Funding for students studying the LLB and the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice

This guide has been developed to help current and prospective law students find out about potential grants, trusts and bursaries that may be available to them along with outlining general funding support available to students. We have worked to ensure the information is as up-to-date as possible and we will review it on annual basis.

However, we would stress the importance of using the web addresses and contact details provided to make direct contact with the organisations to ensure you are obtaining the most up-to-date information.

The guide should not be treated as definitive. Other funding arrangements may exist and other trusts and bursaries may change their funding priorities from time to time. We encourage you to undertake your own individual research to find out about any additional funding opportunities.

If you are aware of any changes to the funds, trusts, or bursaries listed, or know of any additional funds, trusts or bursaries that may be beneficial and relevant please contact us at [email protected].

Please note: All funds in this directory are independent of the Law Society of Scotland and any questions or queries in relation to the funds should be directed to the relevant organisation.

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Contents Page

Student Awards Agency Scotland: LLB 3

Students Awards Agency Scotland: Diploma 5

University specific funding: undergraduate LLB 6

Prizes 10

Other support from universities: LLB and Diploma 11

Trusts and bursaries 14

Alternative funding for the Diploma 37

Note of thanks We are indebted, and thankful, to three law students who undertook internships with the Society and who spent some of their internship researching student finances at various universities. Those students are: Hanan El-Atrash (University of Glasgow), Emily Hunter (), and Corin Metcalfe (University of Edinburgh).

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St udent A wards Ag en cy Sc ot lan d: LLB

The student awards agency for Scotland (SAAS) provides support for eligible students. To find out whether you can apply for support from SAAS, and how much support you may be entitled to, please visit

T uit ion f ees

If you are planning to study the LLB at a Scottish University, and you meet certain conditions, SAAS will pay your fees for each of the 4 years of the LLB. However, note that the payment of your fees is not automatic, and you must apply to SAAS (online) to have your fees paid every year. After application SAAS will then pay your fees directly to the university. Visit to find out if you are eligible to have your fees paid.

St udent Loan s

Student loans are subsidised by the Government. Everyone can apply for the minimum loan, irrespective of their income. However, the maximum loan is income assessed. Calculation of the maximum loan available will depend on whether you are a ‘young’ student or an ‘independent student’. Applications for the student loan can be made through the SAAS website.

The student loan, whether minimum or maximum, does need to be repaid. However, you will not normally have to make any repayments while you are studying. You will start repaying the student loan after you leave your course, get a job and are earning over £17,495 a year. For further information on how your student loan will be repaid visit the website.

Young St udent ’ s Burs ary

If you are a ‘young student’ e.g. a school leaver, you may also be eligible for the ‘Young Student’s Bursary’ (YSB). This can be used for your general living costs while you study and you do not have to pay this bursary back. The YSB available for each individual is based on your household income. If your household earns £34,000 or above, annually, then you will not be eligible for this bursary.

Household income Bursary Maximum Loan Total £0 to £18,999 £1,875 £5,750 £7,625 £19,000 to £23,999 £1,125 £5,750 £6,875 £24,000 to £33,999 £500 £5,750 £6,250 £34,000 and above £0 £4,750 £4,750

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I ndepend ent St udent ’ s Bursary (I SB)

If you are an ‘independent’ student then you may also be eligible for a support. To find out if you are eligible for the bursary, please visit the website.

Household Income Bursary Loan Total £0 to £16,999 £875 £7,625 £8,500 £17,000 to £23,999 £0 £6,750 £6,750 £24,000 to £33,999 £0 £6,250 £6,250 £34,000 and above £0 £4,750 £4,750

Addit ion al g rant s

Depending on your personal circumstances, you may be eligible for an additional grant from SAAS. Please check the SAAS guidance booklet on funding in case these details have changed for the most recent academic year.

• DEPENDANTS’ GRANT: This is an income-assessed grant that you can claim for your husband, wife, civil partner or partner. It cannot be claimed for another student. If eligible SAAS will pay up to £2,640 to cover the full year. • LONE PARENTS’ GRANTS: This is an income-assessed grant available for lone parents who are bringing up children on their own. It covers 52 weeks of the year from the first day of the course and will be paid up to £1,305 per year. • LONE PARENTS’ CHILDCARE GRANT: In addition to the Lone Parents’ Grant there is an additional childcare grant of £1,215 per year which is available to eligible higher education students who are lone parents and who have formal registered childcare expenses whilst studying. Students do not apply for this from SAAS but instead must contact their college or university who may pay this from their Childcare Fund • VACATION GRANT FOR CARE LEAVERS: SAAS will pay up to £105 a week to help with accommodation costs in the Summer vacation for those who were previously in care. • DISABLED STUDENTS ALLOWANCE: If you have a disability or learning difficulty you may be eligible to claim for certain extra expenses that arise because you are in education. This is not income-assessed.

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St udent A wards Ag en cy Sc ot lan d: Dip loma

Session 2017/2018 - As the diploma is a post-graduate course, SAAS will not pay your tuition fees. However, there is a loan of £5,500 for full-time study or £2,750 per year for part- time study; which you can apply for to help you pay for part of your fees. Application for the loan can be made from April each year visit the website to apply.

The fees for the Diploma are set by the universities and are reviewed each year. For the year 2017/2018 they are as follows:

Diploma provider Full-time fees and materials

University of Aberdeen £7,400 including cost of 4 textbooks. Discounts offered on additional recommended textbooks.

University of Dundee £6,900 + cost of materials TBC

University of Edinburgh £7,650, inclusive of cost of materials

The University of Glasgow £7,700, inclusive of cost of materials

Robert Gordon University £6,630 + a maximum of £380 for textbooks

The University of Strathclyde £7,200 + £280 for textbooks

Note: For the 2017/18 session, there is a non-income assessed living cost loan available of £4,500. Please view further details about funding arrangements in 2017/18 here.

