ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM Vol. 65, No. 10, October 2013, pp 2499–2512 DOI 10.1002/art.38092 © 2013, American College of Rheumatology

Arthritis & Rheumatism An Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology and SPECIAL ARTICLE

2013 Update of the 2011 American College of Rheumatology Recommendations for the Treatment of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Recommendations for the Medical Therapy of Children With Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Tuberculosis Screening Among Children Receiving Biologic Medications

Sarah Ringold,1 Pamela F. Weiss,2 Timothy Beukelman,3 Esi Morgan DeWitt,4 Norman T. Ilowite,5 Yukiko Kimura,6 Ronald M. Laxer,7 Daniel J. Lovell,4 Peter A. Nigrovic,8 Angela Byun Robinson,9 and Richard K. Vehe10

Guidelines and recommendations developed and/or endorsed by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) are intended to provide guidance for particular patterns of practice and not to dictate the care of a particular patient. The ACR considers adherence to these guidelines and recommendations to be voluntary, with the ultimate determina- tion regarding their application to be made by the physician in light of each patient’s individual circumstances. Guidelines and recommendations are intended to promote beneficial or desirable outcomes but cannot guarantee any specific outcome. Guidelines and recommendations developed or endorsed by the ACR are subject to periodic revi- sion as warranted by the evolution of medical knowledge, technology, and practice.

The American College of Rheumatology is an independent, professional, medical and scientific society which does not guarantee, warrant, or endorse any commercial product or service.

INTRODUCTION tions represented the first such effort by the ACR that focused entirely on the treatment of a pediatric rheu- The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) matic disease, and included recommendations for the published treatment recommendations for juvenile idio- initial and subsequent treatment of patients with syno- pathic arthritis (JIA) in 2011 (1). These recommenda- vitis and systemic manifestations and recommendations

This article is published simultaneously in the October 2013 1Sarah Ringold, MD, MS: Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seat- issue of Arthritis Care & Research. tle, Washington; 2Pamela F. Weiss, MD, MSCE: Children’s Hospital The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 3Timothy Beukelman, does not necessarily represent the official views of the Agency for MD, MSCE: University of Alabama at Birmingham; 4Esi Morgan Healthcare Research and Quality. DeWitt, MD, Daniel J. Lovell, MD, MPH: Cincinnati Children’s Dr. Ringold’s work was supported by the Agency for Health- Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio; 5Norman T. Ilowite, MD: care Research and Quality for the duration of this project (grant Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Children’s Hospital at K12HS019482). Dr. Weiss’s work was supported by the National Montefiore, Bronx, New York; 6Yukiko Kimura, MD: Hackensack Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, NIH University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey; 7Ronald M. (grant 1-K23-AR059749-01A1). Laxer, MDCM, FRCPC: The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,


for medication safety monitoring. Also included in the the inflammatory process underlying systemic JIA ap- recommendations was a statement regarding potential pears to be distinct from other categories of JIA, with a areas for a subsequent update. Based on the progress central role for both interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6 (6,7). made understanding the pathophysiology of systemic Treatments specifically targeting both of these cytokines JIA and a rapid increase in data regarding the treatment are now available, and recently there has been a signif- of systemic JIA and how it differs from other categories icant increase in the amount of published data regard- of JIA, the ACR determined that the treatment of ing their efficacy. Furthermore, approximately 10% of systemic JIA should be the focus of the first update. children with systemic JIA develop overt clinical fea- Systemic JIA accounts for approximately 4–15% tures of macrophage activation syndrome (MAS), a of JIA and is defined as arthritis in Ն1 joint for at least life-threatening condition characterized by fever, or- 6 weeks’ duration in a child age Ͻ16 years with or ganomegaly, cytopenias, hyperferritinemia, hypertri- preceded by fever of at least 2 weeks’ duration that is glyceridemia, hypofibrinogenemia, and coagulopathy, documented to be daily (“quotidian”) for at least 3 days among other findings (7–9). The mortality rate for and accompanied by one or more of the following: children hospitalized with systemic JIA and MAS is evanescent erythematous rash, generalized lymphadeno- estimated to be as high as 6%, but may even be higher pathy, hepatomegaly or splenomegaly, and serositis (2). based on estimates from case series (10,11). Systemic The goal of therapy for systemic JIA is similar to that of JIA is therefore the focus of this update, providing the the other categories of JIA, and focuses on the prompt opportunity to address the treatment of this unique control of active and symptoms and the inflammatory process and associated MAS features. prevention of a number of disease- and/or treatment- In addition, in response to public comment, this related morbidities such as growth disturbances, joint update also includes recommendations for repeat tuber- damage, and functional limitations. Many children with culosis (TB) screening for all categories of JIA patients systemic JIA have a particularly refractory course, with receiving biologic agents, in order to address questions persistent disease associated with a high risk of joint about followup screening for children receiving these damage and severe growth impairment (3–5). However, medications for longer durations and the risk of false- positive results associated with annual TB screening Ontario, Canada; 8Peter A. Nigrovic, MD: Brigham and Women’s performed without regard for risk factors. Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; 9Angela Byun Robinson, MD, MPH: As with the previously published ACR recom- Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio; mendations and as specified by the RAND/University 10Richard K. Vehe, MD: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Dr. Beukelman has received consulting fees from Genentech of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Appropriateness and McKesson Health Solutions (less than $10,000 each) and from Method, cost implications were not considered in assem- Novartis (more than $10,000). Dr. Ilowite has received consulting fees, speaking fees, and/or honoraria from Janssen and Novartis (less bling these recommendations. The use of combination than $10,000 each). Dr. Kimura has received consulting fees, speaking therapy with a biologic agent was also not considered, fees, and/or honoraria from Novartis (less than $10,000). Dr. Laxer due to safety concerns and lack of data. Furthermore, as has received consulting fees, speaking fees, and/or honoraria from Novartis (less than $10,000) and receives royalties from Textbook of with the original 2011 ACR JIA treatment recommen- Pediatric Rheumatology. Dr. Lovell has received consulting fees, speak- dations, the results of this project should be considered ing fees, and/or honoraria from Novartis and Hoffman-La Roche (less “recommendations,” and are meant to serve as a refer- than $10,000 each). Dr. Nigrovic has received consulting fees from Novartis (less than $10,000). ence for health care providers caring for children with Drs. Ringold and Weiss contributed equally to this work. JIA. These recommendations are not intended to take Members of the Core Expert Panel: Timothy Beukelman, Esi the place of physician judgment and shared decision Morgan DeWitt, Norman T. Ilowite, Yukiko Kimura, Ronald M. Laxer, Daniel J. Lovell, Peter A. Nigrovic, Sarah Ringold, Angela making with patients and are not intended to limit the Byun Robinson, Richard K. Vehe, and Pamela F. Weiss. coverage of medications used in the treatment of JIA. Members of the Task Force Panel: Mara Becker, Robert A. Likewise, these recommendations are intended to offer Colbert, Vincent Delgaizo, Pavla Dolezalova, Polly Ferguson, Chris Feudtner, Sheila Angeles-Han, Alberto Martini, Murray Passo, guidance for providers caring for children with the most Sampath Prahalad, Marilynn Punaro, Rayfel Schneider, David D. common phenotypes associated with systemic JIA, Sherry, and Carol A. Wallace. Address correspondence to Pamela F. Weiss, MD, MSCE, rather than exceptional cases with unusual disease man- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Rheumatology, 34th and Civic ifestations or refractory disease. Center Boulevard, Room 236, CSSH, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399. A document containing the 2011 ACR JIA treat- E-mail: [email protected]. Submitted for publication March 5, 2013; accepted in revised ment recommendations and the 2013 updated recom- form July 2, 2013. mendations is provided in Supplementary Appendix A ACR 2013 UPDATED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MEDICAL TREATMENT OF JIA 2501

