Taxonomic revision of the Indo-Pacific Vasticardium flavum species group (, Cardiidae)

Jacques VIDAL Attaché au Laboratoire de Biologie des Invertébrés Marins et Malacologie, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 55 rue de Buffon, F-75231 Paris cedex 05 (France)

ABSTRACT The group of Vasticardium flavum (Trachycardiinae) includes four species of medium size, with a slightly elongate or rounded shell of circa thirty ribs, and a characteristic sculpture: rounded ribs elaborately ornamented with transverse ridges. The identity of Cardium flavum, until now rather enigma­ tic, is revised based on Linne's descriptions and the designation of a lecto- type. Three subspecies of V. flavum are recognized: the nominal subspecies (Carolines to eastern Indonesia and the Solomons), V. flavum subrugosum (India to the Philippines, China, South Japan) and V. flavum dupuchense (north-western Australia). Vasticardium pectiniforme (Born, 1780), better known as V. rugosum (Lamarck, 1819) and often erroneously considered a KEYWORDS , synonym of V. flavum, is the most common and widespread trachycardiine Bivalvia, in the Indo-Pacific. Two additional species have restricted ranges in Austra­ Trachycardiinae, lia: Vasticardium vertebratum (Jonas, 1845) [= V. reeveanum (Dunker, 1852)], Vasticardium, Indo-Pacific. and Vasticardium ornatum (Sowerby, 1877) [= V. fultoni (Sowerby, 1916)].

RÉSUMÉ Le groupe de Vasticardium flavum (Trachycardiinae) comprend quatre espèces de taille moyenne, avec une coquille légèrement allongée ou arrondie, d'une trentaine de côtes et une sculpture caractéristique : côtes arrondies for­ tement ornées de barres transversales. L'identité de Cardium flavum, restée jusqu'ici plutôt énigmatique, est révisée grâce aux descriptions de Linné et à la désignation d'un lectotype. Trois sous-espèces de V. flavum sont recon­ nues : la sous-espèce nominale (des Carolines à l'Indonésie orientale et les îles Salomons), V. flavum subrugosum (de l'Inde aux Philippines, Chine et sud du Japon), et V. flavum dupuchense (Austtalie du nord-ouest). Vasticardium pec­ tiniforme (Born, 1780), plus connue sous le nom de V. rugosum (Lamarck, 1819) et souvent considérée à tort comme synonyme de V. flavum, est le plus MOTS CLES mollusques, commun et le plus répandu des Trachycardiinae de l'Indo-Pacifique. Deux bivalves, autres espèces ont des répartitions limitées en Australie: Vasticardium verte­ Trachycardiinae, bratum (Jonas, 1845) [= V. reeveanum (Dunker, 1852)], et Vasticardium Vasticardium, Indo-Pacifique. ornatum (Sowerby, 1877) [= V. fultoni Sowerby, 1916].

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INTRODUCTION being the same as C. rugosum Lamarck, and named either flavum or rugosum. Cardium flavum and C. rugosum are among the The few authors who dealt with the identifica­ names most frequently used in the literature on tion of Linne's bivalves (mainly Hanley 1855 Indo-Pacific Cardiidae. Considered together, and Dodge 1952) were not very thorough in they constituted the absolute record in their investigations. None examined the Reginae Fischer-Piette's chresonymy (1977), with more Ulricae collection (now in Uppsala, Sweden). than one hundred usages in the literature. Both Dodge (1952: 62) stated about C. flavum: names are practically always used to designate "There is no internal evidence of its identity" the same species of Trachycardiinae, one of the [= no specimen, no synonymy, no locality], and most common in the littoral zones of these two dismissed Linne's description which was short oceans. About half the authors use the name (but mentionned at least three characters never Cardium flavum Linné, 1758. The others think present together in any other Cardiidae, see that this name is enigmatic, and use the name below). Cardium rugosum Lamarck, 1819, which is defi­ ned without ambiguity. Nevertheless, as far as I know, no author since 1819 has expressed the MATERIAL, METHODS AND TEXT view that C. flavum could be anything but CONVENTIONS C. rugosum. The material used for this paper comes from the The main aim of this paper is to show that following museums: Linné's description of C. flavum does not fit Australian Museum, Sydney C. rugosum and that type material exists that sta­ AMS ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences, bilizes the name C. flavum without ambiguity. Philadelphia There are in fact two easily separable species, BISHOP Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu C. flavum and C. rugosum, which have consis­ BMNH The National History Museum, tently been confused for more than 170 years. London There are three contributing factors. First, the IRSNB Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels two species are similar in size, shape, number of LACM Los Angeles County Museum of ribs and, as far as rib morphology is concerned, Natural History, Los Angeles only a detailed observation can separate them. MHNG Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Second, they are very widely sympatric. A third Genève, Geneva reason could be that the confusion was initially MNHN Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris made by two leading malacologists in the begin­ NHMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ning of the nineteenth century, Lamarck (1819) NMW National Museum of Wales, Cardiff and Sowerby (1841). QM Queensland Museum, Brisbane The majority of authors immediately subsequent USNM National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC to Linné correctly identified C. flavum Linné, WAM Western Australian Museum, Perth following Schröter who gave good description ZMA Zoôlogisch Museum, Amsterdam and figures (1784: pi. 7, fig. 11a, b; 1786: 43; ZMUC Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen figured specimen still present in ZUMC, Spengler collection, here Fig. 2A). This accurate Museum investigations include also the examina­ identification could have survived but Lamarck tion of Linné's private collection held by the (1819: 10) introduced a new species, Cardium Linnean Society, London, and of syntypes of rugosum, with the comment "an Cardium flavum Cardium flavum Linné from the Louisa Ulricae Linné?". This erroneous assumption was also collection in the Zoological Museum, Uppsala made by Sowerby who mentions (1841b: University, Sweden. No. 58): "C. rugosum yellow var.= C. flavum Linn?". Following these two authoritative opi­ For convenience, the shells are divided externally nions, C. flavum has mainly been interpreted as into four radial "quarters":

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AQ Anterior Quartet and symmetrical to asymmetrical and posteriorly MAQ Medio-Anterior Quarter expanded, obliquely or not, "winged" or trunca­ MPQ Medio-Posterior Quartet ted; often appreciably elongated and inflated. PQ Posterior Quarter Hinge line moderately angled (average angle about 130°). Cardinal teeth in right valve separa­ In the description of the shells particular atten­ ted or merely touching at their base and never tion was devoted to rib morphology (profile and connected by a high and narrow dorsal saddle. ornamentation of the ribs), by taking into Rib number small to medium (22-45, exception­ account these elements in the first formed parts ally 50). Ribs enlarge quickly in juvenile median of the shell (juvenile or umbonal part) and the and anterior parts, becoming square-sided and variations towards the latest formed parts (adult fully ornamented, directly following small, parts). smooth, postmetamorphic very early shell. In PQ, ribs always high and square-sided in juvenile The ribs are described as follows with regard to shells, always simple rather than divided into two their ornamentation: parts; top scales or nodules always arranged in a single row along the apex of these ribs. In other Single-ridged. Ptesence of "vertical" ot oblique quarters of adult shells, ribs generally high, often ridges, more or less tubercular, only on the posterior flank of the rib; top and anterior flank smooth (not squated and ovethanging interstices, rarely trian­ illustrated here). gular, often bearing scales or tubercles with cre- Double-ridged. Ridges or tubercles on both flanks; nulated margins in MPQ, cross-bars in anterior top smooth (Figs IB, 2D). half. Interstices rathet deep and wide, with a flat Full-ridged. The flank ridges join from one side to bottom, smooth or finely striated independently the othet and develop also across the top zone; this typically happens in tibs that are more or less rounded from flanks of ribs, never notched. in section and the ridges form successive portions of circles (Fig. 2E-G). Sometimes not all the latetal ridges reach the top; sometimes the latetal ridges are REMARK irregularly connected by obliquely otiented top ridges. Four generic names have been utilized for the In both cases the ribs are called irregularly full-ridged Indo-West Pacific Trachycardiinae: Trachy- (Fig. 2G). cardium Môrch, 1853, Acrosterigma Dall, 1900, Top-ridged. In tibs that ate low and flat, the latetal Vasticardium Iredale, 1927 and Regozara Iredale, tidges are little developed, and the rib appears to be ridged only on the top (Fig. ID, on left). 1936. Regozara should be considered as a syno­ Crush-ridged. Sometimes some ot many ridges widen nym of Vasticardium (see Wilson & Stevenson in the top zone, taking a triangular shape, with apex 1977: 76). For the time being it is difficult to towards the venttal matgin, appearing to be "crushed" choose among the other three names because this (Fig. 2H). subfamily certainly needs generic revision, parti­ cularly in the Indo-Pacific whete a lot of valid species remain not covered in recent mono­ graphs. It is not beyond the scope of this papet SYSTEMATICA to reevaluate the supraspecific taxonomy and Vasticardium is used provisionally. Family CARDIIDAE Lamarck, 1809 Subfamily TRACHYCARDIINAE Stewart, 1930

