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Introductory Letter
y From MURJ Editors 3
Science News In Review
A look at the latest Science News. 4-7 Technolog f Features Journal o h e
150 MIT Innovations in the Past 150 Years
Nobel Spotlight: Professor Richard Schrock, MIT Chemistry Department Researc Institut e s 33-34
Who is sustainable? Nicole Bucala
An analysis of the apparent achieve- ments of social democracies and welfare states to promote sustainable behavior and foster greater usage of renewable Undergraduat Massachusett MURJ energy technologies. 43-52 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Contents Letters MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
UROP Summaries MURJ Staff Massachusetts Institute of MIT Energy Club Massachusetts MIT Undergraduate Technology MIT Undergraduate Institute of Research Journal Research Journal Technology UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH JOURNAL Volume 21, Spring 2011 Layer-by-Layer (LbL) Assembly on Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels Editors-In-Chief Margaret Lloyd May 2011 May 2011 Omar Abudayyeh Ana Lyons Dear MIT Community, Dear MIT Community, Evelyn Wang We are proud to present Issue 21 of the MIT Undergraduate On May 2nd of this year the price of a barrel of oil Layout Chief Research Journal (MURJ), a biannual publication that showcases dropped by $1.51 due to a random exogenous event – the Ivana Lucero the groundbreaking undergraduate research being done across death of Osama bin Laden. According to the Wall Street campus, across disciplines. As always, the breadth of questions Journal this price adjustment reflected the new confidence Senior Editors and hypotheses being examined by students is unparalleled; that markets had in ‘greater stability in the Middle East Naren Tallapragada 36-37 in this issue, we learn about the future of sustainable energy and Central Asia’ due to the event. This interpretation can Akansh Murthy as accessed by different social states, microgel-mediated nucle- be easily critiqued just as an oil trader’s ability to quantify Features Editors ation, and novel labeling techniques in the brain. These pieces, security improvements can. Another, more insightful, Fangfei Shen Enhancing the Nucleation of Aspirin Using Polymer as well as others in the issue and online at, are interpretation of this event can be summed up as follows: Sarine Shahmirian Microgels of Designed Chemistry the newest ideas and technologies to join MIT’s long history of The energy sector is a huge highly interconnected system News Editor Zeina Ali Siams creation and innovation. of markets, technology, and massive infrastructure, there- Cecillia Wang This spring is especially exciting for our community, as fore singular events matter. MIT celebrates its sesquicentennial. In our features section, we Here at MIT we are primarily concerned with the pur- Copy Editors highlight some of the most interesting research and inventions suit of disruptive endogenous events - the development Elizabeth Bearrick Ivana Lucero produced in the past 150 years by MIT professors and students – of new energy technologies, systems and management Tiffany Peng with some surprising finds – as well as delving into the life and strategies (along with better understanding and deal- Jin Stedge times of the Chemistry department’s most recent Nobel Prize ing with high-impact exogenous events). While the long winner, Dr. Richard Schrock. As we take time to reflect on the term effect of exogenous events may decay, the on-going New Media Editor 38-39 Cynthia Chen achievements made by our peers and professors over the past influence of new technological breakthroughs can con- century and a half, we are confident that the next 150 years will tinue to reverberate in very profound ways. It is through News Staff bring even more triumphs in science, technology, the arts, and technological innovation that the utilization of so-called Esha Atolia Nonparametric Estimation of Gasoline Demand Anna Ho society, and hopeful that MURJ will be reporting these discover- unconventional gas reserves has been opened up in the Scott Landers Anubhav Sinha 39 ies firsthand. past few years; this technological development will have Pratiksha Thaker MURJ is a collaborative effort by an extraordinary team of lasting influence on the natural gas market (and as conse- Research Staff dedicated and hardworking students, and we would like to quence the domestic electricity industry).This typifies the Esha Atolia thank our executive board and department members for their lasting impact of the research enterprise, in which, we at Aditya Kalluri time and effort this semester. We would also like to thank the MIT delight. Vinati Kaul Neuronal Labeling in Ventral Tegmental (VTA) by Viral Joy Lee Gene Delivery through Cre-dependent targeting in vivo UROP department, the Office of Undergraduate Advising and The ethos of the student energy community is to Hayden Metsky Academic Programming, MIT Student Activities Office, and approach energy issues with 'fact-based analysis', and Nicholas Swenson Tiffany Peng 40 the MIT Publishing Service Bureau for their continued support. UROP students exemplify this. We are honored to have Pratiksha Thaker Finally, a special thank you to the authors for sharing their been asked to write an introduction to this bi-annual Features Staff research with us and the larger community. We hope you enjoy collection of UROP students’ innovative work. It would Anna Ho come as no surprise to us if something truly disruptive Pratiksha Thaker the issue! Mobolaji Williams Quantifying Promoter Strength through GFP Expression came out of the work in the pages that follow. in E. coli Sincerely, Contributors John Berman Tim Chang Sincerely, Svetlana Chekmasova 41 Scott Jenkins Jessie Li Josepher Li Christian Perez Omar Abudayyeh Ana Lyons Evelyn Wang Production Advisor Addison Stark Guillaume Fernet Publishing Services Bureau Co-Editor-In-Chief Co-Editor-In-Chief Co-Editor-In-Chief TPP '10, 2 PhD Sloan MBA '11 Printed at Universal Millenium No material appearing in this publication may be reproduced without written permission of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Co-President MIT Co-President MIT 77 Massachusetts Avenue the publisher. The opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the contributors and are Energy Club Energy Club Cambridge, MA 02139 not necessarily shared by the editors. All editorial rights are reserved.
PSB 07-02-0097 3 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Science News in Review Science News in Review MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
Science News In Review Thunderstorms Make Antimatter hen we hear the word “anti- the above air. While Cell Phone Usage May Be Linked to Altered Brain Activity Wmatter”, we often think of most of the gamma rays something foreign and beyond end up colliding with ontrary to popular belief, tion levels in areas of the brain phone radiation frequency is rela- the scope of our regular lives. electrons and accelerat- Ccould using cell phones actu- nearest to where the right phone tively low, many scientists are now However, recent observations ing, some gamma rays ally be good for us? In a recent was positioned. curious if altering brain activity indicate that antimatter is not as transform in an electron study conducted by the National This study raises several ques- through the use of cell phones is distant from us as we believe. and a positron (the anti- Institutes of Health, researchers detrimental or beneficial. Many matter equivalent of the tions regarding the health effects In January of 2011, scientists obtained data that suggest that less medical groups have been propo- electron) when passing of electromagnetic radiation emit- at NASA saw something that had than one hour of cell phone use nents of the safety of cell phones by nuclei. Since the elec- ted from cell phones. While cell never been seen previously: thun- can accelerate brain activity. for quite some time, but numerous tron and the positron’s derstorms producing beams of doctors have supported the idea of source was a gamma ray, In the study, 47 subjects were antimatter above Earth. Using using headsets as a precautionary they are highly energized. each given two cell phones which the Fermi Gamma-ray Space measure. Even though this study were placed next to each ear. In the Telescope, newly-produced Following the Earth’s presents new data, many have said control experiment, both phones gamma rays could be measured magnetic field, the posi- that the link between cell phone were in “off” mode, and no unex- and observed. Gamma rays are tron may collide with a Thunderstorm with lightning striking the Earth. usage and brain activity would Credit: pected brain activity was observed. produced when antimatter collides normal particle at some need to be further investigated in Thunderstorm.jpg In a subsequent experiment, the with normal particles, a process point and become anni- order to assess the impacts of cell cell phone near the right ear was which annihilates both the anti- hilated, as described phone-induced brain stimulation. set on a mute call. Surprisingly, matter and the normal particle. previously. This anni- This discovery will be useful —R. Kumar after 50 minutes, positron emis- It is believed that this occurs dur- hilation can be seen using the in determining the mechanism Source: sion tomography- (PET-) scans Cell phone use has become so prevalent that Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor. behind TGFs and in understand- the possibility of beneficial aspects can have a 22/cellphone-use-tied-to-changes-in-brain- ing terrestrial gamma-ray flashes performed on the subjects indi- major impact on society. activity/?ref=research (TGFs). Alternatively, the positron may ing what specifically it is about cated increased sugar consump- Credit: Kristen Murphy, Associated Press collide with an electron on the To produce antimatter, elec- these thunderstorms that allow Fermi spacecraft and the resultant tric fields present at the top of them to make antimatter. gamma ray would be measured as thunderstorms sweep a flood of —C. Wong well. electrons upwards, which form Source: science-at-nasa/2011/11jan_antimatter/ David Pesetsky Elected to American Association for the Advancement gamma rays upon deflection by of Science
avid Pesetsky, the MIT Ferrari phology (the study of the struc- DP. Ward Professor of Modern tural units of words and language Languages and Linguistics, that hold meaning), syntax (the has been named a Fellow of the study of sentence construction, of Dictyostelium discoideum: The world’s smallest farmers American Association for the which Prof. Pesetsky focuses on Advancement of Science (AAAS), that in Russian and, as a recent an honor bestowed for “meritori- development, in music), and lan- moebas and humans are more together to form a sluglike creature guage acquisition. ous efforts to advance science or its Aalike than you think. A novel nearly half a centimeter in length. applications.” Including Pesetsky, five other study, conducted by Debra Brock, a These creatures can slide to fertile It is no wonder that David MIT professors were selected as David Pesetsky, Ferrari P. Ward Professor graduate student at Rice University pastures where they can attain their Pesetsky was chosen for this AAAS fellows: William Boone of Modern Languages and Linguistics, and in ecology and evolution biology, necessary nutrition. Upon reaching Bonvillian, Director of MIT’s Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow. honor, having made significant Credit: Scott Solomon, suggests that Dictyostelium dis- these fertile areas, the sluglike crea- advances in syntactic theory and Washington, D.C. Office, Edward F. now/2011/01/the-worlds-smallest-farmers.html?ref=hp coideum can act as a harvester. ture creates a stalk with a fruiting forging connections between it, Delong, Morton and Claire Goulder Commonly known as “ Dicty”, these bud. This bud then releases tiny language acquisition, and neuro- Professor of the Department Institute, and Li-Huei Tsai, microscopic amoebas reside inde- spores that each contains a minis- science, as well as making links of Civil and Environmental Picower Professor of Neuroscience pendently as long as they can ingest cule amoeba – to restart the cycle. Dictyostelium discoideum, a microorganism to various other domains of lin- Engineering and Department of and a Howard Hughes Medical found to harvest bacteria. bacteria from surrounding soil. Brock discovered the fruiting guistics. At MIT, Prof. Pesetsky is Biological Engineering, Chris A. Institute Investigator. In total, 503 Credit: Scott Solomon, When this supply of bacteria dimin- buds contained amoeba spores currently working on the relation Kaiser, MacVicar Professor of members of the MIT community now/2011/01/the-worlds-smallest-farmers.html?ref=hp ishes, individual Dicty aggregate when she extracted the content of between language and music and Biology, Terry L. Orr-Weaver, have been awarded this honor. Department of Biology and White —S. Wu his research interests span mor- continued on p. 6
4 5 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Science News in Review Science News in Review MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
