Mem. S.A.It. Vol. 81, 49 c SAIt 2010 Memorie della

The best of HST

N. Panagia1,2,3,4

1 Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA 2 Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Via S. Sofia 78, I-95123 Catania, Italy 3 International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, Piazza della Repubblica 10, I-65122 Pescara, Italy 4 Supernova Ltd, OYV #131, Northsound Road, Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands. e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. I summarize the current status of the (HST) and illus- trate some of its most interesting results.

Key words. Telescopes: HST – Space Vehicles: Instruments – Cosmology: observations – Distance Scale – Cosmological Parameters – Dark Matter – Early Universe – Gamma- Ray Bursts: Host – Local Group – Galaxies: halos – Supernovae: 1987A – : V838 Mon – Planetary Systems – Comet: SL9 – Planets and Satellites: Jupiter

1. Introduction After SM3B, HST’s science instruments in- cluded a spectrograph, the Space Telescope After nineteen years in orbit, the “middle- Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) operating in the aged” Hubble Space Telescope (HST) contin- UV and optical domains, and three cameras, ues to play a major role in astronomical re- the Wide Field - Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2), search, and is undoubtedly one of the most im- the new Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), portant and most prolific space astronomy mis- which with its tenfold increase in efficiency sions of all time. and its doubled field of view relative to WFPC2 HST was deployed in low-Earth orbit opened up much anticipated new capabili- (about 600 km) by the crew of the space ties for discovery, the Near Infrared Camera shuttle Discovery (STS-31) on 25 April 1990. - Multiobject Spectrograph (NICMOS), which Although at the beginning the mission looked was revived in mission 3B with the installation severely faulted because of spherical aberra- of a mechanical cooling system, and the Fine tion, the first maintenance mission (STS-61 Guidance Sensors (FGS, primarily used for as- Endeavour, December 1993) fully restored the trometric observations). functionality of HST. In fact, all HSTservicing missions so far, namely SM1 in December However, STIS stopped operations in 1993, SM2 in February 1997, SM3A in August 2004, leaving HST without a proper December 1999, and SM3B in February- spectrographic capability, and ACS failed in March 2002 were enormous successes. January 2007, leaving in operation rather old instruments. Subsequently, HST suffered a se- Send offprint requests to: N. Panagia rious malfunction on September 27, 2008, with 50 Panagia: The best of HST a failure of the Side-A Control Unit/Science onboard, and will maintain a robust ability to Data Formatter (CU/SDF) inside the Science point the telescope. Astronauts also installed Instrument/Control & Data Handling (SI gyros, batteries and thermal blankets to ensure C&DH) system. This prevented data from the Hubble functions efficiently for a minimum of science instruments being transmitted to the five, and possibly ten years after servicing. ground. Data from the Fine Guidance Sensors (FGS) are not routed through the CU/SDF, so HST maintained FGS science observa- 2.1. New instruments tions throughout this period. On October 15, HST switched to operations on Side B of Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, or COS, is the CU/SDF, and later resumed science ob- the most sensitive ultraviolet spectrograph ever servations with Wide-Field Planetary Camera flown on Hubble. In particular, a factor more 2 (WFPC2) and the Advanced Camera for than 30 times greater than that of previous Surveys Solar Blind channel (ACS/SBC). spectroscopic instruments in the far-ultraviolet channel and two-fold enhancement in the near- ultraviolet channel. 2. The Servicing Mission 4 gives new , or WFC3, spans the life to HST electromagnetic spectrum from the near ultra- With more than 19 years of historic and trail- violet through the optical, and into the near in- blazing science already accomplished, Hubble frared. WFC3’s “UVIS” detector - sensitive to has been reborn with the Servicing Mission near ultraviolet and optical light - will provide 4 (SM4). The mission has featured the in- a 35 times improvement in discovery efficiency stallation of two new cutting-edge science in- in near ultraviolet and blue light. The near in- struments to enhance Hubble’s capabilities by frared detector will provide a 15-20 times im- large factors, the refurbishment of Hubble’s provement in discovery efficiency over the cur- subsystems and extension of operating life to rent NICMOS instrument. at least 2014. Astronauts also have succeeded The new Fine Guidance Sensor, or FGS, will in the first ever on-orbit repair of two existing extend the life of Hubble’s “pointing control instruments - both STIS and ACS. system,” of which three FGS’s are a key com- Originally, SM4 was planned for 2004, ponent. but was postponed after the Columbia tragedy in 2003 and then canceled in light of Agency safety concerns. Following 2.2. Subsystem components the successful recovery of the Shuttle program and a re-examination of SM4 risks, NASA ap- Gyroscopes - With SM4 a fresh set of six new proved one last servicing mission. The rein- gyros have neen installed to make the most of stated SM4 was initially scheduled for flight Hubble’s new science instruments and lifetime in Fall 2008, but after the failure of Side-B peak performance through 2013. CU/SDF it was postponed to late Spring 2009. Battery Modules - The replacement of the two On May 11, 2009, SM4 (STS125) started Hubble battery modules (each containing three triumphally with the shuttle Atlantis taking batteries) has rejuvenated the electrical power seven astronauts to reach the HST, do all system. This, combined with the power system repairs and new installations on the tele- enhancements made in Servicing Mission 3B, scope in five very intense EVA (ExtraVehicular will result in ample power margins for the re- Activity) sessions, and come back safely on mainder of Hubble’s lifetime. May 24, 2009. New Outer Blanket Layer - Stainless steel The new instruments are the Cosmic sheets are slated to be installed on Hubble’s ex- Origins Spectrograph and the Wide Field terior to provide additional thermal protection Camera 3. A refurbished Fine Guidance Sensor to some equipment bays, replacing the exist- has replaced one degrading unit of three now ing multilayer insulation which has slowly de- Panagia: The best of HST 51 graded over time due to the harsh environment Universe. Even more exciting are the discover- of space. ies that were totally unanticipated and that have opened new avenues to our knowledge of the cosmos, such as the discovery of the accelera- 2.3. Repairs and a future rendezvous tion of the Universe, which may imply the ex- Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph - istence of the so-called “dark energy” that has STIS, the most versatile spectrograph ever to been dominating the expansion of the Universe fly on Hubble, has been resuscitated thanks to in the last 8 billion years (e.g., Panagia 2005a), an on-orbit replacement of a failed electronics the properties of extremely distant galaxies as board inside one of its main electronics boxes. shown by the Hubble Deep Fields, as well COS and STIS are highly complementary and the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field