Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods: 1980–1989
A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods: 1980{1989 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail:,, (Internet) WWW URL: 13 October 2017 Version 1.02 Title word cross-reference (0 ≤ m<k) [PP87]. (l + 1) [Shi82c]. (M;S) [ER80]. (N − 1) [GHO86]. (n − l) [BM81b]. (Σ + Π) [SN89a]. 1 [HY86, SD83, SD84a, Wil88b]. 2 [Kul85, SD83]. 26 [Gup88a]. 2M [Shi82c, GC84, KM84c]. 2n [EHA84, Kuw89]. 2n−p [MCN81]. 2l + 1 [Kuw89, Shi82c]. 2 × 2 [Bur81, Hab89, Mar89a, SG84c, TO85]. 2 × 3 [GR81]. 2 × j [Wal87]. 3 [BV89]. m 2 3:1 [Gup88a]. 3 [Kuw83]. 3 × 3[BV89]. [ER83]. 1 [RMW86]. K [Gup82]. p [Nyq83]. r [KK81]. A [SS87b]. α [AR83, Pil85]. AR(1) [And88, And89a, DD85b, Mag89, Rus88]. AR(2) [SM87]. ARMA(P; Q) 2 [Hie85]. C [Gup88d, Arb85, HB86]. Cp [SCT83]. cX¯ + d [Roi87]. χ + −1 [BDF 84]. D [MH85, SS87b, Czi88, PG83]. D [KSR88]. do [RS80]. ∆ [Bof84]. F [BDF+84, Dey89, HF80, Joh86b, Lam86, Lec85, Mos87, MSW89, PL83, SD84b, SB82a, YM85, ZG80, MT85, SFR84]. F fN1g = 1 [McC82]. G [Rao81b, SD83, JB84]. Γ [HT83b]. h [JB84]. i × j [Mic85]. i × j × 2[Chu83]. 1 2 i × j × k [SS86d]. K [PK85a, AR83, AH86a, BCDE85, BG83, CS87a, HK87, KP81, LC85, PP87, PTA89, SJ87a, Shi80, Som85, Som89a, SM82b, Won82].
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