Mr. Speaker in the Chair.]
Alternate page number, consecutive for the 17th Legislature, 1st Session: page 649 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ALBERTA Title: Monday, March 20, 1972 2:30 p.m. [The House met at 2:30 pm.] PRAYERS [Mr. Speaker in the Chair.] head: INTRODUCTION OF BILLS Bill No. 9 The Research Council Amendment Act, 1972 MR. YOUNG: Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to introduce a bill being The Research Council Amendment Act, 1972. The purpose of the amendment is to increase the number of members on the Research Council to provide for greater industrial representation. [The bill was read a first time.] MR. PEACOCK: Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the hon. minister Horst Schmid, that the bill be placed on the order Paper under Government Bills and Orders. [The motion was carried without debate.] Bill No. 10 The Public Service Vehicle Amendment Act, 1972 MR. HANSEN: Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to introduce a bill being The Public Service Vehicle Amendment Act, 1972, which controls riding on large trucks and so on. [Leave being granted, Bill No. 10 was read a first time.] MR. COPITHORNE: Mr. Speaker, I would like to move, seconded by the hon. minister Mr. Peacock, that this bill be placed on the Order Paper under Government Bills and Orders. [The motion was carried without debate.] Bill No. 12 The Judicature Amendment Act, 1972 MR. LEITCH: Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to introduce a bill, being The Judicature Amendment Act, 1972. This amendment, Mr. Speaker, arises because of recent federal legislation which enables judges appointed by the federal government, on attaining the age of 70, to become Alternate page number, consecutive for the 17th Legislature, 1st Session: page 650 13-2 ALBERTA HANSARD March 20th 1972 supernumerary judges for the next five years, and this amendment creates these positions.
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