Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 91, pp. 2718-2722, March 1994 Genetics Mutations at the lysosomal acid cholesteryl ester gene locus in Wolman disease RICHARD A. ANDERSON*t, ROBERT S. BYRUM*, PAUL M. COATESt, AND GLORIA N. SANDO§ *Departments of Internal Medicine and Comparative Medicine, Wake Forest University Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC 27157; *Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104; and §Department of Dermatology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 Communicated by Daniel Steinberg, December 2, 1993

ABSTRACT The genomic sequences encoding the human Most of the CESD patients who have died before their 4th lysosomal acid /cholesteryl (sterol esterase; EC decade have shown advanced atherosclerotic vascular pa- have been isolated and sequenced, and the informa- thology at autopsy. tion has been used to identify mutations in both alleles of the Tissue levels of both cholesteryl esters and triglycerides gene from a patient with Wolman disease, an autosomal are markedly elevated in WD, while pathologic cholesteryi recessive lysosomal lipid storage disorder. The genomic locus ester storage in CESD is accompanied by only a marginally consists of 10 exons spread over 36 kb. The 5' flanking region abnormal intracellular accumulation of triglyceride. Normal is G+C-rlch and has caracteristics of a "housekeeping" gene plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels can be found in promoter. One ofthe identified mutations involves the insertion infants with WD, but CESD patients characteristically are of a T residue after POsi 634, resulting in the appearance of hypercholesterolemic with elevated LDL-cholesterol levels an in-frame translation stop signal 13 codons downstream. The (1, 3). second mutation is a T-to-C transition at nucleotide 638. This Experimental observations consistent with the concept results in a leucine-to-proline substitution at amino acid 179 that WD and CESD arise from defects at the same genetic and is predicted to lead to the disruption of the a-helical locus, presumably LIPA, the structural locus for the structure in a highly conserved region of the protein. These on chromosome 10q, include the findings that (i) extracts of mutations are each capable of completely disrupting the cata- cultured fibroblasts from patients with either WD or CESD lytic function of the lysosomal acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase; exhibit similar very low to absent activities of the same their presence can account for the extreme phenotype of the isoform (lipase A) of acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase lysosomal lipid storage disorder manifested in members of this activity (5), (ii) the application of a secreted form of human patient's family. lysosomal acid lipase (HLAL) with intact mannose-6- phosphate lysosomal targeting signals to cultured WD or Lysosomal acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase (sterol CESD fibroblasts corrects lysosomal cholesteryl ester accu- esterase; EC is crucial for the intracellular hydro- mulation in the mutants (6), and (iii) as would be expected for lysis of cholesteryl esters and triglycerides that have been allelic disorders, cocultivation of WD cells and CESD cells internalized via receptor-mediated endocytosis oflipoprotein does not complement the deficient activities (2, 3). Until particles (1). This process is central to the supply of choles- recently, however, there has been no direct proof that either terol to cells for growth and membrane function and in the condition arises from mutations in the structural gene. regulation of processes that are mediated by cellular choles- To establish that defects at the structural gene locus are terol flux. The importance of this enzyme in mediating the responsible for the acid hydrolase-deficient WD phenotype, effect of low density lipoprotein (LDL) uptake on suppres- we have isolated the HLAL gene from a human genomic sion ofhydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase and activation library and used information from the cloned genomic