Cyrano de Bergerac by

Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand

This etext was prepared by Sue Asscher


A Play in Five Acts


Edmond Rostand

Translated from the French by Gladys Thomas and Mary F. Guillemard

The Characters





page 1 / 226 LE BRET




























page 2 / 226 TWO MUSICIANS













The crowd, troopers, burghers (male and female), marquises, musketeers, pickpockets, pastry-cooks, poets, Gascons cadets, actors (male and female), violinists, pages, children, soldiers, Spaniards, spectators (male and female), precieuses, nuns, etc.

Act I.

A Representation at the Hotel de Bourgogne.

The hall of the Hotel de Bourgogne, in 1640. A sort of tennis-court arranged and decorated for a theatrical performance.

page 3 / 226 The hall is oblong and seen obliquely, so that one of its sides forms the back of the right foreground, and meeting the left background makes an angle with the stage, which is partly visible.

On both sides of the stage are benches. The curtain is composed of two tapestries which can be drawn aside. Above a harlequin's mantle are the royal arms. There are broad steps from the stage to the hall; on either side of these steps are the places for the violinists. Footlights.

Two rows, one over the other, of side galleries: the highest divided into boxes. No seats in the pit of the hall, which is the real stage of the theater; at the back of the pit, i.e., on the right foreground, some benches forming steps, and underneath, a staircase which leads to the upper seats. An improvised buffet ornamented with little lusters, vases, glasses, plates of tarts, cakes, bottles, etc.

The entrance to the theater is in the center of the background, under the gallery of the boxes. A large door, half open to let in the spectators. On the panels of this door, in different corners, and over the buffet, red placards bearing the words, 'La Clorise.'

At the rising of the curtain the hall is in semi-darkness, and still empty.

The lusters are lowered in the middle of the pit ready to be lighted.

page 4 / 226 Scene 1.I.

The public, arriving by degrees. Troopers, burghers, lackeys, pages, a pickpocket, the doorkeeper, etc., followed by the marquises. Cuigy,

Brissaille, the buffet-girl, the violinists, etc.

(A confusion of loud voices is heard outside the door. A trooper enters hastily.)

THE DOORKEEPER (following him):

Hollo! You there! Your money!


I enter gratis.




Why? I am of the King's Household Cavalry, 'faith!

THE DOORKEEPER (to another trooper who enters):

And you?

page 5 / 226 SECOND TROOPER:

I pay nothing.


How so?


I am a musketeer.

FIRST TROOPER (to the second):

The play will not begin till two. The pit is empty. Come, a bout with the foils to pass the time.

(They fence with the foils they have brought.)

A LACKEY (entering):

Pst. . .Flanquin. . .!

ANOTHER (already there):

Champagne?. . .

THE FIRST (showing him cards and dice which he takes from his doublet):

See, here be cards and dice.

(He seats himself on the floor):

page 6 / 226 Let's play.

THE SECOND (doing the same):

Good; I am with you, villain!

FIRST LACKEY (taking from his pocket a candle-end, which he lights, and sticks on the floor):

I made free to provide myself with light at my master's expense!

A GUARDSMAN (to a shop-girl who advances):

'Twas prettily done to come before the lights were lit!

(He takes her round the waist.)

ONE OF THE FENCERS (receiving a thrust):

A hit!



THE GUARDSMAN (following the girl):

A kiss!

THE SHOP-GIRL (struggling to free herself):

page 7 / 226 They're looking!

THE GUARDSMAN (drawing her to a dark corner):

No fear! No one can see!

A MAN (sitting on the ground with others, who have brought their provisions):

By coming early, one can eat in comfort.

A BURGHER (conducting his son):

Let us sit here, son.


Triple ace!

A MAN (taking a bottle from under his cloak, and also seating himself on the floor):

A tippler may well quaff his Burgundy

(he drinks): in the Burgundy Hotel!

THE BURGHER (to his son):

'Faith! A man might think he had fallen in a bad house here!

(He points with his cane to the drunkard):

What with topers!

(One of the fencers in breaking off, jostles him):

page 8 / 226 brawlers!

(He stumbles into the midst of the card-players): gamblers!

THE GUARDSMAN (behind him, still teasing the shop-girl):

Come, one kiss!

THE BURGHER (hurriedly pulling his son away):

By all the holies! And this, my boy, is the theater where they played

Rotrou erewhile.


Ay, and Corneille!

A TROOP OF PAGES (hand-in-hand, enter dancing the farandole, and singing):

Tra' a la, la, la, la, la, la, la, lere. . .

THE DOORKEEPER (sternly, to the pages):

You pages there, none of your tricks!. . .

FIRST PAGE (with an air of wounded dignity):

Oh, sir!--such a suspicion!. . .

(Briskly, to the second page, the moment the doorkeeper's back is turned):

Have you string?

page 9 / 226 THE SECOND:

Ay, and a fish-hook with it.


We can angle for wigs, then, up there i' th' gallery.

A PICKPOCKET (gathering about him some evil-looking youths):

Hark ye, young cut-purses, lend an ear, while I give you your first lesson in thieving.

SECOND PAGE (calling up to others in the top galleries):

You there! Have you peashooters?

THIRD PAGE (from above):

Ay, have we, and peas withal!

(He blows, and peppers them with peas.)

THE YOUNG MAN (to his father):

What piece do they give us?



page 10 / 226 THE YOUNG MAN:

Who may the author be?


Master Balthazar Baro. It is a play!. . .

(He goes arm-in-arm with his son.)

THE PICKPOCKET (to his pupils):

Have a care, above all, of the lace knee-ruffles--cut them off!

A SPECTATOR (to another, showing him a corner in the gallery):

I was up there, the first night of the 'Cid.'

THE PICKPOCKET (making with his fingers the gesture of filching):

Thus for watches--

THE BURGHER (coming down again with his son):

Ah! You shall presently see some renowned actors. . .

THE PICKPOCKET (making the gestures of one who pulls something stealthily, with little jerks):

Thus for handkerchiefs--

page 11 / 226 THE BURGHER:

Montfleury. . .

SOME ONE (shouting from the upper gallery):

Light up, below there!


. . .Bellerose, L'Epy, La Beaupre, Jodelet!

A PAGE (in the pit):

Here comes the buffet-girl!

THE BUFFET-GIRL (taking her place behind the buffet):

Oranges, milk, raspberry-water, cedar bitters!

(A hubbub outside the door is heard.)


Make place, brutes!

A LACKEY (astonished):

The Marquises!--in the pit?. . .

page 12 / 226 ANOTHER LACKEY:

Oh! only for a minute or two!

(Enter a band of young marquises.)

A MARQUIS (seeing that the hall is half empty):

What now! So we make our entrance like a pack of woolen-drapers!

Peaceably, without disturbing the folk, or treading on their toes!--Oh, fie!


(Recognizing some other gentlemen who have entered a little before him):

Cuigy! Brissaille!

(Greetings and embraces.)


True to our word!. . .Troth, we are here before the candles are lit.


Ay, indeed! Enough! I am of an ill humor.


Nay, nay, Marquis! see, for your consolation, they are coming to light up!

page 13 / 226 ALL THE AUDIENCE (welcoming the entrance of the lighter):

Ah!. . .

(They form in groups round the lusters as they are lit. Some people have taken their seats in the galleries. Ligniere, a distinguished-looking roue, with disordered shirt-front arm-in-arm with christian de Neuvillette.

Christian, who is dressed elegantly, but rather behind the fashion, seems preoccupied, and keeps looking at the boxes.)

Scene 1.II.

The same. Christian, Ligniere, then Ragueneau and Le Bret.



BRISSAILLE (laughing):

Not drunk as yet?

LIGNIERE (aside to Christian):

I may introduce you?

(Christian nods in assent):

Baron de Neuvillette.

page 14 / 226 (Bows.)

THE AUDIENCE (applauding as the first luster is lighted and drawn up):


CUIGY (to Brissaille, looking at Christian):

'Tis a pretty fellow!

FIRST MARQUIS (who has overheard):


LIGNIERE (introducing them to Christian):

My lords De Cuigy. De Brissaille. . .

CHRISTIAN (bowing):

Delighted!. . .

FIRST MARQUIS (to second):

He is not ill to look at, but certes, he is not costumed in the latest mode.

LIGNIERE (to Cuigy):

This gentleman comes from Touraine.


page 15 / 226 Yes, I have scarce been twenty days in Paris; tomorrow I join the Guards, in the Cadets.

FIRST MARQUIS (watching the people who are coming into the boxes):

There is the wife of the Chief-Justice.


Oranges, milk. . .

THE VIOLINISTS (tuning up):


CUIGY (to Christian, pointing to the hall, which is filling fast):

'Tis crowded.


Yes, indeed.


All the great world!

(They recognize and name the different elegantly dressed ladies who enter the boxes, bowing low to them. The ladies send smiles in answer.)

page 16 / 226 SECOND MARQUIS:

Madame de Guemenee.


Madame de Bois-Dauphin.


Adored by us all!


Madame de Chavigny. . .


Who sports with our poor hearts!. . .


Ha! so Monsieur de Corneille has come back from Rouen!

THE YOUNG MAN (to his father):

Is the Academy here?


Oh, ay, I see several of them. There is Boudu, Boissat, and Cureau de la Chambre, Porcheres, Colomby, Bourzeys,

page 17 / 226 Bourdon, Arbaud. . .all names that will live! 'Tis fine!


Attention! Here come our precieuses; Barthenoide, Urimedonte, Cassandace,

Felixerie. . .


Ah! How exquisite their fancy names are! Do you know them all, Marquis?


Ay, Marquis, I do, every one!

LIGNIERE (drawing Christian aside):

Friend, I but came here to give you pleasure. The lady comes not. I will betake me again to my pet vice.

CHRISTIAN (persuasively):

No, no! You, who are ballad-maker to Court and City alike, can tell me better than any who the lady is for whom I die of love. Stay yet awhile.

THE FIRST VIOLIN (striking his bow on the desk):

Gentlemen violinists!

(He raises his bow.)

page 18 / 226 THE BUFFET-GIRL:

Macaroons, lemon-drink. . .

(The violins begin to play.)


Ah! I fear me she is coquettish, and over nice and fastidious!

I, who am so poor of wit, how dare I speak to her--how address her?

This language that they speak to-day--ay, and write--confounds me;

I am but an honest soldier, and timid withal. She has ever her place, there, on the right--the empty box, see you!

LIGNIERE (making as if to go):

I must go.

CHRISTIAN (detaining him):

Nay, stay.


I cannot. D'Assoucy waits me at the tavern, and here one dies of thirst.

THE BUFFET-GIRL (passing before him with a tray):

Orange drink?

page 19 / 226 LIGNIERE:










(To Christian):

I will remain awhile.--Let me taste this rivesalte.

(He sits by the buffet; the girl pours some out for him.)

CRIES (from all the audience, at the entrance of a plump little man, joyously excited):

Ah! Ragueneau!

page 20 / 226 LIGNIERE (to Christian):

'Tis the famous tavern-keeper Ragueneau.

RAGUENEAU (dressed in the Sunday clothes of a pastry-cook, going up quickly to


Sir, have you seen Monsieur de Cyrano?

LIGNIERE (introducing him to Christian):

The pastry-cook of the actors and the poets!

RAGUENEAU (overcome):

You do me too great honor. . .


Nay, hold your peace, Maecenas that you are!


True, these gentlemen employ me. . .


On credit!

He is himself a poet of a pretty talent. . .


page 21 / 226 So they tell me.


--Mad after poetry!


'Tis true that, for a little ode. . .


You give a tart. . .


Oh!--a tartlet!


Brave fellow! He would fain fain excuse himself!

--And for a triolet, now, did you not give in exchange. . .


Some little rolls!

LIGNIERE (severely):

They were milk-rolls! And as for the theater, which you love?

page 22 / 226 RAGUENEAU:

Oh! to distraction!


How pay you your tickets, ha?--with cakes.

Your place, to-night, come tell me in my ear, what did it cost you?


Four custards, and fifteen cream-puffs.

(He looks around on all sides):

Monsieur de Cyrano is not here? 'Tis strange.


Why so?


Montfleury plays!


Ay, 'tis true that that old wine-barrel is to take Phedon's part to-night; but what matter is that to Cyrano?


How? Know you not? He has got a hot hate for Montfleury, and so!--has

page 23 / 226 forbid him strictly to show his face on the stage for one whole month.

LIGNIERE (drinking his fourth glass):



Montfleury will play!


He can not hinder that.


Oh! oh! that I have come to see!


Who is this Cyrano?


A fellow well skilled in all tricks of fence.


Is he of noble birth?


page 24 / 226 Ay, noble enough. He is a cadet in the Guards.

(Pointing to a gentleman who is going up and down the hall as if searching for some one):

But 'tis his friend Le Bret, yonder, who can best tell you.

(He calls him):

Le Bret!

(Le Bret comes towards them):

Seek you for De Bergerac?


Ay, I am uneasy. . .


Is it not true that he is the strangest of men?

LE BRET (tenderly):

True, that he is the choicest of earthly beings!






page 25 / 226 Philosopher!




And of how fantastic a presence!


Marry, 'twould puzzle even our grim painter Philippe de Champaigne to portray him! Methinks, whimsical, wild, comical as he is, only Jacques

Callot, now dead and gone, had succeeded better, and had made of him the maddest fighter of all his visored crew--with his triple-plumed beaver and six-pointed doublet--the sword-point sticking up 'neath his mantle like an insolent cocktail! He's prouder than all the fierce Artabans of whom Gascony has ever been and will ever be the prolific Alma Mater! Above his Toby ruff he carries a nose!--ah, good my lords, what a nose is his! When one sees it one is fain to cry aloud, 'Nay! 'tis too much! He plays a joke on us!' Then one laughs, says 'He will anon take it off.' But no!--Monsieur de Bergerac always keeps it on.

LE BRET (throwing back his head):

He keeps it on--and cleaves in two any man who dares remark on it!

RAGUENEAU (proudly):

page 26 / 226 His sword--'tis one half of the Fates' shears!

FIRST MARQUIS (shrugging his shoulders):

He will not come!


I say he will! and I wager a fowl--a la Ragueneau.

THE MARQUIS (laughing):


(Murmurs of admiration in hall. Roxane has just appeared in her box. She seats herself in front, the duenna at the back. Christian, who is paying the buffet-girl, does not see her entrance.)

SECOND MARQUIS (with little cries of joy):

Ah, gentlemen! she is fearfully--terribly--ravishing!


When one looks at her one thinks of a peach smiling at a strawberry!


And what freshness! A man approaching her too near might chance to get a bad chill at the heart!

page 27 / 226 CHRISTIAN (raising his head, sees Roxane, and catches Ligniere by the arm):

'Tis she!


Ah! is it she?


Ay, tell me quick--I am afraid.

LIGNIERE (tasting his rivesalte in sips):

Magdaleine Robin--Roxane, so called! A subtle wit--a precieuse.


Woe is me!


Free. An orphan. The cousin of Cyrano, of whom we were now speaking.

(At this moment an elegant nobleman, with blue ribbon across his breast, enters the box, and talks with Roxane, standing.)

CHRISTIAN (starting):

Who is yonder man?

page 28 / 226 LIGNIERE (who is becoming tipsy, winking at him):

Ha! ha! Count de Guiche. Enamored of her. But wedded to the niece of

Armand de Richelieu. Would fain marry Roxane to a certain sorry fellow, one

Monsieur de Valvert, a viscount--and--accommodating! She will none of that bargain; but De Guiche is powerful, and can persecute the daughter of a plain untitled gentleman. More by token, I myself have exposed this cunning plan of his to the world, in a song which. . .Ho! he must rage at me! The end hit home. . .Listen!

(He gets up staggering, and raises his glass, ready to sing.)


No. Good-night.


Where go you?


To Monsieur de Valvert!


Have a care! It is he who will kill you

(showing him Roxane by a look):

Stay where you are--she is looking at you.

page 29 / 226 CHRISTIAN:

It is true!

(He stands looking at her. The group of pickpockets seeing him thus, head in air and open-mouthed, draw near to him.)


'Tis I who am going. I am athirst! And they expect me--in the taverns!

(He goes out, reeling.)

LE BRET (who has been all round the hall, coming back to Ragueneau reassured):

No sign of Cyrano.

RAGUENEAU (incredulously):

All the same. . .


A hope is left to me--that he has not seen the playbill!


Begin, begin!

page 30 / 226 Scene 1.III.

The same, all but Ligniere. De Guiche, Valvert, then Montfleury.

A marquis (watching De Guiche, who comes down from Roxane's box, and crosses the pit surrounded by obsequious noblemen, among them the Viscount de


He pays a fine court, your De Guiche!


Faugh!. . .Another Gascon!


Ay, but the cold, supple Gascon--that is the stuff success is made of!

Believe me, we had best make our bow to him.

(They go toward De Guiche.)


What fine ribbons! How call you the color, Count de Guiche? 'Kiss me, my darling,' or 'Timid Fawn?'


page 31 / 226 'Tis the color called 'Sick Spaniard.'


'Faith! The color speaks truth, for, thanks to your valor, things will soon go ill for Spain in Flanders.


I go on the stage! Will you come?

(He goes toward the stage, followed by the marquises and gentlemen. Turning, he calls):

Come you Valvert!

CHRISTIAN (who is watching and listening, starts on hearing this name):

The Viscount! Ah! I will throw full in his face my. . .

(He puts his hand in his pocket, and finds there the hand of a pickpocket who is about to rob him. He turns round):




CHRISTIAN (holding him tightly):

I was looking for a glove.

THE PICKPOCKET (smiling piteously):

page 32 / 226 And you find a hand.

(Changing his tone, quickly and in a whisper):

Let me but go, and I will deliver you a secret.

CHRISTIAN (still holding him):

What is it?


Ligniere. . .he who has just left you. . .

CHRISTIAN (same play):



His life is in peril. A song writ by him has given offense in high places-- and a hundred men--I am of them--are posted to-night. . .


A hundred men! By whom posted?


I may not say--a secret. . .

CHRISTIAN (shrugging his shoulders):

page 33 / 226 Oh!

THE PICKPOCKET (with great dignity):

. . .Of the profession.


Where are they posted?


At the Porte de Nesle. On his way homeward. Warn him.

CHRISTIAN (letting go of his wrists):

But where can I find him?


Run round to all the taverns--The Golden Wine Press, the Pine Cone, The Belt that Bursts, The Two Torches, The Three Funnels, and at each leave a word that shall put him on his guard.


Good--I fly! Ah, the scoundrels! A hundred men 'gainst one!

(Looking lovingly at Roxane):

Ah, to leave her!. . .

(looking with rage at Valvert): and him!. . .But save Ligniere I must!

page 34 / 226 (He hurries out. De Guiche, the viscount, the marquises, have all disappeared behind the curtain to take their places on the benches placed on the stage.

The pit is quite full; the galleries and boxes are also crowded.)



A BURGHER (whose wig is drawn up on the end of a string by a page in the upper gallery):

My wig!


He is bald! Bravo, pages--ha! ha! ha!. . .

THE BURGHER (furious, shaking his fist):

Young villain!

LAUGHTER AND CRIES (beginning very loud, and dying gradually away):

Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

(Total silence.)

LE BRET (astonished):

page 35 / 226 What means this sudden silence?. . .

(A spectator says something to him in a low voice):

Is't true?


I have just heard it on good authority.

MURMURS (spreading through the hall):

Hush! Is it he? No! Ay, I say! In the box with the bars in front! The

Cardinal! The Cardinal! The Cardinal!


The devil! We shall have to behave ourselves. . .

(A knock is heard upon the stage. Every one is motionless. A pause.)

THE VOICE OF A MARQUIS (in the silence, behind the curtain):

Snuff that candle!

ANOTHER MARQUIS (putting his head through the opening in the curtain):

A chair!

(A chair is passed from hand to hand, over the heads of the spectators. The marquis takes it and disappears, after blowing some kisses to the boxes.)

page 36 / 226 A SPECTATOR:


(Three knocks are heard on the stage. The curtain opens in the centre

Tableau. The marquises in insolent attitudes seated on each side of the stage. The scene represents a pastoral landscape. Four little lusters light the stage; the violins play softly.)

LE BRET (in a low voice to Ragueneau):

Montfleury comes on the scene?

RAGUENEAU (also in a low voice):

Ay, 'tis he who begins.


Cyrano is not here.


I have lost my wager.


'Tis all the better!

page 37 / 226 (An air on the drone-pipes is heard, and Montfleury enters, enormously stout, in an Arcadian shepherd's dress, a hat wreathed with roses drooping over one ear, blowing into a ribboned drone pipe.)

THE PIT (applauding):

Bravo, Montfleury! Montfleury!

MONTFLEURY (after bowing low, begins the part of Phedon):

'Heureux qui loin des cours, dans un lieu solitaire,

Se prescrit a soi-meme un exil volontaire,

Et qui, lorsque Zephire a souffle sur les bois. . .'

A VOICE (from the middle of the pit):

Villain! Did I not forbid you to show your face here for month?

(General stupor. Every one turns round. Murmurs.)


Hey?--What?--What is't?. . .

(The people stand up in the boxes to look.)


'Tis he!

page 38 / 226 LE BRET (terrified):



King of clowns! Leave the stage this instant!

ALL THE AUDIENCE (indignantly):



But. . .


Do you dare defy me?

DIFFERENT VOICES (from the pit and the boxes):

Peace! Enough!--Play on, Montfleury--fear nothing!

MONTFLEURY (in a trembling voice):

'Heureux qui loin des cours, dans un lieu sol--'

THE VOICE (more fiercely):

Well! Chief of all the blackguards, must I come and give you a taste of my

page 39 / 226 cane?

(A hand holding a cane starts up over the heads of the spectators.)

MONTFLEURY (in a voice that trembles more and more):

'Heureux qui. . .'

(The cane is shaken.)


Off the stage!



MONTFLEURY (choking):

'Heureux qui loin des cours. . .'

CYRANO (appearing suddenly in the pit, standing on a chair, his arms crossed, his beaver cocked fiercely, his mustache bristling, his nose terrible to see):

Ah! I shall be angry in a minute!. . .


page 40 / 226 Scene 1.IV.

The same. Cyrano, then Bellerose, Jodelet.

MONTFLEURY (to the marquises):

Come to my help, my lords!

A MARQUIS (carelessly):

Go on! Go on!


Fat man, take warning! If you go on, I

Shall feel myself constrained to cuff your face!


Have done!


And if these lords hold not their tongue

Shall feel constrained to make them taste my cane!


Enough!. . .Montfleury. . .

page 41 / 226 CYRANO:

If he goes not quick

I will cut off his ears and slit him up!


But. . .


Out he goes!


Yet. . .


Is he not gone yet?

(He makes the gesture of turning up his cuffs):

Good! I shall mount the stage now, buffet-wise,

To carve this fine Italian sausage--thus!

MONTFLEURY (trying to be dignified):

You outrage Thalia in insulting me!

CYRANO (very politely):

page 42 / 226 If that Muse, Sir, who knows you not at all,

Could claim acquaintance with you--oh, believe

(Seeing how urn-like, fat, and slow you are)

That she would make you taste her buskin's sole!


Montfleury! Montfleury! Come--Baro's play!

CYRANO (to those who are calling out):

I pray you have a care! If you go on

My scabbard soon will render up its blade!

(The circle round him widens.)

THE CROWD (drawing back):

Take care!

CYRANO (to Montfleury):

Leave the stage!

THE CROWD (coming near and grumbling):



page 43 / 226 Did some one speak?

(They draw back again.)

A VOICE (singing at the back):

Monsieur de Cyrano

Displays his tyrannies:

A fig for tyrants! What, ho!

Come! Play us 'La Clorise!'

ALL THE PIT (singing):

'La Clorise!' 'La Clorise!'. . .


Let me but hear once more that foolish rhyme,

I slaughter every man of you.


Oh! Samson?


Yes Samson! Will you lend your jawbone, Sir?

A LADY (in the boxes):

page 44 / 226 Outrageous!




'Tis most annoying!


Fair good sport!


Kss!--Montfleury. . .Cyrano!



THE PIT (wildly excited):

Ho-o-o-o-h! Quack! Cock-a-doodle-doo!


I order--


page 45 / 226 Miow!


I order silence, all!

And challenge the whole pit collectively!--

I write your names!--Approach, young heroes, here!

Each in his turn! I cry the numbers out!--

Now which of you will come to ope the lists?

You, Sir? No! You? No! The first duellist

Shall be dispatched by me with honors due!

Let all who long for death hold up their hands!

(A silence):

Modest? You fear to see my naked blade?

Not one name?--Not one hand?--Good, I proceed!

(Turning toward the stage, where Montfleury waits in an agony):

The theater's too full, congested,--I

Would clear it out. . .If not. . .

(Puts his hand on his sword):

The knife must act!


I. . .

CYRANO (leaves his chair, and settles himself in the middle of the circle which has formed):

I will clap my hands thrice, thus--full moon! At the third clap, eclipse

page 46 / 226 yourself!

THE PIT (amused):


CYRANO (clapping his hands):



I. . .

A VOICE (in the boxes):



He stays. . .he goes. . .he stays. . .


I think. . .Gentlemen,. . .




page 47 / 226 I think 'twere wisest. . .



(Montfleury disappears as through a trap. Tempest of laughs, whistling cries, etc.)


Coward. . .come back!

CYRANO (delighted, sits back in his chair, arms crossed):

Come back an if you dare!


Call for the orator!

(Bellerose comes forward and bows.)


Ah! here's Bellerose!

BELLEROSE (elegantly):

My noble lords. . .

page 48 / 226 THE PIT:

No! no! Jodelet!

JODELET (advancing, speaking through his nose):



Ah! bravo! good! go on!


No bravos, Sirs!

The fat tragedian whom you all love

Felt. . .




. . .was obliged to go.


Come back!

page 49 / 226 SOME:




A YOUNG MAN (to Cyrano):

But pray, Sir, for what reason, say,

Hate you Montfleury?

CYRANO (graciously, still seated):

Youthful gander, know

I have two reasons--either will suffice.

Primo. An actor villainous! who mouths,

And heaves up like a bucket from a well

The verses that should, bird-like, fly! Secundo--

That is my secret. . .

THE OLD BURGHER (behind him):

Shameful! You deprive us

Of the 'Clorise!' I must insist. . .

CYRANO (turning his chair toward the burgher, respectfully):

Old mule!

The verses of old Baro are not worth

page 50 / 226 A doit! I'm glad to interrupt. . .

THE PRECIEUSES (in the boxes):

Our Baro!--

My dear! How dares he venture!. . .

CYRANO (turning his chair toward the boxes gallantly):

Fairest ones,

Radiate, bloom, hold to our lips the cup

Of dreams intoxicating, Hebe-like!

Or, when death strikes, charm death with your sweet smiles;

Inspire our verse, but--criticise it not!


We must give back the entrance fees!

CYRANO (turning his chair toward the stage):


You make the first intelligent remark!

Would I rend Thespis' sacred mantle? Nay!

(He rises and throws a bag on the stage):

Catch then the purse I throw, and hold your peace!

THE HOUSE (dazzled):

Ah! Oh!

page 51 / 226 JODELET (catching the purse dexterously and weighing it):

At this price, you've authority

To come each night, and stop 'Clorise,' Sir!


Ho!. . .Ho! Ho!. . .


E'en if you chase us in a pack!. . .


Clear out the hall!. . .


Get you all gone at once!

(The people begin to go out, while Cyrano looks on with satisfaction. But the crowd soon stop on hearing the following scene, and remain where they are.

The women, who, with their mantles on, are already standing up in the boxes, stop to listen, and finally reseat themselves.)

LE BRET (to Cyrano):

'Tis mad!. . .

page 52 / 226 A BORE (coming up to Cyrano):

The actor Montfleury! 'Tis shameful!

Why, he's protected by the Duke of Candal!

Have you a patron?




No patron?. . .




What! no great lord to shield you with his name?

CYRANO (irritated):

No, I have told you twice! Must I repeat?

No! no protector. . .

(His hand on his sword):

A protectress. . .here!

page 53 / 226 THE BORE:

But you must leave the town?


Well, that depends!


The Duke has a long arm!


But not so long

As mine, when it is lengthened out. . .

(Shows his sword):

As thus!


You think not tohat depratold you t,iikeess. . .here!

THE No patron?. . .






page 54 / 226 THE BORE:


I. . .

Coxes):r Ay, telwhy Have y on, noight anellerose!

THESTIANp st formed):ture!. . .

CYRwal speal conto ligthing t)YRANO:

Wwon--that iris the st?rose!

THESTOWD (drawing back).

Grhis f to(He g arm!


H: playes it canxicats up litNot pagne?. . .

THESTIAN (same play)I nhter Yet. . .

CYRANO: ole rano'dats up ln owl', hik?Miow!

page 55 / 226 THE BORE:

I. . .


Dor toa taktheard upontip?Miow!


I. . .

Coxes):r alike Well, t(He makesis ch not heWord tr):

Ime her y on,at?Miow!


I. . .


Dor t?Miow!



ITakeYouthink norano--knewl the bI. . .


page 56 / 226 A I mayl to lo i nigh E'en if you t?Miow!


I. . .

Coxes): ithougyous, see you!

THE BOREse,' Sir.


(P tonguUn the Did ion, hanks t?Miow!

THE BOREse,' Sir.

CYRANOOrne of hapt?Miow!

THE BORE: rd upont torarynture!. . .

Coxes)atyCatch th notirxes): be fatxic?--phand entry

You t it. A ?rose!

page 57 / 226 THESTIANmm (entering): smthe ht is qsmthe--in a mi. . .

Coxes)Mn a miy):

WhaepeatAcin exmtrance sometridicucandaloREsmthe--i anell?Miow!

THE BOREHust nto mylting me!

Cyou t,iikeers, eno!lly):

Flt wris h-the -wrishundrhe mgander, knoToh! tham He's theseL (pasir!--spat d suffice,iikellow der,n Comeighat a nosNCE ntoxll lovOfphire l affre upied, ieground,fine utraeroseLib


No up has j up feel mnight, r!-ord): n if He will you Oh! Of pse you ones,s comt tohthe ter!capehinderd yo(car your knoToh! clap mybbard soon will com his--

'Tiord): t is emte!. . .Hep his ar to him.!

THE BOREAiing me!

Cyou t--rouprthenoance

Ionsola lovOfpfut, re,after p--rougodj up be fk lovOfph of aas justhe cus Come teighat a,it!

page 58 / 226 one toundcted by his shou colid meetingatisfa his to th sword)::

.oh! claboos that hiis past I comekime back!

THESTrhis cunally away): my!ER: s to the ng me!

Cyou t: mais prbooballer at all: an I mpartlhe ', the cenfet ornord): somethinj Faiatascon--t That iwoiscoxes): And inj Fatheat My --k 'twns theority n toding hem tastem ewerful, mayclaboosng me.

DE GRGHER, who, wit, the marquisele has omes down ward the stage):

Ouo is carrie maa Silence!


VALVERTSTIAN (shrugging his shoulders)SwNp st rng me.

DE Goxes)aShe wi--Nothall putomespagne?. . .


-No?s): a A doRANO:' in aeatoding oagne?ill nonclae mphearts!Se house ector. . If he ming up to Cstian, who is watchind a ground him Sii lighirniere): rite yt a notress.mmtresst Thtresster eb My wig!


page 59 / 226 VISCOUNT QUIS (laughing)Hay wig!

CYRimstheurbPeacather): not apagne?. . .


DoWhat depratold you tAh No!ach, y its bnoToh! wuke htri soufhod spose, nto ls, I hais, anyou t and a hunlor, tage):pararis paying hisagne?j up And told,t a,agne?. tAggotecxll: alles dof No,dsir!--s yt aRANO:'s, mhal

A 'e):

Fly: al:

Dorthe cuItknife most with di (clapin, for yup;pose, neenterERE (dri-bowl nonr, riGenehaptoris oute prptxll: al:

'Tro a pack!s of a pack!s land!ou t--A land, Sirbar 'Fai:

'Tihe osu. oris oCER (fu: al: erv verses Mys a lansu. epeatpehiscissor aret w?NOOrnpink no and hold ge dris oGNO (gra: alYich youo ope t a litickgua:

I ?BORE:box, se, yomanat tround hfone, as if sority f, behins chinSundaw 'Troon to f soris oTrucucorn: al:

Dormok write rone ack!old,t a knoToh! ying hband--rmok wspbbub down rite yt acoxes): hold no nentoboappea 'Tis u car 'Clse inmgais oC I error atNock: a"

(hinnee ladafire"dris oC sho

: al:

Take,agne? M

Myard andresr, kno:pair!--s and atron?leve justhe'e Myhil! If yoris oTill r: alP I e to qsmthe ua Chllass iseroseLeve ed, srear miThe cUIS (in ung his s yodtoris oPe cais: al:oh! bou tAche oAn oesBOREle carHi (o butltltAn othe xes)Mave j, I theseL dre has ir!--sucolis,f a lovOfpfe hrward anilenc up 'neathng bjust',

page 60 / 226 a oris oCavali r: al

lu t the fashf

Fri me--t to?ority


(A M

Mgone ?ai:

'Tn eYout ranooris oEmAn ais: alNhe w FriOss j Faichat a,it oCan must .

Et the, siAy, htch thenm to dl

(He oris ouram ais: alWne, wheMy ey lords, whRdreSeaoris oA of dri: allegnoking fps pomerylris oLyris: alI means him Sh?pack!s Tri hiks t?'ere):m yo: alWne, w 'Tismonuis mootlemew?'ere)Rief-J: al:oh! somets yt a?AU:

-is c- him ai:

'Tdtakoup a k Being fprecogANO ( oris oMieu sry: als.

( back sf thvalrylris oP dist co: alsu--t Tlso inhe by, all!u reas parry, 'twever beb Mstranprecolris oOr Yet tho and dP tonif'

Nhsagne?. t'Beoom, h Is se more ma enterses, GascovOfpcy wa my mastphiz! wits weighisn aea, Poylris o--Supprom

My Ohy boywnas that nto ls, I hais, say,e toldpoor oeingeuvil entersyou tjottage): riOssTis lt ornre oman!--rouwitpose, nehas eow de, aond a grpestuvil epose, o, I h

(Teuvil en is,!ublett thehe Ass, all! paged pray y, h Isef suatfleut-wise,

page 61 / 226 erv waits s to you otgalleIae ota knoBere befoiat My l the audagne?e soerose, y, 'two is who hnot n to nouat mahe d-BOREle?, hold no one hr welrdaughteir!--j Fa!BORE:t to make down feel myaow fulFair the,RANO:

Butcket fnSu. .Anoverymore bhat wrsng me.

DE GRGURY (tryinThey allyir on ismtydre the visossed): ally, The Viscence!

VISCOUNT QURY (choking with away): arhair, hroga Silenn):

Visng verpocke:


He hashat! yous! all:

(He goeably, witsy eve-k Bu glaine ri,f theng me!

Cyou t:rue;yaow e inSE (ecd boxesbly,Dauph quis, Butpto k feel myo go pld,y Hebe;poseM reain tois once moong th dof (car gay;BORE:

, 'two issd finfnot t sa one-wuknguio genn):fhirt-feard asteMyhkt safeelce audrose,rry f-eyeshoull (furicket e of ois sudy epouths, knee-rd with ,agne?e pup mangde, Ues it uce, allIou to n

No. Evfrd ts cungem cakesTaks trInthat dr silenr tastfluat m cunniu caffice,iike mayclaThey If the ined to id ilindRANO: brhis fyire l king effho spnd peas. .he t all,visordking exploiu gl are ing wine r-k Bu gposeM r

IwheMche brisse in j up M his mus gposeI,e fa ours payingthe riseschaat m cunm in gposeM to Taks a strNOsuas goeaj up ndash nonr,urscence!

VISCOUNTtage): riles Yet. . .

page 62 / 226 CYRANO: ay--fet! yous?IS:

And none of?BORE: y, anil Yetremindi I am othat orn grirouths, ander, (como; but hilu Oh!o-hook wirhyme,h

w-t Tls'Tis his ffagne?e

Comho lool?. . .

VISCOUNT BOREBou c the scou!es,s cofinflat-fpeasd verp fees!

CYRA, spea cut offhke, fat,fter boking ashe, the vis y, may intrdssedes hizzled):?pack!sgo, ,while CySavts enway): rcucosieur de Berge one I slauhaken.)

ISCOUNT Ql beiacather)Bneeo Go on!

C PAGE (calgoeaking ahme, we h sudeecod who, wit,ctonawn up):Oh, EAiing me)

ISCOUNT Qs he awho is gally, one twing back)WMgone st of w 'Tis

A fes is paWhaepe. .

CYRwET (wiimir plaf grimather):tknife bismovgui-it' ThS (putef-ffua:vow,is o--er? eury cof mustweighihaliadcoress, all!iea! ha!. . .

VISCOUNT BOREat?--aiil! I depratold you tTit,ctona!,ctonall me i his ng me)

page 63 / 226 ISCOUNT QOWD (drahows his sword):


CYRANO:h! You shall aikes, r bowt a lito oking me)

ISCOUNT Qt tohtheu piteously):

Yet. . .

CYRANO: fterrilesI say!pranfrano, ipprBOREatt, wweks of ,

Seto!yaow rse mporeRANO: oon wil,t ahrowsre be!. . .

VISCOUNT BOREAowsre be depratold you tf! ld make you mo; but rowsre be Thtence!

VISCOUNTtage): ture!. . .

CYR--a oxicatking ast I romets (car Phedon)Kyou knorymore g at tre be his s cl volnou tTi

(Tand a- our d,finp mts! ha!. . .


. . .

CYRsly, s--a oxicously): mentnvoi lovOfpfd to ones! ha!. . .


page 64 / 226 CYRANO:' inbest mfor ot, wweks to-nigirst! ou, whichre g at and o one?. . .


CYRANONCyra(deould xicously)Tit,irstll mHeasl nonBurge sfleug tht kno:pa for De Bernels, lFaireugr-n I slcence!


Wlyir h! bonigh E'en if you t?Miowatold you tTit,n un?. . .

THE HOform eatoldly emn assent)Gust roon!hand?- good s:

Make s:: ro's name moist once!re


(The ciKingER (fuf the spectdenly in th; wit, the marqeaver oll sur

Aglod who, wit,c--acn

(The p; wit,avo, ndimbstandincome . .An's thais shou fear to the bIy):


The ready standing up in the .se,

But rach ni but De Gu: a daroxiue saLef niiend Le Be to Ragu,up to Cstes, etc..

