House of Representatives 789 1994 T44.8
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1994 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES T44.8 minute rule. The amendment in the nature Pallone Sangmeister Thompson A motion to reconsider the vote of a substitute recommended by the Commit- Pastor Sarpalius Thornton whereby said resolution was agreed to tee on the Judiciary now printed in the bill Payne (NJ) Sawyer Torres Payne (VA) Schenk Torricelli was, by unanimous consent, laid on the shall be considered as read. All points of Pelosi Schroeder Towns table. order against the committee amendment in Peterson (FL) Schumer Traficant the nature of a substitute are waived. No Pickett Scott Tucker T44.8 ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN amendment to the committee amendment in Pickle Serrano Unsoeld the nature of a substitute and no other Price (NC) Sharp Valentine The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. amendment to the bill shall be in order. At Quillen Shepherd Velazquez MAZZOLI, pursuant to House Resolu- the conclusion of consideration of the bill for Rahall Sisisky Vento tion 416 and rule XXIII, declared the Reed Skaggs Visclosky amendment the Committee shall rise and re- Reynolds Slattery Washington House resolved into the Committee of port the bill to the House with such amend- Richardson Slaughter Waters the Whole House on the state of the ment as may have been adopted. The pre- Ridge Smith (IA) Watt Union for the consideration of the bill vious question shall be considered as ordered Roemer Spratt Waxman on the bill and any amendment thereto to Rose Stark Wheat (H.R. 4296) to make unlawful the trans- final passage without intervening motion ex- Rostenkowski Stokes Whitten fer or possession of assault weapons. cept one motion to recommit with or with- Roukema Strickland Wise The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. Rowland Studds Woolsey MAZZOLI, by unanimous consent, des- out instructions. Roybal-Allard Stupak Wyden When said resolution was considered. Rush Swift Wynn ignated Mr. VOLKMER as Chairman of After debate, Sabo Synar Yates the Committee of the Whole for the Sanders Tejeda By unanimous consent, the previous first hour and Mr. MFUME as Chair- question was ordered on the resolution NAYSÐ209 man of the Committe of the Whole for to its adoption or rejection. Allard Goodling Myers the second hour; and after some time The question being put, viva voce, Archer Goss Nussle spent therein, Armey Grams Orton The SPEAKER resumed the Chair. Will the House agree to said resolu- Bachus (AL) Grandy Oxley tion? Baesler Green Packard When Mr. MFUME, Chairman, pursu- The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. Baker (CA) Greenwood Parker ant to House Resolution 416, reported Baker (LA) Gunderson Paxon MAZZOLI, announced that the yeas the bill back to the House with an Ballenger Hall (TX) Penny amendment adopted by the Committee. had it. Barca Hamilton Peterson (MN) Mr. SOLOMON objected to the vote Barlow Hancock Petri The previous question having been on the ground that a quorum was not Barrett (NE) Hansen Pombo ordered by said resolution. Bartlett Hastert Pomeroy The following amendment, reported present and not voting. Barton Hayes Porter from the Committee of the Whole A quorum not being present, Bateman Hefley Portman House on the state of the Union, was The roll was called under clause 4, Bentley Herger Poshard Bereuter Hobson Pryce (OH) agreed to: rule XV, and the call was taken by Bilirakis Hoekstra Quinn Strike out all after the enacting clause and electronic device. Bishop Hoke Ramstad insert: Yeas ....... 220 Bliley Holden Ravenel When there appeared Nays ...... 209 Blute Horn Regula SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Boehlert Houghton Roberts This Act may be cited as the ``Public Safe- Boehner Huffington Rohrabacher T44.7 [Roll No. 155] ty and Recreational Firearms Use Protection ! Bonilla Hunter Ros-Lehtinen Act''. YEASÐ220 Browder Hutchinson Roth Bunning Hutto Royce SEC. 2. RESTRICTION ON MANUFACTURE, TRANS- Abercrombie Dingell Kleczka Burton Hyde Santorum FER, AND POSSESSION OF CERTAIN Ackerman Dixon Klein Buyer Inglis Saxton SEMIAUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAP- Andrews (ME) Dooley Kopetski Callahan Inhofe Schaefer ONS. Andrews (NJ) Durbin Kreidler Calvert Istook Schiff (a) RESTRICTION.