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Le Messager, Edition Souvenir, (07/18/1970)

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Edition-souvenir Le Messager, Lewiston, l\faine Samedi, 18 juillet 1970


Durant 86 ans Le Messager a été l'organe des

Franco-Allléricains de la région.

A roccasion du 150 iéme anniversaire de l'Etat du Maine,

que l'on fête cette année, il fut décidé de le faire

revivre en publiant cette edition spéciale, numéro•

souvenir qui sera distribué gratuitement.

Cette publication coïncide également avec les


LES 24 ET 25 JUILLET 1970

â Lewiston et Auburn

Ce MESSAGER e$I respectueusement dédié A la mémoir., de M. JEAN-BAPTISTE COUTURE, qui en fut le pl'(lpriétaire­ êditeur durant plus de 50 a,u,

M. JEAN-BAPTISTE COUTURE Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 3 Page 2 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 J. B. Couture, chef de la culture francaise a L-A L'Histoire resumee du Messager, Ou nous rappelons les personnes identifiees avec le Messager J. 8. Couture, comme il ètait M. Couture servit sa ville comme le Maine, M. Couture achetait Le apr"es sa mort, elle épousa Jerry L. encadrt\e et pendue en evidence géneralement connu, portait un membre du " Lewiston Common Messager, et, en 1909, il Dennison avec qui elle demeure li dans le salon. journal francais de 1880 a1966 Auburn ' M. Gendreau fut longtemps nom bien canadien-franpis (Jean Council" pendant deux termes; il déménageait l'établissement de la Baptiste), mais, dans la famille, il répresenta sa ville, pendant deux rue Lincoln à la rue Llsbon,qui est LE MESSAGER, que nous honorons par cette editîon-souvenir, M. T;.,dive1 étudia le droit aprés maitre-de-chapelle à l'église SS. était tout simplement: Jean termes aussi, à la Legislature d'Etat, encore le centre de la vie à l'occasion du I SOe. anniversaire de l'Etat du Maine, fut publié en fl'31\çais avoir quitt(! Le Me ssage r et il Pie~re et Paul , _co mme le fut D'après le livre intituU: et, quand la prohibition cessa et commerciale de Lewiston. L'édifice à Lewiston de 1880 à 1966. pratiqua sa profession à, Brookline Epiphan.e Mart in , lo ngtemps "Franco-Americans of Maine", l'Etat prit charge de la vente de a trois étages, en brique, est encore Les fondateurs furent le docteur Louis J. Martel et J.O. Montmarquet; Mass. pendant un demt- siècle. . 11 e mplo~~ da ns la sall e d e publié en 19 15 à Lewiston, M. liqueurs alcooliques dans le Maine, une des belles propriëtës de cette et les premiers ac tionnaires: marchands en vue de cette période: MM. revint à Lewiston avec son épouse, composition du Mes~ger. En plus, Couture est cite comme un des M. Couture fut choisi comme rue . Le Messager jouissait alors d'un Regis, Pierre et Louis Provost, avec M. Hubert Delorme. nl:e Annie Kava nagh (soeur de M. Gendreau dirigeait la fan~are S. citoyens franco-americains les plus membre de la première commission bel outillage pour imprimerie de La publication de ce journal fut longuement faite dans une petite l'avocat Albert L. Kavanagh, Do minique 9-ua_nd l'Assocmt1on de importants de l'Etat, et, comme d'Etat pour diriger cette entreprise. toutes sortes, en plus de ce qu'il ha-t isse en bois prés du canal, rue Lincoln, rue où tous les établissements longtemps bie n connu à Le wiston) ce nom eta1t .le groupement redacteur du Messager, un qui ne La Republique Franpise fallait pour imprimer le journal. Les importants pour les canadiens-fran~ais du temps étaient situés. et ils demeurèrent au Foyer populaire pour les Jeunes gens de la cédait pas sa place lf, personne reconnut son dévouement à la cause employés augmentaient selon le Au cours des années, le journal déménagea rue Lisbon dam; son propre Marcotte oh tous deux sont ville. comme dirigeant de l'opinion fran<.aise en Amérique en lui besoin, et, pour eux, le travail au édifice au numero 22S. M. J.B. Couture, propriétaire du Messager depuis dl:cédl!s M Tardive[ le 25 octobre M. Michaud , de nature plus publique parmi les personnes de la décernant la decoration: Chevalier Messager était aussi une Eicole, car 1891 fut celui qui déménagea le journal rue Llsbon, en 1909. Sa famiUe 1949 e;. eÎle le 24 :nai J957. Leur austère, se spécialisait plutot a Nouvelle Angleterre qui lisaient le de la Légion d'Honneur. on en apprenait tous les jours au déménagea aussi. occupant un logis à l'étage superieur. Avec les années, ce fille, 'pianiste' de renom, fut active !'écrit~re d'a.rttdes "pr~fonds", francais. Notes Généalogiques contact des divers journalistes qui logis fut transformé en studio pour le poste de radio WCOU, fondé par M. plusieurs années â Hollywood dans selon I expression de nos Jours. 11 ori peut ajouter que M. Couture M. Couture est né aQuebec-vilte se suivirent à la rédaction du Couture, et encore logé Ill. Pendant longtemps, ce poste fut sous la lesvuesanimées. recommandait surtout- de fut vraiment un guide politique, un en 1867, un des 19 enfants journ al. direction du fi.l s cadet de M. Couture, Faust Couture, maintenant à sa M. LaFlamme, apparente à la s'instruire, et aidait cette cause en institu_teus._et .UIL defenseur des d'Olivier et Marie Hebert Couture. En arrivant à Lewiston, M. rétraite. famill e de Lc wiston qui comprenait donnant des cours d'étudeJ aux droits de ses compatriotes, au prix Le père et la mère étaient aussi nés Couture avait été se loger chez la M. Couture, comme il est raconté dans les notes biographiques publiées Clovi s LaFlamme, le photographe J. jeunes qui travaillaient de bonne mème de son propre bonheur et de au Canada, et le père est déCCdli en famille Brunelle, demeurant alors avec sa photo, fu t le directeur-propriétaire du Messager pendant le plus E. LaFlamme, et le docteur Pau! J. heure dans la vie en ces temps• là , et celui de sa famille. 1895 à l'age de 72 ans. Son épouse rue Spruce. M. Narcisse Brunelle, le grand nombre d'années--certainement , pendant un demi -siècle. Au LaFlamme, fil s du photographe, il donnai t aussi des cours d'Ctudes à A part de publier Le le suivait l'année suivante. Le père pére, était boulanger bien connu en début, il composait lui-mème, ayant apprit ce mètier li !'Evènement de Messager-pendant près de 50 de M. Couture était instituteur dans ville, et son épouse était autrefois Québec, mais, avec les années, son beau-frère, M. Arthur Brunelle, lui :;. to~:!e:a ~~:~::i,ll e bj~~ ~:ifi~: in;oe~la~:::i:~:e;i:J!~?::~ ans--entreprise qui ne fut pas un temps ou l'enseignement au Adelaide Toutain. Tous deux succéda. Ce dernier fut employê au Messager pendant 2S ans, et pendant connu au Canada. Presque tous les se ul ement la langue anglai se mais toujours payante-M. Couture Canada se faisait p resque étaient nes au Canada, et ils eurent les six demiéres années il fu t contremaitre dans la salle de composition. hommes de cette famille portaient les lile'ments les plus importants du dirigea nombre de pieces théatra!es généralement par religieux et huit enfants,dont Clara,couturière, Après Je dèces de M. Couture, son Valdor dirigea Le Messager le nom de Kemner, et on raconte de gouvernement. dont le but était d'instruire autant religieuses, et il ètail difficile pour devint l'épouse de M. Couture. De pendant quelques années. Le journal fut ensuite mis en vente, et fut achetè Assis, au centre en avant : Philibert Buteau, qui portait la copie des années par MM.LN. Gendreau ei J.L.K. qu'il expliquait en farce que Pendant la premiere guerre que de récréer noire population de un laique de se crèer une carriére leur union, il est né cinq enfants: par un groupe de citoyens locaux, dêsireux de continuer le journal, et redacteurs aux typographes. J. L. Michaud. le "K" ehit pour "Kyrie Eleison". mondiale, M. Michaud t\crivit une langue fran.caise : il fut co-fondateur dans cette profession. 11 lui fallut Yvette, Sybille, Valdore, Berthe et l'avocat Edouard Beauchamp fut le président de la corporation. Première rangée, de gauche à droite: Mlle Elmyre Tremblay, Charles 11 y avait des correspondants ~:bu~e~n~e;iè:::î~r:~n~e;~!eî~ ~ilo~i"\:~!~\~1e: "~!:~~:;~ie~:~ du club Musical et Litteraire qui aller au Labrador, â une certaine Faust. Seule Sybille est dt\cédée. Plus tard, le sénateur d'Etat et ancient maire de la ville, M. Romeo T. Bedard, Edouard Martin (aussi bon joueur de tambour) et Yvonne Blais. aussi, citoyens de la ville, qui r:~ 1 réunissait dans ses membres l'élite période de sa vie, et M. Couture Les deux fils furent longtemps Boisvert prit la direction du journal, mais les lecteurs, abonnes et Assis, deuxième rangée, mt!me ordre: Dominique Dionne, F. Xavter contribuaient articles variés, mais re'dacteur-en-chef de La Tribune a activités de la guerre en Europe où masculine de nos deux villes; il prit racontait que la famille y connut la employés au Messager, mais, a prés annonceurs diminuant continuellement, il fallut se soumettre Il Guay, Louis-Philippe Gagné, Valdore Couture, J. B. Couture, Faust O. qui n'étaient pas "au bureau" Woonsocket, R.I. et continua nos Franco-Americains servirent leur nouvelle patrie en grand part li nombre de productions une "misc!re noire". le fondation du poste de radio, discontinuer la publication. Couture, Adélard P. Roy et Omer Gauvin. comme l'étaient ceux déjà cités. De ensuite sa carrière journalistique au musicales-y compris ope'ras-et, fait J. B. Couture étudia â l'Ecole WCOU, M. Faust en devint le Entre temps, M. Albert Rowbotham de Auburn et Rumford, avait fai t En arrière: Liliane Michaud Marcotte, Fernand Martin, Irma Poirier ces correspondants il y eut les Canada. nombre. M. Michaud e.pousa Amanda que l'on ne repete pas assez Normale des Fréres a Québec. !puis directeur, et le fut jusqu'a sa l'achat de l'imprimerie et se charge de publier Le Messager ayec l'aide de Plante, Léonard Michaud, le docteur J.E.N. Bohémier (beau-frere de M. avocats P. X. Anger et F. X. M. Ge n d r e au e tait Simard de Lewiston. La seu1e souvent, il reussit si bien à traduire se voua à étudier le ,métier retraite. Entre temps, ce fils avait M. Roger Soucier, mais finalement, même l'imprimerie cessa d't!tre chose Couture qui fu t employe' à la rédactio,1 pendant quelques années) Lauretta Belleau, et le docteur J. A. cornetiste-musicien de haute enfant qui survit de cette union est aussi fon dé le poste de radio à payante, et M. Rowbotham vendit en mai de cette annee pour aller Vachon Roy, Eugène Gélinas, Delcia De Bl ois Dionne et F. X. Girard. Girouard qui contribua des poèmes qualité, venu ici de Quebec-vi!le. Il 1 Mlle Charlotte Michaud, journaliste ~usi~:~:i~i;in:~orf;~n:isG:~be~!è: \ ~i;c::;nt !:%~:! b~~e~~~~ Augusta, connu sous les initiales: s'ttablir a Noiway ou il continuera la publication de journaux Photo prise en 1928. fut associé au Messager plusieurs pendant presque toute sa vie. elle-aussi, surtout pour journaux Sullivan, que sa ve rsion fut de nos jours. n y demeura cinq ans, WFAU; et ceux de WW B li. hebdomadaires en se servant de procédés modernes nécessaires de nos jours Mme. Marcotte et Leonard Mais d'aucune parente avec ]. M. d'Estimauville, ne' en France, années, et était en grande demande publiés en anglais â Lewiston et à presentée plusieurs fois, notamment puis vint à Lewiston, en 1886, ou il Portland , et WGUY, Bangor. pour publier avec profit. Michaud esakmt Frere et Soeur, L. Michaud. comme mailre des cérémonies à épousa Amazélie Roberge de Portland, mais, pendant 25 ans, elle a' Lewiston-Auburn sous les , devint employé du Messager. Son Faust acheta Le Messager en Les filières du Messager, ayant une valeur historique, donnèes I la Le "personnel" du Messager, dès No us voulons parler ici des presque tous les livenements en Lewiston, el ils eurent une fille, fut correspondante pour La Presse auspices de diversgra.pements. fils , Faust, nous dît qu'il quittait 194 1, et, avec son fre re Val dore, en bibliotheque d'Etat située à Augusta, capitale de notre Etat . ses dèbuts, a toujours attiré un personnes qui contribuèrent surtout ville, et mème dans le familks où Irma, qui, lors de la demiere de Montréal, Que., et c'est elle qui M. Couture se devoua aussi au Québec à l'age de 17 ans, ma is fit eut la di rection jusqu'll la vente en Lorsque l'imprimerie du Messager fut demolie, le Lewi ston Evening nombre de personnes intéressantes, à la rédaction du Messager. Dès ll's les anniversaires l!taient toujours maladie de sa mere, fut adoptCe par fut chargée de la rédaction de cette centre des sociétés mutuelles qui un stage de deux ans ailleurs aux 1950 a une corporation formêe par Journal, publication locale écrite en anglais, rac.ontait qu'en 1930, il y et plusieurs de ces noms ont une premiers temps, ce furent MM. l'occasion de grandes fêtes avec M. et Mme Cle'ophas Thibault de publication.souvenir du Messager, occupaient une large part dans la Etats-Unis, ava nt de s'e'tablir 'a des F r anco-Américain s de avait 800 journaux publiés en fram;ais aux Etats-Unis, et, de nos jours, il valeur historique. Quelques uns de Etienne d'Estimauville, Emile H. lecture d'une "adresse,. écrite sur Lewiston. Elle épousa George comme membre du comité du vie des premiers immegrés du Lewiston. Lewiston-Auburn . n'en reste que 100. ces noms sont inclus dans l'article Tardive!, J.L.K. La Flamme, suivi Michaud, marchand li Lewiston, et, parchemin pour être ensuite ( continued on page 16) Canada en nos deux villes. Cinq ans apres son arrivée dans ( cont:inued on page 16) ( continued on page 5) consacrè au journal. pe u après et pendant plusieurs

PRESCRIPTIONS ?ltauotte------,--,-- Filled ot Low Prices! Furniture World Welcome Canadian Visitors Zenith Heoring Aids - El asti c Stockings Corner, Pine and Lisbon Streets From Your Family and Friends Trusses - Expert Fitters - Surgical Supports Lewiston, Maine 04240 - FREE DELIVERY - Bates Manufacturing Company Donald R. Dion, Pres. - Bruce J. Clark, Vice Pres.

There are more than 3,000 members of Onile Dalloire, Salesman - Poul Benoit, Salesmon TURGEON'S Pharmacy the Botes employee family, and many of them 392 Lisbon St., Lewiston - Tel. 783-1486 proudly daim a French-Canadian ancestry. Since Botes started its first loom in Lewiston 120 years ago, the company has welcomed many of our northern neighbors Avec les Hom mages et les Felicitoti ons into its ranks and played a major part in fostering the growth of French-Canadian heri­ de Compliments de la tage in this community. We cordially invite our French-Canadian neighbors to visit the Botes Mill Store and see La Ligue du St-Nom de Jesus Paroisse Sainte Croix the beautiful home furnishings made at our Paroisse St-Pierre et St-Paul Lewiston plant by their friends dnd relatives open weekdoys 9 o.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Botes. Soturdoys 9 o.m. to 1 p.m. Rev. Felix Martin, Cure Lewiston, Maine 04240

Fondee le 25 avril 1897 Botes Mill Store - Canal and Ash Sts., Lewiston-/ Water St., Augusta Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 5

Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Members of the two-town ainsi soulevé porta ce groupe anniversaire de l'Etat, sous !a Page 4 Le Messager direction de M. Daniel Myrand. De Sesquicentennial Committee nombreux â élever la voix en chant Quelque Chose pour tous les gouts bonne heure au mois d'aoUt, il y include Town Cle rk Ne ll ie S. Fogg gène ra I accompagné par aura danse anciennes sur !e terrain Official Program of Events in Androscoggin County and Mrs. Dorothy Rowe of Greene, Les visiteurs canadiens-français d'années, et, elle, tout comme le l'orchestre. Les danseurs furent de stationnement au magasin Deputy Sheriff Roy Burgess and et autres qui viendront à Sènateur Muskie, eurent tous deux nombreux pendant toute la soirée, Marking Maine's 150th Anniversary as a State: 1970 William Daly of Leeds. The Boards Lewiston-Auburn les vendredi et l'honneur d'être choisis candidats à exécutant danses de l'ancien temps Morgan, aussi à Greene. of Selectmcn in both towns were samedi, 24-25 juillet, auront la la vice-présidence de notre pays. comme celles de mode Pour sa pari des fêtes, la ville d'Auburn a démoli tous les édifices most co-operative. chance de faire des achats Le Sénateur Muskie est contemporaine. Dr. Garcelon's Brainchild dinner in thi: Town Hall; an Celebrations before Summer's profitables, tout en p(ll.lvant jouir présentmelll consideré comme un Vers le milieu d'aoüt, il y aura sur leur côté de la rivière prés des By Ralph B. Skinner afternoon band concert, singing by end were in making by the Towns des évènements qui auront lieu dans des candidats-en-chef pour la fête champetre sur le terrain du chutes spectaculaires qui ont toujours identifié nos deux villes. Co-chairman County State Ball in Lewiston was Opening Feature - Lewiston-Auburn Students to a male quartet, field events, and a of Webster and Wales, the Sabattus cette ptriode de temps â l"occasion présidence des Etats Unis, et il a ''Central Maine Vocational Sesquicentennial Commjtte Participate - Souvenir Newspoper Published - Art Show, Textile Exhibit, carnival. A dance will be held that Lake Cottage Owners' Association du !50e anniversaire d l'Etat du accepté l'inviiation d'être 'a Technica! lnstitute" a Auburn, et On est à améliorer tout cet endroit, pour ensuite y ins1aller la demeure A fitting introduction to Field Contests, Visitation Deys, and many other Events Scheduled. night. Sunday services will be held co-operating, when this edition of Maine. Lewiston pour le 25 juillet. l'école sera ouverte aux visiteurs. "Knîgl1t", la plus ancienne de la Androscoggin County' observance in the Community Church al "Le Messager" went to press Pour la deuxieme annee A cette mème occasion, et au L'aile industrielle de cet école est 0f Maine's 150th anniversary, as a Poland Corner. Tenlatively dated for early consécutive, !es marchands de mème endroit, il y aura ce jour-là dêdiée à !'hon. Jouis Jalbert de ville. Elle date de 1874, et on doit with a History Fair he!d in a hall Ail this time, towns of the the Arts Council of State, was a scholarly address on The committee·in-charge, which Octobcr in Turner is a "Solon Lewiston-Auburn, villes-soeurs le une exposition d'art en plein air Lewiston, pre'sident du comité qui la restituer et l'aménager selon sa centrally located in the county. county were busy in planning their Lewiston-Auburn, the collegc, the "Statehood for Maine", delivered a!so produced a history of the Chase Day", in mcmory of a native long des bords de la rivière sous les auspices de la organise les fêtes du l50e période historique. L'entourage Meanwhile also, Miss Charlotte own observance programs, and the State Arts Commission, various by Attorney Vincent L. McKusick town, consisted of Mrs. Vila of that town who ran for Vice Androscoggin, auront des ventes "a "Androscoggin Art Association." anniversaire pour le comté deviendra un parc où les visiteurs Michaud and Adelard Janelle, both füst to be presented following the firms and individua!s, featuring of Portland be fore the Lothrop, chairman; Mrs. Philip President on the Grecnback ticket bon marche ces deux jours-là. A cet Ce sera la deuxieme exposition Androscoggin. L'école est toute pourront admirer les chutes avec of Lewiston, had been named to June 6 ball was a two-day carnival textiles of historical significance. Androscoggin Historical Society Thompson, secretary; James W. way back in 1878. lt was "Uncle occasion, des étalages de annuelle par cet organisation, nouvelle, enseigne plusieurs sujets, agrément. work with the committee chairman in Greene, on July 11-12, under An exhibition ofhandwoven and April 28, 1870. The Society's Burns, treasurer; the Rev. Bertram Solon" who gained national fame marchandise seront sur les trottoirs événement qui fut un succès dès sa et est une des gloires des deux Depuis le 12 juillet, il y a à la in ananging for French-Canadian spon$orship of the Allen Pond handprinted textiles will be held at selection of the speaker and subject Wentworth, publicity; Mrs. Stanley with his down-to-earth remarks on en avant des magasins, car ce sera la première année. villes. Galerie Treat au collège Bates une visiiation days in Lewiston-Auburn lmprovemelll Association. This was readily endorscd by the Baies College through Aug. 8, Young, Gleen Torrey and Willard the state of the Nation when he vente annuelle "sur les trottoirs" En cas de mauvais temps ce Le 16 septembre, ce sera grand exposition de tissus tissés et on July 24-25, in conjunction with included field events, a food sale, a fo!lowing a formai opening hcld Androscoggin County Stone. program. stumped the country with a yoke Des détails à ce sujet paraissent jour de visite a· l'édifice du comté, à imprime's à la main. Cette the annual sidcwalk sales period in dance, a b"at parade and races. The jour-là, les oraieurs et l'exposition Sesquicentennial Comrnittee. July 12 at the collegc Treat Gallery. Because al! of their communities of oxen he termed as "Them dans certaines annonces qui font Auburn, sous la direction du exposition sera continuée jusqu'au local stores. committee-in-charge was headed by seront à l'hôtel de ville, à l'autre Recognizing that this This is a collaboration of the Arts derived from the original Steers". par! de notre edition·souvenir. La Commissaire de Comté Donia l. 8 août. L'entrée est gratuite. A specia\ program was arranged Daniel Myrand coté de la rue. L'entrèe sera And r oscoggin County's Council of Lewiston-Auburn, the Bakerstown land grant and the The Turner Grange is expected lecture de ce journal fait aussi Girard, ancien maire de la ville de L'exposition a e'té arrangée pour sa to take place in Lewiston 's The next event was the second gratuite, que ce soit dehors ou à Sesquicentennial Committee was co!!ege, the State Arts Commission, Town of Poland in succession, to be a principal sponsor, as Solon comprendre a nos lecteurs pourquoi l'intérieur. Lewiston. Les employés du comté valeur historique, et elle comprend Kennedy Park on Saturday, the annual re·opening, for a various firms and individuals, one of the most active in promoting representatives from the Towns of Chase was an ardent mcmber of cette edition a été publiëe, et elle Lewiston-Auburn cèlèbrent le porteront des costumes de 1820 ce des tissus obtenus de diverses 25th, to which Maine's Senators in comemorative service, of the featuring textiles of historica! county-widc observance of Maînc's Mino1 and Mechanic Falls and the that organization. Turner is famed contient aussi autre matière 150e anniversaire de l'Etat déjà jour là et serviront de guides aux manufactures et d'individuels. Washington, the Hon. Margaret historie Pen!ey's Corner Church on 150th anniversary as a State, the significance. City of Auburn co-operatcd with for other rcasons including its depuis longtemps. Le 28 avril, une visiteurs. On pourra même visiter la L'exposition est une collaboration Chase Smith and the Hon. Edmund South River Road in Auburn. d'intérêt pour tous les lecteurs Maine State Sesquicentennial Livermore Falls, busy industrial the Poland celebration committee. long-standing Leavitt lnstitute and, Pour samedi, le 25 juillet, les conférence historique au sujet du prison rècemment construite. de !a .société, des beaux-arts de S. Muskie, have been invited. Closed for many years, this quaint Commission desîgnated a costume and trading center up-rivcr on the On the night of Saturday, July for the fact that members of the sénateurs Margarel Chase Smith et Maine était présentèe devant la Un programme élaboré organisé Lewiston.Auburn , et de la Alos, a sidewalk art exhibit, old church, with wallcd cemetery ball in Lewiston Memorial Armor y, Androscoggin, and ils mother-town 25, a colorama wil! be put on under early-scttled Bradford family werc Edmund S. Muskie, tous deux du "Androscoggin Historica! Society" specîalcment pour les étudiants Commission des Beaux-Arts de sponsored by the Androscoggin Art beside it, was the scene of a Sunday on June 6, as its own official of Livcrmore, have been active in lights at Walton Field in New descended from Governor William Maine , ont été invités d'être au parc ;\ Auburn, avec l'approbation du servira à !es instruire sur les diverses Maine. Association, is to be held in the service on July 20, last year, in occasion under sponsorship of the special events throughout this year, Auburn. The Pine Tree Warriors of Bradford of the Plymouth Colony. Kennedy de Lcwiston, pour Comité du Comté Androscoggin périodes historiques du Maine, et A Livermore Falls, il y a à visiter same park, the same day. recognition of Auburn·s centennial County Committee. combining community betterment Lewiston wil be hosts 10· -other ( As co-chairman of the adresser l'auditoire du leur permettra aussi de prendre part au cours de l'été la demeure asa·city. chargé d'organiser les fêtes dans les Governor and Mrs. Kenneth M. A notable feature of the with commemoration of the drum and bugle corps and drill Androscoggin county committce, kiosque-centcnnairc de la ville de deux villes et les 12 villages du aux autres fêtes de nos deux villes ancestrale des sept fréres Another service was held on July Curtis Jr., attended in costume of French-Canadian visitation days sesquicentennial. teams from many parts of New Mr. Skinner was charged with Lewiston. L'hon. Margaret Chase comtt. et des villages environnants. Washburne, et celle du Dcacon 19 this year, in recognition of the year 1820, and led the grand was the distribution of a Both towns share paride of England. Bertrand Outil of co-ordinating the various town Smith reprèsente le Maine à Le 6 juin, un gr-and bal avait lieu Le 19 juillet, un service Livermore, le pionnier pour lequel Maine's sesquicentennial. march. Other dignitaries attending souvenir-cdition of the once-famous tradition in "The Norlands", Lewiston will be in charge of this observances.) Washington depuis nombre au manège militaire de Lcwiston, religieux avait lieu dans l'église le village est nommé. Les frères On both occasions, the church, included Judge and Mrs. Benjamin but now defunct, '"Le Messager", in ancestral home neighborhood in production. organisé par le Comité du Comte'. historique de Penley's Corner à Washburne sont devenus its tîme the larges! with its stencilled walls, carpeted North Livermore of the famous Butler and their two grandchildren The next scheduled L'histoire - continued O ,-n.. Ceci rencontrait l'approbation de la Auburn. Cette ancienne église, gouverneurs, sénateurs fédéraux, newspaper in the United States floor and kerosenc light seven Washburne brothers, and in from Farmington, likewise in sesquicentennial program after that M. Rowbotham ajÜu tait qu'il y a deux ans, il fa isai t une êtude parmi Commission d'Etat nommée pour fermèe depuis plusieurs années, est secrétaire d'Etat, ministre des chandeliers, drew a capacity the Deacon Llvermore house, home period costume. These, with many This includes a picture and will be that of the Towns of Lisbon l'anniversaire, et le Gouverneur et entretenue en bon ordre à cause de affaires étrangères, général d'armée attendance. Many of those 300 jeunes personnes de Lewiston-Aubum, et, de ce nombre, il n'en trouve others, ga rbed' in styles of a biographical sketch in tribute to the of the early settler for whom the and Durham to be held at Lisbon sa valeur historique, et elle fut et capitaine de marine--ce qui fait altend!ng were in costumes of a que trois qui pouvait lire le fram;ais. On peut penser que ces chi ffres sont son e'pouse, ainsi que plusieurs century-and-a-half ago presented a late Jean Baptiste Couture, the town was named. Falls on August 22. This affair autres dignitaires de l'état ouverte la derniére fois à l'occasion plus que sept positions, mais bygone era. quelque peu exagge'rés, mais il faut aussi reconnaitre qu"il y a du vrai, most colorful picture when the founder of "Le Messager." The Norlands has been arranged by a committee including du centenaire de la ville d'Auburn, certains d'eux remplirent plus d'une The clergyman was the Rev. ma lheureusement. assistaient. Tous portaient costumes grand march concluded in a Arrangements for a field day and designated on the national register Town Manager Dwight Dogherty, l'an dernier. fonclîon. Lawrence Hathorne; the soloist, Dans son temps. cependant, Le Messager fut lu à Lewiston·Auburn, et il de la periode 1820. phalanx of people filling the open house at the Central Maine as an historie site and this home Rotary Club President Jack Rogers, Les 11 et 12 juillet, le village de Un groupe théatral de l'endroit Mrs. Donald Hinckley; and the contribua de beaucoup à l"avancement de sa population de langue française Le défilé qui eut lieu au cours de ballroom floor. George Orestis was Vocational Technical Institute in and that of Deacon Livermore both Frank Paul of the Lisbon Falls Fire Greene avait un carnaval de deux prèsentera un spectacle et un défilé organist, Mrs. Hazel Penley Grant. en préchant toujours en sa faveur. la soirée présenta un spectacle Master of Ceremonies, Mrs. Harriet mid-August will be in charge of are open to visi tors during the Department, and other jours à l'occasion du 150e The committee, e~ch lime was On le manque encore, surtout chez ceux qui l'ont connu. inaccoutumé, et l"enthousiasme ( continued on page 18) Simpson and Mrs. Maria Robinson, Chairman Jalbert, for whom the summer season. townspeople, will include a the same: Mrs. Charles Sylvester, Receptionists. industrial wing al the lnstitute is The fame of the Washburne firemen's muster, an obsolete Mrs. William Wilson and Miss This most enjoyable affair was named. and Arnold F. McKenney, brothers resides in the fact that two automobile parade, and a chicken Harrîett Vickery, long-lime the starting event of the director of the lnstîtute. of them became Governors in two barbecue. residents in the South Auburn area, Androscoggin Committee's Under guidance of Androscoggin different States, four served as Being arranged for early August who have worked to preserve the observance program to extend County Commissioner Donîa J. Congressmen from four different in an old-fashioned dance to be Penley's Corner Church for a through the remaînder of this year. Girard, who is treasurer of the states, one as a U.S. Senator and held on the black-top parking lot at number of years. Even before the opening ball Sesquicentennial Committee, a Army general, one a Navy captain, Morgan's IGA store in Greene. This Auburn's principal Maine, took place, Representative Louis special visitation day was ananged one a Secretary of State, and two is in charge of a joint committee of Sesquicentennial effort was in Jalbert of Lewiston, chairman of to take place at the County foreign ministers. Leeds and Greene townspeople, the continuance of the restoration of this County's Sesquicentennial Building in Auburn on September The Livermore and Livermore Town of Leeds having been favored an 174-year-old dwel!îng known as Committee, had named two 16th. Falls events committee consisted of on June 21 by a sesquîcentennial "the Knight House", as an historie prominent educators to co-operate On this occasion, the Waldo Hutchînson and Clayton gesture from military personnel shrine. This structure, rescued from I with school officiais in the county's department heads and staffs will be Wagner of Livermore Falls, Roger from the General Oliver O. Howard demolition in the Great Falls Urban two citîes and 12 towns in carrying in period costume. Libby of Jay, Michael Gammon of Reserve Training Center in Auburn. you ve come a long, long way Renewal area, is the oldest frame oui observance programs in their The visitors, to include groups of Llvermore and Richard Jackman of These officers and enlisted men house in the present business center schools. The two were Miss Geneva school children, will be taken on Fayette. tumed out 120 strong to improve a of Auburn, a village locality known A. Kirk, instructor in govemment tours about the building including The Tamarack Players, the local trail up Boothby Hill in Leeds to in its time as '"Goffs Corner". The and history at Lewiston High the new jaîl section and the Little Theatre group, will produi:e a the Peace Monument erected in School and presîdent of the Maine addition that provides needed restoration is by Auburn Heritage pageant and fashion show on the 1888 by Maj. Gen. Howard, and his Teachers' Association, and Mrs. Jo office space and modern basement Inc., which organization also is nights of August 24 and 29. brothers, Brig. Gen. Charles and we, the people ot F. R. LePage Bakery, are proud of the Anne Lapointe, head of the history facîlities for the County Civil engaged in marking other historie On Saturday, July 25, the same Howard and the Rev. R. B. Howard, department at St. Dominic's Oefense Training Center sites in the community. day as the Lewiston visitation in memory of the 121 Leeds men part we've played in the growth of our great state. Regional High School, Lewiston. The many features of the county An exhibition ofhandwoven and program, the Town of Poland will who served in the Civil War. Trees The program recommended by administration will be explained, handprinted textiles wifl be held at celebrate its 175th anniversary as a near the monument were eut, a llag through Aug. 8, them includes not only studîes and and the Museum of the town. The all-day program will pole raised, and a dedication We're proud of the fact that we're a Maine company, employ­ exercises rememberable of Maine's Androscoggin Historical Society following a formai opening held include a moming parade, a ceremony conducted by the Rev. Ju\y 12, at the college Treat history, but competitive projects by will, as always, be a source of great flag-raising and speaker program at Carl Geores with Miss Suzanne ing Maine people, making quality products for thousands of grades to conclude, in November, interest. Gallery. This is a collaboration of the Town Building entrance; a McGough as soloist. Maine tables. Why else would we be continually boasting that BUYING OR SELLING we're "From the Heort of Maine?" La Societe Historique Franco-Americaine Here's a toast (Country Kitchen bread, of course) to the next 150 REAL EST A TE? Regis A. LePage Vient saluer ses membres et amis du Moine Chairman years ... m0y they be even better thon the lest 150. See a l'occasion de leur 150 ieme Anniversaire NORMAN ROY Depuis 71 aru notre Societe Historique conserve Jalousement dans ses Archives 't les Echoes de notre presence Francaise en Amerique f. R. LEPAGE BAKERY, Inc. Mgr. Adrien Verrctte, President Country Kitchen Bakers M. Gerald Robert, Vice-President - M. Richard Santerre, Sec.-Tres. AUBURN, MAINE Associa tes M. le Juge Edward Lampron Fiduciaire 485 Main Street Lewistan SIEGE SOCIAL - BOSTON, MASS. 1899 Tel. 783-8588 Page 6 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970

APPRECIATION Lavallée, Lionel A. Dugal, Wilfrid C'est l'hon. Louis Jalbert de E. Dulac, Joseph A. Poliquin, et Ce que nous celebrons dans le Maine au cours de 1970 Lewiston, pre'sident du comitè pour votre rédatrice: le comté Androscoggin qui eut "'Sesquicentennia!" est un mot interessés à la contribution d'après lui, et les visiteurs dans ce l'idée de publier cette ACKNOWLEDGEMENT en e'vîdence cette année dans le francaise. charmant vill age y trouvent encore édition-souvenir du Me$3ger, à Credit is due to the Hon. Louis Maine, et nos visiteurs

