ST. JOHN XXIII Catholic Church 13060 Palomino Lane, Fort Myers, FL 33912 | P 239-561-2245 | F 239-561-3713 | October 7, 2018 Respect Life SUNDAY EVERY LIFE Cherished n Chosen n Sent St. John XXIII Catholic Parish in Fort Myers, Inc. a Florida non-profit corporation October 7, 2018 The Mission of St. John XXIII Catholic Church is to actively engage all those Pastoral Team MASS SCHEDULE who desire to more fully accept and live out the message of Christ, welcoming Business Manager and respecting all people regardless of background, history, race or color, as Holly Atkins Daily Masses:
[email protected] Monday-Saturday, 8:00am we strive to nurture spiritual growth and personal holiness on our journey to 239-561-2245 Rosary-7:30am (Mon.-Sat.) become more responsible stewards of God’s gifts. ______________________ Divine Mercy after 8am Mass Maintenance Supervisor Weekend Masses: Rob Erp Saturday Mass 8:00am, 4:00pm, 239-561-2245 Vietnamese Mass 8:00pm Mass Intentions ______________________ Sunday, 7:15am, 9:15am, & Dir. of Faith Formation 11:15am Saturday, October 6th Chris Biel
[email protected] Spanish Mass: 1:15pm first 8:00 AM + Richard Powers by Joan & Skip Collins 239-561-7499 Sunday each month 4:00 PM + Friend & Nieset families by Carolyn & Charles Nieset ______________________ Reconciliation: 8:00 PM In Thanksgiving Bookkeeper Ana Thompson Saturday 8:30-9:00am Sunday, October 7th
[email protected] First Friday Adoration: 7:15 AM + Joan, Gerald & Tom Brichacek by thier family 239-561-2245 Friday 8:30-9:00am ______________________ 9:15 AM Felix Jose family by Suja Thomas Receptionist Pastor 11:15 AM + Frances J.