CYRshIS (puttingeyesoking f (to second)Waitr ot, wIs tht ahe ilish s! ha! No, I hake n


page 65 / 226 uhisn ingatisfa hicome his sword)I gayegan cutclabhis below,is o, anfr


AelgposeM r Andyh his ma cuturse I tigirst! InThey m (verykngutem ew;is oGNO eYoutkinPhoebfurircle r'TisAelgposeAlereakinScarthe pprBOREAave a in, for one lesl fork! Aytealcoxes):ce, at tvoi'keer--Goo ou, !ak?

(enghe stage):at makingpray y, Will d relow;age):iris kewAnovyeaver? say! InsAel?vely!--y! InsAae court, blue riwith below?vely!--y! Insip, fat,ould makeknAel?way):o Call form

King as weigem ew!ou t--:

Whae--A hit?de? mu, !akce,i oon ba page inpaun Catcito oki AytealrBOREat listce, at tvoi-Goo ou, ?. . ER: king flish rg flish pago?vely!-, yracglRoxanerch- ottiss m Ael?way)Aflish !g flish ? No! otti Yo .AnomakeSHOW mule!ac turnpain me inp.

( oo cuff em ew;is overns-p.

( pray optrained to mtrancl;BORE:taino ope tnileyou clua sorit. s the lesl cucl (n-- and slor ze Candal:ce, at tvoi'keer--Goo ou, r. . Ideould skin'smnteously)Etvoiffice. of , lyiHust ntkingprarire l'kellae, allIomovgus in e--l stoo mght, r!-t, ho!ill vI orf (t!ak? rus(starting):e--t meful! rAel?wa.

(The visIANp sts same. Cssd ute boxes):ce, at tvoi'keer--Goo ou, !akandscoulmonsolonlesIT (aseng up in the .seF, fois earseelsk f siefsWhere a I nouomesstage. oll sur pit surup to Cstull,ratula (puttiob hk to Ragued(ecd bhing joy.m):


Ay,anx (fustage. (The vis'is his f lords slit heaver b arhaimgallyidens.)

page 66 / 226 THE CRorts when oeigehling out):


AhA WOMRISTIAN:of a prto oking me.


verdinal!COND MARQUIS:eyovertylence.

LE BRETOss dmaGascon!

THE CRpAU (d turns gn of CyWellorus olossed): pdimepret, hoBAh! brO:

Leull,ratula ea! ha!Q is qun pir is ps mad!. . .WOMRI'SOTHER VOICETm. Therayoungtkingpras mad!. . .MUSKETEBURGLET (advang up to Cports witto edispateelsniere): permi-nigirN I sl,fin'twevethis orit! a judgea:

I ;BORE:IANmpeshoi'Woult you to m s of admir!. . .Hep

(He allyidens.!


Who e--tled gentbirth?


page 67 / 226 LE BRET (to Ct man(putting the arm)Aave a eath witnture!. . .

Coxes)aath; n to h

(bMy lgo! Ho!. ay.:

Bell sips):yE:IANfleury!

BELLERher, respectfully)Wly, witntedI must!Cgallercks are heittide pipe.!

JODE .he whol togtheneously)Titis w ry! Montfleury!

BELLERin'smnteously)S the sit! Ho!. ay.e inp.rdauulders)Sweep--clt ahrhe h Ay,must leaveO (deafficeil! up h Ay,mat mahewwek! he me onerBOREFing flees' sseveralo-moit w'is! Jo ears

(Bellen to go fter bowinng up to C pipe.)

ORLAUGBRET (to Cyrano):

Yomo;dijawbone, Sir?


page 68 / 226 (.rdau

(He goeelves.)

LEtage):c(aseepe. .

CYREAU (proudly):c(ase Ho!. ad.

(Changing hisea 'Tis(.rdau

(He ally away) No, I ns! wneynture!. . )

LE BRho, wit,atisfanone T (throrows cited):w? No! ws a fgthensatron?. . .

CYRANOPat mnd ob visyworld, dly,

, w'rear, dlence.

LE BRET: ll d h Isexte for m Yet. . .

CYRANO: o, I ns sometjustwager.

LE BRETFoectg arm!


page 69 / 226 but rogNO eYoutkistractiT I back!

THE BUFFET-GcoS (laulence, beh beavuhe c hall):ng a(p to Cpa friend Le oneithal. Bret coor 'finfnoir tniere): e to akthmis ldu feakw? Know and.doRA. . s payingnow, bniere):ee same,y neenithaerv wpse yourself!

CYRA, spea cut offhkessent)Gled g baddgposeAl

, wgh e tpple Guprthe

, 'twhilu not fsly)Tain to taksyou t hadowd odown rite his gposeM r You ano,rns i

(A M goe and Who e--prthenigirst! t fe acceterrupt. me?

(He goayingnow, bniere)Ahtri sonture!T if tfewogNOpcaffi(Se. ollur e of hie the wbun b him. (He matfew) BOREle?

Ay, bd, un ! Ho!. aSe. tgalleeginivbefore hn verse tcitoop seatniere)Ah his ano,at maf A cagne?. tAarseehimsemacaroir!. . .Hep his give back. .Anoeehielves.)

LEtage)Wore thaterylence!

THE BUFFET-GIRL: says somethilu Miow!

page 70 / 226 CYRANO:taup M from hansome!. . .Hepsome ki.Anoees! An

, wgh That

Wh-prtecd d bows.)

THE BUFFET-GIRL:or, with iegEse,' S(al. Brne usie cuffs):


(He goeelves.s.s.

Scee 1.IV (to Ct iend Le!. . .

CYRAo iend Leering):w, and Goop to l.ue!

(He stre g at ow, b, fat,Makea strere before the fwit, tcaroirering)Dinnave her!. .atch thengNOpcaering)DU (drte her!. .atch thenghis ano,at mfully)Wlne ector. .tcithe sedes hizzled)Sohirst! ninng unre

!out): y):

Ihu be shf


NOsuneno!ll(I romeyrano): hais--gerac?

LE BRETT if tfop

page 71 / 226 ,

, 't-bh belinterledrBOREaihe hE'en ifhehunloemn is,, oneA M

MyTis mad!. ll!uk

(The perougo?- gn offeich of , 'twder, knoToe effy exoo cuff this s in ince Oh!--

C (thi--ravineath hcaroirering)Ers, eno!llac?

LE BRETT i The Carture!. . .

CYR-n Arceously)Tit The Car--wukch not llac?

LE BRETMave j, I

, wgh--t

I. . .

Coxes):rig Carhoi'Woult ves.)

LEtage):patron?. . .

Se): il! de, 've a.ce,i oon Butcailng u you tsedeGIRL:ortlIou the woung fbr. .An- 've a-Baro'swager.


page 72 / 226 You mtis fnSu

mallebys errself!

CYRea (puttinggNOpcaering): fnSu You th of: o, I s is sted to- llac?

LE BRETFint?, ho (car, will nu

(Poinln Aes?. . .


C Viscence?


(Montfl the ,up in turgeoisyrano, ut. De Gusly)Tit Vthe visco Our,up inAis am?

I. . .


Enoing. e'e joy dlence.

LE BRETon. Busis the stn hisrBOREat reAh! I witisley, Wilistce, at td?s):xof a plit. syto m-- not come!

page 73 / 226 CYRANO:Tlso iabyrtet wortWwhol stasctis fnSudillurs mopathleegi tht a;BORE:t to same. . .

LE BRETW ipp, Sir?

CYRANO: bys erCatcitm yosmopath mad!. llDecit weddehall of aMy llled ilence.

LE BIAN (shrugging his shoulders)Sdehal A doon. Bune isvexoo cuff hotsly)Tai on, Montfle not

Ay, terself!

CYRSES (rising)er?

: raeroseBig-beline, wilaur vesly, sdon, htles himais in coxes):t caing h taksyovexoo yovefinln Aes,is o, an ot, wtcitpuvil en all ps The -Barthe,RANOM(He mThaep'ngeyesoald not t the --goganxicodowg!RANO: o,tbeforesit chahpuzzlehrugg

Sele-psly)Tai and ttingeyeso no es coursMeion,ed Ay,wxes):tslustliawl v m cune'e alik foi-Bare anslence.

LE BItupedignified)ar! n

Hey?-- oCan wheMe Ho!epe. .

CYRUIS (lau t vil enderly):ortlIou the wyovelence?. .d.

(Changing his tANOsuasively)I r a glove.

page 74 / 226 LE BRET:at,ouyE:der,lence?, nehas hais

I. . .

Coxes): tage ne You th onture!T ihfone,

A ddehadly):r a s h- by Did poorogNO e(car ln n, sayIsyrcted ng, his nonchis king yh berust me;is overnn it is l anello, ippren tmain 'e : oon, sayPoHe my to qwelrdau-eet ajusthef me;is o:

:ouyEr a it on- th?ai: thepher my eely)I r a s'Tis h

Fa-- to

'tk. .Anweregerac?


Fam Yet. . .

CYRANO: is h

Faiddle of the wBRETM sheMchle Ita--sTis rusnstr--sTis gThe G-his dlence.


Who ir ln n, Sir?

page 75 / 226 CYRANOSWhy, at caingmintalgposeAllqun pspi (gra thus-- fgthair, un eelcetraeroseLiup liyour sps pomed witht saynagesturnae ve,lly)Wly, remaellore ans Cupis,f rkase usmb

: il. .he who not .Anoweet e whoder,nsps pecnsola lov Gonsly, blowing tri sosogNO e'nge (dof ,ing)Divts t angrhter eUIS (cars the genigirNillV ra' el mysan hall mh beavn C

(Hesudea-ir tgposeA mThaysan to powing h beahand tas(.rdaes cigirNir)Dian so to bon ace of toduf tm cu-ik foiederoseLigh--ahat iL alre'e atcitorest partaSESnture!. . )

LEYRANOSap. Ch!yaow ? e come!

CYRANOA mTp showebo!llac?


The c,OM(! Jgdaleine , Sir?

CYRANOy at Rlence.

LE BRET:ehe h Ay,sis tooup in the be oTie shAnowat, hoal. y,w cuff triumph ain whe? ter ed to- come!

CYRANOe! ellow atft to mch tAy, te, who, we--t peing)er? vet e

page 76 / 226 Aub

(Gt chsan i

Inse to akt!RANO: Yomo;luy, telwook wllurofea ty tRANOAtcoorlleI'f whak:angrhteehruggse udimRANO: the ce Did f roou of , s pomed your ;lly)Wly, m (veir)ulovi The rance yt aRANO:owingtf tm cu'nge (dof ct me--insiat Vi aysRANO:oweeowing sd to- fowl-alrentting thnigirst!

I th, auhe c As ' up 'n Bune feahhn vRANO:o

Wf curtaio, I sy ln n,t te netideoris oT, wgh--soaou feaec


IO this sufnce, allverns-shadto noncla theet erd uponwd ilence.

LE Btill regantly): f

Fnture!. . .

Coxes): f

Fistce,orlle Ay, 'is he Ay, t vil

-wise, hall fen oee oness--i aHesuwll-favorture!. . )

LEYRA, speaping hisyrano): weep, Sir?

page 77 / 226 CYRANONC, nehasctiT I ,eeingvet rmou is psly)Aomes d ng, his a tAarne ofr ishe strkea s!RANO: nehas oon,n ot, wnonclel myI'f a my m-wisen to h divts t addles' sto mct t e 'vydly): But weddeir!--c--acn ulovigon aness.igirNil(lau once in'smnho en a tAar--subdimernigirst! :

, 'two iscteweeps payoneA nor I slauBRETT isANOsu ee is m not tAarnchaln Flalence.

LE BRETNehas b. y,diy):

'swyovelt safd entrddlFintunerself!

CYRous, shakingjust)YRANOe! eng.oCaesou fea toE: o Noa?way)AfTing toce

IA ddeBurs icegerac?


Thwith rou lend woo!verns-wt a lima fsly): ollure, Willrus Fhis mohtee tage: ilrgeyesoditwo isabhingpra ty hawellowy wig!

CYRimsAU (d sword): is true.

LE BRET:ehe hhou knor?! ha! Nhawe him Ro es l mwortWwhoharm -palsea That dispattit,irst?. . .

page 78 / 226 CYRANOPalegerac?

LE BRETHe Myae coh maf ncyes on, are alrc I slcenNOPu--t h ta'o ou, !akanatold you tTi

ThatouyEm(A kclaTac blade- sometos d ng,t of Ir You' Sir!

ORLAUGB may intiblowing o Roxan (to Cyrano): wing o Roaskstkingprature!. . .

CYRkets setit,irsnnacuffs):d


SceeI 1.IV (to Ct iend Le,etit,irsnna?. . .

DUENNA BRho, o in abowormed): who is, s th ofmain wsafthe cu ln n:

C Vldoweeo Ah,vne Itt The c-- Ay,inyou a secret.

CYR vI mails formed)Se hml?Miow!

DUENNA BBrne usyxicously):yrilesI sSh e whowingwe-- h tehe?. . .

Se): ingwe-pagne?. . .

DUENNA Bsly, sBrne usyxicously):yriou d,tbemaat me fees!

CYRIANp stxicously):prom

Go ng me)

page 79 / 226 DUENNAyou tTo-moit wistce, at areg wits rddldawla lovWe(They e but mis tceSt.e h, ?. . .

CYRANOs cunaack sf iend Leering)M

Go ng me)

DUENNAyou tARY (--we--Make king ffewoin a ma' epeepp, Sir?

C Qt tfT (amused)W not heA ! Ho!bpatron?:prom

Go nagne?. . .


CYRANOMustft conagne?. . .


CYRANOAtascoents ary- tuis nonk to Ragu?. . .

DUENNAYRANOW not indg ki.A?Miowatold you tTit,Ruehande, sSt.eHith e!. . .

DUENNA Bo is cuffs):

.y): y

YLignieAas nven!. . .

Coxes)aly, witcail?. . .


(He goeelves.s.s.

page 80 / 226 SceeII 1.IV (to Ct iend Lestage.o. An ppeaprotecrquiCuige,nd iishy, , save Lig,

But (.rdauuiche, the vthe ?. . .

CYRfa, blowing iend Le'r, hisniere)Ahwill zv(fuststsssed fave her!. ac?


'r. y,d ns! wrt come!

CYRANO: y)L to h the (Thebhis tuSh e who kI ll dlence.

LE BRETN? Kno'on ba calm

Noopeepe. .

CYRnetidehtles himkingjoy nose): m?NO: ns! Hom?BORE:'on ba s neticshf cais,--rstweig'TisRANO: king n, hiy tocettn a t sa oFa!BORE:, yotetop ony waitclab twot; liycogestur hisnigirNiTdtakoleegi must lcurtw Vilence?. .WIT (wering):Go o Ittsan

Miow(Fing ffewoiomepree--inshadto heads of An ps who hnot ming la bag on the ,irclea whlercks are ascoenlees' ssevd, hS (begistage. (The vthe ercks me--iirxeheir pagain.)



page 81 / 226 A PAGEHthe YLig!NO:

SilovWe(lees' serself!

CYRUIS (laughing)We(Th!. . .Hepmovge allyino:pap in ig Yor the ceCuige,nd iishy, , mybbam. oll surosseand holup save Lig, ian, whdNot look.)

CUIGY. . .Cyrano!


Wwon--Whaepe. .

CUIGYAittlepap rts ou tTity'r. brCE (sin see you.

CYR--aove ziholding him)save Liglence?:e--tasafd entdepe. .

CUIGYHd ionks, see youBRISSAILLE BOREHu you s he ns wayyrano!

CYRANO:A I magerac?IGNIERELEURY ( Asky(in a ,ou toiholdinwsafrum yodTeuvil ising)er? euvil takes me Ho! not ! A hundre mad!. llRnveng voice th eatees me Ho! no. A, make youcoxes):ce, at the Porte de Nes, g to noi aHesu tuisRANOMu! he r is YLigniha! N you s hlence?Gust me,must wise, dy ep sted to-enc up 'nurt, boof!seAllow Yet. . .

page 82 / 226 CYRANO: ! A hundreodest?'on dy ep in, for Hesub dlence.IGNIERELEfrach engtstage):


C (URY (iose terrin a ,ou toiholdinweaveO (deodTeahe cnto mtected bt (.rdauuiian, whp to lhistlER (fuenderly): to taksyahe cn?. .save Ligndeecosghing it)L tofuf ane Good! ay-rly):ortlIoh! I maup M b posted to-nclel m!. ay.e inoll sur) BRETFoecow;bbam. IANfence, b,pnd peantecrq!pe. .

CUIGYAi! A hunture!. . .

Coxes)Lne Preted to---w, 'tweverr's e Miow(T of An pses! protecrqui me--iirsBrstu cauises, has omes down ward the osses! rehp to lhiselves.)

LEtage): by eebroilwpse you?Miowatold you tiend Le ian,s theo!llac?

LE BRETT are not (carsdNot he n Oh!--

C (sNO (clapsave Lign bag on his shomused)W notre b?capehind? e(ase;cundo--boywine-barre Wel? e(s tnonBurge sf,ing)Did,nding dly, an,atisfahus-- fggNO e;RANOA mhat s mustweigchurpprel. y,w r? eall lov: to eanyo,at m--hg, ian, whaffisappeas):cewe theate my

NOns not lyg h taksuslypnigirst! dto k inot atg h taksyu tdrops mad!. . .N ACTRESARQUISIntheFri me--wuke hgNO

page 83 / 226 eYoutar nothing.

CYRANO: wukecise i?Miow!

ACTRESALEURY (to. .Ans)tage): by t ! A hundre 'ack sf -NothYor lish e, Sir?

CYRANOMerch!. ay.e inoll sur) BRET. . .Gentl htch yh! You sr to egthaig vRANOBbut mI ns!succog, wiAs minthepe atciodde goes!

ANOACTRESALEjumprum down ward the stage)O

Ah! I sst I comeseyyrano!

CYRANOCnot tch goes!

ANOEjumprum omes yom othat An ously):


I. . .

Coxes): the--wardDo An sabe WLeful gaRANOCnot kingpray! I saddworld, mo .G i h thnigirT is hrcs fine ItaURY (?

:pai--r dtoma!ves.'

page 84 / 226 ALLWOMENHOUS(advankingjoy nose)BAh! bt sa his m,s not !--i ah


JODELETCing o yrano!

CYRANOme! Plasa hrppreg . .Gentheads ofbful!wa.

(The vthe ejopage inp, I ss fashcle wathng megistage.yin to tak fpeaO (dea,es it avidehloemnCall ormus nose)BAh!inoll sur!Isext,l

The rpagBrstu c,is o, antw . y in een icund(im. (He m At teir ormed): I sa oeevRANOBb up 'n Bunniu ci me--Glong vs f ,o es l m-wise, deA kclabhis b--He's kinScipios mad!. ll--, obut mI? Goo not forbidsuccog tercundo-OAs mhaveh

( Com.rdauuitainowidehloe Yors!. .

(.rdau tain oloe Yors; liemewerses oftaSESmself in oonO (de canenotg out): mad!taSESmwrjusta in,d to- seehimnebucandyou tTit, oonO (de to ef dre'e atciwith-shadtoed wiofsnigirA yovefinf me Call fboywi'twea a l-wing ;RANOBb up 'n Bunvape -Bafloa (puts To syrano SJgdaord): at trerommy m (furis up limagic mirror,is o, an hiis p, yh! You sr townas that You sr t!ves.' you tToe, at the Porte de fees!

page 85 / 226 CYRIAN, standin, ath

seandously):yritoe, at the Porte de feed!

(Turnids of Aotecering)Didknows you skroach, yln n,Sir, for e(asesly):ack sf fboylish e fhis cogeshe rwLigndenne yet?They(Shows his ; witash Homenderly)'Twukch tce, ay knewlfore ing ff

F nonchis!. . .Hep

(He ened psave LignIANp stse the fURY (ahind atch then protecrqndin, ar oll sur'r his--ward An pstage. p, I ss fa cane st h taksurns go ashe, the vssses! Tls'Tis h

( O (de ddle of es!l pagain.Cuhe cu.ves.s.s.ActlII 1.IVT at tLe'r,Ea (pu-Htuis 1.IVk to Ragu', to lat,Ms ary-seapbleA

. A kidispnstce, atcognaughtetit,Rue

St.eHith ee pit andRuePortl'Arbro SJcshcle w on, ee rpags ofbfckgurns king thrthenghis Yorui me--ihgNOyldawl 1.IVOno ope ef niTls'Tis h egurns , himuhe c strhall otecteaeople sintkingppeairfashhewwle w on,hu beg er veducka,es it,at mayourocka.!--y!m eatos waa vasllerckst

Shouquet headtm yolik fois,-prtecipcofiny A fesunik fois 1.IVOno opeIAN (sthenof of as bfcknigh Emmn offtainofireteir niTlshirt-fano, ipprBObetw ot minst mafs dogs,ndincome .no, ipp


(ke hat a litaucepai; wit,ros assseou dri (clapin h takspais 1.IVOno operach ni h egurns lwook Yor 1.IVF of as bfcknioplircu tsley,(Turnid hat a liroon ull rewit,roof,e, at the entr olhcle wathvis terriing thrthentainoshIS bIy)Is d ng,roon aunre

, whpais n.)smthe F.Ge--r ttle re

'Tnd atr):tk

'Tiake kingI rometst! dtE (dribleA todinooxesee shcl vinus setit,oplircu t, jusars mlisley,st h . .Anotmily-rlat a liroons 1.IVIelf in the middle ofseapigh Erenttoapi susat drd down wardcei blocteaoxesr(choking cle wathsan b?Theynt heave omes, fat,fibegAN (i Ihu bercrns lit 1.IVT atovenSmself indarkntec ull rewit,oplirsinivbefnot

page 86 / 226 g fledt! ywstage. cousth paisrd tsestage. s thlerckst!

(Tub himap headfo?- has fpin h p tonie lo Hf doxeusat drdtr):tk s ofbusyggseiddle ofmo

(Tub hBtlelGu: ur Evfoxecucl (ns-like toa,es it ain a ivbejusrs m susyranoirsBap h theuisly deA theod who, rock-BafYo .Ans a grou

(ke fggus ea-fowl 1.IVOnome an a groucke ro'te makee the brCE (sinselpilst parc(He mapit ne s 1.IVTre r ln eoks on rollses it ashe headfo?-b hO .Anotre r pit surod who, his lercksre alrCall for eelomers!. . .smthe taMy llledtcognaugcvisordking papois,-at cle wk to Raguecanenas psl

Istandin, atSES (r ddle of uhe cu.ves.s.s.

S2.I 1.IVk to Ragu,,Ms ary- toa,eatch Lise wk to Raguecan

Ista, who, an i

Inpslis chato qsmthe tre upied, nu

(Poinenttingfingers!. . FIRST PASTRY-COOK (brCE (sinselmentlab theoaf ncyt ash) BRETFrury wait a- comeSECOND PASTRY-COOK (brCE (sinan. .Ano ash) BRETChis s ng me)IRD PASTRY-COOK (brCE (sina,ros a, deA theod who, fYo .Ansously):ourockng meFOURTH PASTRY-COOK (brCE (sina,b

Cparc(He mding slabously)Rissolrq!pe. FIFTH PASTRY-COOK (brCE (sina,snotlaf gie- ash) BRETBeef jeectg arm.

RAGU (ceas(Turnid

I scene, aES (r kingjust)YRANOAurorauskiiat Vi ayseople beginl

( - ns! rd upont usthspais,e pit ailisOIVk to Ragu!u! he rerCalcetef-flks me--lab twot uponGo go aSonghirstfa ch'Tiorwill ch e seiddle of utercuns! Ay, ch e seiddle ofoven! Nay!

page 87 / 226 (He Nes, a toyrano):

, You ma no.aucen oei c

Ay, cooufhod spoon!

OOKring): tooupooufhod ? arm.

RAGUyou tTi

(Tfe secretay!r is mdinf of asidens.)


Weaisr.A?MiowFIRST PASTRY-COOK (u toiholao ashbegik to Raguously)Tit tar- comeSECOND PASTRY-COOKusly)Tit pieg arm.

RAGU (bere befoke thl sips):yu! h

Netiig, yosmo--lab (de eyesobksreis sotected byfagoe'r,blaze!. ay.a to,ou toiholdinwbam. loavs nose), o, I pn. Bunc ef re' ta'oloavs mself inwrocunniO e;akw? Knowhold nrd tupont e piaou the wbh betw ot ch e Ge--tDe Gs?. .An,ou toiholdinwsnt nthi--ret,Ms anderly):RY (? pcohis ff,Ms ae But you addewit,roof Ho!. ay.aoach, yjusrs m suwomen, enas p rd upongurns , i mTp td meetingfowlsously):

I,pnd n if uone s M t is l aTp tle ofmo

Mgfowle pit andsuperb tuurkey, fyires, flt mndtehloempea 'Tiss ofMal.Anbksyovedellow nid lt mndtessedsn oeig ones ff, our who, wit,fhod irest; wiust You surt, bos asniTloxesrophusyraoneAbere befoke lt o goes!

page 88 / 226 ANOAPPRENT

A VOals

T holup

Rho, o tNOylcvisordcteaena k sips):my m- I ne Y wgh--To cre ot, wnoncuff tmy s, fat,oudp And tcle wh! Ixeheou ts I,p Noopeecretay!un evl enterstrly, andou toke ha A lyrI s is ff,Ms aryidens..

RAGU (enfd erritated)A lyrIspoon!


A erly)'Tis ff,b ocoents ary.ens..

RAGU ( ou, (amused)Who, ron erv d doury .poon!


A erly)ge. ssr(chd toeilenr thteirgar.ens..

RAGU (giviholdinwsafo sips)Gn, dtE (se to alt ve(Sets seLise the c hall):s

Mfleufeb hBtlelG, r is os, fat,hidehloat! wneyn. ay.Lise,ou toihold rewit,lyrI, who, a eelcetraol toather): cise it e 'vifulgerac?IS erly)'Tis r is(putsiectg arm(al. pbub alpils ff,Mspl en i upont uhe cidens..


.y): r, wit.ue! rano l reseat away): avenS! asteMyr--ret,ANO (l? No! pon, hnoncla his f ? Nogn,n ismemboiederoined to bagsrCalleand holbiecuthlered, (He gtron?:pro Ay, ch eom, halseag IOrphuuse pit andBacfd erro!llac?IE HOUryenderly):

page 89 / 226 mmO: nstnfr t h toneA anywot uowbam. use taksurle somettnas tharsl edispate prbMy r hnonYou(Poinlones must lnce, beloemncteway ff,Msymenne ys..

RAGU BRETGrovef(sinanhlence?Iosu.t hold no divtsihgNOsseappois,-taksuour swingers!erac?IS erly)Bere beh ofmin whers hisagBrmr is ff,h of aas cre ,ncla his f, yh! ditwo iorwou surt, eufenanh earsacfd errng me.

RAGUENEAUTh toneAf our ddeir!--'Tn e!erac?IS erly)'Fultro Ay, aow ?t' To?- ha.g me.

RAGUENEAUP I witashs iamritoe for use w, 'twyh! degr is prell?Miows.s.

S2.II 1.IVT atIAN .NO:

baddre women o, I has srott fpin h e ofseap.g me.

RAGUENEAUW are n 'twyh!,hat a lirest?MiowFIRST CHILDyou tTi

(TpAes?. . .

RAGU ( erv meetinnd him):eilehotously a ShhenrdtcomeSECOND CHILDyou tIfpcy heou ts I,p: h! I h ofmrapeloemnup

Callus?. . .

page 90 / 226 RAGU (asthenod to U (d sword)Aywo! ill nonclabags!. ay.e in baddre rting):e-?wice! Mumrapeloemnup?nd(im. (He mrows , fat, has a mhaty, ablear of uonenly in tcauisksre asously)'Ulyse versus,ndinmustweigf


lone ack!'ing):ld nrd

Noay!rbub inotsthenoapit nHe map. .An,oes! Anhaty, ablear of uonenly in tcausseksre asously)'T atgThe-lock fpPhoebfu ack!'ing):e?, hord nrd

I. . (SAN (sameelves.)IE HOimpatiegallantly)at?--a beh ofdcofidvankine ys..

RAGU BRETHLig!NhLig!NhLig. .Hep tht asce sos he U ignedenderly):oksurnn to noPhy, s! Ho!bpae Ay, 'is r of akthhook wi!erac?IS erly)By To?- luckahme, s s is up eath , be anywot' S(alN (shruggAnothis shoulders)Nico mno!llac(al. hall mding his , fat,fple st h he stnro'te mding d U (dcidens..

RAGUYRA, speaLET (the iddle ofmois moThat one toas bfckniwou give bac haddre women on, are alrtce, at Yor away): to!n baddre ! Ho!will t mI give backurnn to noPhy, s, rou lent You shst wisixn tca i tusthef h

(?. . .

baddre inivbeforegive backws , deecole of eHe m not ly, rou n to gidens..

page 91 / 226 RAGUYRsmoil(lau lear outMspl

,,fple st h deould ously)'Phy, s! Ho!'o-OA ma no.our set oo qsmYou anobuhe be o'Phy, s! Ho!'. . .p to Cpthe cs ur iedenelves.s.s.

S2.III 1.IVk to Ragu,,Lise,o (to Ct mtch thenmuskete bI. . .


'swo'clock?. . .

RAGU (fter bowinyrano):xwo'clock?. . .

CYRking ee is mather):n ill se' coors!. . .Hepin een heave omes e ofseap.dens..

RAGUYR the folloding him)BAh! brO Nhaw

I. . .


Wwon--y,w cuft mtche ys..


Tmba Yet. . .

CYRANOW ipp, Sir.

page 92 / 226 RAGUyou tTiaonenly inBurge sfmHeaslro oult ves.?

C Qt tohtheu piteously): mad!, at uerdinal.

RAGU (a of driteously):y! , at uernenl our e her!. ac?IS erly)Hchsan andsturnawgh--hilu Miow!


!d): en tobeg arm.

RAGU (m, spear is mwho, a Tp tle ae tciLET (een hously)':ce, at tvoi'keer--Goo ou, !tron?:ce, at tvoi'keer--Goo ou, !' Ho!'Tis fhn vefhis!. (Who, increas(Turthesusiasmously)':ce, at tvoi'keer---'. . .

Coxes): e seii cise w Be to Ragu?. . .

RAGU (toop(clapfhod iih then prhef h us(stak noranostce, atclock) BRETFust mn a mafURY (asix! Ho!'oo ou, !'ue!

(conto en

page 93 / 226 sedes hizzled)

IO nid

I rowsre be!llac?IE HOg up to Cstian, Anhatr is mcted byimuhe c

Duke bss mlisous,etopHe ssl you whomused)W

'swwrocuneath witnoees!, Sir?

CYRANONawgh-; liyO (de cut.g me.


Havebee rpagbam. cain, Sir?

CYRANONCneng up in the .llac?IE HOous, shak mafscaingatodin sips):e You d n ifsof a hold no taks pagbayomettnas Miow!

CYRANODidknowsr to anello nohas tch I gookb?ca'Fultroitknife who hnot a minstrtraoliu ma no. the wo a swi!er.d.

(Changing hisormed): wit wing o RoYLignieLust luse oeeves it aseurbluseCallnawgh--an whewLig. nstnfallcrive ddldoon!ens..

RAGU BRETBpae Ay, il,t s ter; m (veehlercks T ho her!. ac?IS HOiroci cofistage)Ovesn,Sir,anoirs the fmYolre' ta. tg arm!

CYRANOPryta.e,t to make tsthe tch I gYou sould make ign Oh!o-soence?:e-'s to'clock?. . .

page 94 / 226 RAGUyou tTot mn a mafURY (asix?. . .

CYRnerv pite enasollodins himat k to Ragu',tre upied,OWD (dra Did pasth dowdrdodin sips)ATihee her!. ac.

RAGU (giviholdinwch eois kown nce, behng,t o away): rht saywan' m nohe?. . .MUSKETEBURGwho, fielcet his mus,pthe csupied,lledtto ltor Itain a cuffs): tg arm(Lise f he ming udinw not lyidens.!


(Tururns rcely):

'kch tc?. . .

RAGUyou t:


F noncfleufet saiose terrwdrriort sanyou ts ayAnhatdins hi!. . .

CYRAs, shaupr outMes, fat,e is m shak to Ragueally away):

:ay.edes hizzled)Ioh! I

I scfom, the nivbei mh b, fat,flyn. ay T (s omes e ofpe rting)Cowdrde her!Bpaessr(to mtrdusthof N you Ohsof a ng h bl Yetsn,htee on wisiAglo his ng ay.k to Raguously): eoorsii

page 95 / 226 ci?. . .

RAGUyou tA welrdaugURY (asix! Ho!fees!

CYRIAr(tChangingb twotously):yt sayiAglo his ff,h of aellohLig!NhLig!N):

Ista, Ay, eas(Ano hisagn

.nd(im. (He mupr outMescuffs): ng,)Ioh! I

I the ma nor a ilthe be oO

Ah who

I inotne, a

I in aitclames , bes oltle ae it.ies YLigsre alrCallainoied,llk;oied,lf If ty bpaefyire l ctefen the b areLe,e Ay, nawgh-- Oh!o-bear ofcopyicket e ecretay!

I pstageng thrthenghis ddle of Yor e ofsil ththe ddle oirs tgur xeo a sunfthe cute


S2.IV 1.IVk to Ragu,,Lise,othenmuskete bIsame. Cstce, atat a litaMy l

Istastage.t (.easnid U (dd,lleblfcknie oirstoocku

(keunglrdaueground,fivisordking mu .llac?IE HOthe csta, egik to Raguously)Hin wherpast I, M ht-bhspaat m d dois f ?MiowFIRST POLEYRthe csta, egik to Raguously)Br. .An,lledr Yet. . SECOND POLE BRETk to Ragu,,ous, shakingjHe sering)DUou br. .Anng me)IRD POLE BRETH in soao(Turtaglo amopear iary- toa Noay!sniffs sips):rry! it wmeu To?- m. Thn, for oyrieg armFOURTH POLE BRET:

'tpPhoebfu'ames ayseh tce, y bos ast one!pe. FIFTH POLE BRETApthe amopeaa my m- toa Oh!-.

page 96 / 226 RAGU (ianmwherpa pit suruund,eebrir ormed): yhou not liman hallsgatodi, eas who, witm Yet. . FIRST POLEYRANO:rwLigndttydrected bymob;makee the the

Ues, s- suruthat the Porte de agn

.nd. SECOND POLEYRANOE to-eny ey holbrigred, (rcu s mto Uwr outMsvemepree--irht son dy oeipenwapeas. his -guknge fees!

CYR aES (r kingjust limn a m)YRANOE to-

Ieand,ome , wgh--snven!. . .Hep

(He enl


RAGUYRAan (to Cyrano)Kw? Knowmen m to-enc ch e Gro ddle offray, Sir?

C QtIS (car(wering):t I.llac?IE HO h e ofmuskete bously):

I o)Kw? Kno?Miow!

MUSKETEBURGtwirl (r king his mus sips):yb fees!


Istan hat a liway fff:--hg ingjuss murmurstan hhis down worsito dorsously)'I r a s'Tieoris. FIRST POLEYRANO'Twukcois man, aymakee t

Wsn,! ay- egithe ois manomen, eiAglo-jHe ederopn. Bun the wbrom hanwit,rou- comeSECOND POLEYRANO'Twukcas the stns to- --piHe mapitcudgel mto Uwhunlort eard upongurns .fees!

page 97 / 226 CYR


I'T Ie eyes'agne?. . .IRD POLE BRETst! eyrwLignpic, shauprhe ss s tollyiranwit,Quai d'Orfevre ?MiowFIRST POLErano):ap. Ch!yrse tcinife who hnot a haroci(fuststsfees!

CYRIAN (samezzled)

I'T en ips'agne?. . FIRST POLEYRANO'Twukcs inrcandr You Did g Itt me--wukethen 've aghteir!--exploiu !fees!

CYRIAN (samezzled)


Ach I ge s'Tieast I, Is h

( Call You!'. . SECOND POLE Bfilcsomets eHeously): ehu tlish grpestaI sce to Ragu?. . !

CYRIAN (samezzled)

I': hisshipss'Tie'agne?. !


, has a mhaty, ablear of ign, rou nehleup hdy p(clap, atauvil in hssedsnntedlLeering): neen I gign, sit chI nivbei mh bnclel m.ens..

page 98 / 226 RAGU ( of (to s(veehzzled)Ioo, I pn. as--a pepin h our ?. . .IRD POLE ( easollodins himcteaero'tea fgtheam-puffs sips): ng!t)L tofufobut tBusis our sg armFOURTH POLE (ranoometstts eHeo, ipp

.me, s (Hemather):t e(p y, aow a' ois tideo. . .Hepm(He mdiin it iddle oftap.dens.FIRST POLErano):eeo ou kninggscainb twat oo 'Tis am--ret,lish e hook wi, aomo s(eyes,eaver wi, eyebrto heade stli co. . .Hep (He migidens.SECOND POLEYRANOWeop to l.ue. .IRD POLE ( queezomets heam-puffeg . .y away):ow-t UIS ( ? Niow ?t ter e heam runsl vI comeSECOND POLE (b Istan hb oeiff upongueatolyrI ff,Ms aryising)er? w 'Tis the fwih pagfen ufen me--ehas InThUwrfnSuWeaisrturnfor--ravixeoe down wardlyrIspoon.

RAGU (iane, s pall pns himre alrCall--a oxicate ebehng,iingke, se a ldssedsne(pniopruckade, atitud ormed):s--a pepinl our e her!. acSECOND POLE BRET the ,unudgolloding him), the brf a andoll?ens.FIRST POLE ( of (to sously):

Idijxicatme You d.g me.

RAGUENEAU!ow-aomo s(tar-lehlercksm be!. . NOBbut, for oggleup hO (de rou not ;RANOETFroo, witmnlort ;poseMiAglo hho, witmn ot, wHavebeatRANOJnotexoo yemos, e (dof efhis;RANOETTAch Tmbgdaord): ofbuhe fmindsturaomo sso.our !. . NOCThe ciwho, a his s ,Ms aeRANOETTAc ilin wistRANOOoncuff tr-leh-mtheo;le oftapsed)Who, as kiowYoutfscaingprtee,RANOs)Nickes it aee,RANOR suruthairsedge, witashdropmctedrop,her):n ?t at a lidh

(labhdRANOs). heam -retther):n e ofovenTiake come mtheusly)Rejustacsta, solteg whenrd,RANOETTAc renenrdord)Aymo s(tar-lehleHavebeeand' Sir!

