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Enter your email address to be alerted to new articles: Tributes paid to "best friend" Georgie Submit 29th November 2008

A 19-YEAR-OLD soldier from Epping has been killed while serving in Afghanistan. The family of Georgie Sparks have paid tribute to their "best friend" who died along with Nov 2008 | Today Marine Tony Evans, who were both serving with J Company, 42 Commando Royal Marines, while on foot patrol on Thursday. They were to the north-west of Lashkar Gah, in Helmand province, when they moved on to the roof of a compound. There was an attack by insurgents armed with rocket-propelled grenades and both were badly wounded. Tell us your news... The Ministry of Defence said both received immediate medical attention and were moved Publicise your event... to a secure location before being put on a helicopter to be transferred back to Camp Promote your business... Bastion. Have your say... However both died during the flight. Georgie - or Sparky as he was known to his mates - Buy copies of photos that appear here... joined the Royal Marines in June 2006 and passed out from training in July 2007, joining email: 42 Commando a few days later. [email protected] During his time at 42 Commando he qualified as a sniper. call: David Jackman on 07710 447868 His parents, Wayne and Toni, and sister, Katie Sparks, said: "We have lost our best friend as well as our son. We are deeply saddened and in mourning. We are so very proud of Georgie - he always wanted to be a Royal Marine. Georgie loved the outdoors - fishing, shooting, paintballing - and was very close to his family. We miss him so much." Lieutenant Colonel Charlie Stickland Royal Marines, Commanding Officer, 42 Commando Royal Marines, said: "Marine Georgie Sparks was a quiet, understated professional. He lost his life fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with his comrades, covering their actions with his expert sniper skills." He added: "His loss has touched the entire Unit but no more so than the tight band of warriors that are the J Company 'Jesters'. "A man to be relied on, a man who had found his place and a man at the peak of his game, Marine Sparks had found a profession he loved and in which he excelled. He never looked back from winning the Commando Medal in training - an award for one who demonstrates Commando spirit, tenacity and courage in adversity above all others, something he lived by to his dying day." "The brotherhood of 42 Commando Royal Marines mourn him and remain resolute his loss will not be in vain. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones. The tributes from his colleagues say it all."

Did you know Georgie? Pay your own tribute by emailing a message to [email protected]

(Photo: MOD)

Defence Secretary pays tribute to "brave young men" 29th November 2008

DEFENCE Secretary John Hutton has paid tribute to Georgie Sparks and colleague Tony Evans describing them as "brave and highly professional young men". He said: "I was deeply saddened to hear of the deaths of Marine Georgie Sparks and Marine Tony Evans. It is clear that both were brave and highly professional young men who died doing a job they were passionate about. "The loss of Marine Sparks and Marine Evans reminds us of the extreme challenges that our forces in Afghanistan face. My thoughts are with the families of these two men and all the many colleagues and friends they leave behind." Paying tribute to Georgie Sparks, Major Reggie Turner Royal Marines, Officer Commanding J Company Group, 42 Commando Royal Marines, said: "A personable, courteous and hard-working individual, his dedication and professionalism were obvious and it is these high standards which enabled him to qualify as a Sniper prior to deployment to Afghanistan." "Although young, he demonstrated maturity beyond his years in the field and could be relied upon to tackle all tasks with characteristic enthusiasm and dedication. Naturally quiet, he had a dry sense of humour and was a popular member of 2 Troop." "He lost his life whilst providing covering fire for his colleagues, selflessly putting himself at risk in order to help others. We will miss his confident but understated manner, his meticulous eye for detail and his evident passion for his specialisation." "Our thoughts and prayers are with Georgie's family and friends at this difficult time."

Braeside students shine at debate 28th November 2008

A STUDENT at Braeside School, , received a prize for posing the best question at Epping Forest Youth Council's Big Debate held at Woolston Manor, . Panelists who answered the questions included Epping Forest MP Eleanor Laing, Brentwood and Ongar MP Eric Pickles, district council leader Di Collins and council deputy chief executive Derek Macnab. Braeside students Gabrielle Compton and Alexandria Martin, who are members of the 17- strong youth council, both posed questions as did Shabeena Panesar. Alexandria was presented with an i-pod after council chairman John Knapman judged her question to have been the best of the evening. Gabrielle won the slogan competition with her logo 'Don't judge me by my hoodie' reproduced on the hoodies presented to all students asking questions. Braeside headteacher Gillian Haddon said: "Our girls were a credit to the school, and as always it was a pleasure to accompany them. This debate was a powerful event http://www.everythingeppingforest.co.uk/newsnov08.htm 01/01/2009 Everything Epping Forest Page 2 of 11

counteracting the popular opinion that young people are apathetic. The students there were engaged and concerned about the area and communities in which they live."

Traveller sites issue under spotlight 28th November 2008

TWO public information meetings over the gypsy and travellers site consultation are being held this weekend. Sessions are at Thornwood Village Hall, Weald Hall Lane, between 11am and 2pm on Saturday (November 29) and at North Weald Village Hall between 10.30am and noon on Sunday (November 30). Epping Forest District Council has been told it must find 49 additional pitches by 2011. Several of the 27 sites across the district considered suitable are in the Epping and Thornwood area.

