Friend of Grand Haven Meeting Minutes July 8, 2019

Meeting commenced: 6:38pm at the Pavilion in Grand Haven State Park

President’s Comments: Mike Mazurek

Mike was able to watch some of the first West Beach Volleyball clinic that the FGHSP sponsored. He felt that this was not only a great use of the beach, but a nice partnership for FGHSP. Participation from the kids was good and the instructors did a very nice job.

June meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurers Report: Mike Mazurek

There were deposits since June of $2,138.35. This revenue was generated by T-shirt, fire pit and wood sales along with donations, can collection and vending.

There were $377.00 in expenses since June for fire pits.

Current cash in the checking account = $6,020.91. We have $5.00 in savings.

Interest YTD on our CD’s = $266.95.

Coke delivered on Wednesday, July 3rd.

Mike presented a summary of the allocation of the $20,000 from the State of Michigan DNR matching funds awarded to the FGHSP in 2018. In addition to the concrete work, benches and bike rack installations already accounted for, the remaining funds will be used for emergency life-saving equipment, a gazebo installed next to the campground playground and two sway benches (location to be determined). The original concrete work is contracted to be completed by July 24th, 2019. We will need a separate estimate for the additional concrete needed for the gazebo and the sway benches. Pat Whalen will order two blue sway benches on July 9th. It is assumed that this will exhaust the remaining funds. If it does not, Bob Moore suggested that the left-over money be spent on small amenities for the rental lodge.

We need to order more wood. We are down to 3 pallets from 10 to start the season.

Update from Pat Whalen:

Pat investigated the WIFI services at Charles . They contracted with Skyweb out of Saginaw. The initial start-up costs for towers, routers, etc. was $12,000. They pay $900.00/year for network service and monitoring and $120.00/year for internet connection. We do not have an answer yet from the State of Michigan DNR regarding a State Park program for offering WIFI. Pat said that WIFI is not in the Grand Haven State Park’s budget. It was suggested that we also investigate Ottawa County Parks system.

The Gazebo that is being proposed is from Home Depot, an approved vendor. The model is the Meridian 10’ x 10’ priced at $1,644.00. Pat feels that this is a good project for Park staff to install. The group unanimously approved this purchase.

Since the gazebo will be installed on the west side of the playground, the Sky Runner will need to be moved. It was recommended that the re-installation be closer to the drinking fountain and lower to the ground.


Sweet Justice is not available for any dates in 2019. We will need to contact them late 2019 or early 2020 for booking a concert next summer.

The Birds of Prey program is confirmed for August 14th. Becky Newman will create and print advertising posters and banners.

There are two more Beach Volleyball clinics: July 11th and August 1st. WMBVB has done a great job of including the FGHSP as main sponsors in their advertising and communications. The group feels these events are well organized and worth the funding.

New Business

The increase in wood and fire pit sales can be attributed to both cool weather and the extra efforts of camp hosts Chet & Janice. They have also been very helpful in collecting cans.

Becky Newman asked the group to think about alternatives for can collection for 2020.

The red wagon used by campers to transport wood was broken and discarded. It was unanimously approved by the group to purchase a heavy-duty garden cart to replace it with an assumed cost of $100.00.

Next Meeting: August 12, 2019 at Grand Haven State Park.

Becky Newman will send minutes to board members for approval before posting on the website.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.