Nericell: Rich Monitoring of Road and Traffic Conditions using Mobile Smartphones Prashanth Mohan Venkata N. Ramachandran Ramjee
[email protected] Padmanabhan
[email protected] [email protected] Microsoft Research India, Bangalore ABSTRACT Keywords We consider the problem of monitoring road and traffic con- Sensing, Roads, Traffic, Mobile Phones ditions in a city. Prior work in this area has required the deployment of dedicated sensors on vehicles and/or on the roadside, or the tracking of mobile phones by service providers. 1. INTRODUCTION Furthermore, prior work has largely focused on the devel- Roads and vehicular traffic are a key part of the day-to- oped world, with its relatively simple traffic flow patterns. day lives of people. Therefore, monitoring their conditions In fact, traffic flow in cities of the developing regions, which has received a significant amount of attention. Prior work comprise much of the world, tends to be much more com- in this area has primarily focused on the developed world, plex owing to varied road conditions (e.g., potholed roads), where good roads and orderly traffic mean that the traffic chaotic traffic (e.g., a lot of braking and honking), and a conditions on a stretch of road can largely be characterized heterogeneous mix of vehicles (2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, cars, by the volume and speed of traffic flowing through it. To buses, etc.). monitor this information, intelligent transportation systems To monitor road and traffic conditions in such a setting, (ITS) [9] have been developed. Many of these involve deploy- we present Nericell, a system that performs rich sensing by ing dedicated sensors in vehicles (e.g., GPS-based tracking piggybacking on smartphones that users carry with them units [12]) and/or on roads (inductive loop vehicle detec- in normal course.