Flats plan thrown out 28th November 2008

PLANS to demolish two houses and replace them with 23 flats have been rejected by district councillors. The scheme would have seen 113 and 115 Grange Crescent, in Chigwell, replaced with a three-storey L-shaped block of 20 two-bedroom and three one-bedroom flats. Resident Lee Taylor said: "The residents don't want this site and neither does the parish council." He told the area plans committee it was out of keeping with every property in Grange Crescent and added there were also issues surrounding overlooking, noise, privacy and parking. He added: "People will be able to see directly into my rear bedroom, conservatory and garden." Michael Johnson, the joint applicant with his brother, said they had taken a lot of time to get the application right. He said: "There are four houses 100ft away from the western boundary with an established tree screen. Everything has been designed so it is inward looking away from the residential properties."

He said there would be improvements to parking and traffic movement and added: "We believe the building confirms to the Local Plan and Government guidelines and cannot be considered overdevelopment." An underground car park would accommodate 34 cars with additional areas for motorbikes and bicycles. Council planners said the development would "not appear overly conspicuous or out of keeping". However the scheme sparked objections from 24 households in Grange Crescent, the parish council and Chigwell Lawn Tennis Club. Councillor David Bateman told the meeting that residents were concerned about the height of the building, adding: "Several owners down there would be quite happy to see the site developed but they consider their best interests are for two storey rather than three."

School shown as example to others 28th November 2008

AN Epping school has made dramatic progress from being in 'special measures' to being recognised as a 'good school'. St John's School, which was in special measures until February 2004 and went on to achieve recognition as a "good school" when Ofsted re-visited two years later, is now being highlighted as a leading example to other schools. Two HMI Inspectors later visited the Tower Road school and interviewed senior staff, students, parents and governors to establish how it had been able to so significantly transform itself from failing to good in such rapid time. Ofsted want to use the resulting report to celebrate St John's and a handful of other schools as "role-models" for others deemed to be failing or providing inadequate education, to provide a framework for future success. Headteacher George Yerosimou said: "The key to the school's dramatic improvements has been the result of a clear vision to succeed, communicated through strong leadership at all levels, a shared community identity of staff, students, parents and governors established through regular and effective communication and the ability of the school to constantly review and reflect on what needs to be done to sustain improvement."

Free parking in council car parks 27th November 2008

PARKING is free in the district council car parks on Saturdays and Bank Holidays in the run-up to Christmas and the New Year. Parking is also free in the Bakers Lane and Cottis Lane car parks, Epping, between 3pm and 9pm on Friday, December 5, while the Christmas market is held n the High Street. All other conditions remain in force and attendants will be patrolling as usual. Free parking is available on Saturday, December 6, 13, 20 and 27, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and New Year's Day.

Murder victim's funeral held 26th November 2008

THE funeral of murder victim Clive Enkel, who was attacked in his home in September, has been held at Church. Two men have been released on police bail having been arrested in connection with Mr Enkel's death. He was attacked at his home in Alderwood Drive on Thursday, September 25, and died at Queen's Hospital, in Romford. Police have renewed their appeal for witnesses. Anyone with any information should ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Workman injured at Royal Gunpowder Mills 25th November 2008 http://www.everythingeppingforest.co.uk/newsnov08.htm 01/01/2009 Everything Epping Forest Page 3 of 11

THE Essex Air Ambulance was called to the Royal Gunpowder Mills, in , on Tuesday morning after a workman was injured. The man, who was working on the refurbishment of the old boiler house, is understood to have broken his femur. A doctor and paramedic gave pain-killing drugs to the man before he was taken to hospital. The air ambulance was not required.

Help to ease breathlessness 25th November 2008

PEOPLE with long-term respiratory conditions who are living with breathlessness can attend a six-week pulmonary rehabilitation course at St Margaret's Hospital, Epping. The course comprises a two-hour session on Wednesday and Friday afternoons and helps increase fitness and confidence in managing the condition. The first hour involves an individually-tailored exercise programme under the supervision of experienced senior physiotherapist Maggie Milne. The second hour features guest speakers and discussion and allows people to learn about their condition and share experiences. The respiratory nursing team can give help and advice to people with long-term respiratory disease, which affects their lungs and results in breathlessness. GPs in the district can refer patients for the course. The next course starts in January For more information write to The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Team, G104, Epping Forest Unit, St Margaret's Hospital, The Plain, Epping, Essex, CM16 6TN, or ring Elaine Dean on 07880 534713.

New playground opened 25th November 2008

A NEW playground has been officially opened at Limes Farm, Chigwell. Epping Forest District Council chairman John Knapman, leisure and young people portfolio holder Heather Harding and Chigwell Parish Council chairman Christine Buttling were among the guests - together with a host of youngsters. Mrs Harding said: "The new play equipment is part of the ongoing community investment by Epping Forest District Council and our partners at Limes Farm. Everything except the play-bridge is brand new. There are new swings and swivels of different kinds, a climbing wall, slides and rocking horses. I hope local children will enjoy many happy days of play." The district council was recently awarded £243,000 from the Big Lottery Fund Children's Play Programme to provide and improve play opportunities in the district. Following an audit of play facilities, three areas were selected to benefit from playground refurbishment schemes - Limes Farm, and Abridge.

