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Central Florida Future, Vol. 17 No. 03, September 7, 1984,

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.. [_ •

· Investigation begins amid threats from ,Rotter problems concerning deposits, pus government into the statutory plications that he. might threaten by Rob•rt Sullivan payroll, requisitioning pr

· Band proble·m · resolved in part l • I Athletics, remains unsecured by Don Wittekind and in question. Student .· l FUTURE STAFF WRITER , Body President John Sowin­ ski said, "I'll be meeting with Last week, days before its' President Colbourn Tuesday " first performance, the UCF morning to discuss the fun­ marching band was informed ding source for the ~and' s that it had e~pended its funds away trip. for the 1984-85 fiscal year. ~ Enraged, band students When asked to comment on swarmed the administration the ·band's handling of the building April 29, demanding situation, band director Jerry action from Vice President Gardner replied~ "I'm very Phil Goree. While Goree was proud of the way the students Whoops ... Tim Barto/Future effectively paralyzed by the conducfud themselves. They ~ absence of President Col­ organiied, debated the issue The Knights opened their 1984 season on a somewhat sour note. Robert Ector bobbles the bourn, he was able to take intelligently, and made their boll here as Bethune-Cookman defenders move in. See pg. 15 for a preview of the Knights $2500 from a general fund to case known to everybody." next foes. • get the band to· the first game. Band students, wary of Gardner was also pleased -that the administration, debated out of the crisis has come Business fraternity kicks off ye·ar for some time before eventual­ some good. ''The administra­ --"'------At weekly business meetings ,members ac- . ly deciding to march one per­ tion is meeting to set up a tively participate in the plans and decisions formance in the good faith regular funding program for by Jennifer Machtel made for the fraternity. that the funding problem the band. After five years, FUTURE STAFF WRITER Another aspect is the community service would be handled. something permanent should ------that they do. Each semester a new communi­ Now, after several meetings be established." Delta Sigma Pi, the professional busi~ess ty project is planned and completed. Last between band officials and ad­ fraternity at UCF, kicked off their fall rush semester their members helped at The ministrators, the band has In response to the band's this week. Strawberry Festival, proceeds of which were been guaranteed at least outcry, the UCF Marketing The fraternity is co-ed and open to business donated to rhe American Cancer Society. $8900 from the administra­ Club donated $500 to help majors. They are nationally affiliated and Their national community work is done for tion to help cover its budget. cover costs and has issued a have over 200 undergraduate chapters in Junior Achievement. The remaining $5000 balance, challenge to other clubs and three countries and 50 alumni clubs. Professional activities allow members and which administrative officials organizations to do the same. The primary emphasis of the fraternity is UCF students to become acquainted with said was to come from Stu- Several private donations on practical experience in the business field. • dent Government · or have also been recieved . SEE DELTA, PAGE 7

• Page2 SEPTEMBER 7, 1984 • proud to announce their spon- ., sorship of a new chapter of the International Toastmaster's Club. The first meeting will take place on Sept. 11 at 7:45 a.m. in the Knights Room located just in­ ~ Effective Sept. 8, weekend side the northern entrance to hours for the Student Health the cafeteria. Coffee and Center are Saturdays and doughnuts will be served. Sundays, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The health center will be open • •• Any woman between the at 7 a.m. on Mondays and will ages of 1 7 and 26 on the provide 24 hour coverage Labor Day holiday may be throughout the week, closing eligible to compete in the first at' 7 a.m. on Saturday. In case. annual Miss Orange County of emergency during the Scholarship Pageant which hours the health center is will be a preliminary to the closed, students should phone Miss Ameriea Pageant. Ap­ their own physician or go to a plicants must also be high hospital emergency room. school graduates and can never have · been married . ••• Judging of the candidates will . Sigma Phi Epsilon national be based on the same values social fraternity will be as considered at the Miss Tim Barto/Future establishing a new chapter on Florida Pageant and the Miss Given to pain the University of Central America Pageant. The Some people feel they can never give enough of themselves. Here, UCF students line up aft I Florida campus beginning pageant will be held Nov. 24 th$ Bloodmobile to give a pint of their best. Sept. 18. "Sig Ep" began at 8 p.m. at the Orlando negotiating with university Garden Club in Loch Haven officials in Sept. of 1983. • Park, Orlando. Applications pear on television. in the trade groups, and educational After several visits and ex­ Michael B. Butler, MD a for cont~stants, sponsorship changes of information, the member of the UCF Founda­ weeks that followed, the Col­ and civic foundations of contestants, advertising in fraternity made a presenta­ tion's Board of Directors has lege Football Association, a amounts to approximately ., the program book and ticket been appointed to the state's coalition of 63 college powers, one fourth of all financial aid ti~n to the administration and information may be obtained Interfraternity Council in Postsecondary Education and the Big Ten all signed TV available, or a sum of about by calling 277-7327, 841-6183 April of 1984, and was Planning Commission. He contracts with the three $500 million dollars. Much or 365-2388. lives in Longwood and prac­ granted permission to broadcast networks. private financial aid is based• . establish a chapter this fall ••• tices in Altamonte Springs. • •• on factors other than need or Anyone interested in If you have ever wanted to family income, such as major, becoming involved with the fly a helicopter, here is your The Mid-Atlantic Legal occupational goal, willingness • Foundation, conservative new fraternity can contact opportunity. The Army now· a- to enter contests, write Jeff Hudson, Graduate Ad­ has _ppenings in its warrant legal group, had claimed the essays, or take on an intern- visor to Fraternities, through officer flight training pro­ system-the same system us­ ship. . ,. .the Student Activities Office. gram. To qualify, you must ed by PIRGs around the The Scholarship Bank has have a high school diploma, country-was an unconstitu­ approximately 25,000 sources have 'no previous military ser­ tional ·infringement of some of private financial aid and •• • students' rights. Last year, a will send students a list of 20 ' The Triathlon Club will vice, be at least 17 years old Faculty memebers at laeyer for the Pennsylvania to 50 ·names and addresses hold its first meeting on Sept. and not older than 24 at the private colleges and univer­ higher education board er­ upon receiving a completed 10 at 7:30 p.m.,in the Educa­ time of your enlistment on ac­ sities lost more ground in roneously reported that the questionnaire from the stu-,. tion Building, Room 17 4. tive duty. For more informa­ their ·efforts to bargain as case had been settled and that dent. The questionnaire can Runners, bikers, swimmers or tion about qualifications or groups with administrators a court had ruled the checkoff be ordered from The Scholar­ anyone interested in this ex­ the program, call or stop by for wages and working condi­ system illegal. ship Bank in Los Angeles by• citing sport is welcome to at­ your local Army recruiter. tions. In June, a regional Na­ On these grounds, the Pen­ sending a stamped, self· tend. This is your chance· to tional Labor Relations Board nsylvania board junked the addressed, envelope to 10100 get in shape and roll the director ruled teachers at the checkoff system used by the Santa Monica Boulevfil.d, No.• boulder. For more informa­ .·Polytechnic Institute of New giant Commonwealth 2600, Los Angeles, Ca. 90067 tion call Jeff or John at • • UCF York are managers, not Association _of Students 273-4262. ·11"1r PEOPLE workers. As managers, they (CAS), which lobbies in Har­ can't force the administration risburg on the students'· ••• to negotiate With their union. behalf. The same week the . Dr. Don Eaker has been The Student Personnel In July, Administrative Law New Jersey court okayed the AROUND honored by American Univer­ Association will hold its mon­ Jv.dge George Mcinerny PIRG checkoff system, CAS sity· and the International FLORIDA· thly meeting on Sept. 12 in similarly rul~d that Boston sued state officials to get its Council of Sex ,Education and the Dean's Conference Room University faculty members system back. CAS argued Parenthood as a Distinguish­ in Phillips Hall. Members and are managers because they that the state was retaliating ed Fellow in recognition of his .• persons intere.sted in becom­ participate in hiring and cur­ against CAS's effective lob­ expertise · and ethical stan­ Humans Against Rabbit ing members are urged to at­ riculum decisions. bying efforts. dards in the field of sex educa• Exploitation ·(HARE), will tend. The club's major goal is hold a rally at noon Oct. 1 at• to offer students a wide range tion. He is involved with sex education, sex therapy, fami­ ••• ••• the Orange County Conven­ of experience and oppor­ Two USF students who High school and college tion Center to protest the tunities in the personnel field. ly planning, marital relation­ ships, and adolescent pro­ were involved in an argument students who have not receiv­ American Rabbit Breeders ••• blems. He is the clinical at one of USF's housing com­ ed ~he necessary state or Association's meeting, also at• psychologist in the Counsel­ plexes in March have been federal funds for continued the convention center. HARE Beta Alpha Psi and the Stu­ education are urged to' apply ing and Testing Center in stu­ disciplined by USF' s Student will be protesting against AR­ dent Accounting Society are to The Scholarship Bank for 11 dent Affairs. Affairs Office, said Dave Per­ BA '-s promotion of rabbits sky, assistant to the vice private educational funding. commercially for food and fur. president for Student Affairs Working in confunction HARE is an international in a recent article by The with high school and college coalition of animal protection• Oracle, USF's student financial aid counselors, The groups formed a·nd coor­ Copyright © 1984 newspaper. Scholarship Bank will send dinated by Trans-Species s tude_n ts a computer­ Unlimited, dedicated to com· Edltorlal 275·2601 · A11oclated 1 ••• generated printout of the bating the developing rabbit- Business 275~2865 Collegiate Pre11 In June, the high court rul­ private aid sources that the breeding industry. HARE's All-American ed the. National Collegiate sstudent appears specifically educational campaign and

