The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without RESIGNATION AS A DELEGATE objection, the resignation is accepted. TO THE NATO PARLIAMENTAR- There was no objection. IANS CONFERENCE The SPEAKER laid before the House the following communication, which § 8. Resignations From was read: Delegations and Com- NOVEMBER 14, 1960. missions Hon. , Speaker, House of Representatives, § 8.1 A Member’s letter of res- Washington, D.C. ignation as a delegate to an DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I sincerely re- international conference is gret that I must tender my resignation laid before the House. as a delegate to the NATO Parliamen- ( ) On Jan. 3, 1961, 1 Speaker Sam tarians Conference for the year 1960. Rayburn, of , laid before the I appreciate very much your having House two letters of resignation of appointed me. Members as delegates to the Very truly yours, NATO Parliamentarians Con- ROBERT J. CORBETT, ference: Member of Congress. NOVEMBER 14, 1960. The SPEAKER, The Speaker then announced to House of Representatives, the House that pursuant to an Washington, D.C. order of the House authorizing SIR: Because of the extreme press of him to accept resignations and business at the present time it is im- make certain appointments, he possible for me to attend the NATO Parliamentarians Conference to be had appointed two Members to re- held in Paris this week. Therefore, I place the two Members who had hereby submit my resignation from the resigned. House contingent. I wish to take this opportunity to ex- press to you my gratitude for your con- Resignations from Commis- fidence in me in appointing me. If I sions may be of service to you in any way I am yours to command. § 8.2 The Chair laid before the Most cordially yours, House a communication from MERWIN COAD, a Member resigning from the Representative in Congress. House Commission on Con- gressional Mailing Stand- 1. 107 CONG. REC. 26, 87th Cong. 1st Sess. ards.


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On Sept. 20, 2006,(1) the Speak- Member (the former Majority er pro tempore(2) laid before the Leader) from the House Of- House the following communica- fice Building Commission.(1) tion: Pursuant to statute (2 USC HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, § 2001), as well as ‘‘recess appoint- Washington, DC, September 19, 2006. ment’’ authority granted by unani- Hon. J. , mous consent on Dec. 18, 2005, Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. the Chair announced the Speak- er’s appointment of the (new) Ma- DEAR SPEAKER HASTERT: It has been jority Leader to fill a vacancy on an honor and a privilege to serve the the House Office Building Com- House as Chair of the Franking Com- mission. I am grateful to Chairman mission. Ehlers for the opportunity I have had On Mar. 9, 2006,(2) the following to serve in this position. occurred: I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the majority and minority staff of RESIGNATION OF MEMBER AND APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER the Franking Commission, as we have TO HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING worked together to ensure the stand- COMMISSION ards of the Commission have been met. In particular, I would like to commend The SPEAKER pro tempore(3) laid Jack Dail and Rich Landon for before the House the following commu- unending dedication to the commis- nication from the Hon. TOM DELAY, sion. The purpose of this letter is to in- Member of Congress: form you that I am removing myself CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, from the Franking Commission effec- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, February 13, 2006. tive today. Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, Sincerely, Speaker of the House, House of Rep- , resentatives, The Capitol, Wash- Member of Congress. ington, DC.

DEAR MR. SPEAKER, I hereby resign § 8.3 The Chair laid before the my position as a member of the House House the resignation of a Office Building Commission effective immediately. 1. 152 CONG. REC. 18788, 109th Cong. Sincerely, 2d Sess. TOM DELAY, Parliamentarian’s Note: Because Member of Congress. his appointment to the Franking Commission did not require House 1. Before title 40 was codified as posi- approval, neither did his resignation. tive law in 2002, the statute ap- Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers (MI) was ap- peared at 40 USC § 175. pointed to fill this vacancy on the 2. 152 CONG. REC. 3172, 109th Cong. Commission. See Id. at p. 18832. 2d Sess. 2. Michael K. Simpson (ID). 3. John Campbell (CA).