Grant jackpot for leisure centre 25th November 2008

ONGAR Leisure Centre has received a £200,000 grant from Essex County Council to improve the playing fields on site. Epping Forest District Council intends to develop and establish a MultiSport hub site, which would include junior, youth and adult facilities for football, netball, rugby and cricket. For the infrastructure to accommodate the proposed variety of facilities, a 'Third/fourth Generation' artificial pitch with floodlights and a cricket square would need to be installed and levelling and drainage of the existing grass areas and marking of respective pitches will be carried out. Leisure and young people portfolio holder Heather Harding said: "This is absolutely fantastic news. We are looking forward to developing a facility which will not only be an asset for Ongar but for the whole district. We are most grateful for Essex County Council's support providing this opportunity to offer improved sports facilities for the district." The £200,000 grant will be added to £507,000 capital funding already agreed by the district council and early next year will form an external match funding application to the Football Foundation for approximately £700,000 making the total project around £1.4 million.

MP welcomes Pre-Budget Report 25th November 2008

NAZEING, Roydon and MP Bill Rammell has welcomed the Pre-Budget Report. He said: "We are facing absolutely unprecedented global financial instability and we need urgent, emergency action. The Pre Budget Report provides help to support ordinary families. We need these tax cuts now to accompany interest rate reductions to boost demand." He added: "The extra help for standard rate taxpayers and pensioners on lower and middle incomes is very welcome, as is the cut in VAT. And in a very progressive move, I very much welcome the future commitment to raise taxes for the highest paid earning more than £150,000 per year. This is the fair thing to do and it's what I have argued for within Government."

Airport campaigners show "community spirit" 24th November 2008

THE "community spirit" being shown by towns and villages across the area is helping fight the battle against the expansion of Stansted Airport. Stop Stansted Expansion group campaign director Carol Barbone was speaking at Moreton, and The Lavers Parish Council's annual parish meeting when she gave an update on expansion plans for the airport. She said Stop Stansted Expansion had lodged an appeal with the High Court to challenge the Government's decision to allow an additional ten million passengers a year to use the existing runway. She said: "That moment of demoralisation (when campaigners heard the Government's decision) confirmed that the Government is really hellbent on the expansion of Stansted." The campaign group is also preparing for a public inquiry, next April, into airport operator BAA's plans for a second runway. She spoke of the "community spirit and community feeling" in the parish, adding: "It's very special and it's a very powerful driver in our fight to prevent Stansted Airport being bigger than Heathrow is today." She added: "We are so committed to fighting this because it means something to us - our http://www.everythingeppingforest.co.uk/newsnov08.htm 01/01/2009 Everything Epping Forest Page 4 of 11

heritage, our legacy that we leave to our children. What lies ahead now are the challenges of the High Court appeal and the inquiry." "It's up to us. We're not a multi-million-pound company. We are committed, we do want to fight and believe there's something worth fighting for."

Traditional phone boxes saved 24th November 2008

TWO old-style red telephone boxes have been saved, after they were bought by a parish council. The phone boxes in Moreton and had been set to be removed by BT which has said they are not financially viable. But now Moreton, Bobbingworth and The Lavers Parish Council has stepped in - and bought them for £1 each. Parish council chairman Michael Pether told the annual parish meeting: "We are in the process of adopting these two boxes. We have responsibility for taking over the supply of electricity, and are responsible for maintenance." He added: "We will save what will turn out to be an attractive street scene object. There will be no phone, they will simply be, probably lit, attractive red boxes."

Village bridge work approved 24th November 2008

WORK to protect Moreton Bridge from damage caused by traffic has been approved. Parish council chairman Michael Pether told the annual parish meeting: "That plan is now with highways. We're hoping something will happen in the early part of next year."

Affordable housing sites earmarked 24th November 2008

TEN sites in Moreton and Bobbingworth are being considered for affordable housing. Hastoe Housing Association has drawn up the list which is being reviewed by district council planning officers. The move follows a survey in the Moreton, Bobbingworth and The Lavers parish council area which concluded that affordable housing was needed. No details have been disclosed about where the sites are or how many properties could be involved. The parish council has said it would favour family-sized homes to bring young people into the parish.

Businesses optimistic for the future 24th November 2008

LOCAL businesses are feeling optimistic for the future despite the economic downturn, according to Chigwell Business Group chairman Jeff Slade. The group includes some 30 businesses in the area representing everything from financial services to couriers. Meeting once a week for breakfast, the group aims to provide support and direction for local business people. Last week the group discussed how the financial crisis was affecting their businesses and those of their clients. Mr Slade said: "Local businesses have the ability to engender value and, through value, local wealth in a period of downturn." "Many of our members have clients suffering from the credit crunch but are seeking to help them with focused spending and value added service strategies." "The good news is that each of our members expressed confidence that this period of consolidation would help to streamline and optimise their own businesses and position them for further growth in the future." "This optimism is contagious and will be a key driver for the recovery in our local area."

MP slams Government over traveller sites 23rd November 2008

EPPING Forest MP Eleanor Laing has hit out at the Government over the gypsy and traveller sites issue. Mrs Laing was involved in verbal exchanges with Communities and Local Government Minister Sadiq Khan in the House of Commons on Wednesday, November 19. She said nobody objects to reasonable rights being given to gypsies and travellers, with Epping Forest already providing many authorised sites. She asked the Minister why he respected the rights of gypsies and travellers but would take away the rights of taxpayers who are under threat of having pieces of land next to their houses taken away by compulsory purchase. Mrs Laing said: "Of course Epping Forest District Council don't want to use compulsory purchase powers. They are being forced to take this matter forward by the Government. This Labour Government has no respect for hard-working, law abiding, taxpaying families. We already have plenty of gypsy sites in Epping Forest. The Government should not be forcing us to have more. " Epping Forest District Council has said it will only use compulsory purchase powers as a "last resort" as it looks to find 49 additional pitches by 2011, having earmarked 27 possible sites.