Genus Vasticardium Iredale, 1927 THE GROUP OF Vasticardium flavum (Linné, 1758) TYPE SPECIES. — Cardium elongatum Bruguiere, 1789; Original Designation (Iredale 1927: 75). This group is characterized by shells medium- sized (maximum height varying from 37 to DIAGNOSIS 86 mm according to the species), often symme­ Shell medium to large (maximum height ranging trical but with anterodorsal margin always more from 37 to 140 mm according to species); ovoid raised than posterior, sometimes more or less

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expanded backwards and asymmetrical, with ribs species, populations, or growth stages in an indi­ curved backwards in projection, but very rarely vidual. Rib profile changes, becoming more or markedly truncated in the posterior margin. less rounded, symmetrically or not, with lower Rarely appreciably elongated: mean L/H = 0.91 part a little narrower (characteristic basal (range 0.80-0.99). Moderately and rather varia­ constriction: Fig. 4E); then becoming more or bly depressed: mean W/L = 0.73 (range 0.63- less symmetrically triangular with a rounded top 0.95). Hinge generally at an angle with main axis zone and progressively lowering, loosing their of shell, moderately angled (angle between main basal constriction and, eventually, becoming flat­ cardinal and latetals range 125-135°). External ly rounded, then hardly marked. Interstices colours generally light, internally white to remain generally flat, about as wide as ribs, mar­ purple. Ventral margin coloured only in one spe­ kedly striated except sometimes in fully adult cies (V. vertebratum). Rib number small to parts. Ornamentation generally changes when medium, range 22-35. profile changes, with various possible sorts of rid­ ging as defined above. V. vertebratum and

JUVENILE RIB MORPHOLOGY V. ornatum (Fig. 5F, G) have a more elaborate rib Rib morphology is the same in juvenile speci­ morphology, with additional phenomena of mens of all the forms of group, except V. orna­ flank constriction and division of flank ridging, tum (see below). only rarely and imperfectly observed in V. flavum PQ. Ribs high, roughly square-sided (Fig. 2C). and V. pectiniforme. Flattened top zone ornamented with large, slightly twisted regularly set transverse scales, occupying almost all width of rib. Anterior mar­ gin of rib top bears numerous smaller bent scales THE STATUS OF THE NAMES (three or four in number between each large top Cardium flavum AND Cardium rugosum scale), more or less joined together, forming a sharp, festooned edge, a little overhanging inter­ Cardium flavum Linné, 1758 stice. Posterior flank of rib finely, vertically rid­ ged. [In V. ornatum, secondary ornamentation of LINNÉ'S ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION ribs (small scales and ridges) absent]. Interstices, "C. testa subovata sulcata: latere anteriore scabro, poste- as wide as ribs, flat-bottomed and always finely riore dentato. Testa subovata, flava, latere anteriore alba. Sulci crenati nodulis in latere posteriore; margo but decidedly striated. non rubens." Other parts of shells. MPQ, MAQ, AQ: ribs [C. shell subovate ribbed: posterior (for Linné poste­ high with upper part of flank having, on both rior = antetiot and anterior = posterior) side rough, sides, a succession of regularly disposed swellings anterior toothed. Shell subovate, yellow, posterior side white. Ribs ornamented with small nodes on anterior which touch more or less together on rib tops, side; margin not red.] and overhang a little interstices which are flat, a Linné (1764) added: "Margines subserrati: exteriore little narrower than ribs, and concentrically stria­ dentato, non rubro. Color intus albus, fundo interdum ted. rufescente. Rima hians, nymphis nudis. Anus impressus, oblongus, clausus." [Margin subserrated: exterior toothed, not red. ADULT RIB MORPHOLOGY Internal colour white, sometimes turning tusset in the PQ. Rib morphology is similar to this of juve­ bottom. Posterior dorsal margin gaping, nymph nude. niles (Fig. 4F), except in flavum (Fig. 2B) where Lunule impressed, oblong, closed.] they are lower, progressively losing their edge ornamentation and relief, progressively separated TYPE MATERIAL (Table 1) into two parts by a thin longitudinal furrow; Authors appear to have restricted the search of a large top scales become smaller and limited to type specimen to Linné's personal collection, posterior half, and eventually disappear now in the Linnean Society in London, and have Other parts of shells. MPQ, MAQ, AQ: both neglegted to search in the Museum Ulricae col­ rib profile and ornamentation are variable among lection, now in Uppsala. A contributing factot

236 ZOOSYSTEMA • 1997 • 19(2-3) Revision of the Vastìcardiutn flavum species group

TABLE 1. — Characters of V. rugosum and V. subrugosum compared with Linné's description of C. flavum.

Linnes description of C. flavum V. rugosum = V. pectiniforme V. subrugosum = V. flavum

Testa subovata sulcata; sulci crenati nodulis in latere posteriore; margo non rubens (1758). Shell subovoid Fits Fits ribbed; ribs with nodular ridges ante­ riorly; margin [internal ?] not red.

Margines subserrati; extehore [emended in posteriore as in 1767] dentato, non rubro (1764). Fits Fits [Posterior?] margins subserrated; anterior dentate, not red. Rima hians (1764). Can fit: slit below ligament variable; Can fit: slit below ligament variable; [Posterior] slit gaping. shell slightly gaping. shell slightly gaping.

Latere anteriore scabro (1758). Could fit: but "scaly" (= squamoso Fits better: ornaments often dege­ Posterior side rough. used by Lamarck) would have fitted nerate, but the PQ remains always better. "rough".

Anus impressus, oblongus, clausus Could fit: but lunule generally nar­ Fits perfectly: lunule wider, oblong, (1764). row to non existent, never markedly more or less deeply hollowed. Lunule impressed, oblong, closed. impressed.

Testa flava (1758). Does not fit: very exceptionally yel­ Fits: often nicely lemon-yellow Shell yellow. lowish stains. Lamarck writes "albi- coloured. da immaculata" (immaculate white).

Latere anteriore alba (1758). Does not fit with above: posterior Fits: all shells, even the coloured Posterior side white. same colour as the rest. ones, white posteriorly.

Color intus albus, fundo interdum Does not fit: interior always entirely Fits: interior almost always more or rufescente (1764). white. less partially coloured mainly in the Internal colour white, sometimes tur­ bottom. ning russet in the bottom.

(see Dodge 1952: 16, 17) is that the specimens for these specimens to be granted the qualifica­ of this collection were never labelled by Linné, tion of types. It is necessary they fit Linné's des­ identification and labelling being made by cription. It is why an "exegesis" of the descriptive Swam, after 1789. However Linné (1758: 680) data left by Linné has been considered as neces­ states that C. flavum is in MLU [Museum sary. Table 1 compares these data with the cha­ Louisae Ulricae], which is confirmed by the racters of C. rugosum and those of C. subrugosum published description of that collection (1764: Sowerby, 1838. This comparison shows that at 490). So, it is extremely probable that no speci­ least three characters of C. flavum are incompa­ men ever existed in Linné's personal collection tible with C. rugosum, but are shared by (Dodge 1952: 62) and that, if any specimen still C. subrugosum. Additionally, one of the two spe­ remains, it is likely to be searched in the Ulricae cimens labelled C. flavum in Uppsala fits the des­ collection. There are two specimens labelled criptions perfectly and must be considered as a C. flavum in that collection. But the presence of type with certitude. [It is not the case of the this label, not placed by Linné, is not sufficient other which is a small specimen of Vasticardium

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assimile (Reeve, 1845)]. The condition of the Seba, Mus. 3. t. 86. f. 7. first specimen thus conforms to that recommen­ Encyclop. pl. 297. f. 2. [2] Var. testa minore, subaequilatera. ded by Dodge (1952: 17): Habite l'Océan Indien. Mon cabinet. Espèce tranchée, "If a given description unequivocally and exclusively très-distincte. La coquille est blanche, quelquefois tein­ agrees with a specimen in the collection now in tée de fauve ou d'un roux ferrugineux. Ses côtes, au Upsala, it can be safely identified as the species descri­ nombre de 28 à 32, sont arrondies, un peu arquées, bed. If, further, this description in the Museum sillonnées et comme ridées transversalement. Largeur Ulricae refers specifically to a listing in the tenth edi­ 69 millimètres. Le Cardium reguläre, Brug. Diet. tion of the 'Systema', we can be sure that the speci­ n°. 24, n'est qu'une variété de cette espèce. Elle n'est men is, in fact, the type of the 'Systema' species." pas réellement équilatérale ; on la dit d'Amérique."