SESSION 2018/2019 - The position for funding arrangements has been set out for the year 2017/18 above. This position may be different for the year 2018/19. Please ensure to check the SAAS website for updates.

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Uni versit y spec if ic f unding f or t he underg raduat e LLB

Uni versit y O f Aberdeen Entrance scholarships: The University of Aberdeen offers around 40 Entrance Scholarships of £1,000- £3,000 per annum, unless otherwise stated, to students with good academic potential while they study for an undergraduate degree at the university. For all of these, the Scholarships Panel will seek to identify candidates with significant academic potential.

Financial and personal circumstances of the applicant will play an important part in the selection process, with the exception of Merit Scholarships. The closing date is May each year.

There are also accommodation bursaries available for students from the rest of the UK.

Uni versit y O f Abert ay Dundee Oppo rtu ni ty bu rsa ri es: The University of Abertay has introduced Opportunity Bursaries for 1st year students who can demonstrate good academic achievement. Bursaries of £300 will be awarded to those students who can satisfy the criterion. Further details can be obtained through contact with student services: Tel: 01382 308051 Email: [email protected]

Uni versit y of Dundee R e s t o f U K bur s a r i e s: The has established some bursaries from students elsewhere in the UK.

School of Law LLB schol a rshi ps: These scholarships will be awarded for academic excellence, and are worth between £1000 and £3000 payable for the first year of your course. Once you have been given an offer to study in the School of Law at the University of Dundee, you will be sent an email inviting you to apply for a Scholarship via eVision.

W i d eni n g a c c e s s b urs a r i es: There are a number of bursaries available ranging from £1000-£4000 for students living in the most deprived areas of Scotland or those who have excelled in the face of adversity. Once you have been given an offer to study at the University of Dundee, you will be sent an email inviting you to apply for Widening Access Bursaries via eVision. Only those who meet the eligibility criteria for Widening Access Bursaries shall be able to apply.

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Uni versit y of Edinbur g h Access bursary: This bursary is to help new UK students experiencing financial difficulties take up their place of admission at the University of Edinburgh. The minimum value is £1000 each year towards maintenance costs and access bursaries are tenable for the duration of the undergraduate programme of study, subject to satisfactory academic progress. The deadline for the receipt of applications is in April and June each year, and application is by online form accessible to those who have applied for admission for a place starting in September in the year of entry. To receive an award you will need to receive and firmly accept an offer.

Merchant Company of Edinburgh Charitable Trust: The Trust enables the Merchant Company of Edinburgh to encourage and support a wide range of projects which will benefit young people up to the age of 30. The Trustees have resolved to direct the income towards supporting entry to further education of students who, without that support, may be unable to undertake degree courses at a degree-awarding university in Edinburgh. The value is likely to be around £500 per annum.

Fully completed application forms with supporting documentation should be sent to The Secretary and Chamberlain, The Merchants’ Hall, The Edinburgh Merchant Company, 22 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 2EP.

Scotland Accommodation Bursaries: These are available to assist Scotland domiciled students with living costs during their undergraduate study. Bursaries of between £500 and £2000 are being offered. Student must live outside the City of Edinburgh at the time of application to the University and be eligible to receive a guaranteed offer of university accommodation. Bursaries will be awarded to eligible students who are in receipt of a Young Student’s Bursary or an Independent Student’s Bursary from SAAS. There is no application form for the Scotland Accommodation Bursary. The University will use the level of government bursary provided through the YSB or an ISB when assessing your entitlement. You are guaranteed to receive an accommodation bursary for every year of your degree programme that you receive a YSB or ISB.

Lloyds Scholarship: Lloyds Scholarship Programme Scholarships for students commencing an undergraduate degree at University of Edinburgh. Lloyds Scholarships are offered to encourage and support young people from below average income families to study at the University of Edinburgh. Each scholarship, of up to four years, could be worth a total of £19,000 to the most successful scholars. In addition, scholars will be offered up to two ten-week paid internships at Lloyds, one of which must be taken during the summer holiday before their final year, for which they will receive a pro-rated salary of approximately £18,000.

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Edin burg h Napi er Un i vers it y

Court Scholarship: This scholarship is intended to help with the cost of fees for self- financing students e.g. those who have previously studied to HND level who now wish to progress to degree level, and who will be required to pay their own fees for one or more years. Email: [email protected].

Dame Joan Stringer International Student Fund: This fund is to support the University’s vision that every student at ENU should have the opportunity to travel overseas as part of their studies. Scholarships of up to £1,000 are awarded on a one-off basis.

Ede & Ravenscroft Bursary: This bursary is to help first and second year students in severe financial difficulty with the cost of books, course materials, and other essential costs. The value is up to a maximum of £1,000 and there are up to four available most years. Further details can be obtained through contact with student funding. Email: [email protected]

Merchant Company of Edinburgh Charitable Trust: The Trust enables the Merchant Company of Edinburgh to encourage and support a wide range of projects which will benefit young people up to the age of 30. The Trustees have resolved to direct the income towards supporting entry to further education of students who, without that support, may be unable to undertake degree courses at a degree-awarding university in Edinburgh. The value is likely to be around £500 per annum.

