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Sponsor 500703.Pdf RtGtlVlU J JULY 1950 • $8.00 a Year '1'1 r: H)hf"l I UTES: radio I TV m ~ :I~ l lr~'11enf·:..Jp~p·24 '0- .. .> I ~ ;<! d 1}, I ~ j r R A. N (. E :-, p ~ A G IJ ( ~ " T IOU A L £1 R 0 A DCA ") T I 'J!'; ~O ROCKErEllER PLAZA ~. 'II V 0 C? K 2 0 N Y Kentuckiana's ON LY FOOD MERCHANDISING SHOW NOW GOES 5 DA YS A WEEK ! 50 GUESTS IN EI.EVEN MONTHS (as a 3 . day . a . week show) LET YOUR PETRY MAN TELL YOU ALL THE FACTS- The Kentuckiana * Top Hooperated (6.6 Dec. '49 thru April '501 Market Basket 1949 Food Sales * Store Merchandising * Listener Contests $474,196,000 * Prizes * Audience Participation * Product Displays 50,000 WATT S * A CLEAR CHANNEL * 840 KILOCYCLES The only radio station serving f!.!!..d selling all of the rich Kentuc/(iana Market VICTOR A. SHOllS, Oirec/or NEIL D. CLINE , Soles Oirec'or RE PRESENTED NATIO NALLY BY EDW ARD PETRY AND CO . • ASSOCIATED WITH THE COURIER · JOURNAL & LOUISVILLE TIMES 3 July 1950 1950 Iowa Thirteenth annual study of Iowa radio audience made by Dr. F. L. Whan, Radio Audience I Universi ty of Wichita, for WHO, Des Moines, is tops in listener infor­ Survey mation. First tabulations of March 1950 study, embracing 9,215 inter- tells all views, reveals about 50% of Iowa homes have two radios or more; over 50% families have portable sets; total radio-equipped homes jumped from 91.4% to98.9% in decade; 14.2% of farmers have barn sets. Full study expected soon. -SR- Mail order firm RCW Enterprises, mail order experts, uSing eight scattered TV stations spending $20,000 with five-minute nighttime participations, at record cost of $20,000 weekly on eight TV weekly. But nearly 10,000 orders for Instant-photo are coming in stations daily enclosing $1 each. -SR- Two strong Dowd, Redfield & Johnstone, Inc., new $ 6,000,000 billing a dvertising radio/ TV a gency combine, is looked to stir some radio/ TV excitement in Manhat­ agencies merge tan. Both John C. Dowd, heretofore strictly Boston agency, and Red­ field-Johnstone have been especially a ctive in air media, including Block Drug, Colonial Airlines, Bell-Ans, First National Stores, Har­ vard Beer. William Eynon, formerly with H. B. Humphrey, joined 1 July as Radio and TV Director. New coalition includes all personnel and a ccounts of Blaker Agency, New York, purchased by John C. Dowd prior to merger with Redfield-Johnstone. Firm will occupy second floor at 501 Madison. -SR- Sold-out sign National advertisers wondering whether to use NBC or CBS television at NBC-TV and network facilities this fall have nothing to worry about. With few CBS-TV exceptions, there's not a thing open from morn to night. -SR- Lone station WBBM, Chicago, is only broadcast station using Starch reports on read­ subscribes to ing preferences and habits regularly. On own initiative, commercial Starch studies manager Ralf Brent broke precedent by inducing Starch to accept sta­ tion as subscriber, has just renewed for second year. -SR- What about Looks like urgently-needed TV standards and TV code will have to TV standards? spring forth like Topsy. Better Business Bureaus are pushing both. NAB has hands full with other matters at moment, although new TV Di­ rector Charles Batson is standards-code minded. -SR- How many Until recently a rarity, Negro disk jockeys are springing up every­ Negro disk where. Some, like Joe Adams, KOWL, Santa Monica, are doing landoffice jockeys? business. Adams' 56 sponsors include national accounts like Plymouth, Manischewitz Wines, Milani Salad Dressing, Shinola Shoe Polish. KWKH, Shreveport, has white d.j. who draws Negro listeners in droves with simulated technique. Prominent-white-audience station in Georgia may soon take on first Negro d.j. SPONSOR will carry story in 31 July. !lPONSOR, Volume 4, No. 14, 3 July 1950. Publlshed biweekly by SPO:"lSOR I'ubllc.llons Inc., at 3110 Elm Ave .. Baltimore 11 , Md. E,ecutl ••, Editorial. Circulation OMc. 51 0 Madison A.e., New York 22. $8 a year In U, S. S9 elsewher.. Entered II second cia .. matter 29 Jsnuary 19~9 at Baltimore, Md. postomce under Act 8 March 18711. · ,,' ~. '....-- - , . ;: ," - '. - ..: - . ;' i~ :E PO~ T5 ~ '•• 5 ~N50R . RE PQR T5 ••• 5 PaNSOR R Curtis Publishing Ro bert E. Ma cNea l, new presi d ent of Curtis Publishing, believes that head looks at TV TV will increa se movement of goods; help all media. Of magazines' fu­ tUre in a TV era he says: "I a m sure that magazines will be a fairly lively c orpse for some time to come." -SR- More d.j.'s at D.j. 