Flats plan sparks objections 23rd November 2008

CONTROVERSIAL plans to demolish two houses and replace them with 23 flats are being recommended for approval. District councillors will meet on Wednesday to discuss an application to pull down 113 and 115 Grange Crescent, in Chigwell, and build a three-storey L-shaped block of 20 two- bedroom and three one-bedroom flats. Should permission be granted, applicant The Grange Development (Essex) Ltd will be asked to enter into a legal agreement that ten of the properties are 'affordable http://www.everythingeppingforest.co.uk/newsnov08.htm 01/01/2009 Everything Epping Forest Page 5 of 11

housing' (seven for 'general needs' and three as shared ownership). A planning officer's report to the area plans committee states the council is also seeking £48,042 towards education provision and money to improve Manor Road. Two lift towers would stand taller than the main building. An underground car park would accommodate 34 cars with additional areas for motorbikes and bicycles. Council planners say the development would "not appear overly conspicuous or out of keeping". However the scheme has sparked objections from 24 households in Grange Crescent, the parish council and Chigwell Lawn Tennis Club. Objectors say it is overdevelopment, out of keeping with the area with the building overlooking neighbouring properties and overpowering because of its height. Concern has also been voiced over parking and traffic issues.

Torchlit procession remembers loved ones 23rd November 2008

A TORCHLIT procession will form part of the St Clare Hospice 'Light Up A Life' ceremony in on Saturday, December 6. Anyone wanting to take part should meet at Loughton Methodist Church, High Road, at 4.30pm for the walk to Kings Green for 5pm where there will be carols and addresses by Loughton Town Council, St Clare Hospice and Churches Together in Loughton representatives. Refreshments will be served at the Methodist Church after the ceremony. Light Up A Life is run at Christmas by hospices across the country. Donations are made to dedicate a symbolic light in memory of a loved one. All the names are recorded in a Book of Remembrance at the hospice. Sponsor forms are available from the town council on 020 8508 4200 and the hospice on 01279 773750. Dedications can be accepted until January 6.

Chigwell School takes debating honours 21st November 2008

A TEAM from Chigwell School talked their way to success at this year's Epping Forest Schools Parliamentary Debating Competition. Jan Indracek, 17, and James Crouch, 17, were among five teams from secondary schools in the district taking part in the annual contest which was held this year at Davenant Foundation School, which had won last year. The Chigwell students were speaking against the motion "that this House believes that capitalism is dead". The competition, which was being held for the fifth year, is organised by Epping Forest MP Eleanor Laing who acted as 'Speaker' for the evening. Runners-up were the youngest team, Alexandra Gould, 14, and Andrew Catherall, 14, from Debden Park High School. Also taking part were Rose Mortimer, 15, and Nick Gill, 17 (Davenant Foundation School), Natasha Inayat, 17, and Lauren Dusznyj, 17 (West Hatch High School) and Emma Hull, 14, and Georgia , 15 (St John's School). The winning team received the Eleanor Laing Cup for Parliamentary Debating, which the school will hold for a year, and individual trophies to keep. The winners and runners-up each received a book of humorous quotations while all participants were presented with House of Commons pens.

Shopkeeper recounts armed raid drama 21st November 2008

A WOMAN shopkeeper has spoken of the moment she was confronted by a gunman in her shop. The 35-year-old owner of Lindsey Stores, in Lindsey Street, Epping, was at the back of the shop when two men burst in about 4.45pm on Thursday, November 20. The woman told everythingeppingforest: "He put the gun to my cheek and said 'give me the money, give me the money'. It was pressing on my cheek. The other man was standing by the till pressing the buttons to try and open it." The woman said the gunman again asked her for money but she said she did not have any on her. The pair ran off empty-handed when the till started bleeping. They threw a chewing gum display stand on the floor as they fled. The woman, who does not want to be named, added: "At the time I didn't think anything about it. After they had left I was a bit shaken up. At the moment I'm okay but a little scared." Both men, who were in their late teens or early 20s, had scarves over their faces. The gunman was white, 5ft 8ins to 5ft 10ins tall, of medium build with blue eyes and wearing a white hooded jacket done up to the neck with a black scarf over his face and a black woolly hat under his hood. The other man was of similar build. Anyone with any information should ring Epping CID on 0300 333 4444.

EXCLUSIVE: Retirement flats scheme on hold 21st November 2008

NEWTS and the 'credit crunch' have forced developers to put a controversial retirement housing complex in Epping on hold. Widespread opposition was voiced when McCarthy and Stone fought to win planning http://www.everythingeppingforest.co.uk/newsnov08.htm 01/01/2009 Everything Epping Forest Page 6 of 11

approval for the development in the High Road. Planning consent was only given following several applications and planning appeals. Three properties have been demolished to make way for the flats. But the 'credit crunch' and downturn in the housing market came just too late to save the homes from demolition, and now the site remains empty with construction work delayed until early next summer. In the meantime arrangements are being made to accommodate rare newts found on the site. McCarthy and Stone regional managing director Andrew Oliver told everythingeppingforest: "Initially the build start was delayed by the discovery of newts. Since then the credit crunch has set in forcing us to postpone operations further." "Just about every housebuilder in the land is having to re-examine their construction schedules in the current economic climate and McCarthy and Stone is no exception." "We hope to resume work early next summer. In the meantime, we continue to liaise with English Nature to provide a new pond for the newts with suitable fencing so they are fully settled before the workmen return." He added: "I am sorry if the delay has affected anyone who was hoping for an early move to a retirement apartment. No-one had been promised a moving date as the properties have not yet been released on the market."

