DETAILS NEXT WEDNESDAY Join the hunt! Suwannee FFA hosts national FFA officer, 11A Suwannee Democrat 129th YEAR, NO. 41 | 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES Wednesday Edition — February 26, 2014 50 CENTS Serving Suwannee County since 1884, including Live Oak, Wellborn, Dowling Park, Branford, McAlpin and O’Brien County to offer non-emergency medical transport “We’re not See page 6A for a inter-facility transfers for the gency transporting in the trying to citizens of our county eighties before it was phased citizen’s response. again,” Sommers said. reinvent The county did non-emer- SEE COUNTY, PAGE 14A the wheel. By Bryant Thigpen Other
[email protected] counties all over the The Suwannee County Board of County Commis- state of sioners gave the nod to Pub- Florida use lic Safety Director James inter-facility Sommers to begin non- transfers as emergency transport ser- vices within the county. The a way to service is now available for fund their county residents by way of budgetary county resources. means.” “Suwannee County Fire An ambulance that was used as a backup will now be used as a - Public Safety Director Rescue is happy to announce James Sommers that we will start providing non-emergency medical transport service. BBQ Mafia wins top honors at Tampa contest Katherine Allen, Suwannee County Extension Office di- rector, speaks at the chamber luncheon Thursday about getting involved in the community and moving economic development efforts forward. - Photo: Bryant Thigpen Economic development Live Oak's own Wooley Bully BBQ Mafia won the 2014 Local Grand Champion in Tampa Saturday at The Sam's Club Na- tional BBQ Tour.