From Physics to

XXXVII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days

Heidelberg, October 10th, 2016

© d- fine© d- —fine All — rights All rights reserved reserved | 0 The opinions expressed in this presentation and on the following slides are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of d-fine GmbH. d-fine GmbH does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information provided herein.

The slides in this presentation were prepared as basis for the XXXVII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days. It is therefore possible that key substantive elements were delivered only orally and are not present on the slides.

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© d- fine© d- —fine All — rights All rights reserved reserved | 1 Agenda

» The banks’ role in the economy 3 » Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future 12 » The mechanics of the balance sheet – an engineers approach 68 » The costs of the crisis 76 » Is the financial complexity manageable? 88

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance © d- fine© d- —fine All — rights All rights reserved reserved | 2 The banks’ role in the economy

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The banks’ role in the economy © d- fine© d- —fine All — rights All rights reserved reserved | 3 The “Banks”

Photo source: © NH1977 / PIXELIO

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The banks’ role in the economy (1/8) © d- fine© d- —fine All — rights All rights reserved reserved | 4 New players – Fintecs try to disrupt the banking industry

New opportunities arise from disrupting old and 250 Investitionen von Risikokapitalgebern inefficient processes in the banking business: in Deutschland in Finanz-Startups (in » Use of Blockchain technologies contemplated in: Millionen Euro) 200 › Money (Bitcoin etc.) › Stock exchange › Account management 150 › Interbanking transactions

› Title register… 100 » Brokerage of fix rate invest in foreign countries

» Assistance in changing the bank-account 50 » Support of collection services

» Credit rating with the help of user profiles/social 0 network data (currently not legal in Germany) 2015 I 2015 II 2015 III 2015 IV 2016 I 2016 II » First Fintechs in Germany are in possession of a bank licence » Established banks take notice  Cooperation with or acquisition of Fintechs

Digitalization of the banking business is a trend for years to come

Source; Barkow-Consulting

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The banks’ role in the economy (2/8) © d- fine© d- —fine All — rights All rights reserved reserved | 5 Banking landscape in Germany

Universalbanken (1.637) 288 Kreditbanken 4 Großbanken 172 Regionalbanken und sonstige Kreditbanken 112 Zweigstellen ausländischer Banken three pillars 1.027 Genossenschaftliche 1.025 Kreditgenossenschaften Kreditinstitute 2 Genossenschaftliche Zentralbanken 422 Öffentlich-rechtliche 413 Sparkassen Kreditinstitute 9 Landesbanken

Spezialbanken (56) 21 Bausparkassen 16 Realkreditinstitute 19 Banken mit Sonderaufgaben

Stand: Jahresende 2015

Source: Bankenstatistik, Statistisches Beiheft 1 zum Monatsbericht, Deutsche Bundesbank, September 2016, S. 104

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The banks’ role in the economy (3/8) © d- fine© d- —fine All — rights All rights reserved reserved | 6 The banks’ role – Transforming money



Transformation: Capital demand: » Quantity Capital supply: big, long term demanded capital » Term many small, rather short term amounts » Risk supplied capital amounts

Transformation is at the heart of banking business

Photo source: © segavax, Andreas Hermsdorf / PIXELIO

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The banks’ role in the economy (4/8) © d- fine© d- —fine All — rights All rights reserved reserved | 7 The banks’ role – Transforming money

BankSmall / fast

Mediator Big / slow Small / fast

Transformation: Capital demand: » Quantity Capital supply: big, long term demanded capital » Term many small, rather short term amounts » Risk supplied capital amounts

Transformation is at the heart of banking business

Photo source: © segavax, Andreas Hermsdorf / PIXELIO

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The banks’ role in the economy (5/8) © d- fine© d- —fine All — rights All rights reserved reserved | 8 Traditional tasks of a bank

Capital / Liquidity Information Risk taking transformation offset

Both forms of transformation hold specific risks for the bank which need to be quantified and controlled:

Volume » Volume transformation ↔ Credit Risk transformation

Term » Term transformation ↔ Liquidity Risk and transformation Interest Rate Risk

» Currency transformation ↔ FX Rate Risk

» Equity Prices, Stock Exchange Rates, …

Transformation is at the heart of banking business

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The banks’ role in the economy (6/8) © d- fine© d- —fine All — rights All rights reserved reserved | 9 German saving behaviour