LECTOTYPE DESIGNATION TYPE MATERIAL The first specimen above cited (Fig. 1A) is here Lamarck refers to four illustrations in the litera­ selected as lectotype of Cardium flavum. It is ture, and to shells from his own collection: kept in the Uppsala University Zoological 1. Schröter (1784: pl. 7, fig. lia, b). This shell, Museum, Linnésamlingen nr. 411; no locality; from Nicobar, later identified by Schröter him­ dimensions: 55.0 X 47.2 X 36.0 mm, with thirty- self (1786: 43) as C. flavum is in ZMUC (here two ribs. Fig. 2A); dimensions 60.6 X 46.4 x 46.7 mm, with twenty-six ribs. It is identifiable as V. fla­

REMARK vum subrugosum. In Linné's personal collection, in London, a shell 2. Cardium magnum — Chemnitz (1782: 196, labelled C. flavum, is referenced under No. 68 in pi. 19, fig. 191). This shell (Fig. 3D) is also in the Linnean Society list. A manuscript note (by ZMUC; dimensions 71.1 x 60.4 x 41.5 mm, Hanley?) says: "Hanley has isolated one comple­ with thirty-two ribs. It is a weakly coloured form te, unmarked specimen [Linné used to 'mark' his of V. angulatum (Lamarck) (see Vidal 1991). specimens inside with a number]. He says howe­ 3. Seba (1758: pi. 86, fig. 7). Its whereabouts are ver that Linnaeus did not himself possess the unknown and the identification is doubtful. type". This shell is a specimen of V. rugosum, in 4. Encyclopédie méthodique, Lamarck (1816: rather fair state of preservation, dimensions pl. 297, fig. 2). The illustrated shell could be in 43.6 X 37.5 x 29.7 mm, with thirty ribs, uni­ Geneva (see below). form, washed out, beige external colour, internal 5. Lamarck's collection, three lots of C. rugosum: colour whitish, with a practically non-existent - two shells in MNHN, about 35 mm high, lunule. It does not fit Linné's descriptions at all hand labelled by Lamarck as "individus jeunes" and certainly belongs to the numerous specimens (young individuals); added to the collection by post-Linnean exami­ - one lot in MHNG (1085-55) of two large ners (see Dodge 1952: 8). shells; one (Fig. 4C) possibly the 69 mm speci­ men cited by Lamarck, and one 74.5 x 72 x 51 mm, possibly figured with a reduced scale in Cardium rugosum Lamarck, 1819 Lamarck (1816: pi. 297, fig. 2). - one lot in MHNG (1085-56) of three speci­ LAMARCK'S ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION mens, H = respectively 48, 39, 20 mm, corres­ "23. Bucarde ridé. Cardium rugosum.[R±de,ed ]. ponds to "[2] Var. testa minore, subaequilatera". C. testa ovato-rotundata, inaequilatera, albida, imma- culata; costis rotundatis, transverse rugosis: lateris antici squamoso scabris. " LECTOTYPE DESIGNATION [Shell roundly-ovate, inequilatetal, white, immaculate; Cardium rugosum is based on ten syntypes, ribs rotund, transversally ridged: posterior side rough­ belonging to three different species and it is ly scaly]. necessary to select a lectotype. I select as lecto­ "An Cardium flavum. Lin.? type of Cardium rugosum Lamarck the shell in Schroet. einl. in Conch. 2. t. 7. f. 11. a. b. Card, magnum. Chemn. Conch. 6. p. 196. t. 19. Geneva cited by Lamarck, in the lot 1085-55: f. 191. H = 73, L = 70, W = 50 mm (Fig. 4C).

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VALID SPECIES AND SUBSPECIES (maximum observed = 72.4 mm); average L/H = OF THE Vasticardium flavum GROUP 0.90 (range 0.80-0.96); average W/L = 0.75 (range 0.66-0.84). Lunule variable, but generally Vasticardium flavum s. 1. (Linné, 1758) well developed, mainly in the right valve, oblong and hollowed, sometimes very deeply. Shell cove­ Cardium flavum Linné, 1758: 680. — Schröter 1784: red by a uniformly light brown thin periostra- pl. 7, fig. lia, b; 1786: 43. - Bruguière 1789: 232. - cum without (or very exceptionally with) black Spengler 1799: 22, pl. 1, fig. 2a, b. - Römer 1869: 56 spots, covering all shell, thicker in MPQ than in [description only, not figures]. - Hidalgo 1903: 335. other quarters. External shell colour, without Cardium fucatum Spengler, 1799: 30. periostracum, is entirely white to partially yellow Cardium subrugosum Sowerby, 1838: fig. 34; 1840: to purple, continuous and not in shape of irregu­ fig. 71; 1841a: 108. lar, discontinuous, more or less concentric Cardium gratiosum Deshayes, 1854: 331. splashes. Posterior zone AQ almost always entife- ly white. Interior partially to entirely yellow to Cardium tumidum Deshayes, 1854: 331. dark purple, rarely entirely white. Rib number Cardium dupuchense Reeve, 1845: Sp. 67. variable according to subspecies, range 22-34. Regozara flava - Habe & Kosuge 1966a: 154, pi. 59, fig. 7. Adult rib morphology Vasticardium (Regozara) flavum — Habe 1967: pl. 55, PQ. Ribs become lower, progressively less orna­ fig. 3. mented, and generally divided into two parts Trachycardium flavum — Springsteen & Leobteta often becoming very flat, smoothed and hardly 1986: fig. 12. identifiable. Sometimes anterior half of rib Not Cardium flavum - Bom 1780: 47, fig. 8. lowers more than posterior half which can [= C. crassum Gmelin, 1791]. - Chemnitz 1782: 86, remain relatively high and keep more or less its pi. 17, fig. 178 [= C. muricatum Linné, 1758]. - ornaments, the sutface remaining always Römet 1869: the figures [pi. 5, fig. 10 = C. pectini- "rough". forme Born; pi. 7, figs 7, 8 = C. angulatum Lamarck, 1819]. Other parts of shell. MPQ, MAQ, AQ: profile and ornamentation of ribs vary according to sub­ Not Cardium (Trachycardium) flavum - Abtatd 1942: species (see details in each subspecies descrip­ 25, pi. 3, fig. 1 [= Trachycardium luteomarginatum Voskuil et Onverwagt, 1991]. tion). Schematically: fibs high, subrounded to subtriangular and well ornamented in subrugo­ Not Acrosterigmaflava — Coleman 1975: 15, fig. 11 [= C. vertebratum Jonas, 1844]. sum and dupuchense subspecies; ribs low, flatte­ ned, ornaments disappearing in nominal Not Trachycardium flavum - Sharabati 1984: pi. 47, subspecies. fig. 3a, c [= Trachycardium luteomarginatum Voskuil et Onvetwagt, 1991]. - Oliver 1992: 125, pi. 23, fig. 6a, b [= C. pectiniforme Born, 1780]. Vasticardium flavum flavum (Linné, 1758) DISTRIBUTION AND SUBSPECIES. — V. flavum has a (Figsl,4A) narrower distribution in the ttopical zone than V. pec­ tiniforme. In the Indian Ocean it seems to be limited to the north-east patt. In the Pacific it tanges to wes­ Cardium flavum Linné, 1758: 680, No. 71. tern Carolines and the Solomons, but is absent south­ Cardium fucatum Spengler, 1799: 30. east of these islands. Cardium gratiosum Deshayes, 1854: 331. V. flavum is father constant in dimensions, shape, chatactets of lunule and hinge. Thtee subspecies are Cardium tumidum Deshayes, 1854: 331. recognized based on differences in colour, number of ribs and above all rib morphology: flavum s.S., subru­ TYPES SPECIES. — Cardium flavum: lectotype here gosum and dupuchense. selected, Uppsala University Zoological Museum, Linnésamlingen nt. 411 (see above). Cardium fucatum: holotype in ZMUC, a shell labelled DIAGNOSIS "Guinea" (= probably New Guinea), 38.4 X 33.7 X Shell generally 40 to 60 mm high when adult 27.2 mm, 32 ribs (Fig. 1C).

