Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations 34891
Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations 34891 Dates and name of news- State and county Location paper where notice was Chief executive officer of Effective date of Community published community modification No. Winnebago ........... Village of Machesney May 10, 1995, May 17, Mr. Steve Kuhn, President May 1, 1995 ........... 171009 A Park. 1995, The Park Journal. of the Village of Machesney Park, 300 Machesney Road, Machesney Park, Illinois 61111. Will County ........... Village of Romeoville ... Mar. 27, 1995, Apr. 3, Ms. Sandra Gulden, Presi- June 19, 1995 ........ 170711 B 1995, Joliet Herald dent of the Village of News. Romeoville, 13 Montrose Drive, Romeoville, Illi- nois 60441. Will County ........... Unincorporated Areas . Mar. 27, 1995, Apr. 3, Mr. Charles Adelman, Will June 19, 1995 ........ 170695 B 1995, Joliet Herald County Executive, 302 News. North Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois 60431. New Jersey: Monmouth Township of Aberdeen Apr. 24, 1995, May 1, Mr. James M. Cox, Aber- Apr. 17, 1995 ......... 340312 A 1995, Asbury Park deen Township Man- & B Press. ager, 1 Aberdeen Drive, Aberdeen, New Jersey 07707. New York: Erie County .......... Town of Cheektowaga Mar. 16, 1995, Mar. 23, Mr. Dennis H. Gabryszak, Mar. 14, 1995 ......... 360231 E 1995, Cheektowaga Supervisor for the Town Times. of Cheektowaga, 3301 Broadway Street, Cheektowaga, New York 14227±1088. Monroe ................. Town of Greece ........... Apr. 17, 1995, May 4, Mr. Roger Boily, Super- Apr. 21, 1995 ......... 360417 E 1995, The Greece Post. visor of the Town of Greece, 2505 West Ridge Road, Rochester, New York 14626. North Carolina: Dare County ......... Unincorporated Areas . Mar.
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