"Let Results Prove the Merit of Herald Classifieds

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"Let Results Prove the Merit of Herald Classifieds HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR RENT—After May 25th, for three summer months at summer YORK HARBOR FOR SALE OR TRADE—10 acres of ATLANTIC BATTLE FLEET IN NEW FIRST class barber, union man, rate: nice, coo! Radio interested Q R. Slbson. La Pena. apartment, suitable ........ — Features with good habits, neat appearing, *___■ "“"N. Today’s Can make good terms on tnis piece of for a couple only. Phone 26 or MAY 14 good steady for man. WEDNESDAY, Job right interested O. R. Sabson. La Ferta. 866-W.Cl 04 Hotel [Bv Tht Associated PressJ Reese-Wll-Mond Barber mas P. M. unless Shop. C97 NEBRASKA apartment*, Programs In Central Standard time. otherwise indicated. Harlingen. Frigidaire. Furnished end untumlah- •d Phone 454.3—WEAF New York—680 (NBC Chain) WANTED-Cook. Must speak INVESTIGATE cotta*es. lUj CIS WOC WEBC WJAX English. 114 5;#0—Back 0f The New*—Also KSD WFJC WWJ WSMB Apply Washington. TIRED of KOA > giving your landlord that KECA WJDX KGO ___ _____ C101 WIBO KSD WOC WOW WDAF _ big portion of your check 5:48 The Players—Also WGY WV\ J_WSAI pay each 6-00—Fast of Cairo—Also KSD WOC WDAF WJDX month? Why not pay rent to your- WSAI KSD WOC WOW WTAM KOA KYOO SUMMIT 6- Orchu-Also WWJ PLACE SlpMlkret self? Buy a house, or a lot and WFAA KPRC WOAI WKY KSL WGY WON WEBC WTMJ WDAF then build. Look over 7- 00—Old Counselor—Also WGY WWJ WSAI KSD WOC WOW' KSTP WJAX the “House* WHAS wSc WSB WSMB KVOO KPRC WOAI KOA KGO KOMO KHQ THEN INVEST for Sale'* and the “Lota for Salt” S Linotype Operator today. and Artlsts-Also WGY WTAM 7 ofv'7 Paul5 OtHAL'orchestra In BrowrarllleT new business and WWJ WSAI WUlfKRDVBC WOW WDAF WSMB KS ;P WTMJ WHAS WOAI WFAA KOA KSL KGO residential sub-dlvlsion. located 3-ROOM APARTMENT, hot wa- WSM WMC WIT l^KPRC Wanted on 13th and 14th street*. one ter. newly painted. Telephone • ■ in KYW KSD KSTP WEBC WJAX or 1163-W. '■ Tom otchers—Mao Month more stretch to mile from Oneway on csa WWDWM \Y IT KTHS KPRC WOAI KOA KSL Bridge, WTAM WDAF WOW fill while the main VC.O KECA fr vacancy regular thoroughfare leading MAYDAY Apartment*. furelahad; S*nH> WEBC WTAM WOC WSMB • BD-Mystetr Ho(J_ rj)AF to the proposed ship son*, sa*, aaraaa modern: conveni- 10:00-0’Hara Orch.-WEAF is on vacation. Apply to channel, *;5^Leo Rei.man .W ^AjM> municipal airport, rich farming ently located 121 Washington. phon* (CBS Chain) foreman Brownsville Her- S48^UTA0?N district of El Jar din. and Boca WCCO KFH W'BCM WMT WBRC 8:00—Col PoweU-Also^UXJiaBWBC, ald at once. Chlca Beach. Easy terms. Ten WFTW WDOD KLRA KLZ KDYL KFPY EL AOUILA Apartments, 2 and 2 WADC KOIL KMBC WCCO KFH WBCM WMT WBRC per cent down, balance 5 to StlS-Ensembls-Jlso years rooms, hot water and gas. $25.00 pay. Jesse 427, WGHP WMAQ KMBC KMOX WISN Dennett, phone