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Cardium gratiosum: three syntypes in BMNH from MAQ. Ribs low, becoming flat or asymmetrically Moluccas, not catalogued: 66.5 X 55.8 X 50.0 mm, triangular, with anterior side shorter and steeper; with 30 ribs; 64.7 X 52.0 X 40.6 mm, with 32 ribs; no trace of basal constrictions. Rarely irregularly 55.0 X 45.6 x 37.3 mm, with 29 ribs (Fig.lD). Cardium tumidum: two syntypes in BMNH from top-ridged, generally double-ridged to single- Moluccas, not catalogued, 72.4 X 58.0 X 52.0 mm, ridged or entirely smooth. with 28 ribs (Fig. IE); 65.0 X 57.5 x 43.5 mm, with AQ. Ribs low becoming flat or obtusely asymme­ 30 ribs (Fig. 4A). trically triangular; no basal constrictions; always top-ridged or full-ridged, more or less regularly MATERIAL EXAMINED. — The type material above lis­ ted. Other lots: (perfect regularity of ridging in this quarter, W Carolines. Palau-Yap group, 6 (USNM), 1 which characterizes other subspecies, disappears (BISHOP), 5 (ANSP). in many specimens). E Indonesia. Moluccas, 2 (BMNH), 3 (IRSNB), 7 (ZMA), 9 (USNM). — Irian Jaya, 3 (LACM), 1 (MNHN), 1 (ZMA), 10 (ANSP). REMARKS NE and E Papua-New Guinea. 1 (MNHN), 2 This nominal subspecies of V. flavum differs (IRSNB), 4 (ZMA), 3 (AMS), 1 (USNM). from the others by its smoother ribs, and often S Papua-New Guinea. Samarai, 1 (AMS). — Torres more vivid colours, with more purple. Characters Strait, 1 (USNM). of colour and ribbing allow separation of this Solomons. 1 (BMNH), 1 (AMS), 1 (LACM), 1 subspecies from the two others but may vary (USNM), 2 (ANSP). progressively and independently. Intermediate DISTRIBUTION. — Eastern Indonesia (Moluccas and specimens of uncertain subspecific status are rare. Irian Jaya), the Carolines, Papua-New Guinea and the Solomons and western Carolines. Vasticardium flavum subrugosum

DIAGNOSIS (Sowerby, 1838) Largest subspecies, reaching more than 70 mm (Figs 2A, B, D, E, H, 3B, C) in height (maximum 72.4, a syntype of C. tumi­ dum). Under periostracum, colour partly or Cardium subrugosum Sowerby, 1838: fig. 34; 1840: fig. 71; 1841a: 108. totally yellow to purple, except for posterior part (PQ and part of MPQ) which is more or less Not C. subrugosum - Abrard 1942: 25, pi. 2, fig. 28 white. Interior almost always brownish to purple [= V. pectiniforme]. — Reeve 1845: Sp. 55. — Lamy 1927: 519 and 1941: 565 [= V. luteomarginatum stained by zones, mainly in umbonal cavity. (Voskuil rtOnverwagt, 1991)]. Mean rib number 31.0, range 27-34. TYPES SPECIES. — Sowerby's figured specimen (1840a: Adult rib morphology fig. 71), from Ceylon, cannot be traced in BMNH. Neotype here selected, a shell from Phuket, in PQ. Sculpture quickly degenerates distally from MNHN (Fig. 3C); dimensions: 48.7, x 43.5 umbo, and often becomes virtually smooth, ribs X 33.7 mm; rib number: 29. being often represented only by cicatricial slits. MPQ. Ribs very low, flatly rounded, much wider MATERIAL EXAMINED. — The following lots: than interstices, firstly symmetrical but beco­ Sri Lanka. 1 (NHMW), 2 (IRSNB), 1 (AMS). E India. Andaman Island, 1 (NMW), 1 (LACM). — ming onwards more and more asymmetrically Nicobar Island, 1 (ZMUC: 2 Schriter's shells), and obtusely triangular; no traces of basal 1 (NHMW). — Riam, 1 (USNM). constrictions; single-ridged, then often becoming Thailand. Phuket, 2 (MNHN). — Gulf of Siam, entirely smooth distally in large shells. 4 (USNM), 2 (ANSP). NW Malaysia. 2 (AMS). Singapore. 2 (MNHN), 1 (BMNH), 1 (AMS), FIG. 1. — A-,.3, Cardium flavum Linné, lectotype here selected; 2 (USNM), 4 (LACM), 2 (ANSP). L = 47.2 mm. B, Vasticardium flavum flavum, from Papua-New Malaysia. E coast, 1 (AMS), 2 (USNM). — N Guinea, MNHN. Flattened low ribs with biridged ornamentation Borneo, 1 (BMNH), 1 (ZMA), 2 (AMS), 4 (USNM), in medial part; scale: x 3.6. C,.3, Cardium fucatum Spengler, holotype; L = 33.7 mm. D,^, Cardium gratiosum Deshayes, syn­ 2 (ANSP). type No. 3; L = 40.6 mm. E, Cardium tumidum Deshayes, synty­ W Indonesia. Sumatta, 1 (MNHN), 1 (USNM). — pe No. 1 ; L = 58 mm. Java, 4 (MNHN), 1 (ZMA), 1 (AMS), 1 (LACM). —

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Bali, 2 (MNHN), 3 (AMS), 1 (USNM), 1 always relatively high, sometimes rounded or (ANSP). — Flores, 1 (MNHN), 1 (ZMA). — Alor, 1 symmetrically roundly triangular, but more often (MNHN). — Borneo, Balikpapan, 1 (AMS). — asymmetrically (anterior side rounded, posterior Sulawesi, 3 (MNHN), 1 (AMS), 1 (USNM), 1 (ANSP). side becoming flat and steeper); basal constric­ Philippines. 5 (MNHN), 1 (BMNH), 4 (AMS), 19 tions present, or replaced by two thin basal (LACM), 3 (BISHOP), 42 (USNM), 15 (ANSP). stripes (Figs 2B, 3B). Ornamentation variable, Viet Nam. 4 (MNHN), 1 (LACM). ribs crush-ridged, rather rarely full-ridged, often S China. 2 (MNHN), 2 (BMNH), 1 (IRSNB). double-ridged with a more or less smooth, wide­ S Japan (Ryukyu). Okinawa Island, 1 (LACM), 3 (BISHOP), 3 (USNM). — Amami Island, 1 ned, central zone formed by shortening of ante­ (LACM). rior ridging, posteriorly remaining normally developed. DISTRIBUTION. — Sri lanka to the Philippines, South AQ. Ribs high, generally rounded, sometimes a China and Ryukyu-Amami Islands. Replaced south- eastwards in the Pacific by V. flavum flavum. little squared by top flattening; almost always symmetrical with marked basal constrictions (Figs 2E, 3B). Always full-ridged, with wide DIAGNOSIS conical ridges very regularly set. Ridging in AQ Shell of medium size reaching a maximum of about 50 mm high, generally slightly asymmetri­ is in continuity with MAQ. cal, rarely appreciably elongated. Under perios- tracum, colour from entirely white to pure light REMARKS lemon-yellow, except for PQ which is always V. flavum subrugosum differs from the nominal white. Interior rarely entirely white, almost sub-species by its generally lighter colour, and, always partially (very rarely totally) yellow-orange more important, by its more markedly ornamen­ to dark purple stained. Sometimes this purple ted and often crush-ridged ribs. It differs from colour seems to pass through the shell and is V. flavum dupuchense mainly by a higher rib externally locally discernible on white zones, in number and a less markedly ornamented PQ. PQ and MPQ. Internal margin always white. The name subrugosum has been much less used Mean rib number 31.0, range 28-34. than rugosum or flavum. The reason is certainly because V. flavum subrugosum may resemble V. pectiniforme, particularly when the shells are Adult rib morphology covered by a periostracum. Additionally V. fla­ PQ. Ribs, although dividing into two parts and vum subrugosum is almost everywhere sympatric losing their relief, are still well discernible, some­ with the other. Numerous authors {e.g. Wilson times keeping the anterior marginal small bent & Stevenson 1977: 86) do not mention its name scales and top scales more or less reduced, leaving and probably do not recognize its existence in surface always "rough" (Fig. 2B). the Indo-Pacific. MPQ and MAQ. Ribs variable in profile but