's a re being f a st s cheduled into key nighttime hours in move to night this fall build low-cost, s a lea ble evening time. -SR- Out-of-home Growing interest of researchers inout-of-home listening measurements listening gets emphasized by New York chapter American Marketing Association with marketing assn. meritorious s ervice a wards given to out-of-home research experts Dr. citation Sydney Roslow (Pulse) and Miss Claire R. Himmel (WNEW). Dr. Roslow recently announced extension of out-of home listening measurements to 10 key markets. NAB at April meeting passed resolution urging analy­ sis of "big plus" a udience. Multiple set listening within home is next to get definte attention by researchers. -SR- Kiddies big Marked influence of children on what's seen in TV homes, during adult influence on viewing hours indicated in Ohio State U. study of Columbus area. Com­ adult viewing parison made between adult-only homes and adult-children homes shows how drastically youngsters alter ratings. Such adult-type shows as comedy drama, including westerns,reveal greatest appeal for child viewer. Variety shows like Milton Berle had almost even viewing bal­ ance in adult-only and adult-children homes. Crime drama revealed wide variations depending on nature of presentation. SPONSOR plans full story on this subject. -SR- Radio set Although console radio set sales are lagging, 1950 demand for table sales zooming and portable sets seems destined to push 1950 total substantially be­ yond 1949. Trend due basically to demand for bed room, kitchen, den, and workroom sets within home; to increasing out-of-home listening. Joseph B. Elliott, RCA vp, predicted recently that radio set sales 1950-1955 would exceed 1935-1940 period. -SR- Look for Strong users of air advertising for several years, margarine manufac­ oleo air turers like Jelke and Nucoa are gearing for big push to housewives via advertising radio and TV this summer and fall. Elimination of 10c per pound fed­ eral tax 1 July affects only colored margarine. Some states are fol­ lowing suit in reducing prices. At same time, butter interests are feverishly planning counter ad action. -SR- Watch out if Watch out for a TV commercial that rates an overwhelming "like" score everyone "likes" with little or no "dislike" votes; it may mean a namby-pamby approach your TV commercial with too little sell to be effective. That's gist of observation by a n a lysts in current Sta rch TV report. A commercial with strong likes a nd dislikes is more likely to do selling job, says Starch. -SR- M 8S Fall business Fall business prospects at Mutual are better than at any time during looks good l ast two years, with virtually all MBS advertisers contracted through end of 1950. Fact that Mutual has no network TV operation (a drain on other webs) helps brighten fiscal picture. 2 SPONSOR "MY'K~ISPY KOOL LOTION PLEASE , LUI~I / '. ELECTRIC razoros and tile haths - us ' 50) , for example, WDAY got a 64.0% Share North Dakota hayseeds sure live mighty of Audience, comparoell to 15.1 % for the next fancy! And why not, when our income ex· station! Equally important, WDAY has even ceells the national a,'erage hy $1750 per year? greater listenership throughout the rural parts of the Reel Riwro Valley. A new 22. There's an easy way to get your share of this county survey (copy on request) pr'o,'es that fabulous Red River Valley farm income. It's WDA Y is a 17·to·] favorite overo its nearest WDAY, Fargo. This 27 ·year.old NBC affiliate ··competi,tion !" roacks up some of the highest Hoopers in the Let liS senel yon all the amazing facts ahout [und. For weekday Evenings (Dec. '49.Apr. ~ r DA Y, today! FARGO, Nm D. + NBC • 970 KILOCYCLES • 5000 WATTS '.: , FHEE & PETEHS, INC., Exclusive National Reproesentathcs 3 JULY 1950 3 Vol. 4 no. 14 3 July 1950 ~ ige st " " "J'. , ~~", ~, . _ _ --,~ " ... ~"<"~~ ~, \. ARTICLES Sponsor Reports 1 Soft driJlI~s 011 tile air With steadily rising costs and competition galore, the soft drink industry may 510 lU,ulisoll 6 soon blow its nickel top-and broadcast advertising will get a big share of the new money 19 Queries 10 l,\'elV find RenelV 11 Nearly every station has one lUre Sponsor: Direct contact of program with listeners always seems to payoff. The hun­ 11'. S. BrolVn 14 dreds of telephone gimmick shows on the air are doing fine for the sponsor 22 1-. S. 16 lUre S,Jonsor Asks 32 Itlinutes: .lelV radio/TV JJleasureJJleJit New Sindlinger report uses time as the yardstick for radio and television Roundllp ra ti ngs. This makes listening-viewing comparable with other recreational 34 activities like reading and going to the store 24 Radio Results 36 Sponsor Speaks 56 HolV Borden's does it When Borden's dropped network radio for spot, other advertisers sat up and Applause 56 took notice.
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