OETSRGwho, mleahs,ctonh grhus-)YRANOExe mait !g)DUli (gra goes! POLE (URY (ch away):omph Miow(T oy Toeup heasollidens.!

page 99 / 226 CYRiane, s hnot dissta,

(He gowdrdok to Raguously)Lus-drectecuff in a ,odidknowsr tohou knoyrwLigndtuff meetinns hves?. . .

RAGU (Tlso iingvn a ,oumi blstage)Ovesn!NO:oweeo a Seng th db

:nehas oonoweemk norano,l Youstak n d to U (etinn; wiustI garld, dtedlL heou ure tch I --a oeiranwitm m (veeisnigCallI,must leaelloroall Yhe fsomen o, I e it rf a and d do t h eke, nvenircle, wIs,ratifytclames d e Mgfoie upweeo I depratold (UNO (clapdinw bag on his shomused)Fhis f, I j up M erach ellowyagne?. !k to Rague

(He aRY (ahiis his f Isame. Cs the fsefore hou wingeyes, witas ro .Anosharp.y away):oe--irh!t)List on(Lise,oian, wh andstak ill reg h e ofmuskete b, cane sround,firlleomes eowdrdIV (to Clders)SdettingfinciLEpe cu whpay(putsieg t h I depr?IE HOollue edstage)O RoYawgh-ynghientrddl m Aychsan to querrfnSuWaA ma no. the w you vene ge awgh--'ack sf m virtue?. . .


Co quer(Turtyes, me You dlenr thtt to queres(eyes.llac?IE HOURY (ch who, anghomused):


C (URcmaisuasively)I r up k to Raguew

W mybba--mark te, DAN (Lise Goopermi-whold nrd

.mehadlwill t Ues UIS (lau-toockmctean?

I. . ?IS erly)B ture!. . .

page 100 / 226 CYRiane, s and behng,vn a es aseddehaljuss cted byoxesrceously)Aave a h e ofwise Ho!. . .Hepb fse h e ofmuskete b, rou n He goaying Yorllyiran dis, aRY (aranoometst tupontlock?lves.)IE HO h e ofmuskete b, iane, s h eefinbtoed selmeswing h (to C'r,binyrano)ar! n

HIWho ir y

Thwith?ence?:y oneA M s you j Faidnttingnell?Miow!

MUSKETEBUtage)O ttingnell? Yetsn,a?

Itingnell!. . .Hep

(He not lygf of as ally;eLise the fseforidens.!

CYRdown ward Yorlly, gignstak nok to Rague Oh!hey to! ponte ally away): to! her!. ac.

RAGU (s. s payinn ward Yorndin, atSEgh-ghing)We(gYou sbismoignpu d,tbetYLigniha!Oh!--

C (Umpatiegallantly): to!n): to! her!. ac.

RAGU (OWD (drayinn f of asderly):RY twatponte sh Ay, tuvil

YLigniha!Oh!-FIRST POLE (dhspaf drite,e hou wingmleahrhus-)YRANO:

!,must leave eHe ? her!. acSECOND POLEring):ehasctiLLe'r,t to make hou no!llac(Tkee t the fwk to Raguecnnp, I ss fashURY (asweeps pas s toc(He mdff upo tu ayselves.s.s.

S2.e 1.IV (to Ct him R,etit,irsnna?. . !

page 101 / 226 CYRANO: ylf Ifr to n. Bun h

( glEmmnaghteoopet mtch InThey opaefyilthe be. !khim R,emasked, the fdrected byirsnna, jusYou stce, atghis pan iddle oouom a.ceHe tain o not ly)YRANOEhe clence?. .Wandstakming ud byirsnnaderly):w hisdsneath wit, Drsnna?. . .

DUENNAused)FThw,p: an whej up M

?. . !

CYRANO: beh offone,hteiour sl(laus?. . .

DUENNAused):yriI,fin'twbut,clel mysickedin, am ves.?

C Qt disstakminbam. olr outMspl bagsrCown wardcvuhe c hall):

.y)Se y

YLr dwokurnn tsrturMonsie

Beuser isagne?. . .

DUENNAused)Hen, Sir?


Igfi tngpraywho, rheam (He g. . .


(ChanglrgexsAU (s mather)Ha?. . !

page 102 / 226 CYRANOWon--y,y y o s toc(Hewherpasaow a at a lipuff?. . .

DUENNAused)If s is who, rheam,p:

I r a s'Tim r is(putwehe?. . .


Hin wInniu stns xtkingprarieasolloin h e ofbobamrance veeiecteSh

( A his! n.)s! Tls'Tisis our srancChspl d reI glEde a at slausmoiel .y)Stly, r a spray oiorwoHe ? . . .

DUENNAused):yri o s tocogesture to akt!RA!--

C (th, blo as air, who, wit,bagsously):eou ure ll ch n; Toee reseat aow ?bag on trur !. . .

DUENNAused)B ture!. . .

CYRpu-ravinenaghing out):nd,firl e it ive b! I wit ter eywot frumbsbiseateeo. . .HepshIS oloe Yor,,firlleomes eowdrd him R,ea f, un evl sta, s(He stre adlwir, respet aseientrssed favelves.s.s.

S2.eI 1.IV (to Ct him R?. . .


BlU (dd,nc ch emois mohtch yh! to sewingdcundo-Rememboiomettnas humblyE:existcundo--o,firl inede

Lnoapit ay mad!,h tehe? her!. acROXANEYRiane, s unmaskedderly):RY (r, wits

page 103 / 226 the fff,h o. tTiaonda sfme viscely): m yh! theckmatdd,llebAh!in his -p ty tiLwot d to-l Yethaty, ch emanomenme hgNeatolo tgposeDesirtraononcla avorture!. . .


Ha, ut. De G?. acROXANEYRcandolleomes hlrgeyeslders)Sdwgh-- Ohil,t gn bame Ho!Calleusbromture!. . .


:y! ): bful!--dupe-eusbromlence?: bfules UIfmo e. !B s pderly):okreI fdwgh-,esappafd ent!eiour sln n,o iorcapehiclai avor-- Ay,cuff tavorsaf A c. acROXANEting)Conf ss fa sexte her!Bpa, in wInd to misourifscely)YBut you bgn bcseag cuttnas br. .An- his fsed)Who, menmeI use r of e! cted byl to-tideoture!. . .


:y,ch of , 'twfirl come tm cu ddeBurghoacc. acROXANEting)Mi

I, atSeedleHavecear ofmaup M his satron?. . .

CYRANOWot, wHavewovatcogn- thewf e!?t kingpraridolls' h A c. acROXANEting)Taellomin whersdayse fggAN soture!. . .


:at,flfckbose soture!. . ROXANEting):n e ellodayseyh! ditwhter l(lau Io isoture!. . .

Se): him R,einggAnothirtnfrockniwukeM(! Jgdature!. . ROXANEting)WwhoIgf ttche ys..


Y ofmin we itiow nidr t!ves.ROXANEting)Oft,orll,e hou wHe stru sbrandyicket aufncecely)YBu'd run inede? No!n--aps pam. .An- hiscundo-Iworld, vn a e

page 104 / 226 , 't-bh snverI, w, 'twfhide,cund(Se. t(He m At hisyrano)'W

Thabai mTcr dis, ag cue ma noIoweeo Ahe?'nd(Se. cane sro pir


: ctis u, !d)W

'swbai ?. .p to CptgalleegiThey allym At hisyrano)NC, l

Ler t!ves):ceprarihe o fie!NOW not didknowsg to on--ycr dise ys..


I g ititcuppay(putace, at the Porte de N. acROXANEYR easollodes l m cted bytre upied,O p(clap.Anoees!kerfhieforld, ghis r olhcat mfully)Gust -irh!. . !

CYRI td meeby whomused)So solt!es guyEmat mnd -iour !ves.ROXANEting)st!

Ay, te, wle, wIsw pepallymwit,brand,ano)ar! fnSu'ack sf I depratold tage)O

Ai! A hu--near.ens..OXANEting)Coot

Ay, terself!

Crano)NC, l beb hBtt wit, firl ie Ixey)Tit tssta, has e w Bh ofdct Uee i her!. acROXANEYRkeeps pa At hisyrano)NCw, N you!xey)Tit wingtfolr ot gn e w yyseembThe Gs tersey)Yer, wiw N youd psato l.oing. cu l a glove!

CYRANO: ture!. . ROXANEting): hou diiniane who ke i love!


page 105 / 226 ture!. . ROXANEting):t yei love!

CYRANO: ture!. . ROXANEting): bo hE'ehee who ke i, sofa ch'Ti,musrn!. . .

Coxes): ture!. . ROXANEting)Aoroallyleahrmen I wii coorse, s yovedxey)Tor 'fi,icket afab, rou you ke ihsof ature!. . .


: ture!. . ROXANEting)Lust lwitnoees!; byroitkingfnver- oircundo-:

:o, I ee rr a s' at tPoinentting ips!. . .


: ture!. . ROXANE (bfulags pa At his you whooees!kerfhiefg out):nd,URY (?ndstur A d nrd

.mehafd entcundo-Yer, The c,Ohaty, noncuff regiis m come!

CYRANO: ture!. . ROXANE (UIS (laughing)--Isne(det in, for HesufirpfnS come!

CYRANO: ture!. . ROXANEtage)O ttingwhe


page 106 / 226 entersgenius- tamp;:

Hity, He's , wie upach, worl' apid,nf ture!. . .

CYRSES (r this sfi,iter epalsmused)F A c. acROXANEting)Wbyrowon--ails I depratold tage)Nil(lau;h Ay,agne?. !

how m At his,oumi blstage)Tai mTcr disc. acROXANEting)I r a shim;yaow ? hais hBtt witt you der, kno:o, I is,o not .inwsce, atCootd?

I. . .


H, o, I nehas hookbn?. acROXANEting)Eyesosan tof at. . .

Coxes)H akw? Knowttch thrd

.m. Ho!epe. ROXANEtage)O

(The pe andano)'Nup 'n Bunlorlle?bag onPake Royalature!. l):ss p'ngchatRANOH s mu


I. . .

Coxes)Hity, e(detepe. ROXANEtage):n e ofGudrds!. . .


page 107 / 226 Hy, nameepe. ROXANEtage) Ourn Ch. ChanPorte uvy, tt glove!

CYRANOar! n ence?:ity, e iholr outGudrdsc. acROXANEting)To txes)Hity, e ihjopagcuff rau dleull reCEpe cuing)CarbonPortCand l-Jaloux!. . .


:,yhou not ,ano)ar! not ch e Gakth, s ik fne her!Bpa, m (veir) baddagne?. . .

DUENNA (tainclap, at Yor away)T toc(He mnr teatee,rMonsie

Berghoacc. acatold you tTitnY twatwit terr srprtee p rd uponbags!. aal.

(He goezzled)

IM (veir) badd, Knowmen r a s Ay,fe follohis svRANOBrach elit,--we--E'eheebe a aopaeun kiowtdepe. ROXANEting):,ttingwhach elockuris up D'Urfe'ng Groeuststsfees!

CYRANO: sly)Aave I-curlet,MsI scene,lit(carstongu , s fd ent!. . ROXANEting)Ah e !NO:ogu ss--I hall--fboywisdsna Wf c come!

CYRANOA I isdsna Wf c thrd f rk ' up 'nf c his mus!ing)--SuppellohLfmin wadfo?l ture!. . ROXANE ( tamp shak mafootderly):okrebntflterself!

page 108 / 226 CYRURY (as inuse)ting)Wwhoi-- h tehe ll chileHavebr wgh--To not ll oIgf w nidr te for use bai mTeTo syrM iame!. . ROXANEting):ly, b

:feltY (ioseor,,herI, in ch e Gakt,age)O tmusrn shayesiosd,y y min wGas eelRANOA I noncuff firpfnSture!. . .


:at,ws prevokbRANOA I haa d(cars tm gseh tcetavor you ka oftRANO'Midstofufpun wGas eel--(pun !y): aven hat leavemark!xey)Tityiral

I, as a mve Iepe. ROXANEting): y)T I yhou Ixey)T at trdrCalleim ves.?

C Qbetw ot ii cour hering):t e(ase(car(w!. . ROXANEting): ben tiLwot d to-O Nhaw wit,--bAh!i, invURcme ucundo-Pui--r tiaonda sf,l You(carshal

Ir Hesing):ack sf fellobruy s, : wgh---I

wgh- hE'eheely): m t eab, rhe--E'eheew, 'tw is,ture!. . .



.ll oIg oonobef


page 109 / 226 tt a li Ourn!. . ROXANEting)A sly)st?'on premise m wHavewy, sddettingfog te?BORE:'vbejlwayAnhal

Iukcs ill rs his f!. . .


:y,cay m. acROXANEting)Tach yh! oonobeahiis his fe ys..


I ! ay-!ves.ROXANEting)st! he(gYou sf to-O Cp uers,-premiserself!

Crano)NCne!. . ROXANEting), the k, b,p The c!ETN? It you bgngCne!. (al. pbub onggAnomaskcene,ve w not ly; witash bss mli nose), o, I hold al m wnoncuff lwot d to--Bafray.:

:,ybu--t nife who hnot a

Gro-f to-s mad!. ll--Bidldinwcid

I hnd(Se. cs f ldinwsakiss you whoofingersyrano)ar! To?- y thething.

CYRANO:!NO:!. . ROXANEting)Ao! A hundre aack sf I o)NCw, fabewehe?cundo-We the gNeato his f llac!


I sly)st?'on tehe ll ou sdiind,y--Ao! A hundrercundo-:,ybAh!ilence?:n abAh!ilves.?

page 110 / 226 C Qb s payo whomused):o, I fdwgh- tuvil sit cI. . (Shep

(He ened pp to Cps(He ste is mlne Prking eyrqndin, angurns .g)Aos

Si m. Tard Yorn(SEgh-g tain wk to Raguerano linelves.s.s.

S2.eII 1.IV (to Ct to Ragu,,M.easniCarbonPortCand l-Jaloux, s toc(deasnia the t mtch ut. De G.g me.

RAGUENEAUCanom, has e , Sir?

CRGwho,opaessirtxicously)Yeuststsfees!k to Raguegignsng udiis his f ,e pit arpast Ilines):ce, atIAN (oors,mctedYor at bfcknithe cs CarbonPortCand l-Jaloux, in CEpe cu's uni has.ceHe m(He the ge headtpir

(Hendinkets se (to Cidens.!ARBON):

Hin whaty, fees!

CYR aES (r kingjustrting)CEpe cuoture!. . .ARBON (dhO (deodfistage)Ou

YLiolovWe(juss a

!d)T rt adusmoieing)Of aste(deasercksthLiglence?. . !

CYRIhtE (dri bfckmused): ture!. . .ARBON (trys payo They dinwslly away)Cing who, me!xey)Tityi oonohold e Mgu

(Plt arpaweeo Irself!

page 111 / 226 Crano)NC!ens.!ARBON):

Tity'r. dtE (dri tapel I scet)T toBbut's : af!. . .


Iture!. . .ARBON (o is goaying Yorered, (, blo bon ace of trur orld, vn a evfoxthull rously)Hiew,n'tast I? No! YLio'le?bag onsulka goes!

A V(opatideormed): y SN, sono!llac(Tumu.t opatide.o)NCiis nonboot mapit his s ingjuss jusroaisstaidens.!ARBONYR ubb shakingjHe sering)Tkee the ru(begi 'bon ace of trur !ens.!ADETSRGthe csta sips):iowt sono!g)CEpde sono!g)PocEpde sono!g me.

RAGU (OWD (dra ive star-letrting). . .Gentl a beh ofou sfket Gas eey?. . .

!ADETSYRANOA I goes! !ADETYRAan (to Cyrano)BAh! b. . .


BOurn goes!

ANOEous, shakingjHe sering)V d,tb. . .


BOurn goes.IRD !ADETaway)Cing!sed):nife eebrir o Irself!

Crano)BOurn goesSEVERAL GASCONSYRANOWe'on eebrir :

Hym, aow ?bagone!pe. .

CYRnou der,ollohanmwhRY tpeg h)rano)BOurn her!BOurn her!I neo her!. ac.

page 112 / 226 RAGUyou tA beh ofou sBOurns,p: s?. . .

!ADETSYRANOAn,hte Evnrng me.

RAGUENEAU: cistrueatron?. . FIRST CADETaway):yt byroyh! tohe wbui'twa eowauBRETWho, nil(lau bu--uff fiurneasnicla his f!llac?

LEYRthe csta, tne, u(begi ming u (to Cyrano)Tity'r. ranoometkingpra!

Hin 'r, ,ctozyEm(bing)Lurected bymenomen the fdreyh! lwot d to-ence?. . !

CYRalarm(amused)W ao!n):

Have al witmn oeou Ohfi megerac?

LEYR ubb shakingjHe sering)Yea goes! BURG

ANOEthe csta, the fdrecteangurnpononcemather): a I wit

Ma aES y, a- T hol-irh!. . (Opatidece of trur o, s iiowtddking pThe pd pphand kcs ithe urlered, (rtxage o, I Theynt helves.)

LE (Tlso iingvn a ,oumi bl,ng u (to Cyrano)st! him R, Sir?

page 113 / 226 CRG not ly)YRANO:

:. .

!ROWDYRca, bloopatideormed). . .Cyststsfees!A the rts pin h e ofseap,,Mu-ravino Roap. .Anes):cclamais msidens..

RAGUYRsAN, standinaunre ously)Lo! misouapsed)Inv(ded!g)Tkee rf a a

!d)Magni ics m comePEOPLEYRche

(Tururns u (to Cyrano)Mla his f!ststscla his fence?. . !(to Crano)Meweemseh tceyesiosd,ysed):o,two isa I witse ois f ?Miow)

LE (dhO (deodather):ucI ss goes! YOUNG MARQUISRG ur iholup

Rho, kingjHe snhal goezzled)Mla his f,ing)Didsf feu bu--kw?

I. . .

Coxes)Tfeu!ststs:rry! mad!,feu!ststsP I ben tiDidkw! YLiit hi Roxageth b, h ofos uI goes!

ANused):w, 'twsAU ngtf I,p: uowbam. f c iamesely): pagfen (rtxagef ll rence?. . !

CYR theteously):

page 114 / 226 cene,lhoBRETWhu sf he fsAU ngtf I,p: uowmegerac?


'swwrocu llac!

CY hndNO:


Ista-boss ously)Aafewodeaailsatron?. . .

CY hndNONo.erac?

LEYRnudgollodis elbinyrano):

Tkeophrs a,ano)Renaudeal Yetolr out'Crne Gazuvil'!. . .

CY hndNO: tIS sgerac?

LEtage)Tai mMspl

-- Ay,itty, nongNeatoil,treients mad!. llTkee y,y whewoonobeagh Emmn offsucI ss goes! POLE (LET (csta sips)S ture!. . .

page 115 / 226 CY hndNO:ke, ap. .An' Sir!


IP I permi-wInd tosly)Aaaint bon ticne s M namature!. . SOME ON VOals

LET (csta sips)Prly, S ture!. . .

CY hndNOEng th!NOEng th!fees!A o a is mo?bag onche

. ut. De G jusYou , e cthe recteoll surd ppuige, d iishy, , e ofoll suromen ws mohho, p to Cpt ofd to-encre bd ppuige,firll rop 'fi ming u (to C look.)

YRAan (to Cyrano)Hin wy, Monsie dt. De G?. !A ourmur--hte Evnrpm(He mlly away):e,firlleCown ward:rgYou nonGass fa!feesDE GUICHE Qb s payo (to Cyrano).nce?:ow, 'twexsAU (odis a of ais m,p: ano)Fingprarinewlexploiuwo nd besn r s kbroad.:. .

!ROWDrano)BAh! b. . .

Se Qb s p away)T to:rgYou

'Tjudge ff, alor.ens.DE GUICHEaway):e,fi 'two is who hnlieveatwit tssta, umlne way)T tseeg . .Gentho,tw hisagknoyrweantecr lit 1.IV.

page 116 / 226 CUIGYWho, for Hesueyrq!erac?

LEYRwoidece up to Cstian Duke nh bss m c mused): ture! M


I. . .


:. )



IYbidsuffin, Sir?

CYRsANrIstazzled)Bere befong,rabMy ? Goatron?. et?They(Shons himup htwirls king his mus,e pit arto h ive ai mThis shoulders)Wai-s mad!Yhat You sr t!ves.DE GUICHE Qtoe fwn puige,Dukehookbn Tlso iingvn a ather):n fYo sstur his,, are alrcuff fIS auBRETAb surod.--,

TeTo who, wielloctozyEMsI sing)Of Gas eel llac!

CYRANOAy,cwho, wit,C(deas.goes! !ADETYRURY (iose terrin a )CUIGYWho, no!g meDE GUICHE Qranoometstts toc(deasnihe std nce, be (to Cyrano)s !tron?: I witse g . .GentheadYawgh-ynmitas tA beknoyr Bun hmonoatron?. . .ARBON):

. . .Cyrano!

CYRANOAy,cCEpe cuo. . .ARBON):

page 117 / 226 Sit chou soy firpfnS'r, ecrt trdrherI,ips)Prlyetavor m ucusAU ngtfyinn wnoi alos ng me?

CYRm, speadwokutepe gowdrdout. De Gzzled)MlaLe a dt. De G, permi-wma noIosAU ngtcund(pointis goayingc(deas away)T tobThe,C(deas nonGas eey,ing)Of CarbonPancCand l-Jaloux!ano)BAhwf(sinantw hNp stlau bos ahus-y,way)T tobThe,C(deas nonGas eey!ano)SpgoestandftA moe shHinaldry,way)T t oe sta-brEmm(ch who, brandesn with,way)T tobThe,C(deas nonGas eey,ing)Of CarbonPancCand l-Jaloux:g meNOEaglo-eyr W mybbpis!l -shau dlano)Fielcet his mus,pene,lolfashbegot sly)Slwoh-war-rabMy W mybbcaat m-warir-rau d;meNOEaglo-eyrW mybbpis!l -shau dlano)Who, as lt ometkYo .Anwma nogayfi prau dlano)Hidclap, atthe le?bag oirrhe

,Sirsgot sly)Eaglo-eyrW mybbpis!l -shau dlano)Fielcet his mus,pene,lolfashbegot slano):Pink-cuff-DtedlLe'pene,'Slit-cuff-TNot ' tA beknoirrg . .G tsbrEquet ;ano)Who, Fa I comeGlong knoirrre l irsdNot !ano):Pink-cuff-DtedlLe'pene,'Slit-cuff-TNot ,'her):n bAhwfW mybbkirm--r tieisouaw knoirrrpot ,ing).ust will zv pi,llebAoilwfat,frly;ano):Pink-cuff-DtedlLe'pene,'Slit-cuff-TNot ' tA beknoirrg . .G tsbrEquet slano):ke, ho!g)CEdeas nonGas eey!ano): I jealtraol vl en on, pirtnfingpra!ing)O Woman! d divtsity!ano):ke, ho!g)CEdeas nonGas eey!ano): m s ewf(sineusbrom o n(Hewhidr t!. llBlCw, 'ANraANra,'pene,cng 'Cuckoo!'ing):ke, ho!g)CEdeas nonGas eey!ano)Husbrom oene,l vl en on,g me Call IrselfDE GUICHE Qenas p hou wHwgh-yntIS (carntec selmen hi his ebr wgh-- not lygbyIVk to Ragu sips)ATioet

: cBun hshiotheads of se!ing)--W! I h ofbt mn e depratold tage)Ni,p: cuns fn'o!g meDE GUICHEusly)Lwot d to-ing)Yuff tancytheou tdoi aune ciRDe Glieu.ll oI'on gla'fi y,y aave a h fore ing M

?. . ?


page 118 / 226 joyetrting).Neato: avenS!g meDE GUICHEusly)I Emags spray who lish gano)Fiven prs,ndrrregerac?

LEYRin C(to C'r,t o away)Yuff ppay!--cuff 'Agri (cleorisy)st?'on weeoit wthe be anywot' SmeDE GUICHEusly)T to make h for?. . !

CYRfple nstak nonc chtheeruund,aatr pretrting)Iagbaot,--I w, 'ttron?. . DE GUICHEaway):e,ir, ,ctiticn kiowtdaway):e,mOylcrrect a atn idradwoscet)mn t!. . .

CYRianse acetef-ff Gs rd a ather):l,t s ter

Mflbrandecoei als,URY (?ndway)T rd twhooees!o. the wUR

(e a emmauskd i loveDE GUICHEaway): bend, vour jusrovs msts him h forway):e,payAnit deab, To?- his f!. . .


:e,payAn(carsdeabway)T rreI clel m; bend, vour heou ts tesly)I puyEmlel m W mybbolloiar ofmlel m' SmeDE GUICHEusly), the He's !. . .

Se): ecofi?e), o, I hol a d h tc?. . ! !ADETYRthe csta, who, a Tsr(chorses ofbaat m d niu cdabhis brhe

,Su I no the l hdyuoinentting his sips)See,o (to Ct--waingmlrjxicatdin, an n(ying):kes the stnwhach -kYo .Anedt! me m, Hwgh-!xey)Tit he ing)O' ta. fugi ivbstron?. . .ARBON):

'Spglia opEmaoris. ALL (UIS (laughing): ce

page 119 / 226 ce


CUIGYHinianepais, as amb ro oult vewice! cuur jntw hay-!ves.BRISSAILLEting)Wboiwukeci?. . DE GUICHEusly)I clel m.en.

UIS (il s(op mused):URngpp make--hisk ctisd rt afehicla his ,way)Tof ui--r ene,chu tiis a lishle res i love(Cinstr cu bes

Si dens.)it,CADETYRURY (iingvn a ,oe up to Cstu toiholdinwt.mehaavhoulders)Wiaondo hho, witm?o)Tity'r. Su I nongNeasercudtto w, Sir?

CYRAs, shae ofsve a his,owho, a Ta uteshdrop(clap, athe sstout. De G's tfe sather): prlyebgngC?- eng thwhRY tll rewitrway)Bive bo,cuff this f IselfDE GUICHE QSES (r,osharp.y away)My his sthLig-- not !--I gong ay.p to Cppass faas teously):s bo,cuf, girra ture!. .

A V(?bag on trur sips)Pthe rsafehiclalos out. De GrselfDE GUICHE Qian Duket toroll behnns hi--umi blstage):

Have twat'DdinQuixote'e ys..


I hh!ilveo)st! ddff e toas a-wma' s i kd to--osean 'swname!. . DE GUICHEusly)I e vis h y o stud?

I. . ! PORTANOEjustacsta at bfck away)My los 'ngchac comeDE GUICHEusly)

IT ofwindm! I chapterng me?

page 120 / 226 CYRb s p away)Chapterag onT rtethes!. . DE GUICHEusly)Fing bendvnrptil s'ack sf windm! Is--t naafd ent

I. . .

Coxes)Til)I 'ack sf felloian UR

(e king ete Ebrurze?. . DE GUICHEusly)

IT af windm! I hails naasweepgpraywho, knoirr hisly)Down--telf in tiglence? . . .

Coxes)Or upwdrd--wh e ofsANro!llac(ut. De G

(He ene, fat,e ll min h edsneh tu)Tit twhoolis s gowsllyirclespoiomettageth bnieLu)BAet n He goaying Yor hho, witmstage. che

d tperr selves.s.s.

S2.eIII 1.IV (to Ct Lu)BAet, s toc(deasnimen on,I rometst! dtE (dritstts totre r r to-inene,left!. . .

CYRb s pamocku

(eg h e elloian n to g who,opaedoustak n Ta uteoding him). . .Gentence?. . .Gentence?erac?

page 121 / 226 LEYR T holbfcknidhspaf driteyrano)Hin 'r, ,finciLoilyrano!

CYRANOO s thewslly :. )

LEtage)Aanyou t, yh! oonoagNeeway)T rd nid nshio'teacome fd ent nonFaaeRANOExNp stateuststsfees!

CYRANOYea --I exNp state!erac?

LEYRsr(umpd erteously): self!

Crano)Butnfingprteciheo--exNme pe ooucundo-IY (?nds Ay, llow niust h exNp state.:. )

LEtage)O e! woidece rd prtis ff,muskete b,sly)Fintun jntwglong wit yeu!ststsrano!

CYRANOAy,c pit arnatron?. s)See liHe'tector,,ftht aas inturn ene,veo)st! s up g onchhwf(sinivyrurns uo tNeeway)T rd lot s ofbask ct g cuttno taknk-Basuppekt,age)Climbodithwb e heeps paruse i tusthef Calce?age)Ni,pgtonh rcy!d)W ao!n)Iris up a I wit e Msly)Dedic'tea our ddebrokour?cuppay buffooning)IagcrCE (sinoopewhidr t,e anywot,o qsm age)Nitt asjusrovxicatdins inturn'ng ips?ing).Nonh rcy, e !NO:

page 122 / 226 !,musrn ineswahe fwtoads?ing)--W! 'nfra I chay- e limb (r ttis l?cudttkcuing)Ghenpgtimeruund,hlrjy,--hgrI, ablear hee wees?ing)Ais,o bonbaa-s up

Aome myt ive bnoncnd?cundo-Ni,pgtonh rcy!d)O cudtedlL- aceruund,slycundo-Runcwho, wit,hare, wle, whu

(Poinwho, wit,hrns ;ano)Ais,ooily-tongu dritoe cuttno oilwff,M and ,sly)Flaat mn, angubut,canng udiiste Enell?Mio-Ni,pgtonh rcy!d)StYolrsolteCown laing ulai,ing)--A tt a ligubut,cannURY (cThe cismncecely)O navigsI scwho, madrigrlsafehihails,. llBlCwneg . .y windwss ctethewladies'ns tos?Mio-Ni,pgtonh rcy!d)Bribe k, b.y editorsway)Tofsp twatkbroad m verr s?g).Nonh rcy!ely)O tryk nonc eleceeruu s ofpopeing)Of tavhon-e vicils hal cteimbeciles?Mio-Ni,pgtonh rcy!d)To w nidg cutreputais m. llB Evnrpsmncekurnn tro tusthef m, spea fnS?Mio-Ni,pgtonh rcy!d)O flaat mnsor EbuAglors?Mio-Be(ioseoriz recteete Epr rometMspl

?Mio-Saafease(car(wro O,yo,twIo n. Bunfd enting)Of a f c hol a o?bag on"M rcury"orisy).Nonh rcy, e !NOGheepals, eab, calcuo'te?Mio-Prefing h maup , vmait nid lish ?. s)See rl' oducis ms, They petiis msnup?ndo-Ni,pgtonh rcy!dund,e !Nund,e aack !d):

S (r?ndo-Dheam,pUIS (, To at sl(wrosgliANri,ickeelano)Who, eyrqnma nor ok

(conto afehwdrd-- You(carsvn a !way)Tofcockmcuff bhis br has shtollyiyh! thht aucundo-Fing'yes'idra'no'souaw f to-,ndrrtoneA lish !ing)--T hisk who,opaevnrpt, wgh-- fggA?baall a I,way)Tofhealecole aihjooneeg h e ofmofa!feg):ehasr of end, atn it ehu ke ihsoakng. s)S(conto afown ward Gakthwho,ines)Eebrirclap, am. llMo

My, aymaoirestl m W': ncla his f,Mio-Be(ihh! to ts mohho, fe f csu-- oury cunly, rNO (l,ano)Butnpluckamake fown nidg rdkrebn sl(lae Hesorisy)st! en hE'eglong st Ilhafd entsurt, eay,way)Tof a Eneptgabuteoun h Caesab, noeevano)Butnkeeped byme I ou surt, Hesog)Iagbhekt,age)Disdh stak illrils olr outMsral I sway)Tofbe to ts m hE'eneitwhooo a hor elmcundo-Niar ofm ll odith, s fd ent,ybu--m ll o oee :. )

LEtage)A oeeves hE'eyh! oon!N): e ih hou wHe :

page 123 / 226 'Gck sf ete Eman! ):ow-tbag ondevil'swnameage):

Havec a iveatwiing uaasic tisasway)Tofmaup f He kingprars himat ete Etonee ys..


B E aeeheadtets seh ofot ete Etone. llMaup fhis f ,cudat,feynt he s M ckequs mofhis f ano)Who, mleahrwtis umi bl,ndy oefown ay- egiay-!vey)I pue Prsb! I visa utedrijoyhus-y,way)Ane,cng,cu:ke, ho!gap. .An


LEtage)LuaacS come!


Wwon--ifpcy be m vic sway)My heou ure yo T tpeou t--wh r a sentho,te me!xey):,yf

F nonchn vehnlieve I, Isma fd tuvil


'Nup 'n Bunbon a-figesturghient minimi co!ano)How-droll e ofsANe stvnrpserqndinfinc-laceruntedlLedlano)Fown ga I nonenvy,ndrrt ofpol' orn'nglrivel!ing)--That terv rometfhis f hipo, ipp enfom,leHavvey)Isis up an tain-laceruItalean tollab,sly)Flo rometsurns uprarinec rl hi fn'on hshiot;ano)O Ro

'tpeas rsus,-- Ay,(carsHe's s toc(rtxage!xey)Tit re bjust,ickeeefown mck sfa aduscos fs m,Mio-Bee snhar , e or , ete wYLignie:

:, eebriring. s)HntuedriThatls f ,cure biddsta, s(ifflygf utedrxey)Tit ruff-Basta fdrdrCam,let ehal witgjust so r tid;meNOEapp en mycuda. .An Cam,cudtgoph b,sly)Wboiaddket tstr cue, fat,addkea aysturghong;ndo-FingHntuedris up g onruff hisagcted bySpai--r,ing).ripsss up a vic ss Ay,fra IleHaves up a h o!erac?

page 124 / 226 LEYRwRY (as s

Si,t tollodis arnd him):of a

He's altrground,bihe be--Iagfeneabway)Wlespoi Lerimpeg les,cuSheplovs mtTieaa. ng me?


:. (Ch. ChanPhu k has the ceground,T howtddking s toc(deasnimen doke ihsof a hssedm;

.me, s enas p dins himat aytre up oeou Lise TeTo seforidens.s.s.

S2.IX 1.IV (to Ct Lu)BAet, s toc(deasniCh. ChanPorte uvy, tt glove! !ADETYRenas p at aytre upghis in hisyrano). . .Cyra.p to Cptone turns rcely)T ofsAong come!

CYRANO:n ?t oors!. . .Hepf he mindinLu)BAet's arn.y)Tityirandscu l ngvn a selves..

!ADETYRSES (r und,firolleomesrcely)T ofsAong ddle offray

: oono(carenl e Ixe!

(op encre bts totre p oeou Ch. ChanPis enas pstage)Tai mtor 'pach, jusrtheint!. . CHRISTIANYR aES (r kingjustrting)'Prtheint!y)Wbo?goes!

AN CADETaway)Tai mTot lygNoof asnpgteenhlrj!. . CHRISTIANther):t ly!. . FIRST CADET (mocku

page 125 / 226 (egstage):rk!xey)Monsie dt.e uvy, tt ,twiinghn, for oarcely)T on 'r,bam.whrd

.mr , vnrpns e bt you kwh na I,way)Thanng u aym'rtai'maoires ianse sigeswukeR

(ed!. . CHRISTIANther)Wiaonmlymwiat be?goes!

AN CADETYRURY (iose terrin a )CUIGYSet -irh!. .Hepibub tingfing mn, o t orll,emyle ri pite,idnttingnell)CUIGYDo,cufeull rsAN, ?. . CHRISTIANther)O

Ay, tht

I. . !

ANused): o,ynehas rf wit tsaf wis ,way)Umlne ,cuf'd rec on

Rho, kimf ll r!. . .Heppointsce up to Cstian wh andstakRho, Lu)BAetelves.!

ANOEiane, s h anwle, wst Ilmino nd (car(wr of ittdin, antre t bespoiome nce, behnmstage):rk!xey)Hepibuadwokunufff(sinenthyo Tf wi, in with ano)Finge ofshe wNeasoagknoyrhookbt art thrthec hoserself!

ANOEURY (hthe fwin a ,odNrIstatdinsllureurlefown ull rewitytre up oeousseeyo,twcrepng out):nd,E'eyh! i 'two ispoios pin fe f cre' yleah,ing)--O,ymega fa so. Bun h anoc(rb! age!xelf!

page 126 / 226 ANOEUNO (clapdinw bag on his shomused)Aave a?d)Aa the ge!o)Finge of, bis heetRANOHingjHe kerfhiefomlymsrovsttingwindsta-areLe!. . .S

Si m): I, who, rhoecr l his,,ranostceCh. Chan.ceHe rnd kcsou n He vl

do CarbonPortCand l-Jaloux, ian, wh andstak o an tll sur, fat,feignsng useg. nstsstaidens.!HRISTIANther)CEpe cuo. . .ARBONYRA!

(Turene,l noometsttfore sed faaa h footderly)Sc come!HRISTIANther)Prly, whrd kiowspcy bes-- Oh!oway)TofSleahasnuromen hNp statron?. . .ARBON):

.ust make srono y)T rd ne,mOylbe a

Noof asn b, h bAh!ilves..Hep one ttingwackedinforidens.!HRISTIANther)IY (r, wit?. . FIRST CADETYRAan (to Cyrano)Naw knoh ane!xelf!LLcely)T of ane!xelf!

CYR tmstak owss make)cely)T of aneatron?. eA I hiomettnoirstooolleup hsou nurnpourns uhym, p to liTurtag regd pph. Chan is aTsr(de a eh


!NO:ows moaow alvnrptnede s ofband!. llTkefmofaswuke-raviicateock-s up

Su I i'wma' sky,sly)Wben hthis sfi,ibam. tIS speteockwhach er is dord)AteouF noncotton-woolo bon ace ofcas y)T rd hal bai mTilhas dis.o)Ais,osAU ng!tnoigh!xey)Tit d to-ewukecnkyeblfcknifat,all e of n(y ano)Win whiis s-tbag onmurkyedNrk.o)Gads toa Noo)O Rofi 'twsieaa. ravinfurth bnion?. . .HRISTIANther)Thannvnr's hoserself.S

Si m): Indyow(wrrise,ol noomettbagoseorstceC to Cstian Duke

(oppedcunddumf surod.r)P(aseidens.!

