ANL-6919 General, Miscellaneous and Progress Reports 34Th Ed.) AEG Research and Development Report ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY 9

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ANL-6919 General, Miscellaneous and Progress Reports 34Th Ed.) AEG Research and Development Report ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY 9 ANL-6919 General, Miscellaneous and Progress Reports (TID-4500, 34th Ed.) AEG Research and Development Report ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 60440 ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY PUBLICATIONS July 1, 1963 - June 30, 1964 List prepared by Technical Publications Department with the assistance of the Applied Mathematics Division August 1964 Operated by The University of Chicago under Contract W-3 1-109-eng-38 with the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE iii BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 AUTHOR INDEX 109 SUBJECT INDEX 125 ii PREFACE This publication list is a bibliography of scientific and technical accounts originated at Argonne and published during the fiscal year 1964 (July 1, 1963 through June 30, 1964). It includes items published as journal articles, technical reports, books, etc., all of which have been made available to the public. The list is divided into three parts. The first is a bibliographic list of publications sorted according to organizational Division of the Laboratory. The Divisional affiliation of each author is indicated by letters in parentheses, the abbreviated designations being as follows: AM Applied Mathematics Division BM Biological and Medical Research Division CE Chemical Engineering Division CM Chemistry Division CS Central Shops Department EL Electronics Division FD Fire Protection Department HD Health Division HP High Energy Physics Division ID Idaho Division IH Industrial Hygiene and Safety Division II Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering LD Laboratory Director's Office LS Library Services MT Metallurgy Division PA Particle Accelerator Division PE Plant Engineering Division PH Physics Division RC Remote Control Engineering Division RE Reactor Engineering Division RF Reactor Physics Division RO Reactor Operations Division RP Radiological Physics Division SM Special Materials and Services Division SS Solid State Science Division TP Technical Publications Department The second part is an alphabetical author index. A code number given in the right hand column guides the reader to the bibliographic entry in the first part. Thus code nunnber AM 1120 refers to item 1120 under the Applied Mathematics Division. Since the bibliography is arranged alpha­ betically according to Division name, item 1120 AM appears before item 1080 BM. Ill The third part consists of a KWIC (key word in context) subject index. Thus indexing is by title only. To improve indexing some compound words have been divided into two or more words, and formulas and symbols have been spelled out. Occasionally when the title did not seem to portray the subject of the paper adequately for this type of indexing, descriptive words have been added. All such added words are separated