observations that would work effectively together to provide a have provided us the direct view at thousands full set of spectroscopic tools for astrophysical of galaxies formed just a few hundred million research. years after the , clues to the nature Advanced Camera for Surveys - Astronauts of gamma-ray burst sources that are possibly have successfully repaired the Advanced the most energetic explosions in the Universe, Camera for Surveys by replacing the CCD the formation of planets in disks around young electronics box in the Wide Field Channel and stars, the full characterization of planets orbit- power this box with a replacement low voltage ing around other stars but our own Sun, and the power supply. Thus, ACS will again provide dramatic collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 the most sensitive images available at visible fragments with Jupiter’s atmosphere. and near-infrared wavelengths. With so many exciting results, one should Soft Capture Mechanism - The SCM is a write a thick book to do justice to all of them compact device that, when attached to the and to the other many important discoveries Hubble aft bulkhead, will enable and assist that HST has enabled us to make. Here, I shall in the safe de-orbiting of the Hubble Space highlight some of the most impressive discov- Telescope at the end of its useful life. This cir- eries made possible by Hubble. Summaries cular mechanism has structures and targets that of previous years most exciting HST results will allow a next-generation vehicle to more may be found in Panagia (1999, 2002, 2004, easily capture and guide the telescope into a 2005b). safe controlled re-entry. 4. Cosmology and the distant 3. HST results Universe In 19 years HST has made almost 900,000 ob- 4.1. High redshift Type Ia supernovae servations, obtaining almost 500,000 images of and the acceleration of the Universe about 30,000 different fields. Observations made with the HST have Since supernovae are very bright objects and either solved problems that had been un- are relatively common (in an “average clus- 13 der debate for many years, or have revealed ter of galaxies” with, say, 10 M in stars, quite unexpected and exciting new phenom- one may expect several SN explosions to oc- ena. Among the HST high impact science we cur per year), they constitute prime candidates can mention the definitive measurement of to probe distances to galaxies. the expansion rate of the Universe, the so- That Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) could be called Hubble constant, the confirmation and used as standard candles has been proposed characterization of massive black holes in the for many years. However, most of the progress centers of galaxies, the detection of the host in this field has occurred over the last two galaxies of QSOs, and the exhaustive study decades. Extensive ground-based surveys have of the properties of the intergalactic medium identified a large number of new supernovae that tell us about the chemical evolution of the and characterized their global properties in 52 Panagia: The best of HST a statistically meaningful way. At the same mass density, ΩM, and the cosmological con- time, using the Hubble Space Telescope, a stant, Λ (or, equivalently, its dimensionless pa- 2 team led by Sandage has carried out an exten- rameter ΩΛ = Λ/3H0 ), to changes in the ex- sive program to determine the absolute bright- pansion rate by studying supernovae at a range ness of a selected sample of supernovae (e.g., of redshifts. Sandage et al. 2006 and references therein). Pioneering work by Danish astronomers This has allowed to place the Hubble di- (Nørgaard-Nielsen et al. 1989) led to the dis- agram for SNIa on an absolute scale and covery of one SNIa at z = 0.31 as the re- the Hubble constant itself to be determined sult of a multi-year observational effort. It was with a precision better than 10%. In par- only when Perlmutter’s Supernova Cosmology ticular, they derived a value for the Hubble Project (SCP) took off that SNIa searches constant of H0 = 62.3 ± 1.3(statistical) ± at high redshifts became an efficient reality. 5.0(systematic) km s−1 Mpc−1. A similar Thanks to their use of large format CCDs, study done by the so-call H0 Key Project a clever observational strategy, and sophis- (Freedman et al. 2001) led to a higher ticated image analysis techniques, in 1992 value obtained using SNIa as standard can- they discovered their first high redshift SNIa, dles, namely H0(KP) = 71 ± 2(statistical) ± SN 1992bi at z = 0.46 (Perlmutter et al. 1995), 6(systematic) km s−1 Mpc−1. In both cases followed in 1994 by 6 more at z > 0.35 the main source of uncertainty (about 8%) (Perlmutter et al. 1997). Friendly competi- arises from systematic errors, mostly due to tion promptly followed suit, when the High-Z the calibration of the period-luminosity re- Supernova Search Team (Schmidt et al. 1998) lation of Cepheids. The two determinations started their systematic searches in 1995, es- are not significantly different from each other, sentially adopting Perlmutter’s strategy and, and it makes sense to combine them to ob- consistently, also discovering a dozen super- tain a “compromise” value which is consis- nova candidates per run. By mid-1998 the tent with both studies, i.e. < H0 >= 65 ± SCP team has discovered and studied about 78 5 km s−1 Mpc−1. This value implies possible SNIa, most of which in the redshift range 0.2– ages of the Universe in the range 11-17 Gyrs, 0.8, and the HZSS team has discovered about depending of the acceleration/deceleration his- 32 SNIa. tory of the Universe itself. The results for a first subset (42 out of Once the expansion rate is determined, the 78) of the SCP sample of SNIa was presented next step is to determine its variation in the and discussed by Perlmutter et al. (1999). course of the evolution of the Universe, i.e. the The best fit confidence regions in the ΩM–ΩΛ derivative of its expansion rate. It is interest- plane showed that neither an empty Universe ing to note that, since one wants to measure the (ΩM = 0, ΩΛ = 0), nor a non-inflationary derivative of the expansion rate, it is only nec- Universe (ΩΛ = 0) are consistent with the data. essary to verify that SNe Ia are indeed standard For a flat cosmology (ΩM +ΩΛ = 1), one would candles, i.e. they have the same properties at f lat f lat find ΩM = 0.24±0.08 and ΩΛ = 0.76±0.08. all redshifts (or, equivalently, at all look-back Similar results, but still with a somewhat larger times), with no need to determine their abso- uncertainty, have also been found by the HZSS lute luminosities. In other words, one could team from the analysis of 10 of their high z measure the acceleration parameters without SNIa (Riess et al. 1998). measuring H0, and viceversa. In more recent years, the observers aug- The acceleration of the Universe can be mented their SNIa samples and routinely com- determined using SNIa as standard candles, plementing their ground-based observations if these are observed at suitably large dis- with higher quality photometry obtained with tances in order to reveal a measurable deviation the HST–WFPC2 (e.g., Perlmutter et al. 1998). from a constant expansion. Moreover, Goobar The obvious improvement provided by the su- and Perlmutter (1995) showed the possibility perior angular resolution of HST is that con- of separating the relative contributions of the tamination by the host light is signif- Panagia: The best of HST 53