(available in the online version of this article at http:// scenario and the available evidence in a similar way. A general pediatrician and evidence-based medicine expert and a parent of a child with systemic JIA also participated in the face-to- face meeting discussion to provide additional perspective and MATERIALS AND METHODS input, but did not vote. Scope of the recommendations. The overarching ob- The ACR reviews its recommendations approximately jective of this project was to update the 2011 ACR recommen- annually to determine whether a partial update or full revision dations for the use of nonbiologic disease-modifying anti- is warranted, based on changes in supporting evidence and rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and biologic DMARDs in the available therapies. In early 2012, the ACR decided that an treatment of systemic JIA. The specific aims of the project update to its 2011 JIA recommendations was necessary, spe- were to 1) update the 2011 ACR recommendations regarding cifically in the area of systemic JIA. The ACR leadership indications for starting nonbiologic DMARDs and biologic subsequently approached the team of investigators who had DMARDs for systemic JIA and indications for switching developed the 2011 JIA guidelines and, through discussions between nonbiologic DMARDs and biologic DMARDs for with this group and additional pediatric rheumatologists, as- systemic JIA; 2) incorporate the use of anti–IL-1 and anti–IL-6 sembled a new team to develop the 2013 JIA update. therapies into the ACR recommendations for the treatment of This project complied with ACR guideline develop- systemic JIA; and 3) develop treatment recommendations for ment policies related to disclosure and conflicts of interest. All patients with the following 3 general systemic JIA phenotypes: participants disclosed their relationships at several different significant systemic features and varying degrees of synovitis, points during the process. Disclosures were specifically shared significant arthritis and no significant systemic features, and with other participants (e.g., in writing and verbally during features concerning for MAS. The aims were specified in the meetings), posted online as part of the protocol released for project protocol that was posted online for public comment by public comment, disclosed during manuscript review, and the ACR from June to July 2012. In response to public disclosed in the final manuscript. Per ACR policy, no more comment, an additional aim was added to the scope to provide than 49% of the Core Expert Panel (CEP) and Task Force recommendations for repeat annual TB screening among Panel (TFP) members had conflicts of interest at any time children with all categories of JIA who had a negative baseline during this project, and the principal investigators (PIs; SR and TB evaluation. PFW) maintained their unconflicted status throughout the Development of the Evidence Report. Systematic liter- project. ature review. The literature search strategy was developed by The recommendations were developed using the the project’s PIs (SR and PFW), a medical research librarian, RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method, which was also used and the CEP. The search strategy underwent peer review by an in the development of the 2011 ACR JIA treatment recom- additional medical librarian using Peer Review of Electronic mendations (1,12). A CEP, consisting of 11 pediatric rheuma- Search Strategies (13). The search strategies are included in tologists experienced in the management of JIA and actively Supplementary Appendix B (available in the online version of involved in JIA research, assisted with refining the scope of this article at this update, developing the literature search strategy and 38092/abstract). Evidence Report, and finalizing the clinical scenarios. A TFP, The following electronic databases were searched: Ovid consisting of 12 experts in the field of JIA, including partici- MEDLINE, Embase, PubMed, and Cochrane Library (Wiley). pants from Europe and Canada, participated in 2 rounds of For medications included in the 2011 ACR JIA treatment voting on the clinical scenarios. Effort was made to include recommendations, these databases were searched from Octo- participants from different geographic locations, with variable ber 6, 2009 (the end date of the literature search for the 2011 time since completion of training and different practice fo- ACR JIA treatment recommendations) through July 25, 2012 cuses. Thirteen of the CEP and TFP participants also had been (Table 1). For medications not included in the 2011 recom- involved in the development of the 2011 ACR JIA treatment mendations, the databases were searched from their beginning recommendations. through July 25, 2012. In addition, each database was searched During the voting rounds, members of the TFP rated in its entirety for the treatment of MAS in systemic JIA. The the appropriateness of each scenario using a 1–9 ordinal scale, same databases were searched for TB screening and JIA from as recommended by the RAND/UCLA method (12). Prior to October 6, 2009 through September 5, 2012. voting, members of the TFP received a Voter’s Handbook Conference abstracts were searched for preliminary that included detailed descriptions of the clinical scenarios reports of randomized clinical trials for which the final results and voting instructions, and an Evidence Report summarizing were not yet published. Embase was searched for conference results of the systematic review described below. In the first abstracts relating to all of the medications included in this round, the TFP members cast their votes independently by update between January 1, 2010 and July 27, 2012. Clinical- e-mail. At the subsequent face-to-face meeting, TFP members was also searched to identify any additional studies received a summary of the group’s anonymous responses for with potentially relevant results that were not yet published. each scenario, with their own individual responses and the Two articles were in submission at the time of the first TFP group median responses clearly indicated. Discussions at the votes and were included in the Evidence Report, with permis- face-to-face meeting focused primarily on scenarios where sion from the authors, to provide the TFP with the most there was disagreement among the TFP members, with the current evidence (14,15). Both articles were in press by the goal of the discussion being not to force consensus, but to time of the face-to-face meeting, and have subsequently been ensure that all panel members understood and interpreted the published. 2502 RINGOLD AND WEISS ET AL