Androscoggin County Building, Auburn Androscoggin County Birth "Loans for every good purpose at reasonable interest rates." A11droscoggin County Birth: put them in a new councy, as a more favorable attitude, the good the County during the interim. Dr. Garcelon's Brain Child proposed, would mean greater citizens of Lewiston presented a The Auburn citizens. however, Bv 1-fon. James E. Philoon expense 10 their tax payers, sincc it promise that: "Should Lewiston be whilc favorable 10 a referendum, FURN ITURE LOANS The idea of creating a new county was the creature of the alert, would involve payment of a larger named the shire town it would were opposed to having Lewiston ambitious and aggressive mind of Dr. (later to become proportional share of the expcnse furnish suitable county buildings named the temporary county seat ; CAR LOANS Govemor of the State), of Lewiston. His great grandfather, James of constructing county buildings. for the use of the county officers but withdrcw thcir objections upon Garcelon, had corne to Lewiston with his family in 1776. James was of paying salaries of county officiais, and for holding terms of court, free receiving assurances from the French Huguenot extraction and came from the Island of Guernsey. în maintaining a jail, holding terms of from expense to the county, for a Lewiston group, as they later BOAT AND MOTOR LOANS France. He was acquainted wi th Paul Revere of Revolutionary fame, court, equiping and the lîke, than period not to exceed ten years. and claimed, that they would be through whom he received his mail from his people in France. His great they were required to meet as a furnish a lot for the new county wi!ling: "To oblige the town on the REAL ESTATE LOANS grandfather on his maternai side was Amos Davis. who settled in Lewiston part of the larger county of buildings without expense to the West side of the river, would they in 1774. Cumberland, 3.lready equipped with other towns in the proposcd on!y corne up to the work and hclp BILL CONSOLIDATION LOANS Dr. Garcelon was a visionary horse and buggy, and if there were county buildings, etc., with more county." on the proposed measure." who exercised a strong influence in any large strcams to cross, by ferry and larger towns to share the tax But the people of Auburn A New County is Born shaping the development of or over the ice in winter. Lewiston, burden. had begun to pull the strings This policy o f Lewiston which, at that lime, was being in Lincoln County with the The Doctor Persists to have that town made the appeasemenl succeedcd in a period of rapid growth and county scat at Wiscasset, any Despite this opposition, the county seat. Auburn, whcre all othcr methods had industrial expansion; whose soul person from there having business Doctor and his supporters caused although smaller than failed, with the result that was afire to put these visions into to transact at the county seat, was an act to be prepared and presented Lewiston, contained among that Act as amended was reality, and by hîs sheer courage subject to great inconvenience and to the Legislature, providing for the its citizens many of the most passed by the Legislature on and unfaltering labor, against expense to reach that point, to say creation of the new county, with prominent men in the March 18, 1854, and difficulties that would defeat. any nothing of the time consumed. The Lewiston as the sbire town and section, who had a wide Androscoggin Coun1y came ordinary man, brought them to good doctor conceived the idea of began an active campaign to obtain influence in state affairs, and into being. The Act, as pass. removing this difficulty by creating passage of the ac!. could easily wreck the wholc passed, did not name the The Doctor's scheme for a new a new county wîth Lewiston at ils To obtaln this result proposition of creating a new shire town, but provided for a county as presented to the State center, which he communicated to required the persistence of county. ConScequently they referendum to be held on Legislature proposed to include the the leaders in the community, who dctermined men. More than were strongly opposed to October 2, 1854, at which towns of Lewiston, Lisbon, and enthusîastically joîned with himjn one session of the Legîslature acceptance of this new time the voters of the sever:il Webster to be taken from Lincoln his efforts to make it a reality. went by before ils passage proposition on the part of towns in the county were to County whos~ county seat was Unexpected Opposition was secured, and then only Lcwiston. choose between Auburn, Wiscasset; the towns of Auburn, While the proposai for a new· after heated arguments, A Compromise is Reached Danville and Lewiston. Al! Danville, Durham, Poland and county gained popular a:1d active compromises and promises. Finding this would not succeed. honor to Dr. Alonzo Minot to be t aken from support in Lewiston, Lisbon and At each Legislatîve session would the proponents offered to Garcelon, who can very Cumberland County whose county Webster, citizens of the other towns be seen the determined Doctor compromise by having the act now properly be cal!ed the father seat was Portland; the' towns of involved regarded it with cold carrying in his hands a map of the pending before the Legislature of Androscoggin County. "WE HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO OFFER" Livermore and Turner to be taken indifference, and, in some cases, proposcd county, presenting his amended by striking out that part First County Offices from Oxford County whose county with open hostility. The citizens of case to any legislators who would naming Lewîston as the county Following the passage of the seat was at Paris Hill in the town of Auburn, Danville, Poland and hear, and using all the influence at seat, and in place thereof provide Act, came a short interlude of Paris; and the towns of East Minot, being in Cumberland his command to aecomplish his for a rcferendum of the question of peace, but it was not long before Lîvermore, Greene, Leeds and County, experîenced little purpose. selcction of the county seat to the the partisans of Lcwiston and ·sT. PIERRE CREDIT UNION Wales to be taken from Kennebec difficuHy in having to go to Location of County Seat? voters of the towns involved, asking Auburn werc collecting their As the campaign advanced, LEWISTOM, MAIME 04240 County whose county seat was Portland on county business, il only that Lewiston be named the ammunition, and assemblîng theîr 144 PIME STREET Augusta. being easily accessible by rail, and, opposition to the making of the temporary county seat, unti! the forces for the capture of the shire TEL 3-2096 Travel Difficultîes etc. as they said "The natural course of ncw coun!y was Jess evidcnt; but on voters shall have determincd the town, of which we will speak !ater. At that time, except for the their business led them in that the mattcr of making Lewiston the issue. If this was acccptcd. the ln aceôrdance with the powers railroad which served a rclatîvely direction", and they were perfectly shire town, the opposition was Lewiston supporters promised to given him, the Governor, William G small section of these towns, trave! satisfied with the old arrangement. strong. Hoping to wean the furnish the necessary offices and Crosby of Belfast, appointed the for any distance was by stage or by Besides this, they argued, that to opposition and the indifferent into Court Room free from expense to following County Officers to serve Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 9 Page 8 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 until the ne xt State election: interesting was the suit of Frances ever saw, or ever will see - the time Aubum's Counter Attack Treasurer JamesGoff,Jr O. Millet! against Lucius M. when each was struggling for Unfortunately for the Dans les premiers temps, on travaillait "au moulin" Judge of Probate Nahum Morrill Packard for breach of promise to supremacy of the shire." Lewiston proponents, on Register of Probate Stetson S. Hill Sunday, the day before whîch the defendant p!eaded that A Counter Attack trou sans fo nd. On rêvait acheter généralement les fi ll es de fa milles Sheriff Charles Clark election, Horace Goff, son of Les fila tures Baies de Lewiston, ouvertes en 1-8 50, furent un grand à he did not promise. The attorney To counteract the offer of sinon lc"'bloc" qu !'onoccupait,au un .. peu li l'aise" financiCre ment, Rcgister of Deeds John H. Otis James Goff, Jr., who wasone point d'attrait pour les Canadiens-Frani;ais qui vinrent s'établir en cette for the plaintiff was Timothy financial assistance made by the moins un autre semblable ou le ou fill es dont !a santè ne pouvait For Children County Attorney Charles W. Goddard Ludden, and the attorneys for the Lewiston citizens, Judge Nahum of Auburn's leading vi!le vers 1870. propriétaire aurait son loyer " pour pas supporter le travail assidu req uis Surprise contests for children Clerk of Courts Cyrus Knapp defendan1 were Seth May and.John Morri!!, on Sept. 30, 1854, just spokesmcn, visited his sister, Les émigrés, qui arrivaient travail ne me fait pas peur", rien", et un revenu de tous les dans les filatures. under 10 years of age will be a Stephen H. Reade Goodenow. three days before the election, drew Mrs. John Read, mother of presque tous les jours, surtout de la ils vous auraient dit, avec une autres loyers de la batisse. li en est paSS;e bien des feature of the July 25 program County Commissioners Job Ch3se The trial occupied about two up in his own hand and circulated the !ate John L. Read, who Province de Que'bec, ne certaine fierté. On ne connaissait pas les générations dans nos filatures in Kennedy Park, Lewiston. This Emery S. Warren days. The Lewiston Falls Journal of the following subscription paper, lived in Lewiston. and by connaissaient pas la langue anglaise Un avantage pour ces émigrés banques, et pour faire affaire des Baies, et non pas toujours will be under the direction of The County Commissioners Meet Sept. 2, 1854 says of this trial: " ln which is now among the archives of inadvertance saw one of the génCralement, alors il leur fallait un était que les filatures offraient du opened on Aug. 22, 1854, là, il aurait fallu savoir parler pour travail manuel. Les Arthur Raymond, president of The first session of the County this case we had an exhibition of the Androscoggin Historical letters that had been sent 10 emploi où cette lacune pouvait être travail aux hommes, femmes et Chief Justice Ether Shep!ey anglais, alors, on demandait parents qui travaillereni fa Le Richelieu Club of Commissioners was called to meet the ability of the most able counsel Society, which reads: x "Whereas Mr.Read. surmontée. enfants. Les jeunes de 14, 1S et 16 presiding. The first Grand au curé quoi faire. toute leur vie firent instruire Lewiston-Aubum. Prizes will be at the office of Calvin Record in Jury to serve consisted of the that the County affords. Mr. May as a part of the subscribers Rea!îzîng the importance En pays étranger, peu importe ans de ce temps étaient fiers d'être Lewiston on April 4, 1854. The of his discovery, he ses autres capacités, si l'on ne peut employés et de contribuer au L'historique des premiers leurs enfants, et plusieurs dîstributed among the chi\dren. fo!lowing: lssacher Lane, (Seth May, who later became a hereunto have deposited with Dominicains établis ici révèle d'eux ont pu voir leurs Jack of a quorum caused repeated Foreman ; Ebenezer G. Judge of Supreme Judicial Court, James Goff, Jr. Esq., Treasurer of immediately reported to his parler la langue courante, les revenu de la farrûlle. adjournments. Their first meeting Bryant, Jesse Crossman, and grandfather of Seth May, a the County of Androscoggîn, the father. Thal night, a council ouvertures pour gagner s.a vie Pas question dans le temps pour ~~ersl~p;;~:sa~~a~~~:r~:: ~:::!:x em:;~oyé:es da:sê~= Pour Les enfants as a board was held at the of war was held between Mr. full Elisha S. Goff, John Goss, practicing attorney of Auburn), in sum of SS ,000 in cash to be diminuept. chacun de garder son sal3ire. Le Goff and Judge Nahum If y aura concours-surprises Clerk's office in Garcelon Black on Jesse Harlow, Isaac Kilgore, his argument to the jury occupied appropriated by the County Les filatures offraient un travail tout allait à la famille, et les parents 1 Morrîll and the other leaders, j;sqt:~àaie:t ~ou:p~:sp~:i:ts ~ ::~7c\emps, les conditions de Main Street, Lewiston on April 21, Abraham Luce, Martin some two hours, in an energetic, Commissioners, or other persans manuel, facile à apprendre, et, fournissaient le nécessaire d'après le pour les enfants en bas de 10 1854. Stephen H. Reade was and a plan of action adopted. comme les chefs de divisions revenu collectif. ans, samedi, le 2S juillet, au Parc Leavitt, Seth Martin, William convincing style. thereunto legally authorized, p;::;;:d;:nfi::: ~:r~~:11onatil!tirs~m~io;r: ~;ilcot;: elected Chairman. lt was decided that on diverses devinrent vite des Il fallait faire bien attention 'a ~~~~=~~ Kennedy de Lewiston. Ces Millett, Charles A. Newe\1, Mr. Ludden followed in a plea of towards the payment of the aux banquiers de la ville, et facilité par l'invention de diverses James Goff Jr., the County Rufus Prince, Charles Peables, four and one•half hours; yet during expenses for erecting County e lection momîng, Auburn personnes parlant le franyais , !es l'argent, car les salaires n'etaient concours, avec prix pour les Treasurer was chosen agent to would have representatives al directions ne'cessa1reS êtaient payés premi'erement qu'à tous les voir à leurs propres reserves machineries, les salaires o nt gagnants. seront sous la direction James Parker, Wm. Rowe, his lengthy pseech the hal! was buildings provided the same are d'argent. augmenté et le s heures de travail purchase supplies. Ham Brooks was Charles Woodside and Foster crowded to over-flowing. erected upon the west side of the each of the outside town données en cette langue, et mois; puis à toutes !es deux de M. Arthur Ray mond, elected Coroner and gave a bond meetings, bearing a persona] l'émigré, désireux de s'e"tablir semaines•·alors, fallait voir 'a avoir pre'sident du Club Richelieu de D. Wentworth. Thal they The jury returned a verdict for Androscoggin River in the town of l'au~;::gl~:t s':pp::;t p~~a~unpa: :~7;~~\?~•:~:v: J ~~~tepT!~ :;~:: for $5 ,000 to qualify for that were on the job is shown by the plaintiff in the sum of $413.33. mes:.age to the voters, with confortablement aussitot que assez d'argent d'une paye a l'autre. Lewiston-Aubum. Auburn in said County: phrase , selon le besoin. On la compagnie offre maintenant des office. the fac! that twenty-two The Battle Begins "Now we the subscrîbers do far moré convincing possible en ce nouveau pays, Les émigrés étaient gènéra!ement identifiait les magasins par les bourses aux enfants des employés Problems of a New County indictments were found Meanwhile, the campaign for a hereby agree to pay our inducements than Lewiston s'appliquait à bien faire son travail, économes, mais les conditions ense îgnes-· " la botte nÜîre" etai t ou pour leur aider a pour;mivre des ln- creating a new county, agains1 alleged offendcrs in shire town had gotten into full proportional part of said sum of had offered. encouragé par le fait qu'il était payé citées le s y fo rçaient aussi . De plus, l'on vendait des chaussures; le études ava ncées. many important changes have swing. The seeming strategy on the SS,(N)() to be assessed upon our A Dramatic Incident "au morceau", c'est•it-dire , que plus il falla it pense r à se faire une the county. , magasin "à bras d'or" étai t un Les fil atures Baies à Le wiston to be made. Suits at law The first Traverse Jury was part of Lewiston to have Danville property, which is situated in that Election day is at hand, and the il produisait de l'unité dont il était réserve , car, parfois, le travail magasin gé néral o u les vitrines datent mai ntenant de 120 ans, et involving citi zcns in the comprised of: Daniel Lara, included as one of the towns from part of the Lewiston Falls Village voters of the town of Turner are chargé, plus son salaire augmentait. manquait, et il fa llait manger tout étaien t protégées par des pipes en sont encore l'industrie la plus co unt y, hav e t o be Foreman, (grandfathcr of the which the selection would be made, Corporation lying and being in the about to open the town meeting, Quand on apprenait son de mème quand !es sa laires ve naient George Carignan was the firs t bronze. Tout étai t reconnu de cette importante de la vie économique . tninsferrt;d from the courts in and thus dîvide the vote on the "métier.. , la production était à manquer. F rench-Canad ia n to se ttle in author), Charles C. Atkinson, towns of Danville and Auburn, the when Judge Nahum Morrill from façon Les filatures sont nommées 1he former counties in which west side of the river, failed, as the last valuation to be the basis of Auburn appears and requests plus lente , mais le Généralement, les économies Lewislon. He came in 1860 from Jacob Barker, Ebcnezè"r Va sans dire que nos émigrés ne d'après le fondateur: Benjamin E. the. different towns in the Cobb, William Davis, Ammi people of Danville disclaimed any assessment. Lewîston Falls, permission to address them, which Canadien-Français était bon s'accumulaient. Si on n'avait pas Wotton , Que. A daughter of this faisaient affaire que fa où on Bates, qui fut aussi un des new county were former!y Dunham, Melrcr Gibbert, desi re to be made the shire town, September 3, 1854." is granted. travailleur , et , avec acheté une demeure a l'arrivée dans first sell ier married Joseph pouvait parler en franfais, et les principaux contribuables pour la situated. Apportionment has John N. Joncs, George and threw in their efforts in favor application et dévouement. il la ville , on ava it pris un loyer dans LeBlanc, founder of the Lewiston Their semples against what they After calling attention to the propriétaires de magasins ne furent fondation du collège Bates, aussi to be made of ils pari of the Littlefield, Emery Lombard, of Auburn. The fight thus became ne tardait pas trop à arriver l'un ou l'autre de ces ··blocs" Steam Dye House, which is still ha.d called Lewiston's attempt at Lewiston letter, which promised to pas lents a engager des commis situé à Lewiston, et nommé d·après debts of the former county. True G. Green and Jos. one between Auburn and Lewiston, bnbery of the surrounding towns, pay that town's part of the au but du temps: qui e'tait de construits pour loger les nouveaux nperated by members of this same pouvant parler cette langue, et de lui à cause de sa gcnerosité Revenues previously ra ised by Manson. with the winning of the voters of seem t0 have broken down in the expense, he tells them: "gagner sa piastre par jour". arrivés. Ces "blocs·· étaient maisons family, but is now known ~s tax a tion have to be The second Traverse Jury the surrounding towns as the stake. closing moments of the campaign. "We want a court house in Dans ce temps-là , on po uvait à quatre étages souvent, ayant mettre des cartes dans leurs vitrines La population de Lewiston LeBlanc·s Cleancrs. lt is the oldest proportioned in the same was composed of: John A Campaign of Promises Attached to this Auburn and we don't ask you to "vivre" avec pareil salaire. Les peut•être deux loyers par plancher, informant les acheteurs qu"'ici on s'elève à au dela de 40,000 franco-American busines, way, and matters pending journées étaient longues-de 6 ouvrant sur un escalier et corridor cstublishment, and it served as Smith, Foreman, Scwall The partisans of each sîde made subscription paper is another accept our promises that we will 1 before the Probate and Merrill , William Munroe, a thorough canvass among the list which reads as follows· pay Turner's part"; then reaching heures du matin a 6 heures d u commun. La plupart de ces gens par;:~r::r:i~~~ ~laient menus dans :tr:.:;:;~d~:~~ !ra~;~:!e. ;~t;i~~ training center for manh owners of County Commissioners Peter Noyes, lchabot C. voters of these towns. Each tried to "The undersigned agree to his hand into his pocket, he soir, mais ces gens. venant de avaient eu leur demeure 3U Canada, les magasins à comparer aux salaires parler franqiis à Lewislon ou à simil a r establishments now Courts, transferred to the Nori,s, Amida Pettengill, outbid the other in the financial pay the sums set against our withdraws il ·and lays out before villages ou de fermes ëtaient et de payer loyer étaient pour eux d3ns les filatures, alors les commis Auburn et ètre certain d'étre operating in Lcwiston-Auburn anù county having jurisdiction. James Peables, John Penley, inducements offered to relîeve the names for the purpose of the assembled multitude a bundle ' ' ca~ s" au travail. "Le comme enfouir de l'argent dans un de langue francaise étaient cor'npris elsewhere Temporal")' Quarters Joshua Parsons, Beta Pierce, outside towns of much of the securing the location of the of cash-Turner's estimated portion Th e re being no County William L. Read and John expense of constructing the county County buildings upon the of the expense, as convincing proof ------=:::::::::::=== =-=====, buildings, the first term of Supreme Strickland. buildings and supporting the West side of the ofhissîncerity. Judicial Court was held in Jones The Supernumeraries county during the interim. Androscoggîn." This was {continued on page 17) Hall on Main St. in Lewiston. This were: James Thompson, John Each tried to outdo the other in signed by Edward G. Little was in the building later k_nown as True, Wm. A. Tobie and Job political strategy and feelings and sixty-two others and the Ulwer Ma ine CentrâJ "Stâiion, D. Thomson. At this term reached the boiling point as the shows paid pledges LesvillesdeLewistonetAuburn For 85 Yeors The Traveling Public (now the City Motel). where Manderville T. Ludden was time for voting neared. amounting to $400. Was this sont reliées par quatre ponts, à VICTOR NEWS CO. subsequent terms were held until admitted to the Bar, and the The entire campaign might well a campaign fund, and if so, l'heure actuelle, mais deux de ces Auburn Hall, whîch was in process be eharacterized by the song sung Hcs Counted On WADË & DUNTON following were admitted to ~: :;ta~;;:t~t/sed? Perhaps ponts sont uniquement pour of construction, was completed, citizenship: Richard Butler, at many a wedding:-"Oh, Promise and where sessions were held un t il alias Patrick Bourk, Wi!liam Me," and it can be said without Lewiston 's Final Assault :~:~;:nt d~a ~:r~str~;tio~rèf~~ For Dependable Service the new county buildings were contradiction that the partis.ans of Whîle the undermining operation Collins, Oliver Bartley, troisième pont pour piétons et completed. Lewiston and Auburn were Hterally on the part of the Auburn stalwarts Timothy Welch, William voitures. On estime le coUt de ce Probate Courts were held in and figuratively the most promising was in progress, and only three days O'DonneJl, Dennis McCarty, pont à cinq millions. Nos deux Engine Hall, a wooden structure Edward Ockran, Timothy men in the County. before the election, the Lewiston villes améliorent présentement les Now Two Locations • Body and Fender Work situated on North Main Street, Callahan, Michael Horgan, The Pot Boils cohorts made their final assault. bords de la rivière près des chutes Auburn. The county offices were at Michael Mulgeeny, Richard Regarding the campaign, the late With the utmost secrecy, lest spectaculaires. On doit aussi first housed in various offices in Neagle, Dennis Griffin, Rich William H. Weeks, who was the son Auburn discover their plans, they indiquer, par enseignges, les lieux • Bear Frame Straightener Lewiston, and later in the Orra of Howe Weeks, one of the leading prepared and circulated among a Butler, Maurice Lawler, ou nos premiers colons établirent 50 ASH STREET - 890 LISBON STREET Davis house in Auburn, which was a citizens at the lime, is quoted as large number of voters in the Dennis Murphy, Patrick leurs demeures. La rivière brick building located where the saying: -"You have heard of mud outside towns a letter containing a • Glass Replacement Marshall and John Leonard. Androscoggin, qui donne son nom Aubuw Theatre* now stands, and slinging and wire pulling in political strong appeal in their behalf, The term was an extremely busy au comtè, fournit le pouvoir qui in the Engine Hall above campaign lime? Weil, here's promising any t0wn voting to make one, both as to civil and crimina! opère les grandes filatures Bates ou • Acrylic Lacquer and Enamel Painting mentîoned. something (pulling out from a sheaf Lewiston the County seat, would maHers, and lasted seventeen d:i,ys. plusieurs de nos citoyens ont First Tenn of Supreme Court of old papers a faded pink be relieved of any financial burden A Breach of Promise Suit obtenu leur premier emploi. hand-bill), which suppose refers to in the malter. However, the best of The first term of the There wcre several civil trials I Supreme Judicial Court the hottes! time these two cities plans fail. before a jury. Perhaps the most TOBACCO - CANDY - For The Family CORSAIR FAN NOMAD AND Les officiers et les membres de la Arthur J. Lesperanee GOTAGALONG TRAVEL TRAILERS LIGUE POLITIQUE FRANCO-AMERICAINE GREETING CARDS - ASSURANCE GENERAL SALES- SERVICE & ACCESSORY STOVES 227 Rue Oak Lewiston, Maine DE Lewiston Telephane 3-0597 Toujour interesse aux mouvements civique sont NEWSPAPERS - MAGAZINES tres heureux de s'associer aux organisotel.J(S du WADE & DUNTON CARRIAGE CO. Chaleureuse felicitations Androscoggin Sesquicentenniol commitee dans la 79 Lincoln Street - Lewiston, Moine aux membres du comite d'organisation celebration due l 50 ieme Anniversaire de el'etat du Tel. 782-2223 du comte Androscoggin a l'occasion MAINE Estcblished 1905 de la celebration du President Tresorier Secretaire 150 ieme Anniversaire de l'etat du Maine. Lionel A. Dugal Laurent Chabot George A. Levesque Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 11 Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Page 10 Le Messager was as fo11ows: beginning at a mark conveyed to John Glover and John (Ralph B. Skinner, official township within sex years. Il Llvennore on the big rock in Lewiston Falls, il Bridgham a large tract of land Auburn historian, informs that thls further required them to build a ln September of 17!0 occurred passed diagonally across Court St., which overlapped a considerable structure was demolished, makîng meeting house, settle a learned the expedition under Sir William north of the Elm Hotel and Auburn portion of their township. This the Knight House the oldest Protestant minister and Jay out one Phipps, which resulted in the Hall and thence on a line past the caused much confusion until final remaîning frame dwelling in the 64th part for a minister's lot, and capture of Port Royal in Nova rear of the plant of the Maine settlemenl was made with these central portion of Auburn.) one 64th each for the minister, for Scotia. Among the gallant soldiers Ba king Company. g.rantors and the area uniled with ln the same year, Benjamin a grammar school and Harvard who participated were 60 men from From this you wîll see a BakerstoWn (th.en Poland). True, Jabez, Levi and Daniel Coltege. Waltham, Mass. and neighboring major portion of the business Pdland Merrill, ail of Turner (th.en The Proprietors located the towns, who on petition to the ce n ter, formerly called Goffs On February 17, 1795 the Sylvester Canada) and Jacob township and retumed a plan whîch General Court obtained, in 1735 , a Corner in the immediate vicinity of territory of Bakerstown, including Stevens of New Gloucester cleared was confirmed on June 20, 1768. grant of land as compensation for Lewiston Falls, was Jocated in the Bridgham and Glover grant was land on Merrill Hill. Its boundaries were "Beginnirlg at a their services, from the public lands Danvîlle. , incorporated as the town of Poland. . Goff Hill Area place in Androscoggin River called of the Commonwealth. The In 1859 that part of Danville The first sett]er in the present ln l 785, James Goff Sr., settled Crooked Repels (ripples), six miles township was to be called Port lying between the Little town of Poland was Nathaniel in the Goff Hill section on Lake St! (as the river runs above Royal Androscoggin River and the Bailey who came in 1768 and made ln 1821, James Goff Jr., who Androscoggin Great Falls) which is They proceeded to Jay out a Auburn line was annexed to bis clearing in section known became a large land Owner in and the Easterly Corn e r of township, returned a plan , and to Auburn. Eight years later the as 'The Empire". He was followed around the present district of Bakerst o wn . .. . , from thence all ot the land. Roads were cleared, remaînder of the town was likewise the same year by John Newman. Auburn, and who played an running North 60o West , in the a saw-mill erected, and a se ulement annexed to Auburn. ln 1769 came Moses Emery, important part in its developmcnt, Northea st erly li ne o f sa id begun at an expense of l ,OClO Bakerstown who settled on the West side of the moved in and went into business Bakerstown, five miles and a half, pounds. But ala s, fo r ail their ln 1736 the Great and General Little Androscoggin River, near with Jacob Read, who shortly to the Northerly corner thereof, effo rts they suffered the same Court of Massachusetts made a Hackett's Mills. ln 1772 he moved before had moved a building across then running North 260 East by difficulties as th.ose of Bakerstown grant of land to the officers and across the river into what is now the Androscoggin River on the ice Province Land ten miles and J 80 and Turner. The townsh.îp the y had soldiers commanded by Cap!. John Minot, built a saw and gris! mill and and converted it into a store, which rods to a stake with Stones about il, laid out and settlc d proved to be in March, Capt. Stephen Greenbal and operated a ferry. He played a was located in what was then then running by Province Land New Hampshire and their gra nt Capt. Philip Nason and their heirs, prominent part in the affairs of the Danville, at what is now the corner South 600 East three mil es and 250 became invalid. as compensation for their services two towns. More settlers came of Court and Main Sts. rods to sa îd River, thence running As a res ult of repeated petitions in the expedition into Canada in during the next few years until by The following year he Southerly by said Ri ver to the to the General Court for redress on 1690. 1800 its population was 21215; in bought out Read's in terest in bounds fir st mentioned." June 11, 177 1, they received a This was to be located on the 1850 its popul ation was 1353 the building and business. Although lots were laid out, the grant of a new township in the West side of the Merrimac River, despite the re duct ion in its area This was the first store in this Proprietors di d not occupy them Province of Maine, to be located adjoin ing Contoo co ok . The which was set off as the town of area, around Whîch thcre and no settlers appeared. East of the Saco River, to be six Proprietors entered the land , laid Minot. developed a considerable Trespassers, however, did put in an and thrce--quartermiless.quare. out a township, buîlt houses, mi lls, Minot settlement called Gofrs appearance and began cutting the They were required, al their own brid ges and cleared roads at greal In 1802 the town of Poland was Corner. There were other valuable timber,and measureswere expense, lo return a plan of the site ex pense. But alas! on final di vided and that port ion located sett!ements in North, East taken to oust them. chosen by them 10 the General dctermination of the line between cas! of the Little Androscoggin and West Auburn, Stevens' l n 1771, the Proprietors Court for acceptance within 12 the states of Massachusetts and River incorporated as the town of Millsand otherarcas. appointed Peleg Wadsworth (later months. TI1cy were also required to New Hampshire, it was found that Minot An important contributor to the General) to assista committee from mect the same conditions as to a their township was in New The first sellier in Minot was the early development of Lewiston and Bakerstown in making a road from minister's lot, etc. as required of Hampshire and theîr grant invalid. same Moses Emery mentioned in Auburn (known as Lewiston Falls) the Little Androscoggin River over Sylvester Canada. For many years the Proprietors the storyof Poland. was the toll bridge which was (Barker's Mill district, New On Àug. 9, !771, Lieut. sought redress from Massachusetts By 1810 il had a population of erected in 1823, between the two Auburn) to Sylvester Town and eut Elijah Livermorc and Elisha without success. ln 1765, howevcr, 2020. Although its area was greatly villages. lt was located where the a road one rod wide North and Harrington were chosen to the Great and General Court reduced with the incorporation of prescnt North Bridge now stands south through the town to connect select and lay out a town,hip relented and granted to them a the town of Auburn, its population Previous to that a ferry had bcen with the Bakerstown road. w i th the following - Spectacular River Falls betwcen Lewislon-Aubum township of land to be known as in l850was 1886. operated at first by Zebina Hunt, These roads aslaidoutextended mstruction · .. Thal you go Bakerstown, to be laid out on the ln 1893 a portion of Poland beginnîngin1812. frum the Little Androscoggin River directly to Brunswick Falls; Histories of And(oscoggin Towns Provide lnteresting Facts East side of the Saco River, to and part of Minot were set off and With the annexalion of Danville ovcr Dillingham Hill to and across on your way thither, call at 'adjoin some former grants to be incorporaced as the town of in 1859 and 1869 it bccame an the new township: the latter ,ection Historical notes on the cities and towns that make up Androscoggin County fonn Col. Bagley\, get what seven-and-a-halfmilessquare, 8,600 ~ echanic Falls. important and rapidly growing known as Upper Street. information you can of him. a lengthy story, so we forego any introduction. acres being all owed for waters and Auburn town. lts population in 1850 was That same year 1771, they both as to the best land and By Hon. James E. Philoon ponds. On Feb. 24, 1842, all that 2,840: in 1869 was 4,022. offered to grant 10 any person one best place. At C.isco Bay 1802, at which a committee was Said location was not to part of Minot lying easter!y Turner lot containing about 125 acres, consul! likewise with Cap\ Durham Li ttle were detailed to procure Proprietors in 1766. the region . They carried a larger appointed to lay out tow n roads. interferc wi th Pcjepscot "the curve line" was In 1735 the Province of pruvided hc would pcrform the Jones and get what The first town to be settled in settlers. (Noyes, who wa s acting as By 1790 its population had stock in trade and did more By 1803, 12 roads had been laid Claim, or the town of New incorporated as the town of Massachusetts Bay granted to sett!ing duties as requircd, within knowledge you can. At this area was Dur ha m which was their Agent at the lime, wa s grown to 724; by !800to 1242; by business than those in Lewiston, out and road signs erected at the Gloucester. They la id out a Auburn. The "curve line" was Joseph Sylvester and Company, or six months. Still later they offcred Brunswick, take a boat or fi rst known as Roya!sborough _ ln empowered to execute deeds.) The 1820 to 1560; and by 1850 to Auburn and Danville combined. intersections. claim only to discover two a li ne four miles distant from their heirs, who served in the battoe and a skillfu! pilot, go 1766 the Pejepsoo t Proprîetors first se ttler of the area wa s Major 1623. ln 1849, my grandmother, a bounty of six pounds to each lt is said that atone time there years later ( l767) tha t part of the Androscoggin Rive r and Phipps Expedition against Port on up Androscoggin River, voted to have lands laid out and Charles Gerrish, who came with his During the early decades of who lived in Turner, drove settler who should takc a lot and was a guide post erected in a the terrîtory was claimed by runni ng parallel with it. Royal in 1690, a township to be clear five acres by Nov. !, 1772. see what the navigation is, cl eared fo r a new township and a family in 1763. He was followed by 1800, Durham was an extremely from her home through neighborîng town with the the Pejepscot Proprietors. The first permanent s_ettlcr of known as Sylvester Canada. Thesc Settlcrs, however, did not corne. proceed up as far as log house erected to accommodate Judah Chandler ten years later. prosperous çenter of industry and Auburn and Danville to inscription "Pepesquirt 5 miles". ln On petition to the General that part of Poland which was to grantees experienced the same A s further induccment to Rocameco (Livcrmore Falls), settlers. By J 774 there was a commerce. At one lime it had six Southwest Bend, where she 1819 ils name was changed to Court , an order was obtained for a become the town of Auburn is trouble asdid the Proprietorsofthe settlcrs they offered on April 1. explore the distance from any This was done and the territory consîderable sett!ement in the saw mills, a tannery, a chair purchased her wedding dress. Danville. new location and Amos Davis reput ed to have been John Bakerstown grant. 1771, to any one who would build incorporated as the Plantation of Plantation, wîth the result that in factory, a ship yard and several The coming of the railroad to grantetc The first settler in the area of detailed to make a survey of the Dillîngham, wh o settled on what is a saw-mill by Jan. 1, 1773, two Royalsborough. They chose this 1788 the Proprietors petitioned the fulling mîlls. Augurn and Lewiston in 1848-49 Their original settlement also Livermore and Harrington the town was Abel Davis who came sa me. Davis returned a plan as last called Dillingham Hill. in 1782. He, proved to be in New Hampshire. settling lots. TI1cir efforts were name in honor of Col. Isaac Royal , General Court of Mass., for its lts principal village was at and the rapid industria! procceded as directed and selectcd in 1762 and made his clearing near surveyed. Two years la ter the together with his wife, her sister After repcated petitioning to the finally rewardcd, for in 1772 Daniel for a township a tract of land !ying a Proprietor who owned some incorporation as the town of Southwest Bend, which was on the development of these towns, the New Cloucester line. He was proprietors made a new survey and and husband selected a tract of General Court for redress without Staples, Thomas and Elisha on both sidcs of the Androscoggin 3,0ClOacresofland in th.isarea. Sharon or Bristol. main traveled highway from shifted the eenter of trade to followed by John Merrill, who discovered that an error had been land, ma de a clearing and erected a effect, thcy finally succeeded, and Having amassed a large fortune, The General Court, while Freeport and North Yarmouth to area and Southwest Bend passed Records. Joseph Leavitt and Abner River, jus! nori/1 of Sylvester settled near Davis in 1778. The made in laying out the first division log cabin . the cellar hole of which is Col. Royal later purchased a favorable to creating a town, Monmouth, Winthrop and Augusta. into the background. in l765~ were granted a township Phillips began settlement. They Canada and surveyed its population increased rapidly in the of lots. ln 1870 the General Court still visible. of seven square miles in the palatial residence in Medford, apparently ·did not like the names Two ferries , across the DanviJJe were granted a bounty of ten boundaries. This report of their following years. By 1800 it had a ordered another surve y, which was ln 1789, John Dillingham's Mass., to which he moved. This suggested, for on Feb. 17, 1789, Androscoggîn River, were operated The area which was to become una ppro priated lands of the pounds provided they com pl eted findings was acccpted by the population of 701 ; by 1820 it had completed and fil ed the following fa ther, Jeremîah, settlcd near the residence is stîll standing and is the terrîtory was încorporated as here up to 1810, when they were the town of Danville was first laid Province of Maine to be " La id out the terms of settlement. Soon therc Proprictors on June 17, 1772, and a increased to 1083. year. outlet of Foundry Brook (now known as tire "Royal Mansion". He the town of Durham. This included displaced by a bridge which was out by the Pejepscot Proprietors as adjoi n ing s om e fo r me r was a steady influx of settlers, until commi ttee consis ting of Elijah There were considerable lt was not long - before the "Gully Brook") near West Pitch, was suspected of bei ng a Tory and the original land of the Proprietors maintaîned up to 1849, when il was the township of Pejepscot. lt was grants ... Eastward of the Saco by 1790 it had a populatio n of 349 Li ve rmore and two others was settlements at Danville Corner, New harassed Proprietors were faeed erected the first frame bouse in the River". sought refuge in England, to which and Bagley's Gore, which had been carried away by the sprîng freshet incorporated in 1802 as the town persans, which by 1800 had detailed to run out the lines around Auburn and Goffs Corner. Up to with another dilemma. lt appears area and constructed a grist-mill , he departed in 1776. originally granted to Jonathan of year and never replaced. of Pejepscot. The first town This grant was condît ioned upon incrcased to 722, and to 2537 in 1859 the line between Danvi!le and that in 1787 the General Court had wh ere the Tibbetts Mill used to be. ( continued on page 28) ln March 1786 Col. Jonathan Bagley by the General Court and For many years ils four stores meeting was held in a schoolhouse the se ttlemcnt of 81 fa milies in the 1850. the ncw\ y created town of Auburn Bagley, Belcher Noyes an d Moses conveyed b y them to the constîtuted the mercantile heart of at Danville Corner on April 12, ,------~

