Ch. 32 Sect. 2 The Nixon Administration Objectives: 1. Describe how Nixon’s personality might have affected his choice of staff members. 2. Describe how Nixon’s domestic policy differed from that of his predecessors. 3. Explain how Nixon applied his “southern strategy” to the issue of civil rights and to his choice of Supreme Court justices. Main Idea: As president, relied on several close advisers to help him move the country in a new direction. Nixon’s Personality • Richard Nixon was a very shy man from a poor family, but he knew how to play to crowd and loved politics. • Many Americans felt he did a great job as Vice President, but other Americans didn’t trust him. • Because of these characteristics, Nixon had a long, but difficult political career.

Nixon’s Staff • Nixon wanted an Imperial Presidency, meaning the executive branch would dominate the other branches of government. • To try and achieve this, Nixon’s administration used a closed, secretive style. Nixon’s cabinet was wealthy, white men who shared his views, but he trusted a very small group of advisors. • (Secretary of State), H. R. Haldeman (Chief of Staff), John Mitchell (Attorney General), and John Ehrlichman (First Legal Counselor) were the four men Nixon trusted and relied on for political advice. Kissinger & Nixon Nixon’s Domestic Policy

• Nixon’s domestic policy had to deal with economic problems, social issues, law and order, and “Southern Strategy.”

• Economic Problems: High unemployment (9%), high inflation (bread .28 to .89), huge government debt (Vietnam War), and high gas prices (.25 to .65) due to OPEC restricting the oil supply to the U.S. due to U.S. support of Israel. • To try and reduce government spending, Nixon cut some “Great Society” programs saying it led to “Welfare Cheaters.” Nixon felt many Americans had enough of the counterculture and student protests, so he called the students “bums” and said he would restore law and order. 1973 OPEC Embargo Domestic Continued • Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” was to try and gain white support by slowing the civil rights movement. • Nixon for example was against using busing to desegregate schools. Nixon’s approach led to very few civil rights gains, but did win him reelection. • Nixon was given a rare opportunity to name four Supreme Court justices. Nixon choose justices who were more conservative and drastically changed the make up of the Supreme Court. • One of the justices was William Rehnquist who became Chief Justice and died in 2006. Warren Burger 15th Chief Justice & William Rehnquist 16th Chief Justice