What do you think? Email [email protected]

Compulsory purchase a "last resort" for traveller sites 21st November 2008

COMPULSORY purchase powers available to the district council will only be used as a "last resort" as it looks to find more pitches for gypsies and travellers. Epping Forest District Council has been told by the Government that it must provide 49 more pitches by 2011 and then a further 57 by 2023. Twenty-seven sites around the district have been identified as being suitable, but no decision has yet been made and public consultation over the issue continues until Friday, January 23. Planning and economic development portfolio holder Anne Grigg said: ""Our record shows that although we have compulsory purchase powers, they are used as a last resort, whether connected to traveller and gypsy sites or any other matter. "Against that background I cannot see Epping Forest District Council wanting to use compulsory purchase powers in this instance." Residents have voiced concerns through the traveller and gypsy consultation process and the matter has been debated in the House of Commons when it was raised by MP Eleanor Laing. The council has clarified that although it is among a number of agencies with the power to make a compulsory purchase of land, councillors regard this as very much a last resort, a council spokesman said.

Forest riders voice cattle grid concerns 20th November 2008

HORSE riders are calling on forest bosses to scrap "dangerous and unneeded" proposals planned as part of a move to expand cattle grazing in Epping Forest. Epping Forest Riders Association says its consultation shows 81 per cent of riders are opposed to additional cattle grids and fencing. However the City of London Corporation says 25 per cent of horse riders would be happy with the extra measures, the association claims. The association says 13 new cattle grids are proposed - as many as 19 have been rumoured, it adds - instead of an initial proposal for eight or nine. The association says the fencing and cattle grids are not being provided to enable the expansion of cattle grazing but to protect speeding traffic from the cattle. A spokesman added that it was understood the cattle grids would be installed to act a 'gateways' to the forest rather than to prevent cattle from straying. A City of London Corporation spokesman said: "The grazing of cattle is an ancient commoners' right, which helped to save the forest in the 19th Century, and as a result the Epping Forest Act explicitly protects this right." "Cattle were a feature of the forest up until the mid-1990s ranging from Wanstead to Chingford each summer, but grazing has declined rapidly since. As well as maintaining a centuries-old tradition, it is very important to re-establish cattle grazing in Epping Forest in order to sustain its special landscape and biodiversity, which have resulted from this age- old management." The spokesman added that the grids will fully meet the British Standard approved by the British Horse Society. Each grid will have a bypass gate to allow horses, carriages and bicycles to pass safely around cattle grids. Bypass gates will have 'trombone' handles to prevent dismounting and mounting blocks for those riders who wish to lead their horses through the gates.

What do you think? Email [email protected]

Cash boost for fundraising WI 20th November 2008

MORETON and The Lavers WI has received a boost to its fundraising efforts - thanks to the generosity of Stansted Airport passengers. BAA Stansted has presented the group with £1,000 which will go towards its chosen charity - Help for Heroes - which supports wounded service personnel returning from serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The money was raised through the airport's collection of foreign currency.

Liberal Democrats welcome post office decision 19th November 2008

LIBERAL Democrats in Epping Forest have welcomed a Government decision to abandon proposals to hand over the payment of pensions and benefits from post offices to a private company. Thousands of elderly people, carers, disabled people and claimants in the district use their local post offices to receive their pensions and benefits through the Post Office Card Account. But earlier this year ministers invited bids from private companies as well as the Post http://www.everythingeppingforest.co.uk/newsnov08.htm 01/01/2009 Everything Epping Forest Page 7 of 11

Office for the contract to pay out pensions and benefits from 2010. Epping Forest Liberal Democrat parliamentary campaigner Ann Haigh said: "The Government's U-turn is welcome. It means our post offices have a better chance of staying open." "But this is a U-turn that should never have had to happen in the first place. The Government should have realised the importance of post offices to communities and awarded the new contract to the network without these months of delay." "Instead, local branches have had to deal with the uncertainty that ministerial dithering and unnecessary contracting processes has caused." "Hopefully local branches can now plan ahead knowing they will continue to pay out pensions and benefits. But we are also calling on the Government to carry out another U- turn. They must stop putting pressure on pensioners and benefit claimants to get their cash paid through the banks. People should have a choice."

Grants benefit district projects 18th November 2008

A £20,000 grant towards the refurbishment of the Stonards Hill play area in Epping is the largest single handout in the district in the latest round of grants from the Essex County Council's Community Initiatives Fund. Also successful were Buckhurst Hill Parish Council (£1,000 towards replacing stage curtains), Waltham Abbey Community Centre (£7,800 towards toilet refurbishment), Fyfield Village Hall (£10,145 towards extension), Ongar Town Forum (£1,000 towards jobs vacant board), Thornwood village hall and management committee (£7,000 towards recreation area), Willingale Parish Council (£7,200 towards village hall entrance hall and toilet upgrade), Loughton Town Council (£9,200 towards Newmans Lane playground improvements), Ongar Town Council (£14,000 towards replacement minibus) and 28th Epping Forest Scout Group (£5,955 towards six kayaks and a trailer).