Hommages aux apotres de la HOMMAGES survivance de notre heritage PAROISSE SACRE-COEUR A L'OCCASION DU 150ieme ANNIVERSAIRE culturel! Aux chefs et dirigeants, aux organisateurs et concitoyens: Voeux de succes aux organisateurs nos hommages respectueux, nos meilleurs voeux Compliments of du comte et nos sinceres felicitations, a l'occasion de la d' Androscoggin Sesquicentennial Committee LE CLUB MUSICAL - LITTERAIRE celebration du "Sesquicentennial" de l'Etat du Maine. A FRIEND Le Comite de Vie Fronco-Âmericaine Rene Marcotte, Pres. Gerard Chorest, Dir. Rev. Pere Theodore Bouthot, Cure Boston, Massachuietts Roland Lofronce, Vice Pres. Gerard Leblanc, Dir. Rev. Pere Royal Parent, Vicaire Dr. Francois J. Martineau, President Robert Desbiens, Sec. Richard Lofronce, Dir. Rev. Pere Donald Lobranche, Vicaire Bernard G. Theroux, Secretoire Rosoire E. Lofronce, Treos. Page 12 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Samedi, 18 juillet. 1970 Le Messager Page 13


VOUS SERVIR POUR VOS BESOINS LA LIGUE DES SOCIETES DE LANGUE FRANCAISE Hank and Jeannette Martineau DE LEWISTON - AUBURN COLOR and BLACK AND WHITE PHARMACEUTIQUES A LA RCA- ZENITH Sales & Service - Antennas lnstalled PINE STREET PHARMACY Also Complete Line Of Raoul Michel, R. Ph. - Guy Gagne, R. Ph. TRANSISTOR RADIOS AND STEREOS Raymond Delcourt, R. Ph. 264 LISBON STR~ET, LEWISTON - TEL. 782-3711 Henri Hamann - George Bernier