Vasticardium flavum dupuchense FIG 2. — A,.3, Vasticardium flavum subrugosum, from Nicobar (India), historical "Schrôter's shell", cited as C. flavum Linné. (Reeve, 1845)

ZMUC, Spengler collection; A2, anterior side; L = 46.4 mm. B, Vasticardium flavum subrugosum, from Cebu, Philippines, (Fig. 5A) MNHN, detail of the PQ and four ribs of the MPQ; scale: x 2.2. C, Vasticardium pectiniforme, from the Red Sea, MNHN: detail Cardium dupuchense Reeve, 1845: Sp. 67. of juvenile PQ; scale: x 4.8. D, Vasticardium flavum subrugo­ sum, from Cebu, Philippines, MNHN: double-ridged rib orna­ TYPES SPECIES. — Three syntypes in BMNH mentation; scale: x 3.4. E, Vasticardium flavum subrugosum, from Cebu, Philippines: full-ridged rib ornamentation In the No. 1971-25, Cuming's collection, from Dupuch MAQ, MNHN; scale: x 3.6 (same specimen as in figure 15). F, Island, Torres Strait (locality emended to Depuch Vasticardium pectiniforme, from the Red Sea: full-ridged rib Island, Western Australia, by Wilson & Stevenson ornamentation in MPQ, MNHN; scale: x 3.5 (same specimen as 1977: 86). One of them, 50.2 X 48.8 X 40.0 mm, in figure 3A). G, Vasticardium pectiniforme from the Red Sea, with 27 ribs, fits Reeve's figure 67 and is designated MNHN: Irregularly full-ridged rib ornamentation in the MAQ; scale: x 3.7. H, Vasticardium flavum subrugosum from Cebu, on the labels as lectotype, probably by Wilson & Philippines, MNHN (same specimen as in figure 3B): crush-rid­ Stevenson, but they never published this selection. I ged rib ornamentation; scale: x 4.0. confirm here the selection of this specimen as lecto-

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type. Paralectotypes, 55.3 X 47.0 x 39.5 mm, with Vasticardiumpectiniforme (Born, 1780) 23 tibs and 47.2 x 41.2 x 32.3 mm, with 25 ribs. (Figs 2C, F, G, 3A, 4B-F)

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — The type material. Other lots: Cardium pectiniforme Born, 1780: 49, pi. 3, fig. 10 Western Australia. Dampiet, 1 (MNHN), (non fig. 9). 1 (WAM). — Pott Hedland, 1 (MNHN), 1 (WAM). — Exmouth Gulf, 1 (MNHN), 1 (WAM); Cardium regulare Bruguiere, 1789: 227. Montebello Island, 1 (WAM). — Faise Cap Creek, 1 Cardium rugosum Lamarck, 1819: 10. (ANSP). Trachycardiumperegrinum Jousseaume, 1888: 212. DISTRIBUTION. — "Northern Western Australia, from Vasticardium nigropunctatum Habe et Kosuge, 1966a: Broome South to Point Cloates. Fossil tecords at Shatk 324, pi. 29, fig. 16; 1966b: 154, pi. 59, fig. 9. Bay", accotding to Wilson & Stevenson (1977: 87). Not C. rugosum Reeve, 1845: Species 68 [= V. luteo- marginatum (Voskuil rtOnverwagt, 1991)]. DIAGNOSIS Shell of medium size (maximum height Not C. rugosum vat. gortanii Natdini, 1937 54.5 mm, Wilson & Stevenson 1977: 86), not [= Vasticardium gortanii (Nardini, 1937)]. elongated, almost always asymmetrical, with TYPES SPECIES. — Cardium pectiniforme. two syntypes expanded posterior part. Under periostracum in NHMW, Ref. G23-875a, no locality. Dimensions: (which sometimes bears some black spots), shell 30.7 x 29.2 x 19.4 mm, with 30 ribs and 26.3 x exteriorly white to light yellow; sometimes light 25.4 X 15.2 mm, with 31 ribs, (figuted by Born, pi. 3, purple in MPQ and PQ. Interior vividly dark fig. 10; and this papet Fig. 4B), hete selected as lecto-

purple in large concentrical zones in posterior type'- three quarters, mainly in adult parts. Internal Cardium regulare: no type located, no reference cited. Btuguiere's detailed description fits the chatacters of margin white. Mean rib number 25, range 22-28. V. pectiniforme. The type locality was said to be "American Atlantic", but this is probably a mistake. Adult rib morphology Cardium rugosum: lectotype MHNG 1085-55 (see PQ. Anterior part of ribs lowers and more or less above). Trachycardium peregrinum: ten syntypes (six conjoi­ degenerates; postetior part remains generally ned and four odd valves) in MNHN, from Aden and high and still bears more or less reduced scales. several Red Sea localities. Largest specimen is 55.1 MPQ. Ribs high, rounded but with a tendency x 47.2 x 37.1 mm, with 30 ribs (Fig. 4D). to become slightly triangular. Basal constrictions Vasticardium nigropunctatum: holotype 45.4 X 39.2 more or less discernible. Generally full-ridged to X 32.0 mm, and one paratype 36.6 X 31.3 X 23.8 mm in NSMT from Amami Island (South Japan) (Habe slightly crush-ridged. & Kosuge 1966b: 154, pi. 59, fig. 9; matetial not Anterior half. Ribs high, rounded; basal seen). constrictions present. Regularly full-ridged with MATERIAL EXAMINED. — The syntypes of C. rugosum, wide ridges, more or less conical. C. pectiniforme, C. peregrinum. Othet lots: S and E Africa. Natal, 1 (MNHN), 1 (BMNH), 1 REMARK (USNM). — Mozambique, 1 (MNHN), 2 (LACM), V. flavum dupuchense resemble V. pectiniforme in 1 (ANSP). — Tanzania, 2 (BMNH), 1 (ANSP), 4 (USNM). — Zanzibat, 1 (MNHN), 3 (BMNH), 2 having black spots on the periostracum, high ribs (LACM), 4 (ANSP), 2 (USNM). — Kenya, 9 and scales well developed in PQ. It is even mote (MNHN), 4 (BMNH), 1 (ANSP). — E Somalia, 1 similar to many specimens of V. flavum in its (MNHN), 1 (ANSP). colour and above all in the regular rib ridging in W Indian Ocean. Madagascar, 54 (MNHN), 2 the anterior part. It differs from the other sub­ (BMNH), 5 (ANSP). — Mauritius, 8 (MNHN), 2 species of V. flavum and also from V. pectiniforme by its lower rib number. Although it is tteated FIG. 3. — A, Vasticardium pectiniforme, from the Red Sea, here as a subspecies of V. flavum, its taxonomic MNHN; scale: x 1.8. B, Vasticardium flavum subrugosum, from

Cebu, Philippines, MNHN; scale: x 2.5. C1_2, Cardium subrugo­ status is questionable. Because it does not co- sum Sowerby, neotype here selected; L = 43.5 mm. D,_2, occur with V. pectiniforme, it could conceivably Vasticardium angulatum Lamarck, a specimen from Tranquebar (India), cited and figured by Chemnitz as C. magnum Linné, also be considered as a form of that species. ZMUC, Spengler collection; L = 60.4 mm.