se- of endogenous cellular cholesteryl ester formation was es- quences$ to identify the causal mutations in the acid cho- tablished by Brown et al. (2) in the mid-1970s. ester alleles in a with WD. Consequences ofa deficiency ofthis acid lipase activity are lesteryl hydrolase present patient seen in two human genetic diseases, Wolman disease (WD) and cholesteryl ester storage disease (CESD). Both of these MATERIALS AND METHODS autosomal recessive conditions are characterized by severely depressed acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase activities, Library Screening. Standard molecular biology protocols intralysosomal lipid accumulations, and derangements in the (7) were used throughout unless specifically indicated. Six regulation of cholesterol production. Despite what are, in hundred thousand plaques from a commercially available most instances, indistinguishably low levels of residual acid genomic library constructed with human male placental DNA hydrolase activity, the clinical and biochemical phenotypes inserted into the A FIX II vector (Stratagene) were screened manifested by WD and CESD are dramatically dissimilar (1, twice with different 32P-labeled HLAL cDNA fragments; 11 3). WD is lethal within the first year of life; infants die from positive clones were obtained by screening with the 2.4-kb complications of massive storage of lipids in most tissues BamHI fragment representing most of the acid lipase insert before classic atherosclerotic pathology develops. Adrenal from pHLAL11 (8) and 4 more isolates were obtained by calcification is a hallmark ofWD but is not common in CESD. screening with the 145-bp BamHI fragment encompassing the Persons affected with the CESD variant show a broad 5' end of the coding sequence. spectrum of severity. Many present with only hepatic man- ifestations discovered adventitiously and the condition is Abbreviations: CESD, cholesteryl ester storage disease; HGL, hu- compatible with survival into middle age and beyond (1, 4). man ; HLAL, human lysosomal acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase; LDL, low density lipoprotein; WD, Wolman dis- ease. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge tTo whom reprint requests should be addressed. payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" IThe sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. GenBank data base (accession nos. U04284-U04293). 2718 Genetics: Anderson et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994) 2719 A DNA Isolation and Gene Structure Analysis. Small-scale cycles and concluded with an extension step of7 min at 720C. isolation ofA clone DNAs from liquid cultures was performed PCR products were purified free of unincorporated primers as described by Grossberger (9). Multiple restriction endo- by using Promega "Magic Prep" kits and sequenced directly digests were analyzed on Southern blots probed by the CircumVent Thermal Cycle dideoxynucleotide se- sequentially with 32P-labeled HLAL cDNA fragments en- quencing protocol (New England Biolabs). Sequences were compassing (i) 145 bp from the 5' end, (ii) 1.6 kb of the determined in both directions, with the same oligonucleotides peptide coding region, and (iii) 0.9 kb of 3' untranslated used in the amplification step as sequencing primers. Se- region. Only isolates that hybridized with the 3' untranslated quence variations were confirmed by using at least three region probe or showed overlap in restriction site patterns separate PCR amplification products and with the use of with these clones were examined further; other clones were genomic DNA isolated on at least two separate occasions. excluded so as to avoid confusion with sequences from the WD Patient. The proband (FeD) from whom the fibroblasts closely related human gastric lipase (HGL) gene. After this used in this study were obtained was the fifth pregnancy in a general selection and alignment, selected A clones were family with two earlier siblings with WD. Those cases have digested with Sac I and Bgl II, and the resulting fragments been previously reported (12, 13). The clinical findings for the were