This public document wa s promulgated at an annual cost of Sl 00,000 or 5.3 cents per c~ Athletic Association could no qualified to receive. Accor­ protests have brought inter-_, to Inform the university community. longer maintain exclusive ding to the director of the Opinions expressed In The Future are those of the editor or Of the writer and are not necessarily national media attention and those of the University Board Of Publications or ol the administration. control over when, where and search service, private finan­ public awareness to the plight how college football teams ap- cial aid from corporations, of domestic rabbi ts. ; •

• f 'I

The Future, September 7, 1984, 3 *Keg Beer •case Beer Senate approves r0solutiori •case S~da *Wine *Ice wanted to see the bill passed would be a dangerous me- ·e by Robert Sullivan - for similar reasons, adding and I can not support it." *Party FUTURE STAFF WRITER that since it is experimental it Tucker the whole bill is just Catering can be changed if -it did not guidelines and "I think it is a • The Student Senate approv­ work out. Lasley said "it is in mistake.'' ed a bill for managing the our best interest. It would not Sen. Monte Rodriguez said senate working fund on Tues­ tie down the hands of the next "we must reach out our arms day. Student Government senate.'' But Sen. Ira Smith and give the next senate a comptroller G~orge said that "everytime we do spending schedule.'' The bill, McGowan, speaking on something we tie the hands of numbered 16-74, passed with KEGS. behalf of Student aody Presi­ the next senate. The system a vote of s~ yes and three no. dent John Sowinski, said that just is not working.'' the bill is very important to For nearly an hour the There was also a bill to bail BUD the senate and he wanted to debate went on and revisions out the student short term • see the fund managed proper-. were made. Senator Bill loan fund. Lasley said that Reg. 544.95 ly. Tucker suggested a change "students need short term Organizations, Appropria­ the two-thirds on the orighial loans and they need them 539.95 with ·your UCF lD. . tions, and Finance Committee draft of the bill, vote to a ma­ now.'' This bill was passed by vice-chairman Dennis Lasley jority~ Lasley s~d that "t~s acclamation.

. - ·1 Help our lhe money whether I'm to be · ~ -N 5 ,'i;ff::.::.~. U~l [282-B.EERI colle~es cope you~v~ or not to be. 1 Call 'Today For Price Quote with fuflat:ion. may decide -William Shakespeare ~ l ~ 5781 LA CO~TA OR . . af Poe t, Actor. Playwright i Fur Your Next ~arty . PASS CLAST? S P-E C I A L ! ~l · Three books written ESPECIALLY LADIES ONLY· .. ~•• 1(/-.J · To teach the CLAST objectives. GETTING READY FOR THE CLAST, $10.95, 154 pp. NAUTILUS FAMILY FITNESS CENTER Sample tests and instruction in reading, writing and ,6 _ mathematics 7355 ALOMA AVE., WINTER PARK . 9 • COLLEGE MATH REVIEW, $12.95·, 260 pp. (corner of Aloma Ave.& Goldenrod Rd.-15A) Tho~sands of ~LAST examples and sample tests . .We Offer is offering special memberships fo female COMPETENCY IN COLLEGE MATHEMATICS, $18.95, 495 pp. UCF students, administration, and faculty. 23 Nautilus Machines Teaches all the CLAST objectives in CLAST format, Aerobics notation, and thrust. Especially strong in logic. Co-Ed Hours Whirlpool $10.00 a montht Ask in your COLLEGE BOOKSTORE NOW!! Mon.-Fri. 7am- lOpm . Sauna Sat. 8am-6pm Showers H&H Publishing Company, Inc., 1117 Webb Drive, Clearwater, Sun. 12pm-6pm 671·4083 Lockers FL 33515, Ph. (813) 447-0835. - .

Another Chance?

/ \-

How? LOok in next week's FUTURE for details. 4, The Future, September 7, 1984

House-Sit For Yo\1r Folks . • • And help them earn·. . while you learn! SUSSEXP~CE 2 Bed/2 Bath 'Ibwnhoine ViJJas . Froin Only $48,900! · * no clOsing costs . : * state bond Inoney avaiJable * many sold .to investOrs Instead of throwing away tertain:merit, shopping, e111ploy­ inoney by renting, tell your m.ent prospects, and main high­ parents to :make a s111ai-t 111ove ways. A m.Od.ern conun~ty of . .. . by pur~hasing a villa at Sus­ spacious, thoughtfully designed sex Place! With inonthly pay­ ·townhom.e vi11as, Sussex Place of- inents as low as $325*, it's the fers an the ainenities you deserve perfect hedge-against inflation · to help you unw:htd af~r a long for your folks, and the perfect day at U .C.F. home for you while So, ·while your par­ ,, ' you're in School! Westinghouse ents are investing in ~ussex - Place, locat- your futllre, they can ~ Dea . ~o>i ~ ea ed conveniently off co ea U.C.F. be investi;ng in their , I CD :;:- Alafaya Trail, is just · Colonial ·or. own, too. Build home­ · minutes fro111 the cam­ owner equity for your . pus, ~d also close to East-We'\4· ~ parents with R.C.A.'~ St:SSf:X* PL.\Cf. fine restaurants, en- .smart m.ove to Sussex Place.- =~ Curry Ford Rd. -

.. OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. 305/281-6393 1/8 Mile East of Alafaya Trail on Highway 50 Custom :Financing Available * $48,900 sale price. $46,450 mortgage amount. Based on 7112% conventional ~ ~WEWELCOME 30-yearfinancing. 13% APR. Interest t:.f BROKER rates subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING COOPERATION ·i11ticrL' ·LfL'!lancL' :1'.ti·ets :W;1rdi1bili't!Jf Full details at Sales Office. OPPORTUNITY A Division of Residential Communities of America • ...

The Future, September 7, 1984, 5 .. j Foreign study programs offered

673-07J7 by Don Wittekind 1985. The program is for France. Courses cover a varie­ FUTURE STAFF WRITER engineering students. UCF ty of subjects, and applica­ ',I ~a;/ w J.11 gt" f!}~ '?!~ g>;r ~flµ. . ·' will b~ able to send two peo- tions are now being accepted. f!J~~"' ~ There are .currently several ple, and while· the courses will Johnson-Freese commented '?!k1111i ~ !7"f: · travelJstudy programs open be taught in French, no that a file is currently being • to qualified students. Some previous knowledge of the created for students in­ ~7 '?!4~ programs cover strictly sum­ language is necessary. In- terested in this sort of pro­ ,,,. mer courses, while other_s run terested students should con- gram that will allow easy • for longer periods of time . ta~t Dr. Joan Johnson-Freese reference on what kind of op­ Applications are now being (ext. 2608, HFA 427). portunities are currently accepted for a direct exchange Other programs are · available. The list is expected between UCF and the In­ available to such locations as to be available by the end of stitute National Des Sciences London, England, Oviedo- August and will be available ______, Appliques in Lyon, France in Seville, Spain, and Lisieu~ through Johnson-Freese.