244 ZOOSYSTEM A • 1997 • 19(2-3) Revision of che Vasticardium flavum species group Vidal J.

(MHNG), 2 (BMNH), 2 (IRSNB), 1 (LACM), 1 low water: it is abundant intertidally but is rarely col­ (ANSP), 1 (USNM). — Rodrigues, 1 (BMNH). — lected by dtedging. In New Caledonia, not a single Comores, 3 (MNHN). — Seychelles, 4 (MNHN), 2 specimen or valve has been found at any of the (BMNH), 1 (LACM), 2 (ANSP), 1 (USNM). 1200 stations of the dredging program in the lagoon, Gulf of Aden. N Somalia, 1 (MNHN). — Yemen, 3 7 to 100 m depth, yet it is abundant on all the (MNHN), 2 (USNM). — Djibouti, 5 (MNHN). beaches around the main island. Red Sea. N Yemen, 2 (MNHN). — Ethyopia, Dalhak arch., 1 (MNHN). — Saudi Arabia, 1 (MNHN), 1 (USNM). — Egypt, fossils 2 (MNHN). DIAGNOSIS — Israel, Aqaba, 3 (MNHN). Shell of medium size, generally 40 to 60 mm N Indian Ocean. Pakistan, Karachi, 1 (BMNH). — high when adult. Largest specimen observed Maldives, 1 (BMNH). — India, Manaar, 1 (BMNH), 76.0 X 65.3 X 40.7 mm (MNHN, Ballot collec­ 2 (ANSP); Riam, l(USNM); Andaman, 2 (BMNH). — Sri Lanka, 2 (BMNH), 1 (IRSNB), 1 (ANSP). — tion 1887, no locality); largest record, a Burma, l(BMNH), 2 (ANSP). Pleistocene fossil from Port Sudan 86 X 68 mm, W Thailand. Phuket, 4 (MNHN), 3 (BMNH), 1 figured by Nardini (1937: pi. 17, fig. 1). Shell (USNM), 1 (LACM), 1 (ANSP); Butan group, 1 often symmetrical (except that anterodorsal mar­ (USNM). gin is always more raised than posterior), some­ Malaysia. NW, 1 (BMNH); N Borneo, 1 (USNM). Singapore. 1 (MNHN), 1 (BMNH), 1 (USNM), 1 times more or less expanded posteriorly and (USNM), 1 (ANSP). asymmetrical with ribs curved backwards in pro­ Gulf of Siam. 2 (USNM). jection, but very rarely markedly truncated in Indonesia. Sumatra, 1 (USNM). — Java, 1 posterior margin. Rarely appreciably elongated: (MNHN), 2 (IRSNB), 5 (USNM); Bali, 2 (MNHN), mean L/H = 0.92 (range 0.86-0.97). Moderately 1 (LACM). — Lombok, 2 (LACM). — E Borneo, 1 and rather variably depressed: mean W/L = 0.71 (AMS). — Sulawesi, 1 (MNHN), 1 (LACM), 1 (USNM). — Moluccas, 1 (ZMA), 1 (LACM), 1 (range 0.63-0.84). Lunule variable in size but (USNM). — Irian Jaya, 6 (LACM), 1 (USNM), 3 always small to very small, sometimes practically (ANSP). — Tanimbar, 2 (USNM). non existent; never markedly hollowed. Philippines. 8 (MNHN), 30 (USNM), 10 (LACM), Periostracum light brown, thin, uniform, often 3 (ANSP). with small black spots more or less concentrically Asia. Viet Nam, 5 (MNHN), 3 (LACM). — S China, 2(MNHN). — Taiwan, 1 (ANSP). — aligned {nigropunctatum), more abundant in S Japan, Okinawa Island, 1 (MNHN), 6 (LACM), 3 MPQ. Shell uniformly white to beige, very rarely (BISHOP), 6 (USNM), 2 (ANSP); Amami Island 1 yellowish to light brown, generally light, luster- (BMNH), 1 (ANSP), 1 (LACM). less, under periostracum. Occasionally, shell has Pacific. Papua-New Guinea, 1 (MNHN), 3 some reddish spots (see for example Sowerby (IRSNB), 1 (WAM), 1 (LACM), 1 (ANSP). — Australia, Torres Strait, 1 (BMNH), 2 (LACM); 1838: fig. 41). Interior almost always entirely Northern Territory, Port Essington, 1 (USNM); white, very rarely slightly yellowish coloured N Queensland, 6 (MNHN), 3 (QM), 2 (LACM), 1 around the lateral teeth, and exceptionally very (USNM), 1 (ANSP). — New Caledonia, 50 slightly in the umbonal cavity. In Papua-New (MNHN), 2 (ANSP), 1 (USNM). — Vanuatu, Efate Guinea some forms can be partly slightly yellow, Island, 3 (MNHN); Santos Island, 3 (USNM). — Fiji, 1 (LACM). — Solomons, 1 (BMNH), 1 particularly in internal and external margins (but (ANSP), 1 (USNM). — W Carolines, Palau group, 2 PQ is not white). Secondary anterior lateral (USNM), 1 (BISHOP), 3 (ANSP). tooth in right valve (tooth AIII) always regularly elongated and never crushed in its middle ot DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY. — Vastkardium pecti- niforme is generally abundant through most of all the tropical Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and western Pacific. Its eastern limit seems to be the Ryukyus (South FIG. 4. — A.,.2, Cardium tumidum Deshayes, syntype; L = Japan), the western Carolines, Solomons and Fiji. 57.5 mm. B,^, Cardium pectiniforme Born, lectotype here selec­ It seems to be rare in the Persian Gulf (Melvill & ted; L = 25.4 mm. C, Cardium rugosum Lamarck, lectotype here

Standen 1906: 837; Smythe 1982: 99), and on the selected; L = 70.0 mm (reduced). D,.2, Trachycardium peregri- southern coast of Oman. It seems to be absent from num Jousseaume, largest syntype; L = 47.2 mm. E, the western coast of Australia (Western Australia and Vasticardium pectiniforme, from Mauritius, MNHN: detail of pro­ file of ribs in median ventral margin; scale: x 3.2. F, Northern Territory). Vasticardium pectiniforme, from the Red Sea, MNHN: detail of V. pectiniforme prefers reef environment in very shal­ PQ and part of MPQ; scale: x 1.8.

246 ZOOSYSTEMA • 1997 • 19(2-3) Revision of the Vasticardium flavum species group Vidal J.

divided into two teethlets. Mean number of ribs 4. The ornamentation of the ribs in the anterior 30.6, range 26-35. half of the shell can also, and exclusively, separate the two species. The ribs of the anterior half of Adult rib morphology the shell in pectiniforme have irregular ornamen­ PQ. No significant change from juvenile shells: tation: nattow and irregularly set full-ridges in ribs remain high, square-sided, well ornamented AQ; in MAQ these ridges are irregular and are on top and flanks. Interstices wide (Fig. 4F). often combined with numerous small lateral MPQ. Change from PQ abrupt. Ribs generally ridges (Figs 2G, 3A). The ribs of the anterior half rounded, more or less symmetrically, rarely of the shell in flavum have regular ornamenta­ roundly triangular, always basally constricted, tion; the full-ridges are everywhere wide (wider generally full-ridged (Figs 2F, 3A, 4F) but some­ than the grooves separating them), more nume­ times double-ridged; rarely crush-ridged. rous, very regularly set, often conical, with vir­ MAQ. Generally very irregularly full-ridged tually no intermediate lateral ridgelets in MAQ (Figs 2G, 3A) with many lateral ridges not rea­ (Figs 2E, 3B). ching top zone; thus ridges on top zone less numerous, narrower and with wider, irregular Vasticardium vertebratum (Jonas, 1844) spaces between them, sometimes forming a her­ (Fig. 5C, E, F) ringbone pattern. Below these "top-ridges", short remaining lateral tidges progressively disappear Cardium vertebratum Jonas, 1844: 33; 1846: 1 19, also, onwards, but can still be ptesent in all the pi. 9, fig. 9a-c. zone and in AQ. Cardium reeveanum Dunker, 1852: 54; 1858: 22, pi. 6, figs 6-8. AQ. Ribs well rounded, ornamented with full ridges; full ridges thin, telatively widely and Regozara olivifer Iredale, 1936: 275, pi. 20, fig. 8. regularly spaced. TYPES SPECIES. — Cardium vertebratum: holotype, accotding to Jonas, a shell ftom West Austtalia, REMARK 63.5 X 46.6 X 38.1 mm, with 28 ribs, not traced. Differences between V. pectiniforme and V. fla- Cardium reeveanum: holotype, accotding to Dunker, a vum: the smooth and coloured V. flavum flavum shell deposited in Bremen, from New Holland [Austtalia], H = 2 inches [= 50.8 mm], with 28 ribs, is easily separated from the "rugose" and whitish not ttaced. V. pectiniforme. The other two subspecies of Regozara olivifer. holotype from Sydney Harbour in V. flavum can sometimes, at first glance and AMS C60606, 66 x 56 X 46 mm, with 28 ribs. mainly when the periostracum is present, look very much like V. pectiniforme. Nevertheless they MATERIAL EXAMINED. — The holotype of Regozara can be separated by the observation of four cha­ olivifer and the following lots: Australia.Western Austtalia, Swan Rivet, 1 (BMNH); racters: Admiral Bay, 1 (WAM). — Notthetn Territory, Port 1. Lunule: the lunule in V. flavum is wider and Datwin, 1 (BMNH); Port Essington, 4 (BMNH); deeper. 2. Colours: V. pectiniforme is almost always "colourless" outside and entirely white inside and FIG. 5. — A,.2, Vasticardium flavum dupuchense. from Dampier very often bears black spots on the periostracum. (W. A.), MNHN; L = 43.0 mm. B, Vasticardium ornatum, from These spots may rarely be present in V. flavum Dampier Salt (W. A.): detail of rib morphology in median adult part, MNHN; scale: x 3.7 (shell artificially dark coloured). C, which is often partially vividly coloured, outside Vasticardium vertebratum, from Kurrimine Beach (Queensland), and inside. MNHN: detail of rib morphology in median adult part; scale: x 3.8. D, Vasticardium ornatum, from Dampier Salt (W. A.), 3. PQ: in V. pectiniforme (Figs 2C, 4F) the ribs MNHN; L = 28.4 mm (same specimen as B, G). E,^, always remain high, square-sided and well orna­ Vasticardium vertebratum, from Tin Can Bay (Queensland), MNHN; L = 42.2 mm. F, Vasticardium vertebratum, from mented in the adult as in the juvenile, when they Kurrimine Beach (Queensland), MNHN: detail of profile of ribs in degenerate in the adult part in two subspecies of the median ventral margin; scale: x 3.8 (same specimen as C). G, Vasticardium ornatum, from Dampier Salt (W. A.), MNHN: V. flavum [subsp. flavum and subsp. subrugosum detail of profile of ribs in the median ventral margin; scale: x 3.8 (Fig. 2B)]. (same specimen as B).