subcloned into pBluescript II SK(-) plasmids (Strata- affected siblings included hepatospenomegaly, failure to gene). Oligonucleotide primers previously used to sequence thrive, and adrenal calcification, and the infants died at 6.5 the HLAL cDNA (7) were used to definitively localize and 3 months of age. Subsequently, two unaffected siblings individual exons in the cloned inserts and characterize in- were born; the second pregnancy was monitored by measur- tron/exon splice junction sites by nucleotide sequence anal- ing acid lipase activity in cultured amniotic fluid cells. For the ysis. Plasmid clones were directly sequenced with the ap- fifth pregnancy, analysis ofchorionic villous samples showed propriate HLAL-specific oligonucleotides by using a double- less than 5% of control acid lipase activity as measured with stranded template and the Sequenase protocol (United States [14C]cholesteryl oleate as substrate, and no A isoenzyme of Biochemical). acid lipase was detectable after electrophoresis and staining Determination of Transcription Initiation Site. For primer with 4-methylumbelliferyl oleate. The pregnancy was termi- extension, 30 yg of total RNA isolated from cultured normal nated and the diagnosis was confirmed in cultured skin human fetal foreskin fibroblasts was annealed with 20 pmol fibroblasts obtained from the abortus (P.M.C. and J. A. of 5'-end-labeled CMP2 oligonucleotide (5'-GTTTCAG- Cortner, unpublished observations). Of note is the observa- GATCCACAGC-3'), which binds 82 nt downstream of the tion that fibroblasts from the otherwise normal, presumably initial AUG in the published cDNA sequence (8). The reac- heterozygous, father of this child showed marked lipid ac- tion mixtures were incubated with Moloney murine leukemia cumulation; his measured acid lipase activity was less than virus reverse transcriptase (10). The S1 nuclease protection 40% of controls (13). The parents were unrelated. Material was performed with a 253-nt riboprobe synthesized on an from other members of the family is not available. Xho I-Sac I fragment subcloned into pBluescript from the 5' end of A-HLAL1311 (Fig. 1). The products of both reactions were electrophoresed on a 6% polyacrylamide denaturing gel RESULTS beside a sequencing ladder originating with the CMP2 oligo- Structure of the HLAL Gene. A human genomic library in nucleotide priming the riboprobe vector insert. the A FIX II vector was screened to isolate the HLAL gene PCR Sequence Analysis of Exon Fragments. Nucleotide after genomic Southern blot results (not shown) indicated sequences of the genomic regions flanking the intron/exon HLAL sequences could be distinguished from homologous junction sites were used to design intron sequence-based HGL sequences and suggested that the HLAL locus was of oligonucleotide primers flanking each HLAL exon (see Fig. only moderate size. Fifteen clones, with inserts ranging in 2). Each "exon pair" ofprimers was used to initiate synthesis size from 12.5 to 18.8 kb, were successfully plaque purified in a series ofPCRs using human genomic DNA isolated from to homogeneity. Restriction site maps of three of these cultured fibroblasts as template. The fetal foreskin (normal clones, which cover the entire HLAL locus, are shown control) and WD fibroblasts were maintained in minimal aligned in Fig. 1. As indicated, the gene spans -36 kb with essential medium (MEM) supplemented with 10%6 fetal calf 10 exons that account for all of the transcribed sequences. serum, and DNA was isolated by using guanidine hydrochlo- The restriction sites and exon/intron alignments shown here ride (11). The optimized concentration (1.0-2.5 mM) of also account for all of the patterns that we have observed on MgCl2 in a standard Taq DNA polymerase PCR buffer that Southern blots ofhuman DNA probed with full-length HLAL led to the amplification of a single band was determined for cDNA. each primer set. Reactions were programmed for 1 min at The sequences ofthe exon/intronjunctions (Fig. 2) for the 940C, 1 min at 560C, and 2 min at 720C; they were run for 30 10 exons show the expected canonical splicing signals in all