Fully completed application forms with supporting documentation should be sent to The Secretary and Chamberlain, The Merchants’ Hall, The Edinburgh Merchant Company, 22 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 2EP. More information from [email protected]

Santander Scholarships: Scholarships for students from many countries (including the UK) to study at Edinburgh Napier University. Six scholarships are available annually and, where possible, there will be distributed evenly across faculties. Applications for September 2014 are available now, should be complete by 31st May 2014. The value is £5,000. Email: [email protected]

Thomas & Margaret Roddan Trust: These bursaries are to support eligible students who are in financial difficulty with their general living and course costs. The value is decided by the trustees but are usually between £300 and £3,000 and up to ten are awarded annually. For more information on application details and eligibility please contact [email protected]

At Edinburgh Napier University there are numerous other bursaries and grants available

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such as the Care Leavers’ Bursary, Care Leavers’ Grant, Part-Time Students’ Fee Grant, and Rest of the UK Bursaries. More information can be found here:

Uni versit y of G lasg ow Clark (Mile-End) Bursary Fund: The fund is a charitable endowment which provides a few grants to students studying at Glasgow or Strathclyde University. All students at each University are eligible. The value is between £750-£2,000.

Talent Scholarship: The University of Glasgow is awarding 50 undergraduate Talent Scholarships each academic year to support students who could face financial difficulties in taking up their place to study at the university. The value of each scholarship is £1000 per year for each year of the degree programme, subject to satisfactory progress. To be eligible applicants must demonstrate excellent academic achievement before starting university, be permanently domiciled in Scotland and demonstrate that their or their family’s circumstances are such that they may find it difficult to take up a place at the university for financial or other reasons.

Welcome Bursary: The bursary is a £1,000 award for the first year of study. This is not means-tested nor is dependent upon attainment. Students must be UK nationals normally resident in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland. Students must be paying an annual tuition fee of a certain amount and must not be in receipt of the Access Scholarship.

G lasg ow Cal edon ian Uni versit y Magnus Magnusson Awards: Awards of up to £5,000 will be presented to students in their second year upwards, or to young researchers in the early stages of their academic careers. Applications from any discipline and from any part of the university or for almost any kind of proposal that will help individuals to reach their dreams are welcome. Please note applications for essential elements of a degree course (e.g. payment of fees, or a vacation placement) are not eligible.

Scho larsh ips and bur saries f or G U St udent s f rom Eng land, W ales and Nort hern I reland und ert ak ing an honours deg ree in 3 or 4 years are avail abl e.

Robert G ordon Un i ver sit y We are not aware of any University specific funding for the LLB at . However, we recommend contacting the university directly to discuss options and to get the most up-to-date information.

Uni versit y O f St irling Merit Bursaries: The University’s Merit Bursaries are awarded on the basis of academic achievement in the form of an annual grant which does not need to be repaid. Those students from England, Northern Ireland and Wales are eligible.

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Uni versit y of St rat hclyd e Access Bursary: is available to students and is based on the residual household income levels used by the Student Loans Company. This award will be automatic to students who meet the eligibility criteria.

Better Futures Bursary: This award is open to tenants (or dependants of tenants) living in either GHA or Cube housing. The bursary programme aims to remove some of the barriers that tenants may face entering or continuing in further or higher education. An application can be made for up to £1,500 per year for a course lasting up to 4 years for full- time students. An application can include (but not limited to) funding for the cost of books, equipment, travel costs, childcare or other study or living costs that will help a student complete a course. The bursary is not a loan and therefore does not have to be repaid. However, if the applicant moves home and ceases to reside in a GHA or Cube property, all future payments will cease. Further information can be obtained by emailing [email protected]

Accommodation Bursary: a £1,000 accommodation bursary which will be awarded to all first year or new entrant students who stay in University Accommodation. This is not means- tested. This award will be automatic to students who meet the eligibility criteria.

McNaughton Bursary and Capita Bursary: The McNaughton Bursary offers an award of £1250 to students who face significant financial obstacles to studying at University or whose circumstances mean they would benefit from additional financial support. The Capita Bursary offers awards between £500 and £2,000 based on similar considerations.

Pri zes As well as the funds outlined above, many LLB providing universities have cash prizes for best performance in certain subject areas. Students are encourage to speak to their university directly on this matter.

As well as this, a number of organisations also run essay competitions with cash prizes. These include:

• The Law Society of Scotland and Scottish Parliament student competition (details are published by the Society and distributed to the university law schools on an annual basis). • The Scottish Young Lawyers’ Association and The WS Society Essay Competition (details are shared by the two organisations via the legal media on an annual basis).

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• The Frank Maguire Memorial Essay Prize organised by Thompsons Solicitors in partnership with The Law Society of Scotland. This is announced on an annual basis to Diploma students. More information can be found on the Thompsons website.

O t her support f rom uni vers it ies: LL B and Dip loma

Discret ionar y Fu nd

In addition to the grants listed above, every university has a fund that you can apply to if you are not able to enter higher education for financial reasons or have financial difficulties while you study. To be eligible to apply, you must take out the maximum student loan available to you. The university’s student support team is responsible for deciding to whom it make payments and for how much.

Chi ldcare F und

Every university also has a fund that you can apply to help towards the cost of registered or formal childcare. Again to be eligible for this you must take out the maximum student loan available to you, and you also must be eligible to have your tuition fees paid.

For details of the discretionary fund, including details of how to apply for them, at LLB accredited universities visit-

• Universit y of Aberdeen

• Universit y of Abertay

• Universit y of Dundee

• University of Edinburgh

• Universit y of Glasgow

• Glasgow Caledonian Universit y

• Edinburgh Napier University

• Robert Gordon University

• The University of Stirling

• The University of Strathclyde

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Tru sts and bur sari e s

In addition to support from Universities and SAAS, you may also be eligible for funding from a trust or charitable organisation. However, funding of this sort will normally require you to fulfil eligibility conditions which can range from financial to geographical, or other. We have listed the funds we are aware of in the tables below.