Fig. 2. SN Ia Hubble diagram as obtained by Riess et al. (2007). High quality points for SNe Ia from ground-based discoveries are shown as diamonds, HST-discovered SNe Ia are shown as filled sym- bols. Overplotted is the best fit for a flat cosmology: ΩM = 0.29, ΩΛ = 0.71. The inset shows the resid- ual Hubble diagram and models relative to an empty Universe model. .

Fig. 1. Constraints to the matter density, ΩM, and the vacuum energy density, ΩΛ, as derived from than expected for an empty Universe expan- high quality SNIa observations up to z∼0.9 (Knop sion and that, viceversa at higher redshifts they et al. 2003). The 68%, 90%, 95%, and 99% confi- were brighter than the predictions for an empty dence regions are denoted. Universe (see Fig 3). These results are per- fectly consistent with the hypothesis of a cos- mological constant whose effects are negligi- icantly reduced and becomes an easily treat- ble in the early Universe, where the the grav- able problem, thus providing higher photomet- itational deceleration dominates over its con- ric accuracy. stant acceleration, but become dominant when Over the years the SNIa constraints on ΩM the gravitational effects decrease at lower red- and ΩΛ have been tighten up thanks to the su- shifts. In other words, Type Ia supernovae at perior accuracy and reliability of HST photom- z > 1 were able to provide the first statistically etry, especially with the installation of the ACS. “convincing” evidence for cosmic deceleration Figure 1 show the results obtained by the SCP that preceded the current epoch of cosmic ac- studying 11 new SNIa up to z ∼ 0.9 (Knop et celeration. al. 2003). However, it is a little distressing to notice Another quantum leap occurred when high that there is a rather large intrinsic dispersion z SNIa searches were carried out in coordi- of the SNIa magnitudes around the average nation with projects doing very deep imag- relationship corresponding to the concordance ing to study the nature and the properties of cosmology (ΩM ∼ 0.29, ΩΛ ∼ 0.71) with w = very distant galaxies (e.g., the GOODS project, -1 (see Fig 4). We see that the rms deviation is Giavalisco et al. 2004). about 0.2 magnitudes which is larger than the In this way Riess et al. (2004, 2007) were maximum systematic “acceleration” effect de- able to discover 23 SNIa at redshifts greater tectable at z ∼ 0.5. Although a number of pos- than 1, to confirm their nature by spectroscopy sible phenomena that may produce systematic with the ACS grism, and to monitor their light deviations have been ruled out (such as grey curves. Their measurements showed that SNIa extinction in the IGM or intrinsic luminosity at redshifts less that 1 appeared to be fainter of SNIa monotonically evolving with time), the 54 Panagia: The best of HST