Table 1. Medications evaluated for the treatment of systemic juve- Evidence Report. Three articles were subsequently included nile idiopathic arthritis* from the updated literature search. The data abstracted from each article for the Evidence Report included study design, 2011 2013 participants (number and diagnosis), medication (including recommendations recommendations dose), concurrent medications, inclusion criteria, exclusion cri- NSAIDs† X X teria, baseline disease measures, primary and secondary out- Glucocorticoids X X comes, adverse events, and limitations. If children with dif- Methotrexate X X ferent categories of JIA were included in a study, reviewers Leflunomide X X were asked to document the results for systemic JIA patients IVIG X X Calcineurin inhibitors‡ X X separately, whenever possible. The abstracted data were re- TNF␣ inhibitors§ X X viewed for clarity and completeness by one of the PIs (SR), Abatacept X X and additional data abstraction was performed when needed. Rituximab X X Summaries of specific articles from the 2011 Evidence Report Anakinra X X were also included in the new report, when relevant. The entire Canakinumab X Evidence Report used for the development of the 2011 ACR Rilonacept X JIA recommendations was also made available to the TFP Tocilizumab X members for review, upon request. * NSAIDs ϭ nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; IVIG ϭ intra- Development of the clinical scenarios. Clinical scenar- venous immunoglobulin; TNF␣ ϭ tumor necrosis factor ␣. ios were developed by the PIs (SR and PFW) with input from † Includes all NSAIDs commonly used in clinical practice in the US, the CEP based on the 3 primary phenotypes (see below). The including selective cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors. features of poor prognosis and levels of disease activity spec- ‡ Cyclosporine and tacrolimus. ified in the 2011 ACR JIA recommendations were not applied § Adalimumab, etanercept, and infliximab. to the scenarios in this update based on input from the CEP that these characteristics were of unclear relevance to decision making at the point of care for patients with systemic JIA. The An updated search was performed for all sources consensus opinion of the CEP was that certain features of poor through January 14, 2013 in order to ensure that more recently prognosis (i.e., joint erosions) are often not known or pertinent published articles were also available for citation. An evalua- tion of the literature search results was performed by the PIs in new-onset cases. The choice of disease activity variables and (SR and PFW) to determine whether any of the newly iden- their decision thresholds was made using an iterative process tified articles would change the recommendations, but none via e-mail and teleconferences with repeated revision until they were deemed contradictory to the recommendations made by were accepted by all CEP members. For each scenario, there the TFP, and therefore it was determined that additional was consensus among CEP members that the disease activity consideration of these articles by the TFP was not necessary. variables included provided a meaningful clinical threshold Criteria for study inclusion/exclusion. Studies were in- relevant for treatment decisions. The decision thresholds of Յ Ͼ cluded in the Evidence Report if they comprised children active joint count (AJC; 4or 4) and physician global (defined as participants ages Ͻ18 years) with systemic JIA and assessment (MD global; Ͻ5orՆ5) were chosen by CEP if they specifically addressed the treatment of systemic JIA consensus. Disease activity descriptors were also limited to and/or the safety of medications used in this context. restrict the number of scenarios in order to avoid voter fatigue Studies in languages other than English were excluded, (12). Medication monitoring was not specifically addressed in as were non-systematic review articles, commentaries, and con- these scenarios because it was determined that monitoring sensus statements. Articles that reported mechanistic aspects recommendations for the medications included in this project of therapy and did not describe the clinical characteristics of would not be expected to differ from those of the 2011 ACR patients or their outcomes were excluded. Studies that assessed JIA recommendations and/or the publicly available recom- only costs were also excluded, as specified by the guideline mendations included in the package inserts for each of these scope and the RAND/UCLA method. medications. Three primary clinical phenotypes were devel- Development of the Evidence Report. The titles and oped. In each case, it was specified that the participants had abstracts of the 2,200 articles identified by the initial search met the International League of Associations for Rheumatol- were screened by a panel of volunteers consisting of a medical ogy criteria for systemic JIA at disease onset (2). student, fellows, and junior faculty in pediatric rheumatology For the first phenotype, systemic JIA with ac- (see Acknowledgments), and articles not fulfilling the inclusion tive systemic features and varying degrees of synovitis, active criteria were removed. If it was unclear whether an article systemic features were defined as the presence of any com- should be included, it was kept on the list of potentially eligible bination of the following disease features: fever, evanescent articles. The full text of each potentially eligible article then rash, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, or se- underwent additional screening by a volunteer, who gave the rositis. Rather than considering specific combinations of these article a final determination regarding inclusion/exclusion and manifestations, the TFP was asked to consider the treatments extracted relevant data for the Evidence Report. If the re- among patients with an MD global of Ͻ5orՆ5 on a 10-point viewer was uncertain about the article’s eligibility, the article numerical rating scale and by AJC (0 joints, 1–4 joints, or underwent additional review by one of the PIs (SR), who also Ͼ4 joints). reviewed each article’s final determination. For the second phenotype, systemic JIA without active A total of 125 articles were included in the final systemic features but with active synovitis, TFP members were ACR 2013 UPDATED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MEDICAL TREATMENT OF JIA 2503