"Dictyostelium discoideum" continued from p. 5 Cima, Griffith and Odoni Elected to National Academy of Engineering the fruit body using a pipette, and indicating the bacteria was not an Dicty amoeba simply does not entail spread it on a plate for growing bac- infection. the necessary machinery to execute teria. After two days, she observed Researchers have studied several such methods. he National Academy of developing treatments for bacteria patches had developed on organisms that farm. Examples This study may open doors to TEngineering (NAE) recently cancer, metabolic diseases the plate, suggesting the fruiting include ants and termites that pro- more potential farming micro-bac- announced that three MIT faculty and urological disorders. bud harbored Dicty amoebas. To duce fungus, damselfishes that grow teria. To some it may be surprising members - Michael Cima, Linda ensure that the observed bacterial Linda G. Griffith, the algae, and intertidal snails that cul- to know humans are not the only Griffith, and Medeo Odoni - have MIT School of Engineering substance was not just an infec- tivate fungus. Dicty, however, uti- organisms capable of farming — lit- been selected to join the presti- tion, Brock killed the bacteria with Professor of Teaching lize a much simpler mechanism for tle amoebas can cultivate crops too. gious institution. The announce- Innovation, was honored antibiotics and then transferred it growth. It cannot employ methods —R. Kumar ment was made on Feb. 8. by MIT to a fresh patch of bacteria. The for her contributions to such as tending to its crops, fer- Source: President Emeritus and NAE pres- Michael Cima, Linda Griffith and Amedeo Odoni. antibiotic-treated bacteria was in 3-D functional biomate- tilizing, and killing the pests. The now/2011/01/the-worlds-smallest-farmers. ident Charles M. Vest. This honor rials, engineered hepatic Credit: fact picked up by the fresh bacteria html?ref=hp symbolizes one of the highest pro- tissues and cell transplant demand/delay relationships in air- fessional distinctions accorded to devices. Her research is in the field ports and air traffic controls. an engineer and membership rep- of tissue engineering with applica- MIT now has 162 members in resents exemplary contributions tions to the development of poly- the NAE, 119 of whom are still to “engineering research, practice meric materials, biomaterials and involved in research on the MIT or education, including , where scaffolds. Possible Universal Marker for Pinpointing Cancerous Cells appropriate, significant contribu- Campus. Other MIT alumni were tions to the engineering literature.” Amedeo R. Odoni ‘65, SM ’67, also named to the NAE, includ- PhD '69, the T. Wilson Professor of ing Stuart L. Cooper '63; Daniel Michael J. Cima, the Sumitomo e often think that methods a 40-fold greater manifestation is satellite repeats as markers can be Aeronautics and Astronautics and M. Hancock SM '73; Chris T. Electric Industries Professor of developed for detecting astoundingly high, this difference useful in improving current biopsy professor of civil and environmen- Hendrickson PhD '78; Cato T. W Engineering in the Department of cancer in mice would have to be between tumor and normal cells interpretation procedures. tal engineering, was acknowledged Laurencin PhD '87; Donald Liu Materials Science and Engineering, modified in some form to be used was not discovered earlier since —C. Wong for his contributions and global SB/SM ‘66; Ralph D. Masiello ‘68, was recognized for his innova- accurately in humans. However, satellite repeats do not code for Source: leadership in air traffic control SM ‘69, EE ‘70, PhD ‘73; Donald tions in rapid prototyping, high- researchers at Massachusetts protein and were thus considered now/2011/ 01/a-universal-marker-for-tumor-cel. and airport systems. His research A. Norman ‘57; John A. Rogers html?ref=hp temperature superconductors and General Hospital (MGH) have to be unimportant, thereby pass- is aimed at models and tools for SM ’92, PhD '95; and Thomas J. biomedical device technology. uncovered a genetic product made ing below the radar of traditional exploring demand/capacity and Richardson, PhD ‘90. His research focuses on materials by tumor cells that can be used DNA microarrays. —S. Wu and engineered systems aimed at to distinguish them from normal This discovery is sur- cells. prising and significant, David Ting, a postdoctoral as it can help elucidate researcher in Daniel Haber’s lab at the mechanism behind MGH, and colleagues found a type cancer development. of RNA transcript that was pres- The Haber group discov- ent extensively in both mice and ered a link between high human tumor cells. Investigating RNA levels and particu- these transcripts further, the scien- lar embryonic develop- tists found that the transcripts were ment genes, which may coded by DNA satellite repeats, also signify that cancer short repeated fragments of DNA. uses normal functions Compared to normal cells, many to develop and spread. types of tumor cells contained up What is yet to be deter- to 40 times more satellite repeats. mined is whether the While most of the tests were per- high RNA levels are formed on pancreatic cancer cells, indicative of cancer or the few samples of prostate, lung, whether they are merely kidney, and ovarian cancer cells byproducts of another Tumor cells are caused by mutations in DNA. tested also indicated high levels natural mechanism. Credit: of satellite RNA when compared Regardless, studies on jpg to normal human cells. Although high RNA levels and on
6 7 Features MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011 Features MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
150 MIT Innovations in the Past 150 Years
Long after the sun has set on Lobby 7, the lights of the Infinite stay on. There is no doubt that we are proud of our hard-working culture and the innovations that it has spawned. Part of the beauty of MIT’s sesquicentennial celebration is that it invites us to MURJ pause for a moment and reflect on the sea of discovery that defines our past. We have tackled everything from the tiniest quarks to the inflation of the universe. Our history is one that resonates with “inventional wisdom.” At the same time, our hearts weigh heavily with the weight of global suffering Features and uncertainty. Indeed, a common theme connecting MIT’s 1949 Mid-Century Convocation to the Next Century Convocation held on April 10th, 2011 is that both occurred when the world was going through great strife. During Winston Churchill’s keynote address at the Mid-Century Convocation, the Berlin airlift was underway. He took the opportunity to express his hope that, in the future, science would be used for the betterment of mankind--such as in tackling world hunger. In the same vein, keynote speaker and Archivist of the United States The Honorable David S. Ferriero touched on the importance of science and technology to create a better environment for future generations. His vision was of a world that is sustainable and safe amidst dangers such as oil spills and nuclear weapons. With this in mind, the timeline of MIT’s inventions and innovations shows us how far we have come, and how far we have yet to go to improve the human condition. It galvanizes us to undertake more daunting challenges in hopes of creating more inspired solutions. We can revel in the accomplishments of the past as we work towards triumphs in the future.
8 9 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Features Features MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
15. Disposable- 21. Analog 23. The blade safety 17. Fax 19. Rock & Devices, Inc., Internet razors, Machine, Roll Hall Raymond Archive, 3. First 13. William Shintaro of Fame 9. Lego Stata Brewster Chemical 5. Ethernet, Technicolor, Nickerson, Asano SM '61 Building, I.M. 7. Theory Mindstorms, 11. Artificial '57 Kahle Lab at MIT Robert Metcalf Herbert 1876 Pei '40 of the MIT Media Skin, Ioannis '82 founded, '68 Kalmus, inflationary Lab Yannas SM Francis H. 1903 universe, Prof. '59 16. Plan for 20. Inertial Storer, 1867 18. Spacewar, 24. Modern 1. MIT Alan Guth '68 Canberra, guidance 22. Discovery the first linguistics, founding, 14. Evidence Australia, system, of human 1861 computer Prof. Noam 4. First Physics 8. GPS of quarks, Marion Charles Stark oncogenes, 6. Campbell 12. Hypertext, game, Steve Chomsky Lab at MIT (Global 10. Texas Professors Mahony Draper '26 Prof. Robert 2. Arthur D. Soup, John Prof. Russell '60 founded, Positioning Instruments Henry Kendall Griffin, 1894 Weinberg Little, MIT Dorrance, Vannevar Edward C. System), Ivan Inc., Cecil and Jerome chemist who 1895 Bush PhD Getting '33 Friedman discovered Pickering, Green '23 '16 acetate, 1886 1869
10 11 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Features Features MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
43. Human Genome Initiative, Oct. 1990 41. Project Daedalus, MIT is chosen for a key 1988 role in the Human Genome 39. Controlled drug release, Project Daedalus sets Initiative, whose goal is Prof. Robert Langer, 1976 distance and endurance to map all 23 human Drugs of different sizes can be records for human-powered chromosomes 27. The field encapsulated in and released aircraft in a 33. Biogen 37. from polymers in controlled of Marketing 29. Credit flight over the Aegean Sea 31. Rockman Inc., Prof. 35. Bose Spreadsheets, amounts Science, Prof. card 25. amplifier, Tom Phillip stereo, Daniel John Little holograms, Doppler Scholz '69 Sharp Professor Bricklin '73 Prof. Stephen radar, Amar Bose '51 Bernard Benton '63 40. First free standing hologram, Gordon 38. http://www. Prof. Stephen Benton '63, 1986 42. Airport Survelliance Radar popularmechanics. Deployed, Lincoln Labrotories, '48 In 1985, Benton began generating 28. Car Talk com/technology/ 1989 36. Rockefeller synthetic holograms from 3-D - Tom '58 32. The 34. The gadgets/ 26. Voice 30. RSA Center, digital databases, Provides air traffic control & Ray '72 World Wide "butterfly news/4268172 recognition Public Key Raymond initially creating a 3-D image of (ATC) personnel with a display technology, Magliozzi Cryptography, Web, Senior effect," Prof. Hood free of clutter and a telephone Research Edward a green car floating in front of Ray Kurzweil Professors Ron 1903 the Boston skyline. bandwidth data stream for '70 Rivest, Adi Scientist Tim Lorenz transmitting information to Shamir and Berners-Lee ATC facilities. Len Adleman
12 13 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Features Features MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
52. Copenhagen Wheel, MIT SENSEable Cities Laboratory, 2011 54. Fluid Bed Catalytic Cracking, Warren K. Originally developed in 2009 by the Lewis and Edwin Gilliland, Year 1939 44. Traffic Alert and Collision MIT SENSEable City Laboratory, The fluid-bed design, combined with Avoidance System (TCAS), 50. Joint Program on the now commercially available the innovations made by Standard Oil Lincoln Labrotories, Dec. the Science and Policy of Copenhagen Wheel on display is a researchers, resulted in a refinery design that 1993 Global Change founded, device for sustainable mobility that remains the primary method of high-quality Reduces midair collisions by Year 1991 offers a cost-effective transportation 48. LINEAR gasoline production. The more immediate sensing nearby aircraft and 46. Human Genome, Whitehead Designed to alternative to the automobile. The Asteroid Search, result was the introduction of 100-octane issuing an advisory to the Institute, 1996 unify natural and device transforms existing bicycles into Lincoln Labrotories, aviation fuel that gave a crucial technological pilot. Now mandated on all Establishes the location of more social sciences to study hybrids with regeneration and real- Mar-98 advantage to the United States and its allies large transport aircraft, TCAS than 16,000 human genes; the environmental problems time sensing capabilities. detect and catalogue during World War II. has been in operation for first milestone of the over a decade and has been near-Earth asteroids overall goal of the Human (NEAs) that may credited with preventing several Genome Project catastrophic accidents. threaten Earth. 53. Christening Bottle, S.S. MIT 55. Carlisle Solar 51. World Wide Web Victory, Year 1945 House, National Solar Photovoltaics Laboratory, Consortium (W3C) established During World War II, a series of U.S. MIT Lincoln Laboratory, at MIT, directed by Timothy Navy Victory ship troop transports 47. Bio-Detection Program, 49. MIT-Caltech collaboration, 1970s 45. Advanced Land Imager, Lincoln Berners-Lee, senior research was named after educational Lincoln Labrotories, Jun-05 scientist, Lab for Computer Lincoln commissioned Labrotories, 1995 Nov-96 institutions that had contributed MIT and Caltech join forces Science, Year 1994 to the war effort. MIT’s place on Solar Design Associates to Validates new technologies that (1) early-warning sensor that to develop an easy-to-use, that list was assured through large- design and build a 3,200 could be utilized in future land- can sense small quantities of reliable, affordable and secure scale research and the development square foot energy-efficient, observing satellites airborne biological particles United States voting machine of radar, inertial guidance, passive solar residence and (2) would reduce mass, size, and issue an alarm in less that will prevent a recurrence digital computing, reconnaissance powered by photovoltaics. and power consumption while than one minute, and a of the problems that plagued photography, and smaller-scale The Carlisle Solar House improving instrument bioelectronic sensor that the 2000 presidential election contributions to hundreds of other was the first inhabited sensitivity and image resolution. can potentially identify a projects. energy-independent house biological agent from a single ever built. sensed particle.