T rust s and bursaries based l arg el y on f inancia l need

Name of trust Eligibility Amounts/additional Contact details information The Carnegie For fee assistance: Fee assistance: help with Form available from; Trust for the Students accepted for, or attending, a first tuition fees for a first The Secretary, Universities of degree course at a Scottish university, and who degree course at a Andrew Carnegie House, Scotland were born in Scotland or who have a parent Scottish university. Pittencrieff Street, born in Scotland or who have at least two years Dunfermline, KY12 8AW of secondary , and whose fees are not being paid by any other body, may Application received after 1 October will apply for assistance with tuition fees not be considered. Telephone: 01383 724990 Fax: 01383 749799 Email: [email protected]

Coats Foundation The Coats Foundation Trust is a charity which The maximum amount for If you would like to make an application Trust was established by Coats with the aim of helping grants is £1,000 for funding, please complete the form to relieve poverty and to assist in funding depending on the available on the website and send it to: education for those who do not have the individual’s case. financial means to study. It was initially set up in Andrea McCutcheon, 1974 and provides grants to individuals or Coats Foundation Trust, institutions which cover three main charitable Coats Pensions Office, areas: Cornerstone, 1. the relief of persons who are aged, 107 West Regent Street,

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powerless or in conditions of need, Glasgow G2 2BA. hardship or distress; 2. the advancement of education; email [email protected] or 3. The provision (or assistance in the provision) [email protected] in the interests of social welfare, of facilities Telephone 0141 207 6800. for recreation or other leisure time occupation. Gilchrist Full-time students at a UK university who: Adult Study Grants are up 13 Brookfield Avenue Educational Trust 1. have made proper provision to fund a degree to £1,000. Travel Study Larkfield or higher education course but find Grants are up to £500. Aylesford themselves facing unexpected financial ME20 6RU difficulties which may prevent the completion of it. Applicants will normally be in the last [email protected] year of the course, or 2. as part of their degree course, are required to spend a short period studying in another country. Examples are the fieldwork necessary for a thesis or dissertation, or medical students' elective periods study. The McGlashan Students of music, other art studies, medicine, One-off and recurring Applications in writing to; Charitable Trust veterinary science, architecture, law, together grants in the range of with science and technology, aged 16 to 30 who £250 and £1,000 are given The Administrator were born in, or are studying or working in to people in further or PO Box no. 16057, Scotland. higher education, including Glasgow mature, vocational and G12 9XX overseas students and undergraduates, towards fees, books, equipment, instruments and living expenses The Sutherland The trustee of The Sutherland Page Trust invite Students have to prove Application via university office Page Trust applications from undergraduates or evidence of financial postgraduates studying: hardship that may prevent • Medicine them from completing their


• Law course of study. • Arts • Divinity • Science

To qualify, you need to have: • Successfully completed the first year of your course • Been born in Scotland OR have at least one parent born in Scotland OR have been resident in Scotland for three continuous years before starting at the University


Locat io n- spec if ic t rust s and g rant s

Name of trust and Eligibility Amounts/additional information Contact details area represented Aberdeenshire Residents or, or Grants of between £10 and £200 are given Aberdeenshire Finance, Educational Trust schoolchildren or students as: postgraduate scholarships for research Trust Section St 1 (Aberdeenshire) whose parents live in the work or advanced study ; supplementary Leonards, former county of Aberdeen. bursaries to students at university, central Sandyhill Road, institution or a college of education in cases Banff, of need; grants towards travel, fees, books or AB45 1BH equipment; grants to student apprentices at university or central institution; travel grants for educational purposes; special grants to people over 21 applying for university places; and grants to help individuals to undertake educational experiments and research which will be for the educational benefit of people in the country. Robert Nicol Trust Candidates must have been Small financial awards to support students For further information please visit the Fellowship and born in the City or in the from or based in the Aberdeen region who website. Scholarship County of Aberdeen, or in the are undertaking courses of one kind or (Aberdeen & case of those born elsewhere another at the post-school level. surrounds) must have continuously resided in the City or in the County of Aberdeen for a period of not less than five years immediately before the dates of their application.

1 There is also The Dr John Calder’s Fund for individuals who live in the parish of Machar or within Aberdeen. At the time of writing it was unclear who administered this fund.


Argyll & Bute Trust Young people up to 25 who One off grants usually ranging between £100 Applicants in writing at any time to; (Argyll & Bute) live in the Argyll and Bute and £500, with emphasis on the fund being M J Robertson, Hon. Secretary, c/o Bank area. used to put something back into the od Scotland Buildings, community. Oban, Argyll PA34 4LN 0843 11 65523 The Argyll People who live in the former The majority of grants are given at Argyll and Bute Council, Educational Trust county of Argyll postgraduate level but grants may be given to Kilmory, (the former county undergraduates for travel, uniform (nurses Lochgilphead, of Argyll) etc), equipment, books etc. Grants range Argyll, from £100 to £250 PA31 8RT Telephone: 01546 605522

The Charles & People aged 18 to 25 who Grants to obtain qualifications additional to a On line application available on the Barbara Tyre Trust live in the former county of degree, diploma or certificate of a university website. at: (the former county Argyll which includes or other institute of further or higher of Argyll) Kinlochleven and are of education already obtained, such as a Completed application must be received protestant faith. postgraduate degree or doctorate by May 31st in each year. -to train in a trade or profession other than that in which they are already trained The CK Marr People who currently live in Mainly bursaries, scholarships and Alan A Stewart, Educational Trust Troon or the Troon electoral educational travel grants for those at college Clerk, (Ayrshire) wards. or university. 1 Howard Street, Kilmarnock KA1 2BW (Tel: 01563 572727; or email [email protected] for info The John Longwill Students who are attending Payments of about £100 each. Applications in writing to; Education Trust university in Scotland and James McCosh Solicitors (Ayrshire) who are native to Dalry and Clydesdale Bank Chambers, of Scottish descent. Dalry Ayrshire KA24 5AB (01294 832112)