asked to rate the appropriateness of medical therapies based to restrict the number of scenarios and because it was deter- on the total number of active joints (Յ4 joints or Ͼ4 joints). mined there would be sparse data to inform the use of a For the third phenotype, systemic JIA with features specific IL-1 inhibitor in this situation. For all recommenda- concerning for MAS, features concerning for MAS were tions, it was also assumed that patients received the typical defined as any combination of the following disease manifes- maximum dose of each medication. Although higher doses of tations: persistent (rather than quotidian) fever, cytopenias these medications may be appropriate in certain clinical situ- or falling cell line counts (particularly platelets), falling eryth- ations, these situations were not specifically considered by the rocyte sedimentation rate, hypertriglyceridemia, hypofibrino- TFP. genemia, hemophagocytosis, transaminitis, coagulopathy, or- In order to limit the number of clinical scenarios on ganomegaly, low or absent natural killer cell activity, which the TFP would vote, the issue of whether a nonbiologic hyperferritinemia, or central nervous system dysfunction. This DMARD and a biologic agent could be combined or whether definition was left intentionally broad given the lack of vali- they would only be used sequentially was left to the provider’s dated classification criteria for MAS. The scenarios specifically discretion. excluded critically ill patients requiring intensive care unit Rating of the clinical scenarios by the TFP. The TFP admission. members were asked to rate the appropriateness of the A separate scenario was developed to address repeat interventions in each of the clinical scenario permutations TB screening among all categories of JIA patients receiving using the Evidence Report, as well as their best clinical biologic agents. The TFP was asked to consider the appropri- judgment. “Appropriateness” was defined as “the health ben- ateness of different screening approaches for TB, including efits exceed the health risks by a sufficiently wide margin that annual screening and risk-based approaches. The TFP did not ␥ the intervention is worth doing” (12). The decision to recom- consider the method of screening (e.g., interferon- –release mend or not recommend initiation of a medication for a assay versus tuberculin skin test). particular scenario included the risk of not initiating an Medications, duration of therapy, and doses used in clin- alternative therapy (e.g., the risk of initiating drug A includes ical scenarios. The medications addressed in the guideline the risk of not initiating drug B). Each scenario was scored on scenarios are shown in Table 1. For each scenario, it was a numerical rating scale from 1–9, where 1–3 ϭ “inappropri- assumed that prior medications were given for a minimum of 3 ate,” 4–6 ϭ “uncertain,” and 7–9 ϭ “appropriate.” An uncer- months, with the exceptions of 1) anakinra, for which the duration was defined as Ն1 month; 2) nonsteroidal antiinflam- tain score indicated that either the risks or benefits were matory drug (NSAID) monotherapy, for which the maximum approximately equal or there was not enough information duration was defined as 1 month; and 3) systemic glucocorti- available for the TFP to make a meaningful evaluation. coid (GC) monotherapy, for which the maximum duration was Developing recommendations from the TFP votes. The defined as 2 weeks. The duration of anakinra was discussed second round of votes from the face-to-face meeting was used with the CEP at large prior to the TFP voting, and 4 weeks was to create the final recommendations. Therapies are listed as the timeframe agreed upon for an expected response. The “recommended” if they met the RAND/UCLA appropriate- duration of NSAID monotherapy and systemic GC mono- ness definition that includes a median score of 7–9 and no therapy was voted on by the TFP. disagreement. Therapies listed as “inappropriate” had a me- There was no consideration of combination therapy dian in the range of 1–3 and no disagreement. Disagreement with a biologic agent. When biologic agents were evaluated as was defined as at least 3 panelists rating the indication between sequential therapy, it was indicated that prior biologic agents 1 and 3 and at least 3 panelists rating the indication between 7 were discontinued before initiation of a new one. For the and 9. “Uncertain” indications had a median in the range of scenarios that addressed the sequential therapy of patients 4–6 or disagreement regardless of the median score. with active systemic features, the TFP voting panel was in- Rating of the evidence supporting the final ACR recom- structed that these patients could be assumed to be receiving mendations. Following the development of recommendations, concurrent systemic GC therapy (with the exception of the a level of evidence was assigned to each recommendation scenario used to determine the duration of NSAID mono- using the system proposed by the Oxford Centre for Evidence- therapy, in which adjunct systemic GCs were specifically Based Medicine (16). This is the same rating system used for excluded) and that they should rate the appropriateness of the 2011 ACR JIA treatment recommendations. Briefly, this initiating the medication under consideration either with or rating system creates the following 4 categories for rating without concurrent initiation or increase of GC therapy evidence: A ϭ randomized controlled trials; B ϭ nonrandom- (whichever approach was considered more appropriate by ized studies, including retrospective cohort studies; C ϭ un- the voter). Receipt of concurrent GC therapy was not assumed controlled studies, including case series; and D ϭ expert for those scenarios that addressed the treatment of patients opinion. Level B was also assigned to any recommendation for without active systemic features but with active synovitis. which there was extrapolation from randomized controlled Tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF␣) inhibitors were considered trials. Level C was also assigned to any recommendation for together as a single group rather than as individual medica- which there was extrapolation from a nonrandomized study or tions. Different IL-1 inhibitors were considered separately for more complex extrapolation from a randomized controlled the scenarios that addressed initiation of the medication trial. The level of evidence assigned reflects the highest rating because it was determined by the CEP that currently available achieved for each recommendation (i.e., if studies in support of data could inform this choice. For scenarios that considered a recommendation have a level of evidence ranging from B–D, IL-1 inhibitors as sequential therapy, these medications were the overall level of evidence is reported as B). In order to considered as a group rather than separate medications, both provide the most comprehensive reference list, all relevant 2504 RINGOLD AND WEISS ET AL