» Germans still invest the largest part of their capital in savings- / sight- / term- deposits and cash, as well as insurances 6.000,00 Geldvermögen privater Haushalten in Deutschland in Mrd. Euro

5.000,00 198,70 193,40 299,50 185,20 259,10 4.000,00 228,00 201,10 201,10 221,50 215,10 201,70 201,70 370,60 181,90 1.468,90 1.551,70 1.400,20 1.284,80 1.284,80 3.000,00 1.190,70 1.215,00 216,00 247,10 238,20 265,50 265,50 449,50 297,00 267,10 394,90 420,10 2.000,00 416,20 416,20 467,40 379,80

1.000,00 1.860,80 1.927,50 2.014,90 2.082,20 1.602,80 1.737,50 1.788,10

0,00 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Spar-, Sicht-, Termineinlagen und Bargeld Investmentzertifikate Festverzinsliche Wertpapiere Geldanlagen bei Versicherungen Aktien Sonstiges

We have savings of about 5 trillion EUR

Source: Deutsche Bundesbank, September 2014

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The banks’ role in the economy (7/8) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 10 The ten biggest banks in Europe

Total Assets of European Banks in trillion € (30.06.2016) 2.500





0 HSBC BNP Paribas Deutsche Credit Barclays PLC Societe Banco Groupe Royal Bank Lloyds Holdings Bank Agricole Generale Santander BPCE of Scotland Banking Group Group Group


2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The banks’ role in the economy (8/8) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 11 Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 12 The yield curve

interest rates (i)

yield curve

1Y 2Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y 11Y 12Y 13Y 14Y 15Y term (t)

Term transformation, i.e., transformation in time, is a major transformation

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (1/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 13 The yield curve

6 3 3 interest rates (i)

yield curve

1Y 2Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y 11Y 12Y 13Y 14Y 15Y term (t)

Term transformation, i.e., transformation in time, is a major transformation

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (2/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 14 Interest rates and their dynamics

15 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (3/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 15 Interest rates and their dynamics

10 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (4/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 16 Interest rates and their dynamics

9 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (5/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 17 Interest rates and their dynamics

8 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (6/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 18 Interest rates and their dynamics

7 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (7/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 19 Interest rates and their dynamics

6 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (8/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 20 Interest rates and their dynamics

5 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (9/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 21 Interest rates and their dynamics

4 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (10/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 22 Interest rates and their dynamics

3 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (11/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 23 Interest rates and their dynamics

2 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (12/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 24 Interest rates and their dynamics

1 Y

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (13/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 25 Interest rates and their dynamics

6 M

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (14/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 26 Interest rates and their dynamics

3 M

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (15/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 27 Interest rates and their dynamics

1 M

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (16/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 28 Interest rates and their dynamics

15 Y

1 M

The change in interest rates follows no simple statistics

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (17/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 29 Phenomenology of financial time series

Data are heteroscedastic, i.e., there are alterations of volatile and tranquil periods

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (18/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 30 Phenomenology of financial time series

Data are leptocurtic, i.e., the empirical distribution is more pronounced / steeper in the middle of the distribution as the normal distribution and it has more mass in the tails as a normal distribution (fat tails).

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (19/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 31 How to “explain” the curves – Different approaches

Can we see patterns?

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (20/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 32 How to “explain” the curves – Different approaches

The “Euclidean geometry” approach

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (21/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 33 How to “explain” the curves – Different approaches

The fractal geometry approach

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (22/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 34 How to “explain” the curves – Different approaches

The fractal geometry approach

Source: B. B. Mandelbrot, Börsenturbulenzen neu erklärt, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Mai 1999, 74-77

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (23/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 35 How to “explain” the curves – Different approaches

The stochastic approach

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (24/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 36 How to “explain” the curves – Different approaches

P. Malliavin, A. Thalmaier, Stochastic Calculus of Variations in , Springer

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (25/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 37 How to “explain” the curves – Different approaches

P. Malliavin, A. Thalmaier,

Stochastic Calculus of Variations in Mathematical Finance,


P. Malliavin, A. Thalmaier, Stochastic Calculus of Variations in Mathematical Finance, Springer

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (26/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 38 How to “explain” the curves – Different approaches

Modelling the logarithmical price change

S(t  dt)  S(t) dt0d ln(S) S(t)

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (27/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 39 Interest rate models

» Basic model: Xt = σt Zt with

{Zt} is IID with mean 0, variance 1, e.g. N(0,1)

very simple: fixed σ, more advanced: {σt } is a volatility process

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (28/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 40 Interest rate models

» GARCH model

Xt = σt Zt GARCH(p,q) process (General AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroscedastic)

2 2 2 2 2  t  c0  c1Xt-1  cpXt-p  1 t-1  q t-q .

