THE Catholic TRANSCRIPT The Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Hartford Vol. 13, No. 11 • 32 Pages • November 2009 • ©2009 The Catholic Transcript, Inc. $1.25 Pope creates way for Anglicans to join Church By Cindy Wooden Catholic bishops in keeping with does not weaken the commitment be ordained priests and recognize Catholic News Service the long-standing Catholic and of the Vatican to promoting Chris- the role of the bishop of Rome – the VATICAN CITY – Pope Bene- Orthodox tradition of ordaining tian unity, but is a recognition that Pope – as the sign and guarantor of dict XVI has established a special only unmarried clergy as bishops, many Anglicans share the unity, he said. structure for Anglicans who want Cardinal Levada said. faith and that Anglicans have a At a press conference in Lon- to be in full communion with the The Cardinal announced the spiritual and liturgical life worth don Oct. 20, Anglican Archbishop Roman Catholic Church while pre- new arrangement at a press con- preserving. of Canterbury, serving aspects of their Anglican ference Oct. 20 at the Vatican. He “It has always been the prin- head of the Anglican Communion, spiritual and liturgical heritage, said said the Pope’s apostolic constitu- cipal aim – the principal aim – to and Archbishop Vincent Nichols U.S. Cardinal William J. Levada. tion and norms for implementing achieve the full, visible unity” of of Westminster, president of the The Cardinal, prefect of the it were undergoing fi nal revisions the Catholic Church and Anglican Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Congregation for the Doctrine of and would be published in a couple Communion, the Cardinal said. England and Wales, issued a joint the Faith, said a new apostolic con- of weeks. But, given recent changes within statement saying the new provi- stitution would establish “personal In establishing the new jurisdic- many Anglican provinces, such sions are a recognition of “the ordinariates” – similar to dioceses tions, Pope Benedict is responding as doctrinal changes pertaining to substantial overlap in faith, doc- – to oversee the pastoral care of to “many requests” submitted by homosexual behavior as well as the trine and spirituality between the those who want to bring elements individual Anglicans and by An- ordination of women as priests and Catholic Church and the Anglican of their Anglican identity into the glican groups – including “20 to bishops, the prospect of full unity tradition.” Catholic Church with them. 30 bishops” – asking to enter into “seemed to recede,” he said. “Without the dialogues of the Anglican priests who are mar- full communion with the Catholic The Church recognizes and wel- past 40 years, this recognition ried may be ordained Catholic Church, the Cardinal said. comes those Anglicans who fully would not have been possible, nor priests, but married Anglican bish- At the same time, Cardinal share the Catholic faith, agree with would hopes for full visible unity ops will not be able to function as Levada said the new provision the Catholic view that only men can Continued on Page 12 Cardinal William J. Levada For this Cathedral Green family, life is getting better all the time By Jack Sheedy She dropped off an application until about age 3 and then moved News Editor and waited. to Connecticut with her adoptive “I’ve got to admit it’s getting “I had to call, because they parents, settling in Bloomfi eld. better, a little better all the time.” didn’t call me,” she told The There she attended Carmen Arace – The Beatles Transcript by cell phone as she Middle School and Laurel Elemen- HARTFORD – Natalie Thomas was riding a bus home from a day tary School. has had bad luck and good luck care center. “At fi rst I thought I She received her high school during her 23 years, and she can didn’t get in. Then they said I did. education at Grace S. Webb School, be excused if she didn’t expect I started screaming on the phone, a private school affi liated with the her what-have-I-got-to-lose ap- ‘Oh my God, are you serious?’ and Institute of Living, a mental health plication for admittance to Ca- they said, ‘Yeah.’” facility in Hartford. thedral Green affordable housing It became offi cial when she “I have a couple of mental to pan out. But, this past summer, received a letter informing her of health issues myself,” she said. Ms. Thomas and her two young the move-in date and details about “I’ll always have them. I’ve been daughters were among 28 families an orientation, lease terms and a helped a lot and I would like to help accepted as tenants at the former St. security deposit. Her life was about other people.” Joseph Cathedral School building to change. Ms. Thomas interrupted the on Asylum Avenue. Archbishop Henry J. Mansell phone interview briefl y to get off “I saw the phone number on the blessed and presided at a ribbon- the bus and transfer to another. big billboard on the site,” she said. cutting ceremony on Aug. 7 at There was a sound of air brakes “I called the number and talked to Cathedral Green, which has been a and muffl ed voices. an answering machine.” That didn’t major initiative of the Archbishop’s “I’m sorry,” she said as the NEW HOME, NEW START – Natalie Thomas holds her daughters, 3-year- old Shannon, left, and 5-month-old Nadia, in their apartment at Cathedral give her much hope, but later she Annual Appeal for several years. sound of the departing bus could Green in Hartford. The family’s apartment is bigger, newer and hundreds got a call from Catholic Charities, Ms. Thomas was born in Guate- be heard over the phone line. “Now of dollars less expensive than their previous apartment nearby. (Photo by which administers the Cathedral mala in 1986 and adopted into the I wait for another bus.” Jack Sheedy) Green project. United States. She lived in Ohio Continued on Page 16 In this issue... Conference inspires and energizes men Sisters follow the By Mary Chalupsky and prayer. And, judging from the ‘little’ way ...... Page 3 Transcript Reporter high praise and requests for another Apts. for rent, Felician WALLINGFORD – “It’s awe- conference next year, no one was campus ...... Page 4 some, absolutely awesome,” said disappointed. Eric Thermer of St. Timothy Parish Capturing the theme of the con- Celebrating marriage in West Hartford about the second ference, Bishop William E. Lori of ...... Page 5 annual Connecticut Catholic Men’s Bridgeport encouraged participants Conference, held here Oct. 10. “Ev- to “Bring the Fire Home” by being Priest, 80, isn’t in slow ery Catholic man who wants to be examples of God’s love to their lane ...... Page 7 challenged should be here. It’s an families, through their work and ’Tis the season for church absolutely incredible event.” in their communities. bazaars ...... Page 15 Added Tom Hickey, a seminar- “I think this conference does ian at Holy Apostles College and a lot of good for you and a lot of Bacon ’n eggs ’n support Seminary in Cromwell, “It’s ab- good for your families,” he said. for schools ...... Page 18 solutely wonderful. Catholic men “But, I have to tell you, it does don’t get this kind of challenge in a lot of good for me and for my Burglary sparks spate of their parish at such a personal and priesthood.” giving ...... Page 19 deep level. Getting this message On a personal note, Bishop Lori Youth do repairs for to men is something that’s very recalled that, at the conference last much needed.” year, he talked about his father, needy ...... Page 21 More than 750 men from revealing that his father had been throughout the state poured into SPIRIT MOVES MEN’S CONFERENCE – Clockwise, from lower left, Catechesis courses are a battling cancer in recent years. Father Sam Kachuba, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Father Larry click away ...... Page 23 the Chevrolet Theatre for a day of Providing an update, he said Richards gesture as they address the second annual Connecticut Catholic inspiration, renewal, fellowship Continued on Page 16 Men’s Conference on Oct. 3 in Wallingford. (Photos by Bob Mullen) Don’t see it in the paper? Try our Web site at Page 16 – The Catholic Transcript – November 2009 NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS Life is better Little Sisters Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 3 Knights out She said her older daughter, help her, she soon became over- Shannon, is 3 years old. Her whelmed. younger daughter, Nadia, is 5 “I went to the Little Sisters and months old. I asked if they could help out. At “When you’re a single mother, fi rst, certain medical requirements you get stressed,” she said. “In restricted them from doing so. my other apartment, there was We prayed in the chapel many nowhere to go. There was one times,” she said. Her uncle went bedroom. Now it’s good because into remission and was placed in we have our own space. [Shannon] their care. This was one of many is getting older and needs her own instances in which she saw the space as well.” hand of God and the intercession of The 53,000-square-foot Cathe- Jeanne Jugan at work in powerful dral Green facility has apartments ways, she said. of 1,100 and 1,300 square feet. “One thing that impressed me Rent is determined by income. Ms. the most about Jeanne Jugan was Thomas relies mainly on Social her concern for those in need,” said Security disability