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JURONG WEST WEST WEST Town Map JURONGJURONGJURONG WEST WEST WEST Town Map BULIMBULIM DRIVE DRIVE (u/c) (u/c) PLANTATIONPLANTATION CRESCENTCRESCENT P SingaporeSingapore CustomsCustoms A N -- II S L Boys’Boys’ HomeHome OperationsOperations BULIMBULIM AVENUE AVENUE A N JurongJurong InnovationInnovation DistrictDistrict D TENGAHTENGAH GARDENGARDEN AVENUEAVENUE (u/c)(u/c) CommandCommand BULIMBULIM STREETSTREET (u/c)(u/c) JJUU WESTWEST WestwoodWestwood RR ONGONG OO WWEESSTT JUJURR SS NNGG J J E ResidencesResidences TT RR STREETSTREET 2222 U U X Westwoodestwood EE TT 2255 BULIMBULIM P TENGAHTENGAH BOULEVARDBOULEVARD EE R R JJ SecondaSecondarryy ProposedProposed R AVENUEAVENUE BULIMBULIM DRIVE DRIVE (u/c) (u/c) O O NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood ChineseChinese NN 3 A 3 PlacePlace ofof 22 E SchoolSchool NG NG TTempleemple OO LL WorshipWorship ParkPark S II E WW A E S TT TT estvilleestville AA U U TT SS NN WW W EE W TT N N N estwoodestwood SS EE W W TT R R A NN E E HuaHua Y Yii E E CC EE AA V V EE TT Y LL SS A A SecondaSecondarryy PP STST EE TheThe PP G G FormerFormer RR aa N N SchoolSchool E E Woods rrkk TT OO CC SS ST ST HongHong KahKah V V EE CoCorrporationporation AVENUEAVENUEFormerFormer RR ChoiceChoice R R JJurongvilleurongville WW Boys'Boys' ComplexComplex SecondarySecondary PLANTATIONPLANTATION YY PPrrimaimarryy JurongJurong JuniorJunior CollegeCollege RetreatRetreat U U E E RR SecondaSecondarryy GG P TheThe JUJURR P J NN (To(To BeBe Relocated)Relocated) J SchoolSchool LOOPLOOP SchoolSchool AA EE HouseHouse PPetroletrol S S 4 OO 4 L FlorFloraavvaleale SchoolSchool L RR EETT E E UU StationStation A A 2 JJ CC 2 OO StSt Joseph'sJoseph's 4 4 W 22 OO SS TT R R EE NN W NanyangNanyang NN HomeHome TT RR NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood 22 JurongJurong GG PP TT SS 33 ONG CANAL DRIVE ONG CANAL DRIVE EEEE PPoliceolice CentreCentre J J ProposedProposed AA TechnologicalTechnological RR OO AssociationAssociation VV JurongJurong ParkPark AA FireFire StationStation R R BB TT ProposedProposed SS RR UU ChineseChinese EE TT UniversityUniversity 4 4 oliceolice W W SS WEST AA G G NN JJurongurong II ChineseChinese ProposedProposed UU ConnectorConnector OO JU JU JJurongurong PP TT N N JJ TempleTemple GekGek PPohoh RR EE 7 7 AA EE PPolyclinicolyclinic NN EE II O O DivisionDivision HQHQ // TTempleemple BoonBoon L Laa UU ChurchChurch . SSTT O O RR ShoppingShopping CommunityCommunity EE T T NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood N N RR OO ChineseChinese 11 66 oliceolice CentreCentre HH 2 2 ClubClub U U PetrolPetrol U U CentreCentre S S PP RR PPetroletrol EETT JJ OO NN TTempleemple ChurchChurch EE NN StationStation JJ LL RR OO . RR UU PP StationStation MosqueMosque TT EE N N NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood RR OO NN JJurongurong ProposedProposed SS GG UU A A G yy VV OO J J G G RR OO TT G G AA CentreCentre 1 1 GreenGreen S S PP AA OneOne WorldWorld .W.W CivicCivic && JJurongurong E XX E DD OO J J 4 4 W GekGek PPohoh VilleVille RR W NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood CommunityCommunity E E PioneerPioneer CommunityCommunity BlueBlue CrossCross PPrrimaimarryy InternationalInternational SchoolSchool JJ..WW NN .. G SS G EE TT.. 8822 WW CentreCentre CommuniCommunittyy ClubClub ClubClub G G N N BB O O O O N N L L A A ThongThong KKhhengeng InstitutionInstitution SchoolSchool PrimaryPrimary SchoolSchool GG O O (Nanyang(Nanyang Campus)Campus) JUROJURON