Special case ARCH(1)

2 2 2 Xt  (c0  c1Xt-1)Zt 2 2 2  c1Zt Xt-1  c0Zt 2  AtXt-1  Bt

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (29/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 41 Interest rate models

» Stochastic volatility models

Xt = σt Zt

σt is a second process, independent of Zt Model for the volatility (Taylor 1986)

2 2 logt 0 1 logt1 2t , {t }~ IID N(0, 1)

Stochastic recurrence model

Xt  Xt1t t mit {t ,t }~ IID

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (30/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 42 Interest rate models

» Extensions to the basic GARCH model

General formula: rt   tt 2 2 Bilinear (Granger / Andersen 1978):  t  rt1 ARCH(1, 1) (Engle 1982): 2 2  t  c0  c1rt1 GARCH(1, 1) (Bollerslev 1986):  2  c  c r 2  c  2 EGARCH (Nelson 1990): t 0 1 t1 2 t1

c    2  log( )  c  c log( )  2 t1  c  t1   t 0 1 t1 3    t1   t1 

Further: ARCH-M, AARCH, NARCH, PARCH, PNP_ARCH, STARCH, SWARCH, Component-ARCH, IARCH, multiplicative ARCH For weather derivatives e.g. the ARFIMA-FIGARCH approach is used

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (31/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 43 Options in finance

Suppose we have a stock that is worth 100$ today. Tomorrow we have two scenarios: the stock can go up to 130$ with empirical probability of 60% or it can go down to 70$ with empirical probability of 40% .

t = 0 t = 1

p = 60% 130$


p = 40% 70$

What is the fair price of such a contract today?

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (32/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 44 Options in finance

Suppose we have a stock that is worth 100$ today. Tomorrow we have two scenarios: the stock can go up to 130$ with empirical probability of 60% or it can go down to 70$ with empirical probability of 40% . Now define the following contract: The holder of the contract has the right to buy the stock tomorrow for 100$. If the price tomorrow is 130$, the holder can buy the stock for 100$ and immediately sell it for 130$, thus making a profit of 30$. If the price tomorrow is 70$ the holder will not use his right to buy the stock for 100$ since he can buy it in the market for 70$.

t = 0 t = 1 Payoff at t = 1

p = 60% 130$ 30$

100$ 100$ 0$

p = 40% 70$ 0$

What is the fair price of such a contract today?

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (33/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 45 Options in finance

Suppose we have a stock that is worth 100$ today. Tomorrow we have two scenarios: the stock can go up to 130$ with empirical probability of 60% or it can go down to 70$ with empirical probability of 40% . Now define the following contract: The holder of the contract has the right to buy the stock tomorrow for 100$. If the price tomorrow is 130$, the holder can buy the stock for 100$ and immediately sell it for 130$, thus making a profit of 30$. If the price tomorrow is 70$ the holder will notSuppose use their right to webuy the find stock forsomebody 100$ since they can who buy it in thepays market usfor 70$. thet = 0 expected profitt = 1of (60%*30$)Payoff at t = 18$1 for

p = 60% such 130$a contract. 30$


p = 40% 70$ 0$

What is the fair price of such a contract today?

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (34/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 46 Options in finance

We could then accept the 18$ and do the following: we buy ½ of the stock today for 50$ and wait until tomorrow. If the stock goes up we have to deliver one stock for the price of 100$, so we have to buy another ½ for 65$. Having spent a total of 115$ and received a total of 118$ we make a profit of 3$. If the stock goes down we don’t have to deliver the stock and can sell our ½ stock for 35$, adding the 18$ we got for the contract and subtracting the 50$ we paid for the ½ stock at t = 0 again gives us a profit of 3$.