Fig. 3. Distance difference in magnitudes for all high quality SNe (cz > 7000 km s−1) between the measured distance and that predicted for the con- cordance cosmology (ΩM ∼ 0.29, ΩΛ ∼ 0.71) with w = -1. [Adapted from Riess et al. 2007] Fig. 4. HST-ACS and Chandra composite image of the MACS J0025.4-1222 showing recent evidence that SNIa may be produced by the distributions of ordinary matter (in red (around a multiplicity of progenitors with widely dif- the cluster center), as mapped by its X-ray emission) and dark matter (in blue (on both sides relative to the ferent origins and properties (e.g., Mannucci center), detected by means of gravitational lensing et al. 2005, 2006) makes the case of using measurements). [Credit: Bradac & Allen, NASA, SNIa as reliable standard candles much less ESA, CXC] tight than it would be desirable. In particular, in the local Universe, SNIa occurring in late type galaxies have been found to be systematically brighter by several tenths of a magnitude than SNIa occurring in early lision has separated the dark from ordinary type galaxies (Filippenko 1989, Della Valle matter (Bradac et al. 2008) and provide an in- & Panagia 1992, Hamuy et al. 1996, Howell dependent confirmation of a similar effect de- 2001). Extending this trend to all redshifts, one tected previously in a target dubbed the Bullet would predict the alarming effect that SNIa Cluster (1E0657-56, Clowe et al. 2004, 2006, at redshifts less than 0.5-1 would be intrinsi- Bradac et al. 2006). These new results show cally dimmer than SNIa occurring at higher that the Bullet Cluster is not an anomalous redshifts, z > 1, which is just the behaviour case.This beautiful view of the galaxy cluster that is regarded as proof for acceleration. This MACSJ0025 demonstrates how ordinary mat- is a crucial aspect that must be clarified and ter and mysterious dark matter interact. The that requires many more studies and a lot of blue cloud-shaped parts flanking the centre caution before reaching the “ultimate” conclu- show the position of dark matter, mapped by sion about the reality and the strength of the HST-ACS using gravitational lensing to mea- cosmological acceleration. sure the amount of dark matter. The red middle indicates ordinary matter, charted by NASA’s 4.2. Dark matter Chandra X-Ray Observatory. The position of the two matter types shown in the image are ex- A powerful collision of galaxy clusters has plained by MACSJ0025’s origin. It was formed been captured by Hubble Space Telescope when a pair of large galaxy clusters collided. and Chandra X-ray Observatory (see Figure Ordinary matter in the form of hot gas slowed 4). The observations of the cluster known as down and pooled at the centre but dark matter MACS J0025.4-1222 indicate that a titanic col- passed straight through. Panagia: The best of HST 55