Cting)WboifasGod'r,t ook wkch tc?. . ! !ADETYR

page 127 / 226 bespoiomeather):t,ir, ,maning)Wboijopae r o t!. . .

CYRm, speadtto pk owss ph. Chanderly):R t?. . .ARBONYRTlso iingvn a ather)Yeuststshy, name,irxey)Tit Ourn dt.e uvy,ence?. . !

CYR heckillodins hi hall):

!r):t,ir,wehe?ron?. et? one tpals, luknge,pm(He mukecim h fou sdi ph. Chanderly)I?ron?. et?t torolsodins hi hall)Won--y, 'poatron?. eWho, asbuhe fnonwith away)MORDIOUSlence?. .TAch T

(Pouesosalmlyising)erae itwukedNrk.. eAotoi--rmegastage. cEdeas AU n reseats hves, caneometsttforstage)O O:ows m,Y (?ndiicat'Finga knavis pe(aseher)IYmlymsrovokbt Did gubut,can,t Did gubut,prtece,sly)Wboifthe cute tohe wbrf a'nion?. . .HRISTIANther)M Enellyststsfees!Ete Evnrpcane st he pph. Chanfbahient mdnttingeh tdens.!

CYRURY (chokbdgvn a ather)ststs'M Eour h!ano): i 'tw rf a m Eour hnifat,Iwormprudngtcs up ano): s pnoomeststs'. . .HRISTIANther)M Enellyststsfees!

Cting)'M Efing ml Yet?bag onchfckMio-Betw ot tno tae jntwbask!y):e,mOylsrovststurngout):nd,rapame Ho!'. . .HRISTIANther)Ov rewitynell!ure!. . .

CYRiips pa At re bjustather)ststs'O'wma' knut les!NO:,'her):

:criegro'Finwss ,nGas ee!g)Dutpasaowa Noo)O ,o (to C!'y)st! ustI vene getw itron?. s)Wben hfown wardso,tCw, camature!. . .HRISTIANther)Anchfckre' ma' nell!. . .


I prrytitcufi mlel m.ure!. . .HRISTIANther)Nor ddenell!ure!. . .

page 128 / 226 CYRb surstatdin h foryrano)Hiaven und,e ook!. eA I wardGas eel rNOp ming ur t,eb bendhity, elor ddeCh. ChanPh?t torolsssedms himand,fi

(Pouesyrano).nce?:ho, as! A hunbhhwf(sinsoedlano): sAN,kture!. . .HRISTIANther)Annellspe!ure!. . .

CYRih I scb umi blstage)Ons ms, bhhndy-cups!vey)I rNOpt ene, faaa llow omes.ure!. . .HRISTIANther)Norclap, atwind come!

CYRANO:URngp!--ge btswoscUmpalendi t run dinwt.rt th,Noo)O Roadmscet)m t Paf!Nund,I prry.ure!. . .HRISTIANther)Pifng me?

CYRbuhe blooparting).NeatoG

!r)Out! a I noncuf!llac(Te. cEdeas Aushbegaying Yors.dens.FIRST CADETaway)Ta t ogas kge fees!

Caway)Ete Eman,oopa!g)Lust lll oures iho, kim goesSECOND CADETaway)We(gYou sf s uhym,T hcerufhn veT hceruin h eashRANO:n hb ear iayng me.


(Turpals,way)Ane,curleup hO up a napk c,OlUmpcene,lhite!erac.ARBON):

L tofufbgngCne!. . !

ANused):ei oonoholdmust la frumb goes!

page 129 / 226 ANused):diesturfhach eURY (?ndsw af wion pis -irh!. . !

ANOEouutdolleomall-Egh-ghing)Some Youg ctishose ter!fees!Aon o, I gCneto g cted-ff rtheg Yors,t Did cted byttis cas d pp to CpHe :Ch. ChanPa Wf cu Ohface,ol noomet'tpeach . .An Canga mois midens.s.s.

S2.X 1.IV (to Ct Ch. Chan.fees!

Caway)Eebrir orl e w!. . CHRISTIANther):rture!. . .


, the bAh!i!. . .HRISTIANther)O b ture!. . .

Cther)NayriI,insi t!. . .HRISTIANther)Prly tehe llture!. . .

Cther)Coot eebrir !AU:g. has r. .Ane. . CHRISTIANther)Wiellobr. .Ane ys..



him R'o!g meCHRISTIANYR u-ravinming uforstage)O faavenS!g

Hur r. .Ane Ho!epe. .

page 130 / 226 Cther)Cohe c--bA. .An' mad!,fatIAN (oravi!. . CHRISTIANther)As!o. me, s al

Ie Ho!epe. .

Cther)A I goesCHRISTIANther):heplovs mme?u ay fees!

Caway)Maybt!. . CHRISTIANYRts, shakingjHe sering)ar! Tl,twIoamptnede

I,p: fees!

Caway)Tiaonmlymbe tall beahthis s cs tiis m come!HRISTIANther)IYaskc for prdon!ure!. . .

CYRl noometsttfor,e hou wingees!oentting his shomused)Tru ,

G's f c , s tovy, cuo. . .HRISTIANther)Ah,p: d)If yeu bu--kwew m Ea of ais myststsfees!

Cting): all e ellonelloatron?. . .HRISTIANther)O

)IY to make wack fees!

Caway) him Rlexpec ssilthe be. . CHRISTIANther)Wo whersday fees!

Caway)H come!HRISTIANther)IYamplostylf Ifbu--upegfen upe fees!

page 131 / 226 Caway):y regerac!HRISTIANther)IYampadfo?l--tohe wdiesfehihhaterself!

Crano)NC Ro

'dfo?lniane who kedms himadfo?l.her)As!oyh! ditwo isattfckrmehO up a fo?l.heac!HRISTIANther)Be c)O Rof s sfbaatle-cryk noltwatwi', ecault!vey)I hst la fthe cufminiANrielit,ing):

,encre btwoentl san bu--hal m Eoongu !. llTkeirgeyes!d)Tru , tch I pue Prtkeirgeyes the k, bststsrano!

CYRANOAis,owach yh! stly, tkeirg Gakts, me You dlenr tk, bAne ys..HRISTIANther)No! CallI,amEvnrpolr ot gnm!n--oongu -tiedrxey)Iakw? itcuian Uanynehas tlow nieirgl a glove!

CYRANO:at,Iwomeweems,yo,twNae ge hnot e btk, b,xey)Mor. tIS spe,owach sBun hshiothundr,--had hnotNoo)O Roolr ot gnm!nomen ws I ci 'twsof a ieirgl a o. . .HRISTIANther)O,y h exsAU (ovnr's t, wgh-s you faci liguaclyststsfees!


ITolbe a muskete b, ihou wHe sam. f nt!. . CHRISTIANaway) him Rly, Heecieuse.oin'm ure yo srovsher)An asjusointis moyo who!. . .

CYRl noometsttforstage):twIo n.her):uches hEhe cHeetasr ofsof a cla i '!. . CHRISTIANYRihou dhspaf )YRANOEloqus ce!NOW not Ohfi ci?. . !

page 132 / 226 CYRabruptlyising)erae Itls frxey)If yeu ls f m wHavr wHe sam. victor-URnm ;ano)Blue ed, m, maup , YLiofnonwi fnnt!. . CHRISTIANaway)ar! regerac!

Caway)Tii, witsHavecautrepeatow af l(laussed):dai(wr each Havr oongu e ys..HRISTIANther)Wiaondo witt eaee ys..

Se): him RlgYou snehas hst la asy, us fa!feo-Sa, ihlf feu tsaf wbtwoo who,untedlL-wHe tdepeETWhuf feu tsaf wbttw hio who,ubong sageth bepeETFeel'sf feu, r is(putfown myilto .AnwntedlLe,way)Thrt thrth eywceruntedlLe,hou soy re l inspf drie ys..HRISTIANther):

,e. . .Cyststsfees!

Caway):! I h o,O Nhaygerac!HRISTIANther)IYfay-!ves.!

Caway)Sit c,ectecufftl m Wwits ay- egi badl whooeGakt,age):! I h o--wh k, b.p a I whooeGakt Ohflamecundo-Weruin h ne,my phrs kcsou M ttpsgerac!HRISTIANther)Yuff eyes flwoh fees!

Caway):! I h oe ys..HRISTIANther)W! I it heou t yh! so?ing)--.ust yh! sucheheou ure?. . !

CYRmaeteously)Itlence?. .TAch almlyscbs(p ss-O upather):t, i 'twamuse me!xey):t,ir, n the cr

(Hen h temptce veet.way):! I h o firplLee Lnoapitmu

LefirplLee h oe yy)YBut a fd victori pi,--I goghn, for so,tCw;:

L tomeebe witnfingpra,enc witt ymbeauayng me.HRISTIANther)Theilthe be ma noshtoll?t kingnven e w!. r)IYnehas can!ure!. . .

page 133 / 226 CYRts, shalear heeluvil


Itemather):ee!o)Hin wyt,ir--cuff lthe be. s..HRISTIANther)Wiaogerac!

Caway)Taup ia!g)L no, itwuntsc n. BunaddAU (.heac!HRISTIANther)B


Caway)Fay- nstsstair):e ci.r):t, ! I huit!. . .HRISTIANther)B h

Have Ho!epe. .


)We(j, I or pockeas Su I,way)We(M.easninonl a -lthe bsnimrit nidChlo(l,ano)Daphp s--tNeats msnrsesarinod!l -faaas.way)Off lwdy-lovs ucusd erasmsnrsesaribr cus,ing)--Dheam-tancalleblCwnein h soap-bubMy o!g)Cing!sed)Taup ia, ene,chu

(e feignee,l vl-his s in h eru ;. r)IY rf wit m Es tos fat,e ae ttaphazdrd-wise;. r)Caow alI witse wHe teometl vl-bis s hirl inep st.way)st?'on weeoma noIowukecn witse lthe bee,l(p s,ing)--Eloqus isa I wit e b,r heeluars it cr !ing)--Taup ia, ene,maup ,n thd!. . CHRISTIANther)Win wyt,e ih e Ixey)Tn UR

(e sam. his sar)W Itemttaphazdrd-wise,her)W! I it fit him R, Sir?

Cting)' oonofwhej up , gh a o. . .HRISTIANther)B ture!. . .

page 134 / 226 Cther)Ah,ptNeduniAyinonl a

him Rher)W! I (?ndseach ve a inspf rectedes l mo. . .HRISTIANther)Mla his f!llacet? arto hedms himin h C(to C'r,nm .y)Tityirem cuttnuselves.s.s.

S2.XI 1.IV (to Ct Ch. Chan, wardGas eel,ag onmuskete b, Liseglove! !ADETYRYouf tainclap, at Yor away)NIS (i hLiglence?T ofs

Si ddle ofgrh!ilveo) N youoholdm no?ron?. et?ibub tingfaaa in hall)Woyatron?. . ALL .

!ADETSYRthe csta, tne,kets se (to C tne,Ch. ChanPeebriringstage)O

I. . ! CADETaway)Tai mr is stru :. (C tst mndts melves..


(egstage):o, ho!tron?. . .ARBON):

O dtmonPhu kbest Ila Tain ?. s)SeruckedinvnrpnsTsr(l--lg!tno one ttit twho :. MUSKETEANther)Then m, mayfsof a ableartingnell,

G Sifoof lence?. .Ca, blo h Lise,obos ahus-yghing)--Ah,pLise,oset -irh!. .Sniff shalto ltais pitestage)O faavenS!ence?won--a s(inklence?. .Goegi ming u (to Cyrano)Yuf, gir, who,opaeaunted h sniffr lit mi!ing)--W

Thabas ums I I hol a o not ll. !

CYR uff shakingjustrting)Cl vl-faaas.wa. .G teral dhO (destage. cEdeas o, I fdwt! eethew (to C tack !d)Tityirone. sam.rcaultselves.Cuhe cu.ves.s.s.AcnoIII 1.IV him R'o Kiss.goes! smncekuquyouocuttno ohewMa aESstaOld,hlur sey)Aaairr, reust nonlt a l. strur SstaOuttno hach e him R'o hlur c pit ar wa I nonwhoog rdkre vl hutakRho,oxthot fgliage.oiW, br! jntwbal eeye vl p, at Yorey)AabG S pin front!. . Fown wardbG S p pit ar otoie k ht bloopa ddle ofwa I itty, ou yk no limb hsss ofbal eey.r):n frontstur n ohewhlur c?bag on AN (styls nonbrot tne,ktoie m. Tardknocker ddle irsdmallingwaulagtddking l(p nej up , se bts umb.goes!tttno has(chorseg oncuhe cup, at us naPis enas p rd uponbG S .:. . atwindr! rd him R'o

page 135 / 226 bal eeyeingwiis fain 1.IV to Ragueis sAN, stannay- eing Yor URY (sirtnnonltte .ceHe hu k has f s--retdlwil rometsome Youg ctp, at us na, tne,ingwips pa At eyes.ves.s.s.

S3.I 1.IV to Ragu,p, at us na.r)Then him R,e (to Ct pit wof ages.ves..

RAGUENEAU--At! en hdff shtols m,Ywho, a muskete b!seDesereeruund,rupae r oCt I i 'twmaup ,n thdfff,h o, tne,koeR

(ed mlel m.u)My lwot rf witwukedheyn:cund en URYfirlleMonsie dt.Berghoaccy):e,fbub me omesround,begb ting The c hsss to mesfehigAnottewss .:. .


, bu--haw cama ittablear hat y min w ustrupae ?ves..


)Lise yovedle ofwarri r ,e pitI yovedle ofM.eas!NO: oc(He me or min nd oApthe afd entdk noltwvLfmin w not lygsnjustd mincte:rg.r)Thustrupatwuk. nst yomets- T ho.:. .

DUENNA QSES (r,ored, (, bloming utno o endwindr!)): him Rl a beh ofre al?y)Tityi aitnfingusc. acROXANE'S

A V(fown wardwindr!)):

Ig oonobutnputomeedins cloak fees.

DUENNA Qg u to Ragu,pu Yor tapel I ering)Tkee aitnu me or tapel I scet)Cl tig'o hlur .r):heprea ives

page 136 / 226 make a Ixet not O-d,y--e ofMeecieusel,ag onM.eas;gknoyr twatk ascufftl rd uponTtll r

Pass fa.ves..

RAGUENEAUTponTtll r Pass fa?fees.

DUENNA QURY (T hciholvn a ather)Ay,c, bAed!. .Ca, bloming utno windr!)): him Rl an h o firuoholdomesw not ly, m, gYou smi ace of ascufftl rd upoes.tll r Pass fac. acROXANE'S

A YRANO:Ut I? :Ut I?fees!A re hdfff,Tsr(cheruinTsruis ms jusroaisstaidens.!


A V(nce, beg on

s,t CE (siously)La,pUI,pUI,pUI fees.


(Hedstage)TarpawerenEdenu ll. !

CYR the fdrecte wof agesYwho, arch- ute mused):tlow Knowttce the dtmi-stmi-quyv bsnidtmi-stmi-fo?l ens.FIRST PAG V(?roni coli nose), kw? en h: uowdie bluis pbetw ot stmi-quyv bstst! dtmi-stmi- quyv bse ys..


page 137 / 226 I ke ihete E asciheo nonGasstlli a musiciaa?fees.

PAG V(ppay(putamybboll(siously)La,pUI!. . .

CYRsnjtchclap, at uteo sed fym, aou n statdinking s tophrs rting)Iagsrono non, ipp,O Ncah T

(Poue!y)La,pUI,pUI,pUI feesROXANE (justacsta rd uponbal eey hall)Won-? :

I depratold (o is dinking s to c , amybboll(si uowityrano):

Istian cirl inewerenEden M ttlie ,e pitpuyEmlndevoir bo,cuff ro-o- ello feesROXANEther)IYampfirolleomesrself.Sheeluaves makfbal eey.)fees.

DUENNA Qpointis goaying agesering)ar! cirl iitse wofvirtuel o not ll. !


Canga wag r):w,theadD'Asre c .ceWLfmin wT tpoestana n a opoint cuingtonhar;t toradicis msnwithewhltlycu': sC!'y)'Nayri Ay, sC!'ywach shis sfisseey how mrl iitse wofyome-shau dle fwn of aHe mubo g who, dinwsr, n t cthe,inene,men on, kiowf l inmTcr disometlute-Tsr(chsywho, knoirrtkcun e laws!NO'I oonowag r)h ofosday's music,'Nhayngju!--At! lostylt!r)Thus,aweeo I,ptilIxePhoebus'URniotpcane stot choack , witse lute-twangers on,aonmtedeels,. kets sea I I do, faars sea I I say,c pitacfirpfnSs sea I who, melod?

)' uk. heou anttstts tof he ,ybu--t'woult,O Nfple itoe ay- etur A, are alng ay.g onmusiciaasering)arme or ! gogwerenEdenMontflentflfog te!g)Pe! wnda cu Ohkim go(Te. agesYgog owss makt Yorey)Ttp, at us namused):o, I coot aS y, mtew,t ,ynt sl(wro o ask him Rlwacth bnion?. ay.g on agesnimen on,o is dparting)Pe! wnyometoors,cudat,ppay opa ddleuee :(Ttp, at us namused).nce?:acth bigAnoti ''r,tleceeruAt evl p, at AN , ete wouultl ss goesROXANE (firolleopa ddle ofhlur ormed): y ar! wHe sam. hity,,yhou brolleanaeauwlt!r)At!--hou ws I I r a shim!. . .

CYRsmi blstage)Ch. ChanPhu ksn wrolleanaeauwltepe. ROXANEtage) hach Anwma ngnven urt, Hes,p The c!fees!

page 138 / 226 Cting):eoit wo,Ywho, au soy eGakt feesROXANEther): yme You di Amin wil,t s terr hat t not tohe wbrf s to ,cannrd upir,t ook. kkiowtdng u aymu ksw o .y ukeRp a I wit

Heetty nstsstalet e eaeksn much--nd o eaeka

!d)!tttorlleaingmine,ketms f rwslly,ag onMur chayngnawgh---He : en hsAU ng!tnofsof as--bewhoisomely! G S antis ly!. . .

CYR hcNedun pitestage)Ni,p.CyranoROXANEther)FiI? No

Tha! I haid!N): lg!tdre aon,Ivl p, no!g)Bee(asedhity, f c to. ket,eyh! i 'two, I i-wma no onmusy be du I nonsofeS .:. .


:e,h wit ngnloqus isoongu ttbago, bloiing a epe. ROXANEtage):n eo, bloiing a e byro Ay, e ihsime pe o, blro Ay, T tsereais m,p Ay,inenalysie fees!

Caway):ow-tkeRp king s topenepe. ROXANEtage)Stoonobehe be )Listee,--hgrI:cund(ReciIstazzled)'Tit e b nonc (veir)eGakt Knowt tosly)r)Theilngpr nurwssoy eGakt ':(Tr(umpd erteng u (to Cyrano):ow-j up Knowttt gnl(p s ll. !

Crano)Pooh feesROXANEther):t! ustit n He itron?. s)'Ais,o it c sam. tngpt):nife howsly)r)FingCupi 'ngcruelodNrI,her)O,yionchn Hesuyh! deignng ukeep,sly)r)Then give m wHavr sw o eGakt ':. !

page 139 / 226 Crano)Le a!sf he f me, s an mucht mtchgap.a so. eng th!NO:ow-much)eGakt does mak tfehe fwwuntepe. ROXANEtage)Yh! i 'twvexla Tain her!B

Ay, Havr jealtrat!. . .

CYRsANrIstazzled)W o eaek I deprROXANEther):yroyh!rnM.ea'ngjealtrat!e):rk e w,yionupir,oack be so. tll r-sw o ?cundo-'M EeGakt Ohcufft re hdsc n. vnrpcry:sly)r)Ifakisseon hst tohe wfleosly)Byilthe be maeinking Havr sw o ttpssly)r)Myilthe bsr twat. the wbilveo) fakisseontohe wbeimrit king it ,ing)r)Ifakisseon hst tohe wfleo ':. !

CYRsmi bl jusrovxicteninmTpitb nondins hi hall)Ha!wttt gnlhst l(p s aon,--hm her!hm her!. (C rrectillodins hi--tontemptu pitestage)--Thae the paltrykeng th!feesROXANEther):t! iuststsfees!

CYRthS antedstage)Tarnspray who iing the bsrb EeGakt deprROXANEther)Ete Evnrpddle om!fees!

Cting):y a I n wilet esan bofsve e,-- Ay, flaat mavi!. . ROXANEting)TacyercksthL l(p s ff,homasterng me?


Mly away)Cing,p.ay.ure!homasteratron?. . ROXANEther):yroI y,y whcudtmasterng me?


--beoit wo.:. .

DUENNA Qfirolleomes not ly)YRANO:not torlleMonsie dt. De Grseay.p to C,,Mu-ravindinwciwss makthlur ormed)Iinking Hav!i Amin wbes--heaweeo I so.;-t nach ers fd entnputodinw bag o. kcegaston?. . ROXANEYRAan (to Cyrano):yrononc (mes d secNetcy):e,lovs mme, tne,ingp f cspe,ohis,oionwh-kwew,nd

page 140 / 226 en a I wer. rast!d)Marry!Ph?t he wllow oYolra Tf wibe fwtoiclalo!ilves.?

C Qthe csta makthlur ormed):

!rgC?-!llac(ut. De G jusYou elves.s.s.

S3.II 1.IV him R,out. De G,p, at us na sAN, stana tt a liwaystuf?. . ROXANEYRcufftesys payo ut. De Gzzled)Iowukeo is dpa!. . DE GUICHEusly)I e rl ines to myeluave?. . ROXANEther)Whitwhoogok I deprDE GUICHEusly)Tole ofwar?. . ROXANEther):h comeDE GUICHEusly)Awro o-d to-e. . ROXANEther)Oh comeDE GUICHEusly)I,amEvrd bee,slly.o-We the noncsiege Arras?. . ROXANEther):h--wh ncsiegeatron?. . DE GUICHEusly)Aw.u)My o is movs m I so.womeweems?. . ROXANEther)Naytron?. . DE GUICHEusly)I,amEgrieveatwoayingce b nonmakthGakt.r):ha I I oack behal


Iakw? so..ceHess yeu tsaf I,amEnamed emma bAneston?. . ROXANEYRindsff rthely)YRANOBAh! b. . DE GUICHEusly)OonmaktGuas s rpleis mi. . ROXANEYRstar-letrting):

!,maktGuas s deprDE GUICHEusly)Ay,cw not TeTo secuff fThe c,p, at hNp stlau bos a bnieIg oonofi aiwaysto. rnvenge mlel medinfortsttArras?. . ROXANEYR hnoomezzled)W o eaek I r)TheiGuas s gog otArras deprDE GUICHE (UIS (laughing)Be You o I,piswyt,e ihc (mes rpleis m?. . ROXANEYRfa, bloenas p rd uponbG S cudtideormed).h. Chanb. . DE GUICHEusly)W oails I deprROXANEYRmoveatdeep.y away)Oh--I amEin dhspaf ? No! cannrde,lovs rcuds shtoll comeDE GUICHE Q pir

(Hedtst! dtO (deodather),

Tayfsuch)sw o his s tnede

: cBun he foors!cudat, has tch I nife quit yeu!. . ROXANEYRculleceer, fat,fa nstakdes l mstage)Tapi,--yh! i 'twf cutrevenge cuff grudge aack sf oy fihe c deprDE GUICHEusly)Mla c lwdyty, nntting ide deprROXANEther)Nayrcudack sf him!. . DE GUICHEusly)Do,cufeset -inw ftenepe. ROXANEtage)B te ErIS (y?. . DE GUICHEusly)HeuAt evl p,olbe met,e w URYfirpfnSnking vnrpddle ooc(deasnston?vnrpNewcundvy, n--vy, rcund. ROXANEther)Ofodithwstature?. . DE GUICHEusly)F c -h ed!. . ROXANEther):yroatred-faaaerufehe f!. . DE GUICHEusly)HHe sam.!tron?. . ROXANEther)Tut' SmeDE GUICHEusly)B

page 141 / 226 du I-w Itede. . ROXANEther)O Rlwi 'tw You owo,Ywh r nostcekim go(CR

(stakdessooneyrano):ow- eaek I yo slalrcuff revenge on C(to C r)Ps fd entnyeu tsou oyo sutodin i' ta. thot ddle oo. ttsar)Nayrihnlieve I, tsaf wbraas ieir)venge ent--hg i 'twr a ssuch)s iesy bet Anwma ngIS (i elsI? :kw? eiwaystolwi s uhyk. hr(de f rw e btke sfib. . DE GUICHEusly)W otacn? Tehe?ron?. . ROXANEtage):f,owach tno hpleis mt a fd otArras,eRp ker. refi hLige hou winghnlovea bofasfirpfnieel,ag onC(deasni of ittwho, rhoecr l hisesn r tanas shtoll lhsted!g)Tken wy, cuff me Yod, mi 'twyeu enwitho ,cannrf wingk, b; e Gatodin rf wingfd ent nonmtreilodNng mlcsou M f ui--r -inwhach efielce(y?. . DE GUICHE Qfirollenay-homused)O hi fn! hi fn! ): bpaeauhi fnyo,twe'Anwnevnd besn suba lio tNot epe. ROXANEtage)Seeo I so.yhou hei oonoGatoleartingeGakt, wle, why, fhis f gnaw knoiroxthot f C Cang hat t ne the dtpriveatddle oobaatle?g)So a beh ofbe Mslavenged?. . DE GUICHEusly), r a sen, en ha tt a l?lf.Sheesm mused): i 'twf cu--tets seh of usthsplur cfen (use,o him R--believe it liHe'no nonl a pe. ROXANEtage): agsrono nonl a pe. DE GUICHE Q toiholsam. enawtdnMspl s)YRANO:not rcksthL a fdis drd bs;gknoyrwoonobeass mo?bsAN,rteng ucome firpfnScundexceptcund(Heodeaae G(ovnrstage)--Thy, nne

: cBaa ddle ofC(deas.goet?ibub imo?baai mrockeastage)Tai mIukeep.goeLIS (laughing)Ha!wha!wha!we. . .CyNOHingr a snonbaatle!tron?SosHavecautslalrtNot , nn. heopneatron? I,pff,h owladies pe. ROXANEtage)Some orll pe. DE GUICHE Qfirolleelor ddehhomused)Oh!yhou I r a syeu!--wh die r priee!g)Listee!d)To-d to---wru ,

I wgh--to. ktar--- Ay--hou ltwvLf I sow tsaf I,fee surt, eGakt

page 142 / 226 coufdrd!e):rrect, cuine ofRueod'Orltwel,air, ,convs mof surodrb EFo .AnwAma ndtiul,ag onsyndsc no e ofC(pufdisg.r)Tru tsaf n ulay fnymayfthe c-- Ay-- Ncah se a litsaf wing s t gC?- Fo .Ans!llTkeirghabit wleeves the wiis eng thwhRYhiis ma in. : cBuyirclo TeTo RDe Glieu', Heiv,te chapel: wfat,from AU , retwoayingune c,s ay- e t nephew m): Inwoonodeem ma gCne!ieIg oonoe rl ine I,pmaskod.r)Give m wltwvLfto. aitntoonotomtrr w,ysw o LwdytFancaf '!. . ROXANEtage)B

, ddle irsbonru e bdroyh!rnghongtron?. . DE GUICHEusly)Bah!feesROXANEther)Bn. Bunsiege--Arras?ron?. . DE GUICHEusly)' oonotaup iasafd ent

).No mobutnpermiss fa.ves..OXANEther)N b. . DE GUICHEusly)Give m wltwvL!. . ROXANEYR tll rteously)It ker. mlndutpa h fo bidl IrselfDE GUICHEther):h comeROXANEtage)Yh! nife gong aAtideormed).h. Chan stly -irh?. eA oudmused): i 'twh

Hav YLioic--Attopaeb. . DE GUICHEusly)O faaven.y we a!s), r a , en h-inatron?. . ROXANEther)tron?Fing bom I taet trd?. . DE GUICHE Qselmenecstlseously): d):goayinn!. .Hepkisseonwhooees!ously):r Havec tentepe. ROXANEtage)Yll,emya his f!llacet?

(He ene.)fees.

DUENNA Qm, speance, behnngwackeaamocku

( cufftesy)tage)Yll,emya his f!llacROXANEYRAan, at us namused)Niaraave a non, af I,h dCne!ie (to C i 'twoevl pprdon mesfehi tuslome tingfigh-(putfown kim go(She tallswciwss makthlur ormed)CThe c!feess.s.

S3.III 1.IV him R,oT at us na, (to C?. . ROXANEther)We on,o is Aan l tig'o hlur .go(She pointsce Yor tapel I ering)Alcahdr c pitLysimonPare yo T tcufftl fees.

DUENNA Qpht blowhoolt a lifing mn?baaer,t o away)Y o!g)Bn. fen u a lifing mn o, mrl m, gYou smi ace or?. . !

page 143 / 226 Cusly)' braas iitpa h mi acsuch)spll pe. (Tacyeo, I coot Aan l tig'o Yore)fees.

DUENNA:her)O,ysee? No! knocker ingmuffftd mi go(Sof ais goayingknockerghing)Sogknoyro, I gNp sdet e eeilooongu tnoncufbsni u a lio nd Evnr, rNstylt. khohe wdihe gb cBun n idratorsrself.Sheelifub imotIS spe.y undgknocksywho, Meecauts melves.ROXANEYRsets se hat t ne Yor taeasering)L tofufthe c go(Outtno , o shal

,oe up to Cmused):f).h. Chan torll aS I,fee s ure hei oonrihi uhym, aitnfingmilves.?

C Q not ly, uke-r wy, o is in hall)Listee!lf.Shee one zzled)W o eaek Ioe uquNstidinfort m,paS y, urt, e,t ,y o-d to-epe. ROXANEtage)Ohcund. ?

C Qtag reg)YRANO:

, ay?. . ROXANEther)Bn. yh! oonobe mutt ll. !

Crano)Muteoar, ,fish?. . ROXANEtage):lgYou snotuquNstidinfortat,h o, b uay:g).ust wie itoeyuff tancy!o-Preprg. nst Havr sofeS es,-- Ay,sof a ie t, wgh-s as shtyUt I? Sof a homeedonl a ,inene,sof a tpeondsdly!. . .

CYRsmi blstage)Ve EgC?-!llacROXANEther)Bn. secNetcture!. . .

Cther)SecNet.ves..OXANEther)N araave arself.Sheethe cstst! ouuts makt Yoredens.!

CYRwach tno dmallingouut,obowis goahhomused)Aat, ws pit aau d!llac(Te. Yor taeashoack , pit him Rlibub

page 144 / 226 thooeGad ene.)fees.OXANEther)Les--heapreprgodins hi fees!

Caway)Tiondevil!cuns,p.CyranoBOTH TOGE

ANused)SecNet.ves.(Te. Yor ouutsedens.!

CYR (, blormed).h. Chanb. . s.s.

S3.IV 1.IV (to Ct Ch. Chan.fees!

Caway):kw? a I wi

Thaneedspe!u)Hin 'r,occass m. llFingprahyo Tfckmcuffel mewho, ghongtr)Cing,ano)Lellonefoors; sutoawaystanse sulky r nos,ing)C rl ine Irwhlur cwho, me,oI'on each Hav.ure!. . .HRISTIANther)No fees!

Caway):ygerac!HRISTIANther)IY oonowaitnfing him Rl-irh?. es!

Caway)H g)CrazS?Mio-C rl not cwho, meoapitmuars.ure!. . .HRISTIANther)No, e !NOI ay?. r)IYampa ay- eturwitse btrr wedg the bs,ing)--Btrr wedg vl-m, spes!r)Thuso o act a pNrI,her):t! aet tr a I wit oors!cu' ukwllow eng thher): s ofbple nsta!cuNou I kw? Thatlovs r. r)IYfay- ns r ta be--I, ! I hof a clel m.en. !

Crano)M rcy!el. CHRISTIANther)As!ohou kw? prah Ncahe ihsof a?cundo-IYamEn ihsuch)s fo?lniaen a I

page 145 / 226 ingoaid!ndo-I'veectecuffo(carenrsHe'fitod.r)st?'on weeage):lgYou skw? h fwtoisof a alnne

Tiondevil!way):kw? aanyou tk no lasp thooiagfen his!lf.Sets se him Rlcoot ouoefown l tig'o hlur stage)--:t,ir,Tha!we. . .C, e !--Lust lll a. ng me?

CYRb s p away)Sof a kingprars hi,emya his ft pit ake cuff fd entllacet? asjusYou nce, beg ong rdkrewa Ielves.s.s.

S3.V 1.IV h. Chan, him R,o, at us na?. . ROXANEYRcurolleopa ddl l tig'o hlur ,Ywho, a firpfnSnturfhas f ,g bom s t luavesnie:rwssaou n od-by mused)B ookengide!--Alcahdr !--Gaetioth!cund. .

DUENNA Qbihe blyn asjusointetrting):e'veemi aedle ofsofeS t he suponTtll r Pass fac. ac(Goes in h him R'o hlur elves.ROXANEYRstoonob s p away)Utimer te--adieu!. eA I h fwtoi him Rl pit opeach . .An,c pit arn weMsraI scgoegi mindsff rthe. strur Ssta him Rlghis sfi,kets se h. Chanderly)Y Irse.Sheen He goaforstage)Evinclapfa, s.way)Lea'ngsci.r)Sof a itr I ristee!. . .HRISTIANYRsiasactedes rd uponbG S .d)Aas

Simused)Oh!y I r a syeu!ves.ROXANEYRshht blowhooey mused):yrosof a homeedonl a !. . .HRISTIANther)I r a supo pe. ROXANEtage)No

'rxey)Tit e ore!g)Bn. varytit!. . .HRISTIANther)Itron?. . ROXANEther)Varytit come!HRISTIANther)IYr a syeu sC!. . ROXANEther)Oh who,opaedted

!cudat,tarnatron?. . CHRISTIANther)As!otarn--I,. the wbi--oh!cuso Tl,tcuso Tl,tsed):f)yh! i 'twr a sen!cu him R,o,ehe ll sC!. . ROXANEYRihou a tt a liguimacGzzled)Ioooped kingcheam,--yh! give m wgruel!o-Saano):ow-r a s,t sesseonh oe ys..HRISTIANther)O t he bly!. . ROXANEther)Cing,pcam.!tron?unkso. Bor dahowtddcs tiis ms come!HRISTIANther)Yuff artaf I'dpkisstit comeROXANEther)Ch. Chanb. . .HRISTIANther)I r a supo pe. ROXANEYRYouf-SES (rmused):g cuo. . .HRISTIAN Qtag reg,odeaainstakdes)ther)No, e !NOI r a supo a. ng meROXANEYRAU n rstakdes l mstage): llowo. . .HRISTIANther)B

-IYade bts t pe. ROXANEYRSES (r,ored,goegi furth bstufmused)Oh!. . .HRISTIANther)I amEgrmes he

page 146 / 226 pif!llacROXANEYRdryteously):ndet eT tpeou t mme, tlmesy s huchsly):di Amohe wdihheou t ma if)yh! grewa! I-fave bd!. . .HRISTIANther)B tron?. . ROXANEther)Rcolioyh!rnM.or eloqus ceet

's flmesrself.HRISTIANther)Itron?. . ROXANEther)Yll,ey r a sen, af I,kw? .d)Adieu.self.Sheen He gowss thooelur elves..HRISTIANther)O,ygoke ihyetcy)I'dptlow Knocund. ROXANE (tainclap, at Yor away), tde bth ?. s)I'veehess i te Eofi.r)N !--Gowslly :. .HRISTIANther)B

-IY i 'twf cutron?. . .Sheesuuts makt Yoro?baai mf ntedens.!

CYRwan Dukere-the ceg viseemather)I'woult

:t,ir,Tuccessf '!. . s.s.

S3.VI 1.IV h. Chan, . . .C, wof ages.ves.!HRISTIANther)C rl inefen id come!


-IYgYou sdie,way)Umlne ,rd nceeIe cutwacke.An C c fave glove!

CYRANO:at,haw can Istrd nce, i'wma' devil'swname,her)Lesse s M is.ure!. . .HRISTIANYRseiz bloiingarnd him)O,ysr wy, t-irh!. . (Te. windr! rdle oobal eeyeingnow-j (deodt hedens.!

CYRmovea)YRANO:no windr! :. .HRISTIANther)Oh!y I gYou sdie!ves.!

page 147 / 226 Caway)Sof a e f co. . .HRISTIAN QURY ( bespoizzled)IogYou sdie!ves.!

Caway)Te. d to-eikedNrk.ron?. . CHRISTIANther)Wlowo. . .

Cther)A Iesan bofrepi bd!. r)A t, wgh witt eryt,e i.r)Stdat,tar b,rM.or wNetch!ano)Frontis g oobal eeycy)I' Iegnoncnf wiRANO:at,He'mptcurt, e,s s tneHav.ure!. . .HRISTIANther)B ture!. . .


Ir oongu fees.

PAG SYRAUjustacsta at back--wh (to Cyrano):o fees!


:. (Hunsignsng ue orwtoisof a soltly.dens.FIRST PAG V(?lso iingvn a ather):e'veeslaledle ofserenEden M badenway)TonMontflentflves.?

C Q not ly, ?lso iingvn a ather)G !Nlurdscu ambushbear b,her)Onetstts is sArur gce nAn,c pitonetstts at;ano)Ais if)amr is r-by,. the wken wyntrudn,her)Plalrcufio tuaeb. . SECOND PAG usly)W otu R,oSc Gasstllisogerac!

Caway)Gayriif)amhi fnytorll cure o ,can, ad go(Te. agesY asjusYou,tonetstteach sArur gce nAney)Ttp h. Chanderly)Ca I who :. .HRISTIANther) him Rlves.?

page 148 / 226 C Qpicku

( minotoie kdat,tarowis gake as shtolindr!)):

Some pebMy o!gwaitnawle, pe. ROXANEYRYouf-tainclap, atcas is mzzled)W o tallswm e ys..HRISTIANther)I comeROXANEther)W o'kch tc?. . !HRISTIANther)Ch. Chanb. . ROXANEYRdisdh hus-yghing)Oh!yh oe ys..HRISTIANther)IY i 'twsof a king Havsfees!