Money spent Money received Profit

130$ » Buy ½ stock at t = 0: -50$ » Initial contract: 18$ » Buy ½ stock at t = 1: -65$ » Delivery of 1 stock: 100$ » Total -115$ » Total 118$ 3$


» Buy ½ stock at t = 0: -50$ » Initial contract: 18$ » Sell ½ stock at t = 1: 35$

70$ » Total -50$ » Total 53$ 3$

We make a profit of 3$, no matter what happens tomorrow!

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (35/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 47 Options in finance

We could then accept the 18$ and do the following: we buy ½ of the stock today for 50$ and wait until tomorrow. If the stock goes up we have to deliver one stock for the price of 100$, so we have to buy another ½ for 65$. Having spent a total of 115$ and received a total of 118$ we make a profit of 3$. If the stock goes down we don’t have to deliver the stock and can sell our ½ stock for 35$, adding the 18$ we got for the contract and subtracting the 50$ we paid for the ½ stock at t = 0 again gives us a profit of 3$.

Money spent Money received Profit

130$ » Buy ½ stock at t = 0: -50$ » Initial contract: 18$ » Buy ½ stock at t = 1: -65$ » Delivery of 1 stock: 100$ » Total -115$ » Total 118$ 3$


» Buy ½ stock at t = 0: -50$ » Initial contract: 18$ » Sell ½ stock at t = 1: 35$

70$ » Total -50$ » Total 53$ 3$

We make a profit of 3$, no matter what happens tomorrow!

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (36/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 48 Options in finance

We could then accept the 18$ and do the following: we buy ½ of the stock today for 50$ and wait until tomorrow. If the stock goes up we have to deliver one stock for the price of 100$, so we have to buy another ½ for 65$. Having spent a total of 115$ and received a total of 118$ we make a profit of 3$. If the stock goes down we don’t have to deliver the stock and can sell our ½ stock for 35$, adding the 18$ we got for the contract and subtracting the 50$ we paid for the ½ stock at t = 0 again gives us a profit of 3$.

Money spent Money received Profit

130$ » Buy ½ stock at t = 0: -50$ » Initial contract: 18$ » Buy ½ stock at t = 1: -65$ » Delivery of 1 stock: 100$ » Total -115$ » Total 118$ 3$


» Buy ½ stock at t = 0: -50$ » Initial contract: 18$ » Sell ½ stock at t = 1: 35$

70$ » Total -50$ » Total 53$ 3$

We make a profit of 3$, no matter what happens tomorrow!

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (37/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 49 Options in finance

We could then accept the 18$ and do the following: we buy ½ of the stock today for 50$ and wait until tomorrow. If the stock goes up we have to deliver one stock for the price of 100$, so we have to buy another ½ for 65$. Having spent a total of 115$ and received a total of 118$ we make a profit of 3$. If the stock goes down we don’t have to deliver the stock and can sell our ½ stock for 35$, adding the 18$ we got for the contract and subtracting the 50$ we paid for the ½ stock at t = 0 again gives us a profit of 3$.

Money spent Money received Profit

130$ Expected values based on empirical » Buy ½ stock at t = 0: -50$ » Initial contract: 18$ probabilities» Buy ½ stock at t =do 1: not-65$ give» theDelivery fair of 1 stock: price! 100$ » Total -115$ » Total 118$ 3$


» Buy ½ stock at t = 0: -50$ » Initial contract: 18$ » Sell ½ stock at t = 1: 35$

70$ » Total -50$ » Total 53$ 3$

We make a profit of 3$, no matter what happens tomorrow!

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (38/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 50 One thousand scenarios for the U.S. treasury curve

Distribution of 1 Year Government Bond Yields, USA, 1962 - 2015

» 23,117 daily observations on 1 year government yields in the USA and Japan show that rates bunch near the zero yield level and can go negative. » 1,000 scenario simulation benchmarked in today's yields so that the Monte Carlo simulation correctly prices the entire current Treasury curve.

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (39/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 51 One thousand scenarios for the U.S. treasury curve

Good models are the essence of strategy and planning!