EN COLLABORATION AVEC LES ASSOCIATIONS SOCIALES ET CULTURELLES Hommages ET LES SOCIETES FRATERNELLES fè~olhujhM DES DIFFERENTES LOCALITES DE L'ETAT DU MAINE, Member of Downtown Park & Shop PHARMACIE NATIONALE LA LIGUE DES SOCIETES DE LANGUE FRANCAISE DE LEWISTON ET AUBURN 95 LISBON STREET - LEWISTON EST TRES HEUREUSE DE S'ASSOCIER Premiere Pharmacie Entierement LARGEST SELECTION OF CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES AUX ORGANISATEURS DU COMTE De Langlie Francaise Au Maine IN THE TWIN CITIES D'ANDROSCOGGIN SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE 36S Lisbon Street - Lewiston, Maine Over 100 Patterns to choose from. Simply bring in your measurements. A L'OCCASION DE LA CELEBRATION DU 150 ieme ANNIVERSAIRE These drapes are made to your specific window size in any length, any width. Robert Morneau, R. Ph. - Lionel Pellerin, R. Ph. DE L'ETAT DU MAINE Complete se]ection of Drapery Hardware Guy Boisse, R. Ph. - Open A Reid & Hughes Charge Account Today - President Directeur Secretaire M. Amedee Courtemanche M. Adelard Janelle M. Eugene A. Hamann

Complime,m of Nous sommes fien de notre Etat du Maine L'ASSOCIATION-FEMININE " Sweeten the day with candy" LA SURVIVANCE FRANCAISE DE LEWISTON-AUBURN BLANCHE TURCOTTE JACQUES 253 PAR K ST., LEWISTON, ME. Mme. Gera ld Leblanc, Pres. candyla nd Mme. Ha rvey Pa re, Pres. Mme. Anton E. Mainente, Sec. NEW AUBURN SOCIAL CLUB La Maison Funeraire Pinette 322 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Me. M lle. Sandra Rousseau, Sec. Mr. Wm. Cass, President CONSEIL LAVAL 143 RUMFORD FEDERATION DES COURS-VILLAS DU 87 rue Bartlett 1065 rue Lisbon PAROISSE SAINTE FAMILLE MAINE Mr. Albert Laliberte, Secretaire L'UNION SAINT JEAN-BAPTISTE ASSOCIATION CANADO-AMER ICAINE LEWISTON, MAINE Mme. Cecile Fortier, Pres. M. Loui s J ulien, Augusta, Me., Pres. Mme. Emerentienne Nadeau, Sec. Rev. Roger Proux Cure Mme. Alfred Gilbert, Augusta, Me., Sec. Mme. Lea E. Pinette, Tres. COUR INSTITUT JACQUE-CARTIER CONSEIL MONTCALM 171 BRUNSWICK COUR MARTEL 302 LEWISTON, ME, LEWISTON L'UNION SAINT JEAN-BAPTISTE ASSOCIATION CANADO-AMERICAINE BERNADETTE A. MORIN M. Albert Lord, Pres. ASSOCIATION CANADO-AMERICAINE M. Raynold Noel, Pres. M. Athanase Grenier, Pres. DAMES DE STE. ANNE DE ST. PIERRE Mme. Marie-Louise Pelletier, Sec. Telephone 784-6203 M. Gerard M. Legore, Sec. Mme. Lea E. Pinette, Sec.-Tres.

Fonder 1888 Mme. Hilaire Louchette, Pres. LE CLUB RICHELIEU CONSEIL Ste. THERESE 160 BIDDEFORD COUR CHAMPLAIN AUGUSTA LEWISTON-AUBURN L'UNION SAINT JEAN-BAPTISTE ASSOCIATION CANADO-AMERICAINE Mlle. Lucienne C. Metayer, Pres. M. Arthur Raymond, Pres. Dames de Charite 1925 Mme M. Joseph A Poliquin, Sec. M. Louis Julien, Pres. Mme. Annie Bouchard, Sec. M. Willard Rossignol, Tres. Mme. Dianne Arbour, Sec.-Tres. OPEN BY APPOINTMENT Leo Faucher, President Cercle des Marchands et Marchandes Monday thru Thursday 11-:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. CONSEIL SAINTE-CROIX 413 LEWISTON EX PRESIDENTS DE LA LIGUE DES VILLAS CERCLE D'YOUVILLE de Bonheur Mme William Lauze, Presidente Friday and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. L'UNION SAINT JEAN-BAPTISTE SOCIETES DE LANGUE FRANCAISE ASSOCIATION CANADO-AMERICAINE Rev . Pere Louis P. Loiset, O. P. Chaplain M. Arsene Morin, Pres. Athanase Grenier Lewiston, Moine 311 Main Street - Lewiston, Maine 04240 M. Rolond M. Caron, Sec. M. Antoine Jean, M. Lionel, A Dugal Mme. Alice P. Jean, Sec.-Tres. Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 15

Page 14 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970

It is a great pleasure to see again "Le Messager", the voice of the people of Maine of French origin. I offer my congratulations to the Sesquicentennial Committee of Androscoggin for this imaginative gesture. Here, in the United States, we are a unique society. Each nationality has given us the best of it's heritage---and the Franco-Americans particularly. You, the Franco-Americans, have built the modern economy of Maine. You have conquered the diffîculties of language, the hostilities of certain people, and you have found prosperity and respect. You remain proud of your heritage, your language and your religion. As Govemor of Maine, I want to salute the Franco-American citizens of our country and our State in this year of the 150th anniversary. I am certain that, in the years to corne, the Franco-American communities wîll continue their great contributions to LIFE IN MAINE.

Kenneth M. Curtis Governor, State of Maine

A l'occasion des fe"tes de commémoration du 150e anniversaire de l'Etat du Maine, il me fait plaisir, à titre de Gouverneur et à titre person.nel, d'offrir mes vives félicitations, par la voix du Messager, aux organisateurs de la céle'bration dans le comté d'Androscoggin, et de leur souhaiter plein succés. Le Maine est heureux de compter, au nombre de ses loyaux citoyens, une large population d'ascendance canadienne-française avantageusement et largement representée dans le comte d'Androscoggin. Ces Franco-Ame'ricains, conscients de la valeur de leur héritage culturel, ont mis à la disposition de leurs concitoyens les avantages de leur double culture et de leurs qualités innëes. Ils ont pris une part active dans la vie et les affaires de leur comté et de leur Etat. Les services qu'ils ont rendus sont à la fois culturels et économiques. En esprits éclairés, ils ont su adapter la fidélité à Jeurs origines aux devoirs ainsi qu'aux privilëges de leur citoyenneté americaine. Ils furent des pionniers et il me fait plaisir de m'associer, aujourd'hui, dans l'hommage qui é'St rendu à l'un d'eux, le regretté Jean-Baptiste Couture, ainsi qu'à sa famille, par la publication de ce numei-o extraordinaire du "Messager" qui fair revivre brièvement ce journal. M. Couture en fut le propriétaire-editeur pendant plus de cinquante ans et contribua ainsi à l'acclimation des nouveaux-venus du Canada dans leur nouvelle patrie américaine.

Kenneth M. Curtis Gouverneur du Maine

I am pleased to welcome residents and friends of Maine to Androscoggin County's Sesquicentennial Celebration and Franco-American Days. Our Maine citizens of French descent have made significant contributions to the culture, history and commerce of Maine throughout our 150 years of statehood. Androscoggin County's hospitality is wacm in the French Canadian tradition, and I look forward to seeing old frientjs and making new ones on this happy occasion.

Edmund S. Muskie U.S. Senàtor - Maine

Il me fait grand plaisir de souhaiter la bienvenue aux citoyens et amis de l'litat du Maine, a l'occasion de sa célébration sesq_uicentennaire de la part du comté Androscoggin, et de ses jours devoués aux franco-americains. Nos citoyens de décente française ont [aient une contribuation tres signifiante à la culture, histoire, et industrie du Maine, à travèrs nos 150 ans comme un des Etats Unis. L'hospitalité des citoyens du comté Androscoggin brille en sa tradition canadienne-française. Sur cette heureuse occasion, c'est avec plaisir que je revois mes vieux amis, et c'est ainsi que j'espere en faire des nouveaux.

Edmund S. Muskie, Sénateur, Etats-Unis, Maine Page 16 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 17 temps pour publier dans cette Messager l'interessait. alors il Louis-Philippe Gagné, n'oublions contribua aussi pendant ses Official Program - continued Histories of Androscoggin Towns - continued 63 ft. by 25 ft., two storîes in However, while the construction i!dition-souvenir du Messager. vendait des annonces. Avec le pas, donna tout un nouvel essor au dernît:res annics à. la r€daction du Believing :hese difficulties could height; a ·Keeper's House' was still in progress, the offices of de modes les soirs du 24 au 29 C.M. temps, il y con~acra toute son journal,commenç_ant par écrire des Messager. Dans la salle de Auburn Wîns be overcome, the Commissioners measuring 30 fi by 30 ft., the County officiais were occupied août. ------" e'nergie. Peu de personnes pouvaient articles intéressants sur ses composition, les employés ne entered into negotiations with the The County Commîssioners three stories in height, and a by them as soon as they were Le 25 juillet , !e vill age de Poland Mr. Couture - continued résister quand Omer vendait des souvenirs de Québec d'où il est changaicnt guère. Juliette Verville canvassed the votes on October 20, owners: Samuel Pickard, Wm. R. Little, Maria Harrick and Mary B. 'Jail' measuring 58 ft 8 in. by suitable for occupancy. The job was c~ltbrera le 175e anniversaire de sa Valdore déménagea en Floride annonces pour Le Messager. On se venu ici, puis sur ses impressions de fut la de longues années; Yvonne 1854 and found the result to be as 46 ft. 4 in., containing cells completed in the summer of 1857. fondation avec un défilé, discours, aprh cet i:vênement, et il y souviendra longtemps aussi des la vie à Lewiston, pour ensuite Blais y travailla presque jusqu'à la follows: Little, for ils purchase. ln this they were sucœssful. The County three stories in height" etc. An Enduring Structure di ner public, concert, concours demeure encore. Yvette Couture joutes de "baseball" qu'il organiza prendre quasi-direction de !a findujournal;etautresquifurent Lewiston Auburn Danville 0 ''The bank walls and ail the athlétiques, un carnaval, et une Hasham occupe [a maison annuellement pendant des années, mentalité franco-américaine par ses la longtemps comprenaient: Elmyrc purchased the land for Sl,800, At a Those who have had any foundations throughout are to be opportunity to înspect the danse. Un service religieux aura lieu paternelle, rue Webster, ou le père entre "Canadiens" et Irlandais. écrits et un programme Tremblay, qui chantait partout; F. Lewiston 949 meeting of the County Il built complete as early as June buildings constructed by Mr. l e l en d e main en l'église et la m"ere sont morts tous les deux; C'était chaud, ces CVenements! et hebdomadaire sur les ondes WCOU X. Guay, Dominique Dionne, Llsbon Commissioners held on Nov. l, 172 60 15th, 1856. The brick work is ail to Currier and bis workmen, can Community. Les villages de Minot et Berthe Couture Mou.Iton, épouse Dieu plaint le "Canadien" qui se qui fut bien suivi. li introduit le Fernand Martin qui suivit son père, Webster 190 1854, the County Treasurer, Isaac Hayes, was authorized to issue be completed as early as Sept. IS, testîfy that they were built to et Mechanic Falls, et la ville d\m marchand maintenant 'a sa laissait gagner à jouer pour les mouvement de la raquette à Epiphane, à la mème specialitë Wales 70 25 County notes payable January 1, 1856. The buildings are to be endure, and through the d'Auburn pre ndront part à cette rétraite, demeure à Auburn depuis Irlandais quand ces derniers Lewiston et la Nouvelle Angleterre; comme imprimeur, et plusieurs Leeds 143 48 1862, to be used jn payment of the roofed and plastered before Nov. 1, ninety-seven years (now 110 years) célébration parce qu'au debut, ces son mariage. manquaient de joueurs fonda le dub Les Vigilants qui dans autres encore. Greene 227 26 purchase price. 1856, and the windows glazed and of their existence, the only trois endroits ne fo rma ie nt qu'un Le EJCrc, M.J.B. Couture est Lauretta Vachon Roy fut ses premières anni!es contribua East Livermore* 58 50 On November 27, 1855, the put in their places at the same date. evidence of any settling of the mème groupement. décedé en 1943 à l'age de 76 ans. peut-être cell e qui fut au Messager beaucoup à diverses entreprises Livermore 54 153 Commissîoners appointed Isaac B. The fireproof offices of the Court buildings can be seen in that section Le 25 juill et encore, les '"Pine au ssi longtemps 9u'Omer. Elle entra ci viques et scolaires; el devint une Turner 84 465 Small Agent, to make a contract for House and the Arcade must be which was built over the brook, and Tree Warriors" de Le wi ston, dirige$ comme employec dans la salle de fo rce dirigeante en politique qui le Poland 15 422 gradîng the site for the ready for occupancy January J st, even this is very sJight. par Bertrand Outil de cette mè me menalldevenirmaire delaville Minot 27 255 Ou Nous Rappelons - contînued ~~;Je~~itiaoun c!na;;,n el r;t~~~va ifl~ construction, and voted to accept 1857." Thus Androscoggîn County, ville, seront h6tes pour un concours Son i!pouse, né e Ernestine Auburn 12 778 Le Me ssager, journal que nous the plan and description of the "Proposais for the erection of d'c'volutions militaires ave c corps de comt l: Androscoggi n formé pour toute sa vie active, mais surtout au Hama nn, le pre'ce' da à Lcwiston Danville 17 535 having been created,itscounty scat rappelons au souvenir des ci toyens proposed buildings, which had been County Buildings at Auburn, tambours et trompettes, ve nan t de observer le !50e. anniversaire du bureau . Ell e faisait ce qu'on quand sa famille vi nt s'étab lir ici. et Durham 23 282 selected, and its county buildings de Lewiston-Auburn pa r cette prepared and presented by Gridley Maine, will be received al the office toute !a Nouvelle Angleterre. Ceci Maine. appelait "la cuisine" , c'est-a -d ire, c'est pour se ra pproche r d'ell e que 2,041 erected, was now ready to take its édi tion-so uvenir, fut publi é sous 2,909 of the Clerk of Courts in Auburn, aura lieu le soir, au terrain Walton, De ces premiers JOU rs du c' e"tait sa fon ction de ré pondre aux M. Gagn~ vint s'c'tabl ir à Lewislon Thus ît appears that Auburn was J.F. Bryant, Architect, from place as a going concern among the di ffere nts moyens au cours des until twelve o'clock noon, of dans le New Auburn. Messager, il ne faut pas oublier deman des de tous ceux qui se ctl'Cpouscr. llseurentseptenfants, chosen the shire town by a majority of the County Commissioners, Boston, Mass., who had drawn eountiesofthe State. années. \I.J.13. Couture. son February 15, 1856, for building the Les villages de Lisbonet Durham Liane "du Messager", dont le nom présentaient au bureau. Elle et le père les dirigea pendant of eight hundred sixty-eight votes. upon whom the responsîbility plans for other counly buildings in prop1iéta1rc , pcndant un rested. structure above named. Notice to auront leurs fêtes le 22 aoiit à e'tait Camille Les.sard .Elle écrivit continua a' faire ceci meme après qurl ques années en la présentation It is interesting to note that all the Maine. At the same meeting, il was This is an hîstorical account of the demi-siècle, était 1yr-1graphe de the person whose bid may be Lisbon Falls. Le programme longtemps pour ~ Messager, son mariage à M. Henri E. Roy, de programmes de chants towns located on the west side of The most convenient and logical "Ordered that plans, drawings and formation of Androscoggin County grande habilité, chose importante accepted will not be given until comprendra un dcfi lé commencant sur !a rue Lincoln, dont elle prit si bien soinjusqu':i sa canadiens-français. M. Gagné the AndrOscoggin River voted for site was a piece of land, nearly an specifications be prepared by Mr. as contained in an addressdelivered quand. pour imprimer, il fallait twelve o'clock, noon , on February d'automobiles démodées, un puis sur la rue Lisbon. Ses articles mort que les enfants du premier organisa aussi plusieurs productions Auburn, that all the towns on the acre in area, located at the corner Bryant and submitted to the Board by the Hon. James E. Philoon, prcmièremc.nt choisir lc,lettrcsunc 28th, 1856, and the undersigned concours par pompiers se servant de e'taient de nature a interesser !es mariage de son mari n'en font que musicales et the"atrales de genre east sîde voted for Lewiston, and of what are now Court and Turner fortheirapproVal." Auburn, then County Clerk of à la fois pour en formerlesmntsct reserve to themselves the right to pompes a eau anciennes, et un lectrices surtout, mais elle se voua des éloges populaire par troupes qu'il faisaient that Danvil!e received only Iwo Streets, nearly opposite the Orra The Board also authorized Courts, in commemoration of the phrases nêcessaircs. Vint ensuite reject any oral! bîds." diner-champêtre au poulet. aussi à c'crire un livre Quelques autres se souviennent venir du Canada et qui eurent votes, and those from the town of Davishouse. advertising for sealed bids for the County Centenary on March 18 , l'invention du "linotype·· qui The bids were opened by A Leeds, on a de'jâ nettoyé "Canuck," que l'on trouve la d'Henri DeVitry, venu ici de France grandevoguedans lctemps.Unfils, Minot. This lot, however, had work and material needed for the 1954.) produisa it toute une ligne :J la foi, the Commissioners on March autour du Monument de Paix sur la bibliothèque publique de Lewiston ou il avait servi dans la Légion qui porte le méme nom que son On November 15, 1854, certain unfavorable features erection of the buildings, in the Pour cette édition, la composition 3, 18S6. It was then voted to colline Boothby, pour en faciliter la Liane se maria un peu tard dans la Etrangère de son pays. Il fut un des père, est ma intenant directeur des the Governor prodaimed that might lead to Democratic Advocate, Lewiston * Auburn theater is now a parking se fit par "computer", invcntüm du accept the bid of Albert visite par les touristes. Cc vie, et demeure depuis nombre meilleurs rc"dactc uJS du Messager . stations de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Auburn the shire town of the considerable extra expense in Falls Journal, Portland Advertiser, lot on Court St., diagonally across JOUr laquell~ le, mots ~ont Currier, of Newburyport, monument fut crige' en 1888 pour d'années en Californie; veuve s, Lcwiston, il laissa une veuve et un pour 'ï'.:xecutive Airlines." county and on November digging the cellar, layîng the and the . the street from the county building. honorer les 121 citoyens de ce maintenant, et presqu'avcugle. fils . Ce dernier qui tta la ville, et on Guy Ladouceur, maintenant à la enregistrés sur une bande foundation, and constructing Specifications Mass., of $69,753 and the magnctique. Le compagnie 17th of the same year, the village qui prirent part à la Guerre On se souviendra aussi d'Odule ne sait parmi le personnel survivant rédaction d'un journal à Portland, the proposed buildings upon The Board approved the County Attorney authorized East Livermore is now Livermore Tebbenhoff de Biddeford est la Commissioners ordered the * Civile des Etats Unis. LaPlante, dont les enfants et du Messager ce qu'il est devenue Le it. In it was a ravine, through specifications which Mr. Bryant had to draft the contract. Falls. fut un des derniers a diriger seule dans le '•faine ou cc travail se county officers and En octobre, le village de ·Turner petits-enfants demeurent- encore à George Filteau de Le wi ston, par Messager, avec Jacques Fortin, de equipment to be moved which flowed the Tannery been directed to prepare. These Completion Delayed honorera la memoire d'un de ces Lewiston. M. LaPlantc était agent aprés lon$tcmps secrètaire gé nèral fait . La composition des annuces, la Brook, which came down were then printed in a pamphlet Although the contract called for Montréal , qui demeura à Lewiston mise·en-page, et !"imprimerie furent forthwith to Auburn. cite>yens, Solon Chase, qui fu t d'immeubles, et, tout en vaquant à de l'union S. Jean Bapt iste à assez longtemps pour connait re et from the higher land. This containing forty-six pages, for completion of the buildings by fa ites à la Twin City Printery, à Location of County Building candidat en 1878 pour devenir vice ce trava il, prenait des abonnements Woonsocket, R. 1. ou il demeure épouser une fille de Loui s Robert, brook crossed Court St. near distribution among prospective January 1, 1857, unforeseen delays Lewiston. The tumult and the shouting président des Etats Un is. pour Le Messager. encore, fu t surtout actif à la mais retourna a Mon1rbl ou il being over, and the smoke of battle the northwest end of Auburn bidders. These reaa in part as prevented this. Perhaps among the Webster, Wales et l'Association Omer Gauvin-maintenant au direction commerciale du Messager continue sa carrie"re journalistique dispersed, ail attention was now Ha!l, and emptied into the follows: unforescen delays was the possible des Ville'gîateurs de Sabattus Foyer Marcotte--fut-il celui qui fut C'est dans cette période que Le M. Robert, qui eut grand succès turned to the matter of seeuring a river near the north end of The buildings are to finding of quicksand when they préparent leurs fêteseonjointement employé au Messager le plus Messager commença à devenir une avec une école ~lementaire pour site and constructing the new Roak Block. The remainder consists of a "Court House undertook to build the cellar, a pour d'ici la fin de l'été, mais leurs longt emps; Il travaillait "au entreprise fructueuse, du côté garcons qu'il dirigea pendant County buildings. This became a of the land was largely swale, measuring 97 ft. by S4 ft., difficulty later encountered in projets n'étaient pas assez définis 3. moulin" premiérerrlent, mais Le financier. pluSieurs annees à Lewiston, subject of much study on the pari in which grew rushes and cal which is to be threestoriesin erecting the Y.M.C.A. building on o'ninetails. height; an Arcade measuring the adjoining lot.