248 ZOOSYSTEMA • 1997 • 19(2-3) Revision of the Vasticardium flavum species group Vidal J.

Cape Arnhem, 2 (USNM). — Queensland, Torres reddish colour with brown periostracum can give Straits, 1 (BMNH). — North Queensland, a greenish shade {olivifer). Interior white, except 6 (MNHN), 2 (BMNH), 6 (LACM). — Central for a narrow, dark, reddish ventral margin. Mean Queensland, 3 (MNHN), 2 (BMNH), 2 (QM), 5 (LACM), 3 (USNM). — South Queensland, rib number: 28.4 range 26-33. 5 (MNHN), 2 (QM). — New South Wales, 5 (AMS). Singapore. 1 (AMS). Adult rib morphology Viet Nam. 1 (MNHN). PQ. Same sculpture as well in adult shells as in DISTRIBUTION. — "Western, northern and eastern juvenile: square-sided ribs, large oblique scales on Australia; south to Geogtaphe Bay in Western top, small bent scales on anterior margin, vertical Australia and Sydney, New South Wales. The species ridges on posterior margin. is a fossil in South Australia", according Median part of shell. MPQ and MAQ: charac­ to Wilson & Stevenson (1977: 83). My observations do not fully confirm this limited dis­ teristic juvenile rib morphology of group restric­ tribution, with five deviating tecords: ted to umbonal region, and sculptures switches 1. Melvill & Standen (1906: 837) cite Cardium to that characterizing adult portion of shell very {Trachycardium) vertebratum at Dubai, Persian Gulf. early. Specific characteristics of adult part of This material is not in NMW. these two zones (Fig. 5C, F): (1) quasi-perfect 2. Bosch (1982: 171) cites and figures Cardium ree- symmetry in sculpture of roundly triangular ribs, veanum from Salalah, southern coast of Oman. The figured shells resemble V. pectiniforme. It is no longer in profile as well as in ornamentation; (2) two mentioned in Oliver, 1995. sets of constrictions on ribs, one at base of lateral 3. Oliver (1992: 126, pi. 23, fig. 4a, b) figured a shell ridging (as in many forms of group), another one Trachycardium vertebratum in BMNH with no men­ in middle of flank. Ribs generally irregularly full- tioned locality and records it from Aden, Port Sudan, ridged, or rather crush-ridged. "Crushing" of top Perim, Obock. The identification of the BMNH spe­ cimen (which I have examined) is good, but there is ridges is so marked that in many cases top zone no material from Aden, Perim and Obock in becomes almost smooth. A very regular line of Jousseaume's and Lavranos' collections (MNHN) that tubercular ridges lies in lower part of flank bet­ is attribuable to the present species, and the occutence ween middle and basal rib constrictions, on both of V. vertebratum in the Red Sea cannot be as large as flanks. This latter perfect arrangement is a little indicated by Oliver. disturbed in most distal part of adult zone. 4. Presence of a valve labelled from Nhatrang (Viet Nam) in MNHN, coll. Saurin. AQ. Ribs rounded, symmetrical, becoming regu­ 5. A valve from Pulau Sudong (Singapore) in AMS, larly full-ridged towards anterior, by loss of C310526. numerous lateral ridges and tubercles. Full ridges rather wide, slightly obliquely set, generally less densely packed than in other species of group. DIAGNOSIS Shell of medium size generally reaching 55-60 mm (largest specimen observed 98.2 x 79.5 x 67.1 mm in AMS from Broken Bay, REMARKS near Sydney). Shape transversally ovoid, rarely V. vertebratum mainly differs from the other spe­ symmetrical. Rather elongated for group: mean cies of the group by three characters: colour, L/H = 0.83 (range 0.80-0.87); variably depres­ quasi-perfect symmetry of the ribs in the median sed: mean W/L = 0.84 (range 0.77-0.95). Lunule half with two constrictions, regular line of tuber­ very narrow to practically non existent. Hinge cular ridges on both flanks of the ribs in the typical of group, but in right valve secondary median half (beaded ribs). anterior lateral tooth (AIII) almost always V. vertebratum can be confused with V. rubicun- depressed in its middle and divided into two dum (Reeve, 1845) because of similarity in colours more or less independent small teeth. Shell is of a and the "beaded" ornementation of the ribs. characteristic superb orange to coral red colour. However these two species belong to two different Colours disposed in regular concentric, bands, groups, and have many different characteristics, darker in adult zones. Combination of this vivid particularly in rib number and morphology.

250 ZOOSYSTEMA • 1997 • 19(2-3) Revision of the Vasticardium flavum species group

Vasticardium ornatum (Sowerby, 1877) high with regularly set, conical, scales occupying (Fig. 5B, D, G) all upper half of rib top; no secondary ornamen­ tation like in other species. In most adult part Cardium ornatum Sowerby, 1877: 755, pi. 75, fig. 2. ribs bifurcate into a lower anterior part and a Cardium fultoni Sowerby, 1916: 76, pi. 3, fig. 7. higher scaled posterior part, with the latter slightly overhanging interstice backwards. Acrosterigma sowerbyorum Voskuil et Onverwagt, 1992: 34, fig. 6 [a nomen novum for C. ornatum, erro­ Other parts of shell. Ribs with a symmetrical neously considered as unavailable: see Remarks]. profile comprising two parts from top to base: (a) a rounded upper part, full-ridged with wide TYPES SPECIES. — Cardium ornatum: holotype in ridges, sometimes a little flattened on top, and NMW, Melvill-Tomlin collection 55-158-1242, labelled "Hong-Kong", 19.0 x 18.2 x 12.8 mm, with (b) two lower flanks, triangularly disposed, obli­ 29 ribs. quely striated, separated from rounded summital Cardium fultoni: holotype in BMNH 1919-12-31-69, zone by a constriction, and becoming vertical at labelled ' Philippines", 37.0 X 32.6 X 24.2 mm, with theit base (Fig. 5B, G). Interstices open, trape­ 28 ribs. zoidal, with a flat bottom regularly striated, more