14 15 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Features Features MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
62. The Tech, MIT, Year 1881 As befits the oldest newspaper at MIT, The Tech also was the 60. Project SAGE, MIT Lincoln Lab, Year 1950 first newspaper to publish online. A massive scanning and OCR project has made nearly the entire archives from 1881 The U.S. Air Force collaborated on early tests with to the present searchable online. Many alumni, including radar over Cape Cod, and eventually expanded MIT President James R. Killian, Jr., and Arthur D. Little, the project to MIT’s new research and development began their careers of leadership as editors of The Tech. center at Lincoln Laboratory. SAGE was part of Financially independent from MIT, The Tech is supported a continental warning defense system. Reports by advertising and donations. It reports on news of campus, from remote radar stations came in over telephone local, and international interest, giving a unique perspective lines, were processed by computer, and displayed 56. MIT Nuclear Research Reactor, on current events. The Tech archives form the most 58. Cavity Magnetron, MIT Radiation Lab, Year 1940 flight-tracking information on CRT screens like MITR II, MIT Laboratory for Nuclear comprehensive documentation of MIT student life for the September 1940 resulted in the creation of the MIT the experimental prototype displayed here. By the Science, Year 1958 past 130 years. Other student publications include newsletters Radiation Laboratory or Rad Lab. In five years, the Rad Lab time the SAGE system was fully operational it had and newspapers, literary journals, humor and satire In 1951, Manson Benedict, a key developed 150 different systems for radar, navigation, early been supplanted by ICBM technology. Nonetheless, magazines, and research journals, as well as a multitude of member of the Manhattan Project, was warning, gun direction, and blind bombing as well as the LORAN the system is considered a major milestone. It got formal and informal electronic publications. hired to become MIT’s first professor navigation system. It grew from 50 to 4,000 employees, employing IBM into the computer business and made major of nuclear engineering. In 1958, MIT about one-fifth of the nation’s physicists, and was second in size contributions to that industry’s development. created a new Department of Nuclear only to the Manhattan Project. The Rad Lab reshaped MIT in Science and Engineering led by fundamental ways after WWII. It also represents the Institute’s Benedict through 1971. single greatest contribution to the nation in response to a crisis during its 150-year history. 61. CityCar Electric Vehicle, MIT Media Lab, Year 63. The world's first electromagnet, Francis 2006 Bitter, Year 1936 59. Mark 14 Gunsight, MIT Instrumentation The Smart Cities Group at the MIT Media Professor Francis Bitter's revolutionary 57. Virus Battery, Angela Belcher, Year 2009 Laboratory Laboratory puts its ideas into action. This is a design of the first electromagnet came to Launched in 2006, the MIT Energy Initiative prototype of the CityCar, a lightweight, intelligent, In the 1940s “Doc’s Shoebox” was the nickname life for the first time in Boston (MITEI) follows the Institute’s grand tradition electric vehicle, that the Group believes will one day for the rectangular black metal prototype of the Edison's Scotia Street substation. During of pulling together its innovative powers to radically reduce the energy consumption and carbon Mark 14 Gunsight developed during WWII. the Second World War, he used tackle society’s toughest problems. Researchers footprints of cities. The key enabling technology Sperry Gyroscope had contracted with Charles his pioneering research towards combat built the lithium-ion battery (the silver-colored is a “robot wheel” that integrates drive, steering, Stark Draper’s Instrumentation Laboratory at advances by demagnetizing Allied disc) on the nanoscale, re-engineering viruses to suspension, and braking inside each wheel. This MIT to help develop the specialized instrument battleships to avoid triggering German self-assemble materials for both its anode and not only simplifies the design of the chassis and that would allow a Navy anti-aircraft gunner to undersea mines with magnetic sensors. cathode. This work points toward commercial body, but also enables extraordinary mobility. The keep up with the new fast-flying airplanes. The batteries with high energy densities that can be CityCar is also capable of folding to minimize its U.S. Navy ordered 85,000 Mark 14 Gunsights, created inexpensively with non-toxic ingredients. urban footprint. A traditional parking space can which have been credited with altering the Not surprisingly, when President Obama visited fit up to three CityCars. Each CityCar can rapidly balance of power in favor of the United States in MIT the following October, he talked more about recharge within 15 minutes at electric charging the Pacific conflict. Draper received the Medal this viral power with Professor Angela Belcher, stations distributed in an urban area. They are most of Merit for his contributions. Most notably, who leads the project. effectively used to form intelligently coordinated, Draper’s wartime project work led directly to his citywide, one-way, shared-use programs, otherwise famous inertial navigation work and the steady known as “mobility-on-demand” systems. expansion of the Instrumentation Laboratory to serve the nation’s defense needs.
16 17 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Features Features MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
72. GNU Manifesto, Richard 70. Google App Inventor, Stallman, 1985 68. Sea Squirt Robot, MIT Sea Grant’s Hal Abelson, Year 2010 The GNU operating system is a 64. Discovery of tRNA 66. Harold Edgerton Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Lab, Hal Abelson is a professor UNIX-like system that consists of structure, Alexander Year 1988 at MIT who, during a free software, and the manifesto 74. First Rich, Year 1973 In the 1950s Edgerton was The Sea Squirt was the first robot built by sabbatical year at Google, behind the project shaped modern Transgenic Professor Alexander a pioneer of strobe imagery, MIT Sea Grant’s Autonomous Underwater invented conceptions of public access to Animal Model Rich produced high- remembered internationally Vehicle Lab; the results of its work have software that allows us to computer software. (Rudolf Jaenisch) resolution x-ray for the brilliant and been used to develop more advanced create our own Google Apps diffraction images transformative photos that underwater UAVs, conduct naval and that he produced. scientific research, and pave the way for determined the precise future oceanic research. 75. Discovery structure of tRNA. 71. HP-35 Calculator, Hewlett- 73. Project Athena of the Packard Company, Year 1972 Abundance The result of a $100 million of MicroRNA 69. Scratch, Mitchel Resnick, William Hewlett was an MIT 67. Van de Graaff Generators, collaboration between MIT, IBM (David Bartel) MIT Media Laboratory, alumni who used his own pocket 65. William Shockley, Year 1956 Robert Van de Graaff, and Digital Equipment Lifelong Kindergarten Group, to set the standard for the first Dr. Shockley won the Nobel Prize in 1931 Corporation to make computers an Year 2007 Allows pocket-sized scientific calculator, Physics in 1956 for his development The largest air-insulated Van integral part of the curriculum. users to combine new and the HP-35. of a solid-state transistor capable of de Graaff generator in the preexisting sounds, graphics, amplifying power. He later directed a world was built by Robert van and program pieces prominent semiconductor lab de Graaff in 1931. The 40-foot in California, which led to the rise machine is still in use today: the of such firms as Intel, National star of daily lightning shows at Semiconductor, and the Boston Museum of Science. Fairchild Semiconductor.
18 19 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Features Features MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
82. H.M.’s Brain, Suzanne Corkin, 1953–Present H.M. suffered 88. Sutherland, 80. Stair-Climbing Wheelchair, Ernesto from epilepsy so part of 84. Lyon, Hilda 86. Shannon, Claude Ivan Edward. 76. Computer Time-Sharing Blanco, 1962 his hippocampus was M. The effect of Elwood. A symbolic Sketchpad, a man- 78. Differential Analyzer, removed; Corkin studied machine graphical Professor Fernando In 1962, Blanco submitted a turbulence on the analysis of relay and Vannevar Bush, 1931 how his memory changed communication Corbató led the pursuit design to National Inventors Council for drag of airship switching circuits This innovation and discovered which system (E.E. 1963 to find our how to allow a stair climbing wheelchair. Although the (Aero 1932 M.S.) (E.E. 1940 M.S.) mechanized calculus and was parts of the brain are Ph.D.) multiple users to work with design never became a reality, Blanco used 24 hours a day during important for long-term a single computer, which continues to share his "inventional today is essential for many World War II to solve problems memory from MIT's Radiation Lab. wisdom" with students today. systems. 1960s 89. Fermino, 83. Fisher, Alvan. 85. Herrera, Rodolfo 87. Gallager, Jessie Little Doe Control of street lights by Eduardo. Amino Robert G. Low (Jessie Little Doe solar radiation (E.E. 1925 acid utilization by density parity Christobal). An check codes. (E.E. 77. TX-0 Computer, MIT 79. Whirlwind Computer 81. Low-Cost Prescription M.S.) aerobacter aerogenes introduction to 1960 Sc.D.) Lincoln Laboratory, 1953–1957 1947–1953 Eyeglass Lens Fabricator, Saul and Escherichia coli Wampanoag Griffith, 2004 The TX-0 was used Whirlwind was (Biol 1938 B.S.) grammar. in diverse applications; it was the first digital computer The fabricator is a (LingPhil 2000 originally developed for testing at MIT and it was the simple lens molder that makes S.M.) transistor circuitry and very first that could operate in prescription lens on the spot. large magnetic core memory real-time. It was designed to benefit but later was used in developing third world countries and won speech and handwriting the Lemelson-MIT Student recognition programs. Prize in 2004
20 21 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Features Features MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
92. Boston Arm Prototypes 95. Karl Taylor Compton Lecture Series Yr 1969 MIT Professor Norbert In addition to the typical class lectures, MIT 97. MIT Science Reporter, MIT and WGBH Boston Wiener broke his hip in 1962, and 94. OpenCourseWare campus organizations sponsor several lecture series 1950s–1960s 90. Strain Gage Denture Tenderometer during his recovery, he speculated that that bring noted speakers to campus. One of the most servomechanisms (systems that control An immediate In its early days, Boston public broadcasting In the 1950s, the MIT Food prestigious, the Compton Lecture Series, named for motion automatically using feedback) global hit, OpenCourseWare was supported by MIT which gave WGBH space rented Technology Department’s food irradiation MIT President Karl Taylor Compton, originally brought could be used to link the brain to an was an idea built on the near the Stratton Student Center. A product of that research was at the cutting edge of the field; one lecturer to campus for a residency of at least a artificial limb. Turning his idea into Institute's core values of collaboration came as MIT Science Reporter, a unique Brody in particular led the way towards week, giving three lectures on a general subject for the reality, the “Boston Arm” was created accessible learning and program in which MIT researchers explained their work objective measurement of food properties entire campus community and several more specialized and was the first artificial limb that academic innovation for in an understandable way to the public. with the Tenderometer such as texture and seminars. used electrical signals from the brain the greater benefit. 2000— tenderness. This helped food manufacturers Present design foods with particular qualities. Invented to control its movement. Invented by Robert Mann in 1966–1973 by Aaron Brody in 1956 96. WMBR 88.1 Radio Station 1946–Present MIT established the oldest college amateur 98. MIT Press 1926–Present radio station in the United States with W1MX in The MIT Press has 93. "Minksy Arm" published 9000 influential works 91. PowerFoot One Prosthetic Foot 1909; it began broadcasting to the campus in 1946. Professor Marvin Minsky Students continued to experiment with the technology predominantly, but not exclusively, While climbing on Mount created a robotic arm that used and made the station the first all-transistorized on science and technology. For Washington, Hugh Herr got caught in a a video camera and computer to console in 1961, just in time for MIT's centennial example, Michael Gazzaniga’s severe blizzard and ultimately lost both build with children’s blocks and was celebration. It continues its broadcast today, and classic reference, The Cognitive his legs to frostbite. He engineered his inspired by his idea that the mind is you can tune in to its eclectic musical selections and Neurosciences, was a defining text own prosthetics and showed how well able to accomplish advanced tasks groundbreaking public affairs programming. in his field that moved the discipline designed prosthetics could prevent any through a series of simple processes. towards new areas of research. appearance of disability. Invented by Invented by Marvin Minsky in 1967– Hugh Herr in 2007 1973
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103. Plasma Sculptures (William Parker, William Parker) Electricity + Plasma = Light. Nicola Tesla 106. One Laptop per Child XO 108. “Silk Purse” (Arthur D. discovered this more than Laptop (Nicholas Negroponte, yr Little, yr 1921) a century ago, but then- 104. Analog Music 2002) "Making silk purses undergraduate William Synthesizer (Lawrence Professor Nicholas from sows’ ears and flying a lead 101. Soundstair (Christopher Janney, Parker "rediscovered" it while Stabile, 1971–1974) Negroponte kicked off the effort to balloon are timeworn clichés for Yr 1978) doing a physics UROP! This 99. MIT’s World’s Fair Larry Stabile built the provide a complete laptop for $100 impossibility. This made it all the Soundstair is Janney's led him to designing plasma Photographic Albums 1893–1904 analog music synthesizer to the world's poorest children so more stunning when Arthur D. master's thesis project when he was a globes where the colorful In 1893 and 1904 MIT was out of his passion of that education could transcend Little, Inc., announced they had graduate student at MIT’s Center for streams of light result from invited to participate at the engineering and arts and economic circumstance. more than succeeded at both." (From MIT Advanced Visual Studies. It generates high-frequency alternating Columbian and Louisiana this led the way to today's one million of its elegant designs are Museum placard) The silk purse a series of sounds as people traverse current which excites valence Purchase World's Fair expositions digital home audio systems. in the hands of children across the is spun from gelatin fibers made the stairs and if you visit the MIT electrons that jump to higher and took photo albums full of globe. out of pigs’ ears. images of its cutting edge research Museum and go to the MIT150 energy orbitals and then fall laboratories, the campus, and exhibit you will get to hear his work back by releasing the colorful student life. in action! photons of light. 105. MIT $100K 107. Invention of the Strain Gauge 109. American Entrepreneurship (Arthur Ruge, yr 1938) Research Development Competition 2010 Winner It is a tiny piece of high-resistance Corporation (1946) 100. Flame Orchard, Gyorgy Kepes, 102. Digital Holography (Stephen Benton, (C-Crete Technologies) filament bent in a zigzag pattern and ARD was the 1970–1972 Spatial Imaging Group, MIT Media aims to change radically how fixed in a rigid base (glue). It measures first publicly traded Laboratory, and Brigham and Women’s stress on any surface by measuring venture capital firm, In the early 19th century, opera houses the world makes cement; Hospital, Yr 1985) the changes in electrical resistance of and MIT president were lit with gas foot lamps and people the competition encourages the current running through the wires Karl Compton was began to notice that the flames seemed to Professor Stephen Benton was the entrepreneurship and of the gauge. It is used in virtually all key in supporting its jump and leap according to the singer's first to generate a holographic image from innovation commercial weighing scales, in every establishment voice. To study his pheonomena, Kepes a digital database and recognized its value structural stress test—and it even allowed built Flame Orchard which was made of for medice. With the Brigham and Women's astronaut Neil Armstrong to declare: “The units housing gas containers and a sound Hospital he generated unique images of the Eagle has landed.” speaker that vibrated the gas which was human brain from MRI data, and gave lit to show how the flames indeed moved doctors a very effective means of viewing the according to the vibrations of sound. brain in greater context.