• RED KEN BROW WAX NEXUS PAMS BEAUTY NAIL TIPS Get hot BOUTIQUE . tips on Business crime prospers . I 9438 E. Colonial prevention! I UNION PARK : wlienpeople.. 277-2768 are given • t East Colonlal Center opporturuttes~ ·~ Near Intersection of 50 & Econ Trail

. Mon-Sat • Shampoo/Cut /Blowdry ·9·6 MEN $10.00 Eves. By Appt. LADIES $12.50 • WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A NAKED C~-H . . ie!~~CENTER lTEST PREPllRATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 Call Days, Eves & Weekends ~78~8400 APARTMENT? 2238 Winter Woods Blvd L,-.... · San Jose Exec. Center· /~~~ Winter Pork, FL 32792 Permanent Centtrs In More T"''" 120 Ma1Gr U S C111es & Ab road For 1nl orm11 1on 1boulolhercenlen (

SAVE AT ELEK·TEK EL5100T . $43 . - PC 1250A .. . $80 0 EL 5500T .. 70 SHAW' CE 125 . .... 119 EL 512T . . . 28 PC 1500A . .. 160 CE 126P . . 55 CE 150 . . . .'. 165 HEWLETT·PACKARD LCD PROBLEM SOLVERS HP-11C Scientific ...... $56 HP-15C Scientific...... 90 HP-12C Financial ...... •. . .. 90 HP-16C Programmer ...... 90 HP-41C:V ..... $161 HP-41CX ...... 24S Optical Ward . . . • . . . . 95 card Reader ...... ' . 145 Prinler(82143A) ... .. 283 · Hl'·llACa!.SOlllS HP·IL Module ...... $95 HP-IL Printer/Plotter . . 335 FREE GIFTS JUST FOR STOPPING BY! ' . Acol.sllc Modem • . . . . 39.5 ~~~~:~t~riv~ : :: ~~~ . HP·41C:V 0 S/ D.D. Disk Orive . 600 $161 •SPORTS TOWELS- • PAINTERS.. CAPS • CAN COOLERS • 00~-- a•• ••• TOLL FRIE ORDER llNE 800·621·1269 CERTIFIED EXCEPT lllinoi1, Aloska, Hawai i FURNITURE RENTAL . l ut1'1tfll\ dN11n1td I• Mc111 t1111' 11 V1\0 ~ nod• •lll•• Mo~ {uhiu ' (h11l ..... , 014 ~ tll (~u k ( J •lllt tlt J \tny u(001 ... u oa 1,1.. . lit • ti 00 tt oi! -1 ,._ l h ~d l ~ ~p t\ '' ll dd1 en ad l ,.._ 10 Pum "'~ 11 t h.~ t' Wlm {1t 1ellt) hr f,.. 1.t1l .. lO · '-r n11r1 rflcf .... 4.ltctlw .....1i .. ... , . AU IUl· n• MllCMANOIS[ IS lbHO TWO LOCATIONS IN THE ORLANDO AREA: NIW. Ill OUAllTY AND COMPUll. 998 North Semoran Boulevard 2332 West Oakridge Road (3051 273·4140 (305) 851-8778 6, The Future, September 7, 1984

Dear Student:

f I ! The Black Student Union .has scheduled ·its fall election for

September 19 .and 20. This is to inform you that the up and

.coming election will .be held for the '84·'85 academic year.

The following officers will be elected: President, Vice Presi· ·

dent I, Vice President II, and Ms. B.S.U. These officers are

normally elected in the Spring Semester as outlined by the

B.S.U. constitution.

Also, in accordance with the B.S.U. constitution, the Senate

will be elected. This group consists of three individual from . . ' . each class standing.

Interested individuals are encouraged to participate~

Declaration of Candidacy forms are ~vailable at the B.S.U.

office. These forms must be submitted between September

7 and September 13 by 4:00pm. September 13 is also the

. . first day of campaining. For further information contact the I • • - B.S.U. at . SC 148/150. Your timely response will be ap·

preciated. Thank you.

Sincerely yours, ~~-\)~ Gerard L. Blunt · Election Commissioner I ' The Future, September 7, 1984, 7

DELTA that can be beneficial to them. FROM PAGE 1 Henry said,'' My intent is to ,., promote academics through • professionals working In the professional education this business world. Speakers are fall semester. I plan to do .this scheduled from all types of by introducing students to • business fields. This semester .various faculty and staff the theme is, the promotion of within the colleg.e of academics through profes­ business.'' sio~l education. This weekend Delta Sigma Scheduled speakers include, Pi will hold their rush parties. UCF President Colbourn on Friday is meet the chapter Oct. 3, and Dean Eubanks of held at the University Dinn­ the UCF business school on ing Room at 6 p.m. Profes­ PARACHU~ LONG SLEEVE Oct. 17. The public is invited sional dress is required. ZIPPER l , WHITE COLLARS & to come hear these speakers Saturday is their informal GREAT STYLES CUFFS- SOLID I!. • LOADS OF COLORS STRIPE BODIES at 8 p.m. in the engineering party held at Oakwood VALUES TO--.$ 3A AN~ MUCH MORE building room 359. Dates for Village starting at 8 p.m. VALUES T0.--.$2&i 12 other speakers will be posted Next week rushees go DRESS SUCIS 3/ t 20 ....,._~~ '8-10 in Howard Phillips Hall. through an interview with c·oROS LATEST STYLES . LONG SLEEVE ACTIVE WEAR According to Clayton chapter members, which is FALL COLORS DRESS &CASUAL FAMOUS BRANDS SEVERAL STYLES FAMOUS BRANDS SOU D. STRIPES, RUGBY ·POLO ·M'ERONA SOME BEL TED Henry, vice president for pro­ . another way of preparing for MANY BELTEf.• FLADS & MORE SOLIDS STRIPS CHOICE OFC.OLORS fessional activities, in addi­ the competitive business V~LUES TQ __ .$.J2 VALUES TQ __ ..$ 18 VALUES TO ·- -134. VALUES TO --:$28 tion to the speakers a tour is world. •10.· 3/*14~ · s10 •8 planned, possibly to Sr. Vice President Kathi CORDS LONG SlilVE TOPS~ TIFS· TtfS SWEAT PANTS Westinghouse. He also in­ Mehl said, "We are excited ~~~~As\~~LSORS SURF SHIRTS. SERGIO colors, ~AcL~[~~b-. ~~ tends to ~ve representatives about this semesters rush. NAME BRANDS GREAT NEW PRINTS VALENTE from different business clubs Our fraternity has alot to of- VALUES T0---$26 reg. WINDBREAKER'-; $5 speak to the chapter. This ·fer both academically and $ 8 $21. •5 •6 s7 2/~7 s2 2. will inform students about socially. We are looking for­ • SPOH r CASUAL· SUCKS UNISEX - H:RRY! other activities on campus ward to a successful year." 5 COLORS S\\TEAT TO PS MANY BELTED JACKETS short sleFve VALUES TQ __ J_l8 LATEST FASHION several colors LONG SLEEVE - FAMOUS BRANDS SHORT SLEEVE • MANY STV'LES VESTS • CREW • 8 VALUES TQ ___ $80 2/ s5. .FAMOUS BRANDS ~ CUFF • COT TON'S · WOOL )#. • TUBE • SALE HOUBS ANGORA BLl:NDS BE THERE s22. AND MORE save HURRY! FRI. 9 - 8 Pm FRI-SAT-SUN SAT. 9 - 8 t>m FOR THE BEST . $8-10 t• 50%nt:r~ SELECTION SUN. 10- ~ Pm ·no trr · AN ENTIRE WAREHOUSE CON · SI STING OF TOP BRAND NAME --Q~~~!~~TYI~~ ·e CLOTHING PANTS .SLACKS . ";, ud. SHIRTS . TOPS . BLOUSES. SWEATERS >- 11731 E. Colonial Drive 0 OUTERWEAR AND MUCH MQRE, •CHI ROOM• * 0 WILL BE LIQUIDATED REGARED · ·=.···· · Ci LESS OF MANUFAC1UR~RS COST •CASH e. co onial hwy 50 · · · · SA LE CON DUCTED BY· · · · DRINKING AND DRIVING •VISA· MASTER CHARGE ° CHECK.S ACTION SALES PROMOTIONS LIQU IDAT ORS CAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP. • 81 The Future, September 7, 1984 .Lanes. Goodman Fox Hunt Payton A ToUTnhome Co~munity Associates Inc. YO.UR "Home Away From Home"

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(305) 422-1111 ~Future sEPTEMBER 1. 19e4


