20 Walks in Wollongong and Surrounds Short Walks

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20 Walks in Wollongong and Surrounds Short Walks 2. The Goat Track ' Stanwell Park Staon to Stanwell Tops be found part way around the loop that provides the opportunity to sit and enjoy the surroundings. West of Stanwell Park village there is a varied walk that climbs the escarpment to the plateau above. The ,rst part of the walk Length3 400m loop is in rainforest and as you ascend there is dryer eucalypt forest. Time3 30 minutes Once at the top you can walk north via Stonehaven Road and Grade3 Easy 6 family friendly carefully cross Lawrence argrave Drive to the Princess Marina Access3 Sublime Point Lookout north of Fulli Pass walk and to Kelly’s Falls. Or just e2plore the bushland on top of 5. 0usn.er to Subli.e Point Lookout Illawarra Branch| [email protected] the plateau where there are a number of intersec/ng tracks and www.npansw.org.au | Find us on Facebook informal lookouts with views back to the coast and to Mt Mitch0 This iconic Illawarra walking track can be accessed from Aus0 Ph 04 6 325266 ell to the south. Note the cli1 edges are not fenced making the /nmer railway sta/on (on foot or by car) by ,rstly crossing the walk unsuitable for toddlers. rail bridge to the west. Ignore ill Street and con/nue up Fal0 four Road and on to the top of AsGuith Street. At the T inter0 20 Walks in Wollongong Length3 3km return sec/on turn leH and a track head is found. A well formed track Time3 102 ours leads up the escarpment (some 1000 steps) to the summit at Grade3 Medium to ard 6 steep ascent Sublime Point (alterna/ve start point). There are ,ve res/ng and Surrounds sta/ons and nine sets of ladders before arriving to witness Access3 Stanwell Park railway sta/on 6 western pla.orm great views from the top. For safety, always face the ladders climbing up or down. In wet and muddy condi/ons boot Short Walks 3. Helensburgh Historic Railway - Glow Wor. Tunnel cleaning facili/es are located at the ladders. Toilets and cafI are located at the lookout. This walk can be e2tended to the . Mt Mitchell Lookout ' Stanwell Park elensburgh’s ,rst railway sta/on was opened on 1 January south to Panorama ouse and on to Fulli lookout. 188A. It was located between two single line tunnels at the junc0 Length3 2km (from track head) or 4km (from sta/on) return With a one hour steady climb from Lawrence Hargrave Drive, /on of Tunnel Road and Bera Street. The short elensburgh Tun0 Time3 203 ours just south of Stanwell Park village this walk passes through nel was at the northern end of the sta/on and was 80 metres Grade3 ard 6 very steep ascent tall gums with plenty of bird sounds. It joins the Forest Track long. The much longer Metropolitan Tunnel at the southern end. Access3 Aus/nmer railway sta/on or park in southern end of and ascends about 250 metres before finding a sizeable rock From elensburgh Sta/on e2it the main car park and cross Tun0 Foothills Rd pla.orm at the highest point. There are majes/c views north, nel Road. Follow the open passageway along an abandoned rail0 east and south. For the south view walk a few hundred me0 way line passing an old elensburgh Railway Sta/on sign. Pro0 6. Maddens Falls ' Dharawal Naonal Park tres further south on the trail to another view point. The cli1 ceed through the tunnel which is about C23m long. Take a torch A lovely walk starts from a sign posted car park on the south0 edges are not fenced making the walk unsuitable for toddlers. and maybe gumboots would be good. This is an e2cellent walk, highly recommended. ern side of Darkes Forest Rd. The walk goes down a slight hill Length3 1.25km return and on to a boardwalk near Maddens Creek where part way Length3 4km return Time3 1 hour along you can go to the creek edge to see a small dam which Time3 102 hours Grade3 Easy 6 family friendly creates a deligh.ul pool. Further along, at the end of the Grade3 Medium to ard 6 some steep ascent Access3 elensburgh railway sta/on track, is a viewing pla.orm and seat from which you can en0 Access3 Limited parking at Wodi Wodi track head, Lawrence joy the natural surroundings. The waterfall, dropping about argrave Drive, 1km south of Stanwell Park shops or walk 4. Subli.e Point Nature Trail ' Woodward Track 10 metres, is Guite deligh.ul. On return to the car park it is 8800m north from Coalcli1 railway sta/on. Take care on road0 nice to visit the orchard across the road to sample or pur0 Bisitors to Sublime Point lookout wan/ng to e2perience some of way. chase some fresh produce. the