The Spiers Trust People in need who live in Awards known as Spier Grants to help Head of Service, (Ayrshire) the parishes of Beith, Dalry, secondary school pupils and students in Educational Services, Dunlop, Kilbirnie, further/higher education to meet the cost of North Irvine KA12 8EE Lochwinnoch and Neilston. attending a course or obtaining special tuition in any academic, artistic, scientific or (Tel: 01294 324428; technological subject or subjects, in or Fax: 01294 324444) outside of Scotland. Grants may also be given to help with travelling costs. Grants range from £50 to £200. Dunbartonshire People who live in the old Grants towards fees, maintenance, travel and Application forms available from; Educational Trust county area of Dumbarton equipment for students in further or higher (old county of district aged 16 and over. education and to obtain practical experience The Trustees Dunbartonshire) There is a preference for of trades, for example the cost of books West Dunbartonshire Council people from deprived areas during an apprenticeship. Generally grants Council Offices and a policy of positive range from £25 to £50; the maximum given is Garshake Road discrimination (e.g. disabled £100 in exceptional circumstances Dumbarton G82 3P people or children of single parents) Dumfriesshire Applicants must reside in The Trust gives help with a number of More information available from: Educational Trust Dumfriesshire and be wholly educational expenses including travel costs, Mr Robert Thom, (Dumfriesshire) or substantially educated educational excursions, equipment costs, Area Manager Nithsdale, there. postgraduate courses and adult education Municipal Chambers, Buccleuch Street, Dumfries, DG1 2AD

Glasgow People in need who were One-off and recurrent grants according to Applicants in writing to; Dumfriesshire born in Dumfriesshire. need for educational and welfare purposes Society Mary McLean , Secretary (Dumfriesshire) City of Glasgow Society of Social Service 30 George Square Glasgow G2 1 EG 0141 248 3535


Holywood Trust The Holywood Trust is a The Trust provides financial grants to For more information visit the website. (Dumfries and charitable organisation which individual young people, and organisations Galloway) aims to help young people in which support or provide opportunities for Dumfries and Galloway. They young people in the region. want to help young people throughout Dumfries and The Trust is particularly interested in: Galloway fulfil their potential in cultural, educational and • Providing opportunities for the most social aspects of their lives disadvantaged and vulnerable young people in our region • Encouraging talented young people in Dumfries and Galloway • Helping improve sports and cultural opportunities across the region

The John Primrose Young people in need with a Grants to students to help with educational The Trustees, Trust (Dumfries connection to Dumfries and needs or help for people starting work. Primrose & Garden, and Galloway) Maxwelltown by parentage or 92 Irish Street, living there. Dumfries DG1 2PF

The Stewarty Persons belonging to the One-off grants are given to schoolchildren for Alex Haswell, Educational Trust Stewartry of Kirkcudbright educational outings in Scotland and for Clerk, (Kirkcubright and (i.e. the area of the Stewartry general study costs to people starting work Council Offices, surrounds) of Kirkudbright prior to local and students in further or higher education, Darr Road, government re-organisation including mature students and postgraduates. Kirkcudbright DG6 4JO (01557 330291; in 1975) Fax: 01557 330291; e-mail: [email protected]; Website

The Anne Herd People who are blind or Grants are usually of at least £50 and given Applications in writing to; Memorial Trust partially sighted who live in for educational equipment such as computers The Trustees (Dundee and Broughty Ferry (applicants and books. Bowman Scottish Lawyers, Tayside) from the city of Dundee, 27 Bank Street, Dundee DD1 1RP


region of Tayside or those 01382-322267 that have connections with these areas and reside in Scotland will be considered also) City of Dundee People who ‘belong’ to One-off grant at an average of £300 each J Hope Educational Trust Dundee (i.e. those who have Miller Hendry (Dundee) a strong connection with 13 Ward Road Dundee) Dundee DD1 1LU Tel: 01382 200000 Dundee Masonic Children of Freemasons who Recurrent grants of £200 to £500 to students Application form available from; Temple Trust are, or were immediately in further or higher education, including (Dundee/Angus) prior to death, members of mature students, for living expenses. Dundee Masonic Temple Trust lodges in Angus. 2 India Buildings 86 Bell Street Dundee DD1 1JQ

Forms should be returned directly by the individual in October for consideration in November/December. Maxton Bequest The Trust will enable any Unknown For more information contact: (Perthshire/Fife) funds available to be applied for the benefit of persons Maxton Bequest ordinarily resident in Crieff or Ms Carolyn Roy Kirkcaldy who are studying in a further education college or Support Assistant (5th Floor, Education) university or engaged in Fife Council, Rothesay House training or serving Glenrothes KY7 5PQ apprenticeship to any trade Email: [email protected] or profession. The Lethendy Young people in need who One-off and recurrent grants of £50 to £350 Application form from; Trust live in Scotland, with a towards educational and development Henderson Loggie, Chartered


(Tayside) preference for Tayside. activities Accountants, Royal Exchange, Panmure Street, Dundee DD1 1DZ Tel: 01382-200055 [email protected]

East Lothian People in education who live Grants are given to: schoolchildren towards On a form available from the Educational Trust in the former county of East uniform/clothing, equipment, instruments, correspondent. Applications should be (Old East Lothian) Lothian and are in need. educational outings in the Uk, study or travel submitted directly by the individual abroad and student exchange; and students between June and October for and postgraduates, towards books, consideration in August and November. equipment, instruments, fees, maintenance, living expenses, educational outings, study or Correspondent: travel abroad and childcare. The Clerk, John Muir House, Council Buildings, Haddington, East Lothian EH41 3HA.