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (40/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 52 One thousand scenarios for the U.S. treasury curve

Money spent Money received

130$ » Buy ½ stock at t = 0: -50$ » Initial contract: 18$ » Buy ½ stock at t = 1: -65$ » Delivery of 1 stock: 100$ » Total -115$ » Total 118$ 3$


» Buy ½ stock at t = 0: -50$ » Initial contract: 18$ » Sell ½ stock at t = 1: 35$

70$ » Total -50$ » Total 53$ 3$

Good models are the essence of strategy and planning!

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (41/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 53 Physical models applied to financial markets

» The application of stochastic methods to questions from the world of finance is nowadays an established standard. » Many well understood paradigms from physics can be applied to problems arising in a financial context. Time will tell which of them will also have practical relevance. › Ising models, chaos theory, fractals, etc.

The statistical physics approach

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (42/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 54 Physical models applied to financial markets - Hamiltonians, Jochen Zick

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (43/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 55 Physical models applied to financial markets - Hamiltonians

» Toy model of a stock market based on the following assumptions: › Our market consists of L traders exchanging a single kind of share; › The total number of shares, N, is fixed in time; › A trader can only interact with a single other trader: i.e. the traders feel only a two-body interaction; › The traders can only buy or sell one share in any single transaction; › The price of the share changes with discrete steps, multiples of a given monetary unit; › When the tendency of the market to sell a share, i.e. the market supply, increases then the price of the share decreases; › For our convenience the supply is expressed in term of natural numbers; › To simplify the notation, we take the monetary unit equal to 1.

Article: F. Bagarello, J. Phys. A, 6823-6840 (2006)

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (44/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 56 Physical models applied to financial markets - Hamiltonians

» The formal Hamiltonian of the model is the following operator:

푯 = 푯ퟎ + 푯풍, 풘풉풆풓풆 푳 푳 † † † † 푯ퟎ = 풂풍 풂풍 풂풍 + 휷풍 풄풍 풄풍 + 풐 풐 + 풑 풑 풍=ퟏ 풍=ퟏ

푳 푷 푷 † † † † † † 푯풍 = 풑풊풋 풂풊 풂풋 풄풊풄풋 + 풂풊풂풋 풄풋풄풊 + 풐 풑 + 풑 풐 풊,풋=ퟏ » where 푷 = 풑 † 풑 and the following commutation rules are used: † † † † » 풂 풍, 풂풏 = 풄풍, 풄풏 = 휹풍풏푰 풑, 풑 = 풐, 풐 = 푰 » All other commutators are zero.

» We further assume that 풑풊풊 = ퟎ ⌗ ⌗ ⌗ ⌗ » Number, price, cash and supply operators: 풂풍 , 풑 , 풄풍 , 풐

» The states of the market are: 흎 풏 ; 풌 ;푶;푴 . = 흋 풏 ; 풌 ;푶;푴, 흋 풏 ; 풌 ;푶;푴

» where 풏 = 풏ퟏ, 풏 ퟐ, … , 풏푳, 풌 = 풌ퟏ, 풌ퟐ, … , 풌 푳 and 푛 푛 푘 푘 † 1 † 퐿 † 1 † 퐿 † 푶 † 푴 풂ퟏ … 풂푳 풄ퟏ … 풄푳 풐 … 풑 흋 풏 ; 풌 ;푶;푴 = 흋ퟎ 풏ퟏ! … 풏푳! 풌ퟏ! … 풌푳! 푶! 푴! 풂 흋 = 풄 흋 = 풑흋 = 풐흋 = ퟎ, 풇풐풓 풋 = ퟏ, ퟐ, … , 푳 » 휑0 is the vacuum of the model: 풋 ퟎ 풋 ퟎ ퟎ ퟎ

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (45/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 57 Physical models applied to financial markets - Hamiltonians

» The time evolution for the observables, e.g., the price 푑푋(푡) = 푖푒푖퐻푡 퐻, 푋 푒−푖퐻푡 = 푖 퐻, 푋(푡) 푑푡

Article: F. Bagarello, J. Phys. A, 6823-6840 (2006), Foto:, Jochen Zick

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (46/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 58 How to “explain” the curves – different approaches

The combinatorial approach

Pictures from O. Racorean, Geometry and Topology of the Stock Market, 2013

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (47/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 59 Physical models applied to financial markets - A string model in phynance

The “cosmological” approach

Article Physica A 391 (2012) 5172-5188

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (48/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 60 Physical models applied to financial markets – Selected books