Charities benefit from mayor's fundraising 18th November 2008

A WINTER Ball hosted by Epping mayor Ben Murphy at Woolston Manor Golf and Country Club, Chigwell, raised £5,500 for Haven House Children's Hospice, Woodford Green, and St Clare Hospice at . The event was attended by 150 guests who enjoyed a champagne reception and four- course dinner. Forty additional guests attended an evening reception. Guests included councillors and dignitaries, friends, family and businessmen, including Clinton Cards chairman Don Lewin.

Hospital services continue 18th November 2008

A RANGE of health services continue to be provided at Ongar War Memorial Hospital ahead of NHS West Essex's multi-million-pound plans for a health centre on the site. Phlebotomy, podiatry, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy and diabetic retinopathy services are still available at the hospital. NHS West Essex intends to build a £6m health centre accommodating the town's two doctors surgeries and other local healthcare professionals while also providing enhanced health facilities and services for local people. NHS West Essex has said the war memorial link will live on in the new building which will have 'war memorial' included in its name. The roll of honour which carries the names of those from the Ongar area who lost their lives in the two world wars, will be hung in the new building. A stakeholder group - involving local people interested in local healthcare - has been formed by the PCT and will be involved in the progress of the project. Posters and information about the community services will be available in local GP and dentist practices and pharmacies. A regular newsletter about progress is to be produced for people living in Ongar and the surrounding villages. NHS West Essex chief executive Aidan Thomas said: "We appreciate our plans for bring one chapter in the history of healthcare in Ongar and the surrounding area to an end. However our plans for the hospital site will bring about enhanced health facilities for local people." "Local people are working with us to deliver a health centre that people in Ongar and surrounding villages want and need." The in-patient beds have already been moved to the St Margaret's Community Hospital, Epping.

Man admits attempted murder 18th November 2008

A MAN has admitted the attempted murder of a police sergeant in Loughton. Loughton-based Sergeant Rob Huddleston was sitting in a police vehicle in Pyrles Lane shortly after 8am on Thursday, June 26, when Kenny Spence, 23, of no fixed address, fired a sawn-off shotgun at close range. Spence - who will be sentenced at the Old Bailey on December 18 - admitted the charge. He also pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm and causing grievous bodily harm in relation to a shooting in Romford on Wednesday, June 25. Senior investigating officer Detective Superintendent Tim Wills said: "This result is the culmination of a joint operation between and Trident, from the Metropolitan Police." "This was a most serious offence against an officer on patrol which could have had grave consequences. It is a matter of chance alone that Sgt Huddleston was not seriously injured or killed by Spence's actions." "I am pleased that Kenny Spence has accepted responsibility for his crimes that day."

Parish issues up for discussion 17th November 2008

VARIOUS issues will be discussed at the Moreton annual parish meeting at Moreton Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday, November 24. Stop Stansted Expansion campaign director Carol Barbone will give a presentation while an update on the Bobbingworth pocket park scheme will be given by project manager http://www.everythingeppingforest.co.uk/newsnov08.htm 01/01/2009 Everything Epping Forest Page 8 of 11

Daren Cole. Epping Forest District Council's gypsy and traveller sites consultation will also be discussed along with the parish's emergency response plan. Festive refreshments will be served. The meeting follows the switching on of the lights on the village Christmas tree at the green on the corner of Gould Close at 7.15pm.

Business group supports college 17th November 2008

MEMBERS of Chigwell Business Group visited the new Epping Forest College to see the facilities and courses that will shape the workforce of the future. The group was invited to a business breakfast for local businesses by Epping Forest District Council, Epping Forest Chamber of Commerce, Loughton Broadway Town Centre Partnership and Epping Forest College. Epping Forest MP Eleanor Laing was guest of honour and addressed the group along with college principal Peter Sadler. Chigwell Business Group chairman Jeff Slade said: "The new Epping Forest College is some 18,000 square metres of state-of-the-art facilities and something we can all be proud of." "The students that are being trained there will be our employees of the future and it was therefore heartening to hear from the principal that there is a definite focus on equipping students with the skills required by local employers." "The CBG, which represents some 30 local businesses, is keen to support the college whether by placing students on apprenticeships, providing work experience opportunities or taking advantage of the many business focused training opportunities." He added: "The college embraces the involvement of local businesses and we, at CBG, want to ensure we, in turn, support them."

Nominate a special person 17th November 2008

THE closing date for nominations for the Epping Forest District Council Citizen of the Year 2009 is Friday, November 28. Do you know someone who has shown outstanding courage or has done something of great benefit to you or your community? Perhaps someone who has shown extraordinary commitment, energy and effort in their particular field or towards achieving a particular goal? The award will be presented at the civic reception next March. There is no lower or upper age limit but council employees and serving councillors are not eligible. Nomination forms are available from the council information desks at Epping, Loughton or Waltham Abbey and Buckhurst Hill Parish Council Information Centre, or Pat Seager at the Civic Offices on 01992 564427 (Thursday and Friday only). They can also be downloaded from www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk

Hoodies under youth spotlight 17th November 2008

MORE than 200 young people will be involved in the first Epping Forest Big Youth Debate at Woolston Manor Golf Club, Chigwell, on Wednesday (November 19). The youngsters will exchange views with a panel of politicians and executive decision- makers - and hot on the young audience's lips is likely to be the issue of community stereotyping and youth self-esteem. Youth councillor Gabrielle Compton said: "The wider community needs to recognise that just because a lot of us young people wear hoodies doesn't mean we are up to no good. This is now a really big issue for young people." The Epping Forest Youth Council event follows a survey completed by nearly 900 young people. The event, featuring a panel including MPs Eleanor Laing, Bill Rammell and Eric Pickles, will be facilitated by BBC Essex presenter David Monk and webcast by Epping Forest District Council.