and $30.00 per month. Phone 896-lt 8.48-ShS^SpVecSl—aS^WHK^iSkC MAN WANTED — To represent WDSU KRLD KLZ KDYL KHJ KFRC KOIN KFPY KTRH KOL Brownsville, Texaa C47 WCCO Here Is an $-00—Russian Village—Also WADC WGHP WFBM WMAQ KOIL KMBC Frigidaire. opportunity W1SN WGL WBCM WSPD WMT W’BRC WFIW WDOD KLRA KLZ for an experienced salesman. First, HOUSES WADC WHK WKRC WGHP WFBM FOR SALE—40 seres 8:J0—Trawlers, Tales of the Sea-Also man we select will represent Frigid- choice citrus WGL WSPD W'MAQ KMOX ___ land, in brush; 2 miles north La Vocal—Also WADC WHK WKRC WGHP WOWO WMAQ aire, the most popular electric ic- HAVE you anything in your home 7*8—Orchestra and Ferla. Updegraff, La Ferla. Tex. KMOX KOILKMBC WCCO WSPD W'GST WDSU KRLD frigerator In the world. Second, he you do not need or use? Perhaps WaDC W'HK WKRC WGHP . > 7*0-SmokVrs Freddie Rich's Orch.-Also will be given a thorough course of Wr C10Q someone else can use It. Advertise WOWO 'WMAQ KMOX KOIL KMBC WISN WCCO WREC W?PD training that will help him to do a It In the Herald Want Ads. 8*0—Symphony Orchestra—Also WADC MKRC WGHP WOWO WMAQ FOR SALE—To settle an estate: WISN WwCO WSPD better Job and make more money. KMOX KOIL KMBC 175 acres fronting on 14th street, Makers—Also WADC WFBM KMOX KMBC WISN WGL Third, he will have an unusu?l FOR RENT—or sale: Furnished or 8:00—Merry WBRC W^GHPWFIW WDOD WLAC KLRA KLZ KDYL pavement, with railroad at WBCM WSPD W'MT chance for advancement. See Mr. trackage unfurnished 5-room house at 10$ 10:80—Spechl's Orch.: Midnight Melodies-Also WADC WGHP KOIL KMBC back and good dirt road down one WBCM W'SPD WGST WBRC WFIW' W'DOD KLRA R. B. Morgan. 9 to 6. Frigidaire Levee. Phone 414 or 1150-J. WISN WCCO KFH other side. Only $4000.00. 8. C. KLZ KDYL KFPY (KMOX last 30m.) dealer, 203 Commerce, Harlingen. Graham and Co„ phone 179, 394.5—WJZ New York—760 (NBC Chain) C78 ONE also unfurnish- Brownsville. C103 FURNCZD, 8:80—Lopes Orch.—Al|o KSTP KOA KGO WREN; 6*5—The Goldbenrt— ed houses. Belvedere Addition. In- SERVICES-OFFERED FOR SALE—Or quire W. W. Stevens on Resaea. Associated Pr»ss Photo 8:00—Kotpsn’s Orch -Also KYW KWK WREN KSTP WEBC KFAB WJR exchange for Val- KDKA KWK WREN KYW KFAB W’LW CP0 8:30—Foresters'^Male Quartet-Also orchard owners: ley land twenty-three foot mahog- and _ of seven nine cruisers, ships, mine sweepers, W KW K W REN FARMERS The Atlantic battle fleet, composed battleships, supply 7:08—Old Masters—Also KDKA JR WLS any sea sled with maneuvers WREN Increase your yields through deep powered hundred floating machine shops and a swarm of destroyers, swept into New York harbor after winter 7:1^—Reflections—Also WLS KWK 5-ROOM house for Review—MJZ and Stations fifty horse power Hall Scott en- rent, earner in are at anehor In the Hudson river. Inset shows Acting Mayor 7:30—Times Square Studio tillage, subsoiling, chiseling, plow- the Caribbean. Some of ships shown KFAB WREN; 9:38—Ensemble—WJZ Self W. 12th and St. Charles. $25.00. |h» n«»t 9:00— Phil Spitalny’s Music—Also etc. Let me break that hard gine. starter, perfect running Joseph V. MrK*; •» ■'ndlne the rltv’* *n art— *V A **r»ft, of KYW KWK W'REN WTMJ KSTP ing, Phone 722. 