4.3. The evolution of galaxies and the cosmic formation rates The observations, made with the WFPC2 in selected pointings of the Northern and the Southern hemispheres (Williams et al. 1996, 2000) opened the way to the study of really high redshift galaxies, namely as high as z ∼ 5 and just about 1.5 bil- lion years after the Big Bang. The original Northern hemisphere HDF re- vealed a population of small, irregular galaxies that often appeared in pairs or small groups. Fig. 5. The Hubble Ultra Deep Field as imaged with Much of the light from these objects was of the HST-ACS. Also shown are the position, and the high surface brightness, owing to high rates of corresponding NICMOSand Spitzer-IRAC NIR im- star formation, but concentrated, requiring the ages (inserts), of the massive galaxy HUDF-JD2, which is estimated to be at a redshift z ∼ 6.5, the resolution of HST to identify them as distant most distant galaxy identified in the HUDF . [Credit: galaxies as opposed to red stars, for example. B. Mobasher, NASA, ESA] The extension of the deep-field approach to the southern hemisphere (Williams et al. 2000) confirmed the main conclusions of the HDF designed to include in the field both a spectro- but also showed the limitations of a small field scopically confirmed z=5.8 galaxy and a spec- survey in drawing broad conclusions about dis- troscopically confirmed type Ia SN at z=1.3. tant populations, i.e. cosmic error within small The HUDF field was also selected to be ac- fields can be substantial. cessible to most major observatories in both With the installation of a more efficient Northern and Southern hemispheres. camera, the ACS, deeper and deeper studies The ACS exposure time was divided were pursued, reaching with the Hubble Ultra among four filters, F435W (B435), F606W Deep Field (HUDF) survey objects at redshifts (V606), F775W (i775), and F850LP (z850), as high as ∼ 7 (Beckwith et al. 2006, Mobasher to give approximately uniform limiting mag- et al. 2005) . nitudes mAB ∼ 29 for point sources. The The ACS Hubble Ultra Deep Field HST observations were carried out between (HUDF) was a public survey, a 1 million s late September 2003 and mid-January 2004. exposure of an 11 square-arcmin region in The HUDF field contains at least 10,000 the southern sky imaged with the ACS on objects, the vast majority of which are galaxies. the HST using Director’s Discretionary Time. Three samples of galaxies in different redshift The main science driver was galaxy evolution intervals were identified in the HUDF from ob- and cosmology, including probing the epoch of jects with missing flux in the shortest wave- reionization up to z∼ 6.5 and characterizing length bands, those that ”dropped out” of the not only the colors but also the morphologies B435, V606, or i775 filters, corresponding ap- of faint sources. The primary instrument was proximately to redshift ranges 3.5 < z < 4.7, ACS, but WFPC2, NICMOS and STIS were 4.6 < z < 5.5, and 5.7 < z < 7, respec- also used in parallel. tively. The main findings can be summarized The HUDF consists of a single ultra-deep as (Beckwith et al. 2006): field (412 orbits in total) within the Chandra • As found in previous observations with the Deep Field South (Giacconi et al. 2002) in Hubble Space Telescope, galaxies at these high the GOODS area (Giavalisco et al. 2004). The redshifts are smaller and less symmetric in adopted pointing was selected so as to avoid shape than galaxies at lower redshifts. These the gaps with the lowest effective exposure on results confirm that galaxies evolved rapidly in the Chandra ACIS image of CDFS, and was the first few billion years after the Big Bang. 56 Panagia: The best of HST

• The faint sources detected by the HUDF are 4.4. Gamma ray bursts smaller on average than the brighter objects seen in shallower surveys such as GOODS Gamma-ray burst sources (GRBs) are pow- (Giavalisco et al. 2004) or the HDFs (Williams erful flashes of gamma rays associated with et al. 1996, 2000), with typical sizes (radius energetic explosions in distant galaxies, and enclosing 50% of the flux) of about 0.15 arc- may be the most luminous events occurring in sec. the Universe. The initial burst is usually fol- • The comoving volume density of galaxies lowed by a longer-lived ”afterglow” emitting needed to fit these high-redshift samples is at at longer wavelengths (X-ray, ultraviolet, opti- least 10 times smaller than the local value of cal, infrared, and radio). Most observed GRBs 0.016 Mpc−3 using the simplest assumptions are believed to be a narrow beam of intense ra- about source selection and the entire comoving diation released during a supernova event, as volumes allowed by color selection. However, a rapidly rotating, high-mass star collapses to since it is quite likely that the Lyman break form a black hole (see e.g., Della Valle 2009) dropout technique picks up only a fraction of As summarized by Fruchter et al. (2006) the galaxies at high redshift, the density de- when massive stars exhaust their fuel, they rived here may be a lower limit. collapse and often produce the extraordinar- • Although the luminosity density of galaxies ily bright explosions known as core-collapse at wavelengths of 1400 Å decreases modestly supernovae. On occasion, this stellar collapse from redshifts of a few out to redshifts greater also powers an even more brilliant relativistic than 6, vigorous star formation was already un- explosion known as a long-duration gamma- derway when the Universe was less then 1 bil- ray burst. Within this frame, long gamma- lion years old. ray bursts and core-collapse supernovae should be found in similar galactic environments. After the installation of WFC3 in mid- Fruchter et al. (2006), on the basis an HST- May, the HUDF09 program (GO-11563) de- WFPC2 study of about 20 host galaxies long voted 192 orbits to observations of three fields, gamma-ray bursts, argue that this is not the including the HUDF, using the newly avail- case. Actually, they find that GRBs are far able F105W, F125W and F160W near-infrared more concentrated in the very brightest re- filters (which correspond to the Y, H and J gions of their host galaxies than are the bulk of bands). core-collapse SNe (see Fig. 6). Moreover, the In particular, Bouwens et al. (2009) used a host galaxies of the long GRBs appear to be two-color Lyman-Break selection technique to fainter and more irregular than the host galax- identify z ∼ 8 − 8.5 Y-dropouts, and found 5 ies of most core-collapse SNe. From these re- probable candidates. The sources have H-band sults they conclude that long-duration gamma- magnitudes of ∼ 28.5 AB mag, apparent sizes ray bursts must be associated with the most ex- of ∼0.15” (∼ 0.7h−1 kpc), and very blue UV- tremely massive stars and may be restricted to continuum slopes (i.e. β < −2.5), suggesting galaxies of limited chemical evolution. that these z ∼ 8 galaxies are not only dust free but also perhaps have very young ages or low metallicities. The observed number of 5. The local Universe Y-dropout candidates is smaller than the 21 and 10 sources expected assuming no evolu- 5.1. Stellar populations in nearby tion from z ∼ 6 and z ∼ 7, respectively, but galaxies: younger stars in the is consistent with the 7 expected extrapolating Andromeda halo? Bouwens et al. (2008) luminosity function re- With an investment of 120 orbits of HST ob- sults to z ∼ 8. serving time, a team led by Tom Brown has ob- Deep field observations are also planned tained a color-magnitude diagram (CMD) for a for the James Webb Space Telescope later in minor-axis field in the halo of the Andromeda the mid-2010’s. galaxy (M31), 51 arcmin (11 kpc) from the Panagia: The best of HST 57