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120. Brainwave Correlator Computer (Research Laboratory of 114. Boston’s Central Artery/ Electronics, 1955) 110. Perfect Cup of Coffee Research Tunnel Plan (Frederick Salvucci, 116. Braille Typewriter (Ernesto "Walter Rosenblith started (Samuel Cate Prescott, 1930s) 1970s) Blanco, 1970s) 118. Apollo Block II 112. Boston Wind Tunnel Models (Frank Computer Guidance, the Communications Biophysics " In 1920, the National "The megaproject buried "Blanco designed a Durgin and Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel, Navigation, and Control Laboratory at RLE to apply Coffee Roasters Association gave the aging Central Artery elevated model that provided electric 1970s) System Simulator (Draper modern electronics and Norbert Professor Samuel Cate Prescott highway, reconnected the city power for the embossing force, In the 1960s, the windows of the Lab, 1960s) Weiner’s mathematical work to the $40,000 to establish a new laboratory with its waterfront, opened a and applied the force only once Green Building cracked and fell many poorly understood phenomenon of devoted to perfecting coffee. The third harbor tunnel, cut back per letter rather than once per This simulator was stories and whenever it was windy, it electromagnetic waves in the brain. resulting guidelines—one tablespoon pollution, and gave Boston a indentation. Blanco's Braille used to train astronauts and was nearly impossible to enter or exit This unit is one piece of a large of coffee per eight ounces of water, new landmark—the Leonard typewriter was commercialized to test the hardware and the building. The AeroAstro Department computer built in collaboration with just short of boiling, in glass or Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial and is still widely used. " software for every Apollo conducted extensive wind tunnel groups at MIT and at Massachusetts ceramic containers, never boiled, Bridge." (MIT Museum) It was mission. investigations to analyze the problem and General Hospital" reheated, or reused—were the result sheperded by MIT alumni and they were subsequently engaged by the city of three years of study." MIT Museum now senior lecturer Frederick of Boston to do similar work on the other placard Salvucci. side of the Charles River. 117. Seaswarm (Senseable City 119. Voyager Plasma Lab, 2010) Science Experiment (MIT Space The Seaswarm robot Plasma Group, 1977-present) 115. Boston Chinatown is an easily maintained, "The Voyager I and II 111. Technicolor Film Camera ( 113. Studies of Boston’s Geology Master Plan (Tunney Lee, autonomous robot that is spacecraft are now the human-made Herbert Kalmus, 1930s) (William O. Crosby, 1878–1907) y 2010) designed to skim the surface of objects farthest away from Earth on the Alumni Herbert Kalmus "As an undergraduate at MIT "MIT architects contaminated water and collect as and Daniel Comstock founded in the 1870s, William O. Crosby fell longest exploratory mission in history. and urban planners have much as 20 times its weight in oil Aboard the two spacecraft are five Technicolor in 1915 and developed in love with the rock collection at the shaped many features of - without collecting any water. several different processes for Boston Natural History Society." (MIT instruments supporting five ongoing Boston. The most recent experiments." making color films. MIT put the Museum) Later, as a professor, he compelling effort is the “Tech” in Technicolor. introduced his students to the geology of Boston Chinatown Master the Boston Basin and he was engaged to Plan released in the evaluate the foundation conditions for spring of 2010 following the new MIT campus in Cambridge. a two-year process led by the Chinatown Gateway Coalition." (MIT Museum)
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131. Jamaica Pond notes/Sanitation research (Ellen Swallow Richards, 129. Charles River, Side Scan Sonar late19th century) Towfish (Martin Klein and Klein "When you turn on the tap in the United Associates, Inc., yr 1970) 121. Adaptive Optics (MIT Lincoln Laboratory, States, you can be sure the water you 1980s) 125. "Viruses Harold Edgerton. Famous drink is safe. For that, you can thank 123. Elements of Linguistic Structure harnessed to split for his high-speed photographs, Ellen Swallow Richards, MIT’s first "Adaptive optics systems use linked (Noam Chomsky, 1955) water" (Belcher et 127. "Canned, Edgerton made equally important woman graduate (1873) and woman sensors, computers, and deformable mirrors to "This manuscript from 1955 al, 2010) good" (Samuel Cate contributions to underwater faculty member. Richards’ work led to the constantly adapt to the changing conditions of is one of Chomsky’s first works on Prescott, 1895) exploration, including the first state water-quality standards in the the atmosphere. The sensor measures aberrations "MIT his influential concept of generative development of side scan sonar United States, the first municipal sewage in the atmosphere, and the computer uses this team’s biologically "More than grammar: the idea that humans technology. In the early 1950s, treatment plant (located in Lowell), information to reshape the mirror to provide a based system 100 years ago, 2 have some innate knowledge of Edgerton began experimenting with and standards for the use of chlorine to more accurate image. MIT Lincoln Laboratory taps the power of pioneering scientists grammar from birth, and that sunlight directly, figured out how to sonar to focus deep-sea photographs. maintain water quality." Museum was among the leaders in developing this language acquisition cannot totally technology. The two mirrors on display are from with the aim of keep canned food be explained by the relatively sparse turning water into safe." larger apparatus developed for highly classified stimuli they are exposed to as pre- military research projects." hydrogen fuel." 130. Weather Radar verbal children." 128. "Cold Research (Spiros Geotis, 132. Maps for the Perceptual asteroids may have a soft 1960–1963) Form of the City Study heart" (Department of (Professors Kevin Lynch and "MIT’s pioneering 124. Numerically 126. "Rapid analysis of DNA Earth, Atmospheric and Gyorgy Kepes, 1954, 1960) 122. Atomichron, Cesium-Beam Atomic role in weather radar began Controlled Milling damage now possible" (Engelward Planetary Sciences, 2005) Clock (Jerrold Zacharias and National at the Radiation Laboratory "MIT researchers Machine (MIT et al, 2010) Company, 1953–1956) "Partially molten during WWII.Geotis for “Perceptual Form of the Servomechanisms "Now a team of MIT small bodies may be City” went into Boston to "The Atomichron was the first prove one could use radar Lab, 1950s) bioengineers has devised a new abundant in space, and investigate citizens’ mental piece of quantum electronics equipment to predict the location of way to rapidly reveal DNA damage may have given the Earth maps, asking passersby sold commercially but, more important, its hailstorms, and the quantity under a variety of conditions, its oceans." questions such as, “How do introduction would greatly aid future work and detail of citizen data promising to make such analysis I get to the Public Garden?” on missile guidance, navigation, and control also showed that it was a routine aspect of applications This research helped Lynch systems." possible to estimate the such as drug screening and size of the hailstones." MIT form his early theories of city epidemiological studies of the effects Museum planning, " of environmental agents."
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139. "Enhancing the power of batteries" (Paula Hammond, 2010) "They found that using carbon 141. "Teasing out 133. "Turning windows into nanotubes for one of the malaria’s genetic secrets" (Jacquin Niles, 2010) 143. "Building organs block by powerplants" (Vladimir 135. "Nano-sized battery's electrodes produced "Biological block" (Ali Khademhosseini, Bulović, Richard Lunt, 2011) vaccines" (Darrell Irvine, a significant increase — up engineer’s new approach 2010) "If a new development 2011) to tenfold — in the amount of power it could deliver from to studying gene control "Tissue engineers create from labs at MIT pans out as "MIT engineers 137. "The code for survival" a given weight of material, could lead to new drug a new way to assemble artificial expected, someday the entire have designed a new (Thomas Begley, Peter compared to a conventional targets." tissues, using ‘biological Legos’ surface area of a building’s type of nanoparticle Dedon, 2010) lithium-ion battery. “ — cells transformed into bricks." windows could be used to that could safely and "Cells fight stress generate electricity — without effectively deliver by reprogramming a system interfering with the ability to vaccines for diseases such of RNA modifications, see through them." as HIV and malaria. " researchers find." 140. Tunable Vancomycin 142. "Imaging fish on 144. "New way to grow microwires" Releasing Surfaces for Biomedical the fly" (Mehmet Fatih (Tonio Buonassisi, 2011) Applications ( 1. Anita Shukla; Yanik, 2010) 134. "The bouncing gas" (there is a REALLY!!! awesome 136. "A new spin on 138. "Going nature one 2. Sareena N. Avadhany,; 3. Jean (Martin Zwierlein, 2011) "New MIT picture and subtitle about this at http:// superconductivity?" (Young Lee and better" (Markus Buehler, C. Fang,; 4. Paula T. Hammond, technology allows high- "Clouds of gases that Daniel Nocera, Tianheng Han, 2011) 2010) 2010) speed study of zebrafish microwires-0204.html) "Researchers bounce off each other could "MIT scientists have "MIT Work led to "layer- larvae, often used to find simple, inexpensive method to help physicists model the synthesized, for the first time, a researchers aim to learn by-layer assembly of polymer model human diseases." produce silicon wires for sensors, behavior of high-temperature crystal they believe to be a two- biology’s secrets for multilayer films is applied to create batteries and solar cells. Molten superconductors and other dimensional quantum spin liquid: making tough, resilient vancomycin delivery coatings." droplets of copper dissolve silicon out unusual materials." a solid material whose atomic spins materials out of simple Vancomycin is an antibiotic of a surrounding silicon-rich gas, and continue to have motion, even at components, and then then the silicon precipitates out at the absolute zero temperature. It could improve on them." bottom of the drop to gradually build help to unlock the mystery of high- up a silicon microwire. " temperature superconductors."