JJurongurong SpSprringing A A R R EE NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood JJ NursingNursing U U UU RROO J J NN CommunityCommunity N N (Interim)(Interim) GG W ChineseChinese PParkark SS I I EE 5 5 HomeHome (u/c)(u/c) FuhuaFuhua W ClubClub W SS TTempleemple TT 1 1 ChurchChurch A A OO NN UURR GG 3 3 TT ShuqunShuqun SecondaSecondarryy E E JJ 8 8 R R T T E 7 7 PPrrimaimarryy E GraceGrace SS SchoolSchool WW A A TT EE TTRR D D SS EE . SS ProposedProposed SS SchoolSchool EETT E Westwood TTRR 77 YY E AA OrchardOrchard SchoolSchool SS T T S S .. EE 66 TT R R SS CivicCivic && SS PrimaryPrimary ..W AA RulangRulang BoonBoon LayLay BoonBoon LayLay TT E E JJ SS TT E E ChineseChinese CommunityCommunity T T ProposedProposed E E .. EE LL T T PPrrimaimarryy SchoolSchool YY P P LL A A CC E E SchoolSchool ShoppingShopping WW PlacePlace EE RR T T U U .. TTempleemple 44 InstitutionInstitution YuhuaYuhua ChineseChinese JJ CentreCentre TT MarketMarket EE SS SS T T 77 SS JJururoonngg EEaasstt NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood JURONG JURONG SecondarySecondary TempleTemple TT TT 55 AA S S WEST WEST ST ST 72 72 JJ TT LakeshoreLakeshore R /FoodVillage/FoodVillage RR SSppoorrttss && TheThe R E NE N ParkPark EE 22 SchoolSchool E E VV E EE 55 11 E AA TT CanadianCanadian RReeccrreeaattiioonn 33 MMaayyffairair V V E E W W EE InteInterrnationalnational CCeennttrree PPetroletrol T T LL 55 A A .. NN NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood ChineseChinese SchoolSchool TT StationStation 11 E LakeLake GrandeGrande (u/c)(u/c) JJ LakevilleLakeville AA JURONG JURONG LAKE LINK LAKE LINK S S U UU ChineseChinese TempleTemple EE ParkPark 3 3 N UU NN VV E 2 NN II LAKESIDELAKESIDE EE 2 TTempleemple V G G RR OO ChurchChurch A RR TT STATIONSTATION . N N OO PP II OO NN EE EE RR RR OO AA DD OO MRR DD E E NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood BB 11 O O . TT West Grove (The(The FFrrontontierier BOONBOON L LAA NN J J CentreCentre PParcarc VistaVista UR UR PrimaryPrimary SchoolSchool CCoommmmuunitynity ClClub,ub, YY W A Y J J GG PPetroletrol WW EE SS AA JJururoongng WestWest PublicPublic 11 LL BoonBoon LayLay StationStation NaNannyyangang && JJuurorongng LibLibrraaryry TT LL GardenGarden D PPaarrkk CommunityCommunity AA TheThe LakefrontLakefront JJ ccalal CCentre)entre) SS MMeedidi RiRivverer ValleyValley PParcarc OasisOasis RR NN .W.W J UJ RU OR NO GN G YY N ChurchChurch ClubClub E E BoonBoon LLaayy TT OO PrimaryPrimary ResidencesResidences NN HighHigh SchoolSchool YY OO CaspianCaspian .. A yy W SecondaSecondarr EE BB SchoolSchool LL AA XingnanXingnan ProposedProposed HealthHealth 11 SS LL 99 CC SchoolSchool DRIVE DRIVE SiteSite ofof newnew ProposedProposed TT && MedicalMedical CareCare PPrrimaimarryy SchoolSchool .. W W 7711 S TT ChurchChurch II JJ UU RR OO NN GG LaLakkeholmzeholmz ScienceScience TheThe FrontierFrontier TT EE W E S -- EE E E TT CommunityCommunity SS SummerdaleSummerdale CentreCentre RR EE CHINESECHINESE TT PlacePlace EE 3 3 JurongJurong ParkPark VV S S JJ..W SS N .. PioneerPioneer RR YuanYuan ChingChing GARDENGARDEN LL J J WW ConnectorConnector EE T T A AA SS JUJURONG LAKE MMRR . NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood MallMall SecondarySecondary W W P JJ InterimInterim EE GG RR CentreCentre GG BB OO OO NN RR SchoolSchool YY TT SSTT UU C C . JurongJurong NN TT NN ChildChild CareCare OO UU RR RR NN ChineseChinese WW JJUU PParkark LaLakkepointepoint AA W WE SE S OO S S OO West EE A A TIONTION OO CentreCentre 22 