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 *t I I -- *' T- Irlot " t 1 EX H E HBSEEX S K S LE BSE GEE V E G KSGXX X SS X N SGS S G III EIS II I 11 I I1 I I I I II "

L-HLAL51 1

L-HLAL 21 1 0 5 .k.b L-HLAL 1311 FIG. 1. Structure of the HLAL gene locus is shown on the first horizontal line; the exons are demarcated by vertical bars (solid for coding, hatched for 5' and 3' untranslated regions). Other areas that have been sequenced are indicated by thickened areas on the horizontal line. The combined restriction mapping data from the A inserts are shown on the next line, and the alignment of overlapping A clones covering the gene is shown in the lower area. Only the restriction sites used in mapping are shown: B, BamHI; E, EcoRI; G, Bgi II; H, Xho I; K, Kpn I; L, Bg1 I; N, Nhe I; S, Sac I; V, Pvu II; X, Xba I. 2720 Genetics: Anderson et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994)


gcggagtctccgaggcacttcccggtggctggctgctctgattggCTGAA .. .Exon 1 ... TCCAGgtgagagtgccggcgccgcggcgtgccaggtgcgggtgcggcgtggaagctggItgc EX2F 40 151 EX2R atosaaacattaaattaccagoatcattt.(39).tattatacagAATGA ... .Exon 2... .ATGTGgtaagtttctcaaagttatgtacttttaaaatgcatctatttccccgatcca E3F 152 269 E3bR atttcagattctatccacccaatttccat..(6). tttctctacagAGTGA. . .Exon 3... CAAAGgtatgggaaggctcttaaaagtaaaaaccagaattcttctgggttttata EXN3F 270 468 EXN3R gaaacttaatgctectacctcctaaacaatgaatgtttttcagGTCCC-- A-- ... Exan_ _ lbA4... TTCAGgtatatatgaa.----- (zu). tttccttagtactcttaaagcagacaacaascttcc"a EXN4F 469 578 EX114R catactceatatatatatgctctatttta. (25). tggattacagTTATG... .Exm 5... .TATAGgtatgtatg.(15)..gttgatataaattcttcattacagagtttotacttttc EXN5F2 579 715 EXN5R mmoatcccaaatsatoa .(10).tgttctcacagGTTTT . .. Exn 6... TTAAGgptacttggacccctcccatccctctcctctccccgcagatttcctcctgaa EXN6F 716 862 EXN6R - _ - .(14).tttattttgtagGACTT ... .Exon 7... .ATATGgtatgcatgttt. (37). atgatatgggagaggtgsaaatacctcatcagaact EX7aF 863 934 EX7AR tceatgccaccttaatactgttttcat.(16).tttattttgcagTCTAG ... Exan 8... .GCCAGgtaggcattcca. (27) .caacatcagaaaggnctg ocatocasaaccctttcc EXN7BF 935 1006 EXNSR2 gttgatttccgaggttgtggc -(IR *trrtet.tttAnG.rTT -F 0- ArnatAAfattftt I2Jl 3actcattaagaaagccagcctuacctatcagoattMta EXN8F 1007 Ter EXN8R aacacsaascttctctggttcctttcattgtagAGTTA... Exan 1O..AAATATCAGTGAAAGCTGGACTTGAGCTGTGTACCACCAAGTCA....

FIG. 2. Exon/intron junctions. Partial intron sequences appear in lowercase letters surrounding the exons in uppercase letters (only the junction nucleotides are shown). Nucleotide positions of the junctions as numbered in the cDNA (8) appear on the upper lines. Numbers in parentheses represent nucleotides deleted so that the sequences and positions of the primers (underlined) used in PCR amplifications can be shown. The translation termination site is labeled (Ter).

cases. The exon sizes and structures are remarkable only for showed relatively low, but detectable, levels of approxi- the length of axon 10 (1487 nt), which contains extensive mately full-length HLAL message. A representative result is protein'coding sequences as well as all ofthe sequence for the shown for the WD fibroblast line, FeD, in Fig. 4. long 3' untranslated region. Exons 8 and 9 are both 72 bp long A detailed analysis for mutations in the genomes of cul- and end with intact codons; the near identity of the distal 12 tured HLAL-deficient fibroblasts was performed by directly amino acids in each suggests that they resulted from a sequencing exons, using genomic DNA as template. The duplication event. The translation start site lies at the begin- oligonucleotide primers shown in Fig. 2 were first used to ning of exon 2 and the conserved esterase pentapeptide motif PCR amplify specific genomic fragments encompassing each which appears to be an candidate in many exon, and then the same primers were used to determine the (14) is in exon 5. nucleotide sequences ofthe amplified fragments. The priming Primer extension of normal fibroblast RNA with the sites were chosen to show splice junctions as well as the HLAL-specific CMP2 primer and nuclease protection of a peptide encoding regions. To obtain representative sequence 113-nt fragment beginning at the Xho I site by an antisense data with minimal interference due to the infidelity of Taq riboprobe indicate a major transcription initiation site con- polymerase, the entire uncloned population of linear mole- sistent with a 140-nt 5' untranslated segment for the HLAL cules obtained in each exon PCR was subjected to direct mRNA (Fig. 3). There is also a rarely used initiation site at sequencing. position -20. The 5' flanking sequences, as well as the exon Sequence variations were detected in both HLAL alleles of 1 and early first intron sequences shown in Fig. 3 have a 66% the FeD line with this technique. The two mutations in the G+C content. The only consensus binding sites are for FeD line that significantly alter HLAL peptide structure are general transcription factors such as Spl (15). shown in the sequencing gel autoradiographs in Fig. 5. The Identification of WD Mutations. There was no evidence of changes are close to each other and, by the nature of the deletions or rearrangements in the HLAL alleles ofany ofthe insertion mutation, produce an initially difficult to dissect WD and CESD DNAs examined by Southern blotting when pattern in the sequencing gel of the uncloned mix of PCR compared with normal fibroblast DNA or the cloned se- products from the two different alleles (Fig. 5 Upper Left). quences (data not shown). When the size and levels ofHLAL The sequencing analyses of subclones of isolated PCR frag- mRNA were examined on Northern blots of total cellular ments encompassing FeD exon 6 that are shown in Fig. 5 RNA from 12 acid lipase-deficient fibroblast lines, almost all Lower clarify the patterns and demonstrate that the sequence

