January 2010 TTaacticcticaall NNoteotess The Changing of the Guard Next Meeting: Thursday, January 20th, 2011 7 p.m. Execution of deposed club officers. WWW.MMCL.ORG THE NEWSLETTER OF THE MILITARY MODELERS CLUB OF LOUISVILLE To contact MMCL: Editor’s Note 1 President: Dr. Stu “Mr. Chicken” Cox Hopefully, you attended our December meeting Email:
[email protected] and Christmas Dinner. I think we had the larges attendance we’ve ever had at one of these. The Vice President: meeing saw much good modeling comraderie as Terry “The Man Behind the Throne” well as the election of new club officers. You can Hill see our new officers listed in the box at the left. Email:
[email protected] You will notice some new members of the officer ranks as well as some officers who have changed Secretary: offices. David Knights Email:
[email protected] I had intended to have a completely revamped look to Tactical Notes, however circumstances Member at Large: have put that off till next month. Speaking of Noel “Porche” Walker put off, the Yellow Wings smackdown has been Email:
[email protected] pushed back to March due to some unforseen scheduling difficulties. (My daughter had her Treasurer: cleft palette surgery on Jan. 18th which prevents Alex “Madoff ” Restrepo me from attending the meeting this month.) Email:
[email protected]. Thanks go out to Dennis Sparks whose article Webmangler: takes up the majority of this issue. It is a good Pete “The ghost” Gay & article and I hope folks draw inspiration from it. Mike “Danger Boy” Nofsinger Email:
[email protected] “Tactical Notes” is the Newsletter of the Military Modelers Club of Louisville, Inc.