R. Mantegna, H. Stanley L. Wille M. Small F. Abergel, B. Chakrabarti, A. Chakraborti, A.Ghosh (Ed) Correlations and Complexity in New Directions in Statistical Applied Nonlinear Time Series Finance Physics of Systemic Risk Applications in Physics, and Network Dynamice Cambridge University Press Econophysics, Bioinformatics, Physiology and Finance and Pattern Recognition Systemic Risk and Network World Scientific Series on Dynamics Springer Nonlinear Science, Series A Vol. 52 Springer

B. Mandelbrot O. Racorean H. Kleinert B. Baaquie Fractals and Scaling in Finance Geometry and Topology of the Path Integrals in Quantum Quantum Finance Stock Market Mechanics, Statistics, Polymer Discontinuity, Concentration, Path Integrals and Hamiltonians Physics, and Financial Markets Risk Quantum Computer generation for Options and Interest rates of quants World Scientific Springer Cambridge CreateSpace

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (49/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 61 Known models in different domains of science

Chapman, Hall Computational Neuroscience A Comprehensive Approach CRC Mathematical Biology and Mediscience Series

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (50/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 62 Mathematical/physical models in finance – The “patient” financial markets

Parallels between Earthquakes, Financial crashes and epileptic seizures Didier Sornette

Didier Sornette Neuron Reviews on Cognitive Architectures, Vol. 86, Number 1, Oct. 2015

See also:

I. Osorio, H. Zaveri, M. Frei, S.Arthurs (Ed.) Epilepsy The Intersection of Neurosciences, Biology, Mathematics, Enginieering, and Physics CRC Press

Our models “fit” in different areas of research – mathematical structures can by analysed by analogies

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (51/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 63 The “patient” financial markets

Our models “fit” in various fields of science

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (52/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 64 The “patient” financial markets

Our models “fit” in various fields of science

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (53/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 65 The “patient” financial markets

Our models “fit” in various fields of science – exploring mathematical structures via analogy

Photo source: © NH1977 / PIXELIO

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (54/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 66 Physical models applied to financial markets – Implementation

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Time series in finance – non-linearity and prediction of the future (55/55) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 67 The mechanics of the balance sheet – an engineers approach

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The mechanics of the balance sheet – an engineers approach © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 68 Inflows and outflows

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The mechanics of the balance sheet – an engineers approach (1/7) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 69 Counting and labelling monetary units in time

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The mechanics of the balance sheet – an engineers approach (2/7) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 70 The “bow wave” of the balance sheet

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The mechanics of the balance sheet – an engineers approach (3/7) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 71 The “bow wave” of the balance sheet

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The mechanics of the balance sheet – an engineers approach (4/7) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 72 Cost reduction via canceling “waves”

» How can we achieve an optimal match between business structure, liquidity structure, and interest rate structure while taking into account their dynamics?

Photo source: /

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The mechanics of the balance sheet – an engineers approach (5/7) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 73 Cost reduction via canceling “waves”

» How can we achieve an optimal match between business structure, liquidity structure, and interest rate structure while taking into account their dynamics?

Photo source: FotoHiero /

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The mechanics of the balance sheet – an engineers approach (6/7) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 74 Cost reduction via canceling “waves”

» How can we achieve an optimal match between business structure, liquidity structure, and interest rate structure while taking into account their dynamics?

Photo source: FotoHiero /

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The mechanics of the balance sheet – an engineers approach (7/7) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 75 The costs of the crisis

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 76 SoFFin (Sonderfonds Finanzmarktstabilisierung)

Financial Market Stabilization Fund 296,5 billion EUR in 2014 guarantees of up to 400bn Euros recapitalize or purchase assets for up to 80bn Euros

Accumulated losses of the SoFFin: » 2009: 4.3 billion Euros » 2010: 4.8 billion Euros » 2011: 13.1 billion Euros » 2012: 23 billion Euros » 2013: 21.5 billion Euros » 2014: 21.9 billion Euros

Equity recapitalizations (30.06.2012) : » Aareal Bank AG: 0.3 » Commerzbank AG: 6.7 » Hypo Real Estate: 9.8 » WestLB AG: 3.0