,, I have been here at UCF for about Editor: . two years now. While bumbling about Living on campus can be rewar· ding, fulfilling and exciting. Many on campus observing what goes on, people, however, refuse to live on •several questions have come to mind. campus. I would just like to s~y First apd foremost in my mind con­ that living on campus is not all that cerns the mail that I receive here at bad. The Future. W~y do I receive mail ad- It is a lot easier to meet people on campus. Because, many orgaruza· .,, dressed to editors that disappeared tions have parties on campus. eons ago? Are we that low key (or low Granted, it is .harder to study in the budget) that no one notices what goes ~orms, however, with a little self­ on around here? . discipline it is possible. - That's not the half of it, though. Furthermore, h-ving on campus is a lot cheaper than living· in an apart­ Why am I still getting mail addressed ment. Also, the convience of the "Florida Technolog'ical University?" dorms is unsurpassed. All of the What gives here? Even WCPX­ classrooms are within walking Channel 6 does it, and they should distance. Since parking is such a know better. They've dragged their problem, this saves a lot of time. In addition, many roomates will soon stuff out here quite a few times and · become friends for life. those great big signs out front are These are just some of the reasons awful hard t~_!niss. why I believe that living on campus I have another question concerning Rotter's ethics and morals is great. the mail. Why does it take longer for Sincerely yours, mail to reach me if it's sent through questionable at best Ernest H. Dinkel the on-campus mail system than if it were to go through the regular postal system? I do live on campus. Does it The dark cloud of dirty politics has The presence of any form of govern­ have to be stamped, stomped, and appeared again at the University of ment on those satellite!:: should be Editor: chomped by everybody from Presi­ Central Florida, at a time when it is considered a courtesy and not a right. The system of adding and dropp­ dent Colbourn on down before they least needed, especially after the In fact legally, according to the Stu­ ing classes has been under fire for a finally flop it in my mailbox? troubled administration of Mark dent Body Constitution of UCF there long time at UCF, for good reason. Geary. While personal attacks do lit­ is no provision for area campus Those in char~e like to say that it's My sister also had quite a time the most efficient method available. tle service to anyone, in this case it governments. There mere existence is Please keep in mind that they (the breaking into this · institution. It . may serve to open the eyes of many to again a courtesy extended by the stu­ administration) do not stand in the . seems that every time she sent paper­ what one man might do to protect his dent body president to those cam­ hot sun waitin~ 1-2 hours in line work up here it got lost. Howev:er, she own interests. puses physically removed from the then, after ~avmg to go hunt down a notes that they always managed to . teacher for an override, being told to Former South Orlando area campus main. In performing his duties, the wait in line again to.add the class! hang onto the accompanying checks chairman and senator Rob Rotter, an president is obligated to assure that long enough to cash them. How does I suggest an option that is prac­ espoused fighter for the rights of the these privileges are not abused. If in tically cost free and will eliminate this happen? Is the person in charge SOC campus has disgraced it and his mind they are then he is once the long line problem forever. The of opening such mail so overcome by disregarded its best interest~ with his again obligated to take action. answer is quite simple: add drop ap· the sight of a check that they go hog actions. In threatening to do harm to Area campus students and all pointment times! In 1982, I recom· mended times by class standing and wild and bonkers, strewing paper­ Student Body President John Sowin­ others concerned should applaud work everywhere, but _at the same GPA just as it is done at regular ski' s reputation, and literally confess­ Sowinski's action. John Sowinski is registration. The University time managing to keep their hot littl~ ing similar actions during past ad­ making a cognitive, concerted effort respondeq by changing open paws on the check? ministrations, Rotter, a man whom I to improve service to students, where add/drop to a structured format · While we're on th~subject of paper· once believed. to be an intelligent clearly many have been done a disser­ delineated by class standing but work here, I have another question. chose to ignore appointment times. politician, hits demonstrated a total vice in the past. The effect was that where you once Whenever I go to pick up my mail at lack of regard for ethics, morality, What does the student body have waited for three hours with students the Housing Office, I notice people and concern for his constituentcy. to gain by seeking out and exposing of your own class standing. The unloading their junk mail all over the Rotter contends that Sowinski's "skeletons." Even more questionable, University declared the problem sidewalk in front of their mail box. suspension of the area campus what kind of a moral, ·ethical man solved! By employing my plan, we They just walk away and leave it, · can trim the waiting period from charters were unethical, immoral, and would stoop to such a wholly two hours to 5 minutes. This is my rather than dump it in a trash can irrational. But are Rotter's reactions despicable level as to "manufacture" plan: - · that they probably have to walk by any less so? Moreover, Rotter has yet any such skeletons. The University says that only one anyway to get to where they're going to establish any legal or moral reason in about seven students go to anyway. I wonder if that's how they why the suspension of the area cam­ Rotter's self-professed values and add/drop at present. Simply add do things at home. seven times as many students per pus charters is wrong. his latest actions are contradictions minute during add/drop, knowing Rotter's argument concerning the in and of themselves. Does this con­ that only one in seven will show up, This is particularly irksome to me lack of area campus' representation is stitute a conscientious public ser· just as tickets aie overbooked for air because this is such a beautiful cam· not a basis. Senate seat appor­ vant? Indeed not. Fortunately, travel. Armed with an appointment pus, yet it looks like a dump because tionments are based on the .total Sowinski' s charter suspension has ef­ time, there just isn't any need to show up early and wait around. Just people haven't got the inclination (or enrollment in each college including fectively nullified · his position as a the sense) to pick things up and put arrive at or after the appointment the area campuses. Furthermore, his public servant, but I would hesitate time, go in and register. If an over· them where they go. I even see dishes argument only lends credence to to concede that Rotter's threats have ride is needed, get it then come back and trays that have spirited out of the another of the area campus problems. been nullified as well. Old politicians and register. The University can, cafeteria and abandoned. Many of the students view the area die hard, and Rotter himself has vow· based on previous research, deter­ mine how many appointments to campuses as separate entities, apart ed, "it's not over until it's over." allow for each minute through the . I was reading over the copy for last from the main campus. For our sake, let us hope that it is three day add/drop period. Students week's paper and I chanced upon the In reality all four campuses are one. over. could plan thier work_or class stories about the parking situation. schedule around their appointment time, something not possible at pre­ Hmmm. The word that comes to mind sent. Appointment times work well is peculiar. Why is the Police Depart­ 1fhe Future Vicki White Pamela Glmson at regular registration, why not at ment investing in "No Parking" Managing Editor Business Manager add/drop? Some will say that it's un­ signs and othe~ such paraphernalia? Copyright© 1984 Richard Truett Robert B. Molpus fair to freshman students. I say From the looks of things, it is pretty Edltorlal 275-2601 Features Editor Prod~ctlon Manager, that's hogwash. · · obvious that there is no parking left lu1lne11 275·2165 Scott Gunnerson Jeff Gllck Lets make long lines at add/drop a Art Director · thing of the past and solve this around here. It seems pretty redun­ Sports Editor perennial problem once and for all. dant to me to be putting up signs S. Mlkell Rhodes Timothy K. Barto Kevin E. Kelley reminding people of something that is Editor in Chief Photography Editor Advertising Manager Sincerely, common knowledge. Surely they have Letters to the editor must be typed and must Include the author's Stgnalure. major and phone number. All letters are sub­ more important things to invest their ject to editing and become the copyrighted property of The Future. II just cause Is shown, the writer's name will be Rob Rotter withheld upon reQuest. Student Chairman, SOC mone.y. in ...... Classified S~PTEMBER 7, 1984

GRADUATION SPECIAL wanted- for sale for rent . Free cover letter with resume services