Figure 1. Treatment pathways for patients with active systemic features and varying degrees of synovitis. The Task Force Panel was asked to consider the treatments among patients with active systemic features and a physician global assessment (MD global) of Ͻ5orՆ5 on a 10-point numerical rating scale (0–10 visual analog scale, where 0 ϭ no disease activity and 10 ϭ the most severe) and by active joint count (AJC; 0 joints, 1–4 joints, or Ͼ4 joints). If a recommendation is noted to be irrespective of the AJC or MD global, the recommendation was for children with an AJC Ն0 or an MD global Ͼ0, respectively. Adjunct systemic glucocorticoids (GCs) and/or intraarticular GCs may be added at any point. Children may qualify for Ͼ1 pathway, in which case it is left to the provider’s discretion to choose the path they feel is most appropriate based upon specific patient characteristics and/or patient and family preferences. Steps in the progression of therapy can be additive or sequential, except that therapies with a biologic agent are sequential (combination therapy with a biologic agent is not endorsed). The recommendations in this figure are for patients with active systemic features. If the systemic features (but not the arthritis) respond to therapy, then subsequent treatment decisions should be based upon the recommendations in Figure 2. NSAIDs ϭ nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; IV ϭ intravenous; MTX ϭ methotrexate; TNF␣ ϭ tumor necrosis factor ␣.

articles from the Evidence Report are cited, even if they did features and varying degrees of synovitis, 2) no active not provide the highest level of evidence. systemic features and varying degrees of active synovitis, and 3) features concerning for MAS. Recommended RESULTS initial therapeutic options are listed first, in alphabetical The recommendations for initiation of various order. Therapeutic options for continued disease activity therapeutic agents are listed separately for the following after initial therapy are listed next, in alphabetical order. clinical phenotypes of systemic JIA: 1) active systemic Medications that were considered by the TFP but were ACR 2013 UPDATED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MEDICAL TREATMENT OF JIA 2505

determined to be inappropriate or uncertain (and were for patients with an MD global Ͻ5 irrespective of the not recommended for any of the related scenarios) are AJC (level D). NSAID monotherapy was inappropriate listed at the end of each section, in alphabetical order. for patients with an MD global Ն5 and an AJC Ͼ0 The assigned level of evidence and corresponding pub- (level D). Continuing NSAID monotherapy for longer lication citations follow each treatment recommenda- than 1 month for patients with continued disease activity tion. If a recommendation is noted to be irrespective of was inappropriate (level D). The minimum duration of a the AJC or MD global, the recommendation was for trial of NSAIDs was not specifically addressed by the children with an AJC Ն0 or an MD global Ͼ0, respec- TFP. tively. Continued disease activity, as used in the recom- Therapeutic options for continued disease activity mendations below, was defined as an AJC Ͼ0 and/or an (listed alphabetically). Use of abatacept was recom- MD global Ͼ0. In some cases, children may qualify for mended only for patients with an MD global Ն5 and an more than one pathway, in which case it is left to the AJC Ͼ4 after a trial of both an IL-1 inhibitor and provider’s discretion to choose the path they feel is most tocilizumab (sequentially) (level D). Use of abatacept appropriate based upon specific patient characteristics for patients with an AJC of 0 irrespective of the MD and/or patient and family preferences. global was inappropriate (level D), with the exception of Systemic JIA with active systemic features and patients who had tried both an IL-1 inhibitor and varying degrees of synovitis. The treatment recommen- tocilizumab (sequentially), in which case it was uncer- dations for this group of patients are shown in Figure 1. tain. Use of abatacept for patients with an MD global Ͻ5 The TFP was asked to consider the treatments among and an AJC Ͼ0 or an MD global Ն5 and an AJC Ͻ4 was patients with an MD global of Ͻ5orՆ5 on a 10-point inappropriate (level D), with the exception of patients numerical rating scale and by AJC (0 joints, 1–4 joints, who had tried both an IL-1 inhibitor and tocilizumab or Ͼ4 joints). The TFP voting panel was informed that (sequentially) or a DMARD plus either an IL-1 inhibitor these patients could be assumed to be receiving concur- or tocilizumab, in which case it was uncertain. Use of rent systemic GC therapy and that they should rate the abatacept for patients with an MD global Ն5 and an appropriateness of initiating the medication under con- AJC Ͼ4 was inappropriate (level D), with the exception sideration either with or without concurrent initiation or of patients who had tried both an IL-1 inhibitor and increase of GC therapy (whichever approach was con- tocilizumab (sequentially), in which case it was appro- sidered more appropriate by the voter). The recommen- priate (level D), or patients who had tried a DMARD dations in this section are for patients with active plus either an IL-1 inhibitor or tocilizumab, in which systemic features. If the systemic features (but not the case it was uncertain. arthritis) respond to therapy, then subsequent treatment Anakinra was recommended for patients with decisions should be based upon recommendations in the continued disease activity after treatment with GC next section, “Systemic JIA without active systemic monotherapy (level A) (17,18,22–30) or NSAID mono- features and with varying degrees of active synovitis.” therapy (level C) (17,18,22,28). Initial therapeutic options (listed alphabetically). Use of a calcineurin inhibitor was recommended Anakinra was recommended as one initial therapeutic only for patients with an MD global Ն5 and an AJC of option for patients with an MD global Ն5 irrespective of 0 after a trial of both an IL-1 inhibitor and tocilizumab the AJC, or an MD global Ͻ5 and an AJC Ͼ0 (level C) (sequentially) (level C) (31–36). Use of a calcineurin (17–19). inhibitor for patients with an MD global Ͻ5 and an Systemic GC monotherapy (administered by oral AJC of 0 was inappropriate (level D), with the exception or intravenous route) was recommended for a maximum of patients who received either an IL-1 inhibitor or period of 2 weeks as a therapeutic option for patients tocilizumab, in which case it was uncertain. Use of a with an MD global Ͻ5 and an AJC Ͼ4 and for all calcineurin inhibitor for patients with an MD global Ն5 patients with an MD global Ն5 irrespective of the AJC and an AJC of 0 was inappropriate (level D), with the (level C) (20,21). Continuing GCs as monotherapy for exception of patients who had tried both an IL-1 inhib- Ն1 month for patients with continued disease activity itor and tocilizumab (sequentially), in which case it was was inappropriate (level D). The minimum duration of appropriate (level C) (31–36), or patients who had tried GC monotherapy and specific tapering regimens for an IL-1 inhibitor or tocilizumab, in which case it was GCs were not specifically addressed by the TFP. uncertain. Use of a calcineurin inhibitor for patients Initiating NSAID monotherapy in a patient with- with an AJC Ͼ0 irrespective of the MD global was out prior treatment was recommended as one approach inappropriate (level D), with the exception of patients 2506 RINGOLD AND WEISS ET AL