9M9 MÔn. 1 Thurs. & Fri. Compliment's 9-S:30 Tues., Wed. & Sat, Hommage respectueux a la Population Canadienn'.e-Francaise du Maine a l'occasion du Paroisse St louis SLEEVELESS DRESS CLEARANCE! CentMCinquantieme Anniversaire de Fondation REV. LUCIEN CHABOT, Cure SUMMER SHIFTS $1-$2-$3


League du Sacre Coeur THERE'S .NO INFLATION AT SPARKS! M. PHILIPE DUFRESNE, PRESIDENT ~ AF~~~:~ j'! DOW~:~~ \ "' LEWISTON'S Voeux de Prosperite ONLY TRUE DISCOU NT DEPT, STORE! St Louis Booster Club La Paroisse de St. Pierre M. ANDRE CHABOT, PRESIDENT REV. LUCIEN GROVDEU, CHAPELAIN LEWISTON, MAINE Louis P. Fiset, O. P. C~re Page 18 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 19


L'Etat du Maine existe depuis cent cinquante ; • -;- .• ans. Durant cette période, aucun groupe n'a contribué plus à la "qualité de vie" dans notre Etal que ses citoyens d'beritage Franco-Américain. L •énergie, les valeurs solides et l'inmanquable bonne humeur des Franco-Américains ont contribué à faire du Maine l'état unique et merveilleux que l'on connait aujourd'hui. Que jamais l'on perd de vue ces contributions.

"AMONG THE MOST NOTABLE THINGS IN THE HISTORY AND GROWING WITH THEIR GROWTH, IT HAS MATERIAL­ OF THESE TWIN CITIES, THAT DID NOT HAPPEN, NOR IZED INTO THE YOUNG AND PROMISING INSTITUTION WE Maine has been a State for one hundred and AS WE BELIEVE HAPPEN AWRY, WAS THE BIRTH OF THE HAVE TO-DAY. WE PLACE IT IN THE LAP OF AN INDULGENT CENTRAL MAINE GENERAL HOSPITAL. ITS ADVENT WAS PUBLIC, AND BESPEAK FOR IT KIND TREATMENT AND fifty years. During that lime no group has NO ACCIDENT; IT WAS LONG FORESEEN AS A COMING FOSTERING CARE, AND IT SHALL GROW UP TO BLESS YOU, contributed more to the quality of life in our NECESSITY, AND PREDICTED YEAR AFTER YEAR WITH YOUR CHILDREN AND CHILDREN'S CHILDREN TO THE EVER-GROWI NG CONFIDENCE. IT FASTENED ITSELF AS AN REMOTEST GENERATION." State than ils citizens of Franco-American IDEA UPON OUR COMMUNITIES VERY EARL Y, WHEN THEY heritage. The energy, the values and From the First Annual Report, 1891-92, HAD JUST BEGUN TO TAKE ON URBAN FORM AND MODES the unfailing good humor of the Franco­ OF LIFE, AND STRENGTHENING WITH THEIR STRENGTH J. L. H. Cobb, President of the Corporation American has built Maine into the unique C'est avec fierte que le 3 ieme plus grand Hopital du Moine vient honorer le Pine Tree Stote dans ses fetes du and beautiful State we know today. May we 150 ieme Anniversaire never !ose sight of these contributions.

With Gratitude With Best Wishes and Appreciation

The Old Orchard House Sincerely Yours, PETER KYROS JEROME G. PLANTE MEMBER OF CONGRESS 1st District, Moine Page 20 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Samedi, 18 juillet l 970 Le Messager Page 21

Hommages de la Pharmacie Clark's - Trois endroites pour GRANDE VENTE Mieux Vous Servir Chaussures pour hommes, femmes et enfont's,

243 Main Street Store AUX PLU BAS PRIX' 376 Sobottus Street Store Occasions specîales a pa rtir de $2.99 jusqu'a $12.98 Souliers d'hommes pour l'ouvrage CLARK'S MEDICAL SUPP LIES Economi sez en achetant vos cha ussures chez LUC IENNE

11 S Pine Street Shoe Store, 398 rue Lisbon, Lewiston LEWISTON - MAINE Compliments of A FRIEND

Hommages a l'occasion du Meilleurs voeux de succes aux organisateurs

150 ieme ANNIVERSAIRE du MAI NE du Androsc·oggin Sesquicentennial commitee

"You r Friendl y Yard" en vue de la celebration du 150 Anniversaire de L'Etat du Maine ~ - . l ,E\l' (SCJ'ON ~ LUMBJ :~ C'0 1'1PA :--.'Y lil-•l• ll•••MnMt:••4~·•!1----11'.: ~~?l'=r.co424o L'Union locale des raquetteurs LEWISTON, MAINE

President, Tresoriere, Secr etaire, 25 Tom po Street 0;01 784-6484 M. Leo Couture Mlle. Irene B. Cote Mme. Antoinett e Gagne

YOUR SERVICE CENTER 0 FOR FAMIL Y FINANCIAL NEEDS Congratulations to Maine on its 150th Birthday e SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Hommages A Nos Concitoyens OMEGA lndlviduol and Corporation, 5% Per Annurn cornpounded Daily Payable Monttdy A L'occasion De Richard B. Rocheleau - Frank M. Drigotas MARK THEIR SUCCESS WITH THE Ott 5th cloy of each manth. lnterest frorn GIFT OF AN OMEGA WATCH day of deposit to cloy of wtthdrawal. Notre lSOieme Anniversaire De Eugene Emery e MORTGAGES Ooctor - Lawyer - Nurse - Te aeher L'Etat Du Maine STATE REPRESENTATIVES FROM AUBURN Busineuman - Student - Salesman - etc. Convelttional - G.I. - FHA GIFT FOR ANY OCCASION e HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS e PERSONAL LOANS Bertrand L. Pontbriand Cars - Mobile Homes - Any deservin9 purpose e COLLATERAL LOANS Democrotic Candidate for Stote Legislature STOCKS - BONDS - Life lnsurance From Auburn, Maine e STUD ENT LOANS Guaranteed by United Student Aid Fund e CLUB ACCOUNTS Christmas - Vacations - Ali Purpose e MONEY ORDERS FREE to Depositors and Loo n Customers FELICITATIONS A TOUS LES FRANCO-AMERICAINS PER ANNU'.4 PER ANNUM COMPOUN'JED COMPOUNDED DE NORTE REGION. DAILY DAILY 6% AND PAYABLE 5¾% AND PAYABLE POUR TOUS VOS BESOINS D'ASSURANCE, CONSULTEZ MONTHLY MONTHLY YEAR CERTIFICATE NOS REPRESENTANTS: 1 OF DEPOSIT $500, MIN. 0 MAURICE CHAMPOUX lt pays to see us - - - the bonk thot wonts to see you Compliments of 0 BERTRAND FORGUES 0 NORMAN HOULE 0 PAUL LEPAGE 0 MARCEL CHASSE POST AGE FREE MAI L SERVICE AMERICANA R00M A FRIEND Ali d eposlls lnsured up to $10,0DO by FREE PARKING the Ft deral De posit lnsur•nce Corp. COCKTAILS at Convenient Parking CHAMPOUXÂ Lots While You Bank V.I.P. R00M Bouvier

side of the river and then returned As a result on March 20, 1843, the mouth ot the rwenty Mile Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 23 home to report their findings and all of that part of Livermore River (Nez:inscot) in Turner. With the tract and divide the same lnto theplantheyhadmade. situated on the easterly side of the the muzzle of his gun pointed lots Depuis au dela de 50ans,1avil!e ln Nov. 1772 the Proprietors river was incorporated as the town downward, indicative of peace, he de Lewiston a ete gouvernee par des Oid-tilne Traveling voted to open a "Horse-way" to of East Livermore. ln 1930, its courageously entered the village citoyens qui sont Americaîns A party set forth from SylvesterCanada,anda cari road to name was changed to Livermore where Chief Sabattis and his braves d'ascendance francaise, et qui sont Waltham on Aug. 18, 1772, Winthrop, and Elijah Livermore, Falls gave him a friendly welcome and presque tous nes a Lewîston. as directed. It consisted of Ebenez:er Learned and Thomas Fîsh Its first settler was a Mr. lnvited him into their wigwams. Plusieurs des fonctionnaires Ebenezer Waters as surveyor, were detailed to carry on the work. Coolidge, who came in 1779, and Thus began a friendly civiques de cette ville sont du meme Elijah Livermore and Richard They proceeded to complete the built a log house on the side of relationship with them that served Woodward as chaîrmen, and groupe, mais,d'apreslesindications LA VILLE DE LEWISTON Moose Hill. He was followed the road to Winthrop, which made him in good stead in the following presentes, le record pour la mairie Thomas Fish and Ebenezer Hallowellmoreeasilyaccessible. next year by two others. Ils years. They riamed hîm Father sera bientot brise. Il n'y a pas de Woodward as assistants. They Hallowell was- the nearest population ln 1850 was 1029.s, Thomas and sought his services as Franco-Americains parmi les Son honneur le Maire Jean B. Beliveau et les membres du bureau des left Waltham on Aug. 18, "seaport" and trading post for Leeds arbitrator of their quarrels. candidats pour la mairie annonces 1772, and went to Boston ln 1780-81 the Pejepscot echevins, les chefs de services les Fonctionnaires municipaux et les citoyens Livermore and surroundîng towns. On Dead River near what is now jusqu'ici pour les elections qui de la sont tres heureux de s'associe aux organisateurs du Androscoggin where they engaged passage Proprietors set off a tract of land For the next 50 years this North Leeds was Jocated an lndian auront lieu a l'automne. Le maire Sesquicentennial comitee dans la celebration du 150 ieme Anniversaire t9 Hallowell in the good on the east side of the cart-way was the scene of the slow, village of which $abattis was Chief. actuel, Jean B. Beliveau, completera sloop Fenix and waited for a Androscoggin River to be called DE L'ETAT DU MAINE but steady, passage of ox teams They urged Thomas to settle among a la fin de l'annee son deuxieme fair wind and threedayslater Littleborough Plantation. Ils name along its narrow and deeply-rutted them and offered to give him the terme consecutif, tout ce qu'il peut wercon theîrway. surface. was chosen in honor of Josiah land occupied by their village. He servirsouslachartemunicipate. The next day after their Livennore: Istsettler Littlewhowasactingastheiragent. accepted theirofferand the lndians voyage began, they landed The first scttler in Livermore The first sett!ers in this area moved their village to another spot near Col. Lithorgros, a few was Elijah Livermore, who came in were Thomas Stinchfield and his in thevicinity. milesup the KennebecRiver. 1772 and erected his tempornry younger brother, Robert, both of In the spring of 1778 the two brothers came up the Androscoggin River Two days later thcy arrived at cabin, and later the first frame New Gloucester. to Dead River in a dugout loaded with fanning implements, camp utensi1s Hal!owell. They then took house in town, which is sti!l They were sons of John and stores to the spot the lndians had given Thomas. They proeeeded to their stores in a boat '"Up to standing. He was a large owner of Stinchfield who came to New spade the ground, plant seeds and erect a cabin for Thomas and another Snow's, which was a mile land, at one time owning some Gloucester in 1755,duringthe days for Robert on the opposite side of the river. Having eompleted this work below Fort Western. They 2,000 acres. Other sett!ers followed of the lndian menace, and built a they retumed to New Gloucester where they remained m1til fall when they then tried to procure a battue in quick succession after the block ho use near Lower Gloucester. retumed, han,ested their crops, buried their potatoes and departed to their without success. Arriving at Revolution. By 1795 it contained The boys took their turns at guard New Gloucester home. Wînthrop with their stores, 60families. duty whi!e their eiders planted, ln March of the next year (1779) they retumed with three goats and they bought boards with On Feb. 28, 1795, the township .tended and harvested their crops. more utensils and supplies, whieh they had hauled by sied over the snow which to make a battoe." was ineorporated as the town of Kindness Rewarded and ice. They procured a suppl y ofmaple sugar and venison and continued They carried this to a Mr. Livermore. By 1800 its population Thomas became a skillful work on their clearings. After a SAort stay they retumed home. "On a Frost's near Wilson Pond in had grown to 863; by 1810 to hunier and trapper who pleasant day in June, l 779, the two brothers left New Gloucester Winthrop. 1560; by !820 to 2,174; by 1850, roamed far and wide in the accompanied by five men, and two young men with five horses .. .. on which Here, with the aid of although its area had been reduced wilderness with which he the brothen packed their good wives and five children." lchà.bod Howe, they by the incorporation of the town of became thoroughly famîliar. They followed a slightJy bushed trail to the Androscoggin River. After constructed a "battoe"which East Livermore, its population was He was frcquently absent fording the Little Androscoggin River they halted for lunch just below they !aunched in the pond. 1,764. many days. He took a most Lewiston Falls. From this spot they observed some three or four bouses on They crossed Wilson Pond. Livennore Falls-East Livennore unusual attitude for those the opposite side of the river. They then proceeded by a trail which had They thencarried their boat a TI1e town meetingswere usuatly days toward the lndians. He been made by some families, who had preceded tt,em enroule to Turner, short distance overland and held at Livermorc Centcr, on the held that by a more kindly and arrived at the outlet of the Twenty Mile River at about three P.M., launched it in Androscoggin west side of the river. ln the attitude toward them and having traveled since early dawn. Pond, which they crossed and absence of a bridge, this caused treating by acts showing an They were now four miles from the destination. Here they had two entered Dead River, through great inconvenience to those living honest purposeon the part of dug-out canoes. The three men and horses retumed to New Gloucester which they sailcd to the on the east side, especially as thcir the white men, they could lhat same day. The women and children were landed on the east side of Androscoggin River andfrom meetings were held in March, which secure their confidence and the Andorscoggin. Guided by Robert they walked along a spotted trail to theretotheirdestination. was a lime of high water and friendship. the log house on the south side of Dead River which they reached before fhey spcnt Septcmber and floating ice, making travel across During one of his hunting trips sunset. The other members of the party made their way by boat up the Octob~r surveyin~ lots on the east theriverextremelyhazardous. he came upon an lndian village al Androscoggin and Dead River to their clearings.