9:38—Amos ’n' Andy-Only to WMAQ moisture. order, speed about WKY WBAP KPRC WOAIKOA KSLW DAF KGOW JDX pan and preserve your thirty eigh' WEBC miles per hour. Pulitzer KOMO KGW KHQ WHAS WSM WMC WSB WSMB WLW KTHS WJR Box 172, Olmito, Texas. C46 Price $3,000.00.” J. Winner E. FURNISHED ROOMS «:48—Floyd Gibbons—WENR KWK WREN KFAB WTMJ WEBC WHAS WSM Lester. P. O. Box 531, Houston, WAPI WOAI KOA KSL WJDX KTHS * CHOSEN FOR WMC WSB WSMB WBAP KPRC BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 7>xas. C87 SUPREME COURT BEDROOM In private family, $$.50 —— WJR WT.W WIBO KWK WREN S ..... -i — -*! 10 >00—Tor on Danes* for sale. FOR week. 904 Adams. C75 to^ Or?h0-Als^TIKDKA BROWNSVILLE barber shop SALE—5 acres to 10,00 acres per Reasonable, easy terms. Phone 898. STATIONS virgin citrus land in the brush. No CENTRAL CLEAR CHANNEL C13 FOR RENT—Cool rooms and apart- finer in the Valley. $25.00 per acre 7:00—R. F. D.; Salon Group and ment*. 700 Washington. Phone »3.9— KYW Chicago—1020 CONTRACTOR on hand-made in- up. Buy direct from owner. 8:00—Band: Revue; Night Club J. 1143-R. B1J7 5 ;0fr—Orchestra: Feature 0:80—WJZ (15m ); Brook* A Ross fants’ wear to turn out Van Ramshorst, 401 8. 12th, Mc- hrs.) equipped 6:00—WJZ & WEAF (1% Vox Humana Allen. WEAi in:00—WJZ (30m.); of merchandise. Box 842. C50 FURNISHED ROOM In private 8:30—Feat.; Orchestras; 11:00—Orchestra: Variety quantity WJZ 100 W. 42nd N. Y. C89 442 Lev**, phone STS. 9:00—News; State St.; t-: oo—Hilly A BUlv: Orch. Equity, St.. 9:45—Dance Music (3% hrs.) berla nd 12:30—Slu m 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment 344.fr—WENR Chicago—37C 299.8—WOC Davenport—1000 Newspaper For Sale Best Hotel Location R:00—Ensemble; Organ Concert with garage and private bath. Sum- 5 30—Same as WEAF (♦ hrs.) seat bar- 7:30—WENR Flayeis Books Best county newspaper mer rates. 443 St Charles. C102 * 9:30— Requests: Scores: In Brownsville 8:00—Minstrel; Comedy Sketch 10:30—Ensemble; Barnstormers (l^h.) gain In Southwest Texas. In the 9:15—Easy Chair Music 398.8— WJB Detroit—760 heart of the producing oil 9:45—Same as WJZ biggest Close to business section and RENTALS field in the Gulf Coast territory. 10:00— Air Vaudeville (2 hrs ) 6 00—WJZ <30m.): Mannequins a gooc buy. 216 feet on Adams Feature 416.4—WON Chicago—720 6:15—Entertainers: For quick sale, cash, CASH. $3- street and 120 FOR RENT OR LEASE—Modern Mar* Gras; Bones feet to alley. 7:15—Mardi 835 00. This is the actual invpice on Elizabeth street. Fixtures can be 5:00—Quin; Nlghthawks; Boys 8.00— Same as WJZ (1 hr.> Terms can be arranged on this Orchestra bought et a bargain.
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