30 31 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Features Features MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011 Nobel Spotlight: Professor Richard Schrock MIT Chemistry Department
Introducing a new MURJ special feature article: Nobel Spotlight. Each issue, an MIT faculty member who has won 145. "New hope for terahertz" (Sushil 147. "Graphene electrodes for organic the Nobel Prize will be interviewed. Kumar;Chun Wang I. Chan; Qing solar cells" (Vladimir Bulović; Jing Recently, MURJ had the opportunity to sit down and talk with the recipient of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Hu; John L. Reno, 2011) Kong, 2011) 149. "Hidden in plain sight" Richard R. Schrock of MIT’s Chemistry Department. Schrock won the prize for his work in clarifying the structure and "Terahertz rays — radiation "A promising approach for (George Barbastathis,Baile mechanism of olefin metathesis catalysts, used in reactions that redistribute alkylene fragments. There are widespread between microwaves and infrared rays making solar cells that are inexpensive, Zhang,Yuan Luo,Xiaogang Liu, applications of this research, including their use in the production of medicines, polymers, and enhanced fuels. on the electromagnetic spectrum — lightweight and flexible is to use 2011) See what you have in common with Professor Schrock under “Quick Facts” or read up on some of his other research are a promising means of detecting organic (that is, carbon-containing) "A new approach to interests here too. explosives, but they’ve proven hard compounds instead of silicon. The invisibility cloaking gets much to generate cost effectively. However, problem is making electrodes that can closer to the science-fiction a laser that generates terahertz rays carry current to and from the cell that version, using simple and operates at higher temperatures than are equally flexible, and researchers inexpensive materials such as some thought possible making it a may have found the solution in calcite crystals." MURJ: Do you have any hidden about MIT? discover how a catalyst – unknown viable option." graphene electrodes." talents? RS: Hmmm… being offered to what it was actually – “chopped Richard Schrock: Well, that come here. up” those double bonds and made 146. "Selection by size and 150. "The surprising depends on what you call a talent! I other double bonds. A double bond 148. "Detecting whether a heart chopping reaction. substance" (Karen Gleason, physics of cats’ drinking" don’t sing, I don’t play an instrument, MURJ: If I wasn’t a Nobel Prize attack has occurred" (Michael Ayse Asatekin, 2011) (Roman Stocker, Pedro I don’t perform in plays – I don’t researcher I would be a…. Cima, 2011) have any of those talents. I do "Technique could Reis, Sunghwan Jung RS: Well, I think I would still be a MURJ: How did you get involved with "new implants can detect three woodworking – in my basement; I produce filters that select (Virginia Tech), Jeffrey chemist at MIT…so I guess I would that research? proteins whose levels spike after a got my own shop. molecules according to their Aristoff (PRinceton)) be a non-Nobel Prize winner. I’m RS: Oh, well it started in about heart attack. Such devices could chemical properties and "A new study reveals not going to be a lawyer, or you know 1974 – when I was at DuPont – and be used to monitor patients who dimensions." that even the way cats MURJ: If you could meet anyone in – well one always dreams about other I made a compound that does that are at high risk of heart attack" lap up liquid displays the the world – dead or alive – who would lives, like being a concert pianist or reaction. perfect balance for which it be? something. they’re known." RS: Albert Einstein. MURJ: So was winning the Prize MURJ: Can you give us a summary always a goal for you? MURJ: What is your favorite class to about the research that won you the RS: No – I mean, I never thought teach? Nobel Prize [in layman’s terms for those about winning the Nobel Prize. RS: Well, I like 5.112! don’t know what olefin metathesis is]? RS: Sure – well, carbon forms MURJ: How did you find out you won? MURJ: The coolest thing about MIT bonds to itself; single bonds, double RS: A phone call. 5:30 AM. is…. bonds, triple bonds. Now, the double bonds are very common in RS: The undergraduates!! nature, and they are found in natural MURJ: What was your first reaction? products and so on. What I did was RS: Saying “thank you!” A lot! MURJ: What is your favorite memory
32 33 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Features UROP Summaries MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
bring in the real one of those [the but only much, much better. Many MURJ: Who was the first person you certificate; for 5.112]… it’s a hand- more implications. told? drawn, bound, painted certificate. RS: Well, a lot of people found out, [The cash prize] is personal money, MURJ: For our readers out there – do but the first person I told besides and I put it in the bank… a good you accept UROPs? place to put money. my wife was my mother…she didn’t RS: Yes. I have two right now. actually know what it was. MURJ: What is your favorite memory MURJ: Do you have any advice for any from the ceremony? MURJ: The coolest thing about winning MIT students who may one day want a Nobel Prize is… RS: My favorite memory, boy… to win the Prize or go into chemistry? my favorite memory… actually RS: You are always a Nobel Prize RS: Well, if you want to go into seeing my wife and family in the winner… even if you aren’t here chemistry – sure go into chemistry audience. My extended family – her anymore. – it’s great. Everything is chemistry. brothers and sisters; my brothers and And… don’t think about winning the sisters. Well, I don’t have any sisters Nobel Prize. MURJ: So where is your prize right – 2 brothers. now? RS: Well the prize consists of three MURJ: Anything last thoughts you MURJ: What is your current research? parts. A medal, a certificate that want to share with our MURJ readers? Are you pursuing a second prize looks just like that [points to a copy possibly? RS: Science is great. It’s our future. on his wall], and then you get some money. Well, here is one – the medal RS: Well, one doesn’t pursue ANY For more information on Professor [takes out replica from display case]. prize; but I am not currently pursuing Schrock, visit The real one looks exactly like this a second prize. My research is edu/~chemistry/faculty/schrock.html one but this one is gold plated… I similar to what I got the prize for – MURJ UROP Quick Facts:
Birthplace: Indiana High School: Mission Bay High School (San Diego, CA) Summaries Alma Matter: University of California, Riverside Favorite Sports Team: Celtics Favorite Restaurant in Boston/Cambridge: Troquet (Where he Celebrated his Nobel Prize Win) Favorite Song: Classical Music Pieces Length of Time at MIT: 36 years (Since 1975) Professor Richard Schrock, Favorite MIT eatery: Under the Small Dome – Looking MIT Chemistry Department Up Favorite MIT Eatery: Café 4 Number of Papers Published: 510
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with increasing temperature. The same behavior was observed in better understand the “on-and-off” thermo-responsive behavior. the PAH/PAA system for assemblies ending in cationic PAH. For Fluorescently labeled polymer layers will be tracked to observe Layer-by-Layer (LbL) Assembly on assemblies ending in anionic PGA and PAA, microgel size did not whether they form defined layers around the microgels or fit inside 1 change with changing temperature. the polymer meshes within the gels. Whereas PAH has been shown Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels Future work will expand our studies to other polyelectrolyte to form defined layers, more study is needed to understand the systems, such as anionic poly-D (sodium 4-styrenesulfate) and behavior of our other polyelectrolytes. Furthermore, cell studies will be performed with the integration of these microgels into 3D Margaret Lloyd2, Paula Hammond3, Eunice Costa4 cationic poly (dialyl dimethyl ammonium chloride). We also plan to study the localization of polyelectrolytes in microgels to engineered tissues. 1. Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT, 2010-2011 2. Student Contributor, Class of 2012, Deparment of Chemical Engineering, MIT 3. Principal Investigator, Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT 4. Supervisor, Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT
The aim of this project is to produce temperature- and in this UROP was losses of within LbL assembly on the microgels pH-sensitive hydrogels on two-dimensional (2D) surfaces in order during washes. This process is imperfect, so a small fraction of the to have a high-throughput platform that would optimize thin-film microgels were removed along with excess polymer and impurities build-up of biocompatible polyelectrolytes. Overall, it is hoped in solution. In December, we worked on optimizing the assembly these constructs will promote cell adhesion and introduce moieties of Poly (Allylamine Hydrochloride) (PAH) and polyacrylic acid for a biosensing application that will aid the understanding of cell (PAA) polyelectrolyte layers, but found that maximizing the number behavior in tissues and during cell development. This 2D platform of bilayers also increased losses with each wash between layers. will be used to mimic the 3D thermo-responsive behavior of hydrogel In an attempt to offset losses, we increased our polymer solution microparticles, or microgels. volume from 10mL to 50mL, but this increased the centrifuge time Hydrogels are flexible polymers known for their significant for washes nearly 6-fold. Our protocol for a 10mL solution was used water content and applications in various biomedical processes. thereafter, calling for three washes of each layer after centrifuging LbL assembly is a common technique to create surface coatings for 30 minutes. with fine control over film composition and nanostructure by During IAP, I constructed a four-bilayer assembly of poly-L alternating layers of anionic and cationic polymers. In the 2D study, lysine (PLL), a cationic polymer, and poly-L glutamic acid (PGA), we are copolymerizing thermo-responsive N-isopropylacrylamide an anionic polymer. In the Spring, I continued to silanize silicon NIPAAm with the pH-sensitive methacrylic acid (MAA) in water to surfaces to optimize our polymerization protocol, and started form hydrogels on functionalized silicon surfaces; these hydrogels another LbL assembly of four Chitosan/Dextran sulfate (DS) bilayers are thus sensitive to both temperature and pH. The outer layers in order to test a variety of polymer assemblies with our silicon are alternating biocompatible polyelectrolytes known to promote slides. In the end, the Chitosan/DS assembly was not stable enough cell adhesion; we hope to control diffusion of cell-secreted factors for continued study. into the hydrogels by not only manipulating the surface chemistry, Once we produced the hydrogels via our optimized polymerization but also by taking advantage of the responsive behavior of our protocol, we assessed the characterization of the constructs; this hydrogels to external stimuli. Ultimately, these gels could be used characterization included evaluating the thin-film build-up and as fluorescent sensors to identify when certain factors are released composition in the characterization stage also sought to assess the by cells or as stimuli-responsive “gates” to regulate diffusion rates of potential cell-interactive properties of the microgels by optimizing factors at various pH and temperature conditions. the integration of the microgels onto 3D agarose gels used for 3D There are three parts to this project: polymerization of hydrogels tissue engineering. A range of agarose hydrogel concentrations was on silicon slides and microgels; LbL assembly of polyelectrolytes on used to generate varied gel physical structures, as it has been shown these hydrogels; and characterization of the constructs. In the Fall, that agarose gel mesh size, or the size of pores within the gels, my project supervisor and I tested various methods of silanization decreases with increasing concentration. For the integration of our and polymerization in order to find the optimal protocol for our microgels, it was found that only agarose concentrations below 0.5 project. Silanization is used in order to create reactive groups on wt% would not deform microgel structure significantly. An ideal gel a silicon slide that will enable the synthesis of the polymer on the percentage that was low enough to maintain the microgels’ spherical surface. It was discovered that washing slides sequentially in 1.0M shape but high enough to remain solid at a variety of temperatures NaOH, 0.1M HCl, and DI water, followed by silanizing in an ethanol remains unidentified. solution with 5%(v/v) 3-Trimethoxysilyl methacrylate prepared We observed that the polyelectrolytes’ response to an increase slides most effectively for our project. Successful silanization was in temperature from 24 to 37° C depends on whether the last confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). layer is positively or negatively charged irrespective of the actual In parallel to the 2D platform, microgels were used as a 3D polyelectrolytes involved. In the PLL/PGA system, for example, spherical model of hydrogel behavior. One of the main issues we faced microgels with layers ending in cationic PLL decreased in size
36 37 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ UROP Summaries UROP Summaries MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
data also shows that Aspirin crystallization became less sensitive up nucleation, promising a new route to control the crystallization to the gel mesh size, as the induction times for crystallization were process. Future directions for the current work would be enhancing Enhancing the Nucleation of within an order of magnitude for most mesh sizes. This result may crystallization along with controlling the crystal morphology, the be attributed to a stronger polymer-drug interaction, which leads to crystal size distribution, etc. higher local concentration around the microgels to trigger Aspirin Aspirin Using Polymer Microgels References: nucleation more rapidly. This hypothesis was further verified by the 1 partitioning coefficient measurement, which revealed an Aspirin 1. Diao, Y.; Helgeson, M. E.; Myerson, A. S.; Hatton, T. A.; Doyle, P. S.; Trout, B. L.; Journal of of Designed Chemistry concentration much higher in the gel compared with that of the the American Chemical Society 2011, Articles ASAP bulk solution. Zeina Ali Siam2, Ying Diao3, Professor Bernhardt Trout3 Enhancing the crystallization of drugs is a breakthrough in 1. Department of Biological Engineering, MIT, 2011 the field of pharmaceutical industry. Whereas drugs are currently 2. Student Contributor, Class of 2012, Deparment of Biological Engineering, MIT synthesized in batches, employing functionalized materials can speed 3. Supervisors, Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT
Developing a continuous manufacturing process to replace showed that the variation of mesh or pore size of the crosslinked the currently used batch-based processes in the pharmaceutical polymer (a.k.a gel) significantly affected the nucleation rate of the Nonparametric Estimation of industry is a emerging area in the field of chemical engineering compounds [1]. The next stage after this discovery, which this UROP 1 with the motivation of enhancing the efficiency of the process and was about, involved rational chemical modification of the PEGDA the quality of the final product. One fundamental step towards microgels to enhance the nucleation of the model compounds, one Gasoline Demand achieving this aim is promoting nucleation, the initial stage of crystal of which, Aspirin, will be discussed below. 2 formation, of a drug while maintaining high quality production and To enhance the nucleation of the model drug, PEGDA microgels Scott Landers controlled dosage. Yet, nucleation is very difficult to control because were modified by crosslinking with 4-acryloylmorpholine monomer 1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT, 2011 the crystal formation is contingent upon experimental conditions (AM). The kinetic properties of Aspirin nucleation before and after 2. Student Contributor, Class of 2012, Deparment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT and properties of interfaces present in a chemical system. The weak chemically modifying PEGDA microgels were investigated, with intermolecular interactions and flexible molecular conformations the hypothesis that by functionalizing the microgels, the Aspirin of organic molecules pose further challenges towards efficient nucleation barrier would be reduced. The experiments aimed at nucleation. quantifying the extent of polymer-drug intermolecular interactions Municipal organic waste (MOW) management is an unresolved have the least access to resources (e.g. nutrition and preventative The project, which was conducted in Trout and Hatton Labs at by measuring the equilibrium partitioning coefficient of drug in the challenge in urban areas across developing countries. Waste-picking, health measures) that could protect them from diseases associated MIT Chemical Engineering Department as part of the Novartis-MIT gel from solution, as well as measuring the nucleation induction or scavenging of recyclable materials from mixed solid waste, is with this contamination. For the technical solution, black soldier fly Center for Continuous Manufacturing, aimed at utilizing polymeric time, or the time needed for the formation of a detectable amount a source of livelihood for a significant portion of the population, (BSF) grubs are used to digest 50 to 80 percent of the waste. Once microparticles to control the crystallization of pharmaceutical of crystals, to assess the effectiveness of the PEGDA microgels in especially marginalized groups. A large fraction of plastic, glass, the grubs metamorphosize into prepupae, they are self-selecting. compounds by tuning the polymer chemistry. The nucleation promoting nucleation. metal and paper waste is successfully diverted by the informal This means they will climb out of the feeding bin onto a dry surface kinetics of model compounds, such as Aspirin and acetaminophen, Experimental results presented in Table 1 below show that recycling sector and formalized cooperatives. However, organic where they can then be harvested. After harvesting them, they are were investigated and correlated with the underlying molecular before functionalizing PEGDA microgels, the induction times for waste is usually considered to have no economic benefit. Accounting then sold to local vendors who will process them as a source of interactions. Previous work at MIT studied the nucleation properties Aspirin were long, and markedly affected by the gel mesh size. for more than 50% of total municipal waste production, the vast protein in animal meal. The final product of the UROP will be a of these compounds in the presence of crosslinked polyethylene Upon chemically modifying the gel, however, the induction times majority of organic waste is left to degrade anaerobically in landfills self-housed, low-tech system that includes completely encloses the glycol diacrylate (PEGDA), a derivative of the extensively employed for Aspirin crystallization fell dramatically overall, and the optimal or in open accumulations that pose serious threats to human digestion site of the BSF. Here, they will be able to breed and digest polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the pharmaceutical industry, and mesh size for the fastest nucleation shifted to a lower value. The health. This uncollected organic material that humans consider the waste in a complete cycle, a GrubCycle. to be waste is actually a viable source of energy and nutrients for References: a myriad of organisms. Yet, there has been limited research on the implementation and control of biological treatment of municipal 1. Newton, G.L., Sheppard, D.C., Watson, D.W., Burtle, G. and Dove, R., 2005a. Using the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, as a value-added tool for the management of swine manure, organic waste. My UROP project is GrubCycle, which aims to create Animal and Poultry Waste Management Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. a market for recycling this waste by turning it into a value-added 2. Olivier, P., 2008. Giving back to nature: Closing the loop on waste, Building-Integrated product. The social business model allows individuals to invest in Sustainable Agriculture Summit. December 12-13, 2008, Berkeley, California, USA. the GrubCycle system, then use it as a small business venture to generate personal income. This improves the local community both by reducing the volume of organic waste and by increasing the net income. Both of these effects increase the standard of living for the residents of these slums. The GrubCycle project will be implemented in the largest urban slum in the world, Kibera, in Nairobi, Kenya. Marginalized communities such as those in the slums of Nairobi often bear the consequences of MOW management shortcomings. They live and work in the most contaminated environments and
38 39 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ UROP Summaries UROP Summaries MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
anti-TH immunostaining. The fact that only these three cell types References: existed is evidence that the EYFP was expressed only in VTA cells. 1. Arias-Carrión O, M. Stamelou M, Murillo-Rodriguez E, Menendez-Gonzalez M and Poppel E. Neuronal Labeling in Ventral Furthermore, due to the anterograde movement of the AAV8, axonal Dopaminergic reward system: a short integrative review. Int Arch Med (2010) vol. 3 pp. 24. projections were seen in both the hippocampus and amygdala, which 2. Sauer B and Henderson N. Site-specific DNA recombination in mammalian cells by the Cre agrees with current literature [5]. We did notice some portion of VTA recombinase of bacteriophage P1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (1988) vol. 85 (14) pp. 5166-70. Tegmental (VTA) by Viral Gene 3. Wickersham I, Lyon DC, Barnard RJ, Mori T, Finke S, Conzelmann K, Young JA and cell death in proximity to the injection site, which we hypothesize Callaway E. Monosynaptic restriction of transsynaptic tracing from single, genetically targeted was due to AAV8 cytotoxicity. As a result, there were some aggregates neurons. Neuron (2007) vol. 53 (5) pp. 639-47 Delivery through Cre-dependent of EYFP outside of cell bodies due to apoptotic effects. 4. Forlino A, Porter FD, Lee EJ, Westphal H and Marini JC. Use of the Cre/lox recombination system to develop a non-lethal knock-in murine model for osteogenesis imperfecta with an 1 We have so far shown a method for specifically targeting VTA alpha1(I) G349C substitution. Variability in phenotype in BrtlIV mice. J Biol Chem (1999) vol. neurons based on viral gene delivery that is Cre-dependent. This 274 (53) pp. 37923-31 Targeting in vivo method will allow us to further identify the detailed connectivity 5. Sesack SR and Grace AA. Cortico-Basal Ganglia Reward Network: Microcircuitry. that is involved in the dopaminergic pathway that the VTA is involved Neuropsychopharmacology (2010) vol. 35 (1) pp. 27-47. 2 3 3 4 4 Nicholas Swenson , Junghyup Suh , Kathleen Rockland , Arvind Govindarajan , Professor Susumu Tonegawa in. We have already begun experiments to increase transsynaptic specificity with the introduction of a second virus. 1. Department of Biological Engineering, MIT, 2011 2. Student Contributor, Class of 2012, Deparment of Biological Engineering, MIT 3. Mentors, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT 4. Mentors, Department of Biology, MIT
The ventral tegmental (VTA), a small nucleus of the brain To this end, by a project of my own design, we have taken Quantifying Promoter Strength located in the midbrain, plays a role in the reward system, advantage of the capabilities of the Cre recombinase protein 1 motivation and several psychiatric disorders. Approximately, 60% (henceforth, Cre) to specifically target fluorescence to dopaminergic of the VTA is comprised of dopaminergic neurons that produce the neurons in the VTA. Cre, a Type I topoisomerase, has the ability to through GFP Expression in E. coli neurotransmitter dopamine upon activation [1]. These neurons homologous align and recombine DNA between loxP sites [2]. When 2 3 3 compose much of the reward circuitry in the brain and are involved a STOP sequence, a sequence that prevents further transcription, is Tim Chang , Himanshu Dhamankar , Professor Kristala Prather in mesostriatal and the mesolimbic pathways. Disruptions in these positioned between two loxP sites, any flanking coding sequences will 1. Prather Research Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT, 2010 pathways cause disorders such as schizophrenia, Parkinson’s be expressed in the presence of Cre due to the excision of the STOP. 2. Student Contributor, Class of 2012, Deparment of Chemical Engineering, MIT disease, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, the We have used transgenic mice that express Cre specifically in VTA 3. Advisors, Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT detailed connectivity of these neurons is not well understood. The dopaminergic cells (henceforth, vtaCre) and an adeno-associated small size of the VTA, previous technical limitations and restrictions virus serotype 8 (AAV8) to show expression of enhanced yellow in the imaging of synaptically connected neurons has prevented fluorescent protein (EYFP) specifically in VTA neurons [3]. The A promoter sequence precedes a gene, and serves to regulate systems can lead to more efficient expression of and greater much progress in specifically targeting this structure. AAV8 contains a plasmid with a loxP-STOP-loxP sequence flanked gene expression. Cells can moderate protein expression levels flux through recombinant enzymatic pathways. Using standard by EYFP, which then expresses EYFP specifically in VTA neurons through the binding of transcription factors and polymerases to molecular cloning techniques, we have positioned various promoters of the vtaCre mice [4]. To infect neurons, 200 nl of the promoter sequences. Synthetic regulation of gene expression can directly upstream of GFP and cloned the plasmids into E. coli AAV8 was injected directly into the VTA of the vtaCre mice lead to more efficient incorporation of recombinant enzymatic cells. By measuring fluorescence as a function of turbidity, or cell and allowed to survive for 14 and 21 days. The animals pathways vital to reactions in the pharmaceutical and biofuel concentration, we can derive the steady-state fluorescence, F , were sacrificed and perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde ss industries. We are currently examining several constitutive and which is directly proportional to promoter strength. Using this (PFA) for 20 minutes. The brains were excised and inducible promoter systems to quantify promoter strength for use in method, we can compare the strengths of various promoters. permitted to post-fix in 4% PFA for 48 hours. The brains these pathways. were cryo-protected in 30% sucrose/PBS for 24 hours and Certain sequences approximately 100 base pairs upstream of sectioned to 50 μm sections. Immunohistochemistry was By altering merely several bases in a promoter sequence, one the promoter can also affect transcription, possibly by permitting performed with primary antibodies (Millipore) against can drastically change gene expression levels [1]. The ability of a additional factors to bind or escape. We have attached various tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a marker for dopaminergic promoter sequence to influence its corresponding gene’s expression lengths of Trc and Tet upstream sequence to a mid-strength neurons, and red fluorophore-conjugated secondary is referred to as a promoter’s strength, with strong promoters Anderson promoter, Pcon56, and cloned these systems into E. coli antibodies (Invitrogen). The sections were stained for yielding lots of mRNA transcript. Promoter libraries such as the as well. Using the same technique as above, we can compare the DAPI, mounted to slides and cover slipped. Anderson and Stephanopoulos libraries contain promoter sequences strength after addition of the upstream sequences to determine how of varying strengths derived by random mutagenesis of several bases strong the influence is and where the influence of the pre-promoter Upon fluorescent imaging, three neuron types existed within a constitutive promoter [2]. Inducible promoter systems, region ends. in the VTA: (1) unlabeled, (2) only labeled red and (3) which are commonly used in metabolic engineering to externally doubly labeled red and yellow (Figure 1). Unlabeled cells References: control expression, have not been compared to these systems. were non-dopaminergic cells. The red-only cells were We are comparing the strength of commonly used inducible 1. Anderson, J. “Promoters/Catalog/Anderson.” Registry of Standard Biological Parts, neurons that did not express EYFP, either through lack November 2008. of infection or lack of Cre, and thus only fluoresced due promoter systems, such as Trc, T7, and Tet, to each other and 2. Alper, H. et al. “Tuning Genetic Control through Promoter Engineering.” PNAS, Sept. 2005. to the anti-TH immunostaining. The doubly labeled cells to characterized promoter libraries, such as the Anderson and Pp. 12678 – 12683. were Cre cells that were infected by AAV8 and labeled by Stephanopoulos libraries. Quantifying promoter strength in these
40 41 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Reports Reports MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011 Who is Sustainable?1
Nicole Bucala2
1. Department of Political Science, MIT, May 2010 2. Student Contributor, Class of 2011, Deparment of Political Science, MIT
Tightly coupled to resource and energy conservation, reducing greenhouse gases that pollute and imbalance the environment is absolutely essential to achieving global sustainability. This cross-sectional and time-analysis study averaged over years 2004-2005 models C02 emissions with key world development indicators to conclude that wealth, energy consumption and industrial activity, and population growth are positively correlated with C02 emissions. A model removing the confounding effects of these variables shows that C02 emissions have decreased in this time frame in countries characterized by highest revenue and highest public education expenditures. An increase in x indicates an increase in social democracy within a nation and a negative dy/dx manifests the presence of working sustainable policies there. Therefore, the countries that are most successful at implementing renewable energy policies are social democracies or welfare states. This paper concludes with a policy recommendation that states can solve the energy crisis by transitioning to a social democracy or welfare regime type. States should also use energy taxes as a mechanism to promote renew- able energy usage and teach all its residents how and why to act sustainably; both endeavors also are most easily achieved under the all-encompassing infrastructure of a social democracy or welfare state.
Evidence of sustainable behavior is quite visible in social- and leaders of social democratic nations appear to have a more democratic and welfare nations. Visit a Nordic state or Germany, for sustainable attitude: realizing that we are all in this world together, example, and see the windmills dotting the landscape. Most houses citizens and businesses cooperate with one another more than they and buildings sport solar panels. Observe all the bicycles ridden, the compete and keep the long-term perspective in mind. I want to MURJ small autos driven, the automatic timers on showers and lights. You test the positive correlation between renewable energy policies and can’t find a disposable grocery bag in Germany, and if you want beer, social democracy. With knowledge of a useful relationship like this, you’ve got to carry your reusable crate to the supermarket. Coming I can recommend that countries transition to social-democracies or home to America from a Euro-trip, I wonder, “Why don’t we have welfare states if they want to become sustainable, or that sustainable these initiatives here?” There are probably many reasons for this developers and policy makers support a switch to social democratic Reports difference, but it begs the question: Are left-leaning countries in or welfare-type policies and infrastructure. general more prone to implementing renewable energy policies? Are There are a variety of studies on the general relationship between they the best at encouraging sustainable behavior, and if so, why? society and renewable energy. The following literature shows that Political ideology and market orientation play critical roles in a sustainable perspective necessitates public involvement in shaping energy policies. Political orientation influences economic sustainable efforts, depends upon a cooperative, long-term focused activity and population trends, which are two main drivers of the business ethic, and a desire to employ renewable energy technologies global energy crisis. Economic competition especially in the liberal in the global economy while becoming aware of resource efficiency. market often has compelled businesses to use environmentally These forming factors of sustainable development already are harmful practices in order to get the upper hand or to make a profit. in place in social democratic nations and popular their citizens. Those enterprises, focusing on short term gain, operate mostly Therefore, this literature provides support for my causal claim that in centrist or rightward leaning nations; and their governments, the success of a nation’s renewable energy policies depends upon encouraging competition and money-making as the first and how social democratic it is. foremost route to power, do not stop them from being wasteful. The Kenneth Boulding concludes that the energy industry is best latest research on global warming and current demographic and controlled by public hands [1]. This analysis is useful to my economic trends shows that unless we intervene to alter drastically research because social democracies support public control and our current behavior, our society is on a trajectory towards collapse. influence whereas republican-democracies and conservative states Consequently, sustainable development is a priority for policy favor liberal competition between private enterprises. Boulding’s makers, a concern for citizens, and a focal point for researchers in analysis of knowledge and transportation with respect to energy hard and soft sciences. suggests that globalization and the liberal market increase energy I predict that the effectiveness of sustainable policies in center- dependency. Implying that liberal market competition has led to right regimes pales in comparison to sustainable efforts in welfare overuse of exhaustible energy supplies, this causal link illuminates regimes, which support a mixed economy of socialism and capitalism the urgency with which politicians may want to rework market and prioritize maximizing the welfare of their citizens. Citizens orientation and corresponding political ideology.