MP Eleanor Laing welcomes website launch 17th November 2008

WHAT a great idea to set up a news and information website for Epping Forest! So many of us now depend on the internet for our national and international news. I am sure that local people will welcome this brilliant initiative and that we will come to rely on it to know what is going on here in our own community. Statistics show that local newspapers are finding the current economic downturn very difficult. They are losing advertising revenue and customers too. So there is a danger that we might lose our local papers –and therefore our local news. That would be a great shame. Many people are not now in the habit of buying newspapers –because they get their information from their Blackberrys and laptops. So Epping Forest is ahead of the game –as it should be! I care very much about how effectively we communicate with one another because I think that, at a time when global issues dominate so much of our news agenda, we must not lose sight of the importance of our local community. And communities need communication. We need to know what is going on –social events, charity initiatives, school concerts, church services. We need local advertising - restaurants, businesses and shops. And we need the local gossip! I look forward to watching this new website grow and prosper.

Students prepare for debating competition 14th November 2008

SECONDARY school pupils from across the district will be out to prove they are top talkers when they compete in an annual parliamentary-style debating competition organised by Epping Forest MP Eleanor Laing. Youngsters from the eight secondary schools in the Epping Forest parliamentary http://www.everythingeppingforest.co.uk/newsnov08.htm 01/01/2009 Everything Epping Forest Page 9 of 11

constituency - Braeside, Chigwell, Davenant, Debden Park, King Harold, St John's, Roding Valley and West Hatch - will be battling it out at Davenant Foundation School, Loughton, on Friday, November 21. The winners of the Epping Forest Schools Parliamentary Debating Competition will be presented with the Eleanor Laing MP Cup. The teams will be debating for and against the motion that 'This House believes that capitalism is dead'.

National award for medical centre 13th November 2008

A MEDICAL centre in Epping has been named 'Practice of the Year' for the way it has improved patient access to its services. The Limes Medical Centre, at The Plain, which was presented with the award at the Management in Practice awards ceremony held at the NEC in Birmingham, received the award for improving patient access by creating a robust triaged access system to prioritise patients based on their condition. The set-up - which involved the entire practice team - included a co-ordinating role for the practice's healthcare assistants. The access system, which took 18 months to implement and has now been running for a year, has enabled the team to identify the most appropriate and quickest way for acute and chronic care to be provided. The system also provides excellent continuity of care and enhanced satisfaction for patients, as well as improving staff motivation and skill mix. Practice director Debbie Bodhanya said: "We were really pleased to win this award. It is a recognition of all the work we've been doing around the access project and it's a nice boost and a morale-lifter for our team."

Facelift planned for car park 12th November 2008

THE Bakers Lane car park in Epping is set to undergo a £120,000 facelift with proposed improvements, which have been supported by the district council cabinet, to include new lighting, CCTV, drainage, resurfacing and lining.

Dozens remember town's hospital as "an old friend" 11th November 2008

DOZENS of people paid tribute to Ongar's war dead and remembered an "old friend" as the last Remembrance service was held at Ongar War Memorial Hospital before it is replaced by a state-of-the-art health centre. The 'sunset act of remembrance' was held outside the hospital on Tuesday, November 11, with this year's service more poignant than usual. As well as remembering those who lost their lives fighting for their country, the town paid its respects to the war memorial hospital which has stood on the Fyfield Road site for 75 years. West Essex Primary Care Trust plans to demolish the hospital and build a £6m health centre accommodating the town's two doctors surgeries and other local healthcare professionals while also providing enhanced health facilities and services for local people. Addressing the service, Rev Brian Surtees described the hospital - which was built by public donation - as a "much loved and treasured" building. He said: "We are losing an old friend who has been a good friend. It's naturally a time that we are sad but it is to be replaced by a new friend. " Edwyn Gilmour, of the Ongar Remembrance Day Group, recounted the history of the hospital and spoke about how Dr Wilson, a doctor in the town at the end of the First World War, had argued that a hospital should be built in the form of a war memorial. Money was raised by the Drum and Monkey Club, which saw people go round the area with a barrel organ while wearing fancy dress. Their efforts resulted in the hospital being built, and officially opened by the Lord Lieutenant of Essex on August 7, 1933. Two moves to close the hospital were overcome - the most recent campaign in the late 1990s being led by the late Ron Walker. Despite the periods of uncertainty the facilities, including a new day room and lift, were enhanced thanks to ongoing local fundraising efforts. Mr Gilmour highlighted some of the people closely associated with the hospital over the decades - from matron Amy Cornwell who worked there from 1948 until 1970, Nurse Abbott and Matron Bond to the more recent stalwarts, nurse manager Brenda George, clinical nurse manager Gay Turner and sister-in-charge Brenda Evans. He praised the work of clerical officer Rodney Kinzett who devoted many years to the hospital, and who was secretary of the League of Friends. Mr Gilmour said: "These people were here to care for patients." He also paid tribute to the fundraising efforts of current Ongar and District Healthcare League of Friends chairman Sheila Jackman adding: "She believed in the hospital and what it stood for." In-patient beds have already been moved from Ongar to the new St Margaret's Community Hospital, in Epping, as plans progress for the transformation of the site to provide health facilities fit for the 21st century. Rev Surtees said: "We must make sure that the support that gave us this hospital continues to support the work that is done here in our name in the future." The in-patient beds have already been moved to the new St Margaret's Community Hospital, in Epping, in readiness for the building project which will bring health facilities fit for the 21st century to Ongar. West Essex Primary Care Trust has said the war memorial link will live on in the new building which will have 'war memorial' included in its name. The roll of honour which carries the names of those from the Ongar area who lost their lives in the two world wars, will be hung in the new building.

