IMPACT FACTOR 4.329 an Open Access Journal by MDPI Polymers in Geosynthetics Guest Editors: Message from the Guest Editors Prof. Dr. Eugeniusz Koda Geosynthetics is a name representing a broad range of Institute of Civil Engineering, planar products, which are manufactured mainly from Warsaw University of Life polymeric materials and used in contact with rock, soil, Sciences - SGGW, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland and/or any other civil engineering-related material as an
[email protected] integral part of a human-made system or structure. Geosynthetics polymer composition and structure can Dr. Anna Markiewicz have an effect on their properties and functions. It is Institute of Civil Engineering, important to know the polymer compound present in the Warsaw University of Life geosynthetic being used. This Special Issue is devoted to Sciences - SGGW, Nowoursynowska 159 St., 02-776 the most recent research on these topics, covering all Warsaw, Poland aspects concerning the composition, structure, and
[email protected] application of geosynthetics. Dr. Jacek Kawalec With a focus on polymers in geosynthetics, potential topics Faculty of Civil Engineering, include but are not limited to the following: Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland Polymers used for manufacturing geosynthetics;
[email protected] Properties of polymers in geosynthetics; Polymer identification; Fillers, additives to polymers, and their properties; Deadline for manuscript Geosynthetic contribution in creation of submissions: microplastics; closed (30 September 2021) Formulation of geosynthetics; Manufacturing processes for geosynthetics; Structure of geosynthetics; Properties of synthetic geosynthetics; Functions of synthetic geosynthetics; Applications of synthetic geosynthetics. SpeciaIslsue IMPACT FACTOR 4.329 an Open Access Journal by MDPI Editor-in-Chief Message from the Editor-in-Chief Prof.