Eureka Street Gratefully Moon: Daily Life in a Vanished Australia Is Acknowledges the Su Pport of FEATURES a Welcome Discovery for Deborah Care
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New scholarship for the new world Learn Join us on to teach and serve the Church of the future-in a community that values pas sionate debate, original res ea rch , and vital m1nistries. Our rigorous programs a road less will prepare you to be an agent of change, in word and deed . Master of Arts (GTU Common MA) travelled. Licentiate in Sacred Theology Doctor of Sacred Theology JESU I T SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY at Berkeley a member of the Graduate Theological Union 1735 LeRoy Aven ue Contac1: Brian Crihh SJ Berkeley, CA 94709 PO Box 607 1 (80 0) 824-01 22 Hawthom VIC 3 122 (51 0) 549-5000 Tel: (03)98 18 1336 Fax (51 0) 841-8536 E-mail: [email protected] T H E I N S T I T U T E ol RELIGIOUS FORMATION AT CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL UNION C H C A G 0 es igned fo r those who prepare religious women and men fo r li fc and mission in the D church, the In stitute of Reli gious Formation chall enges participants to a spirituality that adapts to the needs of th e compl ex global vi llage ,, e inh ab it. FEATURES 0 I"O xccllcnn: or CTU l ~1cult y and nati onal experts 0 Theological rellection and collaborati ve learni ng 0 Cilnba l perspective and language rcspcctru l ol' dive rsity 0 Chicago's wea lth or cu ltural and ministerial reso urces 0 Issues spcci lic to formation in the 2 1st ccnlllry 0 Weekly scripture and spirituality courses 0 Guided spring retreat in the l loly Land CONTACT Sr. Barbara Doherty, SP Director 0 September- May sc hedule Ph : 773.256.4256 Fax: 773.667.1250 E-mail: [email protected] Website: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUREKA STREEli! Iii 0~ ol 10C:fi ! ~)> EUREKA STREE mN ;:z _,.. ~0 35 The new anti-Semitism ~.,., LETIERS w"mC We have to take racism seriously, ;<JUl 4 Farmers and water -Cn says Anthony Ha m. >> ·'• 1 ~ ,· . ' z~ < 38 Odds on C> --.:¥i' ·· . COMMENT >- Long before there was a monopoly "'"'-<Y' . 1 -i '' '~'·· ~' 5 Andrew Hamilton Washed cl ean on gambling, there were nit·keepers, ;::1I ' - 1 ··.~.::-~ ~·· '· ~- wm discovers David Glanz. ;<J)> C"' 47 Th e price of peace )>-i THE MONTH'S TRAFFI C "'-<>"' Jo Diiks looks at a new film on "'z 6 Kathryn O'Connor MedicarePlus oo the life of Dietrich BonJ1oeffer. 'i::t 6 Anthony Ham Global village m 48 The Quiz 0 Lucille Hughes helps to keep your 5 C1 COLUMNS brain in shape over summer. -< 7 Summa Theo logiae 50 The ga mes couples pl ay Andmw Hamilton Fine lines Matthew Klugman poses a problem for chess fa ns. 9 Ca pital Letter Jack Waterford Gloves on IN PRINT Publisher Andrew Hamilton >I 10 Arch imedes Editor Marcell e Mogg 22 Held ca ptive Assis tant editor Susanna h Buckley Tim Thwaites Being water wise Graphic designers Janneke Slorteboom 11 By th e Way Margaret Coffey reviews Sean McConville's and Ben Hider Brian Matthews A sea of opportunity weighty tome, Irish Political Prisoners, Published by j esuit Publica tions 1848-1922, Theatres of War. Director Chrislopher Gleeson >I 54 W atching Brief M anager Mark Dowell Juliette Hughes V good 37 Asi an relati ons Marketing & advertising manager Kirsly Grant Dewi Anggraeni examines Australia's arlvert ising@ j espub. jesuit .org.a u Subscriptions Jessica Battersby ambivalence towards Asia by J.V D'Cruz su bs @j espu I). jesu i SNAPSHOT and William Steele. Edilorial, production and administration assistants Geraldine Battersby, Sleven Cont e, 8 Latham negotiates political ladders, lovely 39 Delica te steps Lee Beasley, Pau l Fyfe )1, Ben Hider, views at the gallery and passports to freedom. Inga Clendinnen's Dancing with Strangers Julielle Hughes entrances Kiisty Sangster. Film editor Siobhan Ja ckson Poetry editor Philip Harvey 40 Not another word Contributing editors Adelaide: Greg POETRY O'Kelly Sl; Perth: Dean Moore; Sydney: Jim Davidson's verdict on Don Watson's 18 Kirsty Sangster Funeral of Queen Mary Death Sentence: The Decay of Public Edmund Ca mpion & Gerard Windsor; 18 Queens land: Peter Pierce Caroline Williamson Surviving Language. United Kingdom D en is Minns Ol' 27 M.L. Escott The Cubbyhouse jesuit editorial board Peler L'Eslrange <1. 