- a new Phy. Ed. building. The ucator, Dr. Fowlkes was born ting the mood for the period will is in dollars and has been for remaining $40,000 is to be used be a small German band which a long time. in Greensville, Missouri, and for the purchase of the necessary will play before the production. * * * was graduated from Ouachita land. Featured between acts will be Colleg e, Arkansas, with a Just the other day I heard Dr. Nels Minne, president of various vaudeville performances Bachelor of Arts Degree. He the college, is very grateful to a fellow say that the Repre- which will star Sanden and Ros- received his Master of Arts those people from the county, sentative Council now has an chen, song and dance team. Degree from Columbia in 1921, city, and school who supported of f i c e of its own over in Assisting Miss Dorothy B. and his Doctor of Philosophy the bill. Magnus, director, is Miss Frances Ogden Hall. The Repre- Degree from that same univer- sentative Council, you re- Langmo. Robert G. Clayton, sity in 1922. president of the Wenonah Play- m cm be r, is the executive Positions that Dr. Fowlkes ALUMNI SOCIETY branch of the Student As- ers, is serving as production man- has held includes assistant in ager. sociation. And,of course,you mathematics at Ouachita Coll- all 'remember the Student As- ege from 1914 to 1916; principal PLAN BANQUET sociation. Yes indeed! I'm an of the Arkadelphia high school At 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 7, enthusiastic believer in from 1916 to 1917; physical di- at Morey hall the Alumni Society student government. I think rector of the high school at Hot of Winona State Teachers college that it's a wonderful idea. will renew its annual alumni ban- at Springs, Arkansas from 1917 to We ought to try it here 1918; principal of the Lincoln quet, an event that was discon- T.C. sometime. school, Teachers College, Co- tinued six years ago because of * * * lumbia University from 1918 the war. This month's bouquet of long to 1919 ; and assistant head- To allow ample time for in- stemmed roses goes to a group master of the Roger Ascham formal chats and the renewal of of loyal and conscientious school of Westchester, New old acquaintances, a brief pro- workers whom we take very York from 1919 to 1921. gram of entertainment following much for granted around T.C.. Dr. Fowlkes is a member of the business meeting is being planned. I refer to the secretaries and the AASA, NEA, NAPSBO, All members of the Alumni office assistants. Recipients of AAUP, the American Educa- Society and their husbands and this most high award are Mrs. tional Research Assoiation, the wives are asked to participate in Elizabeth Don a t h and the Core Committee Legislative this event. To facilitate the Misses M u h 1 e, Connaughty, Commission, the National making of reservations, return- Moroushek, S a f r a n e k, and Society for the Study of Ed- post cards will be mailed to all Krantz. To these people who ucation, and is affiliated with members of the society. Top, Rosalie Critchfield; directly below, Don Redlich; have been doing an excellent the Phi Delta Kappa and the The banquet will be held at Below left, Addlyn Rygmyr; below right, Joe Fennie. job we extend these roses as Alpha Kappa Lamba. 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 7, at a token of our sincerest ap- Six books have been publish- Morey hall. preciation. ed by Dr. Fowlkes, and he has collaborated as co-author on Phelps Faculty to five others; in addition to this Former Student Bequeaths BetterGovernment he has contributed to various Attend Conference bulletins of the Bureau of Ed- Faculty members participating Half Of Estate to College uational Research. Also, Dr. in student teaching programs Group Takes Trip Fowlkes served as adviser to have been invited to attend a Etta H. Howell, graduate and cluded both high school and col- T h e "Better Government Ralph Behling, instructor in regional conference of the Min- former instructor at the college, lege. t h e English division at the Group" of the college, made nesota-North and South Dakota died recently at her home in From 1912 till 1922 Miss How- up of 41 students representing Winona State Teachers Col- unit of the Association for Student Long Beach, California, bequeath- ell was a primary instructor here lege, when Mr. Behling was 13 counties, while visiting the Teaching to be held at the State ing half of her estate (a sum of at the college. Mr. Scarborough engaged in graduate work at Teachefs College, Valley City, money well over $100,000.00), to and Mr. Owens remember Miss state capitol on Wednesday, North Dakota, on May 14. her Alma Mater, Winona State April 6, met Governor Luther the University of Wiscosin. Howell as a very charming and Tentative plans for the con- Teachers college. capable instructor. She received Youngdahl and observed, at ference program include an ad- The University of Wisconsin her Ph.D. from the University first hand, the Senate and the dress by Dr. Camilla Low, Uni- of Wisconsin in 1919 where she House of Representatives in Voice Students versity of Wisconsin, on the was named as beneficiary of the • • subject, "Problems of Admin- other half of the estate, , the was awarded a Phi Beta Kappa action. istering a Program of Commun- money to be used by the School key. Those students who made To Give Recital ity Laboratory Experiences;" the of Medicine for the purpose of the trip are: Duane Nienow, A recital by students of Miss presentation of the 1949 Year- book on "The Evaluation of determining the cause and cure Guild Presents Douglas Kindschy, Robert Winifred Julsrud, private voice Student Teaching," by Dr. Paul of cancer. Prigge, Jean Warner, Betty instructor at Winona State Teach- R. Grim, University of Minneso- In her will, which is dated Easter Program Stuck, John O'Brien, J a y ers college, will be presented in ta, who served as chairman of August 6, 1947, Miss Howell Somsen auditorium on the eve- the yearbook committee; a " To Dream, To Die ", a tone- Robinson, Gerald Knatterud, luncheon address by President makes the following statement: Robert Anderson, Shirley ning of Thursday, May 5, at R. L. Lokken of the Valley City "One half of the income there- poem which tells the story of Worner, John Raphael, Nadean eight p.m. college; and a panel discussion from shall be paid over and dis- the crucifixion, was presented Lester, James Lafky, Mark Those students participating in on "Teacher Load in the Labora- tributed unto the Winona State by the Radio Guild on the regu- the recital are as follows: Leon tory School," with President C. Teachers college of Winona, lar broadcast, Rohrer, Fred Sandeen, Robert P. Lura, State Teachers College, Quarter Hour Wallace, David Malcom, Earl Peters, Sheila Buckingham, Ger- Mayville, North Dakota, Mrs. Minnesota, to be used as the On the Campus at Somsen ald Radtke, Sylvia Lanning, John Irene Hair, Director of Teacher Board of Trustees of said insti- auditorium on Wed., April 13.