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Other authors discuss how ideology and market orientation Tucker’s articles, the effects of affluence, as measured by GPD per influence sustainable development. Fergus illuminates the need for capita, on C02 emissions reach a maximum but then decline at cooperation and mutual responsibility among citizens, governments, highest levels of affluence. Dietz suggests that this trend occurs and businesses in order to solve the energy crisis [2]. Perelman because more affluent countries can spend more money to teach its argues that countries will switch from democratic-republican citizens about the benefits of using renewable energy sources. systems to social-democratic systems because of the global transition In addition to energy consumption, industry, and GDP, the to renewable energy [3]. Noll shows how promotion of renewable literature shows that population and taxes are important to the energy, efficient and shared resource use, clean technology, and analysis of C02 emissions and emissions reductions programs. sustainable mobility are most typical in social democracies [4]. In C02 emissions are apportioned differently across populations and Energy for the New Millennium Goldemberg tries to detect countries the sum of individual C02 emissions aggregate to produce large that are switching to sustainability by using variables like energy national, and ultimately global, effects. Using the idea of “common use while considering economic, industrial, and population growth but differentiated responsibilities” of individuals, Chakravarty among nations [5]. Concluding that the attitudes of those who consequently concludes that successful emissions reductions enforce and adhere to renewable policies is the crucial determinant policies must target individual behaviors [9]. By weighing monetary for their success, Goldemberg recommends a long-term outlook and estimates of environmental damage with economic costs, Boyd a comprehensive approach, such as the ones typically employed assesses the net benefits and disadvantages of energy taxation by public enterprises characteristic of social democracies, as most as a way to curb C02 emissions and concludes that the economy conducive to sustainable development. will benefit from reducing energy consumption and C02 emissions In summary, this portion of literature is indicative of a mutual via energy taxes [10]. The challenge to using policies like taxes relationship between renewable energy policies and social to curb pollution is to find the level of energy reduction that is democratic management and mindset. It appears to support the environmentally beneficial without being economically harmful. claim that a sustainable future requires a transition away from the Overall, the literature on C02 emissions tries to make business-oriented approach characteristic of market economies recommendations for how policy makers should maximize the dominated by private industries, such as the United States, and number of efficient countries, defined to be countries that have large towards a public-benefit-oriented approach characteristic of a economic output, as measured by GDP, but emit less carbon dioxide modern social democracy, which champions a combination of both than countries with similarly sized economies. Because social socialism and capitalism. In the latter type of nations, which support democracies implement more taxes, are very wealthy, and spend mixed economies while guarding and advancing their citizens’ more on government programs that target individual behavior in economic and social well-being, it does look like sustainable policies order to cultivate a nation-wide cultural norm, my literature review would be more easily implemented and citizens would more willingly supports my claim that social democracies are the most efficient. adhere to and approve of them. The literature leaves a question unanswered that, if explored, Analysts can use C02 emission rates as an indicator of where may shed light on my hypothesis. Since the wealthiest of wealthy renewable energy policies are working. Scientists have shown that countries have successfully reduced C02 emissions rates in recent humans must endeavor to curb the rate of C02 emissions from years, is there a commonality among them that could be the crucial industrial activity, because the current emissions rate threatens the variable in successful sustainable development, and if so, what is it? balance of our ecosystem by overloading the environment’s capacity I think social democratic government is the shared and key to reabsorb C02 [6]. A common finding in research about society factor. So, I perform the following data analysis in order to determine and C02 emissions is that economic output as measured in GDP if social democracies implement the most effective renewable is strongly and positively correlated with increasing C02 emissions energy policies. I measure the effect of sustainable energy programs [6,7]. Studies like those by Raupach and Tucker go on to show that by analyzing the presence of fossil-fuel based C02 emissions, a C02 emissions have decreased in recent years in the wealthiest of greenhouse gas pollutant that imbalances the environment. A the wealthy countries. Throughout the literature, different authors decreasing rate of C02 emissions in a region where economic hypothesize why this happens. It is an important question to answer output remains constant indicates the presence of successful because if we can identify a common cause or set of causes for these renewable energy policies there. My model verifies that with an decreasing C02 emissions rates, then we can use this as a basis for increase in population and economic activity there is an increase formulating policies designed to reduce emissions throughout the in C02 emissions, and shows that the wealthiest of wealthy nations world, overtime. Tucker hypothesizes that countries with wealthier have decreased their rate of C02 emissions in recent years. Then, citizens are more likely to implement environmental protection I build a second model that considers some indicators of social policies, which is why the rate of increasing emissions decelerates. democracy to see if these countries share that political ideology. I Dietz developed a stochastic model to estimate how anthropogenic use variables like annual public education expenditure and annual forces change the globe by producing polluting greenhouse gases average revenue both as percent of GDP because social democracies [8]. Dietz’s study finds that population and economic growth reputably tax their citizens very highly and spend the most on public exacerbate C02 emissions. He recommends the IPAT: Impact = education. I use variable similar though not identical to those found Population*Affluence*Technology equation as a good way to model in the literature: in my case I choose primary energy consumption, human impact on the environment. Similarly to Raupach’s and industrial intensity, GDP per capita, and average population within
44 45 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Reports Reports MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011 each nation [5,6,7,8]. Wanting to consider ecological and social average revenue, GDP per capita, primary education enrollment, and policy effects as well, I throw in land area and primary enrollment population average removes some of the confounding effects of the rate as another control variable. My dataset is both a cross- variables (tab. 3). Revenue and education spending look promising sectional and time series analysis. My model show that as education because they show a negative relationship, with coefficients of -.6% expenditures and revenues go up C02 emission rates go down. and -23.5% respectively. Neither land area nor industry intensity Therefore, I conclude that the countries where renewable energy show substantively significant correlation. For every 1 % increase policies are working are social democracies. in industry intensity there is a 2.4 % increase in C02 emissions, Since C02 emissions are largely created by human activity, I plot and for every 1% increase in land area there is a 3% decrease in C02 emissions averaged over years 2004 and 2005 across 50 randomly C02 emissions. The negative coefficient for land area is surprising selected countries with respect to economic and world development because one might expect larger countries to have a more extensive indicators. The Energy Information Administration supplies my transportation infrastructure that would require fossil fuel use. Let C02 emissions data, measured in million metric tons averaged it be noted that this negative relationship between land size and C02 over years 2004-2005. I also take from the Energy Information emissions in no way indicates that actual C02 emissions decrease. Administration data on Total Primary Energy Consumption per US Larger land implies an increase in the size of forests and lakes that dollar of GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in Quadrillion BTU act as carbon sinks, which means that more of the region’s C02 and population in millions, both averaged over 2004-2005. Taken is absorbed before it can be measured. Therefore, C02 emissions from the International Monetary Fund database (IMF), Gross data in larger countries could be an underestimate of the actual Domestic Product (GDP) per capita based on purchasing-power- value, so land area’s negative coefficient does not at all mean that parity (PPP) is measured in US dollars and averaged over years larger countries have more successful renewable energy programs. 2004 to 2005. I retrieved my data on total revenue, excluding grants, Strangely, the industry intensity regression coefficient is smaller measured in percent of GDP averaged over 2004-2005 from the World than anticipated, since industrialization corresponds with high use Bank Organization database. I also created a measure of industrial of fossil fuels like coal. This may be due to confounding effects from intensity by dividing industrial share of GDP by agricultural share other variables, but is more likely due to measurement or sampling of GDP data, averaged over 2004-2005, which I retrieved from the error: the t- and p-values for both industry intensity, as well as land World Bank Organization. The CIA World Factbook supplied my data area, are not ideal. on public education expenditures as percent of GDP over years 1990- The multivariate regression shows that GDP per capita is now 2006 and land area in km2. Data on total national annual percentage less substantively significant than population average, but both net enrollment rate at the primary level, averaged over 2004-2004, regression coefficients jump to the 80%-range due to interaction is taken from the World Bank Organization. All variables are logged effects from other variables in the dataset. The relationship between after being converted to a 0-1 scale. For means and dispersions, see energy consumption and C02 emissions is also statistically and tables 10-16. substantively significant, as for every 1 % increase in energy In accord with the literature review, my model shows that higher consumption there is a 40% increase in C02 emissions. On average, populations and larger economies lead to statistically higher rates in sample predictions will be off the mark by about 45% and of C02 emissions. My first bivariate regression with 50 observations this model explains about 94% of the increase in C02 emissions. and 48 degrees of freedom shows that for every 1% increase in There is less than a 0.001 probability of observing the relationship average population there is a 76.8% increase in C02 emissions (fig. between average population and GDP by chance and less than a 1, tab. 1). My second bivariate regression, but with GDP per capita 0.002 probability of observing the energy consumption relationship instead of population as the explanatory variable, shows that for by chance. Tight confidence intervals and T-values of 8.00, 12.63 every 1% increase in GDP per capita there is a 78.9% increase in C02 and 3.35 for GDP, energy consumption, and average population emissions (fig. 2, tab. 2). A tight confidence interval, high t ratio, respectively allow me to be fairly confident in the accuracy of my large R2 and P value of 0.000 for both regressions shows that the data sample and to reject the null hypothesis. is statistically significant, practically eliminates the possibility of The multivariate regression’s conclusions about C02 emissions the null hypothesis, and increases the confidence in the accuracy of with respect to large economies and populations are roughly my sample. Using the concept of individual behavior aggregating to the same as the bivariate’s. Accordingly, an increase in energy produce large global effects, these findings make sense: Firstly, the consumption and industry intensity also has a positive effect on C02 more people there are in one place, the greater the sum of individual emissions. This relationship directly recommends that economies C02 emissions, and secondly, larger economies consume more fossil must shrink in order to decrease C02 emissions. However, most fuel, which consequently produces more C02 emissions. My second nations would be adverse to this recommendation because they regression also corroborates my literature review, in which other want to pursue an aggrandizement of power via augmenting their social scientists have found that C02 emissions in recent years hit economy. So, in order to avoid collapse, nations must delicately a maximum and then level off and begin to decrease among the balance their goals for national economic profit and power with wealthiest of wealthy nations. environmental conservation. Since both population and industry A multi-regression analysis with 41 degrees of freedom, 50 have a positive effect on C02 emissions, policy makers could make observations, and 8 explanatory variables, namely industry intensity, national economies more efficient by encouraging industries and public education expenditure, land area, energy consumption, individuals to shift from a dependence on fossil fuel and coal and
