Michigan Arts Education Instructional and Assessment Program Michigan Assessment Consortium

DANCE Assessment

Performance Event D.E419 Comparing Two Styles Through Locomotor Movement

High School Level 3

Teacher Booklet Teacher Directions Student Directions Assessment Questions Teacher Scoring Rubric Reflection Worksheet

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USING THE MAEIA ASSESSMENTS TO DEMONSTRATE EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS THE “NEW OLD-FASHIONED WAY” (METHOD 3) This assessment can be used to demonstrate arts educator effectiveness by organizing and presenting standards-based student performance data along with information about the steps the teacher used to instruct, support, and encourage students.

1 Michigan Student Learning Standards Assessed D.M.S.P.1–Perform as soloists and as part of an ensemble with accuracy in movement vocabulary, Performance Standard(s) interpretation, style, , and phrasing with projection and expression, as well as attention to space, time, and energy. ART.D.I.HS.2–Identify and demonstrate longer and Content Standard more complex steps and patterns from two different styles/traditions. P.2–Apply the techniques, elements, principles, intellectual methods, concepts, and functions of the visual, performing, or applied arts discipline to VPAA Guidelines communicate ideas, emotions, and experiences; address opportunities to improve daily life; and solve problems with insight, reason, and competence. Intended Students Third-year (Level 3) dance students Alignment to National Core Arts Standards Anchor Standard DA:Re9–Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

OVERVIEW AND OUTLINE OF THE PERFORMANCE EVENT Students will perform combination locomotor movement phrases center floor that maintain space, time, and energy on both the right and left sides. They will learn and perform a 24-count locomotor phrase in one dance form on the right. Students will then reverse the phrase to the other side (the left) and perform it. The process will be repeated using a second, contrasting dance form. After watching his/her videotaped performances, each student will evaluate his/her own performance using the Teacher Scoring Rubric and write his/her reflections on them.

Sample movement phrases for teacher use are listed on pages 9–10 of the Teacher Booklet.

SUGGESTED TOTAL TIME This assessment has four parts to it. The assessment should take three to four 50- minute class periods to complete, depending on class size. Students should be recorded the same day that each combination is taught. o Part 1–Assessment Questions o Part 2–First Movement Phrase o Part 3–Second Movement Phrase o Part 4–Self-Assessment and Reflection

LIST OF MATERIALS REQUIRED The materials required for this assessment are:

2 o Student Booklets o Pens or pencils o Adequate dance rehearsal and performance space o Two instrumental music selections appropriate to two different styles of dance (e.g., piano selection for , jazz selection for jazz, percussion selection for modern) o Music playback equipment o Video recording device and playback equipment (e.g., projector and screen, Smart Board)

ASSESSMENT SETUP For this particular assessment, students need a sufficient amount of space for learning and rehearsing stationary and/or locomotor movement. The space must also have the appropriate accommodations for recording and viewing dance with sound accompaniment.

For recording purposes, it would be helpful for the background to be solid in color and free of distractions. Dancers should be wearing solid-colored dance attire in contrast to the background color. The studio space must have enough depth to allow for the recording of small groups of dancers while keeping all dancers in the frame of the video for the duration of the movement phrase.

Dancers may be filmed in groups of up to four as filming and performing space permits. It may be necessary to film dancers in groups of two or three if space is limited. For groups of four, dancers should be spaced in two staggered lines so all dancers are visible on film the entire time. Groups of three should be in a V formation, and groups of two should be staggered, as well.

DETAILED SCRIPT WITH TEACHER AND STUDENT DIRECTIONS Directions for teachers are in regular text. Directions to be read to students are in bold.

Students need a Student Booklet and access to the materials listed above.

When ready to begin, say:

You each should have a Student Booklet. Begin by filling in the information requested on the front cover.

Pause while students complete the requested information. Then say:

Now turn to page 2 in your Booklet and follow along as I read the directions aloud.

Pause while students turn to page 2. Then say:

This assessment has four parts to it: o Part 1–Assessment Questions o Part 2–First Movement Phrase 3 o Part 3–Second Movement Phrase o Part 4–Self-Assessment and Reflection

The directions for each part are given in the Student Booklet.

PART 1–ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS This assessment begins with three assessment questions. Turn to page 10 in your Booklet. First, write your name in the space provided on page 10. Then read and respond to the three questions.

When you are finished, tear off page 10 and give it to your teacher.

Pause while students answer the assessment questions. When ready to move on, say:

PART 2–FIRST MOVEMENT PHRASE (Note: If substituting different combinations of dance forms from those given in this assessment, make the appropriate substitutions in the script to reflect the dance forms to be used.)

You will be completing an assessment performing two different movement phrases across the floor. You will perform movement phrases from two different styles of dance: jazz and ballet. Specifically, you will be assessed on your appropriate use of time, space, and energy for each of the specific dance forms and your understanding of how the use of these elements changes depending on the dance form being performed.