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The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- notwithstanding the adjournment ant to 2 U.S.C. 2001, and the order of of the first session of the 90th the House of December 18, 2005, the Congress, Speaker McCormack be Chair announces that on February 13, 2006, the Speaker appointed the gen- authorized to accept resignations tleman from (Mr. BOEHNER) to (and to appoint commissions, the House Office Building Commission boards, and committees author- to fill the existing vacancy thereon. ized by law or by the House). There was no objection and it was § 8.4 The Speaker may be au- so ordered. thorized by unanimous con- sent to accept resignations Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that notwith- notwithstanding an adjourn- standing the adjournment of the first ment sine die. session of the 90th Congress, the On Oct. 14, 1968,(1) Speaker Speaker be authorized to accept res- John W. McCormack, of Massa- ignations, and appoint commissions, boards, and committees authorized by chusetts, was authorized to accept law or by the House. resignations (and appoint commis- The SPEAKER. Without objection, it sions, boards, and committees), is so ordered. notwithstanding adjournment of There was no objection. the second session of the 90th On Oct. 22, 1965,(3) Speaker Congress sine die. McCormack was authorized to ac- Mr. [Carl] ALBERT [of ]. cept resignations and to appoint Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent commissions, boards, and commit- that notwithstanding the adjournment tees authorized by law, notwith- of the 2d session of the 90th Congress, standing adjournment sine die. the Speaker be authorized to accept resignations, and appoint commissions, Mr. [Hale] BOGGS [of ]. boards, and committees authorized by Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent law or by the House. that notwithstanding the adjournment The SPEAKER. Is there objection to of the 1st session of the 89th Congress, the request of the gentleman from the Speaker be authorized to accept Oklahoma? resignations, and to appoint commis- There was no objection. sions, boards, and committees author- ized by law or by the House. (2) On Dec. 15, 1967, Mr. Albert The SPEAKER. Is there objection to asked for unanimous consent that, the request of the gentleman from Lou- isiana? 1. 114 CONG. REC. 31313, 90th Cong. There was no objection. 2d Sess. 2. 113 CONG. REC. 37190, 90th Cong. 3. 111 CONG. REC. 28563, 89th Cong. 1st Sess. 1st Sess.


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§ 8.5 The Speaker was author- unanimous consent to accept ized by unanimous consent resignations from commis- to accept resignations not- sions, boards, and commit- withstanding an adjourn- tees, as authorized by law or ment to a day certain. by the House, for a stated pe- On Oct. 13, 1970,(1) Mr. Carl Al- riod. bert, of Oklahoma, asked for On Jan. 8, 2003,(1) the House by unanimous consent that, notwith- standing any adjournment of the unanimous consent authorized House until Nov. 16, 1970, the Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, of Illi- Speaker be authorized to accept nois, Majority Leader Tom DeLay, resignations and to appoint com- missions, boards, and committees of Texas, and Minority Leader authorized by law or by the Nancy Pelosi, of California, to ac- House. Speaker John W. McCor- cept resignations and make ap- mack, of Massachusetts, asked if there was any objection to the re- pointments to commissions, quest of the gentleman from Okla- boards, and committees during homa and there was none. the first session, as authorized by Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask law or by the House. unanimous consent that notwith- standing any adjournment of the Ms. [Deborah] PRYCE [of Ohio]. Mr. House until November 16, 1970, the Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Speaker be authorized to accept res- ignations and to appoint commissions, during the first session of the 108th boards, and committees authorized by Congress, the Speaker and majority law or by the House. leader and minority leader be author- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from ized to accept resignations and to Oklahoma? make appointments authorized by law There was no objection. or by the House. The SPEAKER pro tempore.(2) Is Informing House of Resigna- there objection to the request of the tions During Adjournment gentlewoman from Ohio? § 8.6 The Speaker and party There was no objection. leaders may be authorized by 1. 149 CONG. REC. 239, 108th Cong. 1st 1. 116 CONG. REC. 36600, 91st Cong. 2d Sess. Sess. 2. Dennis R. Rehberg (MT).


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