The Red House Young people who are aged Grants are given to help young R Graeme Thom, Scott- Home Trust (East under 22 and live in East disadvantaged people for education and Moncrieff, Chartered Lothian) Lothian training purpose Accountants, 17 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7PH (e-mail: graeme.thom@scott-


The West Lothian People who live in the former Not known R Graeme Thom, Scott- Education Trust county of West Lothian. Moncrieff, Chartered (old West Lothian) Accountants, 17 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7PH (e-mail: graeme.thom@scott-

Colonel MacLean Students in further/higher One off grants for books, equipment and Glasgow City Council Trust Scheme education, including mature fees. Customer and Business Services (former students, who live in the Finance Service Centre Strathclyde) former Strathclyde region. Managed Service Team Trust Applications Glasgow city Council Nye Bevan House 20 India Street (5th Floor) Glasgow, G24PF

The James Dickie People between the ages of For people at school, college, or university, to Applicants in writing to; Trust 16 and 25 who ‘are striving to R W Smith, General Secretary supplement existing grants. improve their intellect and City of Glasgow Society of Social Service general conditions and who 30 George Square are of the Protestant faith. Glasgow G2 1 EG Applicants must live in the 0141 248 3535 Govan district of Glasgow, Glasgow Individuals must have lived in Grants can be one-off or recurrent and are Application form from to be made directly Educational and the city of Glasgow for at normally given for courses where no grant on an Marshall Trust least 5 years assistance is available from the Students application form available from the Trust, Individual awards are Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS), or together normally made to persons where such grants do not cover the total with two written references, available over 18 years old costs. from: Only in exceptional


circumstances will awards be The value of individual awards ranges Website or Avril Sloane or Catherine Alcorn made to undergraduate between £100 and £1,000 students 21 Beaton Road, Glasgow G41 4NW

The Logan & Students in further/ higher One-off grants for books, equipment, Application form available from; Johnstone School education, including mature instruments and fees Scheme students, who live in the Marion Taylor former Strathclyde region. Education Services Nye Bevan House 20 India Street Glasgow G2 4PF

Tel: 0141 287 6784 Fax: 0141 287 6712

Applications should be submitted directly by the individual in April and June for consideration in August.

Ross & Cromarty People who live on the Isle of Grants range from £50 to £200 for: (a) books, Applications in writing at any time to; Educational Trust Lewis. fees and living expenses and study or travel (Isle of Lewis) and higher education; (b) books, equipment, The Director of Education instruments and clothing for people starting Comhairle nan Eilean work; (c) books, travel and fees for mature Sandwick Road, Stornoway, students; and (d) books and educational Isle of Lewis outings for schoolchildren. Grants are HS1 2BW sometimes considered for various social, cultural and recreational purposes for Tel: 01851 709498 individuals.

Banffshire Grants are available to Grants are means tested; the upper limit of Grants and Bursaries Educational Trust persons resident in the household earnings is £34,000. Council Office


Scheme (former former County of Banffshire, High Street county of school pupils or young Elgin Banffshire) person’s attending Banff IV30 1BX County schools or further education centres or resident Tel: 01343 551374 in Banff County. Email: [email protected] The Glasgow Students who have a One off and grants for people at college or The Secretaries, Highland Society connection with the university or who are in vocational training. Alexander Sloan & Co, (Highlands) Highlands (e.g. lived or went Grants are given to help with fees and living 144 West George Street, to school there) and who are expenses. They are also given for Gaelic Glasgow G2 2HG now studying in Glasgow. research projects and apprenticeships. Preference is given to first Tel: 0141 354 0354 degrees, or postgraduate Fax: 0141 354 0355 studies which are a natural progression of the degree. e-mail: [email protected]

Applications should be submitted by 31 October and are considered in November Highland To qualify you should be One-off grants of £50 to £500 to: Applications available to download from; Children’s Trust Under 25 years of age and schoolchildren for educational outings in the Website. (Highlands) You must be resident in the UK and student exchange; and students in Mrs Shirley A Grant - Administrator Highland Council area (in the further or higher education towards books, Highland Children’s Trust case of students - your home equipment, instruments, fees, maintenance 105A Castle Street address must be in the and living expenses. It also supports Inverness Highland Council area). vocational students and provides books and IV2 3AE equipment for people starting work. Preference is given to providing computers E-mail: [email protected] for people with special educational needs. Tel: 01463 243872 The John Pringle For the benefit of students at Grants of around £350 Website. Trust (Moray) Aberdeen University who have previously attended Elgin Academy. Moray & Nairn For residents of Banffshire, Unknown Applications forms from:


Educational Trust Moray and Nairn areas. Moray & Nairn Educational Trust (Banffshire, Moray Grants and Bursaries & Nairn) Council Office High Street Elgin IV30 1BX

Tel: 01343 551374 Email: [email protected] Website

Orkney Islands People on postgraduate Subsidiary grants of £8 to £50 to help with The Director of Education, Educational Trust courses, in further education travel, material costs and fees/living Orkney Islands Council, Scheme 1961 or on apprenticeships who expenses for further education students. Education Department, (Orkney Islands) live in the former country of Grants are also made to people starting work Council Offices, Orkney. to help with books, equipment/instruments, School place, clothing and travel costs, and to Kirkwall, schoolchildren to help with books and Orkney KW15 1NY educational outings. Grants may also be given for the promotion of education in the (Tel : 01856 873535; community. Fax: 01856 876327). Renfrewshire People who have been Grants to individuals are available under Application forms from; Educational Trust resident in Renfrewshire, several categories: Renfrewshire Educational Trust (Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire or To undertake a full-time Taught Masters Finance & Corporate Services East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde Council areas for programme in the UK; To complete a higher Committee Section and Inverclyde) at least 3 years with a total education course or to complete a degree Renfrewshire House household income of less course at college or university. Cotton Street than £33,156 per annum. To travel abroad as a necessary part of a Paisley Students must not be in study course; Tor o meet tuition fees for PA1 1TR receipt of SAAS funding for exceptional students of the visual arts, music tuition fees. Students must or drama Email: [email protected] apply before term begins. phone: 0141 618 7104


The Trust makes financial awards in February, May, August and November each year. Paton Educational People (usually aged 16 to Supplementary grants (£50-100per year) for Application forms available from; Trust (Alloa 26) who live in the burgh of students in further and higher education. William Jarvis, Solicitor Alloa and its surrounding Grants can go towards books and fees/living 27 Mar Street area, or whose parent is expenses. Grants can also sometimes be Alloa employed by Patons & given for study or travel abroad or for student FK10 1HX Baldwins Ltd, Alloa or who exchanges. are members or adherents of Tel: 01259 727 343 West Church of Scotland, Alloa or Moncrieff V F Applications are usually considered in Church, Alloa. August/September.