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — The type material and the or less independently of flanks. following lots: Natal. 1 (NMW). REMARKS North Western Australia. 1 (MNHN), 2 (ANSP); D'Orbigny (1850: 79) used the combination Yampi Sound, 1 (WAM), 1 (USNM); Cape Frezier, Cardium ornatum for the taxon originally named 1 (WAM); Heywood Island, 1 (WAM); Scorpion Island, 1 (WAM). Pinnopsis ornatus Hall, 1843: 244, fig. 8. Pinnopsis ornatus and P. acutirostra, also named DISTRIBUTION. — Apparently endemic to northern by Hall, 1843, in the same formation, ate Western Austtalia, approximatively from Capricorn fossils, very similar to each other. The tropic to latitude 15°S. Wilson & Stevenson (1977: lattet is now classified in Lunulacardium 88) concluded that "Sowetby's locality [Philippines] was probably incottect and that the holotype came Miinster, 1840, family Lunulacardiidae Fischer, from Western Australia". The same arguments apply 1887 (see Newell et al. 1969) and there is neither to the localities Natal and Hong-Kong (holotype of primary nor secondary homonymy with C. ornatum) which are also probably erroneous. Cardium ornatum Sowerby, 1877. Under Art. 59d of the Code this latter name is an avai­

DIAGNOSIS lable name and Acrosterigma sowerbyorum is a Shell of small to medium size, reaching 37 mm junior objective synonym. in height. Shape rotund (ornatum) to obliquely Vasticardium ornatum has been placed in the ovate {fultoni). Anterior edge rounded, posterior V. flavum species group, because of comparable edge slightly flared, rarely slightly truncated. A dimensions, shape, rib number, and above all little elongated [according to Wilson & because of an adult rib morphology of the same Stevenson (1977: 88), mean ratio L/H = 0.91 type, although different. (range 0.86-0.99)], and moderately inflated [mean W/L = 0.76 (range 0.68-0.84)]. Lunule Acknowledgements narrow to practically non existent. External I am especially grateful to Philippe Bouchet and colour uniform, white to cream (periostracum Bernard Metivier, in the MNHN of Paris, for never seen); tops of ribs here and there bear dark their help in many ways. I am also indebted to red-purple spots almost regularly placed and Bertrand Richer de Forges (ORSTOM, roughly concentrically aligned. Internally white. Noumea). I thank the following people for loans Rib number: according to Wilson & Stevenson, and informations: Ian Loch (AMS, Sydney); mean number 29, range 25-33. Gary Rosenberg (ANSP, Philadelphia); Robert Cowie (BISHOP, Honolulu); Kathie Way Adult rib morphology (BMNH, London); J. van Goethem and Claude PQ. Different from other species of group: ribs Massin (IRSNB, Bruxelles); James McLean and

ZOOSYSTEMA • 1997 • 19(2-3) 251 Vidal J.

Lindsey Groves (LACM, Los Angeles); Yves Habe T. & Kosuge S. 1966a. — New Genera & Finet (MNHG, Genève); Graham Oliver Species of the Tropical and Subtropical Pacific Mollusks. Venus 24 (4): 312-341. (NMW, Cardiff); Kevin Lamprell and John — 1966b. — Shells of the World in colour: Vol 2, The Stanisic (QM, Brisbane); Anders Waren (Swedish Tropical Pacific. Hoikusha, Osaka, 193 p. Museum of Natural History, Stockholm); Gustav Hall J. 1843. — Survey of the fourth Geological Paulay (University of Guam Marine Laboratory, District: vol. IV. Natural History of New-York: Part Mangilao); Jerry Harasewych (USNM, IV, Geology. Carrol & Cook, Albany, XII + 683 p. Hanley S. 1855. — Ipsa Linnaei Conchylia. Williams Washington); Lars Wallin (Uppsala University & Norgate, London, 556 p. Zoological Museum, Uppsala); Shirley Hidalgo G. 1903. — Estudios preliminares sobre la Slack-Smith (WAM, Perth); Robert Moolenbeek fauna de las Isias Filipinas. Memorias de la Real (ZMA, Amsterdam); Tom Schiötte (ZMUC, Academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales de Madrid 2, 323 p. Copenhagen). Iredale T. 1927. — New Molluscs from Vanikoro. Records of the Australian Museum 16 (1): 73-80. — 1936. — Australian Molluscan Notes No. 2. REFERENCES Records of the Australian Museum 19 (5): 267-340. Jonas J. H. 1844. — Vorläufige Dianosen neuer Abrard R. 1942. — Mollusques pleistocenes de la Conchylien, welche ausfürlicher beschrieben und Côte française des Somalis recueillis par E. Aubert abgebildet nächstens erscheinen werden. Zeitschrift de la Rue. Archives du Muséum national d'Histoire für Malakozoologie 1(3)[1844J: 33-37. naturelle (6), 105 p. — 1846. — MoTluskologische Beitrage. Abhand­ Born I. 1780. — Testacea Musei Caesarei Vindo- lungen aus dem Gebiet der Naturwissenschaften 1: bonensis. J. P. Kraus, Vindobonae, 442 p. 99-130. Bosch D. & Bosch E. 1982. — Seashells of Oman. Jousseaume F. 1888. — Description des Mollusques Longman, London & New York, 206 p. recueillis par M. le Dr Faurot dans la Mer Rouge et Bruguière J. C. 1789. — Encyclopédie Méthodique, le Golfe d'Aden. Mémoires de la Société Zoologique Histoire Naturelle des Vers 1. Panckoucke, Paris, de France 1 : 165-223. 775 p. LamarkJ. B. 1809. — Philosophie Zoologique: Tome 1. Chemnitz J. H. 1782. — Neues Systematisches Dentu, Paris, XXV + 428 p. Conchylien Cabinet 6. Raspe, Nürnberg, 375 p. — 1816. — Tableaux Encyclopédiques et Méthodiques Coleman N. 1975. — What shell is that? Paul des Trois Règnes de la Nature : 23e partie, Mollusques Hamlyn, Sydney, 308 p. et Polypiers divers. Agasse, Paris, pis 96-314. Dali W. H. 1900. — Synopsis of the Family Cardiidae — 1819. — Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans and of the North American Species. Proceedings of Vertèbres, 6 (1). Paris, 543 p. the United States National Museum 23: 381-392. Lamy E. 1927. — Les Bucardes de la Mer Rouge. Deshayes G.-P. 1854. — Description of New Shells Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle from the Collection of Hugh Cuming. Proceedings 33 : 517-522. of the Zoological Society of London 22: 317-371. — 1941. — Note sur les espèces lamarckiennes de Dodge H. 1952. — A Historical Review of the Cardium. Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire Molluscs of Linnaeus, Part 1: The Class Loricata naturelle 2 (13) 5 : 458-463. and Pelecypoda. Bulletin of the American Museum Linné C. 1758. — Systema Naturae: ed. 10 1. Salvius, of Natural History 100 (1): 1-263. 824 p. Dunker G. 1852. — Diagnoses Molluscorum — 1764. — Museum Ludovicae Ulricae Reginae [...]. Novorum. Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie 9 (4): Holmiae, 720 p. 49-62. — 1767. — Systema Naturae: ed. 12 1 (2). Salvius, Dunker W. 1858. — Novitates Conchologicae IP, 1327 p. Meeres-conchylien. Abbildung und Beschrei neuer Melvill J. C. & Standen R. 1906. — The Mollusca of Conchylien. Figures et descriptions de Coquilles nou­ the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman and Arabian Sea velles ou peu connues (2): 25-32. [...]: Part 2, Pelecypoda. Proceedings of the general Fischer-Piette E. 1977. — Révision des Cardiidae Meetings for scientific business of the Zoological (Mollusques Lamellibranches). Mémoires du Society of London: 783-848. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Nouvelle Mötch O. A. L. 1853. — Catalogus Conchyliorum Série, Série A Zoologie 101,212p. quae reliquit D. Alphonso D Aguirra & Gadea Comes Gmelin J. F. 1791. — Caroli a Linné, systema naturae de Yoldi: 2. Klein, Hafniae, 74 p. 1(6): 3021-3910. Nardini S. 1937. — Molluschi dalle spiagge emerse Habe T. 1967. — Common Shells of japan in Color. del mar Rosso e dell'oceano Indiano. Palaeonto- Hoikusha, Osaka, 223 p. graphia Italica 27 (N. Ser 7): 225-278.

252 ZOOSYSTEMA • 1997 • 19(2-3) Revision of the Vastkardium flavum species group

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Submittedfor publication on 20 September 1996; accepted on 19 February 1997.

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