1981 Horizon. 4 sp., 43,000 mi. 40 University Hylands. Brand new two $10.00 Campus Sales Rep. Ideal can­ Certified mechanic available by m.p.g. Good condition. $3200. bedroom/two bath, w/alr, deluxe A professionally typed resume didate would need flexible hours, appointment or In emergency 365-5482. appliances. 5400/mo. Also a can make a difference; your have an outgoing personality and situation. Work guaranteed. semi-furnished unit $425/mo. Call choice of white or ivory paper, like to work with organizations. Reasonable price. Call 677-0868. 1971 VW Convertable. New 275-2004, 644-9911 or 695-~782. black, brown, blue ink. We can put Preference for a person active in engine, clutch, and shocks. Ar'-11/FM a package together to suit your Greek or athletic activities. Large ABORTION SERVICES, birth control needs. Call Pat at Hard Copy Typ­ potential for dollars and short cassette. Excellent condition. Five miles from UCF. Gorgeous two information, pregnancy tests and ing and Word Processing Service. hours. Call 695-3282 for an Inter­ 678-3256. bedroom, two bath. Low security, counceling. VD screening, low view. $450/mo, Call Lanita. Salmakers 275-5185. cost; confidential services. Four small blue throw rugs, VGC,, Inc. Realtor 282-1051. Central Florida Women's $45. Four brown braided rugs EXPERT 'TYPING: 24 yrs. exp. Full­ Health Organization Help needed for home cleaning 1700 W. Colonial Drive, Orlando $75/set. Various sizes. Antique time. Term papers, theses, reports, rocking chair $65. 678-7880. service. Flexible hours, good star­ 898-0921 resumes, etc. Correction of spell­ ting pay. Must have ·car and ing, grammar, punc., and editing phone. Call 671-7463. · Is it true you can buy surplus jeeps typists included. Reasonable. Call Bea, - FREE PREGNANCY TESTS-ABORTION for 544? Get the facts todayl.Hurry! 678-1386. SERVICES: Low-cost Birth Control Call (312) 742-1142 ext. 689. -Services. Privacy, confidentiality Prot: typing/translations Part time maid needed. Call morn­ guaranteed. Guest speakers (Eng.-Span.) 20 yrs. exp. Foreign FAST PROFESSIONAL TYPING ings 7:30 to 9 a.m. 275-1721. available. Director Is UCF grad. elements typewriter. Fast, quality 1240 Hiiicrest, l block south of"Col­ work. Call Annie 282-2161. A ABLE TYPING SERVICE roomma.te onial off Miiis. 422-0606 or long Student programmer needed to distance call free Guaranteed 100% Accuracy. 'F. WORDMASTERS F write or modify programs for the 1-800-432-8517. Roommate wanted to share 3 R R Computer Corrected Spelling. Navy's visual technology research bed. 2 bath. home In Winter Park. E "The overnight cure tor E Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations, simulator lab located at the Naval CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 5235/mo. plus utll. Day 660-1984. E the term paper blues" E Research Papers, Resumes, and Training Equipment Center Hern­ Ask for Martha. Cover. Letters. All work prepared don Annex. Comp. Sci., Emcs. or Free pregnancy test. Confidential. P A D on Word Processors for error free EEL Major with PDP assembly Individual counceling. In Ori., 827 neatness. We use IBM Menendez Court, just off Gore, 2 Business Admin. student looking ,) FAST E language course, Fortran helpful. C DEPENDABLE l Displaywrlters and A B Dick Magna Sophomore/Junior level. Contact blocks west of Humana/Lucerne for a place to live, pref. within blk- · SL word processors. We have 14 Hosp. Daily/Sat. a.m. Call ing distance. As soon as possible. K WORD PROCESSING SERVICE I Bruce Riner at 277-5353 for Inter­ u v employees for fast service. All view. 425-8989. Call Kerry at 671-4748 or 291:.g939 work done on quality printers, not after 6 p.m. P 277-3980 E R dot-matrix. Over night and same day service available. · WORDMASTERS y Baby sitter needed for afternoons CALL 657-0079 or 671-3007. In my home M-F. Must drive own car. Call 896-5828 after 6 or -personal NEED A REPORT TYPED? CRAWFORD TYPING SERVICES 422-0324 before 6. My full-time service offers ac­ Fast-Accurate-Reasonable. All curate speedy & professional types of work. Large job discount. Christopher Columbus lithograph results using state-of-the-art word Resumes 54·. Near UCF. 282-0289 GOVERNMENT JOBS missing. Party who took It will be processing equipment. Term after 6 p.m. - Sl6,559-50,S53/year. easy to locate. Return Chris other­ papers, reports, resumes, cover Now hiring. Your area. wise University and local police will letters, etc. 3 miles from UCF. Pick Call "Q.T."-Quallty Typing. Fast, ac­ Call 1-805-687-6000 ext. R-4628. be Involved. · up and delivery available to cam­ curate and reasonable. Exper. in pus. Call Pat at Hard Copy Typing all work. UCF empl. l mi. away. and Word Processing Service. Work per your schedules. No car, After 6 p.m. Marti 365-6874. no selling. Ph. 657:..2320, 3-8, 275-5185. other Tues.-Frl. ._ __ AUTHORS IN SEARCH of an ex­ There are 5,000 volunteers Individual Confidential Counseling perienced manuscript typist! Call working with urban and rural Help wanted. Part or full time. Flexi­ Gynecologists Join the college Democrats. F<>r in­ Bea at 6 78-1386 . Literary editing poor, helping them solve their ble hours ~ Day and night shifts. Nq Speaker Service formation call Paula at 275-7638 available. problems. Happy Birthday, exp. needed. 3.50/hr. start-3.75 in 2233 LEE RD. WINTER PARK or Randy at 365-6060. VISTA. You've grown up to 3 wks ..25 more for night shift. Sun­ become a working part ny Waterbeds and Accessories 628-0405 TYPISTS NEEDED of America. Inc. Call 339-4327. 565 One Way to Boston Can you type? Are you good with TOLL fREE 800·432·5249 grammar? Do you need extra Volunteers In Se rvice To America I have a roundtrip ticket and am cash? Call WORDMASTERS at CaU Toll Free: 800-424-8580 Research person needed to assist unable to use the second half. The 277-3980...... in Physics, Chem. type project. ticket is valid until Oct. 13. The t+t Knowledge of gasses and/or flight Is on Eastern Airlines and VISrA plasmas necessary. Rate For 15 years. · usually sells for over 5100. Please RESUMES making a good place better. !!-A negotiable per experience. Call calf 281-1286. oeslgned/Typed-65 7-00 79. A Public Service ol This New spapf!r LJll • 644-5631 days. & The Adver11s1ng Council _ lOUlCI

Deadline: Monday at 5:00 p.r11 Student Rate: 50 cents per line by Carl McKnight ·spanky

• ROD SERLINb l'PESENf'S : T~ \b A M0\/1€ ,.-

ITS 1z.~~z Alr-.tt6...r\­ • yoJve J~,.~~ )'oUR B£ST cr1RL o,.rr \D t:>INl\lER ~ ~1 11l

.. .

' ..... ~Future teisure . SEPTEMBER -j I 1984 I Finding a ·good used car: buyer beware

by Richa rd Truett ter than the classifieds because it offers the FUTURE STAFF WRITER added bonus of a picture. The real work begins once a car has been The average price of a new automobile.will located. Start by looking at the seams around be well over $13,000 next year. Many people the doors, trunk, and hood. They should be • simply will ~ot be able to afford a new car, so smooth and consistent; an inconsistant gap finding a good used one ·is the next viable means the car has most likely been in an acci- . alternative. The average. age of American dent. Open the doors and nm your fingers cars is now 7.2 years old, up from 5.9 in 1965. underneath the bottom ledge: this is where The fact that cars are getting too expensive rust usually begins. Next, run a magnet down to replace means there are many more older the sides of the rear quarter panels, this is the ones on the road. It takes skill,. patience, and area directly behind the rear wheels (being • a sharp eye when looking for a used car, but it careful not to scratch the paint). If the . is something that the average novice can do . . magent does not stick, it is because of either One needs gather the following materials: a generous portion of "Bondo" or fiberglass. old clothes, a strong magnet, a piece of wood These two items are usually applied to cover (a hammer handle or piece of broomstick will up accidents or rust. work well) and a compression testing guage Get under the car and look at the floor­ (this can usually be bought for $15.00 at an boards, just because the carpet looks good in­ • auto parts store). side the car does not mean that trouble could When looking at used cars, miles on an not be lurking underneath. While underneath odometer mean little or nothing. Some cars the car look at the muffler system; see if it are finished after 20,000 abusive miles, and -has been patched or is being held together some cars, like a 1966 Ford Mustang I recent- with coat hangers, a popular trick. Check to ~y parted with, are still going strong after see if the the engine or transmission is leak- 160,000 miles. The most important thing is ing anything. how well the car has been maintained. Be suspect of new tires: a cheap set of 'fhe best place to purchase a good used car retreads can easily cover up a front end that is from a private owner. Used car salesmen needs extensive, expensive repairs. While . e photo Always check a used car and carefully note any potential are in business to make money, so they pro- road testing the car, check to see if the brakes problems before y~u buy it. bably will not waiver to much on the price. A pull to either side. If they do, it is an indica­ good place to look would be The Auto Trader, which offers thousands cars and is much bet- SEE CARS, PAGE 13 T he Turtles· outlasted fad groups many hits was that their style was always by Richard l'ruett changing. They established themselves as FUTURE STAFF WRITER folk rockers, but soon moved. away from that The year 1965 was a significant one in style when it stR!'ted to fade. music: scored a number one hit could play raucous surf music, country, sing with an electrified a song "Mr ballads, and play rock music with ease. Also, Tambourine Man." This was the catalyst for The Turtles used many different instruments what was to become the folk rock period in to keep their sound fresh. )lllflWQ Ml$~ ~"t~•t-R,i•ltf: ~~s...... ~ the rock era. Groups such as The Mamas and 1967 was The Turtles' year:"Happy ~t.i'if~ l>fl.t-ti•i., ~11-•\~ · 1

outlive the outlandish reputation she where a bullfighter finally ac- Association cannot advertise it. by Rlcfaard Truett attained after 10 became a huge inter­ complishes the task. The only other recognizable face in FUTURE STAFF WRITER national hit. While not many will Bolero was George Kennedy. After all deny the fact that Derek is attractive, Bojero was written and directed by those years of suffering · through Nudity and sex, when used it takes more than tacky sex scenes John Derek (husband of Bo) and ·pro­ tough roles like policemen (The Blue economiCally and in good taste can and unnecessary nudity to make a duced by Perek herself. This proves Knight) and airport officials (the Ai,.. compliment a movie, as it did in An movie respectable-- there has to be three things: _he cannot write or direct port movies), Kennedy gets to loosen Officer And A Gentleman. Nudity some substance. Bolero offers and sh~ cannot produce. The movie is up a bit l;>y playing a trusty old and sex, when used as the sole pur­ ·nothing more than an outlet for surrounded by controversy because it butler/servant character. It just does pose of a movie's existence (and as its voyeurs. was not rated. Widespread specula­ not work. The moviegoing public is key selling point) is nothing more tion is that the movie would have too used to seeing Kennedy as a than a cheap way to make a dollar, or The story is this: A girl, (Derek) garnered an X rating. It would not mean, tough guy. And When Ken­ as the movie companies would have who has been raised in a strict boar­ have. Although it does contain some nedy seduces a Spa.Dish woman, it it, millions of dollars. ding home inherits a large fortune. rather strong scenes, it most likely borders on the absurd. Such is the case of the new Bo She then travels the world in an at­ still would ~ve been an R. Curiosity Derek movie, Bolero.· The movie is tempt to lose her virginity. For awhile on the part of_ the public must surely This is undoubtedly the worst nothing more than a cheap attempt at it looks as if she can't give it away. be contributing to whatever business movie I have ever seen. I would not increasing someone's bank account. When an Arabian sheik cannot rise to the movie is doing because theaters advise my worst enemy to .see it. P~haps Derek will never be able to the occasion, she travels to Spain that are part of the Motion Picture Bolero is that bad. 12, The Future, September 7, 1984

