Advances in Uranium Refining and Conversion Iaea, Vienna, 1987 Iaea-Tecdoc-420

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Advances in Uranium Refining and Conversion Iaea, Vienna, 1987 Iaea-Tecdoc-420 IAEA-TECDOC-420 PROCEEDINGS OF A TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING ON ADVANCE URANIUSN I M REFININ CONVERSIOD GAN N ORGANIZEE TH Y DB INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY AND HEL VIENNAN D» , 7-10 APRIL 1986 A TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ISSUEE TH Y DB INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA, 198? The IAEA doe t normallsno y maintain stock f reportso thisn i s series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from ClearinghousS I N I e Internationa! Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Orders shoul accompaniee db prepaymeny db Austriaf to n Schillings 100,- in the form of a cheque or in the form of IAEA microfiche service coupons which may be ordered separately from the I MIS Clearinghouse. ADVANCES IN URANIUM REFINING AND CONVERSION IAEA, VIENNA, 1987 IAEA-TECDOC-420 Printe IAEe th AustriAn i y d b a May 1987 FOREWORD One of the most important steps in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Uranium Refining and conversion which goes from the yellow-cake to three different products: uranium dioxid, natura) O (U el metallic uraniu) (U m and uranium hexafluoride (UF ) . Although its added value is small, may 6 be 2-4% of the total cost of front-end, it is decisive for producing fuel r botfo h type f reactorso s : natural uranium (Magno d Canduan x d )an enriched uranium (LWR) n thiI . e cycls e uraniuth ste th ef o p m hexafluoride is produced which is very important for the enrichment of uranium. e totaTh l volum f thio e s industry e presenth t a , t time nearls i , f o y 40,000t U per year and at the end of the present century it would have reached the 60.000t U/a level. e AgencTh y hel n Advisora d y Group meetine productioth n o g f o n yellowcake and uranium fluorides in Paris, June 1979 and its proceedings were published in 1980. During these seven years, significant improvements have been mad n technologi e equipmenn i e d th an yr fo t uranium refinin d conversionan g , particularly froe environmentalth m , safety and economic viewpoints. The refining and conversion of reprocessed uraniu e mextracteb than ca t y treatinb d g irradiated fuel become equally importan r recyclinfo t g recovered fuel. In response to the growing interest in these topics, the IAEA convened a Technical Committee Meeting on "Advances in Uranium Refining and Conversion Headquarters it t "a s fro , 198m10 6 Aprio t wit e 7 l th h attendanc 7 expert3 f o e s fro 1 countries2 m . This Technical Document contains the 20 papers presented during the meeting. The Agency wishes to thank all the scientists, engineers and institutions who contributed to this Meeting with their papers and their participation. Chairmene Speciath o t le ,thankdu Messrs e ar s . PagH . e (U.K.), A.W. Ashbrook (Canada) Faro. ,R n (France) Leyse. ,E r (Federal Republi Germany)f o c , A.G.M. Jackson (South Africa), I.S. Chang (Republic f Koreao d J.A)an . Vercellone (Argentina) e officer IAEAe Th .th ,f o s responsibl e organizatioth . Ugajir M meetinge fo e. d th Mr an nf o s n ,wa r editinfo e documen . J.Lth gMr . Nucleas e Rojatwa th f so r Materiald an s Fuel Cycle Technology Section. EDITORIAL NOTE preparingIn this materialpress,the International the for staff of Atomic Energy Agency have mounted and paginated the original manuscripts as submitted by the authors and given some attention presentation.the to The views expressed in the papers, the statements made and the general style adopted are responsibilitythe namedthe of authors. necessarilyviewsnot The do reflect govern-thosethe of ments of the Member States or organizations under whose auspices the manuscripts were produced. The use in this book of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of their products or brand names does not imply any endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining the necessary permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources. CONTENTS PAR RECEN— TI T ADVANCE REFININE TH N SI FRESF GO H URANIUM MATERIALS e refininTh conversiod an g f uraniuno m yellowcak uraniuo et m dioxidd ean uranium hexafluoride fuels in Canada: Current processes.......................................... 9 AshbrookW. A. Recent advance presend an s t statu f uraniuo s m refinin India....................................n gi 1 2 . N. Swaminathan, S.M. Rao, A.K. Sridharan, M. Sampath, V. Suryanarayanan, KansalK. V. Operating experience of a pilot plant for the production of uranium dioxide from uranium ore concentrate................................................................................... 29 M. Shabbir Purification and conversion of uranium from iron and thorium containing deposits.............. 