income. Ms. Mullen. “She saw a need and “I save a lot of money on my she fi lled it. She did what needed rent here,” she said. The savings to be done without thinking about amount to about $375 per month, it.” according to the rent fi gures she Donna Lee Sferrazza, a vol- quoted. Because Catholic Charities unteer at St. Joseph Residence is funded in part by donations to the and parishioner of Holy Family EQUESTRIAN ORDER INVESTS NEW MEMBERS – The Archdiocese of Hartford was well represented at Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, the Parish, attended the the annual investiture ceremony for the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, a prestigious rent subsidies at Cathedral Green in Rome. Catholic chivalric order of knighthood, that was held Sept. 26 at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan. A for- mal dinner followed in the Waldorf-Astoria’s grand ballroom. New members of the order are, from left, Sir are made possible in part through “The trip was absolutely fabu- James Lawlor; Lady Peggy Lawlor; Father Michael F.X. Hinkley, Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish and contributions to the appeal. lous,” she said. “I was deeply the Shrine of St. Anne, both in Waterbury; Sir David Devino; Lady Cecilia Stevens; Lady Sadie Devino; Sir “It feels safer there,” she said. moved by the whole experience.” Mark Stevens; Sir Timothy Lucid; Lady Judith Busch; Lady Karen Lucid; Sir Francis Busch; Lady Salvadora “It’s a brand-new [renovated] Ms. Sferrazza credited Jeanne Ju- Tormo; Msgr. Gerard G. Schmitz, vicar for priests and rector of St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfi eld; and Sir building. They have a lot of secu- gan with the strength she received Vicente Tormo. The order’s principal purpose is the preservation of the faith in the Holy Land. Father Hinkley rity surveillance there. I’ve been while dealing with her mother’s was awarded a Cross of Merit. (Photo submitted.) in other apartments that were like death. that, but they were in bad areas. “Jeanne Jugan helped me Center for Life accepted. Information is available his wife to continue their studies at On Asylum, there are churches on through the experience and the from Chris D’Amore at (866) the Hartt School of Music. every side of the building.” sisters helped as well. They are plans conference 660-6831. In addition to performing in She said her adoptive mother has the most considerate and loving HARTFORD – St. Gerard’s Brazil, Mr. Domingos has traveled always been very supportive and people you would ever want to Center for Life in Hartford will Ernani Domingos throughout Europe participating in still is. “If I need a break with the meet,” she said. sponsor its inaugural pro-life con- master classes. He has sung locally kids, she’ll take them overnight,” Information about the Little ference from noon to 4 p.m. Nov. to perform Nov. 7 at various churches and has directed Ms. Thomas said. “I’ve been living Sisters of the Poor is available at 21 at St. Paul Catholic High School, BLOOMFIELD – Tenor Ernani the choir at St. Lawrence O’Toole on my own since I was 18. Emotion- 1001 Stafford Ave., Bristol. Domingos will perform traditional Church in Hartford. ally, she was there for me. She’s one Professor Janet E. Smith, the Italian songs and sacred arias at 2 He will be accompanied by pia- of my biggest supporters.” Pro-life Father Michael J. McGivney Chair p.m. Nov. 7 in the chapel of the nist Paula Biedma Fierro, a native Since Shannon was born in of Life Ethics at Sacred Heart Major Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas of Madrid. Continued from Page 3 2006, Ms. Thomas has matured, she Seminary in Detroit, will speak. Seminary. The Archdiocesan Center is at said. “I had a lot of issues growing Gloria Zunski, St. Augustine, She is the author of Humanae Vi- In 2005, he won a scholarship 467 Bloomfi eld Ave. The concert up. I had a couple issues with her Seymour; Calum B. Anderson, St. tae: A Generation Later, editor of to study at the University of Can- is open to the public. father, and that’s why we’re not Mary, Simsbury; Lori DePalma, Why Humanae Vitae Was Right: A tareira with Romanian Professor Information is available by together. Altogether, I’ve grown Sacred Heart, Southbury; Mary Reader and she has published many Mariana Cioromilla and sang in the calling (860) 860-242-5573, ext. up,” she said. Katherine DiModugno, St. Francis articles on ethical and bioethical Jardim Sao Paul (Brazil) Theater. 