-224 gtgcagcctgcagactcgggcgagcagagcgctaaacagcttgctagagagcatgcgtagcacgcgctgt -154 agagctgtgacctgccagcctgcgagcgagacggctccatctcttagaacgtacggcgcatgatatatgg

- 84 gtcaactggggggctggcaagcggcagcgctggtctggggcagagtctccgaggcacttcccggtggctg Spi - 14 gctgctctgcGatta CAAATAGTCCGAGGGTGGCTGAGTCCGCCCTCCCGACAAGGCAGACCAGGC NF1 Spl 57 CCCCTGCAGGTCCCCTATCCGCACCCCGGCCCCTGAGAGCTGGCACTGCGACTCGAGACAGCAACCCGGC 127 AGGACAGCTCCAGgtgagagtgccggcgccgcggcgtgccaggtgcgggtgcggcgtggaagctggtgcc 197 ttcagcaaggggagggtcgcgccccgaggctctgcgccggcaagaccctctgcgtttggacccagcgagt 267 cttaccta~aaatacctgcaaggtgctttttctgc AP2 AP2 FIG. 3. The 5' region of the HLAL gene. Transcribed sequences to the end of exon 1 appear in uppercase letters and 5' flanking and intron sequences are in lowercase letters. Consensus binding sequences for transcription factors Spl, NF1, and AP2 and the Xho I restriction site in exon 1 are underlined. Genetics: Anderson et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994) 2721

N Fel) FeD NORMAL A C G T A C G 1 -ti At Aw ~~~~~c/ C t /g a. I ILAL g . o-e*.-.I g g//t ......

-F-J-S t / g/t ..H. . L ..,.'.w&,>-5.~sg;- !t ...,' I... 1,-k,,, ' " .... ''.,'..g " t t * S_ ' -a Actinl ~ ,,:" <:.-,a .,t ::.::.::....:: -a a