Spare Ch~nge looks for IDeIDbers Sailboard Club f orIDs

by Joc:inne White tached to it and maneuver interpret things differently, Ding to such plays as an adap­ FUTURE STAFF WRITER the board with their body by Vicki White For instance, we have the ac­ tation of Charles Dickens's A and the sail. FUTURE STAFF WRITER tors becoming such things as Christmas Carol, Antoine De If you are the sort of per­ If you do not know how the wind or trees." Saint-Exupery's The Little son who likes being out­ to ride a sailboard and are Prince, and Lewis Carroll's doors in the sun and surf, interested in learning, For those interested in do­ Alice In Wonderland In addi­ then the Sailboard Club is Sprys says that the ing something a little dif­ Spare Change has perform­ tion,· they also plan to work looking for you. members of the club will ferent in theater performing, ed in malls and elementary with some Japanese theater The club, which is not teach you for $10 per hour. UCF's Spare Change reper­ schools throughout the area, productions. sanctioned by the universi­ Private instruction can run .....• tory company is looking for as well as doing a Christmas ty yet, is looking for both upwards of $30 per hour. ten new members. performance for the Theater experienced sailboarders as People who are interested Department. This year, they Auditions for the Spare well as people who are in­ in joining the club but who are planning to perform in the ·ch8nge repertory company terested in learning the · do not have their own The company, which was International Art Festival in will be held Monday and sport. Club president Rich equipment are also taken formed last year, is a sort of downtown Orlando next Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:00 Sprys hopes to have the care of. "We have a couple "pick-up mini repertory com­ March.' "We have to get our p.m. in the Black Box club sanctioned soon. of spare boards, 11 says pany," according to theater group together now and start Theater, behind the Sailboarding is a sport Sprys. director Dr. Marilyn McKay. practice so we'll be ready,"· Chemistry building. For fur­ that combines both sailing "We get aw~y from the struc­ said McKay. ther information call and surfing (to some· ex­ For further information tured performance of regular 275-2861. tent). Riders stand on a on the club, call Sprys at theater," she said. "·We surfboard that has a sail at- 841-0656. rewrite our own scripts and This year, the group is plan-

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James Clancy D.D.S., M.S. is pleased to announce the opening of his practice at 430 N. Mills Ave ( across from the YMCA )

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New Duplex Villas

• 2 & 3 bedroom plans from $490 per month • Leasing and sales office open daily • • in the city of Oviedo-5 miles from UCF WOMETCO EASTERN FEDERAL EASTERN FEDERAL WINTER PARK TRIPLE ORANGE BLOSSOM 2 NORTHGATE 4 . RTE. 17-92 & LEE RD. WINTER PARK 4666 S. ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL LEE RO>-lD & EDGE\t.'ATER DRIVE f 644-6000 859-0230 299-7340 ~ MON.-FRI.- 5:30 7:45 10:00 MON.-FRI.- 7:35 9:45 DAILY AT: Phone: (305) 365-4927 sAt:st1N::-z--.f:os-6:10-s:isT0:20· -- ·si\1 :: soR= '3:00-s :1s · r:~5 9:45'" ------3:30 5:30 7:3o 9:30 The Future, 5eptember 7, 1984, 13

CARS tory specifications. Low FROM 11 pressure is an indication of worn valves or piston rings or both, and the car should not tion of inconsistent wear. be given further , considera­ Check the suspension system tion. · by pressing down on the front If the car has an automatic and rear of the car. It should transmission; look at the not be bouncy, but rather fluid:. it should be a bright stiff. red. ,A brownish color means .. With the engine idling, take the transmission is about to the piece of wood and put it quit transmitting. If the· car on the engine block. Put your has a standard transmission, ·- ., ear on the piece of wood. This check the clutch operation. will give one direct insight as Note that the pedal should to the inner goings on of the . engage in the middle of its. engine. There should be no travel, not at the bottom or clicks, ticks, or knocks. It the top. Also with the car should be quie~ and smooth. traveling about 30 mph, put With the compression testing the car' into fourth or fifth guage, check each cylinder. gear and-push the accelerator Many defects can be missed by unwary used auto buyers and may only show up after the The reference ,desk of a local ·to the floor, if the clutch slips car has been bought and driven for awhile. library can provide the fac- then it is 'in need of replacing. • ·MORE SOFTWARE FOR LESS. LARGE SELECTION OF DISCOUNT SOFTWARE, .. PERIPHERALS AND SUPPLIES FOR APPLE, EPSON, OKITADA AND OTHER ~~INTERS AT DISCOUNT PRIC~SI MODEMS COMPLETE WITH CABLE · - · ON~Y $87.95 . DISCOUNT PRICES BLANK DISKETTES FROM $17.95 HOURS: MON.·FRI. 10:00-7:00' KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF SATURDAY 10:00-6:00 ,894·3304 • HERNDON PLAZA ACROSS FROM FASHION SQ. MALL S.E.P.S.

Student 'Escort Patrol Service

. At least 6 people are on duty every night to help 1nake your nights on the · UCF ca1npus ~afe ones. Call X-2424 to have yo~r personal escort take .YOU to yotir car · or dor1n, or possibly to another building on campus.

r .

UCF Police Department 1'9 The Future, September 7, 1984

TURTLES of that year The Turtles, in a stroke of caused The Turtles to call it quits in early FROM 11 creative genius released what Rolling Stone 1970. Volman and Kaylan, however,took up calls "one of the best albums of the late 60s": the names Flo and Eddie (after two Turtles The Turtles, the only successful act on the Battle Of The Bands. road managers) and joined up with Frank label, was one of the most popular acts in The inside cover of the album featured the Zappa's Mothers of Invention. music and kept interfering in the creative­ band dressed up in the various guises of the Next, Flo and Eddie got their own radio endeavors of the band. Record company most popular bands of the day and on the · show, Flo And Eddie At The Fireside, which moguls kept insisting that The Turtles write album there was a song in each of those was widely syndicated. Throughout the more of ·their own songs, so that they could styles. For instance, one picture featured the seventies Flo and Eddie released a string of reap the publishing royalties. Dissension set boys in hideous frogmen suits carrying har­ albums, including the cult classic Illegal,, Im­ in and several key members of the b&nd left in poons, dubbed The Crossfires; this was an ob­ moral,, and Fattening. protest. But and Howard vious poke at The Beach Boys. On the album Kaylan, the driving force behind the band there was a tune called "Surfer Dan" that Until recently, The Turtles could only be (and the duo who latet mutated into Flo and featured the most obnoxious surf guitar and heard on their original label, which collapsed Eddie) pressed on. idiotic lyrics. The album, however, did yield sometime in 1970. The Turtles' original In early 1968, The Turtles tried a harder two sizable hits: "" (number six) and records are rare and valuable. Rhino Records rocking approach by enlisting the aid of head an old Byrds' tune "" (also out of southern California has acquired The Kink Ray Davies to produce their next album number six). - Turtles' catalog and reissued most of their . Although it yielded two minor This was the last time a' Turtles song hit original albums. . One listening will hits, written by.the band, it.was not nearly as the top ten. Record company politics combin-· demonstrate why The Turtles were one of the successful as earlier endeavors. Again· there ed with dissension within the band caused by most popular apd successful bands of the late was a change in personnel and toward the end a lawsuit concerning a dishonest manager 60s.