from the title by asterisks. Also, all foreign language titles have been translated into English Each key word is listed alphabetically on the left. The full title from which it was selected is columnated in the center. Here again the bibliographic code number is given in the right hand column, referring the reader to the entry in the first section. The data for this list were collected by the Technical Publications Department; the system coding and machine operations were performed by the Applied Mathematics Division. Similar lists of articles published during fiscal years 1962 and 1963 were issued as reports ANL-6624 and ANL-6761. Reprints of journal articles are distributed by authors to requestors as long as copies are available. Requests should be addressed directly to the authors. iv BIBLIOGRAPHY (AM) APPLIED MATHEMATICS DIVISION AM 1784 SANATHANAN. C.K. (RE) AND KOERNER. JUDITH (AM) TR4NSFER FUNCTION SYNTHESIS AS A RATIO OF TWO COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS ANL-6716 (MAY 1963) AM 1833 MAEHLY, H.J. (AM) AND WITZGALL. CHRISTOPH (AM) METHODS FOR FITTING RATIONAL APPROXIMATIONS, PARTS II AND III J. ASSOC. COMPUTING MACH. 10(3), 257-277 (JULY 1963) AM 1834 RHOADES. B.E- (AM) ON PRODUCTS OF POWER SERIES MONATSH. MATH. 67(2), 125-128 (APRIL 1963) AM 1835 SMITH, KFNNETH (AM) AND URETSKY, J.L, (PH) LOW ENERGY PION PION SCATTERING PHVS. REV. 131- 861-867 (JULY 15, 1963) AM 1912 HERMANN, ROBERT (AM) THF MORSE INDEX THEOREM AND GEOMETRICAL OPTICS ANL-6730 (MAY 1963) AM 1913 MITSIS, G.J. (AM) TRANSPORT SOLUTIONS TO THE ONE DIMENSIONAL CRITICAL PROBLEM NUCL. SCI. ENG. 17, 55-44 (SEPTEMBER 1963) AM 2021 KLIPHARDT, R.A. (AM) AUTOMATION COMES TO DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY GRAPHIC SCIENCE 5(5), 13-16 (MAY 1963) AM 2024 (AM) APPLIE'D MATHEMATICS DIVISION SUMMARY REPORT, JULY 1, 1962 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1963 ANL-6768 AM 2123 BUCHAL, R.N. (AM) AND KELLER, J.B. IMPEDANCE BETWEEN PERFECT CONDUCTORS IN A FINITELY CONDUCTING MEniUM WITH APPLICATION TO COMPOSITE MEDIA J. APPL. PHYS. 34, 3414 (NOVEMBER 1963) AM 2240 MITSIS. G.J. (AM) TRANSPORT SOLUTIONS TO THE MONOENERGET1C CRITICAL PROBLEMS ANL-6787 (NOVEMBER 1963) AM 2316 MILLER, W.F. (AM) THE ROLE OF COMPUTERS IN E)(PER IMENTAL PHYSICS, A SYSTEM FOR ON-LINE ANALYZERS PROC. CONF. ON UTILIZATION OF MULTIPARAMETER ANALYZERS IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS, GROSSINGER, NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 12-15, 1962, USAEC REPORT NYO-10595. PP. 143-147 AM 2417 LUCAS, H.F., JR (RP) AND WOODWARD, D,A. (AM) EFFECT OF LONG DECAY CHAINS ON THE COUNTING STATISTICS IN THE ANALYSIS OF RADIUM-224 AND RADON-222 .J. APPL. PHYS. 35, 452-456 (FEBRUARY 1964) 1 AM 241b MILLER. W.F. (AM) AND ASCHENBRENNER, R.A. (AM) THE GUS MULTICOMPUTER SYSTEM lEEF TRANS. EC-12(5), 671-676 (DECEMBER 1963) AM 2419 WITZGALL, CHRISTOPH (AM) AN ALL INTEGER PROGRAMMING ALGORITHM WITH PARABOLIC CONSTRAINTS J. SOC. IND. APPL. MATH. 11, 855-871 (DECEMBER 1963) AM 2494 BRYANT, L.T. (AM) AND GOPINATH, D.V. (II) A FAST REACTOR EXCURSION SIMULATOR ANL-679e (DECEMBER 1963) AM 2495 HUMMEL, H.H. (RF) AND RAGO, A.L. (AM) EFFECT