Source: SoFFin Jahresberichte, Source: Bundesministerium für Finanzen, Auf den Punkt - Bundeshaushalt 2014, August 2014

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (1/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 77 Visualizing US debt – 1

100 dollars

Source: Die Welt / August 2011

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (2/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 78 Visualizing US debt – 2

10.000 dollars – average years income world wide

Source: Die Welt / August 2011

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (3/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 79 Visualizing US debt – 3

1 million dollars

Source: Die Welt / August 2011

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (4/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 80 Visualizing US debt – 4

100 million dollars – This amount can be transported on a europallet

Source: Die Welt / August 2011

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (5/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 81 Visualizing US debt – 5

1 billion dollars – 10 europallets, not easy to transport

Source: Die Welt / August 2011

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (6/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 82 Visualizing US debt – 6

1 trillion dollars – in comparison to an American Football field or a Boeing 747

Source: Die Welt / August 2011

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (7/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 83 Visualizing US debt – 7

15 trillion dollars – represents the forecasted national debt of the USA at the end of 2011

Source: Die Welt / August 2011

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (8/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 84 Visualizing US debt – 8

114,5 trillion dollars – sum of all unsecured obligations of the USA – i.e. national debt, including pensions, social services and private debt

15 trillion dollars (5 trillion dollars held by foreigners, 1,2 trillion dollars held by China)

Source: Die Welt / August 2011

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (9/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 85 Visualizing US debt – 8

114,5 trillion dollars – sumThere of areall unsecured 1011 stars inobligations the galaxy. of Thatthe usedUSA to –be i.e. a hugenational number. debt, includingBut it’s only a pensions,hundred socialbillion. services It’s less thanand private the national debt deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers.

Richard Feynman (1918–1988) 15 trillion dollars (5 trillion dollars held by foreigners, 1,2 trillion dollars held by China)

Source: Die Welt / August 2011

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (10/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 86 Cost of science (budget)

Spektrum der Wissenschaft April 2016

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | The costs of the crisis (11/11) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 87 Is the financial complexity manageable?

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 88 High frequency trading

» HFT incorporates proprietary trading strategies carried out by computers » Electronic exchanges were first authorized by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in 1998 » Execution times have fallen from several seconds in the year 2000 to milliseconds on modern systems

Source: Handelsblatt 2012

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (1/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 89 Volume of high frequency trading

Number of transactions in » Portion of HFT in U.S. equity trades DAX titles has increased from less than 10 % in 2000 to over 70% in 2010 » About 40% of Xetra transactions are 41 billion carried out by HFT systems 1 billion 1993 2011

Portion of U.S. Portion of equity trading firms order volume these engaging in HFT firms account for

Source: Handelsblatt 2012

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (2/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 90 Role of high frequency trading in the crisis

» In 2010 the Dow Jones Index experienced its largest one- day point decline in history “Flash Crash” » The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission concluded in a joint investigation that the actions of HFT firms largely contributed to volatility during the crash.

Source: Handelsblatt 2012

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (3/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 91 Role of high frequency trading in the crisis

» In 2010 the Dow Jones Index experienced its largest one- day point decline in history “Flash Crash” S. Patterson M. Lewis » The U.S. SecuritiesDark Pools and Flash Boys ExchangeCrown Commission Business and Norton & Company the Commodity Futures Trading Commission concluded in a joint investigation that the actions of HFT firms largely contributed to volatility during the crash.

Source: Handelsblatt 2012

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (4/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 92 Network topologies of interbank payments

CHAPS: Clearing House Automated Payment System CHAPS offers same-day sterling fund transfers Many flows are routed through settlement banks

Source: Becher, Millard, and Soramäki, The network topology of CHAPS Sterling, Bank of England, Working Paper 355

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (5/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 93 Network topologies of interbank payments

CHAPS: Clearing House Automated Payment System CHAPS offers same-day sterling fund transfers Many flows are routed through settlement banks

» The settlement banks form a complete network » 4 settlement banks account for almost 80% of the payments, measured by value or volume!

Source: Becher, Millard, and Soramäki, The network topology of CHAPS Sterling, Bank of England, Working Paper 355

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (6/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 94 Network topologies of interbank payments

CHAPS: Clearing House Automated Payment System CHAPS offers same-day sterling fund transfers Many flows are routed through settlement banks

» The settlement banks form a complete network » 4 settlement banks account for almost 80% of the payments, measured by value or volume!