66 EE NN CC CC CondominiumCondominium T T TTempleemple FutureFuture JurongJurong RR EE ProposedProposed SS HawkerHawker TT RR EE S S NN EE EE JJ . RR TT GG T T SS UU EE TT NN . WW PlacePlace ofof GG SS AA ONGONG TT AA LakeLake GardensGardens JJ GG CentreCentre S S NN T T TT PP J 99 EE II J J UJ RU OR NO GN G WW AA WE . NN GG RR RR U Worshiporship 22 OONN DD II U JJUUR R GG AA R R BOON LAY OO R JUJURR T T S S NN AA EastEast R OO LL O RR O NTUCNTUC HealthHealth RR 22 S S JJurongurong NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood Westest E E UU RR JJ DD N N WW T T TheThe NursingNursing HomeHome PParkark G urongurong G PPrrimaimarryy EE JJ AA LaLakkesideeside R R CentrisCentris JurongJurong LakeLake EE ointoint (Jurong(Jurong West)West) SchoolSchool PP TT GroGrovvee E E TT JurongJurong WestWest T RT ER EE E T GardensGardens WestWest T SS E E BusBus O II O ParkPark ConnectorConnector OO T T (under(under redevelopment)redevelopment) W W TT PioneerPioneer InterchangeInterchange LaLakkesideeside JJuyinguying PIONEERPIONEER wnwn CentreCentre oo 66 PPrrimaimarryy N N PPrrimaimarryy PolyclinicPolyclinic TT NN JJurongurong MRRTT 44 SchoolSchool JJuyinguying YYunnanunnan SchoolSchool CentralCentral H H JJurongurongWestest SecondaSecondarryy GardensGardens SSTTAATIONTION T T SS BOONBOON LLAAYY KANGKANG CHINGCHING ROADROAD A A YY PParkark 99 SpoSporrtsts && RecreationRecreation 33 SchoolSchool 66 DD L L TT RR 33 AAIINN MRT AA L L PPetroletrol CentreCentre T T GGEE EE RR VV EEEE EESSEERR YY CC RR RR ProposedProposed TT StationStation J J UURR OONN GG W E E S S TT S S STATIONSTATION InterimInterim UU RR WW A A OO B B E E CC CivicCivic && N NO OR R NN CivicCivic && OO RR RR GG LaLakkesideeside AA CommunityCommunity PP HH E E EE CommunityCommunity O O DD FutureFuture JurongJurong 65 65 OO TToowerswers InstitutionInstitution SS InstitutionInstitution I I T T FrontierFrontier RR EE N N MosqueMosque LakeLake GardensGardens usesuses O PrimaryPrimary RR O AA TAHTAH CHINGCHING ROADROAD T TH H VV TT G G EE SchoolSchool II CentralCentral NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood OO TTamanaman JJurongurong N N 6 6 ChurchChurch AA PParkark NN CommunityCommunity ClubClub 1 1 NN JJurongurong Westest DD TT SecondaSecondarryy RR amanaman J J RROO ShoppingShopping Centre Centre AADD SchoolSchool SAFRASAFRA II LaLakkesideeside VV RR OO AA DD ClubClub EE ApaAparrtmenttment R O AA D urongurong FOURTHFOURTH CHIN CHIN BEE BEE ROAD ROAD BB OO OO NN LL AA YY P P DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE RREESSEERRVVEE I I O O JJurongurong CCHHIINNGG RROO OO AA DD HH N N StadiumStadium UUNGNG SHENGSHENG RDRD.. YY ParkviewParkview KianKian TeckTeck HostelHostel E E TamanTaman MansionsMansions BlueBlue StarsStars E E EE NN TT EE RR PP RR II SS EE RR JurongJurong MarketMarket && OO R R G G DormitoryDormitory AA ChurchChurch DD FoodFood CentreCentre NN RecreationRecreation CCHHIINNGG OO RR AA DD TT .. O O Font: Futura Medium CentreCentre RR LakeLake LifeLife C50 M50 Y55 K15 C20 M40 Y80 K0UU ChineseChinese R R JJ TTempleemple O O ProposedProposed UUNNGG YY A A ForeignForeign KKUUAA NNGG RR OOAADD D D Workers R O A D C C DormitoryDormitory O O R R R L R JurongJurong ParkPark L JJurongurong P P O O TT II OO NN AA LL ConnectorConnector O O SecondaSecondarryy N N AA A U A R PP PP R SchoolSchool EE TT EE RR NN AA O O D R D A West A YY II NN T T R R PointPoint I I O O T T HospitalHospital N KianKian TeckTeck N HUHU CHINGCHING RDRD.
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