OF PARAMETER VARIATION IN DOPPLER EFFECT CALCULATIONS PROC. CONF. ON BREEDING, ECONOMICS AND SAFETY IN LARGE FAST POWER REACTORS. AR90NNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, OCTOBER 7-10, 1963. ANL-6792 (DECEMBER 1963). PP. 747-764 AM 2496 HUMMEL, H.H. (RF), PHILLIPS, K.E. (RF) AND RAGO. A.L. (AM) CALCULATIONS OF SODIUM VOID REACTIVITY EFF6CT FOR LARGE FAST OXIDE REACTORS IN SPHERICAL AND SLAB GEOMETRY PROC. CONF. ON BREEDING, ECONOMICS AND SAFETY IN LARGE FAST POWER REACTORS. ARfllONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY. OCTOBER 7-10. 1963. ANL-6792 (DECEMBER 1963). PP. 65-74 AM 2497 RIBARIC, MARJAN (AM) ON THE ASYMPTOTIC AND AVERAGE BEHAVIOR OF THE UNSTEADY REFLECTION PROPERTIES OF A COMPOUND BBDY IN AN INFINITE TIME INTERVAL ARCH. RATIONAL MECH. ANAL. 15(1), 54-68 (1964) AM 2596 VANRYZIN, J.R. (AM) ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS TO COMPOUND DECISION PROBLEMS ANL-6820 (FEBRUARY 1964) AM 2691 RAGO, A.L. (AM) AND HUMMEL, H.H. (RF) ELMOE. AN IBM-704 PROGRAM TREATING ELASTIC SCATTERING RESONANCES IN FAST REACTORS ANL-6805 (JANUARY 1964) AM 2692 SCHOFBERLE, D.F. (RF), HEESTAND. J.M, (AM) AND MILLER. L.B. (RF) A METHOD OF CALCULATING TRANSIENT TEMPERATURES IN A MULTIREGION. AXISYMMETRIC, CYLINDRICAL CONFIGURATION. THE ARGUS PROGRAM, 1089/RE248, WRITTEN IN FORTRAN-II ANL-6654 (NOVEMBER 1963) AM 2788 CODY, W.J. (AM), LAWSON. JOAN, MASSEV. HARR|E AND SMITH. KENNETH (AM) ELASTIC SCATTERING OF SLOW POSITRONS BY HYDROGEN ATOMS PROC. ROY. SOC. 278A(1375). 479-489 (APRIL 21. 1964) AM 2789 GOPINATH, D.V. (II). DICKERMAN, CE. (RD AND BRYANT. L.T. (AM) CALCULATIONS ON COHERENCE OF FAILURE IN HYPOTHETICAL MELTDOWN ACCIDENTS IN AN EBR-II LIKE REACTOR TRANS. AM. NUCL. SOC. 7<1), 138 (JUNE 1964) AM 2790 JANICKE. M.J. (RE) AND JUST. L.C. (AM) A SIMULATION OF A GENERALIZED THERMAL RADIATING FIN SIMULATION 2(6). 19-22 (JUNE 1964) AM 2791 SALTER. F.O. (AM) A TERNARY MEMORY ELEMENT USING A TUNNEL DIODE IEEE TRANS. EC-13(2), 195 (APRIL 1964) LETTER 2 (BM) eiOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH BM 1785 FLYNN, R.J. (8M) THF DIAGNOSIS OF SOME FORMS OF ECTOPARASITISM OF MICE LAB. ANIMAL CARE 13(2), 111-125 (APRIL 1963) BM 1786 FLYNN, R.J. (BM) THF DIAGNOSIS AND CONTROL OF ECTROMELIA INFECTION OF MICE LAB. ANIMAL CARE 13(2), 130-136 (APRIL SUPPL. 1963) BM 1787 FLYNN, R.J. (BM) THE DIAGNOSIS OF PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA INFECTION OF MICE LAB. ANIMAL CARE 13(2), 126-129 (APRIL SUPPL. 1963) BM 1788 JAROSLOW, B.N. (BM). BAFFES. T.G. (BM) AND KETOLA, F.H. (BM) ATTEMPTS TO ESTABLISH IMMUNE TOLERANCE BY MASSIVE ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION TRANS. AM. SOC. ARTIFICIAL INTERNAL ORGANS 9, 135-138 (1963) BM 1789 KASPAR, L.V. (BM) AND LOMBARD, L.S. (BM) NUTRITIONAL MYODEGENERATION IN A LITTER OF BEAGLES J. AM. VET. MED. ASSOC. 143, 284-288 (AUGUST 1, 1963) BM 1790 BASERGA, RFNATO AND KISIELESKI. W.E- (BM) AUTOBIOGRAPHIES OF CELLS SCI. AM. 209(2), 103-110 (AUGUST 1963) BM 1836 DANIELS, E.W. (8M) AND BROWN, E.P. (BM) COMPLEX PATTERNS IN THE MITOCHONDRIA OF A RADIOSENSITIVE GIANT AMOEBA J.
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