FIG. 4. Autoradiograph of Northern blot loaded with 20 Pg of Cloned PCR Fragments total cell RNA from normal (N) foreskin and the FeD WD fibroblast line probed consecutively with a full-length HLAL insert followed by A C C T A C Gi T an a-actin sequence. The control sample was left with film as long as t was required to get the FeD signal, resulting in its marked overex- to t posure. g g g variations are on different alleles. Sequencing ofthe opposite ::g c strands confirmed the results shown here (data not shown). The first mutation is a nucleotide insertion in exon 6; a t g t seventh T residue is inserted after residue 634 at the end of a t a run of 6 Ts. This leads to the creation of an in-frame v _ t~~~ t termination codon 12 amino acids downstream (Fig. 6A). t This same change is present in the proband and a parent in 1 at of the 11 unrelated acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase-deficient a families examined. The second mutation is a T-to-C transition at nucleotide FIG. 5. Nucleotide sequences for FeD, exon 6. Upper gels are residue 639 producing a nonconservative leucine-to-proline from direct cycle sequencing of PCR fragments. The result for the coding change (Fig. 6B). This nucleotide substitution also WD line is at the left and the normal at the right. Lower gels show creates a new Sma I restriction site which we have demon- sequences from PCR fragments cloned in pBluescript, with examples strated in the PCR product and on Southern blots ofgenomic of each of the two alleles found. DNA (data not shown). The restriction site polymorphism defect in a nondiffusible factor encoded at another locus but has permitted the rapid screening of DNA samples from 13 necessary for HLAL maturation or transport was the cause normal subjects, none of whom showed the restriction pat- of acid lipase deficiency phenotypes. tern seen in FeD DNA. This mutation has not been seen in It is likely that we have identified both ofthe mutations that any of the other cholesteryl ester hydrolase-deficient fibro- produced the disease in this patient (Fig. 6). The insertion blast lines screened. frameshift mutation in one HLAL allele results in the loss of The only other sequence variation seen in a peptide coding half of the protein and will almost certainly lead to an region is a common C-to-A polymorphism in one allele at enzymatically inactive unstable product. This type of frame- position 86. This results in the presence ofa threonine instead shift mutation with premature termination of translation of a proline as the 16th amino acid residue from the amino would also be expected to lead to destabilization of the terminus of the signal peptide. mRNA (16) and explain the lowered HLAL message level observed in this WD patient's fibroblasts. DISCUSSION The nonconservative leucine-to-proline substitution pre- dicted from the sequence of the second allele would also be The results presented here demonstrate that the WD pheno- expected to compromise enzymatic function. It occurs 26 type arises from HLAL structural gene mutations. Prior to amino acids away from what is presumably the active-site this, biochemical, coculture, and genetic complementation serine of HLAL, on the basis of the residue's position in a experiments were not able to exclude the possibility that a conserved esterase pentapeptide motif and the observation A INSERTION OF "r RESIDUE: truncation of the protein 634 FIG. 6. Structural implications ofthe mutations FeD ... ATGTTTTTTTGCCCTGGGTCCTGTGGCTTCCGTCGCCTTCTGTACTAGCCCT... found in the FeD HLAL alleles. (A) Nucleotide and ...M F F C P G S C G F R R L L Y TER predicted amino acid sequences near the site of insertion of an extra T residue after nt 634 in the Normal: ... ATGTTTTTTGCCCTGGGTCCTGTGGCTTCCGTCGCCTTCTGTACTAGCCCT... HLAL cDNA sequence (8). The insertion creates ...M F F A L G P V A S V A F C T S P ... an in-frame termination codon downstream. Nor- B MUTATION OF "T -> "C" : proline for leucine substitution mal sequences are shown for comparison. (B) Amino acid sequences, showing the implication of 153 the C-to-T transition in the codon for amino acid HLAL: ... Y Y V G H S QG T T I G F I A F S Q 179. A proline for leucine substitution (double un- HGL :...H Y V G H S G T T I G F I A F S T derlines) occurs 26 amino acids away from the 179 candidate active site serine (position 153) in the p conserved pentapeptide esterase motif (single un- I P E L A K R I K M F F A L G P V A S... derline). The homologous sequence of HGL is N P S L A K R I K T F Y A L A P V A T... shown on the lower line. 2722 Genetics: Anderson et al. Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994) that the equivalent serine at position 153 has been implicated could provide the information necessary to contrast the in the catalytic mechanism of HGL (17). The region of the control elements for HLAL and HGL to understand the peptide between serine-153 and the substitution is also highly determinants of regulated or tissue-specific expression of conserved (Fig. 6B) in the enteric acid lipases (18, 19). This these similar proteins. segment is predicted to form an a-helical secondary structure Despite the recognized importance of HLAL in the regu- (20) that would be disrupted by the proline substitution. lation ofcholesterol metabolism, difficulties with experimen- Production of an expressible form of the mutated gene by tal manipulation of the enzyme have limited progress in site-specific mutagenesis will facilitate biochemical evalua- understanding its control and physiological role. The obser- tion of the specific structural and catalytic effects of this vations that CESD patients exhibit premature atherosclerosis change and provide insight into the mechanism of enzymatic and that, conversely, a large subset of coronary artery (25) function. and cerebrovascular disease (26) patients have low levels of The location and nature of the mutations in the alleles HLAL activity indicate the relevance of this enzyme's func- examined here, a major truncation and a point mutation near tion to cardiovascular risk in the general population. This risk the catalytic site, suggest that the severity of the phenotype can now be explored with newly available molecular genetic in this compound heterozygote for WD is due to the complete tools that can demonstrate the etiology of the enzyme's inactivation of the enzyme's catalytic function. It could be dysfunction. the mutations the hypothesized that producing phenotypic 1. Schmitz, G. & Assmann, G. 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