The Forth Valley People in need who are the Grants have been given in the past for Applicants in writing to; Medical families or relatives of assistance with university fees Dr D I Selfridge, Treasurer, Benevolent Fund general practitioners living in Health Centre, (Stirling and the Forth valley. Kersiebank Avenue, surrounds) Grangemouth FK3 9EL

Tel: 01324 471511

Stirlingshire For applicants belonging to Unknown For more information contact: Educational Trust the county of Stirling. Clerk and Treasurer, (Stirling and 68 Port Street, surrounds) Stirling, FK8 2LJ


O t her sources of f unding

Name of trust and Assistance granted Amounts/additional information Contact details area represented Altrusts Careers Open to women in the UK A loan of up to £500 is available. More information available from: Trust who wish to further their [email protected] career prospects or to retrain after bringing up a family. Girls still at school and women studying for a PhD are not eligible. The Arrol Trust Young people between the Payments to fund expenses of students Application form obtained from; ages of 16 to 25 who are wishing to further their education or CS Kennedy physically or mentally experiences through travel in or outside the Lindsays Solicitors disabled or in need. United Kingdom e.g. during gap years. Fees 19A Canning Street and other educational expenses are not Edinburgh considered. EH3 8HE

Applicants must be willing to attend an interview. The Black Watch Support for education of Education Grants can be made to soldiers Application form obtained from; Trust former Black Watch soldiers who have retired or are about to do so; this or in certain circumstances type of grant can, in some cases, be made to The Black Watch Association, their children. their children Balhousie Castle, Hay Street, Perth PH1 5HR T: 01738 623 214 E: [email protected]

The Buchanan People with any of the Hardship grants Application form obtained from; Society following surnames: The Secretary


Buchanan, McAuslan (any The Buchanan Society spelling), McWattie, Risk. 18 Iddesleigh Avenue, Milngavie, Glasgow G62 8NT 0141-956-193 E-mail: [email protected]. The Broadlands Grants for young girls under Grants are usually for educational purposes The Secretary Home Trust the age of 22. Applications but also help young women starting out on The Broadlands Home Trust welcome from parents on their careers. 2 Winchester Close behalf of daughters or from Newport girls themselves. Applications should be made in writing Isle of Wight including full name, address, date of birth, full PO30 1DR details of the family’s income and expenses, T: 01983 525630 details of course and fees required, the specific need, some kind of reference and confirmation that the course has been commenced.

CLIC Sargent Care Suitable for undergraduate Unknown For more information visit the website. Grants and postgraduate. Specifically for families with a child or young person who is receiving treatment for cancer or palliative care. The Cross Trust To assist young people aged Part support for university or college (some Application form obtained from; 18 to 30 who are of Scottish courses are subject to restrictions) Secretaries of the Cross Trust birth or parentage and who McCash & Hunter LLP Solicitors, are in genuine financial need. 25 South Methven Street, Perth, PH1 5ESEmail: [email protected] Tel: 01738 620451 The Cross Trust Website


The Esdaile Trust Ministers of the Church of Annual grants towards the cost of education In writing to the correspondent. Scotland or deaconesses of ranging between £100 and £500. the Church of Scotland who Correspondent: are widows and missionaries R Graeme Thom, appointed or nominated by 17 Melville Street, the Overseas Council of the Edinburgh Church of Scotland with EH3 7PH daughters at secondary school and university. (e-mail: graeme.thom@scott- Daughters should normally be between 12 and 25 years of age and preference is given to families with a low income. The Glasgow Children of Ministers of the Unknown Applications to be received no later than Society of the Church of Scotland who are 31 May each year. Sons and in need whether at school, Daughters of college, university or Fiona Watson Ministers of the otherwise. Preference is Scott-Moncrieff Church of Scotland given to the children of Exchange Place 3 deceased ministers, no Semple Street matter what age. Edinburgh EH3 8BL

The Grand Lodge Children of members and Grants for people entering further education. Application form obtained from; of Ancient, Free deceased members. Freemasons Hall and Accepted 96 George Street Masons of Edinburgh EH2 3DH Scotland Telephone: 0131 225 5304

Or by direct approach to the local lodge MacMillan Grants Suitable for undergraduate Unknown For more information visit the website. and postgraduate. Specifically for adults, young people or children with


cancer The Rodger and Suitable for undergraduate Assistance with course fees and expenses For more information contact: Sarah Bancroft students studying for a [email protected] Trust second degree or postgraduate students The Royal Air Ex-RAF people (and their This type of grant is determined by the need Applications in writing to; Force Benevolent direct dependants) in of the applicant and may consist of a one-off Fund (Scottish Scotland who are in need or grant, small regular allowance, or loan. The Director, 20 Queen Street Branch) financial distress Edinburgh EH2 1JX T: 0131-225-6421

