Institute of Fine Arts • ANNUAL 2013 - 2014 THE INStitUTE IS DEDICATED TO GRADUATE TEACHING AND ADVANCED RESEARCH IN THE HISTORY OF ART, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND THE CONSERVAtiON AND TECHNOLOGY OF WORKS OF ART. Table of Contents 2 | Introduction 9 | Faculty and Fields of Study 15 | Special Appointments 19 | Faculty Research 27 | Spotlight on Students and Alumni 34 | Contemporary Art at the Institute 37 | Digital Media Initiatives 38 | Mellon Research Initiative 41 | Excavations 43 | Public Programming 50 | Study at the IFA 53 | 2013-2014 Ph.D. and M.A. Graduates 56 | Course Offerings 2013-2014 60 | Course Offerings 2014-2015 66 | Support the IFA Art History and Archaeology The James B. Duke House 1 East 78th Street, New York, NY 10075 Tel: (212) 992 5800 Fax: (212) 992 5807
[email protected] The Conservation Center The Stephen Chan House 14 East 78th Street, New York, NY 10075 Tel: (212) 992 5847 Inside cover: Conservation student Rebecca Gridley Fax: (212) 992 5851 in Technology and Structure of Works of Art I: Organic Materials
[email protected] Welcome from the Director Welcome to the 2013-2014 edition of the Robert Maxwell to our faculty as Associate Institute of Fine Arts Annual. The Annual gives Professor in Western Medieval Art and a new us the opportunity both to review the past Associate faculty member in East Asian Art. academic year and, with the course listings, We will also welcome Stephen Lash as the to preview the coming year. As you look back new chair of the Institute’s Board of Trustees, over the activities of the past year you will be with unbounded gratitude to Judy Steinhardt struck by the many ways that the Institute is for her magnificent leadership of the Board looking forward.