The Teacher Scoring Rubric that will be used to evaluate your performance is shown on pages 4–5 of your Student Booklet. Review Level 4, the highest level of performance.

Read Level 4 of the rubric to the students. Then say:

Please set your Booklet aside for later use and move to the left side of the dance space. The first movement phrase you will learn and perform is a jazz combination. Your teacher will demonstrate it for you.

Demonstrate the combination on the first side with counts. Then say to the students:

Take 4 minutes to reverse the movement phrase and practice it on your own on both the right and left sides. Your teacher will lead a review of the reversal.

Lead a review of the reversal and allow students to practice for four minutes. Then say:

Your teacher will now separate you into groups. You will rehearse the combination in your groups to the right and left twice before your performance is recorded for evaluation. As your teacher breaks you into your groups, please line up on the left side of the space.

4 Organize groups of students. Play the music accompaniment for first combination as students rehearse in groups on the right and left twice. After they have time to rehearse, say:

Your teacher will video record your performance of the combination for evaluation purposes. Please remain standing in order with your group and wait silently until you are instructed to begin your performance.

Video record each group performing the combination on the right and left. This probably concludes the first day of this assessment, although in large classes another day may be necessary for students to be recorded.

PART 3–SECOND MOVEMENT PHRASE This will likely start a new class period, and students will need their Student Booklets. The performance space and the equipment will be needed for this part as well. When ready, say:

We are continuing with the third portion of this assessment. Please move to the left side of the dance space again. The second movement phrase you will learn and perform is a ballet combination. Your teacher will demonstrate the second phrase for you.

Demonstrate the second combination on the first side with counts. Then say:

Take 4 minutes to reverse the movement phrase and practice it on your own on both the right and left sides. Your teacher will lead a review of the reversal.

You will rehearse the second phrase in your groups to the right and left twice before your performance is recorded for evaluation. As your teacher breaks you into your groups, please line up in the appropriate space on the left side of the space.

Organize student groups. Play music accompaniment for second movement phrase as students rehearse in groups on the right and left twice. Then say:

Your teacher will now record your performance of the second movement phrase for evaluation purposes. Please remain standing in order with your group and wait silently until you are instructed to begin your performance.

Record each group performing on the right and left.

PART 4–SELF-ASSESSMENT AND REFLECTION During Part 4, you will watch the videotapes of your performances. Please sit where you can clearly see the video monitor. Refrain from commenting on your performance or those of others.

Turn to the Teacher Scoring Rubric on pages 4–5 in your Booklet. As you watch your performances, circle the corresponding boxes on the rubric that best

5 describe your performances. After you have completed the rubric, respond to the Reflection Worksheet on pages 5–8 in your Booklet.

Play back video footage, pausing for rubric completion at the end of each group’s performance. Allow students adequate time to complete reflective responses. The score each student receives on the assessment is based on the Teacher Scoring Rubric. Student response sheets may be graded as an assignment or simply used as feedback to help inform future instruction. Then say:

When you have finished writing, please make sure that your name is on the Booklet. Turn it in as you leave class.

TEACHER SCORING RUBRIC Dimension 1 2 3 4 Accuracy of Most dance steps Few dance steps Most aspects of Dance steps are Technical are not performed are performed the dance steps performed Skill and correctly and correctly and are performed correctly and Concept safely. safely. Some of the correctly and safely. The Understanding of appropriate safely. Most of the appropriate the appropriate concepts, appropriate concepts, initiation, concepts, initiation, concepts, completion, and initiation, completion, and initiation, movement completion, and movement completion, and awareness and movement awareness and movement understanding are awareness and understanding are awareness and present. understanding are present. Most understanding are Transitions not evident. transitions present. Most between steps are Transitions between steps are transitions effective. between steps are effective. between steps are not effective. effective.

Musicality: The dance element The dance element The use of the The dance element Rhythm, of time is not used of time is used dance element of of time is used Syncopation, effectively. inconsistently. time is mostly effectively. Phrasing Movement is Movement is effective. Movement is rarely performed performed Movement is performed demonstrating an demonstrating an mostly performed demonstrating an ability to feel and inconsistent demonstrating an ability to feel and present the ability to feel and ability to feel and present the rhythm rhythm and present the present the and musicality of musicality of the rhythm and rhythm and the dance dance musicality of the musicality of the combination. combination. dance dance combination. combination.