CYRull rewitybal eey--wh h. Chanderly):

.r)Sof a soltrene,l w.ves..OXANEther)N ,ey sof a se pifly :. .HRISTIANther)O,yiitpam pe. ROXANEtage)No! y r a senpns e bo. . .HRISTIAN QHe'mptodrb E (to Cyrano)Yuf ay--Gaeas Hiaven!her)I r a sns e b?cuiarn--I--r a seor c pit e bo. . ROXANEYRien wa mubo g toishn. Bunfas is m, r uS (rmused)Hal

Ay, o tNofleobehe be ay,c tNofleo. . .HRISTIAN Q AN (slal hall)L a sgrewaapace,orocked cted byanxs pimbeatimeststsher)Odle irsveir)eGakt,o, ipp

Bunfruelowunte sboyststsher)T nosre o ,crad, pe. ROXANEYRcurolleopa dn goayingbal eey hall)No

Thabehe be )Bn.her)A hE'eyh! deem af Cupi obeasonfruelano)Yuf hi 'twh s(ifwtddbaby-lovswyn'ngcrad, pe. .HRISTIAN Q AN (slal hall)Ah,pMada I, Is ecaybdrob all cu vainall)Noiuststsnew-bisagcabRo

'dych, ststs:nocules pe. ROXANEtage)Stoonobehe bepe. .HRISTIAN Q AN (slal hall)ThusohststuahowtddiagfeneGaktway)Te.ststss rps ms twck , om.ure!Pr(de.ure!hpitDted

page 149 / 226 !pe. ROXANEYRltweolleov rewitybal eey)YRANO: goaid!ndo---B by repfa,e csta?e):symegaan pilsysed)Seiz p rd yuff tacultpaimagindtsvt ll. !

CYRdheys se h. Chan ull rewitybal eey, amybbli (clapin h eirsvlacGzzled).ust vlacG!e)Tai mwaxeontryti co!tron?. . ROXANEther)To t!tstsher)Yrt, e,s s rgodesitatimesll. !

CYRimitatimee h. Chan--URY ( bespoizzled)N to-eDuketorl!tstsher)Iup, at usk shtygrtai knoiriwaystolfi yfor oar?. . ROXANEther)Bn. my e,s s fi nohsuch)impedeis mi. . !

Caway)Te.y fi knoiriwaysrd nce?g)Smncekwoll rewiat!vey)Fing Ay, kingiagfeneGakt shtyfi knoirihirl;ano)Be You ohou lngpgfeneGakt,yhou smncekyfor oar!ano)Ais curown C c noighms dekcegdsta, e,s s fou sfast,ing): nchn nife mch,t,pMada I, andet e aHe moors!. . ROXANEther)Meweems hat y rnlhst e,s s h muarseatwoa limbsfees!

Caway):!o, Me pric ssuch)gymnhstic nurwsslne ,har-!llacROXANEther)Iup,rut,O Nseorwtoisof a rown lisoo monoighms!ves.!

Caway)Tru , f rwsbov ;srd such)s noighmi Amin wdf wiRANOIf a h s ve a rown wits

page 150 / 226 au sdi feneGakt?. . ROXANEYRmovxic)):

Ig oonocoot omes.ure!. . .

CYRhhstitestage)Ni!ves.ROXANEYRshtoiholdinwt.mebG S pull rewitybal eeystage)Mch,tt arn rd uponbG S !. . .

CYRsANrIstagwackealnmea)YRANONC!. . ROXANEther)H w,yyh! oonoe i?. . !

CYRmor c pit e b movea)YRANOSfa aawle, e): sw o ,ststsher)Tno hrgooccass m,owach rt, eGaktsNcah sof aher)Ovr s hves viseem, viseeavi!. . ROXANEting)Why--viseemepe. .

Cther)Ay, itty, sw o !e):lfwhiis s,--halfwreveawtdcundo-Yufeset , at rk Cam,lenonc (shrt dolleeloak,her):t! I,o, atglimmstlau lhitenU (ovoncufb dAU ():

Igbpaeauso,tCw--yh! a adi ent C c !ano)Kw? prahwhrd uch)s mois m-hal snfingmi?RANOIf evl pI ker. nloqus itron?. . ROXANEther)Y min !ves.!

Caway)Yet,eevl p,oonoto-d to-nc (sofeS thu ksprungout)Str cch efown myieGakt angnow-it wpr(chs?. . ROXANEther)Whyoe i?. . !

Caway)Toonoe u I hookbttaphazdrdtron?. . ROXANEther)Wiaogerac!

page 151 / 226 Caway)Yuff eyesher)H beams hat onetdre dizzy!--B to-d to-her)Me You diIogYou sfi sofeS tfinge of he foors!. . ROXANEther): cru , cufb vn a r(chsywho, asooneet

's new!. . .

CYRfirollenay-ho, r is(ondteteously):y,c wew tnne

Iup, at tll r,ysr ,e cstat usk:

Igdthe nonc mlel mefingnce,cuds lhst!xe!


,pfa,e c zzled)W oTayfI? Iakw? so.!--O,yprdon mecundo-Itt arillswm ,-- Ay, sn sw o , sn novee?ron?. . ROXANEtage)H cog)Sognovee?. . !

CYRdff hnngwahient,o,rys payo fi kno , o adnrf wingcs t Simused)Ayrcu nonc ds lhsts it cr ;way)Toonoe u,emya badlhewhGakt,yftacsta nonc mocked?ron?. . ROXANEtage)Mocked, fat,fing baogerac!

Caway)Fingiasamad hnatime!--Ay,sly)M EeGakt Duketl. .A i el mewho, w Ity e,s s,way)Tonshrt d i el mefown curi pi eyes:--Umpedlhesed)Atttorlle o aortat,hpcane,O NstuyEmlnees!,her):t!,yftacsta r(diculercucu I

page 152 / 226 auwle wfl f co. . ROXANEther):uwle wfl f c', sw o glove!

CYRANO:yrob to-d to---whrpcane!. . ROXANEther)Oh nehas hst ly sookbuttnusencre b!ves.!

Caway):f,oluavimee upi 'ngarr w

,pquiv bsnitorS es,RANO: onetdng u eeosre osw o c--fo sh rewispes!her)Iu tusdfff,Ti (clapin)amrygmlnglhssher)Duu sfashiotre d bsn--ditwwbttrano):ow-whrpce l slaHe mits ma he fin ftaclne ,dheuto-her)By,dh?ndiichfown wardriver's flmodollebrim!. . ROXANEther)Bn. wlteture!. . .

Cther)If I,h usr lit o arAU nly sed)Attt of he fsANrIsta,cunsw,i Amohe wbp ,n opawith ano)A hEnsultcu not toperfumed N to---wowNae gecundo-Toisof a rine e,s s t ogars--r vainnl a -lthe bs!all)L nosmincuttsttgAnottans!llTkepquies Hiavenway):!onoGase rt, eGaktsNff,h owtsstaleNrIsficial;. r)IYfay- rNst,i mids. BunalS emy ee'on, kiowtddiaher)Tno ,rutfff,Ts tiis m T tsolv c pitvas--r,cundo-Thrpce l exhausted cted bse emptyar iaorll,ndo-Thrpack turfinewtsstalebksthL lossNff,h owtsstal!. . ROXANEther)Bn. wlteNOI ay?ure!. . .

Cther)Innl a g Ay, crim ,-- Ay, ef '!. r)Tu

(Turfrr, lovxicein h suba lifehciho!sed)AttlhststhL ois m-torll inevitablercundo---O,ywoetfinge or ien nehas ksow tsaf ois m!led)W en,fee imetl vl ex C k ul,aennob blrled)Each ve I-woighe ve a i mfute, wtne,koul-sais savi!. . ROXANEting)W


page 153 / 226 ionupaf ois m'ketorlnfingus--suapeletit cod)W oe,s s i 'twseTo I depratold ther)A I,,h o, tle,owa ev r l)No cama home,we'An as shtyUa I, I' wflis gakeher)Innauwle wcluster,wo isa tIS spetbouqust.her)I r a ss t r)I amEmad!NOI r a ,O Nstofleo. l)Noy name,irdiagfeneGakt ukecn ausoeep-bell,her):t! aS I,evl p,aet tr,Y (?ndiic rdle oh ano)Ev rewityb gohaHe ,,Ivl p, y name,r(che h!ano)A owtsstaleddle ineeIemine, CallI,r a sh owtsstal;. r)IYksow tsaf lhstsyay- rd uponAmilftfff,May-month,way)Tonwala abroad,tonetdalrcuficR

(ed Irwh c -pll?t!her)I amEsn usr lines to Irwh c Calldall to-her)No rcuj up ,sowach tno eyeottant mdntwhrpcun'ngT tk,her)Onet ees r tanaf AnwatredeblCa dn h owtsstalcundo-So, tch I quit , y beams,emyadazzwtddviss m. llSees he sh owtsstaleNeblCll yttisnormprintet?. . ROXANEYRagitatetrting):y,ag iS y, lovswynbAed!ture!. . .

Cther)Ay,agru , t of ee imeing):ipp fillswm ,t tse terwtne,jealtra,agrulyall)L a ,cuiaipp

At evl pswatkmidmits mrr,soorts!all)L vs,cudat,yo , stuahoely, o isa el m--r pass fac. r)IYfingprar joy i 'twTl,tly lwynchn Hesuomesrndo---E'ch tn wgh wittnehas wnot Ohkw? it,cunehas!ndo---If cuttstttorlleI nach --fabstufrene,l nely,cundo-H sDid gayftcho rdle oojoy Itbouch eyeu!ved)Each gla Si ddle hn awaHe min mesafvirtuercundo-Agnovee, vikw? u valorey)Desy begk , sw o ,way)Tonull rsAN, ?g)So laI scdesy ull rsAN, gmi?RANOFeel'sf feusoy re l, ar b,rthrt thrthat rknU (omch,tirie yr)T n f c te. d to-!r)T n f c , an f c te. ois m!led)erae It hi 'twsof a ius, andet eyuf hi 'twh ken!her)T n f c

Iup ois msowach feneope mreletprt dest,ing)IYnehas ooped such)guerdon!u)NIS (i ing tf o eher)Bn. yo T l e w!r)H

page 154 / 226 e,s s oonchn t top f cway)Tonmaup Knowtaet tr,--whrothuntken wynewitybuahS es?her)Ay,aj up , luafremolap, at uaves, Knowtaet tr!her)Y taet tr!y)FingI,fee ,cudahE'eyh! w! I it,her)Or w! I it so.w--cuff ees!'nghnlovea taet timeing)Tarillrthrt thrthatbuahS es,eomes Havr sorly oonjasmpaeb. . .Hepkisseonr is(ondtete vnrpddle ooR

(stak tllrils.)fees.OXANEther)Ay r)I amEtaet time, m,epime!--I amEthpaeb. g)Taray wst tonqusbee,s I nonterself!

Crano)Tach mu df wiUt I?feo):

Ist Ay, I mlel mstian cinqusbee,s t per)Onettssta,c n. vnr, Igdthe noaskcund. ?HRISTIAN Qull rewitybal eeystage)Apkiss!llacROXANEYRdreys sewack)ther)Wiaogerac!

Caway)Oh comeROXANEtage)Yh! ask. Ho!epe. .

Cther)Itron?. (Ttp h. Chan,( bespoixic)):


)yh! go an not :. .HRISTIANther)Sit c sr wy, movedle us--Ig oonoHe'fit ctei ng me?

CYRtoi him Rstage)My e,s s sorllap, ouch lne lyrob e u I heecundo-Shatesdi fee--I, s an sAU umptu pi?. . ROXANEYRa tt a li badlheyrano):ow- not lygyh! w!thdrey!. . .

Cther)Yll,eI w!thdreyway):!o,o g who,dreys s!r)Hurt):no

My?RANOIf so--whrpkisstIYasktdcuo,ygNo moyt,e i.nd. ?HRISTIAN Qt.p to C,,Mu, bloiimactediseeloak hall)Woyaves.!

page 155 / 226 Caway)S

Sit Ch. Chan!y):

:. ROXANEYRltweolleov rzzled)W o bespoi I depratold ther)Ii bad mlel mefingm Eoootbo'twadva Sil;. r)Said,t'S

Sit Ch. Chan!'go(Te. ute

Nfple itoeslal hall):rk! ):aitnawle, ,ststsher)StepsUt I?fe( him RlgYuts maktlindr!!ie (to C risteesce ute

, vnrpddliaipp slalleN mtsey,ag on. .An a melahS o(wro u Rstage):y,ag tyslalrs,tcu arn g,y--e on ad l)Won-? Neitwhoo fnyning i fn?--oh! s mon :. (En Anwatc(pufdisrfhaar,Ywho, a lanters.u t?

(He fown klur c h elur ,Yl noome sihete E Yoredens.s.s.

S3.VII 1.IV (to Ct Ch. Chan, atc(pufdisrfhaar.g me?

CYRtoit of haarzzled)W odne I,pppay(putat Diogep s ll. .

FRIARzled)Iogeeosmakthlur fff,Mada I.ure!. . .HRISTIANther)Oh ppagu ts to him!. . .

FRIARzled)Madelehn Robis.ure!. . .HRISTIANzled)W o i 'twh

page 156 / 226 eture!. . .

C Qpointis goaa sArur gas shtowack)ther)Tai mway!out)Str cch eon!ure!. . .

FRIARled)Io aau e I,phis,ois Havr i tents m. llW! I eu soy relaryk noits lwot eadllacet?

(He ene.)fees?

Cther): e uck! )My My osstaleAU nl he scuff fTwl!llacet?

(He wackewh h. Chanedens.s.s.

S3.VIII 1.IV (to Ct Ch. Chan!. . .HRISTIANther)Oh cutfingmiet ekissture!. . .

Cther)No fees!HRISTIANther)Sofasor laI !ture!. . .

Cther): cru ? No! cois m-oimin hxicais mcundo-OfEmadnU (,cuiarn cuff menehs rgo ure yo mur led)erau ditoeyuff tac nifeae Gcudat,whoort gnl(pe fe(Ttpdins hi hall)I' wfisnhooit hi 'twcirl iiau ditotron?. . .A re hdfff,Thuhe bsr ttaincla.d).h. Chan goes in oack ull rewitybal eeyelves.s.s.

S3.IX 1.IV (to Ct Ch. Chan, him R?. . ROXANEYRcurolleopa dd uponbal eey hall)Stoonot not llNO: hookbtff,hture!. . .

Cther)Apkiss! No! ve a i msw o glod)Iogee,e ih htecuffo(ipt hi 'twshh?nd fown it;ano)Idle ofwe a bone tit,cuw

page 157 / 226 o i 'twwhrpkisstdo?ing)Oh mu yt,e ihcuffobashfulnU (oaffhach ;all):vLf I soe,hou sg iS oors,hEnsees tey,her)Left badinitho tide, andeunalnmeaher):liaerufown sm i of igh curown ighitoe aepime?her):liae gthely,)impercept tey, stoonoonwss cundo-Fown way- egikiss,cudtmois m'ke arill!cudneGakthnat!. . ROXANEther)H huoh fees!

Caway)Apkiss,niaen a I ingoaid,cuw oiswyt?ano)A hn wiet

's raIsfied,cudtenawtdnMownise,her)AneGakt'ngavowalo lairolleeonfirmais m,cundo-Agrt g-doa dd upon'i'tff,'tde ais m,'cundo-AgsecNet hat o meneh, o isYou,ti mwbespoied,cuher)Brushbff,hobeR'o wsta,cupaf aHe moors et mndl,cuher)Communieeoperfumed j up e ofsoixic'o wse wfl f cs,cundo-ThrpeGakt'ngrelievclapin)thrpeGakt'ngenebrf s blrled)W en,e (pe-whrpce l's flmod hase

, brimmavi!. . ROXANEting)H huoh fees!

Caway)Apkiss,nMada I, y, oninableaway)Te. Qu ot ff,Frient,o,o)s moas fave bdYl raher)Dad gNo moapkiss--whrpQu ot des l mo. . ROXANEther)Wiaot arn?. . !

CYRsof ais e b wssmly)YRANOBucku

(hamEsuff rtd dumbly,cukoeRvLfI,cundo-Ade bdY iS Qu ot,paS loycolioaS I,cundo-Wu ksadrob oultspe,cukoeamEItron?. . ROXANEther)A yfoher)Art C c oaS Bucku

(hamng me?

CYR tide--suis sfi,co?ledstage)TruercuIYfingot!. . ROXANEther)Mife It arn hi uupo mch,tt n cuu sg iS fl f c?. . !

page 158 / 226 CYRMu-ravin.h. Chan ciwss maktbal eeystage)Mch,t pe. ROXANEtage)NoingeGakt-brf s bl!ture!. . .

Cther)Mch,t pe. ROXANEtage)Noingbrushbff,beR'o wsta!ture!. . .

Cther)Mch,t pe. ?HRISTIAN Qdesitatime)YRANOBuf I,fee snsw,ias sht thr Amin wiu sdon pe. ROXANEtage)Noy, moms mo?bf s-I !ture!. . .

CYRstoonoMu-ravindin away)Cing,pblockeGad, mch,t!llace.h. Chan spr(chsYfinwss round,byo eaes rdle oobG S ,rthatbuahS es,edat,tar poonabsni limbsce ut.mebal eeyetne,ktr(deseov reitelves..HRISTIANther)Ah,p him aHe mthooiagiingarnsround,be f ov rewhooltps.)fees?

Cther)AiI? Stuahoe p cup, o r(chsYoy eGakt fe No! kiss,nlove's fou t, sn noar! IstLazdrul,ndo-Liegas shtog,te in drknU (.y)Yet,yo mundo-Fallswstoono ,crumbsor woffown wardripp fn'nghoss cundo-Ayro Ay, feneGakt rea ives make,o him R--mpaeb. g)Fo- rd upon (pe- M f AU (- M fkisstukwllowfe No! e,s s I hookbt has e w!--my e,s s--my e,s s!go(Te. ute

Nslal hall)Apswatkir,cudtgayfkir: te. on :et?fple sce urun as ionwh-cama fown wnyometwaystuf,ored, riHe enemused)Halao. . ROXANEther)Wiooiswyt?anpratold ther)I--I, s butnpaossta,by!tstsher)Isn.h. Chan c not ll. !HRISTIAN Qaotoi--ret away)C . .Cy. . ROXANEther):

-day,c The c!fees!

page 159 / 226 Cting)CThe c,pg

-day!llacROXANEther)I'mpfirolllves.eShee asjusYou in h eakthlur .r): s ofbackere-the cit of haarelves..HRISTIANYRsets sedin away)Backeag cuo. . et? the fs him R?lves.s.s.

S3.X 1.IV (to Ct Ch. Chan, him R,it of haar,u to Ragu!. . .

FRIARther): ar b,--I'mo ure tur A--Mada I)Madelehn Robis.fees!

Caway):hy,ey said Ro-LIN!. . .

FRIARther)No, e f Isher)B,I,N,BIN :. ROXANEYRjustacsta rd upon, o shal

,o the fdrecte to Ragu,pian carrieleN lanters, tne,Ch. Chanzzled)W ois't ll. .

FRIARzled)Ag the b!. . .HRISTIANzled)W ll. .

FRIARYRtoi him Rstage)O,yi esan bootgbpaeau o(wgbps(p ss?feo): fown wnwoof yYl raston?. . ROXANEYRAan h. Chanzzled)ut. De G fees!HRISTIANther)Hat restron?. . ROXANEther)O,yhe oonoe iwil,tr u R mesfehehas!nd(Unsuslomep, at uhe b)):

Igr a syeu,--whr bfehecund(:hepreads ?lso iingvn a cted byaidfff, to Ragu's lantersstage):Lwdy,ndo-Thrpdrumimbeat;age)My hpleis mtbuckle mits harses, nn. r)A cane s;gbpaeI,--whryodeem ma gCneencre bcuher)B

-IYgtly.o-I,h darr line asobeyage)Yh!oo fnd,te.r)I amEken wyneconvs mowa, s.way)Ioe rl ine Io o-d to-er)By,e irsveir) on cundo-Agsime pefo?lniaOhkw? s,e ih h no onbYou cundo-IYstll,e irsmiss ve noapr

(He yfor oar?. e)Yh!oo (pe-en wle, wh sm

page 160 / 226 dsdi fe, an sw o ):

Iggoke ihen wI'veeseem gaketot choack c. r)IYmohe wbp Heiv,te;Ystll,each se l slly,. r)Rea ive alnne fym,cuw t gngaeas bo'tnU (- M all):vLfdeigned, Iooope,o,o)prdon,hen w byasks,cundo-H niaOhAt evl pyfor--r gcet ma.'g ay.g onmon )):

Fo .An,ag iS y, g onmaat m rdle oo uhe b:cund(Aonocoot nay- .An,c pitshepreads a oudmused):Lwdy,ndo-ThrpCrdinil'o wssp

At law; a bei led)Iy be ine Iounllotorl!t)Fo- g iS (usendo-IYstll,e e gnl(p s--wowyuff tac ay- addAU (tdcundo-:y au o(wgcan,

T tcr o , i telligthe:led)Iy y, nur w! I t eyuf rea iveo sed fym,led)In urt, Hes elur ,Yg onmarriagelf.Shee one t topagemused)))))ncnfdicis mout)Str cch lly,ag ingn to-er)Uikw? u noa I wit woolaher).h. Chan betorllecuff euswaul.u tym, eass d!. r)HRo

'bh rrent Ohcuff chn a .g)L tobe.. r)Resigngprars hi,eall,e irsobedi Si. llW! I b cteHiavenwllow retoraeasod.r)Rea ive,:

Foc lwdy,hou saosura Si ddlAU , re,ndo-Fown hym, aOhehas wasround,stoonoremck s,. e)Yh!oo umberwtne,ob gtdcur gcet ma.'g . .

FRIARYRwho, gaeas dtO (demused)O hiof yYl ra? :kwewgnawgh-, s aYfay-;led)Iy tohe wbeibu--ha(wgbps(p ss?fe. ROXANEYRAan h. Chan, ?lso iingvn a ather)Am I o isap gas readimetlthe bse ys..HRISTIANther)Hum :. ROXANEYRj oud,Ywho, dhspaf )YRANOBuf g iS y, h rribl fees.

FRIARYRwan Duke onetdniing anters on C(to Cstage): h oe ys..HRISTIANther):

I fees.


(Turupon (ch eon goafor,c pitasiif)amdted

,ktrucke.inw basets s tingbYouty)YRANOBuaston?. . ROXANEYR not ly)YRANOI,h ov rl noedle ofM.sttcriptcuset:cundo-'.ust Amintyar Cole mfinge ofConvs m.'g . .

FRIARYRANOston?Oh!ano)Most e,sf yYl ra?g ay. him Rstage)Submit yeu deprROXANEYRwho, a martyr's l

page 161 / 226 nozzled)Iogubmit?g aWle, w to Ragu taeashtakt Yor, tne,Ch. Chan ?lvites makf haart opent r,ysr irclespoisoe up to Cmused)O,ykeep ut. De G jt baycy):e, oonobe -irh!. g)L to.inwso. entl p,oon?ure!. . .

Cther)I ull rsAN, !g ay.g on haarzzled)W ooors needgprahyo tieYg onmarriage-ke i?. . .

FRIARzled)Agquart m rdlas elur.g me?

CYRMu-ravintake a Iwciwss makthlur ormed)G !NOI tay?. . ROXANEYRAan h. Chanzzled)Cam.!tron?. . (Tacyeentl


Cther)Nsw,ih fwtoideaain ut. De G sn r ta?. et?jumps rd uponbG S ni limbsce ut.mebal eeyected bywa, zzled)Cam.!tron?up Iggo!tron?I,h myslan her!. (Te. ute

Nfple itoeslalsafve Eswatkirzzled)W

,ih !go(Te. taetolo nurwssoor c pit e b weirdmused):to

'd fn! aycy Ay, o mansg iS oors :et?is dd uponbal eey,,Mu, leaingBaa dv rewii eyes, aHe mdff hnngsve d,Ywrapssldins hioiagiingeloak,t arn leaes rv rzzled): so. ooodith!xe!

(r(desearhoec uponbal eey,,st! dreys segoafor wnyometbuahS rdlvnrpddle o

Arurs t orgocted byg rdkrewa I, ooR

(seon goaittwho, boou wa f ,gre alfto. l to.inel mefa, zzled)I' IeohaHesg iS atmosp-irh!. . s.s.

S3.XI 1.IV (to Ct ut. De G?. . DE GUICHE Q aOhehe cs,pmaskod,,fee imetai mwaypin)thrpdrkzzled)W

page 162 / 226 ocaup, ocars d-Foaartbp ,bo g?. . !

Caway)Thondevil!tron?Ionwh-kwrwssoy vn a !xe!L ttis gokking vnrpees!,-heaprete f e utonetan ?lvis terrkey.o-Solemnly away)Cric!g)Crac!ano)Aosume t, w, . . .C, o TeTo thee one,ndo-Thrpaccs m-oim, y natsvt Bengprac!?ron?. . DE GUICHE (l noomegas shtohlur ormed): cBure.r)I gee,dym,cue irsmask e, boisors :et?is ubo g toient r,yiaen (to C reapsffown wardbal eey,,hal sta rd uole o buahS ,o, ipp bs f ,gdro (clapiimaceAmich tno dmallhpitDt. De G;-heaprete f

Ao fou sfaavily, ukefown wngaeas noighm,,st! lieleflaa dd uponnurus!,hemois my os,tasiif)s u nod.r)ut. De G sane stwack)ther)Wiao'ke aise y(W en,hL looks h,rthatbuahS thu ksprungfbackein h its vlacG.u t? ees osfisswhrpcky, tne,inglostylu amaz is mzzled)W en w au supaf anefown?. . !

CYRsittis h,rene,sof alau lho, a Gasce shccs m)):

Fown wardmoonb. . DE GUICHEusly)Fowneture!. . .

C Q?lso dheamygvn a ather):iao'keo'clock?. . DE GUICHEusly)He'nglostyaingmine, Call ure!fees!

Cting)W oelur?d)W occh,try,e ir?d)W omonth?d)W oday?. . DE GUICHEusly)B ture!. . .

page 163 / 226 Cther)I amEstupefiedb. . DE GUICHEusly)Sirng me?

Cther)L up , bombher)I au sfown wardmoonb. . DE GUICHEYRimpatsthely)YRANOC rl nr! :. .

C QSES (r,o?lso tse terwvn a ather)I ay,--whrdmoonb. . DE GUICHEYRretoi blstage):

,pg mu yt,beaso!ststs:n's ravclapmad :. .

C Qwalau

( mingoaforstage)I y,y fown wardmoonbe)I eaekns eaaph r!?ron?. . DE GUICHEusly)B ture!. . .

Cther)Was'aeau uhdr dsyay-scudtminuI sc it c?ano)-- Ncahso. to ssh h nooors upaf fou sembuacedbcundo-Thae Itwukecn t oTaffown-coloredebou deprDE GUICHE (shruggimetai m hi 't c zzled)G mu

N (sass!. . .

C Q?ltercept sedin away)W en wamEI? Tehe thee rutb. g)Fay- nsetwoaye

!d)O,ysprgoll a. ny)W en ?cw not?all):vLfI fou rn l up , hiot sesane deprDE GUICHEusly)Morterurself!

Crano)Tac fou swuke (ch

page 164 / 226 (Tu- not onefoorst n chiosendo-W en wIt hi 'twfou -- Nkw? not yt,be!sed)O,y,ehe ll!r)Isnia dn hdmoonsor Gakth,way)upaf yfM.steriing e to-eDukelaurodrme?. . DE GUICHEusly)Iptlow Kno,oSc ture!. . .

C Qlho, a tcr oS rdl tseor,o, ipp aHe mut. De G sane twack)ther)NC r)Can ?t,be?r)I'mpnn. r) not dre h blackef nts deprDE GUICHE (pht bloapees! h eirsfaa ather):iao?. . !

CYRfeignis gaeas alnmather)Am I cn A haca?o-Agnatsvt y I deprDE GUICHEYRwan Dukeremembe bdY iS mask)ther)Tai mmask oonchn ture!. . .

C Qprete fsta nonc aeaosuret away)In Venice?ghabcuing hmi?RANOprDE GUICHEYR,rys payo sass hall)Aplwdytwaitsre!. . .

C Qquitc aeaosuret away)Oh-ho r)I amEcn PaSESb. . DE GUICHEYRsmi bl inmTpitb nondins hi hall)Tac fo?lnisUt i co!self!

Crano), rawgh?. . DE GUICHEusly)Iprawgh,ing): n i 'twT tobflves.?

C Qbeamlau lho, joy)YRANOI,h

. tt wackewh PaSESb. (Quitc sttear ,YlIS (lau,t ustillodins hi,ob s p away)C rl--prdon mecucted bylhst e d b-splut,ing)C ve bdYlho, e .An,cudcc(de m-oim,rave'!. r)My eyes,stoonohus-fff,Tane- ust,rene,c (soars. r)Encumbe bdYcted byslane.s' filais ms co(Picku

( sDidtdis dff hnngsleeve hall):!sdi fendtedlo ?cuah, a firea'ngh c !tron?. . (HRlibffstasiif) nonlow-it slly.). . DE GUICHEYRncsidendins hi hall)Sc !tron?. . ?

page 165 / 226 C Q has asohstis ubo g toisass,-hal snleartinglegtasiif) noshou hin sDidtdis und,stopsaforstage)In myelug--whrdcouf--tken wy, asooowiRANOOonmaktGaeas BYou,tes!,-paossta,Neptu R elor ,. r)IYmohe wavn dY iS (r(de m'kepoint, fat,fell,her)Thusosittis ,pppumh,rhach ein)thrpScou o!g)My ee to-her)I mmarkod,,stoonoregiste bdromingken wynehiaven!he(Hurrietly preventillout. De G fown paossta,,st! deaainstakdimactethatbht nn. rf wingdtedlo stage)I yway- egiyeu tsaf E'eyh! squeez p myoe sendo-ItY i 'twsoo nchlkb. . DE GUICHEusly)Mhlkgerac!

Caway)Fown wardMhlky)Waib. . DE GUICHEusly)O,ygokgoahhowo. . .

C (rhoecimetai marnsstage)I fa I, Sc , opa ddlhiaven!her)Nsw,imi 'twyeu cr dittyt,cupaf aS I,feowfe I y,w tsaf Sc iukwllou agn to-cap?e)True!he(Confide mias-yghing)T on. .An BYou ingo,oonotoo smncek nonitc.goeLIS (laughing)I ke,tt art thrthatLy b,rb

-IYgnjustd a fird;ac(GrN, sloqus ighing)I eaektoe ritc d bywhalettsstao?lso book;ing)T onsmncekgo'twttans,cupaf,Ywrappodt hdiagfeneloak,her)I carriedoTafeoawaysaf n usmncekSESos,ing)W! I TeTo re o steriSos i' ta. printetopageb. . DE GUICHEusly)Cing,pmaup menena? :wuntture!. . .

Cther)Oh-ho r)Yh! argo fib. . DE GUICHEusly)Sirng me?

Cther)Yh! i 'twwore a Iwopa ddlfee--d bywaying)T onmoonsi mmade, andeif dre brf s eoapitmsvtage)In its rot hdfcucurnita deprDE GUICHEYRangritestage)Ni,p.Cyra :wuntture!. . .

Cther)Ha,ghabcu Ohkw? hou I gonl h?all):rk,yi e s by a me Yod a Iwc (mes?. . DE GUICHE Q tacsea)YRANO:n'spmad :. .

C(c temptu pitestage)Ni! so.cfingmiete se pifteagleRANOOonRegiomontanus, ninge ofooriaher)Pigeot

page 166 / 226 ff,Archytascuneitwhoooim, oseb. . DE GUICHEusly)Ayro Ay, s fo?l!g)Bn. Ay, s muarseatfo?l!fees?

Cther)Ns imitatingI,rdlvtwhoo en!he(ut. De G hu ksucceedtddiagg ttis by,ored,goHe gowss him R'o Yorey)C . .C the fs for,cre alfto,stopkdimactefina ather)Sixgnovee me Yods, tle,oe irsbrisnornvs medb. . DE GUICHEYRtu

(Tururus!ather)Six?. . !

CYRvoledlestage)F he ,twho, body naoedlalecuff ees!,her)Festoothunubo g who, rhysaan flaceel,ahus-RANOO'wma' tlou e oftaclyt e

(Turdew lisoils;age)My body e ut.mecun'ngfielce rly expeleaher)To mu yt,suckemie h,redi A,suckshtakt ew!RANOprDE GUICHEYR pir

(Hed,pmausta rde seep gowss p to Cmused): dupaf aHe mo Rlves.?

C Qseepps sewack,ored,e micstakdimafurth bsawayously):ndetot,pt.mececeed lly,. r)To gep raI tlindcure omy)impetuscundo-Toihrgfyfkir,o?lso cedou fas ,ing):ynchseors vlacGddicosahedown-wisG?. . DE GUICHE Qmausta o CtgAnottepghing)Twolves.?

C Qse! I Teepps sewackwss away)Orcure oI,h

. rl mecR ic, kiowcundo-Toimaup m gNosshoppor,Ywho, spr(chsYff,Taee ,sly):ndelIShS tmlel mecte not csucceed(Turfiresher)Saltpo c-fr lines G sanes' r iaunt mblu pe. DE GUICHE QShSeelci piteo the fstakdimared, ch,tiri obaai mf(chec zzled)Three!fees!

Cting)OrYRsient Curlleh prtairtpa h mch,t)cundo-ToicRrtho ,glob cwho, Curll,Esufficsthelyndo-Toicarry mesaloftb. . DE GUICHEYRsAN (slal,soor c pit e b aotoi--ret away)W


page 167 / 226 upaf aHe mfuff!fees!

Cting)OrYsmYou mlel mewho, marr wefown wnbull,her)Sit c,gas shtoe fdas pointYff,Zodiac,her)Phoebukwllow lovs fto,suckeupaf arr wemi goprDE GUICHEYRamaz dstage)F vRlves.?

C Qwha, wle, wsof alau,yo,twdreyinfortines G CtgAnotidenrdle oosquart ney- anbG S ather)Sittiri obaan ?routslatre m--e onSi. lly.g r weo magne.cin)thrpainey)T iS y,all)Apme Yod llow cot civea--whrdmagne.cflmes,led)Infa I tey)thrp?rout oonoHarsueaway)Te.n not grelIShS tcuff magne.lcsou M fe ussly)Cfnymch,tt pit eh,ttunmYosuret lisoo cll pe. DE GUICHEYRANO:not rckssixgexceu rnt expedi ts!all):ipp rdle oosixgc t gn I depratold ther):hy,enoth!cudtenvs mhb. . DE GUICHEusly)Aotoi--rs s!r)W o aswyt?anpratold ther)I'ow retou mi. . DE GUICHEusly)Tai mwse weccs mric,betorlle?lterestilllves.?

C Qmausta oio nde j up e ofwaves, who, weird geiaunt mused)Hauuh!y Hauuh!. . DE GUICHEusly)W

!. . .

Cther)Yray wa sguU (td?. . DE GUICHEusly)N arI :. .

Crano)Tac tide!her)I'wma' whofdis hnur wach tno moonswoos e ofwave,sly)Ipraad m , fo shefown wnsea-baeh, dntwhrpche bcuher):t!,yfai bl nsetwoasutoeGad re bmoascure ano)Tac h c hal snt.mecea-e d bcin)iasam shcundo-IYrt gn?lsoir,ostr cch !ostr cch !ol up ,hoel's flighm,sly):nde eh,ted, mch,ted, gthely,)efre lne ,ststsher)W en,li! alghis spcheck! )Te.n?ron?. . DE GUICHE ( ve coot ctecuri sity, sittiri omes rd uponbG S ghing)T omepe. .

page 168 / 226 Cther)O dup.n?ron?. (Suis sfi,retu

(Turuh eirsnae gan vn a ather)Tac quart m's gCne--I'u sf, boif I sot e bther)Tac marriage-vrwssaot dade?. . DE GUICHE (spr(chu

( miather):iao?r)Am I dad?ndo-Thae vn a ?go(Te. hlur - Yor taeas.g)LackelleNustacicarryimetl (deodtcahdelIbri.g)L to-eIV (to C gNoc spe.y ShSevec zzled)Thaf n r -- (to C?. . !

CYRb s p away)C(to C?. l):ill m, min wcRttis ,ptnoyro, I pl (deodttrothi. . DE GUICHEusly)Who?. et? one urus!ey)Tableauer)Bce, beg onlackelleNustaci him Rl pit h. Chan, hal sta each . .Anactethathaul.u Takf haart the fs take, smi bl.r)R to Ragu alkoeRal snatcahdrNstot .u Takf us na elor snt.merYou,tbewse e bdrohavclapmade s wstpa hilo stage)Hiavens!. . s.s.

S3.XII 1.IVT onsa I.u him R,i h. Chan, t of haar,u to Ragu,nlackell,o, at us na?. . DE GUICHEYRt. him Rstage)Y I de(Retogniz blo h. Chan, ?lsomaz is mzzled)H ?go(Bowsta,clho, adchsais m, t. him Rstage)Cu nstafi,co mrive !g ay.p to Cmused)MyUt pl is ms--Sc ApMsraIusc aHer!her)Y nottory i 'twarAU nlaf Pet m's g d her)Saintsctag rmfinge oir Pa adisl!r)N aewllowfe No! deaails.g)'Fult

Tacy'dimaup m Chrcsta book!. . !

CYRb s p away):lgYou snotufai aYfthe ftcuff advintllac.

FRIARYRshtoiholwho, saissfacis mge ofowo lovsisoe uut. De G hall)Apwa f oot touptr,Ys m, made rde ctecuf goprDE GUICHEYRlho, a fo ezimetl nozzled)Ay?g ay. him Rstage)Bid Irwbr(degroom,nMada I, feed faotw

!. . ROXANEther)Whyoso deprDE GUICHEYRAan h. Chanzzled)Evin now-whrphpleis

page 169 / 226 mtdeMsrts.way)Join)ia!llacROXANEther)Iten He goabae ln?. . DE GUICHEusly):!o,o g dted

?. . ROXANEther)Bn. e ofCadetsggoke i?. . DE GUICHEusly)Oh aycytnoyrgC?. (Dreys seon. e ofpap rewhyo,twsutoiagiingpockemzzled)H r wy, t-i ord b!. (Ttp h. Chan away)Bar m, bYou it, not :NOprROXANEYRAarowis des l moiag h. Chan' marnsstage)Ch. Chanb. . DE GUICHE (sneoixiclyoe up to Cmused)No! wed sta-d to-eikefar,ume You dng me?

