Priddy Parish Council Minutes of the Annual Parish
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DRAFT MINUTES subject to acceptance at the next meeting PRIDDY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 1st MAY 2013 VENUE AND TIME OF THE MEETING: PRIDDY VILLAGE HALL @ 8pm Present: Cllrs Alan Hutfield (Chair), Rachel Thompson, Kate Greet, Richard White, Chris Dyke, Lilly Neal; also in attendance Tom Killen and Alan Butcher (Clerk) 1 Apologies for absence. Sharon Sparkes, Harvey Siggs. 2 Election of Chairman. Alan Hutfield was proposed and seconded and elected unanimously. He signed the Declaration of Office and took the chair. 3 Election of Vice Chairman Rachel Thompson was proposed and seconded and elected unanimously. 4 Public Forum: The Chairman adjourned the meeting for a maximum of 15 minutes to allow public participation. Eight members of the public were present. Nick Furze (in attendance) raised his concerns about the continuing damage to verges along Pelting Drove by large tractors. In response, it was noted that the matter was in the hands of Somerset Highways. It was also noted that the triangle at the junction opposite Pincross was to be soiled and seeded. 5 Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations. 6 Resolutions relating to the conduct of the Meeting. None 7 Acceptance of the Minutes of previous meetings: Minutes of the meeting held on 10th April 2013 were agreed and signed as a true record. 8 Matters Arising from the Minutes of the previous meetings: a: Fly tipping. Nothing to report. b: Adoption of roads to Top Green. The kerbing had been completed; Rachel to contact Highways to arrange for an inspection as part of the adoption process. RMT Priddy Parish Council – Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 1st May 2013 - Page 1 of 4 DRAFT MINUTES subject to acceptance at the next meeting It was agreed to obtain a quote from Martin Edwards to move and spread topsoil behind the new kerbs. AH 9 Appointment of Proper Officer: Alan Butcher was appointed 10 Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer Alan Butcher was appointed 11 Appointment of Newsletter Editor Kate Greet continued with the role. 12 Appointment of Parish Council Committees: a: PARC Committee: Four Parish Councillors to be appointed. The existing members were re-appointed: Rachel, Kate, Alan and Richard. b: Sheep Fair Committee: Members proposed by Sheep Fair Committee for 2012 Fair to be appointed. The committee members listed in the Sheep Fair Committee minutes of 13th February 2013 were formally appointed. The Parish Council representative to be Sharon Sparkes. 13 Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies: a: Village Hall Committee – Chris Dyke was appointed b: Plummers Trust – It was noted that there was no formal representation of the Parish Council on the Plummers Trust. c: Sheep Fair Revenues Advisory Committee – Richard White, Rachel Thompson and Kate Greet were appointed. 14 Police Report. None received. 15 Council Reports: a: Mendip District Council: Tom Killen reported that there was the possibility of support from Mendip DC for the replacement of the hurdle stack. 16 Parish Council Matters: a: Village Green Registration: i) Confirmation of agreed rights of access: The master plan had been annotated and it was agreed that this should be copied and sent to each adjoining owner with access across the green. Clerk Priddy Parish Council – Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 1st May 2013 - Page 2 of 4 DRAFT MINUTES subject to acceptance at the next meeting b: Community Asset register in respect of New Inn: Tom Killen had advised on some additional comparison information to be included in the application. The application to be updated before submission. Discussion on applications for other village assets to be included on the agenda for a RMT/KG meeting later in the year. c: Mendip District Council Community & Legacy Fund: A bid for a community mini-bus had been submitted. It was noted that other funding could be available from the schools which could reduce the overall cost. The applications would be considered on KG 4th June 2013. d) Conservation Area Status for Priddy: Awaiting a response from Mendip DC. 17 Committee Business: a: PARC Committee: No business. 18 Planning: Applications will be available for inspection for fifteen minutes before the meeting commences. Application 2013/0698 – Conversion of former hunt kennel into use as a holiday cottage or an office. Former Hunt Kennels, Priddy BA5 3DB for Mr R M Penny, The Grange, Back Lane, Litton, Bath. This was approved unanimously. Grant of permission: Application 2013/0014. Two storey extension at Lambs Bottome Cottage, East Harptree for Mr Kevin Price. Permitted Development Notice: Storage Building, Ubley Hill Farm, Ubley Drove, Blagdon for Joanna Creed. Confirmation of the grant of permission for Land Adjoining Baytree Cottage had been received. 19 Financial: a: Clerks salary and expenses for April: £216.82. This was agreed and a cheque raised. b: Invoice for kerbing from Tom Owen: This had been received today in the agreed sum of £1900.00 which was agreed and a cheque raised. Priddy Parish Council – Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 1st May 2013 - Page 3 of 4 DRAFT MINUTES subject to acceptance at the next meeting 20 Correspondence: all email correspondence received has been circulated to councillors, any further correspondence will be available at the meeting 21 Matters of Report: The hurdle stack had been destroyed by fire on 28th April 2013. The stack was insured and a claim had been registered for the stack, one bench and sign. The Jubilee bench had not been included in the insurance policy having been placed in August 2012 after the renewal date. Clerk to confirm with insurers that the site can be cleared and the new hurdles ordered. Clerk 22 Date and Time of Next Meeting: The next scheduled meeting is on the 5th June 2013. There will be an extraordinary meeting on 22nd May 2013. The meeting closed at 9pm. Alan Butcher, Parish Clerk. 16th May 2013 01749 870358; [email protected]. Priddy Parish Council – Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 1st May 2013 - Page 4 of 4 .