Figure 2. Treatment pathways for patients without active systemic features and with varying degrees of synovitis. The Task Force Panel was asked to rate the appropriateness of therapies based on the total number of active joints (Յ4orϾ4). Children may qualify for Ͼ1 pathway, in which case it is left to the provider’s discretion to choose the path they feel is most appropriate based upon specific patient characteristics and/or patient and family preferences. Steps in the progression of therapy can be additive or sequential, except that therapies with a biologic agent are sequential (combination therapy with a biologic agent is not endorsed). AJC ϭ active joint count; MTX ϭ methotrexate; NSAID ϭ nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; IV ϭ intravenous; TNF␣ ϭ tumor necrosis factor ␣.

who had tried both an IL-1 inhibitor and tocilizumab AJC, despite prior NSAID monotherapy (level C) (sequentially) or an alternate DMARD plus either an (14,37). IL-1 inhibitor or tocilizumab, in which case it was GC monotherapy was recommended as an option uncertain. following failed treatment with NSAID monotherapy for Canakinumab was recommended for patients patients with an MD global Ͻ5 and an AJC Ͼ0 and for with continued disease activity after treatment with GC patients with an MD global Ն5 irrespective of the AJC monotherapy (level A) (14,37), methotrexate (MTX) or (level C) (20,21). Adjunct GC therapy at any point was leflunomide (level A) (14,37), anakinra (level B) (14,37), appropriate to consider (level D). or tocilizumab (level C) (14,37) irrespective of the MD Intraarticular GC injection was recommended as global and AJC. Canakinumab was also recommended adjunct therapy at any time (level C) (38,39). for patients with an MD global Ն5 irrespective of the MTX or leflunomide was recommended for pa- ACR 2013 UPDATED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MEDICAL TREATMENT OF JIA 2507

tients with an MD global Ͻ5 and an AJC Ͼ0 after tocilizumab (sequentially), in which case it was uncer- treatment with GC monotherapy (level C) (40), an IL-1 tain. Use of rituximab for patients with an MD global Ͻ5 inhibitor (level D), or tocilizumab (level D). MTX or and an AJC Ͼ4 or an MD global Ն5 and an AJC Ͼ0 was leflunomide was recommended for patients with an MD inappropriate (level D), with the exception of patients global Ն5 and an AJC Ͼ0, only after a trial of an IL-1 who had tried both an IL-1 inhibitor and tocilizumab inhibitor or tocilizumab (level C) (40). Initiation of (sequentially) or a DMARD plus either an IL-1 inhibitor MTX or leflunomide was inappropriate for patients with or tocilizumab, in which case it was uncertain. an AJC of 0 irrespective of the MD global (level D). Systemic JIA without active systemic features Initiation of a TNF␣ inhibitor was recommended and with varying degrees of active synovitis. The treat- for patients with an AJC Ͼ4 irrespective of the MD ment recommendations for this group of patients are global after a trial of an IL-1 inhibitor or tocilizumab shown in Figure 2. The TFP was asked to rate the ␣ (level C) (41,42). Initiation of a TNF inhibitor was appropriateness of therapies based on the total number Ͼ recommended for patients with an AJC 0 irrespective of active joints (Յ4 joints or Ͼ4 joints). Each of the of the MD global after a trial of both an IL-1 inhibitor recommendations below is irrespective of the MD and tocilizumab (sequentially) (level C) (41,42). Use of global. ␣ Ͻ a TNF inhibitor for patients with an MD global 5 and Initial therapeutic options (listed alphabetically). an AJC of 0 was inappropriate (level D), with the Intraarticular GC injection was recommended as an exception of patients who had tried both an IL-1 inhib- initial treatment option for patients with an AJC Յ4 itor and tocilizumab (sequentially) or a DMARD plus (level C) (38,39). Intraarticular GC injection as the only either an IL-1 inhibitor or tocilizumab, in which case it therapeutic intervention was uncertain for patients with was uncertain. Use of a TNF␣ inhibitor for patients with an AJC Ͼ4. The utility of repeating intraarticular injec- an MD global Ն5 and an AJC of 0 was inappropriate tion as the only intervention was uncertain in a joint or (level D), with the exception of patients who had tried an joints currently affected. IL-1 inhibitor or tocilizumab, in which case it was Initiation of MTX or leflunomide was rec- uncertain. ommended for patients with an AJC Ͼ4 (level C) Tocilizumab was recommended as a therapeutic (40,50–53). option for patients with continued disease activity fol- Initiation of NSAID monotherapy in a patient lowing GC monotherapy (level A) (15,43–49), MTX or without prior treatment for a maximum period of 1 leflunomide (level B) (15,43–49), or anakinra (level B) month was recommended as one treatment approach for (15) irrespective of the MD global and AJC. Tocili- Ͼ zumab was also recommended for patients with an MD patients with an AJC 0 (level D). Continuing NSAID global Ն5 irrespective of the AJC despite prior NSAID monotherapy for longer than 2 months for patients with monotherapy (level C) (15,43–49). continued disease activity was inappropriate (level D). Uncertain or inappropriate options for continued The minimum duration of a trial of NSAIDs was not disease activity (listed alphabetically). Use of IVIG was specifically addressed by the TFP. inappropriate irrespective of the AJC and MD global Therapeutic options for continued disease activity (level D). (listed alphabetically). Use of abatacept was recom- Ͼ Use of nonbiologic DMARD combination ther- mended for patients with an AJC 0 after treatment apy (MTX plus leflunomide and/or a calcineurin inhib- with MTX or leflunomide (level B) (54–57), anakinra itor) was uncertain irrespective of the AJC and MD (level D), or tocilizumab (level D). global. Anakinra was recommended as a therapeutic Use of rilonacept was inappropriate as initial option for patients with an AJC Ͼ4 following failed therapy irrespective of the MD global and AJC (level intraarticular injection or NSAID monotherapy (level B) D). Use of rilonacept was uncertain for continued (29,58). Use of anakinra was also recommended for disease activity after a trial of other therapeutic options patients with an AJC Ͼ0 following treatment with MTX irrespective of the AJC and MD global. or leflunomide (level B) (22,29,30,58). Use of rituximab was inappropriate for patients Initiation of canakinumab was recommended for with an AJC of 0 irrespective of the MD global. Use of patients with an AJC Ͼ4 only after a trial of a DMARD rituximab for patients with an MD global Ͻ5 and an plus anakinra or tocilizumab (level B) (14,37), a AJC Ͻ4 was inappropriate (level D), with the exception DMARD plus a TNF␣ inhibitor (level B) (14,37), or of patients who had tried both an IL-1 inhibitor and abatacept (level C) (14,37). 2508 RINGOLD AND WEISS ET AL

