Naval Training Center)
STATE Of CAliFORNIA·· THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION GO AREA TROPOUTAN DRIVE. SUITE 103 • EGO. CA 92108-4402 {619) 767-2370 RECORS ?ACKET COPY May 30,2001 Tues 6c TO: COMMISSIONERS AND INTERESTED PERSONS FROM: DEBORAH LEE, SOUTH COAST DEPUTY DIRECTOR SHERILYN SARB, DISTRICT MANAGER, SAN DIEGO AREA OFFICE DIANA LILLY, COASTAL PROGRAM ANALYST, SAN DIEGO AREA OFFICE SUBJECT: STAFF RECOMMENDATION ON CITY OF SAN DIEGO MAJOR LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT #6-2000(A) (NAVAL TRAINING CENTER) SYNOPSIS SUMMARY OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending denial, as submitted and subsequent approval if modified, of the proposed Naval Training Center Land Use Plan and Implementation Plan . The majority of the development planned at NTC appears to be generally consistent with •• the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act. However, as proposed, the LCP lacks explicit policies that ensure that future development on the site, in whatever form is eventually approved, will conform with the resource protection, public access, visual protection, public recreation and visitor-serving policies of the Coastal Act. Therefore, staff is recommending substantial revisions to the plan to add detailed, specific policy language and goals regarding the protection of natural resources, visual resources, and public access and recreation. Suggested modifications address the provision and protection of view corridors, impose limitations on the height of new development in the office/research and development portion of the planning area, require the provision of adequate parking areas, a parking management plan, and transit provisions, increase plan provisions regarding pedestrian orientation and public access to the boat channel, limit uses in biological sensitive areas, and require the provision of additional public.
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