(see Figure 7). The CMD, constructed from ap- proximately 300,000 stars, reaches more than 1.5 mag fainter than the old main-sequence turnoff. Brown et al. analysis is based on direct comparisons to ACS observations of four glob- ular clusters through the same filters, as well as chi-squared fitting to a finely-spaced grid of calibrated stellar-population models. They find that the M31 halo contains a major (ap- proximately 30% by mass) intermediate-age (6-8 Gyr) metal-rich ([Fe/H] > −0.5) popu- lation, as well as a significant globular-cluster age (11-13.5 Gyr) metal-poor population. The newly discovered younger stars in Fig. 6. The host galaxies of 20 long-duration GRB Andromeda’s halo are richer in heavier ele- sources as imaged with HST. [Credit: NASA, ESA ments than the stars in our Milky Way’s halo, and A.Fruchter (STScI)] or in most of the small dwarf galaxies that surround the Milky Way. Indeed the level of chemical enrichment seen in these younger stars is characteristic of relatively massive galaxies, containing at least a billion stars. On the other hand, since the gas in a young giant galaxy rapidly falls into the disk, it is unlikely that the newly revealed intermediate-age pop- ulation could be explained by star formation continuing in the halo for more than 6 Gyrs. Brown et al. (2003) argue that a more plau- sible explanation is a merger with a large satel- lite galaxy when the Universe was approxi- mately half of its present age, or a series of mergers with smaller satellites. Thus, the re- sulting halo appears be a mix of stars origi- nally formed in the halo, disrupted-disk stars, disrupted-satellite stars, and stars formed dur- ing one or more mergers. These results open a number of interesting new possibilities, but leave us with the new question “what is the typ- ical halo formation process?” Is it a “violent” one like that we see occurring in Andromeda, or is it as quiescent as found in the halo of Fig. 7. A 18000 ×20000 region of M31 halo, the deep- our Milky Way galaxy? Only further studies on est visible-light image so far taken in space, ob- more galaxies will be able to answer this ques- served with the HST-ACS. [Credit: NASA, ESA and tion properly. T.M. Brown (STScI)]

5.2. Fireworks in SN 1987A equatorial nucleus (Brown et al. 2003). These observa- ring tions, taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope, are Supernova 1987A exploded on 1987 February among the deepest optical images yet obtained, 23 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Although attaining 50% completeness at V = 30.7 mag HST was not yet in orbit when this rare chance 58 Panagia: The best of HST

ejected when the progenitor was a red super- giant (e.g., Sonneborn et al. 1997). Over the next decades, as “slower” ejecta layers reach the ring, more and more spots will light up and the whole ring will shine as it did in the first several months after explo- sion. Eventually, the bulk of the ejecta will completely sweep the ring up, clearing the cir- cumstellar space of that remnant of the pre- supernova wind activity.