115/114. A free-will donation will She plans to stay at Cathedral of Assisi, South Windsor; Christine issues. The next year, Professor Moura be accepted. Refreshments will Green until she can afford to move Turzi, Immaculate Conception, Goodwill donations will be Castro invited Mr. Domingos and be served. on. “But eventually I want to go to Southington; Ken Carpenter, St. school and major in something and Thomas the Apostle, West Hart- maybe buy a house for my kids. I ford; Paul Miller, Corpus Christi, Conference inspires want to major in sociology because Wethersfi eld; Laura Rhoades, St. Continued from Page 1 helping them, and giving your sons spiritual director of the TEC (To I want to work with adolescents Gabriel, Windsor; and Marcy Mc- that within the last three weeks, the ‘green light’ if they’re called to Encounter Christ) Retreat Program who have mental health problems, Carthy, St. Gertrude, Windsor. his father received a report from the priesthood.” for the Diocese of Erie. or in a group home.” Father James J. Cronin, director his oncologist that he is cancer- Similarly, he said priests have to Other speakers included Mi- As she was boarding the second of pro-life activities at the Pro- free. “So, I thank you for your do their part by being fatherly role chael Crumbie, who offered a bus that would take her home, she Life Ministry; and Father John prayers,” he said, drawing a round models for young people, as well dynamic account of his conver- said she is hopeful about her future. P. Melnick, Pastor of St. Bernard of applause. as being faithful to their vocation sion to Catholicism in 2001 after “I was relieved when I got this Parish, Enfield, concelebrated. Among ways to bring the fi re as shepherd in their parish. serving for 23 years as a Protestant apartment,” she said. “People who The children’s choir from Father home from this conference, he Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers minister. think they have it bad, if they keep Melnick’s parish sang under the said, “are practicing the faith with offered a powerful witness on the And, talking about the priest- trying they will get better.” direction of Beth Surapine. manly virtue, respecting priests and role Christian fathers play in build- hood was Father Sam Kachuba, 26, ing a civilization of love and life a recently ordained priest assigned in the family. to St. Pius X Parish in Fairfi eld, Fathers, as the heads of their who told his audience that “being families, he said, are called “to a priest is the greatest job in the give yourself every day of your world.” NORTHWEST CATHOLIC life,” and to “love your wife as you The conference also drew love yourself.” some 25 vendors who displayed “Why does God call us to be information on topics ranging from husbands?” he asked. “To love his pro-life activities, vocations, fam- “WHERE YOU KNOW THAT YOU BELONG...” wife as God loves the Church.” ily values and Christian music to The first black permanent retreats, Catholic media, religious deacon in Portland, Ore., Deacon communities, and sacred art. Father Burke-Sivers is also a father of John Gatzak, director of the Offi ce four and the founder and director of of Radio and Television, served as Aurem Cordis, a Christian evangeli- moderator for the conference. zation and apologetics organization “This is wonderful,” said Joe OPEN HOUSE ENTRANCE EXAM dedicated to the dissemination and Murphy of St. Mary Parish in promotion of Catholic values and Ridgefi eld. “Its beauty is that every November 12, 2009 | 7:00pm December 5, 2009 | 8:00am - 12:30pm principles. message offers something to take NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED REGISTRATION DUE BY NOVEMBER 20, 2009 Returning to the conference home and refl ect upon.” for his second year, Father Larry Added Connecticut Senator Richards used the title of his book, Michael McLachlan, a parishioner Be a Man: Becoming the Man God at St. Peter Parish in Danbury, “I Created You to Be, to encourage plan to talk to my pastor about those gathered to “live life with bringing a busload of men next year. the fi nal goal in mind.” This is such a great opportunity for “God’s goal is for you and me Catholic men to come together in to go to heaven,” he said. “What prayer and fellowship to celebrate we do with this little time on their faith.” Earth determines where we will Hartford Auxiliary Bishop Peter be forever.” A. Rosazza was the principal cel- Ordained to the priesthood in ebrant of the concluding Mass. 1989 for the Diocese of Erie, Pa., A number of priests who had Father Richards serves as Pastor been available throughout the day 29 Wƒmpƒoƒ‰ r‹ve Ȉ We•– Hƒr–ˆor†, T 0͸117 Ȉ mŽƒ o—–—re̷™ ƒ–Š.or‰ of St. Joseph Church/Bread of Life to hear confessions and provide ™™™.or–Š™e•– ƒ–ŠoŽ‹ .or‰ Community in Erie. He is also the spiritual direction concelebrated.