SALE Roo·Ms OF II you wanted d coonll t w1:~tern pine sUJts and COMPUTE SET 3 FU RNITURE coulll nut aff OI d 11 . ~rn · s your ch.lnc~ ! ltaavy hOlllly pine - rnvcrs1ble cush1011s m dura. Ille H~rculon" 111clud11s: LIVING ROOM, • Sola• Chair • (;ocktil1l l albe • 2 End Tables s2gaoo

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UCF hosts Division I Thyhsen out barn burner by Scott Gunnerson Slack to QB FUTURE STAFF .WRITER The University of Central last' week. Bethune-Cookman Florida volleyball team, By Scott.Gunnerson scored on four of those tur­ coached by second year head FUTURE STAFF WRITER novers coach Lyn King, will start off Although NLU did not the 1984 season today with score in excess, but Indians the annual UCF Fall :Preview will take the ball away if it is Classic. The Classic will be The UCF football team will given to them. • played on Friday and Satur­ play in Monroe, Louisiana Darin Slack, freshman, will day in the UCF gym in the . tomorrow. If the Knights are be the starting quarterback in Education Building. to survive .... this season, they place of upperclassman Dana The Lady Knights, in their must avoid injuries. If they Thyhsen. first year of Division I, will be want to win they must hold This weedend UCF head in a field that includes on to the ball. coach Lou Saban will have UDiversity of Alabama at Bir­ Survival will not be easy . four healthy running backs to • mingham, East Tennessee against Northeast Louisiana ·choose from. Elgin Davis, State, University of Min­ University. The Indians are Aaron Sam, Terrence Bonner nesota, South Carolina, South ranked 6th in Division I-AA. and Robert Ector are all on Florida, Stetson University The NL U defense held the the active list and ready and Western Kentucky. Nicholls State, last week, to to play. The teams in the tourna­ five yards on the ground. But The game will be carried ment will be_divided into two NL U only won by the skin of locally by WKIS-740 AM, pools. UCF, University of their teeth, 13-6. live. Steve Ruden and Chris Minnesota, Universi~y of Nicholls State relied on a Russo will handle the play-by­ Alabama at Birmingham· and ·_ passing game that produce(! play. On Sunday morning, Stetson University make up 185 yards. But they were vic­ Saban will appear live on Pool A. Pool B will consist of timized by the NL U defense UCF Football Highlights University of South Carolina, Freshman running back Robert Ector goes in one direction. which intercepted six passes. with Mike Storms at 10:00 Western Kentucky, Universi­ But the ball has a mind of its own. UCF lost five out of six a.m., on WFTV-TV Channel ty of South Florida and East fumbles and one interception 9. 1.'ennessee State. the tournament will feature cross-pool play. Each team in Pool A will only play teams in Pool B·and vice versa. But the Wildcat radio phones in game rankings will be kept in the in­ dividual pools. At The end of scheduled play, the top two By Scott Gunnerson The day before the game, ~:m tion and decided to use the Friday, Barnes was assured teams in each pool will play at FUTURE SPORTS STAFF pay phones in the press. box. that the phone system would Unlike the serenity of the 5:00 p.m. on saturday for the Because of a dead phone would wor~ perfectly for closed-in booth used by more right to play in the champion- hookup on the day of the WFN 's inaugural broadcast, fortunate radio stations, ship. BCC-UCF football game in on Saturday. Barnes and Belz did it the The winners of those two Orlando Stadium, the "We didn't have a phone to hard way. matches will play at 7:30 for Wildcat Football Network test it out at the time, so I ' Barnes had this problem the championship. resorted to broadcasting the had to go on his word" ex­ before in the Gator Bowl. But The tournament is not seed· radio transmission over two plaineq Barne~ "the next the Gator Bowl has a tier ed, but the teams to watch pay phones in the press box. morning, when I came _in (to shaped press box. That allow­ will be the University of Min· But even when the phone set upthe radio hook-up), the ed Barnes a g.ood view of the nesota in Pool A and U niver· lines were cleared at halftime phone lines were dead. I was field from the top of the press sity of South Carolina in Pool _ Charles "Count" Barnes and on the phone at 11 a.m. call­ box where the pay phone is B. Bob Belz chose to call the rest ing phone repair." located. UCF is coming off a 38-12 of the game from the pay At 12:30 p.m., Barnes and Ctlarles 'Count' Barnes· SEE VOLLEYBALL, PAGE 17 phones. Belz had received no atten- SEE WMF, PAGE 19 UCF All-American, Trent Smith, prepares for Division I trial

by Joanne White team. He'll· do anything you you know you've been had. bicycle. When he finds a rare · and the potential. I also think FUTURE STAFF WRITER ask of him." , If the chips are down, moment of free time, he plays he can take some tour­ He is known to be a quiet, Smith is not the sort to be recquetball or swims. naments, and possibly a na- When you think about a subtle character off the mat, bugged. ''He maintains his A lot of mental preparation tional championship.'' wrestler, what sort of person an intelligent individual who composure, which at is necessary to a wrestler The high-reaching goals of comes to mind? Does one en· achieves scholastically as well. sometimes is difficult", said before his match. What does his coach are not far from vision a short-legged long as athletically. tyhis term - Cucci. it take for Smith to get his Smith's. "I would like to do armed simi-cretin of a person, Smith, a business administra· Keeping in shape to wrestle adi-enalin going? "To get well at the Southern Open similar to the 'wrasslers' seen ti on major, is on an is no easy task either, what psyched up before a match I during Thanksgiving, and the on Saturday nights with Gor- athletic/academic scholar· with mom's cooking, fast food get real mad at the other guy. Division I nationals, and don Solie. Trent Smith, junior ship. Out the window goes the and junk food. Smith, I picture something that maybe even take a national and NCAA All American at sub-cretin image. however, has a · foolproof makes me 'mad, or blame him championship," he says. 142 pounds, will set straight When speaking about system to work off the extra for some wrong circumstance. any of these notions. Smith Smith's wrestling style, Cucci 'calories. No, he doesn't run If the team is losing I get real­ Trent Smith is the image of may even improve on any cur· refers to him as a "little miles and miles. ly psyched up." a man who knows where he's rent perceptions of UCF machine, his forte is his Instead of leaving the com­ Cucci has high aspirations going and how he'll get here. athletes. agressiveness and per- fort of his home to slog for this young man. ''I expect With the sort of desire he has Smith is highly regarded by sistence.'' Cucci describes around the countryside, him to be one of the first Divi­ to achieve in academics and coach Pat Cucci, "If I had ten Smith as a "snake, once Smith stays right there, logg­ sion I All-Americans at sports, he should achieve as like him. I'd have a heck of a you're on the mat with him, ing the miles on an exercise UCF. He has the capability well in the the business world. 16, The Futur~. September 7, 1984

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1 Block west of Sliver Sta~ a Pine Hiits Open ·1 Days Q' Week I · 5410 Sliver Star Rd. 7a.m.·11p.m. 298-8230 Corner of Aloma a 436 8a.m.·9p.m. Winter Park . 2 Blocks South of Oak Ridge ) 3098 Aloma Ave. 6210 s. Orange Blossom.Troll 677·5488 859-6171 V1SA .WE RESEllVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTnlES - • The Future, September 7, 1984, 17 . THE HAIR SHOP Precision Style Cut $8.00 ·Basketball slates greats

· FULL SERVICE SALON , When the University of 24 against Florida. Three Rollins College. WALK-INS WELCOME Central Florida basketball days later the Knights have a During a four-day period in 10509 E. Colonial Dr. team ventures into its first road date at Arkansas. mid-December, the Knights (Winn Dixie Center) 282·1700 NCAA Division I s.eason next UCF opens · its 13 game play road games at South UNION PARK Dally 9·5 BrThurs. tll 8 Winter, Florida, A~kansas, home schedule Nov. 30 Cal'olina (Dec. 15), at Dayton .,._miili•••••llil•••mi-••••••': South Carolina, Ohio State against rival Florida (dee. 17), and at Ohio State iii ------:------'Iii! - t and others will form the · Southern in the Orange Coun- (Dec. 19). Machock was an ALL STUDENTS . welcoming committee. ty Civic Center. The Knights assistant coach at Ohio State 15% DISCOUNT ON· SALES WITH THIS COUPON . A 28-game schedule an- · will play nine games in the for seven years before taking B • I SERVICE · 657·1707 nouiiced this week by UCF civic center and the remaining over the UCF program last UNIVERSITY. GOLDENROD, K·MART PLAZA athletic director Bill Peterson four homes on campus. year. Small Appliance Repairs includes road games with the Other in-state games in- Gifts, Antiques• Jewelry Gators, Razorbacks, elude a two-game series with Last year,· UCF posted a Gamecocks and Buckeyes. · Florida A and M and Stetson 15-13 record and claimed the . . Knight coach Chuck and single games with HUMMELS BRASS · GOLD CHAINS Sunshine State Conference ti­ • SilVER · CHARMS Machock opens his second Jacksonville Univers.ity, tle after an agonizing 0-6 COLLECTOR • • • UCF season on the road Nov. Bethune-Cookman, and start. ·--.20~~----~~~~CMl~~---J~»U---~ VOLLEYBALL FLOYD 282-8465 HONEST MECHANIC side hitters, Heidi Dexter,a the UCF team are middle FROM PAGE 15 sophomore fr<;>m Evergreen, blocker Robbin Nelson of FRONT AND REAR BRAKES $65.00 record of a year ago, 10-2 and Colorado and Deidre McClem­ Tampa , outside hitters Kandi champions in the Sunshine mon, a senior from Buffalo, Porter of Marietta, Georgia, CLUTCH DISC $85.00 INSTALLED State Conference. The Lady New York. Kim ·Porter of Colorado Spr­ Includes clutch disc, lnstalatlon of disc, any adjustment, ings, Colorado and Susan Ritz most foreign or domestic car or truck Knights finished second in UCF team captain this year UNIVERSAL JOINTS 2 for $65.00 INSTALLED the SSC tournament losing to is senior Carol Sniegowski of of Conifer, Colorado. The If I Can't Fix It, It Afn't Broke Tampa University in the fifth Chicago, Illinois. · Lady _Knights will also host ALL WORK GUARANTEED and final game, 16-14. the annual UCF Invitational 282-8465 Cleburne Rd. Union Park King is returning two out- ·Prmnising newcomers on on · October 19·20:


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BOTTLES ...... 75 4.00 ALL PRICES BUDWEISER LITE 12 OZ. BDTILES ...... 75 4.00 MICHELOB 12 OZ. BOTTLES ...... 85 4.25 INCLUDE SALES TAX HOURS: Aaron Rents DRIVERS SUN-THURS CARRY LESS 4:30pm-lam . FRI-SAT Furniture® THAN $20.00 9430 E. COLONIAL DRIVE 4:30pm-2am r------~------~$1 .OD OFF ANY I $1.00 OFF AN'f4 12" PIZZA I 1 12" PIZZA I 2 STORES IN ORLANDO s ONE ITEM I . ONE ITEM I OR MORE. OR MORE. I 5232 S. Orange Avenue 851-58.10 1002 N. Semoran Blvd. 281•0100 1 ONE COUPON I . ONE COUPON I SI PER PIZZA PER PIZZA I lxPIRES: 9-1 5-84 I EXPIRES: 9-15-84 . I Showrooms located in: Atlanta. Austin. Baltimore. Charlotte. Clearwater. College Station. Columbia. S.C .. Dail as. Denver. Durham. El Paso. Fayetteville. Ft. Lauderdale. Ft. Worth. Greensboro. Houston. Indianapolis. Jacksonville. I ,_.. I · ~ I Knoxville. Kansas City. Lubbock. Memphis. Miami. Midland-Odessa. Nashville. New Orleans. Norfolk. Oklahoma City. 1--· I Orlando. Phoenix. Raleigh. St. Louis. San Antonio, San Diego. Tampa. Tucson. Tulsa. Virginia Beach. Washington. D.C. ,I ·. ..:/~ I ~ I ~----m:I·------~------I\------• --- ,. _ ------I I ..-""' ( _, 18, The Future, 5eptember 7, 1984 SPORTS Soccer hosts Boca Raton BRIEFS The UCF Men's Basket-_ down the middle of the field. Cash. There will be circled ball team needs a manager by Scott Gunnerson This Sunday, the first Any area soccer wearing , area near mid-field. Then wad­ for their winter season. FUTURE STAFF WRITER Super Soccer Sunday, will be uniform day. At halftime of their uniform will be admitted ded up money, bogus and real, Anyone interested should The UCF Men's soccer the game three spectators y.rill free of charge. This offer in- . will be placed in the circle. contact Coach Machock in team is. going to make this be chosen to compete in the eludes any Central Florida The three contestants will the Basketball office, in the Sunday a super sunday. With Sprint for Cash. . Youth Soccer League, junior sprint for the cash. But the Education Building. Call only two days rest after the Boca .Raton is in its first year or senior high school player most important part is not ex. 2028. University of South Florida of soccer but has done an ex­ wearing their colors to the the sprint but telling the real ••• game on Thursday, the cellent job of recruiting game. money from the fake stuff The UCF is conducting a Knights. take on ~oca Raton, foreign players. Boca Raton is Then at halftime three spec­ that would only buy the recruiting drive. Men and on the UCF Soccer field at a NAIA team. They will tators will will be singled out Boardwalk. Sprint for Cash women who enjoy an ex­ 2:00 p.m .. feature five South Africans to compete in the Sprint for should be a real scramble. hilarating workout and love the water should con­ tact Dennis Kamrad at ex. 2351, ADM 374. An organ­ Top compete for Sinkhole title nizatio:rial meeting will be held in EN 360 on Friday by Jim Easterling G.O.D. 15-9 in the finals, with to Winter Park with a strong Women's team also played the 14th at 4:00 µ.m .. FUTURE STAFF WRITER a tough zone defense. The team and barely lost to over the weekend. They lost The UCF "Dogs of war"- Fat Women have ·been the Gainesville in the quarter­ two games on the first day, to If you •••weigh less than squeeked into the semi-finals dominant team in the finals, 13-15. Atlanta 10-12 and Gainesville 125 pounds and have the of the ·Third Annual Sinkhole Southeast for the past few Defeating Sarasota by a 8-·12. On Sunday UCF's aggressive personality City Classic Uitimate Frisbee . seasons. wide margin (15-~) in day women beat Atlanta 12-9~ but needed to take command of Tournament held at Winter . The Dogs won one and lost two's consolation round, lost to GainesVille 4-9 . a boat and its crew, you Park's Showalter Field Labor two in the first day of com­ granted UCF an unusual Fifteen teams from five have what it takes to be a Day weekend. They lost in petition; beating -the Ten­ wildcard entry into the semi­ southeastern states par­ coxswain. Become a key the semis to New Orleans' · nessee "Tuxedos" 15-9, los­ finals. The Sarasota game ticipated. The Sinkhole has participant in athletics. "Gang of Disc", 6-15. ing to USF "Sunflite" 11-15, . was one of the Dogs' best per­ become one of the major Become a coxswain, call ex. ·The University of Florida's and Atlanta's "Ahz and the formances in the past year. southeastern Ultimate tour­ 2351. "Fat Women" defeated Ruby Cletes" 6-15. Ahz came The UCF Ultimate naments in just three years.



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J The Future; September 7, 1984, 19 Bee a use you a re special to us . . . S.::; \ WFM FR5T FROM PAGE 15 folr -~ --FJ0LT:_l7xN;!L" The two pay phones in the .A~i~t~~·;~t!AI. :U! \\?i •48 HOUR KODAK SLIDE° PROCESSING Or~do Stadium press box •ONE HR. OR SAME DAY COLOR PRINT PROCESSING are located in the south end UNIVERSITY . LI A. ~ •SAME DAY EKTACHROME FILM PROCESSED with a _six foot wall blocking SQUARE fl~ rI •PROFESSIONAL FINISHING AVAILABLE •FULL LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC DISPLAY PRODUCTS: the view of the game. The on­ cA~~"fffCHAIR Design · · mats, frames ly way Barnes and Belz can •PROFESSIONAL PRINT DISPLAY PREPARATION: see the game is to stand on - Mon. & Fri. 9-6 Sat. 9-5 Tues .. Wed .. Thurs .. 9- 7 mounting, texturizing, and spraying chairs. 436 Alomo Ave. .------IA Member:Professional Photographic Society of Central Florida Barnes dropped a quarter in - : HAIRSTYLES- FOR 1 the first pay phone and called ~ 1 STUDENTS ONLY -1 WMFJ in Daytona Beach. 1 1 WMF J, the original BCC University Blvd. Kmart 1 Men Reg. $14.00 I OPEN M·F 1o:00·6:00 football station, transmitted t NOW $12.00 I 101% -student SAT. 10:00.s:oo the signal to WSVE in Green ' Discount 677 5558 ';~~~~~~~~~-=-~-=-;-;-=-;·=-;-=·;·;·=-;-;·i ~=====~~~~~~~~=~·=====~ Covethe Jacksonville Springs. WSVE area. serves While WMF J was scrambl­ ing to make the connection inc. with WSVE, Barnes dropped Cunni11glwni '~; a second quarter in the adja­ cent pay phone and called office supplies • equipment • printing WOKB, in Orlando. WOKB • drafting and engineering supplies then linked up with WMVM, ., in Miami, to complete the net­ work. The two phone receivers STUDENT were taped together and used That's rlghtl Bigger Is not better. What you wont is the personal service that you get from ~ as the microphone. our hometown, full service bank. DISCOUNT ''Lo and behold, the phone We believe. that our bank can be your best 436 15A technician did shQw," Barnes • financial partner. We prove It every day of the Aloma Ave. exclaimed, "at halftime. But year. since we had done the game up until halftime, we decided 'why go for cost?' We were already doing it for 50_cents . But the main thing is to save University Blvd. ~ with the local radio stations. University The worst thing that could Square Shopping happen is tlµit we don't the 156 GENEVA DRIVE• P.O. BOX 729 Center game at all. Then the local 7464 University Blvd. · radio stations won't want . '·' •OVIEDO. FLORIDA 32765 anything to do with us.'' (near Winn Dixie) WFN 's phone bill will be t:!:r MEMBER FDIC (305)365·6611 678-2976 more than 50- cents. But they did save money on the whole.

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TOWNSHIP PLAZA 960 W. S.R. 434 OPENED 10-8 Mon.-Fri. 11-6 Sat. LONGWOOD-NEXT TO PICK AND SAVE 339-5404 LOOKING FOR TEAM FOR 24 HR. RACE 201 The Future, 5eptember 7, 1984

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