Fig. 8. Series of images of SN 1987A and its inner circumstellar ring obtained with HST-WFPC2 be- 5.3. The mysterious outburst of the star tween late 1994 (top, left) and mid-2006 (bottom, V838 Monocerotis right). It appears that the quiescent ring has devel- oped at least nine hot spots in the last five years. The previously unknown variable star V838 [Courtesy of Peter Challis (CfA), on behalf of the Monocerotis erupted in early 2002, brighten- SINS project (Supernova INtensive Study, PI: R.P ing suddenly by a factor of almost 10,000 at vi- Kirshner)] sual wavelengths. Unlike a supernova or nova, V838 Mon did not explosively eject its outer to observe a nearby supernova appeared, it layers, rather, it simply expanded to become a took advantage of the opportunity as soon as cool supergiant with a moderate-velocity stel- it became operational. The European Space lar wind. A series of superluminally expand- Agency’s took the first ing ring-like structures appeared around the images of SN 1987A on 1990 August 23-24, star shortly afterward, as illumination from the which revealed the supernova crowned by a outburst propagated into a surrounding, pre- glorious circumstellar ring. Later, two more existing circumstellar dust cloud (see Figure rings were discovered. 9). They are produced by simple reflection of HST has kept an attentive eye on SN light from the star by dust particles that are 1987A, and its observations have produced present in the circumstellar medium and, there- many fundamental results, including a direct fore, they are called “light echoes”. This is the measure of the supernova expansion, the de- first light echo seen in the Milky Way since tailed properties of its surrounding rings, the 1936. The star and its surrounding medium accurate measurement of the distance to the su- has been studied through a series of high- pernova, and the origin of the stars associated resolution images and polarimetry of the light with the supernova. echo with the HST-ACS. Recently, Hubble has observed the high- The echo exhibits a series of circular arcs, velocity material from the supernova explosion whose angular expansion rates show that the starting to overtake and crash into the slower- distance is greater than 2 kpc. The polarimetric moving inner ring. Figure 8 shows the dra- imaging (Sparks et al. 2008) shows that the dis- matic evidence of these collisions. The circum- tance is actually as high as 6 kpc. This distance stellar ring, which until 1996 was relatively agrees very well with that measured for the quiescent, started to develop bright spots in that surrounds V838 Mon (Afsar 1997, and in mid-2006 one can identify more & Bond 2007). It is estimated that at maxi- than twenty bright spots. These bright spots mum light, the object was extremely luminous, are the result of the fast moving component of at least as bright as visual absolute magnitude the ejecta colliding with the stationary equato- -9.6, which is about a million times brighter rial ring. The fastest debris, moving at 15,000 than the Sun. The spectrum of the star during km s−1 or 1/20 the speed of light, are now col- the outburst remained that of a cool stellar pho- liding with the slower moving gas which was tosphere, but as the outburst subsided a com- Panagia: The best of HST 59

V838 Mon thus appears to represent a new class of stellar outbursts, occurring in bi- nary systems containing a relatively hot main- sequence star and a companion that erupts to become a cool supergiant. A remarkably simi- lar event was seen in the Andromeda Galaxy in the late 1980’s. The presence of the cir- cumstellar dust implies that previous eruptions have occurred, and spectra show it to be a bi- Fig. 9. Comparison of ACS images of V838 Mon nary system. When combined with the high lu- obtained between May 20, 2002, and February minosity and unusual outburst behavior, these 8, 2004. The structure is dominated by a series characteristics indicate that V838 Mon repre- of nearly circular arcs and rings, centered on the sents a hitherto unknown type of stellar out- variable star, but there are cavities that become progressively more asymmetric with time. [Credit: burst, for which we have no completely satis- H.E. Bond (STScI), Hubble Heritage Team, NASA, factory physical explanation. ESA] 6. Observations of planets, far and near 6.1. A transiting extrasolar planet The low mass companion to HD 209458 was the first extrasolar planet found to transit the disk of its parent star (Charboneau et al. 2000, Mazeh et al. 2000). The importance of studying transits of planets in front of their parent star resides in the fact that one can directly determine the Fig. 10. Comparison of ACS images of V838 Mon size of the planet relative to the star. Since the obtained between November, 2005, and September, star radius is known at least from its spectral 2006. The apparently slower expansion of the echo type, one can obtain an accurate measure of may indicate that it has reached the outer layers of the planet absolute size. Moreover, from mea- the previously ejected material. [Credit: H.E. Bond surements of radial velocities of the parent star, (STScI), Hubble Heritage Team, NASA, ESA] which trace the wobble of the star due to the presence of the planet, one can unambiguously determine the planet mass. Having the mass and the size of the orbiting planet, one can de- posite spectrum appeared, which revealed the rive the average density of the planet, which presence of a hot star companion. can put stringent constraints to the theoretical More recent observations (see Figure 10) models of planet formation. show that the expansion of the light echo ap- HST-STIS observations of the HD 209458 pears to slow down suggesting that it has system (see Figure 11) indicated the presence reached the outer layers of the previously of a companion planet with orbital period of ejected material. The corresponding radius is 3.5247 days, a lower limit to its mass of Mp = about 2 pc, which, adopting a physical expan- 0.70 ± 0.05 MJ, a planet radius Rp = 1.35 ± sion velocity similar to the observed velocity of 0.06 RJ and a separation of 0.00468 AU ( the ejecta in 2002 outburst (∼ 200 km s−1), pro- Brown et al. 2001. A detailed analysis of the vides an age of about 10,000 years for the last transit light curve led to the conclusion that matter ejection episode before the 2002 out- the planet had no rings (which would have ap- burst. preciably altered the shape of the light curve) 60 Panagia: The best of HST