Use of MTX or leflunomide was recommended concerning for MAS was inappropriate (level D). Spe- as an option for an AJC Ͼ0 following treatment with cific tapering strategies for GCs were not specifically intraarticular injection (level C) (51,52), NSAID mono- addressed by the TFP. therapy (level C) (51,52), an IL-1 inhibitor (level D), or Uncertain or inappropriate options for continued tocilizumab (level D). disease (listed alphabetically). Initiation of abatacept was Initiation of a TNF␣ inhibitor was recommended inappropriate (level D). for patients with an AJC Ͼ0 after treatment with MTX Use of canakinumab was uncertain, with the or leflunomide (level C) (59–61), anakinra (level D), or exception of patients with an MD global Ͻ5 who had tocilizumab (level D). received no prior therapy, GC monotherapy, or cal- Initiation of tocilizumab was recommended for cineurin monotherapy, in which case it was inappropri- an AJC Ͼ0 following treatment with anakinra (level B) ate (level D). (15) or MTX or leflunomide (level B) (15). Use of IVIG was inappropriate (level D), with Uncertain or inappropriate options for continued the exception of patients who had tried a calcineurin disease activity (listed alphabetically). Initiation of nonbio- inhibitor in combination with anakinra, in which case it logic DMARD combinations (MTX plus leflunomide was uncertain. and/or a calcineurin inhibitor) was uncertain irrespective Use of MTX or leflunomide was inappropriate of the AJC. (level D). Initiation of rilonacept was uncertain irrespective Use of rilonacept was uncertain. of the AJC. Use of rituximab was inappropriate (level D). Use of rituximab for patients with an AJC Յ4 was Use of a TNF␣ inhibitor was inappropriate irre- inappropriate (level D), with the exception of patients spective of the MD global (level D), with the exception who had tried both an IL-1 inhibitor and tocilizumab of patients who had tried a calcineurin inhibitor in (sequentially) or a DMARD in combination with an combination with anakinra, in which case it was uncer- IL-1 inhibitor or tocilizumab, in which case it was tain. uncertain. Use of rituximab for patients with an AJC Ͼ4 Use of tocilizumab was uncertain. was inappropriate (level D), with the exception of pa- Repeat testing for latent TB for children with all tients who had tried both an IL-1 inhibitor and tocili- categories of JIA. Annual screening of children at low zumab (sequentially) or a DMARD in combination with risk of TB with an initial negative TB test was inappro- an IL-1 inhibitor, tocilizumab, a TNF␣ inhibitor, or priate (level D). It was recommended that patients with abatacept, in which case it was uncertain. an initial negative TB test prior to starting a biologic Systemic JIA with features concerning for MAS. agent have TB screening repeated at any point if their The recommendations for treatment of patients with risk of TB changed to moderate or high, as determined systemic JIA and features concerning for MAS are by regional infectious disease guidelines (level D). described below. These treatment options are not meant to be mutually exclusive and there may be certain clinical DISCUSSION situations for which the simultaneous initiation of more than one of these medications is appropriate. Combina- These recommendations for the treatment of tion therapy with anakinra, a calcineurin inhibitor, and systemic JIA and secondary TB screening are the culmi- systemic GCs was not specifically addressed. nation of a systematic review and formal evaluation of Initial therapeutic options (listed alphabetically). 1,226 scenarios using the RAND/UCLA methodology Use of anakinra was recommended as one therapeutic by an international panel of experts in the field of JIA option for patients with features concerning for MAS and pediatric rheumatology, with input from an expert (level C) (18,19,28,62–64). in evidence-based medicine and from the parent of a Use of a calcineurin inhibitor was recommended child with systemic JIA. This current work represents an as one therapeutic option for patients with features update of the 2011 ACR JIA treatment recommenda- concerning for MAS (level C) (65–69). tions that included recommendations for systemic JIA Use of systemic GC monotherapy (administered with systemic features, but due to limitations of data at by oral or intravenous route) was also recommended as the time, did not provide recommendations for spe- a therapeutic option for patients with features concern- cific phenotypes of systemic JIA. Since the publication ing for MAS (level C) (70,71). Continuing GC mono- of these initial recommendations, data from random- therapy for Ն2 weeks in patients with continued features ized trials of new IL-1 inhibitors and IL-6 inhibitors in ACR 2013 UPDATED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MEDICAL TREATMENT OF JIA 2509