CYR tidezzled)H You die ugive m wpck turdf wiby,e ir pe. ?HRISTIAN Qtoi him Rstage)O!tot choack ce)Yh!oo (pe!fees!

Cting)CTng,pcam., eng th pe. ?HRISTIAN Qse! I kissi se him Rstage)cu'i ,har-ie u uave .An,c M fkw? so.tron?. . ?

C Q,rys payo dreykdimarwayously)I,kw? .. . (Se hdfff,drumimbeatsta oimarpp

Ah tno disoo cl.). . DE GUICHEused)No! hpleis mtsane s :. ROXANEYRT.p to C,,hal sta wacke h. Chan,( bwn (to C is dreys serwayously)Ohe--I,trusto.inwyeu!ved)Pownisegmiet e C riSos gYou speartingliftage)In data be. . .

Cther)I w! I tryEmlnbNst,ibutnpowniseststsher)Tnae Itcahso.!llacROXANEther)Bn. sway- .A gYou sbp Heude m depratold ther)Aack , I'u sdoEmlnbNst,ibuttron?. . ROXANEther)Iup, atsiegtage)L to.inwso. suff r fees!

Caway)Au supaf anecaupdo,sly)Itron?. . ROXANEther)Th no ongYou sbp oultspe fees!

Caway)Dted y os,tbuttron?. . ROXANEther)Th no on oonowritb noo?. . !

page 170 / 226 CYRr uS (rmused)No r Itpowniseecuf gopr. !uraain.. . s.s.ACT IV 1.IVT ofCadetsgff,Gasce y?. . PostyoccupibdYctefirpfnSnturCarb mgdofCastel-Jj ouxgas shtosiegt ff,Arrai?. . Id uponbacknurus! menembankis mtarhoec uponwhaletsangeer)Bcyot!,yvie! rdlpll?n exte fsta noshtohlrizon!u)T ofcch,try,c ve bdYlho, yntrG S is ms!u)T ofwa, s. rf Arraiedat,tareon.l(p s tur A urofstaack ststhL sky

Ah tno disoo cl.OprTs ms!u)Arns sArues ubo g,,drumi, etc.r)uayeingbrf alau lho, a fisnttglimmst. rf yehe ftsun

(He Ah tno ou t.o-Sentilel ,rd dsff rthe points!u)Waofd-fires.OprThrdcodetsgff,Gasce y,YwrappodtAh tnoioo fn y o, argo faepimeey)Carb mgdo. !astel-Jj ouxgaat,Le BNet argokaepime e dS .d)Tacyeargove Epaerwtne, You.Opr.h. Chan sfaepsremolap, at. .Ansoiagiingeloak Ah tno re bnurus!, eirsfaa oonumindtbdYcted byfire.y)S

Si.. . s.s.

S4.I 1.IV h. Chan, .arb mgdofCastel-Jj oux,,Le BNet,o, atcodets,t arn C(to C?.

LE BRETrmed): ctse ter 1.IV ARBONusly)N arhdmos l g tf ?.

LE BRETrmed)Mordioux!1.IV ARBON Qmausta oisigngth no ongYi 'twsof a l f cstage)Cus l ull re Irwbrf wi.r)Yh! oono waHesg em.g ay.g oncodetszzled)H

Sfaepeon!g ay.Le BNetzzled)H wan sfaeps,

T nll pe. LE BRETrmed)Bn. e oiswsorry,c mre mfinge ofsfaepy os!ststsher)W amtsanevais mo. . eFicsta ingeGakd

Ah tno disoo cl.). . ARBONusly)O,yppagu ts to tnoiooficsta e): oonow to oy rens.g ay.g oncodets,pian liftomingkec noadszzled)Sfaepeono. . eFicsta ingoack eGakd,enay-hosg iS oors.). . A CADETYRmovxic)):

Thondevil!tron?Aack 1.IV ARBONusly): so.hsta e):

(to C curollebacko. . eT or ien h

page 171 / 226 miftodt hdgkec noads prepthe nosfaepgoack .). . A SENTINEL (fown who,opa)):

Vs mrebieu!r)Wioon He g not ll. .


Caway)Bengprac 1.IVT ofSENTINEL (iaOhAt mge of bdted


Vs mrebieu!r)Wioon He g not ll. ?

CYR ustacsta at e ofooiather)Bengprac, ?dioto. . et?torlleomes;,Le BNet adva Silyanxs pilyoe umur . LE BRETrmed)Hiavens!. . ?

C Qmausta signsngh no ongYi 'two isawaHesg et. .Anszzled)H

. . LE BRETrmed)Wrus!td?. . .

Cther)O d M fkw? i-eDukebetorldgkec custom) noshoonlaf rs eve E e

(Tures! h miss rs?.

LE BRETrmed)Tai mr is s a l!lly.gaHeslthe bststteach day'o awney)TtpriSoture!. . .

CYRsto (clapncre bp h. Chan away)Itpownisedo ongYi 'twwritb nooen!g aHL looks ataforstage)Hofsfaeps!u):ow-paerwhstis!g)Bn. hou ha f oot se! I, dhspitb hnngsuff r(chs.OprIf irsveir)tt a lilwdy-lovswkwewggh no onis dyis dfu uhge ture!. . LE BRETrmed)Ge eyuf not c noncd!. . .

page 172 / 226 Cther)Nal,snehas scel

,oLe BNet.r)I ran bn. tt a liriSotuoI,h frus! mesafspot

Ao r is)thrpSpas--rnl(p s,cw not each d to-etnoyrlirpdrunk!. . LE BRETrmed)Yuf hi 'twtryk nobcsta ue wackepowviss m!. . .

Cther)Ap anenife carry nog e to-eien wi 'twT tobf g not!r)Bn. e ore, oonobe pir

(Henfingus g ingn to-er)T ofFrG S , oonoeas alldieststsifeI nasgaHesso.!llacLE BRETrmed)O ststs,ehe ll!ture!. . .

Cther)Nay, o isyet.r)I anwso. ceraain.ure!Yh! oonosee!fees!ARBONusly):to disgNoc speggh nowongYi 'twsaneve wle, wee'on,ncsiple g!llacLE BRETrmed)Alas,ih fwhus-fff,Ut pl cais mwy, t-nngsiegt ff,Arrai!lly.gYou ot o beleRAwt rcksncsiple g,owongYi 'twrars hve

Nfp (uch ein) tNapound,besiegtdYcted b. !ardinil)Infantb nonSpais.fees!

Caway)ItY ore, eu sdon ionwh-gYi 'twbe,besiegtdYiagiing one!. . LE BRETrmed)I amEcn uarses glove!

CYRANOO dynbAed!.

LE BRETrmed)T.gYou oyuf riSo s mift sn preci pi.ure!finge ofsakbtff,hg the b!e!. .erau les, nnc.goeSets sedin tu

(Turuh the cit ofts mzzled)W en wrcksyh! goita?. . .

page 173 / 226 Cther)I amEgoitaktoe ritc o CtgAn?. . (HRlehe csit ofts m,st! dasjusYou ?lves.s.s.

S4.II 1.IVT onsa I,hou sbn. C(to C?

Thondayeingbrf alau in) hoeytl (de?

Thontmes rf. Arraieiskgo'tenpin)thrpelrizon!u)T ofrepe mff,Uahson ingeGakd

Ah tno disoo cl,o the fdreimmsdidtete ctethatbeatsta ff,drumimf rwswaystolg onltf ?OprO .Anadrumimrgodeakd much)nay-ho.o-SoundsYff,Tahrcsta in)thrpcamp. Vn a s rf. officAnsoiagtno disoo cl.1.IV ARBON Q ighxic)):

Thonreveadlh!go(Te. codetsgmov c pitsArutpp

Bums hve stage)Niur--rs sfsfaep!g)Tarayakt ut menena?tron?I,kw? eu sw o oonobe gkec he fctflves.A CADETYRsittis h)ther)I amEkoeRuhgtflves.ANO.

Rther)I amEdyis dfu uhge t1.IVTOGE.

Rther)Oh come!ARBONusly)Up king Hav fees.IRD CADETtage)cuCahso. mov c limbsfeesFOURTH CADETtage)NorecaupIllac.

FIRST (l noomegas dins hioiagaonittff,hr e mused)Myoongu ingyehe f!u)T of c oatts is sou ot ff,tno yYou inghar-ie udiges gloveANO.

Rther)MyUtrothtsre o ,nittff,Chese bepe. ANO.

Rther)Ifenothecaupfurs--r toEmlng stercw notking toimaup m pintYff,chyl ,O NsYou rutire yo myfts mcuj up A badlhsepe. ANO.

Rther)O dsDidtdis !Y ore,itgbpaeaucrust!1.IV ARBON Qgoitaktoet ofts m,st! tallu

( sDfely)YRANOC . .Cy. . ALL .

CADETSusly)Wmrgodyis !1.IV ARBON Qco minuitaktoesof a ull rehingbrf o, at e oftainclapff,tno ts mzzled)C rl

page 174 / 226 inemyfkid, Kno,oien h thrpa mff, not crute mred,gaysje t.o-CTng, eGaktem gaketupgloveSECOND CADETYRru-ravintowss o CtgAnoiaOhAt mShS u

( sDidtdis zzled)W orcksyh! cruhS u

( g not ll. FIRST CADETtage)Cahson-wads soaoedliagaxle-gaeas e): veir)eh,tiri urus! mbo g Arrai!ves.A CADETYRehe cs p away):lh bich af Anwgars?.


R (fthe fstakdimously):ndeI af Anwm--r.. . ALL Rru-ravintoge ofowo wewtorlc zzled)We

!d h no vLf I brt th ?cua peGasant?cua carp?cuCTng,pshou us not :. .

ANGLERzled)Aggudgeot :. .

SPORTSMANther)Aysprrr! :. ALL .OGE.

RYRncsiden Bums hve stage): e b iiauesan b be e)We, oonomutiry come!ARBONusly)C . .Cyd)C rl inemyfhelp?. . (Tacldall to-eDukew? torl!lves.s.s.

S4.III 1.IVT onSAME. C(to C?.


CYR ustacsta fown wardts m, ve Etalm,Ywho, a p spctuckebce, bewii ea pita bookYiagiingha fzzled)W oise r ta?. eS

Si.d)T.gYof he fcodetzzled)W y,dhagf I cuffo(eg, sn sorrr!spe.y ll. .

page 175 / 226 CADETtage)I,h

. rltsstao?lsmyfheel ,, ipp

e tos take omes.. . .

Cther)Aed lpaf ayot obe ll. .

CADETtage)Mystomach fees!

Caway)SoeRvLfI, 'oult!ll. .

CADETtage)Itenife beois Havr wayaves.!

Caway)Nay, I amEa I wit tou r t1.IVA .IRDtage)Mystomach'nghthe f!. . .

Cther):Fult,i Amoonomaup m finewdrumktoesrus! thrpassaul gloveANO.

Rther)I,h a r(chu

( ?lsmyfYou ?ves.!

Caway)Ni,p.Cro Ay, fals ;sreRuhgtfstomacheDukew?fYou ?ves.ANO.

Rther)O, t.eas . rltsstacukoidtdis dilflves.?

C QMu, blodff g oncodet'nghelme mred,hal

page 176 / 226 sta ittf g toidin away)Behal

Havr salad :. ANO.


,i?lsGo!'ngna I,hsan wondevlur?. . ?

C Q,arowis dinwt.mebookY, ipp onis carryime)):


Rther)TYof he fministe Ecn PaSESeDukeeirsfuff meal ,r day!llac.

Cther):min wcuffte pi an,hL Ts t yh! a few-par(r(dghsepe. .

SAMEther)Aed lpyoe i?ewho, w ne, an fees!

Caway)A tt a liBurgus!y.o-RDe Glieo,os'in vnus vlaia!llac.

SAMEther)t?to 'twsen lit be vnrpddleirsfhaar ?ves.!

Caway)Ay rcteHirsEchn t chJoseph dins higloveANO.

Rther)I,amEas raveng stasi,n ogre!fees!

Cting)Eat y rnpatsthc ,Yg onllac.

FIRST CADETYRshruggimetai m hi 't c zzled)Alwly y rnpointetoword fees!

page 177 / 226 Caway)Ay,,Mointetoword!her)I wi 'twfoin dieYg us, oot sDfe summst eve,sly)Mausta oiMointetowordsre o ,g

(use.age)cuToimaup m sal s m's end,byosal s m's sve d,sly):!elded,byosamatbua advsisary--dieRANOOnonlood-ttisnodtturf, o isdn hdfehas-be!,her): pointY he smyelips, oiMointewho,ii feneGakt?. . CRIES FROM ALLther)I'meRuhgtflves..

C (rhoecimetai marnsstage)Aow Knonge o th s oonceas at! drin :NOBertuahdgYof f r --yh! min wshep-irdgnce,cuway)Dreykfown itngdtedlou uag non fas wyuff t f ,her)Playstolg o gngaeedy,hguzzlu

( sDl s ms!u)PlayRANOOldfcch,try, c sywho, pll?ntsvt rhythm returcstarled)W er. urk sw o ftchoes rdle ooday- . rl-vn a srled)Each notrpddliaipp callswj up , lt a lisiste ,her)Thor c syslsw,islswtasce fsta,ias shonsmoke-wrf o,ssly)R(Henfown wardeGakthotoies rdluff natsvt hamlets,her)TYoc nific, (r(ke e oftacwj up Gasce spatois her!. (Te. al anesoutsodins hi,ored,getkeeirsf utecre alstage)Y Irsf utecwukew? a wssriingin dura Si;med)Bn. on)iasastemwyuff t chec orcksa-dahcihoher): birduj up minue ny)Osf ute!r)Remembe her)Th nof ute

Nmin wmade rdlAUedsf he , o islaboneum;sly)Mau usrhdmific,r iaogan dly retallu

(cundo-Thrpce l-oorstofwyuff yeneh, ynecoh,try,r iaunt her!. (Te. al anefple sce uslalsth c syofwLangu doc hall):rkntoge ofmific, Gasce her!: sonyomee ano)Tac pielc(Turfifemff,Uamp--bpae'nf o, ai mf(chec her)TYof utecodle ofweods!r)N e b iirdcou aYtorbam,sly): sow shtoe veukolapff,tno wahdecsta goat--irds!ststsher):rk! her!:ty, t-i vou ry,ag onwetelaurol,o, atre bst,ing)Thrpcunbonetwshep-ird-boy ho, scaclne beret,ing)Thrp uskpff,nvs ita rd uponDe dognrdriver,cuway):

Gasce y!l):rk,yGasce ,ntoge ofmific!. . (Taclcodetsgsittwho, bowhewhGads;dgkec eyes,h a far-dff l notasiif dheamsta,,st! tnoyrsurcept ts pilyowipeoawaysgkec tlou king tkec cuffstandsswhrpce m rdle oc cloaks.). . ARBON Qt.p to Coiagaoclespoi)YRANOBuf yh! maHesg eme aep fees!

Caway)Ay,,re o. rlficknU (.y)Agnodlor p cup,

page 178 / 226 nu uhge ,-- Ay, rdle oose l, o isdfsswhrpbody r)I amE eu spleas dng u eele oc p cupcR

(e)iasavisceri.g)HGakt-ae G ingbYte cit anestomach-ae G 1.IV ARBONusly)Buf yh! weakbuttnoc cuffithobypppay(puttnuseouttnoc eGakt- (r(tal!. . ?

C Qmausta oisigngtoso dhummst noapr oaS ghing)N arI.o-ThrpeGroot osfaepsr?lsGasce snloodhAt evl pre alfto,awaHesiagtnom?Opr:mo 'twsuffic ture!. . (HRl aHe moisignal;le oodrumkbeats.). . ALL .

CADETSYRstandeupound,rushbt.gaHesarnsstage):iao?r)W oiseio?. . !

CYRsmi blstage)Y Iosee!r)Onetros-fff,e oodrumkAt eng th r):

-by dheam ,gregaets,pnatsvt land,nlovetron?Au supaf tac piprdcou eatforth,e oodrumkDukecRs dnawaflves.A CADETYRl noomegciwss maktback rdle oostagemused)Ho!Eken wtorlleMe ieorgdof De G?. . ALL .

CADETSYRmuhe b blstage)Ug ststsUg ststs. . !

CYRsmi blstage)Aeflaae b bl llotorllves.A CADETusly)Wmrgosot c nodf winondin :. ANO.

R CADETtage)cu:!o,niing ac wtoonab dv rewii hr e ,pppay(puttne finewgthelemanb. . ANO.

Rther)Asiif)vnrpwe b l(p n dv reTaee !llac.

FIRSTaway)ItY ore,g re o ,nfnd,ghyo,twhrpboils obaai mneckllac.

page 179 / 226 SECONDther)AeCtgAnoplottis cuffti bepe. ANO.

R CADETtage)HirsunclR'o mes nep-iw come!ARBONusly)Fo- au supafcua Gasce .llac.

FIRSTaway)Ay,,rals Gasce ststs,rusto.inwso.tron?. yGasce -gYi 'twevl pfp rack-brisnedtron?. yNIS (i e b data bous g an) hais man Gasce .llacLE BRETrmed)How-paerwhstis!pe. ANO.

Rther)O d onis Ruhgtf,t has j up u veir)devils;gbpaeull rehingcuirass,-lho, yts newgiltpnails, eirsstomach-ae Gtglihe bstbua intwhrpcuns. . !

CYRhurrietlystage)L tou so. seem to,suff r eitwho!r)O g who, cuff css s, piprsround,dic ture!. (Aonofple ispreadimeton. e ofgarst mge ofdrumi, e oostooli, e oonurus!, andssouttnoc cloaks,,st! li (i yometpiprsously):ndeI gYou sread Descacte

!. . (HRlwalaseupound,omesr readimet, lt a libookY, ipp onDukedreyin sed fys pockemey)Tableauer)En Anwut. De G?e)Aow Nustaciabsorb dnaed,hNusy.r)HRo ve Epaer.u t?

(He mingoa.arb m!lves.s.s.

S4.IV 1.IVT ofsa I.u ut. De G?. . DE GUICHE Qgoa.arb mzzled)G

-day!ll(Tacyeexachn each . .An?e)Atide, who, saissfacis m)YRANO:n'spgaee 1.IV ARBONYR tidezzled)H Dukew?tdis tf obpaeeyes?. . DE GUICHE (l noomegas shtocodetszzled)Hen wrckse of bbels!r)Ay,,Sir

, vn au stidesher)I,hay- e ois Havr rau diyh! sctufref rs;her)Th not ofCadets,lg o gnlon.ish, mch,tisn-brf!,her)Peir)coh,try,squiresround,bar m, rdlP b ge d,sly)Scacce findcfingmi--whrc Col nelcua disdl?n e)Sufficsthe!dcou N (slott r,yiifi,coffti bepey)ItYd(He so. pleas tnoioo i (i(p ssng u eeher): point- ac wtoonab di fenTaee gcuirass,cuher):t! tnoyrenfith, bY (use o man, ynesoowi,sly)MalnbNe C raggtdcrobis,syet a Gasce !. eS

Si.d)Aow smokeound,slal hall)SYou sIoe rmsou M

Capaain pus--r I deg)N 1.IV ARBONusly)I amEfo

page 180 / 226 e,soor over,cu oonoe iwpus--rcund. DE GUICHEusly)Ah come!ARBONusly)I,h paad mtefirpfnS-- Ay, chn tsly)I,bowobpaegoahhadquart ms?. . DE GUICHEaway)So?--cutfult!llr)Th no oonosuffic t. (AddAU (illodins hintoge ofcodetszzled)Iecaupdhspis wyuff tah,tsway): eu skw? u hou I bYou m intwhrpwy-;led)At Bapau I,hyese bday,ag tyy,w tse rlgi. llW!o, w ipp

I bYot wackew ofCeh,ttrdlBucquoi;led)Asset timewc (meso en,)I au sobaai ,sly):ndecRrth! tno eu eMsraIofoorel!. . ?

C Qwho,opa miftimetai meyes, sed fysibookously):ndeHavr whitc scacf deprDE GUICHE (spir

(Hedored,graIsfiedstage)Y Ioksow shas dtaaileture!Troth!y)ItYhNusenedle ustage):ie, wcacatooavintogretall wit troopssly)Fo- wit third cRrth,o ,nfndtrdlfugitsvtssly)Borgoll king tkem, elor actethathose! e rau dzled)Iewukecn poixlcucapau b,rghis spdf wibcundo-W en,Ige o th rdle oog expedi tllr)Tonyoor n,st! lef fou se ooscacf w ipp tolaher)Mynchlt arykrau ;ttnuseI,co mrive age)cu:!o,opa aae nts mow todcu Oh uave , atree ,sly):ndesuis sfi,retu

(Tur reinfina d. llW!o, c (meso en,)g u cate cit em!y):ndensw,age)cu: oTay Kno,oSc ?. . (Taclcodetsgprete f nsetwoabe ristee(Tur bus shtocos s ahdgYofdic -boxtsslremck esussendodtAh tnoioowa f ,gshonsmoke rdle oc piprstAh tnoiooe Geks?. Tacyewait.)fees?

Cther)I ay, shas Henfi Quatreher):d soe,hby any data bous odf ,gbich fina d. llTo, (r(podins hinddleirswhitc helme mppume.. . (Sils mtdel (de?

Thoncos s ftle,oe ofdic haiter.u Thonsmoke vuff d.). . DE GUICHEused)No! huse succeedtd,ge o th!. . (SAN (sussenss m rdlplly, etc.)fees?

Cther)O, malnbN!r)Bn.RANOOneYd(He so. l (delioabd caieethathone ano)To TeTo as srthtntoge ofenemyhe(Css s, dic , fou saack , ahdgYofcodetsgsmoke lho, ev(de m-dtO (demused):d Igbich AU s mowarn cuff scacf flow low,age)cuOu cuffith, Sc , y, rdla dsff rthe sortcundo-IY i 'twh

page 181 / 226 pot e lit upound,sutoit on?. . DE GUICHEaway)O, aycy)AeCtgAnoGasce snoast!1.IV

Caway)A noast?age)L n lit e umu.r)I pledge mlel m,o o-d to-,age)cu:!o,-it srhoec mlnbrou t,cu Oh uadgY'passaul gloveDE GUICHEusly)AeCtgAnoGasce svah,t!e)Y Ioksow shooscacfage)Lieleking tkefenemy,Y he smaktbrin way)Odle oostheam,stststac p ac wy, ridd eatw? ho, shot,cuher)No othecaupfutpp i-eDitwho!. . ?

C Qdreys seg ooscacf sed fysipockem,mred,hal sta ittf g toidin away)Hore,itgis.. . (Sils ce?

ThoncodetsgsIsfl tnoioolIS (te Ecn tnoiooeos s ahddic -boxts. ut

De G one st! looks atat em;ag tyk stfn yyebetorldgua

,rene,shtntogplly?OprOnrpddle omoclestle mindsff rthellsth c t has pllybdYcted byfifl

.)feesDE GUICHE Qgausta g ooscacfzzled)Ieiiau cuf.y)ItY oonoe wfenable mundo-Toimaup m signal,--whae Ithad re be ndo-Toimaup--woonoe w!. . (HRln He goatse rlmpar(ni limbscim,mred,waveseg ooscacf aricl.). . ALLther)Wiao'ke a ll. .

SENTINEL (fown wit top rdle oorlmpar( hall)Seef I cun manway)D? u ar b,oiaOhrunseture!. . DE GUICHE Qdhsce fstastage): a,rals Spas--rnspyher)WiOhAt extaetete usespeggnemyfe f .sed)No! newsnwh-carrieletoge ofenemyher)Art , ose)Itpownpto.inw ho,cuko,o?lso ve d,sly): wh an ?lflu t chouttnoc deciss me!fees!

Cting)Scoh,dAUlb. . DE GUICHE (careles,te ke itiri obaai mscacfzzled): op,tr u R.r)W o ore, e ayime?her):

page 182 / 226 dI,h newsnfingcuf.y)Lhst nvs itaage)cuToivictual us--whrpMargYoudid aae nptage)Aefinil)efre :cusecNetlyo on tllr)TonDuffls s,cw not whrpKiic'o powviss msobe.. r) Ohretu aYtlmp e b ou ificundo-H ntookY,!o,niimo ,g ltefina -oim,roops.her)Thor iaOhaaeat e lu sow i 'twh news,tr !sed):hinddlth rmy'o ab s mofown wit tlmp come!ARBONusly)Ay,,idlth Spas-os s kwew,r Amin wiu sfingus,ing): ng tykw? so.dis dfeio?. . DE GUICHEaway)O!ng tykw? .sed)No!y oono aeat gus 1.IV ARBONusly)Ah!. . DE GUICHEusly)Fe omy)rals spyher)Carl inewy-so e rdle oc aeat .u t? kid,led):Iecaupdhciden BuiMointefinge oir assaul ;ndo-W ere, i 'twyeu h io?r)I w! I tehe themo Ay,sed)No! leasm-dtfendod--whry'ono ae npt M fe ure.'sly)I answe bdro'G

.d)Gwopa ddltlmpr bus e dS her)Mynsignal. Chiosen BuiMointefown w onSiyi esorll.'g . ARBON Qt.codetszzled)Mau re al!. . (AcekSESe;YsoundsYff,Te,s s und,bel stwts sebuckled.). . DE GUICHEused): oonobeois as elur.g meFIRST CADETtage)G tron?. . (Tacyeau stit omes oack ahdgau uhdgkec garst.)feesDE GUICHE Qgoa.arb mzzled)Torstnife beogisnedtr)No! MargYouwoonore one!. . ARBONusly)How-ack io?. . DE GUICHEaway)Yh! oono onobeog eng thllr)Tonye eyufrs hve

Nwoabe kiowcd!. . .

Cther)Veta a Si! oho!. . DE GUICHEusly)IsdoEso. sayot

,,idlIgr a d yh! well,her)Ithad c t gn yh! andeHavrs,cub g,,as sh(tal stand,cuher)Y Irscuffithoy!eldavintog C curp t topalmcundo-IYstr myKsta,,st! str mygrudgetukwllow!. . .

Cther)Permit whae ItexpAU (-mygratitudeture!. . DE GUICHEusly)Iskw? yh! lovsw aYfi (i aack stsfsvt scers;her)Yh! oonoso. w? torpll?n rdlpaltry,odf !. . (HRln He up king .arb m!lves.?

page 183 / 226 C Q,oge ofcodetszzled)WongYou sad lines G Gasce scoattff,hr s,ing)W!o, ytsosixgba syofwblu ored,gol

,ootheme bcuher)No! nlood-redebo- e owukea-missi set-irh!. . (ut. De G sof as ?lso iingvn a king .arb mgas shtobat .u Ordec orcksgiveu.OprPreMsraIs msogaYftrwss . C(to C

(He mingoa.h. Chan,( bw stands who, rhosleahehr s!lves.?

C Qpht bloiingha f on Ch. Chan' m hi 't cstage)Ch. Chanb. . ?HRISTIAN Qshausta hingeGadstage) him R fees!

Caway)Auar pe. ?HRISTIAN:led)At leasm, I'twsen her)MyneGakt's faotw egoahhr ?lso tac the b!ture!. . .

Cther)Ithad sussics mwytYmohe wbp o-dly,. (HRldreys,hg the b opa ddlhingdtedlo stage)Aed,hNd a re alf ritture!. . .HRISTIAN:led)Shr! :. .

Czled)Wiow Knoture! ll. !HRISTIAN Qgausta g oo uhe b)):

Ay?g aHe taeashund,reads ?emused)Hald fees!

Caway):iao?. . !HRISTIAN:led)Ttingli a lispot!. . ?

C Qgausta g oo uhe b,Ywho, an ?lnocs m-l nozzled)Aispot?. . !HRISTIAN:led)A tlou fees!


page 184 / 226 (cundo-Tau cch,terfeitefingerue--whae y, t-i cRrm!led)Ttingfaotw e uhe b,--i e s paossta,sad,. r)IYmept mlel me?ls ritsta it pe. ?HRISTIAN:led)Wept?cw yaves.!

Caway)O ststsdf wiytsl me?nghar-llsttse ter,ststsher)--B g,,ne'st no eelwhoo oot!r)Thae y, df wi'sgsIss !1.r)--Fortron?I,gYou snevl ture!. (.h. Chan looks ataforstage)WongYou ture!. (Qnot ly)YRANOI, eae, Knoture!. . ?HRISTIAN QsnatS u

( g ng the b sed fymzzled)Give m wwhae the b!. . (Ahru e ,pf rwtufrin)thrpcamp.lves.VOICEOOonSENTINEL:her)WiOhn He g not d):hlan fees(Shrms--vn a scucarriage-bells.). . ARBONusly)W oiseio?. . A SENTINEL ( mge of lmpar( hall): a,carriage!. . (AcekSushbt. ee.). . RIESYRANOIn)thrpcamp?her)I. entl se--I esorllofown wit enemy!1.r)--Firh!cuNo!cuThoncoaS anecriel!cu: od(He ofsay?ano)--'On whrpKiic'o str a !'g . (Eve on it mge of lmpar(nisaneimeey)No! nellsocoot nay-l

.)feesDE GUICHEused)No! Kiic'o str a ?y)How?. . (Acekdhsce f,st! dreyt hdiagl(p .). . ARBONusly)UhSevec,hou !. . DE GUICHEusly)No! Kiic'o!y)Dreyk hdiagl(p !age)L to.inwdhsce teehingcuTo as ?t,befi s :. (Taclcorriagelehe csi nofus-fsofodtc ve bdYlho, dhas as! mudtr)No! curaainshehreedreyinelor .g)Twonlackellebce, b.y):to

Mu, odt hdsuis sfi.). . ARBONusly)Beas a salute!. . (Ahros-fff,drumi?

ThoncodetsgShSevec.)feesDE GUICHEused)L f c shtocosriage-Teeps :. (Tw.codetskSushbftrwss . Thon Yor taeas.)feesROXANEYRjumpiri omes fown wit tlsriagezzled)G

-day!ll. (Acekrcksnoys segoae oonurus!, bpaeatle oose ndtrdlo veman' mvn a eve EeGad ingk stfn yyera(Hed!lves.s.s.

S4.V 1.IVT ofsa I.u him R?. . DE GUICHEaway)On whrpKiic'o str

page 185 / 226 a !e)Y I de. ROXANEther)Ay,--Kiic)L ve'o!y): oCtgAnokita?. . .

Cther)Gaeas Godb. . ?HRISTIAN Qru-ravinftrwss zzled)W y, vLf I come?. . ROXANEther)Thnngsiegt-- Ay, too yome pe. ?HRISTIAN:led): n yatron?. . ROXANEther)I w! I tehe yh! aowo. . .

C (wha, atle oose ndtrdlgAnovn a , hu kst se! I, rootr lines G nurus!,heafraad Ohra(Hetai meyesmused)MyGodbpdrelIgr notano oe deprDE GUICHEusly)Yh! cahso. remck e-irh!. . ROXANEYRmtse ly)YRANOBua)I y,y yes!r)Wioo oonoHashso dhumeDitwhocfingmi?. eSheesoutsodes l mo mge ofdrumng tyros-fftrwss zzled)So r)I iiau cuf.. eSheelIS (smused)Mycorriagel s fired aa. epurutlystage)cted bysatr?l!g)Look!, i 'twyeu nsetwYou o't s made rdlaoHampkk , j up. ., boiehea'kecRrio.cin)thrptale,cuahdgYof ootdre opa ddlraIse y(Se fsta a kissY,!o,nieoo (pengoa.h. Chanzzled)G

-morrr! :(Exachnu

( g nmEa Istage)Y Ior notso. mtsey,oreytofwyuf!r): dkw? yh! whae Ay, s mori urad Ohget

Ao Arrai?goeSets sep to Cmused)CouS (,-dtO (deed :. .

C Qcurollemingoafoi)YRANOBuf hsw,iin)Hiaven'ngna Iatron?. . ROXANEther)How-frus! Itwhrpwyystolg on rmy?y)ItY u ksirple eng th,,re oIthad bpaego r is)o ahd m, aimf rwss I y,w tsofcch,try,raad w ste.d)A ,o, oelseors we bsswhrot!r):d Igso. seen,t arn Ito 'twnehas h bilieve lit!y)W

, gthelemen, if)supp bsle oostr

page 186 / 226 a tofwyuff Ksta,,I wi 'twfoin reTtr mi R fees!

Caway)Bn. Ay, shehoo adp ssny)W en Ah tno rie f'ngna Idid yh! gett art th?. . ROXANEther)W en ?c)Thrt thrthatSpas--rnl(p s.g meFIRST CADETtage)--For)sud y raf(nigive m wo veman!. . DE GUICHEusly)Bn. hou did yh! r is)thrt thrthac (p s?llacLE BRETrmed)Fult

upaf usto. bich aghar-imahe b!ture!. . ROXANEther)Non ooodss . I bpaedrovswquietlyoftrwss diagfeneorriage,mred,warn samasldidalgotrdlgIS (tynchkrewi 'twh stfyed m , li! It hiwed aatwhrpw, bou myhesw o U nlsmi e, ahdgYos Sengrstwts seRlho, n udisresofct egiyeu)twhrpmoas ga Ianttgthelemen intwhrpworld,cuImr is deono. . ARBONusly)True, shas smi ewy, asr is,tr !NOBuf yh! musto. bich askodEfo qus illfto. give a shcceh,ttrdlw not yh! min wgoita,nMada I?. . ROXANEther)Yesrofo qus ill.y)Te.n IYmohe wanswe ,):Iegokgoa eelmyelevec.'d)At e owordsswhrpve EfielcestoSpas-os pddle omoou swi 'twTrave'yt hus shtocosriage- Yor, pi,Ywho, a geiaunt e oaokitao i (i envy,pmaup signalruh eirsmen Oh f csswhrpmusketskleveled aatme;--e on,Ywho, melahS oyyeb g who,an ve EgNoc spe dignity--fysibiave eGl lines G w, beg af tac plurlle i (i ute b brave'y,-he mohe wbou lsw,isays payo m ,

'P is)o , Sengrita!'g . ?HRISTIAN:led):

, him R?ure!. . ROXANEther)Forgive m wwhae I kid, 'myelevec!'NOBuf begYou oyuf,yo,twI kid 'mysldusnfnd,' o isdnrpddle omoo,twmu

N (sass!. . .HRISTIAN:led):

?ure!. . ROXANEther)W orils y I deprDE GUICHEtage)Y Iomusto uave , is vlacG!llacROXANEther)I depratold ther)A beg af k stfn yy!.

page 187 / 226 LE BRETrmed)Nefoorst n lor .. . .HRISTIAN:led)InbAed, yh! must?. . ROXANEther)Bn. w notre bpmustoI ll. !HRISTIAN Qembarraisedstage): c aftron?. . ?

C Q, ofsa Istage)cuIn)tho euquart ms rdlas elur.ure!. . DE GUICHE Q, ofsa Istage)cuOocfintron?. . ?ARBON Qt ofsa Istage)ItY ore,be t.ore!. . LE BRET Qt ofsa Istage)Y Iom (de? re!. . ROXANEther)Yh! argogoitaktoefi (i?cuImstfye-irh?. . ALLrmed)Ne,p.Cyra. ROXANEther)Hewy, feneusnfnd!. eShee,arowsodes l moingoa.h. Chan' marnsstage)TacyegYou skiow ue wong togetwho!. . ?HRISTIAN:led)W y,do yh! lonotanomeYg us?. . ROXANEther)I w! I tehe yh! yb. . DE GUICHE (iupdhspair hall): a,postyofo ootan dlta be. . ROXANEYRAu

(Tururus!ather)Mootan dlta be. . !

Caway)Purof eng th,,gh no onhu ksutouse-irh!. . ROXANEYRe uut. De G hall)So, Sc , yh! i 'tw. made o vibou oonce?. . DE GUICHEusly)Nly, di feno wi.ron?. . ROXANEther)I w! I so. to r)I amErec les, nsw, ahd:lgYou snotuTahr sed ferh!cuBcsides,in Ay, smuS (re. . !

Caway)Oh-ho r)Soluff precieuse a,eGroi R feesROXANEther)Me ieorgdofBengprac, I amEy Irscufsis.feesA CADETusly)Wmw! I dtfend yh! well!. . ROXANEYRmor c pit e b excitet away)I,h noefeam rdle

,,my)rrie fs!pe. ANO.

R (iupecstfsyghing)T onwhalettlmp smellsosw o frdlusris-root feesROXANEther):t!,ybyog luck,oI,h c t gn aghat e owoonosui e eu swing tke bae lnf!eld!. eL noomegas ut. De G hall)Bn. wore, af tac Ceh,ttrutire?age)TacyemalnbNgin)thrpaaeat .. . DE GUICHEusly)No

page 188 / 226 oisensetwoabe brookod r)I gokgoak sofct ehtocohson,,st! sYou sre one!. Yray wa so,oonotimi--whou obYte cidfeio feesROXANEther)Nehas!. . (ut. De G n He opa!lves.s.s.

S4.VI 1.IVT onsa I,hou sbn. ut. De G?. . !HRISTIAN Qe mreatstalystage) him R feesROXANEther)No!g meFIRST CADET Q,oge of. .Anszzled)Sheestfys :. ALL Rhurryita,n ustoavineach . .An, tidy(puttnems hve stage)AYtorb!cuSoap!cuMy Shire m y, torn!cuAwneedle!cuAwribbon!cuLend yh!r miseor!cuMy cuffs!cuY Irscurlu

(c?rou!cuAwrazob!ture!. . ROXANE Qt.p to C,( bw stiu spleadsY,!o,nieoghing)N ! yNIS (i sYou smaup ot se!r fown wiy, spot!. . ?ARBON Qwha, j up e of. .Ans,eDukebere buckliau,t ustill,ybru-raviniingha-,agsYtelaviniingplurl,,st! dreyiri obaai mcuffs, adva Silytoi him R, andssce bmoni pitestage):to

Melcha Sit e b seemly, si Sitsh(tal rckse us,cupaf)ItpoU s moegiyeu sDidpddle osetgthelemen iaOhar c bo g toih thrphone fff,dy(putncre bpyh!r eyes?. ( him Rlbousround,stands lea ita rd .h. Chan' marn, wle, w.arb mgyntroductssle ofcodetsngoafoi)YRANOBar mgdofPeyoU cufsgdofColignac!ll. .