LE CONSEIL de la VIE FRANCAIS[ JEAN B. BELIVEAU Maire de la ville de Lewiston Le Conseil de la Vie Francaise LES ECHEVINS en Amerique vient saluer fraternellement nos Franco­ Americains a' l'occasion du 150ieme Anniversaire du Maine

JUGE ANDRE MIVILLE-DECHENE, President MGR . ADRIEN VERRETTE, Chancelier ROBERT CLIFFORO JOHN KIVUS GEORGE GALL NICHOLAS PUNTERI GEORGE RICKER PAUL COUTURE ROBERT CARON Ward 6 Ward 7 William D. Hathaway Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 membre du congres M. /\RMAND GODIN, Vice-President du deuxieme district, Maine Le recensement de 1960 donnait une population d'au dela de 40,000 riviere Androscoggin, avec ses chutes formidagles qui fournissent le M. FLORIAN CARRIERE, Vice-President personnes a la ville de Lewiston. Son premier colon, Paul Hildreth, est pouvoir pour ses industries. C'est A Juste Titre, Alors Que Nous Celebrons Le Cent venu s'etablir ici en 1770, et un siecle plus tard les Canadiens-Francais M. MARC MEUNIER, Directeur des Relations Publiques Lewiston est reconnue comme le "Coeur Industriel" du Maine, a Cinquantieme Anniversaire Du Maine, Que Nous Nous emigraient en si grand nombre, que, depuis plusieurs annees, les Amel"icains cause de ses filatures, ses manufactures de chaussures, et elle se maintient Souvenions Et Rendions Hommage A l'enorme Contri­ MGR. PAUL E. GOSSELIN, Secretaire de descendance francaise sont en grande majorite dans notre ville. a la page avec de nouvelles operations en "electronics." La ville de completer la construction d'une ecole elementaire qui a bution apportee Par Les Franco-Americains Au De­ JUGE YVES BERNIER, T resorier coute au dela de un million; en 1972, on propose la construction d'une ecole Les Franco-Americains de la ville jouent une grande part dans toutes veloppement De Norte Etat. secondaire qui coutera dans les six millions, le YWCA commencera la con­ ses activities. Depuis 1925, ses maires ont ete elus tous les ans parmi ce M. GERALD ROBERT, Directeur struction d'un edifice au printemps; la ville propose aussi la construction groupe. Ils sont en grande majorite dans le nombre de fonctionnaires, soit elus, ou nommes, aux divers postes municipaux. Je Suis Fier D'Avoir Cette Opportunite De Saluer Dans d'une nouville bibliotheque et d'un poste d'incendies. Une banque est en R. P. THOMAS MARIE LANDRY, Membre construction actuellement pres de notre hotel de ville. Les Pages Du Venerable "Messager" Les Americains La Commission Historique, la plus nouvelle de noa commissions et la DOCTEUR PAUL FORTIER, Membre La ville a aussi un programme dit "Urban Renewal," avec demeure premiere etablie dans le Maine, comprend Charlotte Michaud, le Rev. Du Maine De Descendance Francaise. pour personnes agees, et une autre en construction. Lewiston est une des Frere Richard Boucher, s.e.; et Adelard Janelle. Ce groups fait des M. HENRI GOGUEN, Membre 150 villes du pays choisies pour un programme "Model Cities"; et la ville recherches dans le but d'identifier les sites historiques de la ville, et deux aura ·prochainement un pont additionnel, qui coutera cinq millions, entre de ses membres ont commence a preparer un releve de l'histoire des Lewiston et sa ville-soeur Auburn, toutes deux sur les rives opposees de la premiers Franco-Americains etablis ici. BREF HISTORIQUE DE U VILLE Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 25 Page 24 Le Messager Samedi, 13 juillet 1970

Compliments of BEST WISHES FROM THE CITY OF AUBURN - Maine's City of the Future '

Roland D. Landry Lucien R. Fournier Do nia J. Girard Commîssioner Commissioner Chairman Commissioner

The Court of Commissioners for Androscoggin cordiolly extends and the services it renders to the fourteen municipolities com­ on invitation to the citizens of Androscoggin County to visit the prising the Androscoggin arec. County Government Building Complex on September 16, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Court of Commissioners ore pleased to stote to Andrascoggin citizens thot our foremost thoughts are to continue progress and An open house will be held so thot you moy inspect Moine'~ most service to the people in the county. modern County Jail just completed and ta further inspect the remodeled first floor facilities of County Government. Sincerely, Deportment heods and office personnel will be on hand to guide you through their respective departments and onswer questions Lucien R. Fournier, Choirman Auburn Mayor and City Council. relative to their departments service ta the people of our county. Roland D. Landry, Commissioner lt will be our pleasure to have you visit with us on this date so you may become better acquainted with your County Government Donia J. Girard, Commissioner


INFORMATION AND COLORFUL BROCHURE DEPICTING AUBURN'S MANY OPPORTUNITIES Auburn Lisbon Poland Durham Livermore Turner MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, Greene Livermore Fa Ils Wales 45 SPRING STREET, AUBURN, MAINE 04210, TEL. 207-784-4019. Leeds Mechanic Falls Webster Lewiston Minot Page 26 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 27


Hommages a tous nos concitoyens a l'occasion du 150 ieme Anniversaire du Maine de _la part des Reverendes Soeurs grise de l'Hopital Ste Marie et du Foyer Marcotte ainsi que de tout leur personnel

B. Amfilo, M.D. J. T. Konecki, M.D. T. F. Sanford, M.D. V. H. Beeaker, M.D. P. J. Laflamme, M.D. T. Shields, M.D. B. A. Beliveau, M.D. G. Lynn, M.D. L. A. Sweatt, M.D. W. A. Cloutier, M.D. C. L. Martel, Jr., M.D. R. P. Roy, D.M.D. G. Dycio, M.D. J. Mendros, M.D. M. Dycio, M.D. G. Morin, M.D. S. A. Sasseville, D.D.S. B. Fakhery, M.D. J. P. Nadeau, M.D. R. M. Swengel, M.D. P. J. Fortier, M.D. L. A. Nadeau, M.D. L. R. Tardif, M.D. N. Gauvreau, M.D. R. O'Keefe, M.D. R. Taylor, M.D. E. N. Giguere, M.D. N. Pandia, M.D. J. S. Tchao, M.D. F. Holler, M.D. H. Proulx, M.D. H. Hunter, M.D. J. Rando, M.D. C. Tousignant, M.D. Y. Kanda, M.D. E. L. Reeves, M.D. R. W. Turcotte, M.D. SR FLORENCE ROSSIGNOL, ROBERT CAQUETTE, J. Knoppers, M.D. B. Raymond, D.M.D. R. D. Wakefield, M.D. Administratrice Directeur Executif Page 28 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Samedi, 18 juille.t 1970 Le Messager Page 29 Histories of Androscoggin Towns - continued in 1808. During the same year the population of 1110. land. "'He would makc a clearing on Here, in the wildemes:s, they established two hospitable homes, with easterly section of the town was set Lewiston a lot, build a camp and sell out for latch string ever out, offering entertainment and shelter to wandering off and incorpora!ed as the town of 1 have purposely saved lewiston a trille to a new settler. ln this way hunters, lndians, and the new settlers who were to join them in the new Webster. 10 the las! because of the great part he commenced several lots." township. For convenience of the lndians he established a trading post, The first settler in the original it played in the creation of Soon more settlers were coming where he conducted a large trade in furs and operated a store. Lisbon area is said to have been one Androscoggin County. înto the arca. A road was cleared to ln 1780 a road was bushed out Wales. White, whose füst name and the On January 28, 1766, the Monmouth in 1792 and Hi!dreth through Greene to Lewiston and The first settler in Wales was year of his arrivai arc not stated. He Pejepscot Proprietors granted a chartered a ferry which was FRIENO'S SPECIAL TY HOUSE CATERERS communication opencd by way of James Ross, who came thcre from erected a log hut on the road to tract of land which was to become operated by him one•half mile Androscoggin Lake and thence Brunswick in 1778 and made a Webster Corner. Many settlers the towns of Lewiston and Greene, below the Falls, unti! 1795 when he overland to Winthrop. Settlers now clearing on the western slope of followed during the next few ycars to Moses Little and Col. Jonathan sold out to Samuel Robinson and HOMMAGES 124 BARTLETT STREET - LEWISTON, MAINE 04240 began to corne in considerable Sabattus Mountain. Othcr sett!ers until by 1800 ils popu!ation was Bagley, of Newbury, Mass., soon after went to Gardiner to live. numbers until by 1790 it had a followed until by 1810 it had a 360. By 1850, its population was conditioned on the settlement of The Proprietors, feeling population of 263, which by 1850 population of 471, which had 1495, 50 fami li es with as many houscs by that a saw-mil! and grist•mill A TOUS NOS CONCITOYENS had increased to l ,652. increased to 612 in 1850. These fîrst settlers paid !ittle June 1, 1774, and "clear the road was a necessary factor in Party platiers for ail occations On Feb. 16, 1801, the Lisbon attention to farming; but preferred to Royalsborough (Durham) to promoting early settlement of A L'OCCASION plantation was incorporated as the Lisbon originally a part of the the more lucrative work of meet the road from Topsham". the area, approached town of Leeds. plantation of West Bowdoinham, lumbering. At that time this This grant described the · Lawrence J. Harris of Dracut, we Invite you to see our d isplays Wales which had been set off out of the territory waS covered with township as follows:."A tract of Mass., and offered to gîve him DU 150 ieme ANNIVERSAIRE The territory of Wales was land of the Kennebec Company and abundant growth of pine of the land on the east side of the two lots of land al the Falls if located in the Plantation of whieh extended along the westerly highest quality. Two saw-mills were Androscoggin River, commencing he would erect such mills - CATERING FOR ALL OCCATIONS - Bloomînborough which ineluded line of Bowdoinham about nine soon in operation on the Sabattus at the 'ïwenty Mile Falls" on said This was acccpted by Harris DU MAINE areas that were to be sel offlater as miles to the division line of the River. By 1800 there were six large river; from thcnce to extend five ln 1771 Harris proceeded tothe the towns of Monmouth and Wales. P ejepscot and Kennebec saw-mills, a grist mill and a carding miles up said river , .... from thence area, accompanied by eight ln 1781 its name was changed to Proprîetors, and from the Northerly mil! a!ong Little River. to extend on a course Northeas1 workmen, who proceeded to erect a Wales Plantation. At tttis lime there boundary of Topsham and Little ln 1799 John Dean established a five miles; from thence on a course building for a saw-mill. l11ey were some 30 families settled in River Plantation, to the southerly ferry at Southwest Bend. ln 18\0 Southeast four miles; from thence completed their labors and rcturncd what was to be ealled Monmouth. line of Wales and Litchfield titis ferry and another one operated on a Southern course to said to Dracut in late October that year. On May 27, 1791, at a meeting 1 n ! 788 this area was in the same area was displaced by a Androscoggin River, and up said ln the spring of the next year Harris of the settlers in the Monmouth încorporated as the town of bridge, which was carried away in River to said falls." returned, bringing his family, his area, the matter of having the Bowdoin. On June 22, 1799, a the spring freshet of 1819 and The first sellier was Paul household goods and the necessary plantation ineorporated as a town portion of Bowdoin, which was to immediately replaced. This latter Hildreth, who came with his too!s and workmen for the erection was discussed and become a part of the present towns bridge was carried away in 1846 wife and infant child, from of a grist·mill. Both mi!ls were near was appoînted to canvass the of Lisbon and Webster was set off and never replaced New Gloucester in 1770. He the Falls, near where the Columbia inhabitants of the area later to and incorporated as the town of Webster erected his cabin on the east Mill now stands. become the town of Wales. This Thompsonborough. On account of The area that was incorporated bank of the Androscoggin ln the absence of a dam, the 10 rue Lafayette Lewi ston, Moine latter section was separated from ils extreme length and the later as the town of Webster in 1846 was River near the present site of necessary water for operating the the nearest settlement in unpopularity of Gen. Samuel known in the early days as Burnt the Continental Mill. He mills was conveyed into a small Cette industrie, au service du public depuis plus de cent ans, remained there during the Monmouth "by a bel! of fores! no Thompson for whom it was named, Meadow. lts first permanent settler pond by means of a flume which dirigee par les freres Julien-0, et Alfred-S. LeBlanc, de la Jess than three miles in width at its its name was changed to Lisbon in was Robert Ross, who came in summer and fall. extended into the river on a ledge narrowest point." 1802, 1775, and built his cabin nearly in Unfortunately his cabin was near the summit of the Falls. From troisieme generation, continue la tradition familiale de participa­ destroyed by fire, which forced lts inhabitants had never taken The above.inentioned Little the center of the town. ln that time and many years thcreaftCr tion aux mouvements civiques, nationaux et religieux. any part in the annual meetings, River Plantation was granted by the accordance with an agreement their return to New Gloucester for the Falls were known as Harris' which were held in the other Pejepscot Proprictors in ! 780 for entered inlo between Dr. Jonathan the wintcr. He returncd the ncxt Falls La Maison Leblanc se considere donc privilegiee de pouvoir con­ spring and rebuilt hîs cabin. ln the section. Evidencly, they were not 250 Pounds to Samuel Thompson Davis, owner of a large tract of land More Tra\·el Notes of Old tribuer sa modeste part de cooperation a l'effort louable et meritoire interested in the project, for, in lt extended from Little River to the in the area, and his nephew, Jesse fall of that year David Pettengill The journey of Harris and his 1792, the northern portion of the Sabbatus River and northerly to the Davis, the latter came to the section arrived from New Gloucester and family from Dracut, ~lass., to des organisateurs de "l'Androscoggin Sesquicentennia\ Com­ erected his cabin near the Lewiston FaJls was not an ~asy one plantation was set off and division line of the Kennebec and in 1780, and built a saw-mill and mittee" pour la realisation d'une celebration vraiment memorable incorporated as the town of Pejepscot Proprietors. lt was first grist-mi!! and a building for a llildreth's. At Dracut the party embarked on Monmouth. ln April, 1803, the sctt!ed by Ezckiel Thompson, tavern. This becamc the center of a Hildreth was a roving character, the Merrimack River in two light de cet evenement important qu'est le cent-cinquantieme anniver­ who prcferred hunting and fishing remaining portion of the plantation brothcr of Samuel in 1792. This considerable settlemcnt. boats, in which they had stored saire de l'Etat du Maine. was incorporated as the town of plantation was annexed to Lisbon ln 1850 the town had a to pulling stumps and clearing his thcir too!s, gnods and provisions,

" Chaleureuses Felicitations aux Franco-Americains

de Lewiston-Auburn et de l'Etat d u Maine et

Bien venue a nos visiteurs Canadiens."

FIRST FEDERAL SAVINCS & LOAN ASS 'N, Carner Canal and Chestnut Streets Lewi ston, Moine

A Casco Bank & Trust, Hommages A Tous Nos Concitoyens A L'occasion

DU lS0ieme ANNIVERSAIRE Nous Pensons Toujours • • A Vous • DE L'ETAT DU MAINE Membre F.0 .1.C. 102S LISBON ST., LEWISTON Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 31 Page 30 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970

Histories of Androscoggin thoroughly dry and solid, fire conveyed it back to the Proprietors, Towns - continued was introduced and il was Little&Bagley. and proceeclect clown th.e nver to Explication Necessaire burnt out and made an With the erection of the Voeux de Succes aux organisateurs des fetes de notre Newburyport. excellent oven which served Une specialitè du Messager pendant les 86 annees que ce ;oumal From there their boats were mills the settlement grew fut publie a Lewiston fut la present~tion reguli~re ~•un "feuilleton". them some year or two." rapidly. ln 1772 came Asa 150 ieme Anniversaire de l'etat dÙ Maine towed by a sailing vesse) along the As soon as the saw-mill was put Ces feuilletons etaient presque touJours des histoires d amour, que coast to Harrasackett (Freeport), Varnum, who built his cabin l'on publiaient par tranches dans chaqûe numero. . . in operation, Harris erected a house at a spot nearly in the center where they disembarked. The boats Si le petit porteur manquait un abonne au cours de sa livraison de at a point a short distance west of of what is now Main Street. were taken ashore and conveyed journaux, la plainte qu'il recevait etait presque toujours que le what is now Lincoln Street, a few ln 1774 Amos Davis moved STEER I-IOUSE overland through the woods over a lecteur avait du manquer la lecture du "feuilleton''. .. et, parfois, le rods North of Cross Canal, where into the area. He played an spotted trait to Royalsborough he resided for several years. Upon jeune porteur n'avait aucune iddee de ce dont il s'agi~it, mais,~ (Durham). important part in the early force d'en entendre parler, sa curiosite etait piquee, et d ne tarda,t his death in 1784 the mill lot came history of Lewiston. He was a Here (probably Southwest Bend) into possession of his son, who sold pas a se renseigneur, et a l'apprendre. 1ea ding members of the Alors, des que l'idee est survenue de publier un Messager-souvenir, they laun"ched their boats in the il, with the exception of the mill Androscoggin River and proceeded Fricnds Society and was by a l'occasion du 150e. anniversaire de l'etat du Maine, il va sans dire privilege which had been reserved profession a surveyor and up the 1iver as far as Dresser's Rips qu'il a fallu penser a un feuilleton-sans cela, il aurait manque une by the Proprîetors, 10 Dan and cordwainer (shoemaker). (opposite the Catholic cemetery.) Lemud Reade, who in turn partie integrafe du joumal qui fut si longtemps un complement de la Here they were forced to land and vie franco-americaine en nos deux Pilles iumelles" de haul their boats ovcrland to calmer Lewiston-Auburn. Car, dans les temps dom nous parlons, tous nos waters upstream; where they again gens" receP11ient le Messager. Ce n'est qu'au cours des demieres launched their boats and proceeded The following deposition given by Amos Davis in I 796, gives the story annees de sa publication que nos jeunes ont commence a parler du without mishap to the foot of of his coming to Lewiston: Messager comme le ''ioumal de papa" ou de "maman." Androscoggin Falls. On landing, "I moved from Southhampton, N.Y. in 1762 to New Gloucester ... Soon C'est pourquoi en Poulant presenter un feuilleton a nos lecteurs, RE:STAURANT they began to erect a temporary after my arrivai there I heard of land called 'Pejepscot' lying between New nous avons iuge de l'adresser surtout aux personnes d'un certain age. shelter. Gloucester and the Androscoggin River, said to be the 'Pejepscot Claim' by Cependant, comme ce numero--souvenir du Messager sera uniq~e, Building a Fireplace purchase from the 'ingens'. Likewise I remember of hunters telling of il faut neces.sairement publier notre presentation au complet, au lieu Mr. William Garcelon in his early going and having been over to Androscoggîn Great Falls. de page par page, ou selon l'ancienne expressio_n, "feuîller:m" par notes on Lewiston history, dated To the best of my remembrance I became acquainted with Col. "feuilleton". L 'idee premiere est de rappeler de Pieux souvenirs. March 10, 1865, described the Jonathan Bagley ... and Capt. Moses Little in t.he year 1770, who w~re N'ayant pas les memes moy~ns que l'ancien _Messager, po_ur MAINE'S FINEST STEAK HOUSES process of building a fireplace and drawn to lay out a township near Androscoggm Great Falls and haVJng trouPer matiere a ''feuilleton", 1l a fallu necessairement I ecnre chimney for their temporary home, employed one Brown, a surveyor, proceeded to n_in _around a tract called soi-meme, et, pour cette raison, l'auteur demande d'ŒPance que nos which was constructcd by Harris' Lewiston and running part of said tract or township mto 100.acre lots and lecteurs soient indulgents/ two daughters, Lydia and Hannah, in 1771 and 1772 they, being proprietors of said tract informed me and (La Redaction) asfo!lows· others of giving settlers 100 acres of land each where they should choose FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE "First drove up stakeS, in said Lewiston, and in the year 17721, wîth others, went to see the tract bonheur de tous les jours dépend of land. then collected stones, built a Parlons d'Amour entièrement de cet e'tranger à qui Finding it favorable to our minds, we were desirous to.know how their foundation, colled clay from Feuilleton - complet Special l'on a donné son amour. the bank, made or laid a thick tille was, so that we might go on without danger of be~ng call~d_on by a cette Edition Souvenir Aimer, c'est être heureux other proprietors or persons ... Col. Bagley infonned us of h1s exam1rung the bed of mortar on the seulement si l'objet de son amour COCKTAILS daims or tilles of lands, and he found it as good as any in the theo foundation, let it dry a little, Puisque l'attrait spécial des aime en retour. then eut small wistrey poles Province, and we might depend on their title to be good. . . anciens feuilletons du Messager On parle de la furie de la femme split and bent them, secured For the encouragement of settlers they proposed cutting or cleamng a .!taî1 surtout les histoires d'amour, qui est forcée de réaliser qu'elle the ends in the foundation road from Gloucester to Androscoggin River near the Great Fa1ls and from pourquoi, en cette e'dition-souvenir, n'est pas aiITJee par celui qu'elle and shapcd the sticks for thence to clear a road down river to Royalsborough, which they ne pas simplement vous pr.!senter aime: furie, dit-on, qui n'a pas sa un assemblage de pens

Hommages a toute notre population a l'occasion du 150 ieme Anniversaire de l'Etat du Maine LEBLANC'S Hommages sinceres a Vincent & Leblanc, Inc. FORTIN FUNERAL DIRECTORS 70 Horton Street Lewiston, Maine "Central Maine's Largest Store for Men and Boys" Tel: 784-4584 tous nos citoyens a

128-130 Lisbon Street - Lewiston, Maine 04240 l'occasion du 150 ieme

anniversaire de l'l::tat du Maine Complimenta of 6 MODERN PARLORS - 75 CAR PARKING LOT Knapp King-Size Corp. 5 Licensed Embalmers -FIRST 29 Lowell St., Lewiston, Me. ,~,~~~~ and FIRST MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BAN~ Knapp Shoe Retail Store Roland G. Fortin hdd1c Ouellette Roger Bouffard 80 Middle St., Lewiston, Me.