children with systemic JIA have been published, sup- treatment choices as well. Lastly, although the treatment porting the need for updated recommendations includ- pathways generated by these recommendations have ing these medications (14,15). been simplified as much as possible to facilitate their use These recommendations should be interpreted in in the clinical setting, they remain relatively complex. the context of several limitations. First, systemic JIA is a This complexity reflects the level of discussion and complex disease with heterogeneous manifestations. decision making by the TFP and it is anticipated that in The phenotypes and scenarios used in the development the future, with more data available, these pathways may of these recommendations do not represent all possible be simplified. patient presentations. The specific influence of disease Development of treatment recommendations features such as hip arthritis, rash, and fever was not for children with systemic JIA and features of MAS is evaluated; the assumption of the CEP was that fever and particularly challenging. First, there are no diagnostic other relevant systemic features would be reflected in criteria for MAS complicating systemic JIA, although the MD global. The lack of a standardized disease preliminary criteria were proposed in 2005 and there is activity score also limited the development of clinical an international effort underway to develop these crite- scenarios, and the categorization of disease severity by ria based on expert opinion and analysis of existing the AJC and MD global may also limit the scenarios’ patient data (73,74). Second, the etiology of MAS com- representation of the variety of possible patient presen- plicating systemic JIA is likely heterogeneous. As such, tations. The decision thresholds of AJC (Յ4orϾ4) and a specified stepwise treatment algorithm will not work MD global (Ͻ5 and Ն5) were chosen by CEP consensus. for all patients with this disease. As more is learned Their validity may be scrutinized in the future by exam- about the various etiologies and pathophysiology of ining their relationship with therapeutic decisions in MAS in this population of patients, we will hopefully be standard clinical practice and with criteria for enrolling able to use more targeted and efficacious therapies. patients in randomized clinical trials. The recommendation to use anakinra, calcineurin in- Several recommendations were assigned level of hibitors, and GCs is certainly an important first step. evidence A because there was at least one well-designed However, it is anticipated that in the near future, with randomized clinical trial to help inform the recommen- more data regarding treatments and a better under- dation. For example, the level A evidence available to standing of the disease process, these recommendations support the use of anakinra after treatment with GC may be modified. monotherapy for children with active systemic features is It should be noted that these recommendations the ANAJIS trial, which is a randomized trial, but it is a do not address the initial screening for TB prior to pre- single trial that enrolled only 24 patients, making it scribing immunosuppressive medication, the necessity necessary to interpret efficacy and safety data with some of which has been clearly established elsewhere (75). caution. The conclusions of ANAJIS are borne out from These guidelines also do not assess the method of multiple case series that reached the same conclusion. screening, since this is addressed by the American Furthermore, because many of these recommendations Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Red Book and by the are derived from expert opinion (level of evidence D) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (75,76). rather than higher levels of evidence, these recommen- Currently, interferon-␥–release testing is not indicated dations may require revision as new data are generated for children ages Ͻ5 years. The AAP Red Book does not regarding treatment efficacy, effectiveness, and safety, recommend repeat routine testing for children who and as understanding of the underlying disease patho- remain at low risk while receiving immunosuppressive genesis expands. medication, consistent with the conclusion of the TFP Specifying GC dosing, route of administration, for this project. If the patient history or local epidemi- and tapering guidelines is an important endeavor, but ologic factors suggest a possible exposure, immediate was beyond the scope of this project and not amenable and periodic skin testing or interferon-␥–release testing to the RAND/UCLA methodology. However, a recent is recommended by the AAP. study used consensus methodology to develop an algo- These recommendations are distinct from the rithm for standardized GC management in systemic JIA recently published Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatol- (72). Optimal combinations of DMARD therapies with ogy Research Alliance (CARRA) systemic JIA consen- or without therapies with a biologic agent for the sus treatment plans (CTPs) (77). The CARRA treat- scenarios above are not well understood, and it is ment plans reflect the existing diverse treatment anticipated that new data may help to clarify these practices across North America, are based on nominal 2510 RINGOLD AND WEISS ET AL

group consensus techniques, and were developed for the F. Systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a retrospective study purpose of conducting observational comparative effec- of 80 consecutive patients followed for 10 years. J Rheumatol 2000;27:491–6. tiveness research. In contrast to these guidelines, the 5. Spiegel LR, Schneider R, Lang BA, Birdi N, Silverman ED, Laxer CTPs do not address specific disease phenotypes, and RM, et al. Early predictors of poor functional outcome in systemic- are more restricted in the medications assessed. It is onset juvenile : a multicenter cohort study. Arthritis Rheum 2000;43:2402–9. anticipated that data from comparative effectiveness 6. Mellins ED, Macaubas C, Grom AA. Pathogenesis of systemic research based upon the CARRA CTPs will likely be juvenile idiopathic arthritis: some answers, more questions. Nat very informative in future guidelines projects. Rev Rheumatol 2011;7:416–26. 7. Martini A. Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. 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PRESS: peer Mannion, Theresa Muskardin, Dax Rumsey, Yonit Sterba, review of electronic search strategies. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Alysha Taxter, and Patricia Vega-Fernandez. Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2008. 14. Ruperto N, Brunner HI, Quartier P, Constantin T, Wulffraat N, Horneff G, et al. Two randomized trials of canakinumab in AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. N Engl J Med 2012;367: 2396–406. All authors were involved in drafting the article or revising it 15. De Benedetti F, Brunner HI, Ruperto N, Kenwright A, Wright S, critically for important intellectual content, and all authors approved Calvo I, et al. Randomized trial of tocilizumab in systemic juvenile the final version to be published. Drs. Ringold and Weiss had full idiopathic arthritis. N Engl J Med 2012;367:2385–95. access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the 16. CEBM, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. 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