Fig. 11. HD 209458 HST-STIS light curve provides evidence for a planet transit (Brown et al. 2001) Fig. 12. Artist illustration of the absorption by the edge of the transiting planet’s atmosphere. [Credit: nor an orbiting satellite with mass higher than A. Feild (STScI), NASA, ESA] 3MEarth (whose presence would have affected the symmetry of the light curve). On the other hand, spectrophotometric ob- of the planet, the gas in the atmosphere im- servations made at the time of four transits printed their unique absorption signatures on revealed that the NaI line at 5889Å absorp- the spectrum radiated by the star HD 189733. tion line was becoming detectably stronger, More recently (June and August 2008), −4 i.e. (2.32 ± 0.57) × 10 , providing clear evi- Swain et al. making additional NICMOS ob- dence for the presence of a Na-rich atmosphere servations were also able to detect the pres- in the planet (Charbonneau et al. 2001). This ence of both CO2 and CO in the planet’s at- is the first detection of an atmosphere in an ex- mosphere. trasolar planet that marks the beginning of a Although HD 189733b is too massive and new and exciting era in which extrasolar plan- too hot (with a mass of about 1.2 mJupiter ets begin being fully characterized instead of and a surface temperature of about 1,300 K being merely detected gravitationally as point it qualifies as a ”hot Jupiter”) to be a likely sources with mysterious properties. host for life, these observations are a proof- of-concept demonstration that the basic chem- 6.2. Carbon compounds discovered on istry for life can be measured on planets or- an extrasolar planet biting other stars. The ultimate goal of stud- ies like these is to identify prebiotic molecules Extensive observations made in May 2007 with in the atmospheres of planets in the ”habitable Hubble’s Near Infrared Camera and Multi- zones” around other stars, where temperatures Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) have allowed are right for water to remain liquid rather than Swain et al. (2008) to detect the presence freeze or evaporate away. of methane in the HD 189733b, This successful demonstration of looking which is orbiting around the K-type dwarf at the near-infrared spectrum of the parent star HD 189733. They also were able to con- as modified by a planet’s atmosphere absorp- firm the existence of water molecules in the tion is very encouraging for astronomers plan- planet’s atmosphere, a discovery made origi- ning to use the James Webb Space Telescope nally by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope in when it is launched in 2013 (see sections 8-10). 2007 (Tinetti et al. 2007). Since biomarkers are best seen at near-infrared The observations were made as the planet wavelengths. spectroscopy with the JWST will transited (Pont et al. 2007) in front of its parent provide an ideal tool to detect biomarkers on a star, as illustrated in Fig. 12. As the stellar light terrestrial planet the size of Earth, or a “super- passed through the atmosphere along the edge Earth” several times our planet’s mass. Panagia: The best of HST 61

Fig. 13. A composite of several images of Comet P/Shoemaker- Levy 9 fragments taken with HST- WFPC2 in February 1994 that shows the full ”string of pearls”, i.e. the whole series of the comet frag- ments [Credit: H.A Weaver & T.E.. Smith (STScI), NASA]

6.3. The impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9, formally des- Fig. 14. Image of Jupiter taken with the HST- ignated D/1993 F2) was a comet that broke WFPC2 on July 22, 1994. Eight impact sites are apart and collided with Jupiter in July 1994, visible [Credit: NASA, ESA, H. Hammel (Space providing the first direct observation of an ex- Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.), and the Jupiter traterrestrial collision of solar system objects. Impact Team] The collision provided new information about Jupiter and highlighted its role in reducing space debris in the inner solar system. In July 1992 the orbit of Shoemaker-Levy 9 had passed within Jupiter’s Roche limit, and Jupiter’s tidal forces acted to pull the comet apart. SL9 was later observed as a series of fragments ranging up to 2 km in diameter, of- ten referred to as the ”string of pearls”. An observing campaign, lead by Heidi Hammel, was launched to study this unique event with Hubble. The twenty-one large chunks of the comet collided with Jupiter’s Fig. 15. A new spot on Jupiter, caused by the southern hemisphere between July 16 and July impact of a comet or an asteroid, was observed 22, 1994, at a speed of approximately 60 km/s. with HST-WFC3 on July 23, 2009 [Credit: NASA, The prominent scars from the impacts were ESA, H. Hammel (Space Science Institute, Boulder, more easily visible than the GreatRed Spot Colo.), and the Jupiter Impact Team] and persisted for many months. In particular, an HST image of Jupiter obtained on July 22, 1994, shows eight impact sites (see Fig. 14). From left to right are the E/F complex This was the first impact ever observed in (barely visible on the edge of the planet), the the Solar system but not the last one! star shaped H site, the impact sites for tiny On July 23, 2009, NASA scientists in- N, Q1, small Q2, and R, and on the far right terrupted the checkout and calibration of the limb the D/G complex. The D/G complex also Hubble Space Telescope to aim at a new ex- shows extended haze at the edge of the planet. panding spot on Jupiter. The spot, caused by The features are rapidly evolving on timescales the impact of a comet or an asteroid, was dis- of days. The smallest features in the this image covered by the Australian amateur astronomer are less than 200 kilometers across. Anthony Wesley on July 19, 2009. The Hubble 62 Panagia: The best of HST picture (Fig. 15), taken on July 23, 2009, is the Giavalisco M., et al., 2004, ApJ, 600, L93 sharpest image taken of the impact feature. Hamuy, M., et al., 2000, AJ, 120, 1479 The observations were made with Howell, D.A., 2001, ApJ, 554, L193 HST new camera, the Wide Field Camera 3. 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