Applications can be at any time, submitted either directly by the individual or through RAFA, SSAFA, War pensions or a social worker. Confirmation of RAF service, or sufficient details so allow a search of RAF service records, should be included. The Royal For the child of a Scot who Living expenses assistance during higher For more information contact: Caledonian has served or is serving in education [email protected] Schools Trust the Armed Forces or the child of a poor Scot living in the London area (within the M25 ring). Preference will be given to children and those in full time education including those seeking an educational 'second chance' Scottish Coal People who are, or have One off grants for maintenance, training or In writing to; Industry Special been, employed in the education. Mr Ian McAlpine, Welfare Fund Scottish mining or mining Secretary, related industries, their Scottish Coal Industry Special Welfare families and dependants who Fund, are in need. C/O CISWO,


2nd Floor, 50 Hopetoun Street, BATHGATE, West Lothian. The Society of the Ministers of the Church of Annual grant toward the cost of education How to apply Benefit of Sons Scotland with children at In writing to the correspondent. and Daughters of secondary school and Correspondent: the Clergy of the university R Graeme Thom, Church of Scotland Secretary, 17 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7PH

(E-mail: graeme.thom@scott- John Watson’s Children or young people Help in connection with special tuition, books, Application form available from: Trust under the age of 21 who tools or expenses for further training and The WS Society have a physical or learning education, equipment, travel, Open University Signet Library, disability or who are socially and other activities contributing to education Parliament Square, disadvantaged and who live and advancement in life. Edinburgh EH1 1RF in Scotland. (There is a preference for people who live in or are connected with the Lothian region) Winning Students The scholarship scheme is Up to £5,5000 per annum towards student For more information visit the website. Scholarship open to British subjects who accommodation, competition fees and sports Scheme will be able to represent equipment. either Great Britain or Scotland in their chosen sporting discipline. Conditions apply and vary between each sporting discipline; scholarships are competitive Golden Jubilee Women who live Preference is given to women seeking to Applications in writing (enclosing SAE) to;


Fellowship 'permanently' within the improve their skills or gain new ones to seek The Chair, Soroptimist International boundaries of Soroptimist employment after years in the home, or to Great Britain and Ireland, International of Great Britain enter a field where prospects of employment 127 Wellington Road South, Stockport and Ireland and advancement are greater. One-off grants SK1 3TS of £100 to £500 are awarded each year. e-mail: [email protected] About 30 awards, usually in the range of Website £100 to £500 are made each year.

Leverhulme Trade To be eligible to apply, you The most that you can apply for is £3,000 a Application information available from Charities Trust need to be: year. However, the amount that you receive website. 1. a resident of the United depends on your financial need, and the total 1 Pemberton Row, London EC4A 3BG Kingdom; amount of funding we have available to General enquiries 020 7042 9883 2. studying for a full-time distribute in each year. Fax 020 7042 9889 undergraduate degree at E-mail [email protected] a recognised UK university; 3. the child, spouse, widow or widower of a grocer, pharmacist or commercial traveller; and 4. in ‘financial need’. Menzies Bursaries Applicants must be The bursary is currently £200 p.a. (or as the Applications should be made to: undergraduate students on a patrons shall determine) for 4 years Menzies Bursaries full time course. Preference is Blackadders Solicitors given in the following order; 34 Reform Street 1. to relatives of the Dundee founder, James Menzies, fish merchant in Glasgowto persons of the name Menzies 2. to persons born on the estate of Menzies in the Parishes of Dull, Weem and Fortingall


3. to the person who shall be judges best qualified and most deserving.

The Vegetarian Grants for people up to the Individual grants are usually in the region of Application form available from Apply Charity age of 25 in financial need £500 with a maximum of £1000 For A Grant who are vegetarian or vegan. The Grants Secretary The Charity can also award The Vegetarian Charity grants for children being PO Box 473 brought up to be vegetarian Crewe CW3 OWU where the parents are in [email protected] financial need. k Yorkshire Ladies British women who are aged About 60 grants of £100 to £500 (generally Forest Hill Council of 21 or over 'who can present a being £200 to £300) a year for fees. 11 Park Crescent Education case of special need in Leeds LS8 1DH (incorporated) funding their further or higher 0113 269 1471 education at a British institution'.


Alt ernat i ve f unding f or t he diploma

P r o f ess i ona l a n d c are e r d eve l o p m ent l o a n s

There are Professional and Career Development Loans and bank loans which you can apply for to help pay for the Diploma. In the past a small number of students have used such loans to help fund themselves through the diploma. Loans are usually offered at a reduced interest rate and the government pays interest while you’re studying.

A Professional and Career Development loan is broader than the SAAS loan, in that it can be used to pay towards:

- Course fees - Other course costs, like books, travel or childcare - Living expenses (if you are unemployed or working less than 30 hours a week)

T he U n i ve r s i t y o f E din bur g h P o s t g r a dua t e B u r s ary

Up to 50 University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Bursaries are offered, each of a value of £1,000 (for full time students) and £500 (for part time students). Bursaries are awarded on the basis of significant financial need.

The application for the Professional Legal Practice specific bursary can be made through the following website.

G rant s and t rust s

In addition to the grants and trusts mentioned above; many of which are relevant for diploma students, there are some grants and trusts specifically for postgraduates.

The University of Dundee Ken Scott Bursary

One grant of £250 available to an LLB student who has graduated from the University of Dundee, who has already applied to study the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice at Dundee School of Law.

01/04/2014 1

T he Clark Foundat io n f or Leg al Educat ion The Clark Foundation for Legal Education invites applications for Grants and Scholarships from persons practising law in Scotland whether as solicitors or advocates and from persons studying at Scottish Universities or other institutions of higher education based in Scotland. Awards will be made annually in September and application forms should be returned no later than the end of March. To request an application form please email [email protected]

T he R e i d Law E ndo w m e n t Fun d In terms of the trust deed, this fund is used to promote legal education in Glasgow, mainly by providing grants to law students who are in need of financial assistance.

T arg et C our s es B urs a r y TARGET courses has six competitive bursaries of £2,000 to help pay your fees for a postgraduate course at a UK university. More information, including how to apply, is available at on the website.