6 Effective Use There is little Awareness of Awareness of Awareness of space of Space: awareness of how space is space is developed is developed Directions, the body and underdeveloped through body and through body and Line, Spatial limbs can use the through body and limbs most of the limbs. Level and Clarity in space around limbs. Some level time. Level and direction changes Motion them. Body shape and direction direction changes are clear and and air pathways changes are clear are usually clear appropriate to of arms and legs and appropriate to and appropriate to dance form. Spatial are not clear. Level dance form. dance form. awareness of self and direction Spatial awareness Spatial awareness and others is changes are not of self and others of self and others evident in clear and is inconsistent. is usually evident performance. appropriate to in performance. dance form. Spatial awareness of self and others is inconsistent.

Dynamics of The dance element The dance element The dance element The dance element Movement: of energy is rarely of energy is used of energy is used of energy is used Quality and used effectively effectively effectively effectively Attack throughout the throughout some throughout most throughout the combination. of the of the combination. Rarely combination. combination. Demonstrates demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates quality of quality of quality of quality of movement movement movement movement understanding and understanding and understanding and understanding and shows effective use does not show shows effective shows effective of texture, attack, effective use of use of texture, use of texture, flow, weight, and texture, attack, attack, flow, attack, flow, effort appropriate flow, weight, and weight, and effort weight, and effort to dance form. effort appropriate appropriate to appropriate to to dance form. dance form some dance form most of the time. of the time.

[This is on pages 5–8 of the Student Booklet. Response space is condensed in the Teacher Booklet.] REFLECTION WORKSHEET 1. The first movement phrase you performed was in the style of jazz. Describe how time, space, and energy are generally used in this dance form. 2. The second movement phrase you performed was in the style of ballet. Describe how time, space, and energy are generally used in this dance form. 3. In what ways was the contrast between these two dance forms made evident in your performances? 4. Based on your recorded performances, describe two things you did well. 5. Based on your recorded performances, explain how you could improve in two areas.

7 [This is on page 10 of the Student Booklet.] ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS

Name ______

1. In ballet, a pirouette is a type of

A. kick.

B. jump.

C. leap.

D. turn.

[Key: D]

2. In ballet, glissade means

A. assembled or joined together.

B. change of feet.

C. chased.

D. glide.

[Key: D]

3. Which of the following best describes the way energy is typically used in ballet?

A. Bound and jerky

B. Heavy and grounded

C. Light and lifted

D. Weak and sluggish

[Key: C]

When you have marked your answers, give page 10 to your teacher.

8 SAMPLE MOVEMENT PHRASES FOR TEACHER’S USE Sample jazz and ballet combinations are shown below. Or, the teacher may use two teacher-created, 24-count movement phrases requiring across the floor (from side or corner) movement.

The movement phrases should use movement vocabulary from the specific styles of forms studied in the local curriculum (Horton, Graham, Limon, Giordano, Fosse, Cecchetti, Vaganova, for example). The combination to be used should not have been previously introduced (although individual steps should be a part of student’s prior knowledge).

As a Level 3 assessment, the movement phrases should include at least four different locomotor steps (e.g., gallop/chassé, leap/grand jeté, hop/sauté arabesque, run or walk/pas de bourrée) and changes in direction or facings.

Counts Movement

Sample Jazz Combination, Music: “In the Mood” by Glenn Miller

1 & 2 Chassé leading with Right from stage left

3 Step left

4 Right retiré facing downstage

5 Step to side with right isolating hip to side

6,7,8 Pas de bourrée en tournant ending facing stage right with left foot in front to prepare for outside pirouette 1-2 Outside pirouette

3 Step on right

4 Step on left crossing over right facing front

5 Tuck jump

6 Land on left

7-8 Lunge out with right, pressing hands down

1-2 Inside coupé turn in plié on left, end facing stage right

3 & 4 Chassé on right

5 Step left

6 leap (grande jeté or saut de chat)

7 Step left

8 Touch right Repeat combination until dancers run out of space.

9 Sample Ballet Combination, Music “Maple Leaf Rag” as played by Lisa Harris

1&2 Begin stage left, right foot prepared. Chassé leading with right

3 Step across with left in plié

4 Sauté with right foot in retire

5 Tombé on right

6-7-8 Pas de bourrée en tournant left right plié fifth left in front

1 Tendu right a la seconde

2 Plié fourth position right foot behind

3 Pirouette en dehors

4 Finish plié fifth right foot in back

5,6 2 glissades to the right

7 Assemblé right lands in front

8 Failli left ends in front to prepare for turn

1-2 Double Pirouette en dedans

3-4 Chassé leading with right

5 Step left

6 Grand jeté

7 Step on left into temps lié

8 Finish pose croisé derrière

1-4 Hold pose

5-8 Ballet run to exit dance space

10 MAEIA CLASSROOM SCORE SUMMARY The MAEIA Classroom Score Summary is to be used to record each student’s score on each dimension of the Teacher Scoring Rubric. The teacher should be familiar with the rubric so that the chart can be filled out accordingly.

D.E419 Teacher ______Class ______