43 H. Movaseghi, MeissamiN. Developmen technologa f o t mako y2 t startin eUO g from "yellowcake" refined with amine sulphuria n i s c environment.....................................................9 4 . J.A. Vercellone Status of uranium refining and conversion process technology in Korea............................ 63 7.5. Chang, S.T. Hwang, J.H. Park Research and development of UF6 conversion in Japan now and subjects in future.............. 81 Y. Hashimoto, L Iwala, T. Nagasaki Experience in yellowcake refining and its conversion to uranium tetrafluoride at IPEN-CNEN/SP.......................................................................................... 103 A. Abrao Conversio f non-nucleano r grade feedstoc UFo kt 4.....................................................l Il . A.A. Ponelïs, M.N. Slabber, C.H.E. Zimmer The conversion from uranium tetrafluoride info hexafluoride in a vertical fluorization reactor.........................................................................................1 14 . Zhang Zhi-Hua, Chao Le-Bao e solvent-containinTh g resi r removinnfo g uranium from effluen f refinino t g process..........9 14 . Zhu Chang-en, Zhou De-yu Waste managemen e refininth n conversiod i t an g f uraniuno i 7 15 . A.W. Ashbrook e regulatioTh f uraniuno m refinerie conversiod an s n facilitie Canada.........................n i s 7 16 . J. P. Didyk Conversio f uraniuno e concentratemor reprocessed san d uraniu mnucleao t r fuel intermediate t BNFsa L Springfields Part A: Uranium ore concentrates....................................................................... 185 H. Page PAR REFININ— I TI IRRADIATEF GO D URANIUM MATERIALS Conversion of uranium ore concentrates and reprocessed uranium to nuclear fuel intermediate t BNFa s L Springfields Part B: Reprocessed uranium............................................................................. 207 . Page// Nitrox process: A process developed by COMURHEX of continuous denitration................ 223 R. Romano Recent development e purificatioth n i s f uraniuo n m recovered from irradiated materials......1 23 . Regge, Collard,G. Daniels,A. Huys,D. SannenL. e reprocesseTh d uranium conversion yearn te :f operatioo s f 5 24 . R. Faron Problem impuritieo t e sdu uraniun i s m recovered fro reprocessine mth f go fuelR use,dLW fro e poinmth f vieo t f recycling...............................................wo 5 25 . E. Leyser Conversio f reprocesseno d uraniu Japan............................................................n mi 7 26 . /. Yasuda, Y, Miyamoto, T. Mochiji Panel Discussion.......................................................................................... ....9 27 . List of Participants............................................................................................. 283 PARTI RECENT ADVANCES E INTH REFININ FRESF GO H URANIUM MATERIALS THE REFINING AND CONVERSION OF URANIUM YELLOWCAKE TO URANIUM DIOXIDE AND URANIUM HEXAFLUORIDE FUEL CANADAN SI : CURRENT PROCESSES A.W. ASHBROOK Eldorado Resources Ltd, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Abstract In Canada, uranium yellowcake is now refined at Blind River and e uraniuth m trioxide produce souts n i shipped ki o Port h0 50 td Hope where it is converted to uranium dioxide and hexafluoride fuels. There have been some significant changes in the processes used n thesi plantsw ne e . Perhap e mosth s t significan e productioth s i t n of uranium tetrafluoride from uranium trioxide using a "wet" process. In this paper the current processing methods are reviewed, with special emphasi n changeo s s froe previouth m s methods. INTRODUCTION Eldorado Resources Ltd. has operated uranium refining facilitie t Pora s t Hope, Ontario, sinc s note wa .1942 t I . however, until 1955 that solvent extraction was used to produce nuclear grade uranium trioxide. In 1958 the production of uranium dioxid s commencewa e o providt d e fuer domestifo l c CANDU reactors. Conversion facilities were adde n 197i d o t 0 produce uranium hexafluorid r exportfo e . n 197I 5a decisio s mad refininwa o nw built e ne a d d an g conversion facility in the Port Hope area. The outcome was. however, that a new refinery was built at Blind River in northern Ontari nortom k (somf Poro h0 w ne 50 et a Hope d an ) uranium hexafluoride plant built at the existing Port Hope facility. The Blind River refinery came on-streara in 1983 and e Porth t Hope conversion facilit n 1984i y . Today, in Canada, uranium yellowcake is refined at Blind River and the uranium trioxide produced is shipped 500 km south to Port Hope s wheri converte t i e o uraniut d m dioxidd an e hexafluoride fuels. UO3 Powder lo Port Hop« I___ j Nmogen Ondes 10 ! Acid Recovery Fig. I. Refining of Uranium Yellcwcak, UO o t e Acid Recycle lo Mill Recycle j lo Digestion Tnick- There have been some significant changee processeth n i s s used in thes w plantsne e . Perhap e mosth st significane th s i t production of uranium tetrafluoride from uranium trioxide using a ''wet'' process n thiI .s pape e currenth r t processing method e reviewedar s , with special emphasi n changeo s s froe th m previous methods.
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