For Cushioned Comfort - Like Walking On Air Page 32 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 33 MEILLEURS VOEUX A NOS COMPATRIOTES A L'OCCASION DU IS0;eme ANNIVERSAIRE HOMMAGES DE: DE L' ETAT DU MAINE!



Ronald Jean,• Lewiston, GeraJd Robert, Manchester, N.H. Dr. Paul J. Forticr, Lewiston directeur genera1 au Maine President gcnera1 vice-president gcneral au Maine

A l'occasion de la celebration du 150 ieme anniversaire de la fondation de l'etat du Maine et de la tenue de la Semaine Franco-Americaine, l'Association Canado-Americaine, ses officers generaux et ses membres saluent la population Franco-Americaine de l'etat. Groupements ACA au Maine

LEWISTON: Cour Martel, Athanase Greni er, presi dent; Institut Jacques Cartier, Ray­ na ld Noel, president; Cercle d'Youvi lle, Colette Fi lion, presidente. AUGUSTA: Cour BUREAU-CHEF, WOONSOCKET, R.L Champlain , Loui s Julien, president. WATERVILLE: Cour Ste-Jeonne d'Arc, Phi lias Bus­ que, president. BIDDEFORD: Cour Deco ry, Arthur Brunelle, president. LA FEDERA­ LOUISE COURCY J. HENRI COGUEN EMILE A. PEPIN TION CANADO-AMERICAINE du MAINE, Louis Julien, Augusto, president. Secretaire Generale President Ceneral Tresorier General SIEGE SOCIAL: 52, rue Concord, Manchester, New Hampshire SIEGE SOCIAL: WOONSOCKET, R,I,

and put into operation. Histories of Androscoggin Towns - Previous to ~::~~~:i~~::~ ~~ ~~:~!::C':i::; in Aubum was ln 1850 the Hill Manufacturing Co. was incorporated . This Company co.ntinued done in the thriving villages of North and West Auburn. The manufacture proceeded to construct a mill which was completed in 1854 . Ten years of shoes was becoming an important industry. This was at first centered in la ter, a second mill was completed by them. Other settlers fo!lowed them, West Auburn, but by 1845 it was graduall y beginning to devel op in the This is an historical account of C~'~ét-,~it-,o-m-m-,~,-,=-,.d~ec~I, including the Reades, the I-Ïams and INSTITUT CANADO-AMERICAIN the Garcelons, until by 1788 there Goffs Corner area. the original towns of Androscoggin permission d'aller de la main aux Congratulations to the Wit h the arrivai of the railroad, industri al and other business began to County as contained in an address Je'vres. Comme les jeunes manquent were 75 families scattercd through make rapid growth in the vic inily of the Fall s. On March 28, 1845, the delivered by the Hon. James E. de délices avec leur façon d'agir the plantation. Offre ses hommages a tous les Fra ncas-Americains Androscoggin & Kennebec Railroad was incorporated; among wh ose Philoon, Auburn, then County avec familiarité qui ne s'achevait, STATE OF MAINE 150th CELEBRATION Green set off corporators were Wm. P. Frye, James Lowe ll , Na than Reynolds, John M. Clerk of Courts, in commemoration autre temps, que petit à petit, et du Maine a l'occasion due 150 ieme Anniversaire For many years the center of Frye and Dr. Calvi n Gorham, ail or nearly ail , of whom were from of the County Centenary on March donnait le temps d'être savourée business was at Lowell's Corner, in 18, 1954. avant de procéder a une autre from the the area now called Hospital Lewiston. The road was completed as far as Auburn in Nov. 1848, and as far as Square. ln the decade from 1840 10 étape: La Bibllotheque de l1nstitut Canado-Americain, Lewiston in March of the next year, and extended to Winthrop in July of Parlons donc du baiser, si 1850 the population had increased fi1iale de l'Association Canado-Americaine, conserve les ardties, Republican Candidates of Auburn for from 1801 to 4584. ln !788 the the same year, 1849. This line was later consolidated wi th the Portland & m!cessaire en amour. C'est la Kennebec line called the Maine Central Railroad . Qui peut expliquer pourquoi un premiére communion entre les deux documents e~ emprimes des Franco-Americains. easterly portion of the plantation homme peut aimer telle femme; ou STATE LEGISLATURE was set off and incorporated as the lndustrial Development of Lewiston to 1854 qui s'aiment, et c'est tout un Befo re 1817 Li ttle & Bagley , who had, as previo usly stated, purc hased telle jeune fille aimer tel garçon? Le sacrément aussi. On ne peut vivre, town of Greene. ln 1795 the point d'attrait premier a peut-être rcmainder of the plantation was the Harris interest in the mill lot, had erec te<Ï and operated a small carding en amour, sans baisers répétés--un été une certaine démarche, une baiser est si effémhe--si di"fferent MGR. ADRIEN VERRE'ITE, President incorporated as the town of and fulling mill in that area, which had been carried on for some time. Marion Baraby - John W. Ray chévelure qui encadre un visage chaque fois qu'on le donn e ou Lewiston. ln 18 19 Li ttle hired Dean Frye of Brunswick to manage the business M. GERALD ROBERT, Ex-officio - DR. CONRAD GODIN, Secretaire which ·grew rapidly. This mill was destroyed by fire in 1829 and gracieusement-, une bouch e qu'on le reÇoi t. C'est un délice The tremendous growth in the souriante, un petit nez retroussé•-il ANTONIO PRINCE - DR. ROBERT BEAUDOIN Rosaire L. Halle - Peter T. Snowe population of Lewîston is explained îmmediately replaeed by a three-story building. The basement was used as dont on ne se Jasse jama is. C'est en faut si peu parfois pour allumer au ssi un petit danger. 11 ne faut pas by the story of its industrial a fulling mill and the second floor for earding and finishing doth. JUGE EDWARD LAMPRON la namme de l'amour. .. le répeter trop souvent à la fois, de development, which was promoted Dean Frye was succeeded by his son, John M. Frye. lt was soon On n'en reste pas là. L'amour a peur d'allu me r un incendi e plus ou by public spirited and optîmistie proposed to manufacture satinette. To do this required more capital and a larger plant. As a consequence, the Lewiston Falls Manufacturing ses périodes de curiosité. Il faut moins incontrolable. eitizens, who saw visions and revoir l'aimée, !'étudier, la dreamed dreams. This development Company was incorporated in Feb. 1834. lts corporators were John M. Que dire aussi du pressement and Wm. E. Frye. The new company purchased the fuJling mill . This was comprendre, connaitre ses gouts, et d'un corps à. l'autre? Da ngereux is the story of the Genesis of converted into a satinette mil! and the necessary looms and other reconnaitre ses défauts, car il y en a Androscoggin County, as will aussi, à. un certain point... mais qui machinery instaUed. These were the first looms to be operated in toujours. A savoir si les qualités est toute une conversation. On se appearlater. Lewi ston. ln 1836 a mil! built of brick was added to the plant for making dépassent les défauts. Et, quand on Gree ne comprend san s rien dire. cashmere. aime, mè me les défauts ont un Congratulations From ! 775 on there began to Finalement, aimer c'est le besoin Congratulations ln 1836 John A. Briggs erected a wooden building in the vicinity, the certain cachet qui ne dé plait pas. deve!op quite a setclement in the de se dévouer pour cet autre; de lui rear part of whieh was three stories high : the first story, or basement, of On en vient a vouloir toucher. easterly half of the township of donner toute sa vie entière. whieh was used for a machine shop: the second floor for a wood tiiming Anciennement, c'était un procédé Le mariage conclu, l'amour Lewiston. On Feb. 12 , 1788, these mill and cabinet shop, and the third by Ephriam Wood for manufacturing graduel. De nos jours, les jeunes se s'épanoui t, s'approfondit et s'élargit settlers petitioned the General cotton warps and batting. He was Lewiston 's pioneer in cotton tiennent par ta main a ta première Court of Mass., asking that this area pour entourer d'un a mour manufacture. This mill was dîsmantled in 1851. rencon tre comme s'ils ne peuvent to the Couture Family be set off from Lewiston and different, mais de mème nature, les --- The Great Androscoggin Fall s Dam tenir debout autrement. Mais, dans enfants qui surgissent de cet amour. to the Couture Family incorporated as a town with the Locks & Ca nal Co. was incorporated on Feb. 23, 1836. lts corporators l'ancien temps, quand la femme name of Greenland. This proposed Et, il en reste encore, et encore, we re Thomas Little, Josiah Little, Samuel Pîckard , and Edward Little. This était gantée, au moins d'un point name, evîdently did not satîsfy the pour les époux, pendant des années from corporation he ld tille to the water power of the falls and a large amount of trop petit, on ne touchait que du General Court, who on June 17th et des années, a•Jtant qu'ils' savent le from land on either sicle of the ri ver in its vicinity. bout des doigts, et pas trop of that year incorporated the ;nea conserver, car l'amour a besoin ln 1845 its name was changed to Lewiston Wa ter Power Cu. Be twee n fermement, de .peur de heurter la d'Ctrc cultivé. On donne pour as the w wn of Greene. This name 1846-50 ma ny valuable lots were added to their hold ings. ln 1850 this main qui c'tait toujours menue ... Le recevoir, et l'on reçoit selon la the Cronin Family was selected in honor of Gen. Company began the construction of a canal. This was completed in May of premier contact de mam l, peau mesure que l'on donne Nathaniel Gr eene of Revolutionary the Jalbert Fa mily, cherishing the foll owing year as far as IJates Mill No. 1. ln 1857 the stock and real nue Ctait toute une aventure. These two families have enjoyed fome. At the year of its Nous avons dit plus haut que estate of this Compan y was sold to the Franklin Company. C'e'tait peut-être un baiser masculin l'amour est un don des dieux. Qu'ils incorporation it was said to have a ln 1852 the Baies Manufacturing Co. was incorporated. This Co mpany qui ne faisait qu'eftleurer la main l'acceptent• comme tel ceux qui en a Three-quarter century friendship population of so me 500. By 1800 it a long relationship feminine, car on y allait sont priVilegiés. et qu'ils en was 933; by 1850 it had incrcased immediately began the construction of thsi No. 1 Mill, which was completed the samc year. Shortly after this. its No. 2 Mill was completed dillicatement dans ce temps•là. remercient Dieu. to 3,348. Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Samedi, 18 juillet 1970 Le Messager Page 35



--'- Page 36 Le Messager Samedi, 18 juillet 1970



Rep. Louis talbert, chairman 8.-Gen. Ralph B. Skinner, coadjutor Mrs. Normand J. Lapointe, secretarv County Commissioner Donia l. Girard, lreasurer Or. Leland Bechtel Palll Lacombe Mrs. Leland Bechtel Mrs. Walter A. Lavallee County Sheriff rtobert W. Bonenfant Mrs. Harold Lothrop Rov Burgess Miss Marie-Jeanne Lesperance Earland Connick Mrs. Anton E. Mainente Amedee Courtemanche Miss Charlotte Michaud Mrs. Lucien Drapeau Ludovic Moreau Lionel A. Dugal Frank Paul Bertrand Dulie Joseph A. Poliquin Wilfrid E. Dulac Arthur Raymond Selectman Lionel C. Ferland, Poland Mrs. Edward M. Robinson Peler Van Gagnon Mrs. William Rowe Mrs. Donia t. Girard C.O. Dep. Dir. George U. Scudder Eugene A. 'iamann Mrs. Herbert Shalek Adelard Janelle Mrs. R.avnaldo Simp80n C.D. Oirector John W. .Jordan, Auburn Archie Travers Miss Geneva A. Kirk County C.O. Director Normand J. Vermelle and many other assistants.


1 am proud to testifv to the valuable support giv en me bv the ahove-named committee, and bv manv others who assisted on a more-or-lcss tcm1)0rarv basis. No one pcrson alone can accomplish, without hein, ail that can and sho11ld be clone to fittinglv observe this important annivcrsarv i,1 our State's hislorv. If, hv our joint efforts, we have been able to revive or instill pride in one's citv, town, countv, state and countrv, we will rest with satisfaction. Our tha•1ks go to the Couture familv for permitting this s1>eciai edition of a newspapcr that formed so intimate a part of their fan:iilv life, to the committec hcaded by Adclard lanelle which worked loward the financial success of this enterprise, and to Miss Charlotte l\1ichaud, Mrs. Anton E. \1ainente and Ralph B. Skinner, whose talents and experience brought this souvcnir-OOition into ex istence.

Louis Jalbert, chainnan of the Androscoggin Countv Sesquicentennial Committee

State, County, City Richard B. Rochcleau, ail of George F. Ricker, Paul A. Couture ArthurClark,cityplanner. P.R. Roy, Robert H. Caouette Sr., Officiais ln 1970 Auburn; George V. Hunter, and Robert W. Caron, aldermen. The various commissions are as Leonard R. Tracy. Durham: Forest S. Gilbert, Turner; Gerald P. Berube, city clerk; follows: Zoning Board of Appeals: ln this sesquicentennial year. Norman R. Couture, Paul H. Dube, leading State, county and city Frank B. Foster, Mechanic Falls; John C. Orestis, corporation Finance Board: laurier T. and Guy G. Buck.ley, Leeds. counsel; Lucien B. Gasselin, Raymond Sr., Robert F. Roy. Lionel Goulet, Roger H. Marcous, officiais are as follows· Donat E. Boisvert, Raymond Kenneth M. Curtis, governor of Officers scrving Androscoggin controller.executive officer: Alfred Marcel Morin. Philip M. lsaacson. Chouinard. theState. County arc: Lucien R. Fournier, A. Plourde, treasurer•tax collector: Board of Health and Wclfare: Historical Commission: James S. St a te officia ls from Roland D. Landry, Donia J. Girard, Robert A. Reny, auditor; William Adrien D. Laverdiere, Ronald Leamon, Miss Charlotte Michaud, Androscoggin County include: as as commissioncrs: Robert W. L. Plante, Cyprien A. Levcsquc and Couturier, Georges Rancourt, Dr. Bonenfant. sheriff: Mrs. Harriet Stephen J. Murray,asscssors;Frank Thomas F. Shields, Harvey L. Rev. Bro. Richard Boucher, Robert member of the Governor's V. Connors and Adelard Janelle. Executive Council, the Hon. Simpson, treasurer; William H. P. O'Connel 1, Patry. Edmund C. Darcy of Livermore Clifford Jr., county attorney: dcvelopment director. Police Commission: William J. La paroisse SS. Pierre et Paul de Falls. Senators Donald J. Bernard, Roland C. !Ioule, clerk of courts: Mrs. Veronica Jalbert Flynn, Allard. Robert L. Couturier, Lewiston qui observe son Auburn, for District 12; Remeo T. laurier T. Raymond Jr .. judgc of Leo Bernier and Mrs. Priscilla L. Donald A. Rodrigue, 11.L. Gosse!in, centenaire cette année. est la Boisvert, Lcwiston, District J 3: the Probate Court: Laurier F. Lcpagc, board of voter registration; James R. Costello paroisse-mCre detoutes!esparoisses Carroll E. Minkowsky, Lewiston, Charest, registcr of dceds. Ali are Romco Thibodeau. welfare Fire Commission: Frcderick G. nationales de Lcwiston-Auburn. District 14. Lcwiston residents. director: Mrs. Cecile Lcvasscur, Taintor, Henry N. Paradis Jr .. Son cimetière sert encore pour les Representativcs to the Maine Lewiston R.N., hea\th officer: Dr. V.H. Raymond L. Theriault, Armand C. citoyens do.: langue française des Legislature: Albert E. Cote, Paul A. The city of Lewiston operates Bceakcr. cily physician: Lucien H Bolduc, Paul G. Marcotte. deux villes, mais les églises et les Couture, Lorenzo Gaudreau under an electcd mayor and Longin, police chicf: Roland G Board of Public Works: Roland êcoles se sont multipliées. On (resigned), George Ricker, Louis aldermen represcnting various Dumais, firc chicf: Joseph J. Carbonneau, Conrad R. Poulin:, compte maintenant les paroisses de Jalbcrt, Norman J.F. Marquis, sections of the city, and Deschencs. supcrintendent of Bertrand R. Moreau, Aurcle J. S. Louis, Sacre Coeur, S. Philippe,'a Roland D. Janguay, all of Mayor-appointed commissions. schools: William Milliken. Bosse. Ernest A. Paione. Auburn; Sie Marie, Ste Croix, Ste Lcwiston: Frank M. Drigotas, John B. Belivcau is the mayor; recrealion director: Roger R. Planning Board: Norman C. Famille et SS. Pierre et Paul, li Robert W. Clifford, John E. Kivus. Eugene M. Emery, Romeo Laberge, Pruneau, public works director: Davis, Anthony B. Rapose, John Lcwiston. George F. Call, Nicholas E. Punteri. Harland llatch, city enginccr: Telow, Michael B. Rizzolo, Joseph