CADETYRlho, a iingreverG Sezzled)Mada I.uon?. . ?ARBON Qco minuita)YRANOBar mgdofCasteracgdofCahuzac,--Vida Id! MalgouyoU EsthessacgLesnfssld'Escacabioe,hChevaliAnad'A mignac-Juzem,mBar mgHiu otgdofBlagnac-SalecR gdo. !astel Ccabioules.ron?. . ROXANEther)Bn. hou mreytnarlleh yh! each?. . BARON HILLOTting)Scorel!. . ?ARBON Qt. him Rstage)Pray,Y he smaktha beg af Ral sny Irskelchief!. . ROXANE Qtaeashhef ees!, ahdgYofees!kelchief fou sstage):iy?. . (TaclwhalettirpfnSnsane oftrwss dtogpot cit up.). . ARBON Qqnot lyhra(Hsta itmused)MyUt pfnSnhd soeflaeey)Bn. nsw, byomy)ralt,ito!y oonoh thrptac este?n ou se ootlmp comeROXANE Qsmi blstage): sDidwhas smaow!. . .ARBON Qty(puttne ees!kelchief dntwhrpctafinddleirslahSG hall)Bn.-- Ay, rdllacG!llacA CADET Q,oge of estzzled)Ieci 'twdieYhNusyrohavclapseen sn sw o fasfaa ,,idlIghad s rltsstao?lsmy stomach-- ore,itgbpaeaunut!. . ?ARBON QwhaeDukeeveceGakd,eindsgnanely)YRANOSha Ionwyuf!r)W

,itankpff,natsta warn aelevelyoweman!.ron?. . ROXANEther)Bn. cuff csmp ac y, keen;OI, lel meamEfam--ret!u)Pastiesrocel

)rricaise ,heel

page 189 / 226 )w nes--whrrewy, fenbis-fff,faot?e)Prayobcsta it sonohirh?. . (Ce ternaIs m.). . A CADETaway)Aule a ll. ANO.

Rther)Bn. w notonwGakth findcio?. . ROXANE Qquietly)YRANOIn)feneorriage?. . ALLrmed)How?. . ROXANEther)NoweTtr upcucarve!g)Lookt, lt a lielor oattmtefiaS an, gthelemen, andssyh! oonoretognize o manpmoas llotorl.y)Aule aonsauctsesan b s moegitable ha ,,idlwmw! I!ll. .

CADETS Qru-ravinpeu m egoawit tlsriagezzled): to Ragu!. eAcclamaIs msously)Oh, dh comeROXANE Ql noomegafe cit emstage)PYor fehe fl!. . ?

C Qkissi sehef ees!stage)Kindcfac yb. . RAGUENEAUYRstandita rd uponboxwj up , quat cdoctingatso tac zzled)Gthelemen tron?. . (Gep raltdel (de?)ll. .

CADETSther)Brav ! brav !. . RAGUENEAUther)ture!Th Spas-os s, gazita rd ailwdy sn dl?nty)raln, eveclookod thrpta b sosldl?nty tron?. . (Appl(use.lves.?

C Qiagaoclespoingoa.h. Chanzzled):rk,yCh. Chanb. . RAGUENEAUther)ture!:t!,yoccupibdYlho, ga Iantey,oMelcciveaensecund(His drey a,plaieefown ull retheesout,mred,hal scit upstage)cuTh ga antile tron?. . (Appl(use.g)T onga antilemr is s sed fes! hthaul.lves.?

C Qstiu sclespoiitaktoe.h. Chanzzled)Prythee,)vnrpwe db. . RAGUENEAUther)A beVenu, sn aaeractod thrc eyes,g af Dhanato 'twsecNetlyor is)byw ho,cug aHe hal scupoum hi 't c ooncutt mzzled)--whocfawno. . eEne usiasm.g)Twenty)wa f mrgode'twratkgoa eize theeshi 't c ooncutt m.lves.?

C Qiagaoiingclespoingoa.h. Chanzzled)Ipmustosof a egiyeu!. . ROXANEYRe ue ofcodets,( bw coot omesr e oir arns lwden iho, C

page 190 / 226 zzled)Putoit au sobas G nurus! fees(SheelIys au son. on)s G nuass,-aidbdYcted byowo imper onbable lackelle bwRAwtre,bee, beg oneorriage?). . ROXANEYRe u.h. Chan,( has as (to C is dreys seiimo par( hall)CTng,pmaup yufrs hinddluse fees(.h. Chan sorllogoafolp .An?e) (to C'sgShou ip ssni Saeas s.)feesRAGUENEAUther)Truffled of cot :. FIRST CADET Q adia m, curolleomesr cht blo ,nisfsf a tofwha hall)Bted bymassny)WelgYou snotubua g ng asto.zss dwho,opa havclaphNd a gu, ot-fus-bcundQqnot lyhcorrettillodins hinonesots se him Rstage)cuPss o ce)AmBalt.zssefeast!1.IVRAGUENEAUYR,arowis d? u arcorriagelcu-ra msously)No! cu-ra msmrgostuff d iho, orto ans :. (Hubbub.d)Tacyeteam rp n,st! tu on. e ofco ms msnddlth cu-ra msey)Bnrsts rf. lIS (te --mtse is m?)ll. .IRD CADETtage): d Vibdaze!1.IVRAGUENEAUYR,arowis d? u ue ofcodets wontle mrdlAU

)w neously)F ask mrdlAubiel!cu. (red,waitc w neously)--F ask mrdltopaz!. . ROXANEYRearowis ao thdbdYtableeloo, at (to C'sgeGadstage)Unfal iet e apkk !cuCTng,ptorllnbNe imble!1.IVRAGUENEAUYRwavclapailwhe cnzzled)Eapp rdle oocosriage-lamps a,tt a lilwrdec!ves.?

C Qiagaoiingvn a e u.h. Chan,(as shoyearr

(e)e ooclong togetwhozzled)Ipmustosof a who, cuf not yh! sof a egigAn?. . RAGUENEAUther)Mywaip-hahdrN an Arle msausage!. . ROXANEYRpiur-meton. w ne, folp blstage)Si Sitwt rckse udi , letge of estnddlth rmylgYiftore oytsl m.y)Aulefinge o

Gasce y):nde rk!,idlut. De G sorll, letgno otheinvitb hnm!le(Goitak sed on o e of. .Anously)No!ot!rwhrot!r)Yray wa soorsteng th r)DoEso. eas ooofast!--Drin a,tt a l.u. -W y,rcksyh! cryita?. . FIRST CADETtage):to au stoog

!.ron?. . ROXANEther)Tut!--R deor whitc?cuSomatbuGad re )Me ieorgdof.arb m!cua knift!r)P is)yh!r plaie!cua tt a lirdle oocrust?r)Somit e b?e)L tomeafolp yeu!cuSomatchlmpagnc?c. -A w na?. . .

C Qwhae the fs .An, ai marns lwden iho, d--res, folp blehef inewyit on

page 191 / 226 eve bodymused)Haw IYmorgYip .An!. . ROXANEYRgoitakmingoa.h. Chanzzled)W owiow Kno?. . !HRISTIAN:led)No.dis !. . ROXANEther)Nay, oay, saHesg ysibiscui(nisaeepodtAh muscat;ptorll.ron?bpaegwo dropr pe. ?HRISTIAN Qtrys payo detck e-irously)Oh! ,ehe ll lpyoyh! ca I?. . ROXANEther)Wyit;omy)r he fduty y, tole osetpYor fehe fl.--H

In a few-minutes.ron?. . LE BRET QwhaeDud,gonekmingoar is)aoiiaf dntwhrpendtrdlo lahSG o e of s mry,onsle of lmpar( hall)ut. De Ge. . !

Caway)Qnot ! aidof ask ,,plaies, pie-d--res, gars-baskets!r):urry!cuLetouseou lonotShSensci pi!g ay. to Ragustage)Uponwyufresoute--It evl ytsstaoc ve bdYup?. . (In an ?lstfn sonohukebere HashodtAhtoet ofts m

, vrehiis spull redtedlo s,incloaks,,st! biave s.u ut. De Glehe csihurrietly--sto sdsuis sfinisniff(puttne aln.y)S


S4.VII 1.IVT onsa I.u ut. De G?. . DE GUICHEtage):tosmellsog

-irh?. . A CADET Qhumm blstage)Lo!g)Lo-lo!. . DE GUICHE (l noomegas dinzzled)W oised bymate c?cuY Ieargove Ercd!. . .

CADETtage)T bymate c?cuNo.dis !cu'i ,fenblood--boilomegas shtoe o th rdle oocuroll bae ln!pe. ANO.

Rther)Poum,,Moum--Moum.ure!. . DE GUICHE Q,u

(Tururus!ather)Wiao'ke a ll. .

CADETYRsl (deliodrunk):led)No.dis her!: m sas !cua,tt a l.ure!. . DE GUICHEusly)Y Ieargomtsey,omy)rrie f!ll. .

CADETtage)T byapr oaS fff,dlta boiseihtox cais(re. . DE GUICHE (ca, blo.arb mgdofCastel-Jj oux,,t ugive iimo n ord b hall)Capaain!y)Itron?. aHe sto sdshe mfnesots sedinzzled)Ppagu ts to rllnbuf yh! lonotbrave'y,- an fees!ARBON

page 192 / 226 Qce ison intwhrpfaa ,,hii blo ,no a libce, bewii bat ,Ywho, an evu ivt mov ms mzzled)O ststs. . DE GUICHEusly)Is wa sothecauson tf ,mred,have .a lit carriedrwhrotcu. (BuiMoints,bee, beg onsce e stage)--cutt ece m.ure!Yh!rsmen san use

.cin)fas wff,need?. . A CADET Qreelu

( sl (delistage)Charnomegase nts m!pe. ANO.

R (who, a graci pi smi estage)Kindcsof aitude!. . DE GUICHEusly)How? shoyeare sonogonekcrazy?. (De ly)YRANAdiyh! are so. us dng ucohson,,beware rdle oorecoil.g meFIRST CADETtage)Poohe. . DE GUICHE (fur-ous,cgoitakmingoadin away)B

?ure!. . .

CADETtage)Gasce scohsonswnehas recoile. . DE GUICHE (tausta himYcted byarn,st! sYoks sedinzzled)Y Ieargotipsy!cub g w owith ll. .

CADETYRguahdiloqus illstage)--Wing tkefsmell rdlpowdec!ves.DE GUICHE (shruggimetai m hi 't c ound,su-raviniimarway,t arn goitakqnot lyhto. him Rstage)Brief'y,-Mada I,o, odeciss m,do yh! deigngtoss to?. . ROXANEther)I stfye-irh?. . DE GUICHEtage)Y Iomustofyy!.

ROXANEther)No!)I w! I stfy?. . DE GUICHEaway)Si Sitsh(tal rckse us,cgive m wo musket,sdnrpddlyeu!. . ARBONusly)W notre b?. . DE GUICHEusly)BY (use I- an--mtanntogremais.fees!

Caway)Atylhst!r)Thnngisedrui voue ,pSir :. FIRST CADETtage)T bniyh! are Gasce safe citle,ospitb ofwyuff ac wtoonab?. . ROXANEther)W ato au sg ys?. . DE GUICHEusly)Io uave nog emanecn poixlgloveSECOND CADETYRt.gYof he hall):rknyuf!r)TYou oyuf so.cwee i (i give iimos rltsstaot.eas?. . (Acekwhrpvia f muGaustaciasiif)byomagic.)feesDE GUICHE Qwhor eyes,sprk estage)Victualsepe. .

.IRD CADETtage)Yesroyuf'onoseele omocurollefown ull reeve Ecoate. . DE GUICHE (co mrollillodins hi,lgIS (t ly)YRANODo yh! whou oI, oonoeas cuffo(eavclas?. . !

CYRsaluts sedinzzled)Y Iemaup r

page 193 / 226 oghess!. . DE GUICHE Qpurutly,Ywho, a li (i touS fff,accs m-ontwhrpword 'brf alau'zzled)Ip oonofi (i who,opa br-r-f alau my)rast!1.IVFIRST CADET Qwho, w 'twdtO (demused)Br-r-r-f alau!d)H Dukegos shtoaccs m!. . DE GUICHE (lIS ( blstage)I ll. .

CADETtage): m Gasce !. . (Aonofple iyo do cl.). . ARBON D

CASTEL-JALOUX QwhaeDud,dasjusYoubdYcee, beg on lmpar(niuGaustacoll mge of (dgh away)I,h dreyinmy)pikemen hdiagl(p .d)Tacyeargoaf eso utec,roop!. . (HRlMoints,toso rou oonpike ,gshonto sdddliaipp a b seen dv ree of (dgh.)feesDE GUICHE Qnoys segoa him Rstage)Wiow Knooaccspt ml ees!, ahdhcce pfnSnme wle, wIgreviewgghem?fees(SheetaHe mim,mred,shoyegokmingowss makt lmpar(.y)AuleShSevecmred, the fsle on.). . ?HRISTIAN Qgoitaktoep to C,(eaa bly)YRANOTehe ll qnot ly!. . (Asa him R Nustact mge of (dgh,gshonto sdddlg ng a SilydasjusYou,h f ceatforsle ofsalute, ahdhm hi to ra(Hed!d)Sheebous?)ll. .

PIKEMEN Qi ttidezzled)Vivat pe. ?HRISTIAN:led)W oised is socNet?. . .

Cther)Ifa him R hi 'tture!. . .HRISTIAN:led)Shr 'tatron?. . !

Cting)Sof a ddlg ng the bs?ture!. . .HRISTIAN:led)YesroIskw? !ture!. . .

Cther)DoEso. sMoino onoby seemu

( spir

(Hedture!. . .HRISTIAN:led)Ag w

?. . .

Cther)I mustoexpll?n egiyeu!ture!Oh! Ay, C aeas mate ccuImbus sho th rdlit e -sldlymfnesots sedAn?e)Yray wa ture!. . .HRISTIAN:led)Tehe qnot ly!. . .

page 194 / 226 Cther)Yray wa ture! ritten Ohh c ootep r g an)yh! whou ture!. . .HRISTIAN:led)Haw so?. . .

Cther)T us,c'oult!r)Ithad takbut

.cin)fes! htexpAU (-yuff tla Ifingcuf!ture!At

Aorel)Ip rote who,opa says p,):IeamE ritsta!'g . ?HRISTIAN:led)A ststs. . !

Ctage): sirple eng th pe. ?HRISTIAN:led): nhou did yh! co mrive, si Sitweo. bich cpa ddm,o hpi.ure!toatron?. . !

Cting)ture!Oh! ncre bp awneyon?I,wukeable Ohget)thrt thture!. . ?HRISTIAN Qfal sta ai marnsstage)T owukesirple,- an?e)Aed,hou oom,mpray Kno,oRvLfI ritteneture!Tw a insle ofweeketure!Tho euAoreleture!Flur?tron?. . !

Cting)Morb nooen stiu !. . .HRISTIAN:led)W

!r)Eve dly?. . .

Cther)Yesroeve dly,--wwicG?. . !HRISTIAN Qviols illstage)A beg af bY (ot sD madhmjoyfingcuf,cupaf) I braveaedf witron?. . ?

page 195 / 226 C Qsots se him R,retu

(Tu hall):

N arncre bp.An!. . (HRln He hurrietlytAhtoeiing s m?)ll. s.s.

S4.VIII 1.IV him R, .h. Chan.NOIn)thrpdisoo clfcodets curollered,goimeey).arb mgand ut

De G give ord bs!. . ROXANE Qrunnitakmingoa.h. Chanzzled)A ,o.h. Chan,(atylhst!ture!. . ?HRISTIAN Qtausta hef ees! stage)Niw ,ehe ll lpycundo-W y,Ycted bHenfYouspegp o,s sn poixlous--led)Arhoec d bHenrau dirdlAibald sDl s my,her)Yray wa come?. . ROXANEther)L ve, cuffo(ehe bstbuo th meafore!fees!HRISTIAN:led)W oTay Kno?. . ROXANEther): yuff taul ,idlIgrau riSo!her)Yuffo(ehe bsttu ed feneGad!r): dau sg ys mo mi,sly)Hou mrey!cuahdgYof astodnrpevl pfphe b d. llTh sothee ows m-ncre b!fees!HRISTIAN:led)W

!cure o ,fewRANOInSens qus ioe veu(ehe bsyra. ROXANEther)Hal

Havr of c !age): dyh! cahso. cncei io!r)Eve si Siage)T od to-, warn,o?lso vn a ou snewayo m ,age)Unl remypw, bou yh! reveale

Havr se l--age): deve si Si)I,h adore

Hav N wher)Yuffo(ehe bstau sg ys whaletmo mi yome

--mtseem d. llAsiif)Iodeakd

page 196 / 226 e ovn a sn te fAn, true,led)Shele b bl, elor !r)TYy taul ,)I y,y!y)ItYdrew-me,ing)Thrpvn a o' gY'pd to-!y)Oh! w(He P

lopi. llWo 'twne'as h stfyed woabroit c on hef eGakthotoie,her)Ifahef Ulyis s ci 'tw. rit)supp

(ehe bsyrar)Bn. wi 'tw. castoawayshe silkbutbobbin ,sly):ndefled woajoiagiim, madre olovswukeHels !. . .HRISTIAN:led):

?ure!. . ROXANEther)I,readr read aack --gaewwfointre olovs;led)Ip as sh(te ute bll.y)Eapp eMsraIofplgi. llWaswj up , ute bollef f c-petal,nyoor d. llFown Havr ? u se l, red,waftedle usayo mhn tsly)Imr

(ntetoiupeapp bu

(Turword as lovsway)Si SirI,hou -p f cspeture!. . .HRISTIAN:led)Aolovswsi SirI!all)Caneg af bY feh

, him R feesROXANEther):y, shas it ca !. . .HRISTIAN:led)Y I cometure! ll. ROXANEther)O,o.h. Chan,(myftrui le d,sIoe rbcuher)(Were I- ae,arow mlel m,oar b,oas cuffoknee ,sly)Yh! i 'twra(Hetrbcubn. Ay, mylgi ')Io ayRANOAs cuffofeet--yh! san ra(Hetitgseve oot!)age)--Ioe rbng ucr yh! p s o .y)(:y, Ay, timundo-ToisuIfingp s o , sow shas dt wimalntorll)age)Fo- wit in ul ,don o yh! rn,ofrivolous,RANOAs r he fIgr a d yh! onlyfingcufrpfaa pe. ?HRISTIAN Qelseor- (r(ckbustage) him R feesROXANEther):ndelaier,nlove--les, frivolouscuher)L up , bird shas spreads ytsoys ss, bpaesan so. fficundo-Ar estbdYctecufrpbeauty,YcteHavr se lher)Dreyinelor --Ior a d fingboo, at nce pe. ?HRISTIAN:led)Andensw de. ROXANEther)A dyh! yufrs hin wa soriumphodto'as yufrs hi,led)Andensw,fIgr a yh! onlyfingcufrpse lb. . ?HRISTIAN Qstepp blebat wss zzled) him R feesROXANEther)Be,hNusy.r)Toabe r a d fingbeautycundo-A veir)disguishee ooorstsn so mowtact tho adba bcuher)Mife beotog Cble se lscu Ohse lswukpiru

(cundo-A toraunt.r)Yuffoday- e o th s h now)efraa d. llT af bYauty shas sog eso e as shtoi ttet.age)Niw Ioseelclay-l cuahdIgsot e b see it

page 197 / 226 pe. ?HRISTIAN:led)O ststs. . ROXANEther)Yh! argodtedtspegof)supp victory ll. !HRISTIAN Qpisnedzzled) him R feesROXANEther)Ioseelyh! cahso. yne believe it.age)Supp

(ovetron??. . !HRISTIAN:led)IsdoEso. ask)supp

(ovswukeshas!led)Ip ohe wbp r a d e b sirply;cfintron?. . ROXANEther)Foreshasled)W ipp thoyeh au s?n eone r a d intwhrc?culed)ShamI!all)Oh! nc r a d onSiforth,?lso bYte ciwaflves.!HRISTIAN:led)No!gYof he

(ovswwukebest feesROXANEther): d ou yh! erbepey): sow sha fIgr a ebest--lovswwell!e): c afled)W ipp

c yftrui el m,osee!--whae Itadoreepey)Wnot yh!b briu io clfdimmedture!. . .HRISTIAN:led): feesROXANEther)IosYi 'twlovswst! I!lly)Ay,,idlcufrpbeautyosYi 'tw o-dlyodapar(.yre!. . .HRISTIAN:led)SayEso. sCyra. ROXANEther)Ay,)I y,y it pe. ?HRISTIAN:led)Ugly?d)How?. . ROXANEther)Ugly!r)Itswtac I'twr a yh! st! I!ll. ?HRISTIAN:led)MyGodbra. ROXANEther)Acksyh! co ms m(atylhst ll. !HRISTIAN Q?lso chokod vn a )):

Ay??ure!. . ROXANEther)W oys wrona?. . .HRISTIAN Qgs illfsu-raviniecmrwal hall)No.dis !yon?I, wa sowoowordkgoa ay:--on seco d?ure!. . ROXANEther):

?ture!. . .HRISTIANYRpi?nts segoae oocodetszzled)Thor pYor fehe fl,dshe liodoorldc nodf wi,cuher)Myeleveodaprivesle omordle oosith rdlyh!tage)Go,cusof a egie omcusmi ew mge om not whrtedie!. . ROXANEYRdeeplioaffectet away)Dtac Ch. Chanbtron?. . (Sh?

(He mingoae ofcodets,( bw resofctfus-y rhowdrurus!edAn?lves.s.s.

S4.IX!. . .h. Chan,(p to C.NOAs wacke him R,tankitaktoeparb mgand sDidpcodets!. . .HRISTIANYRca, blogowss (to C'sgts mzzled) (to C!ves.?

page 198 / 226 C QuGaustacoll, fus-y arme!ather)Wiao?d)W y,sn pale?. . !HRISTIAN:led)Sh?d(He so. love m !. . .

Cther):iao?. . !HRISTIAN:led): yuf she lovee!fees!

Cting)No!g me!HRISTIAN:led)--For)she loveeo e rnlyfingmylgi '!fees!

Cting)Truly?. . !HRISTIAN:led)Yes!r)T us--yh! se , shas sopeg yuf,ststsher)T notre b, Ay, yuf she lovee!--:ndeHav--lovswh be. . !

Caway)I?. . !HRISTIAN:led)Oh, Iskw? it!1.IV

Caway)Ay, Ay, trui!. . .HRISTIAN:led)Y I lovsway)Toimadp ssn1.IV

Caway)Ay! red,worsi!. . .HRISTIAN:led)T bni,ehe he so!fees!

Cting)No!g me!HRISTIAN:led)Aed,wayEso.?. . .

Cther)Lonotanomypfaa cube answe bd!g me!HRISTIAN:led)Sh?'twr a rbcuwere I-ugly?. . !

Cting)Skid she so?. . .HRISTIAN:led)Ay! intwhor iorde. . !

page 199 / 226 Caway)I'm glad she tal

Haveshas!led)Bn. poohecubelieve itEso. r)I amE eu spleas dled)Sh?sho th goaeeow Knotu-Tau itgso.cfingeruth.age)Neve grow ugly:cush?'twrer oaS f iets !. . .HRISTIAN:led)Thae It(ntehddisSevec (re. . !

Caway)No!)I bee pe. ?HRISTIAN:led)Ay! she sYou schiosenbYtwich ue!--Tehe he aowo. . .

Caway)No!)no r)I w! I so. h io r)Spargomtsg ys!. . .HRISTIAN:led):Y (use mypfaa e?nghaplioraln, sYou sIway)Dt (roteHavr hNusip ss?d): not woo un hasn1.IV

Caway)AhdI,cucY (use cteNaaunt's frf a)I,h ing)Thrpgiftogoa aycuaule a

Melcha SitHavefeel.led)Shau sIobY fatalruh Havr hNusip ss?. . .HRISTIAN:led)Tehe aowo. . .


! I don o e npt meYg us!. . .HRISTIAN:led)Too yome)I'a ebe c bo g who,?lsmyel mndo-A rivaeggnemyel m--I'u smaup an end fees!

Caway)Ch. Chanb. . ?HRISTIAN:led)Or Shion,Ywho,o g whop sscusecNetcuher)Clauroltilecucan b ou ifidissolve age)Idlwmsurvive?. . !

page 200 / 226 Cting)MyGodb--wh stiu spers Cs!. . .HRISTIAN:led)I w! I bp r a d yel m--ingso. at aowo. e)--I'onogooseelw af taciodo--whrre, atle ooen her)Odle oopost: sof a egigAn,mred,shon letghe chioseher)Onrpddlusaywo!fees!

Cting)ItY oonobe cuf.. . .HRISTIAN:led)PrayoGodbra(HRlcou sstage) him R fees!


. . ROXANEYRcurolleminqnot ly)YRANO:iao?. . !HRISTIAN:led) (to C has sh(talsly)Imrootantre oHavr tactron?. . (Sh?hastensktoep to C.y)Ch. Chan n He opa!lves.s.s.

S4.X 1.IV him R, . to C.y)T bniLe Bret,s.arb mgdofCastel-Jj oux,,t ofcodets,( to Ragu, ut. De G, etc.feesROXANEther)Imrootant,d ou?. . !

CYRiupdhspair.egoa him Rstage):n'spgon !e): nIS (tb--Oh, y Ioksow ou of selsly)Imrootanceois asorifle!. . ROXANEYRwssmly)YRANODitwhrpdtedther)Odlwhae I kid?cuA ,oyesroIsy,w hrpdtedted :. .

C Qtausta hef ees! hall)Bn. rcksyh! sucksyh! tal iimarll wit truth?. . ROXANEther)YesroIswi 'twlovsw.inw e bp.Atron?. . (Sh?hesitaies.)fees?

Cther)Does,g af wordss Embarrais) I btre bpmypfaa ,, him R?. . ROXANEther)Itron?. . ?

C Qsmi bl,sadly)YRANO: oonoso. hurt rlln)SayEio r)Ifahe we bssr)Ugly!ststs. . ROXANEther)Yesrouglybra(Musketwrere mf ttidezzled)Hrk!,)I,hay- hm hit!. . ?

page 201 / 226 C Qwrde illstage)Hideousyra. ROXANEther)Hideousy yes!fees?

Cther)Disfigurcd!. . ROXANEther)Ay!fees?

Cther)GrotesquR?. . ROXANEther)Heto 'twnoe beogrotesquRayo m !. . .

Cther)Yra'twr a t onsa Iatron?. . ROXANEther)T onsa I--oay, nvs o oot!. . ?

C Qlosstaoc rmsou dv rewimel m-- tidezzled)MyGodbpio'ke rue, Melcha Si,

(ovswwuytso ietsot!. ay. him Rstage)Itron? him R?ure!ristee.ron?. . LE BRET Qehe csta hurrietly--toep to Czzled) (to C!ves.?

C Q,u

(Tururus!ather)Wiao?llacLE BRETrmed): fees(HRlwlespoisos rltsstaot.wim.lves.?

C Q(ehestaog. him R'ngha f a f exclaim blstage)A ,oGodbra. ROXANEther)W oiseio?. . ?

C Q,ogwimel m--stunnedzzled)Auleikeevecoe w!. . (R Rawed rere s.)feesROXANEther)W oised bymate c?d)Hrk!,aeCtgAno hit!. . (Sh?

(He mingoalonotf ttide.)fees?

page 202 / 226 Cther)I oisedoo yate, niw Iosan seve tell!. . ROXANEYRtrys payo Sushbf tzzled)W ohas cha Sid?. . ?

C Qru-ravingoa top ieoghing)N .dis . . (SDidpcodetslehe c, trystaot.wideos rltsstaotacyeargocarrys p,)a f elor urus!eit e uprevent him R Nus oaS is !)feesROXANEther)A beg oHetrbn?. ( (to C drey iecmrwal hall)W o ore, I has abo g toisalnbNre btron??. . !

Cther):iaowwukeI ayime?g)N .dis ensw,fIgswtac!. (SDlemnly)YRANOI,swtac g af Ch. Chan' m e l, h nIau b,r oretron?. aHastilyhcorrettillodins highing)Nay, shas tacyearg,,t of Cblesm, aease t.ore!. . ROXANEther)We b?. (Who, a iiud sSaeamzzled)O

. . (Sh?ru-rHe mi,fsu-ravineve on atide.)fees?

Cther)Auleikeevecoe w!. . ROXANEYRsots se.h. Chan lyita rd uponnurus!, wraustd intai mcloakzzled)O)Ch. Chanb. . LE BRET Qtoep to Czzled)S ruck cte he hitordle ooenemy!1.. ( him Rlfl(tal des l mod? u cte.h. Chan.NOFreshbrere s ddltlhsoncuclashbffhehr scucla oocucYatsta ff,drumi?). . ARBON Q ho, sword in)thrpac zzled)Optorlln)Yuffomuskets!. . (Fthe fbdYcted bycodets,(hemr is s o e of. .An tide rdle oorlmpar(s.)feesROXANEther)Ch. Chanb. . .


. .An tidemused)Ha!smaup hastebra. ROXANEther)Ch. Chanb. . ?ARBONusly)FORM LINEbra. ROXANEther)Ch. Chanb. . ?ARBONusly)HANDLE YOUR MATCH!1.. ( to Raguru-rHe mi,fbcsta(Turwathr ?lso helme .). . ?HRISTIAN Q?lso dy(putvn a )): him R fees!

C Qqnot ly,sclespoiitakingoa.h. Chan' mYou,hwle, w him Rldisoractodly

page 203 / 226 ttact a piea tofwl(p n, sed fysibrou t,liaipp shrpdipstAhtoet ofwae c, trysta

Ao soo cg tkefbleefstastage)I tal ie aow!d)Sheeloveeoyh! st! I?. . (Ch. Chan slor stai meyes.)feesROXANEther)Hsw,fmylgw o flove?. . ?ARBONusly)DRAW RAMRODS!. . ROXANEYRtoep to Czzled)Heoisensetdead?. . ?ARBONusly)OPEN YOUR CHARGES WITH YOUR TEETHyra. ROXANEther)Hisoe Gekher)Growsocel

)aack stsc (mesb. . ?ARBONusly)READY!r)PRESENT!. . ROXANEYRsots sehg the b id .h. Chan' mdtedlo stage)A the b!ture!. e): fingmi

. . (Sh?taeashit.)fees?

C Qwtidezzled)My the b!. . ?ARBONusly)FIREbra. (Musketwrere scus,o gscunois wff,bae ln!lves.?

C Q,rys payo dis ngageliingha f,liaipp him Rlon hef knee e?nghal sta hall)Bn.,i him R, hrk,ytacyefi (i!. . ROXANEYRdeaains sedinzzled)St,y yetoawle, !. e)For)he y, df d.e)Y Ioksewgiim, Knooalon tsl(Weepitakqnoetly)YRANOA ,o,asensetai mapbeaute pi se l, r se lher)Wondrousyra. ?

C Qstandita upcuba beGadedzzled)Ay, him R?. . ROXANEther)A ak soired poet?. . .

Cther)Ay, him R?. . ROXANEther)A dhmmindcsedlime?. . ?

Cther)O, yes!feesROXANEther)A eGaktedoo deep fingc rmeso indkgoaplurb,led)A kpirut)sud y , cRrm na?. . .

C Q hmly)YRANOAy, him R?. . ROXANE Q lsta(Turdes l mo mge ofdead bodymused)Deadr myeleve!fees?

page 204 / 226 C Qwtide--dreys seiis sword)YRANOAy, st! l tomeadieY o-dly,. y)Si Si,hou sShSensci pi, shrpmoone I--iagiim . . (SDundsYff, rumpetslin)thrpdisoo cl.)feesDE GUICHE Qaustacoll mge of lmpar(scuba beGaded--who, a we ndtrntai re beGad--iago vn a rdle ull rstage):to e oositnal!e)Trumpetef ur--res!her)T onFrG Shobcsta e oopowviss msoAhtoetlmp cor)Hal buf tac plaa eawle, !feesROXANEther)Se , shrrewy, bloodssr)Uhe smakt the b--ttact!pe. AVOICEOQi ttidecus,o g blstage)Surre fAn!pe. VOICEOOF ADETSther)N !. . RAGUENEAUYRstandita rd upontop rdlai mcorriage,me dS eseg oobae ln dv ree o edge rdle oorlmpar(sously)No! dlta b't evl aeasec!ves.?

C Qe uut. De G--Mo?nts segoa him Rstage)IY oonocRrgeepey)Tau iecmrwal!. . ROXANEYRkissi set-it the b--?lso ha m-exts su--rettvn a )):

OGodbpiing sact! fysibl

!.ron?. . RAGUENEAUYRjumpiri omes fown wit tlsriagehund,ru-ravingowss ieoghing)Sh?'s swoo ed rwal!. . DE GUICHE Q mge of lmpar(--toed bycodets--who, furyzzled)St,ndcfaasn1.IVAVOICEOQi ttidestage)Llyodmes Havr hr sb. . .

ADETSther)N !. . ?

C Qe uut. De Gstage)Niw ,paf) I h powve

Havr voue ,pSir,. (Po?nts segoa him Rstage)Fly, st! savswh be. . DE GUICHE Qru-ravingoa him R, andocarrys p iecmrwal intai marnsstage)Soabe io r)Gl?n buf time,ing)Thrpvictory'e oprs!fees?


.. (Ca, bloo g toi him R, whwn ut. De G, aidbdYcte to Ragu, ysibiacsta rwal inhehwfointstaoc ndits mstage)Faotw

page 205 / 226 , him R fees(Tumult.d)Shr tsey).adetskSejusYou,hwe nded, fa, blooneg onsce e?e) (to C,inru-ravingoag oobae ln, ysi toppbdYcte.arb mgdofCastel-Jj oux,,wiOhAt sthearoll who, bl

.). . ARBONusly)Wt rcksbrf alau r)I amE e nded--we nded wwicGyra. ?

C Qs,o g blngoag ooGasce zzled)GASCONS!d)HO,)GASCONS!d)NEVER TURN YOUR BACKS!. ay..arb m, whwn he y, sup,tr (Tu hall): noefeam!y)I,h gwo de o,s tosoveta zled)Myrrie f whw's sll?n;cuahdmyfdead hNusip ss!. (Tacyecoot omesr (to C buahdis u

( g ng ahSG o w ipp

aaeatrett him R'n ees!kelchiefstage)Floas tacot!rlaa dskelchiefabroit c d iho, iecmnamI!alaHe stot st

.cin)uponnurus!,st! sYr tsegoae oocodetszzled)FALL ON .


M!. ay.gYof feoghing)F feo,,play!1.. (TYof fe,playi?

Thonwe nded wrystol

(He.r)Somitcodets,(fa, bloonn dv ree o

. .An d? u arslopi,nnuruhdgkems hve rurus!e (to C ahdgYof t a liflaeey)T o tlsriagehi mchowd d iho, men intide sou d ttide, and,fbcsstoaviniho,hehrquebusesroisttu ed Ahtoeao trthess.). . A CADET Qaustacoll mge ofcresm, cYatbutbat wss , bpaestiu sfi (i bl, erielously)No!y'rgoclimbu

( g ngc dtedt!. (red,fou s df d.)fees?

Cther)Letousesalutedgkem!. (Tacf lmpar(hi mc ve bdYk stfn yyecteao trmidable rou oonenemiesey)T o

page 206 / 226 standos s rdle ooImperiaristl rcksra(Hedghing)F rh!. . (Gep raltdiscRrge.). . A CRY IN .

ENEMY'S RANKShing)F rh!. . (A df d-y answe (putvnlley?

Thoncodetsgfau sobaau stides.). . A SPANISH OFFICER (ShSevec(Tu hall)WaOhar cd bHenmen iaOhSushbfn de o,?. . ?

C Qrecii bl, erett, amid r ste m ff,bu, otsously)No! bal

.adetskff,Gasce y,. y)Ofe.arb mgoffCastel-Jj oux!led)Breyliau,tswagge (putboastfus-y,. (HRlru-rHe ftrwss ,, the fbdYctea few-survivorsously)No! bal

.adetstron?. . (Hisovn a is dr? u d intwhr,bae ln!lves.. ?uraain.ves.s.s.Act V 1.IV (to C'sgGazthe .g meFiftich ytact laier,nint1655!u)Para ddlg ngSisters rdle ooHoyyeChoec intParis.OprMagnifics m-theesey)O smakt tff tac Yr se: abroad seeps mgeo w ipp taeaagsYv raltdoo s.u An ene m pi plan o euintwhr,midd lirdle oostage,mstandita ouo e?e)Omge of (to-, amome)nisfboxw thees, r semicircular otoie cY Sh 1.IVT onwhaletbat nurus!,rdle oostagehi mchois decteabaau eytofwS estnum-thees leadoll mge of ith fes! htthrpdoe fff,o chapel seen thrt thrtha buahS es.OprThrt thrthatdtedlo rou oonthees,rdle au cyeargoseen lawn

, vtie aoweys,inclusters rdlehees, w, bsta ff,tac prk,ytac sky 1.IVT onchapel taeashctea li a liside doe ffn,toso couo nade w ipp

waeashe agwho, autumno uaves,,st! irsloas tosviewga li a lifakth c on imge of ith -hahd re bnurus!,cee, beg onboxw

1.IV:to autumn.y)Aule aon thiagehi mred aack sts aon reshb aeendddlg ng awn

.IVT on aeendboxw st! yewsmstandoo g dos .. . Unl reeapp o

page 207 / 226 euasr tS fff,yehe fo uaves 1.IVT onstagehi msthewn iho, de,twmuaves,,w ipp rust liull re oot in)thrpaoweys,inred,halfmc ve le oosteps st! bihS es.1.IVBYtwich g onbihS es mge of ith fes! ahdgYof o euaslrge embroit cyrrame,inis fow,ttrdlw ipp a lt a liehac hukebere tet.agIVBasketsofus-fof)skeins st! bou s rdlwoow!d)A tapeswrysbegus.feesAtge of (Hsta ddlth curaains numsmrgowankitaktoered,fro in)thrpprk; samaslargoseat deon g onbihS mrrus!,st o't c Sister 1.IVT onmuavesmrgofa, bl.ves.s.s.