Source: Becher, Millard, and Soramäki, The network topology of CHAPS Sterling, Bank of England, Working Paper 355

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (7/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 95 Economics and banking – a complex network of dependencies

Expenses Profitability P&L Earnings Growth Off-balance Capital positions Cash flow Rating / Balance sheet Solvency positions Balance Downside sheet Derivative risk Optionalities Hedge Investor opinion

Risk Cash flow Liquidity External funding levels Investment Liquidity opportunities risk

From: Managing Liquidity in Banks, R. Duttweiler, 2009

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (8/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 96 Complexity and networks: Economy and insurance companies



Government T Insurance companies IntG Int S In G Households SF Capital Market Firms G SHH I C

Insurance companies form a vital part of the macroeconomic flow chart

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (9/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 97 Complexity and networks: All of us are affected

Source: bild, Handelsblatt

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (10/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 98 Complexity and networks: All of us are affected

Source: bild, Handelsblatt, FAZ

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (11/22) © d-fine © d —-fine All —rights All rightsreserved reserved | 99 Collecting and processing information

Digital economy is founded on data

Photo source:

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (12/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 100 Combating the crisis: Is the financial and European debt crisis over?

» CISS = Composite Indicator of Systemic Stress

Source: European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) Risk Dashboard Notes: The CISS comprises 15 raw, mainly market-based raw financial stress measures that are split equally into five categories, namely the financial intermediaries sector, money markets, equity markets, bond markets and foreign exchange markets. The raw stress indicators are homogenised by replacing each individual observation with its function value from the indicators’ empirical cumulative distribution function. The five segment-specific sub-indices of financial stress are computed as averages of their three constituent transformed stress measures. The CISS aggregates the five sub-indices based on portfolio theoretical principles, i.e. by taking into account the time-varying cross-correlations between the sub-indices. The CISS thus places relatively more weight on situations in which stress prevails simultaneously in several market segments. It is unit-free and constrained to lie within the interval (0, 1). For further details see Hollo, D., Kremer, M. and Lo Duca, M., “CISS - A composite indicator of systemic stress in the financial system”, Working Paper Series, No 1426, ECB, March 2012. The Sovereign CISS aims to measure the level of stress in euro area sovereign bond markets and applies the same methodological concept of the CISS.

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (13/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 101 Watson, we need your help!

Source: WELT KOMPAKT, March 2012

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (14/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 102 Watson, we need your help!

Source: ZEIT Online

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (15/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 103 Has physics caused the crisis?

» Risk management depends heavily on sophisticated models » Developed models were too complex to be understood intuitively » Computer experts construct “financial hydrogen bombs” as already suspected by Felix Rohatyn in 1998

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (16/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 104 Physical models applied to financial markets

The main problem is: Our models have in fact become extremely complex but are still too simple to be able to incorporate the whole spectrum of variables that drive the global economy. A model is necessarily an abstraction without all details of the real world.

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (17/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 105 When things fall apart

Vienna, May 9th, 1873

New York, October 25th, 1929

Northern Rock, September 18th, 2007

Photo source:

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (18/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 106 Economics and banking – a complex network of dependencies

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (19/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 107 Can human brains handle the amount of information?

From: Managing Liquidity in Banks, R. Duttweiler, 2009; European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) Risk Dashboard; Didier Sornette, Neuron, Reviews on Cognitive Architectures, Vol. 86, Number 1, Oct. 2015

, 2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (20/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 108 The four “business dimensions”

Business Acumen

Global bank Liquidity risk management

Greed Fear

Modelling Interest rate risk

Risk duty of due care

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (21/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 109 Has physics caused the crisis?

» Risk management depends heavily on sophisticated models » Developed models were too complex to be understood intuitively » Computer experts construct “financial hydrogen bombs” as already suspected by Felix Rohatyn in 1998

Physics has not caused the crisis 

Ignoramus et ignorabimus versus We have to know. We will know. D. Hilbert

Everything which is not forbidden is compulsory. M. Gell-Mann

2016-10-10 | From Physics to Finance | Is the financial complexity manageable? (22/22) © d-fine © —d- fineAll rights — All reserved rights reserved | 110 Contact

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