wonderful bushland the Illawarra Escarpment State Conser0 va/on area has to o1er will ,nd the Woodward Loop Nature Length3 800m return Trail the ideal choice. It has varied and interes/ng Eora with Time3 1M2 hour many wildEowers in spring. Star/ng from a track head immedi0 Grade3 Easy 6 family friendly ately behind the picnic area ameni/es block will take walkers in Access3 Darkes Forest Rd, 2.Ckm from Old Princes wy, Mad0 the easier an/0clockwise direc/on. A picnic table will dens Plains. Walk Locaon Guide (Short walks, Longer walks) 1. Wollongong Botanic Garden 0. Mt 6e.bla 8 Me.orial Pathway Northern Walks The Wollongong Fotanic Garden is about 3km north west of Mt Kembla Billage has a rich but also disastrous mining his0 Walk 1 Wollongong CFD and is situated at the base of Mt Keira. It has tory and this pathway is dedicated to those that have Walk 2 an area of just over 27 hectares. Set on gently undula/ng land, worked there. Stage 13 Follows the original railway ease0 Walk 3 a network of paths leads through diverse habitats such as ment from Mt Kembla Mine to Port Kembla. istorical pho0 Walk 16 woodlands, arid -one and rainforest. Check website for more tos and informa/on can be viewed on the way to Stones details. Wollongong Fotanic Garden lunch/me bird walk3 a free Road. Stage 23 Follows a natural and landscaped sec/on guided walk led by Illawarra Firders Club discovering the Gar0 consis/ng of a variety of na/ve plants and trees to Fenjamin den’s rich bird life. First Thursday of the month 12.30 to Road. Stage 33 Climbs steadily on a winding track through 1.30pm, bookings not reGuired. Meet at the Discovery Centre. mi2ed eucalypt and privet forest to a point on the escarp0 ment where the Fradford Freaker was situated (used in the Length3 Up to 2km processing of e2tracted coal before rail transport to Port Time3 Bariable Kembla). A pla.orm has been constructed at this site for Grade3 Easy 6 family friendly viewing the coastal strip. Access3 Main entrance is on Murphy’s Avenue with others on Central Walks North,elds Avenue and Madeline Street. Length3 Up to 4km return Walk 4 Time3 Up to 2 hours Walk 5 2. To. Thu.b Lagoon 3Wollongong Greenhouse Park) Grade3 Easy L medium Walk 6 Access3 Cordeau2 Rd, eastern fringe of Mt Kembla Billage Walk 17 Just south of the Wollongong CFD, opposite the corner of Walk 18 Springhill Road and Fridge Street is Wollongong Greenhouse Park, a former rubbish dump site but now a bushland restora/on project. There is a perimeter circuit walk plus a trail to the top of Special Nature of the Illawarra Bushland the small hill. A bit of an oasis in the industrial landscape. Near the City Walks Length3 return 2.5km The natural bushland areas to the west of Wollon- Walk 7 Time3 1L2 hours gong not only provide a wonderful backdrop to the Walk 8 Grade3 Easy city but also have special significance as a biodiver- Walk 11 Walk 12 Access3 Park at Tate or Keira Streets or walk 1.4km from CFD. sity hot spot. This secon of the Great Dividing Walk 13 Range with its rainforest gullies and eucalypt for- 5. Mt 6e.bla 7 Su..it Track Walk 14 ests is ho e to a diverse range of nave !ora and Walk 19 Mt Kembla summit is one of the highest and most recognisable fauna. The Illawarra escarp ent also for s a vital points on the Illawarra escarpment. It a1ords wonderful views of green corridor connecng the southern end of the southern Wollongong. The summit track head can be found a Royal Naonal Park south to Macquarie Pass Na- short distance to the east of the Mt Kembla lookout carpark and Southern Walks onal Park and beyond. Walk 9 climbs steadily through forest to the summit. From here e2ten0 Walk 10 sive coastal plain and ocean views can be seen as well as across Walk 15 to the southern highlands as you ascend. A highly recommended We would like to acknowledge the original custo- Walk 3 walk. Also see walk 15. dians of this land we walk, the Dharawal people. Walk 20 Length3 3km return Time3 203 ours Grade3 Medium L ard. Steep ascent and 1 short ladder. Courtesy of Google Maps Access3 Mt Kembla lookout carparkLUpper Cordeau2 Rd . Mt 6eira tracks 8 Robertsons Lookout 3. Mt 6eira tracks 8 Dave Walsh’s Track 5. Hill 60 and surrounds 8 Port 6e.bla coast Just west of Mt Keira Lookout and connec/ng with the Mt Keira This walk begins by crossing Mt Keira Rd from the Mt Keira Ring Great coastal views and a sense of achievement can be found Ring Track a deligh.ul walk climbs to a high point on the escarp0 Track (Walk 14) near the scout camp entry road.
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