Dehradun Attended the Meeting Opined Less Compared to the Opportu- Ed That This Will Not Only Help District, Women from the That Even Though Women from Nities for Men
. 1 - ('2 '2 2 SIDISrtVUU@IB!&!!"&#S@B9IV69P99I !%! %! ' &'() "&!*+,-. 0,1,01 2 06+ 7 "0134 5 ( 7 ,/80# 8 0:.-)/)-)8998/!: ,!!7. !89!)) -./!. *8, 0/8.0/0),9 /79.,)< 97:) 8,!).- 8='>?@!#9 9 /!9!9 /-!:9/ -/9- /-90-;!#,- 3. %45&& 65 3 ) ( / +-/010+2# +00 ! " # #$$ ,-./! monly available now and some of the policies/guidelines that n an encouraging turn for used to regulate such informa- Isecondary education post tion have been rendered obso- the lockdown and complete lete and redundant,” said shutdown of physical conduct Vardhan. of schools for almost a year, the # ,-./! “What is readily available Central Government-run flag- globally does not need to be ship Kendriya Vidyalayas has he Centre on Monday regulated. For Indian entities, noted that an average of 42 per # ,-./! Tannounced “sweeping there would be complete dereg- cent of students of Class IX, 65 changes” to the country’s map- ulation with no prior approvals, per cent of Class X, 48 per cent ffices where even a large ping policy, specifically for a one lakh crore rupees geo- security clearances, licences, of Class XI, and 67 per cent of Onumber of Covid-19 cases Indian companies, to enable spatial economy. Today’s etc, for acquisition and pro- Class XII are back to schools to are reported on the premises them to create substantial announcement heralds unlock- duction of geospatial data and attend face to face classes. can now resume work follow- advances in mapping and ulti- ing of geo-mapping from geospatial data services includ- The data has been com- ing proper disinfection without mately empowering small busi- restrictive use to wider use in ing maps,” he announced.
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