45 Kate Llewellyn Morning 42 Examining the remains Andrew Bullen )1, Andrew H amilion )1, Geoffrey Blainey's Black Kettle and Full Peter Steele 51, Bill Uren 51 Patrons Eureka Street gratefully Moon: Daily life in a vanished Australia is acknowledges the su pport of FEATURES a welcome discovery for Deborah Care. C. and A. Carter; I he trustees of the estate of Miss M. Condon; W.P. & M.W. Gurry 12 M ed ica rePius or minus 44 Firebrand Rod Wilson examines the deficits of the Rebecca Marsh considers Naomi Klein's Eureka Street magazine, "'N 1036-1758, proposed changes. challenge to the multinationals in No Logo. Austra lia Post Prin t Post approved ppJ49181 /003 14, is published ten times a 14 Poor fe ll ow my country 51 Theshort list year b)' Eu reka Street Magazine Pty Ltd, Reviews of Frontier Ju stice: Weapons of 100 Victoria Street, Ri ch mond VIC 312 1 It's time to come clean on our trea tment of PO Box 553, Richmond VIC 312 1 refugees, argues Fran]< Brennan. mass destruction and the bushwacking of America; Best Australian political cartoons Tel: OJ 9427 7311 Fax: 03 9428 4450 19 Opening Whitlam's cabinet email : eureka® u and Quarterly Essay, 'Made in England: Troy Bramston examines the cabinet Australia's British Inheritance'. Responsibility for editoria l content is documents of the Whitlam government. accepted by Andrew Ham ilton 51, 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmonrl 24 Thirty yea rs of war Printed by Doran Printing Joshua Puis meets the BBC's John Simpson, THEATRE 46 Industrial Drive, Bra es ide VIC 3195. broadcaster and war correspondent. © Jesuit Publications 2004 46 Close encounters Unsolicited manusc ripts w ill not be 26 US foreign policy: Where to from here? Kerrie O'Brien contacts some entertaining returned. Please do not send original photographs or art work. Requests for Minh Nguyen considers the challenges for the ghosts in Blithe Spiiit. permission to reprint ma teri al frorn the US under the influence of the neo-conservatives. magazine should be addressed in w riting to 28 Sou th America n journeys th e editor. FLASH IN THE PAN John Fish's images of Bolivia and Antigua. This month 52 Reviews of the films Master And Cover photograph Bil l Th omas 30 Community in an electronic age Commander: Th e Far Side of the World; Cover des ign Janneke Storteboom Technology has changed human relationships, In The Cut; Mystic River and Nicholas All illustrations by Janneke Stort eboom argues Rufus Black. un less oth erwise indica ted. Nickleby. Cartoons p1 3, p36 by Dea n Moore, p34 by 33 Charting a future course Darby Hudson Juliette Hughes interviews Dawn Cardona, Photographs pp28·29 by John Fish PUZZLED Omission Ph otographs in December 2003 principal of Darwin's Nungalinya issue on p20 by Sarah Nichols Theological College. 55 Joan Nowotny Cryptic Crossword ity has the power to charge, a fa ct Martin overlooks. In addition, anyone with a bore must have it licensed and a fee is payable. letters Frontages to waterways or lakes are leased and a fee is payable- even if no water is available. Beyond the Act The irrigation system is and has to be self-funding. Irrigators pay for their entitle ment and for the delivery of the water. That Paul Martin's 'Caught in the Act' (Emeka is, they pay both for water as a product and Street, November 2003) is a misleading arti for the infrastructure that delivers it. Paul cle, mainly because of what it doesn't say. Martin quotes delivery charges of $122,647 His approach to water reforms, by examin as being beyond the environment's capital ing selective parts of the Victorian Water resources and a reason why envirom11ental Act only, is extremely limiting. allocations are not used but sold off. These There is no acknowledgm ent of the tre charges apply only when the irrigation sys Word Watchers mendous changes of attitude in the water tem is running at full capacity. Government industry that have occurred in the last has refused to fund delivery charges and We certainly touched a nerve in our ten years and especially in the last couple, expects some of the water to be sold, espe October 2003 issue when we invited driven in part by the drought. No mention cially in a drought. However, I agree that pro readers to submit the five words they of bulk entitlements, caps on water extrac vision needs to be made for society, via the never wished to see or hear again. tion, Living Murray or the current green government or a community levy, to pay Many struggled to limit their list to paper from the Victorian government. for these delivery costs. There is no mention of the Catchment It is interesting to note Paul's concern five and most had phrases included Management Authorities, established over with the Kerang Lake environmental allo as well. Often it was not the words the past decade to oversee river health. cation. Most of these lakes are kept full themselves that offended, but the There is but scant mention of other pieces as part of the irrigation system.