S5.I 1.IVMvtie Mrgue (te, Sister Mr,pa, Sister Clac e,

. .An tistersgloveSISTER MARTHA Qe uMvtie Mrgue (testage)Sister Clac e gla Siduintwhr,miseor, nce--oay, wwicG,kgoa eelifahef coifagsuitet 1.IVMO.

R MARGUERITEYRtoeSister Clac ezzled): so.cwe I?. . SISTER CLAIREther)Bn. Isy,w Sister Mr,pats to aaplur. y)Outordle ooane 1.IVMO.

R MARGUERITEYRtoeSister Mr,pastage)T owuke! I don ,fmylgister 1.IVSISTER CLAIREther)A lt a ligla Si!loveSISTER MARTHAther)A dsupp a lt a liplur!1.IVMO.

R MARGUERITEYRANOI,shau seeow e e uMv ieorg. to C.1.IVSISTER CLAIREther)Nay, pritwhesdoEso.b--wh oonomot :. SISTER MARTHAther)He'onosal we numsmrgovain!1.IVSISTER CLAIREther)Aed,go edy!1.IVMO.

R MARGUERITE Qsmi blstage)Ay, st! kitd!1.IVSISTER CLAIREther)Is itgso.c rue, Mray,YMvtie Mrgue (te,age)T oh?hasecoot,eeapp week, di SIau dayRANOForesch ytact,egoae ooconvent?1.IVMO.

R MARGUERITEYRANOAy! red,moreepey)Eve si Sicureuraich ytact ago--whr dayRANOHisoeufsistbuo th hrre, 'midstodorgwoowch coifs,ing)Thrpworldyyemoonesta ddlie vibou' mveil,ing)L up , blackbird'soys s amome)e ooconventsdovee!feesSISTER MARTHAther)He rnlyhas shc ski egoawu ie indRANOFown grief--umsootep d yne by Timi--unheale n1.IVALL .

SISTERSzled)Heoiseso dros-bcuIt'soe Geuspegwarn hG sorll!cuher)Hoftsas s ue!--Bn. woaau sj up .inw es-bcunde)--Wesmaup hinwpasties rdlasgelica!feesSISTER MARTHAther)Bn.,iheoisenseta)raltspegCashof a!1.IVSISTER CLAIREther)Wmw! I convertgiim . . .

page 208 / 226 SISTERSzled)Yes!r)Yee!feesMO.

R MARGUERITEYRANOI,re bid,led)MydIS (te s, Knooate npt shas subjett.r)Nay,her)Waryshinwnsecuhee i (i les, ootecoot fore!feesSISTER MARTHAther)Bn.tron?God?ure!. . MO.

R MARGUERITEYRANONay, oevl feam!y)Godoksows .inw es-bfeesSISTER MARTHAther)Bn.--eve SIau day,gwarn hG lsrive ,sly)Hoftsu s m ,

'Sister,fIgeas meat nOFoiday!'g . MO.


, g ng as ooorsthoncomundo-F

-atwnoe r is deeirslipstfingewoowhaletdfys :. SISTER MARTHAther)Mvtie !feesMO.


Haveso,oday- Mvtie ?1.IVMO.

R MARGUERITEYRANOMv ieorgLe BretgloveSISTER MARTHAhall)Non folp .im?1.IVMO.

R MARGUERITEYRANOHofpermytsonoe.. (In an au cyeattwhr,backe him R,Nustact,Ydreis deistblat ,Ywho, a vibou' mcoifagred,veil.u ut. De G, impossta-l noomegaed,v(Hsb-y aged, wankshcte.An tide.OprThcyegauhe cslowll.y)Mvtie Mrgue (tel

(Heszzled): oorstw?

(eis;-Mada I-Madeleini. llWankshin)uponnwrde Ywho, a v(HstorgloveSISTER MARTHAYRtoeSister Clac e,o?lso iingvn a ously)No! Mrshaukff,Grammo m?1.IVSISTER CLAIRE (l noomegas dinzzled):

G, I whou tloveSISTER MARTHAhall)'i ,ffnSnmo mi sow si Si)honcomukgoa eelgAn?. . .

SISTERSzled)Heoiseso busy!cuNo! Ceura,--whr tlmp ?ure!. . SISTER CLAIREther)Thrpworld!1.. (TYoyegokopa!u ut. De Glaed, him R,coot ftrwss diags

Siround,stop slor hto. e ooembroit cyrrame!lves.s.s.

S5.II 1.IV him R;)uponDukId! Grammo m,o trm bll Ceh,ttdt. De G?y)T bniLe Bret andss to Ragu?. . .

DUKEther)Aed,yh! stfye-irhestiu --eve ovainlioraln,pey)Eve imowteds?. . ROXANEther)Eve ?. . .

DUKEther)Stiu sfaltspe?. . ROXANEther)St! I?. . .

DUKE (afe cit r us )):

AmOI,re given de. ROXANEther)Ay, si SitI amEhirh?. . (AeCtgAnop(use.lves..

page 209 / 226 DUKEther)Hisowukea se l, yh! sayatron?. . ROXANEther)Ahecuw bniyh! ksewgiim!. . .

DUKEther)Ah,emalnbN ?ure!I, Melcha Si, doo yt a liksewgiim!. r)ture!:t!leirslasto utter,feve onexs cuffoeGakt?. . ROXANEther)Hullefown e ehacn,(a gthele scapulary?. . .

DUKEther)Aed,odayd, yh! lovsw.inwstiu de. ROXANEther)A ooorss,--mtseemsled)Heoisebpaepar(lyfdead--uffoeGaktsestiu ssof a,led)Asiif)eirsl ve, stiu sliviau,twraustd me urus! fees.

DUKE (afe citeCtgAnop(usezzled) (to C sorllogoaseelyh! ll. ROXANEther)Ootep,(ay.sed)Dear,fkitd el

)rriend r)Wmcsonohinwmyl'Gazthe .'led)Heooevl frils tC sorl: ab Ragng tky, tre ing)Thry plaa e ehacr,,idlif bY fini:--Iowuyt,her)Iabroit c;--whr tlot msthike ;cuat g ng as o (rokeher)IaeGak,cure oniw Ioseve tu goalonocunde)Too sucksegigAarlai mco R,tap d? u arsteps;led)Heoseatsodins hi:--who, gthele rrill cyled)Heomot , myltapeswrystiao'keseve don ;led)Heotsu s m arll wit gossipordle ooweektron?. aLe Bret austact mge ofsteps hall)Way,oar b'keLe Bret!. aLe Bret desce ! stage)Hou

(He it iho, ofrpfriend?llacLE BRETrmed)Is-bcuve ! I?. . .

DUKEtage)Hou?. . ROXANE Qgoae ooDukIzzled)Heoexagge ase !llacLE BRETrmed)Aule a

)Itpoophesied: adesertion,Ywant!ture!. e)Hiso(ehe bstnou mrup hinw reshbenemiesbcunde)Aaeat u

( g ngshamf Cbles,gshamfdevopa,led)Shamfbrave,--whr tkyevclapaushors,--rll wit world!1.. ROXANEther): dbpaeiis sword stiu shal scgkem au s?n e Gck;all)Non getge ofbYte cidfewim.fees.

DUKE (sYoks sedisgeGadstage)Torstwiu ssh w!. . LE BRETrmed)Ah, bpaeIefeam fvrehimcunos man' maaeat ,cuher)Sof tudecuhuta b--cel

)Decembe days,age)T owolf-j up stealtAhtoeiingchlmbe dream:cuher)Lo!gYof isassi se a

)Itfeam fvrehimepey)Eapp dfye-iooo (teashcteon faletfysibelttage)T

page 210 / 226 opYor nor --t(ntetoj up el

)ivoryzled)Heohas reaain deonngshabby sui eof)sengp?. . .

DUKEther)Ay, shrrewy, vnrpwhaeDuken uprize of)Foraunebcunde)Ye oisensetwoabe pitiedb. . LE BRET Qwho, a bite cismi estage)MyLord Mrshau ?ure!. . .

DUKEther)Pityshinwnse!d)H Dukeliveaeopaeiis v fl,RANOFo euintky, t o th s,(as intai macIs msw reeb. . LE BRET Qin)uponsomukgonestage)MyLord ?ure!. . .

DUKE (gIS (t ly)YRANOTrui!y)I,h tle,ored,h DukenIS (t;ture!. e)Ye oIo ore,purutgtoss toliingha f!. aBoys segoa him Rstage)Adieo!1.. ROXANEther)I gokwho, cuf.1.. (TYofDukIbousegoaLe Bret,sred,goesY,!o,n him R,towss maktsteps.lves..

DUKE Qpifsisg,hwle, wsh?

(He mistage)Ay, rue,--Ioenvyewim.fer)Lonotcuf,cw bnil fe,ysibrimspegof)supceisnde)--Tht thrthatpasto.o'twnomacIs m fv l--vnrpfeelsher)A t o sund,sl m-disgusm

, vdlw ipp maktsur. y)Isenset bmorse,gbpaeaudim, vagu tunresm;her)Aed,oa, vnrpmeh,tsle oosteps rdlworldyyefame,ing)ThrpDukI's furrede ntle mtrril who,?lst oir fal sher)A srus!,rdlde,twiu uss ms,ovain bnuo s,ino-A rust l--scaca easclespoi--j up as rn,RANOMvunts seg-iooerraa esteps,YcteHavr moonesta robsway)SweepstAh ytsotrrin)thrpdyclapausumno uaves?. . ROXANE Q?rouicsonyzzled)Y Ieargoaeasive?. . .

DUKEther)Trui!y)I,am!. (Asiheoisegoitakopa,dsuis sfi)YRANOMv ieorgLe Bret!. ay. him Rstage)A word,kwho, cufrfpermysss m?. (HRln He goaLe Bret,sred,?lso iingvn a ously)Nrue, t e oni. llDrckse uaaeat gcufrpfriend;cubn. mfnSnhtb hnm;led)Yesoerday,gat g ngQueen' mcacd-play, Awukesaidall)'hat (to Cemalndiecubyhccide i!'led)Leto.inwstal incube pruds m!. . LE BRET Qra(Hsta ai marns egigAavenzzled)Pruds m!d)H !ture!. e)He's curollehirh?y)I'u scarnehimcubn.!ststs. . ROXANE QwhaeDukestfyed mge ofsteps,,toso gister( bw cootsngowss ieoghing)W oiseio?. . .

SISTERusly)R to Raguwo 'twseetcuf,cMada I.1.. ROXANEther)Leto.inwcomet. ay.gYofDukIred,Le Bretzzled)Heosorllogoa,ehe hy, trtedlos.u Havclapbereher)AepaushorYRsaa t on rk!)--Moor fehe fcunowher)Btedone h?'s sita b.ron?. . LE BRETther)Ba.dis -mantron?. . ROXANEther)T bniactor.ron?. . LE BRETther)Bf d-etron?. . ROXANEther)Wi -mak b.ron?. . LE BRETther)Teapp cidfeg ng utetron?. . ROXANEther)W owiow ofbYY o-dly,Yctecha Si?. . RAGUENEAUYRehe csta hurrietly)ther): dcMada I!alaHe sees,Le Bretzzled)A dyh! hrre, Sir :. ROXANE Qsmi blstage)Tehe aoweHavr misenielsly)Togwim;)IY oonoretu

page 211 / 226 iteCn?. . RAGUENEAUther)Bn.,iMada I.ron?. . ( him R,n He opakwho, gYofDukI.y)R to Ragun He gowss Le Bretglves.s.s.

S5.III 1.IVLe Bret,s to Ragu?. . RAGUENEAUther)Si Sityh! are hrre, 'tikebest she sYo 'twnoe ke w!. d)Ip as goitaktoecufrpfriend has n fcuwukebutage)A few-steps fown wit

Yr se,cw bniIsy,w hir. y)Gokopa!u I hurrietot.wim.n)Saw hiredoneing)Thrpce m.ure!suis sfini sed opaeauw, bouher)W e bp.Ap as passi gcuwukeit cha Si?.ure!malnbN age)A lackel l tofau saslrge piea tofww

1.IVLE BRETther)Cowss s!r)O) (to C!ves.RAGUENEAUther)Igrau--Ioy,w.ron?. . LE BRETther): ideousyra. RAGUENEAUther)Saw ufrfpoet,sSir--uffofriendcuher)S ruck goae oonurus!cua,trge we ndtintai meGad!. . LE BRETther)He's dead?. . RAGUENEAUther)Nocubn.cuImbe bp.iredoeiingroomture!. e): d ingroom!r)W oa tsstaot.see!--whae garret!. . LE BRETther)Hedsuff bs?. . RAGUENEAUther)No, h

Sensci pip ssnDukef fn?. . LE BRETther)Saw yh! acdoctin?. . RAGUENEAUther)Onrpwukekitdcuheeca I.1.. LE BRETther)MyMoor (to C!--Wesmhas n tseeow e sly)Tog him R uis sfi.--W oTaid tky, leech?cule. RAGUENEAUther)Said,cuw at, Iskw? nsecufeve ,nmensta(tik!--age): dto 'twyh! se ehimcuahe hy, head bo ndtup!--age)Bn. letousehastebcuNo! b'keno othecte.ikebed!--age):ndtifahe wrystol

(He,pSir, hee i (i die!. . LE BRET Qdraggimetaimngowss makt (demused)Corlln)Thrt thrthatchapel!e): c l qnot est wal!. . ROXANEYRaustacoll mge ofsteps,,und,slts seLe Bret gokrwal cted bycouo nade leadoll goae oochapel doe )YRANOMv ieorgle Bret!. aLe Bret aed, to RagudasjusYouYwho,o g answe (pustage)Le Bret goescuw bniImcson!. : soot newayrtedlotofwg to Ragu's?. . (Sh?desce ! maktsteps.lves.s.s.

S5.IV 1.IV him R ouo e?e)Two tisters,o trhmmois m?1.. ROXANEther): dw oa beautyointSeptembe 's elor !her)Myslseow' mYoHed!d)April' mjoydazzled yt,her)Bn. rusumnowine it iho, .An dyclapcsom.fe(Sh?seatsodes l moatle ooembroit cyrrame!e)Two tisters,coot outordle o

page 212 / 226 Yr se,cst! brs sehg rge arnehac ull regYof o eously)No!reosorllogaon am pi arnehac w e bp.Apsi s,ino-Dtac raltspegrrie f!ll. SISTER MARTHAhall):to e ooparlo 's best feesROXANEther)hanks,,gister 1.(TYoftisters,gCzzled)He'onobe e bpe w!. (Sh?seatsodes l m!d)A tlot msthike ously)No! hufrpsthike .nde)--Mysilks?--W y,ensw,fwit

Yr 's s ruck!age)Hou sorangsway)Toiblibce, bewii time,(atylhst,Y o-dly!age)Perhap e ooptrthesscuw b b'kemylthimble?ture!. e)Heree--It preacsstaot.wim.. (A p(usezzled)Yei, shrpmife beopreacssta!age)Surelye-iomife coot so m!cuA ,oa de,twmuaf!cu. (Sheebru-rHe ofdlg ng taf, sed fer( ork):led)No.dis , cYtides,dto 't--scissors?--Iinmy)bago. e)--Ci 'tw.ill rewim.non?. . A SISTERYRcurolle o e of teps hall)Me ieorgdofBengpraa.ves.s.s.

S5.V 1.IV him R,e (to C ahd,o trhmmois m, Sister Mr,pas. . ROXANE Qwho,o g ,u

(Tururus!ather)WiaowwukeI ayime?tron?. aS ooembroit cs?e) (to C,ove Epale,liinghat pu, od d? u dv rewi meyes,inrustact?

Thongister( bw -atwlhsou Siduaimnretiros.u H?desce ! maktsteps slowll,Ywho, a v(Hsdlotdiff(cultyointhal sta ains hitup (to-, biacsta gAavily onlai mco R. g him R tiu s orksgas d regapeswrystage)TorstDukedimmedegYof intsture!. e)Hou arnonize gkem nsw deay..(to C,owho, playspegrer oaS ghing)Fo- wit he timundo-Laie!cuFo- wit he timu,arll witHenfeuraich ytacto. e). ?

C QwhaeDukesupceed deistreacsstaothe ehacr,,red,hasoseat dewimel m--?lso live'ygvn a , w ipp

page 213 / 226 ?ls aeas co mrastoiho, .isEpalepfaa )):

Ay?l):to villl?nousy )Igraged--wukestfyed?ure!. . ROXANEther):y?tron?. . !

Cting)Byo ,nold,ounwelcoot v(HstorgloveROXANEYRabse ill,s ork blstage)Somitcreditin?. . .

Cther)Ay, eufsis,--whr as ocreditinher)WiaeDukea debetwoaclaim, sed I.1.. ROXANEther)Aed,yh!. e)H paid it?. . .

Cther)No, so. yney )Igpus it ofd;. e)--Said, 'Cryoyh! mercy; tky, y, SIau day,her)W en)I,h getgamstandita re fAzvufsage)T onIS (t def cs?e) au s?n an

Yr 's timu!'g . ROXANEYRcareles,ly)ther)O, w

, aocreditinosan alwals wuyt!. d)Ipshau sso. lef) I goknot w ooi (i fou s?. . !

Cting)Hapli, Mel trcG, I qui eyh! er itgfou s fees(HRlshutstai meyes,,st! irss to trhmmois m? Sister Mr,patchois sle o prk fown wit thapel t.gYof lith rdlsteps. i him R, sots sedAn,ositns egigAr

Ao Nus oaS .)feesROXANEYRtoep to Czzled)H? nsw?r)Yray wa n tseeasedegYofSister?. . ?

page 214 / 226 C Qhastilyhtaeasta ai meyes)YRANOTrui!. (In a curocsony iiud vn a ously)Sister!ecoot fore!fe(TYoftister glideskmingoadin away)Ha d a!r)Wiao?d)Thor b ith eyesher)Bf toeve rd uponnurus!?ll. SISTER MARTHA QwhaemaHe mhmmov ms m rdlaotoiishms m-ontsots sedispfaa )):


. . !

CYRiupasclespoi, Mo?nts segoa him Rstage):

Ay, IS (tb--. aLrutly,Y?lso bluster(putvn a )):

Iabrokecfaas yesoerday!ll. SISTER MARTHA Qwtidezzled)Iskw? roIskw? !age)T

'nghou ofiseso pale!d)Corloprese illway)Toimakt efectoey,oI'u smaup yh! dr(pkage)A fam pi bowl rdlsoup.ure!Yh!' I come?. . ?

Cther)Ay, sy!ll. SISTER MARTHAusly)No!re,osee!y)Y Ieargome bprou onable O-dal!. . ROXANEYRwhaeDtact them clespoiitaously)No! Sister wo 'twconvertgyh! ll. SISTER MARTHAhall)Nay, o tsI!fees?


dbpaeio'ke rue!y)Y Iepreacsayo m gsot e b,sly)Yh!, nceeso gliboiho, .oyyeiordey)I,amher)Aotoiished ?ure!. (Who, burlesquRafuryzzled)St,y,)I wiu sspir

(Hesyh! tao!age)Hrk!,)I,permyt Knotu.n?. aHe pretendkgoabe seeks se trs rltsstaot.eeaselie vith,mred,soy wa frus! iemused)?ure!It isos rltsstaonew!cunde)To--pray fingmi,Y o-d to-, at thapel-timu!ll. ROXANEther)O o

. . !

CYRlIS ( blstage)G

Sister Mr,patis s ruck dumb!ll. SISTER MARTHA Qge illstage)I did so.cwais cuffo(eave e uprayfingcuf?. . (Sh?

page 215 / 226 (He opa!lves.?

C Q,u

(Turtoi him R, whwtis s oonobe bsta fv rewer( ork):led)T ogapeswry!r)Bfshrew-metifamy)eyesher)Wiow eve se itgfiiished 1.. ROXANEther)I wukesursway)Toihtac g af w

-kw? n jest fees(A li (i bo ezeecaus sle onmuavesmtoifou .)fees?

Cther)No! ausumno uaves!. . ROXANEYRlifts p iecmhayd, st! l noomegd? u ardisoo t au cystage)Soft golde Ybrmesr j up , V

Chan' mhacr.nde)--Se ehiw ,pcyefaowo. . .

Caway)Ay, se ehiw brave ,pcyefaow,her)Ilst oir as ojooneeyodmeswss fown wit bt th,way)Toirot who,?lst oaclay; yet,sl veyyes oon,sly)Hidstaothe elseordddlg ng as odecay,her)Who, all wit waywss graa eddltlreles,f lith bra. ROXANEther)W

,nmela S.oyy--yh!?. . ?

C Qtoonettillodins highing)Nay, oay, him R feesROXANEther)Thon letg arde,twmuavesofau swit way ,pcyewiu ture!. e):ndoc


,nh yh! so.sstaonewogoa,ehe,led)MyCeuragGazthe ?. . .

page 216 / 226 Cther)Listee.1.. ROXANEther):

. . ?

C Qgrowavinihitecmred,ihitecstage)SIau dayRANONo!

(Teaichth: nh avineaten Ohexceisnde)Of of r-Sens rvg,,t ofKs se eltgfeve ish;RANONo! la Sit que, od tky, treu onable revolt,led)AndegYof ugusm pu,senbYatso e ormaegp c !. e)At g ngQueen' mbau sobaSus!ay ,pirtyoscorsway)Of best ihite waxen apoisow!reosonsumet 1.y)Ourc,roops,ytacyesay, . chasedegYofAusthians!. e)FofrpserSirIisow!reohangsd?

Thonyt a lidogway)Of Mada I-d'Ae e notaidosetron?. . ROXANEther)Iabidall)Yray al

Havr toigue, Me ieorgdofBengpraao. . .

Caway)Me daycunos much--Clac e changsd,purtectoe?. . ROXANEther)O

. . !

CYRwhor faa echangssome bpred,more):led)Tuesday, sh! Ceuragreraired OhFo main blegu?. r)Wdp sday, sh! Me tgl oTaid to)CortId! FiesquRture!. e)No!))T ursdaycuMa Siii,gQueen of)Fra Si! Qwlmost )age)Foiday, sh! Me gl oto)Coh,ttFiesquRoTaid--'Yee!'led)AndeSIau dayegYof ws my-sixwitron?. . (HRlclor stai meyes.e)Hisohead fou s ftrwss ? Si


(Hedgas disovn a cou is , done urus!, l nosgas din, st! (Hsta, ttrrifiedghing)HRlswoo

page 217 / 226 s!. (Sh?runsngowss iinwcrys pzzled) (to C!ves.?

C Qtaeasta ai meyes,s?n an

ShSenSirnettvn a )):

W oised is?alaHe sees, him R be bsta fv rewin, st!, hastilyhpAU (s sedisgeat nOhy, head,inred,shr(pkiblebat intai mchac zzled)Nay, oinmy)wordss : so.hlau r)L tomeabR feesROXANEther)B

?ure!. . ?

Cther)Noat ld we ndway)Of Arrai,os rltorss,--as y Ioksowtron?. . ROXANEther)Dtac rrie f!ll. !

Ctage): no.dis , 'twiu spass so m;alaHe smi esY,!o,nan ef trtstage)See!--i ohas r is d feesROXANEther)Eapp ddlusahas ys we nd; ,y,)I . mhn ,cuher)Neve heale upcunsetaeale

Het,sc (mld we nd!. (Sh?putsodes fes! on hef brou tzzled):

Gre,ob Ragng tky, the b brmesY,!o,nagb,sly)Aulesaain dewho, gf r-drops,,und,stiu ssaain dewho, bl

.1.. (T ooi (i beginsmtoifou .)fees?

Cther)Hiso(ehe b!d)A dyh! purm(Hedgm sothedayRANONoae I Yo 'twread im?1.. ROXANEther)Wiaowwo 'twyh!?--Hiso(ehe b?. . .

Cther)YesroIswi 'twfoin,--wO-dalststs. . ROXANE Qgiviautwhr,baa humegas de oneckstage)See! e bp

page 218 / 226 .cisyra. ?

C Qtausta iemused)HvLfI cuffo(eave e utaea ll. ROXANEther)Oaea--rGad!. . (Sh?sorllobat egigArltapeswrysrrame, fal sp

.cmi,fse s wer( ools!lves.?

C Qreadollzzled): him R, adieo!d)Ipso momife die!. NONoisove En(to-, bir a d;,und,Iway)Feel mylgi ')gAavyewho, lovswh,tal

.age)I die N t e b,(as intdays ddlold,led)Mylovis , yomeavineyesY,!u sfou ther)On cuffo(eafe gssau b--ay, sh! (eafe!. d)Ipmindc iets way yh! taupp cuffoe Gekher)Who, cufrffita b,fsefill,sas y Iosof a age)Ah rlln)Iskw? whae gssau bw es-bfed)MyeGakteeriel opa!--Ioe E"Faotw

"!'g . ROXANEther)B d ou yh! read whae (ehe b!d)Onrpwi 'tw hou tron?. . ?

C Qco minu(TurtoirGadstage)'Mylifer myelever myejtw

,fmylgw o ,fed)MyeGaktehukebere yufrsoiupeve EbYat!'g . (TYofthades rdlevens se au s?mperceptsb-y.)feesROXANEther)Yh! read iagsupp a vn a --sn sorangscuahdyetcuher)I oisensetwit he timu)I,hay- e ovn a !. . (Sh?sorllonay-l ove Esefill,swho,o g .isEperceiviauti-, r is s bce, bewii ehacr,,red, o (Heles,ly (eansta fv rewin, l nosgas sh! (ehe b.y)No! dlrkneisnddeepens.)fees?

page 219 / 226 Cther)'HGre,odys p,)a f t Gre,o?lst oales! on hith,way)I amEhi whwtr a d, whwtr a yuf,--Itron?'g . ROXANEYRputts p iecmhes! on his Yo 'tecstage)H? san yh! read?r)I oisedoo dlrkot.see!alaHe stakts, done , sees,hef clor htowim.n)Suis sfi alarme!, heehal schy, headndd fn?r)Thon in)thrpdusk, w ipp

Duken wsorp(eheyyeenfal edegYom, shrpsays,agve Eslowll,Ywho, classtd hes!s)YRANOAhd,o turaich ytact yome,,h Dukeplayod tky, par(way)Of thrpkitd el

)rriend( bw cootsngo lIS ( andoc


Cther) him R feesROXANEther)'Twas y I!ll. !

Ctage)No, seve ;i him R, nCyra. ROXANEther)I Yo 'twh gueis d,eeapp oorsthonTaid mylnamI!al. !

Ctage)No, ito,asensetIyra. ROXANEther)Ito,asey I!ll. !

Ctage)Igswtac!. esROXANEther)Ioseelthrt thrrll wit gep r pi couhe cfeitcuher)Th! (ehe bs--yh!!al. !

Ctage)No?. . ROXANEther)T blgw o , madlove-iorde. r)Yh!!al. !

page 220 / 226 Ctage)No feesROXANEther)Thoovn a shas tariu edegYofn(to---yh!,ey I!ll. !

Ctage)Igswtac yh! erb?. . ROXANEther)T blgv l--ito,asey Irpse lb. . ?

Ctage)Igr a d yh! noe.. esROXANEther)Yh! r a d eEso.?. . .

Cther)'Twas hR feesROXANEther)Yh! r a d e!al. !

Ctage)No feesROXANEther)See! ou yh! autecoe w!. . !

Ctage)No, mylgw o flove, Ioseve r a d yh!!1.. ROXANEther):

. NONoital dayd, yome)dayd, see! ou tacye

(Hesaack o. e)--W y,ewayEkeep s

Siarll witHenfeuraich ytact,her)W en, rd upiso(ehe b, w ipp

Deooevl wurte,ing)Thrpttact ore, Irpttact?. . ?

C Qhal sta ous sh! (ehe b egigArously)No! bl saains w!reohis?1.. ROXANEther)Wiy, sh!n, t e oble s

Sir--kepteso yome--age)Brokenw o-dlyofo- wit he

page 221 / 226 timucuw y?. . !

Cther):iy?tron?. . aLe Bret aed, to Raguehe crunnsta.lves.s.s.

S5.VI 1.IVT onsame!e)Le Bret aed, to Ragu.1.. LE BRETther)Wiaowmadp ssne)Here?n)Iskwew ito,eowo. . .

C Qsmi bl,und,sitts p mistage)W e ow?llacLE BRETrmed): Dukebuo th hy, df o, by curoll,cMada I.1.. ROXANEther)Godbrad)Ah, sh!n! t efointnes, oohmmois m si Sitron??. . !

Cther):iy, rue?l):to he cruptedegYof'Gazthe :'sed)?ure!SIau day,g ws my-sixwi, at

stp r-time,ing)Aisassi aIs m ooDofBengpraa.ves.aHe taHe mofdldisgeat;ytacyesee hy, head bandogsd?)feesROXANEther)W osals o? (to C!--Hisohead rll be nd!. NOA ,o, ohas cha Sid?e)Hou?--W o?tron?. . !

Cting)'Toiblis ruck dmesring)Piercedectesword i'othe eGaktni sed o hero'ngha f!'led)Noae I-atwdreamedtu Oomot e of Fateo. e)--Kiu ed, I! oohu smea--?n an ambuscode!age)S ruck sed bce, b,cst! btea lackel'ngha f!. d): ve Ewe I?y)I amEfoi ed, foi eds?n ahe,led)Evon in)myfdeath?. . RAGUENEAUther)A ,oMe ieor!tron?. . ?

C Qhal

page 222 / 226 sta ous iingha fngoadin away) to Ragu, r)Wep so. sC bite cly!ststsW odo yh! now,. y)O'twcomrode?. . RAGUENEAUYRamid iing sact)YRANOTrin wit oi (istfingMolib b'kestage?. . !

Cting)Molib byra. RAGUENEAUther)Yes; bpaeIeshau s(eave e -mlseow.age)I tlhsot biac io

--Yesoerday,gthry playe age)'Scapin'--Ioy,w h?'twtkyeved r s

S sed yh!!1.. LE BRETther)Wiao!pasclolonsce e?. . RAGUENEAUther)O ,oyesroill ed, Me ieor,ing)Thrpfam pi on ,f'Que Diable alll?t-i sfalre?'1.. LE BRETther)Molib beDukestowch tiao?. . !

Cther)Nue!d)H did ,eowotu.n?. atoi to Ragustage)H? ws m-thonsce e?l):total

--Io hou eit e ld?. . RAGUENEAUYRsobb blstage)Ah! ou tacyelIS (ef!ll. !

Ctage)Lonotcuf,cito,asemylifeher)Noiblie oopsedpe ceve on re gets!. ay. him Rstage)T oni (i w bni'Ragng Irpw, boue.h. Chan spokeher)--Unl re Irpbalce y, yh! remembe ?e)W

. NONoerrpwukegYof u ego of my)wlolonlifetage)I,o?lst oathad? roat g ng ais 's oot,her)W i ew t Grs oi (iyyemoon oto)Lovswa fnFamI!al Jhasn ve E hasne)Here rd uponthreshel

)dreamway)Of df wi,)I,plyomyltributedwho, gYofresm,her)NoiMolib b'kegepius,--.h. Chan' mfalrpfaa

. (TYofthapel-beonocRorss.y)No! numsmrgoseen passi ggd? u arau cyeattwhr bat ,Ytoisalnt oir off(cestage)Letg arm gokMray,YgokMray,Yw bniwhr,beonoiitas!. . ROXANEYR (Hsta andocal blstage)Sister!e)Sister!. . ?

C Qhal sta hl

page 223 / 226 fr tzzled)Cau sso o e?e)Leave eEso.;her)W en yh! coot bat ,YI Yo 'twbeogon re aye 1.(TYofnumsmh tleehe cedegYofthapel.y)No! e gan sDundsstage)IY asos rlw efoin fingmusic--hrk!, Ay, comet. . ROXANEther)Live,o trIgr a y I!ll. !

Ctage)No, Inmfalryltalesher)When OhgYofiu -stakcedePri Sitg ng aiyesaysher)'Igr a y I!' ahe hy, uglip ssmfadesofast--age)Bn. I remrin)thrpsame, mingoag ng as !. esROXANEther)Io. makcedecuffo(ife--I,sI!fees?

Cther)Yh! dlosHedgmylife!her)Neve mome-atwresm dewoman' mr a .fed)MymCtgAnonvs oto 'twnoe findc iefalrther)Io.twnomtister; a f,liaen growlso man,way)I feamedegYofmisor ssm bw wi 'twmot tanom .fed)Bn. I .

.twcufrpfriendship--graa etoecufage)Aewoman' mcRrmohas r is d achoisgmypath?. . LE BRET QMo?nts segoagYofmo m, whipp

seen bYtwich g oneheeszzled)Y Ir

. .An aiy-r a y, comet. . .

C Qsmi bl)YRANOI,seet. . ROXANEther)Igr a d bpaeo Si, yne wwicG)Igr se mypleve!fees?

Cused)Hrotcuf,cLe Bret!d)Ipso moshau sreacsayYofmo m.her)No-d to-, alon ,fwho, n uprojetti e' maid ?ure!. . LE BRETther)Wiaowrcksyh! sayime?. . ?

Ctage)Igeeow Kno,p

.cis t Gre,. NONoerr, shas tacyesendc iefingmytParadis ,. NONoerreIeshau sfindcatylhst)thrpsi 's)Igr a ,her)Ilsexi e,--Gali eo--Soc ase !llacLE BRET Qrebeoni pillstage)No, so!r)I oisedoo clumsy, woo un hasn1.e)Soa aeas a eGakt!e)Soa

page 224 / 226 aeas a poet!r)Diundo-L up d is? w at, diitron??. . !

Cther)Hlrkot.Le Bret,s bw scel

!llacLE BRET Qweepitamused)Dearpfriendtron?. . ?

C Qstakts p mi, ai meyesY,!u!ather)Wiaowho!r).adetskff,Gasce y

. NONoe el ms ma smasscuah yes!y)No! hic?ure!. . LE BRETther)Hisosci Siastiu --Yofraves!. . !

Caway)Copernicfsage)Saidtron?. . ROXANEther)O

. . !

Cther)MaisoquRodiable alll?t-i sfalre,her)MaisoquRodiable alll?t-i sfalre dlt, cthe galere?ture!. e)P i osophe ,nmetaphysician,way)Rhyme ,nbreylAn,mred,musician,way)FamId fvrehi mrunarpexpedits m,led)AndegYofunnumbe od duelsiheofo th ,--age):ndtlfv realso,cuby he cpossts m!cuher)HoronliesYHorcule S avireher)Dof (to C dofBengpraa,her)W oY asoeve .dis , yne wukenIS (t.age)I tryoyh! pard m, bpaeIemalnso. stay;her)See,ayYofmo m-raystiao cootsngo chu smeihe Si!lo(: Duke au butbat intai mchac ;)thrpsibskff, him R recsonohinwtoirGality; hr l nosgyome)as de ,,red, tauppsta hl veilstage)IY o 'twnoe bid yh! moone les, raltspelyRANONoae g

, brave .h. Chan:e)IY o 'twrnlyaskRANONoae iaen my)boiyeshau sbeocel

)?n elayRANOYh! wtac g se sable moonesta wtedstfingewo,led)Andemoone awle, fingmi,Yin)moonesta wim.feesROXANEther)Ioswiac io y I!tron?. . ?

C Qshiver(putviowchill,ssh!n uis sfi (Hsta):led)No. t Gre! w at, seat d?cuns!. (TYoyespcsta eowss iinstage)Letgno othehel

)meiupcu. aHe propsodins hi aack sts aon o

page 225 / 226 eously)Osfi aon o

e!. (S

Sistage):tocoots.y)E'!n nou mypfeet,h


ed goa tone,fed)Myees!swrcksgr a d who, lGad!. aHe stas!swerett hall)Bn. si SitDagng coots,way)I meeto.inwst!u sa oot,heaHe drey iis sword)YRANOAhd sword in)ha f!. IVLE BRETther)C(to C!ves.ROXANEYRhalfmfointstazzled) (to C!ves.(Auleshr(pktbat inte cror.)fees?

Cther):iy, I ,eow,beoyevemed): drcksngo mot tmyln se?d)Ha!sk sowchi!. aHe ra(He iis sword)YRANOW

osalwyh!?r)I oiseuHeles,?y)Ay, Iskw? all)Bn.

bw fi (isteve hops se trsupceis?way)I fo th trloas caus ,mred, trfruitles, quRasn1.e)Yh! t Gre,owaOhar cy I!--Y Ieargot o sunds!her):

. NOIskw? yh! now, el

)enemies of mine!her)Falsehood!. aHe sthike s?n airoiho, .isEsword)YRANOHvLfaf) I!y)Ha

dred,Compurm(He!age)Prejud a , Treapp cyotu.n?. aHe sthike stage)Surre fAn, I?way)Par cy?e)No, seve !y)Y Iewoo, Fthey,--yh!?. n)Iskw? whae yh! ,!u sllyome iingatylhst;age)Letgbe!y)Ye oIofau sfi (i bl, fi (i blwst!u !. aHe maHe mr is s in)thrpac round,stops,Ycaeashles,zzled)Y Iesthip, sed Iag ng aurel ahdgYofror !her)Tau aowor)Dospite

yh! t Greoiseyne othe.dis her)Io.el

)aack stsKnooale,ored,wh!n, to-d to-,her)Ioehe c.h. C' mfalrpceuras,,red, lowll bowed,led)Sweep iho, doffedocasquRothe eGavs s'nthreshel

)blue,fed)Othe.dis irsleft, shas,ovn d rdlstrin)trsmutch,way)I biac rwal dospite

yh!.ves.aHe spcstae ftrwss ,,iis sword ra(Hed; itgfou s, sed fysiha f;thonTtagge s,wafou s,bat ingoagYofarns rdlLe Bret aed, to Ragu.)feesROXANEYRbe bsta st! ki (s sedisgre beGadzzled):

?tron?. . !

C Qtaeasta ai meyes,sretognizs sedAn,ound,smi bl)YRANOMY .ves.s.?uraain.ves.s.s.s.s.Es!,rdle i mProjett Gutenbe g Etexs offC(to C dofBengpraa bteEdmoed, hstas!inis Englishs.s.

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