46 47 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Reports Reports MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011 shift towards a dependence on alternative or renewable energy Energy taxation may work well in a welfare state where high taxes about 52% of the data, and there is less than 0.017 sources. are accepted already as a norm, but implementing these same high probability of observing this relationship by chance. The revenue variable is an indicator of welfare because average taxes in a republican democracy like the United States would likely Therefore, I am fairly confident in the accuracy of revenue means higher taxes, and welfare states tax the most. After not be as successful at curbing C02 emissions because the United my sample representation and can reject the null dropping Slovenia, an outlier, from my cross-sectional dataset, I States lacks the all-encompassing infrastructure of a welfare state hypothesis, namely that an increase in public education ran a bivariate regression of average revenue as percent GDP and that would incorporate and encourage such a widespread and expenditure when controlling for wealth has no effect C02 emissions with 49 observations and 47 degrees of freedom (tab. ingrained policy action. Third world countries might not welcome on C02 emissions. 4). With every 1% increase in revenue there is a 47.4% increase in energy taxes because rapid economic development is their foremost Because welfare states are known to have sky-high average C02 emissions. This relationship is to be expected because priority. public education expenditures, I conclude that welfare as revenue increases national wealth increases, which I have already One must keep in mind that an increase in overall revenue may states are most effective at reducing C02 emissions. shown to be positively correlated with C02 emissions. not necessarily indicate the presence of energy taxes in particular; An increase in public education spending may lead Consequently, I run a multivariate regression of C02 emissions, instead, it could mean only that citizens are subject to higher income to better, widespread education that results in higher revenue, and GDP per capita in order to isolate revenue from overall and residential taxes. If this is the case, an alternative explanation knowledge levels throughout the nation. Superior wealth. Controlling for GDP per capita, for every 1% increase in is that citizens have less money to spend on commodities like big education programs emphasize teaching about current revenue there is a 48.9% decrease in C02 emissions (figure 3, tab. 5). cars, which use lots of fossil fuel. To address this explanation I would problems like the global energy crisis, which increases In this sample with 49 observations and 47 degrees of freedom, I am have to break down the components of average revenue within each awareness of the need for sustainable behavior, so in 95% sure the true effect of revenue on C02 emissions lies between country to see what portion, if any, comes from energy taxes. such nations there is pervasive appreciation for the 8.3% and 106%. This model predicts 42.7% of the data, and on Welfare states are famous for their free education, especially values of conserving energy, like by walking to work or average in sample predictions about percent C02 emissions are off their free higher education, while non-social-democracies like the eating low on the food chain, and so less C02 is emitted the mark by 140 percentage points. The probability of observing this United States are notorious for their universities’ volcanic price from these societies. relationship by chance is less than 0.093 and I am fairly confident in tags. So, I use public education expenditure as percent of GDP as An alternative explanation is that these countries the accuracy of my sample representation. The avplot that controls another indicator of welfare states. Controlling for wealth (GDP per spend so much on education that they cannot support for GDP clearly shows that C02 emissions rates decrease as revenue capita) and population, for every 1% increase in public education their industry and economy as much. If industry and C02 emission rates have successful renewable energy policies. I increases. spending there is a 32.7% decrease in C02 emissions (tab. 6A). There manufacturing suffer then C02 emission rates will suffer too. can address this threat to validity by controlling for land area and Since high revenue is a social democratic indicator, this is less than a .1 probability of observing this relationship by chance As a corollary, another alternative explanation may be that an searching within each country for evidence of symptomatic rather regression supports my hypothesis. The negative coefficient for and I am 95% sure that the effect of public education spending is increase in education expenditure means more people are spending than causal remedies to global warming. revenue also indicates the presence of well-working energy taxes. between -71.9% and 6.6%. The model explains 92.4% of the data time in school or pursuing jobs in academia rather than joining Using revenue and public education expenditures as indicators Taxing industries, transportation systems, and individuals on the and on average in sample predictions are off the mark by 51.2%. the industrial labor force, so as education expenditure goes up, of social democracy is another possible threat to construct validity. amount of C02 they emit is one way that countries encourage Given the breadth and scope of this project, these numbers show economic production, and therefore C02 emissions, goes down. To Modern social democracies tax highly and spend larger proportions people to switch to using systems that run on renewable energy, like fair strength in the accuracy of the sample representation and the eliminate this possible alternative explanation I control for economy of their funds on education, but the assumption that all countries electricity or water power. However, high and widespread energy model accounts for a good portion of the data. Re-adding Slovenia size and activity and drop countries whose GDP per capita fell below that do so are social democracies could be in error. Perhaps there taxes may not be a globally applicable solution to the energy crisis. and removing population as a control variable bring the effect of the mean. This creates a sample with 13 observations and 8 degrees is a country that does these two things but lack all other indicators public education spending to -94.4% (tab 6). Both results are highly of freedom. Controlling for GDP per capita, average population, and of a social democracy, so is therefore not a social democracy. I substantively and statistically significant so I analyze energy consumption, for every 1% increase in education expenditures could address this threat to validity by investigating countries for this further. there is a 57.3% decrease in C02 emissions (tab. 9). A scatter plot additional indicators of modern social democracy. Since both the literature and my model show with a curvilinear fit shows again that disregarding population size, Reverse causation in my model is highly unlikely. It is doubtful that C02 emissions decrease at highest levels of among the wealthiest nations with similar energy consumption, as that an increase in C02 emissions would somehow cause GDP affluence, I want to focus in on the wealthy states. So government spending on public education increases C02 emissions per capita or population to grow. It is also highly implausible from my 50-observation sample, I dropped countries decreases (fig. 6). This further corroborates my hypothesis that that a decrease in C02 emissions would lead to a transition to whose education expenditures fell roughly below the welfare states have the most successful renewable energy policies, liberal ideology. I also include several explanatory variables in my mean. A bivariate regression with 35 observations and that education encourages sustainability. multivariate regression, but of course there could be other variables and 33 degrees of freedom shows that for every 1% Using recent decreases in C02 emissions as an indicator of that I omitted from my study that are worth considering, such as increase in annual public education spending there working sustainable initiatives is a possible threat to construct internal conflict, or religious makeup of society. is a 334% decrease in C02 emissions. In addition to validity. I assume that recent decreases in C02 emission rates in large GDP per capita is a possible confounding variable. With respect being substantively significant, this is statistically economies are due to the implementation of policies that encourage to the observation that the wealthiest of countries have decreasing significant due to its high t-value of 2.74 and low P renewable energy usage and sustainable behavior. However, this C02 emissions, one could consider that wealthy countries may have value of 0.01 (fig. 4, tab. 7). trend could happen because some countries are treating the transitioned from manufacturing to knowledge based economies. Removing the confounding effect of wealth symptoms instead of the cause of the energy crisis: maybe they Consequently they have less domestic industry and manufacturing causes the coefficient to decrease almost one have created a way to absorb C02 emissions quickly, such as by so their C02 emissions decrease. However this may not be the case hundred percentage points, yet it is still extremely planting more trees or by creating some new, sci-fi-like technological because wealthier people tend to adopt more extravagant lifestyles, substantively significant (fig. 5; tab. 8). On average, machine that intakes C02. This results in an undervalued measure of whereby they typically consume more energy and as a result emit in sample predictions about C02 emissions are off C02 emissions. Reabsorbing emitted C02 is a step towards mitigating more C02. A more likely concern is that GDP may change ideology: the mark by 136%, and we are 95% sure that the true global warming but it is not a step towards solving the energy crisis perhaps as countries grow wealthy, they become more liberal and effect of education expenditures on C02 emissions by reducing the amount of energy a society uses. If this were the homogenous and transition to social democracy. Another argument is between 53.4% and 132.5%. The model explains case, I would not be able to conclude that countries with decreased is that wealthier countries can better afford to implement renewable
48 49 Volume 21, Spring 2011 MURJ Reports Reports MURJ Volume 21, Spring 2011
CIA World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency. 2010. "Land Area KM Squared." https://www.cia. agr_2004 = agriculture, value added as percent GDP 2004 energy policies, so that is why I controlled for GDP per capita and 8. Dietz, Thomas. "Ecology: Effects of population and affluence on CO2 emissions." Proc Natl Acad gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2147rank.html agr_2005 = agriculture, value added as percent GDP 2005 Sci USA (1997): 175-179. sometimes focused on only the wealthiest nations. land_area_1 = Land Area KM Squared AGRAVG = average agriculture over 2004-2005 as percent GDP 9. . Chakravarty, Shoibal. “Sharing global CO2 emission reductions among one billion high land_area = land area in KM squared industrial_intensity = measure of industrial intensity = industry, value added as percent GDP/ Though my model assumes that my data was collected accurately, emitters.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2009): 1-5. land_area_1 = land area recoded from 0 to 1 and logged agriculture, value added as percent GDP 10. Boyd, Roy. "Energy Taxation as a Policy Instrument to Reduce CO2 Emissions: A Net Benefit I must keep in mind that measurement errors in data collection are industrial_intensity_1 = Industrial Intensity = average industry as % GDP/ average agriculture as Analysis." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (1995): 1-24. a threat to internal validity. Instrumentation discrepancies when World Bank Organization, World Bank. 2004-2005. "Industry, value added as percent GDP." http:// % GDP, converted to 0-1 scale, logged 11. Henderson, Hazel. “The Limits of Traditional Economics: New Models for Managing a 'Steady measuring C02 emissions across countries, and variations across the State Economy.'” Financial Analysts Journal (1973): 28-30+32+79-80+83- 84+86-87 globe in data collection methods on revenue and education, could INDAVG_1= average industry as % GDP Education Atlas of World Bank Organization, World Bank, 2004-2005, “Gross Enrollment Rate, cause inconsistencies. I try to account for other threats to internal ind_2004 = industry, value added as percent GDP 2004 Percent Primary” EXTDATASTATISTICS/EXTEDSTATS/0,,contentMDK:21603536~menuPK:4580850~pagePK:6416 Codebook and Data Sources: ind_2005 = industry, value added as percent GDP 2005 validity, like maturation of subject and history, by averaging almost 8445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:3232764,00.html INDAVG = average industry over 2004 – 2005 as percent GDP all variables across two years. Throwing away outliers, like Slovenia, country_name = country name education_1 = total national annual net enrollment rate at the primary level in %, averaged over also is a crucial part of my methodology because it enables the 2004-2004, converted to 0-1 scale World Bank Organization, World Bank. 2004-2005. "Agriculture, value added as Percent GDP." regression to be a more accurate representation of the sample as a International Energy Information Administration., EIA. 2004-2005. "CO2 Emissions from the Consumption of Coal (Million Metric Tons)." whole. AGRAVG_1= average agriculture as % GDP, logged. IEDIndex3.cfm?tid=1&pid=1&aid=8 A way to improve external validity of the method is to increase C02_AVG_1 = Average C02 Emissions '04-'05 Mill. Metric Tons the sample size. However, data availability limits the size of the YEAR_2004_C02 = C02 Emissions 2004 sample. Some countries as of yet did not have data for one or more YEAR_2005_C02 = C02 Emissions 2005 of my key explanatory variables: the 50-country sample I used for the C02_AVG = Average C02 emissions in 2004 and 2005 first few regressions was essentially randomly selected because it C02_AVG_1 = Average C02 emissions over 2004 and 2005, converted to a 0 to 1 scale, and logged was what remained after merging all datasets. Ideally, one hundred or more countries would provide larger statistical significance. International Energy Information Administratin, EIA. 2004-2005. “Population (millions)”. http:// My research supports my hypothesis that modern social democratic POPAVG_1 = Average Population '04-'05 POPAVG_1 = Average Population '04-'05 governments are best at solving the energy crisis. The most important pop2004 = population in millions in year 2004 pop2005 = population in millions in year 2005 finding leading to this conclusion is that C02 emissions go down as POPAVG = average population over 2004 to 2005 annual national public education spending and taxation go up. POPAVG_1 = average population over 2004 to 2005, converted to a 0 to 1 scale, and logged Since high x-values equate to social democratic countries and a negative dy/dx indicates successful renewable energy policies, this World Economic Outlook Database, International Monetary Fund. 2004-2005. "Gross domestic negative relationship means that social democratic regimes are product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) per capita GDP ." making the most successful effort to promote sustainability and pubs/ft/weo/2005/01/data/dbcselm.cfm?G=2001 enforce renewable energy policies. One possible explanation for this GDPPCAP_AVG_1 = Gross Domestic Product PPP '04-'05, US $ YEAR_2004_GDPPCAP = GDP based on PPP per capita GDP 2004 relationship is that social democracies, built around a collaborative YEAR_2005_GDPPCAP = GDP based on PPP per capita GDP 2005 ideology, possess an infrastructure and mentality more conducive to GDPPCAP_AVG_1 = GDP based on PPP per capita GDP averaged over 2004 to 2005, converted to encouraging sustainability and enforcing renewable energy policies. a 0 to 1 scale, and logged Their citizens visibly adhere to sustainable practices and do not seem at all begrudging towards using renewable energy sources. CIA World Factbook, CIA.1990-2006. “Public Education Expenditure as percent GDP”. https://www. Additionally, my research supports the conclusion that energy taxes and education themselves may directly increase the success education_expenditure_1 = public education expenditure as percent GDP education_expenditure = education expenditure as percent GDP of sustainable policies. With this knowledge, I can make a policy education_expenditure_1 = education expenditure recoded from 0 to 1, logged recommendation that nations switch to a modern social-democratic Education and education_1 are variables in the dataset that are not used in any regressions system so that they can better implement sustainable policies, use energy taxation to promote renewable energy usage, and educate Energy Information Administration, 2004-2005. “Total Primary Energy Consumption/US dollar their citizens as to how to live sustainably. GDP PPP, Quadrillion BTU” ECAVG_1 = Total Primary Energy Consumption/US dollar GDP PPP, Quadrillion BTU, '04-'05 References: EC2004 = Energy Consumption in year 2004 EC2005 = Energy Consumption in year 2005 1. Boulding, Kenneth. “The Economics of Energy.” Annals of the American Academy of Political ECAVG = Energy Consumption averaged over 2004 to 2005 and Social Science (1973): 120-126 ECAVG_1 = Energy Consumption averaged over 2004 to 2005, converted to a 0 to 1 scale, and 2. . Rowney, Fergus. “Sustainable Development: Epistemological Frameworks & an Ethic of logged Choice”. Journal of Business Ethics (2005): 197-207 3. Perelman, Lewis J. “Speculations on the Transition to Sustainable Energy.” Ethics (1980): 392-416 World Bank Organization, World Bank. 2004-2005. "Revenue Excluding Grants as Percent GDP." 4. Noll, Heinz-Herbert. “Towards a European System of Social Indicators: Theoretical Framework and System Architecture.” Social Indicators Research (2002): 47-87 REVAVG = Revenue, excluding grants % GDP 5. Goldemberg, Jose. “Energy for the New Millennium.” Ambio, (2001): 330-337 revenue04 = average revenue as percent GDP in 2004 6. Raupach, Michael. "Global and regional drivers of accelerating CO2 emissions." Proc Natl Acad revenue05 = average revenue as percent GDP in 2005 Sci USA (2007): 10288–10293. REVAVG = average revenue in 2004 to 2005 7. Tucker, Michael. "Carbon dioxide emissions and global GDP ." Ecological Economics (1995): REVAVG_1 = average revenue recoded from 0 to 1 and logged 215-223.
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