MP appeals for Royal British Legion members 11th November 2008

EPPING Forest MP Eleanor Laing is encouraging people to become members of the Royal British Legion. In the week of November 11 and following a busy Remembrance Sunday in which hundreds of people throughout the district paid their respects to the dead of two world wars and other conflicts, Mrs Laing said: "The Royal British Legion is an invaluable organisation and I would like to encourage people to become members of it." http://www.everythingeppingforest.co.uk/newsnov08.htm 01/01/2009 Everything Epping Forest Page 10 of 11

Since its foundation in 1921, the Royal British Legion has supported past and present service personnel and their families, for example by helping to fight nearly 36,000 ongoing War Disablement Pension cases for veterans and making around 300,000 welfare and friendship visits every year. The organisation also continues its work in assisting former servicemen and women to find gainful employment and adequate housing upon leaving the forces. Last year's Poppy Appeal raised almost £30m, a figure which directly supports the service community, crucial work on which the Legion spent over £88 million in 2007. Membership of the Royal British Legion is no longer limited to current and former members of the Armed Forces but is now open to all. It is one of the country's largest membership organisations, with over 450,000 members nationwide and a further 11,000 members overseas. The Royal British Legion now has a single membership, giving all members equal rights to participate in branch, county and national decision-making processes of the organisation. For more details, contact the Membership Services and Development Dept, The Royal British Legion, 48 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5JY.

Armed raid on McDonalds restaurant 9th November 2008

DETECTIVES are appealing for witnesses after a man carried out an armed raid on a McDonalds restaurant. The man - who was black and wearing a ski mask and hooded top - was carrying what was believed to have been a small handgun. A police spokesman said the man went into the restaurant, at the Highbridge Retail Park, Waltham Abbey, at 9.20pm on Friday and threatened staff, forcing them to open a till. The robber stole an undisclosed sum of money, and dropped some of it nearby as he fled. Detective Sergeant Ed Mayo appealed for customers or anyone who had seen the man before, during or after the raid to contact police following what he described as a “frightening experience”. Anyone with any information should ring Epping CID on 0300 333 4444.

Hundreds attend Remembrance Sunday parades 9th November 2008

HUNDREDS of people attended Remembrance Sunday services at churches and war memorials across the district. Wreaths were laid as the dead of two world wars and other conflicts were remembered by many - some too young to remember, others never too old to forget the contributions of others. The district's two main parades were in Loughton and Epping. A service of remembrance - organised by Churches Together in Loughton - was held at the war memorial at Kings Green, Loughton, when wreaths were laid by local organisations. The first wreaths were laid by Loughton mayor Chris Pond, Epping Forest MP Eleanor Laing and district councillor Caroline Pond, on behalf of Epping Forest District Council. Among those laying wreaths at the Epping war memorial on the town green was Mrs Laing, town mayor Ben Murphy and Epping Forest District Council chairman John Knapman. A parade was led by the Epping Forest Pipe Band before a service was held at St John's Church.

Police report "extremely quiet" Halloween 8th November 2008

POLICE in the district reported a relatively trouble-free Halloween night. Officers were called to a report of eggs being thrown in York Road, North Weald where a group of local youths was dispersed. At Limes Farm, Chigwell, there were two reports of fireworks being let off. Later police were called to where a bottle had been thrown and smashed, and where eggs were being thrown. During the evening a number of addresses were attended across the district and officers gave advice and reassurance to residents who had reported youth nuisance. Crime reduction officer Tony Ellis said: "Traditionally, Halloween produces a high demand for the increased numbers of police officers on patrol. However, many of the calls we receive relate to instances of nuisance rather than an actual crime. "The purpose of myself and Safer Communities staff from Epping Forest District Council patrolling together was to relieve the pressure on police units by attending minor nuisances leaving them to deal with more serious incidents. " Loughton Inspector Simon Werrett said: “Overall the evening was extremely quiet compared with previous years, which was due to partners and local agencies all working together to keep the area as safe and peaceful as possible for local residents. "It was helpful that most of our local young people attended the party at The Academy in Loughton organised in conjunction with Essex Police. This provided an excellent diversionary activity for local young people on Halloween. DJ's including the The Artful Dodger and Nubz were in town and about 150 youths attended the event in fancy dress. "In the Loughton area alone there was a 40 per cent reduction in calls on the evening, which was an excellent result.”

Village phone box to be saved 8th November 2008

THE old-style telephone box at Matching Tye is to remain. The box is one of those that BT wants to remove, but Matching Parish Council has decided to adopt the red box which will no longer have a telephone inside. http://www.everythingeppingforest.co.uk/newsnov08.htm 01/01/2009 Everything Epping Forest Page 11 of 11

Speed signs to target motorists 8th November 2008

MATCHING Parish Council has applied to Essex County Council for funding to provide vehicle-activated speed signs for Matching Tye.

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