ÐSection 922 of title 18, Andrews (TX) Edwards (CA) LaFalce Camp Johnson (CT) Sensenbrenner United States Code, is amended by adding at Applegate Edwards (TX) Lantos Canady Johnson (GA) Shaw Bacchus (FL) Engel Laughlin the end the following: Castle Johnson, Sam Shays ``(v)(1) It shall be unlawful for a person to Barcia English Lehman Clinger Kanjorski Shuster Barrett (WI) Eshoo Levin Coble Kasich Skeen manufacture, transfer, or possess a semi- Becerra Evans Lewis (GA) Collins (GA) Kim Skelton automatic assault weapon. Beilenson Farr Lipinski Combest King Smith (MI) ``(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the Berman Fazio Lloyd Condit Kingston Smith (NJ) possession or transfer of any semiautomatic Bevill Fields (LA) Lowey Costello Klink Smith (OR) assault weapon otherwise lawfully possessed Bilbray Filner Maloney Cox Klug Smith (TX) Blackwell Fingerhut Mann on the date of the enactment of this sub- Crane Knollenberg Snowe section. Bonior Flake Manton Crapo Kolbe Solomon Borski Foglietta Margolies- Cunningham Kyl Spence ``(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply toÐ Boucher Ford (MI) Mezvinsky Deal Lambert Stearns ``(A) any of the firearms, or replicas or du- Brewster Ford (TN) Markey DeLay Lancaster Stenholm plicates of the firearms, specified in Appen- Brooks Frank (MA) Martinez Diaz-Balart LaRocco Stump dix A to this section, as such firearms were Brown (CA) Frost Matsui Dickey Lazio Sundquist manufactured on October 1, 1993; Brown (FL) Furse Mazzoli Doolittle Leach Swett Brown (OH) Gejdenson McCloskey ``(B) any firearm thatÐ Dornan Levy Talent ``(i) is manually operated by bolt, pump, Bryant Gephardt McCurdy Dreier Lewis (CA) Tanner Byrne Gibbons McDermott Duncan Lewis (FL) Tauzin lever, or slide action; Cantwell Glickman McHale Dunn Lightfoot Taylor (MS) ``(ii) has been rendered permanently inop- Cardin Gonzalez McKinney Ehlers Linder Taylor (NC) erable; or Carr Gordon McNulty Emerson Livingston Thomas (CA) ``(iii) is an antique firearm; Chapman Gutierrez Meehan Everett Machtley Thomas (WY) ``(C) any semiautomatic rifle that cannot Clay Hall (OH) Meek Ewing Manzullo Thurman Clayton Hamburg Menendez accept a detachable magazine that holds Fawell McCandless Torkildsen more than 5 rounds of ammunition; or Clement Harman Mfume Fields (TX) McCollum Upton Clyburn Hastings Miller (CA) Fish McCrery Volkmer ``(D) any semiautomatic shotgun that can- Coleman Hefner Mineta Fowler McDade Vucanovich not hold more than 5 rounds of ammunition Collins (IL) Hilliard Mink Franks (CT) McHugh Walker in a fixed or detachable magazine. Collins (MI) Hinchey Moakley Franks (NJ) McInnis Walsh The fact that a firearm is not listed in Ap- Conyers Hoagland Mollohan Gallegly McKeon Weldon pendix A shall not be construed to mean that Cooper Hochbrueckner Montgomery Gallo McMillan Williams paragraph (1) applies to such firearm. No Coppersmith Hoyer Moran Gekas Meyers Wilson Coyne Hughes Morella firearm exempted by this subsection may be Geren Mica Wolf deleted from Appendix A so long as this Act Cramer Inslee Murphy Gilchrest Michel Young (AK) Danner Jacobs Murtha Gillmor Miller (FL) Young (FL) is in effect. Darden Jefferson Nadler Gilman Minge Zeliff ``(4) Paragraph (1) shall not apply toÐ de la Garza Johnson (SD) Neal (MA) Gingrich Molinari Zimmer ``(A) the United States or a department or DeFazio Johnson, E.B. Neal (NC) Goodlatte Moorhead agency of the United States or a State or a DeLauro Johnston Oberstar Dellums Kaptur Obey NOT VOTINGÐ3 department, agency, or political subdivision of a State; Derrick Kennedy Olver Long Rangel Rogers Deutsch Kennelly Ortiz ``(B) the transfer of a semiautomatic as- Dicks Kildee Owens So the resolution was agreed to. sault weapon by a licensed manufacturer, li- 789 T44.8 JOURNAL OF THE MAY 5 censed importer, or licensed dealer to an en- the end the following: ``The serial number of ``(D) the manufacture, transfer, or posses- tity referred to in subparagraph (A) or to a any semiautomatic assault weapon manufac- sion of any large capacity ammunition feed- law enforcement officer authorized by such tured after the date of the enactment of this ing device by a licensed manufacturer or li- an entity to purchase firearms for official sentence shall clearly show the date on censed importer for the purposes of testing use; which the weapon was manufactured.''. or experimentation authorized by the Sec- ``(C) the possession, by an individual who is SEC. 3. RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS FOR retary.''. retired from service with a law enforcement TRANSFERS OF GRANDFATHERED (b) DEFINITION OF LARGE CAPACITY AMMUNI- agency and is not otherwise prohibited from FIREARMS. TION FEEDING DEVICE.ÐSection 921(a) of such receiving a firearm, of a semiautomatic as- (a) OFFENSE.ÐSection 922 of title 18, title, as amended by section 2(b) of this Act, sault weapon transferred to the individual by United States Code, as amended by section is amended by adding at the end the follow- the agency upon such retirement; or 2(a) of this Act, is amended by adding at the ing: ``(D) the manufacture, transfer, or posses- end the following: ``(31) The term `large capacity ammunition sion of a semiautomatic assault weapon by a ``(w)(1) It shall be unlawful for a person to feeding device'Ð licensed manufacturer or licensed importer sell, ship, or deliver a semiautomatic assault ``(A) meansÐ for the purposes of testing or experimen- weapon to a person who has not completed a ``(i) a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or tation authorized by the Secretary.''.